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April 14, 1%7 RECEIPT fa.,: gift r!

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April 14, 1%7 RECEIPT fa.,: gift r!"ce.ived Qf. )'Iopert I?1o.ch: INYENTORY of" . M;;tion Sc;r:ipts, Te1y.vi- sion 'Series Scripts, "Short 'story. Manuscripts, "pub1ished--Shqrt $tories aPl'! Novels. All dealing wi.th the Motion Pictures and . .... . Televisi"on: . . . Group One: - Correspondence from other professional writers, 1%5-66. Group Two: "A few .saroples of correspondence with celebrities, just to indicate that all mail is not from 'fans': Signed Robert Bloch." . (Names orCorrespondeli.ts" are Boris Karlaff, Joan Crawford, Stan Laurel, Ferde Grofe, Eric Coates.) Group Three: - 1966 Correspondence of J. ·yernon Shea. Group Four: - Correspondence of Alan J. ,Dodd. "A devoted fan '-- English -- shewing type of .questions asked of "writers ..:- mainly relevant to films .and T.V. Signed' Robert Bloch." GrOup'-'Fj.-ve: - "Crass section 0'/ - mostly 1l'I66 - <I few 'exotic' earlier items, to show what kind of propositions are made to a writer. Siqned, Robert Bloch." Group Sil<l - "General Fan'mail - mostly 1966 - few earlier items of special interest,- showing· reactions of general reacers and audience. Signed., Robert Bloch." MOTIon PICTURE SCRIPTS: - -- - .,,- ." .. - - -.•.. - ContI - ."" i? .

April 14, 1%7

• RECEIPT fa.,: gift r!"ce.ived Qf. )'Iopert I?1o.ch:

INYENTORY of" corresponqen~e, . M;;tion ~i';'t~re Sc;r:ipts, Te1y.vi­sion 'Series Scripts, "Short 'story. Manuscripts, "pub1ished--Shqrt $tories aPl'! Novels. All dealing wi.th the Motion Pictures and .

.... . Televisi"on: . . .


Group One: - Correspondence from other professional writers, 1%5-66.

Group Two: .~ "A few .saroples of correspondence with celebrities, just to indicate that all mail is not from 'fans': Signed Robert Bloch." .

(Names orCorrespondeli.ts" are Boris Karlaff, Joan Crawford, Stan Laurel, Ferde Grofe, Eric Coates.)

Group Three: - 1966 Correspondence of J. ·yernon Shea.

Group Four: - Correspondence of Alan J. ,Dodd. "A devoted fan '-- English -- shewing type of .questions asked of "writers ..:- mainly relevant to films .and T.V. Signed' Robert Bloch."

GrOup'-'Fj.-ve: - "Crass section 0'/ busi~(>ss co:t"respondenc~ - mostly 1l'I66 - <I few 'exotic' earlier items, to show what kind of propositions are made to a writer. Siqned, Robert Bloch."

Group Sil<l - "General Fan'mail - mostly 1966 - few earlier items of special interest,- showing· reactions of general reacers and audience. Signed., Robert Bloch."

MOTIon PICTURE SCRIPTS: - -- -.,,- ." -~---- .. - - -.•.. -


- ."" i? . ~,

- 2 -

RECEIP~, Continued

MOTION PICTURE SCRIPTS: - ,,--------- ".~.--------.~

,"TIlE DEADLY ~~""

Four volumes of the shorthand dictation of_ a screenplay. story outline, synop'sis, all drafts- of all ve:r;'sions, aIr- fuLly annotated; with addit,ional notes in the hand of the autho):,

One finaL draft and one __ scr",_enplity :of "The De';'dly Bees. ,,'

"I, MONSTER" Screenplay by Milton, SuPotsky.

"This script w~s never filmed. what they _should du 'with it; noz:' any Signed: Robert Bloch.

I had no thoughts

suggestions on on re.vl:sions. ",

"THE NIGHT \iALKER" ---~ -


Final screenplay, fully annotated.

"Here, in notes, outl'ines and various versions and revi­sions, are the copious results of an attempt to translate John O. MacDonald's novel. "Linda", into a screenplay. The resuLts - representing compromises with executive!l and stud_io personnel, were ominently unsatisfactory, and the project was abandoned.


These things happen - but there is, an evidenced here, as much or more work involved in the failures as in the successes. n

Signed: Robert Bloch. Fully annotated.


Treatments, correspondence.


story outline, fragments, Fully annotated.

'''SIGNPOST TO MURDER" 1962 ~------- ~ ----~-


a±l drafts, changes,

"Smmetimes scripts are sen~-wr:iters for assi:gnM'lRll't _,!:-o \ +~ re .. write. I turned this one dowi7.'=' Sometimes, it take'S"'-guts to

L~ \;>" refuse a job. I turneil down an offer at $30,000 to revise this. 0" The studio hired another '\-,xi t'i'r, maile the film anyway - and it

I-ras neither a critical nor a popular SUCCeHS. Should I have Conti

. ,

- J -.

RECEIP~, -Continued'-

"SI(;'_NPOST TO ~RDER": Continued

taken the assignment for the money, and forgotten my rEserva­tions .abo~t the story? :r think _n.at." Sign~ed: _RobeJ:t Bloch;"


All versions-, all --fully annotated, inclUdIng ~ctual shoot-' lng schedules.-'

TELEVISION SERIES SCRIPTS: ---.----~~--~~~-------~--

ALF-nED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS --- --"The Gloating Place "The Lonely Heart,

"Off Season


1961 1965


"-Death- Crawls Softly" 1964 (I~ritten as a pilot, never made, later motion picture. Fully annotated.)

THE EL~~ ~ -

"Three Couches - No Waiting. (Ful~y- annotated)

THE GrRtt'FROM U.N.C.L.E. -----~

"The Fountain of Youth . Afiliair"

(Fully annotated)


"Mask of DeB.th"




WARNER BROS. written a9 a

M-G-M T.V.


TImE);': --rp~_ C.B.S.

(Original story by Robert includes teleplay \"Iritten

Bloci;l:, fully annotateu and by Stephen Kandel.)


- , -

RECE:rPT, Continued

TELEVISION SERIES SCRIPTS: continued ----.--,--~--." ,------_.--LOCK-UP ---

--,. "Abandoned Mine," "Beau and Arrow Case"­(Fully annotated) "Death -and Texas" (Fully annotated)

MIDNIGiiT _ --,----

-1960 1960


"under9round" _ (Includes story and teleplay,

RUN FOR·YOUR LIFE ----"Night Train from Chicago"

1966 (Fully_annotated)

~What Are Little GirLs Made Of?" 1966



20TH CENTURY FOX aimotated)



"A case history of a teleplay, from two-page basic premise, to finsihed. script - - aho~ling_ changes and elements involved in evolution of acript:

(1) Premise (2) Outline (3) Revised Outline (4) Firat draft teleplay

~(51 Second draft teleplay (6) Producer's comments rn Producer's notes on series format Ca) Further changes by producer (9) Additional revisions (10) Final script.

SIGNED: Robert Bloch"

THRILLER ---------"A Good Imagination "Man of Mystery"

-::~-~ REVUE._, -:c. REVUE


· .

RECEIP'l': Continued

THRl:LL&F: -Continued - . --------


".Till-Death Do.Us Part" -{Fully- annqtatedr "\~ilxworks "_ (Fully annotated) "Yours.TrU'ly, Jack the- Ripper". __ (Fully annqt:ate1'l, with

"Treasure Hunt" (Fully annotated)

- 5 -

1.961 .REVUE

1961 REVUE.-all changes)


(All annotated)

"The Beasts of Barsac"

"Beauty's Beast"

"Betsy Blake Will Live_ Forever"

"Black llllrgainft

"The Bogy Man Will Get you" (Fully annotated)

"Change of Heal:t"

"Comfqft: Me, My Rohot ,.

"Day Broke"

"Dead End Doctor"

"The Devil's Ticket"

"Dig That Crazy Grave."









y!;nG:;"Y'-QUEEN INSTERY -fi<.A~·niE ContI

RECEIPT, Continued


"Fat. Chance"

"The Fin..,l l'erforrncmce"

"The Ghost Writer"

"Girl From Mars"

"Have You Hear;;:! the One "1\hout ••.•• "

"The Jugular Vein" / "Tules in a Jugular Vein. "

a. "Double Cross" b. "The Deaeliest Art" c. "Founding. Fathers"



d. "A Home Away From Home" e. "Night School. n

f. "The past Master" g. "pin-Up Girl" h; "Rhyme Never Pays"

"A Killing in the Market"

"Lizzie Borden Took An lUIe. "

"Luck Is No Lady"

·'The f1ad Hatters"

~ <' " "Memo to a Movie Maker"

"Nightmare Number Four"

"The Scarf"




Manuscript of revisions to first eaition of novel, pub­lished in 1947 by Dial Press.

"In' 1966, Fm'/cett publishe~~ided to put o~t-~~"~w paperbClck edition. I updated the language and topical refer­ences - wrote a new ending - anC! an :intrcduction. (The Itltter


- 7 -

RECEIPT: Continued

S~Q.13',~'J~'£.~~!"U!L~R_I.R!§..: Con-tfnued

"The Sca;t:'f", Cont/_ • was not used.) after its first

Here is -my work on -challging 'a book writing; Signed: 'Rob_ar,t Blocb."

twenty years

. "Second Coming"

"The Shoes"

"'J,'he Skull of the-'Marquis de Sade"


"This story sold to Amicus Productions .,. Pl\ramourit i't'in England fo'r' 1965 release ~s "The_Sku;!.l". - Signed:

filmed Robert

Bloch" •

-:~Sock Finish"

"Tell Your' Fortune"

"A Toy For Julie"

"Try This For psi;>"


"The Unspeakable Betrothal"

"Wheel _and Deal"

"YOU Got to Have Brains"









f1ANUSCllIl?TS ('If Group oF. Book Revie\~s. Annotated, circa 1965-66.

RECF.IPT: Conti!ll1ed

"All On A Golden Afternoon"

"Alone By: Night"

"Atoms and Evil"

"Blood Runs Cold('

- I! -

(Fully Annotated)






R9BERT HALE" -L'J.'b, London, England 1963.

"The English edition of one of my best collections of short stories, originally published by Simon and Schuster. Signed: Robert Bloch".

"Blood Runs Cold"

Collection of


Seventeen short stories.

than "The American Edition the British reprint.


"Chamber of Horrors"

"Constant Reader"

,f _


of this Signed,

collection -'more Robert Bloch".






"This was my first screenplay, from a story treatment by Blake Edwards and-~~en Chump, who produced it. I was asked to noveli~e it, and did. Note comments' on Holl~~ood. Signed: Robert Bloch".

"Crime in Rhyme"


\ ---

- 9 -

:P.ECEIPT: Continued

PUBLISHED snORT STORIES and NOVELS, Continued -------- ----,---.--,--"--~.--.---- -_. -"This Crowded Ea.rth"

"The Deadbeat"



"This novel, published in hard covers by Simon and Schua-ter plays-,Up the ';youth versus age' problem - <l half-dozen _ ye!l.rs before -f:t hit the headlines, thanks to University troubles

: .. and street- riots, but- I 'defined _here the battle_lin~s, which I saw as already-clearly drawn.' Signed: Robert Bloch, 1966".

"English -editi('m--of a eight languages. signed;

"The Dsadliest Art"


"Eighth Stage-of Fandom"A

"The Fiend in YoU"


ROBERT HALE LTD. London. 1961

novel- which had- been Robert :aloch".

traIislat€!d into






"A strange novel, which I hope to do Berne day as a film. Big,ned, Robert Bloch".

"A "

" Good Imagination"

"A Heme Away_ From Home"

-"lIorror - 7" (Seven stories)

"llow to be a Science Fiation Critic"



INSIDE I'iAGAZINE Octoher 1962

- 10 -

PunLISl'iFJJ SHORT STORIES -and nOvELS = Continued ------.------~. --------~-~-'-~~-,---~-

"The Hungry Eye"

"1- Do Not Love Thee, . D.octor Fell."

"I Kiss youl; Shadow"

"Imagination- and Modern Social Critism" Essay.

"The Laughter OT. a Ghoul"

"The Miracle of Ronald Weema"

"More Nightmares"

"P.r, J>1argClte's Mermaid"

"l>'--y Best Science Fiction Story~

"My Stnlgg1e"

.; " . '-~

"The Night Walker"




'April 1956


THE FANTASY FAN ~lAG}!,ZINE December 1934





_OTHER 1'10RLDS MAGAZINE september 1951


"I did an original screenplay ("The Night Walker", Univer­sal, 1964), ana it was noveli~ed, with my permission, by Michael Avalonne, under a pseudonym. Note an introduction for this' vol~ Signed: •

~ .•. "Nightmares" BELMONT BOOKS





- 11 -

PUBLISHED SHORT STORIES and NOVELS, Continued --- - ,.- '-'-.- '- --'._------._._- - -----~ --.--"Pleasant 'Dreams

Nightm,ares;" ARKIIAM HOUl3E -1960

"A -comprehensive collection of my fantasy stor'ies frOIrl 1946 to 1953, Signed: Robert Bloch".

"The Plot is- the 'rhing" _MAGAZINE·OP FANTASY AND SCrENC~ FICTION July 1966

"Psycho" CORGI- PUBI.~SHERS - -London ·1-963


"This is the 1963 Crest Eaition - a used-copy - all I ever found - of the Fifth Paperback E&ition. Thus far, there have been seven. Signed, Robert Bloch".

"Psycho" -'Logical Bloch' (Biographical article on the" author)

"Satan's Servants"

"Page proofs from a book in a maga%ine. Signed~ Cats", Arkham House.)

"The Scarf"



- this' story was never pubHshed Robert B1och.H ("Something about


~~his 1947 novel was printed by Dial Press in hard cover, reprinted in paperback by Avon in three editions. I revised and upctated its language, did a new' ending for this reissue. Signed: Robert Bloch".

"Shootillg star"

"This novel,


written before I saw Hollywood, is a';;:ftl~o­has a certain • __ ~~, Signed, Rob<,?r't"",, __ h".


niatie - but

\,-.+ '\ "Skin-Deep" ~o' _



BECEIPT, Continued


-' 12 -


'_ "My_ seco'nd novel - -which nobody liked _ could be-r-edone _today.and appear-mos_t timely. In fact, i may still do it. Signed: Robert Iiloch~.

'''s~n- of Famous ,Monsters of Film Land-"

"The Skull- of the Marquis de Sade"

"Tales in a Jugular Vein"




·PAl'EFBACl( LiBRARY '-1965-






"A nevel \dtb a sympathetic and innocent young hero, for a change. NObody quite believed i wrote it. Signedl Robert Bloch, 1966°.

"Ter:t:"or Over Hollywood"


"Thin-gs I Never I<new About the Movies"

"The Thinking Cap"

"To be Read Before Midnight"







RECEIPT: Continued_

"The Traveling Salesman"

"Treasury of Terror~-

"A Way_ of Life"

.~Weird Tales"

"The Will to Kill"

- 13 -






"11 very scarce novel of mine - and a favorite. signed: Robert Bloch".

"You Got to Have Braina"

"Yours Truly, Jack the Ripper"



PUBLISHED SHORT STORIES and NOVELS - Translated into Foreign Language:-·-rFuffy-·annotatedf--- .

"Brat I Blindo" BY KOMETFORLAGET, Stockholm, Sweden. 1957

BRUNA AND :<'oQON, Utrecht, Holland 1965 IP' \,' V "Die Saat des :Bosen" WILHELM H1l.YNE VERLAG, Munich, Germany

":Fifteen Grusel Stories"


~U1 HAYNE Germiiny 1965



- 14 -

RECEIPT; . Continusa

PUBLISHED SHORT -STORiES ana NOVELS: Continuea -,------.-"~-,-- ---- - -. ,---- .. -,. --"liielase la Sangre" BARCELONA, SPAIN

PAN BOOKS .• 1963

"II l'assato che U).-la" GARZANTI OF MILANO, ITALY 195~

HAYlIKAWA PUBLI,SmmS,' Tokyo, . Japan 1960


·"Tales of Menace" HAYAKl\Wl\ PUBLISHERS '1"010'0, JAPAN 1962

"Terror" (1) ISRAELI EDITION Publishea in Israel.

Fourteen stories in 1935 - January

scatterea 1952.


a. b. o. d.

~'e. '-; f •

g. h. i. j . R. 1-

"The Feast in the Abbey" "One ?Iay to Mars" "The Skull of the Marquis de Sade" "Soul Proprietor" "Satan's Phonograph" "The Bogy Man Nill Got You" "Frozen Fear" nEnooh~'

"Lizzie Borden Took an Axe" "Sweets tc the sweet" "Catnip"


m. n.

"The Indian Spirit Guide" "The Sorcerer's Appr!<.l.UJ.-ce n "Lucy Comes to stay"~',,_,-, --:::0>' ~~'"""tr _

-". "'~ .. '-These above sto:eios are in the entire issues of' the WEIRD



RECEIPT: Continued

"Anyone for Menace?"

"Basic Bloch" Sic columes by R.B.,

"Black Lotus"

"Clown at Midnight"

"I Like Blondes"·

"I'll Fry Tomorrow"

"I{onga Boo, Son o;E' Konga"

"The Masterpiece"

"Return of the Honsters"

"The Show Hust Go On"

"A Stake in the Future"

.- J.S -


ROGTl'E MAGAZINE July 1·961 October 1961 November 1961_ Janml.XY 1962 June 1962







LOOK MAGAZINE September B, 1964

DINER'S CLUB f.JlIG1\ZINE March 1962


These a.boY<" stories are ill the entire issues of list8d magazines.

MISCELLANEOUS NRITINGS, - - - - - -- ------ ---- .--. --- -.--

" ,

RECEIl''i': Contl.nw'r1

"The Sr.ience riction 1.;'01'10"

- 16 -

}\ugust: 1956 apring 1957

"Wilson Tucker and 1 edited about eight_ issues of this 'He,<[s Letter' of science Fiction _for" two publishers '''ho distributed it-as a sailing piece. The puhlication is now quite- a rarity_ .. rterus marked X a.t;e my writing. Signed, Robert BLoch",

"The NeO-Fans. Guide t·faq." THE Ml'IFIA PRBSS -}955

"r helped edit Ulis 'Guide" to Science Fiction which is still fairly definitive in the field. Robert Bloch H •

"An Open Letter to Fandom" "Lincon 11" or "Througb A Monocle? Darkiy" "Things I never Kne\-l about the Movies" "Hhat is Richard Arl"m Really Like?" "Yankee A-Go-Go"

~!s..q_~LLAli~QUS l'!M'~~,

);'Il,ndom, Signed:

Original pencil and crayon craicature of. Robert Bloch by Barr, 1960. Drawn for FM10US MONSTERS OF FILMLAND MAGAZINE.

One-Sheet from TllE PSYCHOPATH motion picture. "8 writer may approach his screenplay with ~ certain regard for re­straint and good taste - th",r, the advertisino;r department gets in the act and see what happens: Signed, Robert B;toch" , , " Handout for Film Reviewers at Press Review at my film, l'1illiam Ca-stle's prodUctions of "The Night Walker".

Press Book of "The Night Walker."

Press Book of the "Psychopath", with a note by R.B.

Sa~pling of Press Clippings an~~~~w~, all anno~~~_

original Water colors by Boris :;'even, Sketches J}>'CKE'l'. _ewnt'&;"C"""N",,. ',,"<:ODd~.



, /"' \.).(,

.,' .

- 17 -

;:.:r_~C2.r::.I~¥~I~~l!~ _t.~TE~~AJ., !?ontinlleil

I{ystery Writers' Annual. "See p. 13-for a photo of the \·iritel; as an innocent babe." Si,]nC'd I Robert Bloell. .

Shooting Schedulo samples t:cir "Straitjacket" ?Jote from Crawfond.

~Robert Blo<:;:h" - Bibliography compiles by Graham M. Hall • January 1963, England.

"This is a fairly complete bibliog'raphy of my -professionaliy published ~1brks up to the_ end of 1964 •. Writings- for 1965 and 1966 not included. St"gned:' Robert Bloch".


GMG ,bll

Ffl9TO (1"1 IT' 7 -r:& B£ ',Lf Robert Bloch photos. (7) - - /; a Production stills f9r "'rhe psychopath". (21) i'HOTO ( "tjyilf ProdUction still for "Psyoho". (1) I'IlPTO (pIij\lol!? l'l!i) -

:(Signed) , -~- ---(fen;-M::--Gres i1ey" ---. ___ ~--c ___ --~


-', ,

, ,

,J,1 Iv

~-- 1-

eo"" le,:lA 5A 1 • • _ j., J I

11/ .. ,J l<f~i --- --


'Rece-'ipt.'for gi"ft received of Robed Bloch:

This collection consists of correspondence, motfon picture and television scr.ipts, novels, press books and stills •.


Representative cross-section of cortespoorlence from /1lirch 1966, through November 1967. Business, personal, and fan letters lnc_luding a running record- of conta,ct with regilar correspondents. occasfonal. casual scrfveners.

From 1966 there were t\1elve pieces from Max J. Rosenberg; Forrest J. A!;kerman, Donald l1yrus, Harry Altshullir,- SlPffi Mos­kowitz, Grennells, Reg Smith, and an SFIM Bulletin.

'~ated 1967 there were 120 pieces from- AU!lust Detleth, Alan­Dodd', Gordon Nolson, Donald A. Reed, )1ichael Avallone, Andre~1 Porter, Ilarlan E1l1son, Martin Saum & Jack Gilardl, Florence & Sam Russell, Victor Boruta, lee Hoffman, Pearl Thompson, ~111ton Subotsky; Samuel A. Peeples, Dallas- M~yr, Joel Freeman, Vernon Shea, laurenie Ii. Janifer. Si~on & Schuster, Inc., Har.YY Altshuler, Robert Silverbe-rg. Mrs. Julius Marmus, luther Ilorrfs, Duke Man:, Jane Guymo'{l, Felice Rolfe, Robert A. Pardi, Ben Solon, Al lewis, Richard ~. Gais.

~ .. ~- ?-~,- """--'-- -

._ 2 -


Co rre~pon den ce . Con tin ue d.

dq;(-IC; Five pieces· of. -undate-d ~l)rr_esponde'nce were- from' Sus-an D_ick, h" Victor BOl'uta, Donald A. Reed; and ,"Iichael -AvaTlon-e.

~liJcel-laneous Writing

'''The alack No-tabook" d,,..v '/ novel, THE' SCARF. now yr MAGAZInE.

Motion Picture- Scripts

An- exp_ung~d section- of Mr. Bloch's_ published- -in its- e-n'tirety _irl -FAliEWS

The.Q.eadly Bees. _ Release ~_ialogue_script_ ..

The Torture Garden. A rel~ase scrip.t.-

TIlE DEAD BEAT. A novel by Hr. Bloch._ publislled by.cor-gi Books, london.

THE UVIIiG DE-NONS. SI10rt stories by Mr. Bloch. published by Belmont. New York.

THE NIGHT WALKER. A novel by Sidney Stuart, based on the-screenplay by Mr. B1Qch.

Press Books Bnd Sheets

.Jl.!:. ~!.Y.. ~ee~. Press Il'ook and Press Sheet.

Psy'cho. One~sheet promoti.on for motion pictUre,

fhe [email protected]~_. The fllm press book.

~i.~a1t-jacket. p'ress book of the mot fan picture. "".~-- .. >".-Terror. Advertising announcement for Mr. Bloch's radio series.


.D~!:.. l~rrQ.!:.~- H!L~ Q..f. ,H_()_t:.r~. Fifteen. (9\ y' I'

P~~h.o_, Seventeen. (,;';e »:c-) c?JJk ...... i?

The 3Js..l!ll. Ej-<rlft. <Z:sC 7 tJ',4) c:r');;t "';:--,'~ IIWt'\ \~",,;t

- 3 -

r-eceipt Continued.

Te1.evision Scripts

··~t's Paw.- A teleplay for "sTAR TREK" 'Series. -this fn~' 'eTUdesan drafts and changes with' interdepartmental c;o!llm-unications. " .-

!.~!!.-Tor~ ~rden_. lJnfte-d states TV (lo~g) version.

Underground. Story and teleplay by Robert Bloch.

Walt in the F~ld. An hour teleplay for the "STAR TREK" Silrfe:S-:-1l11sfncludes all drafts and changes with -inter-departmental communi cations. '


GNGfl 9 .

--;?' _~iP -', ""'" ...

_."-. ''-'--'--'''''' 'i ,') ,


60"'" "_-15 Iqq , , 358

December lD, '1968-



RECEIPT for gift o·f Hr. Robert Bloch:_

-~SljlJ~L -

, i !

I ,

)\;<PIECE' OF TilE Acnoti -. ~ -.---~---r-- . Book of short- stories pub.1lshed by;I<",,! Dimensions ,Ind Education', -1:968, \~Ith 'holograph ';ote, s-Igned.

TALES O-F TERIlOR-.. ~-----Dook of short .sto'ri,,-s pu~lIshed _by'\'. H. AI,Ien, 1967, with holograph note, sIgned.


Bo-ok of short s_tories publishe-d-bX -tleyne, 194,7, with ho-Io~ graph note, sig"ed;' ;'

CRIMES ACROSS 'TtlE SEA --_. ------ ~-,

_:\Oook of short stories publlshed_ wnh holog_ral?h riote, signed.'

nlE IlUMMI ZERO -- ----

by _Harrap & Co., 1965.

Ilook of short -storl';'s~ pub,1lshed by Tow{'lr Pub.; 1967, with holograph note, signed.

- ~ , "

.!lER:-g.!P!l!L~CHAL- (TtlE'SCARF)

Novel published In Germany, 15)67; with holograph note, signed.-


Book of short storIes pu..RlJj;~ed by

) w!th holograph note, sl~iI,~-_ :

!!E Y_~ __ !.!!!....sjJ_R!_AJ_l!..jll.- 2_~fU' __

Book of short storIes published by New Engllsh'Llbrary" 1966, wIth hnl'''H,lDh note. sl<rned.

I, !,

;,) ;'''~~CE.rT: ContInued

BOOKS: _ Cont i nued "~-

IlU'...cs A I!..TJ. ~J .. LL . .Yl!..!..Y~!0...2.!:!.!:!.Jll"!!-~ Book -of short stories publIshed by Paperback .ll-brary, '960,- \~r-t;h- h:olograpl! note-; stgnec.-

nID~YJl_q.Y.:..!22K or ,"-~cl!_Nc_E.-!ml.Q!1 & FANTASV

Book of s'hort storlc.s'publlshed by :Playboy Press-, 1966, wIth holograph note, sIgned.

THE - 5T/l.R STAi'-KER--~-,,-~~-,--

-NOVel publ-lsh~d- by Pyramid Pub., 196B, with loilg t-iolo'iiraph-note, -sIgned.


'·~o6k.of_short stor\es_pub1Jsh~d,by'.Cor.gl; 196). wi th holograph ~o't;e, sIgned.


'Two,lOlo_vels- publIshed by Belrliont. 1':r68,,_with long -holograph note. sIgned.


Book of short storIe's publIshed by-Pan Books, 1967, Nlth holograph -note-,' sl!lned.

NACIIT ,DER SCIiRECKEt< (HE ,NIGHT I-IALKER) , ~ , - ' ---Uovel publlsloed In'-Germany, -1968.

-t'1!Q!S. \ flovo! published In Germany; ;1968, with 1,on9 ,holograph; signed., -


Short story "The Llvlng_ Dead," 1967, ~dth _ hoJograph note, slgne<l,

,,'; -,~"

CO RR!..S POll 011'1.£.E.::,-


A cross ~ectl'~ri- of correspondence from December -1~67 through December, 1968. Ous-Iness, per,sona! and fan letters Including a running record of contact wIth wrlfers, 5tu(ll05, agents and crItics. Each fIle contaIns 11 long'holograph history and Is sl~ned by Robert D~Qch.

-----:?-- - $' ~-..,g-c -

'~ , - 3-

,\ "'RECEIPT: Continued

tlMI !:IJ.£..~l..f T S, Con tin u'e d

O'r i g i n1l1 manuscr! pt of the. nove I pub 1.1 s lied by Pyramrd ·P.ub­lJcatJons, iii '1,968. 3)8 PI', ~tlth l'Jlnotat'lons and''l 6--'jlne holo~rrapli'flote: slgne~ by Rober,t 1J10<;:h.. "

·Orl.gln·ill g'alleys wi th all changes ana 'corre<,tlons 'in his h'lnd, signed.'


. Orlgln'al draft.of 's,creenplay taken from'a N.tory 'wrltt.en 'for \lelrd "Tales magazine,' bo'th.s'crlpt and story written by~ Rohert ~Io"h. licHlvily annot<lted, \~Ith 12---lin" hol09_raph' 'note, slgned.-

HiE HOUSE THAT DRIPP_ED BLOOD --- -Original outline _fOT- t-he SCTeenp)<;Iy; heavlly-' annotst'ed-,

'~ilth :hologr ... ph_:oo~te;' and signe-d. --', _,_-

Revi'sed out-line holograph note",

dated_Harch'.-1§67,- he_avl'ly _an1)otate'd, -wlth:­and -5_,190ed. -

First draft'screenplay, orlgliial_typl'scrlpt', -heavily: annotated, _ tIl tti h,<;>1 09r'aph not~; and s I gne:d.

--Second -draft"~creenp'lay, orr'gl~~l typesc-,-fpt-, heavily :annotated, \<lith holographnotc,' ilf1d- ~Igned;

-, '-




Dook of short stories publIshed In' Germany_,-. 1_967, with holo9raph'no~e, Signed.

Haga..:llile-,"Ith short story hQ I ograph note;- s I,gnad-.

OlmlBUS CHICAGOLAND ---_._-,Hilgadne ~llth Int<.irirlo~1 "The tl~~ \/ho Wrote Hore'Tbilfl

~l;:'''Psy!:ho'', 1968,'wlth ,I,ong hologrilph note, signed.


Haga..:lne, \<11th short story published In Sweden, 196B, with holograph ,note, signed.


l'IilDaz! ne ld th hlo holograph

report notes,

on f;;cli: sIgned.

, , -\., "

" iIl.ECEIPT, eontlnued

.!!t~!-ZINES: ContInued

DEEP_til THAN YOU TH INK -~ ---,-~--

-M!i.!lazr~,,: ",'it.h aut"Obl0~r~plli~~.1 ar~_lcll!~ 1968 .• with ho_Tog raph no-i:~. sf 9ned·.




Treatment fo-r te-lepl~y'wlth -5- M Jine .h~lo9raph- note and s['gllad.


Stan' outll!)e, annotateo, with_holograph note signed by - Robert 810ch.


-[revisIons for the 1967 prlntfng -"f Robert' Bloch's published_In 1~47. wIth fullRpagl! holograph note,.

nOVE" fl"1:"51: sIgned.

-' ;

OrigInal inanus-crlpt of Ii. convent_loR report to appear-__ in IF Mag";>;!/le for March', -1969'; sIgned •


orlglnai manuscp"pt of , the. Introduction of thl:; volume' of short storIes; __ s I gne~.

Original manuscript of 'h. Intorductl-on (or this vol ume of \ short storles!_ s!\lned.


Or!glnal man'uscrlpt of ,"0 .IntroductIon of th I s volume -of short - stories-, signed.

TH1'..,..41 VI HG DEMONS 1'r--;Orlgnlal manoscrlpt of the _Intorduction (or thIs volume' 'of short stories, slgned.-


Original manuscript In the Spring, 1968


of a revie~1 o-f the Issue of PsychotIc


film which appeared liagazlne, signed.

------'-- It' -':--: ~ -

Article of lritervlew .,Ith Robert Bloch, with holograph note, and signed.

,'$' , -,-

• J),'tfCE t ~T: Continued . .


Novel by tharles Larson, 'pbbJ!.she'd by J. II'. Llpp,'n~'~-it Co,. (garleys), containing 'le,tters :by R·6bert.[~loch,- 'C,hal'les Lars~-rt

-and Allee Allen, wr~h. hologra-ph note, ,slgned.-' .. .

- '-, - '

RecordIng of theme ml.lslc, from ',the fllm,'wlth lonll -note;-slgned:

holograph -,.-- -., , " ""

-" --' --, '" ,- -- '

• '-J --;-


"" ~ .,,;.

PSYCHO - -0::.'- - , . '

Or r III na 1 -one-sl1eet",::pos'te'i:;" 19(\0, - ho'lograph- inscrIptio-I]. '-slgne'd'- _'-


--- , -'--- /- -

-, "'" -:: Orl II I ~a ,- o~e~:~h~~~: ~~~t,,,-~, 1)e 19 I an holograph note •. ' signed. "" -

,. ' , , re_'e);($_e~- _In ~oi;;r,~"--~-'-i:h

THE SKU.!:!.

Original slgne'd.


wi f"Jow.-ca rd~

Fuf.1 set of _8 o'rlgl'laJ signed on, Yerso~_- I.,'


1965, In color,'wlth

lobby ppsters, - -,'

,,' .- , ',; ,.- ,

- ,,-,;' -',,,', --'--- -;-- '-.',,,'/

OrIgInal one-sheet-_p~ster. Delglan release, ·'itf'col,o'r_,:.'wlt-ti 3--11ne hOlogr<)ph'lnsc.rlptl'on, sIgned, '"

;, -- _.' , -';

Orrgl,,~f one-sheet __ po'ster, Belgian' rel'aac~, I,n color; with 3--llna Inscription; holograph, signed.


Original window cD'rd, 196~, In color, wIth liollJ,!Ira~h-', ,sIgned.


OrIgInal pne-sheet _ note, sIgned.

, ;,-' - - .

I nco I or ,-\tJ~ log raph , ~ ~-

OrI9H~1 window card, 1966, In color, with holograph note, sla ned •


eox 35Z



Recordln9 of theme musIc holograph ~ote, si9ned.

, from the film, wfthlon-g

, 9xll 'reproduction of maga>:Ine il-Iust'ratlon, mo~n-t;;'d-. -w-it-h long ho_log'raph }lote,- signed • ..


OrlglnaL-one-sheet poster, "965, 'necolor,- with hol?graph.: note, -and signed.

-Original two-sheet notei' and sfgned.

post ... r" 1965, In color, with' _holograph,

/ - -',

Orlglnal·two-sh,eet .poster. 1964, rn color, ,11th holograph' note, and-~slgtied.'

PHOTOGRAPH5-: ---_. yj~ '91{- E ,'gh tee~ m I s ce II aneo us ph otog raphs -- p roduc t I on scenes, _ ca n d I di;

'fI)To(b &1' ?f;d portralts_. each slgne~ on verso.


.. -, '.'


G'ene-'1," Gr~asiey _Olrec,tor



. ,

&tes Il.--io' j ICfJI I

Jijl, il'/.


Receipt for' toe gift of Mr. Robert Bloch:

This 910ft- consist .. 'of books [, novels: hardbound and. paperbackE; 'mag821ne5_~ -manu5<:rip,ts; <:orr'"sp'onden<:e; art IYork; colorslldes; an~ oolo!lraph notes signed bl Robert Ill_o,_h." - '

BOOKS: Hardbourid.


"nie Voyager" series, Published by MIRAGE PRESS, Baltlmore.- Maryland; 1969. Thls Is a <:ollection of four novelets by $obert Bloch.


A Scandlnatian edition of THE SCAf\F, by Robert Bloch, Published by K,-J. Bunnerus Osakeyhtlo, Jyvasdyla; .1969.


Edited b'y Anthor.y Boucher. Published by E.P. Dutton & Co. I n<:. New York, N.Y. :1962. Complied by members of the Mystery Writers of AmerIca. "The Shambles of Ed Geln", by Robert Bloch, Is among the 24_ most intere~tln9 murder cases In American history. It was from e.>lamlnation of 'this case that the novel pSyCijO wDS fnspi red.


Edited by H,p. Lovecraft and Others, Publi.>lhed by -Arkharn House, _Sauk City, WisconsIn; 1369. "The Shambler From the Stars", "The Shadow "rom ,the Steeple." "Notebook found In a Der.erted House," a_re three short stories by Robert Bloch.


By Collier Young, Published by Delacorte Press. New York" This novel was wrItten by Robert Bloch, but sInce _the contract ~ertaln things, it came out under this marne.

N. V. 1969: dla ... 't spedfy


, January_5. ,,71

THE ROBERT BlOCH .. CoCU:ctroi!"

RECEIPT for the Hft received of Hr. Randall larson:


Y;" \ 1, 19i'1. wi th

~ "fandom Unllmlte.r", Vol. I, No. contains: "Psycho: an Interview Robert Bloch'.'.

(Signed) ,~~CC,"""<T",,~­-Gene M. Gressle~.


• October 30, 1972


/' . ,'N, RECEIPT for the gift recelved,of.Robert B,loch:

r.J' DOOK: _ Y~4 o Bloch, Robert, "Night World", an In~ersanctum Mystery. SImon and Schuster, /lew York: 1972


(S I gnad) ,;;;;;,""",","';C~~~~ . Gene H. Gressley, Director

. ' flm 19

I ,

February 14, 1973


CEIPT- for-the gift receive? of Hr. Randali Larson:


TilE ROBERT BLOCH F./1lIZINE, September 1972 edition. Rana~ll Larson, Editor-in­Chief.


Gene H. Gressley Director

fk 19

x a

a q


The Robert Bloch ,Co1-l<lctlon-Z.


By Roberf Blo~h and Ray Bradbury. Pubrlsh ad by Tower Publications, Inc. Ne~ York, -Fictt'on. N.Y.,1969. TelllJl1asterpleces of Selenee


Edited by-Harlan -Ellison, Pub 1.1 shed. by Be rk I ey Pub Ilshlllg -CorporatJon. - New York, rt B1<;.ch Is, ;ndud"," In this anthology.-II. Y . 1969. ''A Toy For Juliette", I>y Robe


Paperback edition of Robert e I oeh' s most Hew York Clii; 1969.

recent novel. PublIshed by Belmont Books,


A hook 110110r.ln9 Porls KatloH. A sha-rt " Robert Bloch I, Included. Compiled by '0 ory "Dr. Psy.ch<;l and 'Mr. Suitn". :by: rrest J. Ackerman;. Published by A'ce

PublishIng CorpOration, New York, N.Y. 19 69.


Edt ted_ by Alden H. Norton, Pub! Ished by P yramld PublicatIons. New York, N.Y. -1969. omarrow." A nove let by Robert 610ch, "L t Happened T

HAUNT! NGS -AND /WRRORS: "" Grlsley Jales.

-Edhed by Alden,H. Norton. Published by B' erkley Publ 15hln9 Corporatlon~ Ne~ York. • " Head Man". N. Y. 1969.- A short story by- Robert Bloch


EdIted by Roger Elwood, PublIshed by Coro 1969. "Almost Human". by Robert B'o!!.h.


A Bantam Book published by Grosset & Ounl Paperb~ck edItion of Bloch's mO$t f$mOU5

net. Communlcatlons-, Inc. New York, N.V.

ap, New York. N.Y. 1969. novel •

I MAGAZIN~S: Stories and articles by Robert Bloch.

1 "D-lary ~':und in the St. louis Zoo"---a report on the 1969 World Sdence


FictIon Callvntlon; 1£; January 1970. Ho.lograph note '.ifgned: Judy~Lynn.

I I IlAt lIay WI til Tha Baycon: Convention Report". 1f: February, 1969. ,

\I An article On Robert Bloch's TV lJIorks. FILMS IN REVIEW, MBrch, 1969.

The Robert Bloch Collectlon-3.

}'wG;CIlNES: (continued)

1_ "H"'" LI ke A God", a short ,scien-ce fl ction story. GALAXY MAGAZINE i Aprl I, 196"9.

! "Grooyeyland", <i nov~lette._ 1f.; Hay, 1969.'

"Authorg_aphs". by Editor, Fredrlk_~ohl,_An Intervle,., ,.,Ith Robert Bloch. lE, July, 1969.

"The Movie PeapJe" , One of his best, but lel)st typldd FANTASY AND SCIENCE FICTION, Oetobe'r" 1969.

short s tori es.

"Satan's Servants", RewrItten from an eadier (1935) story. MAGAZJNE OF,HORROR. December. 1969.

';'House of the flatchet", r-epr I nt from We i r-d 1a I es, STARTL I NG MYSTERY _STORI ES, SUfIIIIler no. I. 1966.

A 9uest~ed[tor[-al by Robert B'loch, AMAZING STORIES. Mar_ch, _1962-,­

"The Noose Hangs High". DIME MYSTERY 'MAGAZINE, _ February, 1946.;,

"Last Respects". comnlents on the death of Boris Karloff. FAMOUS HONSTI;RS OF FILMLANo. Jul\.'.:'1969.

A letter from Robert Bloch concerning the death of Boris Karloff. FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLANO; September, 1969.



A Star Trek fainlne. Mentions _Bloch as a ~crlpt 'writer for the TV show.-


An Australian fan magazine.


a fanzlne, August.1969.


• a fan,':magazlne.



A Star Trek fanz!ne.

The Robert Bloch Collectlon~4.

-",n ;;DRK:

_ Orlglnal- art "O'rk for several lE,artlcies and stories. annotated and-a'holograph note sl~ned Robert Bloch.

I 14 slides of scenes frorn th'e STAR TREK series.

-~¥ ~Orlglnal-att' w~rk fo-r t~e -St-. i.oUISC~~ by Jack Gaughan. 196;'1. -_Il-lustrates works ,::[_ for GAlAX~ and IF magazines.

• - _' Original Ht ",ork bY'Wi IH~m Notsler. 1969.

'ul1, Scroll by Joyce fisher, Sue Robinson and Pamela Janisch. TI ,_ lou . .,.~ ...

proof-of dust Jacket for PlIter A. Halnlng, from:


"0 r • June

C;i-Ilgarl's 9.1969.

Black 6obU," Included 15 a -letter

"'" TIlE-TWENTY-FIRST WITCH. , Orlg!nal story .Ueatmcnt for a 2 hour motion picture. also the ,revised story, and f!.~15hed 5ceeenplay. and_ holograph note_ signed: Robert IIloch.


Original and carbon of outline for motion picture. also the revisions and script for the British film for PARAMOUNT,



Original material and manustrlpts for this collection of Horles: " Uzzle Borden Tock An Axe •.. ". "The Oevll's Ticket", "The 60gey Man WIll G.et You" and a revision. "The Weird Tailor", ''A Quiet Funeral", and "The Man Who Knew Women". a hologr'aph note to;. Sylvia Bergams; from: LIane Gibbons.


A carb'on copy of the flnsl draft for the novel.


Orlgln~'1 edited manuscript from the 1940's as appeared In Weird Tales.


I A novelette, fInally sold to a science fiction magazine, Included Is s_ list of I maga;d"nes .;nd dstes submitted.


The Robert Bloch Collect/on-5.


shortvstory. Included Is' a l1st of Olagzioe,; and #~te.<; It manuSc rl pt.

DREAM'DATE: a short story. included are reJacUon slips and notes dated 1961.

THE LAH CLOWN; A SHORT STORY. "Original manuscrlpt--another failure." signed: Robert BlOch.

; " pl"y In One act. I.,cluded 15 a

0!r!' Dated 1960. Included al'" rejection s,',;>s and a Was offered.

TWILIGHT OF A GOD: Another sh .. rt story that failed. included Is-a II~-.; of (Ja,tes_ 'and'magazlnes which rec,eived-offers to use I-t.

IT ONL"\' HURTS WHEN I LAUGH ..... :- a short story; rejection slips and a list of ~ mllgazlnes and dates-It was offered.

HOW TO PULL nll, WINGS OFF A 6M;FlY: a ~hort,story; '-j'"ciuded- is a . list 'of dates and magazInes.

x THE CRAVEN IMAGE: a s'hort story, Included Is a lIst of magazines and dates; o

(t) AFTERNOON IN THE PARK; a rejected short,story.

. 0 Q

TI TLE BOyT: _ a rejected sho,rt story.

WHAT FREUD cAUIT TEll YOU: -a rejected short story •

IT SEEMS ll-IERE WERE TWO IRISHMAN: a book revIew by Robert Bloch .Includes" dust Jacket !lample.

Miscellaneous attlcles: Include Gal ley pages for IWlG.NlITION AND MODERN SOCIAL CR,TltISM. holograph note signed by Robert Bloch. Notes for nove let: Grooveyland . holograph note signed: Robert Bloch "Oldies but Goodies" II personal reminiscence by Robert Bloch. "Post Conventional Triste'" by flobert Bloch.

I Tribute to DoriS Karloff fllr FANTASY NEWS.

I Tribute ~o BoriS Karloff fflr THE COUNT DRACULA SOCIETY. TrIbute '1:6 ChrIstopher lee.



The Robert Bloch Collectlon-6.

x '1):):

~I Speech prepared for Present,alons of!l..!J.9.Q Awards' at the WSF ConventIon 111 St. Louis 1969. '

I A short BIography of Robert Bloch,


fllefl t.

To:· Robert Bloch 36 birthday grettlng Cards from friends and 'relatlves._ 8 greeting -cards for other occaslo.ns.

i 1t

All the following 'correspon<.!ence is to Rol>ert Bloch unless' otherwise In<llcoted.

From: J. Verno.n Shea

From: Alan Dodd through

From: Mich~al Avellone

Author's Agents:

Harry Altshuler

Scott Meredith

")! ~ !lnrr.y

<J -(j:: PublishIng Companies:

! Arkham House

igalaxy PublishIng Co.

,30 letters., Dated: December through November 22, 1969'­

391· 1968

Some nei-spaper cllppliogs a~e_lncluded.

29 letters. Dated: January 4, .1968 through November 17. 1%9. Newspaper cllpplng~ are Included:

26 letters. Dated: January'lO, 1968 throu!;h November 8, 19.69.

II letters. Dated: June 17~December .21" .1967. I letter. Dated: December

24. 1968. 8 letters. Dated: January 3~November 8, 1969.

2 letters. Dated: March 29 and April 8, 1965. 30 letter~. Dated: January B.·November 2S. 1969.

4 letters, Dated: Ja~"ary 22,~Aprll 16. 1969.

4 letters. Dated: Sept~mber 2, 1967, March7.-MBy.24. 1969

~L_letter signed: F---tE'g~cihl. Dated: , January 11, 1968. 6. notes signed:

Judy-Lynn {BenJamIn}. Dated: January 14.-May 13, 1969. INcluded Is a

rurchaSlng order from Universal' Publlsh-' ng and DIstributIon Corporatlon,-

x o


CORRESPO~OENC{::: (Cb~t r nued)

P'ubIIShi.h9 Companies: (continued)

~ Jack L Chalker

III Health Knov.ledge, Inc.

Mostly Personal:

fro:1): Pamela AnderS"On

FrOo11: MrS. Robert:Bloch'

_fr"'T):' Mrs. -Maxi-ell Dh;teni'eld-

from: Mildred Johansen

fro.11: Mrs. Boris K-arloff

from: Mrs. Frank Marcus

from: The Marxes

From: George ~llnSa"ke

From: Mark Stephens

11. from: Pear] Thompson,

III from: Angeline Vall ~


From: \j.J~ry Jo , -

The Roben Bloch Collectlon- 7.

5 letters. De>ted: July-August, 196].

3 letters. Signed: Robert A.W. LO"'ndes Dated: february .10, M,'Hch 3 & 10, 1969_

2 letters, ·Slgned: 'Samuel H. Post Dated: Novellber 7 & 14, 1966

4 lette;'s. Qated; January-}lo~emt>er, 1969

Dated: _Aprrl, 1969

Dated_: '_August 4, 1969

Dated: July 4, 1969

Dated: October 8, 1969

Dated: June, 1969

,Dated: Se'ptember I I. 1969

Dated: June 24 & September, 1969 2 letters.

Dated_: October 9, 1969

Dated: J_uly, IS, 1969

Dated: January-May, 1963. 4 letters

Dated: Dec!!m!>er 28,_ ]968-0ctober 2], ]965 9 letters.

no date

Dated: AprJI-July, 1969.3 ]eteoors

I fan Letter", BusIness, <'nd Fan Clubs;

(From: Lester Anderson

!From; DIck 8ergeron

'From: Ruth Berman

from: Peter E. 81au 'v

"- No date

Dated: May 24; 1969



J"lOua ry-r::ebw~_ _c:-:: --::.

March 28, 1969

Dated; September 30, ]969

1969. 4 letters

.. The Robert Bloen Collectlon-S.

Cor~ respondence; (cont I nued)

Fa n 'La tte r S. 6.us 1 ness. and- Fan _ Cl ub~ :.' (con i: I nue <I) .

From: Linda 6ushY~ger

FrOOl: Hoote ChrIstiansen

From: Jack Denton

From: Bob 1'1 sll

From: M,;rk Fran!:

From: FUNCON -il-WESERCOIl xxii -Signed; Fred Patten SIgned: Ken Rudolpt-r Signed: CharleS.A. ,Crayne Slgn';d: oj"" Pel" -Signed: Bruce pel",

A COPI' of " panel dIscussIon by Robert Is included.

From; Allce Gauer

From; l-I"rdo0d GauClr

from; NatalIe Gebarskl

F rOI~; B r 11 George

From; Ba~b Gustafson

From! Old, Harmet;:

From: Vera W. Heminger

From! larry •


From; Hlnle

from: Lee Hoffman

From: Laurence M. Janl fer

from: Paol Janisch

From: Joo Jensen

From: Jo, K. Klein

From: Dill Larson

Oeted:Octnber 10, 1969-'

Da.tltd:Oecember 28:. 1969

O.ated:- July 11, 1969-

Oated: february~May, 1969. 3 letters •

Dated: -November 2&, 1967,~ Decemb;,r, 196; & February-November, 1969 . .7 letters.

Dated: Apr] 1 20, .1969.

-Oated:Apr117-.-19~9 Dated: Hay 8, 1969 Oate.d: Hay .18 &.25. 1969 O ... ted; June 5, 1969 ·O(lted: June .8, 191>9-

Blocll given -at WESEIlCON XXl 1- July 4-, -196~f.

Dated; December 29. 1968

llated; December ,0, 196B-October 13, 1965 7 letters.

Dllted; .September 6_ & 27, 1969

Oated;Msrch-November, 1969: S letters

Dated: Apr! I 2, 196Q

Dated: Apr! I 28, 1969

Dllted: Marcil 8 & 14, 1969. 2 letters

No dates. 2 letters

Dated: flO date

Dated; March 12, 1_969

Dated:March, 24. 1969

February 6, 1969 -------::::'>' ..... ;oi?

July 25. filMw

Dated: October J9, .1969

tfatelj; MJrcll 14, 1969

• khe Robert IlQioch Collectlon-9.

CORReSPONDENCE: ( cont i oued)

Fan Letters, Buslness •. -and ran Clubs: (Continued)

From: Jerry LapiduS Dated: January II, 1969

From: Ethel LIndsey

From; LOS A,NGELES COmiTY MUSEUM OF ART SIgned: PhilIp Chamberlin

From:Howard L. Lowery

Fro.n: Robert A. Hadla

From: Ramon QuIntana

From: Robert Reginald

~ From: Frank M. Robinson = I fro.ll: THE SAN fRANS/SeD CtiORONrCLE

; SIgn:?: John Stanley

I ~. j From: Secondary-UniVerse Conference

-i Signed: Ivor A. Rogers

-liJ: from : SCIENCr FICTION WRITERS OF AMERICA 11. i Donald P. Dkkson. president

~~ From: Stuart Ililutd Schiff



O_ated: October 14, 1969

Oated:September 24," 1969

Oated:April. IS. 1969

Dated: M';-rdi 10,1969

Dated: Jarrl'ary-AuguElt, -'969. ~ _letters

,Dated:_liay 27; 1969_

Dated: Harch22& liay' 10, 1969. 2 letters

5 pieces: nO dates

Dated: January 16, I> «ay -25. 1969 2 letters

Dated:Aprfl. 1969.4 pleces._

Dated: ,ltarch '3; 1969

Dated: February 7._ 1969

Dated: 23 de abril de 1969

Dated: februaty 28, 1969

DHed: July 22, ·1969

Dated: June:; & August II. 1969 4 -pieces

Dated: June 18, 1969

Dated: March-September, J969 4 pieces

, 1969

The Robert Bloch Collectlon- 10.

r.or,r;F.SPON DENCE: (co<'!t! nued)

filn Letters. Business.· and fan Clu!>s:" (continued)

Fr~~: Brian Schuck

From: Ronald Shearer

From: Doug Smith

From:. ST. LOUISCON Wbrld ScIence Fiction Convention Signed: Joyce & Ray Fisher

frM: -Jeff Soyer

Fro.l1: fll fton Subotsky'

from: Dale rarr

. From: John Trimble

from: Francois Trueh'ard

Dated: August 19. 1969

Dated: January""March. 1969; 4 letters.

Dated: November 6. 196~r

Dated: July II, 1969

.3 letters Dated: Harch-September. )969.

Dated:-August 7. '1969

Dllted: Sept,,";"er 19. 1969

Datdd: Herdl '17. 1969

Dated: flay-Ottol-er. i969: 4 'pi eces'

Dated: Lund! 20 Janvier 1969 Note to Lilly Latte. Signed:

'" Robert Bloch


From: flob Turner-

From: University of Southern Hlsslsslppi Signed: James Hanson

From: University of Kentucke!/y

Boom: Indiana. State Unlversl~y

Fro~: Dalhousie University

From: University of Wyoming Signed: Gene M. Gressley Signed: Norma .Knoll

.' . fro.n: Ifillary Waugh

'From; Eddie Wolfram

From: Jim Young:

Date:!: Septe<rber 16, 1969

Dated: february 10, 1969 3 pieces

Dated: Octo~er II. 1969

O~ted: January 7, 1969

Dated: ':I~y 7, 1;169

Qate~ters Dated: .January-Apr ii, 1969 Dated: April 21,1969

Dated: February 19. 1969

Dated: April 25, 1969

Dated: June 17, 1969

Correspondence concerning the COUNT DRACULA SOCIETY. Donald A. Reed. Presldpnt, and founder. Copies of dinner speedhes;,Forrle Ackerman, and Robert 910eh, Newspaper clippings. programs, lind mlsce •. ~u_s l}1atedal'-~~~--='::0ti!_tms.-


OF FANS Dated: August-September, 3 letters,

, '


The Robert Bloch Collection-II.


----Fan ClubS: ( continued)

THE LEONARD NIMOY NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FANS (continued) from:.liandi Tamburello Dated: Oecem~er 2]. 19@---August ~l 21, 1969. 19 pIeces.

DEGLER! n3. from: Andrew Porter

TOTEM POLE FrOm: Alexandra Jane Benchly


Three telegrams: We$tern-U~lon: from: Anne and Ferde From: Carole Scherl1ng:;

The British Broadcasting Corp.:­From: John Henderson

Engraved InvItations:

Dated: Jllouary J. i:369---N';v~mbe~ 17. 1969. 14, pieces.

-April -5, 1969 no date

THE ACADAMY OF MOTION PICT'JRE ARTS AND SCIENCES-Dated: April 14, 196::; HYSraKY WRITERS OF AHERICA----------------------Dated: April 25. 1969

Announcements: Samuel Newman, Practice of lew Harriag~ of Hiss Chelsea QuInn Yllrbro to Mr. Donald Pau-i Simpson.

Party lnV/tlltlons: gIven by Paul Turn_H lIr1d WIlIlllm Rotsler A soIree gIven by Don lind lucille Janis Instr~"tions on how to reach the hOine of Roy A. Squires. a party glv~n to celebrate the_fIrst MANNED LUNAR LANDING~ July tD, 1969.

T"o ch_aln letters.

A letter to "the IIrbitratlon CO!m1/ttee for RUN A CROOKED MILE ("arId premIere) frOm: Huguette KlIne. Dated: July 25, 1969:

-' A ;,otlc~' from the BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE.

7 picture postcards and 15 plaIn postcllrds, One not~ frOm Amerlc8n Signee Films, A note about Leonard Nlmoy, A mimeographed newsletter from a serviceman In Vht~ -.J "am, R I eha rd Eney., one copy of FAMOUS MONSTER~ OF F U:lMLAND "SFI-JA FORUM II 1 0, 1~69,

· ,- ." , . The Robert B!och CO!lection- 12.


An Intervle~ from the SAN fRA~CISCO CURONICLE-(c/!pplng)

Materia: from the 11 fES~EVAL IIHERNACIONAL -DO-FILME. iUo,-d'e Janeiro. March 24-30, 1,96,9. Sym'poslum: the' Literature of Sclence-Flct;'on and the Cinema. 14 pieces,

~ Includes progr8ms; sprech hI' Robert Bloch ~iil, tape of the address, Invitations, ne~spaper clippings etc. ,

0- A passport Issued In 1965.

V I Programs from Selence fiction Conventions alld other Nemoral;ollia. ]2 pieces.

D+- . ~ PhOtO~:take'n at the II FESTIVAL- ]NTERt-ClONAL DO FILHE--RIO DE JANEIRO~ -~-rtlSi 1

2 of scenery in Vie~nam ~ ¥6i "lYr) _ -('!" £T:; I photo of Leonard l'ilmoy ~ _ _ -" -, _ _


, ~-

.' . -~(fi! ')1'&1;) .'. '. .

_.". " , --(SI9n;;-d)_~ ________ _

Gene M. Gressley. D I rector.


}I.ugust 21, 1913


RECEIPT for the gift of Hr •. llobert Lloch:


AicJ;.man~ Robert--editor: TilE -PIFTH :i>cmTNlJ\: EOO!I or GREAT GIJOST S':i.'ORIES, Fontana Eooks, London, 1969. PaperDack.

AicJ~man, Robert-editor.: TilE SECOND l'ONT}'INA GIlOS'!' STORIES, l"ontana Eooks,- London, -1971.

BOOK OF GlW.JI.T Paperback.

Anderson. Poul: THE BPOKEt: SlYORD, Ballantine Books, New York, 1971. Paperback.

Anobile, Richard J.-editor: DMT~, BEING THE ENCJ\PSULA ... ED VIEW OF LIFE BY ~1.C. PIELDS HI HIS mill WORDS, Signet Books, The New American Library, N(m York, 1969. Paperback.

1',nthony. Piers: NI\CROS-COPEI Avon Books, New York, 1969. Paperback.

Armstrong, . Charlotte: Dool:, New York, 196B.

U:t:ON IN TaE BASKET, - Fawcett C:t:eat Paperback.

Asimov, Iss&c: \\,HERE DO WE GO PROI-! HBRE?, l?aHcett Crest Book, New Yor);, 1972. Paperback •

. " ~Asquith, Lady cynthia'-edibor, '.rHE '.rHIrD GHOST BOO'K, Pan Books, - r,td., London, 1957. Paperback.

Ball, Brian N.: THE REGll1LNTS 0)7 t:IGHT, Da~J B,?ok_!l, Inc., Paperback. ,,/; NeH York, 1972.

i ~

Ball, 1968.

"ri -L./ Bass, I \ 1971.

Brian N.: TI!-~r::PIE"cE, Paperback.

Ballantine Books, New York,

T. J. : HALF PAST 1lU}!l\N, Ballantine Dooks, Nml York, Paperhack,

x o (:il

.Beagle, Peter S.: THr. LAST -'1ork,1968. - Paperback.-

UNICORN r Ballantine .l?ooks, l>lel~

Eeckford, -Nillianf: -VJ\THEK, Ballantine· Books. New York,· 1971. _Paperback,

Bernard, STORIES,

Christine-e~1.itor: rilE FONTANA Beagle Books, New _York, 197_1.

BOOK OF GREAT paperback.


BernaJ;d, Christine-editor: TIm·SEconD :rONTMIA HOPROR STORIES, -l.le,,!gle Dooks, New York, 1971-.

BOOK OF GREAT Paperback.

Birkin, Charles: SO P~LE, SO CO~D, SO FAIR, Tandem. London, 1970. Paperback .

Blatty, William -Peter: TilE EXORCIST; llantam Books, New York 1972. Paperback.

lllish, James: CITIES IN'PLIGH'l'.-;-}\'v'oni Nelt York~ 1970. Paperback.:

Bok, Hannes: BEYOND THE ('OLDEN S'l'JI.IR, Ballantine Books, Hew York, 1970. Paperback.

sok, Hannes, York, i969,.

TIlE SORCEIffiP-' S snIP, BaLLant!ine- Booka, _ New Paperback.,

Br<Ul\ah,_ Ernest: EEST J4AX CAPRADOS DETECTIVE STORIES, Dover publications, },ew York, 1972. PaperbacJ:.

Brunner, John: THE GNJDY SflJ\OOWS, Eeagle Books, New York, 1971. Paperback.

Brunner, John, THE JACGED 9:RIlIT, Ace !look, mew York, 1969. Paperback. 2 copies.

Burke, Joim, Books, Ltd.,

TIlE SECOl:lD IlAH~lED HORROR PILM OIlNlIIUS, Pan London, 196-1. Paperback.

llyrd, Elizaheth, Dooks, Ne\\' York,

A STRANGE }11m SEEING TIM);, Ballanei:JilHe 1969. Paperback.

- Cabell, James Branch: THt CREAl! OF THE JEST, Ballantine wi Boob" New York, 1971. paperback. ~ K~'- 0--

3) ~ i Cabell, James Branch: FIGURES OF I:l\RTH, Grosset Ii Dunlap, . \.L,I l publisher's page IIlisaing.

~[ Cabell, James Branch, FIGtmES-Ol' EARTH, BaLlantine BOOKS, eSC] New York, 1969. paperbad:.,

cabeiL, James Branch, TilE P.IVllT IU GMNDFATIJER'S NECK,' Robert N. I~cnride & jjJj!-Pa.~y, Nev York, ~:';1;,w.",,-

rJ CabeLL, Branch, S,lIJlJl:, Doubleday, Doran _EO Company, Garden ery. City, 1937,

Cabell, Branch: STURT, Pobert ~'cIJride I< Company, Net~ ·York, 1 n ~,

J "J X o


Cabell, Branch' SHITH, York, 1935.

Robert l"t. f~cBric1e (; Company, Nel1

Cabell, James Branch, - --SOJolr;THUIG 1\llOur"- EVE, -Robe;(:t HaDride­it CanlDany, 1927. Ne'l'J -'lor);. .

Cabell, James Branch: STP.JINS Am)" PRl\.YER-I100KS, Robert N. McDride (; Company, -Ne.' York, 1924. -

Cabell, llranch: 'l'HF,$'!: RESTLESS HEllOS, - Robert f.l. lkDride /; Company, Hel" york, 1932.

Cantril, t\c..:<UtlJ:" 'I'llE INVASION FRON HARS, A STUDY :m THE PSYCHOLOGY"OF PANIC, Harper Torchhooks, Nev York, 1966. Paperbaok.

Carr, Terry-editor: UNIVERSE .1, Ace Eooks, Nel·' york, 1971, Paperback.

- Caj:'ter, Lin--e.ditqr; -DRAGOI-JS, ELVES, A~lD HEROES, :B_ll.llantir>e Books, 11e\.- -yo):;k, 1,969. "- -paperback;.

Carter, Lin-editor, COLDEN CITIES, FA_Il, Ballantine liooks, Nel_' York, 1970.. Paperback.

Carter, Lin-editor, NEl1 WORLDS FOR OLD, Ballantine Books, neN York, 1971. Paperback.

Carter, I.in-editllbr, 'i'HR SP1\S}! OP C'TllUUm, Ballantine Books,_ New York, 1971. PapeJ:back.

Carter, Lin-editor: Tfll YOUNG MAGICIANS, Ballantine Books, New' YOJ:k. 1969. PapeJ:back.

Chase, James Hadley: NO ORCHIDS pOR fUSS BLANDISH, Avon, NEM York, -1966. Paperback.

Cheever, John: THE WAPSHOT SClINDI\L, Bantam Books, Ne'\~ York, 1965. Paperback.

Chesterton, G.1\:.: TIlE Books, Nml York, 1971.

f-IAN {'/lIO \'1AS Paperback.

THURSDAY, llallantine

Clarke, Arthur C.: TIle EXPLORATION OF SPJI..CE_, pocket Books, Inc., New York, 1954. 'Paperback.

Clement, fial: STAR LIGHT, Ballantine Bool,s, Ne\i York, 1971. Paperback.

Compton, D.G. ~ -CHRONOCULllS, Ace Books, New York, 1970. Paperback.

Compton, P.G., T1UV STEEL CROCoD:n:;SS, lice Books, Nel~ York, 1970. PaperbacJ •.

~ • -_'>= r iii' l1IRROP."i"'1'i";.t"-:t-; paw Books, U&/£OYork, 1972, ~ I Coney, 14ichael: '\ k. Paperback

o Cooper, Edmund: THE ('{\ ,1973. Panerback.

CLOUD I~AJ.l<ER, Ballantine Doo);", UeH York,

Cooper, -Edmund and Green, rioger Lance1yn, DOUBLE PHOt:lHX, Ba11al'ktine Books, NeI,' York_, 1971. Paperback.

_Cl'a"lforc1, Narion! _ KI;l1\LED,_ Ballantine Books, New York, 1971. Paperback. ,;2 copies.

Cross, )lrnanda' IN TIlE Ul.ST J\NALYSIS,_ lIvon, lie\! York, 1966. Paperbac1~.-

Cu!p, John, York, 1965,

TIm lHUGHT FEATllERS, Ballantine Books, Ne\~ ,Paperhack.

Darlton, Clark, Ne\~ York, 1972.

PEP.BY IUIODAN, T!lE THPl'.r,r, m' HYPNO, lice Books, Paperback.

Davis, Dorothy. Salisbury: 11 GENTLE~1All CALLED, DeI1-, New York, i962. paperI)1ick~

Del Rey, Lester: GODS AND GOLEMS, Ballantine Book,s, Neu YorI;, 19a~. Paperback. 2 copies.

-Del Rey, Le:>ter) THE ELEVENTH C01,!HJINDMEllT, lla11antine Books,_ New York, 1962.-

Del- Rey, Lester' NERVES, Ballantine Books, New York, 1956. Paperba<::k.

Del Rey, Lester: New York, 1973.

Derleth, Augu'st,-1971. Paperback.

Derleth, August: 1971. Paperhack.

Dick, philip K.: New York, 1964.

llison, Harlan: Verlag, Hllnchan,

PS'rAEEHATE, Paperhacb.

Berkley Puhlishinq_compan¥tion,

,TilE /OlASK OF C'riIULHU, Beagle Books, New ,York 2 copies.

THE 'J1FAIT. OF CTilUUlU, Beagle Books, New Yor 2 copies,

THE lJAN IN THE IlIGII CASTLE, Popular Library Paperback.

15 SCIENCE FIC'J'ION _STORIES, Wilhelm Heyne 1970. l'aperback. Text _in German.

Eustis, !lelen: THE FOOL KI:r.LER, Popular Library, !lew: York, 1964. Paperback.

Eustis, Helen: TUE Paperback.

- 0 Foster, A~an

~t0.~1G;'; ,-",J~Q:) ,.,&aperbaCk. Dean: J3LOODHYPB, Ballantine Bool~s, Neu York, l~

Fo~,le8, John, Paperback.

TIlE HAGUS, Dell Books, NeH Yo)::')" 1967.

Gerrald; David - "nd !'liven,' Larrl': Ballantine Books, ij~'" York, 1971.

'l'IlE FLYlNG SORCIlP-ERS, Pape:dJack.

Gerrald, David: PROTOSTARS, Dallanti{le Books, New York, l' -»ape):;back.

- Gerrold-t David, __ New.York, 1972._

NHr,'N IlARL IE - WAS ONE, Paperback •.

_Ballantine Books,

Ghida1ia, Vic~ec1itor: EH-;llT STAAll'G,,'TAI,ES, Falmett, Gree"~1 1972. Paperback.

Goldin, stephen-editor: THE N,IEN CONDITIOlI, tla1lantine B Ne\~ York, 1973 •• Paperback.

Golding, -William, SQl<!IITnm, -NEVE!'",

nyndlJ1;Im, ,Tohn- -and Peake, l1ervyn' Ballantine Bo.oks, Nel'l Yo):'k, 19!)7. -~aperb

Goulart, Ron: AFTER TIlINGS FET-,L APART, Ace nooks', He,"1 yor 1970. Paperback.

Goulart, Ron: DL'A'l'H CEJ,Li- Beaqle Books, Nel~ York, 1971. Paperbaclt.

Green, Joseph: THB HIND BEHIND Till': BYE, Dal> Books, N€1~ Yc 1971. - Paperback.

Guin, Wyman: THE STANDING J(lY; Avon Books, New York, 1968. Paperback.

Haiblurn, Isidore: Bailantine Books,

THE orSADDIK_or nell York, 197L

'I'm" SEVEN WONDERS, PaperbacJ~. 2 copies.

~larrison, Harry: 11AJ{E ROOI1! Mfim~ PDON!, Berkely Nedalli< dfl~oks,New York, 1967. Paperback. "

Ben: BROKEN NECKS, Pascal Covici, Chicago, 1928.

Ben: COUNT DRUGA, Horace "Liveright, New York, 192

Hecht, Jlen: HUMPTY DUNPTY, Doni and Liveright, New York,

Heinlein, Robert A~lI.sSIr-Nl-\BNT He'll York, 1953. p[~~rl:>Jtcl;:.

IN ETERNITY, Signet Dool~s ~

- ~"~

Ileinlein, Robert A.: BEYOND TlllS HO:flIZOlI, Signet Books, N 19:60 .• Paperback.

Herbert, Pran]:: New York, 197£1.

Herbert, franlt,­New York, 1970.


DUNE f.'ESSlAIl, llerl:ley" Medallion Books, Paperback.

W1:!lPFI'll(' __ pTlIl'_, lleikley '}!edaHion: Dooks, PaperbacJ;:.

Hodgson, William llqpe: _ Books, .l'leH York, 1971.

'I"HE DOATS OJ' "r.Etl CARRIe;, - ha11antine Paperback.

Holtman, Jerry, rlmAK fll-JOI\' HAN, Jiollo~/ay House { LO~Klhngeles, 1968. Paperhack.

ifoward, Hayden:, NeH York, 1967 .•

TlI!: ESKINO Ii.rvAS.loi-l, Dallant;ili.'e;:Books, Paperhac}~.

Ho ... ard, Fobert E. : EPN-l v,JlJC J-IOru-l f_ Dell Books., Paperback,

Hubhrad, L. Ron: tledallion Books',

J?EAR 1910.

& THE- ULTIl-ll!TE },.OVEllT¢RBi .Pape,rl!>ack,


l!Ughes,' Dorothy D., TIlE EXl'ENDnBLE -t-1Jl.N, .l'.vOn BOOkf', Nm·! Yo:z::k, 1963. Paperback.

Ilunter, J.!',.: )llJNT1':R. -Bantam Books, }'etol York, 1955. Paperhack Cover_missing.

liurwood, Eernhardt' ,T. , Bool.s, Greem-;ich, 1973.

If l-'~zine,- editors: 1S7). Paperback.

TIlB I~IND l~lISTEB, )?aper!>acl;.

TilE nEST PROa IF, Award Books; Hew York,

Innes, Hicha.;l: ONE Hl'_N Sli0l1, lIVon Bool-;$, tlmJ York,1970. Paperback.

Isherwood, Christopher, KA'i'HLr.BN AND 'FRANK, Curtis Books, W€M YOr};, 1971- Paper1'acl;.

Jay, Charlotte: BEAT tlOT Tim BOllES, ]lNoh Books, New York, 1955. Paperbac);.

lHng, Vincent, lJ:jOTI;m, END, Ballantine Dool:", New York, 1971. Paperback.

King, Vincent: ClINDY rVJ--), Balll'lntine Books, 1'10\1 York, 1971-Paperback.

Kli.ight, Dallloll..-cditor: ~; -3, Wm York, 196B. Paperback.

'_"" iF Ber):ley I~edaa<ton Books,


Knigbt, -Damon-editor: 01>.EI']' 5, Berklel' ~,edallian' 0001-;0;, New York,19.69. Paperback: 2 Gopis::;.

Mnight,_ Damon-editor: ORBIT 6,. Derkley l1edllllion Books, New_ York, 1970. Paperback'.

Knight, Damon-editor: 01illIT 7, Derkley"t1edallion Books, New York, 1970. Paperback.

Kurtz, 1970.

Katherine: Paperba~k.

, DERYNI RIS;rNG, Ballantine Books, i'!ew York,

Lafferty, R.A.: FOURTH NJIlISIOllS, Ace Dooks, Hel;' York, ,1969. Paperback.

Lambert, '-Gavin: INSIDE DAISY CLOVER, Bantartl Book9/'Nei-::-York,-1-964. - .Paperba.;:k.

Laumer, Keith: TIME TBAP, Berkley Medallion Books, ){~W Y6:r;k, _1,970. - Paperback. .- -

Lee, lIarper~ TO KILL A-llOCKINGBlnD, Popular Librar:r', New-York 1962. Paperback.

Lequin,- ursula K.: THE -LEFT H]>.ND OF DARKNESS,- }'Ice Books ( New York, 1969_. Paperback.

Levin, Ira: ~OSE~mRY'S- BABY, Dell Dooks, NeW York, 1968. Paperback.

Levin, l~eyer: COHPULSION, pocket Books, New York, 1956. Paperback.

L.:C. ,. 1~e~riS' Sinclair:

~ Lindsay, David: <:tl New York, 1968.

Love-craft, H.P.: 1971. Paperwack.

HAn, S,],ImET, Grosset & Dunlap,_ NeW Y.ork, 192

A VOYAGE TO ARCTURUS, llallantine Books, paperback.


Lovecraft, II.P. :and Derleth, August' O'l'llER TALES OF nORROR, Ueagle Books,

TUE SIlUTTER}~D p,OOM .1'.l'ID NevI York, 1971. Paperback

Lupoff, Richard, SACRED LOCOJ!OTlVE PLIES, Beagle DookE, Nelf York, 1971. paper~::__ ~~'"'"----cif¥

•. ~ IkCafferty, Kane: 1970. Paperback.

THE snIP WHO SANG, Ballantine Books, !<leI" YO

.~ k o


flcDaniel, David: _TIlE "'Jl.N FItOH tltlCLE- '1'11);: RAINBOW AFFAIR; .Ace Books, Nel., York, 1971.-:. p~perback._

NacDqnald, [',.eorg-e: Plu1N'l'ASIBSi Ballantine Books; New Yorr~. 1970. paperback,

t1acDonald, philip: NURDER GONE !.mo, Avon Ilooks, New York,· 197 Pape:dJ ... ck •.

Mahr, Kurt", Book~, 1973.

PERRY lUIOPAN- 'I'm: F'Ln:ET 01" THE SPRINGERS, Ace Paperback.

Mailer, ,Norrna.n: THE DEER 1'1'.1'-1<, signet Books,. Neu ,York, 1957.­Paperback. '

-.Hason, Douglas Ro", SA'I'ELLI·TE _54-:-ZERO t- -J3aJ.lantine .1Iooks,. -Nel'l York, J.97L .Paperback.

Hatheson, Richard; HELL nOUSE, :Bantam Books, Ne\r York, 1972.­Paperback.

5rMatheson, Richard, 1\ STIR OF ECHOES, Fawcett Publications, "J.Jl.§reenwich, 1959. Paperback. 1f Naugham, H. Somerset: COSHOPOLITANS, Doubleday Ie., Garden JS City, 1936.

Hayersberq, paul: -lIOLLYWOOD TlIB llAUN'I'ED HOUSE, Ballantine Books, Ne\~ York, 1969. Paperback.

!.leredith, Geo!l"9"e' TilE SHAVING OF SlIAGPAT, Ballantine Books, New York, 1970. Paperback.

Meredith. Richard C.: Ballantine Books, New

~m ALL DIED AT BREAKAWAY STATION, York, 1969. Paperback.

l1irrlees, Hope, LUD-IN-THE-1UST, Ballantine Books, New York, 1970. Paperback.

J100rcock, Michael: JlEHOLD THE MAN, Avon Books, New York, 1971 Papl1rback.

Hoorcock, Hicahe1: THE TWILIGHT MAN, Berkley ll,edallion Dooks New York, 1970.' Paperback.

Norgan, Dan and Kippax, John: THE NEUTRAL STARS, Ba1lantine Books, Nm~ York, 1973. Paperback.

~!orris, William: TIlE WATBn OF THE WOIlDEROUS ISLES, Ballantin, Books, Ne\~ York. 1971.C:~rback. __ ""' if

'0;-,,~ NoseI', Don and Cohen, Jerry: TUB PIED PIPEr> OF TUSCON, Signet Dooks, Ilew York, 1968. Paperback.

Niyem, Larry: RIl1GI~OnLD, Ballantine Books, New York, 1970. n_,,~~h~_l_


o C!2

Niven, Larry; THE SHAPE OF SPACE, Ballantine Books, Ne~' York, BG9. Paperback.

Norman, John: NOMl\DS OP"GOD, Ballantine-Books, l~ew YOrk, 1969.­Paperback.

Norman, John: RAIDERS OF GOR, Ballantine Books, New York,. 1971-Paperback. 2coopies.

Packard,- Vance: TilE rUDDEN PERSUADERS, pocket -Books, Nl:M York, 1958. Paperback. -Poor condition.

peake, Mervyn. TITUS ALONE, Ballantine Books, .New 'iork., 1968. Paperback.

_ pohl, Frederik: N",w YorJ;, "1969.

THE AGE OF THE PqSSYFOOT, Ballantine Dooks, Paperback. -

-Pohl, 1970.

Frederlck: DAY NILLrON, Ballanetine. Books, Nel~ York, Paperback.

pohl, 1970.

Frederick: -N:IGll'I'WlRE-AGE, Ballantine Books, New York, Paperback.

poh1, Frede):;i,*-_ and \1illiamson, Jack, ROGUE STAR,' Ballantine Books, New York, 1969. _Paperback.

Pohl-, Frede;dck and Williamson, Jack: UNDERSEA QUEST, Ballantine Books, New York, 1971. Paperback. 3 copies.

Porter, Katherine Anne: SHIP OF FOOLS, Si9net Books, _N~ York, 1963. Paperback.

pratt~ FletCher and DeCamp, -L. Spra9ue: _ LAND Ballantine Dooks, NeH York, 1970. Paperback.

Rienow, Leona Train \~ith llienow, Robert, THE LAST EAGLE, Ballantine Booka, New York; 1970.


YEAR OF TIlE paperback.

Russ, Joanna; AND CHAOS DIED, Ace Books, New York, 197n. Paperback.

Russell, Ray: THE COLONY, Pyramid Book~, New ·York, 1970. Paperback.

Sangster, .1irnmy: TOUCRFr:ATHER TOO, Corgi Books, London, 1971". Paperbaok.

S/luer, Rob-editor: VOYAGES: SCI:.'1:1APIOS FOR ]I. SHIP CALLED El'.RTII Ballantine Books, New York, 1971. Paperback.

Schmitz, James n., 1973. Paperback.

Silverberg, Robert-editor: 1971. Paperback.

OF i10NSTEPS, --c~p j fWm )3oo];:s, ....; - """ ---, ,

ALPliA 2; Ballantine Books, }leI. Yorl

o CD


Si1verbe~, Rohert~editor~ Ne\1_ York, 1969.· Paperl;>ack.

_Silyerberg-, RObert-ediotl;; PICTIO"N, -Ballantine Books-, Covers damaged.

DARK STARS, Ballantine Books,

GREAT SHORT NOVELS OF' SCIENCE New: York, 1970. Paperback.

SilVerberg, Robert: THE MASRS OF TIME, Ballantine Books, New York, 1968. Paperbaok.

Silverberg, Rouert. MOONFERNS AND ST1I.RSONGS,' Ballantine' Books, New York, 1971. Paperhack.

Silverberg, Robert: NIGIITWINGS, Avon Dooks, New York, 1969. paperback.

Silverberg, Robert: SON OF MAN, Ballantine Books, Nel1 York .. 1971_ Paperback~

Si1verberg,- Robert: ~HORNS, aallantine,Dooks, New York, 1967 paperback. -

Simenon, Georges: 1970. Paperback.

NAIGlm'l' IN VICHY, Avon Books, New York,

Skwara, Janusz, ORSQN Filrnowe, Warsaw,-1967.

,WELLES, .\i'ydawnictwa Artystyclmei Paperback. Text iri polish.

Smith, 1971.

Smith, 1970.

Clark Ashton: Paperback.

Clark Ashton: Paperback.

HYFERDOREA, Ballantine Books. ,New York,

.2.O'l'lfIQUE, Ballantine Books, New York,

Sohl, Jerry: THE LEI-ION EATERS, Dell Books, New York, 1968. paperback.

Spl.nard, Norman, BIG JACK BARROl'/', Avon Books, New York, 1969 Paperback.

Stableford, Brian M., TO flHALLENcEcmmos, -Da.~1 BOoks, Nell YOl 1972. Paperback.

Staple6on, Olaf: SIRIUS, Penguin Books, London, 1964. paperl

Smith, CordWainer: ST'"D"""~" Bea· 1 B k '1 n.J.'. '''--''''--'-''''' 9 e 00 s, ew York, 197]


Swann, Thomas Burnett: TilE GOi\T IUTHOUT noPJ~s, Ballantine Bc New York, 1971. Pape~.:_.

Tempel, Earle: STIT.J. NOPE PRESS BONERS, Pocket Books, Ne'~ Yr o 1971. Paperhack. With message inside cover to Dab (l3loch) CYJ from Walt Liebschu.

• -u- .L_L'S f::,

Toomey I Robert E. 1 1\ WORLD OF TROUBLE, Ballantine' Books. New York, 1973. Paperback.

Van Guilk, Robert.: 'I'm:: CHINESE BELL NUI<DERS, ,..von~ New y'ork, 1963'. Paperback.

vail. ThaI f 'llerberjz..-editdr: Pan Books, London; 1964.

van_ Thal, Herbert-editor: Ban Books, London, 1968.

van ThaI, Herbert-editor: pan Book~, London, 1966.

van ThaI, Herbert-editor: _Pan nOoks, London, 1965.

'rHE -FIFTH P.(\N BOOK 01" HORROR_STOR~ES{ Paperback:




van Vogt, A.E.: New York; 1%4.

DESTINATION, UNlVEF'-SE!, Berkley Medallion Book~ Paperback.

Vidal, 1950.

Gore, THE CITY ANP TliE PILLAR. paperback.

Signet Books, New York,

Vidal, Gore: TIlE CITY AIm THE New York, 1965. Paperback.

PILLAR, REVISED: Signet Books,

Walker, JaM and Walker, Katherine' THE WASHINGTON. GUIDEBOOK, Pell-Books, 1963, New York. Paperbaok.

Wp.lton, Evangeline: THE CHILOREN OF LLYR, BalLintine Books, New York, 1971. Paperback.

l~a1ton, Evangeltine: THE ISALND OF THE tlIGHTY, Ballantine Books Ne\;" York, 1!.170. Paperback.'

Wellent Edi·mrd: back.

HIJACK,' Beagle Books, New York, 1971. Paper-

l~estlake, Donald: THE BUSY BODY, Ballantine Boobs, New York,. 1971. Paperback.

westlake, Doald E.: TlIE.;:! Ballantine Books, New


l-lhite, James: 14AJOg OPERATION, Ballantine Books, New York,1971 ~ l'apIlrback.

White, James: TOMORROW IS TOO FIIR, Ballantine Books, Ne\~ York. "--k971. Paperback.

l'iollheim, Donald A. -edi!rs>p TilE 1972 S BEST SF, Paw BOoks,New York, 197~ Paperback.

Hollheim, Donald 10 •• and Carr, Terry: WORLD'S BEST SCIENCE ,FICTION 1969, Ace Books, New York, 1969. Paperback.


• Februgry 20, 1975


RllCEIPT for the fift received of Randall Larson;


~ CQBEFAH fl, July 1974 Issu~, Editor ~ c1 publisher Randall D. Larson.



Gene M. Gressley Director



/-?1!.? 41 »s;, - i.

January 13, 1975


RECEIP'l' for the gift received of Nr. Randall Larso!>:


B'" ,q~ _ .' TIlE ROBERT BLOCH FAN?:!!I£", second edition, i~~'~A r)"dieed and published by Randsll D. Larson, ~~ for FaI1dom UnJ,imited Enterprises, _ ;~- __ Sep telllber,1973. __


'}'\) Mvertisement for REFERENCE CUIDE TO FANTASTIC, , .. *" FII.'1S, compiled by Walt Lee ..

L Advertisement for l'm\dOIll Unlimited Enterprises,

for two new magazines scheduled for year­end publications.


Gene M. Gressley Dire(:tor

/UJ I I I I . I



~ nooirich, Cornell, TilE BLACK l\NGEL, Ace Books, NeM York, 'i c. 196B. Paperback.

" o Z~la:(':ny t Roger:_ -<'Q New York, 1970.

OAf.1NATION ALLEY. Paperback._

Berk~i'hy ~\edal1io-n Books.


Academy of !,!otion picture.ArtB and sciences,. ACADEMY l'LAYER'S DIRECTORY"'" ISSUE 92 1962, PlIRT I, Academv of MotiOn Picturl'l Arts and Sciences, Holl~food, 1962. Paperback:

]I.eademy of Motion picture Arts and sciences I -]\.('.J\.DEMY PLAYER'S DlRECTORY- ISSUE 92 1962, PART II, Acade~y of Motion PictUre Arts. and Scienc~sl Hollywood, 1962 .. Paperback.

lIstaire, Pr",d: STEPS IH TIl~E, lieinemann, I,ondon, 1959.­Paperback.

Astor, Mary, Paperback.

p, LIFE ON FILH, Dell Books, -NeH York, 1972.

}'.stor, ~!ary' liY STORY, Dell Books, New York, 196.0. l?aperhac]:

Austin, John: HOLLY\~OOD'S UNSOLVED MYSTERIES, Ace Books, New York, 1970. Paperback. --

P, WI~arrymore, Elaine and Dody, Sandfrod, ALL "'I SINS P-EH.E~~BERED, C£ p~PUlar Library, New York, 1964. paperback:

cabell, James Branch, "'lIT'! CORIlS OF VANI~Y, PoLert Ncliride, !leI! YOl:k, 1927.

Cabell, James Branch: THE·liIGH PLACE, Robert Ec13ride, Ne\'l york, 1924.

Cabell, James Branch,' JUR(,,EN, & Dunlap, no place, 1927.

I '''!,ell, JaJBaS Branch: TlW SIL~;r? STl\LLIO~J, Robert f-iclJride, New York, 192(..

Campbell, Jolm H.: ANTHOLOGY~ Doubleday & Company, Garden C~tr, 1973.

P, FrpOZi, George Jr.: ,('J..]'P.K (,J\DLE, pyramid Books, Netl York, 19

;::; ~r'~h:nd~er, Pavid: ,EAS'! TIlE HARD WAY, JOE PASTEllNAI(; C. P. ~putnam'~ Sons, New york, 195(0. o C -'- --~- ----,---' _'

~::mllertok' _Harvey and '1'orge, _Narth,,-editorsl QUOTATIONS F~Of.t CHARLIE CHAN&-, Golden Pl:"ess, New York, 1968. First edition. -,

R-ercowie, Peter-editor: IN'{'ElmATIONAL FILM GOIPE';1965, Tantivy clli2ress, London, 1965. _ Paperback.

~I1J:IUurgnat, Raymond ~~d Kobal, John: GRETA (',ARBO, E.!". Dutton, JJ New YOl:"k, 19(;5. Paperback.

Eaton, R8bel:"t: THE BODY IlRO:h'I:RS, Nash pubH:l>hing, Los Angeles, 1970.

kjfifFiynn, Er;t:ol: MY ~61. Papel:"back.

D "'AY" 0"11 BOO',",' Bel{ York, tlICKED,: WICKE , , ." ~ <>

~ehrnall' Richard,

1965. paperback.

!JO,,AR'1, Gold Heclal Ilooks, Gre,'nwich,

ii? GelIDIan, RicJla.t:d: SIllllTAA Arm nIS PAT Pba, Belmont Dooks,

- -----. '5 OF A IlOLLYI'IOOD COLUl'lNIST. 9~,ra',"", Sheila!l: CONFCSSIOll:. Nl ,~" k 1970 p,,-perback.

Eal!tam Dook~, Nev ¥or, - . ~

() ~ -- - -- -, ILYHOOD'S LilST TY;C(J0H, "'~'Uild, Leo: ZN1OCK. l.0gel' "" 1970 - Paperback.

nolloway House, Los 1'11 ,es, _ . . . - - ' ' -

1'1 !"cCartlIY, Joe-editor: 1'I1E1) AT.J.F1J'S LETTERS; Pocket Bool:s, lIcI-! '[or1-<, 1966. J?apeH13ck.

~ Filler, Harvin': ){ONSTEf{S -}l,RE PEOPI,E, -tIIl-.'-­~ L - -- C!J __ ~011ectors puhlicatrllons, Covina, 1966. Paperback.

~~lIUff, Theodo~; ~perback.

CHARLIE CIiJ\PLlN, Pyramid Dooks, N.Y., 1964.

Kael t

1%6. Pauline: I LOST IT AT TIlE NOVIES, TIuntam )1ooks I New Y< Pape~back.

Leader, Nary, TRIAD, Co\~ard, McCann and Geoghegan, New York 1973. paperback.

Levant, Oscar' Nel"1 York, 1966.

'.(::til Levant, Oscar: lIel1 York, 1969.

THE MEf>~OIRS OF AN JIMt;'ESIAC, Bantam Ilooks, Paperback.

TllE UlIIlAJ'O]l'J:'ANCE OF' BEIm:: OSCAR, Pocket Book Paperhacl •.

North, Henry Ringling .and Hatch, Alden: 'l'HE CIRCUS 1GNGS, Dell Dooks, New York, 1964. POlperback.

Nugent, JUliot, _ EVENTS Books, New York, 1966.

LElI.D-'ItiG UP Faperhacl:.


Oms, Narcel; BOSTER KEATON, printed ill Prallce c. -19G3. Text J,ll FrenCh. Paperback.

Parsons, Louella Nel~ York, 1961.

0.' TELL IT 'l'O LOUELUI, Lan.cer Books, PaperbacJ_~,.

Pascal, John, THE,JEAN HARLOW STORY, Popul'at: Library', Yo,rk, -1964-.' -paperback.-

Eugene: -TllE HUt,GTlY E;'yE, llal~antine Books, Meli York, Paperback.

1!;:~:;b,';'O~~bert: -CHAP-LIE CfIlIPI>IH, Ace Books, Nel-' York,1962.

Payton, Barbara: I Al'1 NOT ASlIA.~1ED, Holmoway Ilouse, Los Angeles, 1963. Paperback.

Platt, Frank C.; GREAT STARS Signet Bl:lOks, New York, 1966.


i\)J:Ol1e~-, FickC!y' X. t., ~~ .MJ'i'ornOGPJlPH'{, Bantam Books, , J ~;~;l ~ork, 1966. J'aperhack.

~ ~\l~dy, Jonah and Hill, Jonathan, B!"1f:m:, '1'o\,-",r Books, 1- U,.I York, 1965. Paperback. , - -- -

II') ~ ~~rOli\, Uans and LeI-lY, L.U.: -lInn'ALS 011 S'rAl'fPS ~B V~rlag, Berlin, _TIO date. Paperback. .'-

/fJ$fSullivan, Ed: cnl·.PLIN VB, Clll,PLIN, ~s Angeles, 1.%5. Paperback.

Narvin "'iller Enterprises,

!'<)~- ~110~asl Dab: tnne!;ELL, Der):ley ""\" York, 1971. _ Pilperback.

t'edallion Books,

!'.Y LIFE 111TH _PaperJ)sck.


"1],'a1ker, Alex.ander: BE-X· IN TaE '" . . • 1,0V ' , p'enguJ.l1 Dooks, Raltimore, 1968. -Paperback. '1 \'IelJer~ o].ga' s.-editor; Pl\I'ERllOut1D BOOKS IN PRINT, June 1968,

J3 Wolume 13, Nci. 6, R.R. BO':1].:e!: Company, Nmr York. Paperh,!ck.


Dennis, Bob: THE' Swr.,;"\T OJ>, Fr:AR, .13obbs-l'erril1, Indianapolis/Nm.; York, 1973. With note to Bob (Bloch) from lllIlibara Norville.


Simak, clifford D.' CE!lE'l'EFY WOJ'.l.D, G. P. Putnam I s Sons, Nel" York, 1973.


F: . .,ouire- April 19711, Volume LXXVII, llo. 4. Interviews 11ith directors F:i!ank Capra, George Cukor, Billy Hilder and .Tolm Ford on pages 133.-135.

Pantasy and Science I'ktion, January 1972. --- -- - CU>· -'::"" ~-~~'"'~ Fantastic !'_torief"~ of .~r.utqinatio~·i I~arch-l!)t!r, Volume 14, No


Fantastic UniverSEl,>=.october-November 1953, Volume 1, No.3.

Qalaxv and. Science /ltaY-June 1973, 33, No.6. -I-larch-April 1973-, 33, No.- 5. Janp.ary"=Pehruary Volume 33, no. 4. Novemher-Deoember Volume j3, No. -3~ September-October 'Volume 33, No.2.

-Hay-June 1972, Volume , No.6. 11arch-)l-pri1 1972-,· Volume 32, No.5.

W~~ of yantasy; volume 1, No.2, 1970.

Worlds of If, Science Fiction, Hay-June 1973, -volume 2ft No. 11 • February 1.973, Volume 21, No.9. liIovember-DE;!("Nmber ,1972, Volume 21, No.8. September-October 1972, Volume 21, -No.7.

IQorlds of Tomorro~l, Issue- 24, Volume -5, No", 1, -).970.-


Sidney Chaplin, autographed •

Gene />!. Gressley Director

-~-_-",,,, . ..,...?4 -;"':.


..... ;to

iu-<Y ();J 51.,

March 4, 1974


RECEIPT for the gift recaLved of Mr. Robert lIloch:


THE ROBERT BLOCH FANZINR. 2nd edition, is edited and published hy Randall D. Larson, FANDQ~ UNLIMITED ENTERPRISES, September, 1973.




Gene M. Gressley Dire1!tor



December 'f, +97'1


e~e5_ 22Q - 53C!._

111 36"D ,

Receipt for the gift received of Robel't Bloch

BOOKS: hardbound

BOTEN DES GRAUI>MS, Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, Nunchen, 1979 CITTADINI DELLA NOTTE, Gal'zanti, Italy, 1973 DAS REGIME DER PSYCHOS. Wilhelm Heyne 7erlag, NUD(!hen, f:E:AR ToDAY. GONE TOHARROW, Award Books. New 'iol'k,

1971 ~lO"b' Robert,

Block, Robert, Bloch, Rober>t, llloch, RClher't,

1959 \ Bloch, Robel't, IT'S IILL IN '{OLJR MIND, Hodern LIter-ar-y Edit=B Publishinf{

Comp~ny, Ne\( York, 1971 Bloch, Rober>t, HIT FF.[JER SPIELT HAN NICHT, Scher>z Krimi, 1959 Bloch, Robert, MONDE DES 'l'EIIElJRES, Gallima:rd, tIel< York, 1-972

. Bloch, Robert, llight-world, Fawcett Publications, Inc., Conn., 1972-B~DCh, Robert, PSYCHO, A.H. Bruna and 1.000 Utl'echt/~ntwevpen, 1972 Bloch, Robel't, PSrGHO, Salama IHnun Makuuni, 1971

! Bloch, Rober-t, SNEAK PREVIEW, Paperback Library Edition, New York,

~ 1971 , Bloch. Robert, TROOST HE, tlIJ~T ROnOT, -A.W. Bruna and Zoon, He\{ York,

'--~ 1970





The Eulletin of the Scienoe Fiction Writers of America, Vol. 9, #1 and vol. 9, f/5

The Monthly Bulletin of the Hythopoeic Society S.H.r.Le.-, tlay Bulletin. Aproil Bullll,tin Dallascon Bulletin 9 Th~ Fanseene BUlletin The Bulletin of the Academy of Motion Picture Al'ts and Sc~ences. 1/6.:

- Summer, 197'1


Q ~ \ ,


Arborllouse, Adult Works of·Fiotf.~n-and non-fiction, SpdnH/siunm~, 1972 -The Amel'ic"n .Cornio Book Company

'- 'j 'c() ," j ; -Cinefantastique Enterprises

Science Fiction Hysterys, Catalog 12 University Film Series, 1971-1972 Kaleidoscope Books Albert Schuster, Star Trek livesl Stamp Monthly

l ,'t~ . . ,

~- ., - .. ~t

, =L.j.i,

,j) @j '~

Film Guide


Ghostly Talea, August, #91 Monsters Unle.ashedl #1

~HysteI'Y' -December 2


r January 1960 - December 1967: I January 196B - De~mber 196B,

January - February 1970: March ~ April 1970:

) Ilay - June B70: ~

July - ~ugust 1970:

) September _ October 1970: November _ December 1970: January - February 1971:


"' it""'''

"" ·items 3B items cO 'items

"' 'items

" items

"' "items

" hems

"" items

i \

\ i , -

• ---CORRESPOlIDElfC[, continued

/larch -.AfJl'illS71: May 1971: June 1971: July _ August 1971, September 1971: October - November 1971: December 1971: January - February 1972: ~!arch 1972: April 1972: 48 IIay 1972: June 1972: July 1972: August 1972: September 1972: October ,1.972: lfovembeI' 1972, D"aember 1972: Januar<y 1973: rep)'Ual'Y 1973-= 11arch 19'13: Auril 1973, Hay 1973: June 1973: July 19'13: August 1973: September 1973: October 1973: November 1973: December 1973: Januat'y 1974, Fel>l'uary 1974: Mal'ch 1914-, April 1974:

• Hay 1974: ! June 19'14:

• July 1974.f


August 1974:


september 1974: October 1.971<: NOVember' 1974: Ife> dates/partial dates:

73. items 42 items 43 items 81,. items 30 items 69 items iiI items ao items 50 items 48 items 46 items 54 item_s 66 items 42, items '11 items 59· items 62- items 32 items

- '10, items 39"ite)J1s '19" items 'ILitems 119 -items 112 items -59 items 1I2.items 'Ill <items 'I7_iterns 511, Hams 55- items 52' items liS 'items 59 " items 112 items SO items 37 items 115 items 39 items 36 items 116 items 34 items

239 items


, I


( I


1(l72 Directory of Hmnhers, The Da>:'K Bl"othel"hooo 1973 Directory, Science Fiction I1riters of America


~ pen and ink drawings of Rober>t Bloch, artist (,,) unideu-dfied 1 pen and ink d't'awin" titled "Peace or "leces!" (illegilbe artist



Outworlds Flyer :two Dead End #"·2" SF Commenta~ Flyer



List of DricGS for unidentified ·items List of books, handwpitten List from Fandom Unlimited Enter~ises 2 Lists of names and "ddresses

20 items

List of pric",,: "fu'uce R. Gill!>spi" Books"


"Sharp !'Pac-tice" by John ra=i" , xerox copy, 381 flog"" :; page introduction by P~bert Bloch, unidentified other than

"Introduction" "Lovecraft'g Follies, by James Sehevi!1, :; XerO){ 'Pages "In the Cards," by Robert Bloch, 16 pages Stanley G. Weinbaum,1I Persor\al Recollection" by Robe)"t Bloch, 9 pages "A Ilr>ief IIckermention~ bV Robert !::loch, 1 oa.o;e only "The Cellar'''. by Ron Dilert. " pa,ges "The Deacl Don't Die", Robert Bloch. first Dl'aft. August 2, 191".

Produced by Douglas S. Cvamero, 90 pages "N.tght \10)"10.", 201 pages. 5 'Pages- of notes attachecl, by Rohert Bloch "IntFoduction" by Robel't Bloch, 5 pages, doesn't have any further

identification "Introduct.ton to the NeOl'omanceros". by Rohert Bloch, 7 pages

, '"

-" "" ic - ,~- -

N ~ ''Il " "1



( Tuckel'_ Bag (2)

_ The Ea~th Gazette ! Th ... Dat'K Bl'oth""hood Uewsletter

Gettinp, Th~r'e 11undac G.R.A.S. Couneil",. Groogenschein

, The SylmaI'illion f Karass

BCSFA Newsletter (3) nead End

The Shel"lockian Meddler Transition



The l1atchto"= \loodell nickel (U) Gorbett lIutterings Mystery w,:.'itel'S of !\Illel"ica (5) MidIJestcon D~/ob-con lJete Noit'e The Count Dracula Saniety (6) Necr'onomioon

- First Fandom Ilawslettar (3) Aqtifan Poll HP)' Newslett"l' The Amel'ican Board of Trade, Inc. Witchcraft and So~ery Ghosts of Summel's Past Amoeboid Scunge (If's 2, V_10, 12-1lf) OSFen DOH.., Under- Fan Fund (Duff) (3) Focal Point (13)-Nellslel;ter of lh-heN' Guild of America .(6)


The Mon~tel' Times, Vol. 1 #31, HaI'ch 1971f, Clippingg, 46 items


1. page, untitled

Scientology br>p;anL"ggf'-r AdJoenalin The -Lo.llywood Communicator (2) The Ar-ctic VillaS" Echoes Hampshire County (3) , The Third Degree (2) Delfton Cong Run,e (3) Los Angele~ Sci;;'n,,!) -Fa";tasy Soci .. ,

-Locus (3) Raconteurs, Inc. (7) Hostalgia News (3) De ?rofundis (10) Seld<ln's Plan IT,,,wslettar Title (II) Scythrop Fiawol (2) 11. with no title

13 paE"''', "Tow<lrd II Greater ApPt'eciation of fl.P. Lovecraft' The Analytic Approach" hy Dirk 1;'. Modp;

3 "ages, "Howard Phillips LoV'ecraft", no author 2 pages. "gour"es of Haterial by and About Lo'!ecr'aft", no author


The Alien critic,


Vol 2 nos, 1-4 September 1972-January 1974 Vol 3 nos. 1-3 May_August 1.914

Vol. 2 nos, 56-59, and 61, June 1972-March 19711



, PERIODICALS: continued

Aurora; Vol. ~ #~ Harch ~974

Axo~otol ExwaI'd; Vol. 1. #2 A~il 1972

Cinefantastique: Vol._ 1 -/11 Fall 1970

Cosmopolitan: _ Vol. 173 #5 Novembe,.. 1972

Crossroads: Vol. 1 #12 July 197'0

The Diversifier: Vol. 1 #2 July 1974

Famous Honeters: IPs Oli and 10'1 September 1971 and January 19-74

Fantastic: Vol. 19 #3 February 1970

Rrankenatien: July /!-16 and October 1/17

Prom Beyond the Dark Gateway: Vo;.L 1 #3 ApI'il 1974.

Gaia,,";: \ Vol. 34 l.1's 1,'3.,'1, OctobeI' and December 1973, Janllary 1971f

\ GaI'den LillNl'Y: I) Vol. 1 If's 1,2,6.7 June 1973, July 1973, NoveonneI' ~ December 1973

Vol. 2 II's 9 & 10 February and HaI'ch 1974

Laughing Os1I'is:


, Vol. 1 1/2 19711-~Iagazine LitteI'aire:

N0 96 mensue1 5F, belgique:60fb-suis se:5fs

Monster Hednas":

\ ) ,

l/-'sland3 The Nebula Auards:

Vol. 9 Nos. 2-3 Summar 1973 Outwor Ids :

Vol. 5 #1 no month, 1974 Phuaet One:

Vol. 1 III January 1971 Rats:

Vol. 1 1117 Hay 1913 Red Planet EaI'th:

Vol. 1 jJ2 no date Tna RatuI'U of Fangle:

Vol. 1. #2 Aproil 1974 Rivel"sida QuaI'ter'ly:

Vol. 4 #4 MaI'ah 1971 Vol. 5 #'s 1-4 July 1971-ApI'i1 1973 Vol. 6 #'s 1 g 2 August 1973 and Apr'i1 197~

" .J '" "" "' ~l

" .' , '"



\ I ~


PERIODICALS, continued

The Spirit, numb"" 1 and 3

SHank: Vol. 21 #4 April 1974

Technology and Human Affa~s, Veil. 3 119 Hint'e)' 1971-72

Hhis!,>el'''' Vol. 1 ii's 2-4 DeOe['lber 1')73 - July 197'1

Hitohol'aft & SOI'Oe)'y: Vol. 1 #5 May 1971

nisoon"in Academy Review,_ Vol. 19 112 March, 1973

Hi~zat"d : '101. 2 #4 Summer 1974

1l0nderr-10t" ld : Vol 3 fI's 1 S , lIugust and lfovember 1973

\forlds of IF: Vol. n '12 Issue "" July-August 1973 Vol. " " Issue 1,68 ~eptembel'~Octobel' 1973 Vol. " " Issue '" Nov m'lh~r-Decembel' 1973


(~ bf',r photo b/" ohoto b/w photo

h/w '"','

of Robel't of Robert of Rob<Wt of Robel't

Bloch with Judy Lynn Benjamin del Ray Dloch in hiH office at home Bloch and. Fritz Leifel' Bloch at Wal'nel' Brothers dUl'ing filming

of Rob<n>t Dloch and Forvest J. Ackel"l!lan

of The -, 1

of Robert Bloah, Forrest J. Ackerman and A. E. Van Vogt_ h/w photo of-RobEllot Bloch. Howard I1r-owne, FOrTest J. Ackerman,

Leo nanquiies 1 hi" photo of Robert Bloch and Henry Eisnet' 1 h/u vhoto of Robort Bloch, f'l'op man and William Castle during filming

of 1 h/l! 1 hi>! 1 hi" photo of Rohert 1 hI" photo of Robert

at Bloch horne

Dloch and 11adeleine Wil1in Bloch in "flckel'man's home" Jlloch at hone Bloch, Ch1'istopher Lee and Monte Cristiansen

1 hI" photo of Robert Bloch and Monte Christiansen at Bloch home 1 b/" photo of Robert Bloch. and "God-only_knows" 1 hI" photo of Robert Uloch, Dr. Deuonons P. Varma end Dr. Frank

Cunningham -r::jm'-,"'''',"'l:L~ hI" photo of Ch!'istol'hel" Lee at flInch home

") r" l ,- ,L hI" "hoto of Mort Veising"" at press oonfe't'ence. further description _CC_"_ - <J5'~ r3~ "l.. .:b'Ped on hack

L _____ "_

• -

PHOTOGRAPHS; continued

-"'CO I;;r:£a h/w ,"0'0 of ~,o,.,,-""koo,ki ,"0,,=" -,~:---~-I:i- f .;-~ hI ... photo of aevia1- view of "Pen Yen" --- - - .-- ---- ,~ b/" photo of unidentified male person with this note attached: " ••• and

" "li

-G CSl

1). ~ ( the Raven, never> rUtting •••• " "".....::.: I 1 h/w photo of the Gus rf<lrKS at their maU-bolt ~ ~ r 1 hi\!- photo of <I unid,entified male pSl'BOns


l 0 \~J


-' +

I 14 items, m"stly Sdence Fiction Posters, ,md some f= advel'tising

( \


L.A. _Con Pt>ogram Book Program of Academy of Hotion Picture Al'ts and Sciences, 1971 (2 copies) Progvam book of 2nd Annual Witchcraft and Sorcel'y Convention, 1972 Pt>ogram book of Decon, 71 Pr>ogram of rillllcon I, _November 24~25, 1972 PI'ograrn of E'luicon 73 Program written in French Program book of Yestercon XXV PTogram book for Agacon 74. Science Fiotion Mardi Gras San Diego Golden State comic-Con-Program, no date


These issues are mainly mimeograph and-published irreguLarly.

Adreno11n (1 item) Banshee (3 items Algol (5 items) ( aeabohame ( 6 itemsl Alternatives (11item) , Beardmutterings (2 iusme) lInlhl'osia (2 items) • Blaok Oraole (2 items) I Amoeboid Sounge (1 item) Boyle Own (1 item) AlIIl'a (5 items) \ lIreaJcthrough (3 itema) Anent (3 items) • Brian Richards (1) Anduril (1 item) ." ,

Canticles (3 items) , j Antares (1 item)

'" 'J Cepheid Variable (2 items) Antithesis (2 items) Chimaeran Review (1 item) APA (2 items) , - Cinefan (1 item) ARGH_ (1 item) c~ "

Cipher (2 items) Armageddon (1 item) • Citadel (5 items) , Avesta (1 item) ) Cor Serpentis (1 imem) A>fr'Y (7 items) Corr (1 item) B,C. (3 items) Cowboy Angel (2 items) _Badmouth (1 itll",) Crazo=" wizard's Gift (1 item)-


~" ----+

, I

\ \




CrOSB~OadS (5 items) Crypto~ (4 it~s) Cullowhee (1 item) Cymbol (2 items) DJ (1 item) Dagon (1 item) Darkling ~ Ravage Traveling Pandemonium (1 item) de Profundis (1 item) Des~t Con (1 item) Di~e~sity (1 item) Ba~th Gazette (I item) Egoboo (2 items) Bmbelyon (1 item) Energumen (5 items) Epic (1 item) Epoch ( item) Equinox (1 item) Esdacyos (5 items) Esssnce-(2 items) Etohings ~ Odysseys (1 item) Exaspe;,aHori (1 item) txit (1 item) FanecUk (1 item) Pangle (1 item) Fanseen" (1 item) Fantsfilm (1 item) Fantasy Worlds (1 item) random Unlimited (1 item) Flabbergasting Rambling (1 item) Focal. Point (5 items) IffJ (3 items) From Beyond the Dark Gateway (1 item) The Gafiat~'s Intelligenc~ (1 item) Gegensche!n (8 items) The Glass of five Japs (8 items) GodfPey Daniel (1 item) GoI'bett six (1 item) Gothimn (3 items) Granfalloon (2 items) IlPL (2 items) Ilampshire County (II items) Hugo(e)s Thepe? (1 item) Is (3 ite",s) The JIlH Bibliophile (4 items) Journal of the Vigilant IVatepnity of Bonded Mousehood (l ifem) Kal1ikanzaros (1 item) !When (7 items) LAsrs (1 item)


-" '"

c\ '~

x J 0 '1



.. PUBLIr.ATIONg, continued

Little Shappe or HOrTol'S (1 item) Liz""d Inn (l item) l-!arvelmania Honthly Ma~ildne (1 item) Mathorn CL - item) May" (1. item) Maybe (2 items) Heoht" (1 item) Midnight Fantasies (2 items) Moebius Tvip (9 items) Moolll'iggeI' (1 item) Moonshine (2 items) 11oper>y (1 item) Mota (6 items) MoVnt to the Sta:<'" (1 item) Mundao (1 item) The Mystery Writer~t Annual (1 item) The Mystery TradeI' (5 items)

, Ifew York State'a FloweI' of Dream" (1 I Ilim<;>yan (3 items)

,.1 Nolazine (3 items) \, Ilostalgia news (1 item)

\ Nudnicks (I it'em) Hyctalops (3 items) OT~anlegge,. (1 items) OSPAN (3 items) Out Thffi'e (1 item) Out",.,,,,lds (3 items) OxygDaie (1 item) Papaya (1 item) The Passing Parade (2 items) PELF (2 items)


Perceptions (1 item) Phantasmicon (6 items) Philosophioal Gas (4 items) Placebo (5 items) Planc-teer (1 item) Potlatch (4 items

J ~ehensi1e (7 items)


Quotebook (1 item) Rambling (7 items)

! Rats (5 items)

I Reticulum (1 item) Riohar'd E. Geis (2 items)


- Rigli's Manufacturer's (1 item) Rotsler"s Rocks (1 item)

'\ Rune (6 items) ~ Ryben (1 item)



," , R ~,

> ~


,(} + ,


" POBLICATIOlm, c",lJltinued

Sandwot'1II (9 itelns) Seieon (3 items) Science fiction ~dventu~es (1 item) Science Fiction Five-Yearly .(1 item) Science Fiction Review (3 items) Science-Fiction Times-Chronicle (1 item) Scottish" (3 items) Scythrop (2 items) S F Commentary (5 items) SFI/A P<W!I"l (10- items) SiI'ruish (3 items)­Something Else (1 item) Spock's Sepi,hes (2 itHma) Spockulations (~items) Stanley (6 items) Star'Pire (1 item) SLaI'~Studded (2 items) Star"ind (1 item) S"<lon (1 item) Syn~heBis (1 item) Tabebuian (9 items) Tandem (1 item) Ter-ran 'Urnes (1 item) The Third Foundatioh (1 item) Title (5 items) Tom"l'roli and ••• '(3 item",) Transylvania Times (1 item) '!riode (1 item) Uranian (2 items) lIarm Ileart Pastry (4 items)


' View TltA (1 item) Vorpal (1 item) Voyage (1 .item) Yar~ (3 items) Zymurgy (3 items)



tlniversity of One )lith


Hartford News R~lease, January attachment and annotation

W .. gt~rcon - 23, ITogress P.eport _ 112 Bubonicon, Semi-conprehensive Rep~t

19, 1972, 2 copies,


REPORTS: continued

Academy of Hotion PictUr:'B Arts and Scienaes, Report Minicon 3, second Progress Repor:ot

\ Equi-con 73, Pr:oogress Repor:'t #3 L,A. Con, Progress Rep~t #'5 3 e ij

L.A. Con, Final ProgPess Report (2 copies) Torcon 1\10, h-ogpess Repol't ONe Westercon 27, Progress Report 4

\ Europa, Report 91, 1972 Filmcon 1, Progress Report 111 Toreon 2, Progress Rep~t #3 To"00n_2, Progress Report #2 Cheakup on chaIolie, Report on Viet llam Comic-Con, ProgJ:'ess Repor:'t rhilCon, Convention RepOrt Tareon 2, Pro~ess'RepPrt !fij Minicon 9, F~st Progress Report Cinel'ama, Inc" Report to Producer', Repu:rt 1/3 Minicon 7.- Second PrOI\l"e."!s Re'P(U't First _ProgL'ess Report of Regional Science Fiction Conven.tlon


Curse You Red BaronI . Series III #1

VoluTlie lI-fl'+ &-#s Volume III II's 2,3,5,& 9


Reprint: Clal'ke, Al'thul' C., "Coming Distractions" THE WORIf RUNNER'S DIGEST, Vol. XIV #2-, 1912

Passpo .. t Speech: Annual Banquet Wisconsin Raconteu .. s Club, May 5, 1972,

15 -pages


Brooohure: PITFCS Notice! 148 , Ad"ance uncOl'l"ected p .. oof of Cor>nel'ed at six, , !<lcMahon and Majo .. :s .. ian Patrick McMahon, , 1972

. I Folio: Lords of the Sta .. ship. bv Tim Ki .. j,; '{ Award: Handmande to Robert Bloch

C MV\l'!"tisement for a Convention in France AdvArtisement for Jack Denton TY'avel folda!' fo .. CIncinnati Appointment Calendar fo!' 1965 Itinerar.V for Robert Bloch


by Thomas Patrick IJSAF, Simon' e Schuste .. ,

( , , , , ,"'1 , -, "J \

'J; -', \ , '~

l ''j


HlsCELLANEUO~: continued

n~sc~iption of Class sepP 3BO: Science Fiction and Social police "1\ Collection of Fan Car'toQnists" nOok Revi"" Book: handmane, Succinot Bo",horygmes On Hypochm-ema1:;ophily, by:_ Bruce

!falket' 1 tape recording of' "YOUl'S Tl-uly, Jack the Ripper" in part. note

attaohed A Survival Guide 2 llmall pages of handwvitten notes 1 K"l'OX copy of "la"gnie.ppe. 1 page only "Line)' )1otes I Just Wvote f<m a Rec01'd Alhum " Ije, Draoulon Lives!"

hy FOl'l'e8t J. Ackeman; ltel'olt copy Printed Poem with note 3nd signatuz,e of authO!'. -"Reception in Elysium!'

by Ilary r. Lindsley . Adve~isement for.visit.of Professor Scarabus to-unidentified campus 1 hi" picture, 8pPqr'ently cut from_a-~agazine, unidantified 4 invitations 1 mosaic plaque ,~ 6¥ 350 1 pamphlet: "The tattooed Dra.,\"on and the Idol's Eye" William Rotsler


Gene Ii. Gressley Director





.~. "" LARA~IIE, .WYOIllING 82070

April 28, 1975


RECEIPT. for the gift received of Robert Bloch


1955-l,65 1966-~,71

1972-:",14 1975 no da~""


"Afte, :4idnight", #1 ".;=y._.", liB, DecembeT' "The ~n ~ I", 1/2, July "Cana<':an random", /136,

n' '74 (1) 15, 1970 March, 1959

'" items

'" item"

" items

" items , items



k- ~ , -~,

,f.:> , ',,: ,



"Canticles", 1/5, Apr'il, 1970 (1) "Cap'n Ro's Whi.;,,-bang" vol. 1, 1/5,1974 (1)

, "The Dark Brotherhood Journal", no number or date (1) "Don-o-Saur," 1/~9, December, 1974 (1) "The Eltdown Shards", 112, no date, (1) "The e_1:St=iani, Explorer", 1/1, (1) "Fantasy Crossroads" vol. 1, 1/1, November I, 1974 (1) "First Fandom News", no vol., number, or' date (1) "Geg 18", TIC> vol., numbeI'_or' date (1) "Gonzo", no vol., numher OX' date (1) "Guyipg Gyre", 112, 1974 (1)

_"id", 1/5, (1) "Kong" 1/9, Dec.ember, 1974 (1) "LASFS", 1/13, November, ,1974 (1) "Laughing Osir'is", Vol. 1, Ill, March 1974 (1) "Hom's Home Uade AppIe Fan"ine", "Motal" no yolo number or date (1) "The MY<ltery Trader", 1110, November, 1974, (1) "Outhere", 113, 1972 <::)) "Outwprlds"; 112l & 1/22, no dates', -~2) "(Papenthesis)" (SF, no date, (1) "Philosophical Gas" no voL, numbat' or date (2) "Phoenilt Fantasy Fn_m Society", Janua:r>y 8, 1975 (~) "hehensile" no vOl., numbel:' Ol:' date (1) "Rangom" #'s 4 & 5, DecembeT' HJ74 and JanUal:'Y 1975 (2-) "The Review" /12 (1) "Reticulum" 112 (1) "Rune" Vol. 7, il3, 1974 0) "The SF Echo" 1/21, November, 1974 (1) "Science Fiction Review", 1128, Novembel:' 196B (1) "SFWA Forum" ii's 14, 36 and 37, May 1970, November and Deoember 1974-"Son of the WSFA Joul:'nal" Vol. 29, #5 & 6 (1) "Stanley" /118 (1) "Tabebuian" #18 March 1975 (1) "Triode" #20, October, 197,+ (I) "ilhichne33 of the lfuy" 111 (1)

\2"lfui3pel:'S" Vol. 2, 1/1, November, 1974 (1) "Xenium" 1/43, Decembel:' 1974 (1) "ZymUl:'\10I'Ill" 2H, Decembel:' 1974 (1)


( , "~, "The Uan' nom Ethel Kamilche, 1 eaJ"ly versions of gamblel:'s

e PI'eachers, 1 complete -- ;>ome fl:'agments" , 510 pages, "" numbered consecutively

J , hox, "Gambler" , 206 pages, not numba:r>ed consecutively lbo><, "Gamblel:''' , 481 pages, not nUmbered consecutively

~ 1 bo><, "\-lark in PI'Ogl:'ess Material, Gamblel:'s and PreacheI's", 704 pages,

not numbel:'ed consecutively





00< ""


December 17, 1975


RECEIPT for the gift re.ce_ive.d of Robert Bloch


Annan, Da;id, MOVI~ F~AST~C~ BEYOND THE DREAM MACHINE, Bcunty Books, L-.i1zL -tt.'i!f.. _ _ ~Orr'l.mel' publlshJ.ng., Llmlted, G"e.at BX'itain, 1974-

Bloch, RobeI't, FEAR TODAY, GONE TOI-IARROW Aw~-d B~~'-~ " " ,'e ' =- ~~"-~, "ew York, -<'-.-J;wl.-lt......., +9?1 ~~--.r-'-l5 Jlloch, Robert, NIGHT-WORLD, Corgi Books, London, 1975

Bloch, Robert, SCHIZO, Elsevie~-Amsterdarn/B~ussel 1975 in PX)1. -tt 45" fo~eign language ' ,

, Bloch, Robert, l-IAHNSINN MIT METHODE, Scherz, Berll-Hunchen-Hien, :"~d *4S J975, in foreign language


American Comic Book Company, May 25, 1975 ~kham House, September, 1975 B. Madle Books and Things, Catalogue #5, no date, 2 copies David G. Turne~, Bookman, #'s 15 6 16, Ap~il 6 June, 1975 Dragon P~ess, February, Ap"il, and September, 1975 Fantasy and science Fiction, Catalogue, #s 8 & 9, Spring and

Summe", 1975 F~tasy Publishing Company, no date Fantasy Specialist, EOOKS, Magazines Fa" Sale, Summe~, 1975 Hatchards, Guide to new books, no date Science Fiction and Fantasy, The Lilly Library, January-April, 1975 Science Fiction and Fantasy Catalog No. FiVe, Decembe~, 197~ T-K ~aphics, Spring, 1975 and Winte~ 1975-76

n ~ " B "" "l ~




August lS, 1958 , item

February, 1975 " items

Ma);'ch, 1975 " items

ApI'n, 1975 " items

May, 1975 " items

June, 1975 " items

July, 1975 '" items

August, 1975 " items

September, 1975 " items

October, 1975 "' items

November, 1975 , items

nn dates/partial dates "' items


After> ~!idnight 1/2, May, 1975, 1/3, August, 1975 and 1/4, November, 1975


( Coda: Poets & IIriter3 Newsletter, Vol. 2, I/s & S 7, June and July/August, 1975, Vol. 3, ill, Octob&,/trovemb"". 1975

DeProfundis, lis 76,77 ~ 79, April, June and September, 1975 Fire-glass Prism, May 3, 1975

J First random News Letter, No. 12 and 13, Hay B, 1975 and August 21, 1975 Hampshire Highlights, January~ 1975, Harch,1915 Hystery Uriters of America, FebI'uary, May, June and July, 19?5 Newsletter, Writers Guild of America, ~est, June, September, October,


and November, 1975 The Third Degree, March, May, June, August_september, 1975 SF Mews and Commentary, #24/25, June 26, 1975 ~


La;i,~5~ ___ J!EWS OF THE WORLD, Janua<,y 19, 1975, 2 clippings ~ jl:5D IHE NEW YORK THIES, April 20, 1975 and July 12, 1975 i\?V1Q~nidentified Clipping about Kathleen Kennedy

i fC! §~~ nidentified Clipping about Ginger Rogers ::±J::j~tPl-- Unidentified Clipping about Paul Newman >L.:.~_1L:ill------S Unidentified Clippings

Kidd, Nancy Lee, "Folklol'e Collection Pl'oject, Science Fiction random; A Special Identity", Decembel' 2, 197'1, Antlll"o 326, Bess He"'es, Instructol', xerox copy, 13 pages

Rotsler, William, "The Tattooed Dl'agon and 'the Queen of Hars", 19 pages, 1975, xerox copy

no authol', no title, Intl'oduction ~itten in_F:t>ench, 38 pages


Adams, hed C., "The Chaos Spawn", Shroud Publishers, Hollywood, California, 1974

Garcia, Hike, "Lovec::oaft!G=da", Shroud Publislwrs, Holly"ood, 'l California, August, 1975 - Lowe, Jimmy, "Halloween House", Glasgow Publishing COl'poration,

Glasgow, Kentucky~ March, 1975 Pons, Ted, "The Devil Ground", ShX'oud PublisheX's, Hollywood, _ California, 1975


( Vol. 12, No.2; Issue No. 2~, SummeX' , 1975

2-6,1974, (written in'f=eign language)

:~::~~;;~~~'lO;'~'~l;'::,I' No.1, Vol. II, #s 2 & 3, Janual'Y, Ap~il, 1975 ' -


• No.2, May, 1975, No.3, June, 1975, and 1975

Gallel'Y, NovembeX', 1975 Nickelodeon,


?i:l541]:Lffii)j), 8::<10, b/>, photograph 2(1V.1Jill2.LJi .. 8xlO, bl" photog~aph

061-1"11 PROGRAMS,

of William of Leonard

ShatneX', portX'ait Nimoy, poX'trait

1975 E~gar Allen Poe AwaX'ds DinneX', Ap~i1 25, 1975, New York ( Hl.lton, New York City

TUS-CON II, Ap~il 4-6, 1975, Executive Inn, Tucson, AX'izona 1 TUS-CON III, November 7-10, no year, Tucson Inn Tucson- AX'izona \ 5tar TX'ek, Chicago, '75, Program Book ' ,

J PinckaX'd Scien~e Fiction Write",'s Salon, May 17 & IB, 1975, \ Santa t!arla, Cali::;o-ronia

"- Great LiteX'ature and CinemaII.Mont~ .. al. Tuesday Evenings; no date


GaX'dine~, John, THE RETURN OF "O"lAO"''' ,-.,-, , ,.,,, '''L, ",.r. Putnam s Sons, lI"w _ YoX'k, uncorrected advance pX'oof

Giannetta, Sal, THE CAPAC LEGACY, Simon Schuster, New YoX'k, advance uncoX'X'ected pX'oof

Straub, Peter, JULIA, Coward, McCann and Geoghegan, tlew YOl>k, advance uncorX'ected p::ooof

( \



Abandon, 1 item AlIlr'a, 2 items Anomaly, 1 item Awry, 1 it1'lm The Big Screen, 1 item Blazon, 1 item Byob Con S, 1 item Cap'n Ro's Thorn, 1 item Continum, 1 item Cygnus, 2 items Pinosaup Renaissance, 1 item Ponosaur, 3 items Dur'foo, 1 item Eclipse, 1 item The Eltdown Shapds, 1 item Empire, 1 item Fantasy Crossroads, 2 items Fipst Draft, 1 item Flamenco, 1 item Fosfax, 2 items Future Ret~ospective, 2 items Gemin, 1 item Graysllandir, 1 item Guying Gy~e, 2 items Har~lines, 2 i~ems

," , ~.


6i '\






I Heads \lill Roll, 1 item Jayland Unlimited, 1 item The JDM Bibliophile, 1 item

• Khatru, 2 itemS i Knights, 1 item I KRSS, 1, item

Kyben, 2 items Laughing OsiI'ls~ 2 items The Long Goodbye, 1 item The Long Hello, 1 item !~a7a, 1 item tJemo!'ies o:f the Starship F_niara, 2 items ~Iid Americon Progr'ess ·Report, 1 item 11idfan Supplement, 1 item Miniaon10, 1 item The Miskatonic, 2 items Mota, 3 items

\ Mundao, 1 item M~ddin Two, 1 item Mystery Pile~ 1 item The Mystery Nook, 2 item? Niteshade, 1 -item NOr'cres, 1 item NoctUl'ne, 1 item Nyctalops, 1 item Outworlds, 1 item Phosphene, 2 items PhilosPphical Gas, 2 items Prehensile, 1 item The Rambling Fap, 3 items Random; 5 items Rune, 3 items San Diego Comic S.P. Echo, 1 item SForum, 1 item

Con, 1 item

SFWA Fo~um. 5 items Science Fiction Revie", 3 items Son of the WSFA Jou~nal, 1. item SpockillationB, 1 item Star Fire, 2 items Tabebuian, 5 items Triode, 1 item Two Magicians, 1 item IIhizzard, 1 item Xenophile, 5 items Yandl."O, 2 items Zymu~worm, 1 item


~ tHtia}$rtl9lJ ~usan Hampshi~e, He~ Life and Career, 2 pag~s, both sides have p~inting


..;" D<oi :e_,,~j-----,Adv=tisement, hook, by Robert Bloch­~1.,y; 1975 TAFF Ballot j)~o~~al'toon> signed by-Bjo, caption

2 Inventories: Description" or the Description of the J. Vernon

~&.' 3J§5 I,Jniver's'ity of Wyoming

Donald A. Wollheim Collection Shea Collection, both at the

lie ld6.':t)8ql'fJj¥elease, "Leonard Mimoy", 3 pages" photostatic copy Financial Report for the Year> Ending December' 31, 1974, Los_ ';.


Angele:;: Science fan-taSY Society> Inc. _ Star Trek, Chicago, '75, photogpaph of add, list of Press Accomodations.

and map of convention £100);', all in cleat' plasti<,l b:Lnder NASFIC '15, Convention Guide, August 29-September 1st, 1975 The Science Fiction Writel's. ,of America, 1974 DiJoectory Acadenw Membership Screening''- of the Nominated Pictllr'es, list and

time for showing of each nominated Picture for the "47th Annual Academy Awards

Reminder List of Eligible Releases~ lf7th Annual Academy Awat'ds Advertisement, Gregg PJ:ress Science" Fiction Sl'I'ies: The Bulletin of. the Science Fiction Writers of America, July, 1975,

OctobeX'-, 1975 and Winter, 197'1-75 3 name cards. Robert Bloch

"2 honoraroy membership cal'ds to fan clubs, Robert Bloch Call Card, Community College Studies, Miami, Florida Campaign Button, "Star Txek CREW, Chicago, 1975" X'ed and white:


Gene M. Greasley Directo>:'

cry , Iy'l

m';\ , -, ' ,


BOX 3334 lARM"Ii1. wYOMiMC a)on

15 July 1976


RECEIPT for. the gift of Robert Bloch:


ACADEMY 0:2' MOTION' PICTURE ARTS AND SCIENCES 48th Annual Acadel"'Y A\-l""rds ••• Writing Awards

Alternate world Recordings, Inc.

MIDNIGHT BOOK CO. BUYING: Books and Magazines

MIDNIGHT SUN Subscription Offer

science Fiction Exposition 1976 June 25-29

Supplement to WHISPERS #8

27th Annual HidwestCcin

THE HINDS OF ZARR by Richard L. Tierney


FOYLIBRA Foyles Bookshop Magazine November

FOYLIBRA Foyles Book[Jhop Magazine PecelT'ber



Stanley Gibbons TWO REIGNS Postage Stamp Catalogue. Elizabeth II, King George VI 1959.



Equicon '76" Filmeon 4- ( 2 copies)

1>&\ Le Zombie .67 December 1975

S'\ 14idAmeriCon Progress Report it3

Minican Eleven, Hinneapolis 16~18 April 1976 (2 copies)

1975 Famous Monsters Convention

Pacificon III Booster Club February 1976



FOrrest Ackerman Wynne &. Frank 111M Robert Bloch Robert A. Bloch }ir. Bloch Bob Bob Robert Bloch Bob and Elly Elli", Ii Bobby Mr. Bloch Ellie and -Bob Robert Bloch Robert Bloch Bob Hr. Bloch MIlo! Robert Bloch 1'1/14 Robert.Bloch Robert Bloch WFMT-PM Robert Bloch E11y & Bob Mr. Bloch Robert Bloch Mr. Bloch Bo·, Bo,-, Bob'n'Ellie Bob Mr. Bloch Bob MIM Robert Bloch

_Robert Bloch Alma & Bob Charles Harlan &. Lori Robert A. ileinlein Barbara Boatner Edith S. Gelman Peter oJ. Kondos Gerry BOudreau Art Tofte B. Bloch David Smith Mary .10 Janie B. }la.-ttllew Fox Jack Scovil Scott Connors Bloch. Florence RusselJ. Bruce Walker Barton-Koehler Lynette Smith Bette Barbara Boatner Janie B. Martin ROogna Steve JackDenton Harlan Ellison Nalter W. Le.e, Jr. Joseph J. Dirak, Jr. Harold Gauer )o1rS. II. Gauer


ca. 1938 March 3, 1975 October 9, 1975 November 6,- 19'15 November 8, 1975 November 10, 1975 November 10, 1975 November 11, 1975 November 11, 1975 November 12, 1975 November 12,.1975 November 13, 1975 November 14, 1975 November 14, 1975 November 14, 1975 November 19, 1975 Nov",mber 18,. 1975 November 19, 1975 November 19, 1975 November 20, 1975 November 20-, 1975 November 23, 1975 November 24, 1975 November 26, 1975 November 27, 1975 November 29, 1975 November 30, 1975 December 1, ·1975 December 1, 1975 December 1, 1975 December 2, 1975 December 2, 1975



Robert A. Bloch Robert Bob Robert Bloch RQCJert A. Bloch Larry Ste.rnig Robert Bloch Robert Bloch Bob Mr. Bloch Rober_t Bloch Bob V..r. ,Bloch -Robert Bloch' NIH Robert Bloch Nr. Bloch Robert Bloch Mr. Bloch Mr. Bloch Rob",rt Bloch Robert_ Mr. Bloch loU:-. Bloch Bloch Bob Bob Bob Milot Robert Bloch Bob Robert Bloch Robert Bloch Bob Robert Bloch Robert Bloch Robert Bloch Robert Bloch Bob Mr. Bloch Elly & 130b Bob Robert Robert Bloch Bob Robert Bloch Robert Bloch Robert Bloch



Dorothy Haas Jim. Morrow Terry Don_ Grant Jim Shoffner Hs. Dorothy Haas Gregory Nicoll philip A. Shre!fler R. L. Fish Bruce Jacobs Howard Levant Donn P. Brazier David Smith Les Daniels Bloch Joseph J. Sirak, Jr; Gene N. Gressley Richard P. pollack Scott Connors Peter John Givler Mike Bracken Gary Kimber Lee lIoffman Diana T Lou Tabakow Angie Janie B. L •. Bloch Lou Tabakow Jonathan Margaret L. Carter Fritz Martin Roogna Gene M. Gressley Fred Pa~ten Bud Wehster Gritz Babs Klein Bette Gerry de la Ree Jim HarraH Fon;:-.tyne Holmes Bud j'lebster Gallein Wilson Norman Fleishman Ginny


December 2" 1975 December 2, 1975 Dec~ber.3, 1975 December 4, 1975 Decembe:r; 4, 1975 December 5, 1975 December 8, 1975 December 8, 1975 December 9, 1975 December 9, 1975 December 9, 1975 December 10,1975 December 10, 1975 De~effiber 12, 1975 December 15, '1~75 December 22, 1975 December 23, 1975 December 23, 1975 December 24, 1975 December 24, 1975 December 26, 1975 December 26, 1975 December 27, 1975 December 27, 1975 December 28, 1975 December 29, 1975 January, 1976 January 1, 1976 January 1, 1976 January 2, 19-76 January 3, 1976 J;;muary 4, 1976 Janaury 4, 1976 January 6, 1976 January 7, 1976 January 10, 1976 January 10, 1976 -January 15, 1976· January 16, 1976 January 16, 1976 January 17, 1976 January 19, 1976 January 19, 1976 January 20, 1976 January 21, 1976 January 22, 1976




Bob & Elly Robert Bloch Robert Bloch Robert Bloch Elly Ii Bob Robert Bloch Robert Bloch Rohert Bloch Bob and Ellie Robert Bloch Dob Robert Bloch Bob Elly & Bob Bho j)Jr. Bloch MIN Robert Bloch Robert Bloch Bob Robert Bob Robert Bloch Robert Bloch Bob Bob

Mr. Bloch Robert Bloch Bob Bob [, Ellie r-JjM R. Bloch Bob & Elly Robert Bloch Bob Mr. Bloch EUy & Bob Robert Bloch Bob Robert Bloch Bob Grandfather Bob Mr. Bloch N/M Robert Bloch Dob Mr. Forrest J. Ackerman Robert Bloch



Mrs. Frank Narcus­Robert J. Barthe11 Bruce -Walker Angie Bette l"rib; Harriet wilum Act Gene n. Gressley Bruce D. Arthurs Bud ~lebster Harold Gauer

nill Pugmire Steve Connelly Bloch KLacar Steve Vertlieb Terry Hughes Dallas Klacar David L. Irvin Ralph Vicinanza willis

Bruce D. Arthurs Stephen Goldin Ed Shelley&Roy Torgeson A , L

Harold Gauer Ralph Vicinanza Joseph J. Sirak, Jr. Mrs. Frank MarcUS William C. Stone Chelsea Quinn Yarbro Fritz Shel Darf Schultz Carrollton-Clark Steve Troyanovich

Chelsea Quinn Yarbro Gladys R. \vard Jonathan Bacon


January 27, 1976 January 28,,1976 January 3;1., 197,6 February 3, 1976 February 5, 1976 February 5, 1976 February 5, 1976 February 5, 1976 February 6, 1976 February 6, 1976 February 11, 1976 February 11, 1976 February 13, 1976

- .February 16, 1976 February 16, 1976 February 17, 1976 February 18, 1976 February 18, 1976 February 18, ].976 February 20, 1976 February 22, :1976 February 22, 1976 February 23, 1976 February 23, 1976 Feb. 24, 1976 Feb. 25, 1976 February 25, 197u February 25, 1976 February 26, 1976 March, 1976 March 1, 1976 March 2, 1976 March 3, 1976 Milrch 3, 1976 Harch 4, 1976 March 5, 1976 March 5, 1976 March 5, 1976 March 6, 1976 March 9, 1976 March 9, 1976 March 10, l"i6 March 10, 1"-6 March 10, 1~',6 March 11, 1976 .l>larch 14, 1976 Ilarch 15, 1976





JUly 1> Dab Ha:r::r:y Egne:r: Robe:r:t Bloch Elly and Bob Bob Robert Bloch Robert Bloch Mr. Bloch ,Hr. Bloch Mr. Bloch Bob Robert Bloch Bob Robert Bloch Elly & Bob Bob M/M Robert Bloch

Ro~)"'rt Bloch Gue:;l; Robert Bloch Robert Bloch Bob Bob Robert Bloch Robert Robert Bloch Bho Robert Bloch R. A. Bloch Elly 1> Bob Mr. Bloch Bob Robert Dloch Mr. Bloch Robert Bloch Bob Bob Robert Bloch

11 pieces Robert Bloch

7 .pieces Robert Bloch

3 letters, 4

Dad & Elly

Robert Bloch 4 pieces


Bette, Forrest Acke~uan Frederip C. Kaplan Mrs. H. Gauer Chelsea Quinn Yarbro Lee Hoffman LASFS Jer:r:y L. Ale~ander Delbert w. Winans Joy Duncan Eric Bentcliffe Robert J. Barthell Willis Bob T Bette Nils Hardin Sandra I< Dennis

Billows. 'Jack Denton Dorothy C. Fontana Howard Levant John Robinson Jack Denton Lucy Freeman Edward P. Berglund Bruce Walker Klacar l1ilum Pugmire John T. Kretchmer Diana Bette Joel N. Lyczak Bill Nelson Al Abrams Joel M. Lyczak Larry Miller Walt Lee Stu Byrne Alan

Michael Avallone

Beverly Brandt undated cards

'Michel Demuth Mrs. James R. Francy

Randall D. Larson


Nardi 15, 1976 Harch 16, 1976 11<lrch 18, 1976 t1arcl) 22, 1.976 Harch 24, 1976 l1a:r:ch 26', 1976 Narch 26, 1976 March 2B, 1976 t-larch 20, 1976 April 2, 1976 AprilS, 1976 April 6, 1976 April 6,. 1976 Apd1 7, 1976 April 8, 1976 April 10, 1976 April 11, 1976

April 11, 1976 April 13, 1976 April 15, 1976 April 15, 1976 April 17, 1976 April 17, 191'6 April 18, 1976 April 18, 1976 April 19, 1976 April 19, 1976 April 20, 1976 April 21, 1976 April 22, 1976 April 23, 1976 April 28, 1976 April 29. 1976 April 29, 1976 April 29, 1976 April 30, 1976 May 6, 1976 Nov~ 20, 1975-April 20,

1976 Nov. 25, 1975-Mar. 24,

1976 Mar. 12, 1976-

t-lay 4, 1976

NOV. 29, 1975-April 26, 1976

Nov. 12, 1975-Apr. 8, 1976



Robert Bloch 12 pieces

Robert Bloch 4 pieces

Robert. Bloch

• From:

Dallas Mayr

Kirby NcCau1ey

Scott Hered,ith 7 pieces

Robert Bloch 14 pieces,

Robert Bloch

Dirk W. r40sig 1 undated

18 pieces Robert Bloch

3 pieces Robert Bloch

7 pieces' Bob & Elly Mr. Bloch Hr. Bloch Ellie Mr. Bloch Mr. Bloch Ellie

Mr. Bloch Bloch Bob Robert Bloch Bob Bob Robert Bloch Bob & Elly Elly 1>lrs. Robert Bloch Robert Bloch -4 pieces Robert Bloch Mr. Bloch Bob & JUly



J. Vernon Shea

Larry STernig


Jerry L. Alexander Jerry L. Alexander B" Stephanie Bennett Stephanie Bennett Bloch Crispin R. Burnham Crispin R, Burnham luchel Demuth Kevin Carter Diana Carol La\1 F. Marcus Frank Marchus Frank Marchus Mrs. F. Marcus Mrs, F. Marc','s Mrs, F. Marc"'-, Mrs. Frank Mdrcus Michel Parry Mandi Schultz Curt Stubbs \'1in

BTB - Wonderland Revisited jfl


Mov. 18-0ec. 19, 1975

Dec. 4, 1975-April 27, 1976

Nov. 7-0ec, 12, 1975

" NOV. 12, :L975-Apr. 28, :L976

Nov, 14, 1975-Apr. 27, 1976

Nov. 6--:'Pec, 2, 1975

Nov, 26-, 1975-Apr. 1, 1976

",d, ' h. d. n',d. n,d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n,d, h.d, n.d. n,d. n.d. n.d. n,d, n ,d,

. n.d, n. d, n.d, n.d. n.d. 1>iov. 21-0ec, IB, 1975 n,d. n.d. n,d.

----.-~. ,-~-


FANZINES (cant),


HARBINER TWO vol. 1 vol. 1.

llARTLINES B & H KHATRU #3, 414, is

f,.!x.!..oo Kl'iLGHTS #14, uS i\OK- t?l KYBEN #13

#6 !< #5 No. 2 .Spring No. l Winter

1'.iM'ltooTHE LATE SHOW #1, #2, f,3

0cx6'1 [:~~R~~S OF ~HE STARSHlP ANIAM B f.w.L>OTliE MISi(ATONIC jIl2, #14 lXv,-fMOT" #13, #14, US, #16

" ~llE NOCTUARY n. #2


OUTRE, Vol. -l, NO. 1 Co'l PASSPORT - F2231494


D«~ORUNE #45, l146, i/47 CIENTIFRICTION #4

SCINTILLATION #8 SFincto:'; /I 8

()fJl- ~ SNARK H S SPECTRAL ANALYSIS 16 STARWIND Spring 1976 SWOON Vol. 2 No, 1.

1976 1975

ABEBUIAN JOURNAL #26 and birth annoUncement &xGClrITLE l/49, #50, #48


~_ri. tTl:tIZZARD Vol. 2 Number 8 lJ' 0'\ WINDING NUMBERS n

XENIUM 6w~oXENOPHILE Yolo 2 No. 8 & Vol. 2 No.7 (2 copies)




JOURNALS (cont);

Hoebius Trip Library's SF ECHO 23 & 24 Aug-Oox_ 1975 NITTY-GRITTY Vol. 1, NO._1 THE WRITER'S SENSE OF PLACE south Dakota RBview AlltUl\ln 1975,

Vol. 13, No.3


Burgess, Anthony. THE spy wao LOVED ME. 4, pages, xeroxed copy Daniels, Les. LIVING IN FEAR. New York, Charles Scrib~:~r's

Sons. 1975 288 pages Uncorrected proof INTROOUCTION NOTES, CONFIRMED GUL~TS. 3 pages, carbon copy THE RBNARKl\BLE RODDENBERRY by FJA (Delivered at the Count

Pradula Society Awards Banquet.) 2 pages xeroxed copy Review of ISLAND OF LOST SOULS 10 pages. xeroxed copy Speech by Robe-rt Bloch for Equicon Ilanquet, Sunday, April IB, 1-976.

7 pages original copy -



CODA: Poets & Writers NewsLetter Vol. 3, Number 2 Vol. 3~ Number 3 Vol. 3, llumber 4



"" GRAPEVINE JESSICA AMANDA Sl\L140NSON I4AJEST:tC RERUNS . I MARCH OF CRIME - lJiystery Wrtiers of l'.ruerica. Southern Californj-~

Chapter THE MYSTERY WRITERS OF AMERICA Hewsletter November/Deoember 1975 SFNA FORUM

Deoernber 1975 March 1976 February 1976


December 1975 January 1976 F8bruary 1976 March 1976




INTElU'LllNETARY New Paper Witness Vol. i No.3 NOSTfoLGIA ENTERPRISES 8 copies THE QUINCY SUN Vol. 7 No. 50 August 28, 1975 LA QUINZAINE 1-15 March 1975 SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW 1I16


ALGOL Winter 1976 THE ARTS OBJECTIVELY Winter 1976 Vol. I lssue 2 BIBLlOGNOST Vol._ I, Number lV November 1975 CINEMAGIC Number 5, Winter 1,}76 CTHULllU CALLS Vol.. III no. III January 1976

Vol. III no. II october 1975 HE GREEN EGG Vol. VIII, No. 75 (Yule)

Vol. -VIII, No. 76 {Oimele} Vol. IX, No. 77 COstaru)

MONEY February 1976 lUVERSID:E! QUARTERLy Vol. 6 No.3 August 1975





February 1976 Vol. ~our, Number Four November 1975

Marne card Fantasy Film Fans International Reservation Rate Card Leprecon Hystery Writers of America, Inc. Robert Bloch l>ieRibership card Academy of Motion picture Arts and Sc::iences:Robert Bloch

UeJ~bership card Tabebuian Trading Card. Seacon '75 Series No.6 John Brunner North American Science Fiction Convention. Robert Bloch

Me:mbership card


INVITATIONS Buffet Lunch McGraw-Hill Book Company. Friday, April 30/ 1976 48th Annual Awards of Merit. The i'.cademy of l-lotian Picture

Arts and Sciences Gala Dedication Ceremonies. Academy of }Iotion Picture Arts

and Sciences 31st l'nnual Edgar Allan Poe Awar,ds Dinner. Mystery \'iriters

of America'.


/ ~iISCEr.LANEOUS (cont) ~


"For Boris Karloff, Monstrosity was Only Skin Deep." Jay Scriba TUE l1ILWAUImE JOUTh."IAL Dec. 30, 1975


Pierre Versins. "Rouse of Elsewhere" #2, '113 Jack Denton. Row to $ucceed in $how Bu$iness By Really

Trying" course

NOVA: The University of, Texas at E1 Paso Magazine. March 1976.


Master Paintings from the Hermitage and the State Russian Museum, Leningrad. Los Angeles County Museum of Art. December 19, 1975-January 27, 1976

Reminder list; of Eligible ReLeases. A_cademy of Notion Picture Arts aU.d ,sciences.




by Chris Pelletiere for Robert Bloch

Gene l4. Gxessley, Director

GMG; aa

",-,:l. P,CI' --~-),-



.OX ""


13 DeceJf;ber 1976


'RECEIPT for the_ gIft of Mr. Robert Bloch 1 dO b rece 'Ie cto er 25, 1976,


Brosnan, Jo\m :~~~~~~~: Gow, Gordon ~ Haldeman, Harryhausen, Ray

New Jersey, 1

J-brli~'5 Press, ~ew York, 1976.

C';"" lIooks, New'~ork, 1968. Press, New York, 1976.

A-.S. Barnes and Co., Inc., ,sed •


Aurora: Beyond Equality, Edited by Susan Janice Anderson and Vonda 1'1. HcEntyre, Fawcett Publications, Inc, ,.Gree~wIch, ConnectIcut, 1976, FIrst Prillting.·

Cao, Omar Emigrado De La LUna, Edicione5, EI Lagrimal Trifurca, Rosario, Rep. Argenti~a.

Derleth, August The Mask Of Ctliulhu, Ballalltine Books, New York, 1962, Secon'd PrInting.

Derleth; "August The Trail of Cthulhu, !la-llantl~e Books, New York, 1962, Second Prilltlng. ----- --------

From The Archives of Evil; edIted by Christopher Lee and Michel Parry, Warller Books, New York, 1:376, FIrst Printing.

Goulart, Ron Vampirella #5- 'Peathgame, Warner 'Books, New York, 1976, First PrInting.

Lovecraft, ILP. a'nd August Derleth The Lurker At The Threshold, Ballall­tine Books, New York, 1945.

McIntyre, Vonda N. The Exile Waltlnp' Fawcett Publications, Inc., Green­wIch, Cotltlectlcut, 19/5, First rilltl,ng.

Sargent, Pamela , Fawcett PublIcations, Inc •• Greenwich, - Connecticut, PrJnting.

P"eples-, SaJ1]uel A. The Han Who Died 11.,lcB, C.P. Putllam's Sons, New v~c,. I'n,,_


To: Bob Bob Bob Bob Hr. Bloch Bob Bob Bob o.ob, Bob

2 pages Bob Bob Bob

2 p_ages Bob Bob Bob Contributor

. Bob-, aob

Bob Bob Bob Bob Buiwer-Lytton and


Bob Bob Robert Bloch Mr. Bloch Robert Bloch Bob

2 pages Hr. Bloc:h Bob Bob sEll] Bob & [Ill Bob Youngster

3 p,llges Bob Bob Bob Bob

6 p,age" Bob Mr. Bloch

From: - Ray

_ 'c

Dallas Hayr Le5 Daniels Dallas Hayr Sharon Jar~Js Ralph Vicinanza. Michel Parry Scott Mered; til Ginoy Scott Meredith

otto Penzler Sha fon- 'J a rv i 5 Ki rby McCauley

Michel Parry Scott Meredith Sharon Jarvis Roger Elwood

_Roy_ and She 1 ley. So:ott Meredl th Jack: Swvl1 Michel Parry Scott Meredith Jack Scovi I

F1 orence Ralph Vlclnanza Paul David Wlnn Michael Skidmore Davi d Wi nn Scott Meredith

John J •. Ge.oghegan Otto Roy Roy Scott Meredith Wl1um

Gary Hoppenstand WillIs Ralph Vldnanz3 Vernon Shea

lucy Freeman John T. Kretchmer

Date: January_13, 1976 January 15, 1976_ January 21, 1976 January 21, 1976 January 21, 1976 J~nuary 30, 1976 February.-l, 1976 February 4, 1976 Februa ry 4, 1976 February 6, 1976

February 9. 1976 Febru<lry 18, 1976 March 5, 197(,

March March March Harch March .March March March March March

6, 1976-~, 1976-9, 1976-9, 1976 9, .m6 10, 1976' 11,1976 1.5, 1976 19, 1976 19, 1976

March 'Z8, 1976 March 30, 1976 March 30, 1976 March 30, 19-76 March 30, 1976 Aprll 6, 1976-April 6, 1976

April 19, 1976 April 20, 1976' Aprl1 26, 1976-April 27. 1976 Apri 1 28, 1976 April 28, 1976

April 29, 1976 AprIl Z9, 1976 May 3, 1976 Hay ~ •. 1976-

May 4, 1976 Hay 4, 1976

./ 3


/. (contInued)

To: From: Date:

He. Bloch Bobbi Armbruster Hay 5. 15)76 Bob '& E11y Florence Russe] 1 Hay 5, 1976 .,. A~an Hay 7. 1976

10 pages Robert uns,igned Hoy 7. 1976

4 pages He. arach Gr.egory King Hoy 7. 1~76 Esteem'd Sage DJ rk Hoy 7. 1976 -"b Roy Hoy 11. 1976 Dad & E11y S"l1y & Jim H,y 13. 1976 "b Vernon Shea Hoy Il. 1976

6 pages "b Davl d Hoy 13. 1976

3 pages Hr. Brach Elliott Wlllj<lms H,y l4. 1976 "b DI rk Hoy i4. 1976 ',b Steve Hoy 17. 1976

3 pages "b Ramsey Campbell H,y 17. 1976 ',b Ginny , Hay 1 B.- 1976

rV 5 p,ages

t>0,7' He. Bloch Bruce H,y lB. 1976

() '9" ',b Michael Avallone Hoy lB. 1976 Elly & Bob Bette H,y lS. 1976 ',b DJ rk H,y ZOo 1976 He. Bloch Yvonne MacManus Hay 20, 1976

DIck Lupoff, et. ,I . Hay 20, 1976 2 pages

"b Vu i- r Rasovsky Hoy ZOo 1976 2 p,ages

"b Vernon Shea H,y 21. 1976 3 pages

Dad & 'E1ly Sally & Jim Hay 21, 1976 "b AI P. Ne 150n Hay 21, 1976

PatrIck Dunch May 23, 1976 3 p.ilges

',b Quinn May 2It, 1976 Ell Y Florence Russe II May 2~, 1976 Bob Scott Meredith May 2~, 1976 He. AVallone era.ig Buck May 26, 1976

2 p.ages ',b Di rk Hoy 27. 1976 E11y & Bob Win H.y 28. 1976 Youtlster Frp.9gy 'oy 29. 1976 B,b ·Scott Meredith June I • 1976 ec. Bloch Jim Zychowlcz dune I • 1976 B,b Quinn June 2. 1976 Robert Jim Morrow June 2. 1976

~ p."ges

/ CORR.ESPONDENCE, {continued}

To; From: Date: Bob DO,ugles lid ght June 4. 1976 , p,ages

'ob Vernon Shea June 4. J97& 3 pages

Robert Bloch Terry· L. Shorb June 4. 1976 'ob Beverly June 4. 1976 ',b Alan June 5. 1976

11 p,ages Bob Michel Parry June G • 1976 . Bob Di rk June B. 1976 Bob SC;/;ltt Meredith June 9. 197~ Bob Ralph Viclnanza June 9. 1976 Bob Scott Meredith June 9. 1976

Las Cole June .

10. i976 Robert BlOch On'a Murdoch June 11. 1976 Bob Randa 11 _ June 11. 1976 , pages

'« Bob Scott MeredIth June 14. 1976 fU -'" \[) Bob Scott Meredith June -15, 1976 , Bob Vernon Shea June 15. 1976

") <::;,0">- 4 p."'ges Bob Alan June 15. 1976

16 pages He, Block Wi 11 Stone June 16. 1976 He. Bloch Bo" WJ11is June 16. 1976

5 pages Elly" i Bob H,I & Carol June T6. 1976 He, Bloch Lawson W. Hll1 June T6. 1976 Bob Scott Meredith June 16. 197& Roberto Michael A~al1one June lB. 1';)76

H" Bloch L" Hoffman June T8. 1976 Robert JI" June 19. 1976 , p.ages Bob Di rk J"neI9, 1976 Bob Diana J"ne 21, 1976 Bob Douglas WrJght June 21, 1976

3 p.ages Bob Dallas June ". 1976 Bob Alan June ". 1976

T5 p.ages Bob Scott Meredith June 22,. 1976 Bob larry Shaw Ju~e n. 1976 Bob QuInn June 23, 1976 . Bob Carl Bennett June 23, 1976 I:lly & Bob Ca ro 1 June 23. 1976 Bob Vernon Shea June 2~-, 1976

3 p_ages MIN Robert illoch Steve & J"ne ". ·1976



To: Bob B,b Bob&Elly Mr. Bloch Bob Bob

4 p,ages Bob

3 p,ages

Rubert Hr. Bloch Bob

2 p_",ges Bob Bob Hr. Bloch Bob

7 pages Mr; Bloch Bob Hr. Bloch Bob Robert Bloch

2 pages

'ob Bob Bob

10 p.ages Bob Bob

- J pages Bob

J pages Bob Robert Robert

J pages Robert" Bloch

Mr. Bloch Elly & Bob

3 pages Bob

'ob 2 P!]ges

Bob It p_ages

from: Dirk-._ ,,~.~~ Florence Russell Le" Hoffman Bruce Cl i,ngan Alan

Do,ugJas Wright

Scott Meredith Michael Avallone George R. R. Hartin Di'rk

Mlche) Parry Jayn _ John Kretchmer Vernon Shea

Joseph J. Slrak, Jr. Ginny Bertll Falk Scott_ MeredIth Charles Peltz

FrItz Leiber Scott Meredith Al an

Scott MeredIth Vernon Shea

Dl rk

Ron Haydo"ck VeronIca MIxon Bruce

Fantasy & Selence Fiction Magaz i ne Frederic C. Kaplan Beth

Nils l1ardin Di rk

Vernon Shea

Date: June 25, 197& June 26, 1976 June 27, 1976 June 2], 1976 June 2.'), 1976 July J, 1976

July 2, 1976

July 2, 1976 July 4, 1976-July 5, 1976 July 6, 1976

July 6, 1976 July 6, 1976 July-7, 1976 July 7, 1976

July 8, 1976 July- 9, 1976 July 9, 1976 July 9, 1976 July 10, 1976

July 11, 1976 July 13, 1976 July lit, 1976

July 15, 1976 July 15, 1976

July)6, 1976

July 16, 1976 July 16, 1976 July lB, 1976

July 20, 1976

July 21, 1976 July 22,.1976

July 22, 1976 _July 23, 1976

July 2)", 1976



To: Bob Bob Me. Bloch Bob 'od & Ell y Bob

4 pages Bob , p,ages Bob Bob RObert

Ij pages Bob

](,- pages RObert'lIloch Bob, Bob Bob Bob

2 p,ages Robert Mr. Bloch Bob Me. Bloch Elly & Bob Bob

3 pages

M' • Bloch Bob Bob Bob Elly & Bob Bob Bob Bob Bob

6 pages Bob Bob Bob , p_ages Me. BlOCh Bob Bob & Elly Bob , p."ges Bob

from' G Andy Dan Ay res QuInn Sally" & Jim Bi 11

Nancy Winters

Beverly Ralph Viclnanza Bruce


Jeffrey KI len Ralph Vidnan:..a Scott Heredlth N I IsH. Vernon

Terry Don Lun dry Dl rk James Turner Hal & Carol


Willi am E. Hart Dallas Scott Meredith Scott Mered I th F1 orence Russell I SaaC As I mov Robert Coul son Quinn Terrence Fagan

Scott Meredith Ramsey Campbe II Jack Denton

Jerry Leon Alexander Di rk Morty Vernon


Date: July 23, 1976 July 2~, '1976 July 2~, 1976 July 25, 1971> July 25, 1976 July 26, 1976

July 26, 1976

July 26, 1976 July 26, 1976 July 27, 1976

July 27, 1976

July 27, 1976 July 28, 1976 July 29, 1976 July- 30, 1976 July 30, 1976

July 31, 1976 July 31, 1976 July 31, 1976 July 31, 1971'. _August 1, 1976 August I. _1976

August I, 1976 August 2, 1971'. Augus-t 2, 1976 August 2, 1976 August 3, 1976 August 4, 1976 August ~, 1971'> August 5, 1976 August 5. 1976

August 6, 1976 A"ugus t 6, 1976 August 7. 1976

Augost 7. 1976 A:ugust 7. 1976 August 7, 197G A,UgU5t 7, 1976

August 9, 1971>

, --



To: From: Date:

Elly & Bob Bette A_ugust 11, 1976 3 pages

Bob Ginny August 11, 1976-, pages Bob Scott Meredith August 1 I .. 1976 Bob Florence Russell August 12., 197& Bob Lcs Dan r a 15 August 11, 1976 Bob Nils Hardin August I), 1976

3 pages Bob Isaac As Imov A.ugust 14, 1976 Bob Alan A.ugust 14, 1976

8 pag"" Bob Vernon A,ugus t 15, 1976

8 pages Bob Kl rby McCau)ey August ", 1976 Bob Fritz LeIber ftugust 17, 1976 Bob Quinn ~Ug1l5t 17, 1976 Bob Scott l1eredlth August 17, 1976 Bob Ramsey Campbe 11 A:U!lust 1), 1976 Bob Dirk A.u!Just 19, 1976 , pages Robert Jim Morrow A.ugus t n, 1976

'0" \\'lo~ 5 p.ages August 1976 , Bob Vernon '3,

\,/,1- Robert Bloch H.L Viln Ness August 25, 1976 Bob Terrence Fagan August 25, 197(,.

6 pages Mr. Illoch Sharon Jarvi s ~ugust eG, 1976 Bob Roy & Shelley August 'G, 1976 Ell Y & Bob Ilette & Bill Aygust eG. 1976

3 p.ages 5 i rs Ton Pasns, Jnr. August eG, )976 Bob Ralph Vlclnanza ~ugust 30, 1976 Bob Nancy A.ugust 30, 1976 , p.ages ~ob Diana August JO, 1976

2 p.age, Bob Ange A.ugust 30, 1976 B,b Nils Hardin August 31, 1976 Bob Alan September " 1976

16 p.ages . !lob .Vernon September " 1976

2 pages Bob Manly Wade Wel1nun September 3, 1976 H' . Bloch Will Stone September 5, 1976 Bob· Diana September G, 1976 Bob Wll um September 6, 1976

3 pages Bob Dwight Swain September G, J 976



To: From: Date: He. Bloch John DePrete September ) , 1976 Elly & Bob Florence Russell September 8, 1976 Bob Ginny September 8, 1976 'ob Scott Meredith September 8, 1976 'oh Ralph Vicinanza September 8, 1976 Bob Vernon September 9, 1976 , pages Bob Oi rk September 1,0, 1976 El1y & Bob Bette september 10, 1976

3 pages ',d 'n- El1y Sa 11y , J 10 September 11, 1976 Bob Wllum September 14, 1976 Bob Vernon September 14, 1976 Bob&El1le Ac< September .14, 1976 , p"ges Bob Alan September 14, 1976

5 p.ages Bob Ginny September I-S , 1976 Me. Bloch Elton ,. Elliott September 18, 1976 eob~ Vernon - $eptember IS, 1976

0 , p.ages

\'/ w\"? Bob Dl rk September 20, 1976. ,0 Bob Da 11 as September 21, 1976 , I.';,oi-- "d & Elly_- Sally & Jim Septembe.r 21, 1976

Bob Joe IIrennan September 22, 191t> Bob Beverly September 22. 1976

2 pages 'ob Terrence F.agan September 23, 1976

\ p.ages B,b Scott Heredl tl> September 23; -1976 Bob Vernon September 2\, 1976 ,ob September 2\, 1976 Oob Ra 1 ph V I cI nanza September '\, 1976 Bob Scott Heredit!> September '\, 1976 Bob Scott Hereditl> Septe(l1ber 2\, 1976 'ob Johnny Hillard September 26, 1976 B,b DI rl>. September 27, 1976 Oob D." September 27. J 976 Bob Ralph Viclnanza September 28, 1976 Bob Randa 11 Larson September 28, 1976 , p.age" B,b Ahm September ", 197&

8 p.age" 'ob Quinn September 29, 1976 O,b Lucy Freeman September 30, 1976 '00 Sharon Jarvis September 30, 1976

• page" '00 Vernon September 30, 1976

'0' Norma n.d.


To: Mr. Block' Mr, Bloch­Both,of you Mr. 'lIloch -Fellow fans & Praction-

erS -Mr. Bloch bob bob Robert bob

2 pages Mr. Dl'ocn Elly & Bob

2 pages bob Bob & Elly

Bob & [l1y Hr. Bloch

2 pages bob

2 pages

Elly & Bob 3 p,ages

bob bob bob El1y & Bob

2 p_ages bob Mr. Bloch Hr. Bloch' Colleague Fr i en'd

From: Bruce Jacobs Larry Adams Beverly Br"ndt Peter Martin Andrew J. Offutt

C.D. Doyle Bevy Beverly Den S, Price DO,ugl as Wr,l ght

Jim Kelly' Bette

Norma A" Forry Ackerman Wynne Ph il Mende I son

00,ugla5 Wright

William IRorsle~] Robert A. & Vlrnlnla

HeinleIn Bette

Mike John Stanley Terrence Bette

A.B. & chet Clingan Chet George H. Sclthers Harold Gauer

Date: n. d. n. d. n. d. n. d. n.d.

n . d • n,d, n . d. n ' d. n.d.

n, d. n. d.

n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n. d.

n .d.

n • d. n. d.


n. d,. n. d. n.d. n.d.

n. do' n.d. n.d. n. d. n.d.



CocktaIl Party WelcomIng Mr. Christopher Lee, Hosts: Mssrs. Jack Lemmon and BIlly Wilder,' October 8,1976,

Fourth Annual TelevIsion PopUlation Script Awards, The Communication Center of the Population Institute, May 2~,_1976.

Don and Linda Glut's Housewarming P~rty, September 11,1976. To Mr. Bloch from Mr. Curtis HarrIngton, May I, 1976. A Multl-Hedla Art Exhibit by Cortl~ndt Hull, June 27, to July 29, 1976. Pinckard Salon, At Eph & Josefa Kon.igsb".rg, September 11, 1976.


AMERICAN P,'E',N. NEWSLETTER, #21', 1-1<;Y 1976. THE aULLSHEET. MldAmsriCon Newsletter, Vol. 1, No.1, No. '2, No.3, No.

~, No. 5. September ~-6, J976. CODA: ponS &-WRITERS-NEWSLEHER, Vol. 3, No.5, JUne/July 1976. CODA: POETS & WlUTERS NEWSLETTER, Vol. 4, No. I,' September/October 1976. D_E PROFUNOI.S, H8S, June 12, 1976. DE PRDFUND1S, #86, Jidy 10, 1976. DE PROFUNDIS. #87; 1976. FIRST FANDOM NEWSLETTER, No. 14, June 25, 1976. MARCH OF CRIME, 1976. HARCM OF CRIME, n.d • MARCH OF CRIME, n.d. HARCH OF CRIHE, n.d. RACOUNTEURS, INC., Vol. 21, No.2, June 1916 • THE THIRD DEGREE,-March 1976. THE THIRD DEGREE, June 1976.

-THE TalRD OEGREE, JulrAugust 1976., ,WHAT'S GOING DOWN?, n.d:

\lR'ITERS GUILD OF AMERICA, west, June 1976. WRITERS GUllO OF AMERICA, west, September 1976. WRITERS GUILD Of AMERICA, west, October 1976.


ALGOL, Vol. 13, No. 2,_ Issue No. 21'" Slimmer 1976-. THE ALPHA STAR, Issue #16, february-March-Aprn 1976. AMRA, Vol. 2, Nq., 65, Early April 1976. AMRA, Vol: 2, No. 66, Late Apri I 1976. THE ARTS OBJECTIVELY, Vol. I, No.3, Summer 1976. THE BULLETIN OF THE'SCIENCE FICTION WRITERS OF AMERICA, Vol. 11, No.4,

Whole No. 59, August 1976. CINEMAGIC, No.6, Sp'rlng 1976. CINEMAGIC, No.7, Summer 1976. CTHULHU CALLS, Vol. Ill, No. IV, April 1976. CTHULHU CALLS, Vol. 4, No. I, July 1976.

_______ THE DAilY TELEGRAPH MAGAZINE, No. 591, April 9, 1976.

THE DIVERSIFIER, Vol. II, No.5, Whole No. 14, May 1976. THE DIVERSIFIER, Vol. 2, No.6, Whole No. 15, 'July 1976. DON-O-SAUR, #46, July 1976. ELORITCH LEANINGS, #1, February 1976 . ELDRITCH LEANINGS, #2, May 1976. ELDRITCH LEANINGS, #3, August 1976. FANHISTORICA, #1, May 19'76. FAN'S ZINE, #9, H.U. Productions #154, [1976). FAN'S lINE, #10, H.U. Productions #155, [1976]. FOSFAX, #29, May 1976. FUTURE RETROSPECTIVE, #7, June 1976. GREEN EGG, Vol. IX, No. 78, 1976. GREEN EGG, ',10]. IX, No. 79, June 1976.

____ ~ __ GRYPHON, /f2, [July 1976].



IiARBINGER, Vol. I, No.3, Summer 1976, HARTLl tiES, #5, Stipp 1 ement. 1976. THE JOURNAL OF THE PRODUCERS GUILD OF AMERICA, Vol. la, No. "-, 1976. JULES VERNE HAGASINET, Vr. 359, ARG. 37, April 1976. KNIGHTS, #16, June 1976. THE LATE SHOW, No.3. n.d. THE LOG OF THE STARSlJJP ANIMA, #~, [April 1976]. THE MISKATONIC, Vo]' 4, No.3, Whole No. 15, August 1976. HOTA, IHI, July 1976. HOTA, H19, August-Septembe-r, 1976. HOlHER JONES, Vo 1. 1, No. It. June 1976. NIGHTSHADE, liZ, Press-PublIcation n. Hay 1976.­OLD BONES, IS5ue #5. -Sumer 1976. O-HELAS, Vo]. 1, No.2, July 1976. OUTRE, Vol. I, No.2, August 1976. PABLO LENtilS, #11, n.d'-QUANTUM, No.3, 1976. QUARK, #1), August 1976. T/1E RAMlILING -FAP 73, FAPA 155, Hay 1976 • . THE RAM8LING FAP 74,'FAPA 156, August 1976. RATSI, Vol. 2, No. I, Whole No. '17, May-Jun." ·1976. ROBOT RIV]STA DI fANTASCIENZE, Anno I, L. ,]00,. AprlIe 1976.

_______ -.---.--.RUHE, Vol. 7, No. 10, 1976. . SF ECHO, 125, Aprtl-A.u9ust 1976.

SCiENCE FICTION REVIEW, Vol. 5, No. SCiENCE FICTION REVIEW, Vol. 5, No. SFWA, Vol; II, No.3, Whole No. 58, SFWA FORUM, No. 46, June 1976. SFWA FORUM, #47, August 1976.

2,. Whole No. 3, Whole No. June 1976.

scIEHTRIFRICT!ON, '5, May 1976. SC1HT!LLATION, Vol. 3, No.3, June 1976.' SFINCTOR, #9, May 1976. SOMETHING ELSE, #5, February 1976. STARFIRE, #7. April-MaY 1976. SWOON, Vol. 2, No.2, May 1976. SWOON, Vo]' 2, No.3, -June 1976. SWOON, #5, July 1976. TABEBRUAN, #29, 1976. TAIlEIlUIAN TRADER, #30,.1976.

17, is,

May 1976. A.ugust 1976.

TENS I ON, APPREHENS ION & D I SSENS ION, No. I, Summer 1976. TITLE, #51, June 1976. TRIODE, No. 23. Summer 1976. DIE UNHELMLICHE ZEITSCHRIFT, #2, June 1976. VISIONS OF KHROYD'HON, Summer 1976. WHUNDERFULL, #1, July 1976 •

. WHISPERS: A MINI-ISSUE, 1976. X-BILINl1EYEN, Sayl-l, Nlsan 1976 (Istanbul). XE1IIUH, #4i, July 1976. XENOPHILE, Vol. II, No.9, Whole. #22, March 1976. )!ENOPHILE, Vol. I r, No. 10, Whole #23, May 1976. XENOPHILE, No. 24, July 1976. XENOPHILE., Vol. II, No. 12, August .1976.


/---''''£RI 00 I CALS, (continued)


XENOPHILE, Vol. III, No. I, September 1976. ZYMURGY, J, April 1976. PERIODICAL CLlPPJNGS:


THIS >lEEK MAGAZINE, June 6-12:, 1976, It pieces. 2: Unidentified pieces.

Centro Cedar Cinema, Winter/Spring 1976, Bay Area Premiere. 1976 SAN DIEGO COMIC-CON, California, n.d. tliOAMERiCON POCKET PROGRAM, 3~th World So;;lence Fiction Convention,

September 2-6, 1976, Kansas. MYSTERY WRITERS' ANNUAL, 30th Annual Edgar Allan Poe Awards Dinner,

New York City, April 3D, 1.976. . Revised Schedule, 1976 Writers Conference, May 21-2), 1.976, Lake Arrow­

h"ad conference Center. SUN CON TH I flTY FIFTH WORLD 51: I ENGE FI eTlaN CONVENT I ON, Convent i on Journa I

1 J 1976. THOSE. FABULOUS FANTASMAGORI-CAL MOVIES!, Jewish Corum,unity Center, Art

E~hibit and Film Lectures by Cortlandt Hull, June :17-July 29.1976. ------ UNCORRECTED ADVANCE PROOFS:

La Fountaine, George Flashpoint, Coward, McCann & Greoghehan, Inc"

New York, 19)6, SeymOUr, Mi'randa- Count Manfred, Coward, McCann & Gepgh.egan, Inc.

New York, 1976,


r "


AFTER M I DN I GHT, H7, August, 1976. (from WE 1 RO TALES, September 1926). Applluitlon Guideline's, Literature, Nationa1 Endowment for the Arts,

Fiscal Year 1977 with Fellowships for Creative WriterS Fiscal Year 1978. Washfn9ton, D.C., July 1976. .

"The Attack Of The Moderate 1 y Large (s I x-foot three) eh i cken" , by Wi 1 r Norris and B~d Webster,-2,pages, mimeograph copy.

Autum-Winter 1~76-7, V.H. Allen, also feat'urlng Allan Wingate 0001(5, Catalogue of new books with a complete fist of books currently In stock, "load Westworth Co. LTD., St. Helens, Merseyside.

Membership Cards: Robert Block, Hotion Picture Hall of Fame. Expires 12-}1-76.-lIoben 810ch, Writers Guild of America, west, Expires March 31,1976 .

MldAmerlCon Progress Report #5, Kansas City, Missouri, 34th World Science Fiction Convention, September 2-6, 1976.

Newspaper ClIppings: THE SUNOAY EXPRESS, Nov. 2, 1976, I piece. tlAILY EXPRESS, Hay 22, 1976, 1 piece. 7 UnIdentified pieces.

Pa,nphlet: -TH. PHOENIX WORLDCON aID, Bill Patterson'S Norlamln House Enterprises

and Tlm B. Kyger's rat Mama BoogIe Typos, Phoenix, Ar'lzona, n.d., 10 p,ages.

-'.' -

RECEIPT for the


r:::~--- ,,----------BOOKS-PAPERBACKS:



June 6. 1977

gift received of Mr. Robert Bloch:

15 pieceS

Birren, Faber COLOR IN YOUR WORLD, Collier Books, New York, 1962.

Cave, Erom.a LITTLE ANGIE, Coward, McCann &; Geoghegan Inc:, New York, uncorrected proof, 1976.

Chalker, Jack L. A JUNGLE OF STARS, Ballantine Books, New York, 1976.

Davis, Keno & John Stanley THE DARK SIDE, Avon Books, New York, 1976.

del Rey, Judy-Lynn, edited STELLAR, SHORT NOVELS, B"allantine Books, New York, 1976.

del Rey, Judy-Lynn, edited STELLAR #2, Ballantine BookS, New York, 1976.

Dickson, Gordon R. THE DRAGON AND THE GEORGE, Ballantine 'Books, New York, 1976, 1 copy.

Hall, Calven'S, THE MEAl"fING OF DREAMS, Dell Publishing Co. New York, 1953.



Hewitt, James FACIAL ISOMETRICS, Award Boo~s, New York, 1970. Hittleman, Richard L. -YOGA FOR PHYSICAL FITNESS, Paperback

Library Edition, New York, 1964. -Howard, Robert E. BANE OF NIGHTMARES, Zebra Books, New York,

1976,. Kordel, Dr. Lelord EAT YOUR TROUBLES AWAY, Belmont Books,

New York, 19'70. Kosinski, Jerzy THE DEVIL TREE, Bantam Books, New York, _1973. Kurtz, Katherine CAMBER OF CULDI, Ballantine Books, Ne~ York,

1976. - - -Longford, Elizabeth QUEEN VICTORIA, Pyramid Books, ~iew York,

1965. McWhirter, Norris & Ross GUINNESS BOOK OF WOaLD RECORDS,

Bantam Books, New York, 1970. Metcalf, Christine CATS'; Bantam Books, New York, 1970. Offutt, Andrew J. THE UNDYING WIZARD, Zebra Books, New York,

1976. Segal, Erich -LOVE STORY, Signet Books, New York, 1970. Straub, Peter IF YOU COULD SEE ME NOW, Coward, McCann &

Geoghegan Inc., New York, 1977, uncorrected proof. Wagner, KarL Edward LEGION FROM THE SHADOWS, Zebra Books,

N!3w York, -1976. -


DATE: I976


January 9 RObert Bloch Jim Morrow January 12 Robert Bloch Alan Brennert August , Robert Bloch J, Badger August 11 Robert Bloch Dick Mosig August 14 Mike George H. Seith",rs September 25 EUy & Bob Florence M. Russell October 1 Bob Scott Meredith Octobsl' 4· Bob Vernon Sbea' " Octobsl' 6 Bob Dick Mosig October 6 Robert Jim Morrows October 9 Bob L," Daniels OctOber 9 Bob Vernon Shea Octobsl' 9 Robert Bloch Al'IlOld M, Fenner October 8, Bob Ginny

, "

CORRESPCh''lDENCE: Robert Bloch herea:rter will be R. B. 3

DATE: TO: FROM: October 10 R." B. Otto Penzler 'October 10 Elly & Bob Bette Farmer October 11 R. B. Alan October 12 R. B. Jay Duncan October 12 David Harris Ben ):lava October 12 Bob & Elly Florence M. Russell October 12 R. B. . . . -Terrence Fagan October 13 R. B. Scott Meredith October 13 R. B. Scott Meredith Octobe);' 13 R. B. Vernon Sheac October 14 R. B. Dick Mosig October 14 Elly & Bob Florence M. Russell October 14 R. B. Mike Kring OctOber 15 R. B. Scott Meredith October 15 R. B. Ron Haydock October 16 Elly • Bob Frank Marcus October 16:-_ R. B. Jean Francia Webb October 16 R. B. Carl Bennett Octobex: 18 R. B. ,Beverly Brandt October IB R. B. Ann. Commire -October 18 R. B. Vernon Shea October 19 R. B. Quinn October 20 R. B. ,Kirby MoCauley OctOber 20 R. B. R. Smith Oct6bs);' 20 R. B. Robert G. Wright October 21 R. B. Vernon Shea October 21 R.B. Dick Mosig OctOber 22 R. B. Miguelito October 22 R. B. ALAN October 22 Elly & Bob Bette Farmer OctOber 23 R. B. Donald Wan-drei October 24 R. B. Vernon Shea October 24 R. B. T" Fagan October 25 R. B. Arnold M. Fenner October 25 R. B. Colin Lester October 27 R. B. Scott Meredith October 27 R. B. Randall

I October 28 R. B. Scott Me:redUh October 30 R. B. Dwight Arnell Halloween R. B. Dick MOsig

, I HallowBen R. B. Walter Ernsting

I October 31 R. B. Bruce Walker October Dear Friends Ed Noon

• I October R. B. Dwight Armel I November 1 R. B. Patrick Janson-Smith

I November 1 R. B. Ton Paans Jr. November-- 2 '-'>'cD. :_X Howard Goldsmith Elizabeth Perry

---- --~-~"--~-'~-- --------------- - ---.---------------------.-~-, -- ---


I DATE: TO; FROM: l:iovember 2 R. :S"

I November 3 R. B. Alan November 3 R. B. Vernon Shea

I November 4 R. B. Glenn Lord

I November • R. B. Adrienne Starkman , November 5 R. B. J. Bencbly'

I NovembClr 5 R. B. Roy

I November 6 R. B. Vittorio Cnrtoni November 6 R. B. Meade Frierson III , November 8 R. B. Quinn

I Novembex- 8 R. B. Kirby McCauley November 8 R. B. Arnold M. Fenner Novem\;ler 9 R. B. Terry Hughes November 9. R. B. Scott Meredith November 9 R. B. 'Sam Gordon November 9 R. B. Vernon Shea Novembe;:r 10 R .. B. Scott Meredith Novembe-r 10 Trebor Dwight Armel November 12· R. B. Scott Meredith November 13 R. B. T. Fagan November 14'_ R. B. Nancy Winters ;NovernPBr 15 R. B. Dick Mosig NovembiOlr 15 R. B. Alan--November 17 R. B. Arnie' Fenner November 18 Ellie &: Bob Bette &: Phil November 18 R. B. November 18 R. B. John Martin November _19 . R. ". David G. Hartwell November 19 R. B. Vernon Shea ., Nover-loa-r 20 Dad & Elly Sally & Jim November 22 R. B. Scott Mereditb November 22 R. B. Quinn November 22 R. B. Dick Mosig November 2. Rob & Blly- Alice November 25 R. B. Richard Lupoff November 25 R. B. Bill Hart November 25 R. B. Randall Larson November 2. R. B. Beverly Brandt November 26 R . R. Nicholas Certo

. I November 26 R. R. Kirby McCauley

·1 November 26 Bob &: Elly Bette November 27 R. B. .,= November 27 R. B. Michelangelo November 28 R. B. Vernon Shea

ljovember 29 Bob & Elly Sally &: Jim November 30 R. B. Ramsey Campbell November 30 R. B.




December 1 December 2 December 3 December 5 December 5 December 6 December 6 December 7 December 9 December 9 December 10 December 11 December 11 December 13 December 16 December 17 December 17 December 19 December 20 December 20-December-ZO December 20 December 22 December 23 December 23 December 24 December 25 December 30 December 1977


JanuarY 2 JanuarY 3 January 3 January 4 JanuarY 4 JanuarY 4 January 4 January 4 January 7 January 9 JanuarY 10 JanuarY 10 January 10 January 11 January 12 January 12 January 13 January 13


R. D. R. B. Bob & EUy R. B.-R. B. R. B. -c_·. _,-'".

R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. Bob & JUly R. B,

- R. B. R" B. Bob & E11y R. B. R. B.

- R. -D. - -Dear Friend

R. -D. R. B. Blly & Bob R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B.

R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R. Ii. R. B . R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. Bob & Elly R. B.

Did<: Mosig Delbert W;l.nans Florence M. Russell T. Fagan Quinn

-.-,:;:::·Ra;ph Vicil1anza Scott Meredith " " Veronica Mixon Dick Mosig Vernon Shea Jim Morrow Herb Al~ Dick Mosig Vittorio Curtoni Duke Les Daniels Beverly Viek _Kni-gbt, Jr .. J)r'- }toward Leyant Hillary Waugh Vernon Shea Bette & Phil Larry Adams Diel, Mosig Donald A. Reed Beverly Marcel Alevoinne

Steve Vertlieb Vernon Shea Jerry L. Alexander Ra.1ph Vicinanza Marcel Barbara Bader Dick Mosig Alan Howard Goldsmith Yuri Rasovsky Randy Fuller Diana Vernon Shea Dick Mosig Sally Harold Gauer Bette

• 5

Mary Jane Craycraft


DATE: TO: FROM: January 14 R. B. Ralph Yicinanza January i4 R. B. Ramsey Campbell January 14 R. B. Larry Farsace January 14 R. B. Howa.d Goldsmith January 16 R. B. Russ.>:ll G. Thompson January 16 R. B. Randall Larson January 18 R. B. Donald Leed January 19 R. B. Willis Conover January 19 R. B. Dick Mosig-January 19 R. B. Quinn January 19 R. B. Vernon Shea January 21 R. B. Scott Meredith January 22 R. B. Alan January 22 R. B. Kevin Carter January 23 R. B. Stuart Schiff January 24 R. B. Chris McGinley January 26 R. B. Isaac Asimov January 26 R. B. Erich L-inder January 26 R. B. Edward Berg]:und January 26 R. B. A. Hansvold January 27 R. B. January 27 Elly & Bob Bette & Phil January 27 R. R. Dick"Uosig Janu",ry 28 R. B. Vernop. Shea January 28 R. B. Ona Murdoch January 30 R. B. Jerry L. Alexander January 30 R. B. A. B. Bruce Clingan January. 30 Dad & Elly Sally &; Jim January 31 R. B. Vittorio Curtoni January 31 R. B. Alan Levine January 31 R. B. Caj an Pimley Janua):y 31 R. B. Fred Patten January R. B. Normo Vite January R. B. Bill February 1 R. B. Scott Meredith February 3 R. B. Miranda Teywoth February 3 R. B. Otto Penzler

. February 3 R. B. Kerry O'Quiun February 4 R. B. Vernon Shea

-I February 5 R. B. Don Ayers February 7 R. B. Alan

I February 7 R. B. James Turner , February 7 R. B. James D. Denney February 7 R .. B. David A. Kyle February 8 R.B. Ralph Vicinanza February 8 R .. B. Stuar~ Schiff February 9 R. B. Ra;lph Vicinanz(j. February 9 R. B. Ginny

DATE: February- 10 February 10 February 12 -Febrllary.13 February 13 February 14 February 14 February 14 February 14 February 14 February 15 February 16 February 17 Febru~ry 18 February 18 February 19 February 19 February 20 February 20 February 21 _Februa::y 22 February 23 February 23 February 24 .Febrl!ary 24 February 25 February 25 March 1 Marcp. 2 March 2 March 2 March 2 March 3 March 3 March 3~ March 4 March 4 March 6 March 4 March 4 March 6 March 9 March 9 March 10 March 11 March 11 March 12

TO: R. B, R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. Dad & Elly R. B. R. B. R-. _B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R, B. R. B. R. B, R. B, R, B. R. B, R. B. R. B. R. B. R; B, R. B. Elly &: Bob n, B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R, B, R. B, Dad & Elly R. B. Dear Big Name Fan R. B, R. B. R. B, Dad &: Elly Dad & Elly R. B.

_R._ B. R. B. R. B. R, B, Dear Colleague R. B.

- FROM: Beverly Dwight V. Swain Diana Vernon Shea

- Bill Hart Mabel- Porto A. B, Bruce Clingan Scott Mere(\ith Ted Greenspan A. B, Bruce Clingan Scott Meredith James Turner Dick MO<lig Ellen Asher Willis AIM

Stuart Schiff Klaear Otto Penzler Sharon Jarvis Vernol). shea Douglas W_right Bette &; Phil D. V. Swain

Did. Mosig John T. Kretchmer Ralph Vicinanza Brian Gal'£ield noy

Sally & Jim Vernon Shea Mary Jane Craycraft Steve Vertlieb Ginny Dick Mosig Gloria Sally & Jim Bruce Walker George Tim Wohlgemuth Scott Meredith Norman Theodore n, Cogswell Vernon Shea


I I !




DATE: March 13 March 13 March 14 March 14 March 16 March 16 March 16 March 17 March 17 March 17 March 17 March 18 March _18 March 21· March 21

- March 21 . March 22

March 22 March 23 March 23 March 23

'March 24 March 28 March 29 March 29 March 29 March 30 Mar,ch 30 March 31 March 31 April 1 April 2 April 3 April 3 April 4 April 5 April 5 Ap:l'il 7 April 7 April 8 April 8 April 8 April 11 April 11

l April 12 April 12

. ~_A_p_r_i_'_'~2

TO: Dad & Elly Dad & Elly R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. Elly &- Bob

R. B. R. B. Mia Shinbrot R. B. Dear Colleague R .. B. R. B. R. B • R. B. R. B. Dad &- Elly R. B. Bob &- Elly Elly &- Bobby, R. B.-R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. Elly &- Bob R~_;B. ,,- ;_,_~

R. B. R. B, R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B, R. B. R. B. R, B. R. B. R. B . R. B. R. B.

FROM: Sally Sally &- Jim Richard Stevenson Dick Mosig Patrick Janson-Smith Edward Berglund Ron Dell , Bette &- Ph'i! J .. Veronica Mbc;on Judy-Lynn del Rey Lee Daniels Jerr-y Pournelle T. Fagan Alan Robert Weinberg Dick Mosig Jay Sally & Jim Scott Meredith Florence Russell Bee- Blouh Sprague Vernon Shea Laurie Graham A1= Ralph Vicinanza· Beverly Bette Dick Mosig Terence A. Fitzsimons Howard Jake Fill Bridget Alan Patrick Janson-Smith T. Fagan Jim Morrow with card William Rotsler Kevin Carter Dick Mosig Randall Lucy B. !;lues Vernon Shea Judy-Lynn del Rey Bill Bringet Gaban Wilson





DATE: TO: FROM: Apr).l 12 R. B. Michel Parry April 13 R. B. Otto Penzler April 13 B. B. Alan April 11 R. B. Fritz Leiber _ April 14 Bob & E11y Alice April 15 R. B. Ralph Vicillanza April 15 R. B. Ralph Vlcinanza April 15 Ludwig Dick • April 16 R. B. Jerry Weinstein April 17 R. B. Bon Indick April IB B. B. Laurie Graham April 19 R. B. Forest J. Ackerman April 19 R. B. Vernon Shea

-0 April 19 E11y & Bob Bee Bloch April 21 R. B. Ralph Vicinanza April 23 E11y & Bob Bette & Phil no date R. B. Joo Sielari no date Fellow Member Dorothy Salisbury no date My Dear Ones no date R. B. Judy-Lynn del Rey no date R. B. Dwigbt no date R. B. D. no date - R. B. Darrell Schweitzer no date R. B. Chet Clingan. no date B. B. Chst Clingan


Academy Awards 1977 Mystery Writers of America, April 29, 1977. Del Rey Book~ Publishing Event, February 24, i977.



Captain George's "Ponny Dreadful", October 15, 1976, #399. "Checkpoint 77" - December 1976 "Checkpoint 79" - ,February 1977 "Coda" - Vol. 4, No.2 December 1976

Vol. 4, No. 3 March 1977 S- "De Profundis" 89, November 5, 1976 06 gO, November 27, 1976

92, April 16, 1977 "Die Unheimligbe Zeitschrit:t", No.4, December 1976 "Efforts From Churning Fingers" 5 "Electro-M"agnetic Monster" "Meagerness' From Weary Fingers" #1




'!Raconteur", October 1976 January 1977

"Sardonic Worlds" #1, October 1976 #2, January 1977

"The Third Degree", February 1977 March 1977 April 1977 no date

"University of Hartford News Release", November 15, "March of Crime", October 1976


November 1976 February 1977 March 1977 April 1977

"Writers Guild of America Newsletter", November 1976 December 1976 January 1977 February 1977 March 1977 April 1977'


"Coax", 1977


"National Endowment for the Arts Guide to Programs", 1976-77 "Spooky Stuff", 1976


AFTER .. MIDNIGHT #8, November 1976 #9, February 1977

ALGOL, Winter 1977 Spring 1977

AMRA, Vol. 2, No. 67, February 1977 ANDURIL, Issue 6, August 1976 APOLLO, No.7, 1976 ARCADE, No.3, Fall 1975 ASTRAL DIMENSIONS, Vol. 1, No.4, September 1976

Vol. 2, No.1, January 1977 BEN'ZINE, Vol, No. I, March 1977 BARYON, #6, Vol. 2, No.1, March 1977 BLACK ORACLE, No. 10, Spring 1977 THE BULLETIN OF THE SCIENCE FICTION WRITERS OF AMERICA:

Vol. 11, No.5, Whole No. 60, October 1976 Vol. 12, No.1, Whole No. 61, January 1977 Vol. 12, No.2, Whole No. 62, Ma~ch 1977

CACAPRONY, VOl. 1, No.1, December 1976 Vol. I, No.2, January 1977 Vol, I, No.3, February 1977 VOl. I, No.4, March 1977








Winter 1976 8, Autunm 1916 80, July 1976 Vol. IV, No. II, October 1976 Vol. IV, No. II, January 1977

DELAP'S £&SF REVIEW, October 1976 December 1976

; DOHOSAUR #47, December 1976 ·io- THE DIVERSIFIER, Vol. HI, No.1, Whole #16, Septemoer 1,976 i.-D Vol. XII, No.4, 11hole #19, March 1977

~~~I'. 1976 1, No.2, Fall 1976

jT-~~~~;::~:::;~j. March 1977, 1 copy 8, May 1977




No.5, February 1977 FAN'S ZINE, February 1977 FANTASY CROSSROADS #9, August 1976 FICTI~~, #8, 1974 FOSFAX, No. 31, February 1977 FOYLIBRA, Vol. 21, No. 12, September, 1976

Vol. 22, No.1, October 1976 Vol. 22, -No.2, November 1976


January 1976 February 1976 March _1976 April 1976 May 1976 June 1976· July 1976 August 1976 September 1976 November 1976

'-r--=~cember 1976 THE HUNTING OF THE SNARK #10, September 1976 IMPLOSION, December 1976

January 1977 February 1977 Ma:t'ch 1977 April 1977



~ .

~ ,


JEET. No.1, April 1977 KHATRU, April 1977 T.O(:O, VoL. 2, No.3, March 1977 MllmIGHT SUN, #3, April 1976

114. August 1976-MISKATONIC, H16, October 31, 1976

#17, February 2, 1977 MOTA, #20, December 1976 MYSTERY, Vol. ,I, No.6, November 1976._ THE MYSTERY FANCIER, Preview Issue, November 1976 NEW _PURPOSES, 1977 NICKELODEON, (I 2, 1976 NlGHTSHADE '3, October 31, 1976 O'RYAN 4, July 1916 PABLO LENNIS #13,

'14 #16 #17

PASSING PARADE '#3, FebruarJ' 1973 #6, November 1976

PULP MAGAZINE Q, CUE #1 QUANTUM, Vol. 2, No.1, 1976

Vol. 2, No.1, 1977 \-__ ~T~ll~E:c)lAMBLING PAP, February 1977

ROBOT, November 1976 March 1977


1/20, Februal.·Y 1977 SCI-FI SPECIAL, S~Ptember 1976 SCINTILLATION, Vol. 3, No. 4, Septembe~ 1976

Vol. 3, No. II, Decembe~ 1976 THE SECTION G, Vol. 1, No.2, April-May, 1977 SFWA-FORUM, No. 12, August 1969

No. 13, February 1970 No. 26, September 1972 No. 28, February 1973

SF COMMENTARY, Ootober/November/December 1976 SmVA FORUM, Mo. 48, November 1976

No. 49, March 1977 No. 50, April 1977

SHORTSCllRIFT, March 1977 SOLARC@ Mo. II, April- 1976 SPELLBOUND, Vol. 2, No.4, April 1977 STARFlRE, NO DATE

#8, August-September 1976 SWOON, no date

#6, Ootober 1976 ~-~---




1 <PERiO~;;ALS: TABEBUIAN FEMIMIST, Spring 1977 TABEBUIAN TERRITORY, #31, January 1977 TAD, #2, Winter 1977 THE TEXAS JOURANL SAMPLER, 1977 TRIODE ~UARTERLY WHISPERS: A Mimi-Issue lmrSPERS, Vol. 3, No.1. Whole # 9. December 1976, 1 copy WISCONSIN CLUBWOMAN, Vol. 60, No.5, September I-October 1976 lVRITER'S DIGEST, Octobar 1976 XENOPHlLE, Vol. rII, No.3, October 1976

Vol. III, No, -4, November 1976 January 1977

YANDRO. March 1977 ZYMURGY, August 1976 1 untitled periodical


Article - "I Made A Pig' Out of :Myself At Foothill", By Randall Larson, 4 pages

:t!:~",oi~~· cal Information - Robert Bloch, 4 pages ~ JJfI)C Iff Cards: 'Birthday card, from Jay

Postcards, business, 2 :;';";}_'_ . ..,;Greeting card, from Bill Hart

Lists: 3 pieces Memberships Cards:

Writers Guild of America, 1977 -Bouchercon 7, 1976

Membership Applications: 1 for May Publishing Co. 1 for Desert Con V Membership

Poems by Daniel Haberman. Poster - "Der Foltergarten des Dr. Diabolo Programs - 2 pieces Archon Progress Report, July 15-17, 1977. Unidentified pieces - 3

Gene M. Gressley



i I

®"" '~i~ , . ,-


BOX JJ3~ - -

U.AMIE. WYO"'N(; .'071

December 1, 1977


P"tCEIPT for the gift received of Mr. Robert Bloch:


L: pieces

r\,,\Donald30n, Stephen R., THE POWER THAT PRESERVES, The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, The Unbelieve~, Holt, Rineb,,~t and Winston, New Yo~k, 1977, uncorrected proof

Donaldson, Stephen R., LORD FOUL'S BANE, The Chroniclea of ThDmas Covenant, The Unbeliever, Holt, Rinehart. and Winston, New York, 1977, uncorrected proof

Donaldson, Stephen R., THE ILLEARTII UAR, The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, The Unbeliever, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1977, uncorrected proof

n \\ Seymour. Miranda, DAUGHTER OF SHADOl~S, Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, . \ \ New York, 1977, uncorrected proof

Inc. ,

Robert Bloch Collection

BOOKS - PAPERBACKS; (continued)

Farmer, Philip Jose, THE MAKER OF UNIVERSES, Ace Books, New York, 1965

}jogan, James F., INHERIT THE STARS,.Ballantine Books, New York,_1977

Hoskins, Robert (editor), TUE FUTURE NOW; SAVING TOMORROW, Fawcett Publioationa, Inc., Greenwich, Connecticut, 1977

Howard, Robert E., L. Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter, CONAN, Prest-ige Books, Inc., New York, 1967

How-ard, Rober'l: E. and L. Sprague de Camp, CONAN THE ADVENTURER, Prestige Booka, Inc., Neu York, 1966

Janifer, Laurence M., SURVIVOR, Ace Books, lieu York, 1977

Ui.rrlees, Hope, Lp1J-IN-THE-MIST. Rallantine Rooks, New York, 1977_

'Norton, Andre, NO NIGHT WITHOUT STARS, Fawc"tt P_~b1ications, Inc., Greenwich, Connecticut, 1975

Raspai1, Jean,- THE CAMP OF THE SAINTS, -Ace Books, New ~ork, 197,5

Reynolds, Mack, EQUALITY' IN THE YEAR 2000, Ace Dooks, New York, 1977

Reynolds, Mack, SPACE VISITOR, Ace Booka, New York, 1977

Rob1.nson, Spider, CALLAHAN'S CROSSTIME. SALOON, Ace Books, NeW' York, 1977

Sargent, Pamela, STARSHADOWS, Ace Books, New Yo~k, 1977

Silva, Joseph, THE ISLAND OF DR. MOREAU, Ace Books, New York, 1977

Symonds, John and Kenneth Grant, THE CONFESSIONS OF ALEISTER CROWLEY, Bantam Books, New York, 1969

Tropp, Msrtin, MARY SHELLEY'S MONSTER, Houghton Mifflin Company, Easton, 1977

lIagner, Karl Edward, DARK CRUSADE, \>Iarner Books, New York, 1976, autographed by author

~e~t, Lindsay, EMPIRE OF THE ANTS, Ace Books, New York, 1977


Reviewed by James Wade, INTERVIElI lIITH THE VAMPIRE by Anne Rice, 3 pages

Reviewed by James Wade, PRINCE ZALESKI AND CUMMINCS KING MONK by 11. P. Shiel, 2·pages

Reviewed by Donald Wandrei, H. P. LOVECRAFT, SELECTED LETTERS~ 1932-1934, 10 pages

Robert Bloch Collection


Detective FLetion ""' Sherlockiana, Catalogue 2. n. d.

Detective Fiction '"' Sherlocki"na, Catalogue '. n.d.

Gravesend llooka, Cat'llogue 22. 1977

Gravesend Books, Catalogue ". 1977

The Hovie Book Club Preview, n.d.

The $d"n"" Fiction Shop Catalogue, Spring/SUmlI)"r, 1977

Toad's Corner, No~ 1, L. W. Currey. Rare Books', Inc., n.d.


Mr, Robert Bloch Charles L. Grant HI:. Robert lIloch

_ Mr • .Bloch Mr. Robert Eloeh (hereafter ~obert Bloch will be referred to a~ R. R. n. R. II. R. II. R. II. R. II. R.'I1. R. B. R. n. Dear Friend R, 11. R. B. R. B. R. II. R. B. Elly and Bob Dear Guest Speaker Dad and Blly Dear Friend R. B. R. B. R. B. R. 1'1. R. II, R. B. R. II, R. B.

". )

Charlie Donald A. Wolheim Charlie Mr. John Bad8.i"-r Charlie

Gary Hoppenstand Mr. J. Badger

? A:Lan unidentified Reed Andrus Alan Ben ZOOl Ho!o)ard Levant. Benandick ? Bill Hart Vernon Forrest D. Hartmann Beverly Ginny Robert Nudelman Sally and Jim Howard Levant

". Scott Meredith Scott Meredith Alan Robert Nudelman Larry Adams Ginny Vernon

''''' 1977 Jauuary 19' February 11 March ::I March 2-9 , March 30

March 31 April 11 April 20_ April 22 April.24 AprH 25 April 25, April 26 April 25 April 26. April 26 April 27 April 27 Apri_l 27 April 30 May 1 May 2-

May 2 May 2 May 3 May::l May , May 4 May 6 May 7 May 7


~O~ '\'1

Robert Bloch Colleo.tion


R. s. soo ""' Elly R. s. R. s. R. s. R. s.

oR. s. R. R. R. R. R. s. Bob and Elly Bob -and Elly R. s. Dad and ~lly R. s. R. s. R. R. R. s. R. s. R. R. R. R. Gentlemen R. s. R. s. R. B. R. B. R. B., R. B. R. ll. R. B. To Whom It May Concern R. B. R. B. Dad and Eny ,R. B. R. s. R. s. R. s. R. R. R. s. R. s. R. s. R. R. R. s. R. s. R. s. R. s. Michael D. Eisner


Jphn llaqger Alice James S. Veldman Brenda Rearden S~= unidentified Alan. Scott Meredith Yurt Donald Wandrei An

- Flor'ence M. Rasaell Donald Hutter Sally- and Jim

, Vernon --Gwen

, Quinn Beth

. J -? Willis CoMV"r Mary Jane Craycroft Charles L. Grant Steve Vertlieb unidentifie<\ unidentified Alan Patricia B. Soliman Dallas Scott Meredith Vernon Walter E. Thayer, Jr. Jay Duncan Donald Hutter Sally

". Scott Neredith A. _ Bruce Clingsn unidentified Jack Scovil Steve V"rtlieb G? Nancy Forrest J. Ackerman Alan Vernon Sfuart Dan E. Burns Dr. Timothy Welch Julian Plowden

May 7 May B Nay 8 May 9, May 9' May' May 9

-May 11 May 11 May 11 May 11, May 11 May 11 May 12 May 13 ,May 13 _ May 13 May __ 14 May,16 May,1T }!ay 18 May 18 May 19 May 19 May 19 May 19 )Iay 19 May 20 May W May 21 May 22 May '22 May 23 May 23 Msy 23 May 26 May 26 .May 26 May 27 May 27 May 29

, May 30 May 30 May 30 June 2 June 2 JW1e 3 JW1e 3

Robert H~och Collec~ion 5

COB,RESPONDEiJGE, (continued)_


R. B. Betty B. Bandy JM< , Dear Huntet of the Dark The Outsider M. ' June 5

I R. ,. 'Ted Chichak June 6 R. ,. -Vemon June 7

I R. ,. Gene M. Gre,9sley JM< , I

Bho-Blok Beverly June 7 R. ,. Randall June 7

I R. ,. Scott Meredith June 8 R. B. R;I.~ha1:d Delap June B

I M,. Van Vogt Kenneth C. Moore m June 6 Elly and Bob Bette and Phil June 9 Dad and Elly S":l1y'and Jim 'M< " Mike Avallone Bill Pronzini June 11 R. 8. Bill Pronzini Juue 11 M,. Moore A. E. Van Vogt 'JUIle " R. 8. John Badger_ JM< " R. ,. Edward P. Berglund J=< D

_ Ji.. 8 .. Donald Hutter June " ","0 R. B. V"rnon - 'M' 14 , . R. ,. RalO,sey Campbell J=< 14 )()I" R. ,. St:eve V"rt~ieb 'M< 14

R. ,. James Wade ,=. 15 R. ,. Robert: J. Barthell June 15 R. ,. unidentified June 16 R. ,. Gene N. Cressley June 16 R. ,. Scott Neredith ,=< 16 R. ,. Mike 'M. 16 R. ,. Alan June 16 R. ,. Jay Duncan June 17 R. ,. Rebecca Boyer June 17 Dad and EUy Sally and Jim .rune 17 R. ,. Sharon Jarvis ,=< 17 R. ,. ,. Badger June 16 Eph and " ? ,=< 19 R. ,. Larry Adams June " R. B. unU"ntifi"d June 23 R. ,. V"mou J=< 24 R. ,. unid"ntifi"d JUn" 24 R. ,. John Badger June " Mike "0 J=< 27 R. ,. Alan June " R. ,. Mo Badg"r Jun" " R. ,. Jackie Estrada Jun" " C"ntlemen Charles L. Grant July I R. B. 5 ? July 1. Dad and Elly Sa11y and Jim July 1 R. ,. unidentified July 1 R. R. Vernon July 2

Robert Bloch Collection


R. D. R. B. R. B. R. ll. R. B. Elly and Bob R. B. R. B. R. B. R. n. R. B. R. B. Dad and Elly R. B. R. B. R. B. R. D. R. B. R. B. R. B, Elly and Bob R. B. R. B. R. -R. R. B. R. B. Elly and Bob R. B. :Mr. and ;tirs, Bloch R. E. Dad and Elly R. B. R. B. Ii.; ~. Hadan R. ll. Bob and Elly R. B. R. B. R. B. R. -B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. Dear All R. B. R. B. Elly and Bob R. B.


Ginny Sam J. Lundfla11 Ralph Vicinanza Bill Crawford Scott Meredith llette and Phil Ramsey Campbell Randall D. Larson lleverly unidep.tified Abo Hol) .Fra!';ier Sally Stuart David Schiff Vernon

J'" unidentified

_ John Bad~er Nancy Wi>;ltera Vernon Alice Barrie Reynolds Jamea Wade-Bob Hofmann

_Milton F. Stevens Randy H ? Bette and Phil Richard Fawcett Gwen Bristow Scott Meredith Sally Jim Mike Bracken John. Badger Dennis Rickard Micha"l Florence II ? Rodgers Pat Taylor Frank Wilkinson Vernon llllidentified Scott Meredith Stuart David Schiff J.", Harlan Ellison Alan Ralph Vicinanza Bette and Phil Ramsey Campbell

July 3 July 4 July 5 July 5 July '~ July- 6 July 7 JuLy 8 July 8 July. 8 July 11 July 11 July 11_ July 12 July 12-July 15 JuLy 17 July 17 July 18 July 18 July 18 JuLy 18 July 18 July 19 JuLy 20 JuLy 21 July 21 July 22 July 22

_ July 22 July 22

- July 23 JuLy 23 July 23 Ju1y-24 July 24 July 2" July 24 July 25 July 26 July 26 JuLy 26 July 26 July 26 JuLy 27 JuLy 28 July 2B July 29 July 29 July :J()

Robert Bloch Collection


R. II. R. B. R. B. R. II. R. ll. Dad and· Elly R. B. R. ll. R. ll. R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R, 11. R. 11. R. 11. R.- B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R. ll. R. B. R. B. R. B. R.. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R. II. R. B. R. B. R. 11. R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R. B. R.. B. R •. B.

-'1' R. B. R. B. R. B. ,

Edward P. Berglund John Badger S 1 Bessette Terry L., Shorb Gerry Goldberg Sally and Jim Milton R. Stevens Isaac Asimov Vernon James Corrick Otto 'Barrie Reynolds Richsrd Fawcett unidentified' John Badger Scott Meredith AiM Scott Meredith Scott Meredith Jay'n Randall D. Lerson Scott Meredith Ginny Vernon Gui.do ,Eekhaut Quinn unidentified Walter E. Thayer, Jr. unidentified John Badger Vernon Scott Meredith Scott Meredith Ginny Janet Valentine unidentified Swami

W"'" Vernon John Badger Reed S. Andrus Randall

. Eric. Gordon unidentified Gae Griffith Bill Crawford Eph Konigsberg Genny ,.


July 30 July 30

-August 1 August 1 August 2 Augus_e- 2 August 3 August 3 August 4 August 4 August 4 August 5 August 5 August 5 August 6 August 8 August -8 Augu.st 9 August 9

_ August 9 August-g August 10 August 10 August 14 August 14-August 19 August 20 August 21 August 21 August 22 August 22 August 23 August 24 August 24 August 26 August 27 August 29 August 30 August 30 August 31 August 31 September 1 September 2 September 6 n. d. n. d. n. d. n. d. n.d.


Robert Bloch Gollection


1 R. B. Ellis and Bobby R. B. R. B. R. Jl. R. B. R. Il. Gentlemen Gentlemen_ R. B. D~ar Cinemagic Subscriber R. B. R. B. R. B.


""" Kevin Gatter

'"" Kevin Carter Walt Lee m-;identified R? SPlith Gloria Charlie Char lea L. Grant Terry Keegan Don Dohler Johri Clute Diana G ,


n. d. n. d. n. d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n. d. n. d. n .d.­n.d. It. d. n. d.

R. B. R. B. R. B.' R. B.

S ?-Beverly

? ,Tess, Bee _Sally-and Jim

n.d. Greeting card n.d. Greeting card n.d. Father'a_Day card -n~d. _ Father's Day card


General Purpose Lamb Roaat, September 4, 1977

The G. Thomas Pinckards' '14th Annivarsaty Heekend of their Sc.ienc.a Fiction Writers Salon, May 28-29, 1977

The Second Annual "NadCan", Madison, Wisconsin, May 14'-15, 1977

The Twenty-fifth Anniversary Reunion Celebration of H. G. Wells' c-lassic "The 'HalO of the Worlds", n.d.


Bill Bridget's LOCOL, 1977

Gaptain George's "PENNY DREADFUL", June .10, 1977, No. 433

DE PROFUNDIS, July 16, 1977, No. 93

MARCH OF CRIME, June, 1977

MARCH OF CRI~rn, July, 1977

P.E.N. NEWSLETTE~, July 20, 1977


THE RAMBLING FAF, Aug~st, 1977


Robert Bloch Collection

NEWSLETTERS:- - (continued)

WAREHOUSE, February, 1977, No.5




Unidentified, 1 piece


114 pieces


The Fantasy Award Co~ittee, n.d.

New Seriea of Books on Fantastic Films Announced, n.d.

ParaJll()uot Pictures, Aug,:,~t 29, :1977


n.a., CARL JACOBI: AN APPRECIATION, Stellar Z. Productions, Pensscola, Florida, 1977, 20 pagea

n.s., THtS IS THE ACADEMY FOUNDATION. n.p., n.d .• 16 pagea


AFl'ER MlDNIGlIT, No. 10, May, 1977

APTER MIDNIGIlT, No. 11, August, -1977

ALGOL, Vol. 14, No. J, Issue No. 29, Su~er/Fal1, 1977

ASTRAL DIMENSIONS, Vol. 2, No.2, Whole No.6, Fall, 1977.

BARYON, No.7, Vol. 2, No.2, 1977

BARYON, No.8, Vol. 2. No. J, 1977

BLACK ORACLE, No'~ 10, Spring, 1977, 2 copies

BOONFARK, February, 1977

CACAPHONY, Vol. 1, No.5, April, 1977

CACAPHONY, Vol. 1, No.6, May, 1977


Robert Blo~h Colle~tion

PERIODICALS' (~ontinued)

CACAPHONY, Vol. 1, No.7, June, 1977

CACAPlIONY, VoL 1, ti~. 8, July, 1977

cHAGAL, VoL 1, -No.2, Spring. 1977

crNEFANrASTIQUE, VoL 6, No.1, 1977

CINEMAGIC, No.9, Winter. 1977

CTHULllU CALLS, VoL 4, No.4, April, 1977

DELAP'S FANTASY & SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW, Vol. 3. No.5, Issue No. 26, May. 1977

THE DIVERSIFIER, Vo1._3. No.5, Whole No. 21, July, 1977

DON-O-SAUR, No. 48, April, 1977

nON-O-SAUR, No. 49, J~1y, 1977

DREAM VENOOI(2, May, -1977

ELDRITCH LEAN~GS, No.6, May I, 1977

ELDRITCH LEANINGS, No.7, August I, 1977

FANDOM UNLIMITED, No.3, Spring, 1977



HARTLINES, No.7, n.d.


IMPLOSION, No.6, May, 1977

Jmmibliophih" NO. 22, August, 1977

JEET, FINE FAN FICT-PICT, No.2, July, 1977

JULES VEIh~E.MAGASINET, No. 363, March, 1977, ~ritten in Swedish

KNIGHTS 17/18, July, 1977

~~ SCIENTISTS DIGEST, No.3, July, 1977-


THE MAGAZINE OF FANTASY AND SCIENE FIGTION, Vol. 52, No.5, Whole No. 311, Hay, 1977

Rober~ Bloch Collection

PERIODlCALS: (c_ontinued)

THE MISKATONIC, Vol. 5, No.2, Whole No. 18, May 1, 1977

THE MISKATONIC, -Vol. 5, No.2, Whole-No. 19, August 1, 1977

NOTA, No. n, ~lay, 1977

~IOTA, No. 2~ , July!Augu,st, 1977

NYCTALOPS, No. 13, May, 1977 ,

OllTItE, Vol. 2, No. 1, Whole No. 5, May, 1977 , Vol. OUTRE, 2, No. 2, WOOl, No. 6, Au,gust, 1977

PERIPHERAL VISION, No.2, Second Quarter, 1977

QUA:NTtJM:, Vol. 2, No.2 ,_ 1977

QUARK, No. 14, April, 1977

RUNE, Vol. 8, No. 49, 1977

SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW, Vol. 6, No.2, 11ho1e No. 21, May, 1977

SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW, Vol. 6, No.3, Whole NO. 22, August, 1977

SCIN'ULLATION, The Maga~ine of Science Fiction People, Vol. 4, No.1, Issue No. 12, March, 1977

SClNtILLATION, The Maga~ine of Science Fiction People, Vol. 4, No.2, Issue No. 13, June, 1977

SCORPIO 13, May, 1977

TIm SECTION G REPORT, Vol. I, No.3, June/July, 1977

SF 'COMMENTARY, No. 51, March, 1977

SFWA FORUM, No. 51, June, 1977

SFWA FORUM, No. 52; July, 1977

SPACE AND TIME, NO. 44, September, 1977

STARLOG, Vol. 2, No.9, October, 1977

SUPERSONIC SNA1L, No.3, April, 1977



Roban Bloch Collection

PERIODICALS: (continued)

THRUST, "SF IN REVIEW", No. B, Spdng, 1977

WIZZARD, Vol. 2, No. 10. \'Ihole No. 15, Fall, 1977

XENOPHILE, No. 30, ~rch, 1977

XENOPHILE. No. 31, April, 1977

XENOPHILE, No. 32, May/Juna, 1977

XENOPHILE, No. 33, July, 1977

TANnRD, No. 240, July. 1977

ZYMURGY, }Iarch., 1975


Lovacraft. CQnvagno Internazionale (International Convention?), 1 • 1977. written in Italian

Itegional Scie!l~e Fiction Convention, Kane'as City', May 14-16, 1977

"Who Tells You What To Watch?", A Conference on Television Progrmoming in Wyoming, Northwest Community College, Powell, Wyoming, April 2,1977·

MISCELLANEOUS: 13~ PlIJ ' ?1W\ ,0 Biographical Information, Robert Price, :I pages

Button, Ann Robinson in H. G. Wells' "The War of the W",rIda", 25th Anniversary

Calling cards, 2 piece"

Conference Schedule, "Who Tells You What To Watch" > A Conference on - 'rclevision Programming in Wyoming, July 25, 1977

Nominations for 3rd World Fantasy Awards, July 28, 1977

Notes, 6 pieces

l'hotocolour Lettercard of Worcester, to Mr. Robert Bloch and family, n.d.

Photograph, unidentified, January, 1977

Receipt for motel room_at the Marriott, Tucson, Arizona_ June 2, 1977


Robert Bloch Collection

MISCELLANEOUS: (continued)

N" SfbrNH ~ . 'Record, Bloch, Robert and Harlan EIB.Bon, BLOODl TU"", LIFE AND FUTURE ~\O:L eo TIMES OF JACK THE RUPER,_ Alternate World Recordings, Inc., ~ 33rpm, AWR-6925,' double record album

Results of the Pan Balloting, 1977 World Fantaay Awards, n.d.

Resume, nan Eric Bums. n.d., 2" pages

A Special Literary Supplement to The Miskafortic, August 1. 1977

Supplement,- The Poets and Writers, Inc., 1977

Unidentified, 3 pieces


Gene-N. Gressley Director

., •




1 March 1978


RECEIPT for 1977.

the gift received of Mr. Robert Bloch December 21 ,


Donaldson, Stephen R


LORD FOUL'S BANE, Holt, New York, 1977


New York, 1977


fA. Sooymour, l,j.irandu 1977


. ,ew ark, 1977

DAUGHTER OF SHADOWS , Coward, l,lcCs..nu ... ,

f!q ?.J....Blish, James A TORRENT OF FACES, Ace, New York, 1967_ ,

New York

,,- i?2 Block, _Robert TIlE BEST OF ROBERT BLOCH, DelRey, New York, 1977

" 7~Brunner, John BORN UNDER MARS, Ace, New York, 1967

'( 9'2....Cherryh, C. J. HUNTER OF WORLDS, Daw, New York, 1977

(/ S'::C Collier, John FANCIES AND GOODNIGH'l'S, Bantam, New York, 1953

" 7:2. Davidson, Avram PEREGRINE: PRIMUS, Ace, New York, 1977

" so- ,l.DeCamp, L. Sprague CONAN THE BUCCANNEER, Prestige, New York, 1971

, 3..1 Farmer, Philip J. A PRIVATE COSMOS, Ace, New York, 1968

" t-':3 Goulart, Ron AFTER THINGS FELL APART, Ace Books, New York, 1970

, , ,


\ I

.......... BOOKS--PAPERBACK: continued

Howard, Robert E, et al CONAN, THE AVENGER, Prestige, New York, 1968

CONAN, THE USURPER, Prestige Books, New York, 1967

" CONAN, THE WANDERER, Prestige Books, New York, 1968

Kipling, Rudyard KIM, Packer, New York, 1949

Kosinski, Jerzy THE DEVIL TREE, Bantam, New York, 1973

Kuttner, Henry THE MASK OF CIRCE, Ace, New York, 1975

Lumley, Brian THE BURROWERS BENEATH, Daw, New York, 1974

Piper, H. Beam THE COSMIC COMPUTER, Ace, New York, 1963

Prokosch, Frederic THE SEVEN WIIO FLED, Dell, New York" 1963

Reynolds, Mack AFrER UTOPIA, Ace, New York, 1977

Rice, Anne INTERVIEW WITH THE -VA"'!PIRE, Ballantine,' New York, 1976

Richmond, Walt THE PROBABILITY CORNER, Ace, New York, 1977

Shols, W. W. THE lVASP MEN ATTACK, Ace, New York, 1977

Sturgeon, Th'eodore THj!; WORLDS OF THEODORE STURGEON, Ace, New York, 1972

Swann, Thomas Burnett THE WEIRWOODS, Ace Books, New York, 1967

Wolfe, Gene THE DEVIL IN A FOREST, Ace, New York, 1976

Yarbro, Chelsea Q. THE TIME OF THE FOURTH HORSEMAN, -Ace, New York, 1977

Yates, Richard- REVOLUTIONARY ROAD, Bantam, New York, 1961

Zebrowski, George ASHES AND STARS, Ace, New York, 1977

na. CAEDMON, 1952-1977. Cademon, New York, 1977



L. W. Currey, Fantasy and Science Fiction, 1977 Hatchards Summer Reading, 1977 Hatchards guide to new books, 1977 David McClintock,' Catalogue 197, n.d. Science Fiction Shop, Winter 77/78 T-K Graphics, Fall-Winter, 1978


1 Robert Block, membership number 2595, MIDA~lERICAN 34th WORLD' SCIENCE FICTION COnVENTION, 1976

8 greeting cards


To From

Robert Bloch (hereafter R.B.

R.B.,) Douglas S. Cramer Max J. Rosenberg

Dear Robert Som Dr, Devendra po, Varma A. E. vanVogt

Sam Dear Robert Dear Bob

plus Dear Mr. Bloch

plus Dear Robel.'t Dear Bob My dear Bob

H. 2 page attachment

Bob Abel 2 page attachment

Luis Gasca 7 7

plus 2 page attachment RB RB Deal.' Bob

Dear Bob plus


Jose Sanz Lucy Freeman Harry

attachment Harry

attachment Dear Bob Scott Dear Bob Scott Scott Meredith (xerox copy) Charlene Cleagg Dear Bob John

. W. Celston Leigh A. E, vanVogt I GOl.'don Molson (xerox cOpy) Max J. Rosenberg I plus nine page attachment 'I' Dear, Bob Les

.plus 2 page attachment


November 17, 1966 July 17, 1968 July 25 August 13 September 12 January 16, 1969

March 31'

April 12 May 5 May 11

May 20 June 6 August 8

Augus.t 18

August 19 !\-ugust 27 January 6, 1970 January 21 January 30 March 24

March 29

. April 29 May 25 June 9 Septembel.' 27 October 5


~~ My dear Bob Dear Bob Dear Bob D,cia' Bob Dear Bob Dear Bob R6bert dear Dear Robert Dear Robert


Dear Dear


Bob Bob

Dear Bob Bob Robert

Dear Robert

pluB 5 page

DPV Fritz; Arther Lucy Freeman Fritz Fritz Lucy Freeman

Lucy Sam Sprague Arth Milton

attachment Marilyn Alvarado Sprague H. Warner Muun S.

plus attachment

Dear Bob & Ellie -Dear Bob

Lucy Loa Milton

Dear Bob De'aT. Bob

- Dear Robert

Dear Robert Bob

Dear Bob Dear Bob Bob and Ellie Dear Bob RB Dear Bob Dear Bob

A. E. vanVogt Sprague. S

plus 4 page attachment 'Samuel Peeples S=

plus attachment Mil ton Sprague Fritz Sprague Rex Stout Doug Bud

Max J. Rosenberg pl,us

Gordon Molson 10 page attachment

Marcia MagUl BE

RB PB Dear Bob RB

Dear Bob Dear Bob

pLus attachment Marcia Magill Richard Davis Ginny John 11. Stanley

plus 2 page attachment Michael Dick

plus attachment

31 January 1971 March 27 31 March April 4 April 21 April 28 May 4 June 4 July 5

at _ Theodore's Day March 28, 1972 April 6

August 21 August 31.: September 2

_ September (\

September 7 September 11 September 28 October 4 October 4 October 4

Octo_ber 27 November 2

November sCi December (\ ~~1972 January 12, 1973 February 7 March 1 March 21 May 14

May 21

May 25 June 11 October 13 October 24

November 20 November 26


Dear Bob Dear Bob RB RB_ (xerox copy)

Jenry Michel C~l

Dear Mr. Mills (xerox) plus 3 page

Amicus Prod l.fichel Parry

attachment Bob Bob

Bob and Ellie Greene

Ginny_ Helen 'English Michel Parry Jim Spellmeyer

Dear Dear Gail BB RB Dear Dear Dear Dear BB

Bob esteemed Bob

master .•. -Phyllis Jerry Dallas

Bob Dallas Joy

plus 2 attachments Terry Jack Henry

Deal' Bob Deal' Bob Dear Bob Dear Bob Yuri Rasovsky

plus Dear Bob Dear Bqb Dear Robert Gordon Malson

plus Louis Sampliner Dear Bob Lisa Honig BB BB BB BB

plus Dear Bob Dear Bob Dear Bob RB BB Dear Bob De~ Bob Dear Bob

Henry Gordon Molson

attachment Henry Leo Michael Jack Rennert

attachment ? Marilyn ? Louis Sampliner Sad Sam Terry Carr Shel

attachment Marilyn Michael Dallas Harry M. Geduld Gardner M. Spungill Jack Dallas Dallas

plus 5 page attachment RB HB Dear Bob

Jonathan Bacon Constance DiRienzo Harry


'" l:-... CORRESPONDENCE: continued

~RB Yuri February 5, 1975 BB Ralph February 27 Dear Bob Dallas March 5 Dear Bob Kirby -March 10 Dear Bob Jim March 12 Dear Bob Dallas Mal:'ch 12 Dear Bob Kirby March 17 Dear Bob Jim March 18

plus attachment BB Terry Shorb April 5

plus attachment HE Kirby April 19

plus 4 page attachment BB Lisa Boynton May 15 ED Donald B. Willis -May 23 Dear Bob Jim May 26 Dear Bob unsigned May 26 HB Ralph June 2 Dear Bob Scott June 2 BB Richard Butner June 2 BB LiSa Boynton June 5 BB Richard June 13 RB Les June 20 B8 Forrest D. Hartmann June 27 RB Paul Berglund July 14

plus attachment Dear Bob Kirby July 21 Dear Bob 7 July 28 Bear Bob Kirby July 29

plus 15 page attachment RB Lisa Boynton August 6 Dear Bob Lee August 8 Dear 80b Scott August 15 BB Muriel Cornell AugUst 18 Dear Bob Kirby September 8 BB Muriel Cornell September 16 RB SciE;lnce Fiction Services September 17

plus 3 page attachment Dear Bob L," September 23

plus 2 page attachment BB Jim Shoffner October 6 Dear Bob Fred Dannay October 10 Dear Bob Michel October 14 Dear Bob Dallas October 21

plus attachment Dear Bob Roy Torgeson October 24 Dear Bob unsigned October 30 BB Jim Shoffner November 4

COfiRESPOi'lDENCIl: continued

BE BE BE BB Dear' Bob BE


Dear Bob Dear Bob

plus 2 page

plus 4 page

Judy-Lynn unsigned Darrell Schweitzer Jonathan Roy Otto

attachment GOrdon Gordon Dorothy

attachment Otto Otto

Dear Sir Bloch Jacques Fournier Otto

BE BB Dear Bob

BB DEar Sir Dear Bob Dear Kirby Dear Bob BB BE Dear Bob BB Dear Bob


BE BB BB BB Dear Bob BD Dear Bob TB BE

Dear Bob Dear Bob RB BB Detu' Bob Dear Bob Dear Bob

Lawson W. Rill Roy & Rochelle Tor~eson Dorothy Otto

plus 14 page attachment L. A. Evans Robert Seibenmann Paul-

McCauley Forrest J Ackerman Michel Robert Siebenmann Sharon Jarvis Stuart Robert 'Siebenmann Noreen

plus attachment Mary Hartz

plus attachment Fran Evans S. T. Joshi Dorothy Larry DiTillio Stuart S. T .• Joshi Willis Ramsey Campbell Philippe Amiguer

plus 3 page attachment Ralph Stuart Jusy-Lynn delReY Dorothy Rodney Ralph Michel

November 12, 1975 November 14 November 15 November 19 November 19 November 26·

December 1 December 1 De.(i"ember 1

December 5 December 11 December 22

- December 29 January 3, 1976 JailUary 8 January 22 January 27

February February Feb-tuary February February February February March 4 March 7 March 8

March 14

March 16 March 17 March 17 March 23 March 24 March 27 April 1 April 7 April 20

April 22 April 25 April 30 May 1 May 3 May 13 May 14

2 12 14 16 16 25 27



Dear Bob Dear Bob HB RB RB Dear Dob Dear Bob Dear Bob Dear Bob

- Dear Bob RB

Dear Bob Bob Dear Bob Dear Bob Dear Bob Dear Bob Dear Bob Dear Bob RB Dear Bob Dear Bob Dear Bob HB E. L. Ferman Dear Bob

Dear Bob Dear Bob


BE Dear Bob HB Dear Bob

Dear Bob, BB Dear Bob RB HB Dear Bob RB Dear Bob HB Deal" Bob Dear Bob


Otto Kirby Judy-Lynn James Turner Peter Kirby Otto Isaac Ralph Warner Pete

attachment Yuri Yuri Peter Scott Ralph Scott Kirby

-Scott George Kirby Kirby Andy Robert Needelman Stephen Brooke Otto

plus 5 apge attachment Ralph Otto

plus 2 page attachment Tom Collins

plus attachment Darrell Schweitzer


Ralph Robert Needelman Hoy

Alexis A. Gilleland Charles L. Grant Kirby Andy Gianni Montanar'i Scott Philippe Scott Marty Ginny Ginny

4- letters, RD

undated, but 1976 time period Gerryl

May 18, 1976 May 22 !,lay 24 May 25 May 25 May 28 May 30 June 6 June 7 June 11 June 14

June 17 June 30 July 5 July 6 July 19 -July 19 July 19 July 20 July 20 July 29 AI~gtist 4-August 6 August 15 August 28 August 29

September 7 September 7

September 11

September 14-September 15 September 19 September 19

September 20 September 24-October 6 October 18 November 19 December 15

December 16 December 16 December 17 December 28

<.XlRRESPO:NDENCE: continued

Dear Bob Dear Bob BB Deal: Bob Deal: Bob

Paul Ralph John Badger DAvid Otto

plus 5 page attachment Dear Bob RB Dear Bob Dear Bob TB

Dear Bo.b Dear Bob Dear Bob Dear E11y and Bob RB Dear Bob Dear Bob RO

Dear Bob RB Dear Bob Dear Bob Dear Bob RB Dear Bob BB


plus 6 page

plus 2 page

Dear Elly & Robert Dear Bob

Francis Will Michel Otto Sharon Sam & Erlene Otto Ralph Scott Ginny Gwen Bristow Scott otto Gw.en Bristow

attachment Otto John Badger Kris Scott. Kirby Sarah Leslie T,d Marion

attachment Vickie Florence Alo

plus attachment RB Dear Bob Dear Bob Dear Bob & Ellie RE Dear Bob Dear Robert Dear Bob RB

George LaVoo Harry Otto Steve John Badger Vernon Jim Dick Mal:c A. Michaud

Deal' Bob Vernon Dear Bob ? Deal' Bob (xerox copy) Harald

Dear Bob RB

plus attachment John Erik Marcus

January 17, 1977 January 18 February 2 March 1 March 2

March 5 March 25 March 23 March 29 March 29 April 5 April 6 April 7 April 11 April 12 April 18 April 28 April 29 May 1

May 6 Mf\Y 11 May 12 May 16 June 4 June 10 June 10 June-20

July_ 1 August 24 August 25

Septembel: 6 September 7 September S September 8 September 9 Septembel;' 11 September 1,2 September 12 September 17 September 19 September 19 September 20

September 21 Septembel: 23

-.AJ"RESPONDllN'CE: continued

~ RB Forrest D. Hartmann September 23, 1977 DeaX' Bob Dirk September 26 Dear Bob Alan September 27

plus attachment Dear Bob Gerry de h Ree September 28 Dear Bob Vernon September 28 RB Donald Wandrei September 28 Dear Elly and Bob ? September 28 RE Gary Seiler September 29 HB Gene Gressley September 29

-- October 3 Dear Bob Dick October 3 HE Paul October 5 RB Guido Eekhaur October 5 Dear Bob RoY October 6 RB Donald Hutter October 7 Dear Bob Vernon October 8 HB Davi.d Schow October 10 Dear Bob Dallas October 10 Dear Bob Dirk October 10

plus 2 page attachment Dear Bob Alan October 10

plus attachment Dear PEN Member Leo Townsend October 14 Dear Bob ? October 14

October 15 BE Paul Winters October 15 Dear Bob Fritz October 16 Dear Acsnap Sycho Randell October 16

plus attachment HB John Badger October 17

plus attachment Dear Bob Vernon October 17

plus attachment Dear People Gwen Bristow October 17 Dear Bob Beverly October 18 Dear Bob Dirk October 18 Dear Robert Bruce October 19 HB Nancy Oc·tober 20 Dear Bob Vernon October 24 Dear Bob Alan October 24

plus attachment Dear Bob Md Ellie Walt L" October 25 Dear Bob Dirk October 25 RB Robert Weinberg October 25 Dear-- Gwen October 27 Dear Bob & Ellie Walt & Ev.e Lee October 29 Dear Bgb Scott November 1 Deal: Bob Scott November 1 BB David Gusler November 1

~<t\U t;ORHESPONDENCE, continued

Dear Bob ArC Dear Friend

RB RB Dear Bob

plus 3 page Howard Levant

attachment Dennis P. Brown l!'rank lfilson Dallas

Dear Dean (xerox copy) liB

Eric S. Needham Alan Shotwell Dirk Dear Bob

Dear Bob

Dear Bob Dear Bob Dear Bob Dear Robert Dear Bob RB Dear Bob Dear Bob Dear Bob Dear Bob Dear Bob

Alan pItIS attachment


Scott Vernqn Art Jim Te'rrence Will Stone Ralph Scott Sprague Dirk W. H. Pugmire

attachment Janet Valentine Dear Bob

Dear Bob Dear Bob Dear Bob Bob

& filly

Nancy Beverly Bette Randell Vernon Dear Bob

Dear Bob Dear Bob

Dear Bob Dear Bob

Dear Bob



attachment Florence Dirk

attachment Scott Alan

plus attachment Dirk

Dear grown up "little boy" RB

Vernon John Badger Douglas Dear Bob

Bob RB

ilLS Gerry

Dear Elly & Bob Dear Bob

Bette Bev€rly

Followiug Roberto Dear Bob Dear Bob RB

correspondence is all undated Mack George George Gerry

plus 19 page attachment

November 1, November 1

November .1 November 2 November 3 November 3 November 3 November 5 November 7

November 7 November 8 November 9 November 9 November 9 November 10 November 11 November 11 November 11 November 12 November 14

November 14 November 15 November 15 November 17 November 17 November 18

November 19 November 19

November 21 November 21


November 25 November 25 n.d. 1977 year " " " " "


19 pieces correspondence, April 13, 1970 - .January 8, 1973 BYLAWS, 4 pages, mimeographed n.d. Minutes for the Board'of Directors ... March 4, 1970,4 pages mimeo

" Mar June 3, 1970, 3 p.ages mimeo " September 9,. 1970, 4 pages mimeo " October 7, 1970, 4 pages mimeo " November 4, 1970, 3 pages mimeo

~ Telegram, April 7, 1970, 1 undated '" Speech, FROM OUR FORMER PRESIDENT, 2 pages typescript, carbon ~" FROM OUR NEW PRESIDENT, 4 pages typescript, carbon ~ T:1E MARCH OF CRIME, 2 page newsletter -y 'l'V OR NOT TV. 4 page mimeo, by Robert Bloch

ARREST LAWS IN THE UNITED STATES, 5 pages mimeo THE THIRD DEGREE, Summer 1970, Volume 26, no. 3

" May-June, 1962, Volume 18, no.5 .. November 1961, Volume 17, no.9

'-____ " October 197?


&~NA 6, August 1977 BARYON 9, Volume 2, No.4, November 1977 CACAPHONY, Vol 1, nos 10 and 11, Sept-Oct, 1977

" Volume 1, no 9, August 21, 1977 CHILD LIFE, -October 1977 DIAGONAL RELATIONSHIP, October 1977 THE DIVERSIFIER, NOvember 1977 DURFED 2, n.d. FAN'S ZINE #14 FORUM 53, September 1977 FUTURE RETROSPECTIVE # 12 HEAVY METAL, October 1977

\ ~I

ISAAC ASIMV'S SCIENCE FICTION MAGAZINE, Wiuter 1977 LAUGHING OSIRIS, New Series #1 'rHE MISKOTONic,' Special Farm and Garden Issue, Vol 5, no 4. October 31,




MOTA, #23, November 1977 NEWSLETTER, Writers Guild of America, West. October 1977, NIGHTSHADE, October I, 1977 OUTRE, November 1977 RACONTEUR, Fall 1977 RA~mLING FAP 79, November 1977 SF&F 36, Fall 1977 SFWA, Summer 1977 SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW, November 1977 SPACE AND TIME, November 1977 S'fARLOG, Jalll.w.ry 1978 SUPERSONIC SNAIL 4, October 1977

2 copies


&:0.., -~-'.,

I __ ~."~"~._,_"_"_S; continued

TRIODE 25 QUARTERLY, n.d. WHISPERS, August 1977 XENOPHILE, October 1977


14 pieces correspondence, March 1, 1970 - June 6, 1976 FIRST FANDOI.[ ROSTER, January 1, 1977, 2 pages mimeo May 7, 1977 Election results, 1 page FROM THE PRESIDENT, 2 pages typescript, carbon copy LliNAC(lN Progrmn .Book, 1972 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO ~HE BY-LAWS OF SCIENCE FICTION WRITERS OF

AMERICA, 3 pages mimeo


Advance uncorrected proofs. Campbell, Ramsey, THE roLL wno ATE HIS MOTHER. Bobbs~Merrill, New York, 1976

AGREEMENT, Allleric-an Program Bure}j-u, May 28, 1976. Robert Bloch, to speak at University of Texas

-, Byall CON V. July 18-20, 1975, announcement of convention CLIPPINGS: 5 from newspapers. n.d. COMIC CONVENTION, 1975. San Diego, announcement FANT4SY-_FILtf FANS INTERNATIONAL, Progress Report 3 (2 copies) THE INDUSTRIALIZATION OF SPACE. Meeting, OctOber 18-20, 1977

San Francisco Airport Hilton LOSCON 4, 4--6 November 1977, announcement MOVIES THAT WILL BE ON FJA'S MURAL, xerox copy, 22 pages NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS:

Application Guidelines, Fiscal year 1978-79 NEW SEnIES OF BOOKS ON FANTASTIC FILMS .•• _3 pages- mimeo NEWSWEEK, July 11, 1977, page 49 PINCKARD SALON, _-program, october 15, 1977 11arne, GarY, THE LORD OF SENSATIONS AND OTHER GRAGMENTS AND


DREAMS. 26 pages mimeo, n. d. vmo IS A. E. VAN VOGT, announcement, n.d. WORLD FANTASY AWARDS, 1977._ 2 pages mimeo


Gene M. Gressley Director
