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Apuntes Sobre Maquinas de Soldar

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  • 7/28/2019 Apuntes Sobre Maquinas de Soldar



    Figure 1.59shows a schematic diagram of a welding transformer having thin primary windings with a large number of turns.On the other hand, the secondary has more area of cross-section and less number of turns ensuring less voltage and very

    high current in the secondary. One end of the secondary is connected to the welding electrode, whereas the other end is

    connected to the pieces to be welded. If any high current flows, heat is produced due to the contact resistance between the

    electrode and the pieces to be welded. The generated heat melts a tip of the electrode and the gap between the two pieces

    is filled.

    Figure 1.59 Welding Transformer

    Figure 1.60 Volt-ampere Characteristic of a Welding Transformer

    The winding used for the welding transformer is highly reactive. Otherwise, a separate reactor may be added in series with

    the secondary winding.Figure 1.60shows the volt-ampere characteristic of a welding transformer.

    1.42.1 Reactors Used with Welding Transformers

    To control the arc, various reactors are used with welding transformers. Some methods to control the arc are given below:

    i. Tapped reactor: With the help of taps on the reactor, the output current is regulated. This has limite number ofcurrent settings shown inFigure 1.61.

    ii. Moving coil reactor:Figure 1.62shows a moving coil reactor in which the reactive distance between primary andsecondary is adjusted. The current becomes less if the distance between the coils is large.

    Figure 1.61 Tapped Reactor

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    Figure 1.62 Moving Coil Reactor

    iii. Moving shunt reactor: Figure 1.63 shows a moving shunt reactor in which the position of the central magneticshunt can be adjusted. Change of the output current is obtained due to the adjustment of the shunted flux.

    iv. Continuously variable reactor:Figure 1.64shows a continuously variable reactor in which the height of the reactoris continuously varied. Greater reactance is obtained due to greater core insertion and hence the output current

    is less.

    v. Saturable reactor:Figure 1.65shows a saturable reactor. To adjust the reactance of the reactor, the required DCexcitation is obtained from a DC controlled transducer. Reactor approaches saturation if the DC excitationcurrent is more. Therefore, changes of current are obtained due to the change of reactance.

    Figure 1.63 Moving Shunt Reactor

    Figure 1.64 Continuously Variable Reactor

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    Figure 1.65 Saturable Reactor

  • 7/28/2019 Apuntes Sobre Maquinas de Soldar


    Designing Your Own Transformer

    written by: Swagatam edited by: Lamar Stonecypher updated: 11/1/2011

    Designing a transformer is not easy simply because the criteria involved with these

    devices are critical and elaborate. However some meticulously arranged data regarding

    the various calculations can make the procedure easier. Learn how to make a transformer

    through using simple formulas.


    We have already studied a lot about transformers in Bright Hub and we know that its

    simply a device used for either stepping-up or stepping down an applied input AC throughmagnetic induction in between its two windings.

    Basically a transformer will have the following main components:

    Iron core stampings (configured either as U/T or E/I, generally the later is used more


    Central plastic or ceramic bobbin surrounded by the above iron core stampings

    Two windings (electrically isolated and magnetically coupled) using super enameled

    copper wire made over the bobbin

    Normally the winding which is designated to receive the input supply is termed as thePrimary and the winding which in response to this input produces the required induced

    voltage as the output is termed as the secondary winding.

    Designing your own transformer as per a specific application can be interesting, but not

    feasible without calculating the various parameters typically involved with them. The

    following discussion will take you through a few important steps and formulas and explain

    how to make a transformer.

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  • 7/28/2019 Apuntes Sobre Maquinas de Soldar



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    Calculating the Core Area (CA) of the Transformer

    The Core Area is calculated through the formula given below:

    CA = 1.152 (Output Voltage Output Current)

    Calculating Turns per Volt (TPV)

    It is done with the following formula:

    TPV = 1 / (4.44 10-4 CA Flux Density AC frequency)

    where the frequency will depend on the particular countrys specifications (either 60 or 50Hz), the standard value for the flux density of normal steel stampings may be taken as 1

    Weber/sq.m, for ordinary steel material the value is 1.3 Weber/sq.m

    Primary Winding Calculations

    Basically three important parameters needs to be figured out while calculating the primary

    winding of a transformer, they are as follows:

    Current through the primary winding

    Number of turns of the primary winding

    Area of the primary winding

    Lets trace out each of the above expressions:

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    Primary Winding Current = (Secondary Volts Secondary Current) (Primary Volts

    Efficiency), the average value for the efficiency of any transformer nay be presumed to be

    0.9 as a standard figure.

    Number of Turns = TPV Primary Volts

    Primary Winding Area = Number of Turns / Turns per Sq. cm (from the table A)

    Reading Table A is easy just find out the relevant figures (wire SWG and Turns per

    sq.cm.) by tallying them with the closest matching value of your selected primary current.

    Secondary Winding Calculations

    As explained above, with the help ofTable A you should be able to find the SWG of the

    wire to be used for the secondary winding and the TPV simply by matching them with the

    selected secondary current.

    The Number of turns for the secondary winding is also calculated as explained for the

    primary winding, however considering high loading conditions of this winding, 4 % extra

    turns is preferably added to the over all number of turns. Therefore the formula becomes:

    Secondary Number of Turns = 1.04 (TPV secondary voltage),

    Also secondary winding area = Secondary Turns / Turns per sq. cm. (from table A).

    Calculating the Core Size of the Steel Laminations or the Stampings

    The core size of the steel stampings to be used may be easily found from Table B by

    suitably matching the relevant information with Total Winding Area of the transformer. The

    Total Winding Area thus needs to be calculated first, its as follows:

    Total Winding Area = (Primary Winding Area + Total Secondary Winding Area) Space for

    External Insulation.

    The third parameter i.e. the space for the insulation/former etc. may be taken

    approximately 25 to 35 % of the sum of the first two parameters.

    Therefore, the above formula becomes:

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    Total Winding Area = (Primary Winding Area + Total Secondary Winding Area) 1.3

    Normally, a core having a square central pillar is preferred and

    used - other factors involved are also appropriately illustrated in the adjoining figure and

    calculated as follows:

    Gross Core Area = Core Area from Table B / 0.9 (sq.cm.)

    Tongue Width = Gross Core Area (cm)

    After calculating the Tongue Width, it may be used as a reference value and matched

    appropriately in Table B to acquire the actual CORE TYPE.

    Your quest regarding how to make a transformer gets over when you finally finish

    calculating the stack height, using the formula:

    Stack Height = Gross Core Area / Tongue Width.

    Table A

    The table below helps you to select the gauge and turns per sq. cm of copper wire by

    matching them with the selected current rating of the winding appropriately.

    SWG------- (AMP)------- Turns per Sq.cm.

    10----------- 16.6---------- 8.7

    11----------- 13.638------- 10.4

    12----------- 10.961------- 12.8

    13----------- 8.579--------- 16.1

    14----------- 6.487--------- 21.5

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    15----------- 5.254--------- 26.8

    16----------- 4.151--------- 35.2

    17----------- 3.178--------- 45.4

    18----------- 2.335--------- 60.8

    19----------- 1.622--------- 87.4

    20----------- 1.313--------- 106

    21----------- 1.0377-------- 137

    22----------- 0.7945-------- 176

    23----------- 0.5838--------- 42

    24----------- 0.4906--------- 286

    25----------- 0.4054--------- 341

    26----------- 0.3284--------- 415

    27----------- 0.2726--------- 504

    28----------- 0.2219--------- 609

    29----------- 0.1874--------- 711

    30----------- 0.1558--------- 881

    31----------- 0.1364--------- 997

    32----------- 0.1182--------- 1137

    33----------- 0.1013--------- 1308

    34----------- 0.0858--------- 1608

    35----------- 0.0715--------- 1902

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    36----------- 0.0586---------- 2286

    37----------- 0.0469---------- 2800

    38----------- 0.0365---------- 3507

    39----------- 0.0274---------- 4838

    40----------- 0.0233---------- 5595

    41----------- 0.0197---------- 6543

    42----------- 0.0162---------- 7755

    43----------- 0.0131---------- 9337

    44----------- 0.0104--------- 11457

    45----------- 0.0079--------- 14392

    46----------- 0.0059--------- 20223

    47----------- 0.0041--------- 27546

    48----------- 0.0026--------- 39706

    49----------- 0.0015--------- 62134

    50----------- 0.0010--------- 81242

    Table B

    This Table B enables you to make your own transformer design by comparing the

    calculated Winding Area with the relevant required Tongue Width and Lamination Type





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  • 7/28/2019 Apuntes Sobre Maquinas de Soldar


    4AX(U/T) ----------------2.383-----------13.039








  • 7/28/2019 Apuntes Sobre Maquinas de Soldar


    Kapp regulation diagram

    From Encyclopedia Magnetica

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    S. Zurek,Kapp regulation diagram,Encyclopedia Magnetica, {accessed 6 Apr 2013}

    edited 1 Jan 2012 1 Feb 2013 reviewedbyJ. Leichton 1 Feb 2013

    Kapp regulation diagram[1]

    fot. S. Zurek, Encyclopedia Magnetica, license: CC-BY-3.0

    Kapp regulation diagram - a graphical method of determining thevoltage regulationin a

    transformercaused by changes inloadandpower factor.[1]

    The output voltage of a mainspower transformerwhen loaded reduces for inductive load (power

    factor lagging) and increases for capacitive load (power factor is leading).

    The Kapp diagram is helpful in finding the voltage drop or increase (voltage regulation). The main

    disadvantage is that the voltage regulationphasorsare much smaller than the radii of the main

    circles, so the diagram has to be drawn on a very large scale to get sufficiently accurate results.[1]

  • 7/28/2019 Apuntes Sobre Maquinas de Soldar


    Drawing algorithm

    In order to create the diagram it is necessary to know the equivalentreactanceX02 andresistanceR02

    of the transformer asreferredto thesecondary side. The following algorithm should be used:

    1. DrawphasorOL representing secondary terminal voltage V2 on load2. Draw OXrepresenting the phase of the secondary current at an angle2 to OL such that

    cos2 is the power factor of the load

    3. Draw phasor LM (I2 R02 - voltage drop on resistance referred to the secondary side) parallelto OX, and then MN(I2 X02 - voltage drop on reactance referred to the secondary side).

    The resulting NL is the total voltage drop.

    4. Transfer the impedance triangle NLM to OO'Pwhich gives O'L = ON= 0V2. Therefore, forgiven secondary current thelocusofNis a circle with centre O and radius 0V2, while the

    locus ofL has the same radius but with the centreO'

    5. To find the voltage drop on full load at any power factor the radius OQS should be drawn

    at at angle to OX. If the impedance triangle is drawn in position UQTthen OU= OS. Thelength ofQS represents the voltage drop.


  • 7/28/2019 Apuntes Sobre Maquinas de Soldar


    Making a welder out of an old transformer.

    Seeing the post a while back about the burnt out 3 phase

    transformer has got

    me thinking again.

    After getting my old Forney welder, I have been playing around

    with seeing

    how hard it really is to design your own welder to operate the

    way you want

    it too. That has led me to experiments with a couple old 480V

    to 120/240

    volt transformers I have.

    I have decided to post a little article on possible methods to

    convert anold transformer into a welder. Opinions on my ideas is welcome.

    This post will be very long.

    The type of transformer you are looking for is one with a large

    open core. A

    single phase with two coils on a single donut core (two leg). Or

    a three

    phase one with three windings and three legs that are bridged at

    the top and

    bottom (three leg).

    Those types have a large core that will have a lot of flux

    leakage when

    driven by only one leg.

    Transformers that have the E-I core with the return path going

    around both

    sides of a single winding have very little flux leakage and you

    will have a

    problem designing a reasonable current limited transformer out

    of it.

    You get the current limiting action by arranging the windings on

    the core so

    that there is a large leakage path between them. The farther

    apart you have

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    the primary and secondary, the more flux leakage. The closer you

    have them

    located, the leakage and you will get less of a current limiting


    The primary produces flux when it energized. That flux tries totake the

    easiest path to form a loop. Be it steel, air, or water. The

    easiest path

    for it to take is steel, when the coil is wound around a steel

    donut, then

    the magnetic flux generally prefers to go through that steel

    donut to form a

    loop. Path of least resistance. But if you put a shorted coil on

    the other

    side of the loop, then it stops the flux from passing throughthe complete

    donut. The flux will jump across the middle of the donut between

    the primary

    and secondary to complete the flux loop. Longer, and narrower

    the gap that

    the flux has to jump across, the more counter EMF the secondary

    has to

    generate to force the primary EMF to jump that gap.

    A tall but narrow donut with the primary on the right and

    secondary on the

    left leg. With the primary and secondary side by side. It will

    take more amp

    turns in the secondary to get the primary flux to bypass the


    If you have a wide but short donut with the primary and

    secondary on the

    right and left leg, the gap between the primary and secondary is

    large. Then

    the gap between the top and bottom part of the donut where the

    flux has to

    jump is short and wide. It takes a lot less current in the

    secondary to

    force the primary flux to jump the gap between the primary and


  • 7/28/2019 Apuntes Sobre Maquinas de Soldar


    And example of a simple transformer for making a welder.

    A 240/480 to 120/240 single or three phase transformer.

    Single phase has....

    One 240V primary and a 120V secondary on each leg. The primaries

    are stungin series for 480V or in parallel for 240V. The secondary

    windings are in

    series for 120/240 center tapped. Or can be put in parallel for

    120V. Often

    the secondary windings are split between the legs to even out

    loading, and

    reduce leakage. That means that there is two 60V secondary

    windings on each

    side that is in series with the opposed one on the other side.

    Three phase with three legs that are bridged at the top and

    bottom. Each leg

    has one primary and one secondary. wye or delta on primary and


    If you are lucky, there is enough room between the existing

    coils to wind

    your custom windings.

    If it is tightly packed, then you may have to remove all, or

    part of, the

    windings on one side to make room for your custom windings..

    Pick a coil/side/leg for your primary. If you have a transformer

    that has a

    mixture of damaged windings and good ones, then pick a good one.

    It should

    have a 208,240 277, or 480V primary and one or more secondary

    windings on

    that leg of the transformer.

    Remove the damaged windings. Then start experimenting.

    Example. (from the experiments I did with one of my

    transformers. 15KVA

    240/480 to 120/240 single phase) Your transformer has a 240V

    primary on each

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    leg. Hook 120V to one primary. Run a single turn or a couple

    turns around

    the core and measure the voltage across it. If you have three

    turns and you

    get 3.6V AC then your transformer is running at 1.2V per turn.

    Sincedesigned operating voltage for the transformer is twice what you

    have the

    primary hooked too, then designed operating level will be 2.4V

    per turn.

    When testing, you want to leave the transformer hooked to the


    exciting voltage you have, that will make the testing safer, and


    currents developed for that core the lowest possible.

    Lets say that you have the above stated situation. 120V hooked

    to a 240V

    winding which yields you a 1.2V per turn. On a single phase


    That tells you that the primary on each leg has 100 turns.

    Some will have a secondary by it's self on each leg that has 50


    Some single phase transformers will have each secondary split

    between both

    legs, so you have two 25 turn secondary windings on each leg.

    When you have the one primary excited with 120V you will have

    120V on the

    other primary and 60V or two 30V on the secondary windings on

    each leg.

    Now to find out the current characteristics of your transformer.

    There is two factors that limit current in the setup. The


    resistance. And the flux leakage. Conductor resistance makes the


    hot, so we want the windings big enough that that isn't a


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    Lets say that your transformer has an available current of

    2040Amp turns

    into a shorted leg when the other leg is excited by 120V.

    If you had a single turn large enough to handle that current on

    that legthen you would have close to 2040A on that turn when it's

    shorted, or 1.2V

    when it's open.

    (If you made that single turn with a 4 foot piece of 10g wire,

    the current

    would be limited by the wires resistance. 1.2V across 4 feet of

    wire is

    close to 300 amps. The wire will get hot very quickly. The wire

    will begiving in, not the flux in the transformer. The voltage across

    the leg doesn't

    drop, the wire is just forced to drop the voltage across it's


    Lets continue with that train of though.

    If you had two turns of wire adequate for the current, you would

    get 2.4V

    when open, and 1020A when closed. That would be in about the

    right range for

    spot welding, but not for arc welding. So lets continue on.

    10 turns would yield 12V at 204A

    20 turns would yield 24V at 102A close but not quite.

    30 turns would yield 36V at 68A getting real close to the right


    40 turns yield 48V which does quite well at 51A with the 1/16

    6013 rod.

    50 turns yields 60V that also does quite well at around 41A

    Considering that the two low voltage windings I have are 25

    turns each. I

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    can have one winding plus 15 more turns of wire with it to get

    40 turns, or

    use both in series to get 50 turns.

    So, my transformer without major modification can serve as a 40

    or 50awelder with the addition one 15 turns of wire on one side. You

    could use the

    other unused 100 turn primary on that side for a 120V OC 20A

    welder. Now if

    I could only find 1/32 welding rod! :-)

    For the secondary windings left over on the side that you are

    driving as the

    primary. since they are in the same coil as the driven primary,

    there willbe no real current limiting. So you could use them as a CV

    output to drive a

    mig gun, If you hook them in parallel for 30V. Considering that


    transformer is rated at 15KW you should have 120A continuous

    duty on hand to

    drive that mig gun.

    That is what you could do with a very simple winding


    Now, lets get to the complex winding arrangements for an arc


    Lets go for a base 50V OC on all outputs.

    Lets hook up the two secondary windings on the output (current

    limited) side

    in parallel so that we have 30V OC with a short circuit output

    of 81A that

    will allow us to make use of what is already there.

    Take that as are base winding. The winding can handle up to 120A

    continuously (two 60A windings in parallel)

    For are 50A tap, run are base winding in series with 16

    additional turn new

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    winding. That yields 49V at close to 50A

    For the 40A tap, we can't just use a 25 turn tap in series with

    the base

    winding because that will yield 60V OC. Remember we want a

    nominal 50V OC.Here is where we get into the complex windings.

    To do that, we have to have the additional 25 turn winding in

    series with a

    buck winding on the primary driven side. A buck winding on the

    primary side

    is close coupled with the driven winding so it will reduce the


    voltage but it won't reduce the current available at the output

    since therewon't be any current limiting action.

    So, you will have a winding with 25 turns on the current limited

    side plus 8

    reverse turns on the driven side. That will yield you 40A at 50V

    OC. (you

    get the output current from 50 turns on the current limited

    side, and you

    use 8 buck turns to get the voltage down to spec) Now, it won't

    be exactly

    that because with the buck winding, you are not directly

    shorting the

    current limited side. So you may have to take a winding may have

    to take a

    turn off of each side until current comes up to spec for that


    Now lets go for the 60A tap.

    Lets take the base winding and add a 9 turn new winding to the


    limited side.(9 turns of the new 15 turn winding for the 50A

    tap) And run

    that to a 7 turn boost winding on the primary driven side. That

    will get you

    60A at 50V. (34 turns on the current limited side plus 7 boost


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    The highest we could wind this transformer for is 70A and still


    100% duty cycle, which would be 29 current limited turns plus 12


    turns. (base winding plus 4 with 12 boost turns)

    Now if we went with interment ant duty we could easily go 80A

    which is the

    base winding plus 12 boost windings. In actuality, that setup

    would be

    closer to 100A or higher because the current limited winding

    will be driven

    beyond shorted. It will actually be driven reverse polarity. (0V

    - boost


    So, just experiment and move the winding around till you find

    the current

    you want.

    You can tailor it to get about any OCV you want. If you want a

    digging arc

    or a rubbery arc, you can tailor it to fit your desires.

    To get 100A out, at 50 OCV you will want to run it on a 50A 120V


    If you drive the primary at full rated 240V you will have to

    arrange the

    secondary and buck boost windings to compensate for a higher

    amp turns that

    is available on the current limited side, plus the additional

    volt turns.

    "Now wait a second" you say "how does all that help me find out

    how much

    current my transformer will put out?????????"

    Well. Put some test windings on your transformer and Either run

    you selected

    transformer primary off of 120V or even 60Vor 30V from another

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    Have a current meter on the test windings and short them out for

    a second to

    see what you get. Rearrange the test windings and try again.

    When you get the current down to a relatively low level at 30 or60 V then

    you can step up to the next drive voltage level and check what

    affect that

    has. Rearrange the windings, and step up another voltage level.

    I would not suggest that you power the selected primary to full


    voltage and then short a test winding on it with no prior

    knowledge of the

    transformer in question. You may be in for a little bit morecurrent than

    you bargained on. Plus a lot of melted wires to boot.

    One way of bringing up the power level more gradually is use a

    large variac

    to slowly bring up the voltage level on a shorted test winding

    and see where

    the current levels off. You will be able to see if the current

    is climbing

    way faster than you anticipated with the voltage, and if you

    will need to

    change your winding layout before bringing it to full voltage.

    If you have a transformer that you have taken one of the coils

    off one of

    the legs, then you will have a lot more freedom to arrange the


    If you have a three phase transformer with two bare legs then

    that opens up

    a world of possibilities. When you short a winding out on one

    leg, then the

    flux will shift to the other leg. You could use one winding on

    one leg as an

    output winding and have a winding on the other that is connected

    to SCR's to

    vary the current. When the SCR's are full on, then it forces all

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    the current

    to the output winding, and when they are full off, then none of

    the current

    is forced to the output. (it bypasses the output winding through

    the open

    SCR winding)Don't forget the secondary windings on the drive leg. They can

    be run in

    series with the primary to reduce the volts turn drive level at

    a specified

    supply voltage!!!

    Now it is getting late, and I am getting tired, so I am going to

    wrap this

    up and post it to see what you people think.

  • 7/28/2019 Apuntes Sobre Maquinas de Soldar



    20:15 No comments

    Capitulo 11: MAQUINAS DE SOLDAR (transformador).

    Aparato elctrico que transforma la corriente elctricabajando la tensin de la red de alimentacin a unatensin e intensidad adecuada para soldar. Dicha CAde baja tensin (65 a 75 voltios en vaco) y deintensidad regular. Permite obtener la fuente de calornecesaria para la soldadura.

    El transformador consta de un ncleo que estcompuesto por lminas de acero al silicio y de dosbobinas de alambre; el de alta tensin, llamadoPRIMARIO y el de baja tensin llamadoSECUNDARIO.

    La corriente que proviene de la lnea circula por

    el primario.

    Los transformadores se construyen paradiferentes tensiones, a fin de facilitar su conexin, entodas las redes de alimentacin.

    La transformacin elctrica se explica de la formasiguiente: "La corriente elctrica que circula por el

    primario genera un campo de lineas de fuerzamagntica en el ncleo, dicho campo actuando sobrela bobina secundaria, produce en este, una corrientede baja tensin y alta intensidad, la cul se aprovechapara soldar.

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    La regulacin de la intensidad se hacecomnmente por dos sistemas:

    1- Regulacin por bobina desplazante: Consisteen alejar el primario y el secundario

    entre s.

    Observacin: Esta sistema es recomendable por

    su regulacin gradual.

    2- Regulacin por clavija: Funciona aumentandoo disminuyendo el nmero de espiras.

  • 7/28/2019 Apuntes Sobre Maquinas de Soldar


    Los transformadores se conocen tambin comoMAQUINAS ESTATICAS por no tener piezas mviles.


    El uso del transformador se ha generalizado por:

    -4- Bajo costo de adquisicin

    -5- Mayor duracin y menor gasto demantenimiento

    -6- Mayor rendimiento y menor consumo envaco

    -7- Menor influencia del soplo magntico


    Entre sus desventajas se pueden mencionar:

    -8- Limitacin en el uso de algunos tipos deelectrodos

    -9- Dificultad para establecer y mantener elarco

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    Debe mantenerse el equipo libre de polvo yhumedad


    Toda accin de limpieza debe efectuarse con lamquina desconectada

    Al instalarla debe elegirse un lugar seco fijandoen la mquina, una conexin a tierra.


    27- Nombre las dos formas para regular elamperaje en las mquinas estticas

    28- Cules son los principales componentes deuna mquina esttica y a que se debe su nombre.

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    Presented here is an overview of transformers for hobbyists that want to expandtheir knowledge of this essential electrical component.

    Of the 3 basic passive electrical components, R, L, C, the transformer is simply aspecial case of the inductor with either taps or multiple windings that are coupled.

    It will operate over the full range of frequencies and may be either iron or aircored; most of the following discussions will concentrate on low frequency, iron

    cored transformers.

    The basic transformer to be discussed is the voltage (or power transformer), whichoperates at mains frequency and is step up or down. There are also special cases,

    such as current transformers, pulse transformers and audio (output and driver)types that cater for a wider band of frequency.

    3 phase transformers are simply a special case of the single-phase transformer

    with the core arranged to give a balanced magnetic circuit.

    Transformers consist of a core and windings; the core is usually an iron alloy tosuit the application and the windings consist of coils of insulated copper or

    aluminium wire.

    There is no absolutely correct design for any given transformer; as in all matters ofgood engineering there are many design and cost compromises to be made.

    Having selected a core and decided on a flux density, the T/V figure is calculatedand then it is a matter of seeing if the turns will fit on the bobbin available for the

    selected core.


    All transformers follow the basic transformer equation and work by reason of thefact that the magnetic flux, produced by the primary applied voltage is constantly

    changing. This is basic magnetic theory. It appears confusing as it is taught inmany systems of units. I will concentrate on the MKS system where the units are

    Metres. DO NOT USE mm!!!This is a practical system where the unit of flux density is the TESLA. Normaltransformers operate at levels around 1T depending on the materials used.

    Transformer equation:

    N = E / 4.44 B F Ae Where:

    N = turns

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    E = applied voltage in volts4.44 is a constant for sine wavesB = desired flux density in Tesla

    F = frequency in HzAe = transformer centre limb area in M

    Stalloy or silicon iron, which is widely used as a core material is normally operatedat a flux density of 1T. Unisil, a grain orientated material, which is a little more

    expensive can be run at 1.5 T. Special alloys for Mil and aerospace applications canbe run up to 2T where a compact design is a requirement.

    Running at a higher flux density allows the turns/ volt to be reduced and the costof copper and copper losses; however this increases the losses in the iron andincreases the magnetising (idling) current. Design curves are available showing

    watts loss per Kg at various flux densities.Traditional design theory would make copper and iron losses equal at normal load

    levels (say 80% of full load)

    An important fact of life with iron cores is Saturation. When we increase thevoltage across an iron cored coil the current will initially increase in a linear

    manner. When we reach a certain level the current will start to increase muchmore rapidly than the voltage. This is the Knee point where a lot of transformers

    are designed to operate.Note that Stalloy has a fairly rapid turn into saturation, Unisil much less so. Hence

    lower distortion when used in the output transformer of a Hi-Fi amplifier.

    To determine the operating level of an unknown core it is simply a matter ifwinding a know number of turns onto the core, and then plotting a V/A curve. At

    the point at where it starts to turn into saturation will be the operating level, and itis then easy to read off the Turns/Volt from the plot.

    Other core losses are determined by the circulation of eddy currents in thelaminations. Thinner lams and lower frequencies give lower losses, but increase

    the cost of the lams. A solid core would have very high losses, hence the lams arelightly oxidised to give insulation between them. These losses are frequency

    dependant.Most laminations available these days are lossless types.

    This means that they are E & I shapes stamped out of sheet so as to leave nowaste. Many other forms will be encountered in vintage equipment.

    Transformers should normally be laminated to leave as small a gap between lamsas possible, interleaving and tapping them together during assembly. The

    exception to this is transformers carrying DC, as in Class A valve output stages,where the standing DC current could cause saturation and a small air gap, usually

    made from thin paper is inserted between the E & I lams that are not nowinterleaved.

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    Clamping bolts, when inserted through the lams should have an insulation washerbetween the lam face and the nuts. If this is not done there can be high currents

    circulating through the bolt.

    Toroidal transformer cores can be run at higher flux densities and have the

    advantage of a much lower stray field, useful in audio applications


    These are usually of enamelled copper wire but various other insulations areavailable. The insulation should be as thin as possible consistent with a suitable

    electrical withstand level. Windings often had a thin layer of paper between layersof winding. With present wire insulation this is not necessary every layer, and is

    often replaced with Type 56 Polyester tape every few layers, again depending onapplication.

    The normal wire current density is typically 3A per mm and this figure is oftenshown in wire tables.

    Note that wire sizes, in SWG, AWG or mm are based on bare wire, not coateddiameter.

    The current density figure is based on a max internal temperature for thetransformer of 120C; the limit for normal materials, other design factors may

    dictate different values.Wire tables will also give the resistance/ Mtr of wire. This is used to calculate the

    winding resistance from the mean length of turn. Note that copper resistivityincreases by 0.3% per C rise.

    The transformer equation gives the primary turns; secondaries can then becalculated by the turns ratio. If very exact ratios are required it may be necessary

    to increase the primary turns so as to get an integral number of turns on thesecondary of importance.

    If an exact voltage is required it is often necessary to add compensating turns to asecondary to allow for the volt drops (calculated from mean length of turn and

    resistance per mtr) in both primary and secondary.It can also be necessary to allow for the increase of resistance due to temperature

    rise as well.Further compensation is sometimes necessary to allow for the imperfect coupling

    between primary and secondary which appears as a parasitic loss.

    Primaries and secondaries are normally wound on top of each other for goodcoupling; where additional safety separation is required, they may be wound side

    by side with a centre insulated barrier (some transformer kits with pre-wound

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    primaries are like this).This gives inferior coupling and additional compensating turns will be needed to

    compensate for this.For very close coupling the primary and secondary will be wound together with Bi-filar wire. Where insulation levels make this impossible, the primary and secondary

    are wound in several sections, one on top of the other. For balance this wouldusually be one more primary section than secondary section.

    Wire is commonly insulated with synthetic enamels in either 1 or 2 coats. Mostmodern enamels can be vaporised with solder and are known as solderable types.

    Where high levels of insulation are required in a small space (such as a switchmode transformer), then triple insulated wire can be used. This is certified for

    supply to low voltage windings without additional insulation.

    An earthed copper screen is often placed between the primary and secondary; thisis for both safety and as an interference screen against noise impulses.

    Windings are not normally carried to the outside of the bobbin on multi-layerwindings due to the danger of a turn slipping down the side of the bobbin and

    seeing a higher voltage, possibly causing breakdown. Paper margin tapes, a fewmm wide are often used here.

    With EHT transformers this margin is often tapered inwards (wider) as the outerlayers are added and the winding voltage to earth increases.

    Copper is the important part of the winding so thin insulation is used, as there isonly a relatively low voltage between turns and layers. This is usually capable of

    withstanding a minimum of 120C.

    The windings are often vacuum impregnated to seal against moisture and preventchafing movement under operating or fault conditions. It is possible to sprayvarnish them while building, or they can be paraffin wax impregnated in a

    container of molten wax.For voltages above 6KV it is usual to seal the transformer in a can of specially

    refined mineral oil.

    Tapping points on windings can be brought out of the body of the winding bylooping the wire out and back again. Lead-out wires are often soldered on to the

    winding at an appropriate point. These must be well insulated.

    The forgoing should allow a reasonably competent person to design and build theirown transformers when size and cost are not the driving factors as in commercialapplications. It should always be remembered that these devices are connected tothe mains and can easily kill or start serious fires; all possible safety precautions

    should be taken when using them.

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    Ed Dinning 2009
