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Aquatic biotechnology Chapter 10

Date post: 16-Jul-2015
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Aquatic Biotechnology Chapter 10: Essence Perry

Aquatic Biotechnology Chapter 10: Essence Perry

1. What is the difference between transgenic fish and triploids?

Transgenic fish are ones that receive genetic coding from another source. They are commonly created by injecting the transgene into an embryo in the blastocyst stage of development. Triploid fish contain three sets of genetic information. They are commonly created when diploid gametes are fertilized by haploid gametes.

2.Suggest ways to assess the risk of genetically engineered marine species.

Ways to assess the risk of genetically engineered species is to make similar living conditions as the one you are going to release into the wild. This would mean include the same organisms, water temperature, and pathogens, then add the GM ones and see how they interact.

3. Create a list of benefits and problems associated with aquaculture. Benefits:

● Fish are pathogen free● Provides more food● More than enough to feed certain

population ● Fish are bigger, stronger, and

more appetizing ● Fish have better resistance to

bacterial diseases● Fish are more tolerant to cold

temperatures● Fish are used to study human

disease ● Fish use recycled material


● Fisheries are under stress● Possible environmental impact on

wild species● Waste runoffs: hotbeds for viral

and bacterial diseases● Overuse of antibiotics● Escaped fish could cause

ecological disruption or species extinction.

● Foreign fish could invade natural species

● These fish can pollute the natural gene pool

4. What is the most interesting aspect of aquatic biotechnology? Why?

The genetic manipulation of fish is my favorite aspect of aquatic biotechnology because this allows many different species of fish to thrive in different environments despite genetic limitations. Scientists are able to manipulate their genetic coding to change their body temperature, muscle mass, and more.

5. What are properties that attract biotechnologists?

Properties like pressure, heat, ocean depth, color, muscle mass, diet, genetics, proteins and pathogens are mostly studied by biotechnologists.

6. Name examples of shellfish and finfish species that are important for aquaculture.

● Catfish● Crawfish● Trout● Salmon● Baitfish ● Tilapia● Bass● Quahogs

● Sturgeon● Carp● Yellowtail● Bream● Goldfish● Oysters● Clams● Mussels

7. Name ways in which biotechnology may restore fish stalks.

Biotechnology may restore fish stocks by using bioremediation to clean up environmental pollution, pathogen detection, colony growth, and genetic methods to encourage disease resistance.

8. Why are Glofish so controversial? Glofish are the nation's first genetically engineered pets that glow. They are created by splicing a sea anemone gene into a zebrafish, making it transgenic. Since Glofish aren’t eaten many people don’t believe that the government should regulate them. Organization have proved that there is no effect to the environment when Glofish are released.

9. What are biofilms? Give examples.

Biofilms are accumulations of living organisms that coat a surface. Biofilms can occur on the heart implants, teeth, and IV lines. Many organisms can combat biofilms on their own.

10. What is the LAL test. Describe.

The LAL test relies on enzymes from the blood of horseshoe crabs to detect endotoxins produced by toxic microbes. The LAL test is used to check the sterility of instruments such as medical devices.
