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AQA Memory game.docx

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  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

    Controlled Assessment:AQA Gaming Scenario

    Name: M’d Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate Number: 2187

    Centre Number:12!

    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

    Task No Task Sub Task Note/comments

    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

    A Read te scenario Read and ig!igt "uestion #!a$ game in %artners

    Ask "uestion &or c!ari&ication

    #!a$ %rinted game

    ' (esign 'rie& Summarise te task Create a to% do)n structure on mind*ie)+!o)cart

    To% do)n structure

    1 Read e,terna! &i!e -oad !ist o& 10 &i*e !etter )ords rs Sa&i as e,terna! &i!e

    2 (is%!a$ te &irst grid )it ke$)ords A (is%!a$ in grid (is%!a$ )ords in a 3,3 grid

    ' Randomie

    3 (e*e!o% grid Remo*e te &irst grid Remo*e &irst grid and dis%!a$ te second

    grid(is%!a$ second grid

    #osition o& )ord is random

    4ntering remo*ed )ord Guessed correct!$ #rogram to a!!o) user to guess teremo*ed )ordGuessed incorrect!$

    5 Re%eat task ti!! te user matces teremo*ed )ord

    Re%eat 3 times #rogram to a!!o) te user to guess unti!te$ guess incorrect!$ 3 times or correct

    te &irst time

    6 7ser guesses substituted )ord Guessed correct!$ A!!o) user to guess te substituted )ord

    Guessed incorrect!$

    8 Re%eat task 6 unti! user guesses correct!$ Re%eat 3 times A!!o) user to guess unti! te$ guess

    incorrect!$ tree times or correct te &irsttime

    9 -et te user guess te remo*ed and

    substituted )ord

    (is%!a$ te :correct; message (is%!a$ :$ou )in; or :$ou !ose :i& te$

    )in/!ose Continue te %rogram +irst grid is 3,3< no) it )i!! dis%!a$ a

    , grid

    (e*e!o% anoter %rogram but containing

    a , grid instead o& 3,3.

    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

    =ntroduction> = a*e been asked to design an A?A emor$ game )ic contains a 3

    '$ 3 grid )it t)o !e*e!s o& di&&icu!t$ @a b$ grid. Tis is to assess te %!a$erBs memor$ b$ %resenting tem )ords to remember )ic is

    usua!!$ su&&!ed to randomie te guesses. 16 )ords are used )en on ard mode.

    (esign o& so!ution

    = used scratc instead o& %$ton because scratc a!!o)s users to e,%ress teir coding !anguage using images and co!our. = used scratc because

    itBs %resents $our ideas c!ear!$ and itBs muc more &orma! in *isua! use tan %$tons %!ain te,t !a$out. = used scratc because it doesnBt re"uire

    coding as itBs a!read$ coded and o%tions are *aried )ereas in %$ton itBs just t$%e to te,t.

    1.1Game out!ine

    A grid consisting o& a 3 b$ 3 grid is dis%!a$ed to te %!a$er@s in )ic one o& te %!a$ers )i!! su&&!e te objects tat are used to %!a$ te game.

    =n te grid one o& te )ord )i!! be re%!aced )it anoter ne) )ord. Te user as to guess )ic )ord )as e,tracted and re%!aced.

    1.1.1Te Grid

    Te )ords &or te grid are im%orted &rom an e,terna! &i!e. Ten just dis%!a$ te )ords &or 30 seconds &or te user to memorise te %osition o& te

    grid and te objects tat are tere.

    1.1.2inning and !osing

    Te %osition o& a!! te )ords sou!d be random. (e*e!o% a %rogram tat !ets te user to enter te )ord tat te$ tink is te substituted )ord.

    Gi*e te %!a$er 3 cances to guess te substituted )ord. =& te$ &ai! 3 times ten te di&&icu!t$ settings are reduced.

    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

    So!ution de*e!o%ment

    = used scratc instead o& %$ton because scratc a!!o)s users to e,%ress teir coding !anguage using images and co!our. = used scratc because

    itBs %resents $our ideas c!ear!$ and itBs muc more &orma! in *isua! use tan %$tons %!ain te,t !a$out. = used scratc because it doesnBt re"uire

    coding as itBs a!read$ coded and o%tions are *aried )ereas in %$ton itBs just t$%e to te,t.

    Task 1


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

    Te &irst task )as to

    im%ort te )ords tat ad

     been gi*en b$ our teacer.

    Te &irst grid must a*e

    10 set o& )ords and te

    second set must a*e 18set o& )ords.

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

    Task 2

    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

    Te 2nd task )as to de*e!o% te %art o&

    te %rogram tat so)s random!$se!ected )ords &rom te !ist o& 10 )ords.

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario


    Task 3

    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario



    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

    Te tird task )as to %rogram te game tat

    remo*es te 1st )ords &rom te dis%!a$ todis%!a$ te second grid a&ter. = %rogrammed tedis%!a$ to so) &or on!$ 30 seconds and a&ter

    tat te second grid )i!! be dis%!a$ed. Ten =

     %rogrammed te dis%!a$ o& te second grid to

     be random!$ so)n to te user 

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario


    Task 5:


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

    Te &ourt %art o& te %rogram )asto de*e!o% te %art )ere te user

    matces te remo*ed )ord andsees i& te$ guessed correct!$ or


    =& te user guesses te remo*ed )ord )rong

    ten $ou sou!d reduce a !i&e b$ 1. =& te$ a*e

    run out o& a!! 3 !i*es ten te game dis%!a$s a

    :game o*er; screen.

    As $ou can see ere< as te !i*es

    decrease te game o*er screen is

    dis%!a$ed a&ter a!! 3 !i*es are gone.

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario


    Task 6


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

     "#e si$t# %art o& t#e %rogram'as to de(elo% t#e %art '#eret#e user matc#es t#esubstitute 'ord and sees i&

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

    Task 7


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

    =& te user guesses te substitute )ord )rong

    ten $ou sou!d reduce a !i&e b$ 1. =& te$ a*e

    run out o& a!! 3 !i*es ten te game dis%!a$s a

    : ame o*er; screen.

    As $ou can see ere< as te !i*es

    decrease te game o*er screen is

    dis%!a$ed a&ter a!! 3 !i*es are gone.

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

    Task 8


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario


    Task 9

    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

    =& te user gets bot )ords correct< ten

    a :congratu!ations; screen )i!! dis%!a$

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

    Programming techniques

     "#roug#out m) controlled assessment + #a(e used a range o& %rogramming tec#ni,ues-

    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

    External Data

     "#e e$ternal data + 'as gi(en 'as t'o se%arate lists o& 'ords t#at m) teac#er ga(e me* .nesection contained 1! set o& 'ords '#ic# 'as im%orted into t#e eas) selection o& t#e AQAMemor) game* "#e second section contained 17 set o& 'ords '#ic# 'as im%orted into t#e #ardselection o& t#e game*

    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario


  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario


    Custom bloc/s allo' &or one to ma/e #is or #er o'n %rogramming bloc/s* 0sing custom bloc/slarge similar scri%ts cane be combined into one reusable bloc/* +n some ot#er %rogramminglanguages custom bloc/s are called %rocedures3 or met#ods3*

    4$am%le o& &unction

    Ho' + used it: +n t#e e$am%le abo(e + lin/ed t#e 56#en + recei(e: estart’ bloc/ to 5costume1’so t#at '#ene(er )ou sto% t#e game at an) certain %oint it 'ill jum% bac/ to 5costume1’ '#ic#is t#e beginning o& t#e scri%t*

    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario


    Motion bloc/s is one o& t#e ten selections o& Scratc# bloc/s* "#e bloc/s are colourcodedmedium blue and are used to control a s%rite’s mo(ement*

    4$am%le o& Motion 96asn’t used in m) 'or/:

    Ho' + used it: + didn’t include an) motion bloc/s because t#e) are mainl) used &or t#e mo(emento& a s%rite or c#aracter '#ic# m) scri%t did not re,uire*

    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

    #aria$le: +n %rogramming a (ariable is a (alue t#at can c#ange de%ending on conditions or onin&ormation %assed to t#e %rogram*

    Ho' + used it: +n com%uter %rogramming a (ariable or scalar is astorage location %aired 'it# an associated s)mbolic name 9anidenti;er '#ic# contains some /no'n or un/no'n ,uantit) o& 

    in&ormation re&erred to as a (alue* 

    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario


    +n com%uter science a list or se,uence is an abstract data t)%e t#at re%resents an orderedse,uence o& (alues '#ere t#e same (alue ma) occur more t#an once* An instance o& a list is acom%uter re%resentation o& t#e mat#ematical conce%t o& a ;nite se,uence< t#e 9%otentiall)in;nite analog o& a list is a stream*

    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

    Ho' + used it: "#e teac#er ga(e us 2 sets o& 'ords one 'it# 1! 'ordsand one 'it# 17 'ords 1! 'as im%lanted in scratc# &or t#e eas) %arto& t#e game and 17 &or t#e #ard %art o& t#e game*

    Control command: Control bloc/s is one o& t#e ten categories o& Scratc# bloc/s* "#e) are colorcoded gold and are used to control scri%ts* +n Scratc# 1*= and earlier t#is categor) also includedt#e bloc/s t#at are no' 4(ents >loc/s* "#ere is currentl) one Hat bloc/ ;(e C bloc/s t#ree Stac/bloc/s and t'o Ca% bloc/s in t#is categor)*

    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

    Ho' + used it: + used command bloc/s to dis%la) t#e score o& #o' man)times t#e %la)er #as guessed a 'ord correctl)

    &roadcast: A broadcast is a message t#at is sent t#roug# t#e Scratc# %rogram acti(atingrecei(ing scri%ts* >roadcasts are sent 'it# t#e bloc/s >roadcast 9 and >roadcast 9 and 6ait andare recei(ed b) t#e #at bloc/ 6#en + ecei(e 9* >roadcasts are use&ul in games and animationsas t#e) trigger s%eci;c scri%ts* "#e) are similar to e(ents '#ic# are scri%ts triggered '#en certainactions li/e mouse mo(es or /e) %resses are %er&ormed*

    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

    Ho' + used it: + used a broadcast to s#o' t#e %la)er t#at

    t#e) are %la)ing #ard mode o& t#e AQA Memor) Game*

    %oo': "#e ?ore(er bloc/ is a Control bloc/ and a C bloc/* >loc/s #eld inside t#is bloc/ 'ill be in a

    loo% @ just li/e t#e e%eat 9 bloc/ and t#e e%eat 0ntil 9 bloc/ e$ce%t t#at t#e loo% ne(er ends9unless t#e sto% sign is clic/ed t#e Sto% All bloc/ is acti(ated or t#e sto% scri%t bloc/ is acti(ated'it#in t#e loo%* ue to t#is in;nite loo% t#e bloc/ #as no bum% at t#e bottom< #a(ing a bum%'ould be %ointless as t#e bloc/s belo' it 'ould ne(er be acti(ated*

    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

     "#is bloc/ #as a slig#t dela) so &or o%timum s%eed o& e$ecution single &rame bloc/ stac/s s#ouldbe used*

    Ho' + used it: + used a &ore(er loo% to dis%la) t#e score &ore(er'#en %la)ing t#e game*

    ('erator: .%erators bloc/s is one o& t#e ten categories o& Scratc# bloc/s* "#e) are colorcoded

    lig#tgreen and are used to scri%t mat# e,uations and string #andling* +t 'as %re(iousl) titledNumbers >loc/s but 'as renamed in Scratc# 1*= due to ne' bloc/s t#at #andled strings* "#ere

    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

    are currentl) si$ >oolean bloc/s and ele(en e%orter bloc/s in t#is categor)* "#is and Bico>oard>loc/s are t#e onl) categories to contain no Stac/ bloc/s*

    Ho' + used it: + used an o%erator to %ic/ a random selection o& 'ords'#en t#e user is guessing t#e 'ord t#at 'as ta/en out*


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

    Data structure

    ata t)%e 6#at is it A particular kind of dataitem, as defined by thevalues it can take, theprogramming language

    used, or the operationsthat can be performed onit

    6#ere + usedit


    +nteger a '#ole number

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

     "as/ number "as/ Sub tas/ "est data 4$%ectedoutcome

    Actual outcome ")%eso& test

    1 Read e,terna!&i!e

    -oad a !ist o&10 &i*e !etter


    6ords ead eas)'ords


    2 (is%!a$ te &irst

    grid )itke$)ords

    A (is%!a$ in

    gridandomiDegrid and'ords

     "#e 'ordsare

    dis%la)ed ina grid


    ' Randomie

    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

    3 Re%!ace &irstgrid )it


    Remo*e te&irst grid

    +& t#e 'ordsare

    randomisedand t#e)

    s#ould getre%laced b)



     "#e game'ill dis%la)grid 2 andre%lace t#eremo(ed'ord 'it#

    t#esubstitute'ord a&ter

    ! seconds*


    (is%!a$ second


    #osition o&

    )ord is random


    remo*ed )ord


    correct!$ "#e li(esand t#e


    Game 'illdis%la) t#e'#at 'as

    t#e remo(ed'ord3





    5 Re%eat unti! te)ord is guessed


    Re%eat 3 times Ei(es 9 +n t#e gamet#ere 'ill be

    a li(esicon*


    6 Continue te +irst grid is  "#e game "#e Norma

    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

     %rogram 3,3< no) it )i!!dis%!a$ a ,


    s#oulddis%la) t#e,uestionand dis%la)t#e amounto& li(esduring t#egame

    ,uestion 'ills#o' u% andt#e li(es 'illdecrease i& 

    t#e ,uestionis ans'ered




    anoter %rogram but

    containing a, grid instead

    o& 3,3.

    7 Eet t#euser guesst#esubstituted'ord again

    +& 'rongtimesdis%la)gameo(er3

    Ei(es andgameo(er3

    +& 'rong timesdis%la) t#egameo(er3screen


    8 +& t#e userguesses'rong t#endis%la)incorrect3 i&correct times dis%la))ou 'in3screen

    +& userguessescorrectta/eanot#erturn


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

    F normal

    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

    obustness and ecienc)

    ?or robustness +

    ?or ecienc) + used multi%le &eatures to ma/e m) 'or/ easier to use and 'or/* + used a list tocom%ile all m) 'ords + used t#is #el%ed to ma/e it easier to read and sort out + also used arra)sto list t#e 'ords do'n in a se,uence and t#e commands* 6#en + 'as creating multi%le re%eatedcommands + used a loo% instead o& re%eating t#e commands to ma/e m) 'or/ neater andconser(e s%ace*

    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

  • 8/18/2019 AQA Memory game.docx


    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario

    Sajjad Hussain

    Candidate No.

    Centre No. 13230

    Gaming Scenario
