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Appointed Times - Defined as Gods Holy Feast Days Starting From Genesis

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  • 7/30/2019 Appointed Times - Defined as Gods Holy Feast Days Starting From Genesis


    Wielding the Sword of the Spirit

    "And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword ofthe Spirit, which is the word of God ..." Ephesians 6:17.

    What is Gods Assembly and

    Appointed Times in Scripture?What does "Adat Moadim" mean?

    "Ed" Hebrew word pronounced "eyd." It means "witness."

    "Edah" Hebrew word for "Assembly." This word is pronounced"Eydah." A feminine word. It is the Hebrew word that getsmistranslated as "church" in what Christians call the "NewTestament." It is one of the most occurring words in the Torah. Itis used in the Torah of Moshe (Law of Moses) as a title for

    Yisrael. The children of Yisrael are called throughout the wholeTorah. (For example, see Exodus/Shemot 12:3 "Speak to the

    Assembly/Church of Yisrael.") This is what the word meant toMessiah in the first century. It meant "Yisrael." "Church" thus is afalse word, a made up word. A word used by the ancient church

    fathers to argue that Yisrael is no longer the people of Elohim(the Greek word "ekklesia" means "elect/chosen people")and the new people of "God" is the "church" that "Jesus" made.The "Assembly" of Yisrael was not born on Pentecost, but withPesach (See Shemot-Exodus Chapter 12). Again, look in aconcordance,Yisrael is called "Edah" (Assembly) dozens oftimes in the Torah. This word has been corrupted by church men.

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    "Edat" or "Adat" Hebrew word pronounced "Eydat." This word isthe same word as "Edah" above. However, this is the feminine

    singular construct form. The Hebrew Language does not have aword for "of." In Hebrew, this is expressed in the constructrelationship, and "Edah" is a feminine word. Therefore,"Adat/Edat" means "Assembly of"

    "Moed" This is a singular word, it means "appointedassembly." This word is a noun, derived from the word "Edah."

    "Edah" in Hebrew spelled ayin, dalet, heh. "Moed" spelled mem,ayin, dalet. The ayin and dalet are the root word. Moed thus atime in which the assembly must meet. This term used first in theTaNaCK in, Bereishis,Genesis 1:14. Elohim put the sun, moon,and stars in the sky to tell all humanity when His "moadim"occur, ("Moadim" is the plural of"Moed", see below). The word"moadim" used throughout the Torah/Law (for great examples,seeVayikra, Leviticus chapter 23) as the word for the

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    "appointed times" of Yisrael. They are Yisrael's moeds so tospeak. In other words, the Biblical truth behind this, the true

    "Assembly" of Yisrael, meet on the moed of Elohim discussed inVayikra- Leviticus 23. Thus, as stated above, when the"Edah" meets on a "Moed" she is a "witness" ("ed") to theworld of Elohim's order and plan for man, these Moadim,represent significant events passed and future, whether itis seventh day 1. Sabbath Shabbaton, 2.Pesach, 14th of

    Aviv Passover, 3.Chag Matzo, Unleavened Bread, 4.WaveSheaf, First Fruits, 5.Chag Yom Shavuot, count sevenShabbats from the day of the wave sheaf and the morrowof the Shabbat is Yom Shavuot, count 50 days 6.YomTeruah, Trumpets, 7.Yom Kippurim a Sabbath Shabbaton,8. Chag Sukkot, Seven Days and the Eighth Day a MiqraQodesh, and Rosh Qodesh, Renewed moon, BamibarNumbers10: 10 and 28:11.

    "Moadim" The Plural of"moed" above. This Hebrew wordmeans "appointed time."

    Therefore, "ADAT MOADIM" means "Assembly/Witness,Adat of the Moadim."

    First and for most, the Bible is the absolute foundation fordetermining the design and purpose of the Calendar. The

    Bible is clear on the principles of

    the Calendar. The Bible is clear on how to determine thedetails of the Calendar. These details of the Calendar arealso supported by examining the thousands within theBible including our Savior Yeshua, who had to follow theoriginal calendar that he used to create this earth alongthe side of his Father.

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    It is well known that we are living by a Gregorian calendar andthat it has a history from which it came from. Once that is

    analyzed, do you think that God the Father and his Son Yeshuawould want us to follow anything that was passed down fromRome or from Pagan descent? No! We know our creator is

    Yeshua and he above all would have used the correct calendarbecause he used it and established it at creation. Looking in tohistory we learn this:

    The Gregorian calendar, also known as the Western calendaror Christian calendar, is the internationally accepted civilcalendar. It was introduced byPope Gregory XIII, afterwhom the calendar was named, by a decree signed on 24February 1582, a papal bull known by its opening words Intergravissimas.[4] The reformed calendar was adopted later that yearby a handful of countries, with other countries adopting it over

    the following centuries. The motivation for the Gregorianreform was that theJulian calendar assumes that the timebetween vernal equinoxes is 365.25 days, when in fact it ispresently almost exactly 11 minutes shorter. The error betweenthese values accumulated at the rate of about three days everyfour centuries, resulting in the equinox occurring on March 11 (anaccumulated error of about 10 days) and moving steadily earlierin the Julian calendar at the time of the Gregorian reform. Since

    the spring equinox was tied to the celebration of Easter, theRoman Catholic Church considered that this steadymovement in the date of the equinox was undesirable.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregorian_calendar

    You can see that we got the calender from a Roman Popeand he got it from Julias Caesar, a man who consideredhimself a God! We were warned that a change would

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    happen like this in Daniel 7:25:He shallspeakpompouswords against the Most High, Shall persecute the

    saints of the Most High,And shall intend to change timesand law. Then the saintsshall be given into his hand for a timeand times and half a time. So with that said, look at scriptureand think about the words change time and law. Well, theyaccomplished it because time means days and law means thecommandments. They broke the Law and Time by changing theorder of the calendar from its original format given at creationand to Moses on Mount Sinai!

    Now that we know how we got the calendar, lets see why webelieve in our Seventh-day Sabbath to be Saturday and what dothe days of the week mean

    The names of the days of theweekfrom theRoman

    periodhave been both named after theseven planetsofclassical astronomy and numbered, beginningwithSunday. In Slavic languages, a numbering system wasadopted, but beginning with Monday. There was an even oldertradition of names in Ancient Indian Astrology which couldarguably be the origin of all these naming systems. All of thesesystems have been adopted in many languages, with someexceptions resulting from a number of religious and secular

    considerations. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Days_of_the_week

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    Weekdays named after planets


    Further information: Seven-day week and Planetary hours

    Weekday heptagram

    The order of the week days can be derived "geometrically" froman acute heptagram, the {7/3} star polygon (as 24 mod 7 = 3).The luminaries are arranged in the same Ptolemaic/Stoic orderaround the points of the heptagram. Tracing the unicursal linefrom one planet to the next gives the order of the weekdays.This weekday heptagram is a development of Hellenisticastrology, and probably dates to the Roman era.[1]Between the1st and 3rd centuries the Roman Empire gradually replaced theeight day Roman nundinal cycle with the seven-day week. Theastrological order of the days was explained by Vettius

    Valens and Dio Cassius (and Chaucer gave the same explanationin his Treatise on the Astrolabe). According to these authors, itwas a principle of astrology that the heavenly bodies presided, insuccession, over the hours of the day. The Ptolemaicsystem asserts that the order of the heavenly bodies, from thefarthest to the closest to the Earth,is: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus,Mercury, Moon. (This orderwas first established by the Greek Stoics.) In astrological theory,

    not only the days of the week, but the hours of the day aredominated by the seven luminaries. If the first hour of a day isdominated by Saturn (), then the second hour is dominated byJupiter (), the third by Mars (), and so on with the Sun (), Venus(), Mercury (), and the moon (), so that the sequence of planetsrepeats every seven hours. Therefore, the twenty-fifth hour,which is the first hour of the following day, is dominated by theSun; the forty-ninth hour, which is the first hour of the next day,

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    by the Moon. Thus, if a day is labeled by the planet whichdominates its first hour, then Saturn's day is followed by the

    Sun's day, which is followed by the Moon's day, and so forth...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Days_of_the_week

    Arent we worshiping on a day that was based onsomething that came from the Heavens? Yes! We are touse only what the Lord instructed us to use as a sign for

    us to know days, seasons and years. Genesis1:14 Then God said, "Let lights appear in the skyto separate the day from the night. Let them be signs tomark the seasons, days, and years. Then Psalms 104:19says: He created the moon for moadim: the sun knowsits going down.

    The Hebrew word "moade or moadim", it means "an

    appointed time,a festival."

    Therefore, we can say God appointed the moon todetermine the appointed times and festivals. In theancient times the prophets and the apostles looked to themoon to determine the time of the month. Theyunderstood that the new moon marks the beginning of amonth, and a full moon the middle of a month. This wasthe ancient and God inspired method of counting months.

    And what do we use? What Rome has given us: Acalender that makes us worship Saturn on Saturday!Saturn is also the 6th planet from the Sun. There is muchmore I would like to show you, but we need to realizethat these "moadim-appointed times" were set in theearth prior to the creation of any living being. God hadalready created a timetable for His children to meet with

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    Him. God does not make mistakes, nor does He changeHis mind. It says in Hosea 4: 6 My people perish from a

    lack of knowledge.

    God provided at Creation a built-in, ever present, always accurate

    clock/calendar to measure time and clearly designate the work

    days from the worship days. In order to worship God on the day

    He appointed, people must be able to understand how Gods

    clock/calendar works to know which day is number one,

    the starting point for counting the six days to work, with worshipon the seventh. The calendar God established at Creation was

    kept by the Jews until well into the 4th century A.D. Many

    say that the Jews have never lost track of the true Sabbath. That

    is false! The Jews themselves did away with their God-ordained

    calendar. After the destruction of Jerusalem and the dispersion of

    the Jewish people from their homeland, it became increasingly

    difficult, with the addition of their rabbinical regulations, tocalculate a calendar tied to the barley harvest. Under

    intense persecution in the fourth century, the Jews themselves

    abandoned their barley-harvest regulation at which time a fixed,

    counterfeit 19-year cycle tied to the vernal equinox was

    established. The calendar they used before the counterfeit

    one was a luni-solar calendar with months lasting either 29 or 30

    days. Each new month started with the first appearance of thecrescent moon. The years did not have a continuous cycle

    of weeks but instead the weekly cycle started over with each new

    moon. New Moon day was a worship day followed by six working

    days, with the seventh-day Sabbath on the eighth of

    the month. And then three more weeks completed the month.

    Most people find this concept so different. At the very least, it

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    is tempting to denounce it as wrong simply because it is so

    foreign to everything that as Seventh-day Adventists have ever

    heard, believed, or preached. We have come out of the church,

    so we know that there are many things that we didnt learn from

    our once faithful church. However, there is scriptural,

    historical, astronomical and prophetic proof that this description

    of the original calendar is true.

    In Exodus we see a perfect example of how our Lord explained to

    Moses the time and year that he must follow:

    Exodus 12:1-2 The Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron in the landof Egypt: This month will be the beginning of months, the firstmonth of the year for you.

    We know because of the Feasts what the months of the year areand dates so, it should be easy to fill in the rest of the datesaccording to the Bible. So the first month of the year is

    Abib/Nisan: Exodus 13:4 Today, in the month of Abib, you areleaving Egypt.

    So we will follow along in the Bible with this calendar according tothe format that God created with 7 days in a week, a new moonday being the 1st day of the month, then our counting begins afterthe new moon day which starts the count of day 2 as the 1st dayof the week and then finding the true Sabbath being on the 7thday. In the Manna story you will see that they spent 40 years inthe desert so they had to spend Sabbaths and festivities as well.

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    The 2nd month: The Manna

    And they took their journey from Elim, and all the congregationof the children of Israel came unto the wilderness of Sin, which isbetween Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the second monthafter their departing out of the land of Egypt. Exodus 16:1 Thetext simply says they came to the wilderness of Sin on the 15thday of the 2nd month. The passage later says in verse 4-5 Thenthe Lord said to Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven foryou. And the people shall go out and gather a certain quota everyday, that I may test them, whether they will walk in My law ornot. And it shall be on the sixth day that they shall prepare whatthey bring in, and it shall be twice as much as they gather daily.

    Did God give manna on the 15th of the 2nd month? Yes, becausehe said in Exodus 16:29 See! For the Lord has given you theSabbath; therefore He gives you on the sixth day bread fortwo days. Let every man remain in his place; let no mango out of his place on the seventh day.So the peoplerested on the seventh day. If that is so then on the 22nd was aSabbath, which makes the 8th, 15th and 29th Sabbaths as well.

    Manna fell at night

    Here is a point to be noted regarding the timing of the giving of

    the manna. God commenced the giving of the manna on the 16thday of the month. This was the 1st day of the week.

    The manna came down on the camp with the dew during thenight. Numbers 11:9

    God first sent manna on the 16th, at night meaning, the Sabbathof the 15th ends at the dawn or sunrise of the next day.

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    When exactly did the quails come?

    Before God gave them the first manna on the 16th, just beforemorning or on the night of the 15th, the Bible is clear God sentthem quails the evening before the first manna arrived.

    I have heard the Israelites complaints. Now tell them, In theevening you will have meat to eat, and in the morning youwill have all the bread you want. Then you will know that I amthe Lord your God. So it was that quails came up at evening

    and covered the camp, and in the morning the dew lay allaround the camp.Exodus 16:12-13

    So what does evening mean? The period from sunset to bedtime.http://www.definitions.net/definition/evening

    This means that God sent quail on the 15th at bedtime of theSabbath and then they would eat manna in the morning of the



    the 1


    day of the week. So how do we know that theSabbaths fell every seventh-day on the same specific times? TheBible is very clear.

    Aaron and his sons were sanctified for seven days (Leviticus8:33) which began on a New Moon (Exodus 40:2) -- and onthe 8th day was an assembly (Moed) of the congregation. Thepoint we should notice is that during these seven days they werenot to go out the door of the tabernacle for seven days, day andnight (Leviticus 8:34-35)

    Then we have a perfect example in Numbers 29:12 "Gather inholy worship on the fifteenth day of the seventh month;do no regular work. Celebrate a Festival to God for sevendays. And verse 35 "On the eighth day: Gather in holyworship; do no regular work.

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    No calendar Sabbath would disrupt these seven days of worshipbecause it was from the New Moon till the 7th day of the moon --

    and after the six workdays they assembled the congregationagain. Why did they assemble the congregation? To observe the7th day Sabbath this fell on the 8th day of the moon, then 15th,22 and 29th!

    You can see with this chart that it can be proved that theycelebrated the Sabbaths all three months and after that they keptSabbaths for 40 years. Moses kept record keep of all the things

    that happen and it wasnt just feasts that happen.

    This is also very interesting as well:

    In Leviticus 23:15-16, we find the specific instructions for howPentecost (also called the Feast of Weeks) is to becalculated. "And ye shall count unto you from the morrowafter the Sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf

    of the wave offering; seven Sabbaths shall becomplete: Even unto the morrow after the seventhSabbath shall ye number fifty days..."

    What is does morrow mean? the next day, the period following aspecified event, the morning..http://www.thefreedictionary.com/morrow

    Pentecost is to be calculated as being BOTH 7 Sabbaths AND 50

    days. Now, if the Luni-solar is Scriptural, that the last Sabbath ofthe lunar cycle can be a part of a 9-day week, it should bepossible to calculate only 7 Sabbaths for Pentecost and still haveit come out to 50 days. Remember, Pentecost is in the thirdBiblical month, and is exactly seven Sabbaths and fiftydays from First Fruits, falls during the Week ofUnleavened Bread. Additionally, the Bible indicates that

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    Pentecost is always the "morrow after the seventhSabbath" (Leviticus 23:16)

    Here is the proof: The only way to get seven Sabbaths and only50 days in the count to Pentecost is to never break the cycle ofconsistently counting the Sabbath as the Seventh-day. There cannever be a break in the seven-day week count and still get only50 days.

    First calendar week = seven days - total days = 7 - SABBATH 1

    Second calendar week = seven days - total days = 14- SABBATH 2 Third calendar week = seven days - total days = 21- SABBATH 3 Fourth calendar week = seven days - total days = 28- SABBATH 4 Fifth calendar week = seven days - total days = 35- SABBATH 5 Sixth calendar week = seven days - total days = 42- SABBATH 6 Seventh calendar week = seven days - total days = 49- SABBATH 7 Day after the seventh Sabbath - total days = 50- THAT'S 50 DAYS

    TO PENTECOST - Exactly as it says in Leviticus 23:15-16!

    Here is the Biblical calendar; every month began with a worshipday: New Moon day, the 1st of the new month. The next day,the 2nd of the month, was the first of the six work days. Then,the seventh-day Sabbath always fell on the 8th, the 15th, the22nd and the 29th of the month. Each month look like this:

    Did Jesus keep the Luni-solar Calender?

    John 12:1-2 Six days before Passover, Jesus entered

    Bethany where Lazarus, so recently raised from the dead, wasliving.2 Lazarus and his sisters invited Jesus to dinner at theirhome. Martha served. Lazarus was one of those sitting at thetable with them.

    Matthew 26:1,2 When Jesus finished saying these things, hetold his disciples, "You know that Passover comes in two

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    days. That's when the Son of Man will be betrayed and handedover for crucifixion.

    This makes Yeshua saying this on the 12th of Abib since it is 2days before the Passover. Then he would have been keepingthe Sabbath because in John 12:1-2 he states that 6 daysbefore Passover he went to eat at Lazarus home. This placeshim on the 8th on the Seventh-day Sabbath of Abib but thekey point is that Sabbath had ended because they werehaving dinner.

    John 13:1 says: Before the Passover celebration, Jesusknew that his hour had come to leave this world and return to hisFather. He had loved his disciples during his ministry on earth,and now he loved them to the very end. It was time forsupper, and the devil had already prompted Judas, son of Simon

    Iscariot, to betray Jesus. This makes the day the 13


    at evening(night) eating supper before the Passover. They also ate theUnleavened Bread. Jesus knew he was dying soon so hecelebrated it early.

    Why, people will ask? Yeshua says Mathew 12:8

    The Son of Man has authority over the day of worship. (GWT)

    For the Son of man is Lord even of the Sabbath day (KJV)

    For the Son of Mant is Lord, even over the Sabbath! (NLT)

    Matthew 28:18 Then Jesus came to them and said,All powerin heaven and on earth is given to me.

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    Healing of the Blind Man

    The last day of the Feast of Tabernacles is fixed to the 21st day ofthe Seventh month ofTishrei (Leviticus 23:34, 36, 39-41;Numbers 29:12; Deuteronomy 16:13-15; Nehemiah 8:13-18; Ezekiel 45:21-25).

    Christ attended the Feast of Tabernacles (John 7:10).

    On the last day of the Feast, the 21st of the seventh month, Christstood and spoke (John 7:37).

    Christ spent that night on the Mount of Olives (John 8:1).

    The next morning, the 22nd of the Seventh Month, Christ returnedto the temple because it was the seventh-day Sabbath (John8:2).

    At the temple, Christ healed a blind man (John 9:6).

    The healing of the blind man caused great anger among thePriests, for it was the seventh-day Sabbath (John 9:14).

    This places the weekly seventh-day Sabbaths in Christs day, onthe 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the month yet again.


    The time-centric rite of circumcision was divinely designed formales, whether babies or adults and was to be performed on the

    eighth day. From the time of Abraham to the crucifixion,circumcision was designed to be a covenant betweenIsrael and Yahuwah. It represented their allegiance tothe God of Abraham by faith. Unlike the New Testamentbaptism, it did not require a conscious decision to participate inthe covenant agreement.

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    Therefore male infants were circumcised according to the eighthday rule. For all men who converted to Judaism the eighth day

    rule also applied. Scripture does not clarify what the starting pointis for the eight day count. It has always been assumed thatinfants were circumcised on the eighth day afterbirth. This may still be the case, although it is not stated assuch. However, when a Gentile man converted to Judaism, whatwas the starting point for the eight day count? Since an eightday count from birth is clearly not an option, would there be anymerit in counting from the first day of the lunar month otherwiseknown as the New Moon day? In this way there would becircumcisions performed by the priests in the temple on the

    eighth day of each lunar month, which is consistently aseventh-day Sabbath. It is in the verse below where Christ

    Yahushua is responding to the priests, who are angry because Hehad just healed a man on the seventh-day Sabbath, the day afterthe last day 8 of the Feast of Tabernacles. Refer to the storyabove regarding the healing of the blind man.

    Moses therefore gave you circumcision (not that it is from Moses,but from the fathers), and you circumcise a man on the Sabbath.If a man receives circumcision on the Sabbath, so that the law ofMoses should not be broken, are you angry with Me because Imade a man completely well on the Sabbath? John 7:21-24NKJV

    It is these words of the Savior that declare circumcision was to beperformed on adult men, on the seventh-day Sabbath, the eighthday of the lunar month, so the law of Moses would not bebroken. In addition, He also highlighted for all time that theFeast of Tabernacles always commences on the seventh-day Sabbath, the 15th of the luni-solar month, and thatthis Feast is directly followed by the seventh-day Sabbathon the 22nd, which is referred to as the eighth-day

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    simply because it follows the seven-day Feast ofTabernacles.

    Time of the Crucifixion

    Christ crucifixion occurred on Passover, the sixth day of the week,the 14th lunar calendar date of Abib, as counted from the firstsighting of the crescent New Moon. It was followed by His

    resting in the tomb on the 15th lunar calendar date, the first dayof the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which was also a HighSabbath. (A High Sabbath occurs when a Feast daySabbath falls on the seventh-day Sabbath. This occurstwo times every year.) By implication it has beendemonstrated previously that each and every year Passovercommenced on the 6th day of the week, also known as thepreparation day. It was always followed by the seventh-

    day Sabbath the next morning, which was always the 15thof the lunar month, counting from the New Moon. There isnot one piece of evidence that Passover ever occurred onany week-day other than the 6th day of the week which isfixed to the 14th calendar date of the lunar month. This issimply not possible when using the Roman Gregoriancalendar. Mark 15:42; John 19:31; Leviticus 23:6, 7, 11,15; John 19:42.

    The day Christ Yahushua lay in the tomb was the 15th of Abib, aseventh-day Sabbath. Therefore the last month before His deathand the first month after His resurrection the seventh-daySabbaths occurred on the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th of the lunarmonth.

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    Ellen G. White made many comments on things that wouldhappen in the end, just close to the time when the Lord would


    Many have, as had Moses, very much to unlearn in order to learnthe very lessons that they need to learn. Moses had need to beself-trained by severest mental and moral discipline, and Godwrought with him before he could be fitted to train others in mind

    and heart. He had been instructed in the Egyptian courts. Nothingwas left as unnecessary to train him to become a general ofarmies. The false theories of the idolatrous Egyptians had beeninstilled into his mind, and the influences surrounding him, andthe things his eyes looked upon, could not be easily shaken off orcorrected. Thus it is with many who have had a false training inany line. All the idolatrous rubbish of heathen lore must beremovedbit by bit, item by itemfrom Moses mind. Jethro

    helped him in many things to a correct faith, as far as he himselfunderstood. He was working upward toward the light where hecould see God in singleness of heart. God Jehovah was revealedto him. This thorough intellectual training in Egypt, and as ashepherd among the mountains, in the pure air, made him astrong thinker and a strong doer of the Word of God. Manuscript 45, 1890 (Manuscript Releases, Vol. 2, pp. 324-326).Christ Triumphant, p. 99.

    In the same way, us as former members of the Seventh-dayAdventist Church, we are to unlearn everything that we weretaught and let Yeshua teach us through his Word. That is whywhen a new light comes from Heaven we see it as something thatcould not have been hidden. Especially, when it talks about the

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    Sabbath. On the other hand, God wanted his people to forget hisSabbaths, New Moons and Feastsyou are probably wondering


    Hosea 2:1, 15-17 I will put an end to all her celebrations: herannual festivals, her New Moon Festivals, her weekly worshipdaysall her appointed festivals. I will put an end to her annualfestivals, her new moon celebrations, and her Sabbath days allher appointed festivals.

    But then I will win her back once again. I will lead her into thedesert and speak tenderly to her there. (15) I will return hervineyards to her and transform the Valley of Troublet into agateway of hope. She will give herself to me there, as she didlong ago when she was young, when I freed her from hercaptivity in Egypt. When that day comes, says the Lord, you willcall me my husband instead of my master. O Israel, I will wipethe many names of Baal from your lips, and you will never

    mention them again.

    God is talking about his Bride The true Church. He wants tomake us realize that we were wrong in worshiping the false daythat he never gave us to worship. The story is repeating itselfagain when Israel was led out of Egypt.

    Christians should be preparing for what is soon to break uponthe world as anoverwhelming surprise,and thispreparation they should make by diligently studying theword of God, and striving to conform their lives to itsprecepts. . . .God calls for a revival and areformation. Prophets and Kings, p. 626

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    What could be a more overwhelming surprise to Saturday orSunday keepers than to discover that their holy day is after all notthe true seventh-day Sabbath? What could be a more

    overwhelming surprise than for the whole world to discover thatmany years they have all been wondering after the beast byfollowing, through choice and action

    (as a mark in the forehead and in the hand), the Papal counterfeit

    calendar? The question remains, what could be a moreoverwhelming surprise?

    Ezekiel 22:26 Her priests have violated My law and profanedMy holy things; they have not distinguished between the holy andunholy, nor have they made known the differencebetween theunclean and the clean; and they have hidden their eyes fromMy Sabbaths, so that I am profaned among them.

    Malachi 4:4-5 Remember the Law of Moses, Myservant, which I commanded him in Horeb for allIsrael, with thestatutes and judgments. Behold, I will sendyou Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and

    dreadful day of the Lord.

    I saw that God had children, who do not see and keep theSabbath. They had not rejected the light on it. And at thecommencement of the time of trouble, we were filledwith the Holy Ghost as we went forth [Hosea. 6:2, 3.] and

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    proclaimed the Sabbath more fully. This enraged the church,and nominal Adventists, as they could not refute the Sabbath

    truth. And at this time, God's chosen, all saw clearly that we hadthe truth, and they came out and endured the persecution withus. Word to the Little Flock, p. 18.

    There is no excuse for anyone in taking the position that there isno more truth to be revealed, and that all our expositions ofScripture are without an error. The fact that certain doctrineshave been held as truth for many years by our people is not a

    proof that our ideas are infallible. Age will not make error intotruth, and truth can afford to be fair. No true doctrine will loseanything by close investigation. Councils to Writers and Editors, p.35.

    It is to the thirsting soul that the fountain of living waters is open.God declares: I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, andfloods upon the dry ground. To souls that are earnestly seeking

    for light and that accept with gladness every ray of divineillumination from His holy word, to such alone light will be given.It is through these souls that God will reveal that light and powerwhich will lighten the whole earth with His glory. Testimonies,

    Vol. 5, p. 729.

    Ellen White defines the qualifications that the Spirit of Yahushuawill use at the very end: The laborers will be qualified rather by

    the unction of His Spirit than by the training of literaryinstitutions. Men of faith and prayer will be constrained to goforth with holy zeal, declaring the words which God gives them.Great Controversy, p. 606.

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    In the time of the end every divine institution is to berestored.

    Prophets and Kings, p. 678.

    Again and again I have been shown that the people ofGod in these last days could not be safe in trusting inmen, and making flesh their arm. The mighty cleaver of truth hastaken them out of the world as rough stones that are to behewed and squared and polished for the heavenly building. They

    must be hewed by the prophets with reproof, warning,admonition, and advice, that they may be fashioned after thedivine Pattern; this specified work of the Comforter to transformheart and character, that men may keep the way of the Lord.Home Missionary, Nov. 1, 1893 Ellen White.

    Let any man or woman who determines that the above proofshown here is false; demonstrate from Scripture alone that thepoints listed above are in error. Let us all be faithful to search theScriptures to see if these things are wrong.

    It is the first and highest duty of every rational being to learnfrom the Scriptures what is truth, and then to walk in the light

    and encourage others to follow his example. We should day byday study the Bible diligently, weighing every thought andcomparing scripture with scripture. With divine help we are toform our opinions for ourselves as we are to answer for ourselvesbefore God. Great Controversy, Chapter 37 p. 599.

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    Daniel 12:4 But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal thebook until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and

    knowledge shall increase.

    The whole conflict is over worship. This is a subject thatconcerns everyone living on the face of the planet; because theCreator has the right to decide when He shall be worshiped, theday on which you choose to worship is a sign of loyalty to yourGod. Your day of worship reveals whether you are worshipingGod the Creator or that power which was revealed in Daniel 7:25

    as wanting to set himself up in opposition to God by thinking tochange the calendar and the ordinance (Daniel 7:25)

    Study these issues out for yourself so that you may know what istruth. God is again restoring to His people the truth about howHis Sabbaths are to be calculated. Let us fear God and giveglory to Him for the hour of His judgment is come and worshipHim that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains

    of waters (Revelation 14:7.)

    Now, the Biblical calculation of time is when the day begins. Eversince it has been assumed that the Sabbath began onFriday. Initially, for a number of years, Adventists keptthe Sabbath from 6 p.m. Friday evening until 6 p.m. Saturdaynight. Later, a text was found that led them to believe theSabbath should start instead at even.This was startling to

    Ellen White: 1T - Testimonies For The Church Volume One(1855-1868) / Chap. 16 -Time to Begin the Sabbath I saw that itis even so: "From even unto even, shall ye celebrate yourSabbath." Said the angel:"Take the word of God, read it,understand, and ye cannot err. Read carefully, and ye shall therefind what even is, and when it is. I asked the angel if the frown ofGod had been upon His people for commencing the Sabbath asthey had. I was directed back to thefirst rise of the

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    Sabbath, and followed the people of God up to this time, but didnot see that the Lord was displeased, or frowned upon them. I

    inquired why it had been thus, that at this late day we mustchange the time of commencing the Sabbath. Said theangel: "Ye shall understand, but not yet, not yet." Said the angel:"If light come, and that light is set aside or rejected, then comescondemnation and the frown of God; but before the light comes,there is no sin, for there is no light for them to reject." I saw thatit was in the minds of some that the Lord had shown that theSabbath commenced at six o'clock, when I had only seen thatit commenced at "even," and it was inferred that even was at six.I saw that the servants of God must draw together, presstogether. The text, from which they took the idea that theSabbath was to start at sunset, is found in Leviticus 23:32:

    . . from even unto even, shall ye celebrate your Sabbath.

    Rather than investigating further, as the angel instructed her,

    Seventh-day Adventists have always just assumed that textapplied to the seventh-day Sabbath. Again, the angel instructedEllen White: Take the word of God, read it, understand, and yecannot err. Read carefully, and ye shall there find what even is,and when it is. Had they been correct in believing that theSabbath began at even, the angel would certainly haveconfirmed that. He did not. Instead, he redirected them to theWord of God, because a careful study of the Word will reveal that

    what even is, and when it is, is not what has been assumed. InEnglish, the word even is synonymous with

    evening/twighlight. The same does not hold true in theHebrew. To the Jews, even was anytime from noon untilsunset, just as morning was anytime from dawn untilnoon. This is why Jesus, as the anti-typical lamb coulddie at the oclock in the afternoon and it still be the timeof the evening sacrifice. In Leviticus 23:32, the main proof

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    text for sunset to sunset Sabbath keeping, is read in context, astartling contradiction comes to light. In this passage, it is

    speaking of the manner in which the Day of Atonement is to bekept. The Jews always fasted on the Day of Atonement and theybased that practice on this text.

    Leviticus 23:32 The Message (MSG) 26-32 God said to Moses:"The tenth day of the seventh month is the Day of Atonement.Hold a sacred assembly, fast, and offer a Fire-Gift to God. Don'twork on that day because it is a day of atonement to make

    atonement for you before your God. Anyone who doesn't fast onthat day must be cut off from his people. I will destroy fromamong his people anyone who works on that day. Don't do anywork that daynone. This is a perpetual decree for all thegenerations to come, wherever you happen to be living. It is aSabbath of complete and total rest, a fast day. Observe yourSabbath from the evening of the ninth day of the month until thefollowing evening."

    Did you catch it? It is spelled out right there in the very lastsentence.In the ninth day of the month at even, fromeven unto even, shall ye celebrate your Sabbath. First ofall, in this context, it is speaking strictly of the Day of

    Atonement. This, obviously, cant be what was meant. The text

    needs to be interpreted in the way intended: the day begins inthe morning with the dawning of a new day.

    Important things to Remember

    Each day started at sunrise and continued until the next sunrise.

    Evening was from noon until sunset.

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    Sunset until sunrise was night and was counted as part of theprevious day.

    There were four watches during the night: sunset to 9:00;9:00 to midnight; midnight to 3:00; 3:00 to sunrise.

    Months started with the day following the observation of thecrescent moon in the western sky after sunset.

    Months, lunations had either 29 or 30 days.

    If no crescent was seen, the month automatically started on theday following the 30th

    The 30th was a work day, not a worship time.

    The beginning day of the month was a worship day andwas called New Moon.

    Six working days followed the New Moon day.

    The Sabbath always fell on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of eachmonth.

    The year had either 12 months (common) or 13 months(embolismic).

    The year had six 29 day months and six 30 day months 11 days

    short of the solar year.

    The year began with the one crescent moon after the springequinox which provided a Paschal

    full moon between the Julian/Gregorian dates of April 8 and May6.

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    Allowing the barley harvest to reconcile the lunar year to the solaryear, the years fell naturally into a 19-year cycle of common and

    embolismic years.

    There were never more than two common years in a row beforean embolismic year.

    There were never two embolismic years in a row.

    A cycle of 19 years gave a nearly perfect alignment with the solaryear.

    In the nineteen year cycle, there were seven embolismic years.

    The 19-year cycles can be calculated on a perpetual calendarboth forward and backward for thousands of years.

    When a doctrine is presented that does not meet our minds, weshould go to the word of God, seek the Lord in prayer,

    and give no place for the enemy to come in with suspicionand prejudice. We should never permit the spirit to bemanifested that arraigned the priests and rulers against theRedeemer of the world. They complained that He disturbed thepeople, and they wished He would let them alone; for He causedperplexity and dissension. The Lord sends light to us toprove what manner of spirit we are of. We are not to deceiveourselves. Gospel Workers pg 301 Ellen G. White

    Matthew 28:1 states: In the end of the Sabbath, as itbegan to dawn toward the first day of the week, cameMary Magdalene and the other Mary to see thesepulcher. The Sabbath ended and the new day, the firstday of the week, began at dawn. Seventh-day Adventists

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    have always believed that the reason the Jews were soanxious to get Jesus and the thieves off the cross was

    because Sabbath was coming at evening. But this isnot consistent with the Biblical account. If the Sabbathactually began at evening, rather than the morning, theywere already breaking it by waiting until evening to beginthe work of getting them down. Matthew 27:57-60 tellsus: When theeven was come,there came a rich man of

    Arimathaea, named Joseph, who also himself was Jesusdisciple: He went to Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus.Then Pilate commanded the body to be delivered. Andwhen Joseph had taken the body, he wrapped it in a cleanlinen cloth, and laid it in his own new tomb . . . . All ofthis takes time, especially when he first had to go toPilate to receive permission, then wait while Pilate sent amessenger to Golgotha to see if Jesus was really dead. Ifthe point was to keep the Sabbath, the Sabbath wasalready being broken by the fact that they did noteven begin until even was come.

    The account in Luke 23:52 gives even more detail of the lengthyprocess involved and reveals clearly just when the Sabbathbegan: "And, behold there was a man named Joseph, acounselor; and he was a good man, and a just . This man wentunto Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus. And he took it down,and wrapped it in linen, and laid it in a sepulcher that was hewn

    in stone, wherein never man before was laid. And that daywas the preparation, and the Sabbath drew on."

    The account in Matthew reveals that this process did not evenstart until even was come, while Lukes account clarifies thatthe hours in which this was accomplished fell on thepreparation still the sixth day of the week. The phrasetranslated drew on in this text, is the Greek word, e)

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    pifwvskw (epiphosko). The definition is startling:to begin togrow light: begin to dawn. Because they waited

    until evening to even begin the process of seeking permission totake the body, taking it down, cleaning and wrapping it, etc., ittook them the night hours to do their work. They did notfinish until the Sabbath began as it started to grow light.

    Did Ellen White believe the Sabbath was to be kept from sunsetFriday to sunset Saturday? Yes.

    Does that in any way affect her standing as a prophet of theLord? Absolutely not! Ellen White must not be held to an unfairstandard. Daniel has never been denounced as a false prophetsimply because he did not understand everything. Tocaution against extreme reactions when new light is broughtforth, Ellen White wrote: There is no excuse for anyone intaking the position that there is no more truth to berevealed, and that all our expositions of Scripture are

    without an error. The fact that certain doctrines havebeen held as truth for many years by our people is not aproof that our ideas are infallible. (CW 35.2)

    We have many lessons to learn, and many, many tounlearn. God and Heaven alone are infallible. Those whothink that they will never have to give up a cherishedview, never have occasion to change an opinion, will be

    disappointed. (R&H July 26, 1892)

    Think about this? If we have proof that our calendar today waschanged, then that means that there was an original calendarthat was being used. It is simple, wrong calendar= wrongSabbath! Brothers and Sister's in Christ, search and you will findout that there is proof that before our calendar today there was aLuni-solar calendar that was being used. God made the earth and

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    everything in it. He made the 10 commandments so obviously hehad to give us a way to serve him and how. Read the Bible and

    you will be amazed at how much lies this world has fed ourbrains. It is time that we worship Yeshua the Messiah and hisFather Yahuwah (God) on the day that he established sincecreation. I love all of you and I want to help, so if you have anyquestions please ask. Yeshua (Jesus) is coming and he wants usto worship him and his Father for all eternity, so investigate andyou will see for yourselves that we have been worshiping thefalse day of Yahuwah (God)! It is not Saturday or Sunday!

    This Friday is his Holy Seventh-day Sabbath! Pray and ask Yeshuato show you his truth and take a stand for truth! I will continue topray for all my friends and loved ones who seek to please theLord!

    Will you choose the day that our creator made for us or the onethat was man-made and handed down to us by the Beast


    YEHOVAH Gods TrueCalendar

    By Susan Nikirk

    The Hebrew lunar-solar calendar is the true calendar for allmankind. YEHOVAH God Himself established it, and gave it to thechildren of Israel when they came out of Egypt (Exodus 12:1).

    However, its principles go back to creation, when the sun andmoon were appointed by YEHOVAH God for signs, and forseasons, and for days, and years(Gen. 1:14). The word forseasons here is moadimand literally means an

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    appointment, a fixed time or season; a FESTIVAL, byimplication, an assembly (see Strongs Exhaustive

    Concordance, #4150). Thus YEHOVAH appointed theheavenly bodies to determine the appointed times ofHis weekly sabbaths, annual Holy Days and Festivals fromthe moment of Creation!

    All authorities agree that the basis in law for YEHOVAHs calendaris indeed found in Genesis 1:

    And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavento divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, andfor seasons, and for days, andyears.

    And God made TWO great lights; the greater light to rule theday, and the lesser light to rule the night; he made the starsalso (Genesis 1:14, 16).

    We can, at the very lest, realize that whatever these lights are,they are natural phenomena which clearly dictate the rules oforder for calculating time. And, notice this, it is not a singularsource of light (i.e. the sun) but ALL collectively, Let thembefor...

    Signs, Seasons, Days and Years

    It would be much simpler if the Bible contained a clearly laid-outformula for a Sabbath calendar. The Bible (in Genesis 1:14) onlytells us what source we are to use for calculations. But thereseems to be no explicit instructions on their practicalimplementation. Notes Jonathan Brown: Notching off sevensolar-day" periods which never correspond at the beginning orend with heavenly lights does not satisfy Genesis 1:14."

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    Those four words in Genesis 1:14 -- signs, seasons, daysandyears-- can be defined in the following way:

    1) Signsfairly defines the underlying Hebrew word implyingastronomical events such as eclipses, and other we observewith our eyes in the sun, moon and stars -- reminding us ofoaths YEHOVAH God has made to us (Jeremiah 32:35-36).

    2) The sun generally marks days.

    3) After 12 moon cycles have passed, the earth would have gonethrough nearly four seasons of weather changes constituting ayear, marked with the sun by four distinct earth tilts calledequinoxes and solstices. These are determined by the angle ofthe sun throughout which the sunlight hours grow longer to athreshold at which they then begin growing shorter again.

    4) Finally, the word seasonsappears at first glance to be thefour radical weather shifts each year -- winter, summer, springand fall or autumn. However, although the English word certainlyimplies such, the underlying Hebrew word mowadah(Strongs#4150), literally means an appointment, thatis, a fixed time...by implication, an assembly(as convenedfor a definite purpose); technically the congregation; byextension, theplace of meeting...etc.

    To use the English word seasons to translate a word that

    literally means an appointment is, at the very least, a grave error.Besides, we have just seen that the sun (equinoxes andsolstices) marks the four seasonal changes whichconstitute an actual year. To interpret the Hebrew wordmowadahto mean those seasons is duplicitous at best.

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    In the Book of Psalms we find the answer to the enigma of theapparent deliberate mistranslation. There the same word --

    mowadah-- is used specifically in relation to the moon:

    He appointed the MOON for SEASONS[mowadah]...(Psalms 104:19).

    According to Strongs Concordance, the English wordappointedin this passage actually means made (#6213). Inother words, YEHOVAH madethe moon for appointments!What

    are His appointments? Notice Leviticus 23:

    Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, Concerningthe FEASTS of the LORD, which ye shall proclaim to be holyconvocations, even these are my FEASTS. Six days shall work bedone: the seventh day is the sabbath of rest, an holyconvocation; ye shall do no work therein; it is the sabbath of theLORD in all your dwellings (Verses 2 and 3).

    The word feasts found in verse 2 above is, in fact, the wordmowadah-- the same as seasons in Genesis 1:14 andPsalm 104:19. Following the Sabbath mowadahin Leviticus23 is the list of what we commonly call feasts, includingPassover/Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, Trumpets, Day of

    Atonement and Tabernacles.ALL ARE MOWADAH.Themistake in translating mowadahstrictly as feasts becomesvery obvious when in verse 3the sole subject is theseventh-day Sabbath. Most people generally dont consider theSabbath as being a feastper se, but it leads the list of

    feasts in Leviticus 23.

    With this in mind -- the actual planetary moon being establishedfor mowadahorYEHOVAHs appointmentsas shown inPsalm 104 -- the passage in Leviticus confirms the fact that this

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    is the sole means by which the seventh day Sabbath wascalculated. The Sabbath is a mowadah-- the moon was made

    formowadah. Nothing in the Bible specifies this term for thesun.

    Another witness to this understanding is found in the Book ofEcclesiasticus:

    And then the moon, ever punctual to mark the times, aneverlasting sign: It is the moon that signals the feasts, a

    luminary that wanes after being full. The month derives its namefrom hers, she waxes wonderfully in her phases, banner of thehosts on high, shining in the vault of heaven (Ecclesiasticus43:6-8).

    This text was originally written in Hebrew in the time-frame of190-180 B.C. and translated into Greek in approximately 132 B.C.Notice in verse 7 the word feasts. Its underlying Greek

    word (heorte-- #1859) is the same as the one in theSeptuagint Version of Leviticus 23:2 -- in which verse 3includes the seventh-day Sabbath. Although Ecclesiasticus isconsidered apocryphal, it runs contrary to its contemporaries(Enoch and Jubilees) which insist that the sun is the only meansby which to calculate feasts and Sabbaths.

    The earliest manuscripts show that the moon was madefor appointments -- the first of which is the Sabbath. Atthe very lest, states Jonathan Brown, this shows that the lunarreckoning of sabbaths and holy days was commonly known bythe authors of the Bible.


    God was designing and creating His divine calendar on the fourthday of creation. The purpose was and is to teach us about His

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    plan of redemption through Yeshua the Messiah. "And God said,Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the

    day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons,and for days, and years". (Gen.1:14) Gods calendar is based onthe moon, lunar time. Today, we observe the Babyloniancalendar, which is based on the sun, solar time, but Godscalendar hasnt changed. God is the same yesterday, today, andforever. A key word that we must understand in Genesis 1:14 isseasons. This word has been translated and interpretedincorrectly for centuries. The root meaning of the wordseason is the Hebrew word "moade or moadim", it means"an appointed time, a festival." In the Hebrew Stones EditionTanach, (O.T.) Genesis 1:14 translates " and they shall serveas signs, and for festivals, and for days and years."Psalm 104:9"God appointed the moon for seasons"the word seasonsagain is "moadim" which is "appointed times, festivals."Therefore, we can say God appointed the moon todetermine the appointed times and festivals. In theancient times the prophets and the apostles looked to themoon to determine the time of the month. Theyunderstood that the new moon marks the beginning of amonth, and a full moon the middle of a month. This wasthe ancient and God inspired method of counting months.

    We need to realize that these "moadim-appointed times"were set in the earth prior to the creation of any living

    being. God had already created a timetable for Hischildren to meet with Him. God does not make mistakes, nordoes He change His mind. In the Amplified Bible Genesis 1:14says, "Let them be signs, and tokens (these lights) of Gods

    provident care". Provident care points to a sign of Godscovenant. These appointed times are signs of Gods agreementwith us, that He is our God and we are His people.

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    It says in the book of Hosea, "My people perish for lack ofknowledge". For centuries, there has been a veil over the Church

    producing an ignorance of the Lords calendar. This has continuedto keep the division between the Christian and the Jew, and alsohas made Christianity to look like a new religion with new holydays. The solar calendar (Julian/Gregorian) and pagan inspiredfeast days have been substituted for Gods divine calendar andholy days. Much of the pagan holy days came from the RomanChurch, and again the reason was to separate the Church and itsfollowers from the Jewish people.

    As I mentioned in my previous article "In The Fullness Of Times",it says inActs 3:21, the heavens have received The Messiah

    Yeshua, and are retaining Him until the times of completerestoration of all things that God spoke by the mouth of all Hisholy prophets from ages past. One area that the Holy Spirit istrying to restore in the Church is the Festivals of the Lord. Inmost Bibles festivals is translated feasts. "And God spoke unto

    Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and say untothem, Concerning the feasts of the Lord, which you shall proclaimto be holy convocations, even these are my feasts. These are thefeasts of the Lord, even holy convocations, which you shall

    proclaim in their seasons."(Lev. 23:1-2, 4) We need to

    take special note that these feasts are notcalled Jewish holy days; but God calls them

    "My feasts", "The Feasts of The Lord". Theword seasons again, is the Hebrew word"moadim", which is "the appointed times, andfestivals." They are intended for all thefollowers of the God of Abraham, Isaac, andJacob, both the natural branches and those

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    who have been grafted in (Rom. 11). Theseappointed times and festivals were given to Israel and werecommanded to be observed throughout their generations forever.(Ex. 12:14,17; Lev. 23) When the children of Israel left Egyptmany Gentile people left with them. They were called foreignersor sojourners, and also observed the appointed times andfestivals/feasts. When a Gentile believer observes the feasts, thatperson is exercising their rights of citizenship (Eph. 2:19) as wellas obeying Gods commands. When you learn these feasts, you

    learn of Gods ways, and His covenant. Remember, a covenant isan agreement between two people; therefore in each feast thereis a promise from God establishing His covenant with us. If wedont understand or have a knowledge of the feasts, then wedont know the promise that God has given us.

    Most of us lead very busy lives, and we carry appointment booksso that we do not forget our scheduled appointments. In a wayGod has His own appointment book in heaven, in which Heschedules special appointed times with sacred assemblies to meetwith Him in anointed times of praise, worship, and fellowship withHim. On these special appointed times His presence will beespecially revealed to us. Of course, God wants to meet with usevery day, and when we take time to fellowship with Him He isalways there. But, there is a special blessing that comes when Hischildren meet Him on the appointed times and feasts that Heperpetually set in His word.

    In Leviticus 23, God lists the appointed time of the weeklySabbath and the seven Feasts of the Lord celebrated throughoutthe year. Each feast points to Yeshua past, present, and future,and is a picture of the redemptive work in our lives. The sevenfeasts are celebrated in two different seasons, which correspondto the two agricultural seasons. In Israel there is a time of rain in

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    the spring (former rain) and a time of rain in the fall (latter rain).This division relates to the two appearances that Messiah is to

    make on the earth: "and he shall come unto us as the rain, asthe latter and former rain unto the earth."(Hos. 6:3)

    The four spring feasts are:Passover (Pesach), The Feast ofUnleavened Bread (Matzot), The Feast of First Fruits(Bikkurim), The Feast of Weeks (Shavuot), also known asPentecost. The work of Messiah Yeshua during His first comingis seen most clearly in these feasts, as related to the former rain.

    The three fall feasts are: The Day of Blowing The Trumpetor Shofar (Yom Teruah), more popularly known as Head of the

    Year (Rosh Hashanah), The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur),The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot). These fall feasts takeplace in Gods seventh month, Tishri, which is the time of thelatter rain, and contains revelation on Messiahs second coming.The rabbis according to the Talmud had two opinions on theMessiahs coming. One opinion was that Israel will be redeemed

    in the month of Tishri; another opinion is that they wereredeemed from Egypt in Nisan, and in Nisan they will beredeemed. (Nisan is the first month in which the spring feast ofPassover is observed). We know that both opinions of the rabbisare correct. God gave the Jewish people these appointed timesand feasts to prepare them to recognize their Messiah when Hecame. As we all know, most of the Jewish people have not yetrecognized Him.

    Yeshua said, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall makeyou free."In Matthew 24, the disciples asked Yeshua, "Whatwill be the sign of your coming?"He tells them in verse 36"Butof that day and hour knows no man"In Deuteronomy 29:29it says, "The secret things belong to the Lord our God: but thosethings which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever"Paul writes in I Thessalonians 5:1"But of the times and

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    the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I write to you."TheGentile believers of the first century were attending synagogues,

    observed the Sabbath, the Feasts, therefore knowing theirprophetic significance. Yet, today most of the Church is inignorance in this area.

    Now I am sure many of you are thinking, but Paul wrote we nolonger have to observe the appointed times and feasts or the law.This is a huge study in itself that I encourage you to search out.In my research, I have found that Paul observed the appointed

    times and feasts. Much of his writings have been misinterpreteddue to wrong translations of words. For example, the word law inthe New Testament in certain scriptures was referring to thelegalism brought about by the added rabbinical laws, and not tothe laws God set in the Old Testament. This misunderstandinghas made Christians think that the Old Testament and its laws areobsolete. In the book of Galatians and Colossians it is ofteninterpreted that the apostle Paul was condemning those believers

    who were celebrating the feasts. This is not true; actually he wassaying that the feasts lead to Messiah. I am not saying thatobserving the appointed times and feasts is required forsalvation; at the same time because of the way the Church hasbeen taught, believers feel they no longer have to observe theappointed times and feasts. Basically, the nature of the humanbeing is "If I dont have to do it, I am not going to." Theappointed times and The Feasts of the Lord have a great deal to

    teach all believers who have made Yeshua the Messiah the Lordof their lives, bringing a new depth and fullness in ourrelationship with Him. In every appointed time and feast of Godscalendar we find Yeshua. Yeshua Himself being Jewish, observedall of Gods appointed times and feasts. Shouldnt we want tocelebrate what our Lord celebrated?

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    In my first article "A Church Of Ruths", we saw a Gentile woman,Ruth, attaching herself to her Jewish mother in law Naomi, and to

    the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Prophetically, this was arepresentation of the type of church and believer that joinsthemselves to Israel and the Jewish people. When Ruth joinedherself to Naomi, all the appointed times and Feasts of the Lordwere already set, and Ruth observed them, saying, "your God ismy God, where you go, I will go, where you die, I will die."Ruthwas saying the ways and laws of Israel are now going to be myways and laws. We know that Ruths obedience brought forth thelineage of our Messiah, Yeshua. Another way that the true Ruthsof the Church today can show their love, commitment, andfaithfulness to the God of Israel and the Jewish people is by

    joining in the observance of the feasts. Just imagine what impactit would be on the Jewish people, if the entire Church worldwidewere to keep and celebrate the appointed times and feasts. Thiswould make the Jew jealous (Rom. 11:11); drawing them backto their God, bringing a final restoration of Israel, which in turnwill usher in the return of the Messiah.

    The last question that a rabbi asks a person who converts toJudaism is "Do you bind your personal destiny to the destiny ofthe Jewish people?" I am not saying you have to convert toJudaism, but I am asking you to search your own heart. We cansay we love the Jewish people, but is their God our God? Are wewilling to learn about Gods appointed times and feasts, or are we

    set in our traditional thinking? So I leave you with this question,do you bind your personal destiny to the destiny of the God of

    Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to Israel and the Jewish people, andto Gods ways?

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    We are living ina very prophetic time, where biblical prophecy isunfolding before our eyes. Gods plan of redemption through

    Yeshua The Messiah is embroidered throughout scripture fromGenesis to Revelation. An area of great significance that theChurch has very little revelation on is the Feasts of The Lord.There are seven Feasts of The Lord, each one points to Yeshuapast, present, and future. As stated in my previous article on "The

    Appointed Times", God set definite festivals for all his children.

    (Gen. 1:14, Ps. 104:19, Lev. 23) Gods calendar has neverbeen changed or terminated by Him and is still in the process ofbeing prophetically fulfilled by Yeshua. There is definite veiledinformation hidden in the Feast days that the Spirit of God wantsto reveal to the Church; which will unlock more of the power ofGod. In this article I will present a short synopsis of the fourSpring Feasts which are: Passover (Pesach), The Feast ofUnleavened Bread (Matzot), The Feast of First Fruits (Bikkurim),The Feast of Weeks (Shavuot), also known as Pentecost. (Lev.23:4-22)

    When God instituted His spiritual calendar, it began on Nisan one,which was to be "the beginning of months". (Ex. 12:2) It was atthis time that the Lord redeemed Israel, His "firstborn son"(Ex.4:22), in order to serve Him. The most ancient of the Feasts ofThe Lord is Passover (Pesach), which was first celebrated on

    Nisan 14/15 on the evening before the Israelites left Egypt for thePromised Land. (Lev. 23:5) The Hebrew word "Pesach"means, "to pass over". In order that Pharaoh would finally letthe Hebrew people go, God was about to send the angel of deaththroughout Egypt, killing the firstborn. God proclaimed that therewould be deliverance for every household which applied the bloodof their own sacrificial lamb to their doorpost. God would

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    "pesach", pass over that house upon seeing the blood of thesacrifice, and not allow the death of the firstborn. (Ex. 12:13)

    Both the Hebrew people and the stranger (Gentiles) thatjoined themselves to the Israelites and applied the bloodto the doorposts were spared the judgment of God. (Ex.12:23b, 38) This is a perfect picture of the shed blood ofMessiah on our behalf. Yeshua, the perfect Lamb of God,died to take away the sin of the world. (John 1:29) "In hisforbearance, he had passed overthe sins people hadcommitted in the past."(Rom. 3:25) Three days later Mosesled the children of Israel and the strangers that joined themthrough the Red Sea, where they became the nation of Israel.

    Today, this miraculous deliverance begins itscelebration in what is known as the Pesach Seder(Passover service and meal). Yeshua celebrated thissame Pesach Seder with his disciples. Most of theChurch knows this to be called the Last Supper. What the Church

    calls Communion actually comes from this Pesach Seder. Withoutknowledge of the Pesach Seder that Yeshua participated in, it isimpossible to have a full revelation of what took place. We needto understand that the elements referred to as the bloodand body of Messiah was not just an event that took placeat the Last Supper, but was instituted over a thousand

    years prior to Calvary. One of the key focus points of theSeder is the demonstration of the four cups of wine,

    which highlight the four promises given to Moses fromGod in Exodus 6:6-7. These promises are called the four"I wills". Unfortunately in the New Testament only the first andthird cup are written about in Luke 22:17, 20. The third cup iscalled the cup of redemption, which points to the fact that theIsraelites were "bought back, redeemed" from Egyptian slavery.What an amazing fulfillment could be seen as Yeshua took the

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    cup of redemption and said "This is my blood of the newcovenant which is shed for many for the remission of sins."

    (Matt. 26:28) From that point on, true disciples of Yeshua couldnot only celebrate the redemption from Egypt, but also thespiritual redemption found through faith in Gods Messiah.

    When God instituted His spiritual calendar, He stated that thePassover was to be kept by the Israelites "forever"and"throughout your generations". (Ex. 12:14, 24, 42, 13:10) Godcommanded the strangers (Gentile converts) who had joined

    themselves to the commonwealth of Israel to also celebrate thePassover. (Ex. 12:48,49, Nu. 9:14, 15:15-16, Eph. 2:19)Torah requires that converts be treated as equals. Passoverpoints to the future day of the marriage supper of theLamb (Rev. 19:9), as Yeshua said "With desire I havedesired to eat this passover with you before I suffer: For Isay unto you, I will not any more eat thereof, until it befulfilled in the kingdom of God". (Luke 22:15-16) There is

    tremendous Messianic symbolism in the Seder, and I suggest thatevery believer participate in one.

    The Feast of Unleavened Bread (Matzot) begins onNisan 15, lasts for seven days, and is part of thePassover. (Lev. 23:6-8) It reminds us of the hurriedexodus of the Israelites from the bondage of Egypt;when they did not have time to let their bread rise.

    Therefore, they ate unleavened bread on their journey into thedesert to meet with God. In observing this Feast all leaven is tobe removed from the house, and only unleavened bread is to beeaten. The Hebrew word for leaven is "chametz", which means,"decay, corruption, sour". Leaven in the Bible is a symbol of sin.

    As leaven must be removed from the houses during this time, somust sin be removed from our lives. The bread known as matzothas great symbolism; it is flat with lines and holes in it. It says in

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    the scriptures that the Messiah was pierced, wounded and by Hisstripes we are healed. (Ps. 22:16, Is. 53:5, I Pet. 2:24)

    Remember Yeshua took the bread and said at the Passover meal,"This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembranceof me."Paul taught the spiritual message of Passover and theCorinthian church observed the Festival. "Purge out therefore theold leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened.For even Messiah our passover is sacrificed for us: Therefore letus keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven ofmalice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread ofsincerity and truth."(I Co. 5:7-8) The Lord is coming back for aholy Church without spot, wrinkle, or blemish.

    The Feast of First Fruits (Bikkurim) is celebratedduring the Passover week. (Lev. 23:9-14) Whenthe Israelites entered the Promised Land which flowedwith milk and honey, they were to present an offeringof the first fruits of the land to the Lord God. As part of

    the Temple ceremony, the priest would take some of the barley,lift it up, and wave it to the Lord in the sight of all the people.One ofthe foundational doctrines of our faith is theresurrection of Messiah. This event was foreshadowed inthe Feast of First Fruits, where not only did Messiah dieon Passover, but He rose on the Feast of First Fruits. "AndI, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men untome."(Jn. 12:32) The apostle Paul had revelation

    connecting the event of the resurrection of Messiah tothis Feast. "But Messiah has indeed been raised from thedead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep."(ICo. 15:20) After the fourth century, when the Roman Empiredeclared itself to be Christian and separated from their Hebrewroots, the Church eventually integrated certain pagancelebrations. Passover and First Fruits were no longer celebrated

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    on the days that God set in the Bible. The Roman Church triedto create a picture of the resurrection by messianizing the

    pagan celebration of Ishtar, the goddess of spring, callingit Easter, which is still observed today. The well-knownsymbols of eggs, rabbits, chicks, and candy aredeceptions to camouflage the biblical foundation of theFeast. Wouldnt it be more appropriate to celebrate theLords resurrection when it really occurred, on The Feastof First Fruits (Bikkurim), as a remembrance of Hisfulfilling this "type"and "shadow"on that day? Yeshuawas resurrected, the first fruits of those who sleep intheir graves; therefore this Feast is a great hope andreminder of our resurrection at His second coming. Theearly Church didnt just celebrate the resurrection day,but always observed and celebrated The Passover, TheFeast of Unleavened Bread, and The Feast of First Fruits.Together these feasts brought a clear picture of Messiahbringing us redemption from sin and the gift of eternallife.

    The Feast of Weeks (Shavuot) stands out as one of the mostdramatic festivals. It occurred fifty days after the firstPassover in Egypt when the Hebrew people came toMount Sinai and received the Torah (first five books ofMoses and the oral law). (Lev. 23:15-22) In Hebrew theword "Shavuot" means "weeks", and stands for the seven weeks

    during which the Hebrew people prepared themselves for thegiving of the Torah. During this time they rid themselves of thescares of bondage, immorality, and became a holy nation readyto stand before God. The rabbis have compared this event to awedding between God and the Hebrew people. Just as a bridetoday gets herself ready to meet her groom, so the Hebrewpeople got themselves ready to become His special nation and He

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    became their God. For one year the Israelites camped at MountSinai and were instructed from God on holy living, which entailed

    the 613 commandments in the Torah. These commandmentswere Gods dowry to His people. Much of the Church today does

    not even acknowledge this dowry.

    Today the Church calls this FeastPentecost, (a Greek word meaningfiftieth), where the Holy Spirit cameupon the believers. (Acts 2:1-4) In order

    to have a fuller revelation of this event,Acts 2:1 should read as follows: "Thefestival of Shavuot arrived, and thebelievers all gathered together in one

    place."We need to be aware that as the disciples weregathered together waiting for the promise of the HolySpirit, they were in obedience to the scriptures andobserving Shavuot, celebrating the giving of the Torah.

    They were reading specific assigned scriptures from Exodus andEzekiel which spoke about incredible signs and wonders like thefire, smoke, and lightening that were seen on that day. We knowthat this same fire came upon them, and what we know as thebirth of the New Testament Church began. Shavuot is one ofthe three pilgrimage festivals in which the Israelites werecommanded to celebrate in Jerusalem. This is the reasonthat there was a multitude of people from every nation in

    Jerusalem at that particular time and three thousand newbelievers in Yeshua were added. (Acts 2:5, 41)

    There is much prophetic significance in Shavuot. One isthe offering of the two loaves of bread unto the Lord. (Lev23:17) These two loaves are baked with leaven, which weknow is a type of sin, they represent the Jew and Gentile,both not perfect coming together into one new man.

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    (Eph.2:15) Another prophetic sign has to do with thebook of Ruth, which is also read during this Feast.

    Shavuot is the time of the wheat harvest in the land ofIsrael. Ruth, a Gentile, returned with her Jewish motherin law, Naomi, to the land of Israel during the time of thebeginning of the harvest. One of the commandmentsgiven regarding Shavuot was Leviticus 23:22, where itstates that the corners of a field being harvested must beleft for the poor and the stranger (Gentile). It wasbecause of this Levitical law that Ruth, a Gentile, met andmarried Boaz, a Jew, bringing forth a son, who becamethe ancestor of our Messiah, Jesus/Yeshua. Shavuot alsopoints to the future of Gods promise of the latter daygreat harvest of souls.

    Through mans ignorance, pride, and the deception of Satan,Jews and Christians have been robbed of the true Messianicmessage and prophecies contained within the Lords Feasts.

    Biblical holy days have been replaced by Romanized Churchtraditions with pagan roots. The Lords Feasts have become "TheJewish Holidays" and the biblical examples of Yeshua found in theFeasts have been discarded. Yeshua said, "I am the truth,"andthe truth about Him is to be found and celebrated in every Feastof Gods calendar, including the Sabbath. These Feasts are for allwho are fellow citizens in Gods kingdom and members of Godshousehold. God chose the Jews, anointed a people, appointed a

    priesthood, and gave an annual schedule of events that wasintended to be a blessing to Jews and non-Jews everywhere.Christianity without Judaism is rootless. Proverbs 22:28 says,"Remove not the ancient landmarks that thy fathers set."


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    There is a great spiritual banquet that awaits those believers whodelve into the Biblical Hebraic roots of their Christian faith. We

    must continue to recognize that in Leviticus 23, God set His(Festivals) Feast Times according to His calendar. These Feasts ofThe Lord are meant for all believers. When a follower of Yeshua,Jew or Gentile, observes the Feasts that person is exercising theirrights of citizenship as well as following Gods Word. Yeshua whois The Word, is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He doesnot change; neither does The Word of God. Celebration or non-celebration of The Feasts is not an issue of salvation. However,traditions, feelings, and fear continue keeping Christians blind tothe deep spiritual significance to be found in The Feasts of TheLord. Every Appointed Time (Moadim) and Feast of The Lordbrings us into a deeper revelation of the redemptive work of TheMessiah, and points us either back to something He has alreadydone for us, or forward to something He will do for us.

    The following is a short synopsis of the three FallFeasts: Yom Teruah (The Day of Blowing TheShofar or Feast of Trumpets, Lev. 23:23-25),more popularly known as Rosh Hashanah (Head of

    The Year), Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement, Lev. 23:26-32), and Sukkot (The Feast of Booths or The Feast ofTabernacles, Lev. 23:33-36, 39-43). These Fall Feasts take

    place in Gods seventh month, Tishri, which is the time of thelatter rain, and contain revelation on Messiahs second coming.

    Judaism has maintained a distinction between the religious andthe civil year. Today, the month of Nisan and the Feast ofPassover begin the religious year of the Jews, yet Tishri and RoshHashanah (Head of the Year) begin the civil year. Tishri 1 was thenew year of the Babylonian calendar. Many Jewish writers trace

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    this system of two new years in the return of the Jewish peoplefrom Babylonian exile, during the time of Ezra and Nehemiah,

    when Rosh Hashanah became part of the Yom Teruahcelebration. The sounding of the shofar (rams horn) on YomTeruah/Rosh Hashanah ushers in ten sacred days that end on

    Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement). This ten-day period isknown as the Yamim Noraim (Days of Awe or High Holy Days).Traditional Jews believe that each year during this sacred time,ones final destiny in the Age to Come is sealed in the Book ofLife. The Jewish people have approached the Yamim Noraim withgreat reverence getting right with God and man, forgiving andasking forgiveness, tying up the loose ends of life. As believers inMessiah we need to make our whole life Yamim Noraim, ourDays of Awe, preparing for eternity.

    There are many important spiritual truths revealed celebratingYom Teruah/Rosh Hashanah. The most graphic teaching tool ofthis season is the shofar (rams horn), which is sounded with a

    blast called "teruah" in the services. It is a call for Israel to wakeup and return to God as well as an alarm sound meant to wakebelievers up. All believers should be in preparation to meet TheLord, and the shape of the shofar shows us the preferred postureof Gods people, curved. We are to take thehumble appearanceof the shofar, which is curved or bowed in submission to whatGod tells us to do. The only way to find Gods best is to bend ourwill to His will. This Feast is a time to take an honest look into our

    spirits to make sure we are aligned with our Fathers plan for us.We must wake up, evaluate our spiritual condition, and if neededreturn to Father God through repentance. Repentance in Hebrewis called "teshuvah", it comes from a root word "shub", whichmeans, "to turn around and come back". No matter how far Israelhad wandered, return was always possible, and so it is for allbelievers through Yeshua. Teshuvah was also Yeshuas opening

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    message: "Turn from your sins to God [do teshuvah], for theKingdom of Heaven is near" (Matt. 4:17). Teshuvah is not so

    much a religious requirement as it is a restoration of relationship.The sound of the shofar for believers in Yeshua The Messiah is amixture of seriousness and rejoicing. "Blessed are the people whoknow the joyful sound"(Ps. 89:15) As believers in Messiah wedo not merely hope that our sins are forgiven, we know our sinsare forgiven, making the shofar a joyful sound.

    Yom Kippur, (The Day of Atonement) has been the most holy day

    on the Jewish calendar since the days of Moses. This day focuseson atonement and forgiveness of sins. The word atonementmeans "to cover, to cancel". Atonement is a Jewish concept, andis found throughout the Old Testament. Atonement means thateven though we should have to suffer the consequences of oursins, instead God has provided a way in which something orsomeone else pays the price for our wrongdoing. A key word thatis not understood in the body of Messiah is sin. The Hebrew word

    for sin is "chet", which means, "to miss the mark". The mark thatis missed is Gods standard, Gods way of doing things and beingright. Everyone misses the mark. Sin is not a Christian concept,but a Jewish concept with roots going back deep into the Torah(first five books of the Bible). Our sins separate us from God andcause us to have a heart that is far from God, but God provided away for us to be reconciled back to Him, and that is calledatonement. There is only one way that God provided atonement,

    which was through the shedding of blood. Without the sheddingof blood there is no remission of sins. (Lev. 17:11) Man-madereligion hates this, and does not speak of the blood. God gave usthis method for the purpose of showing us the awfulness of sin.Before the Torah was given to Moses for the children of Israel,there were already animal sacrifices to God. In fact, the firstsacrifice, the first shedding of blood was done by God Himself to

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    atone for the sin of Adam and his wife (Gen. 3:21). God coveredman with animal skins, and instituted the blood sacrifice Himself.

    Man wants to cover up his sin, and so it was with the first manand woman as they sowed fig leaves to cover themselves (Gen.3:7). This is a picture of fig leaf religion that wants to cover upsin and never requires your heart.

    When God gave the Torah at Mount Sinai to Moses, He formalizedthe animal sacrifice system and wanted Israel to see that everytime they sinned something had to die for it. What Messiah did

    for us can be seen and understood through Yom Kippur. InTemple times, Yom Kippur centered around the sacrifice of thetwo goats described in Leviticus 16. The "chatat" (sin goat) wasto be killed after the priest had confessed the sins of the nationover it. The second goat, the "azazel" (scapegoat), was also tohave the sins of the people confessed over it. But instead ofbeing slain as a sacrifice, this goat was to be set free in thewilderness. By so doing, the people of Israel were to realize that

    their sins were taken away from them as they trusted in Godsway of atonement (Lev. 16; 23:26-32). This sacrifice had to berepeated each year. Yeshua bore our sins and brought us into anew covenant with God. The shedding of His blood was not atemporary atonement that would cover our sins; it was anatonement that removes and remits our sins and their penalty foreternity (Rom. 3:23-25). This means it renders invisible the inkof the note that was written against us in sin; and there is no

    evidence that the sin was ever there. As believers we know thatwe can ask and receive forgiveness of sin at any time accordingto 1 John 1:9. But, God has His appointed time that is special toHim, Yom Kippur is therefore a time to glorify Messiah and reflecton His priestly ministry in heaven, and rejoice in what He did forus. Consequently, this day is an appropriate time to deal with

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    areas of sin in our lives that have resulted in a breach ofrelationship with God or man.

    The Ten Days of Awe beginning with YomTeruah/Rosh Hashanah and ending with YomKippur also reveal to us the future. Sometheologians believe that Yom Teruah points tothe heavenly shofar that will be blown at thesecond coming of Messiah. When the shofar sounds The Lordwill fight against all the nations of the earth who have attacked

    Israel. The dead in Messiah will rise, the righteous who arealive will meet Him in the clouds, and all of heaven willrejoice (Zech. 9:14-16; Matt 24:30-31; 1 Cor. 15:51-52; 1Thess. 4:13-18; Re
