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April 04 A Pebble-in-the-Pond Model for Instructional Development M. David Merrill Utah State...

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How to recognize effective e-learning when you see it. M. David Merrill Brigham Young University Hawaii 8 th Annual Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education Hong Kong, China June 3, 2004

How to recognize effective e-learning when you see it.

M. David Merrill

Brigham Young University Hawaii

8th Annual Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education

Hong Kong, ChinaJune 3, 2004

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


If a product does not teach then it has no value!

James L’Allier

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Tell & Ask Instruction

Present (Tell) information

Ask remember-what-you-were-told questions

T&A instruction is not effective instruction.

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Simon Says Instruction

Simon says, “Click on the File menu.”

“No! That’s not the File menu.”

Simon Says instruction is less effective instruction.

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Effective e-learning is based on First Principles of Instruction

Merrill, M. D. (2002). First principles of instruction.

Educational Technology Research and Development, 50(3), 43-59.

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


What is a principle?

A principle is a relationship that is always true under appropriate conditions regardless of program or practice.

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


What is a First Principle of Instruction?

• Included in most ID theories and models

• Supported by research

• Facilitates Learning

• Applies to any Delivery System

• Applies to any Architecture

• Design Oriented

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


First Principles of Instruction





Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Demonstration Don’t just tell me, show me!

• Consistency

• Learner Guidance

• Relevant Media

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Consistency5 kinds of learning outcomes

• Almost all tasks include these learning outcomes:

– Information-about– Parts-of– Kinds-of – How-to – What-happens


Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


ConsistencyGeneral vs Specific Information

• INFORMATION • General• Inclusive • Generality

• refers to many cases or situations

• PORTRAYAL • Specific• Limited• Instance

• refers to one case or a single situation


Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


ConsistencyDon’t just tell me, SHOW ME!

USE PORTRAYALS not just information.

• Examples and non-examples for kinds of.• Demonstrations for how-to .• Visualizations for what happens.


Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University



• Show how information is related to prior knowledge.

• Show how portrayals are related to information.

• Show how portrayals are related to each other.


Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Relevant Media

• Use both graphics and text.• Put text next to the graphic it explains.• Use audio rather than text to explain.• Do not read on screen text.• Do not use extraneous audio, video or graphics.

Clark, R. C., & Mayer, R. E. (2003). E-Learning and the Science of Instruction. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Pfeiffer.


Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


First Principles of Instruction





Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


ApplicationLet me do it!

• Consistency

• Intrinsic or corrective feedback

• Gradually Diminishing Coaching

• Varied sequence of whole tasks


Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


ConsistencyRemember Information


– information about– parts of– kind of– how to– what happens


– remember facts or associations– remember names and

description– remember definitions– remember steps and sequence– remember description of

process (conditions and consequence)


Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Consistency Apply to Portrayal


• Information about• parts of• kinds of• how to• what happens


• NA• locate part• classify examples• perform task• predict consequence orfind faulted conditions


Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Corrective Feedback

• Show what happens.• Explain why it happens.


Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University



• Show how prior knowledge applies.• Show how information applies. • Provide prompts or hints.• Use more prompting on early problems,

Gradually withdraw prompting.• Continue practice until learner is on their own.


Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


First Principles of Instruction





Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Problem-CenteredLet me do the whole task!

• Show the problem or task

• Problem components

• Progression of problems

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Instructional components and problem progression

• Does the instruction teach the components of the problem or task and then help the learner use these components in solving the whole problem or doing the whole task?




T whole task

degree of assessment

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


First Principles of Instruction





Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Activate Knowledge

• Recall or provide experience

• Provide Structure

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Integrate Knowledge

• Go Public

• Reflect

• Create

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University





Pebble in Pond Development




Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


ProblemIn this case exercise, you apply your knowledge of Microsoft Excel 2000 to

redesigning a worksheet.

Susan has opened a small restaurant. She has been very successful and wants to expand her business. To finance this project, Susan needs a bank loan. She knows that an accurate and well-designed presentation will help her get the loan. You have agreed to prepare the last month’s sales figures for Susan.

In this case exercise, you apply your knowledge of Microsoft Excel 2000 to

redesigning a worksheet.

Susan has opened a small restaurant. She has been very successful and wants to expand her business. To finance this project, Susan needs a bank loan. She knows that an accurate and well-designed presentation will help her get the loan. You have agreed to prepare the last month’s sales figures for Susan.

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Progression of problems?

Susan has opened a small restaurant. She has been very successful and wants to expand her business. To finance this project, Susan needs a bank loan. She knows that an accurate and well-designed presentation will help her get the loan. You have agreed to prepare the last month’s sales figures for Susan.

Susan has opened a small restaurant. She has been very successful and wants to expand her business. To finance this project, Susan needs a bank loan. She knows that an accurate and well-designed presentation will help her get the loan. You have agreed to prepare the last month’s sales figures for Susan.

Susan has given the Total Lunch Earnings worksheet to Isaac, one of her main suppliers, who has been successful in getting bank loans for his business. He is impressed with your work and offers three improvements. First, include a column that calculates percentage of sales. Second, add some nice borders and shading formats. Finally, set up the page to give the printout a professional appearance.

Susan has given the Total Lunch Earnings worksheet to Isaac, one of her main suppliers, who has been successful in getting bank loans for his business. He is impressed with your work and offers three improvements. First, include a column that calculates percentage of sales. Second, add some nice borders and shading formats. Finally, set up the page to give the printout a professional appearance.

Susan expanded her business. Her restaurant is busier, and she needs more staff. To judge her new staffing requirements accurately, Susan conducted a count of customers before and after the renovations. Each survey was taken over a four-week period. You have agreed to help Susan determine her new staffing levels by calculating statistics from her second survey.

Susan expanded her business. Her restaurant is busier, and she needs more staff. To judge her new staffing requirements accurately, Susan conducted a count of customers before and after the renovations. Each survey was taken over a four-week period. You have agreed to help Susan determine her new staffing levels by calculating statistics from her second survey.

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Component AnalysisMS Excel Skill Builder Reference Table Scenario 2 Skills & Topics

Step 1 Creating percentages Unit 1, Lesson 1, Topic 7: Worksheet: NavigatingUnit 1, Lesson 2, Topic 2: Formulas: EnteringUnit 1, Lesson 2, Topic 3: The Fill HandleUnit 1, Lesson 2, Topic 4: Formulas: Cell ReferencingUnit 1 Lesson 2, Topic 5: Data: Copying

Step 2 Formatting percentages Unit 1, Lesson 3, Topic 2: Cell Range: MovingUnit 1, Lesson 4, Topic 4: Formatting: Textual DataUnit 1, Lesson 4, Topic 5: Formatting: Text Alignment

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Instructional components

• Does the instruction teach the components of the problem or task and then help the learner use these components in solving the whole problem or doing the whole task?




T whole task

degree of assessmentdegree of assessment

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Present ProblemIn this case exercise, you apply your knowledge of Microsoft Excel 2000 to

redesigning a worksheet.

Susan has opened a small restaurant. She has been very successful and wants to expand her business. To finance this project, Susan needs a bank loan. She knows that an accurate and well-designed presentation will help her get the loan. You have agreed to prepare the last month’s sales figures for Susan.

In this case exercise, you apply your knowledge of Microsoft Excel 2000 to

redesigning a worksheet.

Susan has opened a small restaurant. She has been very successful and wants to expand her business. To finance this project, Susan needs a bank loan. She knows that an accurate and well-designed presentation will help her get the loan. You have agreed to prepare the last month’s sales figures for Susan.

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Teach components


MS Excel Skill Builder Reference Table Scenario 1

Skills Topics

Step 1 Creating the Gross Sales formulas

Unit 1, Lesson 2, Topic 2: Formulas: Entering Unit 1, Lesson 2, Topic 4: Formulas: Cell Referencing

Step 2 Creating the Total Sales formula

Unit 1, Lesson 2, Topic 3: The Fill Handle Unit 2, Lesson 1, Topic 1: Functions: An Introduction Unit 2, Lesson 1, Topic 2: Basic Functions

Step 3 Inserting a new row Unit 1, Lesson 4, Topic 1: Row and Column: Insertion

Step 4 Formatting fonts Unit 1, Lesson 4, Topic 3: Cell: Accommodating Text Unit 1, Lesson 4, Topic 4: Formatting: Textual Data Unit 1, Lesson 4, Topic 5: Formatting: Text Alignment

Step 5 Formatting numbers Unit 1, Lesson 4, Topic 8: Formatting: Numerical Data Step 6a Overtyping text and values Unit 1, Lesson 2, Topic 1: Data: Entering and Editing Step 6b Widening columns Unit 1, Lesson 4, Topic 2: Row and Column: Insertion Step 7 Sorting data Unit 1, Lesson 4, Topic 9: Sorting Rows by Single Column Step 8 Saving a file with a new

name Unit 1, Lesson 1, Topic 2: Workbook: Save As Dialog Box Unit 1, Lesson 1, Topic 3: Workbook: Location-Specific Saving

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Worked example

Scenarios 1 and 2

Step 1: First, you want to create percentage labels and formulas.

Enter your User ID in cell D1.To begin the procedure, click cell E5, type % of Sales in cell E5, and press Enter.To create the percentage of sales figure for the Sandwiches lunch item, type=D6/$D$13 in cell E6 and press Enter. The $ sign in front of the column reference Dand the row reference 13 makes $D$13 an absolute cell reference. The cell D6 is arelative cell reference because it does not contain any $ sign. When you copy a cellformula from one row to another with absolute cell references in it, the absolute cellreferences do not change from one row to the next. In this step, you make the cellreference for the Total Sales, D13, absolute so that its reference will not change whenyou copy the formula.Now copy and paste this formula from cell E6 to cells E7 through E13.Create the percentage of sales figures for each lunch item and Total Sales. Begin byselecting E6 to E13. On the Number tab of the Format Cells dialog box, clickPercentage. Under decimal places: select or type 0.Since there is no lunch item that corresponds with cell E12, use the keyboard todelete this cell.

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Gradually diminishing learner guidance

In the previous Scenarios, you were guided step-by-step in the application of the commands to complete the Scenario. In this Scenario, you will not be given this step-by-step guidance. You should first review the modules teaching the commands that you will need to complete this Scenario. Then, you should try to complete each task in the Scenarios on your own. If you need help, there is learner guidance provided at the end of the exercise for each of the tasks. You will learn more if you try to do the task beforeyou look at this guidance material and use this guidance only when you are unable to perform the required commands. After each task, you will be shown an interim spreadsheet that you can use to compare with your own work. In this Scenario, you will design a new worksheet.

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Prompted examplesScenarios 3 & 4Gradually diminishing guidance principle

Step 1:

Enter your User ID in cell D1.Create Income formulas in cells B9, C9, and D9Create Cost formulas in cells B15, C15, and D15Create Profit/Loss formulas in cells B17, C17, and D17 for the Theater Finalworksheet.

If you have completed Scenarios 1 and 2, you are familiar with creating formulas since this information was covered. The detailed guidance for creating formulas in thisexercise is provided at the end of the Scenario in a section called Learner Guidance.

You should not simply type in the values. You need to apply the appropriate formulas.You have successfully created Income, Cost, and Profit/Loss formulas for the TheaterFinal worksheet. At this point, your worksheet should contain the following data. If your worksheet does not look like the following worksheet, you may want to try again or go to the Learner Guidance Section.

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Unprompted example

Gradually diminishing learner guidance -- Scenario 5

In this exercise, there is no Learner Guidance section. If your screens do not match the sample screens provided, you should return to the Excel course and review the appropriate modules.

Step 1: Enter your User ID in cell D1. Add formulas to compute the totals in column G and generate the expenses (with no decimals) in Row 18.

Step 2: Format the data. Use 12 pt bold for table headings. Add months as column headings.

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Authentic tasks

Authentic Task 1

In this authentic task, you apply your knowledge of Microsoft Excel 2000 to redesigning a worksheet.Jake has returned from a holiday in France. He had set a budget for the vacation and wants to compare his actual and planned expenses. He is unsure of the correct exchange rate. You have agreed to work this out for Jake in return for a bottle of vintage French Chardonnay.

Jake has given you the basic information on the following worksheet named Holiday. (worksheet appears here)

You must create formulas and redesign the worksheet to make it look like the following example. (worksheet appears here)

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Authentic taskObjectives

Refer to the target screen on the previous page to ensure the columns and rows in that example and your final screen are identical.Insert a new row under row 1.Calculate the value of goods purchased in $ terms.Calculate the variance of goods purchased in $ terms compared to the budget.Calculate the totals for each of the four columns of numeric data.Center and bold the title across the five main data columns and change the font size to 12 point.Italicize the Items row labels.Bold the Total row.Bold all column labels, except for the exchange rate column label.Right align column labels over numeric data.Format the numbers, except for the Exchange Rate value, with thousand separators, two decimal places, and red negative.Create a double line border around all the data, except for the exchange rate data.Shade the column labels, except for the exchange rate, with dark green background and white font.Change the exchange rate to 6.685. Is the total variance better or worse?Save the file with the name Finance Final.

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Thompson Job Impact Study

Scenario Based InstructionStacey L. T. Boyle and M. David Merrill

Does it work?

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Content for Study

• Microsoft Excel Application Course• Topics included the same for both groups• Both Experimental Groups also had

– On-line mentor– Frequently asked questions

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Thompson NETg Study

Design• 3 Groups

– Scenario Group (N= 49)– Straight e-learning (Simon Says) Group

(N=49)– Control Group (no training) (N=30)

• Subjects

– 128 Participants from several companies and colleges

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Effectiveness Results

Group Mean Performance on Authentic Tasks

Scenario Group 89%

Straight e-learning Group 68%

Control Group 34%

Differences among groups significant at beyond .001 level.

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Efficiency Results

Group Mean time to complete 3 authentic tasks

Scenario Group 29 minutes

Straight e-learning Group 49 minutes

Control Group Most were unable to complete task no time

Difference between groups is significant beyond the .001 level.

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Does it Work?

• Scenario-based 30% performance gain

• and 41% efficiency gain compared with straight e-learning.

• A progressive scenario-based instructional sequence results in increased efficiency and effectiveness in learning a procedural task.

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Merrill, M. D. (2002). A Pebble-in-the-Pond Model for Instructional Development. Performance

Improvement, 41(7), 39-44.

See Check List for First Principles

Copyright M. David Merrill Utah State University


Plan to Attend9th Annual Global Chinese

Conference on Computers in Education

Plan to Attend9th Annual Global Chinese

Conference on Computers in Education

Brigham Young University Hawai’i

June 6 – 9, 2005
