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Applied thermodynamics onkar singh (new)

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applied thermodynamics, thermodynamic cycles, energy conversion, laws of thermodynamics
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2. Copyright 2009, 2006, 2003, New Age International (P) Ltd., PublishersPublished by New Age International (P) Ltd., PublishersAll rights reserved.No part of this ebook may be reproduced in any form, by photostat, microfilm,xerography, or any other means, or incorporated into any information retrievalsystem, electronic or mechanical, without the written permission of the publisher.All inquiries should be emailed to [email protected] (13) : 978-81-224-2916-9PUBLISHING FOR ONE WORLDNEW AGE INTERNATIONAL (P) LIMITED, PUBLISHERS4835/24, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi - 110002Visit us at www.newagepublishers.com 3. Preface to the Third EditionI feel extremely encouraged at the good response to this textbook. Looking upon the feed backreceived from its readers third edition of the book is being presented here.In this edition number of solved and unsolved problems have been added in some of the chaptersand a few new topics have also been added.I wish to express my sincere thanks to Professors and students for their valuable suggestionsand recommending the book to their students and friends.I strongly feel that the book would prove to be further useful to students. I would be obliged forthe errors, omissions and suggestions brought to my notice for improvement of the book in its nextedition.Onkar Singh 4. This pageintentionally leftblank 5. Preface to the First EditionDuring teaching of the course of engineering thermodynamics and applied thermodynamics Ihave felt that the students at the undergraduate level of engineering and technology face difficulty inunderstanding the concepts of engineering thermodynamics and their applications in the course ofapplied thermodynamics. Also, the students face great difficulty in referring to the number of text-booksfor different topics. The present book is an effort in the direction of presenting the concepts ofengineering thermodynamics and their applications in clear, concise and systematic manner at oneplace. Presentation is made in very simple and easily understandable language and well supportedwith wide ranging illustrations and numerical problems.The subject matter in this book covers the syllabus of the basic and advanced course onengineering thermodynamics/thermal engineering being taught in different institutions and universi-tiesacross the country. There are total 18 chapters in this book. The initial seven chapters cover thebasic course on engineering thermodynamics and remaining chapters cover the advanced course inthermal engineering. These deal with Fundamental concepts and definitions, Zeroth law andthermodynamics, First law of thermodynamics, Second law of thermodynamics, Entropy,Availability and general thermodynamic relations, Thermodynamic properties of pure substances,Fuels and combustion, Boilers and boiler calculations, Vapour power cycles, Gas powercycles, Steam engines, Nozzles, Steam turbines, Steam condenser, Reciprocating and rota-torycompressors, Introduction to internal combustion engines and Introduction to refrigerationand air conditioning. Each chapter has been provided with sufficient number of typical numericalproblems of solved and unsolved type. The book is written in SI system of units and the various tablessuch as steam tables, refrigeration tables, Mollier chart, psychrometry chart etc. are also provided atthe end of the book for quick reference. I hope that the students and teachers referring to this bookwill find it useful.I am highly indebted to my family members for their continuous encouragement and coopera-tionduring the preparation of manuscript. I would like to place on record my gratitude and apologiesto my wife Parvin and kids Sneha and Prateek who patiently endured certain neglect and hardshipsdue to my preoccupation with the preparation of this manuscript.I am thankful to AICTE, New Delhi for the financial support provided to me in the YoungTeacher Career Award.I am also thankful to Mr. L.N. Mishra and other staff members of New Age International fortheir cooperation throughout the preparation of the textbook. At the end I thank to all those whosupported directly or indirectly in the preparation of this book.I shall be extremely grateful to all the readers of text book for their constructive criticism,indicating any errors and omissions etc. for improving its quality and form.Onkar Singh 6. 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CONTENTSPreface to the third edition (v)Preface to the first edition (vii)Chapter 1 Fundamental Concepts and Definitions 11.1 Introduction and definition of thermodynamics 11.2 Dimensions and units 11.3 Concept of continuum 31.4 Systems, surroundings and universe 41.5 Properties and state 51.6 Thermodynamic path, process and cycle 51.7 Thermodynamic equilibrium 61.8 Reversibility and irreversibility 71.9 Quasi-static process 71.10 Some thermodynamic properties 81.11 Energy and its forms 111.12 Heat and work 131.13 Gas laws 141.14 Ideal gas 141.15 Daltons law, Amagats law and property of mixture of gases 151.16 Real gas 171.17 Vander Waals and other equations of state for real gas 20Examples 22Exercises 38Chapter 2 Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics 402.1 Introduction 402.2 Principle of temperature measurement and Zeroth law of thermodynamics 402.3 Temperature scales 422.4 Temperature measurement 43Examples 46Exercises 49Chapter 3 First Law of Thermodynamics 503.1 Introduction 503.2 Thermodynamic processes and calculation of work 503.3 Non-flow work and flow work 573.4 First law of thermodynamics 593.5 Internal energy and enthalpy 623.6 Specific heats and their relation with internal energy and enthalpy 63 8. (x)3.7 First law of thermodynamics applied to open systems 643.8 Steady flow systems and their analysis 653.9 First law applied to engineering systems 683.10 Unsteady flow systems and their analysis 733.11 Limitations of first law of thermodynamics 75Examples 76Exercises 94Chapter 4 Second Law of Thermodynamics 974.1 Introduction 974.2 Heat reservoir 974.3 Heat engine 974.4 Heat pump and refrigerator 994.5 Statements for IInd law of thermodynamics 1004.6 Equivalence of Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statements of IInd law ofthermodynamics 1014.7 Reversible and irreversible processes 1034.8 Carnot cycle and Carnot engine 1054.9 Carnot theorem and its corollaries 1084.10 Thermodynamic temperature scale 109Examples 113Exercises 128Chapter 5 Entropy 1315.1 Introduction 1315.2 Clausius inequality 1315.3 Entropy A property of system 1345.4 Principle of entropy increase 1385.5 Entropy change during different thermodynamic processes 1405.6 Entropy and its relevance 1445.7 Thermodynamic property relationship 1445.8 Third law of thermodynamics 146Examples 146Exercises 161Chapter 6 Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Substance 1646.1 Introduction 1646.2 Properties and important definitions 1646.3 Phase transformation process 1666.4 Graphical representation of pressure, volume and temperature 1676.5 Thermodynamic relations involving entropy 1706.6 Properties of steam 1726.7 Steam tables and mollier diagram 1756.8 Dryness fraction measurement 177Examples 181Exercises 199 9. (xi)Chapter 7 Availability and General Thermodynamic Relations 2027.1 Introduction 2027.2 Availability or exergy 2037.3 Availability associated with heat and work 2077.4 Effectiveness or second law efficiency 2107.5 Second law analysis of steady flow systems 2117.6 General thermodynamic relations 213Examples 230Exercises 248Chapter 8 Vapour Power Cycles 2508.1 Introduction 2508.2 Performance parameters 2508.3 Carnot vapour power cycle 2518.4 Rankine cycle 2538.5 Desired thermodynamic properties of working fluid 2558.6 Parametric analysis for performance improvement in Rankine cycle 2568.7 Reheat cycle 2588.8 Regenerative cycle 2608.9 Binary vapour cycle 2688.10 Combined Cycle 2708.11 Combined Heat and Power 2728.12 Different steam turbine arrangements 273Examples 273Exercises 327Chapter 9 Gas Power Cycles 3309.1 Introduction 3309.2 Air-standard cycles 3309.3 Brayton cycle 3409.4 Regenerative gas turbine cycle 3459.5 Reheat gas turbine cycle 3479.6 Gas turbine cycle with intercooling 3519.7 Gas turbine cycle with reheat and regeneration 3539.8 Gas turbine cycle with reheat and intercooling 3549.9 Gas turbine cycle with regeneration, reheat and intercooling 3559.10 Gas turbine irreversibilites and losses 3559.11 Compressor and turbine efficiencies 3589.12 Ericsson cycle 3629.13 Stirling cycle 364Examples 365Exercises 396Chapter 10 Fuel and Combustion 39910.1 Introduction 39910.2 Types of fuels 40110.3 Calorific value of fuel 402 10. (xii)10.4 Bomb calorimeter 40210.5 Gas calorimeter 40410.6 Combustion of fuel 40410.7 Combustion analysis 40710.8 Determination of air requirement 40910.9 Flue gas analysis 41110.10 Fuel cells 413Examples 413Exercises 434Chapter 11 Boilers and Boiler Calculations 43611.1 Introduction 43611.2 Types of boilers 43711.3 Requirements of a good boiler 43811.4 Fire tube and water tube boilers 43811.5 Simple vertical boiler 44211.6 Cochran boiler 44311.7 Lancashire boiler 44411.8 Cornish boiler 44611.9 Locomotive boilers 44611.10 Nestler boilers 44811.11 Babcock and Wilcox boiler 44811.12 Stirling boiler 44911.13 High pressure boiler 45011.14 Benson boiler 45111.15 Loeffler boiler 45211.16 Velox boiler 45211.17 La Mont boiler 45311.18 Fluidized bed boiler 45411.19 Waste heat boiler 45611.20 Boiler mountings and accessories 45911.21 Boiler draught 46711.22 Natural draught 46711.23 Artificial draught 47411.24 Equivalent evaporation 47711.25 Boiler efficiency 47811.26 Heat balance on boiler 47811.27 Boiler trial 481Examples 481Exercises 502Chapter 12 Steam Engine 50612.1 Introduction 50612.2 Classification of steam engines 50612.3 Working of steam engine 50812.4 Thermodynamic cycle 51512.5 Indicator diagram 518 11. (xiii)12.6 Saturation curve and missing quantity 51912.7 Heat balance and other performance parameters 52112.8 Governing of simple steam engines 52512.9 Compound steam engine 52712.10 Methods of compounding 52712.11 Indicator diagram for compound steam engine 53012.12 Calculations for compound steam engines 53112.13 Governing of compound steam engine 53312.14 Uniflow engine 535Examples 536Exercises 561Chapter 13 Nozzles 56413.1 Introduction 56413.2 One dimensional steady flow in nozzles 56513.3 Choked flow 57613.4 Off design operation of nozzle 57713.5 Effect of friction on nozzle 58013.6 Supersaturation phenomenon in steam nozzles 58213.7 Steam injector 584Examples 584Exercises 608Chapter 14 Steam Turbines 61114.1 Introduction 61114.2 Working of steam turbine 61214.3 Classification of steam turbines 61414.4 Impulse turbine 61914.5 Velocity diagram and calculations for impulse turbines 62314.6 Impulse turbine blade height 63214.7 Calculations for compounded impulse turbine 63414.8 Reaction turbines 63714.9 Losses in steam turbines 64414.10 Reheat factor 64614.11 Steam turbine control 64914.12 Governing of steam turbines 65014.13 Difference between throttle governing and nozzle control governing 65414.14 Difference between impulse and reaction turbines 654Examples 655Exercises 680Chapter 15 Steam Condensor 68415.1 Introduction 68415.2 Classification of Condenser 68515.3 Air Leakage 69115.4 Condenser Performance Measurement 69215.5 Cooling Tower 693Examples 695Exercises 704 12. (xiv)Chapter 16 Reciprocating and Rotary Compressor 70616.1 Introduction 70616.2 Reciprocating compressors 70816.3 Thermodynamic analysis 70916.4 Actual indicator diagram 71516.5 Multistage compression 71616.6 Control of reciprocating compressors 72216.7 Reciprocating air motor 72216.8 Rotary compressors 72316.9 Centrifugal compressors 72816.10 Axial flow compressors 73216.11 Surging and choking 73316.12 Stalling 73516.13 Centrifugal compressor characteristics 73616.14 Axial flow compressor characteristics 73916.15 Comparative study of compressors 740Examples 742Exercises 767Chapter 17 Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines 77017.1 Introduction 77017.2 Classification of IC engines 77117.3 IC Engine terminology 77217.4 4-Stroke SI Engine 77317.5 2-Stroke SI Engine 77617.6 4-Stroke CI Engine 77617.7 2-Stroke CI Engine 77717.8 Thermodynamic cycles in IC engines 77817.9 Indicator diagram and power measurement 78017.10 Combustion in SI engine 78317.11 Combustion in CI engines 78517.12 IC engine fuels 78617.13 Morse test 78717.14 Comparative study of IC engines 788Examples 790Exercises 802Chapter 18 Introduction to Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 80518.1 Introduction 80518.2 Performance parameters 80718.3 Unit of refrigeration 80818.4 Carnot refrigeration cycles 80818.5 Air refrigeration cycles 80918.6 Vapour compression cycles 81318.7 Multistage vapour compression cycle 81918.8 Absorption refrigeration cycle 820 13. (xv)18.9 Modified absorption refrigeration cycle 82218.10 Heat pump systems 82318.11 Refrigerants 82418.12 Desired properties of refrigerants 82718.13 Psychrometry 82718.14 Air conditioning systems 83518.15 Comparison of different refrigeration methods 837Examples 838Exercises 855Chapter 19 Jet Propulsion and Rocket Engines 85819.1 Introduction 85819.2 Principle of jet propulsion 85819.3 Classification of jet propulsion engines 86019.4 Performance of jet propulsion engines 86119.5 Turbojet engine 86319.6 Turbofan engine 86719.7 Turboprop engine 86819.8 Turbojet engine with afterburner 86819.9 Ramjet engine 86919.10 Pulse jet engine 87019.11 Principle of rocket propulsion 87119.12 Rocket engine 87219.13 Solid propellant rocket engines 87219.14 Liquid propellant rocket engines 873Examples 873Exercises 891Multiple Answer Type Questions 892Appendix 917Table 1 : Ideal gas specific heats of various common gases at 300 K 917Table 2 : Saturated steam (temperature) table 917Table 3 : Saturated steam (pressure) table 919Table 4 : Superheated steam table 921Table 5 : Compressed liquid water table 927Table 6 : Saturated ice-steam (temperature) table 928Table 7 : Critical point data for some substances 929Table 8 : Saturated ammonia table 930Table 9 : Superheated ammonia table 931Table 10 : Saturated Freon 12 table 933Table 11 : Superheated Freon 12 table 934Table 12 : Enthalpies of Formation, Gibbs Function of Formation, and AbsoluteEntropy at 25C and 1 atm Pressure 937Chart 1 : Psychrometric chart 938Chart 2 : Mollier diagram 939Index 941 14. This pageintentionally leftblank 15. 1 16. 1.1 INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITION OF THERMODYNAMICSThermodynamics is a branch of science which deals with energy. Engineering thermodynamics ismodified name of this science when applied to design and analysis of various energy conversion systems.Thermodynamics has basically a few fundamental laws and principles applied to a wide range of problems.Thermodynamics is core to engineering and allows understanding of the mechanism of energy conversion.It is really very difficult to identify any area where there is no interaction in terms of energy and matter.It is a science having its relevance in every walk of life. Thermodynamics can be classified as Classicalthermodynamics and Statistical thermodynamics. Here in engineering systems analysis the classicalthermodynamics is employed.Thermodynamics is the branch of physical science that deals with the various phenomena ofenergy and related properties of matter, especially of the laws of transformations of heat into otherforms of energy and vice-versa.Internal combustion engines employed in automobiles are a good example of the energy conversionequipments where fuel is being burnt inside the piston cylinder arrangement and chemical energy liberatedby the fuel is used for getting the shaft work from crankshaft. Thermodynamics lets one know theanswer for the questions as, what shall be the amount of work available from engine?, what shall be theefficiency of engine?, etc.For analysing any system there are basically two approaches available in engineeringthermodynamics. Approach of thermodynamic analysis means how the analyser considers the system.Macroscopic approach is the one in which complete system as a whole is considered and studiedwithout caring for what is there constituting the system at microscopic level.Contrary to this the microscopic approach is one having fragmented the system under considerationupto microscopic level and analysing the different constituent subsystems/microsystems. In this approachstudy is made at the microscopic level. For studying the system the microlevel studies are put togetherto see the influences on overall system. Thus, the statistical techniques are used for integrating thestudies made at microscopic level. This is how the studies are taken up in statistical thermodynamics. Ingeneral it can be said that, Macroscopic approach analysis = (Microscopic approach analysis).1.2 DIMENSIONS AND UNITSDimension refers to certain fundamental physical concepts that are involved in the process of natureand are more or less directly evident to our physical senses, thus dimension is used for characterizing 17. 2 _________________________________________________________ Applied Thermodynamicsany physical quantity. Dimensions can be broadly classified as primary dimensions and secondary orderived dimensions. Basic dimensions such as mass M, length L, time t and temperature T arecalled primary dimensions, while quantities which are described using primary dimensions are calledsecondary dimensions such as for energy, velocity, force, volume, etc.Units are the magnitudes assigned to the dimensions. Units assigned to primary dimensionsare called basic units whereas units assigned to secondary dimensions are called derived units.Various systems of units have prevailed in the past such as FPS (Foot-Pound-Second), CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second), MKS (Metre-Kilogram-Second) etc. but at present SI system (System-International) ofunits has been accepted world wide. Here in the present text also SI system of units has been used.Following table gives the basic and derived units in SI system of units.Table 1.1 SI system of unitsQuantity Unit SymbolBasic UnitsLength (L) Metre mMass (M) Kilogram kgTime (t) Second sTemperature (T) Kelvin KPlane angle Radian radSolid angle Steradian srLuminous intensity Candela cdMolecular substance Mole mol.Electric Current Ampere ADerived UnitsForce (F) Newton N {kg.m/s2}Energy (E) Joule J {N.m = kg. m2/s2}Power Watt W {J/s = kg. m2/s3}Pressure Pascal Pa {N/m2 = kg/(ms2)}Equivalence amongst the various systems of unit for basic units is shown in table 1.2.Table 1. 2 Various systems of unitsUnit - (Symbol)Quantity SI MKS CGS FPSLength Metre (m) Metre (m) Centimetre (cm) Foot (ft)Mass Kilogram (kg) Kilogram (kg) Gram (gm) Pound (lb)Time Second (s) Second (s) Second (s) Second (s)Temperature Kelvin (K) Centigrade (C) Centigrade (C) Fahrenheit (F)The various prefixes used with SI units are given as under : 18. Fundamental Concepts and Definitions ____________________________________________ 3Prefix Factor Symbol Prefix Factor Symboldeca 10 da deci 101 dhecto 102 h centi 102 ckilo 103 k milli 103 mmega 106 M micro 106 giga 109 G nano 109 ntera 1012 T pico 1012 ppeta 1015 P femto 1015 fexa 1018 E atto 1018 aThe conversion table for one unit into the other is given in table 1.3.Table 1.3 Unit conversion table1 ft = 0.3048 m 1 ft2 = 0.09290 m21 in = 0.0254 m 1 in2 = 6.45 cm21 lb = 453.6 gm 1 lb = 0.4536 kg1 lbf = 4.45 N 1 kgf = 9.81 N1 lbf/in2 = 6.989 kN/m2 = 0.0689 bar = 703 kgf/m21 bar = 105 N/m2 = 14.5038 1bf/in2 = 0.9869 atm= 1.0197 kgf/cm21 ft. lbf = 1.356 Joules1 Btu = 778.16 ft. lbf = 1.055 kJ1Btu/lb = 2.326 kJ/kg1 ft3/lb = 0.0624 m3/kg, 1 Cal = 4.18 J1.3 CONCEPT OF CONTINUUMIn Macroscopic approach of thermodynamics the substance is considered to be continuous whereasevery matter actually comprises of myriads of molecules with intermolecular spacing amongst them.For analyzing a substance in aggregate it shall be desired to use laws of motion for individual moleculesand study at molecular level be put together statistically to get the influence upon aggregate. In statisticalthermodynamics this microscopic approach is followed, although it is often too cumbersome for practicalcalculations.In engineering thermodynamics where focus lies upon the gross behaviour of the system andsubstance in it, the statistical approach is to be kept aside and classical thermodynamics approach befollowed. In classical thermodynamics, for analysis the atomic structure of substance is considered tobe continuous. For facilitating the analysis this concept of continuum is used in which the substance istreated free from any kind of discontinuity. As this is an assumed state of continuum in substance so theorder of analysis or scale of analysis becomes very important. Thus, in case the scale of analysis is largeenough and the discontinuities are of the order of intermolecular spacing or mean free path then due torelative order of discontinuity being negligible it may be treated continuous.In the situations when scale of analysis is too small such that even the intermolecular spacing ormean free path are not negligible i.e. the mean free path is of comparable size with smallest significantdimension in analysis then it can not be considered continuous and the microscopic approach foranalysis should be followed. For example, whenever one deals with highly rarefied gases such as inrocket flight at very high altitudes or electron tubes, the concept of continuum of classical thermodynamics 19. 4 _________________________________________________________ Applied Thermodynamicsshould be dropped and statistical thermodynamics using microscopic approach should be followed.Thus, in general it can be said that the assumption of continuum is well suited for macroscopic approachwhere discontinuity at molecular level can be easily ignored as the scale of analysis is quite large. Theconcept of continuum is thus a convenient fiction which remains valid for most of engineering problemswhere only macroscopic or phenomenological informations are desired.For example, let us see density at a point as a property of continuum. Let us take some mass offluid m in some volume V enveloping a point P in the continuous fluid. Average mass density offluid within volume V shall be the ratio (m/V). Now let us shrink the volume V enveloping thepoint to volume V. It could be seen that upon reducing the volume, V may be so small as to containrelatively few molecules which may also keep on moving in and out of the considered very smallvolume, thus average density keeps on fluctuating with time. For such a situation the definite value ofdensity can not be given.Therefore, we may consider some limiting volume Vlimit such that the fluid around the pointmay be treated continuous and the average density at the point may be given by the ratio m Vlimit.Thus, it shows how the concept of continuum although fictitious is used for defining density at a pointas given below,Average density at the point = limit limVV m V1.4 SYSTEMS, SURROUNDINGS AND UNIVERSEIn thermodynamics the system is defined as the quantity of matter or region in space upon which theattention is concentrated for the sake of analysis. These systems are also referred to as thermodynamicsystems. For the study these systems are to be clearly defined using a real or hypothetical boundary.Every thing outside this real/hypothetical boundary is termed as the surroundings. Thus, the surroundingsmay be defined as every thing surrounding the system. System and surroundings when put togetherresult in universe.Universe = System + SurroundingsThe system is also some times defined as the control system and the boundary defined forseparating it from surroundings is called control boundary, the volume enclosed within the boundary iscontrol volume and the space enclosed within the boundary is called control space.Based on the energy and mass interactions of the systems with surroundings/other systemsacross the boundary the system can be further classified as the open, close, and isolated system. Theopen system is one in which the energy and mass interactions take place at the system boundary, forexample automobile engine etc.Closed system is the system having only energy interactions at its boundary, for example,boiling water in a closed pan etc. The mass interactions in such system are absent. Isolated systemrefers to the system which neither has mass interaction nor energy interaction across system boundary,for example Thermos Flask etc. Thus, the isolated system does not interact with the surroundings/systems in any way. 20. Fundamental Concepts and Definitions ____________________________________________ 5Fig. 1.1 (a) Open system (b) Closed system (c) Isolated system1.5 PROPERTIES AND STATEFor defining any system certain parameters are needed. Properties are those observable characteristicsof the system which can be used for defining it. Thermodynamic properties are observable characteristicsof the thermodynamic system. Pressure, temperature, volume, viscosity, modulus of elasticity etc. arethe examples of property. These properties are some times observable directly and some times indirectly.Properties can be further classified as the intensive property and extensive property. The intensiveproperties are those properties which have same value for any part of the system or the properties thatare independent of the mass of system are called intensive properties, e.g. pressure, temperature etc.Extensive properties on the other hand are those which depend upon the mass of system and do notmaintain the same value for any path of the system. e.g. mass, volume, energy, enthalpy etc. Theseextensive properties when estimated on the unit mass basis result in intensive property which is alsoknown as specific property, e.g. specific heat, specific volume, specific enthalpy etc.State of a system indicates the specific condition of the system. To know the characteristics ofthe system quantitatively refers to knowing the state of system. Thus, when the properties of systemare quantitatively defined then it refers to the state. For completely specifying the state of a systemnumber of properties may be required which depends upon the complexity of the system. Thermodynamicstate in the same way refers to the quantitative definition of the thermodynamic properties of athermodynamic system e.g. for defining a gas inside the cylinder one may have to define the state usingpressure and temperature as 12 bar, 298 K. When the thermodynamic properties defining a state undergoa change in their values it is said to be the change of state.1.6 THERMODYNAMIC PATH, PROCESS AND CYCLEThermodynamic system undergoes changes due to the energy and mass interactions. Thermodynamicstate of the system changes due to these interactions. The mode in which the change of state of asystem takes place is termed as the process such as constant pressure process, constant volume processetc. Let us take gas contained in a cylinder and being heated up. The heating of gas in the cylinder shallresult in change in state of gas as its pressure, temperature etc. shall increase. However, the mode in 21. 6 _________________________________________________________ Applied Thermodynamicswhich this change of state in gas takes place during heating shall be constant volume mode and hencethe process shall be called constant volume heating process.The path refers to the series of state changes through which the system passes during a process.Thus, path refers to the locii of various intermediate states passed through by a system during a process.Cycle refers to a typical sequence of processes in such a fashion that the initial and final states areidentical. Thus, a cycle is the one in which the processes occur one after the other so as to finally bringthe system at the same state. Thermodynamic path in a cycle is in closed loop form. After the occurrenceof a cyclic process system shall show no sign of the processes having occurred.Mathematically, it can be said that the cyclic integral of any property in a cycle is zero, i.e., dp = 0, where p is any thermodynamic property.Thermodynamic processes, path and cycle are shown on p-v diagram in Fig. 1.2Fig. 1.2 Thermodynamic process, path and cycle.1.7 THERMODYNAMIC EQUILIBRIUMEquilibrium of a system refers to the situation in which its state does not undergo any change in itselfwith passage of time without the aid of any external agent. Equilibrium state of a system can be examinedby observing whether the change in state of the system occurs or not. If no change in state of systemoccurs then the system can be said in equilibrium. Thermodynamic equilibrium is a situation in whichthermodynamic system does not undergo any change in its state. Let us consider a steel glass full of hotmilk kept in open atmosphere. It is quite obvious that the heat from milk shall be continuously transferredto atmosphere till the temperature of milk, glass and atmosphere are not alike. During the transfer of heatfrom milk the temperature of milk could be seen to decrease continually. Temperature attains some finalvalue and does not change any more. This is the equilibrium state at which the properties stop showingany change in themselves.Generally, thermodynamic equilibrium of a system may be ensured by ensuring the mechanical,thermal, chemical and electrical equilibriums of the system. Mechanical equilibrium of the system canbe well understood from the principles of applied mechanics which say that the net force and momentshall be zero in case of such equilibrium. Thus, in the state of mechanical equilibrium the system doesnot have any tendency to change mechanical state as it is the state at which the applied forces anddeveloped stresses are fully balanced.Thermal equilibrium is that equilibrium which can be stated to be achieved if there is absence ofany heat interactions. Thus, if the temperature states of the system do not change then thermal equilibriumis said to be attained. Equality of temperature of the two systems interacting with each other shall ensurethermal equilibrium.Chemical equilibrium is the one which can be realized if the chemical potential of the systemsinteracting are same. The equality of forward rate of chemical reaction and backward rate of chemicalreaction can be taken as criterion for ensuring the chemical equilibrium. Similar to this, in case theelectrical potential of the systems interacting are same, the electrical equilibrium is said be attained. 22. Fundamental Concepts and Definitions ____________________________________________ 7Thus, a system can be said to be in thermodynamic equilibrium if it is in mechanical, thermal,chemical and electrical equilibrium.1.8 REVERSIBILITY AND IRREVERSIBILITYThermodynamic processes may have the change of state occuring in two ways. One is the change ofstate occuring so that if the system is to restore its original state, it can be had by reversing the factorsresponsible for occurrence of the process. Other change of state may occur such that the aboverestoration of original state is not possible. Thermodynamic system that is capable of restoring itsoriginal state by reversing the factors responsible for occurrence of the process is called reversiblesystem and the thermodynamic process involved is called reversible process. Thus, upon reversal of aprocess there shall be no trace of the process being ocurred, i.e. state changes during the forwarddirection of occurrence of a process are exactly similar to the states passed through by the systemduring the reversed direction of the process. It is quite obvious that the such reversibility can be realisedonly if the system maintains its thermodynamic equilibrium throughout the occurrence of process.Fig. 1.3 Reversible and Irreversible processesThe irreversibility is the characteristics of the system which forbids system from retracing thesame path upon reversal of the factors causing the state change. Thus, irreversible systems are thosewhich do not maintain equilibrium during the occurrence of a process. Various factors responsible forthe nonattainment of equilibrium are generally the reasons responsible for irreversibility. Presence offriction, dissipative effects etc. have been identified as a few of the prominent reasons for irreversibility.The reversible and irreversible processes are shown on p-v diagram in Fig. 1.3 by 12 and 21 and34 and 43 respectively.1.9 QUASI-STATIC PROCESSThermodynamic equilibrium of a system is very difficult to be realised during the occurrence of athermodynamic process. It may be understood that this kind of equilibrium is rather practically impossible.In case such equilibrium could not be attained then the thermodynamic analysis cannot be done, as theexact analysis of a system not in equilibrium is impossible. Quasi-static consideration is one of theways to consider the real system as if it is behaving in thermodynamic equilibrium and thus permittingthe thermodynamic study. Actually, system does not attain thermodynamic equilibrium only certainassumptions make it akin to a system in equilibrium, for the sake of study and analysis.Quasi-static literally refers to almost static and the infinite slowness of the occurrence of aprocess is considered as the basic premise for attaining near equilibrium in the system. Here it is consideredthat the change in state of a system occurs at infinitely slow pace, thus consuming very large time forcompletion of the process. During the dead slow rate of state change the magnitude of change in a state 23. 8 _________________________________________________________ Applied Thermodynamicsshall also be infinitely small. This infinitely small change in state when repeatedly undertaken one afterthe other consecutively, results in overall state change. Quasi-static process is considered to remain inthermodynamic equilibrium just because of infinitesimal state changes taking place during the occurrenceof the process. Quasi static process can be understood from the following example.Let us consider the heating of gas in a container with certain mass W kept on the top of lid (lidis such that it does not permit leakage across its interface with vessel wall) of the vessel as shown in Fig.1.4. After certain amount of heat being added to the gas it is found that the lid gets raised up.Thermodynamic state change is shown in figure. The change in state is significant. During the changeof state since the states could not be considered to be in equilibrium, hence for unsteady state of system,thermodynamic analysis could not be extended. Let us now assume that the total mass comprises ofinfinitesimal small masses of w such that all w masses put together become equal to W. Now let usstart heat addition to vessel and as soon as the lifting of lid is observed put first fraction mass w overthe lid so as to counter the lifting and estimate the state change. During this process it is found that thestate change is negligible. Let us further add heat to the vessel and again put the second fraction massw as soon as the lift is felt so as to counter it. Again the state change is seen to be negligible. Continuewith the above process and at the end it shall be seen that all fraction masses w have been put over thelid, thusFig. 1.4 Quasi static processamounting to mass W kept over the lid of vessel and the state change occurred is exactly similar to theone which occurred when the mass kept over the lid was W. In this way the equilibrium nature ofsystem can be maintained and the thermodynamic analysis can be carried out. p-v representation for theseries of infinitesimal state changes occuring between states 1 and 2 is shown in Fig. SOME THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIESPressure, temperature, density, volume etc. are some of the thermodynamic properties frequently used.Pressure is defined as the force per unit area. Mathematically, it can be given by the ratio of force appliedon a area (say F) divided by the area (say A) as ;p = F/A, (N/m2).In general during analysis one comes across the following four types of pressure,(i) Atmospheric pressure (ii) Absolute pressure(iii) Gauge pressure (iv) Vacuum pressureAtmospheric pressure is defined as the pressure exerted by the atmosphere. It is said to be equal to760 mm of mercury column at 0C for mercury density of 0.0135951 kg/cm3, gravitational accelerationof 9.80665 m/s2 and has magnitude of 1.013 bar (= 1.013 105 N/m2). The instrument used for 24. Fundamental Concepts and Definitions ____________________________________________ 9measuring this pressure is called barometer. Italian scientist Torricelli was first to construct the barometerto measure the pressure. In his honour the pressure exerted by one millimeter column of mercury underatmospheric conditions is known as Torr (1 atm = 760 Torr).Absolute pressure of gas refers to the actual pressure of the gas. Let us consider a U-tube manometeras shown in Fig. 1.5. It shows the manometer with its one limb connected to bulb containing the gaswhile other limb is open to atmosphere. Fig. 1.5a describes a special case in which the pressure of thegas is more than the atmospheric pressure and it is the reason for the rise in level of mercury in the openlimb. The difference in the pressure of fluid and atmosphere which is measurable by the rise of mercurycolumn (= h.d.g. where h is the rise in mercury column, d is the density of mercury, g is the gravitationalacceleration) is known as the Gauge pressure. Mathematically, it can be shown that,Absolute pressure = Atmospheric pressure + Gauge pressureFigure 1.5b shows another typical case in which the pressure of gas is less than the atmosphericpressure and that is why the mercury column is depressed in the open limb. The amount by which thepressure of gas is less than the atmospheric pressure is called Vacuum pressure. Thus, the vacuumpressure is the negative gauge pressure. Mathematically it can be shown by,Absolute pressure = Atmospheric pressure Vacuum pressureFig. 1.5 U-tube manometerThe bar chart shown in Fig. 1.6 further clarifies the interrelationship amongst the different pressures.Fig. 1.6 Different pressures 25. 10 _________________________________________________________ Applied ThermodynamicsPressure could also be measured by a Bourdan tube. Bourdan tube has a flattened cross section(oval) closed at one end. Other end of tube connects to the region whose pressure is to be measured.Gas whose pressure is being measured acts on inside of tube surface, thus causing it to change itssection from oval section to circular section. Pressure exerted by gas works against tube stresses andair pressure. This change in cross-section from elliptical to circular causes straightening of tube andthus deflecting free end of tube through some distance d as shown in figure 1.7. This deflection in freeend of tube measures the pressure difference between gas pressure and atmospheric pressure. Generallythis free end of tube is connected to an indicating hand sweeping over a graduated dial showing thegauge pressure directly.Temperature is another thermodynamic property which is normally used in Kelvin scale inengineering thermodynamic analysis. It is dealt in detail in subsequent chapter.Density which refers to the mass per unit volume is the ratio of mass and volume occupied. Itsunits are kg/m3.Density = (Mass/Volume)Fig. 1.7 Bourdan tube for pressure measurementThe specific volume is the volume per unit mass of the substance. It is defined by ratio of thevolume occupied and the mass of substance. Its units are m3/kg.Specific volume = (Volume/Mass)Density or specific volume conform to the definitive specification of a thermodynamic propertyand are capable of getting associated with other properties such as temperature, pressure and internal 26. Fundamental Concepts and Definitions ____________________________________________ 11energy. Also, the volume occupied by a material is a measure of distance between molecules and thusindicates their molecular energy.Weight is actually the force due to gravity acting on any substance. Thus, it is the product ofmass and gravitational acceleration. Its units are Newtons.Weight = (mass gravitational acceleration)Specific weight of a substance is the ratio of weight of substance and volume of substance.Specific weight = (Weight/Volume)= (density gravitational acceleration)Specific gravity is defined as the ratio of the density of any substance and standard density ofsome reference substance. For solids and liquids the water density at some specified temperature say0C or 4C is taken as standard density.1.11 ENERGY AND ITS FORMSEnergy is usually defined as the ability to do mechanical work. It is indeed quite difficult to preciselydefine the energy. We feel energy at every moment and can sense it very oftenly.Another broader definition of energy says that energy refers to the capacity for producingeffects.Total energy at any moment may be the algebraic summation of the different forms of energy.Conversion of energy from one to other is also possible. In thermodynamics we are primarily interestedin studying the change in total energy of a system. Thus, for analysis relative value of energy is consideredinstead of absolute value.Energy can be classified in the following general categories;(a) Energy in transition: It refers to the energy that is in process of transition between substances orregions because of some driving potential, such as difference or gradient of force, or of temperature,or of electrical potential etc. For example heat, work etc.(b) Energy stored in particular mass: It refers to the potential and kinetic energy associated withmasses that are elevated or moving with respect to the earth.Apart from above broad classification the energy can also be categorised into various forms.(i) Macroscopic energy: It refers to the energy possessed by a system considered at macro-scopiclevel such as kinetic energy, potential energy etc.(ii) Microscopic energy: It refers to the energy defined at molecular level. Summation of energyat molecular level or microscopic energy results in internal energy.Some of the popular forms of energy are described below :Potential energy: This type of energy is based on relative position of bodies in a system, i.e.elevation in a gravitational field.Potential energy for a mass m at elevation z is given as :P.E. = m.g.zHere g is the gravitational acceleration and elevation is measured from some reference point.Kinetic energy: It is based on the relative movement of bodies. For a mass m moving with certainvelocity c it could be mathematically expressed as;K.E. = (1/2) m.c2Internal energy: Internal energy of a system is the energy associated with the molecular structureat molecular level.Let us study fall of a weight from certain height on the floor. Upon hitting the floor, weightcomes to dead stop and its potential energy and kinetic energy both reduce to zero. Question arises,where does the vanishing potential energy and kinetic energy go upon weight touching the floor. If wetouch the point of contact between weight and floor, it is observed that both these points are slightlyhotter than before impact. Thus, it is obvious that the energy has changed its form from potential andkinetic to internal energy and causes rise in temperature of weight and floor at the points of contact. 27. 12 _________________________________________________________ Applied ThermodynamicsInternal energy is sum of energy associated with molecules which may have translational,vibrational and rotational motions etc. and respective energies causing these motions.Internal energy may be thus comprising of sensible energy, latent energy, chemical energy, nuclearenergy etc. Sensible energy refers to the kinetic energy associated with molecules. Latent energyrefers to the energy associated with phase of a substance.Chemical energy refers to the energy associated with molecular bonds. Nuclear energy refersto the energy associated with the bonds within nucleus of atom itself.Total energy of a system may be given as summation of different forms of energy at a moment.Mathematically;T.E (Total energy) = K.E + P.E + I.Ewhere K.E = Kinetic energyP.E = Potential energyI.E = Internal energySome different forms of energy interaction and associated work interactions with block diagramare given in table 1.4.Table 1.4 Some forms of energy and the associated work interactionsS. Macroscopic Governing Energy Work Block diagramNo. form of energy equation interaction interaction1. Kinetic energy F = m dVdt E =12 m = F dx m Fx(translation) ( V 2 V2 )2 1 2. Kinetic energy T = J ddtE =1 J = T d2 T J(rotational) ( 2 2 )2 1 3. Spring stored F = kx E =12k = F dxF k FF = 0 xenergy (translational) ( x 2 x2 )2 1 4. Spring stored T = K E =12 K = T d KT = 0T Tenergy (rotational) ( 2 2 )2 1 F5. Gravitational F = mg E = mg = F dz mzgenergy (Z2 Z1)6. Electrical energy u =qc E =12q2c= u dqquc(capacitance)=12 cu27. Electrical energy = L i E =L i12 Li2 = i d u(inductance)=122L 28. Fundamental Concepts and Definitions ____________________________________________ 131.12. HEAT AND WORKWhen two systems at different temperatures are brought into contact there are observable changes insome of their properties and changes continue till the two dont attain the same temperature if contact isprolonged. Thus, there is some kind of energy interaction at the boundary which causes change intemperatures. This form of energy interaction is called heat. Thus heat may be termed as the energyinteraction at the system boundary which occurs due to temperature difference only. Heat is observablein transit at the interface i.e. boundary, it can not be contained in a system. In general the heat transferto the system is assigned with positive (+) sign while the heat transfer from the system is assigned withnegative () sign. Its units are Calories.In thermodynamics the work can be defined as follows:Work shall be done by the system if the total effect outside the system is equivalent to the raisingof weight and this work shall be positive work.In above definition the work has been defined as positive work and says that there need not beactual raising of weight but the effect of the system behaviour must be reducible to the raising of aweight and nothing else. Its units are N. m or Joule. Heat and work are two transient forms of energy.Let us look at a piston cylinder mechanism (closed system), where high pressure air is filledinside the cylinder fitted with a piston exerting force against some resistance. As the piston moves adistance say l, the work would be done. It can be reduced to the raising of weight by replacing thisresisting system by a frictionless pulley and lever such that a weight W is raised, Fig. 1.8.For example, if an electrical battery and resistance is considered as a system, then this systemshall do work when electric current flows in an external resistance as this resistance could be replacedby an ideal frictionless motor driving a frictionless pulley and raising a weight.Here, also in reference to work it is obvious that the work is the entity which is available at theboundary of system, thus work can not be stored rather it is energy interaction in transit at the boundary.From the thermodynamic definition of work the sign convention established as positive work shall bethe one which is done by the system while the negative work shall be the one that is done upon thesystem.Fig. 1.8 Thermodynamic work 29. 14 _________________________________________________________ Applied Thermodynamics1.13 GAS LAWSThermodynamic analysis relies largely upon the gas laws, which are known as Boyles law (1662) andCharles law (1787). Boyles law says that if temperature of a gas is held constant then its molar volumeis inversely proportional to the pressure. Mathematically it can be related as p v = constant. Here p is thepressure and v is the molar volume of gas, i.e. volume per mole.Charles law says that for the pressure of gas held constant the volume of gas is directly proportionalto the temperature of gas. Mathematically it can be given as v /T = constant, where T is the temperatureof the gas. It also says that if the molar volume of gas is held constant, the pressure of gas is directlyproportional to temperature, i.e. p/T = constant. Figure 1.9 shows the graphical representation.Fig 1.9 Graphical representations of gas laws at constant temperature and at constant pressureBoyles and Charles law when combined together result in,p v /T = constantor p v = R T, where R is the universal gas constant.1.14 IDEAL GASEngineering thermodynamics deals with different systems having gaseous working fluids. Some gasesbehave as ideal gas and some as non-ideal gas. Based on the experimental methods various equations ofstate of gases have been developed.For perfect gas the ideal gas equation shows thatp v = R T, where R is the universal gas constant and can be related as R = R /M, here R is thecharacteristic gas constant and M is the molar mass or molecular weight of the substance, v is volumeper mole. Universal gas constant has value given as 8.31441 kJ/k mol.K. or pV= m RT, where m is massof the substance, V is the volume of substance,i.e. V = n vm = n M, where n is no. of moles.Gas constant is also related to specific heats at constant pressure and volume as follows,R = cp cvUpon plotting the variables P, V, T for an ideal gas on three mutually perpendicular axes, the threedimensional entity generated is called P-V-T surface and can be used for studying the thermodynamicproperties of ideal gas. Figure 1.10 shows the typical P-V-T surface for an ideal gas. 30. Fundamental Concepts and Definitions ____________________________________________ 15Fig. 1.10 P-V-T surface for ideal gasFor certain gases the molecular weight and gas constant are given in table 1.5.Table 1.5Gas Molecular weight, kg/kmol Gas constant, kJ/kg.KAir 28.97 0.287Carbon dioxide 44.01 0.189Hydrogen 2.016 4.124Helium 4.004 2.077Nitrogen 28.01 0.297Oxygen 32.00 0.260Steam 18.02 0.4611.15 DALTONS LAW, AMAGATS LAW AND PROPERTY OF MIXTURE OF GASESDaltons law of partial pressures states that the total pressure of a mixture of gases is equal to the sumof partial pressures of constituent gases. Partial pressure of each constituent can be defined as thepressure exerted by the gas if it alone occupied the volume at the same temperature.Thus, for any mixture of gases having j gases in it, the mathematical statement of Daltons law says,p = p1 + p2 + p3 + ..... + pjif V = V1 = V2 = V3 = ..... = Vjand T = T1 = T2 = T3 = ..... TjDaltons law can be applied to both mixture of real gases and ideal gases.m pV T + 2 2 ,(a) 1 1 ,,m pV T ,,,m pV T (b) 1 1 ,m Vp T + 2 2 ,,m Vp T ,,,m Vp Tconstituent gases MixtureFig. 1.11 (a) Daltons law of partial pressures, (b) Amagats lawLet us take mixture of any three, perfect gases, say, 1, 2, 3 in a container having volume V andtemperature T. 31. 16 _________________________________________________________ Applied ThermodynamicsEquation of state for these gases shall be,p1V = m1R1T ; p2 V = m2 R2 T, p3V = m3 R3 TThe partial pressures of three gases shall be,p1 = m1R1TV, p2 = m2 R2 TV, p3 = m3 R3 TVFrom Daltons law;p = p1 + p2 + p3 = (m1R1 + m2R2 + m3R3) TVor, it can be given in general form as,pV = T 1ji iim R= where i refers to constituent gasesAmagats law of additive volumes states that volume of a gas mixture is equal to the sum ofvolumes each gas would occupy at the mixture pressure and temperature.V = V1 + V2 + V3 ........... + Vjp = p1 = p2 = p3 ........ pjT = T1 = T2 = T3 = ........ TjMass balance upon mixture yields m = m1 + m2 + m3or m =j1iim= From above the gas constant for the mixture can be given as;R =+ ++ +m R m R m R1 1 2 2 3 3( m 1 m 2 m3)or, in general form,R =11ji iijiim Rm==Mole fraction xi of a constituent gas can be defined as the ratio of number of moles of thatconstituent to the total number of moles of all constituents.Thus mole fractions of three gases, if number of moles of three gases are n1, n2 and n3;x1 =n1n + n + n1 2 3x2 =n2n + n + n1 2 3x3 =n3n + n + n1 2 3 32. Fundamental Concepts and Definitions ____________________________________________ 17or, in general xi =nniiTotal no. of moles,n = n1 + n2 + n3 or, n =j1iin= Sum of mole fractions of all constituent equals to 1, = 1xi = ninNumber of moles of any constituent gas,ni = n xiFor Mi being the molecular weight of a constituent gas, the mass mi of that constituent shall bemi = ni Mior, mi = n xi Miand the total mass m, shall bem = mi = n. xi MiMolecular weight of mixture shall be:M =mn= xi Mi1.16 REAL GASWhen a gas is found to disobey the perfect gas law, i.e. the equation of state for ideal gas, then it is calledreal gas. Real gas behaviour can also be shown by a perfect gas at the changed thermodynamic statessuch as high pressure etc.Deviation of real gas from ideal gas necessitates the suitable equation of state which can be usedfor interrelating the thermodynamic properties P, V, and T.From the kinetic theory of gases it is obvious that the ideal gas equation of state suits the gasbehaviour when intermolecular attraction and volume occupied by the molecules themselves is negligiblysmall in reference to gas volume. At high pressures intermolecular forces and volume of molecules bothincrease and so the gas behaviour deviates from ideal gas to real gas.A number of mathematical equations of state suggested by Van der-Waals, Berthelot, Dieterici,Redlich-Kwong, Beattie-Bridgeman and Martin-Hou etc. are available for analysing the real gas behaviour.Daltons law and Amagats law can also be used for real gases with reasonable accuracy inconjunction with modified equations of state.As the ideal gas equation does not conform to the real gas behaviour in certain ranges of pressuresand temperatures, so the perfect gas equation should be modified using compressibility factor for thegas at given pressure and temperature.Such modified form of equations shall be;P v = Z R THere Z is the compressibility factor, a function of pressure and temperature.Thus, compressibility factor is like a correction factor introduced in ideal equation of state forsuiting the real gas behaviour. Compressibility factor is an indication of deviation of a gas from ideal gasbehaviour and can be mathematically given as; 33. 18 _________________________________________________________ Applied ThermodynamicsZ = (P, T)or Z =vvactualidealHere, videal =RTPi.e. Z = 1 for ideal gases while Z can be greater than or less than unity.Individual graphical representations are available for getting the compressibility factor as shownin Fig 1.12. Compressibility factor charts are available for different substances. Compressibility factorsfor various substances can also be shown on a generalized compressibility chart using reduced properties.Reduced properties are non-dimensional properties given as ratio of existing property to critical propertyof substance. Such as reduced pressure is ratio of pressure of gas to critical pressure of gas. Similarly,reduced temperature can be given by ratio of temperature of gas to critical temperature of gas.Reduced pressure, pR =ppcReduced temperature, TR =TTc(a) Oxygen(b) Carbon dioxideFig. 1.12 Compressibility factors, Z 34. Fundamental Concepts and Definitions ____________________________________________ 19where Pc and Tc denote critical pressure and critical temperature respectively. These reduced pressureand reduced temperature are used for getting the generalized compressibility chart of the form, Z = (pR, TR) where Z for all gases is approximately same. This similar behaviour of compressibility correctionfactor for different gases in respect to reduced pressures and temperatures is called principle ofcorresponding states. Fig. 1.13 shows a generalized compressibility chart. In generalized compressibilitychart a set of curves is fitted through a set of experimentally determined Z values plotted against reducedFig. 1.13 (a) Generalized compressibility chart, pR 1.0Fig. 1.13 (b) Generalized compressibility chart, pR 10.0 35. 20 _________________________________________________________ Applied ThermodynamicsFig. 1.13 (c) Generalized compressibility chart, 10 pR 40pressure and reduced temperatures for several gases. On the generalized compressibility chart it couldbe seen that at very small pressures the gases behave as an ideal gas irrespective of its temperature andalso at very high temperatures the gases behave as ideal gas irrespective of its pressure.1.17 VANDER WAALS AND OTHER EQUATIONS OF STATE FOR REAL GASVander Waals suggested the equation of state for real gas in 1873. The equation has been obtainedapplying the laws of mechanics at molecular level and introducing certain constants in the equation ofstate for ideal gas. This equation agrees with real gas behaviour in large range of gas pressures andtemperatures.Vander Waals equation of state for real gas is as follows, + a ( ) = 2p v b RTv a vwhere a is the constant to take care of the mutual attraction amongst the molecules and thus 2accounts for cohesion forces.Table 1.6 Vander Waals constantGas Constant a, N.m4/( kg. mol)2 Constant b, m3/kg.molHelium 34176.2 102 2.28 102Hydrogen 251.05 102 2.62 102Oxygen 1392.5 102 3.14 102Air 1355.22 102 3.62 102Carbon dioxide 3628.50 102 3.14 102 36. Fundamental Concepts and Definitions ____________________________________________ 21Constant b accounts for the volumes of molecules which are neglected in perfect gas equation, thus itdenotes co-volume, Mathematically,( )( )27 2 2= =, / 8R Ta b R T p64cc cpcHere, pc, Tc are critical point pressures and temperatures having values as given in appendix.Thus these constants ab are determined from behaviour of substance at the critical point.In general it is not possible to have a single equation of state which conforms to the real gasbehaviour at all pressures and temperatures.A few more equations of state for real gas as suggested by various researchers are as follows.Redlich-Kwong equation of state for real gas,RT a= ( ) ( )p +v b v v b Twhere a = 0.4278 R 2 T2.5 c p cand b = 0.08664 R T c pcBerthelot equation of state for real gas,RT av b T v ,p = ( ) 2where a = 27 R 2 T3c 64 p cand b = R T c 8pcHere a and b refer to the constants as suggested in respective equations.Beattie-Bridgeman equation of state given in 1928, for real gas has five constants determinedexperimentally. It is, R T C A( )= + p vB( ) 2 3 21( ) v vT v= where, 0 1aA Av= and 0 1bB BvConstants used in Beattie Bridgeman equation are given in Table 1.7 when p is in k pa, v is inm3/k mol, T is in K, and R = 8.314 k pa m3/k mol.K.Table 1.7. Beattie -Bridgeman constantsGas A0 a B0 b cHelium 2.1886 0.05984 0.01400 0.0 40Hydrogen 20.0117 0.00506 0.02096 0.04359 504Oxygen 151.0857 0.02562 0.04624 0.004208 4.80 104Air 131.8441 0.01931 0.04611 0.001101 4.34 104Carbon dioxide 507.2836 0.07132 0.10476 0.07235 6.60 105 37. 22 _________________________________________________________ Applied ThermodynamicsVirial equations of state propose a form of equation which can be suitably modified and used forreal gases.These equations of state are in the form,pvRT= A0 + A1 . p + A2 . p2 + A3 . p3 + .....orpvRT= B0 + 1 BBvv + 22Bv+ 33+ .......Where A0, A1, A2, A3, .........and B0, B1, B2, B3.......are called the virial coefficients and depend upon temperature alone. Virial equations of statecan be suitably modified based on experimental P, v, T data for the real gas analysis. Virial constantscan be calculated if the suitable model for describing the forces of interaction between the moleculesof gas under consideration is known.EXAMPLES1. Find out the pressure difference shown by the manometer deflection of 30 cm of Mercury. Take localacceleration of gravity as 9.78 m/s2 and density of mercury at room temperature as 13,550 kg/m3.Solution:From the basic principles of fluid statics,Pressure difference = gh= 13550 30 102 9.78= 39755.70 Pa Ans.2. An evacuated cylindrical vessel of 30 cm diameter is closed with a circular lid. Estimate the effortrequired for lifting the lid, if the atmospheric pressure is 76 cm of mercury column (Take g = 9.78 m/s2)Solution:Effort required for lifting the lid shall be equal to the force acting upon the lid. Thus, effortrequired = Pressure Area= (76 102 13550 9.78) (3.14 (30 102)2/4)= 7115.48 N Ans.3. Calculate the actual pressure of air in the tank if the pressure of compressed air measured by manometeris 30 cm of mercury and atmospheric pressure is 101 kPa. (Take g = 9.78 m/s2)Solution:Pressure measured by manometer on the tank is gauge pressure, which shall be= .g.h= (13550 9.78 30 102)= 39755.70 Pa= 39.76 kPaActual pressure of air = Gauge pressure + atmospheric pressure= 39.76 + 101= 140.76 kPa Ans.4. Determine gauge pressure at a depth of 1 m in a tank filled with oil of specific gravity 0.8. Takedensity of water as 1000 kg/m3 and g = 9.81 m/s2. 38. Fundamental Concepts and Definitions ____________________________________________ 23Solution:Density of oil = Specific gravity Density of wateroil = 0.8 1000oil = 800 kg/m3Gauge pressure = (oil g h)= 800 9.81 1or = 7848 N/m2Gauge pressure = 7.848 kPa. Ans.5. Calculate the gas pressure using a mercury manometer with one limb open to atmosphere as shown inFig. 1.14. Barometer reading is 76 cm and density of mercury is 13.6 103 kg/m3. Take g = 9.81 m/s2.Solution:Figure shows that the difference of height in mercury columns is 40 cm.In reference to level AB the pressure exerted by gas, pgas can be written as sum of atmosphericpressure and pressure due to mercury column at ABpgas = (mercury 9.81 40 102) + Atmospheric pressure= (13.6 103 9.81 40 102) + (13.6 103 9.81 76 102)= 154762.56 N/m2or Pgas = 154.76 kPa Ans.Fig. 1.146. 1 kg of water falls from an altitude of 1000 m above ground level. What will be change in thetemperature of water at the foot of fall, if there are no losses during the fall. Take specific heat of wateras 1 kcal/kgKSolution:Initially when water is at 1000 m, it shall have potential energy in it. This potential energy shall gettransformed upon its fall and change the temperature of water.By law of energy conservationPotential energy = Heat required for heating water= 1 9.81 10004.18= 1 1 103 Tor T = 2.35CChange in temperature of water = 2.35C Ans. 39. 24 _________________________________________________________ Applied Thermodynamics7. A spring balance is used for measurement of weight. At standard gravitational acceleration it givesweight of an object as 100 N. Determine the spring balance reading for the same object when measuredat a location having gravitational acceleration as 8.5 m/s2.Solution:At standard gravitational acceleration, mass of object =1009.81= 10.194 kgSpring balance reading = Gravitational force in mass= 10.194 8.5= 86.649 N= 86.65 N Ans.8. An incompressible gas in the cylinder of 15 cm diameter is used tosupport a piston, as shown. Manometer indicates a difference of 12cm of Hg column for the gas in cylinder. Estimate the mass of pistonthat can be supported by the gas. Take density of mercury as 13.6 103 kg/m3.Solution:Piston shall be supported by the gas inside, therefore, let mass ofpiston be m kg.Weight of piston = Upward thrust by gasm.g = p 24dm 9.81 = (12 102 13.6 103 9.81) 4 (15 102)2m = 28.84 kgMass of piston = 28.84 kg. Ans.9. Determine pressure of steam flowing through a steam pipe whenthe U-tube manometer connected to it indicates as shown in figure1.16. During pressure measurement some steam gets condensed inmanometer tube and occupies a column of height 2 cm (AB) whilemercury gets raised by 10 cm (CD) in open limb. Consider barometerreading as 76 cm of Hg, density of mercury and water as 13.6 103kg/m3 and 1000 kg/m3 respectively.Solution:Let us make pressure balance at plane BC.psteam + pwater, AB = patm + pHg , CDpsteam = patm + pHg, CD pwater, ABpatm = (13.6 103 76 102 9.81)patm = 101396.16 N/m2pwater, AB = (1000 2 102 9.81)pwater, AB = 196.2 N/m2Fig. 1.15Fig. 1.16 40. Fundamental Concepts and Definitions ____________________________________________ 25pHg, CD = (13.6 103 10 102 9.81)pHg, CD = 13341.6 N/m2Substituting for getting steam pressure,psteam = 101396.16 + 13341.6 196.2psteam = 114541.56 N/m2or psteam = 114.54 kPa Ans.10. A vessel has two compartments A and B as shown with pressuregauges mounted on each compartment. Pressure gauges of A and Bread 400 kPa and 150 kPa respectively. Determine the absolutepressures existing in each compartment if the local barometer reads720 mm Hg.Solution:Atmospheric pressure from barometer= (9810) (13.6) (0.720)= 96060 Pa= 96.06 kPaAbsolute pressure in compartment A,Pabs, A = Pgauge, A + Patm= 400 + 96.06 = 496.06 kPaAbsolute pressure in compartment B,Pabs, B = Pgauge, B + Patm= 150 + 96.06 = 246.06 kPaAbsolute pressure in compartments AB= 496.06 kPa246.06 kPa Ans.11. Determine the air pressure in a tank having multifluid manometer connected to it, with the tube opento atmosphere as shown in figure. Tank is at an altitude where atmospheric pressure is 90 kPa. Takedensities of water, oil and mercury as 1000 kg/m3, 850 kg/m3 and 13600 kg/m3 respectively.Fig. 1.18Fig. 1.17 41. 26 _________________________________________________________ Applied ThermodynamicsSolution:It is obvious that the lengths of different fluids in U-tube are due to the air pressure and thepressure of air in tank can be obtained by equalizing pressures at some reference line. Strating frompoint (1) the pressure can be given as under for equilibrium,p1 + water g h1 + oil g h2= patm + mercury g h3Given : water = 1000 kg/m3, oil = 850 kg/m3, mercury = 13600 kg/m3h1 = 0.15 m,h2 = 0.25 m,h3 = 0.40 m,patm = 90 kPaSubstituting we get p1 = 139.81 kPaAir pressure = 139.81 kPa Ans.12. Estimate the kinetic energy associated with space object revolving around earth with a relativevelocity of 750 m/s and subjected to gravitational force of 4000 N. Gravitational acceleration may betaken as 8 m/s2.Solution:Mass of object =Gravitational forceGravitational acceleration=40008= 500 kg12 500 (750)2= 140625000 JKinetic energy =Kinetic energy = 1.4 108 J Ans.13. Determine the molecular weight of a gas if its specific heats at constant pressure and volume arecp = 2.286 kJ/kg K and cv = 1.768 kJ/kg K.Solution:Gas constant shall be,R = cp cv= 0.518 kJ/kg.KMolecular weight of gas=RR=Universal gas constantCharacteristic gas constant8.3143=0.518= 16.05 kg/k mol Ans.14. A perfect gas at pressure of 750 kPa and 600 K is expanded to 2 bar pressure. Determine finaltemperature of gas if initial and final volume of gas are 0.2 m3 and 0.5 m3 respectively. 42. Fundamental Concepts and Definitions ____________________________________________ 27Solution:Initial states = 750 103 Pa, 600 K, 0.2 m3Final states = 2 bar or 2 105 Pa, 0.5 m3.Using perfect gas equation,p VT =1 11p VT2 22750 103 0.2 600=5 2 10 0.5T2T2 = 400 KFinal temperature = 400 K or 127 C Ans.15. A vessel of 5 m3 capacity contains air at 100 kPa and temperature of 300K. Some air is removedfrom vessel so as to reduce pressure and temperature to 50 kPa and 7C respectively. Find the amount ofof air removed and volume of this mass of air at initial states of air. Take R = 287 J/kg.K for air.Solution:Initial states : 100 103 Pa, 300 K, 5 m3Final states : 50 103 Pa, 280 K, 5 m3Let initial and final mass of air be m1 and m2. From perfect gas equation of air,m1 =p 1 V1; m= 2 2RT 2 1p VRT2m1 = 100 103 5287 300; m2 = 50 103 5287 280Mass of removed, (m1 m2)= 100 103 5 287 300 50 103 5 287 280 m1 m2 = 2.696 kgVolume of this mass of air at initial states i.e 100 kPa and 300 K;V =(m m ) . RT1 2 1p1 2.696 287 300= 3100 10Volume = 2.32 m3Mass of air removed = 2.696 kgVolume of air at initial states = 2.32 m3 Ans.16. A cylindrical vessel of 1 m diameter and 4 m length has hydrogen gas at pressure of 100 kPa and27C. Determine the amount of heat to be supplied so as to increase gas pressure to 125 kPa. Forhydrogen take Cp = 14.307 kJ/kg.K, Cv = 10.183 kJ/kg K. 43. 28 _________________________________________________________ Applied ThermodynamicsSolution:Assuming hydrogen to be perfect gas let initial and final states be denoted by subscript 1 and 2.p VT =1 11p VT , Here V2 = V12 22T2 =p V Tp V =2 2 11 1p Tp =2 113 125 10 3003100 10T2 = 375 KAs it is constant volume heating so, heat supplied,Q = m Cv (T2 T1)From perfect gas characteristics, R = Cp CvR = 4.124 kJ/kg KMass of hydrogen, m =p 1 V1RT =13 2 100 10 (0.5) 43 4.124 10 300m = 0.254 kgHeat added, Q = 0.254 10.183 (375 300)Heat to be supplied = 193.99 kJ Ans.17. Two cylindrical vessels of 2 m3 each are inter connected through a pipe with valve in-between.Initially valve is closed and one vessel has 20 kg air while 4 kg of air is there in second vessel. Assumingthe system to be at 27C temperature initially and perfectly insulated, determine final pressure in vesselsafter the valve is opened to attain equilibrium.Solution:When the valve is opened then the two vessels shall be connected through pipe and transfer of air shalltake place in order to attain equilibrium state. After attainment of equilibrium total mass of air shall be 24kg.Final total volume = 2 2 = 4 m3Using perfect gas equation.pV = mRTp =mRTVFor air, R = 287 J/kg KSubstituting values, p = 24 287 3004= 516600 N/m2Final pressure = 516.6 kPa Ans.18. Determine the pressure of 5 kg carbon dixoide contained in a vessel of 2 m3 capacity at 27 C,considering it as(i) perfect gas(ii) real gas. 44. Fundamental Concepts and Definitions ____________________________________________ 29Solution:Given : Volume, V = 2 m3, Universal gas constt. = 8.314 kJ/kg . KTemperature, T = 27C= (273 + 27) KT = 300 KMass, m = 5 kgLet pressure exerted be p.(i) Considering it as perfect gas,pV = CO2 mR TCO2 R =2Universal gas constt.Molecular weight of COCO2 R =8.314 10344.01CO2 R = 188.9 J/kg KSubstituting in perfect gas equation,p = 5 188.9 3002= 141675 N/m2Pressure = 1.417 105 N/m2 Ans.(ii) Considering it as real gas let us use Vander-Waals equation; + a ( ) 2p v bv= RTwhere v is molar specific volume and constants a and b can be seen from Table 1.6.R = 8.314 103Molar specific volume, v =2 44.015v =17.604 m3/kg molVander-Waals Constant,a = 3628.5 102 N . m4/(kg mol)2b = 3.14 102 m3/kg molSubstituting values in Vander Waals equation, 3628.5 102 p+ (17.604)2(17.604 3.14 102) = (8.314 103 300)p + 1170.86 = 141936.879p = 140766.019 N/m2Pressure = 1.408 105 N/m2For CO2 as perfect gas = 1.417 105 N/m2For CO2 as real gas = 1.408 105 N/m2 Ans.(using Vander-Waals equation) 45. 30 _________________________________________________________ Applied Thermodynamics19. Determine the specific volume of steam at 17672 kPa and 712 K considering it as (a) perfect gas,(b) considering compressibility effects. Take critical pressure = 22.09 MPa, critical temperature =647.3 K,Rsteam = 0.4615 kJ/kgK.Solution:(a) Considering steam as perfect gas,Sp. volume = RsteamTp=0.4615 71217672Specific volume = 0.0186 m3/kg Ans.(b) Considering compressibility effects, the specific volume can be given by product ofcompressibility factor Z and specific volume when perfect gas.Reduced pressure =pCritical pressure1767222.0910= 3Reduced pressure = 0.8TReduced temperature = Critical temperature=712647.3Reduced temperature = 1.1From generalized compressibility chart compressibility factor Z can be seen for reduced pressureand reduced temperatures of 0.8 and 1.1. We get,Z = 0.785Actual specific volume = 0.785 0.0186= 0.0146 m3/kg. Ans.20. A spherical balloon of 5 m diameter is filled with Hydrogen at 27C and atmospheric pressure of1.013 bar. It is supposed to lift some load if the surrounding air is at 17C. Estimate the maximum loadthat can be lifted.Solution:Balloon filled with H2 shall be capable of lifting some load due to buoyant forces.Volume of balloon =3 4 5. .3 2 = 65.45 m3Mass of H2 in balloon can be estimated considering it as perfect gas.Gas constant for H2 =8.314 1032= 4.157 103 J/kg K 46. Fundamental Concepts and Definitions ____________________________________________ 31P VR TMass of H2 in balloon = balloon balloonH H2 2=53 1.013 10 65.454.157 10 300H2 m = 5.316 kgVolume of air displaced = Volume of balloon= 65.45 m3Mass of air displaced =51.013 10 65.45R (17 273)air +Rair = 0.287 kJ/kg . Kmair =53 1.013 10 65.450.287 10 290mair = 79.66 kgLoad lifting capacity due to buoyant force = mair H2 m= 79.66 5.316= 74.344 kg Ans.21. A pump draws air from large air vessel of 20 m3 at the rate of 0.25 m3/min. If air is initially atatmospheric pressure and temperature inside receiver remains constant then determine time required toreduce the receiver pressure to14th of its original value.Solution:Let volume of receiver be V, m3 and volume sucking rate of pump be v m3/min, then theoreticallyproblem can be modelled using perfect gas equation. Here p is pressure in receiver and T is temperaturein vessel.pV = mRTHere pressure p and temperature T shall change with respect to time t. Differentiating perfect gasequation with respect to time.V dpdt= RTdmdtHere dm dtis mass extraction rate from receiver in kg/min. This mass rate can be given using perfectgas equation when volume flow rate (m3/min) is given as v. So.dmdt=pvRT (ve as mass gets reduced with time)Substituting,Vdpdt= RTpvRT 47. 32 _________________________________________________________ Applied ThermodynamicsVdpdt= pvt dt = 0V t dpv p 0t =Vv p p ln 21p, V = 20 m2 , v = 0.25 m3/minHere final pressure, p2 = 14So time, t =Vvln 1 4time =200.25ln (4) = 110.9 minutes= 110.9 minutes Ans.22. In 5 kg mixture of gases at 1.013 bar and 300 K the various constituent gases are as follows,80% N2, 18% O2, 2% CO2.Determine the specific heat at constant pressure, gas constant for the constituents and mixture andalso molar mass of mixture taking = 1.4 for N2 and O2 and = 1.3 for CO2.Universal gas constant = 8314 J/kg KSolution:Gas constants for constituent gases shall be,RN2 =28314mol.wt. of N =831428= 296.9 J/kg KRO2 =28314mol.wt. of O =831432= 259.8 J/kg KRCO2 =28314mol.wt. of CO =831444= 188.9 J/kg . KGas constant for mixture, Rmixture m N m m= 2 . R + O 2 N . R O + CO2. R M 2 M 2 MCO2 = (0.80 296.9) + (0.18 259.8) + (0.02 188.9)Rmixture = 288.06 J/kg . KSpecific heat at constant pressure for constituent gases. = Cp, N2 = 21.4.1 0.4 RN 296.9 = 1.039 kJ/kg . K 48. Fundamental Concepts and Definitions ____________________________________________ 33 = Cp, O2 = 21.4.1 0.4 RO 259.8 = 0.909 kJ/kg . K = Cp, CO2 = 21.3.1 0.3 RCO 188.9 = 0.819 kJ/kg . K m m m + + , 2 , 2 , 2 . . . N O COCp, mixture = 2 2 2C C CP N P O P COM M MCp, mixture = (0.80 1.039) + (0.18 0.909) + (0.02 0.819)= 1.0276 kJ/kg . KMolar mass of mixture = xi . Mi =Total mass of mixtureTotal no. of molesxi =nin , here M= mol. wt. of ith constituent.i iNo. of moles of constituent gases,mNnN2 = 2Mol.wt. N2=0.8 528= 0.143mOnO2 = 2Mol. wt. O2=0.18 532= 0.028mCOnCO2 = 2Mol.wt. CO2=0.02 544= 0.0023Total mole numbers in mixture = nN2 + nO2 + nCO2= (0.143 + 0.028 + 0.0023)ni = 0.1733Mole fractions of constituent gases,xN2 =nn2 0.1430.1733Ni= = 0.825xO2 =nn2 0.0280.1733Oi= = 0.162xCO2 =nn2 0.00230.1733COi= = 0.0133Molecular wt. of mixture = Molar mass of mixture = xi . Mi= (0.825 28) + (0.162 32) + (0.0133 44)= 28.87 kg/kmol Ans. 49. 34 _________________________________________________________ Applied Thermodynamics23. A gas mixture comprises of 18% O2, 75% N2 and 7% CO2 by volume at 0.5 MPa and 107C. For 5kg mass of mixture carry out gravimetric analysis and determine the partial pressure of gases in mixture.Solution:ni ViMole fraction of constituents x= =i n Vwhere ni and Vi are no. of moles and volume fraction of constituent while n and V are totalno. of moles and total volume of mixture.xO2 =0.181= 0.18xN2 =0.751= 0.75xCO2 =0.071= 0.07Molecular weight of mixture = Molar mass= (0.18 32) + (0.75 28) + (0.07 44)= 29.84Gravimetric analysis refers to the mass fraction analysis.Mass fraction of constituents= mim=Vi V ( / ) Mol. wt. of constituentMol. wt. of mixtureMole fraction of O2 =0.18 3229.84= 0.193Mole fraction of N2 =0.75 2829.84= 0.704 Ans.Mole fraction of CO2 =0.07 4429.84= 0.104Partial pressures of constituents = Volume fraction Pressure of mixturePartial pressure of O2 = 0.18 0.5 = 0.09 MPaPartial pressure of N2 = 0.75 0.5 = 0.375 MPa Ans.Partial pressure of CO2 = 0.07 0.5 = 0.35 MPa24. A steel insulated tank of 6 m3 volume is equally divided into two chambers using a partition. Thetwo portions of tank contain N2 gas at 800 kPa and 480 K and CO2 gas at 400 kPa and 390 K.Determine the equilibrium temperature and pressure of mixture after removing the partition. Use = 1.4for N2, = 1.3 for CO2.Solution:Since tank is insulated so adiabatic mixing can be considered. Let us consider N2 and CO2 tobehave as perfect gas.No. of moles of N2 50. Fundamental Concepts and Definitions ____________________________________________ 35nN2 =p V2 2R T =2..N NN800 103 38314 480 = 0.601No of moles of CO2nCO2 =p VRT2 22..CO COCO=400 103 38314 390 = 0.370Total no. of moles of mixture,n = nN2 + nCO2= 0.601 + 0.370= 0.971Specific heat for N2 at constant volume,Cv, N2 =RN2 =( N1)2 (8314 / 28)(1.4 1)Cv, N2 = 742.32 J/kg . KSpecific heat for CO2 at constant volume,Cv, CO2 =RCO2 =( CO1)2 (8314 / 44)(1.3 1)Cv, CO2 = 629.85 J/kg . KMass of N2 = nN2 Mol. wt. of N2 = 0.601 28 = 16.828 kgMass of CO2 = CO2 n Mol. wt. of CO2 = 0.370 44 = 16.28 kg.Let us consider the equilibrium temperature of mixture after adiabatic mixing at T. Applyingenergy conservation principle :N2 m .Cv, N2 . N2 (T T ) + CO2 m .Cv, CO2 . CO2 (T T ) = 0{16.828 742.32 (T 480)} + {16.28 629.85 (T 390)} = 022745.7 . T = 9995088.881Equilibrium temperature, T = 439.4 K Ans.Equilibrium pressure of mixture, Tmixture = 439.4 K, Vmixture = 6 m3n.R.TV =pmixture = mixturemixture 0.971 8314 439.46Equilibrium pressure = 591.205 kPa Ans.25. 2 kg of Hydrogen and 3 kg of Helium are mixed together in an insulated container at atmosphericpressure and 100 K temperature. Determine the specific heat of final mixture if specific heat at constantpressure is 11.23 kJ/kg. K and 5.193 kJ/kg . K for H2 and He respectively.Solution:Two gases are non reacting, therefore, specific heat of final mixture can be obtained by following 51. 36 _________________________________________________________ Applied Thermodynamicsfor adiabatic mixing.Cp, mixture =. .( )c m c m, 2 2 ,p H H p He Hem mH He2++Substituting values,= + (2 11.23) (3 5.193)+(3 2)Cp, mixture = 7.608 kJ/kg . K Ans.26. A mixture of 18 kg hydrogen, 10 kg nitrogen and 2 kg of carbon dioxide is put into a vessel atatmospheric conditions. Determine the capacity of vessel and the pressure in vessel if it is heated uptotwice of initial temperature. Take ambient temperature as 27C.Solution:Gas constant for mixture can be obtained as;Rmixture =+ ++ +( . . . )m R m R m RH H N N CO CO2 2 2 2 2 2( )m m mH N CO2 2 2RH2 =8.3142kJ/kg . KRN2 =8.31428kJ/kg . KRCO2 =8.31444kJ/kg . KRH2 = 4.15 kJ/kg . KRN2 = 0.297 kJ/kg . KRCO2 = 0.189 kJ/kg . KRmixture = + + (18 4.15 10 0.297 2 0.189)30Rmixture = 2.606 kJ/kg . KConsidering mixture to be perfect gas;Capacity of vessel Vmixture =mmixture . Rmixture .TpHere, p = 101.325 kPaVmixture = 30 2.606 300.15101.325Capacity of vessel = 231.58 m3 Ans.For constant volume heating, final pressure shall be, 52. Fundamental Concepts and Definitions ____________________________________________ 37pfinal = pinitial TTfinalinitialpfinal = 101.325 2 = 202.65 kPa Ans.27. Determine the ratio of exit to inlet diameter of a duct having heating element in the mid of duct.Atmospheric air enters the duct at 27C and gets heated up to 500 K before leaving the duct. The kineticand potential energy changes during passage of air through duct are negligible.Solution:Said air heating process is the case of constant pressure process. Let inlet state be 1 and exitstate 2.Therefore, by Charles law volume and temperature can be related as;VT =11VT22VV =21TT21or 2 2 2 1 Velocity at 24Velocity at 14ddTT= 21Since K.E = 0 , so22 221 1d T=d Tdd =or 21TT21Exit to inlet diameter ratio =500300.15= 1.29 = 1.29 Ans.28. A vessel of 2 m3 volume contains hydrogen at atmospheric pressure and 27C temperature. Anevacuating pump is connected to vessel and the evacuation process is continued till its pressure becomes70 cm of Hg vacuum.Estimate the mass of hydrogen pumped out. Also determine the final pressure in vessel if coolingis carried up to 10C. Take atmospheric pressure as 76 cm of Hg and universal gas constant as8.314 kJ/kg. KSolution:For hydrogen, gas constant, R =8.3142R = 4.157 kJ/kg . KSay initial and final states are given by 1 and 2.Mass of hydrogen pumped out shall be difference of initial and final mass inside vessel.Final pressure of hydrogen = Atm. pr. Vacuum pr. 53. 38 _________________________________________________________ Applied Thermodynamics= 76 70= 6 cm of Hg.Therefore, pressure difference = 76 6= 70 cm of Hg.=7076 101.325 kPa= 93.33 kPaMass pumped out =pV p VRT RT1 1 2 21 2 ; here V1 = V2 = V and T1 = T2 = T.V= ( p 1 p2 )RT=33 2 93.33 104.157 300.15 10= 0.15 kg. Ans.During cooling upto 10C, the process may be considered as constant volume process. Say thestate before and after cooling are denoted by suffix 2 and 3.Therefore, p3 =322.TpT= 283.15 6 101.325300.15 76Final pressure after cooling = 7.546 kPa. Ans.1.1 Define thermodynamics and discuss different approaches to study of thermodynamics.1.2 Write short notes on the following:Thermodynamic properties, state, path, process, closed system, isolated system, open system, extensiveand intensive properties.1.3 What is meant by quasi-static process? Also discuss its physical significance.1.4 Describe thermodynamic equilibrium of a system.1.5 State thermodynamic definition of work. Also differentiate between heat and work.1.6 What is energy? What are different forms of it?1.7 Explain the concept of continuum.1.8 Define perfect gas.1.9 Differentiate between characteristic gas constant and universal gas constant.1.10 State the Dalton's law of partial pressures and assumptions for it.1.11 What is meant by real gas? Why ideal equation of state cannot be used for it?1.12 Write equations of state for real gas.1.13 Define conpressibility factor. 54. Fundamental Concepts and Definitions ____________________________________________ 391.14 Write Boyles law and Charle's law.1.15 Determine the absolute pressure of gas in a tank if the pressure gauge mounted on tank reads 120 kPapressure. [221.3 kPa]1.16 What shall be the volume of a fluid having its specific gravity as 0.0006 and mass as 10 kg?[16.67 m3]1.17 Determine the pressure of compressed air in an air vessel, if the manometer mounted on it shows apressure of 3 m of mercury. Assume density of mercury to be 13.6 103 kg/m3 and atmosphericpressure as 101 kPa. [501.25 kPa]1.18 Calculate the kinetic energy of a satellite revolving around the earth with a speed of 1 km/s. Assumeacceleration due to gravity as 9.91 m/s2 and gravitational force of 5 kN. [254.8 MJ]1.19 If the gauge pressure of oil in a tube is 6.275 kPa and oils specific gravity is 0.8, then determine depthof oil inside tube. [80 cm]1.20 Determine the work required for displacing a block by 50 m and a force of 5 kN. [250 kJ]1.21 Determine the barometer reading in millimetres of Hg if the vacuum measured on a condenser is 74.5cm of Hg and absolute pressure is 2.262 kPa. [760 mm]1.22 Determine the absolute pressures for the following;(i) Gauge pressure of 1.4 MPa(ii) Vacuum pressure of 94.7 kPaTake barometric pressure as 77.2 cm of Hg and density of mercury as 13.6 103 kg/m3.[1.5 MPa, 8.3 kPa]1.23 Determine the pressure acting upon surface of a vessel at 200 m deep from surface of sea. Takebarometric pressure as 101 kPa and specific gravity of sea water as 1.025. [2.11 MPa]1.24 A vacuum gauge gives pressure in a vessel as 0.1 bar, vacuum. Find absolute pressure within vesselin bars. Take atmospheric pressure as 76 cm of mercury column, g = 9.8 m/s2, density of mercury= 13.6 g/cm3. [0.91 bar]1.25 Determine the work done upon a spring having spring constant of 50 kN/m. Spring is stretched to 0.1m from its unstretched length of 0.05 m. [0.0625 kJ]1.26 Determine the mass of oxygen contained in a tank of 0.042 m3 at 298 K and 1.5 107 Pa considering itas perfect gas. Also determine the mass using compressibility charts. [8.25, 8.84]1.27 What will be specific volume of water vapour at 1 MPa and 523 K, if it behaves as ideal gas? Alsodetermine the same considering generalized compressibility chart. [0.241 m3/kg, 0.234 m3/kg]1.28 Calculate the pressure of CO2 gas at 27C and 0.004 m3/kg treating it as ideal gas. Also determine thepressure using Van der Waals equation of state. [14.17 MPa, 6.9 MPa]1.29 Determine molecular weight and gas constant for a mixture of gases having 65% N2, 35% CO2 by mole.[33.6 kg/k mol. 0.247 kJ/kg . K]1.30 Considering air as a mixture of 78% N2, 22% O2 by volume determine gas constant, molecular weight,Cp and Cv for air at 25C. [0.2879 kJ/kg . K, 28.88 kg/K mol, 1.0106 kJ/kg . K, 0.722 kJ/kg . K]1.31 What minimum volume of tank shall be required to store 8 kmol and 4 kmol of O2 and CO2 respectivelyat 0.2 MPa, 27C ? [149.7 m3]1.32 Two tanks A and B containing O2 and CO2 have volumes of 2 m3 and 4 m3 respectively. Tank A is at 0.6MPa, 37C and tank B is at 0.1 MPa and 17C. Two tanks are connected through some pipe so as toallow for adiabatic mixing of two gases. Determine final pressure and temperature of mixture.[0.266 MPa, 30.6C]1.33 Determine the molecular weight and gas constant for some gas having CP = 1.968 kJ/kg . K, Cv = 1.507kJ/kg . K. [18.04 kg/kmol, 0.461 kJ/kg . K] 55. 40 _________________________________________________________ Applied Thermodynamics2 56. 2.1 INTRODUCTIONThermodynamics is the branch of science which deals with the energy interactions. In order to findwhether energy interactions are taking place or not some measurable mathematical parameters areneeded. These parameters are called thermodynamic properties. Out of number of thermodynamicproperties discussed earlier the temperature is one property.One is well familiar with the qualitative statement of the state of a system such as cold, hot, toocold, too hot etc. based on the day to day experience. The degree of hotness or coldness is relative to thestate of observer. For example, let us take an iron bar. Obviously the bar shall have intial temperatureequal to the room temperature. Now let us heat this metal bar. Observations at the molecular level showthat upon heating the molecular activity inside the bar gets increased. This may be attributed to the moreagitated state of molecules as energy is given to them in the form of heating of the bar. From thephysiological sensations it can be felt that this has resulted in increase in the degree of hotness of the bar.This qualitative indication of the relative hotness can be exactly defined by using thermodynamic propertyknown as temperature. If this hot bar is brought in contact with another bar at room temperature onecan feel that after some time the two bars which were initially at high and low temperatures attain thesame temperature which is lying between the two temperatures. It is indicative of the fact that there hasbeen exchange of some entity between two bars resulting in the attainment of final equilibrium temperature.This state of attainment of common equilibrium temperature is also termed as the state of thermalequilibrium. Thus, the temperature becomes a potential indicator of the energy interactions in the systems.A look at the history shows that for quantitative estimation of temperature a German instrumentmaker Mr. Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit (1686-1736) came up with idea of instrument like thermometer anddeveloped mercury in glass thermometer. Here he observed that height of mercury column used tochange as the bulb of thermometer was brought in the environments having different degrees of hotness.In the year 1742, a Swedish astronomer Mr. Anders Celsius described a scale for temperaturemeasurement. This scale later on became very popular and is known as Centigrade Scale. For caliberationof these measuring instruments some reference states of different substances were used initially and therelative state of temperature of the substance could be quantified. Later on with the passage of timethings were standardised and internationally acceptable temperature scales and instruments were developed.2.2 PRINCIPLE OF TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT AND ZEROTH LAW OFTHERMODYNAMICSAfter the identification of Temperature as a thermodynamic property for quantification of the energyinteractions the big question was its estimation. Based on the relative degree of coldness/hotness conceptit was concluded that the absolute value of temperature is difficult to be described. Hence it was mooted 57. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics ___________________________________________________ 41to make temperature estimations in reference to certain widely acceptable known thermal states of thesubstances. Temperature is thus the intensive parameter and requires reference states. These acceptableknown thermal states are such as the boiling point of water commonly called steam point, freezing pointof water commonly called ice point etc. These easily reproducible and universally acceptable states ofthe substance are known as reference states and the temperature values assigned to them are calledreference temperatures. Since these reference points and reference temperatures maintain their constantvalue, therefore these are also called fixed points and fixed temperatures respectively. A
