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ar .Commencement MaY 25 Closes...

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--"- VOL.XXV. Z-223 McPHERSON COLLEGE, McPHERSON, lf-A.1'."SAS FRI DAY, MAY 15, 1942 NUll1ID ar .Commencement Ma Y 25 Closes School Terminatin1r ita 54th 1ear of Examinations Sqheduled For Four Day s Next On nesl Tuadu alt.eraoon. tro•mll l-·--------------------------------- - ----- --- ----- 25, at 10:00 A. M. in the a·ro t• , ... •••""''or••• tlaal R S aJu T T W k T Dear Friends· Church of the Brethreh. 0 •IU ba bold. Tbef will OWe pe O en ee erm 0.11 .. rto& \Ila eomm .. eemnl ... conllnue on Wednead•r. Tburlda.J FOR Group Sunday CJllen. in the course of human e\•ents, inavoidable cirtUd1"tlU •fll be th ruett0d A. E H••• rrt••• · Summer Session stances neceMitate a purtinr of the W&}'ll. Facing the irrevoc- '" 0. o . ........ ol Th• schedule u announeed b7 Dr. able truth we mu!'l'.t realize that. with the cessation of the present lbe Wichita dlmiet ot tile X. Wl\odlll. J. w. nou.nou. d&an. or lhe coi- the Brethren, spoke to tho Yellow- Opens May 27 term of school there muAt a18-0 be a parting o( friends and au o- Dr. lleftJ'J'. who. bom• bi ta l :!0- 5 :IO, a ll 1blp or rt econcUl1tlon lut Suodar , riates. To remind you thal you are 1r0ing b ack to the old com- 7 :so cJa Mett, except tre.hrnu g 01 .. pluut ea of Clvfllu "Prosp ects Are Very pa - nions at home. or l-hat you Rr c going out into new envi roktir. A number or hi• bOOk.t ha H ll•h. , La• t W!;dn"titday morn ing lha cr:p Encouraging For S um111 er mcnts and find new friends and that many of you will never re- tieen u16d not ont r bf Wt1d onda1. 20. 8:00-10:00. met for ine purpoie or couMlderlog Sesit ion" Saye Boitnoll tu .rn to old M. C., and 'all th at sort. o.f tripe would be vain and alt r reahmao. Encllt b els.a.tea lO:OO· proJeeta and 1.1 10 to elect a t bairoum "Prosl)«l• tor the 1um.mu MMlon trite. - · Mluutton. : 1 1 : to tee lb1.t the work or the. F . O. R. l.s are Yery encour•1l n1. and ue Speaking collectively for Lhe e.ntire Spectator eta{f, tt be- DreNed la tbe tradlUOD&J ao•n u d tre.bman l!ns lllb. au cartted on durlo1 tb.um mer In or- t• kln& on tiaal •ba pe rapldl1 ••• tbe hooves ye &eribe to proclaim, de•r readers, t hat your COU8CientJ. mortal' bMrd a tUre. S1 Molon IU 10: u w. Jl'. clUML ca.a. Main lmmedlateb ou.s cooperation, your enthlUittetic support-, and your eoe1,.. c ai. at Bharti Hall at t: U c.o Tbursda1. Mll-1 tl. l :00-10:00. :lll O-t&lnnlng wa, 17 and c:loetns Aue· good will, as well u your tolerance for. our shortcolDlnp and pantd,..l• la lb• a.c:a4Ullc ll : 10 T. Tb. F. c.1 .... e:e. ueept ftelll- aat H, tbe k•·•eek ... ion b .. beeo errors, have made it po.uible for us to present you • newspaper proce11loa to tll• cbuc.b.. Colleae Repreaenled arranged u to uabl• that we are. proud of and that we hope is becomins to the school Oo ••ttcal 'P&rt or tbe 10 eana bou·• credit 1bts aummu. and &tudent body which it represent.&. ..,.... • Ul k Y'Oe&l 1 !• .. Blo• , At Diatrict Conference \Ve shall not uy .. Good·bye'' for, though ma ny of = .. c. 1 -;.:.,. Ma r u. s:oo- io: oo. an ::: Nives or this opporuanlLY to paths m•y not again, we ghal1 meet many times in u nto .... " R b• PMMl.1 IA e MIDQT, .. bJ' AR• J •· '•renc•• tha( wlll take pt:.ce .ayer t.be normal tour ·T .. r co11et:e course getable .mcrnories. lnatead, we say, '"So-Jong guys and 1ale, Df!lt aad "Cb-oru ., .... 1:2:0 M. w. Jr. cla11e1. 10:00-U:OO, la three c:al,nhr F••r.. b)' t•kiDI it' b II , h d t ti 0 pblb\, by thei eolleg• lad.IM ••rt. et final cbapel. 1:20·1:!0, all s:10 M. Ualted 8tato1 durl111 th 11-un\mer Khool thrM 4 een 8 swe year .. ""eve a a me. no n with eoprano aolo b7 Vlr1hl. la K• r'lla. w. F. claaiet. 1:10-&:to. all 11:10 rao1;1th•. *•we ll ull.a reip.1lar terms. reareL<s; keep your chm up, and don t Jose that J.ndomltable Tb• prOOMatonal and ,_..tool N. w. Dr. Peters and n ev. l(lu1 wlll reP- Admlulon requlre.ment• ror the Bulldog Spirit.I Keep 'crn march tA will be Pla¥6d '1 •\ re&('l ut l ha dh1trlct · and tlle local tummer Moton the a.mt a1 tor -Clancy Bunyan ltalpb 8iutamao at t be Picnic Year's Last All-School Functioa- chu rch •.JiGl.P&(llvcty, at lb& conre1·· the and 1hfl work don., ll'olluwln1 th.a lU'Meatatloo of onctl ID\,,Jf:lb\•tlle, NOrlh Ca1otlu1, )1 ot the aame 1tneral QUa11'1 • .. that ca11dld•tM ft Jf f radHtl"'1l b.1 Dean rro1n J une 10 to 11. Dr. Pele•• l!I .. or lbe rerutar .eulon1. Baccalaw·eate Fa,-er Prea1dent J. w. Ooltnou. D( . w. w. P•l*-n.. 111ember or tbe 1t1ndl111 com1nlJtH A special feature of thll ,.ear'• Of IRC Ne.x&n.tY ear p,...ldHt or M.r:Pbe.r.n Coltec-: •tu '°'" tbla .nnaal c:burch Or. J . 11.ummer aebool IA the courM or • l&hl To Be Held Th h1tnnlloaaJ H.elalk>H Club confer dt&rMll oa • U sradal• J. Yoder, Or. Met.aler, aud Dr . Moh· lloon In 11..,._rF M:ltD« beins or· ht'ld tbc-1r nnal mMlln1 or th• ,_r Tb• 111.,-oc.tkt• UJ be 11..a 11.1 ler. HI protii&blf repr.e.ot . lb& fC'red. Tllila HUrM will qulltJ •l•s da M 24 la.a& Prlda7 for lbe purpoM of ellfltl. Rtf' B. N. Kina, putot 6f ta. col:M" chu. rcb a ad l)e cOH ... •t lb .. coorer- enta to Mtom• UbrerLut ta CIUI \Ill y a y ins orrken tor U.e co•ia l ec\ool ell a rt.b , a.a4 \M __ .... ..... - - ,. lJi Kan .).__ .... ._ - - ,.,._ &.l4c.lal es waa ll• l-- . ...... Tile Br.lhl'flll dlltrlt ta or Son.ls F"ar •ll J" mMlMff wll1 1" .. 1111tt• ha Jl dJ Al .tM .-. 5 .,t, t:•a'°"' a .... Dll. ., .. c'-o.e• 0.llola ud Monlal'a wUI linger. ':BowJllH, Drown, Colllue. Htr· Church Of Bred iren tu tUI po1ILM)n or Y k:&-pt'ff.ldeDl McN'1coJ, \..CUil convene •I Po plar , )ion1anR. dur-lns Ahf! T. Hoo,.er. '4• nln, Meulu. Ol10n, _ . and pn>«nm c:hafnnan; aad RutMU Ra.uard•F a fternoon aod ennlo1 June 14· 11. Df; .• Petera •c• 111 •111 be Wa tland, and Wlnkltr. ;\lamlo C. 10:45 Sumlay i\fonHUJ( J •rfllH" -.U1 tak.c tho orfk ti Clf .ecro- In }OUll Recital .., 111 Me the lallilt all--.choOl eoc:l•I func- pu t.ent •t thlcm1hu·e11c:... He •111 Matton, or Central OOlltU hne hi Thf t1 romt; •• itu•uh•Y Miil.) !4, U 4! t llll'Y•O'"u:urer. ' lion or the year. At 4:00 P. M. t be !)(! 1 1 r eacnt for lhe TeH11 and l.outJJ- h•d l1f'(':n to 10 1 ·h MrPhfll "P-<.n l'olh•11t1• "'"' 11011.1 hn •rl• IAl('llA tlorul"r, prHldt-nt of the Pro.ram lncludea O'Hara,, &tudent and faculty wlll meet In lana Conrer trnee •l HoH Pim .. L..0 11 1•· Bn,:lh1h thl11t 1umnH1r. hut 11he hurl'· 1111"1 ,, 1r·1•1'1 111 th ... rluh durhi.c the J)UI rto--ar. mad,, "'"'"r. Bohm, Tchaikonki. Knapp, fro nt of •he Adnilnli traliou ll.uUdtns ICf.na, July !4·U. f""l,:;ned. TIH• vncunt)' tuu1 no1 )"tH hN'n M<"Pl11 NK1n t'ollt•j(" <'b111d1 nt th" •I n :-m.t1k!ff: OJ- tt!'.-nln5 the work a11d and Bot.alord. 1111(1 lllko 10 the picnic e 11ot-l he ell)' j flllf'd. on 1 .1•11d "' 'Ill I H' Jt1oethrf'U, Th• .,, Ill nr th•rluh klltl •hM-• 11unou11 .. 1 Oii May 9 Ji·irn Mo.tr\lkol. coQtol to. 11111 .k. Dr. J. \\ . Bo1t1101t, J. II. f r1ew, 1"irt1nu,11r ,,t to : 1.'.i 11 .. u-11lt1t' I 1 1•4 1 th ... or lu1. t·nu1lluua l llttand Crlit, bau. wore pre1ent- Tho p1an1 ot 'hl• function are h• Se nior• Breakfast ,1i1.11d t:hi1t°*""11:<":}· TJl;i. 1hu .. 1·1·1111111 .. 111 h•• h1t1110" •ht ("h la \win.,; held at Wlch· ect tn a Joint recital In the c hapel lhO hand• or the S. C. M. M>Clat com- ' ' Th,. rinltont>• .• h:tll. dl'llv,..rcd lhl .. )"'"" hy l 'tt \\ ' ilo ti oui JtHH' 3 10 lht" 19. 1 •udllorlum. TIM progra111 lndudfM:I 8. c. M. ba"e l!ll" euod At Pr eaidenl 'a Home on.lqrlt>!I,.. Ntudellt lnlun lh mm. alld W of \11 l'lu·r'"" t'oll• i.:t- Th·· --- - - ('Ompoatt ton. bf O'Hara, Dobm. Tc:.h.al· t hci tact that a lthough the plcalc la w w r all "' 1 " 11 'mt'nt ... ubJ• ... rt>( hi" 11dd1t .. "" auuuun I Vocal Reperto ire kovalrJ, S.ud enion. Spe.all:", D'Ha.rl"" hl'h1g •Pon1ored bf the abon STODP, l!Nnfl• pl .. ll "' 111 be aull•b 1 lhl,. .. unimi r N' d t. ··Tb.f. Cl G' B d I 14'1l, aud Knapp. Amon1 t11e mun lbl" entlrfl ttudent bodt4• IP'flted.. wbf' ft lht!T f'Plf'rlaln lht> graduatiug: . Th(" orni."'lun -.111 hu;ill ..._Ub th• I All l Vel rO& caat popular aumMra were "'Ca.Im U Thall-echool picnic bas proved. talon *'' a brt*lcf&ill on Raturd•J Orche 111 Claaa prhre?-· .. mal ,.1.,-,.11 or 1 •iof )h·mhfof1\. ot th .. vOl!:al tt·Pf'rlolrf' Nl&hl" by Bollm. •· How DM.nlhll In lht pa at. one of the -.otlal bl.ch· amrnlnf. Mir U.at 1 , 111 _ Tll•.breall:· Pe rf orms For May Day iialpb 1 uuruab. t\i.UM•lnit t bo1- """'ca.. ... •f"lll. lo Sali.na W.:dae-day ar - t 'pon tile bJ Harker , a. ad ll&hls of lh" FH.r. It ls al lbls fanfatil •IH be Inn at 11 ,.,. rN"'•df"nt"" · '* Prf'• ated tht' r• cular bun•lotJ I• rnoou 'tJ bruadeaii&t onr K l:S L- lbna1 Hoy by \\ Mlbttlf, HD.I bF lion tbal 1tadealt -.ee Lbe facall7 h t!I: &a• E lld ll embf>rw. ot the MC'rbf'non Collea• mornln •ol'l'hll• .... ni .... .. ·iAI T .. n .. 4• •ho w nl W-l"tl" l'ruf Nevht ,.,.,. MeSk'"ol and " Open the Oat• membf.n with lbetr balr dtlwn. orot at 1 uc • . orc.heAb daM, undt'r lbt'! dlr "Ctloii 01 mulik- ,. 111 bl orf•·n•I h) lh•• \h 1•ht·r director and .. t (Or or the Te-mplo"' bJ Koapp. "' Syl•La" II bu been rt'Que•tf!d that all who Mn . l'e.t.er" wlll IHI '""" 1 fihd in the Staehllnl(, Prf'fWlllt"d a d1are •t •on Co!l,.i!;t' m ahi qusut•·CI• and llU• lh" 11tTtt1111. Lair-II,. Jl urt., .,,nn Wit bF Speak., bf and •llcnd brine !Oc 10 help 10 lhe c:i.x· i;.enlna or bt •r thr•"f' ruur1Wf 1111• ll ay down t own Wed· Culh:•,,c",. (hulr_ ftl.hir· J i·fln McS l«il. l:lf'llf Kim "When 1111( rroCundo Sang L.uw •c"• 11en1e of the refrHhmcntJJ. br .on. D•l f", aud lll'l' dnu.;htli'r n•bdar. The d111<"11 ... .. 1111111 :u·ou1.1d 11"ll<" Ill ... 111s: "01..,·11 <1111 =>• •" t1mll \\ '•>»•• J ou Guugbuo&ir, an "' Douford •uni by Tbe recu.111 Lina CathtirltH •. hpth or -..·Ill be .. -.Ju. pal\(·rn Ul'lllllt Ulo\' l hf" rbiil r wlll "O Kt•m1..ih W,unpl flr, t•t•Ur twlt1h1hl Iler wa1 conduded whll -' a di.It:,, "Sias! Na umann E ntertain• h(lm(' frcun to('hool by th••C'IUIJll . F1·a1ur;" t.l ;;ht"' , Th•· )l lfll(H4111 1' 111 1rnt11a1 .. r•1111wJ d ur-lnst lh,. lG mtuuh· pro Sin .. lltrdt1 f)U tlllO. Wing!'" b, Ood- Thh1 llf tll t" flr111 11( tbl11 uf thfl' danr., "'t. •rt• thti 1u.a1 lot le t·OJi."'llh ttw h•:iwllklloUJ 1111 , 1 or1tim , 1 ... 1 ,,,.IKntlu. trey Nuuln11: . rror. •111 lhe a c-. o: lu ho11ol' or t hl ' g rad· •• r11rr1lntt uui 1-lnnfll. b a M1phoruoro and number of l1t115ua1e 1t udeota in t heir -- l 1111111t hr Jt•llll Mr Nkol'. '"fommy Lid" hH hot"11 11rvmhl4.lOt ht w1.1f!lk: actl•I· home. Oueat1 preHnl we.-e Vtrgtnl• 5 h b rt A t d j lit l.n1·1!1• llurt.; "Whe11 01« Pr4tlrJ, Sht: b1 a lhe.mbtr u( 1t.e a. ca· Kt rllo, Be tty uur, er. Miidred F ri es. Q d angle 1\f akes D ebut c u e ccep e lf uu•ln ('."'by w.,-nJ• l'tl•t; Pflll• c hoir a11d or lbe women'• qaar- Arl 8chubtlrt. Alvin Kial •. and Aus· ua r 1 \I y.7 Training . 1111d bf Ann Wltn1ar•. Sh'" I•. (,Jo( tbl" doLlble tin William•. Afler an tn1ere11Ung c:OO· Aftrr lhf' .broad("tt•l. At Thon1r-on. 1 1.aartttlt •bh:b tooll an ez· N T d M .. ·1...- .d t U.llm'" . \t 11 t b K 8 .. ve rnltoo, Or. !'\aumann waa tla•llY t ' '""' l<or o h•e procn111u •l l • tl!•d tour pent.laded to &ITe a Nmple or bbl pl· ex ues ay orning K•h . ...._ .. e·u, !'Wun \ L Statloa. lold lh,. cl ... 11bout ab.- Mr. Crt.t I• a Jonlor aad abo la a a.no plaplna:. He played Bttll}ove n Art Sd 1ub<·r1 prnr "" n1 l1111tor f•f YArln1111 brtN1dc-uUn1 ••d m"mtwr or ihe a eappeUa cbol r. Ue l'lf:lf!C:ilon. Mra. N•uma1111 .e.rn:d Lee. liilUOf'ntl 4'11t T 111-«1ay mornhlll;: -.:UI publl('aD. and aU lho· rnat .. rlal h•" 1'"'""'"1 \l•T lh1 aid•1f r-a.dlo u a -pro- •4'1k-r•or -Ide r11cc11 and dou1hnuta. and eandr. t:.a' ·" •n 01 ,po1tu1111y 10 v w thf' pr-Jb-- bee.n"' nl to 1h" blndt"r)'. f 1:. In tbi: v.; 1la of lht• !\•UI ltr &uod YVlum" lem ehlld or n a1 i,llff'r aud t>f'an T bf' llut l•'°h"' Pl!a:t·• of 1lw bo<tll 1 """nn tn -S.1111•- ! ---- ------ ------ -------- ! I p F ' ll 1'\, T , T une In bu1ln1 CU&Jh·• or ll .. ,. tht" Jlttle ••rdy. llu'll.t•\l•r, 11r1otdlrrl( 1olflnat pil11r HI di"fh1ll•• eters t s J... " umerous Uon1 necffd 111 paylr1a blllit owed 10 word rttelvt"d hy thf': H"l lUblion 1•1'1 ... · -" tnh1 tb•• .. tt, - 1,,. . 1r 111• 1 o on OH i' the /\unual . nll1 ;h1. the Qu"d• 11ho1.11d •1 11v .. lloll· ... •• 11)..-fol> t•a;llnth1111fr11u1 'II.Ill Sp k. E g t Socia) Cal e ndar ,, book wttll • llll:htl)' mor(" IO(llla.re der llltrhl 01' earl )' prft ti.My 1 ... t• hffl•d 1111 hut· 0\'ll fllltf l ea ing n agemen s Friday M•Y 15- 0 orm T heator ltithc!f or tm-ravl1ui: tha11 tlml of lut 1 n•. until tl )'l """ frotn f11tl lh' thh. Party, 7:00 11. yo1r'1 a nd runllf<1uontly II r1·w n1ora llw k• will .... "j' ltl 1u1d th,,.trllrntHl a rr1m_.P1111·n1 h" w111 lw ltf•r111l111•d 10' l'1 f'1<. W. \V, l'''''"" I ha" 11<-on ID1.lt'h '"' lh;o J1llf'-t. k"1- *' .er. Saturday l\flF ti - All School pklurc•. lht\ l lHI Q1,1fldran.:lt' 1 11 thh1 "l Mr J'h""'" 1 h1 ll••rn1111d dur'lug the pa11"- w1.,. ka H 'lf"'lll 1: 1 all 1h"11e inatanctt. nl c 4: 00 Lall:eilde 1en sdor11ed an 1un1t\1 Yt1 n1ar .. 1 1 1 d 1 b 1 I -" ' •IH.,,k••r tor bu·cah1ur .. nh1 a11d tom· M("I h"' ,.."" ("ollie-JI! a tthhlc. •Ill oon aod blue tfl Yf!r. ur , .a t-0 1 "' 1 u "" 111 10 t ou1; !khubt-rt. al" • • ·II"' 111i.li.l11 1111 ortup1 the P,.,,.ld..,nl·• Ume oTitr Sunda1 May 11- 8. Y. r. D. Ve.- In Ht• book wlll !-.... a4', cral vagf'.- C)fllF to clu• t-" or IJI 11:anl1tttlu11" whkh vll .. nl Atfutf m lt- ,, ... 11,d t., 11 uut• m,.n,.....m .. nt lil>•tYI\'• .. In lbf' hl1h nut At S:OO OD \be morll· per l:U. ot "crUJ•QUllt" ihou. •ud all>Q •l•ndlo.« h1 •tpo .. lall) lt1 lt.u- -.. IHJ4•I. vr Kan\:.Ml11aourl Jn1 or th" :'id ht' •Ill add,.... th Prld•1 tiita1 !! - Pine Recital •tttlon de<Hcalt'd 10 thl• y;ii.11r'11. 110 . htball, durl,rc 111 rvll; 1·•· r.u ... r f1unnc tb.,. PflM Dr. Peti:n ,...nlon at thei r annual breakrht and )lay dent• who ban bttn d raf1NI or h• wUI appeer on the pro1nini for tbe Day lt:tt A. it. ClaP b rantht• or to li:D· ldeol!'I of •II organb11lnn• " " ur1h 111: Or. l)fo. raurod \\ ' l1111lof• r 1•r<lh·• l.H'.111• dr-IUe. Ka11-... Tilb 8uadaJ )111 m_.mbfhl to•paJ' lhf'lr du .. I• or d• ·r t-Or of PO('lnlo._, •Od fdJ<"4lif·1 Al \It'• h11 wlll a1 Cunnfn.:ham. K1a'l<I•. wlll on:ur OD Utb and t be 16tb. lt:-t• A. )I. The sroup pl<'. lur•.- of ora•T1l&11· 10 10 thf' Quadnn· f'bi·"°n deolh•·r•1I ,,, 1otn •nd thl.. ·ni_lt t!nd wlll 1111 two f"ln•llF. on 11._,. :!ttb. Dr. Pele1'9 Mooda1 llay H -Commeneemenl &l eAll "Udf'nt• •l w .,., 10 ... 10 :00 A. M. made b1 tht1 En11:n,·1nc booll11 or m11'i" th1al .. ut. m,.a11· lut ulght Tllt.. ,1nln111 h• •Ill riv•· Jnn111f'flng-. tht' .. lo Mound CH:fllnf'lll& throuhout th" iu1nmer 8.inrd a1 Al•Y SO-AJumnl Ban- Co •• wt!rll': •Ito rl e.r Pr lnllag whlle. er" "ta:f r.t to ' "''" ,.llht<r Hturkr the N>nnn•·u"'fmP111 tiddr,. al H1uh1on, td lnm.n, on Ml.J' m•k" a romp1ete •Pf!aktnc .-cb.edule, quit 1:10 Church. hu been done byth ).lc l'bt n;,.p Ht-.,_ or Wayne OelM"rt, .. II.'• Hieb S<-hool. t It. aud zo. lie wUI cu i-ylnc fcuo Cktober- .
Page 1: ar .Commencement MaY 25 Closes Schoolarchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v25-31r.pdf · VOL.XXV. Z-223 McPHERSON COLLEGE, McPHERSON, lf-A.1'."SAS FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1942


.Commencement MaY 25 Closes School Terminatin1r ita 54th 1ear of

Examinations Sqheduled For Four Day s Next WeekE:~:x:~:~;on;;~~ On nesl Tuadu alt.eraoon. tro•mlll-·---------------------------------- ------------- 25, at 10:00 A. M. in the

a·ro t• , ... •••""''or••• tlaal R S aJu T T W k T Dear Friends· Church of the Brethreh. ...;amlaatJ~ao


•IU ba bold. Tbef will OWe pe O en• ee erm • 0.11 .. rto& \Ila eomm .. eemnl ... conllnue on Wednead•r. Tburlda.J FOR Group Sunday CJllen. in the course of human e\•ents, inavoidable cirtUm· d1"tlU •fll be th ruett0d A. E Hn· ••• rrt•••· Summer Session stances neceMitate a purtinr of the W&}'ll. Facing the irrevoc- '" 0 . o . ........ aapertotood~IU ol

Th• schedule u announeed b7 Dr. t.ar~,o~;h";l6. ~~~~·o~:=~~eu~r:, • able truth we mu!'l'.t realize that. with the cessation of the present lbe Wichita dlmiet ot tile X.Wl\odlll. J . w. nou.nou. d&an. or lhe coi- the Brethren, spoke to tho Yellow- Opens May 27 term of school there muAt a18-0 be a parting o( friends and au o- CbJttth~ Dr. lleftJ'J'. who. bom• bi ta 101;~;~n:/•;:•;0~;~ l :!0-5 :IO, a ll 1blp or rteconcUl1tlon lut Suodar , riates. To remind you thal you are 1r0ing b ack to t he old com- ~:;0~~·~tr~l:. ~r;;'!0:::1.:::11 ~pe~ 7 : so cJa Mett, except tre.hrnu g 01 .. e;u~:111:1s:~.:::.1ou1 pluutea of Clvfllu "Prospects Are Very pa-nions at home. or l-hat you Rr c going out into new environ· ktir. A number o r hi• bOOk.t haH

ll•h. , La•t W!;dn"titday morn ing lha cr:p Encouraging For S um111e r mcnts and find new friends and that man y of you will never re- tieen u16d no t ontr bf K~bodtlt Wt1d onda1. ~•Y 20. 8:00-10:00. met for ine purpoie or couMlderlog Sesition" Saye Boitnoll tu.rn to old M. C., and 'all that sort. o.f tripe would be vain and ~:~;0c.::•1nb~:~:tl:~ ~!~r ,!~:::;

alt r reahmao. E ncllt b els.a.tea lO:OO· proJeeta and 1.110 to elect a t bairoum "Prosl)«l• tor the 1um.mu MMlon trite. - · Mluutton.

~~~~~· : 11: !~!: ~: ~~.':~~~-=.··~:~ to tee lb1.t the work or the. F . O. R. l.s are Yery encour• 1 ln1. and ~,'aa• ue Speaking collectively for Lhe e.ntire Spectator eta{f, tt be- DreNed la tbe tradlUOD&J ao•n u d

tre.bman l!ns lllb. a:to-~:%0, au cartted on durlo1 tb• .um mer In or- t• kln& on tiaal •ba pe rapldl1 ••• tbe hooves ye &eribe to proclaim, de•r readers, t hat your COU8CientJ. mortal' bMrd atUre. S1 M olon • IU

10: u w. Jl'. clUML ~:;.'::~~.•Ork ca.a. Main lmmedlateb =~=e~te 0:u=~!~ :·a.'::!~n:::it~ ~1;.e:: ou.s cooperation, your enthlUittetic support-, and your ~eneroua eoe1,..c ai. at Bharti Hall at t: U c.o Tbursda1. Mll-1 tl. l :00-10:00. :lll O-t&lnnlng wa, 17 and c:loetns Aue· good will, as well u your tolerance for .our shortcolDlnp and pantd,..l• la lb• pom~ a.c:a4Ullc

ll : 10 T. Tb. F. c.1 .... e:e. ueept ftelll- aat H, tbe k•·•eek ... ion b .. beeo errors, have made it po.uible for us to present you • newspaper proce11loa to tll• cbuc.b..

=~·T ~":~~~·1.1!:.•·:::0~· ;!,!.~~!! Colleae Repreaenled arranged '° u to uabl• • atud~et that we are. proud of and that we hope is becomins to the school Oo t~• ••ttcal 'P&rt or tbe ~~ 10 eana t~a bou·• credit 1bts aummu. and &tudent body which it represent.&. ..,.... • Ul k • Y'Oe&l • 1!• .. Blo• ,

:a:~· !:::::~:::··~11:i1:~:·T~-~ At Diatrict Conference !;~~·!~~;: b.a1:1h9dK~:°~.!~dt~~': \Ve shall not uy .. Good·bye'' for, though many of our j !:~;.:_::oa. ':~~i-; = :U~ .. c.

1-;.:., . Ma r u. s:oo-io:oo. an r!:~!,er:nt~1~~u:~11d1:1~:!1

::: Nives or this opporuanlLY to eolJ'l.ptet~ paths m•y not cro~ again, we ghal1 meet many times in u nto .... " R b• PMMl.1 IA e MIDQT, .. bJ' AR• J•· '•renc•• tha( wlll take pt:.ce .ayer t.be normal tour·T .. r co11et:e course getable .mcrnories. lnatead, we say, '"So-Jong guys and 1ale, Df!lt ~~It.on: aad "Cb-oru ~t .,.... •

1:2:0 M. w. Jr. cla11e1. 10:00-U:OO, • la three c:al,nhr F••r.. b)' t•kiDI it' b II , h d t ti 0 pblb\, by thei eolleg• lad.IM •••rt.et final cbapel. 1:20·1:!0, all s:10 M. Ualted 8tato1 durl111 th •~mmer 11-un\mer Khool thrM iu~eNln 4 een 8 swe year .. ""eve a a gr~a me. no ~rrows, n with eoprano aolo b7 Vlr1hl.la K•r'lla. w. F. claaiet. 1:10-&:to. all 11:10 rao1;1th•. u~rulfl *•well ull.a reip.1lar terms. reareL<s; keep your chm up, and don t Jose that J.ndomltable Tb• prOOMatonal and ,_..tool

N. w. ola~1e.. Dr. Peters and n ev. l(lu1 wlll reP- Admlulon requlre.ment• ror the Bulldog Spirit.I Keep 'crn ~miling! march tA will be Pla¥6d '1 Prot~ •\ re&('lut l ha d h1trlct · and tlle local tummer Moton ar~ the a.mt a1 tor -Clancy Bunyan ltalpb 8iutamao at t be o~•.

Picnic Year's Last All-School Functioa-

church • .JiGl.P&(llvcty, at lb& conre1·· the r~gular t~rma, and 1hfl work don., ll'olluwln1 th.a lU'Meatatloo of onctl ID\,,Jf:lb\•tlle, NOrlh Ca1otlu1, )1 ot the aame 1tneral QUa11'1 • .. that • ca11dld•tM ftJf f radHtl"'1l b.1 Dean rro1n J une 10 to 11. Dr. Pele•• l!I .. or lbe rerutar .eulon1. Baccalaw·eate Fa,-er Prea1dent J . w. Ooltnou. D(. w. w. P•l*-n.. 111ember or tbe 1t1ndl111 com1nlJtH A special feature of thll ,.ear'• Of IRC Ne.x&n.tY ear p,...ldHt o r M.r:Pbe.r.n Coltec-: •tu '°'" tbla .nnaal c:burch nu~t1a1. Or. J . 11.ummer aebool IA the courM or • l&hl To Be Held Th h1tnnlloaaJ H.elalk>H Club confer dt&rMll oa • U srad•al• J. Yoder, Or. Met.aler, aud Dr. Moh· lloon In 11..,._rF M:ltD« beins or· ht'ld tbc-1r nnal mMlln1 or th• ,_r Tb• 111.,-oc.tkt• • UJ be 11..a 11.1 ler. • HI protii&blf repr.e.ot . lb& fC'red. Tllila HUrM will qulltJ •l•d · s da M 24 la.a& Prlda7 for lbe purpoM of ellfltl. Rtf' B . N. Kina, putot 6f ta. col:M" chu.rcb a ad l)e cOH ... • t lb .. coorer- enta to Mtom• UbrerLut ta CIUI \Ill y a y ins orrken tor U.e co•ial ec\ool ella rt.b , a.a4 \ M __.... ..... t:nce •~· - - ,. ~·~ lJi Kan • .).__ .... ._ - - ,.,._ &.l4c.lal es P~l- waa ll•l-- . ...... br.~

Tile Br.lhl'flll dlltrlt ta or Son.ls F"ar•llJ" mMlMff wll1 1" .. 1111tt• ha Scr~ice Jld J Al .tM .-.5 .,t, t:•a'°"' a .... Dll. ., .. c'-o.e• • rf"~-0.llola ud ~tern Monlal'a wUI linger. ':BowJllH, Drown, Colllue. Htr· Church Of Bred iren tu tUI rb~ po1ILM)n or Yk:&-pt'ff.ldeDl McN'1coJ, \..CUil convene • I Po plar, )ion1anR. dur-lns Ahf!T. Hoo,.er. '4•nln, Meulu. Ol10n, _ • . • and pn>«nm c:hafnnan; aad RutMU • •

Ra.uard•F a fternoon aod ennlo1 June 14·11. Df; .• Petera •c•111 •111 be Watland, and Wlnkltr. ;\lamlo C. 10:45 Sumlay i\fonHUJ( J•rfllH" -.U1 tak.c tho orfkti Clf .ecro- In }OUll Recital ..,111 Me the lallilt all--.choOl eoc:l•I func- put.ent •t thl• cm1hu·e11c:... He •111 Matton, or Central OOlltU hne hi Thft1 romt; •• itu•uh•Y Miil.) !4, U 4! t llll'Y•O'"u:urer. ' lion or the year. At 4:00 P. M. t be !)(! 11reacnt for lhe TeH11 and l.outJJ- ~tcPht"rt1Ql1, h• d l1f'(':n hl~d to 101·h MrPhfll"P-<.n l'olh•11t1• "'"' 11011.1 hn •rl• IAl('llA tlorul"r, prHldt-nt of the Pro.ram lncludea O'Hara,, &tudent• and faculty wlll meet In lana Conrertrnee •l HoH Pim .. L..0111•· Bn,:lh1h thl11t 1umnH1r. hut 11he hurl'· 1111"1 n~n·c.ahrnn·•tt· ~t ,, 1r·1•1'1 111 th ... rluh durhi.c the J)UI rto--ar. mad,, "'"'"r. Bohm, Tchaikonki. Knapp, front of •he Adnilnli traliou ll.uUdtns ICf.na, July !4· U . f""l,:;ned. TIH• vncunt)' tuu1 no1 )"tH hN'n M <"Pl11 NK1n t'ollt•j(" <'b111d1 nt th" •I n :-m.t1k!ff:OJ-tt!'.-nln5 the work a11d and Bot.alord. 1111(1 lllko 10 the picnic e 11ot-lhe ell)' j flllf'd . Al~o on 1.1•11d "''Ill IH' l'l'1•111 ~i1t'nt. Jt1oethrf'U, Th•• ~4·rvk•"' .,, Ill 11 1~·11 11un10~· nr th•• rluh klltl •hM-• 11unou11 .. 1 Oii May 9 Ji·irn Mo.tr\lkol. coQtolto. 11111.k. l'!'.!tM·~. Dr. J . \\ . Bo1t1101t, J . II. f r1ew, 1"irt1nu,11r ,,t to : 1.'.i :i•m~lt•Y 11 .. u-11lt1t' I 1 1•41 th ... tn~lttute or lu1.t·nu1lluua l lltt• and Wa)'ll~ Crlit, bau. wore pre1ent-

Tho p1an1 ot 'hl• function a re h• Senior• Breakfast ,1i1.11d t:hi1t°*""11:<":}· TJl;i. 1hu .. ,ahu1n·:1t~· 1·1·1111111 .. 111 h•• h1t1110" •ht("h la \win.,; he ld at Wlch· ect tn a Joint recital In the chapel lhO hand• or the S. C. M. M>Clat com- ' ' Th,. rinltont>• .• dh~hii h:tll. lah~ dl'llv,..rcd lhl .. )"'"" hy l'tt ~l•Ji-111 \\' ilo t i oui JtHH' 3 10 lht" 19. 1 •udllorlum. TIM progra111 lndudfM:I mllt~e. 8 . c. M. om~ra ba"e l!ll"euod At Preaidenl'a Home on.lqrlt>!I,.. Ntudellt lnlun lhmm. alld W l't~ of \11 l'lu·r'"" t'oll• i.:t- Th·· --- - - ('Ompoattton. bf O'Hara, Dobm. Tc:.h.al· t hci tact that a lthough the plcalc la w w r • all ui b~r """"14."011"~('1 "'1" 11'mt'nt ... ubJ• ... ~t rt>( hi" 11dd1t .. "" auuuun I Vocal Repertoire kovalrJ, S.udenion. Spe.all:", D'Ha.rl"" hl'h1g •Pon1ored bf the abon STODP, lu::::~a~:~d« l!Nnfl• pl .. ll :~~:NI,.::~ "'111 be aull•b

1 lhl,. .. unimi r N'd t. ··Tb.f. (~ fh~ir.' Cl G' B d I 14'1l, aud Knapp. Amon1 t11e mun

lbl" entlrfl ttudent bodt4• IP'flted.. wbf' ft lht!T f'Plf'rlaln lht> graduatiug: . • Th(" orni."'lun -.111 hu;ill ..._Ub th• I All l Vel rO& caat popular aumMra were "'Ca.Im U tb~ Th• all-echool picnic bas proved. • talon *'' a brt*lcf&ill on Raturd•J Orche111 Claaa o~•• prhre?-· .. mal ,.1.,-,.11 or 1•iof )h·mhfof1\. ot th .. vOl!:al tt·Pf'rlolrf' Nl&hl" by Bollm. •·How DM.nlhll •

In lht paat . one of the -.otlal bl.ch· amrnlnf. Mir U.at 1 ,111_ Tll•.breall:· Performs For May Day iialpb •

1uuruab. t\i.UM•lnit tbo1- """'ca.. ... •f"lll. lo Sali.na W.:dae-day ar- t 'pon tile M~.un1ah11~·· bJ Harker, a.ad

ll&hls of lh" FH.r. It ls al lbls fanc· fatil •IH be Inn at 11,.,. rN"'•df"nt"" · '* Prf'• ated tht' r• cular bun•lotJ I• rnoou 'tJ bruadeaii&t onr K l:S ~· L- lbna1 Hoy by \\ Mlbttlf, HD.I bF lion tbal 1tadealt -.ee Lbe facall7 h t!I: &a• E lld llembf>rw. ot the MC'rbf'non Collea• mornln •ol'l'hll• .... ni.... ~1w .. ·iAI T .. n .. 4• •ho w• nl W-l"tl" l'ruf Nevht ,.,.,. MeSk'"ol and " Open the Oat• membf.n with lbetr balr dtlwn. orot at

1 uc • . orc.heAb daM, undt'r lbt'! dlr"Ctloii 01 mulik- ,. 111 bl orf•·n•I h) lh•• \h 1•ht·r )."t~bn. director and •~DIP*-•l .. t (Or or the Te-mplo"' bJ Koapp. "'Syl•La"

II bu been rt'Que•tf!d that all who Mn. l'e.t.er" wlll IHI '"""1fihd in the ~IM Staehllnl(, Prf'fWlllt"d a d1are •t •on Co!l,.i!;t' m ahi qusut•·CI• and llU• lh" 11tTtt1111. Lair-II,. Jlurt., .,,nn Wit bF Speak., ·~" bf Jlh,~cb. and •llcnd brine !Oc 10 help 10 lhe c:i.x· i;.enlna or bt•r thr•"f' ruur1Wf 11n~a.Uut 1111• llay i;~._. l~ ,,;h~n down town Wed· Culh:•,,c",. <""a li~·ll• (hulr_ Th~ ftl.hir· 111ni~. J i·fln McS l«il. l:lf'llf Kim "When 1111( rroCundo Sang L.uw •c"• 11en1e of the refrHhmcntJJ. br he~ .on. D•lf", aud lll'l' dnu.;htli'r n•bdar. T he d111<"11 ..... 1111111 :u·ou1.1d • 11"ll<" • Ill ... 111s: "01..,·11 <1111 •=>• •" t1mll \\'•>»•• l'r1~t. J ou Guugbuo&ir, an "' Douford •uni by Cri1t~ Tbe recu.111

Lina CathtirltH•. hpth or ~hom -..·Ill be .. -.Ju. pal\(·rn Ul'lllllt 1h)lh1nlt~I Ulo\':· l hf" rbiilr wlll ~luii: "O Olad~onll' Kt•m1..ih W,unplflr, t•t•Ur twlt1h1hl Iler wa1 conduded whll -'a di.It:,, "Sias!

Naumann Entertain• h(lm(' frcun to('hool m~ n1W l'llUdh•d by th••C'IUIJll. F1·a1ur;" t.l;;ht"', Th•· )llfll(H4111 1''111 h·1rnt11a1 .. r•1111wJ d ur-lnst lh,. l G mtuuh· pro Sin .. ~ lltrdt1 f)U tlllO. Wing!'" b, Ood­Thh1 llf tll t" flr111 (~c11,.lon 11( tbl11 uf thfl' danr., "'t.•rt• thti 1u.a1 lot le t·OJi.• "'llh ttw h•:iwllklloUJ 1111,1 or1tim , 1 ... 1,,,.IKntlu. trey Nuuln11:. rror. P'tltl~r •111 lhe a c-.

llll~V~~:,'d~~u~::::~u~c~~A~~t!!d o: ::~~111; c~:!l~~Y~n lu ho11ol' or t hl' g rad· :-~~~~~ •• ::~d 0;~~:1~:1;'."· r11rr1lntt uui 1-lnnfll. lr~~li r;.t:~~:~;~.mlu::u~.•;t,:: ~~o:~~~~·~: rcu1~1::.n1~:;S1tol b a M1phoruoro and

number of l1t115ua1e 1t udeota in their -- l 1111111t hr Jt•llll Mr Nkol'. '"fommy Lid" hH hot"11 11rvmhl4.lOt ht w1.1f!lk: actl•I· home. Oueat1 preHnl we.-e Vtrgtnl• • 5 h b rt A t d j lit l.n1·1!1• llurt.; "Whe11 01« Pr4}· tlrJ, Sht: b1 a lhe.mbtr u( 1t.e a. ca· K t rllo, Betty uur,er. Miidred F ries. Q d angle 1\f akes Debut c u e ccep e lfuu•ln ~Jlf: ~(JW ('."'by w.,-nJ• l'tl•t; Pflll• choir a11d or lbe women'• qaar-Arl 8chubtlrt. Alvin Kial •. and Aus· ua r 1 \I ~ y .7 Training . 1111d "H•qUl~•l." bf Ann Wltn1ar•. t~U.t . Sh'" I•. m~m~r (,Jo( tbl" doLlble tin William•. Afler an tn1ere11Ung c:OO· Aftrr lhf' .broad("tt•l. At Thon1r-on. 11.aartttlt •bh:b ~HUF tooll an ez·

N T d M • .. ·1...-.d tU.llm'" .\t 11 t • b K 8 .. vernltoo, Or. !'\aumann waa tla•llY t • ' '""' l<or o h•e procn111u •l l • • tl!•d tour pent.laded to &ITe a Nmple or bbl pl· ex ues ay orning K•h . ...._ .. e·u, !'Wun \ L Statloa. lold lh,. cl ... 11bout ab.- Mr. Crt.t I• a Jonlor aad abo la a a.no plaplna:. He played • Bttll}ove n Art Sd1ub<·r1 prnr "" n1 l1111tor f•f YArln1111 a'if~t• ~ brtN1dc-uUn1 ••d m"mtwr or ihe a eappeUa cbolr . Ue l'lf:lf!C:ilon. Mra. N•uma1111 .e.rn:d Lee. liilUOf'ntl 4'11t T 111-«1ay mornhlll;: -.:UI publl('aD. and aU lho· rnat .. rlal h•" )lartillr-~..,, t•ah~hd 1'"'""'"1 \l•T lh1 tw-h11~al aid• •1f r-a.dlo u a -pro- ~· • •4'1k-r•or • -Ide r11cc11 and dou1hnuta. and eandr. t:.a'·" •n 01,po1tu1111y 10 v h·w thf' pr-Jb-- bee.n"' nl to 1h" blndt"r)'. f 1:. In tbi: v . ; 1la of lht• !\•UI ltr r1·•~,. &uod YVlum"

lem ehlld or n a1 i,llff'r aud t>f'an T bf' llut l•'°h"' Pl!a:t·• of 1lw bo<tll 1 """nn tn -S.1111•- !------------------------

! I :~~c~~jl ~~~ ::~ :::~P~:r~~~~:':; :::"ur:~ ·:::"~~~;,:::,.,'~~:,:or: .,,.~~: ~!";"~~~'M':.,~~ •:::·:~~1ul~~! p F 'll 1'\, T , Tune In bu1ln1 CU&Jh·• or ll .. ,. tht" on;:a.nlu~ Jlttle ••rdy. llu'll.t•\l•r, 11r1otdlrrl( 1olflnat e.uininalhlll~ pil11r HI di"fh1ll•• eters t s J..." umerous Uon1 necffd 111 paylr1a blllit owed 10 word rttelvt"d hy thf': H"llUblion 1•1'1 1u~ttf1tan( ... ·-" tnh1 tb•• .. tt,-1,,.. 1r 111• 1 o

on O H i' the /\unual. nll1;h1. the Qu"d• 11ho1.11d •1 11v .. lloll· 1u~~ ... •• 11)..-fol> t•a;llnth1111fr11u1 h~· 'II.Ill Sp k. E g t Socia) Cale ndar ,, book wttll • llll:htl)' mor(" IO(llla.re der llltrhl 01' earl)' 1'uf'~ll•Y 11101n~ prftti.My 1 ... t•hffl•d 1111 hut· 0\'ll fllltf l ea ing n agemen s

Friday M•Y 15- 0 orm T heator ltithc!f or tm-ravl1ui: tha11 tlml of lut 1n•. until tl )'l""" frotn t~H f11tl lh' thh. Party, 7:00 11. ~f. yo1r'1 a nd runllf<1uontly II r1·w n1ora llw k• will .... "j'ltl 1u1d th,,.trllrnt Hl a rr1m_.P1111·n1 h" w111 lw ltf•r111l111•d 10 ' l'1 f'1<. W. \V, l'''''""I ha" 11<-on ID1.lt'h '"' lh;o J1llf'-t.k"1- *' t'olnm('ntt!~nt'ut .er.

Saturday l\flF ti- All School 11 lc:~ pklurc•. lht\ l lHI Q1,1fldran.:lt' 111 thh1 ~~h::~r~t~:~1 ~::~:;~,.~u;:;~·11::11~:"11~,1:; ::;:~.1~·~1: ~t:J.~:;1':::.~ .'·or "l MrJ'h""'"

1 h1 ll••rn1111d dur'lug the pa11"- w1.,.ka H 'lf"'lll 1:1 all 1h"11e inatanctt.

nlc 4: 00 Lall:eilde Park~ 1en sdor11ed •I~ an 1un1t\1 Yt1 n1ar.. 1 1 1 d 1 b 1 I -" ' • •IH.,,k••r tor bu·cah1ur .. nh1 a11d tom· M("I h"',.."" ("ollie-JI! a tthhlc. •Ill oon aod blue 1itu1h~1· tflYf!r. f'('MU•r~d ur ,.a t-0 • 1 "'1u ""111 • 10 t ou1; !khubt-rt. al" • •·II"' 111i.li.l11 1111 '¥ ortup1 the P,.,,.ld..,nl·• Ume oTitr

Sunda1 May 11- 8. Y. r. D. Ve.- In lh~ Ht • book wlll !-.... a4', cral vagf'.- C)fllF to clu• t-" or IJI 11:anl1tttlu11" whkh vll .. n l Atfutf mlt- ,, ... 11,d h.i~ t., 11 uut• m,.n,.....m .. nt lil>•tYI\'• .. In lbf' hl1h nut •t·~k~1td At S:OO OD \be morll·

per l : U . ot "crUJ•QUllt" ihou. •ud all>Q • ::•:1~~~1~"~r~~a~11:n~l=d··~';: :!~ •l•ndlo.« h1 ~!Mr••· •tpo .. lall) lt1 lt.u- -.. IHJ4•I. vr Kan\:.• a~d Ml11aourl Jn1 or th" :'id ht' •Ill add,.... t h Prld•1 tiita1 !!- Pine ~\rta Recital •tttlon de<Hcalt'd 10 thl• y;ii.11r'11. 110. htball, durl,rc 111 rvll; 1·•· r.u ... r f1unnc tb.,. PflM •~Iii Dr. Peti:n ,...nlon at their annual breakrht and

l: ::,~::;1. )lay dent• who ban bttn d raf1NI or ~D- :r;lr;:'~~:".::, ~~.:~)' P•1~;:~.·-:.~.ft -· :.:~ ad,~;~a~l~b~r!!.:~ ::u~:.or ::~ h• wUI appeer on the pro1nini for tbe

Day lt:tt A. it. !S~alor ClaP !~.l~~~~ brantht• or IH'rYlt~ to li:D· ldeol!'I of •II organb11lnn• " " ur1h111: Or. l)fo. raurod \\' l1111lof• r 1•r<lh·• l.H'.111• dr-IUe. Ka11-... Tilb ~"~nlall: ~:::::1~a~:~=·~.:eP~:::.:.~~:: 8uadaJ )111 u-n.accalaur~te m_.mbfhl to•paJ' lhf'lr du .. • I• ord•·r t-Or of PO('lnlo._, •Od fdJ<"4lif·1 Al \It'• h11 wlll Ji~k a1 Cunnfn.:ham. K1a'l<I•. wlll on:u r OD tll~ Utb and t be 16tb.

lt:-t• A. )I. The sroup pl<'.lur•.- of ora•T1l&11· 10 faellltat~ payni~nt 10 thf' Quadnn· f'bi·"°n C'ullf'~•'. deolh•·r•1I ,,, 1otn •nd thl• .. ·ni_lt t!nd h~ wlll 1111 two f"ln•llF. on 11._,. :!ttb. Dr. Pele1'9

Mooda1 llay H -Commeneemenl ~0:1~~.;h!~.~:~,.•~~~~ ~:;ra,~: &leAll "Udf'nt• •lw • .,., 10 1;u~h...- ~e~c::::~.-~=~:::.a~4':;· 11::~;~· ... (~;;;: 1 ~~=:~:.~·:-~;n;;~:~~-~~t~,:k\H! ;!:11•::~1.'~;..P~==~~do1:r8::: 10:00 A. M. made b1 tht1 ll•r1~r·R•trd En11:n,·1nc booll11 or m11'i" th1al P~)m .. ut. m,.a11· lut ulght Tllt• .. ,1nln111 h• •Ill riv•· Jnn111f'flng-. tht' .. ~ttme• lo Mound CH:fllnf'lll& throuhout th" iu1nmer

8.inrda1 Al•Y SO-AJumnl Ban- Co •• wt!rll': •Ito Y~rJ' r le.r P rlnllag whlle. er" "ta:f r.t to ' "''" ,.llht<r Hturkr the N>nnn•·u"'fmP111 tiddr,. al ~lp11 1td~t!', H1uh1on, • td lnm.n, on Ml.J' m•k" a romp1ete •Pf!aktnc .-cb.edule, quit 1:10 Church. hu been done by•th ).lc l'bt n;,.p Ht-.,_ or Wayne OelM"rt, .. II.'• lllHh1Ct!I~. Hieb S<-hool. t 1 ~. It. aud zo. rf!"ap~th·elr. lie wUI cu i-ylnc fcuo Cktober-.

Page 2: ar .Commencement MaY 25 Closes Schoolarchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v25-31r.pdf · VOL.XXV. Z-223 McPHERSON COLLEGE, McPHERSON, lf-A.1'."SAS FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1942

.. ". • PAclE TWO The Sp!Ctator

nrh.~ ~pectator Ai.briirht H~ds lCaUen~r nioted 'jl Th p "d ,. Co. I WI' . . """ I Rlch .. d WI • Callen, aon ol !dn. e res1 ent s rner

Ottldal RhldcDC. PvbHcatJon of Md"hencm .OollC'lfl't ~ • .._.Freshman aass Dora Callen r,, sot 8od:lb Maple • ... ,..,,...ea; enry •"'lidar durinc the ~hoot rear ht the Stu~ QJQ-U. atroet, Mcrbe n. ICHt., and rormer Since this is the last issue of the Spechtor f o r the academic

"FRID.t\"Y, MAY 15, 1942

. ,. ~-:~· ... - ··-.. =-.;: & •ain Next y eat •l•d .. l 01 >ltPhe• .. n .......... a ..... year 1941-1942 and since this i3 my firwt year at "our college"

tHt . atcmber JOU Ni~I ~. "-a: ~nllr ••pointed• Nani A"'1AUoo Ca· I (eel moved to express my heartiest a ppreciation for tlie very . '"·U • p · ••• ' ,., y det and •A.If tran1ft'rred td the Nu·al . . .

Auociatcd ~ eguate reM :.:.:~:..-.:. ~':; ...... :':' '!.-,~ ffedgetJ Vice Preeideqt., l1i.1r station. PenHeola, Fla .• tor tucbt rtne constructive service the ~aper .has render~d. It has ~en aoam OP nm filltDOOs TJIE ~OOL OF QUALITY Sanger Jck~ Wilmore, cralaln1. •t:t:ordln.a: to an •nnooace. good to me and very helpful in gettlng !tarted 1n my new (1eld • =-"•..,Ml~~~~,.,._ .. , tt, ttn, .,, dioe liiMWRn . , •~. Jtaa. SWiDIJe~ Other Of!iceri menc m•de bJ the pabtle rehtUooJ of- or. service at McPherso~. I have read each iuue of the paper

---·-~_-_":"""~··-" ";:, ,., ... _~!~at'' .. ma'::.:.:;•;,~!'·,~:~ ":r,~·:~~·::; ; :1~~::~::;~.,.'i.~a~:'c~ ;'t,h~~htr :otlh~~~~ a~I~d a~ldf1~ndit~vh~a;.~s11::::d t1:daM~t~h~~:Sc:11:°t~;! Tiffi EDL'lrORIAL STAFF clU1 or ·n • NOOod J .. r It 'fHJ Ku .• the mlddte of Janu.f'J'. There · a • ~ . erwJ:S.e wou no ave eame . any ••lt.ra tng

e:=, ~Wni .., 111..,., .. ...., ~ !19..:... · ~ det.e.rml:Hd hT the rre.llnt.n ti..,. he auttflllf•llJ Pued tht ~Umla•- traditions and cu.&toms have been revealed . .,. ~ liilMI' electtoa held JHte.rdaJ. I lion trt.lnl•• t'Oarte tbe final or I b aid J"k · h ed" •- ,....._ "-- 'Ill::. Cb°"'"' to nn be olll<o or ,,.._ M h s o 1 e especially to pay my respects tQ,.t e two •tors ~ H=----· -·-~ ~ prn.ldtnL for the year ·42.·u wu . •;PG~ t'Omplttlon or rbe lntntl•e f'or the past year, Mr . . Paul Dannelley and ~Ir. Ernest D!_le. ~ 4

' '- REPORTERS ANO SPP.CIAL. WRlTERS o~r•ldtne Uedgeti, ~ee•l•iler ru: aenn·mon1h ~oa,... at ""The •u•p- They have b een loyally supported by eff1c1ent staffs and the Ar.._ a.w..1 o.... 1t.nc.r.. ..,... ,...rl"lldt r,.. w. w. Pmn the put two JM.rt.. ollt of the Air," canen will ,TeCelYa Spectator has been a genuine credit to the ~ollege. I ehould t;;.•,'= ::..•::;:: ~ ._:~....,:.7i:'~ ~~~ £lected to the omee1 or r«retaf'J' hi• dt•l•na tlon at a Na .. 1 .hiator like also to express my eincere thanks for the gracious eoneid-

.:::t= =1. ~n:,.: .. :~~ ri:"u=;~ M':f:,. =.w11 H_sl trnnrer were Rutll lckw and 1 ~1tll a f"rOmmlulon" &Hlsn In U•e eration tbe Daily Republican bu given me and the coUege. i-r.. Drollir1•1i.I Dorl~ Y•lidl P.u.1 O...aHlkT Me.rrlll San&er re1pect1n.l7, 1 ~aul fl¥it{'rY') or aa tnd Lleuceaanl

TllE BUSINESS STAFF' -An11• Wllmqr-. PntmlDf:,Dt for ber1tn the Marine Corri R~er¥e 11.nd wnt \\fitb thanks and appreciation for the pa.st year, we hope

, ... """""-----''-- Ad!:;.ta;: = ..ebolutle record and oratorical • b11· •o on artl¥ft dUlJ. and plan for the next. ;.t=:t.:.~~ AMIJta.al Bui- ...... "" llJ'. hH bttn •lf!l~ aa fltl reore-1 - <;:: ,... - ·--·- = Atfll•tl•• "' ••• Rlud .. l Councll. c·ty G d p ·1 I The best adv~rtiiring a college hag i3 il:I! students and the ~mrr-. • _ _ - ---;---- F••hr MT'IMr Ginn Swlnaer. now on the Stu401a 1 ra e UPI • ~ greatest service a student can render his or her college is to

ClllCDl.ATION STAFF Co•ocll ..... choicn lo '""'" th•t Chapel Program Fri. recommend the college to prospective •tudenl:I!. McPherson t;:•.::t,~":tr-:-=...-==::=::===-_-:=::=.==-~ ci~otttlim !'.:ti:: POAlllon for a •econd Jear. I Ml.u Naomi Wltmore, ma1fo in- CoJlege has faitfl in young people and in the- future. She M>li· = 1tn'-"l' -·-·-·--·--~·-- ·- ·---·----- AM1at.1oat at,n1t:1or ht lhe elty 1w.hooJ1 Preacutted • . .. ,. t · d f h

1 F d "th ·o.rtr!!.""8."WM!' -- · ___ :.:.=·-~-- -~ tom~ 01 hn clauc. tn '11. muf1ea.i CJts your m':"res in an support o er s ogan, .. orwar w1

------------------------1Three Participate Jn ... l,,.·o•roon .'" rhnpel Fl'lday mornlna. McPherson. Seniors, \Ve Honor You- ro I Th• '"•k•r•h.,n nm •••d• ''' We look forward ton splendid •tudent body next Call and

'-onference Golf Meet thm bond """°'the dlroellon or Ml .. shall weltome hack the old and most heart"! reel the new

I Ol1u1ra lllune._ ovcned the pro11.:ram ~ ti - 1 Y I

Commencement oxcrCi.fllCH Monday, Moy 25 officially close ReeTt"f' An(J Brunton nnd wleh ·"rhe \Vhl1t1er and HI• Do,J" and students. the fifty.fourth yeur for McPhcrllon College. Looking bnck· Drothtt...., Tw.,.oor Tourney '"Warblln~•"' f;•e."" T••• •I•• Jump· W.W. Peters. ward briefly over this Jost ycnr'K work, we find thnt it is a great M'1.x .nrunton. Hal'T}' Rent•. nnd t-d rope • nd boun('ed ball• to muilt. - -----------------------

b · d Delbert Brant'>n will plt.J tn U1e Kan.I Klt'th Alllton repre-ented Roo•- R hJ G • l (StudcPt Dody Con111ludon, Art. 1. deal Jlke the many preceding ycnrs, Ut 1!4 outstnn ing in !everal tu Conference Oolr Tournament to t flYf'lt •r~~ol b.r 11a1ln& 'Mother UC en, e18er Stt.

4• By-lawt.)

respects-the initlot.lon of n new president. ·w. W. Pefers; a be be1daLOttan u. Mt..1 u ud u. IM"T'•"•"'',·,0110 .,.· .. 1-m the Ju•••• On Student Com1eil bigger and better homecoming thnn ever before; a large region· "" ..... Tbe elnf'ft orsanlr.atlona Htln,s J courercnce • completion O( n new men's dormltory. a success- Cbetter Nordllna, HarrJ Ute'l'H, hl1b llot'hool furnl•hed an lnttrumect- Elected 8 y £.atra w'°re tbe A Cappell• Choir, Worntn'a

a ' • and Max Oruaton reore.unt~ M. C. al l)llrt 01 the pro~ram H lbl!!J pla.yed C . lar Or . • Coandl, Mf'H'• Co•ntU. 8 . Y. P. o .. ful basketball tcnm: plnns started for nn industrial arts build .. rast nar •ad came bo~e wttb flt11t•) "Reverl•." urncu 1an.i.z.aboat.. w. A. A .. s . c. )I., TkHplan Club, in&' ; inat:allation of Pi Kn.ppn Della-all or whi::h adds up to a hl both lb• ln4h10o.al aud tHm a>m· W11lliln1uan 9C.'hoo1'• •IJ:th 1rade Muloe Ruehlen and Wayne Get.- (."hemlstr)' Cl•h, I. R. c.. Fortulc succeeeCul and worthwhile year for both the institution and the pelltJon. Thia la the t hird nd lut Nn1r two num~ra. "The Nlchten- •rt were ele:ted r:.9 tbe Stude.at Cova~ Clab and tbf! "M" Club. individuals attending college here. rear that Mu Br-unton •Ill b•• nl•" and " So• the D•J la Onr." ell. 11 was a.aaounced b7 Vlrslota Both thf ne•lr elecc4!d rQraeata.·

pl•red In the Kann• Contert:nt'f' A Jlrl• Mtf'tc('t chtn uni "Ood Be Kerll11. pl'ft14eat at tbe Stade.nt ti""" are IOpboroorn and al't at:tlH

To many. particularly the .. nlonr, next Monday means rarewell to many friend3 and associates, and consequently, fare­well to thiaJnstituJ.\on. Next week 1pells thirty to their college education. To others ll means • porting for the summer to. re­lurn next fall for the. next •eMion.

Meet for M. C. O•r Guldf'." __ Coa~l. ne 91«"1100 clo.ed Je9ler- atudent• on the taDlPH• MU'loe !lu n e 1lloya wUI IMu WedHtdsy at· A piano 9Gla. "Tbt Sblers' Walu, .. d&J i a clme race bd••n the can- beea P9rtlul•tlf atll•e In w. A. A ..

Hf'MGD wtlk Che CCMacb a•d th trade. wa1 pl•yfJ'd bJ AU• Anderwo•. ~•t• •ht. MulDe R•eble.n and rorena:lc. and SPKlator. OtlHrt bu team. Tbe a:olf team wUI no' rtlUrtll COMludln~ 1he Pto«nm wa.w t•e \\arne Ge.lsitrl rettlTin.g the malorll7 att?ed at .opt.omore pr@aldent and 11alll F'rld&1 e•enlu.1 bttauae lbe tblr~de from Wfchr&ba• erbeol or Totu.. Tbae two •l!I reprne:nt be.• befn utrunely outstaacUaa ta touraaroent la tor U bolea. tal:lq; u •h\r·aarrated th ••or1 or "Tbe l tbe ytra-c•rrlt:.•l.&r acU•1l&es ta the farenatca..

two da:ra to tl•r fL J LIHle RNI llen" In sons. coo;:::~=~ =r~re.ldentt of th or- ...,""'""'""'""'.,.,'"""'"""'""'"'"'"' . In either caae, whethllr we are back here in school or not, palu.Uonw JAet and noml.Dalf!d Mu·

we can .un pledge ourselves to 110 "forward whh McPherson." Gleaned From The Teeming Brain ••• R•••• ... waru oil&ert, .... Of Ye lkrlbe ! OM.rat and (Ue.nn Swla1er.

,,. Eaeb estra"'(tlrrlc•lu artl•ftJ WQ

_"Forward With McPherson" Buonn. Dur~older, and f\Onk pua ha Ila hue echoed to the lau1.bter e.nUU~ to two Tota, o.nfl!" for a ma•

ha•ft gnn,. lhto way nt al\, young •1ton ot one or It• ro,.me.r coe41t- Ard,.. and •Do tor• W'OOlll.u,_, --.da vt U.Wtl l.n the apr1u1, u waa ch1monstratod br Mec1, who jOMrneJ~ htre in tbtl vorea Halt be ea.at. ID ta,.or ot the re·

\Vlthfn the next two wcekr., studen~ nil over the nation :!0!~:~!~~:~ ~~eh~~i~~~1!~:,'.:; ~~·~~1~::~~ .. !i"~:e;~!Jw:~1P:.~:~0 .. ~ :~':~:~nt:'!~t~~!:::::r,.:~: .wiJl'be Jea'Vlng school for vucntlon. Seniors especially will be. n..,. ttand. Than wMt:11 CbtoN) l• no ever. lht How!.;er Uutck took QUll6 a loraantutto'rl. The candldatn reoel"·

.faced with a new problom-thRL of ori61ltation into a different 1·reater "emot1011." ltonk 11 lf'!tt IO , h(lartn" f(lr !ole11 tnn11rrallon . tnl in11r • m•Jorttr of the T"ote. o:' orp.nJ ..

and perhaps more comp!}cnted .world ,,thnn formerly. Many :~.,':~~~~1:0;0~~~· .. ::r ,~!~,:~1e ~:: ~'~;"~ .. ~~: ;,1:~~~t!:t o;h:;;r1i~;~~~ ! uttonA Hall ho the repr('.e11ta11ve11." will, for.the r.fret time,. be Oil thci~ own. From a world of edu- Ice cr(!.flm. ThP. reHOll for ' thq,11e olh• h'.!r(I, whlel~ h1 80nlt!'lhlnR uew end\ cation, 1dculusm, and crcnlivc thmklng they nro going int-0 p e.r worthlea worklnic I• plAln to be dtrlNtH1t. wn htrnr. Cnunla wu prae· .------------,11 world of hardehip, turmoil, and biller disappointment.$. The £een, but how they sot E . O;ale, 81lee llN llY "'llhout a roommat(! tot a fe'! Notice: method of meeting these new problcmR will be determined to editor. to work hi u rnya1er1 which •o•. the Ktrlh1·Me1a. duo once more Due 10 tire s1iortoge we o.re

a large extent Uy thclr lroining (or the Inst four yen rs. ::1~:t~c~~1;:~'::P:~r1:1;h!!~tt:~~ •P~::~~~n~"t!r ';~.:~~.~:::· are Jou forcetl to , .raise our cab To you, •enlors, we cnn J!R)', "Congratulations, for h~ving mah th• otand one hundred porcont •olH~ to nollco Pinky Lowhe• at oho f ares.

completed your college training. Yours is a hard and bitter Sp~:;:~:~·~~~t 01~"~:':~~., .. darku• :~:;~Y::~~!:;01~~~~t!n!:~r::~1::0.,.a~: . ~l~~h Fares in City . · ~~: looking road ahead of you. You hnvc one of t ht gloomiest before tile dawn. onf" or our mua1tna hh1. wh~ro1M>uh~ at th•t tlmtl by eall~ Phone 6


roads ,._,taring you in the !nee" lhnt any class. hne hna f~ num. edlton .. aii taformed Tbarlfd•T morn- Ina: 100. romn1on111teotrn a. the tel-

ber of yean. !:~ ;!P::;.:!::!:0 t9: e:ht;--:~~~::; :::~:.l·.;:,~~~:k ·~~·:~.v::!e!~~!~ Whitey's Cib and

We are sorry to Aee you gyaduhte. For some. you_r gradu- coor1c11. This dJadoaure do11bt1eu 1 proml•ed not to 1t11. Cafe (O, Biihy & Lindsay IN S. J\A&. PboM 1 .. ation ~ans a Cinal farewell, a la&t goodbye. You have been ::::" e:11":;. ';.~;:0 ~:rt:;;.,1:! dr~~·~11:r lE!:: tb::::: tb~'~:Or :: JOJ N. Mu

helpful to us in mllny waye .. 'Va cannot. repay you for your •10- UH.le S.m. D•n1an Aid b• bit room at the dorm 1he ot•H da7. =========::::==:============ · help fn asaiating us with our work. Many of you are close wonld teue to•a '°"'•lime •Ue.r tea Reaal!? Crutcbe. tor Tlafr.ler. He wu ..------------------------friends by thla lme; nil of you are good sports and memberll of o"doct Wedu...i.,. •lib•. •rr••r 10 ...,. .. ••• •ldou •n· THE HOl\IE STA 1'E BANK I a select group of liberally educated people. \Ve a re truly -sorry ae~a-:. C:r.;:::e ::,~1~::' :'!: ~~ •1

•;;:b1•;0 °:.:.~~dK:::;.:=t:•~ o. a. lllEBBRT. ~t

to see you leave. :i::~::··~:·~:::.t.~.P;:..!!e~~ ::!':'!e~'~,: c~!:.:!1~~1 A.;..~ea:; H. o. M.\ 'l'BU. Ouhler BRYAN HOLLOWAY. MA o..tlkr -' Next year another claq will rm your ahoe3, yes, there will Ho•e?6r, ... , ror)ora loolclU PGC~ nl1hl. Do JOU aupp.GH tbal Drammel »-bet FecleNl Depol:lt. lat.,.... ~

be a definite place left unfilled-a place in our hearts which lce-t boob te.Htled to the power or tllit .,.., tn towa? Yoa do! Sprhss si•n ~§§§§§§§§§§§~§~§~§§§§§§§~ can be filled only by your presence. conCf'Utou to draw to themaehe. all a &Inf 10 roroant:e! j

well-red eolle.1e bo71. Doc WlllluH, ( ============ . \Vo, th.e J~nlon and underclassmen, wls~ success and haP- :::;:::1~~ ~== .C:::c:!~•;e7.e;: (.tson Plumbiag (1. fr.U Ice (rem

piness to you m whntever be your undertakma. tber rould uctr drlnlclalJ root bof'flr Madlt" Pad:ed rt.er. Ho UPSHAW • \ al tbe Mel.b<>dlsl stand. Phnnbl.D.r - Beatlq - Well• U..d Packed Piote IOrc

WJ.n.uw. - ..._ Select Dairy I . '. ..

America -Needs Physicists One& mpre tbl• P••t week tbe eam·

" 0tttee -... H ; Rell. Ill Hll a Jil.rii.

• Closing of school n11aln brings up tho guestion, "Should I \\a\\..eT'.\\t'u.4 _ _......._ ~- _ _ _ ~McPHERSON con.tlnuc to nttond school until enllod Into service, and if"°• . .,.RE.AO PROFES~JONA• DJftE1'1TORY wbatshtill l 1tudy7" 1'he answer to the flrt1t part of this quea- ~ .a... '-' tlon ls obvious. You •hould •tny In school. But to the latter , n.uo1 ... - Fo""<t t• All some ae~m a bit undccldod. It i3 common knowledire that the1._ ___ ~_·•_•_•_o_.......,;.;.;..;.";.;...· ---"I cllemlat l• needed a11d lhnt any nuflibor or chemical researehi.------------1 experts can be used Jn that field. - THE

Up to date, It haa not been cmphnalzed, bQt there Is a very MePhenon sreat need !or' phyalclals also. From 1500 to 200 physicists & Citizens

Dr. W. E. Grel'ory -l>entiat-

Offtce ...... ,.. ----N'e• ....... All .... l.M.&4c.

DR. A. V. ROBB 01.'TOKmftlft -- ...... ...

could be placed with no great amount of dl!ficulty, and at the pruent time, only 500 are being turned out frora schools. State Bank Dr. Galen R. Dean

Moreover, the physicist wlll have a poaiUo~ after thi3 war ., ....,._. - DR. A. W. GRAVES --Doatioa--le OTer. The need doe1 not concern only a warring nation, b.ut Capital It Sarphu OPTOMETRIST om. ..... • la alao the concern of a peacellme nation. A great deal of Stl0,000 Localod o-Bisby • .-, .._ ..._ • -

Dr. L. G. Reiff 1>£NTIST

Ottl .. ..-­-....... --""·-Dr. E. L Hodp

DENTIST ..... _ "1nf OA.UID llLDQ.

flaoasbt could be given to'Ute poaslbility of a 1tudeat'1 takiq - r.u.1.0. '"" " · ...,. ..__ -__"! o.w ._."""- .._ co- wblcb lead to a phYtlcltt'a cluolflcatlon. l'-----------111.-----==:;;:.-..::::.a '------------' l..----------J Of&.-- - ···

Page 3: ar .Commencement MaY 25 Closes Schoolarchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v25-31r.pdf · VOL.XXV. Z-223 McPHERSON COLLEGE, McPHERSON, lf-A.1'."SAS FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1942

ftIDAY, KAY 15, 19'2

J Se~or Swanaong.{ Editor:in-:cinef w•lh tho -·• ., - ·- En;iest .Dale \

, ....... tho _ ....... of -"'-j .-IOI' claw at Mel~ Collfp. .,,._ ..... _ ........ wrl~ abRl t•b ~ '8dlrid·

-''7· I Dori. Voahell

"-:uad when tbl1 Macoed 1oe1 d own the s tn41t, 1h(I look s a bu1dred p er trom bu d to teet----ell Am er· lean girl'"; 7ea. truly • n • 11 Amerl· ua c it! I• Dorl• Vo1hell, 1oea.I Mc· PbereooHI!, who 11 a home IX. maJor aa4 pbralc.al ed. minor.

Dorb ••• beeD ID practkall7 CTUJ clab ob M1cempu1 aorne Ll.mb durlq

.her eonere career. In bet fro1bman year "f'ouil''

w u trea1u1e r ol tbo c lu 1, 1por t1 m anager In W. A. A .. and rated the Tbciplao club.

W hen Dor l1 w &1 a .opbomore 1be • •• lreuurer or the W. A. A., aad •u one of lbe acll..-e memben or tbe Cll'lt' atblellc clu b , Sb • wu the clua re prese:atatlTe t.o 1tudeat couu.cll a.ad wa1 ou or Mac-olle10'1 pepp7 cbeer­leadera.

Aeltve ID every uo11tble aport In l h4! W. A. A .. II.It 1e ar Dorl.a WH

elected to lead the atble Uc c1r11 u orealdea\ o f tbe 1 roup. Asa.la sbe wu elec.le4 to Lbe 1uadenl eouncll, repr• seatlnc Lbe u tra -eurritota r orp.aU&-110 01. lt wu alto In ber Ja.nlor 1c.ar tbat Dorl1, poll ed u d talented, waa football auenGant 10 the queen.

Eel itorial Staff

Managing Editors

Maxine Ruehlen Marilynn Sandy

Campus Editor "Doc" Williama

Sporta Editor Bob Burkholder

Column Editor Clancy Bunyan

Rewrite Editor Jame1 Nagely

... Spectator Staff Exeunt

The Spectator ataff, both bu1in .e.u aad e d itorial, in con.aiderin1 the au.cceaa of the Speeta.tor for the pa•t year aa ph~nornenal, tak e.a little cr edit for any 1ucb a ccompli.ahme.nU of thi• week· ly new1 or1an.. All credit ia due to lhe reporter• a.nd apec:.ial writers of the Spect ator who have faithfully t urned in copy reaard leas of le aaon.a, work a.nd ·ou tside ac tiYitie1. Thia, alons with the unti.tin1 effort• of the buaine11 at"a ff member•, hat made the " Spec" the 1tudent pubHc.a­tioo that it ha.a be.en.

Rcalia in1 that thia publica t ion is se lf sufficient only to a limited de1ree, and that it i• dea peachat to a very c:reat extent upon ib con.atituency, the advertU.r. the Spectator wiahu to espre11 ita l"ta titude for the 1plendid s pirit of cooper atton that the advertiMra have 1hown.

We w i1h to thank tbe fac.ulty for the aid and cooperation t'1iat it ha.1 ahown, and eapec'-Uy Dr. W . W . Pe ters who ha• j:ontr ibuted w eekly with hia President' • Corner u well aa with an im­mea.~urable amount of material vita l to the Spectator readins atudenb •

Thi• i"'\ae• for t he pre1e nt 1taff 1pe ll1 fini1. A1a.in1 to all who have helped in any way to make thia paper a aucceaa, w e 1ay, 0 Thank you."

The Specta Cor Staff.

Bn8iness-Mgr. John Troetle

Aes' t. Bue. Mgr. Wilbur LinYille

Adv. Manager NathanJ-


Maurice Cooley

Thurston Beckwith

Circulation Mgr. Darwin Culver

Faculty Adyjaera

Maurice He88

Oscar Olson

. n ecardleH of • 11 U1e m•nr acllwl· tie:. o f a u n lo r, Doris H ill ~ED,alns tbe cool, u lm, a nd collectNt cl.rt u il.tU&I, a nd a1ala waa " p ru.y .. ot the W o men'• Alblt llc .. toclatfon. Thi• J•r •he •~ MCretarr or t bf. auad-ent cound l aud tbe hMrd o r pubUca.lloa. I•.,."""""'""'""'""'""'==""'=~==---------------------;------------------....,..,,.....=--,,,. 8 b.e hold• two •lc• Pretldenc:r potl· rear aod ba1 been one or t he bu1lest United States Armr. ror be l1t .. ubJecl • 1tood 1tar11t" uf u1bl~·•ennt1, and en· rllalrman and t o -publlrlt1 rbalrman. note--Sfnr or t he :Mea'a Var1Ur t.lon1. o ne l o t he The.pl.a.a clu b and .-r t he 11tano acoompaolett to be round to d raft u 1oon .. he g-raduatc•. 11 1 .. Jo>t ... ~rblut: the varsllr team•. Alao mu"l~llf lnt'llned J o)' h u bee11 ~1un1eue, hatl• f rom Quluter lbuu.•. tlt fl other o r the u nlor clau . She l• bereaboul.a. h is lotenllo n to go to la-.· 1ehool Uou's o"·u ~··1h' a hllllf wu demon· 11 num1lwr or tbf' ('h or11.l c·ILlb f<Jr two Thi• t 111'11·h•lred.. browo..e1ed . 11110 one o r tbo few to be tne.tucled oD "Twll•," u abe 11 knowu lo her ll'bere he wlll apeclallie In cor pOrll· 1tr1m~d thl11 )('IH when C.:OllCb H•tdc 11 )'t't.rl and a lso hu btten a two year likeable 1tinlor acquired the a a me of th eo honored ll1t. o f Wbo'1 Wbo me.m· f riend•, bu alio been actl• ' lo. lb• tlon l•W • tier he h:1ts ae.ned bl• cuun· i. nd IJUIJ m~·l u.1 cbalhm1e •ac:b ot.ber 1nt1mb11r or thp a cavpella t bulr. "Et hel Mlrl l kerbellle" oa tile d t .-u· ben. s. c. M., the Pep Club, aod ••a J un· try, "*'Ith lhf·lr ph11lc1ill •uenatb. Thi• year • he bu t"'CfleltntUy Mrve<I talloD trip receat11, H d "Lia r•mored

, Nut yu r Dorl• pla a. t o tMeb. JD lo r . waa 1 member o f lbe Wo men'• Comptt tl• r iila conegnr~r ht ""'" is to ht> tommf'nded h«•uM: oa th• llec:reaUoa Cuu11tll be t• ll• a re9.I del~t ln tMl1a.a call.,,

t:coaom.lct Ot:.ld. Thi• aummv ••• Tbe ounuer o r ID la1ne:atln1 aad oachy of Q1:1adn.na;le vbologra11bf'1' ~hoo1 M'h«h1lf". but he al.lo worb at nrtltf dl'bate •q•d aud ror tbree T•IHlt!d In mH k. •·t kay .. u ~ ... m be a camp cova Mllor al Scott varied bobbJ, Twila b.u collec:tlont of for three r ea n. A a a r retbman hfl ••• hi• 111ber~1 llllln11t tlilatloa . 1e11u .,.. .. • Por..nttk <'lub lhl'"mber. wried 10 bti caned be.fore t ba 111ewl1

the pbplcal education a a d the bom• 1AlbleUc ANodaUon . tbree reen, Jad hH aeted ID tbf' fa~ not uolf d0t" hf" la \ e iill loa.d f'd A• a frnbrn.u. J oy •H on t•e lbat.

Cit~~ • be.re •be wtll e llbe.r le.4 tbe bll" ata. m ue cah, mlOdl&·• lt.ed eats. on tbe collece de.bate quad. u d wu Wit h I.kin·, rt"maln lna: •P•~ tlmr. TM1 effltleot •<"nlor 11 .. le. I• a l.JO! 1.tq1.1lred nanH , t. ll'l chora.t ch1lr'. bu I POrtfll (Ir drantatle 1rourta. all our bu r00m ! 8bt u poct11ly ca- a lso a me.mher o f tbe cbemli try c lub he u"unlly 1pendJI 11 "' Ith that cute, an o u1• tandln11t 1t.udf'nt In a r t . TM• \ been • n1en1ber of the a eappella c hoir · Dorla a dm lt1 t hat t he mos t .,.., .. te ra to picture• or tbe te llne race. bu t for two i e•r•

1 immeu e hlgll ,11;1to ol mfllden envy )'tu Jo1 bu: mad~ .everal lYl>M or --- - - - -L-----

~-· r·~ ~lnr • ho h u rained t rom ber tbt • lao JIOMelHa be.r lltlle pet.a I.a Bowkllr 1, · •n ezperlenr .. d t)hu lo· o t 1evttr•I or th• Macffd#, ' .,_1kotr1 o bJeeu, and I• a l.o tal••t•d ' '°""'...._. .. .._ ,_,, ~:i!:~: .!~\!: m~d: uaoc.Jalloo o f •II laanlm&\t t ar11111. .srapber. bulnc ~n nicoit-ralt.d tor Allhoui b UOn f.Jtl)MU to M drdl· In 11t \vlttll tb&lll: tin: ... • • N•t 1eu abe pl.au to leacll l a. bl.a abllltJ' ID aenral a a tlou.I cou· t'<I !KIOn. h~ would Ith 10 10 ln tu la h•r ·~re tlm~. Joy dl11el09e9

U1• E o1 lttb aad IDU•lc Ueld" aa.d It t•ta. He la loterNted In i;olt • • • t:h«'mb:1r7 "'ork •• • laboratorr re- th•I abiP m1:e1 to ttad no1t·fktioo V••Ut.ia Kerlin I• ber a m bitio n to 1tudy muiPe more bobbr Hd allM'J wield~• -.·lckf'd Jilu•· "un-h <'h .. ml,.t. bOolu, do r••ry "or• t • bkh ma un

-_Vlrc lala Ke rlla, upoa wbn1e able I lnteoalvely aomellme. PGPC paddle. With hie t•a•) Jr;Ohlk •Hlhadc, MC· of taclly, mflhl ('Om .. h1 baad1 IM)()U!)

•bould t:ra lhci welcbty probtGmt1 of - - Althouch Jll!.'.k d~n·1 <'I;u·Or 1()tik l ('uy hu. mad(• llUHI) rdrnd• b t:r(' •t a11d "."• e llCrapbook•. J tbe St ude nt _Council havf> r0$•.ed tbt•1Robert Frantz no r act llke • rabbit , hr a .. 1nl1'" ! hlill M111·ollt'l\C. ('¥11UdMtl)' "'Ith r.b$)mltur·y Joy• iJWf"ClUNt~. 1ho 111ellHuh1He, J H r! It an t..ncllt h maJor rrorn Twin I Robor1 Pra ootz I.hat h uono· l••ln r ~· I I l lllth Ill I( .c I r1•mtber Falh, Idaho. • bl11 rnolt,lnodltJ of fovui-111'11 1~ t·QI'· "'llf t!llt¥. :'.~:\,;;;11~11r~atly.:i7~d ',',·t·x/;1•ar. ~ac~

H er oul• t.111d lnc a t:h lnemea t dur~ ::1~0:.~:~11~ 0 ":!~~l!:~l~~~~ .. N::~·:~~ rotl!I! ! ulh•Jf' Join• u~ Jn •l!\.hlu.c J uy luck Ins her co lle1e c:ar~r wu her elee· I bla petite brunette wife. Allee, a re Joy Smith •.lld hilllt~luf'H tn bt·r 1na1 rled lift l ion a a pretldeot ot lbe 8tud e11t COUD• rbead rnldeota o f t-;;llae lfa ll Ulll f t:ar. Don McCoy • \\ rddlu~ 1"'·11~ •Ill aouad and Jur ell d urln1 ber aenlo r year. Sbe bH I but, Allee c:oateads. "Bob doeaa't Don Mc:Cor. Hmt""tlnu•• <allf'd Smith wlll manh do•A t be al11~ tio Eat hel Ikenberry l>HD a ctlwe I• all pbHH or atadeat b u ·e mvch t o do. u cepl rlaa tbe QUtet ··M~ow!I rtr 11111 01ber tlmM ullM •h•~ ,.t1 ... ln. uf " ll1·1e Comet: tha t:athl'I Jke-nbt..-rrr. ..~und Ir-nor



MAUD'S • lo. 610 109 s. ""-..

s,.del , . ,. - ... iM'Mtt sower~me.nt. on Macampu.. A.1 a t reeb· , bell occaslonally • ad • Cl H dl1elpll· .. KUler" ti a loc:al )fcl'hf'nHm lad, llrldf'" 1hl.1 c-omh11 M•Y %8 at ht-J man •be waa • represent..ath'e to th• n• rla n."-Ma be ood e:a erl nee eb •ho dellg.htt In a;h•lo~ lh t.' Jl11l1lfr lht• hu11)1• t11'*ill <11 \ \'llllh•n, l u,u, 111 1111>1--- - - - -----...,, I'------------' Sludcnt Council, 1-erved o n the recre-- 1 Dob? •

1 1 P t ' Ide.a he l.sn ' t what lie I•. h'el'fnr r1iu11 h-··Uw lud1.y f f'"llo w ht .. 1..-----------....,

a tlo:ri&I c::ouncll fol' tYt'O ye.an, and I Thi • d is n lfled icnlor 11811 • l lJO Do n ·I• 111 (:hemhHr)· mujoi• 1111~ 1 111.i.: Wiibur l.•'"'••111111, ..,.ho 11 u lnt n.•-:rr•:n W-•• a member u r ~he Wo men '• Coun· 1 ro und lime t o be • cll¥t lo es.tr• · apend t t he crt11t~r 1)1).ri nr hi• .., 111101 )'N•r"• l(l"l'1d11111,1 uf ,\li11·ulle1 e. CLEANING&: PRESSING ctl thl• r ear. currlc:u lan. Aa 1 rrnbniaa. be wu tlm 11 In the ramlllar cheml1try 11th· Jo>'· who11to mi.jor I• hom~ ec.ooorn· al

Virginia cha lked up IQJ>lber un· wlce-preslde nt of bll clua: be bu oratorJ w ith a f r iendly 11mlle 1t11d If ; admlu .. d from 1mw on • he •Ill OKE.RLIND &. ASPEGREN \11ua l a c:bfevernent a1 • jonlcr when' bee• a ctlYe ta tbe S. C. M. to r foDr helptul h int to all qoant11ath1 a114ly- 11ut ht'r .-ullm11tT li:aowledxe Into ! 8ft

Deluxe Cleaners


111 S. llarlla •be aen ed u editor or the Qu.ad raa· f rt:era Hiid tbU year ff'rY"ed .. • com· •1' atudu11 . llt> h•• bren 011f' ol lhfl' rinnll"'". 111lt·r tht· ''ith, at L.ar11~. l.)'"lie Alhrlsht _ rolltire AJrMI&. Ill!-. Tb.la ~ena.Ole l111 le bu bee.a a ~talon he.d : that year he 11 co. main ch t nilatrr aul1-tanl• fur IYtO" ,!'h'''" w.,.,·t·llau • Ill preach •od ,_..;... __ ;:.... ____ ..;..._..:I'------------' The.pla n ror four yea n, • 111 n nlly jchilrma n or the recreatlonal (ouncll 1cbool 1enn1 a nd rm· 1-.·o auaimer tf'l1th deba ter aa a •~pho1nore, waa a.n at· a rLe r •enlnf o n lbll commlllflfl for 1cbool ~ut1lon1. Uurlnie. bt'r four )i••ra here ut ) h lCA J S D"}I & S tend.at1t to the 1-' ootball Queen when a I thrte nan. McCoy 1,n~tif'l''' wai·hhut <.111, 111• olll'..:_1'. J oy "'"'rnt1b '•" 1111.11 ™'" 11 an • • I 011 On8 J. E. · 6uitlfson, Jeweler tretlimaq, a nd h '* bean a m eml>er 4"11 1 Ai 1 1.,0 year member ot lhe a· l1tr1 1hl1 IHI )'~'-r lu h l1th l!A' IWul 11r1h'I" m• rnlJ•'I or tlu· ti11ud,..111 Chrl&I· tor t he Pep Club for th r6e YHtl. cappella choir, ,.,rants wai elecled I A.110 11hhH!t minded • .\kt'o,. 11l11y1 i;i11 ,\lu~ .. ·m•·nl, auvllt.,; iu 1...,.aoclal Quality F ood1

Vlrctnia baa 1tarr~ not oalJ aa • lo treaaurer lu t year, He bu also J a t

Walch a nd Clock Ropairlns Our Specialty

l ead er, ao actre .. , a Juurnallst, a de--1 MtY"ed sa secretary trnaarcr of tbe Beat Ptice.1 9 .14 N". Kaia

bater, a ad • be•ut.J', but also aa a mu·1 Men'• Coonc:ll tbl.a J f:lr aod bH been • ~~~~~~=====~~~~:§~~~~~~~=:: ~clu. Aa . , . .... ren member o r tbe act!•• lo tb• F. o . R. Bob . .. ..... Good Luck lo the Graduntcs! ' =- -- - --- ---C.p~lla Choir, •he was tbL. year - aHl1taot In the pb11lc. Ja l-ora tory

Included lu l~e Women'111 Va r•ilY · durlnr hl• Mintor rear. • HUBB£LL'S DRUG Qu"f"lcl.te. She h .. dellsh t.ed many! H<l Pl•n• to rarrn tbl1 iumrne r until Me Phenon,arad ntslghborlnc m u1lc:.tl he 11 ca lled to 10 Into camp, wbk:h 104 s. M•ln ., cJrele1 ~· a aopt1 no 1i11)lo l1t. wlll be aoon. Fo r reluatlon, or u a

Phone 23

Jt Ii n~l d lUl.cull to H t. wh1 lhl•11Han1 of t pendlnc blt lel111re tlme. f'------------------------~ ta lented 1eolo.1 admit" tbat 1be haa Bob llh• lo tin. bunt and participate .------------------------, ba d DO llm~ tor bobbin. ln outdoor 1porta. •blch coafettlon STUDENT§ Br::.:~e:'~::,,:a: •:::::':! ~i.~a~ Al~« •mobalkalJT werltled.

JUlnola, for ne:1t yur. It It iler aml.11· - -lion to bec.ome 1 -writer lo the lllt:l'· Jac.k Bowker arr and, Jou ruall1ttc fleld1. J ac k Bo wker. the fuuy·balred

Plan your Jives "° that you will be secure and free or want whatever the next few years may bring.

We offer our bRnklnrr facilities to help you attain

ll'!!.!.u'i.o~~i. o. PEOPLES ST ATE BANK • n om&f\ tro m M( Pheuun, will I,t 1·~· Twila Peck membered tor hll\ adeplnen 11 bavJocJ ____________ , ___________ •

T wl.la P eck. tlle datk· ba lred 1eolor :1:000,~~n:1b11e;;er 1::.~~ aad ro r •

wbo la rea ll7 a "'peclc" or f110 . ball• And, .. •n: u pert pbotosrap\:;.·~=~ 1

from Mor rUI, Kan.sa1, aad la aa £:01· cannot be excelled.

lllb maJor. A" a o flCODom sa • •d butlue..1 ma· Af ter atte11d ln1 HIShland J unior Jor, Bowker 11 a t1emp1to1 to s ·ato a

Collea • tor o ne re~r. a nd t:ilc log tho po1ltlon In the fina nce d l• l• lon o f t h• equlTalen t of u11e year'• wor k a t 1 Betbany Biblical 8f!mlnary, Twila .,,.. __ _,,,....,,.,.,...,,..,....,..,...,.......,,,.

ca me lo Maco11e1e ro r he r flcal two pear... '

Durlos ber aoioura. OD M:1cetiupu1. , abe bas be:u npedally lo lerened la mule. Sbe b .. bereo a me.mbl>r of the A C.ppella Choir d •rlac her- teolor




For Coodneu Salce u ..


The Wall-Rogalaky Milling Co.

Phone 100

Are you.in coll•c•?

Do you belong to the Boy Seo uh?

Are you a member of the Sun· day School clan?

Do you belong to the S. C. M. or B. Y. P. D.?

If •O what I• n better way for a social meeting or en· tert.aihment thn n a party at the-

PETERSON Roller Rink

Phone S09J for Renrv'at:i6n1 ONE Mile North of Towa

Page 4: ar .Commencement MaY 25 Closes Schoolarchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v25-31r.pdf · VOL.XXV. Z-223 McPHERSON COLLEGE, McPHERSON, lf-A.1'."SAS FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1942

. ,

The Sptttator FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1942

;.;-::.~:-.-::::: ~~~.~TH~;:;J On r~.:'~7!~~~!:'.:.JI A Student's Lamentl a directory or lhe men or M~Pherf!ion t:wo y"'are hH •un' In the male ctuar- · A~rdlag to rumor t.he Metz-Dow-{ College now ·In tmM'lce In eUtter I.he tette. "lkf!.y'• 18 prexy of Urn choral I lier duo collaborated wltb Jke·nberrr Next week we take erarol.trnOon•, Jow1htp of lrJcnd.1!, midnl~bt ''bt.ill army na.-, or c P.$. en.ml)!. The club th ta year. h h and K~rlln one night while M~tz •at ' fltct l•inentable enoutr;h in lueJf; ~Iona," Ou~ prores!loN' dr1 Jok~. nam.". and• addr~•ea wer~ 11ot all During hi• lo1t-0ge car~r.

8 e d u llere. J utt tor old time'• Hite,' ot but lo mtke ru&ueu ,,em even worae, l and ye;i;, 'ven the dprm i.n~•llf, w1.11 ~

•_!•llable, but. the llll Is u complete ~~~ls~~e; :ro~::::~ ~~~ 8w~d .~;! courte. But, Vlolet, why don'L yo~ at 1eaat 10 &om'° or u11, school nl6o tlo-l mla.sed for one rea5on or aifot.rier. ••could ·be obt.atned. ore•ldent Qt the Jun:lor cla.u Jul ,.aa.r. _ Ond out !low Kerlln get• by with It . •e• n<!n -week, p~rha~ tor tb6 hi.tt Sut enough ot iuth m11ehmeholr Jac.11: Ollve'r, Not only '""Ikey" a Jead~r or hi• " Tb._ _preeoclous fre•hmen~ ! ! Re- tJme for many uf ou,. nt1mbe.r. Tbat LboughU. Let'a look rorwud to an-

cilau, but he hat been «jbt-ml•trr al'7, ll.IJ a 1ood thing that tbe sum- ont1 aboul.d lament Llie cl!)B,lng oC other 1eiar at Mneoll~K(i. btlglnniug ,.Beme'l\;her~ln Australta. l\Mllstant- for 9 _,ver•I yeal"9, and thl• '111'9'r nee.lion will soon be here. Cu& $4;hool uu,y n.em & niatte.r of nex:t Septembel'. Let's profit by tile

Ernett Reed, · 1 17tac fire e.•c.aoe• up to Prnr. R e63' lunacy ti) $1'4e, but onl7 to thote un· ml:Jiake:t!J oC tbHe l)Ut aeme-gter111 and 370118665. First Platoon. ye~; ~eae~lo~:t"'C::.~~~· Into. Im-Tice. ~ room •nd putting meas le-• 1lgn• on t.be fortunat.e soul• who h&\te .not as yet md:e our future da7J Jn t.be 5(:b001 of Co. E. U:8lh Int./\, P.O. 3%, £JiJu~l pltnJJ to enter Dent• I School ~ Pretldent"e. omce door g,n be t.oler .. lf>P:rflt"- ~0 apJ)re-tlnte tbe v:llues ot, "Jlte and light .. @l!?n h11p1Her nnd Cue of Po•tmuter. In KRCMU! City thl11 f• ll. •ied, ~1,Jf. when lhey • tart bulldlng! "btgbn l~11rtilng." more worthwhile t.hon lhoae- wbtch San 1''roncl1u~o. California. "'lkey'g .. hobb>' u muilc, and he ttone "alls hl tbe ebapeJ ha.II. iJlat Oolo~ home )iaJ. ltJ. o.dvo.at.n;c.s of now are eodlag.

LaRuo Owen. wlll be g-reatlr rnluied Jn the mu•le Meta$ Jillie too much e.xertion 0For the. eotirtJe-home eOl:>klng. decent houNJ

co. A. tat c. w. Trn. Rn. de partment. next y.e1tr; for he bu _ • aeor d eart;. Beaidefl, ha.ven t ther f ot a.Jeep .. 8 r (}t:I. for the brain, n Edgewood Arsenal, Md. be-en a great auet 11nd J.et.der In tb_!,t_... beard tba~ •tone wall• 4o n-ot a r>rl.&-lcbane.e onee mort1 w bnlnnee the dlf- Dr. BltU11ier and Dr. ME!ltler nt-

Qonald Newkirk depa.rtnient. on make. ? flcult budget, e.te. ll wtu be. 8 rellM lended u m1Wting or the CMll:m Puh-Statloti Hoapltal, 1 ... uck be .. -1th{ you 'Ike " whet.her ~ t.o look at b(IOll:! wltbouL 1 gulhy c0n- lie Sen·lce held at Detbcl College ln nrookrteld, T~u It be either In dental .eboot or lo the ., 1 l)r. and l\1rs. aurlon Mettler illong 11-f!lence or a r~cHntc of repn\$lOn. de· Newton la.11 $tltt1rday. Repr~nt..a-

RobertSeldel, armed rorcet11. Ah, blets<!d Mar Day! pan, l')a_r-- wllh a number or 1tudent- mlnlste,. tmndlug upon wheth~r or not J.her tiT"e.s (ifOm all l)f lbe mld ·l'"eiitt>rn Addres1 unknown, ade11. peop1". pagea.nlry, aJI go tog&- Vffllled tbe Ed4'n Mennonite chure"h, were ll!(udfed tbl.& put aitboolrear. 11t.ateg and Wa!hhtgtou. D. C. \ff.!n!-

Seo Fra.nel•eo. California. Criat Speaks Jn t tler to mol!;e It n Joyoue occasloth 1outhw~t ot McPbe.rson, Suni!oy, Mai But.even tak-lng_ Into nc«>uut oll the prielK!nt

?d~::.e~:~·n~·n:~::j :~11. Hom~ Town :~ ~oan1';!g~:-1.ir::11 :':rt~~u!~;h ~:! to. ~~~0:1:tev:;,'~~gr:~~~:·1~t,.~ff nl\~~ r::lmer natiltlff, •n, 1$ teadllng

~~:~i:~1:~1:.c~~:::· hlwT!1i; ~:'!:~:!~~ ~~!:!~ ~~r11l1:~!: -~~~~g~~::~6jtt1 ,~1~1 ;.~r~~~r ~~.,.0::. Patronflce Sl)eCtator Ad-.ertlsen . .. Jea,.e Maeampui thlt; Apdng. Tbe tel- and eoochln~ at AJ<1~nder, Kan~u.

Stenhn, Stover, Co. 1'1f" Ind Q. 1'1. Tr. ngt. Building 3U,

the b;icc:nla.ireatt!: addr~11• to bh almn m1;>mbH when\t h~lp~d wlnd the Ma1! ;;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=::::::::w mnter high fft-hool. at Quinter Kan- Pole. too. Dul .. the old order chan&fJ 8111. Crhtt 11poke 01.1 the subJec:t "Ord~ geih rJe.ldlng place lo new." And

Fort F. E. War~n. Wyoming Viren Westling-,

erl7 "Lt"flng In • Disorderly World." 1hl.11 1eu Dutch)', J.,llllan. M• urlne, ..r, 01DIT.· •• Mo1·e Than Eve1· u ,, apoke \o ii gn1duat1n1 ;::lau of and Anna Mao -were •mong the 1... nyy nbout 36 me.mben. Thlt I• quite an lucky glrllil wl1u da11eed lnterprelat.h&-Co. D. A. C. D. F. S.

Lemoore Afr Dase, Ltmoo~. caurorola

Kirk Naylor, M.1 .. tnl Bench, California (e.xac~ i ddres1 untrnown)

Norman Krtieger, U. S. Nan i Trn .. 9th Nuat Dlat., Oreet. Lakes, llllnol1

JD1thel lion. PllahtD, SHth Tcl1. School, Sq. (8. P.)

· .Jefferson BArrackA, Mh1!1011r1

Merlln MJ1trs, Camp Magnolla, M•sntHa.. Arll:aDIU

Byron Dell, Camp Ma1nolta, Magnolia, Ark&DU.a

Harold Bowman, Camp Magnotta, lit•,-nolla, Ark.anua

c>nme Bffbler, O.mpH, Orett View, Florida

.Berle tfllter. Camp LGgro, Lagro. ln.dl.,>•

Sylvan Hoover, 32nd Arn1ed Regiment, 3rd Dit'laton, Camp Polk, Louisiana

Harold FriH, A•l111tlon Cadet Detachment, Scott Ff~ld, )lllUOll

Addlaon S.athorr, SGOJ81!7 Co. SO Cadet ~lllcbmcnt A. C. Detachment, $a.nta An.aa, Ca1tfornta

Wayne Sw1t.1er, 113 F . A. B.nd, Ft. Jaekton, South Ce.rollna

Keith Ple~e. • Tt~lmenlal Oht.plalu.

C0.,.I, flrd .. A""rmored n ealment, Camp Polk, LotUl!!l lana

Emerton Qhl1bolm. 8omawllne In Hewau

LawrenCl"Btevenun, Addreaa unltnown

Lewellen Lloyd, Aviation Radio School, nar-rac.hE 2,

. Nani Air Station, Beattle, Wa.tbtncton

Lloyd Moehlman,

~0d~~~~0Tecb. SellooJ, • w'%. Det.•UUl)U Gt~ufral~ltal. El~aoo, Teau

~ax-"Mone,. Addrti11 unkaowo

Lee Bowen, Camp.XUe, Pea.1111lTU.I~

Dl~kC.U..,. • P••-la ,Maya! At•.ilut:, Peotaeola, Jl'IOi'lda

Clltfo .. llcllapaaotJ, A.C. P. D,, UI, CO. 0. 01, 'l'nl/'"• Calltorala

Ba.ntoalUJUec, AddNU lu~•aown

Clancy Jl•a1••· Camp 1Ar101

Larrq, · Ind, •

Mavtoe Jl. 01•, ·

honor for a college Junior, thot be IT OOtore the queen and he.r Darty. abo11ld be Invited t.o ~peak on t1.1ch &n Didn't the Ma:-«>ttl.i:a IOQk •weet-yum,' ~c-111Uon at hi• hui_ne high AC:bool. 111m!

Me.y l);i;y morning dawnM tte1h.

Poesy ~nd Pi-ose :~~;~ :;~.~0~:1;...·~1::i~~u~:-;:;t; round holdlnR ropes alt over Lhe city.

Do you remember learning tbt11 They •·ouldn't lol on1body go anr· one a-woy&back·wben? It aecm11 es- wher" witbou' their 11.Pf!:(:lal petntle· peclally approprfat~ l<>d•Y• when tbo 111ons. "Prex-y.elect." Burkholder even rOO. •hlte, and blu~ of out flaJ 11 attempted coercion at the rate of ten In J>f!ITll. eent-1 -11 ••go·by;• And thle tHU'tY b~ll-rd

The Pl•a: Gon.,: ·_ny lhat the fello"''" w~r-e plent.r burned -by Hent•y llolr.on1b H.r11netl up.abotll lhe clt1'i ~win<111ng Uu~m out.I

Hal$ otr! of fo\1r bits. They 1!h~$lll_ have ofcan. Alonc'<6' fllrtifJt there comH lted a union! · \.. ~· A blare of bugles, a ruffle or drumt, Kerlin and Paul E. Danuelle1 were A tl .. b or color be-oeatb the 1ky: aeen tog:elher on May Day, too. Once Hats off! dttrlng the course or lbe aruirnoon•s. The tlag t& pa.Hing- by! event•~ Pat11 "€dward eoutdo't decide. Dtoo an.d crlmeon and wh1te it ahinew. whttlher he wa.ottd tc:e ernm on bl~ Over the at.eel tipped, ordered line1. p1e oa: not. but alter Kerlin eon•lnC4!d. I-lat.a om h.lm that tt <!Oil the tame •lth .. 1'ht .tolor.a lKICoro u1-<fty; l'1lh9ul., Paul decided l.R t avor. Coo~ Dut more thao the ClaR h1 nuslng b1. 1rau. Vtr11ota. on your Job 10 lllloolt;

-.be thlnk1 ahe. wlll make m.HJ tn--. Sea-rl1hla and land·rt1bt1 grim &Dd tereatJng: eonlt.d# through her new.

grunt POIJ.1110 11- she wlll do 11ecret1rtaJ io•ought. to make and ~u1ve the StRtC: work. 1ou k11qw. \V~ary m11rc:he1 ud s inking ships; ff• about Ume ror the Drelb.reo Cheen or victory on dying llpe to l1~vO a re.vivral- Judt;lng Ctom the Dara of J1lentr and ycan ot pence. Me thodhlt Liea;uP i>tand, H. would ~1arch of 4 strong· lo.nd'i! 1w1Ct in- seem that " goodly number ot ortt-crea~P: whlle Rrelhren need to be revived

EQual j u11tlc(! r tg:ht a.nd law, th~lr e:hlldbooJ •-eAChln,;J. $toteJy honor a.nd r-evert!nl awe: Did )'01( •e~ torrn•t Alacollegtan

Ardr• Metz: op the C•}J'PU•f Thia Slrtt 11r n natton great and strong

To w•rd luir peorilc rrom foretg:g.1::===========11 wrong;

Frida and glory anct honor, all r..tve ht tbe colon lo ttand or fall. Hate orr• Along: Ult street t.M:re eo;ne"" A bh1r~ of buKh:tlJ, a ruCUe or drnm1; And loyal be&rla are' bt•11og hl$h :

Hat• off- I The tle1g i.. pasting by!

One or the trulr ~eat pntrlot11, t wh~bad the good o'r our "Old mor1" 'I ltnbe<ldod dtQP In hi• heart, w1u1 lhal lJJitcat A.mcrtoan. "-Teddy" nooee .. v11lt. ffh1 charMterlellcl are espret· !lied nptly 1n tbl1 poem.

'l'hoodoro J tOU•l·MclC. - Dy Leon Hubner

Otganlle fl1ure or n rnlJhl)' age! How ahall I cbaot tbo tribute ot tbY

pnlae. A1 at.ateamnn, 1oldler, IC:1e-ntl1t, or


Thou wtirt 110 'Nll\t In many dltfercnt • wa11I

And 7et In all lbere wa. a single aim-

To C~!!~u~ra!;2~~1lh sword and

tn wltdoflMJ!itJ, •• In the hall• ot fame, Thy cicnaral& mah the• master Ov8i'

men. Llkf) 1otne ,re.at m•a.net, that from

distant poles Attract& the" par-llclet aoo. Mids lb.l'.-m

rut, So thou dldeL dr-aw au men. and fill

their toUlt Wltlh •h1 tdett1.-n&taa;bt caring ror

their pu t, Their race or creed, Tbere -waa one

• only teet : To love. our count.-y and. II) aerve It

bestt •

Slraw Hal Day! · Tocl1y ~ M 1y 15

Try them on nnd 'team some: thing new about smartnes.s and comfort in a summer hot.

s.eu., -.-...... !; • l San Pranc~, Callf.,nla

Men lo;let.T'fl for t.ralntac to aome SOutheaat Jilt~ourl. State 'T~•chen .l.98

,,,.,,~. br&Aeb or tbe MrTlce la lh& near ..:Ollf!tt:., (Capo Olrar4eau) hae .re,ch1~ hl•N lnolade Pau.1 Dannelley, WU· ed fruhm• n ra tlul'ff In ebcmlatr1 76 bllr BuUlnpr, ••&qat&k" Meyer," Jer~ 11ar cent •Ince or-11.nluUon or a drlll '17 Lott;, u d t.&w(ce HUI. } clua . 10 ehemlltrr t.brf'e 1ea,. a10.


C.,n..,rvntiou i• the ke),,Ole of lo-

day's living.

unn~essory wa!ite ..• tunl 1i.eces­

snry dollnrs !

No matter how well dreued you

may be in other re1pecta, you can­

not ~lPt a 1~, appearance unleu

your •hoe1 are neat a.nd well fitting.

Let ui kee11 yo11r footrrl'Or

;,, Top Form. - I t's im11ort<lmt

Vogt's Electric Shoe Shop 103 EHt Euclid

I This f on is juot

one of the m~ny

i,, eleclrical oppli·

ances 1hat we carry. Drop in and eee our




1'1Jn. 60e Bundle


Hotel Warren and Coffee. Shop For your school parties-three party rooms nvnilable'

l!lo aaarce tor nM>m when. me"1 f.9 ~.

Mac Students Thanb a million for your pt.1Tcmase. We hope you kaff a pleaaant aui:nmer.


Finest Music

McPHERSON MUSIC SHOP '10 w .... K...-• ....... %7'

Far , ' .

Cedu Chests ~ t.ps · Delb • Wtlrs • lllW llJs · Q~ING'S

·, ' '

Shoe Repair Is

Conway-Neylon lbr. Co., Inc.

You A.re An Expert At Your Business


, Let vi •how you

tfi.ot • • •'• l ••P•rts •t

Ji. C-pi9N. ·~ tf'OWft 9UIWf'Y Pr1irie Cardens Nurseoy

Ph Oft• 664 40 I Sow th FidMtr

Try Duckwall' s Jumbo -SODA~ 2 dipa of ice cream

of any flavor.

Only IOc

lo1eH Drug Co. 201 N. )!Alo.

We Welcome Yo~1 Students

We Carry College Seal Stationery

W e Thank the Students

of 41 • 42

for their patronage

Silver Springs Creame1Y

PHOTO FINISHING ·. £,q>ert Work

PER 25 FREE ROLL c ~-:.... .... , Abel's Gift Sholl

221 N. Main

Page 5: ar .Commencement MaY 25 Closes Schoolarchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v25-31r.pdf · VOL.XXV. Z-223 McPHERSON COLLEGE, McPHERSON, lf-A.1'."SAS FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1942





Home State Bank

Hultqvist Cloanera

c : B: Bowker

Vogue Beauty Shoppe

A. L. Duckwall Stores Co.

San O~e Construction Co.

Hubbell'a Drug Store

Brown-McDonald & Co.

Dr. W. E. Grego!')!'

Swanson Electric Co.

Photo.hop Studio

Sweeney's Shoe Store

Dr. Galen R. Dean

Cozy Inn

Marshall Auto StOl'e

B & H ~wling

Whiteway Grocery


Vogt'a Electric Shoe Shop

Deal-Wolfe Lumber Co.

Stanley' a Co.ta, Suit., DteaM1

'Dr, A. W. Cravea

" We, tlae people oj the Vnittut !t't t1r e1 ; ,, order to form n m ore pt!r/Pct 1uth.m ,.'' .• . 1JGeorge Washington was u well cdm:•u1cd mnn- hnt ,itmf•~nt8 of to•ltty are prMent .. cd with vm1tcr fields of leuruiug 1luu1 ~·ere U\'uilu hlt• to nnyone in Wo.i;hiugron'• time. But Wnshillgton ~·as great 1hc~u-0111I ~·oultl ht• ~r••ot todny-hN'1111,:u• h ... C"'Ould thi.nk, percicve. eVtlittntP arul act! Ht: lcuruc!c) 1a1or.\ from lift• tlum lw clitl fr~m book8. So 11itl Ahruham Lincoln .. . u µ rcul m un with oul formul c1lurutiou. • So ('DU todoy'8 graduates ... 1hnt from lt'h icl1 1h ey gr atluuto--n fH•houl- iM iuteocled 10 1>re parc 1hem for l enruing frout life.

lr'orld co11d.itions n.ttea1tital P a11d 1Jto(/,, ,.,, t1cl fo11 " " ' ' rMtrtio11, d tt/61-IP trnd o/· /t'111r , u·"r nnd 1>eace, pro1peri.ty mrd de11r euion . , . 1fGreJU problc-ms lie before the g roua1es of J 94 2. To some. further 1•re1>nrat ion ifll flf'i'"e~ry Mfore . tufkllng them ... othes find tbemgclvcs on the Imig rond that l~.tHl!t l o future rf!'IJlOn8ibility ••• in the a rmt>d (orccs . .. i n l'O''crmnent . . . i u 1-<K"ht l urth lti,..-. Tlu~r'"'" a rhnllrn~ for every stude nt .. . n 1>roblr-m to hr sol ve~) •.. mi1tok~,,. lo lw f'orrrrff•tl .•• ••rrorA to ht• p\•oidcd • . ·Tbcr c"'s soructlairlfC t1tAI. necdi lir kinJl ••• ~m•U'lhin~ t hut nuly one person cnn lick.r It m.ay be a per w DBl problem •.. but ~uch 1w rMln a l problem a lfttl.8 a DA· t ional proble m-chi& i.8 a big ~ountry.

" .• . teJtin1 tchet.ht'r thit 1wtion. or any nation, M ron~,.;.,,.d nnd w detliceted con long e1ul11r1> ••• •o t lwt 110.:rrnmPnl of tl1r 1u•oplt', f,y tltr pPOpl1• ond for tl1r pl!& pie • /tall not peruh from 1/1e rarth •. .'' '1 Gru1luotr~1h1• hook of life i • open ~fott you. l\tay ii become o. biisto r y of ~ontiuuc1I 8 Urt'l'!l4 (or you, for 1'1cPhcrson, for tht' United States of America which is you! -

~~~:=1!!::::::::::::=:::=:;:;;~~~~~===;g======~jf:::::::;:::::;;;;;1~~ ~ ,)

J. C. Penney Co. Fred K. Entriken, Ina. & Loana I •t • • ' ~lf .. fi

Shinn'• Super Service McPhereon & Citizens Stde ... ,.,, Bank


Jarold Shop De Luxe Cleaner•


Dr. A. V. Robb Oker lind & Aspegren

Cleaner• H.A.Quiring

H ome Furniaher l Swan1l>n'a Grocery

/ (

C. R. Anthony Co.

McPherson Water & Electric Department

Mayor C. E. Booz

Theo. Poehler Mercantile

Dr. W. A. Reusch

Lovett Drug

James Food Store

W. A. Cra ry Hardware

Liacheaky'a Dry Gooda

Shaw's General Agency

The Spectator

Feedola Milling Co.

.Family Barber & Beauty Sho~

McPherson Tractor & Imp. Co.

Prairie Garden Nursery

J. E. Gu1tafaon

Schmidt lm_plement Co:

Manor & Ritz Theatre•

Goaa Motor Co.

Central Printing .

Eg Carlaon Repair Shop

Warren Barber & Beauty Shop

PeoplN' State Bank


Page 6: ar .Commencement MaY 25 Closes Schoolarchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v25-31r.pdf · VOL.XXV. Z-223 McPHERSON COLLEGE, McPHERSON, lf-A.1'."SAS FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1942

,Jl'JUDAY, MAY 16, 1S42

u lJetbcl All Ual1eir . ....................... 3 Jl(lrftllbower ................ I

8chn1ldt ·················--· o Schroeder ·········-·•b•·••• a 1{, OQerln1 .••••.••••.••••••••• t Krehblol ......... ····-···-· J

lnatallation S."i~ To j Be Held Neat SundaJ' Aa a re.ulL or tbe a. Y . .... o. elec-

o · o uoa Ol Map 10. Willi.am oa.bm wUl O t L&lte bt1 poallloo •• Pruldant ror lhe

STUDENTS You are alway.a W1!lcome at the Puritan. Come In and enjoy our delicloull m~le and fountain drlnka.

0 0 aul , • .,. Ann Witmor• WI.II elected The Pur1·tan O •• vlc .. prffldent nd Ma,., 8peu•rd

~ i :;.~:ar:~~~-1',~::u;::·.,.~1~~ n:~ :;:; Cafe

"Min Willi Two Lim" ..... C.,,. Autq - SmlleJ Burneu.

" llidin' 0.. A Rainbow" Senol a.. .. I I

c-m. Sua., Wed.

'UDY FOR A Ml6ffT" wl"'

Joan Blondell - John Warne Phu 13

11 0 z

"This Is Blitz" a! rul!mber1 wlll b .. chosen by lhl• group. I R Tihe116 now otfloen wlll be h11tallcd1'------------'ll o Suud•1 evenlnr. Mat 17. at the ve•· fGtlM a .. u.,.,.1 0 per HrYltO to be held IL the t¥>rlh r-----------, O ii111 or quarteu• mu1lc. choral read-I Bonde :..::. M w lltt4 ef ••r • •ci.I

RITZ Sun., Mon.

'ALWAYS MY HEART Ka)' Francis • Walter Huit.on

Tues. and Wetl.

"CHARLEY'S AUNT" -Jock Benn)• - Kay Frances

Thun. - Fri.lay Saturday

Robert Ptt»ton·M&rtha Drite .. "PACIFIC BLACKOUT"

Bill Boyd

""' Andy Cly1le ..



"Sullltan's Travels"

Joel MECrea Veronica Lake

Sun., Mon., Tues.

Bette Davis

Olivia DeHavilland

C:.O!'S• Brent

Dennis Morgan

"In This Our life"

Do~lu llf. Hale

TYPEWRITERS Jfanaa ·--······-·-···-····· 1 e. Bartel ·········-·--· a T. Ooerl~ .......... ···-··· I

ol•lde or 1he par•. The "r"lce wm c:un· I Buy DeCcnse Stampe and Wki ,.. U•itN H• t'-"1 u• ferJ,_, l lar. and th• lnll•ll•tlon lnGNa&:e Ch'-

1 LO Al .rs ............ -Hoft S.MI ca..,,. 10 : en::. ~:·u°,!"ri~•::\,_ D. will meet ,) ~ ... "r---------.u 'Riders of the Timberline' ! I !~~~~":' :::rp.~f•~ ~~87:;:,:u::•:' A PUN KMl IVllY HUD 111


,,_.,. Lo1>bJ P. &. L Bide. D. Unruh ··--·····--·- 1 R. Bartel .......... -·-·-·· J

• C. Oo.rtnc ·····----·-···· 1 neuuer ...................... I C. Vo1h •••• •••••.•..••..••••• 1

t-1 . 8tuclr.1 ·············--·- 1 Watt ............................ 1

ol•...,••· T•i. "'"" ••• ••ot ,. .. 11., 01• SHOES NEED FIXINC1 O the acbool yur, m11 It bo one or Alw.,. Br~ SerTI~ o the bl11ett and be1l I a&

o The Americ&a Shoe Shop 0 "Clancy" Bunyan Goea •- - ,.,..,_ • 't '°" w . ...,,,. s~ : To Camp Thia Week '°' .... Ko·- ' 410 "------------111

GENUINE PARTS for Marnetoa, Startinr and Lirhtinr SystclnS

G. O. Swan~n

JY,lcPheraon Colleae Approved For Vl

"Clanc1" Uu11y11.11. that llkeablc, ;~=~~~~~~~~~=:ri:==========:::;/I ' ~.";d;~:~:;.;:.;·:~~.' !::~ ro~-·~~~:.~ Shlnn's Super Se11ice 11·--""-•n_• __ ••-·--------------2•-•_N_. _M_•"'"•'-·--::;·~~:~1~~:;0~,: "~~~~~1:~1 w~~~~=ed;l~~ Sinclair Producu

1'LECl'RIO.\L 8BRV1Cll

Hntn• completltd ht1 e.11mh1•tfou1 Car Wubing •h6Jd pf tcblldule, 1ht111a.n left Wlcb- Car Lubrication

Commencement lta Tbundat moraln1 after a brld -. I. Mam Pt.oa. IM Yl•lt WJlh ht. &MrenU, r-=-"'-=-==---....:.:=:..:::= / l'-----------....:11

Tbt McPbert0a Collese curriculum Ht ... prominent In McPber•n•1 pi••--------------------... 11 hH been appro.-.d by lbe bll.run or Colle1e. both •• cheerleader for t.be l 1

H'f'IStllOD or the U. S. DATY depart- put KbOOI 1 .. r Hd U a writer for n1eat under lbe v-1 accredited eol· tlHt 8peclator attd Quadrt.11le. Dur-­Jere pro.,am aad pouas mu 1 7 Ins tbe put three Hn1u1en be throu11\ U yea.re •bo Tolaateer lo .. "eel u column tdltor for l b• Spec. ~me commlMlon.d 0Ult1en In 1be tator. n•YJ ma1 Ill the nec:euary colle11 wor' here. Miu JMn 8tHhlln1. director qf

Men In this 1roup art aaaurcd two 1>h11lcal educ.allon t or women at JHl"I or colle1• and m•1 <:outlnue to 1Jacolle1e. 1"1hu11 to auend 1t11n1i1er aradU1ttau. The con1nt or pareDta or achool •t \Yl&i:on1ln Unlv11r•h1 01· •t 1uardlan1 mun be obtained before a North•est~tn lJ111¥el"llly thlt 1u111· 1t.u<1ent. I• 'aociepled In thl1 coune. No mer. chanse In the colle1e curriculum wlll bt ne«ual")' under tbt new u tup.

co:!:. u:~' m::•~::c::.~·:::ui~:l========-====11 men~ •ad tbe re1ular eoUf'ce pro--lr----- --- ---.....,1 lrtil!t ta lb• fact lh•l •ac.b mu mu.at tah als boun of 8qll&b compolllUon and rilittorlc, .U bout1 or Amulcu blllol'J' and aonrnmot. lbrM booni ot •l&tbn, lbr'ff houn ot t rl1onom.­t 17, etabt boun ot Pb,.lQ aDd 11:1. I•·

:~::!:::~m or bealtb an\pbJtl-

Cradualion Gilt1


Vioit Our Store Toda,.

Youtbt t •U1a1 lo lbla •It 'c1au1tt: c1ttoa ar• ulttd to 1et la touch wUb Ell6IOl&S DRUG STORE Dr. I. w. aouaou, d•H and r~1l•· trar of tb1 ci0Ut1 .. for addlUoaal ln.· 8 18 H. Mala .........

IF You Need a

Table Lamp Study Desk

Chairs Typewriter

Text Books Book Case Odd Jom.

or oue of a bu.adi-ed other lhingo

Use a Classified Ad

Phone 98


McPherson Meat Market Leading dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats

in McPherson since 1919

Oliver & Nelson, Props.

Anytbid's For Your Car

UM N. Mo.in _./

Globe Distrihutod, Inc. 31t S. Main Phone 574

Lake Supe;ior Lumber Co. GEORGE H. GOODHOLM, Ma:r.


P"- 40 ,.,UUoa ooac1rulas lb.• aaTr pro·

...... "-~~~~~~~· ............ mli!l .................. ,i!.-------....;------------...;.-----.! 301 N. Maple
