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GIR(L) Magazine is a cutting edge ladies magazine bringing you all of the latest and great information for health, wealth, politics, pets, and so much more!
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April 201114 Recognize the Value of Others, People work harder for recognition than for money. Find out why.20 Six Moves for a Sexier You, Get that body back into bikini shape in no time with these six moves.24 Quinoa-The Mother Grain, Find out more about this nutritional powerhouse. 30 A Dog Named Faith, Sometimes the BIGGEST inspiration comes in the smallest packages!34 Young Americans for Liberty, A group of young people come together to fight for freedom! 36 The Arrogance of Authority, What happens when a DEA officer, a rancher and huge bull find each other? 40 Banks Found Guilty of Fraud! Read which Florida banks were found guilty of mortgage fraud.46 Thirteen Tips for Veggie Virgins 13 tips for tilling the earth, getting your hands dirty, and growing your own veggies.50 No Urn for the Ashes, Book review.58 Sunday on the Rocks, Women’s Theater Project presents the play written by Theresa Rebeck.

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Jackie Branca

Shelly Allen









I mean, wouldn’t now be the time to unite with our brethren to fix the real problem, our government? One thing is for sure, none of our woes can be solved over night, but hey, slow and steady wins the race, right?

But for now, we’ve got a great issue in store for you! Like always, there’s a little bit of everything. We’ve got health, politics, inspiration and so much more. Don’t forget, our advertisers make this magazine possible so please let them know you saw them HERE. See you next month, same time, same sandbox!

Recently, I watched a documentary called Split: America Divided. It was released prior to the 2008

elections but the message was certainly clear. Americans are split on, well, just about everything. I thought an interest-ing message of the film was that maybe our split isn’t caused our polarizing view points of the opposition, maybe, just maybe our split is the direct result of non-communication. Every day we are bombarded by mainstream media’s message. One station tells us how ter-rible the left is and another station tells us how terrible the right is. In the end, we are left with a foul taste in our mouths for people who appear to be so completely opposite of us.

That got me thinking, maybe if we opened up a dialog with our neighbor, our friends and our relatives and started talking about things like, sound money, the right of the individual, freedom and prosperity...maybe we could bridge the gap that separates us.

“When written in Chinese, the word ‘Crisis’ is composed

of two characters. One represents danger and the

other represents OPPORTUNITY.”

-John F. Kennedy

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PUBLISHER ALLEN-BRANCA MEDIA COMPANY, INCManaging Directors Shelly Allen, Jackie Branca

Senior Editor Shelly AllenResearch Alicia Polacek

Contributing Writer Lindsey PepparContributing Writer Sue Willis

Contributing Writer Allison SingerContributing Writer Jennifer Davis

Contributing Writer Claudia BeckensteinContributing Writer Pam Wall


Studio / Production

Art Director / Production Design Pink Parrot ProductionsAdvertisement Design Joya Design 954.829.9915

Layout Design Pink Parrot Productions

Web Site Director / Designer Joya Design


Director of Sales Jackie Branca Sales Associate Amanda Pearl

Internet Sales Associate Lindsey Peppar

2011 Copyright here and abroad of all editorial content is held by the publishers of GIR(L) Magazine. Reproduction whole or in part is forbidden without prior written consent from the publisher. Publisher may not be held liable or responsible in any way for any actions

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W W W . T H E G I R L M A G A Z I N E . C O M

Distribution Tri-County Distribution Services

P.O. Box 50111, Lighthouse Point, Florida, 33074, 954.829.1982, 954.815.3220

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You can MOVE MOUNTAINS when you learn to... reCognize the Value of others

The most intense yearning of every normal person is for recognition of his value and worth as an individual human being.

More than money, more than fame, more than any material thing, this is the greatest reward you can give anyone - to let him know that you appreciate him for himself alone, rather than for what he can do for you.

Man’s fate in this existence is, in essence, a lonely one.

Except for faith in the Creator, each is born alone and dies alone. Although it may be possible to postpone someone’s death through our own sacrifice, no one actually can die for another.


By: Napoleon Hill

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Each ultimately faces the end of earthly existence as a matter strictly between himself and God. It is this subconscious realization that causes Man his essential loneliness, that causes him to strive so mightily for the appreciation of his fellows.

Psychiatrists and psychologists are coming to realize, as philosophers and priests have realized for centuries, that this is the basic drive of Mankind - not sex, or the urge for security, but the demand for simple, egotistical recognition.

None of us has so long to live that we can afford to waste a precious moment in such a negative way as carping criticisms of others. But every moment spent in praise of someone else rebounds to our own credit. For nowhere is it more true that like begets like than in this instance.

That doesn’t mean that you must engage in fatuous flattery or apple polishing. Nor does it meant that you must overlook errors and ineptness in subordinates.

But it does mean that every word of criticism you offer should be given in a spirit of helpful instructiveness, with a view to making the subject a better person, a better worker, than he was before.

It also means that you are willing to recognize the good points as well as the bad and give them greater weight of appreciation.

It will help you, too, to remember than no man or woman is entirely free of the drive for recognition. That includes your superiors as well as your subordinates. Your boss at this moment is probably more tired, more lonely, and more disheartened than you realize. He would appreciate a word of sincere praise from you every bit as much as the one you hope to receive from him.

As a matter of tactfulness, too, beware of the person who invites you to “go ahead and criticize me. I want your honest opinion.” Few of us are so self-disciplined that we actually enjoy criticism. Such an invitation is merely a sign of a person’s need for recognition. Mankind’s greatest punishment for miscreants lies not in the bars and strict discipline of prison life. It’s in the eradication of the prisoner’s individuality - the uniforms, the numbers, the deliberate withdrawal of recognition.

The true leader in the military service carefully guards the individual ego of each subordinate. Although realizing the need for discipline and uniformity, he also realizes the inherent dangers they hold as killers of personality and spirit. Hence, he makes sure that each man knows that he is valued and respected as an individual person.

By adopting the same attitude, you will be taking a tremendous step toward becoming a leader yourself.

Source: Success Unlimited April 1966. Pgs. 33 & 34.

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A priest offered a Nun a lift. She got in and crossed her legs, forcing her gown to reveal a leg. The priest nearly had an accident. After controlling the car, he stealthily slid his hand up her leg. The nun said, ‘Father, remember Psalm 129?’ The priest removed his hand. But, chang-ing gears, he let his hand slide up her leg again. The nun once again said, ‘Father, remem-ber Psalm 129?’ The priest apologized ‘Sorry sister but the flesh is weak.’ Arriving at the convent, the nun sighed heavily and went on her way. On his arrival at the church, the priest rushed to look up Psalm 129. It said, ‘Go forth and seek, further up, you will find glory.’

MORAL OF THE STORY: If you are not well informed in your job, you might miss a great opportunity.


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When asked recently in an interview how she would like to be re-membered, Helen Thomas, former White House Senior Reporter of 50 years, replied:

“As the person who asked why. That’s what I want as my epitaph: ‘Why?’ It’s always been my favorite question, even though it rarely gets answered. As I said before, because of what happened recently, people are going to remember me a certain way. The truth is, I don’t hate anybody. I care deeply about people. I care for the poor, the sick, the lame, the harmed, those who’ve been treated unjustly. I like the fact that you asked me if I’m nuts. People think you’re nuts if you take a stand in this life. I’ve always cared about what happens in the world, and I think what the Israelis are doing is wrong. We have to care about our fellow man, and we don’t. Some-how we’ve lost that sense. It’s become almost a sin to care. But we are all God’s children, right?”

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We all know that exercise improves our physical health; No surprise here! But, did

you know that exercise improves your mental and emotional health as well? Studies show that people who exercise are less likely to suffer from anxiety and depression. Exercise also improves your memory, problem solving abilities and can even improve math skills. Most importantly, a “good old” work-out will make you feel healthy and look sexy! Let’s face it, we all want to feel healthy but with summer approaching, the most important thing is to look hotter and sexier walking down the beach in those skimpy little bathing suits! Here are six moves that will burn calories and have you looking sexier just in time for summer…And ladies and gentlemen, no excuses, there’s no equipment needed! So, get ready, get fit, and get summer sexy!

1. SQUAT JUMPS – Stand with feet shoulder width apart, lower yourself into a full squat and then push yourself off the floor with an exploding jump (your arms should be down between your feet and your hands should touch the floor as you squat). While you jump up, bring your hands up as well and clap your hands over your head. Remember, keep that back straight and those knees be-hind your toes when you squat! (Repeat 15-30 times depending on fitness level)

2. LUNGE WALKS – Keep your head up, shoulders back and chest lifted.


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Take a big step forward and lower to a lunge. Remember to keep two 90 degree angles in your legs and your front toe behind your knee while lunging. Pick your back leg up and bring your feet back together. Move forward as you lunge. Remember to alternate legs. (If you do not have a large area, you can alternate feet and do your forward lunges in place) (Repeat 10-25 times on each leg…so, 20-50 times total depending on fitness level)

3. PUSH-UPS WITH A “GLUTE” LIFT – Do a regular push up, lower your-self to the floor but as your come back up lift one leg straight back (keep your leg straight). Alternate legs each push up. (You can modify this exercise by doing the push-ups on your knees and kicking up as you come up from the push-up).

4. MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS – Get into a plank position just like your getting ready for a push up. Rest on the balls of your feet while you bring one leg forward toward your chest and then back to its original position. Repeat this movement rapidly alter-nating legs each time.

5. SPIDERMANS – Begin in a plank position. While staying in plank bring your left leg along the outside of your body and up toward your left

elbow, with your knee bend. Return to original position and repeat it with the right side.

6. TABLETOP CRUNCHES – Lay on your back and take your feet off the floor, your knees should be in a 90 degree angle so your shins create a table top. Bend your elbows and place your hands behind your ears. As you exhale lift your shoulders and your hips off the ground at the same time. Contract your abs at all times!

Repeat this set 2-4 times depending on fitness level for optimal results! Re-member, getting ready for summer and feeling great is just six easy moves away!

Cassie Evans is a personal trainer at Push Fitness, reach her at 954-530-4304.

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QUINOA- The Mother Grain


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Quinoa, though not technically a cereal grain like wheat or oats, has

been cultivated and eaten as a cereal for thousands of years by South Ameri-cans. Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) is the tiny seed of the Chenopodium Quinoa, a leafy plant that is a distant

relative of spinach and beets. Quinoa was called the “mother grain” by the Incas (chisiya mama). Now, as people in the rest of the world learn more about Quinoa, they’re discovering that its ancient nickname was well deserved - Quinoa is indeed a nutritional powerhouse. Quinoa’s protein con-tent, about 16 percent, is higher than that of any other grain. Wheat also has a high protein content, about 14 percent, but the protein in wheat and most other grains is lacking in the amino acid lysine, which Quinoa has in abundance. In fact, the amino acid composition in Quinoa is almost per-

fect. The World Health Organization has judged the protein in Quinoa to be as complete as that in milk. In addi-tion, Quinoa contains more iron than most grains, and is a good source of calcium, phosphorus, folate, and many B vitamins. Eating a serving of whole grains, such as Quinoa, at least 6 times each week is an especially good idea for postmenopausal women with high cholesterol, high blood pressure or other signs of cardiovascular disease. A 3-year prospective study of 229 postmenopausal women with cardio-vascular disease, published in the July 2005 issue of the American Heart Journal, shows that those eating at least 6 servings of whole grains each week experienced slowed progres-sion of atherosclerosis, the build-up of plaque that narrows the vessels through which blood flows and its pro-gression in stenosis, the narrowing of the diameter of arterial passageways. Quinoa can be found in your favorite Wholefood Farmacy foods such as Phi Plus, as well as all seven of our Wholefood Farinas: AmpliPhi, Beau-tiPhi, ClariPhi, DetoxiPhi, ElectriPhi, FructiPhi & GloriPhi.

For more information go to: www.Leading.WholefoodFarmacy.com


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House Minority Leader Lawrence F. Cafero Jr., R-Norwalk, pictured standing, far right, speaks while colleagues...

Rep. Barbara Lambert, D-Milford and Rep. Jack F. Hennessy, D-Bridgeport, play solitaire as the House convened to vote on a new budget. (AP) The guy sitting in the row in front of these two....he’s on Facebook, and the guy behind Hennessy is checking out the baseball scores. These are the folks that couldn’t get the budget out by Oct. 1, and are about to control your health care, cap and trade, and on and on…. Should we buy them larger screen computers - or - a ticket home, permanently? This is one day of their 3-DAY WORK WEEKS for which we pay them about $179,000 per year.


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This dog was born on Christmas Eve, 2002. He was born

with only two hind legs and he of course could not walk when he was born, even his mother did not want him. His first owner also did not think that he could survive and he was thinking of putting him down. But then, along came Jude Stringfellow. When Jude met him, she immedi-ately wanted to take

care of him and became determined to teach and train this little dog to walk by himself. Knowing it would take all the faith she could mus-ter not only in the dogs’ determination and spirit, but also in her own belief and passion to never give up, Jude decided to name the two legged dog ‘Faith’.

In the beginning, she put Faith on a surfboard to let him feel the movement.

By Anonymous

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A Dog Named...




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Later she used peanut butter on a spoon as a lure and reward for him to stand up and jump. This was quite a family affair as even the other dog at home encouraged him to walk. Amazingly, only after 6 months, like a miracle, Faith learned to balance on his hind legs and jump to move forward. Af-ter further training in the snow, he could now balance on his hind legs and walk like a human.

Faith loves to walk around now. No matter where he goes, he attracts people to him. He is fast becoming famous on the inter-

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national scene and has appeared in vari-ous newspapers and on TV shows. There is even a book entitled ‘With a Little Faith’ being published about him. Stringfellow has given up her teaching post and plans to take him around the world to show those who may need a hand up, that even without a perfect body, one can have a perfect soul.

In life and throughout life, we are all presented challenges and obstacles, but if you keep your spirit intact and believe in yourself and in the people (or pets) around you, anything, ANYTHING is possible. Keep the faith, for faith is the continual demonstration of the strength and wonder of life .

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To be young is a gift that you receive only one time in your life. Do you remember it? The youth, the fire, the passion, the feeling of invincibility, the knowing in your heart of hearts that you could

change the world. Do you remember? I remember. And to a large extent I still feel that passion, that burning fire to change, not the world, but each individual I come across. A burning desire to talk to people about the issues and what’s happening in this country today in a way that they have never thought of before. I have a passion for broadening a person’s hori-zons and reminding them that they (you) can do anything they set their mind to. That they can create the changes necessary in their own lives and their own communities to make their opportunities come to fruition. That they, that you can be anything you want and affect the state of the world. As Margaret Mead once said, “Never underestimate the power of a few committed people to change the world, indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”

So you can imagine my extreme delight when I came across this group of “a few committed people,” in the organization, Young Americans for Liberty, YAL. You and I know that this country has been turned upside down and inside out over the past few decades, or past 100 years really, to the point where we barely recognize the country our forefathers founded. Spending is through the roof, government encroachment on our liberties

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has never been more perverse, the middle class has just about disappeared through government meddling in the economy, I could go on…but I won’t. The people are fed up and this is where YAL comes into play. Young Americans for Liberty is taking that youth passion and directing it squarely at returning this country to its foundation. I love it!

According to their website, www.YaLiberty.org, “The mission of Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) is to train, educate, and mo-bilize youth activists committed to “winning on principle.” Our goal is to cast the leaders of tomorrow and reclaim the policies, can-didates, and direction of our government.” Inspired by the 2008 Presidential run of Texas Congressman Ron Paul, YAL is com-mitted to promoting constitutional, limited government principles on campus and in the local community.

In their owe words YAL:

• Is the Young Americans for Liberty (YAL). As Americans we recognize the God-given natural rights of life, liberty, and property set forth by our Founding Fathers. Our country was created to protect the freedoms of the individual and directed by we the people.

• Recognize that freedom deserves respon-sibility and therefore we hold ourselves to a high moral character and conduct. Integrity emphasizes our stance towards action. Principle defines our outlook towards gov-ernment. Peace and prosperity drives our ambitions towards our countrymen.

• Inherit a corrupt, coercive world that has lost respect for voluntary action. Our

government has failed and dragged our country into moral decay. The political class dominates the agenda with a violent, callous, controlling grip. And, for this we do not stand.

• Welcomes limited government conserva-tives, classical liberals, and libertarians who trust in the creed we set forth.


that government is the negation of liberty; that voluntary action is the only ethical behavior; that respect for the individual’s property is fundamental to a peaceful society;that violent action is only warranted in defense of one’s property; that the individual owns his/her body and is therefore responsible for his/her actions;that society is a responsibility of the people, not the government.

Be the change you wish to see in the world. I believe Gandhi said that and truer words were never spoken. Get involved, educate yourself, then educate others as to what we need to do to be the change we wish to see in this country, in our community, in our own homes. BE the change you wish to see!

Take the time to check out Young Ameri-cans for Liberty at www.YaLiberty.org. Membership is for 15 to 39 year olds, how-ever; if you are older than 39 you can still become a member as a Senior YAL. Even if you don’t want to join, make a donation to help them further the cause of returning this country to the nation it was founded to be by education, action and activism.

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A DEA officer stopped at a ranch in Texas , and talked with an old ranch-er. He told the rancher, “I need to inspect your ranch for illegally grown drugs.” The rancher said, “Okay, but don’t go in that field over there.....”, as he pointed out the location. The DEA officer verbally exploded saying, “ Mister, I have the authority of the Federal Government with me!” Reaching into his rear pants pocket, he removed his badge and proudly displayed it to the rancher. “See this badge?! This badge means I am allowed to go wherever I wish.... On any land!! No questions asked or answers given!! Have I made myself clear......do you understand ?!!” The rancher nodded politely, apologized, and went about his chores. A short time later, the old rancher heard loud screams, looked up, and saw

the DEA officer running for his life, being chased by the rancher’s big Santa Gertrudis bull......

With every step the bull was gaining ground on the officer, and it seemed likely that he’d sure enough get gored before he reached safety.

The officer was clearly terrified. The rancher threw down his tools, ran to the fence and yelled at the top of his lungs.....“Your badge, show him your BADGE!!!”

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Michael Lawrence


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As a result of the recent investigation launched by the Florida attorney gen-eral’s office, bank of America, GMAC bank, JP Morgan chase, and others, have all been found guilty of foreclosure fraud.

Depositions by the banks employees revealed that the banks have been forging, falsifying, and fabricating documents in order to foreclose on millions of homes owned by unsuspecting American homeowners.

Additionally, Wells Fargo Bank has admitted to 55,000 counts of perjury in submit-ting false affidavits to the courts in its efforts to fraudulently foreclose on home-owners.

To add to this disgusting, and arrogant display of lawlessness by the banks, nothing has been done by The Justice Department, or any other Federal Officials in the way of civil or criminal charges against the banks, until now.

Recently, The Arizona and Nevada Attorney Generals have filed a civil lawsuit against Bank of America for fraud against homeowners seeking loan modification, and hopefully there will be more lawsuits on the way, as the Obama Administration has also launched a Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force to investigate and prosecute financial crimes in the lending and financial markets.

As bank fraud has already proved to be pervasive, let’s hope that this task force has the political will and integrity to prosecute the banks, and the corrupt attorneys who represent them.

These are essentially mortgages that the banks knew they did not own, but were willing to break the law in order to put homeowners out on the streets to satisfy their insatiable greed for even more money.

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In spite of clear and convincing docu-mented evidence, in the forms of deposi-tion testimony by bank employees, the banks have been carrying on as if nothing ever happened, and federal officials have seemingly given them the green light to continue to break the law with impunity.

Until such time as The Department Of Justice, The SEC, And The Attorney Generals of each state decide to take ac-tion against these criminal banks, home-owners have no choice but to implement their own available legal strategies to fight to save their homes.

Because most of these foreclosure cases involve the banks inability to produce the promissory note in order to prove they have any legal rights to foreclosure, homeowners have several legal strategies available to them, in order to stop the banks from fraudulently foreclosing on their homes.

One of the more popular strategies employed of late is the “Produce The Note” Strategy. As a large percentage of mortgage loans were securitized, and sold to investors all over the world, it has been difficult, if not impossible for the banks to produce the required documents that would establish their right to foreclosure, as those documents have been lost in the Wall Street ether. This is why the banks have attempted to forge and falsify the documents, but have been recently caught, and found guilty of fraud.

Secondly, the homeowner can also file a civil suit against the banks for fraud, and make them prove they are the rightful owner of the note who is authorized to foreclose on the homeowner’s property.

Last, but definitely not least, is the latest, and possibly most powerful strategy avail-able, which may not require a homeowner to go to court at all if they are not in a foreclosure. It is strictly an administrative process pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act Of 1946, by which the homeowner is legally able to reconvey the property title back into his/her name, thereby revoking any authority by the bank to foreclose on the property, and taking the property back usually within 90 days. The Michael Lawrence ProcessThis effectively puts the homeowner back in control, and forces the bank to deal with the homeowner, who now is negoti-ating from a position of strength, instead of begging the bank for help.

Until such time as our Government Officials decide that they will uphold, and enforce the rule of law, and the U.S Constitution, and not allow themselves to be bought by the bank’s lobbyist, the American Homeowner must be willing to fight for their Constitutional Rights, and homes by any legal means necessary against the Federal Reserve, The Banks, and the wealthy Wall Street Barons, who created this mess with the full intention of fleecing the American Citizens from all of their remaining wealth in the form of equity in their homes.

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Thirteen Tips for “Veggie Virgins” and Other Inexperienced

Food GrowersTips from Ellen LaConte,

Author of Life Rules

Don’t assume lack of space is a deal-breaker. Most of us don’t live on farms. Nor do we have spacious,

magazine-worthy backyards. And in the case of city-dwellers, we may not have back-yards of any type! That’s okay, says Ellen LaConte, who is something of an outside-the-box thinker when it comes to gardening in smaller or unconventional settings. (In

fact, based on her own experiences, she has written articles on turning suburban outdoor spaces into “tiny homestead Edens.”)

In general, LaConte recommends that neighborhood gardening novices start with one of two easy options: the container garden or the raised-bed garden. (A quick Internet search will unearth a plethora of advice, instructions, and details about each.)

Make your bed…raised! A raised-bed gar-den is one that is built on top of your native soil—in other words, you don’t have to dig into your yard and can build it wherever you want. It can be enclosed by lumber, stone, brick, concrete, or even hay bales, and is filled with whatever type of soil you choose. Advantages include (but are certainly not limited to): improved accessibility (you don’t need to stoop as far to reach your plants), good drainage, fewer weeds, the ability to plant more densely, and improved soil qual-ity. Also, raised-bed gardens heat up more quickly than the native soil, so you’ll be able to plant sooner and you’ll probably enjoy a higher produce yield.

Contain yourself! Did you know that almost any vegetable, and quite a few fruits (such as berries, limes, and melons), can be adapted to growing in a pot? It’s true! So even if you’ve got no yard at all, you can still cultivate a container garden on your balcony, patio, or windowsill. As with a raised-bed garden, container gardens are very accessible and offer you total control over soil quality. Keep in mind a few simple guidelines such as making sure that larger plants are in larger containers and that all have adequate drainage holes, and you’re good to garden!

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Start small. If you bite off more produce than you can chew, you may become overwhelmed and leave your garden to the not-so-tender mercies of nature. If you’re a newbie, choose just a few easy-to-cultivate vegetables, fruits, and herbs, preferably ones that already feature prominently in your diet. You can let yourself gradually catch the gardening bug from there!

Don’t panic: You’ll find the time. Prospective gardeners may be ex-cited by the idea of growing their own fruits and vegetables but daunted by the scope of the project ahead of them. If you’re wonder-ing where you’re going to find the time to cultivate and harvest plants, take a deep breath. After the initial effort of planting and potting is over, your daily garden chores such as watering and weeding will usually be done in 15 to 30 minutes. And when you consider how much time most of us waste in front of the computer or TV, well…the task ahead of you might not be so difficult to fit in after all. (And it’ll certainly be more nourishing!)

“Grow” easy on yourself. The fact is, some types of produce are much hardier and easier to grow than others. Why make your first foray into gardening more difficult than it needs to be by trying to raise plants that are needy? Start with tried-and-true plants like basil, rosemary, blueberries, tomatoes, lettuce, and peppers, for example.

It’s as easy as one, two, TREE. When most people think “gardening,” trees don’t necessarily spring to mind. While it’s true that trees can take longer than tomato

plants or berry bushes to yield fruit, the wait is usually well worth it. Consider planting cherry, apple, peach, etc. saplings in your yard. As they grow, these trees will be both beautiful and practical. And the yardless needn’t be left out—remember that fruits such as peaches, plums, figs, lemons, limes, etc. (often available in dwarf varieties) can be grown in pots.

Farm alongside your flowers. Many people whose patios or yards are livened up by colorful flowers have never given a second thought to raising produce. If you’re one of them, consider this: You already have the knowledge and skills to care for plants. So why not plant some tomatoes or cilantro along with those zinnias and pansies?

Grow your own “spice rack.” Many people don’t immediately think of herbs when they hear the word “gardening,” but the truth is that these little plants are generally easy to grow, don’t require much space (think window boxes and small pots), and can really spice up your meals! Plus, with a little advance planning, you can stock your shelf with dried herbs that will last the whole year round.

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Practice pollution-free pest control. If you are able to grow and harvest your produce with no unwelcome critters taking a bite or two, consider yourself lucky! The fact is, it’s a good idea to have a pesticide plan in place…but you don’t have to risk polluting your yard or harming beneficial insects in the process. For example, hot pepper sprays, garlic, used dishwater, and even some varieties of plants naturally repel insects and animals alike.

Make it a group effort… Nobody ever said that gardening had to be a solitary activity! For example, you might grab a neighbor (or two or three) and share the hoeing, weeding, and watering chores. And when your labors bear fruit, you can share that as well. (Also, it’s worth noting that gardening doesn’t have to be an adults-only activity. It can be a great bonding experience for fami-lies, too—working outside is much healthier than playing a video game or watching TV, and your kids will learn quite a bit in the process.)

…or a community-wide one! If you like the idea of enlisting aid in your cultivation efforts but don’t have the desire or space to “host” a garden yourself, research to see if there are any community gardens in your area. They may charge a fee for participation and might feature plots that are collectively gardened or plots that are allotted to individuals. One thing’s for sure, though—you’ll be able to take advantage of the expertise of your fellow gardeners, and you’ll probably make some new friends in the process!

If you need some guidance, find a 4-H club… Maybe you didn’t leave your 4-H

days behind with your adolescence after all! The fact is, 4-H offers programs to its members that focus on plant science. Your local club might be able to give you person-alized advice on your fledgling gardening endeavor…and you might find a fulfilling volunteering or mentoring opportunity in the process!

…or hit up the hardware store. Most hardware stores with gardening centers have everything you need to get started—and that doesn’t just include plants and garden-ing implements (though those are available in spades—pun intended!). Ask employees for advice on everything from which plants grow well in shade to how often to fertilize, and you’ll go home with your questions answered.

…or make friends at a farmer’s market. Chances are, there’s one near you…and who better to ask for tips and tricks than your fellow citizens who have already learned to garden successfully? This is also a good venue at which to learn about community gardens and group efforts. And bonus: You might be able to set up a booth yourself sooner than you think!

About the Author:A memoirist, magazine and book editor, and freelance writer, Ellen LaConte has been published in numerous magazines and trade journals on subjects ranging from organic gardening and alternative technologies to the evolution of consciousness, democracy theory, and complex systems. After three decades of homesteading in Connecticut and Maine, she gardens now on a half-acre in the Yadkin River watershed of the Piedmont bioregion of North Carolina.

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There is no telling the chaos that would result from an announcement that someone

discovered a formula that would enable us to replace fossil fuels. Every nation would want to get their hands on it - there would be no end to the lengths they would go to in order to get control of the secret that would make them the most powerful nation on earth!

No Urn for the Ashes is an outstanding novel by Alison Sawyer Current. It is the perfect blend of adventure, thrills, compassion and grief, and the author’s choice of her dynamic characters reflects an incredible insight into human nature.

Tennyson Garland is the genius behind the discovery of this formula and he knew he must keep it a secret. After this brilliant scientist and his young daughter tragically die in a fire at their isolated mountain cabin, his widow realizes there are evil forces at work that will stop at nothing to control the world with this discovery. Eight years pass and Taylor


While the entire world stands to benefit from a fossil fuel replacement, nations would undoubtedly still battle for

control of its power.



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is in the midst of a failing marriage, still suffering the loss of her first husband and child, and finds herself having to deal with the past once again. She gets caught up in the treachery of Kevin Levine, the former colleague of her first husband who was always left behind in the wake of Tennyson’s brilliance. The drama that follows leads her to believe that her daughter may actually be alive!

In this suspense-filled, page-turning story readers get transported to Nicaragua and on to Mexico when a new struggle arises – with the prize being the greatest discovery of modern times. We follow Taylor in her search for her long-lost child as she deals not only with the past, but with the return of her absent father who is tortured by his own demons, and the mysterious stranger who was hired by him but who may represent an even greater threat than even Levine’s insatiable ambition for control! Readers share Taylor’s warm relationship with Ruby, her dearest friend and most intimate confidant, and the uneasy and emotion-packed truce with Patricia, the mother by adoption of a girl named Emma – who may well turn out to be Taylor’s long-lost child, Rebecca.

No Urn for the Ashes is action-packed to the very end. For more information on either the book or its creative author, please visit www.bayfirepress.com.


AND DoN’t Miss this

GreAt title FroM

little, BrowN AND CoMpANy

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South Florida Tea Party (SFTP) part of a grassroots coalition of 150 plus tea party groups on Florida Tea Party

Patriots and also Tea Party Patriots that has over 2700 grassroots tea party groups nationwide, is extremely proud to announce that Donald J. Trump will be the keynote speaker for the 3rd Annual Tax Day Tea Party.

The South Florida Tax Day Tea Party will be on April 16th, Saturday from 1 to 2:30PM at the Sanborn Square, 72 N. Federal High-way, Boca Raton, Florida. Join thousands of patriots for the 3rd Annual Tax Day Tea Party “The Tea Party Has Just Begun” Get

ready to be motivated by speakers, music and information.

Donald Trump, who is actively considering a run for president, is known worldwide as a successful businessman worth over 2.7 Billion dollars and real-estate mogul. In addition Trump’s reality TV show the “Ap-prentice” that started in 2004 has expanded to include a celebrity version and is going on its 11th Series. Trump is expected to talk about his thoughts on how to get our country moving again and the need for further tax reduction. “In every poll the tea party had, Donald Trump came out number one,” Everett Wilkinson, Chairman of South Florida Tea Party and State Coordinator For Tea Party Patriots. “America is tired of politicians giving speeches. We want to hear from people that have proven business experience. This should be an exciting day for America.”

South Florida Tea Party, INC (SFTP) is a non-partisan, non-profit social welfare organization dedicated to furthering the common good and general welfare of the people of the United States. SFTP is the largest tea party in Florida with over 30,000 members. For more information, visit www.SouthFloridaTeaParty.org

Tea Party Patriots, Inc. (“TPP”) is a non-partisan, non-profit social welfare organization dedicated to furthering the common good and general welfare of the people of the United States. TPP is the original and largest national grassroots tea party organiza-tion that is composed of over 2700 individual tea party groups. There are over a 130 tea party groups in Florida. TPP furthers this goal by educating the public and promoting the principles of fiscal respon-sibility, constitutionally limited government and free markets. Tea Party Patriots has not endorsed candidates for public office. For more information, visit www.TeaPartyPatriots.org

DONALD J. TRUMP to be Keynote Speaker

at South Florida Tax Day Tea Party

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ABOUT THE PLAY: Sunday on the Rocks

On a beautiful Sunday morning in mid October, three housemates decide to have scotch for

breakfast in this play by the author of Spike Heels, The Family of Mann and Loose Knit. Elly is pregnant and considering an abortion, Jen is being harassed by a co-worker who is obsessed

with her, and Gayle just feels a bit lost. Their problems are compounded by a fourth roommate, Jessica, a religious young woman who has little compassion for their confused attempts to make sense of modern life. As they drink, joke and argue, it becomes clear how difficult it is to make moral decisions in an increasingly complex world. ABOUT THE CAST:

The Women’s Theatre Project is pleased


Presented by The Women’s

Theatre Project

The Women’s Theatre Project continues its 2011 season with a production of SUNDAY ON THE ROCKS by Theresa Rebeck.

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to feature a cast of four professional actresses from South Florida. Under the direction of TWTP Artistic Director, Genie Croft are actresses Pilar Uribe, Lela Elam, Jacqueline Laggy and Dyani Batcheller. ABOUT THE PLAYWRIGHT - Theresa Rebeck

Theresa Rebeck is a widely produced playwright throughout the United States and abroad. Past New York productions of her work include Mauritius at the Biltmore Theatre in a Manhattan Theater Club Production; The Scene, The Water’s Edge, Loose Knit, The Family of Mann and Spike Heels at Second Stage; Bad Dates, The Butterfly Collection and Our House at Playwrights Horizons; and View of the Dome at New York Theatre Workshop. Omnium Gatherum (co-written, finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in 2003) was featured at the Humana Festival, and had a commercial run at the Variety Arts Theatre.

Her newest work, The Understudy, premiered at the 2008 Williamstown Theatre Festival and ran in New York at the Laura Pels Theater in a Roundabout Theatre Company production as part of their 2009 - 2010 season.

SUNDAY ON THE ROCKS marks TWTP’s 26th main stage production, previewing Thursday, April 21st with

performances April 22nd through May 15th, 2011. Performances are at Sixth Star Studios, 505 NW 1st Avenue - conveniently located 1 block west of Andrews Avenue at NW 5th Street in Downtown Ft. Lauderdale. On the street free parking is available. Performances are on Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 8 PM and Sunday at 2 PM.

Reservations are strongly recommended, as the venue seats only 45. Tickets are $25 for adults, $15 for students with ID. Special group rates are available. Advance tickets may be charged at Theater Mania by calling toll free to 866-811-4111 or at our website www.womenstheatreproject.com. Call (954) 462-2334 for group rates and flexible season subscriptions. On Friday, April 22nd, an exclusive opening weekend after-party will be held with the cast and crew at the loft of Doug Jones, president of Sixth Star and corporate sponsor of TWTP. The loft is adjacent to the theatre. Advance reservations are required for this limited access event. Please contact the box office for details at 954-462-2334. The Women’s Theatre Project, was founded in 2002 and is the only professional theatre company in the country founded by women and exclusively presenting theatrical works written by women.

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