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April 28, 2019 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY · 4/28/2019  · APRIL 28, 2019 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY 2 PARISH...

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Page 1: April 28, 2019 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY · 4/28/2019  · APRIL 28, 2019 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY 2 PARISH CALENDAR & MASS INTENTIONS DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY SUN. 28 Divine Mercy Sunday 8:00 a.m.


Page 2: April 28, 2019 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY · 4/28/2019  · APRIL 28, 2019 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY 2 PARISH CALENDAR & MASS INTENTIONS DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY SUN. 28 Divine Mercy Sunday 8:00 a.m.




SUN. 28 Divine Mercy Sunday

8:00 a.m. Mass (Adam Thomas) CH 10:00 a.m. Mass (L/D members of Knights CH of Columbus) 11:15am-12:30pm CCD-Grades K-5 AH 12:15 p.m. Spanish Mass (Poor Souls in Purgatory) CH 2:45 p.m. Divine Mercy Devotions CH 5:15-7:30 p.m. Confirmation Class AH MON. 29 St. Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor of the Church 7:40 a.m. Morning Prayer CH

8:00 a.m. Mass (Harry Metzger) CH 1:00 p.m. Parish Staff Meeting RD 5:30 p.m. 150th Anny Events Mtg. AH 6:30 p.m. 150th Anny Steering Comm. Mtg. AH 6:30 p.m. RCIA TUES. 30 St. Pius V, Pope 7:40 a.m. Morning Prayer CH

8:00 a.m. Mass (Dick Shirey) CH 6:30 p.m. Finance Council AH WED. 1 St. Joseph the Worker 7:40 a.m. Morning Prayer CH

8:00 a.m. Mass (Joan Couch) CH School Children attend Mass 6:30 p.m. Liturgy Committee Mtg. RD 6:30 p.m. Maintenance Committee Mtg. AH THURS. 2 No morning Mass 6:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal CH FRI. 3 Sts. Philip and James, Apostles 7:40 a.m. Morning Prayer CH

8:00 a.m. Mass (Ray Stoecklein) CH 11:30 a.m. Oblates AH SAT. 4

8:00 a.m. Mass (Geromeo Yuhico) CH 1st Communion Practice 8:30 a.m. Centering Prayer and Contemplative Prayer Group following Mass AH 9:00 a.m. Church Cleaning 3:00-4:00 p.m. Confessions CH 4:30 p.m. Mass (Welfare of Dena Staggs) CH SUN. 5 Third Sunday of Easter 8:00 a.m. Mass (L/D Members of George CH and Mary McGraw families) 10:00 a.m. Mass (St. Lawrence Parish) CH 1st Communion

12:15 p.m. Spanish Mass (Roberta Kluth) CH 5-6:30 p.m. Middle School Youth Group AH

CH-church; RD-Rectory Dining; AH-St.Agnes Hall; RL-Rectory Living Room

Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Lawrence:

This Sunday, the word “Peace” stands out. I can’t

imagine that that was the first word the apostles

expected to hear from Jesus, but His greeting to them

was “Peace be with you.” It was not only His first

greeting, but He repeated it – “Peace be with you!”

When Jesus appeared the second time, they were still

locked inside the room and His greeting to them was

again “Peace be with you.”

As they weren’t expecting to see Him, they could

never have imagined that they would be greeted so

warmly. That must have been a double shock – first

that he appeared, secondly, that He greeted them with


The disciples had all abandoned Him, except

John. Peter had denied that he had connection with

Jesus and no knowledge of Him. So, they were not

proud of their own behavior.

For the most part, with the coming of the Holy

Spirit, fear faded from their lives. I imagine that

whenever it began to creep in, they saw the image of

Jesus before them, again greeting them, “Peace be

with you.”

Can we imagine Him, even in our worst moments,

greeting us – “peace be with you?” Can we imagine

Him speaking to us when we are really agitated or

irritated or just in a foul mood – “Peace be with you.”

Even when the apostles had abandoned Him, He

came and comforted them, “Peace be with you.” Let

Him do the same for you.

In almost all of his letters, Paul greets us, “Grace

to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord

Jesus Christ.” (1 Cor.1:3). It was this peace that he

received from Christ that he passes on to us. Let us

receive it and pass it on to others: “Peace be with

you! Christ is Risen.”

Fr Dave

Page 3: April 28, 2019 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY · 4/28/2019  · APRIL 28, 2019 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY 2 PARISH CALENDAR & MASS INTENTIONS DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY SUN. 28 Divine Mercy Sunday 8:00 a.m.

St. Lawrence Catholic Church http://www.stlawrencemuncie.com


TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — A large number of people gathered,

bringing the sick, and all were cured (Acts 5:12-16).

Psalm — Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love

is everlasting (Psalm 118).

Second Reading — Do not be afraid. I am the first and the

last, the one who lives (Revelation 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19).

Gospel — The risen Christ comes to his disciples with

peace and the Spirit. The absent Thomas doubts

(John 20:19-31). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997,

International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 4:23-31-37; Ps 2:1-4, 7-9; Jn 3:1-8

Tuesday: Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15

Wednesday: Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9; Jn 3:16-21 or

(for the memorial) Gn 1:26 — 2:3 or

Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24;

Ps 90:2-4, 12-14, 16; Mt 13:54-58

Thursday: Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36

Friday: 1 Cor 15:1-8; Ps 19:2-5; Jn 14:6-14

Saturday: Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21

Sunday: Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13;

Rev 5:11-14; Jn 21:1-19 [1-14]

Pray for Priests & Seminarians

Sun. Fr. Andy DeKeyser Dcn. Mike Mescall

Mon. Fr. James DeOreo Dcn. Mark Miller

Tues. Fr. Brian Doerr Dcn. Steve Miller

Wed. Fr. Richard Doerr Dcn. Sean Aaron

Thurs. Fr. A. Dudzinski Michael Block

Fri. Fr. Brian Dudzinski Jordan Boone

Sat. Fr. Ted Dudzinski Jason Diebolt


Please remember the following parishioners in your prayers this week: Beth Kaiser, Sonja Bickey, Larry Tricker, Isaiah Greiner, Dan Wade, Joe Morgan, Dale Goth, David Traub, JoAnn Brown, Miriam Walker, Adam Pence, Alex Pence, Anthony Pence, Joseph Jenkinson, Clara Persinger, Martha Jean McIntosh, Dorothy Duncan, Linda Goth, Pete Whitcomb, Betty Wright, Beverly Dalton, Shirley Jordan, Kameron Kadinger, Joe Duncan, Shirley Phillips, John Persinger, Dick and Lucille Kanney, Pat Daunt, John Haack, Sharon Newton, Larry Rigel, Ronald Macken, Joyce Doyle, Marie Rhorer, Bob Bering, for the family of Alex and Kim Flores, Cristina Jones, Stacey Vencel, Joshua Cole, Richard Biehl, Clifford Tweedy, Rod Clements, Ed Kratochvil, Mary Hadley, Noah Cross, Raymond Gaff, Betty Anderson, Judy Cool Beaty, Stephanie Echelbarger, Pat Savage, Mary Kerrigan, Roni Johnson, William Berger, Tia Lindsey, Dixie Lindsey, Jim Shaw, Harry Seffrin, David Duke, Charles Hiatt.

PRAYER CHAIN Please call Joan McKinley 716-7073 for the St.

Lawrence Church Prayer Chain request.

Holy Father’s Prayer Intention for May

Dear Lord Jesus, During this Easter season, we pray

for evangelization in Africa: May the Church in

Africa, through the commitment of its members, be the

seed of unity among her peoples and a sign of hope for

this continent.

Weekend of April 21, 2019

St. Lawrence Parish ………………… $9,315.08

School Support…………………………$ 460.00

Children’s Envelopes ………………… $ 100.00

Deacon’s Food Pantry ………………… $ 178.58

Fuel Fund …………………………….. $ 0.00

Pontifical Good Friday Collection…… $1,067.25

RICE BOWLS – may be returned to the Parish Office or

placed in the collection boxes. There are two receptacles

up front—one by the Blessed Mother’s altar and one on

the St. Joseph’s side. Thank you to everyone who

participated in this almsgiving as a part of Lent. The monies collected will go to feed the hungry in the



Please consider online giving. Go to

www.osvonlinegiving.com/4289 or call the Business

Office at St. Lawrence 765-288-9223, Ext. 22. We will

help you work through the process in no time!

Please pray for those serving our country in the military – especially: Davis Brown, William Cox, Jared Hargis, Kyle Jones, Kyle & Leandra

Long, Jon Powell, Stephen Smith, Kyle Stewart, Christopher Tolmachoff, Payden Schug, and Matt Johns.

Memorial Flowers Would you like to honor the memory of a loved one, special intentions, and anniversaries with a special flower arrangement that will help adorn the church? Normandy Flower Shop, Inc. has graciously agreed to offer Memorial Flowers for $25.00. Call the Rectory at 288-9223, to make the arrangements.

Page 4: April 28, 2019 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY · 4/28/2019  · APRIL 28, 2019 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY 2 PARISH CALENDAR & MASS INTENTIONS DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY SUN. 28 Divine Mercy Sunday 8:00 a.m.




(Sue Wilhelm)

Kelsi Auker and Ali Theiring will lead the Children’s

Liturgy at the 10:00am Mass. This will likely be the

last for this season as the students depart for the

summer. We will resume the Children’s Liturgy in

the fall when the Ball State students return.

I am a member of the Household of God. God is head

of my household.

In the Psalms we read that the Lord is gracious and

merciful, slow to anger and abounding in kindness

This week’s Sunday Liturgy is known as Mercy Sunday

celebrating God’s compassionate love for us in our short

comings. In the Gospel Jesus invites each of us to

consider both giving and receiving mercy and

forgiveness. In our Households there are times when

impatience, unkindness, arguments and self-centeredness

can prevent Peace from entering our hearts and home.

Jesus says to his Apostles, “Whose sins you forgive are

forgiven. Whose sins you retain are retained.” While we

acknowledge the institution of the Sacrament of

Reconciliation through these words, there is also the

invitation to each of us to forgive. When we forgive we

are freed from the burden of carrying another’s

shortcomings. When we retain their sin by not forgiving,

it is we who are burdened. Is there someone within your

household you are invited to forgive? It is not about

them saying “I’m sorry. ” It’s about our forgiving. It

may also be about our calming down to understand how

to love the other responsibly and allowing God to form

our household into one of Mercy and kindness. Pray this

week for a heart open to such grace. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Centering Prayer All are welcome for Centering Prayer

practiced in community every Saturday after 8:00am

Mass at St. Agnes. The intention of Centering Prayer is

consent (or surrender) to God’s presence and action

within. This silent prayer practice is open to everyone.

Sue Wilhelm usually facilitates the practice.

The next Contemplative Group study will be May 4th

after Centering Prayer. The topic will be “The Cloud of



Please consider and discern, if you might be called to

be part of the CCD team or the RCIA team. It would be

ideal to have two teachers for every grade level. And,

there are many ways to assist with RCIA. There will be

opportunities for formation in both of these programs as

well as other opportunities to share in the formation of

small groups, deepening our understanding of our

Catholic tradition and practice as well as retreats we hope

to have in the coming year. Please pray about your

(continued in next column)


involvement and to what the Holy Spirit may be

inviting you. Call Sue at the church office for more

conversation and information. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Adult Liturgical Ministers (Ushers, Communion

Distributors, Readers, Greeters, Choir members) Please

mark your calendar for the Retreat we are offering June

9th. The purpose of this retreat is to help you deepen your

relationship with Christ as you minister to and as the

Body of Christ. This important formation will also assist

in deepening your understanding of Liturgy and your

place as ministers within Liturgy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Our next class will be on Monday, April 29 at 6:30 p.m. in St. Agnes Hall. .

The next opportunity for Adoration will be

Sunday, May 19 after the 10:00 a.m. Mass until Evening Devotions at 7:00 p.m. If you are interested in joining our ministry, please contact Marilyn Sherrill at 765-396-3583 or 765-744-4086.

Hearts of Hope Ministry This Ministry meets on a regular basis—once a month in St. Agnes Hall. Time: 3:30-5:00 p.m. or 6:30-8:00 p.m. Our next meeting will be May 28. All are welcome who have lost a loved one or anticipate the loss of a loved one. Join us! If you have any questions, contact Deb Saxon at 765-760-4800.


Footprints Sewing Group will be meeting

May 9 and May 23 in St. Agnes Hall at

9:30 a.m. We invite you to join this

group of lovely, hard working ladies.

For more information contact Carmen

Simmons 765-808-1917 or Jayne Waechter 765-288-

8920. ------------------------------------------------------------------


This group will meet again on Wednesday, May 15,

at 2:30 p.m. in St. Agnes Hall. We will conclude

our study of part one of The Gospel According to

Luke. We will not meet in June or July, but will

convene again in August with part two of The

Gospel According to Luke. If you would like to join

this group in August, please contact Jeanette at the

Parish Office so a sufficient number of books can be


Page 5: April 28, 2019 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY · 4/28/2019  · APRIL 28, 2019 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY 2 PARISH CALENDAR & MASS INTENTIONS DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY SUN. 28 Divine Mercy Sunday 8:00 a.m.

St. Lawrence Catholic Church http://www.stlawrencemuncie.com


Saint Lawrence

Catholic School


765.282.9353 Rob Frey, Principal: [email protected]

Our mission is to provide a Catholic Christ-centered

education through an atmosphere of love and

compassion for all students.

Wednesday, May 1 – Mass at church. Our school has enrolled several new students in recent weeks that will begin school in the fall. It appears that our 2019-2020 Kindergarten class will be full before long. If you have an interest in applying for admission to our school, please contact Rob Frey soon. Open Position: Food Service Coordinator Saint Lawrence Catholic School is seeking a Food

Service Coordinator (FSC) for the 2019-2020 school

year. This is a paid position that typically requires

12-13 hours per week.

The FSC is NOT required to cook meals or

generate the menu. Our school serves meals

prepared by Chartwells.

The FSC’s primary duties include retrieving meals

from Muncie Central High School and working

with volunteers to serve meals to our students.

Other duties include maintaining accurate

records and complying with food service

regulations. Basic computer skills are required.

Our long-time FSC, Karen Albertson, is willing to

train the new FSC and assist them as they learn

the job.

Interested parties should contact Rob Frey,

principal, at 765.282.9353.



CCD CLASSES for grades K thru 5 will meet this Sunday, April 28 from 11:15am-12:30pm in St. Agnes Hall. If you have any questions, contact Sheila Henry at 765-729-1229.

CONFIRMATION CLASS – Our next class is this Sunday, April 28, from 5:15 p.m.-7:30 p.m. in St. Agnes Hall. Contact Jason for additional information at [email protected]. MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP (MSYG) Our next meeting/get-together will be Sunday, May 5 from 5-6:30 p.m. in St. Agnes Hall.

Divine Mercy Sunday:

Divine Mercy Devotions will be prayed THIS Sunday, April 28 at 2:45 P.M. Please bring any religious items you would like to have blessed. Exposition of

the Blessed Sacrament and the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available.


Friendship Circle Spring Luncheon

Tuesday, May 7 – Noon-2:00 p.m.

St. Francis Parish Hall

$10 tickets for the catered luncheon are available

for purchase until May 1. Jim Needham will present The Real Story of Bob Ross and “The Joy of Painting.” We will also be collecting donations for the Delaware County Foster Closet, a local non-profit that eases the financial burden for foster families through community donations like clothing, toys, and every day items for the foster children. They also accept monetary donations. Contact St. Francis Parish Office 765-288-6180 or email [email protected] for tickets and/or information.


Many Thanks We want to express our gratitude to Father Dave,

Father Bob and our St. Lawrence family for all of

your prayers for Pat during her heart surgery at St.

Vincent’s Hospital in March. We are certain that

your prayers contributed greatly to her quick

recovery! We are truly blessed by your many

kindnesses. May God Bless you all! Jim and Pat Savage

“They Said It!”

What is the most funny thing about going to

school at St. Lawrence?

“When Miss Gardner makes funny faces.”

Devon, grade 2

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150th Anniversary of Our Church

Remember Renew Rejoice In 1886 the ten Sisters of St. Agnes formed

a mission at Saint Lawrence Parish. Here

they taught in the school, tended the altars,

made and washed altar cloths and albs,

arranged floral decorations and prepared the

altar breads. --------------------------------------------------------------------

The St. Lawrence Church 150th Anniversary Gala Dinner

Tickets go on sale THIS weekend April 27 and 28

after all the Masses WE WILL ACCEPT CASH OR CHECKS ONLY! Questions? Please call the Parish Office at

(765) 288-9223. T-SHIRTS FOR SALE!! This weekend we will have adult t-shirts for sale at $10 each which display our 150th logo.

Our “keepsake ornament” is not just something for the Christmas season. These can be displayed throughout the year in your home. Give as an anniversary gift, a birthday gift, or as a wedding gift. They are available at

the Rectory for $25.

We are currently gathering

photographs for our 150th

Anniversary Gala and other

events throughout the year. If

you have photos from church or school events that

you would like to share, please stop by the Parish

Office so we may make a digital copy, or you may

email them to [email protected].

Any information you can include with the photos (ie.

year, names, event, etc.) would be greatly


Easter Egg Hunt

THIS SUNDAY (April 28)

1:00 P.M.

K of C Hall

3600 W. Purdue Ave. ---------------------------------------------------------------

In Sympathy Sympathy is extended to parishioner,

Sandy Barhorst-Jones and her family on the recent death of her husband, Floyd Jones. Floyd’s funeral will be here at St. Lawrence on Saturday, May 4, at 1:00 p.m.



Afternoon Day of Reflection

Sunday, June 9 – 1:30-3:30 p.m.

In the church! For Liturgical Ministers:

Readers, Eucharistic Ministers, Communion

Distributors to Homebound, Ushers,

and Choir Members,


Happy 90th

Birthday on May 9 to

Fr. Jim Bates! If you would like to

send Father a card, please do so. Here is

his address: Marquette Rehabilitation

Center, 8140 Township Line Rd.,

Room 236W, Indianapolis, IN 46260 ---------------------------------------------------------------------

St. Vincent dePaul Thrift Store The store is currently in need of the

following items: Boys and girls clothing

size 6-18; Toddler boys and girls clothing

size 0-5. They are also in need of linens,

especially sheets and towels. You may drop off your

donations at the store during the store hours: Tuesday

and Thursday 10am-6pm; Wednesday and Friday 10am-

3pm; Saturday 10am-12Noon.


In case of an emergency, an AED (Automatic

External Defibrillator) is located in the vestibule

of the church and also in St. Agnes Hall. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Page 7: April 28, 2019 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY · 4/28/2019  · APRIL 28, 2019 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY 2 PARISH CALENDAR & MASS INTENTIONS DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY SUN. 28 Divine Mercy Sunday 8:00 a.m.

St. Lawrence Catholic Church http://www.stlawrencemuncie.com


MINISTRY ASSISGNMENTS FOR MAY 4 AND 5 Readers Altar Servers E.M.H.C. Ushers


0 P

.M. Mike Brand

Jim Jones Andrew Shaw Jonathan Shaw

Nancy Hansan Brenda Manis Carolann Mikesell

Jeff Crabtree Harold Hannon Steve Lansing Walter Vester


0 A

.M. Carol Thornburg

Pete Walters Evelyn Kress Joey Hahn

Lynne Hellman Patrick Hellman Sheila Henry Jack Holland

Jerry Bricker Mary Burford Norm Gayda Tom Ward


0 A


First Communion Class

Alex Cox Ava Echelbarger

Les Coutinho Marianne Echelbarger Myron Echelbarger Jack Gardella Julie Huff Mary Ann Kratochvil Julie Snider

Omar Galan Mateo Romero Greg Smith Mike Wallace

Congratulations to our youth who

joined the Church through the

Sacrament of Baptism on Holy


Jozie Campbell

Tyson Campbell

Zoeigh Campbell

Attara Duke

Zachariah Duke

Congratulations to those entering into the Church

through the Easter Sacraments on Holy Saturday!

Margie Bonshire

David Duke

John Ekman

Jerry Hays

Ryan Stephens


Seeing is believing! Since cellphone screens connect

us instantly to social media, live TV, and loved ones’

faces near and far, “Doubting Thomas” could be our

patron saint: “Unless I see, I will not believe!” But how

comforting for any of us who share Thomas’s doubt, or

love “doubters” who do, to see how kindly Jesus

responds. By offering the very evidence that Thomas

demanded, Jesus doesn’t scold Thomas, but seems to

understand such skepticism. Could Jesus have been

thinking of us, who long to believe that “Jesus is risen!”

but see so much suffering, and perhaps even cause some,

that we wonder, how could something so wonderful be

true? In today’s reading from the Acts of the Apostles,

the risen Jesus’ healing love comforts through disciples

who love others. In Revelation, “our brother John”

doesn’t just claim he saw Jesus alive, but passes on Jesus’

life-giving words, “Do not be afraid.” Seeing Jesus in

others is believing! Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

April 28, 2019 – Second Sunday of Easter {or

Sunday of Divine Mercy}

Today, the Second Sunday of Easter, is Divine Mercy

Sunday. Our Gospel reading from St. John is often called

the story of “Doubting Thomas” but the passage involves

so much more than the encounter with the skeptical

apostle. It is rich with lessons of Christ’s mercy to all,

including an encouraging word from our Lord especially

for us, His modern-day disciples. While Thomas

traditionally takes all the bad rap for his doubts, we see

that none of the Apostles were at their best when Christ

first appeared to them after His resurrection. They were

actually in hiding, cowering behind a locked door,

paralyzed by fear and doubt. But Jesus appeared right in

their midst in spite of the lock on the door. Was it to

rebuke them for their lack of faith? Quite the contrary. He

comes on a mission of mercy. He comes to offer them

peace and the restoration of their relationship with Him.

And even more, He commissions them to become

ministers of His mercy, by giving them authority to

forgive sins. At that moment Christ gives to all of us the

supreme gift of mercy — the sacrament of

Reconciliation. What a precious and powerful gift!

This Sunday is a perfect time to reflect on how well we

make use of this gift. Do we really appreciate its healing

power? Could we become better stewards of this gift by

going to Confession more often? We must also reflect on

how well we extend mercy to others as Jesus did to

Thomas that day.

Let’s commit ourselves to becoming faithful disciples

and stewards of Christ’s mercy. We will be those very

ones to whom Jesus gave a “shout out” during His

encounter with Thomas: “Blessed are those who have not

seen and have believed” — in His merciful love.
