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Aquaponics - Growing Vegetables and Raising Fish at Home

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Aquaponics Video Instructions



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Benefits from Aquaponics Systems

Aquaponics setup - Floating: A barrel of Hydroton is used to brew the fish waste into fertilizer, then siphons to the grow beds on hourly basis. The floating system is so much easier to add/remove plants. The scaling of the system also becomes easier. - Image courtesy of Waleed Alzuhair at Flickr.com

Aquaponics is seemingly more popular across the world and a large number of people enter in the Aquaponics as fashionable activity. Both the hobbyists and the commercial farms have their setups either in the backyard or huge farms and growing vegetables to get their perspective merits. Countless farms and gardens are now switching over to Aquaponics, the benefits are just too many.

There is a natural association between plants and aquatic animals that actually maintain aquaponics. It is a continuous cycle necessary for the entire organisms and move on continuously with just a little care about the detail of how to provoke dangers from entering in the environment. Due to its simplicity, continuity and cyclical nature everyone can do it with just a little efforts. This probably makes a sense why people go for this system of farming that is the combination of both plants and aquatic animals.


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Here are some fundamental reasons that will show you why you should go for aquaponics:

1. Simple Operation

This is the number one reason the majority people opt aquaponics. Nothing like conventional gardening that needs daily watering, weeding and other hard work, aquaponics is a comparatively hands off system.

2. Faster Growth of Plants

It has been confirmed that the aquaponics system makes plants grow greatly earlier than usual soil based gardening or even hydroponics. It has been reported that plant grow in double speed and the production can be 10 to 20 times more than with normal gardening. So, it gives the saving of space as well as timing.

3. Economical than traditional gardening

It will not only save your time and space but money too, why? The system doesn’t need much water like in traditional gardening as it is cycled. Additionally, no need of nutrients and fertilizers as the fish waste can do the job. You can save money if you involved in the entire process yourself. You will have to use money on electricity costs, purchasing the fish, fish food and seeds. But, these are not actually costly and will not make you go down your shirt.

4. Amazing Taste and Health

The vegetables you produce with your aquaponics system will be fresher, healthier and more delicious in taste. Most commercially produced vegetables have chemicals and different materials sprayed on them to kill the germs and give more growth to plant. Your product will not only organic but healthier. Also there will be pleasant feelings of your own product that you have grown.

If something is difficult it is the beginning of the system where you can collect everything and construct the system. Once you go through this phase the rest is enjoyment. It is probably the most important thing to make the setup rightly and do it well. This will safeguard you from upcoming issues.

You will have to be careful regarding your fish and the PH level of the water. Make it sure your fish are well and health and PH level rages from 6.8 to 7.0.


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Material you need for an Aquaponics System

For starting an aquaponics system at home you need various material. These are the most important accessories that you will need.

1. Frame: Before taking part in the entire setup of aquaponics, the primary thing is selection of frame. Without a system you may not be able to implement the system. You can go for cheap frame at IKEA or a similar place. You can select the next component here as well. At first you will have to select the best frame to get the best results.

2. Basket: Once you select the frame then go for buying a basket for your aquaponics system. If the setup is in home the basket needs to a 25 liter container. If you have enough space and you can go for 50 liter even. How can you decide which system is better? Bear in mind it contain all the required equipment. Try to find something charming. If you wish you can manage yourself to bring something that match your home decor or even find something you can place your basket inside of. After you get it home try to make holes with a drill machine.

3. Base: For sure you will require a base that suits the plants to grow in. As the base is the main thing, so the best one will provide you with good results. The base can vary for various systems like boxes, foam etc. This the most significant part of the system and considered as the integral part of the entire system.

4. Consider Fish food: After you get the base, it’s time to consider the food for fish. This is also important component. You will have to properly feed the fish to ensure their long life.

5. Fish tanks: Fish tanks May Not be Ignored: Try to have a well decorated charming fish tank. Make it sure you may not have broken tank because it be very problematic no matter which method you may apply.

6. Tanks windows: You should have some windows in the fish tank. It will give you the opportunity to see the fish properly. If you can’t see the fish properly you can’t identify the issues with fish. So, it’s necessary to go for tank with windows in order to see the conditions of the fish.

7. Heating system: Fish are cold-blood species and you are directed to make proper arrangement for their heat especially in colder season. This is extremely important. You can’t ignore to do so and it will be a disaster for your aquaponics system. So to get the best results you need to have a proper system of heating


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8. Media beds: For growing the plants in a better way it is important to have media beds. Place you media beds where the plants will grow. Various companies offer media beds but before choosing a media bed go through the customer reviews and get the best one.

9. Water tester: You need know about the situation of water. Water is the main component of this system so you need to keep at your first priority. The tester is used to measure the PH level of the water; levels of nitrates, ammonia etc. and let me tell you it’s necessary to see whether it falls in the proper parameters. The oxygen can be measure through the taster. So, water is another important component making your system a successful one.

10. Grow lights: The grow light is one that can help the plants to grow properly. This is ‘sunshine’ actually for growth. Through grow light the plants will stay longer and will grow faster in shorter span of time. The lights can either be HID lights or either LED lights, and other types of lights are also acceptable. So, it’s advisable to use grow lights for proper growth of plants.

11. Seed germinator: Germination is the procedure by which plant nurtures from a seed, also acknowledged as sprouting. Seed germinators will assist you to acquire suitable germination of seed. This is vital since without the plants growing, each and every one the other work you put into this system will be useless. So you need to employ seed germinators.

12. Fish nursing tackle: You should also apply various foods nursing equipment. These will take away the concern of your fish not growing properly and make things easier.

13. Pipes: Pipes are extremely important component to take nutrients from the water into the plants tank. As the supplier of water, the pipes are mandatory. The standing water will not be enough to grow the plants accordingly. If you want a satisfactory growth focus on pipes.

14. Greenhouse: This is the process by which you can ensure the best control of the setup. So this is another important part for you. But it will not demanding much work as you can get it in packages from multiple companies.

15. Air and Water Pumps: Last but not the least is water pump and air. The water pump can do the job of supplying water to the plants that are stored in the tank. I would suggest a submersible 600 lph pump. The air pump will make the tank a aerating. The air can blast the stream bubble. So you will need all such pumps.

If you have make arrangement with the above equipment you can get an optimally functioning aquaponics system.


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Aquaponics Greenhouse, image courtesy of Nicole McCleaf at Flickr.com


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Step by step to Your Aquaponics System at Home

Once you’ve collected the entire materials, you can get the process started. For enhanced performance, you should follow the given rules. Read them step by step to get the best

1st step: Make ready your pump. Adjust it in the corner of the basket. Confirm to follow the pump related instruction to get the best results in terms of water flow.

2nd step: Setting up the female and male threaded adapter. Once you adjust the submersible pump and then set the male and female adapter in one corner. The placement of female adapter may be in wire mesh square. Then adjust the male adapter far away from the hole which you require to drill earlier. Place the male adapter on the top of the board.

3rd step: Setting up the siphon. After you adjust the adapters, try to set the siphons in the drilled hole. If the siphons are adjusted in the right direction your system will work smoothly and will not bother you later. After the completion of this you may go for the next step.

4th step: Adding the ball-valve-by-pass. The ball-valve-by pass will assist you how to make equal and balanced water flow. It will keep the water movement lower or above so be careful in this matter.

5th step: Set the Plumbing. Once you adjust the entire thing in the right direction it’s time for plumbing. For doing so, you will have to fill the top of the container with some growing media. The growing media can be lava rocks, stones, hydro ton clay pebbles, perlite, etc. Try to bring in use mater that gives smooth way to flow.

6th step: Now is the time to add fish in the tank which will make it sure to supply massive amount of ammonia for the plants. Adding the best type of fish can do the job in a better way.


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Starting the Aquaponics System

This is a rather large home system - five barrels, a fish tank and a partially sunken sump. Image courtesy of

Dallashomestager at Flickr.com

These are the steps to get the most excellent results.

Step 1: Ammonia (NH3): This is the first thing to bear in mind because amount of ammonia will grow fish accordingly. Different fish have capacity of varying degree of ammonia. For example gold fish can tolerate higher amount of ammonia while other fish may not be able to survive in such higher ammonia atmosphere. A huge amount can become a cause of fish deaths so you will have to be very careful and limit the amount. If the temperature is high the ammonia (NH3) act as toxic, so you will be conscious while going to start your aquaponics system. For PH 7 with 20 degree Celsius, you need 5ppm ammonia. For PH8 with same degree of temperature your ammonia should be 0.5ppm. if you act upon these instructions you will get outstanding results and much care can benefits you beyond your expectations.

Step 2: Temperature: The temperature is something that must be considered before your go for aquaponics system. If you can’t manage the required temperature the fish will die and will lose the aquaponics cyclical nature. So, you should be vigilant about checking temperature and try to maintain it accordingly with proper amount of ammonia and the PH of the water.

Step 3: pH of water: You must be careful about the correct adjustment of PH in accordance with temperature and amount of ammonia. If you haven’t maintained the right


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level it will be harmful for plant and aquatic life in the system. Make efforts to keep the PH range with 6 to 7 not less or more. You should take a start slowly and raise the PH gradually. It’s better to do it in intervals and stop where it reaches right point. As you reach the right range try to keep it at the lower extreme rather than higher one provided you have difficulties. With proper care you will get the best results from your PH level. For proper adjustment there are many kits that will increase or decrease the acidity level of the water.

Step 4: Nitrite (NO2): After you have get satisfaction with PH level diverts your attention towards nitrite level. Nitrite will be required for balanced growth of the plants as it contains oxygen. Try to keep the nitrite level below 10ppm. In case of rising beyond 10ppm the fish will die. The reason behind is that it gives birth to a disease called the “Brown Blood Disease”. So be careful in preventing this disease and keep the nitrite level below 10ppm.

Step 5: Plants: Now that you have assembled the above things it’s time to add plants. It’s always suggested to choose the best plants with full potential of maintaining the cycling accurately. Low quality plants selection will be the worse idea. There are different types of plants but you can go for the one that has the property of cycling. Be vigilant in plants selection and after choosing the plants add these properly.

Step 6: Bacteria: Not all bacteria are harmful. You will require some useful bacteria. These bacteria will give you satisfactory results and the plants will be able to grow faster and accurately. There are also chances you collect such bacteria from other existing aquaculture system.


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Learn the Aquaponics System

<<< Step-By-Step Video Instructions >>>

Learn how to build your own home made Aquaponics system with step-by-step video instructions. You don´t need any experience. Everyone can build a mini-home system ... or scale it and build an entire commercial multi-acre system. It´s up to you.

You'll find everything you need to make your own aquaponics system, including diagrams, explanations and instructions, everything is step-by-step, anyone can do this.

Avoid the common mistakes, and be on your way to starting your system today! And get great tips:

✓ How to get 10 times more plants.

✓ How to use 60%-70% less energy.

✓ How to avoid more weeding or soil work

✓ No more back-straining planting.

✓ You'll find out exactly how to plant your seedlings in the aquaponic floats, and

✓ How to make sure the roots get all the nutrients

✓and much more.

Here you get proven step-by-step video instructions so that you directly can start today.


Aquaponics Video Instructions

Aquaponics Video Instructions
