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APPROVED UNIVERZITA PALACKÉHO V OLOMOUCI 8 1 9 APR 2018€¦ · approved univerzita palackÉho v...

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APPROVED UNIVERZITA PALACKÉHO V OLOMOUCI 8 1 9 APR 2018 771 47 Olomouc ID: 61989592 VATNo.: CZ61989592 DOTMATICS LEGAL Purchase Order No.: 4516000028 Date of 28.03.2018 lnvoicing Address Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci fakulta 3 771 00 Olomouc IBAN: SWIFT: Ship to address: 5 77515 Olomouc Czech Republic Delivery date is 30 days after the effective date Please state our purchase order number on your invoice Text Qty Support and Maintenance 1.000 PC orders you: Vender: Dotmatics Limited The Old Monastery, Windhill CM23 2ND Bishops Stortford, Herts United Kingdom Vendor No.: 25203 Di sposed: Phone No.: E-mail Currency of order: USD Tatai Price 14,025.00 The Dotmatics Support and Maintenance according enclosed proposal number MZ-PALUNl-23022018. Price: 14 025,00 USD Tatai order value: 14,025.00 Further contractual arrangements: 1. Persons acting on behalf of the Purchaser and the Supplier declare that they are entítled to pertinent legal acts on behalf of the respective contracting party under this contractual relationship. 2. ln the event of delay in dellvery of ordered performance on part of the Supplier, the Purchaser is entitled ipso jure to withdraw from this order due to the fact the Purchaser has no interest in delayed performance. 3. The Supplier acknowledges that the Purchaser is obliged to publish contracts with the price/value of the subject of over 50 000,- CZK without VAT, including offers and their acceptances in the Register of Contracts according to Act no. 340/2015 Goll., On Special Conditions of Effect of Certain Contracts, Publication of these Contracts and on the Register of Contracts (Act on the Register of Contracts). as amended. The Supplier can verify the publication of the contract on the website https://smlouvy.gov.cz, and if the supplier provides lts e-mail address, he wi11 be informed about the publication in a message. This contract comes into effect and it is possible to perform accordlng to its terms only after the publication of the contract in the Register of Contracts. 4. The Supplier declares that this order and its appendices do not include data, which are subject to trade secret or any confidential information or statements, whose publication would result in an unauthorized interference with the rights and obligations of the Supplier, its representatives or employees. Nevertheless, in the event that the publication of the contract results in an unauthorized interference with the rights and obligations of the Supplier, its representatives or employees, the Supplier is responsible for the harm caused to him and its own representatives or employees. 5. The contractual parameters set by this order cannot be changed in other form. than in the form the offer and acceptance were made. Palacký University in Olomouc is a public higher education institution in accordance with Act No. l l l/1998 Sb. and it isn't write in business register.
Page 1: APPROVED UNIVERZITA PALACKÉHO V OLOMOUCI 8 1 9 APR 2018€¦ · approved univerzita palackÉho v olomouci křižkovského 8 1 9 apr 2018 771 47 olomouc id: 61989592 vatno.: cz61989592


UNIVERZITA PALACKÉHO V OLOMOUCI Křižkovského 8 1 9 APR 2018 771 47 Olomouc

ID: 61989592 VATNo.: CZ61989592 DOTMATICS LEGAL

Purchase Order No.: 4516000028 Date of 28.03.2018 lnvoicing Address Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci Lékařská fakulta Hněvotínská 3 771 00 Olomouc IBAN: SWIFT:

Ship to address:

LF-ŮMTM Hněvotínská 5 77515 Olomouc Czech Republic

Delivery date is 30 days after the effective date

Please state our purchase order number on your invoice

Text Qty

Support and Maintenance 1.000 PC

orders you:

Vender: Dotmatics Limited The Old Monastery, Windhill CM23 2ND Bishops Stortford, Herts United Kingdom

Vendor No.: 25203 Disposed: Phone No.:


Currency of order: USD

Tatai Price


The Dotmatics Support and Maintenance according enclosed proposal number MZ-PALUNl-23022018. Price: 14 025,00 USD

Tatai order value: 14,025.00

Further contractual arrangements: 1. Persons acting on behalf of the Purchaser and the Supplier declare that they are entítled to pertinent legal acts on behalf of the respective contracting party under this contractual relationship. 2. ln the event of delay in dellvery of ordered performance on part of the Supplier, the Purchaser is entitled ipso jure to withdraw from this order due to the fact the Purchaser has no interest in delayed performance. 3. The Supplier acknowledges that the Purchaser is obliged to publish contracts with the price/value of the subject of over 50 000,- CZK without VAT, including offers and their acceptances in the Register of Contracts according to Act no. 340/2015 Goll., On Special Conditions of Effect of Certain Contracts, Publication of these Contracts and on the Register of Contracts (Act on the Register of Contracts). as amended. The Supplier can verify the publication of the contract on the website https://smlouvy.gov.cz, and if the supplier provides lts e-mail address, he wi11 be informed about the publication in a message. This contract comes into effect and it is possible to perform accordlng to its terms only after the publication of the contract in the Register of Contracts. 4. The Supplier declares that this order and its appendices do not include data, which are subject to trade secret or any confidential information or statements, whose publication would result in an unauthorized interference with the rights and obligations of the Supplier, its representatives or employees. Nevertheless, in the event that the publication of the contract results in an unauthorized interference with the rights and obligations of the Supplier, its representatives or employees, the Supplier is responsible for the harm caused to him and its own representatives or employees. 5. The contractual parameters set by this order cannot be changed in other form. than in the form the offer and acceptance were made.

Palacký University in Olomouc is a public higher education institution in accordance with Act No. l l l/1998 Sb. and it isn't write in business register.

Page 2: APPROVED UNIVERZITA PALACKÉHO V OLOMOUCI 8 1 9 APR 2018€¦ · approved univerzita palackÉho v olomouci křižkovského 8 1 9 apr 2018 771 47 olomouc id: 61989592 vatno.: cz61989592

UNIVERZITA PALACKÉHO V OLOMOUCI Křížkovského 8 771 47 Olomouc

ID: 61989592 VAT No.: CZ61989592

Purchase Order No.: 4516000028 Date of 28.03.2018

7. Acceptance of the order by the Supplier with an addendum, reservation, limitation or other change, even though it does not substantially alter the terms of an order {offer), is excluded.8. The above stated price is final, and includes alf costs of the Supplier associated with the performa ce of the present order.

Authorised representative:

We confirm the acceptance of the order and we agree t aforementioned conditions Dale of confirmation:

Signature and stamp

Send the confirmed order immedíately back. Director

Dotrna ti es

Palacký University in Olomouc is a public higher education mstitution in accordance with Act No. 111/1998 Sb. and it isn't write in business register.

Page 3: APPROVED UNIVERZITA PALACKÉHO V OLOMOUCI 8 1 9 APR 2018€¦ · approved univerzita palackÉho v olomouci křižkovského 8 1 9 apr 2018 771 47 olomouc id: 61989592 vatno.: cz61989592

Od: Odesláno: 11. dubna 2018 11:08 Komu: Předmět: Fwd: FW: maintenance for Dotmatics Přílohy: Palacky Maintenance 2017 _2018_MZ23022018.pdf

From:Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 3:14 PM To: Subject: maintenance for Dotmatics Importance: High


My name is and I have taken over the account management for Palacky University (and Eastern Europe in general) 2 months ago.

I am attaching our maintenance proposal which I sent to at the beginning of the month but unfortunately I have not heard back ...

May I please ask you to sign the last page and send it back to me by Thursday - the end of the validty of this proposal - many thanks! I do apologize for the short notice and appreciate your help.

Thank you very much -

With kind regards,


Page 4: APPROVED UNIVERZITA PALACKÉHO V OLOMOUCI 8 1 9 APR 2018€¦ · approved univerzita palackÉho v olomouci křižkovského 8 1 9 apr 2018 771 47 olomouc id: 61989592 vatno.: cz61989592

;\ccount l'vlanag.a

The Old Monastery Windhill Bishops Stortford 1-lcrts CM23 2ND UK


i\ccckratcd lnnuvation


Page 5: APPROVED UNIVERZITA PALACKÉHO V OLOMOUCI 8 1 9 APR 2018€¦ · approved univerzita palackÉho v olomouci křižkovského 8 1 9 apr 2018 771 47 olomouc id: 61989592 vatno.: cz61989592

Dotmatics Proposal for


23 Feb 2018 MZ-PALUN l-23022018

Page 6: APPROVED UNIVERZITA PALACKÉHO V OLOMOUCI 8 1 9 APR 2018€¦ · approved univerzita palackÉho v olomouci křižkovského 8 1 9 apr 2018 771 47 olomouc id: 61989592 vatno.: cz61989592

dotrna ti es e • e „"Or<l~ i.O 1..hO•"ll


Contents .......... „ .. „ ..... „.„ ...... „„. „ .. ... „ ...... „ ... „ .. „.„ .. „ ... „ ........... „ ...... „ ...... ......... „ ..... „„ ......... „ .. ..... „ .... 2

Executive Summary .... „ ... .... „.„ .. „ .„„ .... .... „„ ..... „.„ .. „ ... „ ... „ ... ........ „ ......... ..... . „.„„ ..... „ ..... „ .. „ ....... „ .... 3

1.1 lntroduction ........................ „ .. „ ... „ ....... „ .. „ ... „ ... „ ........................... „ ............ „ ...... „ ....... „ .......... „ .. „ .. „ ........... 3

1.2 Company offices „ .. „„.„„.„ .. „„.„„ .. „ .„ .... „ .......... „ ........ „ .. „.„ ........ „ „ ... „ ...... „ ... „ ........ „.„ „.„ ....... „ ....... „ .. „ ... 3

1.3 Customer Base ... „„.„ ... „ ..... „.„ ... „ ... „ ... „ .. „ ... „ ............ „ ........ „.„ ........................... „ ....... „ ..... „ ....... „ ............ „ .3

1.4 Corporate Strategy .„„„„ .. „„.„.„.„„„„„„„.„„.„ ... „.„.„.„„.„„„„„.„.„„„ ... „ .. „„„ .. „.„.„ „„ .„„ ... „ „.„ ... „.„„„. „3

1.5 Methodologies ... „ .„„„.„„„.„.„.„„.„„„.„„„ ... „ .. „„.„„„„.„.„„„„„„.„„.„„„„„.„„„„„.„ .. „„.„.„„.„„„„„„.„ .. „ .3

An Overview of Dotmatics' Solutions „ .. „ .. „ ... „ ...... „.„ ...... „ .. „.„ ...... „ .. „ .. „ .. „ „„ .. „ „„ ... „ .. „ ..... „ .... ... „ „ .. 4

Terms & Conditions ..... „ .............. .. „ ............ „ .. „.„ ... „ ..... „ ... „ ........ „ .. ... „ ........ „ .... „„ .. „„„.„„ .. „.„ .. „ ... .... 6

Purchase Order Guidelines .. „.„ ... .. „„ ...... „ .. „ .„.„ .. „ ... „ .. .... „.„ .............. „.„ ... .... „.„ ... „.„„.„ .. „ .. ..... . „ ...... 6

Proposal Acceptance „„„.„ ........ ..... „ ... „ . . .... . „ . .. .. . „.„„ ........ „ . . .... . . „ .. „ .... „ ..... „.„.„„ .... „ ... . „ .......... „ .. . „ .. 7

Company Confidential - V200716

Page 7: APPROVED UNIVERZITA PALACKÉHO V OLOMOUCI 8 1 9 APR 2018€¦ · approved univerzita palackÉho v olomouci křižkovského 8 1 9 apr 2018 771 47 olomouc id: 61989592 vatno.: cz61989592

dotmatics • • • i..l"QHll"ť1~ Ul „\llJl'n

Executive Summary

1.1 lntroduction

Dotmatics delivers a ready-to-use platform to capture, register, share, collaborat e, query, visualise and analyse all the information and knowledge generated in the modem, high ly collaborative scientific industries. Dotmatics has significant experti se in scientific informatics, including data base management for che mistry and biologics, electronic laborat ory notebooks, chemical and biological registration, screening data management, SAR analysis, reporting, and visualisation. The enterprise solutions are flexible, scalable and configurable, providing effective scientific information management across entire organisations, from discovery research to development and early manufacturing.

1.2 Company offices

Dotmatics was registered in the United Kingdom in 2005. The Company's principal executive offices are located in Bishops Stortford, UK. ln addition Dotmatics operates sales and service offices in: Boston, Massachusetts; San Diego, California; Tokyo, Japan and Seoul, South Korea. The Company has approximately 90 employees and is expanding. The Company's home page can be viewed at: www.dotmatics.com

1.3 Customer Base

The Dotmatics cust omer base includes hundreds of inst itutions and thousands of users. Customer Press Releases and Case Studies can be viewed at http:ijwww.dotrnatics.com/news/ and http://www.dotmatics.com/customer­experience/

1.4 Corporate Strategy

Our objective is for our t echnology solutions to become the de-facto standard for electronic data capture, data management, data analysis and report ing across multiple research and development organisations and industries. The Company's objective is to extend its position as the leading supplier of life sciences web-based and w eb server based informatics solutions. To achieve this objective, the Company is pursuing the following key strategies:

• Offer a complete set of informatics solutions and services which faci litate prod uctivity with in t he pharmaceutical, biotechnology, food, persona! care and chemical communities.

• Continue Market leadership with our web-based technology platform. • Provide solutions for in - house as well as cloud deployment. • Maintain technological leadership web-based enterprise solutions. • Expand the customer base fo r ou r software products, services and solutions. • Continue t o capitalise on our technology position and expand our product offerings. • Conti nue to provide a superior level of global cust omer service and support. • Work with customers to enhance our products and services.

1.5 Methodologies

Dotmatics uses a delivery methodology that aims to ensure excellent communication and agreement on shared goals for each step of the process. Significant emphasis is placed on up front requirements, use cases, and business ru les analysis. The output of this phase is u sed to create a tailored solution based on an out of the box application. Once t he solution has been implemented, on-site and electronic training is used to ensure rapid and productive adoption.

Company Confidential - V200716

Page 8: APPROVED UNIVERZITA PALACKÉHO V OLOMOUCI 8 1 9 APR 2018€¦ · approved univerzita palackÉho v olomouci křižkovského 8 1 9 apr 2018 771 47 olomouc id: 61989592 vatno.: cz61989592

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An Overview of Dotmatics' Solutions

Dotmatics are uniquely positioned to fill technological gaps, providing a complete infrastructure. Our sole focus is to deliver integrated informatics solutions to enable convenient and automated drug discovery processes from compound creation and registration, to decision making and reporting, all in a single platform.

Browser is an ent erprise query and reporting solution that provides scientists with the ability to easily access all of their data, ana lyse it, and share their results with colleagues and external collaborators.

Gateway serves as a centra ! place for all project teams throughout an organisation to share info rmation. Teams can also securely share information with external partners and users can easily add reports, presentations, experimental results, ideas, published information and more.

Nucleus is a web-based tool for importing, mapping and storing data from existing sources.

Cascade is a configurable module that enables the requesting of tests to be performed and the tracking of samples therein, providing a clear view of the workflow, timing, resource alloca tion and results.

Register delivers the foundation data base that allows experimental observations to be connected to compounds, collections synthesised in-house or acquired by an organisation du ring the course of its research projects.

Pinpoint is a powerful Oracle chemical cartridge designed to enable scientists to store, index and search chemical entities in a re lational data base environment.

Elemental is an intuitive and powerful chemistry drawing and depiction tool for Windows, Mac OS X, iPad and iPhone.

Studies is the new standard in screening data management with a web-based interface and unrivalled flexibility allowing the creation, capture, analysis and storage of biological research data from a single platform .

Studies Notebook, available for both chemistry and biology, is a multi-discipline, fully searchable Electronic Laboratory Notebook that is easy to deploy and adopt. lt can be configured to fulfil the information management requirements of different laboratories within any organisation.

Bio Reglster is a web-based platform for registering biological entities and managing data associated with their production (protein expression, purification and characterisation). Bio register is designed to meet the needs of protein scientists who are looking for an easy way to keep track of sequence information and any batches of protein produced for those sequences.

Vortex is a data visualisation and analysis solution for all industries. As an alternative to spreadsheets, it provides easy-to-use, but sophisticated, functionality required to explore and understand any complexity and size of data. Vertex incorporates fu ll chemical structure intelligence thus ensuring that all scientific data types can be analysed.

Spaces is a web-based application designed to enhance scientific communication within distributed research teams. lt allows project members to collaborate using scientific teamboards that organize their research data and design ideas.

Cloud - The Dotmatics Platform on the cloud allows the integration of multiple, diverse systems and data sources. Organisations can now securely access all of the Dotmatics solutions, using their web-browser, on their own dedicated instance running in the cloud.

Company Confidential - V200716

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Palacky University Olomouc, Institute of Molecular & Translational Medicine Hnevotinska 1333/5 779 00 Olomouc Czech Republic

Account Manager Dotmatics

23 Feb 2018

RE: Proposal for the Dotmatics Support & Maintenance - Reference MZ-PALUNl-23022018


Thank you for using our solutions - please find below the ma intenance proposal:

The Dotmatics Support & Maintenance for: 30 Oct 2017 - 30 Oct 2018

As agreed in the Software license agreement, Ref JGPl220513

Su pport & Maintenance at 22% of original purchasing price for the following licenses: 6 Browser 6 Pin point 6 Register 6 Studies Notebook 6 Studies 7 Vortex


lnvestment US$

$ 14,025


This quote is valid until 31st March 2018. Terms and Conditions and PO Guidelines overleaf.

Thank you for your interest in our solutions - we look forward to working together.

Yours sincerely


Company Confidential - V200716

Page 10: APPROVED UNIVERZITA PALACKÉHO V OLOMOUCI 8 1 9 APR 2018€¦ · approved univerzita palackÉho v olomouci křižkovského 8 1 9 apr 2018 771 47 olomouc id: 61989592 vatno.: cz61989592

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Terms & Conditions

Ali Proposals, Agreements and Purchases are between Dotmatics Limited and the Customer. For clarity, Dotmatics Inc. and Dotmatics Austral ia Pty Limited are wholly owned subsidiaries of Dotmatics Limited.

Prices exclude applicable taxes.

Payment terms are Net 30. Fees paid are not refundable.

Please remit all payments in invoiced currency by electronic remittance only. Bank deta ils can found at the bottom of each invoice. Payments by check are no longer accepted.

Please refer to all invoice numbers in the bank remittance.

Delivery date for Professional Services may be mut ua lly modified. Travel and other related expenses incurred by Dotmatics employees in fulfilment of Services will be billed separately as incurred.

UK CPI will be added to prices in future years. For more information about UK CPI visit http:ljwww.ons.gov.uk/ons/ taxonomy/index.htm l?nscl=Consumer+Price+lnd ices.

T&Cs may be superseded by an executed Software I Hosting I Services Agreement between the customer and Dotmatics.

Purchase Order Guidelines

A valid Purchase Order must be provided before the software is delivered.

Ali Purchase Orders should be raised aga inst Dotmatics Limit ed using t he details below:

Dotmatics Limited FAO Accounts Department The Old Monastery, Windhill, Bishops Stortford, Herts, CM23 2ND, UK

Please email Purchase Orders to or post to t he above address.

Dotmatics Limited is a Company Registered in England and Wales No. 5614524 wit h VAT number 68873535011.

Company Confidential - V200716

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dotrna ti es e e • J.r.ow~so„t1'0!'!1

Proposal Acceptance

Proposal Ref: MZ-PALUNl-23022018


Please use the follow ing Purchase Order Number(s) when processing t he order:

I Purchase Order Number I

NB: A va lid Purchase Order Number must be provided before the software is delivered.



Name /'fl,1F. /c_.

lt/t.1/-1./ /C,D?l}L I I{,.) I Pl:P.

Title }E4A./

Date f_t/ /()JI VI!

Please email completed Proposa l Accept ance t o or post to:

Dotmatics Limited FAO Accounts Depart ment The Old Monastery, Windhill, Bishops Stortford, Herts, CM23 2N D, UK

Company Confident ial - V200716
