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Page 1: April 2014 Lotus 1 Petal 7 - Pillai Centermedia.pillaicenter.com/SatVidhya/SatVidhya_April2014.pdf · April 2014 Lotus 1 Petal 7 Chairman : ... The Sun is the ‘Atmakaraka’ (or
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April 2014 Lotus 1  Petal 7Chairman : Dr. Baskaran Pillai Editor-in-Chief : Charukesi Viswanathan

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APRIL 2014WHAT’S INSIDEThe Light of our Soul

Mumbai Seminar01 25 26

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30From the Readers 29

From YouTube 31







The Divine Initiation of Vishwamitra Maharishito Vishwatejas Mulabrahmarishi

Interview with Ashokamitran

Are We thinking too much?

SatVidhya Photo Contest Results

Sesame Oil - A Rejuvenator

From My Heart

19Complex Questions, Simple Answers

21Remedies for Disharmony in Relationship

23Rules do not make Ram

Bring the Power of Apps to your Device


Mayapur Travelogue

Visit your Zodiac Destiny...

Page 3: April 2014 Lotus 1 Petal 7 - Pillai Centermedia.pillaicenter.com/SatVidhya/SatVidhya_April2014.pdf · April 2014 Lotus 1 Petal 7 Chairman : ... The Sun is the ‘Atmakaraka’ (or

We all love light, both literally and metaphorically. And, we adore light in all of its forms—beauty, intelligence and grace, for example.

We often become depressed during long spells of overcast and short winter days. In fact, we can look at substantial evidence from scienti�c studies showing that sunlight is essential for our psychological and physical wellbeing.

For example, researchers at University of Pittsburgh found that patients recovered faster after spinal surgery when they were exposed to sunlight. Additionally, the same patients required less painkilling drugs, while compared to other patients who had no access to natural light.

But, it’s not all. The Sun is increasingly becoming a target for studies searching for an alternative to our current fuel-based energy. Engineers and physicists at Yale University have recently presented their innovative and relatively less expensive technology — photovoltaic systems that convert solar power into electricity. So far, similar projects have aroused some criticism due their high cost — as it happened with the Ivanpah project — one of the largest solar power plants in the world, which received a $1.6 billion federal loan guarantee for its development.

At the same time, teams at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) have been able to improve the absorption rate of sunlight by 30 percent in some plants by installing nanoparticles in the underside of their leaves.

So, despite the contributions of both cutting edge research and latest technologies, plant life and human life still largely depend on the Sun.

As living beings on this planet, we have worshiped this star for thousands of years in recorded history and we have called it ‘Helios’, ‘Sol’, ‘Surya’ and so on, depending on our cultural and spiritual backgrounds.

In fact, the Sun God is a cross-cultural phenomenon — and testimonial that deep down we all have the same spiritual roots and the same longing for transcendence, regardless of where we live on the Earth.

An additional facet of the Sun comes to us via the ancient Vedas (Indian sacred texts), where it was said to be the ‘Universal Power

and the soul of all movable and immovable things’ and source of life for all beings.

The Sun is the ‘Atmakaraka’ (or soul factor) in Vedic

astrology, an ancient and predictive Indian system — stemming from the Vedas — in which the spiritual aspects of an individual are just as important, if not more, than his material and psychological life on the planet. Here, the Sun represents vitality, the father �gure and the government, in addition to the soul and power of an individual.

While some of us may still doubt the existence of the soul, we can all count on the Sun, as it never fails to rise in the morning.

And as a myriad of teachers past and present have taught, if we were capable of seeing life on a subtle level and the other planes

of existence, our heart might �ll with awe and gratitude for the Sun, where many evolved souls are supposed to go after death.

For these revelations, we might also rise every morning and practice the ancient art of 'Sun salutation', which is still common in some cultures and is

a staple sequence of postures for many yoga practitioners.

At that subtle level, all souls reach out to the Great Soul.

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Author BioItalian born Lalitha Devi (Donatella Riback) is a yogini and writer. Since 1993, she has been learning Vedic Sciences, furthering her studies while living in India for five years. After resigning in 2003 from an executive level position in PR, she has been teaching yoga and Ayurveda. Lalitha is a certified yoga

teacher and Reiki master. She has studied Ayurveda with Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. David Simon and Dr. Vasant Lad. Lalitha is also a certified Vedic astrologer from the American Academy of Vedic Arts and Sciences (AAVAS) and her Jyotish gurus include: Sam Sadasiva Geppi, founder of AAVAS, Dr. Pillai, founder of AstroVed, Dr. K S Charak, and AstroVed astrologer Valli Wells.

QUOTESDon’t count the days,make the days count.

- Muhammad Ali

Page 4: April 2014 Lotus 1 Petal 7 - Pillai Centermedia.pillaicenter.com/SatVidhya/SatVidhya_April2014.pdf · April 2014 Lotus 1 Petal 7 Chairman : ... The Sun is the ‘Atmakaraka’ (or

The Divine Initiation of

Vishwamitra Maharishi to Vishwatejas Mulabrahmarishi

Maitreyi and Karthik Vishwatejas

The Creation witnessed a very unique event recently related to Vishwamitra Maharshi. The scriptures have captured his journey from the King Kaushika to become Vishwamitra, where he had to undergo various challenges and tests. Finally, with his surrender to Vasishtha Maharshi, he attained the level of ‘Brahmarishi’. He continued to work for God and progress in his spiritual journey. As he began to grow further, he was offered the post of Brahma (the Creator God), then Vishnu (the Preserver God), then Shiva (the Destroyer God) and also that of Devi (the Goddess), which he surrendered and continued to work for God as an individual. As he progressed further, he gathered an abundance of Light in him and attained the capacity to have his own Creation. He was also offered the position of God (a Universe) with his own independent creation, which he again declined. He progressed much further from that stage also and Mula Brahman, the Source God, decided to honour his growth and achievements!

PreparationVishwamitra Maharshi was initiated into a new level of Rishihood called as ‘Mulabrahmarishi’. He is the �rst Being ever to reach this stage of growth in the entire Creation and the initiation to this stage was done by Mula Brahman Himself.

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With respect to our Earth’s time, this event took place from the night of the 24th till the mid afternoon of 31st December 2013. The whole Creation of Mula Brahman participated in the event. The preparation for the event went on for a little more than 2 years in our Earth’s time. The main Rishis in charge of the preparation were the Saptarishis (7 Rishis in charge of the administration of the Cosmos), Amara Maharshi (close associate of Vishwamitra Maharshi), Markandeya Maharshi and Mangal Brahman Maharshi, who worked under the guidance of Mula Brahman.

Vasishtha Maharshi was the person in charge of delegating and coordinating the entire preparation work. The Saptarishis were involved in creating various new materials required for the initiation ceremony. The rarest of the rare �owers were created and brought by them for this occasion. These �owers were created out of the Tapas Shakti (meditation power) of these Rishis in combination with the energies of thousands of Unmanifested Universes. The other Rishis also helped them in the process.

Special mantras and hymns for this event were also created by the Saptarishis. Mangal Brahman Maharshi created a unique special sacred thread from his Tapas (meditation) energies in combination with the energies from an Unmanifested Universe. Amara Maharshi was responsible for choosing the guest of honour and the facilitators for the event. He did Tapas for almost a year, and then came up with the names of 4 Rishis. These 4 Rishis were led by Abhyudatta,

Courtesy : www.ravivarmaoleographs.comCollections of Shriparasuraman

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a part of this event that they assisted in the preparations as well.

Vasishtha Maharshi and Markandeya Maharshi also did very intense Tapas to prepare a place for hosting the event. The exact place where this event took place in the Creation is not revealed.

They also had to design the main stage where the initiation would take place. This stage has 180,001 vortices and each vortex contained the energies, and matter from a different Unmanifested Universe. This way, the whole of the Creation of Mula Brahman could participate in the initiation function. The entire

stage was enclosed in a very thick layer of unbreakable shield made of very special energies. Surrounding this globe were 6 more layers of shield, each with different levels of Spiritual capacity. In each layer, all the participant guests were seated.

Vasishtha Maharshi also created a very special sacred water which was to be used for the occasion. After creating this, Maharshi Amara was given the responsibility of protecting and keeping it safe.

Markandeya Maharshi also did Tapas and created a very unique and special Bell. More

than a gadget to make sound, it was also one of the most powerful spiritual gadgets and tool in the entire creation. The details of all its qualities are not revealed.

All the Gods and Divine Personalities were invited for the event. This process started from the end of November 2012 (our Earth’s time) and Vasishtha Maharshi was responsible to keep this a secret, without Vishwamitra Maharshi coming to know of it.

Mangal Brahman Maharshi created a special spacecraft in the shape of a chariot for the occasion. He used energies from his 3rd Eye, his palms and thighs for this. This chariot is very unique. It will help

Vishwamitra Maharshi to travel in any part of the creation of Mula Brahman without getting caught in space and time. The EventThe Saptarishis �nally revealed this information to Vishwamitra Maharshi about the initiation, on 7th December 2013 (our earth’s time). The Rishis say that Vishwamitra Maharshi was so humbled and stunned by this information that he was dazed for a period of 12 days. Vishwamitra Maharshi had never assumed any title earlier and wanted to continue in the same way. He did not want to take up this Title either. Mula Brahman then counselled and paci�ed him. He �nally agreed on the

condition that the initiation energies would be made available to every Soul in the Creation. On the 24th of December 2013, every individual Soul from the entire Creation was brought to attend and witness the entire function. This was the responsibility of Amara Maharshi. (This was not a gathering at the astral or causal level, but at the level of Light. At this level, there is no time with respect to our Earth’s time. That is why, even though the event went on for about 6 days, we left our bodies only for a short duration. It was only for a fraction of ‘time’ that every Soul came and attended this event).

Then, the Rishis, Gods and Divine Personalities also gathered in the different layers of the special globe that was created around the stage.

Finally, the Rishis brought Vishwamitra Maharshi for the initiation ceremony in the special chariot created by Mangal Brahma Maharshi. An amsha (part) of Mula Brahman was also brought to the place of the initiation.The 4 Rishis, Saptarishis, Markandeya Maharshi, Mangal Brahman Maharshi and Amara Maharshi assembled around the main stage.

First, the Saptarishis began to narrate the life of Vishwamitra Maharshi and spoke about his growth, the dedication, hard work and unconditional surrender to God, his love for every Soul in the creation and helping nature, his patience, commitment and ambitions towards God’s work. The Rishis mention that in our Earth’s time, this narration went on for about 2 days.

Then, on the evening of 26th December 2013, 7 pm India time, Mangal Brahman Maharshi and Markandeya Maharshi started the initiation ceremony by invoking the energies from an Unmanifested Universe which help in the auspicious beginning, progress and conclusion of all events.

Then, the Rishis began to recite the special and sacred mantras which were created

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earlier. Then, the initiation music was played followed by the sprinkling of the sacred water and offering of the special and sacred �owers by Vasistha Maharshi and Amara Maharshi.

Then, Vishwamitra Maharshi was made to consume special nectar by Vasistha Maharshi which was earlier created by the Four Rishis with the help of Mula Brahman.

While these processes were happening, all the Souls were also awed and happy to be witnessing this. The 4 Rishis then described the importance of the entire initiation process and about the uniqueness of the event. They also expressed their happiness to be part of this process.

Then, Vishwamitra Maharshi was made to sit in the centre of the stage such that everyone could see him. He was looking splendid and was beyond all the 9 known form of emotions and his love and absolute surrender to God was very visible. He was looking as delicate as a �ower and was very radiant with his glow spreading to the entire Creation.

Then, the amsha of Mula Brahman which was brought down spoke many magical words (on our earth time between 30th and 31st December 2013) and passed a lot of Light from his core and initiated him. He then put the sacred thread over his shoulders and gave him many gifts and gadgets, and blessed him.He then addresses everyone and mentioned that Vishwamitra Maharshi has transcended every de�nition of all the qualities in His Creation and He is very proud to call him His Son. He also said that the new stage to which he has been initiated will be known as ‘Mulabrahmarishi’ and as Vishwamitra glows like trillions of ParaBrahmas and his radiance reaches every part of the Creation like His own, he shall henceforth be called as ‘VISHWATEJAS’ – the individual whose Radiance is Universal.

Then, Vishwatejas Mulabrahmarishi expressed his gratitude to Mula Brahman for this special honour and mentioned that he had

never felt so humbled, loved and shocked before.

He expressed his gratitude to everyone present who had come to witness his special event and was very thankful. And he mentioned many special words about the Rishis who have always worked with him and supported him in his journey. He also expressed his wish to continue working for the Creation and assured every one of his help and guidance wherever possible. He then took the Blessings of Mula Brahman once again and then hugged all those present there.

Finally, Maharshi Amara thanked all the Universes, Gods and Personalities and all the Souls who were gathered there. He also thanked all the Rishis who were involved in the whole processes and the entire initiation ceremony concluded.

(Reprinted from www.vishwaamara.com with the permission of the author)

New stage to which he has been initiated will be

known as ‘Mulabrahmarishi’ and as Vishwamitra

glows like trillions of ParaBrahmas and his radiance

reaches every part of the Creation like His own, he

shall henceforth be called as ‘VISHWATEJAS’ – the

individual whose Radiance is Universal

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a part of this event that they assisted in the preparations as well.

Vasishtha Maharshi and Markandeya Maharshi also did very intense Tapas to prepare a place for hosting the event. The exact place where this event took place in the Creation is not revealed.

They also had to design the main stage where the initiation would take place. This stage has 180,001 vortices and each vortex contained the energies, and matter from a different Unmanifested Universe. This way, the whole of the Creation of Mula Brahman could participate in the initiation function. The entire

stage was enclosed in a very thick layer of unbreakable shield made of very special energies. Surrounding this globe were 6 more layers of shield, each with different levels of Spiritual capacity. In each layer, all the participant guests were seated.

Vasishtha Maharshi also created a very special sacred water which was to be used for the occasion. After creating this, Maharshi Amara was given the responsibility of protecting and keeping it safe.

Markandeya Maharshi also did Tapas and created a very unique and special Bell. More

than a gadget to make sound, it was also one of the most powerful spiritual gadgets and tool in the entire creation. The details of all its qualities are not revealed.

All the Gods and Divine Personalities were invited for the event. This process started from the end of November 2012 (our Earth’s time) and Vasishtha Maharshi was responsible to keep this a secret, without Vishwamitra Maharshi coming to know of it.

Mangal Brahman Maharshi created a special spacecraft in the shape of a chariot for the occasion. He used energies from his 3rd Eye, his palms and thighs for this. This chariot is very unique. It will help

Vishwamitra Maharshi to travel in any part of the creation of Mula Brahman without getting caught in space and time. The EventThe Saptarishis �nally revealed this information to Vishwamitra Maharshi about the initiation, on 7th December 2013 (our earth’s time). The Rishis say that Vishwamitra Maharshi was so humbled and stunned by this information that he was dazed for a period of 12 days. Vishwamitra Maharshi had never assumed any title earlier and wanted to continue in the same way. He did not want to take up this Title either. Mula Brahman then counselled and paci�ed him. He �nally agreed on the

condition that the initiation energies would be made available to every Soul in the Creation. On the 24th of December 2013, every individual Soul from the entire Creation was brought to attend and witness the entire function. This was the responsibility of Amara Maharshi. (This was not a gathering at the astral or causal level, but at the level of Light. At this level, there is no time with respect to our Earth’s time. That is why, even though the event went on for about 6 days, we left our bodies only for a short duration. It was only for a fraction of ‘time’ that every Soul came and attended this event).

Then, the Rishis, Gods and Divine Personalities also gathered in the different layers of the special globe that was created around the stage.

Finally, the Rishis brought Vishwamitra Maharshi for the initiation ceremony in the special chariot created by Mangal Brahma Maharshi. An amsha (part) of Mula Brahman was also brought to the place of the initiation.The 4 Rishis, Saptarishis, Markandeya Maharshi, Mangal Brahman Maharshi and Amara Maharshi assembled around the main stage.

First, the Saptarishis began to narrate the life of Vishwamitra Maharshi and spoke about his growth, the dedication, hard work and unconditional surrender to God, his love for every Soul in the creation and helping nature, his patience, commitment and ambitions towards God’s work. The Rishis mention that in our Earth’s time, this narration went on for about 2 days.

Then, on the evening of 26th December 2013, 7 pm India time, Mangal Brahman Maharshi and Markandeya Maharshi started the initiation ceremony by invoking the energies from an Unmanifested Universe which help in the auspicious beginning, progress and conclusion of all events.

Then, the Rishis began to recite the special and sacred mantras which were created

earlier. Then, the initiation music was played followed by the sprinkling of the sacred water and offering of the special and sacred �owers by Vasistha Maharshi and Amara Maharshi.

Then, Vishwamitra Maharshi was made to consume special nectar by Vasistha Maharshi which was earlier created by the Four Rishis with the help of Mula Brahman.

While these processes were happening, all the Souls were also awed and happy to be witnessing this. The 4 Rishis then described the importance of the entire initiation process and about the uniqueness of the event. They also expressed their happiness to be part of this process.

Then, Vishwamitra Maharshi was made to sit in the centre of the stage such that everyone could see him. He was looking splendid and was beyond all the 9 known form of emotions and his love and absolute surrender to God was very visible. He was looking as delicate as a �ower and was very radiant with his glow spreading to the entire Creation.

Then, the amsha of Mula Brahman which was brought down spoke many magical words (on our earth time between 30th and 31st December 2013) and passed a lot of Light from his core and initiated him. He then put the sacred thread over his shoulders and gave him many gifts and gadgets, and blessed him.He then addresses everyone and mentioned that Vishwamitra Maharshi has transcended every de�nition of all the qualities in His Creation and He is very proud to call him His Son. He also said that the new stage to which he has been initiated will be known as ‘Mulabrahmarishi’ and as Vishwamitra glows like trillions of ParaBrahmas and his radiance reaches every part of the Creation like His own, he shall henceforth be called as ‘VISHWATEJAS’ – the individual whose Radiance is Universal.

Then, Vishwatejas Mulabrahmarishi expressed his gratitude to Mula Brahman for this special honour and mentioned that he had

never felt so humbled, loved and shocked before.

He expressed his gratitude to everyone present who had come to witness his special event and was very thankful. And he mentioned many special words about the Rishis who have always worked with him and supported him in his journey. He also expressed his wish to continue working for the Creation and assured every one of his help and guidance wherever possible. He then took the Blessings of Mula Brahman once again and then hugged all those present there.

Finally, Maharshi Amara thanked all the Universes, Gods and Personalities and all the Souls who were gathered there. He also thanked all the Rishis who were involved in the whole processes and the entire initiation ceremony concluded.

(Reprinted from www.vishwaamara.com with the permission of the author)

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Author Bio

Maitreyi and Karthik Vishwatejas are a sister-brother duo working under the guidance of the Rishis for many years, helping individuals in their spiritual growth and transformation. They assist everyone to become self reliant in their spiritual pursuit, with the help of their own Light, Intuition and awakened faculties.

Their works involve researching and channeling knowledge on spiritual realities, participating in the works of the Rishis at the astral level, anchoring and reconfiguring energies on the Earth, and guiding individuals in their spiritual growth through Meditation. The Higher Knowledge from the Rishis and current events of the spiritual world are shared through their website www.vishwaamara.com

QUOTESThe journey of

a thousand miles begins with one step.

- Lao Tzu


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Exclusive Interview with Ashokamitran

Samvadh (Conversation)In this series, we present the well known writer and novelist Mr. Ashokamitran’s views in the question and answer session of Samvadh.

Ashokamitran has a penchant for one-liners in response to queries and it is known to his vast number of ardent admirers. Though, they are short and crisp they convey profound meanings. You have to read them twice or thrice to know the inner meaning of his words. The octogenarian writer answered our questions in his inimitable style.

A short note about the author: Ashokamitran, born on September 22, 1931 is one of the most influential figures in post-independent Tamil literature. A distinguished essayist and critic, he was the editor of the literary journal ‘Kanaiyazhi’. He has written over 200 short stories, 8 novels and more than 15 novellas besides several prose writings. Most of his works have been translated into English and other European languages, apart from several Indian languages. He worked for more than ten years in the Gemini Studios and his book ‘My Years with Boss’, is an account of his days in the tinsel world.

Ashokamitran was given the Tamilnadu Government Award thrice and Ilakkiya Chintanai a prominent literary body awarded him twice in 1977 and 1984. He was honoured with the KK Birla Fellowship to do a study in comparative Indian literature and the University of Iowa, USA, offered him the creative writing fellowship. He won the Lily Deivasigamani Memorial Award in 1992. In 1993, he was awarded the Ramakrishna Jaydayal Harmony award by Dalmia Trust for promoting religious harmony. He won the Akshara Award in 1996 and the prestigious Sahitya Academy Award (Highest Indian Literary Award) in 1996. He won the MGR award in 2007 and in May 2012, he was awarded the NTR National Literary Award. In March 2013, he was given the Bharatiya Bhasha Parishad Award in Kolkata. Here are the answers of Ashokamitran for our questions:

What spiritual philosophy do you live and breathe by?

I wish I knew. Broadly, I am That and pray to That.

How do you deal with your own pain and those of others?Only by silent tears in solitude.

Please share your favorite prayer of all times.‘Show me the way’.

Which spiritual teacher would you like to meet and why?I am too old now. Any saint would say I am a dried nut.

Please tell us your favourite spiritual get away or place of worship. At one time, it was Sri Ramakrishna Math. Now, I am ninety per cent immobile. It was

long ago I had read quite a few books on Bhagwan Sri Ramakrishna and my mind could have been conditioned.

Same is the case with Sri Aurobindo. Very likely, I was too coarse all through. In spiritual matters, one can easily delude himself. Have Satsang. One should not have Samvadh and try to rationalize our delusions.

Please describe your most profound spiritual experience till date.My �rst visit to Aurobindo’s Samadhi in Puduchery. You may again read the previous reply.

What if you were a God for one day?Isn’t it too arrogant to have such a thought?

(As told to Charukesi)

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Just the other day, a friend confessed, “These days,I keep thinking about many things that I observe around me. I don’t realize how time passes while I am lost in my thoughts”. In mood for a slice of fun,I teased,“I am sure you must be having a lot of unfinished work pending these days? If it is so, then those thoughts are the culprits!”

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Are We thinking too much?

Sanchita Chowdhury

Thinking is a phenomenon known exclusively to man. Auguste Rodin’s ‘The Thinker’ is a monumental sculpture representing this unique gift to mankind – a mind that can think creatively. Rodin awakens a sense of pride in how wonderful we are! But I am sure that his Thinker does not represent a common man who indulges in such idle thoughts just like my friend.

Most of us believe that by indulging our minds to walk through various alleys of thoughts, we are caressing our minds to relax. In reality, it is nothing but our love for interpreting the world around us based on our own thought processes - the way we have been brought up, the way we have learnt to look at others, to live, socialize and so on. And �nally, we end up being stuck inside a dark well! I am reminded of Swami Vivekananda’s reference of that frog in the well in his speech at Parliament of Religions, at Chicago.

So, what may delight you as ‘Gems of your thoughts’, in reality, maybe just pebbles scattered on the banks of a river.

To produce a Gem, you must pry and investigate, around you and beyond, �y across the Universe and keep assimilating data, and then prepare your mind for a creative tour of Thinking!

Subsequently one day, I analyzed my thoughts while observing my son, Nandan, a two-year old boy.

I spotted him in action: Nandan was holding a �ower between his two �ngers of his right palm as if demonstrating an Abhaya Mudra, his hand slightly lifted in the air. He was swaying the palm in the air in a rhythmic movement. As I walked into the dining room I spotted him engrossed in his actions. I turned towards the kitchen and beckoned his grandmother; two of us stood together, our eyes �xed on him and wondering what he was upto! He felt our presence, looked at us and then with a coyish smile abandoned his actions. Shy, he ran to hide himself behind the sofa. And we burst out laughing!

“Oh, my God! He is imitating the act of Shodasa Upasaaram (worshipping by display of certain specific things) done by the priests standing in front of deities in the temples”, uttered his grandmother and surprised. “Whenever I take him to the temple, he loves watching Abhishekam, and Aarati, his curious eyes transfixed on the priest”.

These little innocent acts of children are so adorable!

He is a two year old boy. It’s amazing how simple acts of a child can �ll the atmosphere with so much fun and joy.

Just like others I began to spin out threads of analysis like, ‘see how well he has picked up!’, ‘he has an amazing memory’, ‘he has great observation power’ and then followed with ‘we should engage him creatively into lot of activities’, ‘he is so intelligent, we should guide him well’, and on …and on… and on was the meandering �ow of my discussion that went on for half an hour.

We, as adults can tire ourselves just through talking, thinking and building house of cards. Is so much speculation about future really necessary when we are not sure about just the week next? With many years and ages to our credit, I guess we have only learnt to make things complex or should I say complicated. Look at a child over�owing with enthusiasm, but hardly do they get involved in speculations about future as we do.

Children go by instincts: observe, learn and then experiment. Then, pry deeper into what they have learnt.

Simple mind, simple thoughts and simple ways of expression have immense creative potential. Simply because those simple thoughts are not already cast into a shape, pattern or pre-determined and seasoned.

Think of a river; the Ganges born in the lap of mountains gushes, bounces and tumbles down overwhelming the mighty rocks. Rush of the fresh, transparent, and pure water is a spectacle for the world, and the same turns heavy, sloth, turbid and slow through the long way before committing to the sea. Where does the river lose its profound force? Why it �nally has to drag and stagger before concluding the journey? Is it the heaviness of the long journey or is it the elements that its �ow picks up without any discrimination, insight or discretion?

QUOTESStart where you are.Use what you have.Do what you can

-Arthur Ashe

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Thinking is a phenomenon known exclusively to man. Auguste Rodin’s ‘The Thinker’ is a monumental sculpture representing this unique gift to mankind – a mind that can think creatively. Rodin awakens a sense of pride in how wonderful we are! But I am sure that his Thinker does not represent a common man who indulges in such idle thoughts just like my friend.

Most of us believe that by indulging our minds to walk through various alleys of thoughts, we are caressing our minds to relax. In reality, it is nothing but our love for interpreting the world around us based on our own thought processes - the way we have been brought up, the way we have learnt to look at others, to live, socialize and so on. And �nally, we end up being stuck inside a dark well! I am reminded of Swami Vivekananda’s reference of that frog in the well in his speech at Parliament of Religions, at Chicago.

So, what may delight you as ‘Gems of your thoughts’, in reality, maybe just pebbles scattered on the banks of a river.

To produce a Gem, you must pry and investigate, around you and beyond, �y across the Universe and keep assimilating data, and then prepare your mind for a creative tour of Thinking!

Subsequently one day, I analyzed my thoughts while observing my son, Nandan, a two-year old boy.

I spotted him in action: Nandan was holding a �ower between his two �ngers of his right palm as if demonstrating an Abhaya Mudra, his hand slightly lifted in the air. He was swaying the palm in the air in a rhythmic movement. As I walked into the dining room I spotted him engrossed in his actions. I turned towards the kitchen and beckoned his grandmother; two of us stood together, our eyes �xed on him and wondering what he was upto! He felt our presence, looked at us and then with a coyish smile abandoned his actions. Shy, he ran to hide himself behind the sofa. And we burst out laughing!

“Oh, my God! He is imitating the act of Shodasa Upasaaram (worshipping by display of certain specific things) done by the priests standing in front of deities in the temples”, uttered his grandmother and surprised. “Whenever I take him to the temple, he loves watching Abhishekam, and Aarati, his curious eyes transfixed on the priest”.

These little innocent acts of children are so adorable!

He is a two year old boy. It’s amazing how simple acts of a child can �ll the atmosphere with so much fun and joy.

Just like others I began to spin out threads of analysis like, ‘see how well he has picked up!’, ‘he has an amazing memory’, ‘he has great observation power’ and then followed with ‘we should engage him creatively into lot of activities’, ‘he is so intelligent, we should guide him well’, and on …and on… and on was the meandering �ow of my discussion that went on for half an hour.

We, as adults can tire ourselves just through talking, thinking and building house of cards. Is so much speculation about future really necessary when we are not sure about just the week next? With many years and ages to our credit, I guess we have only learnt to make things complex or should I say complicated. Look at a child over�owing with enthusiasm, but hardly do they get involved in speculations about future as we do.

Children go by instincts: observe, learn and then experiment. Then, pry deeper into what they have learnt.

Simple mind, simple thoughts and simple ways of expression have immense creative potential. Simply because those simple thoughts are not already cast into a shape, pattern or pre-determined and seasoned.

Think of a river; the Ganges born in the lap of mountains gushes, bounces and tumbles down overwhelming the mighty rocks. Rush of the fresh, transparent, and pure water is a spectacle for the world, and the same turns heavy, sloth, turbid and slow through the long way before committing to the sea. Where does the river lose its profound force? Why it �nally has to drag and stagger before concluding the journey? Is it the heaviness of the long journey or is it the elements that its �ow picks up without any discrimination, insight or discretion?

Author BioSanchita Chowdhury is working as a Senior Content Writer at AstroVed office in Chennai. In the past 10 years she has worked for other companies as Researcher, Technical/ Content Writer and Consultant for developing content for WebPages, online newsletters, in-house bulletins as well as study material for Spoken English Course / Workshops. Apart from her passion for writing, she loves reading on various subjects and enjoys travelling.

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QUOTES Live as if you

were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were

to live forever. ― Mahatma Gandhi

Child is amazed by Lord Shiva’s statuePhoto by V Saravanan

Winning Entry

Featured Entries:

March 2014


Photo by Dinesh babu

Photo by Dinesh babu

Caption: Nagore Dhargah

Caption: Vailankanni Shrine

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Sesame Oil - A Rejuvenat�

In all authentic texts of Ayurveda, the term “Taila” refers to Oil and wherever Taila is mentioned, it denotes Tila taila; Sesame Oil. Golden colored Sesame oil is derived from extracting the sesame seeds by cold press method. South Indians call it as Gingelly oil and use it as cooking oil to impart taste and peculiar �avor, but in other Asian countries like China, Korea and Japan, it is used as a �avoring agent. Ayurveda recommends use of Sesame oil for body massage, head massage and to treat various disorders of Vata such as stress, depression, arthritis and other bone and joint disorders.

Each tsp of sesame oil contains 40 calories, derived from fat, but it holds 0 % of cholesterol and carbohydrates. Instead of heart blocking cholesterol, it contains 38.9 mg of phytosterol, which can reduce the risk of heart block by lowering blood cholesterol. Phytosterol is a kind of fat synthesized by plants, whereas animal products like meat and dairy products contains fat known as ‘cholesterol’, which increases the chance of arterial blocks.

Sesame oil prevents high cholesterol Sesame oil is a rich source of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, which are necessary for visual and brain development in infants. It can

lower blood pressure and reduce in�ammation in any part of the body including joints and blood vessels. Sesame oil prevents absorption of dietary cholesterol from gut into the body; thereby controls blood cholesterol level. As it contains antioxidants and has the ability of free radical scavenging, it helps in preventing ageing process and preserves youthful appearance. It is widely used in the preparation of Ayurvedic body massage oils, due to its fast penetrating, anti-in�ammatory and analgesic properties. If applied over the skin, it gets absorbed into the skin deeply and serves as a natural moisturizing agent in controlling skin dryness during winter. It cleanses the wound and relieves burning sensation in skin ulcers. It improves hair growth and makes the hair shiny and black, when applied regularly over the head.

How to use?

Add 1 tsp, approximately 4 gms of Sesame oil in your diet every day. This practice will increase appetite and gently eliminate waste materials from the body. It lowers blood cholesterol and keeps the heart healthy. It penetrates deep in to minute channels. It helps in absorption of Vitamins A, E, D and K from diet. It maintains viscosity of joint �uids and provides lubrication to the joints. Sesame oil is an excellent aphrodisiac and a rejuvenator that keeps the body strong, healthy and young.

Dr. Kavitha Barath

Dr. Kavitha Barath

Dr. Kavitha Barath B.A.M.S. serves as Manager, Quality Control Department with Vopec Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. She graduated from Dr. MGR Medical University with an excellent academic track record.

She has profound knowledge and experience in Ayurveda and Panchakarma Therapy, and has effectively treated various diseases during her tenure with Ayush Therapy Centre, Chennai. She is also an expert counselor in alleviating disease.

During her professional career Dr. Barath has successfully treated many cases of Inter-vertebral disc prolapse, Sciatica, Arthritis and Psychological disorders.

Author Bio

To know more about herbs, please log on to www.vopecpharma.com.

Sesame Oil - A Rejuvenat�

www.vopecpharma.comQUOTESYou can never

cross the ocean until you have the courage

to lose sight of the shore.

-Christopher Columbus

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From My Heart

Shiv shankar

I have read many stories and factual experiences of people explicating the

Divine power of Saibaba, since my childhood. It taught me that Saibaba always

sends his blessings in the form of Sacred Ash to people who were in distress. I

wondered how Saibaba realizes the troubles of his devotees immediately and

sends his blessings through some messengers at the appropriate moment.

Then, few years back, when I was running my own business, one of my

customers told that he used to regularly visit Shirdi Saibaba temple. Frequent

interactions with him regarding Saibaba and his power increased my urge and

devotion towards Saibaba. Then, I remembered some of the stories I read during

my childhood that how people who were suffering got relieved with the aid of the

sacred ash obtained from Saibaba temple. Later, I become a pious follower of

Saibaba. One day, my customer gave me a bunch of sacred ash packets got

from Shirdi Saibaba temple. The best part of it was whenever these sacred ash

bundles where emptied at my home, I immediately got new bundles either from

him or someone else without asking for it. There are numerous occasions, where

I got new bundles on the same day it got emptied. Once, when there was a

sacred ash pack remaining with me, my friend gave me another packet of sacred

ash. When I told him that I already have one at home, he told me that it might be

useful for me at some other occasion.

As life had its twists and turns, I moved to Chennai later. Nowadays, even

though I am following and worshipping Saibaba, I had completely forgotten

about the sacred ash packets. Recently, my friend’s sister was diagnosed with

bone marrow cancer. My friend’s family could not bear the pain she was

suffering every day. I felt that somehow I should help her and family at this time

of distress. Money is not a constraint for them. So, I was thinking how I could

help them. I advised them to visit a Saibaba temple and offer prayers to the God.

I also started praying for her. Suddenly, the Sacred Ash I received from my friend

crept in my thoughts. I searched all through my house and �nally found it. I felt

happy as if I got millions of dollars. My inner conscious told that this sacred ash

would help the girl and her family to get rid of their pain and suffering.

I immediately called my friend and couriered the Sacred Ash packets to their

place. After a fortnight, my friend called me and informed that now her sister is

responding well to the medical treatment. She thanked me a lot for sending the

sacred ash. I replied that it is Sai baba who had sent the sacred ash and I just

played the role of Messenger.

The stories I have read earlier explained that when Saibaba was alive, he

understood the troubles suffered by his devotees by himself and sent his

blessings in the form of sacred ash. Today, many years after his death, Saibaba

manifested his presence by sending the sacred ash to his devotees at the right

moment to relieve their pain.

A native of Chennai, Shiv shankar moved to Hyderabad in his teens to enhance his knowledge and skills. He is deeply interested in philosophy and video creation. He was running his own business for several years. Later, he joined AstroVed.com due to his expertise in video creation and interest in spirituality. He enjoys travelling very much.

Author Bio


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“Aham Vaishvanaro Bhutva Praninaam Dehamaashritaha.... "

Complex Questions, Simple AnswersComplex Questions, Simple Answers

Purnima Coontoor's career as a Mass Media professional spanning 30 years has allowed her to dabble in all genres of journalism including TV, Films, Advertising, Print and New Media. She values her stint as a teacher of journalism to undergrads in a premier college in Bangalore as among her most interesting and memorable assignments. Lately she has settled for freelance writing, editing and translation. Purnima is grateful for her career which has given her a taste of the market place and taken her to the monastery too.

Author Bio

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Purnima Coontoor

"The light of the Sun that illumines the whole world, as also that of the Moon and even fire - all this light is Mine. Pervading this world, I animate all beings with My energy; and becoming the sap, I nourish all plants. It is I again as the Vaiswanara fire, who entering the body of living beings digests, in association with breath, the four kinds of food. I reside in the hearts of all; from Me proceed the faculties of memory, wisdom and discrimination; it is I who am to be known in all the Vedas; it is I who am the Author of Vedanta and the Knower of the Vedas as well....”

The young boy listened with rapt attention, as his father recited these lofty verses from Chapter 15 of the Bhagavadgita- the Purushottama Yoga- in which Lord Krishna describes His own glory. As the splendour of the Lord was revealed verse after verse, the boy blurted, “Lord Krishna seems to be an arrogant God. He is singing His own praises so shamelessly!". Shocked at �rst and livid with anger at this 'blasphemous' utterance, the boy’s father caught him by the scruff of his neck and dragged him out of the house to give him sound a beating and tongue-lashing. "Do you know what you have uttered?” he screamed, “Do you know it is a sin to talk against the Lord? There is no pardon for such a sin, you fool..."

Just then, Guru Shri Raghavendra, the 17th century saint of South India passed by this scene with his disciples. He stopped the man and learnt what transpired. The Saint then gently drew the boy to him and told the man: "This is not the way to explain things to an innocent child. Henceforth I will take the responsibility of teaching the scriptures to your son", and took him to his ashram.

The boy spent many fruitful days serving his Guru. One �ne day, Shri Raghavendra asked the boy, "Can you see that stone in the middle of this path blocking the way? Can you move it aside?” The boy immediately lifted the stone and threw it away towards the bushes. Asked the Saint, "So, you were able to lift the stone?"

"Yes, Gurudeva. Very easily".

“Was it difficult for you to throw it away?”

“Not at all. I am young and strong. I was able to do it with great ease”.

"Is that a statement of fact or are you displaying your arrogance by saying so?"

"No Gurudeva- I am not boasting about my abilities- I am simply stating a fact. I could lift that stone effortlessly".

Shri Raghavendra smiled. "This is exactly what Lord Krishna does in the Bhagavad Gita" he said and continued, "He is only stating the truth of His mighty powers as a matter of fact for the benefit of mankind. Now, do you still think Lord Krishna is arrogant?"

The scriptures are said to have been revealed to our seers and sages lost in Tapasya in a state of heightened consciousness. As such, it requires a certain degree of heightened consciousness on our part as well to understand them. But, like this innocent boy, many of us are often guilty of interpreting the scriptures according to our own level of knowledge and evolution, not with innocence but arrogance. Such intellectual exercise is counterproductive and dangerous; this has spawned a number of ‘bhashyas’ or modern interpretations of ancient scriptures that serve to erode the faith of man in his scriptural role models. It requires a higher mind to demystify the mystical for us mortals; hence, it is only the wisdom of realized souls like Shri Raghavendra that can simplify the complex and throw light on the mysteries of the Universe. When we, the seekers, become humble Arjunas and surrender to the Supreme, devoid of ego and eager to learn, such souls are sure to cross our path and lead us from delusion into illumination.

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Marital problems have become quite common nowadays. The following aspects contribute to the root cause for these problems.

Lack of financial freedom, imposing financial burden Differences in idea in disciplining children Infidelity and disharmony in marriage Unable to spend quality with the partner Disproportionate household responsibilities Irritating habits of the spouse More expectations from the partner Troubles caused by friends.

This is not a new thing. It has happened between even Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi. Once, there was debate between Shiva and Parvathi as to who was more charming. They sought the opinion of Vishnu, who in turn asked Brahma to play the Judge. Brahma rolled a dharba grass [King of Grass descended from heaven] and threw it. He said that an answer would be available wherever the grass fell. The grass fell in one place and it is called as Thirupungaur [Name of the Village] and it became Pancha Lingam [manifestation of Shiva in five primary elements like Earth/Water/Fire/Space/Wind in the world]. When Shiva and Parvathi came here, Shiva looked very handsome to Parvathi and Parvathi looked very beautiful to Shiva. Their dispute was thus amicably resolved. It is believed that marital problems will be solved by offering prayers at this temple. Separated spouses will be reunited after visiting the temple.

Remedies for Disharmony in Relationship


This temple also has some more special features. There was one Shiva devotee called Nandhanar. He was not allowed to have dharshan at Chidambaram, as he was born in a lower caste. However, one fine day, the landlord of Nandanar told that his wish would be fulfilled if he is able to achieve the impossible task of tilling all the forty acres of the paddy field overnight.

Disappointed Nandhanar prayed to Lord Shiva to grant him the wish of visiting Chidambaram. The next morning, the Landlord and Nandanar were both astonished to see that all the forty acres of the field had been ploughed. The landlord immediately realized his folly and prostrated before Nandanar and pleaded forgiveness. Nandanar set out to Chidambaram and on the way he stopped at Thirupungur to have a darshan of the Lord. Nandanar was not able to have the dharshan, as Nandi – [Bull- the mount of lord Shiva] was blocking his view. He started singing in praise of Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva wanted to know who the devotee was. The Gatekeepers [Dwarapalakas] of the temple informed Him that it was Nandanar. Immediately, Lord asked the Bull [Nandi] to move aside to facilitate Him to have a clear view of Nandanar.

We can see the Bull [Nandi] at this temple is shifted to a side. Also, the Bull [Nandi] is not hanging out the tongue as is usually the


We can also see the Gatekeepers [Dwarapalakas] craning their necks as if to see in the direction of the entrance.

The following are the key astrological factors for marital disharmony:

•Debilitated Venus in the chart•Mars , Saturn or Sun occupying the 7th house in the chart•Poor compatibility score between the charts•Current major /minor period lord extending influence from the 6th and 10th house•Occupation of Rahu /Kethu in the 1st, 2nd /7th and 8th house.

D. Kumar is a Post graduate in four disciplines namely Psychology, Counseling and Psychotherapy, Public Administration and Astrology. He has also done various Post graduate diplomas such as Human Resources Development, Guidance and Counseling. He has done a law graduation and obtained B.A.L. Degree. He is also a classical musician

He has worked as an of�cer under Tamil Nadu Government and took Voluntary retirement. Subsequently he served as a HR Manager for a Public Ltd. Company under Textiles and Garments Sector. Now, he is engaged with AstroVed as Assistant Manager [Research] in the Astrology Department.

Author Bio

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QUOTESSuccess consists

of going from failure to failure without

loss of enthusiasm. - Muhammad Ali

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Rules do not make Ram Dr. Devdutt Pattanaik

If there were no rules, would we be corrupt? Do rules make us corrupt? After all, only when there are rules can rules be broken or bent. Only when there are rules, do we have need for regulators and courts and auditors to keep watch over society. What would the world be without rules? The world without rules is the jungle – where might is right and only the fit survive. Humans made rules so that the meek can also inherit the earth, so that even the unfit can thrive. That is why rules exist. That is how human society came into being.

Both Ramayana and Mahabharata are about human society and about rules. In the Ramayana, Ram follows the rules but in the Mahabharata, Krishna breaks the rules. We are told both are righteous. Both uphold dharma. Both are forms of God. Both fight corruption. How can that be?

In the Ramayana, the villain breaks rules. Neither Surpanaka nor Ravan respect the laws of marriage. Surpanaka uses force to get rid of competition and get herself a desirable mate. Ravan uses cunning to steal another man’s only wife, despite having many of his own. In contrast, in the Mahabharata, the villain does not break a single rule. No one – neither Bhisma nor Drona nor Karna nor the Pandavas – cry foul when a woman is dragged and disrobed in public, as technically Duryodhan has not broken a single rule in the gambling hall. A rule-following Ram can combat a rule-breaking Ravan. But would he succeed against a rule-following villain like Duryodhan? That is why even God had to change his avatar, and become Krishna, who bends the laws of nature, and gets cloth to materialize to rescue Draupadi from her shame.

Corruption is not about breaking the rules: corruption is about rejecting our human side, embracing our animal side, and reserving resources for the mighty and dominating the meek. Corruption is about becoming the territorial alpha male who excludes competition and includes no one except those who surrender to him.

In India, every politician follows the rules, and every bureaucrat follows the rules, and every judge follows the rules. There are many rules to follow! Despite this, land is grabbed but no one is arrested or punished. Riots take place, hundreds are killed but despite enquiry commissions, no one is convicted. Rapes take place, but rapists are released on technicalities. There are never enough witnesses and not enough evidence. Even a terrorist who murders people in front of rolling cameras remains an ‘alleged’ criminal, and perhaps a political pawn, for months and years.

So the rage of the common man is understandable. So the outrage when Anna (Social activist Anna Hazare) is put in jail is understandable. The Government (In India) seems to be full of Bhismas and Dronas and Karnas and Pandavas – all rules are being followed while India is being disrobed. Expression of outrage gets you to Tihar jail.

Within Tihar jail, you find criminals: ‘alleged’ criminals as far as the court is concerned. These are high profile politicians who have broken the law: small fish, who everyone knows, will in time, is honorably discharged because there will not be any evidence and not enough witnesses and because our complex laws can be read in myriad ways by brilliant lawyers.

In this scenario, Lokpal bill (Legal representative bill for people in India) is yet another set of laws and rules and auditors hoping to cleanse the country. Will it really stop Ravans? Or will it create many smarter Duryodhans? Will it create Rams or will it hinder Krishnas?

The point is not about the absence of suitable laws; it is about the absence of integrity. Let us not forget, we have the best Constitution in the world. This has been changed over 80 times in the past 60 years! What does it say about us?

Every person who follows the rule, imagines himself to be Ram, but his enemies see him as Duryodhan. Everybody who breaks the rules, imagines himself to be Krishna, but his enemies see him as Ravan. For the Government, Team Anna is a rule-breaker while for Team Anna, the Government is the rule-breaker. Team Anna imagines itself as rule-keeper and so does the Government. Who is being objective, I wonder?

The courts can only tell us if rules are broken or not broken. But the question today is about intent. Intent is invisible, intangible and subjective. Yes, as humans we may have moved out of the jungle but clearly the jungle has not moved out of humans. That is why our streets and jails and governments are full of stubborn alpha-males, each one smug and self-righteous and highly territorial wanting to dominate the other. Stripped and abused, India weeps in the gambling hall, while her adults point fingers at each other like children in a playground.

(Reprinted from Devdutt.com with the permission of the author)

Dr. Devdutt Pattanaik writes and lectures extensively on the relevance of mythology in matters related to leadership, entrepreneurship, branding, management and governance. His columns on management and culture appear in Economic Times, while his shows are popular on CNBC and CNBC Awaaz.

He has written over 25 books and 400 articles on mythology for people of all age groups.

Author Bio

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Over 275 participants in Mumbai were initiated into abundance consciousness by Dr. Pillai at Yogi Sabha Gruh, Dadar (East) on Saturday, March 8th, 2014.

It was a full hall, and many people even traveled from outside Mumbai to be a part of this event, and receive the techniques to acquire the neurology of a Crorepati (Millionaire).

The highlight of the Seminar was when Dr. Pillai showed a video clip that showcased people receiving miraculous healings during Dr. Pillai’s 2014 Birthday Trip in Rameshwaram.

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“I joined the International Society for Krishna Consciousness at New York in 1966. I read the whole Bhagavad Gita and understood that the Bhakti Yoga is the highest form of worship!” said Umapathi Swamiji. Chinese devotees from Taiwan were in his room, when we were talking with him. An American by birth and a sound recording engineer by profession, Umapathi Swami was attracted to the movement when Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada visited New York in the late sixties, at the age of 69. “I was deeply interested in knowing the meaning of the mantra ‘Hare Rama-Hare Krishna’. Even the youngsters were eager to utter this mantra and I found that this was the most intelligent way to practice bhakti yoga!” smiled the Swamiji, who is steeped in Hindu Vedanta and philosophy.

Mayapur, the Enchanting Land of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

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CharukesiPhotos by: Yoga

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A native of Chennai, Shiv shankar moved to Hyderabad in his teens to enhance his knowledge and skills. He is deeply interested in philosophy and video creation. He was running his own business for several years. Later, he joined AstroVed.com due to his expertise in video creation and interest in spirituality. He enjoys travelling very much.

When Prabhupada Swami visited the U.S., he spent a few months with him. He was fascinated by the way the Swami explained the meaning of Gita in a simple way. He learnt that it was not necessary for one to leave the mundane world and go to the forest to become a sanyasi to attain spiritual perfection. “You can be with your family and yet continue to make spiritual progress. As a monk in ISKCON, you can attain the same consciousness, just like Arjuna in Bhagavatam. I learnt that everything the Swami spoke was based on scriptures. We are all followers of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who is an incarnation of Krishna himself. He wanted to show the passion of devotion. Devotion to Krishna is so full of pleasure that even Krishna wanted to practice it”, said the Swamiji.

Mayapur is in West Bengal(India) and the nearest railway station is Navadwip Dham on the Howrah-Malda route, around 120 kms away from Kolkata and the Inter-City Express connects the holy town in about two and a half hours’ journey. From the station, you can get a cycle rickshaw to take you to the river Ganga and from there, after a ten-minute boat ride, you reach the town Mayapur. You hire a cycle rikshaw again and you can land in the sprawling ISKCON headquarters, in 5 to 7 minutes. You can also reach this place from Kolkata by road by car, too, if you want to avoid crossing the river Ganga, but then you miss the thrill of a boat ride.

Why was Mayapur chosen as the international headquarters?

“This is the birth place of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. He lived around �ve hundred years ago”, said the young Swami Vrajanath Das, who hails from the family of carpenters in down south, Vellore, Tamilnadu. Vrajanath had only his earlier schooling in his hometown, but learnt Sanskrit, English, Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita, only after joining ISKCON at Mayapur. He never misses to recite the Gayatri mantra.

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s birth place:

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s birth place now looks like a temple with the pushkarani and a lot of blackish-green Tulsi plants all around. The neem tree under which he was born is still being maintained. In the past hundred years or so the reputation of Mayapur and appreciation of Lord Chaitanya’s teachings have grown steadily. Lord Chaitanya’s birthplace and home of his early pastimes in Mayapur have immense signi�cance for devotees – Hindus, scholars and spiritually minded people throughout the world. In 1890, Srila Bhaktivinode foresaw that Lord Chaitanya’s message was not to be limited to India. He predicted, “A day will come when the fortunate Russians, Prussians, English, French, Americans and all other nations come together in Sri Mayapur under the banner of Sri Chaitanya and raise kirtan throughout the land of Nadia!” True enough, there are devotees from nearly seventy countries residing here. Close to this monument is Advaita Bhavan and adjacent to it is Ghadadar Bhavan.

There is also a temple for Puri Jagannath and unlike the deities in Puri, where they are changed once in twelve years, the main deities here have not been changed from the time the temple was constructed.


Harinama-Sankirtan or the congregational chanting of God’s holy name and the distribution of this

name to others is the only process of spiritual deliverance and pure happiness in this age as is

described in the Vedic scriptures. To inundate the world with the chanting of the holy name of the Lord,

and to glorify Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who established this process, Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta

Swami Prabhupada instructed that akhanda or non-stop Harinama should be performed in Sri

Mayapur. Accordingly, the holy names of the Lord are sung 24 hours a day at bhajan kutir. During the

day, there are various Harinama groups singing and dancing throughout the campus and surrounding

villages for the pleasure of the Lord. Visitors often participate in these singing-and-dancing groups.

“The musical notes are sa, ri, ga, ma, pa, dha and ni. All these vibrations are originally called

sabda-brahma or spiritual sound”, Srila Prabhupada had once said.

(To be continued in the next issue)

Charukesi is a freelance journalist based in Chennai. He has served a multinational pharma company in various capacities, in different locations. He has translated books of Sudha Murty, Gurcharan Das, Devdutt Patnaik, R. Gopalakrishnan, R. Kannan, Peter Gonsalves and other writers into Tamil. He has won prizes for his short stories in competitions held by Tamil periodicals Kalki, Kumudam and Kanayazhi. Author of over a score of books on self-improvement, biography and travelogue, Charukesi has been writing for Economic Times Town Talk column on Sundays a decade ago. Currently, he writes articles and music & book reviews in The Hindu’s Friday Review column.

Author Bio

QUOTESDon’t wait.

The time will never be just right.

-Napoleon Hill

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SatVidhya is a very informative magazine and it keeps us up-to-date with the current spiritual happenings. In the last article, section about cow, how to connect with Sun & Moon and the story of Shiv Shankar was so heart warming. Keep up the awesome work.

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The Liver Article in this magazine has many useful tips.

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The E-Magazine SATVIDHYA brings you a clean, well explained and focused way to know about nature, God, Astrology etc. The general info about temples, health and Time are very useful for me. The powerful topic "Is God A Woman" is well explained. All the editions of the Magazine are excellent.


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From YouTube

Dr. Baskaran Pillai, Founder, AstroVed

Depression is not an uncommon experience. Many people experience depression from time to time over a brief spell, while some have acute bouts of the unhappy feeling.

Depression is caused in people who feel that they are deprived of freedom in action. If we want to do something, but are unable to do it either because of innate inability or because someone else thwarts us, then we are overcome by depression.

What can we do to get out of depression?

I was reading the work of a Yogi and what he had to say about depression touched me deeply. He asked, “Why are you running all the time outward in order to be happy? Happiness is within you. You can be incredibly happy regardless of what happens outside”.

To achieve this peace of mind, he suggested: “Go to a place of transcendence. Sit quietly. Still the mind! Don’t worry about the external atmosphere. Create your own environment. Think that everything is beautiful. And see how you become one with yourself. Everything else becomes trivial”.

Don’t allow yourself to be a victim of temptations. Cultivate your own needs, have your own aspirations and follow your own dreams. Think that you are your own master and do not allow yourself to be swayed by others. Let, no one dominate over you. Think that you are the master of your own destiny. You are what you are – that is, if you decide that you will be happy, you can be happy. On the other hand, if you steep yourself in misery, that is where you will wallow eternally.

Free yourself and take a grip on you and you will be happy. As you remain happy, you will gain new strength and new vigour and you will get on with your life.

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Solution forDepression


(14 April 2014 - 13 April 2015)

