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April Property Book

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Nerang First National's property book.
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Nerang APRIL2010 Who won last month’s $100 voucher? See page 2. WIN Just answer 3 simple riddles! a $100 fuel voucher! Protecting Protecting Your Investment Your Investment Why landlord insurance Why landlord insurance has become a ‘must have’ has become a ‘must have’ Rental Trends In Rental Trends In Australia Australia A look at the past to A look at the past to understand the future understand the future Local Agency Local Agency Nam Named Australia’s Best ed Australia’s Best Results of the Results of the Real Estate Institute of Australia Real Estate Institute of Australia Awards for Excellence Awards for Excellence WHY PROPERTIES DON’T SELL 3 things you must know when selling the YOUR LOCAL NEWSLETTER & BUYERS PROPERTY GUIDE Property Book
Page 1: April Property Book

Nerang A P R I L 2 0 1 0

Who won last month’s $100 voucher? See page 2.

WINJust answer 3 simple riddles!

a $100 fuel voucher!

Protecting Protecting Your InvestmentYour Investment

Why landlord insurance Why landlord insurance has become a ‘must have’has become a ‘must have’

Rental Trends In Rental Trends In AustraliaAustralia

A look at the past to A look at the past to understand the futureunderstand the future

Local Agency Local Agency NamNamed Australia’s Bested Australia’s Best

Results of the Results of the Real Estate Institute of AustraliaReal Estate Institute of Australia

Awards for ExcellenceAwards for Excellence

WHY PROPERTIES DON’T SELL3 things you must know when selling



Property Book

Page 2: April Property Book

Congratulations to Neville Rolley, our March winner of the $100 voucher. To win, Neville answered 3 riddles to be in the draw. Turn to page 3 to for this

months brain teasers - and win!


Why Properti es Don’t SellThere are three reasons why properti es don’t sell – price, presentati on and marketi ng.If the price is wrong, you can have a booming market, superb presentati on and excellent marketi ng, but the property is likely to sit unsold for months or years.

If it’s poorly presented but well-priced, it will sti ll sell, but there’s defi nitely a positi ve emoti onal impact of having a well-presented home that looks and feels right. In fact, good presentati on could mean an even higher sale price.

And marketi ng? Well, if you don’t get the buyers to the doorstep then you’re not going to sell it. If your home is well presented and well-priced but you haven’t sti mulated enough buyer interest, again, it’s going to sit around. Marketi ng and adverti sing is all about letti ng the marketplace know you are for sale.

Therefore, the key to selling in any market conditi ons or economic climate is ensure that your price is competi ti ve, presentati on is as good as possible and that you have a good solid marketi ng program.

So, if you’re not getti ng buyer inspecti ons or you are getti ng inspecti ons but no off ers, you need to take stock of what’s wrong.

Sit down with your agent and have a look at the variables. Is presentati on up to scratch? Is your marketi ng adequate and eff ecti ve enough to give you suffi cient marketplace coverage and penetrati on? Is your asking price realisti c and competi ti ve?

Usually, when sellers fi rst place their property on the market, it’s presented as well as it’s ever going to be and they usually have an adequate marketi ng program. So that only leaves “price” as the most likely culprit for no interest.

You need to reassess you price expectati ons. Are you too opti misti c? Are you competi ti ve with other similar properti es for sale and what price have similar properti es actually sold for? What off ers if any have I had? Is it possible those off ers were in fact fair and reasonable?

Oft en sellers are reluctant when a low off er comes in early in the selling period. Perhaps they’re expecti ng $600,000 and someone off ers $540,000. They’re disappointed and perhaps a litt le anxious. But if no one else has made an off er they might want to start considering whether the $540,000 is really what the home is worth. Aft er all, a property is only worth what the market is prepared to pay.

Fact! If you’re not getti ng inspecti ons – it’s being rejected because of price. If you’re getti ng inspecti ons but no off ers or interest, it means the marketi ng is working but att racti ng the wrong buyers, buyers that expect more for the price – again the problem is price.

You should also look at your agents performance. Have they done everything possible? Have they fulfi lled all their promises? Have they given you prompt feedback aft er buyer inspecti ons? Have they kept you well informed and “in tune” with the progress of your marketi ng with weekly reports detailing all buyer acti vity and feedback, enquiry numbers, marketi ng undertaken, competi ng properti es and more? Have they provided you with the standard of service and commitment that you expected?

If they haven’t delivered on their promises or you don’t believe their performance is as good as it should be, then it may be ti me to make a change. In any event, once you and the agent have debriefed, you can consider the opti ons for going forward.

If it does turn out that your pricing has been out of whack, you can adjust it and conti nue the sale via private treaty with your new asking price or go to aucti on. Sellers who have already had their home passed in at aucti on may be reluctant to go through the experience again.

If you’ve got the price, presentati on and marketi ng right, off ers will start to come in but they don’t last forever. By the ti me a buyer puts in an off er for a home, they’re really excited about owning it. But in the face of rejecti on or procrasti nati on by the seller their enthusiasm can quickly fade and they’ll oft en start talking themselves out of it. So it’s a good idea to respond to any off ers promptly.

If you’d like more advise or you’re looking for a fresh approach to selling your home, call the team at First Nati onal Nerang on 07 5596 0055.


Page 3: April Property Book


Question 1:

What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, and has a bed but never sleeps?

Question 2:

What is full of holes but still holds water?

To be in with a chance just answer any one of the following Brain Teasers correctly. For every correct answer you will have one chance in the draw. Submit your answers at http://blog.nfn.com.au

Question 3: What letter is next in this sequence?

M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O,__




NATIONAL PLANNING NEEDED says First National Real EstateFirst National Real Estate CEO, Ray Ellis, supports the call from the Australian Local Government Association for a national planning authority, but says Australia’s problems with its planning processes go far beyond the single issue of coastal climate change planning and requires a major overhaul.

“It’s very myopic to just consider this one issue in isolation of what is happening in other areas of the property market around this country,” Mr Ellis said.

“In Queensland, they are working off two year old planning approvals, while NSW planning approvals have dropped dramatically in recent times.

“And, while Victoria has just posted strong planning approval fi gures for some years, this is a

result of a minister wielding a big stick rather than systemic structural changes.”

Mr Ellis agreed that the confusion created by inconsistent sea level rise predictions makes planning and development increasingly diffi cult on coastal regions, but more importantly have the potential to impact negatively on the property market in general.

“Home owners and other property market pundits need certainty around property prices so that they can make decisions based on facts and consistent information,” Mr Ellis said.

“It’s all well and good to say that the responsibility for planning rests with state and local government, but ultimately, a consistent, unifi ed

and national approach needs to be considered in the property market.

“This is unsustainable and I can’t think of any other industry that would operate with this level of uncertainty and confusion.”

A call for planning Overhaul

Page 4: April Property Book


Historic Renting Trends In AustraliaA current trend towards renting in favour of home ownership could alter Australia’s distribution of net wealth if it becomes sustained long-term. To make sense of the trend and consider its possible effects, an assessment of long-term rental patterns is essential.

Whilst the current trend towards renting is irrefutable, the more important questions are why is it happening, will it be sustained long term, and what are the implications of a permanent shift? Census, REIA and ABS statistics clearly show a decline in rental trends since records began in 1947 from 44% of households to 28.7% in 1996. The rental population has remained relatively constant since 1961, hovering between 25.7% and 28.7%.

In the wake of the city fringe industrial revitalisation taking place in many Australian cities, signifi cant numbers of Australians are placing an unprecedented demand on inner urban housing. Census statistics reveal that it is primarily those under 30 taking advantage of these urban renewal areas, contrary to the popular belief that it is chiefl y ‘empty nesters.’

Those who are relocating and taking up this rental accommodation are doing so for the following reasons:

• Renting in new complexes or inner suburban developments is currently more affordable than buying, particularly in the light of a tightened credit environment.

• The established inner suburban property market tends to be tightly held and the rate at which new developments are being approved remains insuffi cient to meet demand.

• Inner urban relocatees will frequently rent for a year or two before purchasing, to ascertain whether their new lifestyle suits them.

• Signifi cant numbers are opting to delay marriage and families. Renting provides this group with greater lifestyle choices and fl exibility.

It is probably signifi cant that rental fi gures appear to have some relationship with construction patterns and related legislation. The last construction boom occurred in the mid 1960s to early 1970s following changes in ownership of fl ats from Company Share to Stratum title in 1960, and then Strata title ownership in 1967.

Until then, conventional home loans were not available to would be purchasers since they did not have a freehold title to offer as bank security.

This change made affordable inner suburban living a reality, fuelling demand from many young people wanting to leave home and rent with ‘fl atmates’ during their university and early working years. Unit construction went ahead in leaps and bounds. In 1971 rentals accounted for 27.9% of households, up from 26.7% in 1966.

However, long term statistics show that the percentage of rental households has never exceeded the 30% benchmark of the late 1950’s and early 1960’s, notwithstanding severe recessions, legislative changes, demographic shifts and construction booms. The ‘highs’ have always moderated, as other variables have levelled out.

City renewal, increased construction and availability of rental accommodation would therefore appear part of a predictable cyclical pattern to which all cities are subject. As those in the current under 30s age group become more affl uent, establish careers and form relationships, it is likely that home ownership will follow, albeit later in their lives than previous generations.

Many recent reports on long term viability of home ownership assume that people make one dimensional decisions regarding home ownership, and fail to consider basic elements of human nature. The drive to ‘set down roots’ is a powerful one, irrespective of lifestyle fashions, fl uctuations in home affordability or advice on what may be technically correct in an investment sense.

Whilst not all homes technically represent a superb investment, home ownership is a form of enforced saving that creates a fi nancial discipline, allowing the owner to release equity for wealth creation later on. Renting for an extended period and investing in prime assets including inner suburban investment property could well expedite home affordability, given the tax advantages and rental income.

The reality is that human beings have culturally and biologically ingrained needs. These powerful catalysts motivate us to achieve our fi nancial and personal goals.

It is unlikely that wealth creation will ever become the exclusive motivation for home ownership.

Page 5: April Property Book


The Real Estate Institute of Australia awarded First National Nerang as “Australian Residential Agency of the Year’ in the medium business category at a national gala event held at the Adelaide Hilton.

The National Awards for Excellence recognises agencies with superior levels of agency practice in the residential sector, employing between10 to 20 people in a single location.

Standing before a capacity crowd of more than 400 real estate delegates from around Australia, First National Nerang principal Mike Gray accepted the award on behalf of his team, cheered on by fellow nominees within the First National network, First National CEO Ray Ellis, the REIA and the REIQ Board.

“Every member of our team strives to ensure our clients’ experience with us is a positive and memorable one and it is gratifying and humbling to know that our efforts are recognised


at this national level,” Mr Gray said.

“Awards of this caliber help to reinforce to our clients that they make the right decision when they keep coming back to us, or tell their friends about us, because they know we care and will go that extra yard for them.

“We are a part of the local community and want to see them do well out of property.

“Whether they are selling a property or purchasing a new home, our clients know that they can rely on us to always do our best to look after their best interests and these awards reinforce that.”

According to Mr Gray, it is the agency’s commitment to its clients that sets it apart and continually wins them business and so may industry awards.

“Our clients know our philosophy is to earn their business as a client for life and while we can’t guarantee to sell

a property, we do guarantee to keep our clients ‘in tune’ with the progress of our marketing throughout every step of the process so that they can always make an informed decision,” Mr Gray said.

“We want to ensure the buying and selling experience is one that is positive and stress free for all. For sellers that also means they secure the best possible price for their property and for the buyer, that the fi rst night in their new home will be as enjoyable and exciting as it deserves to be.”

First National Nerang’s win follows on from being named the Queensland’s’ 2010 REIQ Medium Residential Agency of the Year which enabled it to represent the state at the national awards. It previously won the REIQ State accolade in 2000 and 2009, as well as being named “Gold Coast Agency of the Year’ for four consecutive years. Also, it is currently the Top First National Offi ce in Queensland.

Page 6: April Property Book

First National Nerang Give From The HeartCommunity spirit in local business is important and First National Real Estate Nerang is dedicated to supporting the community through its ongoing relationship with the Australian Red Cross.

The team has once again rolled up their sleeves and donated blood at the Robina Blood Donor Centre.

As a proud member of Club Red, the team at First National Real Estate Nerang is more than happy to donate their time, and more importantly their blood, to help those who rely on blood donations to survive.

It’s something that’s close to our hearts, so to speak. It takes only 30 minutes for one person to potentially save three lives, and

that is something truly amazing.

We now have half of our team committed to donating blood, and we hope that we can inspire others in the community to make that commitment with us.

Some of our staff are even upgrading their regular whole blood donation by agreeing to be added to the Bone Marrow Donor Registry and even committing to Plasma and Platelet donations.

First National Nerang is also a part of the First National Foundation which is proud Humanity Partner with the Red Cross. In 2007 the First National Foundation commenced a three-year partnership with a commitment of $1 million dollar per year donation to the Australian Red Cross in support of their REDIPlan Emergency

Services program.

Everyone at First National Nerang is extremely proud of our connection with the Australian Red Cross which is the most trusted and respected charity in the country. We urge everyone to invest just 30 minutes every 3 months to donate blood for our community.

The Robina Blood Donor Centre is Queensland’s newest donor centre, open 6 days a week offering donors convenient Saturday appointments as well as late evening sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Along with fl exible opening hours, Robina Donor Centre offers free donor parking and the convenience of being located just across the road from Robina Town Centre.

With the GFC hitting families, tenants defaulting on rental payments is becoming more and more common, and so landlord insurance is becoming more important.

RACV Insurance General Manager, Paul Northey, said standard home building and contents policies did not generally provide cover for two signifi cant risks facing landlords: malicious or intentional damage caused by their tenants and failure to pay rent.

Mr Northey said these risks can easily be covered by a landlord policy, which is an affordable alternative to standard home insurance policies.

He said confusion among property owners about the level of protection provided by standard home insurance policies was part of the problem.

“Most tenants do the right thing” Mr Northey said.

“Having your tenant default on several months of rent payments could result in signifi cant fi nancial stress,” he said.

Some of the items covered by landlord’s insurance include:

tenants defaulting on rental • payments

malicious or intentional • damage caused by problem tenants or their guests

theft or attempted theft by a • tenant or their guest

up to $10m for liability claims • against the landlord by a tenant

If you would like a brochure with more information sent out to you, please contact our property management team on 5596 0055.

LANDLORD INSURANCE: Cover Yourself Against Rent Defaults


Page 7: April Property Book

Advice For First Home BuyersThe number of fi rst home buyers in the marketplace has dropped signifi cantly, but according to Mike Gray from First National Real Estate Nerang, there is still plenty of opportunity for fi rst home buyers to realise their dreams of home ownership.

“Since October last year, market share for fi rst home buyers has decreased from 26% to 22.1% currently,” Mike said.

“And the potential for escalating interest rates, which have now been on hold for three consecutive months, along with government taxes and high up-front costs may make things even harder for fi rst time buyers to save for that ever-important, yet growing in size, deposit.”

Mike does have some advice to offer fi rst home buyers, whose confi dence is waning as house prices are set to continue soaring growth throughout 2010.

“First home buyers need to be more fi nancially savvy if they are going to get into the housing

market in the coming twelve months,” Mike said.

“They need to be able to make sound fi nancial decisions, based on a level of certainty around interest rates.

“This is why we recommend they seek the services of a fi nancial advisor who can assist them to establish a savings plan and budget to track their expenses and identify areas where they can cut back on their expenditure.”

Establishing a budget is about setting realistic timeframes, estimating income and expenses accurately and then tracking and monitoring spending to identify areas where belts can be tightened.

“There are also still in place a number of government assistance schemes, such as the First Home Saver Accounts and First Home Owners Grant which can also assist greatly,” Mike said.

Other hints for fi rst home buyers include keeping an eye on the

market at all times, talking to good agents about where the bargains lay in a suburb, and shopping around for good mortgage deals.

“Look for mortgage deals where you are able to pay back more than the monthly repayments, which can often reduce the term or interest payable on the mortgage signifi cantly,” Mike said.

“Or, consider switching from a standard to a basic, or no frills, home loan which can potentially cut interest rates by around 0.4%, but potentially may take away the fl exibility to achieve other savings such as extra repayments.”

First home buyers need to reclaim their share of the property market and take advantage of the services and incentives currently on offer.

If you are looking to buy your fi rst home, we would love to help! We even have an in-house fi nance specialist ready to answer any questions you may have about buying your fi rst home.

Decide early to put money • into saving for a home instead of renting the nicest place and buying the best furniture.

The bigger deposit you have • the better, the less you borrow, and the more principal you are going to be paying back early.

Work out what you will be • paying in ongoing rates and maintenance costs, as well as the mortgage each month. If that amount hasn’t been going into your savings and rent, then maybe you can’t afford it.

Get advice from a lawyer or • an accountant.

Don’t say once you have • a mortgage you’ll change your ways; it’s better to do it beforehand.

Be careful of any deal offering • you a loan when you haven’t been able to get one before.

It’s a good idea to buy in an • area that suits your needs and lifestyle, e.g. close to schools, shops, transport, or close to parks and beaches. Your fi rst home may not be perfect, but

it’s a great place to start.

Get your building and pest • inspections done. It will cost a little, but if you fi nd problems it will save you a lot of money, and headaches, in the long run.

Don’t buy the fi rst place that • takes your fancy without spending time getting to know whether your intended purchase will meet your needs and is fairly priced. Do the open home rounds and get a feel for ‘value’ in the area you want to purchase in.

Our TOP TIPS For First Home Buyers


Page 8: April Property Book

Office 55 960055quick search these properties and more at www.nfn.com.au


Every precaution has been taken to establish the accuracy of the above information but does not constitute any representation by the vendor or agent.

First in local real estate.

Price: $185,000Web ID: 1295606 Contact: Andrew Davidson 0411 760 600

Smart Start1 bedroom unit• Located by famous Budds Beach• A short stroll to the beach• Moments from the heart of • Surfers Paradise Pool and BBQ area•

Underground parking• Currently rented at $230pw•


Price: $259,000Web ID: 1284648 Contact: Andrew Davidson 0411 760 600

Neat As A Pin!2 bedrooms• Large open plan living• LU garage• Private paved courtyard• Reasonable body corp• Pool in the complex•

Perfectly positioned to rail link, • buses and the M1

NERANG 2 1 1

Price: $273,000Web ID: 1315028 Contact: Susie Gale 0406 901 350

Brilliant Building Block740m2 vacant lot• Ideal for a multi storey or pole • homeBuild up to take advantage of • the viewsPrestige street in Highland Park, •

one of the last blocks left!Call for an inspection now! •


Price: $279,000Web ID: 1309481 Contact: Steven Hayes 0421 643 871

Sunny, Spacious, Serene2 large bedrooms• Spacious open tiled living area• Elevated rear deck• Air conditioning• Brand new kitchen• Private front courtyard•

Lock up garage• Resort pool in complex•


Price: $265,000Web ID: 1314977 Contact: Steven Hayes 0421 643 871

Best In The Complex!Three bedrooms• Open plan living with timber • laminate fl ooringModern kitchen with new stove• Rear deck backing onto creek• Lockup garage•

Community pool & tennis court• Short walk to all amenities•

NERANG 3 1 1

Price: $285,000Web ID: 1296410 Contact: Shawn Barber 0404 257 243

Tidy And Terrifi c!Three bedrooms• Open plan tiled living• Air conditioning• Big kitchen with new appliances• Rear covered patio area• Private covered courtyard•

LU garage• 2 pools in complex•


Page 9: April Property Book

Office 55 960055quick search these properties and more at www.nfn.com.au


Every precaution has been taken to establish the accuracy of the above information but does not constitute any representation by the vendor or agent.

First in local real estate.

Price: $299,000Web ID: 1278916 Contact: Paul Moitzi 0423 589 958

Easy Living!3 Bedrooms plus ensuite • Spacious open plan living • Modern kitchen with granite • benchtops and dishwasherAir conditioned living area• Private yard backing to open space•

Security estate with resort style • pool, tennis court and more

NERANG 3 2 1

Price: $289,000Web ID: 1216319 Contact: Paul Moitzi 0423 589 958

Great Townhouse, Great Views2 bedrooms• Spacious open plan design• Well sized modern kitchen• Downstairs powder room• Covered entertaining deck with • Surfers skyline views

LU garage• Pool and tennis court in • complex


Price: $300,000Web ID: 1314967 Contact: Shawn Barber 0404 257 243

4 Bedroom Unit!Four bedrooms - 4th bedroom • has external entryOpen plan design• Air conditioning• Covered patio area• Extra large grassed courtyard•

Complex includes pool and • tennis courts

NERANG 4 1 2

Price: $299,000-$315,000Web ID: 1308300 Contact: Shawn Barber 0404 257 243

Mudgeeraba Magic3 bedrooms• Ensuite walk in robe & balcony • to masterTimber look fl ooring• Fully paved & fenced courtyard • Lockup garage•

Well maintained complex• Inground pool in complex•


Price: $319,000Web ID: 1240163 Contact: Paul Moitzi 0423 589 958

Only $35 p/w Body Corp!3 bedrooms plus ensuite• Spacious tiled living area• Open modern kitchen• Air conditioning and insulated• Covered entertaining area• Auto LU garage•

Pets up to 10kg welcome• Security gated complex with • pool and BBQ area


Price: From $273,000Contact: 07 5596 0055

Various Building BlocksBuild the home of your dreams on one of our many vacant lots for sale.Lots vary from residential sites, prestige lots with coastal views to private acreage lots. What are you waiting for? Call now!


Page 10: April Property Book

Office 55 960055quick search these properties and more at www.nfn.com.au


Every precaution has been taken to establish the accuracy of the above information but does not constitute any representation by the vendor or agent.

First in local real estate.

Price: $319,000Web ID: 1308290 Contact: Paul Moitzi 0423 589 958

Modern Villa, Great Complex!Single level villa• 3 bedrooms plus ensuite • Air conditioning• Modern kitchen• Private courtyard• Lockup garage•

Security estate with resort style • pool, tennis court, BBQ area etc.

NERANG 3 2 1

Price: $329,000Web ID: 1283688 Contact: Julie Morgan-Kemp 0409 870 301

Buy One or Both!Three bedrooms• Air conditioning• Lovely kitchen• Private fenced yard• LU garage plus off road parking• Close to shopping complex•

Walk to schools, public tr• ansportPet friendly•


Price: $355,000Web ID: 1301060 Contact: Shawn Barber 0404 257 243

Oh what a Beauty!3 bedrooms• Open plan living• Separate dining or family room• Double LU garage• Very close to transport and • schools

Currently tenanted until June• Perfect fi rst home•

NERANG 3 1 2

Price: $349,000Web ID: 1305430 Contact: Shawn Barber 0404 257 243

Immaculate Townhouse3 bedrooms plus ensuite• Terrifi c private courtyard•• Excellent modern kitchen• Spacious open plan living• Auto LU garage• Pet friendly•

Security gated complex includes • inground pool & BBQ area


Price: $369,000 - $389,000Web ID: 1304671 Contact: Susie Gale 0406 901 350

Modern Duplex3 bedrooms, ensuite to master• Spacious open plan design• Modern kitchen • Air conditioning• Big grassed yard• Covered entertaining area•

Double carport• Close to all amenities•

NERANG 3 2 2

Price: $369,000Web ID: 1279385 Contact: Steve Snow 0414 982 034

Big as a House!3 bedrooms• Walk in robe & ensuite to master• Huge open plan living• Air conditioning• Stunning modern kitchen• Rear deck overlooking lagoon•

LU garage plus visitor parking• Security gated complex with • resort style pool


Page 11: April Property Book

Office 55 960055quick search these properties and more at www.nfn.com.au


Every precaution has been taken to establish the accuracy of the above information but does not constitute any representation by the vendor or agent.

First in local real estate.

Price: $379,000Web ID: 1279578 Contact: Shawn Barber 0404 257 243

Cheap and Cheerful3 bedrooms• Home offi ce with own entrance• Open plan design• Air conditioning• Cork fl ooring to living area• Covered outdoor pergola•

Terrifi c big backyard with room • for a poolCarport•

NERANG 3 1 1

Price: $385,000Web ID: 1288580 Contact: Steven Hayes 0421 643 871

Tropical RetreatThree bedrooms• Open plan living and dining• Large undercover entertaining • area leading to a glorious garden with rock pools and vegie and herb garden

Lockup garage• Short walk to park & general • store

NERANG 3 1 1

Price: $385,000Web ID: 1301042 Contact: Andrew Davidson 0411 760 600

Value Added3 bedrooms, ensuite to master• Open plan living with timber • look fl ooringGood size kitchen• Air conditioning• Covered entertaining area •

looking over to the poolLockup garage•

NERANG 3 2 1

Price: $399,000Web ID: 1250408 Contact: Andrew Davidson 0411 760 600

Contract Collapsed!Three bedrooms• Open plan lounge & dining• Hardwood timber fl ooring• Large backyard with covered • entertaining areasFront deck with mountain views•

LU garage with storage • Side access for additional parking• Room for a pool•

NERANG 3 1 1

Price: $425,000Web ID: 1300534 Contact: Steven Hayes 0421 643 871

Privacy And Character4 bedrooms plus study• Downstairs master with own • private balcony and ensuite2 living areas• Polished timber fl oors• Large covered entertaining area •

Double carport• Only one neighbour!•


Price: $429,000Web ID: 1299578 Contact: Andrew Davidson 0411 760 600

Going, Going...3 large bedrooms, ensuite • Formal lounge with adjoined • dining or 2nd living areaSeparate family room• Bar or study nook area• Long covered entertaining area•

Big secure yard for the kids• Double carport•


Page 12: April Property Book

Office 55 960055quick search these properties and more at www.nfn.com.au


Every precaution has been taken to establish the accuracy of the above information but does not constitute any representation by the vendor or agent.

First in local real estate.

Price: $437,000Web ID: 1279740 Contact: Susie Gale 0406 901 350

Awesome Investment!Four bedrooms plus ensuite • Separate living areas• Terrifi c modern kitchen• Great yard for the kids• Double auto garage plus double • shade sail parking

Close to schools, shops and • transport Long term tenant in place•


Price: $429,000Web ID: 1304481 Contact: Steve Snow 0414 982 034

Home at fi rst sight!Three bedrooms, ensuite • Formal lounge room• Open plan informal living• Lovely modern kitchen• Air conditioning• Beautiful private yard with cov-•

ered entertaining areaDouble lockup garage•

NERANG 3 2 2

Price: $445,000Web ID: 1315037 Contact: Julie Morgan-Kemp 0409 870 301

When Quality Matters3 large bedrooms plus ensuite• Spacious tiled open plan living• Modern kitchen with granite • benchtopsPrivate lush yard with patio area• Auto double lockup garage•

Immaculate complex with • inground pool & BBQ areaPet friendly!•

NERANG 3 2 2

Price: $439,000Web ID: 1308269 Contact: Susie Gale 0406 901 350

Home Sweet HomeFour bedrooms• Walk in robe and ensuite to • masterSeparate lounge & family rooms• Air conditioning• Freshly painted and carpeted•

Shady covered entertaining area• Double lockup garage•


Price: $469,000Web ID: 1309497 Contact: Andrew Davidson 0411 760 600

Boonooroo Family Entertainer!3 bedrooms plus study• Ensuite to master• Separate living areas• Covered outdoor entertaining• Stunning inground pool• Tandem carport, single carport •

plus shade sail parkingFamily park with BBQ facilities a • short walk away


Price: $469,000Web ID: 1264529 Contact: Steven Hayes 0421 643 871

Moving South, Must Sell!4 bedrooms; ensuite to master• Open plan living• Spacious modern kitchen• Separate family room• Double garage plus side access• Your own private plunge pool•

Big, fully fenced level backyard• Complex includes 2 pools, gym • and riverside parkland

NERANG 4 2 2

Page 13: April Property Book

Office 55 960055quick search these properties and more at www.nfn.com.au


Every precaution has been taken to establish the accuracy of the above information but does not constitute any representation by the vendor or agent.

First in local real estate.

Price: $575,000Web ID: 1259460 Contact: Andrew Davidson 0411 760 600

Rainforest RetreatCharacter fi lled pole home with • split level fl oor plan3 bedrooms; Ensuite to master• Open plan design with distinct • living, dining and kitchen areasAir conditioning•

4 bay carport plus workshed• 9034m2 rainforest lot with • spring creek and ponds


Price: $555,000Web ID: 1264512 Contact: Andrew Davidson 0411 760 600

Location, Location!Four bedrooms plus ensuite• Open plan lounge & dining area• Separate media room• Air conditioning• Covered entertaining area • Fully fenced inground pool•

Double shade sail parking• 621m2 lot in Tee Trees Estate•


Price: $535,000Web ID: 1258825 Contact: Shawn Barber 0404 257 243

Hidden ParadiseThree bedrooms plus study• Ensuite to master• 3 Separate living areas• Wide timber entertaining decks• Inground pool with gazebo• Landscaped with native gardens•

Huge 1199m2 block backing • onto Nerang pony club

NERANG 3 2 -

Price: $479,000Web ID: 1284639 Contact: Andrew Davidson 0411 760 600

Something For Everyone3 bedrooms, ensuite to master• Formal lounge and dining areas• Separate family room• Ducted air conditioning• Covered outdoor entertaining• Quiet cul-de sac location•

9mx7.5m shed with double • carport plus side access


Price: $495,000Web ID: 1304365 Contact: Julie Morgan-Kemp 0409 870 301

Contemporary Family Home4 bedrooms, ensuite to master• Formal lounge area• Spacious open informal living• New modern kitchen • 42sqm entertaining area• Great yard with kids play area •

Lockup garage, off road parking • PLUS rear access to block


Price: $489,000Web ID: 1315049 Contact: Julie Morgan-Kemp 0409 870 301

Pretty, Contemporary Home4 bedrooms, ensuite with spa • Formal lounge room• Spacious informal living• Modern kitchen• Air conditioning• Shaded entertaining area•

Double lockup garage• 2 side access points•


Page 14: April Property Book

Office 55 960055quick search these properties and more at www.nfn.com.au


Every precaution has been taken to establish the accuracy of the above information but does not constitute any representation by the vendor or agent.

First in local real estate.

Price: $725,000Web ID: 1279333 Contact: Andrew Davidson 0411 760 600

Stunning Home, Awesome Views

3 double bedrooms plus study• Master with ensuite & balcony• Massive living area with loft ceilings• Covered outdoor living area• Separate games house with spa•

Double LU garage • 3073m2 lot•


Price: Offers Over $589,000Web ID: 1288310 Contact: The Sales Team 07 5596 0055

One Of A Kind Acreage!8714m2 or 2.15 acre premier • hilltop position100% usable and cleared• Deep rich soil and fully fenced• Amazing panoramic views to the • Ocean, the Gold Coast and the

Great Dividing Ranges - that can never be built outClose to shops, cafes & parkland•


Price: $649,000Web ID: 1304370 Contact: Julie Morgan-Kemp 0409 870 301

Modern Acreage Living4 bedrooms plus study• Ensuite to master• Large open plan living & dining• Media room• 2 side access points• Sealed driveway to 2 bay shed•

Double lockup garage • 3000m2 landscaped lot•


Price: $779,000Web ID: 1279070 Contact: Steven Hayes 0421 643 871

Dirt Bikes, Horses, Lifestyle5 acre lot with 2 street access• Four bedrooms plus offi ce• Two main bathrooms• Separate living areas• Air conditioned and insulated• Storage sheds plus workshop•

Creek with rock pool• Horse paddock and stable• Kids minibike track with jumps•


Price: $659,000Web ID: 1314930 Contact: Julie Morgan-Kemp 0409 870 301

12.5 Acres, Minutes to Town!12.5 acre (approx) lot• 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms• Beautiful open plan design with • polished timber fl oors andOpen fi replace• Gorgeous modern kitchen •

Double carport plus plenty of • off road parking3 paddocks and dam•


Price: $585,000Web ID: 1308669 Contact: Steven Hayes 0421 643 871

Jewel In The Crown7.8 acres of fl at usable land• Shed has been converted to a • neat 1 bedroom cottageCreek running along rear • boundary with fi sh, turtles and swimming holes

Build while residing in the cottage• Only 9km to Canungra•


Page 15: April Property Book

Office 55 960055quick search these properties and more at www.nfn.com.au


Every precaution has been taken to establish the accuracy of the above information but does not constitute any representation by the vendor or agent.

First in local real estate.

Price: $1,100,000Web ID: 1246345 Contact: Andrew Davidson 0411 760 600

State of The Art50 squares with 270 degree views• Smart wired with central control • centre5 bedrooms plus study• Ensuite to master • Huge open plan main living•

Massive entertaining deck• Inground pool plus spa area• Double LU garage•


Price: $1,195,000Web ID: 1288501 Contact: Susie Gale 0406 901 350

5 Star Prestige LivingArchitecturally designed with • amazing 360 degree viewsFive bedrooms plus fl at• Large study• Stunning kitchen with granite • benchtops & induction cooking

Open plan design with 3 living areas• Deep inground pool • Double lockup garage•


Price: $795,000Web ID: 1287141 Contact: Susie Gale 0406 901 350

Sensational QueenslanderSix big bedrooms, 3 bathrooms• Ducted air conditioning• Potential to start a business, ideal • for swim school, day care etc.Huge downstairs rumpus, 2nd • living area with study & kitchenette

Heated 18m inground pool• Triple car accom. with workshop• 5550m2 landscaped lot •


Price: $799,000Web ID: 1216213 Contact: Julie Morgan-Kemp 0409 870 301

Acreage OasisOwner wants all offers!• 2.56 acre lot• 4 bedrooms; ensuite to master• Spacious lounge and dining• Separate TV or games room • Modern timber kitchen •

Large covered entertaining area• Inground pool with shade sail• 2 bay shed & 3 car carport•


Price: $985,000Web ID: 1270880 Contact: Shawn Barber 0404 257 243

Stylish Executive Acreage45 square home on 4000m2 lot• Five bedrooms, 3 bathrooms• 3 Separate living areas plus • parents retreat with study alcoveLarge quality kitchen• Ducted air con and vacumaid•

Inground pool with bali hut• Triple garage plus side access to • 9x6m 2 bay work shed

NERANG 5 3 5

Price: $1,050,000Web ID: 1315017 Contact: Julie Morgan-Kemp 0409 870 301

Family Acreage Residence4000m2 lot with 2 street access• 5 bedrooms plus study• 2 ensuites plus main• Huge modern kitchen• 4 living areas• Giant covered outdoor area•

Inground salt pool with Bali hut• Side access to 9x7m shed & • carport plus double auto garage


Page 16: April Property Book

Winning five national awards clearly

shows that Queensland continues to

lead the way for professionalism in the

industry. Recognising that 2009 was a

particularly challenging time for the entire

industry, we are very proud of all award

finalists and winners and congratulate

them on this positive and outstanding

achievement for Queensland.

Real Estate Institute of Queensland Board

Chairman Pamela Bennett

Now Everyone AgreesTurn to page 5

CDear Mike,Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!

So wonderful to see Queensland do so well at the national awards but I do want to acknowledge and recognise your own personal achievements.You guys have featured for so many years in the Real Estate Institute of Queensland’s Awards and that can’t be done unless you are a stand out operation and so my heartfelt congratulations and acknowledgement around this fact.Where to from here? International Realtor of

the Year? – why not.Well done.Andrew P. BellRay White, Surfers Paradise

Our Clients Always Knew We Were Number 1

On behalf of First National and its membership, we congratulate you for your outstanding representation of the network.

First National Head Offi ce, Melbourne

Congratulations on winning the

Medium Residential Agency of the

Year award.

The property industry of

Queensland is a central player

in Queensland’s economic success

story, and it is important that we

recognise those who contribute to

our State’s prosperity.

Again, I congratulate you on your

award and wish you ongoing

success in the future.


Leader of the Opposition

Leader of the LNP

These awards are very important to our industry, recognising the best that Australian real estate has to offer.

Mr David Airey,REIA President
