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April 9, 2017 PALM SUNDAY · Sandro Garcia Grades 1-3 en Espanol 415-897-2171 ext.225 Annie Troy,...

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April 9, 2017 PALM SUNDAY OUR LADY OF LORETTO CATHOLIC CHURCH 1806 Novato Blvd., Novato, CA 94947 415-897-2171 FAX 415-897-8251 Parish Office Hours Monday-Friday 9am to 5pm
Page 1: April 9, 2017 PALM SUNDAY · Sandro Garcia Grades 1-3 en Espanol 415-897-2171 ext.225 Annie Troy, Dir. Youth Ministry and Confirmation 415-897-2171 ext.277 PRIEST EMERGENCY NUMBER

April 9, 2017 PALM SUNDAY


1806 Novato Blvd., Novato, CA 94947 415-897-2171

FAX 415-897-8251 Parish Office Hours Monday-Friday 9am to 5pm

Page 2: April 9, 2017 PALM SUNDAY · Sandro Garcia Grades 1-3 en Espanol 415-897-2171 ext.225 Annie Troy, Dir. Youth Ministry and Confirmation 415-897-2171 ext.277 PRIEST EMERGENCY NUMBER

Please pray for our parishioners who are sick and suffering that they may know the embrace of Christ’s healing love.

Darlene Belluomini, Al Budzeleski, Betty Burke, Steve Cantor, Adita Claire, John Coffman, Janeen Corda-Brady, Maureen Crist, Paula DiStefano, Bunny Dodson, Jeff Drucker, Ann English, Gennaro Fiorentino, Peter Fulchiron, Henry Haase, Margaret Hamlett, Terry Hanley, Daniel Harding, Florence Haron, Mary Ann Holtom, Kiera

Hynes, Johnny Johnston, Bridie Keenan, Sharon Kielty, Tom Knego, Marjorie Lane, Bill Lehmann, Benita Lopez, Julia Matos, Dorothy Miller, Wanda Mower, Catherine O’Brien, Ray Ostertag, Dalton O’Sullivan, Cindy Paladini, Tearah Parker, Gabriella

Passa, Alyce Quiss, Sr. Herbert Raphael, Alice Rosaire, Alex Ruiz, Margarita Ruiz, Ar-lene Schober, Lauren and Janice Seale, Louise Shipman, Anita Skinner, Matt Sowick,

Sue Steinbach, Paula and Dan Stilling, Sarah Stryker, Mary Stryker, John Stuber, Niloo Vahid, Loretta Van Vleck, Kathy Weddle, Teresa Welsch, Cathy Westover, Dory


We are updating our prayer list and have removed names which have been on the list for some time. Please call the Rectory to have someone

May all our deceased Parishioners rest in

the loving arms of Christ, especially:

Anna Morrison

Mass Intentions April 8 through April 16

Day Time Intentions


Saturday 4/8 9:00am 5:00pm 7:00pm

Rose Vallerga + George Schilling


Sunday 4/9 Palm Sunday

8:00am 10:00am 12 Noon

Kent McIntyre + OLL Parishioners Gladys Sanchez de Fonseca and Cesar Fonseca Sanchez +


Monday 4/10 9:00am Lucy Tai (L) BC

Tuesday 4/11 9:00am

Frank Baczynski + BC

Wednesday 4/12 9:00am

Shannon Reynolds + JML

Thursday 4/13 Holy Thursday

7:00pm Eileen Costello + BC

Friday 4/14 Good Friday

(see schedule) BC

Saturday 4/15 Easter Vigil

8pm Deceased Members of the Costello and Smith Families +


Sunday 4/16 Easter Sunday

8:00am 10:00am 12 Noon

OLL Parishioners Mary Alice and Gary Musante (L) Catarino Garcia +


BC: Fr. Brian Costello JML: Fr. Juan Manuel Lopez Fr. John Piderit, ; RR: Fr. Ray Reyes

JA: Fr. Jorge Aria, MR Fr. Mark Reburiano

Page 3: April 9, 2017 PALM SUNDAY · Sandro Garcia Grades 1-3 en Espanol 415-897-2171 ext.225 Annie Troy, Dir. Youth Ministry and Confirmation 415-897-2171 ext.277 PRIEST EMERGENCY NUMBER

Rev. Brian Costello [email protected] Ext.227


Rev. Juan Manuel Lopez Parochial Vicar ext. 221

Church of the Assumption Parish 1-707-878-2208

Patrick Reeder EXT. 234 Parish Manager

Office Staff Erin Troy EXT. 222

Allen Shirley EXT. 236

Our Lady of Loretto School Mrs. Kathleen Kraft, Principal


Parish Religious Education

Amy Bjorklund Reeder, Dir. Grades 1-6 Kathleen Pitti


Sandro Garcia Grades 1-3 en Espanol

415-897-2171 ext.225

Annie Troy, Dir. Youth Ministry and Confirmation

415-897-2171 ext.277



Mass Times

Monday—Friday 9:00 am

Saturday 9:00am 5:00 pm (Vigil Mass)

7pm Spanish Vigil Mass

Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12 Noon Spanish Mass

Eucharistic Adoration

Every Friday 9:30am-5:00 pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation


Rosary Monday—Thursday after 9am Mass and 5:30pm

Friday after 9am Mass and at 5pm Sunday at 3:00pm


Please contact the Rectory- Catechesis Required


Please contact the Rectory at least 6 months in advance

Our Lady of Loretto

St. Vincent de Paul Society 415-497-5090

Visit us on the Web www.ollnovato.org

E-mail us: [email protected]

2017 Special Collections Schedule April 14—Holy Land (Good Friday) April 23—Black and Indian Home Missions/ Catholic Home Missions May 14—Catholic Charities CYO appeal May 28—Catholic Communication Campaign June 25—Peter’s Pence (Holy Father) September 17—Priest’s Retirement Fund October 22—World Mission Sunday November 5—St. Patrick’s Seminary November 19—Campaign for Human Development December 10—Retirement for Religious

Golf News: Joinusatthe13th Annual OLL Youth Ministry Golf Tournament onThurs-day,June 29rd atIndian

ValleyGolfClub. Wehopeyouwilljoinusonthecourse!Notagolferbutwouldliketoparticipateinsomeway,thencon-siderbeingasponsor,buyingaraf leticket(s),and/orenjoyingadeliciousdinnerinthechurchhallfollowingthetournament.Formoreinformation,vis-itollnovato.org.Thankyou!

Page 4: April 9, 2017 PALM SUNDAY · Sandro Garcia Grades 1-3 en Espanol 415-897-2171 ext.225 Annie Troy, Dir. Youth Ministry and Confirmation 415-897-2171 ext.277 PRIEST EMERGENCY NUMBER

April 2017 Dear Friends, Paschal Triduum means “Three Days.” For the Jewish people, Passo-ver celebrates the great event when God delivered the people of Israel from slavery. The followers of Jesus proclaim that in the life, Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus, God has freed and saved us. When Lent ends, we stand at the heart of the liturgical year. On the night of

Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday we keep the Easter Vigil. We gather to light a great fire and a towering candle, to listen to our most treasured scriptures, to sing psalms and other songs. Then we gather around the waters of the font as those who have been preparing for a new life in Christ receive the sacraments of initiation. Our newly baptized are anointed with fragrant oil called chrism, and, at last, our newly baptized, who are now called Neophytes, celebrate the Eucharist with the entire Our Lady of Loretto Community.

We prepare for this Vigil by celebrating the institution of the Holy Eucharist on Holy

Thursday and by commemorating the Lord’s Passion by venerating the cross on Good Friday. We also prepare by keeping the Paschal fast, the special fast of Good Friday and Holy Saturday. The Church fasts – from food, from entertainment, from chatter, from work – so we have time to pon-der deeply the death and Resurrection of the Lord, the mystery of faith that we will celebrate in our Vigil. Happy Easter!

A Prayer to Begin Holy Week

Loving God, I am just beginning to realize how much you love me. Your son, Jesus was humble and obedient. He fulfilled your will for him by becoming human and suffering with us. I ask you for the desire to become more humble so that my own life might also bear witness to you. I want to use the small sufferings I have in this world to give you glory.

Please, Lord, guide my mind with your truth. Strengthen my life by the example of Jesus. Help me to be with Jesus in this week as he demonstrates again his total love for me. He died so that I would no longer be separated from you. Help me to feel how close you are and to live in union with you.


Page 5: April 9, 2017 PALM SUNDAY · Sandro Garcia Grades 1-3 en Espanol 415-897-2171 ext.225 Annie Troy, Dir. Youth Ministry and Confirmation 415-897-2171 ext.277 PRIEST EMERGENCY NUMBER


April 13th Holy Thursday

No 9am Mass today 7:00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper

Altar of Repose / Adoration In Parish Hall until 10 pm

April 14th Good Friday

No 9am Mass today 12:00 pm —School Passion Play

1:00pm—Choir Performance 2pm: Liturgical Service: Veneration of

the Cross and Communion 8pm Spanish Liturgical Service:

Veneration of the Cross and Communion

April 15th Holy Saturday

No 9am Mass No Confessions

8:00pm - Easter Vigil

April 16th Easter Sunday

Masses 8:00am and 10:00am in English 12 Noon in Spanish



Please pray for our candidates who will be receiving the Sacraments at the

Easter Vigil.

OLL Parish Religious Education Grades 1-6 are on Easter Break (no

classes) the weeks of

April 9th and April 16th.

We resume classes Monday April 24.

OLL Adult Faith


The next meeting of the OLL Book Club will be May 3rd at 10am in the Convent Chapel (1819 Virginia Ave.) when we will discuss "Tattoos on the Heart" by Gregory Boyle.

For those wishing to send condolences to Pat Olivier, her address is:

40139 Via Marisa

Murieta, CA 92562


The Pontifical Good Friday Collection

Pope Francis has asked our parish to support the Pontifical Good Friday Collection, which helps Christians in the Holy Land. Your support helps the church minister in parishes, provide Catholic schools and offer religious education. The Pontifical Good Fri-day Collection also helps to preserve the sa-cred shrines. The wars, unrest and instability have been especially hard on Christians. In these times of crisis, the Pontifical Good Friday Collec-tion provides humanitarian aid to refugees. When you contribute to the Pontifical Good Friday Collection, you become an instrument of peace and join with Catholics around the world in solidarity with the Church in the Holy Land.

RESURRECTION TO COME But from this earth, this grave, this dust, My God shall raise me up, I trust. —Walter Raleigh

Page 6: April 9, 2017 PALM SUNDAY · Sandro Garcia Grades 1-3 en Espanol 415-897-2171 ext.225 Annie Troy, Dir. Youth Ministry and Confirmation 415-897-2171 ext.277 PRIEST EMERGENCY NUMBER

This Week at OLL April 9 - April 16 Sun. PALM SUNDAY Mon. Tue. Helping Hands Prayer Group—1pm—Church Perpetual Help Prayer Group—6pm—Chapel Al-Anon—Convent – 7:15pm ICF—Hall—5:30pm Wed. Our Lady’s Prayer Group—Church—7:30pm CDA—Hall—6:30pm Thurs. Choir Practice—Church—6:30pm Fri. Adoration—Chapel—9:30pm to 5:00pm Sat. Cenacle—Chapel –9:30am Sun. EASTER SUNDAY

Esta semana en OLL 9 Abril — 16 Abril

Domingo: Domingo de Ramos Martes: Helping Hands Grupo de Oración por la Iglesia-1pm JPC Discipulados—Capilla del Convento –7pm Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro-Chapel-6pm Al-Anon-Convento - 7:15 pm Miércoles: Nuestra Señora Grupo de Oración- Capilla– 7:30pm Ensavo del Coro-Espanol—Iglesia—7pm Jueves: Viernes: Adoration—Chapel—9:30pm to 5pm Sab: Cenacle—Chapel—9:30am Domingo: DOMINGO DE PASQUA


There will be no Confirmation Classes or Youth Ministry events during Holy Week or Easter Week.(High school students are invited to participate in the Holy Thursday Mass at 7pm.) Classes resume the week of April 24 at their regularly scheduled times. Plan Ahead: The 8th grade retreat will take place on Saturday 4/29 from 9am-2pm at the OLL Con-vent. This is Mandatory for all 8th grade Confirma-tion students! The OLL Youth Ministry Choir has begun singing at the 5pm Mass on the first and third Saturday of eve-ry month. Any teens interested in joining them should contact the youth ministry office. They are having lots of fun with this new opportunity to con-tribute to the Mass and thank you for your support! Have you decided what Mass you'll be at-tending this Easter? We invite you to join us for the Easter Vigil, which will begin at 8pm on Saturday, April 15. During this year's Vigil, we will be welcoming ELEVEN brand new Catholics into the Church! The Easter Vigil is a beautiful liturgy, rich in tradition and the beauty of celebrating the Baptism, First Eucharist and Confirmation adults in our community who are accepting for themselves the life of grace in the church. Come out and show your support for our new friends and experience the beauty of the Easter Vigil!

PARA VER A CRISTO CLARAMENTE Hoy comenzamos viendo a través de las puertas de Jerusalén, vemos a la multitud, aclamando y agitando ramos de olivo en el aire. Es una atmósfera de júbilo, triunfo y celebración. Podemos distraernos o embele-sarnos con la escena y no ver claramente las características de Jesús cuando entra. Pero nuestras lecturas de Isaías y la carta de Pablo a los filipenses aclaran estas características. Él es el Siervo que Sufre, manso y callado ante sus captores y perseguidores; es la mis-mísima imagen del Dios invisible, sin em-bargo, no se aferrará a la igualdad con Dios antes de sufrir su enfrentamiento final en hu-mildad. Isaías y Pablo nos ayudan a “ver al Cordero de Dios” antes de oír el relato de su mayor y último enfrentamiento. Es impor-tante que veamos a Cristo claramente antes de oír el relato de su Pasión, porque nosotros –su Cuerpo por medio del Bautismo, la Igle-sia– somos su rostro. Debemos, junto con él, pasar por este tiempo de sufrimiento para que podamos, también junto con él, pasar por su triunfo final

LECTURAS DE HOY Evangelio para la procesión de las palmas — ¡Bendito el que viene en nombre del Señor! (Lucas 19:28-40) Primera lectura — A pesar de mi sufrimientos no queda-ré confundido. No me siento avergonzado (Isaías 50:4-7). Salmo — Dios mío, Dios mío, ¿por qué me has abando-nado? (Salmo 22 [21]). Segunda lectura — Jesús se despojó totalmente y Dios lo llenó de exaltación (Filipenses 2:6-11). Evangelio — El recuento de la pasión de Cristo según san Mateo (Mateo 26:14 — 27:66).

THE CROSS We should glory in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, in whom is our salvation, life and resurrection; through whom we are saved and delivered. —Entrance Antiphon, Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Roman Missal

Page 7: April 9, 2017 PALM SUNDAY · Sandro Garcia Grades 1-3 en Espanol 415-897-2171 ext.225 Annie Troy, Dir. Youth Ministry and Confirmation 415-897-2171 ext.277 PRIEST EMERGENCY NUMBER

Queridos amigos, El triduo pascual significa "Tres Días". Para el pueblo judío, la Pascua celebra el gran acontecimiento cuando Dios libró al pueb-lo de Israel de la esclavitud. Los seguidores de Jesús proclaman que en la vida, pasión, muerte y resurrección de Jesús, Dios nos ha liberado y nos ha salvado. Cuando termina la Cuaresma, estamos en el corazón del año litúr-

gico. En la noche del Sábado Santo y Domingo de Pascua guardamos la Vigilia pascual. Nos reunimos para encender un gran fuego y una vela altísima, para escu-char nuestras escrituras más preciadas, para cantar salmos y otras canciones. En-tonces nos reunimos alrededor de las aguas de la fuente como los que se han es-tado preparando para una vida nueva en Cristo reciben los sacramentos de la ini-ciación. Nuestros recién bautizados son ungidos con aceite aromático llamado crisma, y, por fin, nuestros recién bautizados, que ahora se llaman Neófitos, cele-bran la Eucaristía con toda la Comunidad de Nuestra Señora de Loreto. Nos preparamos para esta Vigilia celebrando la institución de la Santa Eucaristía el Jueves Santo y conmemorando la Pasión del Señor venerando la cruz el Viernes Santo. También nos preparamos guardando el ayuno pascual, el ayuno especial del Viernes Santo y el Sábado Santo. La Iglesia ayuna - de la comida, del entreten-imiento, del parloteo, del trabajo - así tenemos tiempo para reflexionar profunda-mente sobre la muerte y resurrección del Señor, el misterio de fe que celebraremos en nuestra Vigilia. ¡Felices Pascuas! Father Brian

TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE El Viernes Santo es el día más impresionante que se conmemora en el calendario cristiano. Es el día en que Jesús, muriendo en la cruz, se revela al mismo tiempo como Hijo del Hombre e Hijo de Dios. Los hispa-nos conmemoramos este día no sólo con la liturgia oficial de la Iglesia, sino también con nuestras devociones populares como el Vía crucis en vivo, el Pésame a la Virgen y el sermón de las Siete Palabras. Esta última de-voción es también conocida como el Sermón de tres horas y es mayormente usada por las Iglesias protestantes, sin embargo, tiene su origen gracias al sacerdote Jesuita Francisco del Castillo, en Perú. Como Jesús, este santo varón dedicó toda su vida a los pobres y marginados. El Viernes Santo de 1660, mientras predicaba en la igle-sia de Nuestra de Señora de los Desamparados, ante la efigie del Se-ñor en agonía, decidió hacer una comparación del sufrimiento de Cris-to al sufrimiento de los desamparados, llamando a los cristianos al apostolado de caridad y justicia. Las siete últimas palabras de Jesu-cristo deben movernos al servicio de los desamparados.

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