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Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas

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  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas


    Arab states support Israel against Hamas:


    By The Newspaper's CorrespondentUpdated Aug 01, 2014 02:32pm

    TOPSHOTS Palestinian firefighters try to extinguish fire at UN storehouse after an Israelimilitary strie in an area west of !a"a City# $%P file photo

    N& (O)*+ &gypt is leading a new ,oalition of $ra- states . in,luding /ordan0 Saudi$ra-ia and the United $ra- &mirates . that has effe,ti1ely lined up with Israel in its fightagainst Hamas that ,ontrols the !a"a Strip0 says theNew (or Times in a report pu-lished onThursday#

    The newspaper said that after the military ouster of the Islamist go1ernment in Cairo lastyear0 &gyptian president 2ohamed 2orsi might ha1e ,ontri-uted to the failure of theantagonists to rea,h a negotiated ,easefire e1en after more than three wees of -loodshed#

    Battling Hamas in !a"a two years ago0 Israel found itself pressed from all sides -y unfriendly$ra- neigh-ours to end the fighting#

    Howe1er0 the newspaper says 3the $ra- states4 loathing and fear of politi,al Islam is so strongthat it outweighs their allergy to Ben5amin Netanyahu06 the prime minister of Israel0 said$aron 7a1id 2iller0 a s,holar at the ilson Centre in ashington and a former 2iddle &astnegotiator under se1eral presidents#

    Truck by truck, Israel builds trade gateway to Arab world

    3I ha1e ne1er seen a situation lie it0 where you ha1e so many $ra- states a,8uies,ing in thedeath and destru,tion in !a"a and the pummelling of Hamas06 he said#

    3The silen,e is deafening60 the newspaper 8uoted 2r 2iller as saying#

    Published in Dawn, August 1st, 2014

    Dr. Syed Nazir Gilani

    For Arabs self-preservation and power are more important than uslims! "auses

    an#where in the world in parti"ular in $a%a or &ashmir '&ashmir is a uslim

    ma(orit# "ause)* +he# are s"ared of one person one vote and demo"ra"# and

    have to shrug o an# su"h politi"al s#mbols in the region* amas has emerged

    as a politi"o-religious dis"ipline and the neighbours are nervous*

    Arabs abuse human rights of their people and of those resident in their "ountries

    and wash their hands "lean as people throw banana peels and move on* A wordon human rights opens a "an of worms for them* +herefore .audi Arabia the de

  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas


    fa"to leader of the ma(orit# .unni uslim world "ons"iousl# shared "olle"tive

    silen"e on $a%a for over three wee/s, whi"h were enough for srael to downgrade

    the ee"tiveness of amas as a ghting dis"ipline and slaughter as man#

    "hildren, women, men, #outh and elderl# that it would ta/e alestinians a

    generation to "ome out of mourning and grief*

    n Frida#, 01 August 2014, a statement was read out on .tate television on

    behalf of .audi Arabia!s &ing Abdullah on $a%a* t "riti"i%ed international ina"tion

    over srael!s oensive in $a%a, whi"h he des"ribed as involving war "rimes

    against humanit#5 and mass slaughter* ne "ould see the depleted merit of this

    statement when he "hose the o""asion to slam militants who he said were /illing

    inno"ent people and mutilating their bodies in "ontravention of slami" tea"hings

    and "alled on the region!s leaders and religious s"holars to prevent slam from

    being hi(a"/ed b# militants* n fa"t he was referring to violen"e in neighbouring

    "ountries, in"luding ra6 and .#ria, where the slami" .tate of ra6 and al-.ham

    '..) has "aptured swaths of territor#, /illing s"ores of people and for"ing

    7hristians to 8ee*Al-9aeda and slami" .tate '.) both oppose the al-.aud monar"h# in favour of

    the establishment of a "aliphate* .o, the statement is reall# not so mu"h a

    matter of love for humanit# in $a%a as it must be "lear from &.A!s re"ord of

    human rights and foreign poli"ies, as it is of self-preservation and power* .audi

    Arabia, the birthpla"e of slam, sees itself as a main pla#er in the iddle ;ast*

  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas


    time* srael is allowed a no holds barred b# the Arabs against amas in peration

    rote"tive ;dge* After the Arab .pring in ;g#pt, there is a new "oalition of Arab

    states @ in"luding ordan, .audi Arabia and the United Arab ;mirates @ that has

    ee"tivel# lined up with srael in its ght against amas, the slamist movement

    that "ontrols the $a%a .trip*

    Aaron Bavid iller, a s"holar at the Cilson 7enter in Cashington and a former

    iddle ;ast negotiator under several presidents stated that +he Arab states!

    loathing and fear of politi"al slam is so strong that it outweighs their allerg# to

  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas


    7 should have assisted the people of &ashmir on the (urispruden"e of the "ase

    through the United ?ations* f it had supplemented the U? me"hanism on

    &ashmir, things would have been a lot better than as we see them after 24 #ears

    sin"e the start of an armed resistan"e* Ce have either failed in good faith or

    have done it as for ulterior purpose to hold it from the people of &ashmir that 7

    "ountries o the &ashmir meetings have no issue with ndia on the 6uestion of

    &ashmir* t is a politi"al posturing for the moment and does not "arr# an# merit

    be#ond the meeting*

    ?ot all but onl# the "onformists and opportunists who have turned &ashmir into a

    business enterprise "arr# the ma(or blame for all the re"ent failures sin"e 1HH0*

    A simple mathemati"s is re6uired to point ngers towards the various variables

    engaged on one or the other prete=t in see/ing the right of self-determination of

    the people of &ashmir, where the end game has been a personal prot or lial

    interest* &ashmir is not a private business pro(e"t* t has been ratied b# 1H4

    member nations of the world and ever# dis"ipline that wor/s for the e6ualit#! of

    people has endorsed the right of self-determination*$a%a has its impa"t on the streets of &ashmir* ;ver# human habitat around the

    world has felt the anguish and pain* +here is a real possibilit# that post $a%a

    s"ene might shape the politi"al thin/ing in &ashmir as well* eople of &ashmir are

    a real people and the fa"t that the# are on the streets of &ashmir to support and

    s#mpathise with $a%a "hild, woman, man, elderl# and those who stand up for

    their rights, a""redits the people of &ashmir as sel8ess as well* &ashmiris are not

    selsh either* +he# need an independent non-part# audit of the manner of their

    politi"s to su""eed*

    Hamas Still Has Some Friends Left irren $iddaIirren$idda

    ul# 2J, 2014

  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas


    +ur/ish rime inister Ke"ep +a##ip ;rdogan addresses his supporters at

    parliament wearing a alestinian /eE#eh, in An/ara, ul# 22, 2014*

  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas


    Though Egypt has turned its bac on Hamas! other countries

    are coming in from the coldK;7;?B;B FK LU

    Cat"h the new teaser for MAmeri"an orror .tor#: Frea/ .howM


  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas


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  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas


    #obin &illiams' The Heart of (omedy

    Hamas has two ,lear allies0 a,,ording to 2iddle &ast experts+ =atar and Turey# Both ha1egi1en Hamas their pu-li, support and finan,ial assistan,e estimated to -e in the hundreds of

    millions of dollars#

    3=atar also hosts Hamas4 politi,al -ureau whi,h in,ludes Hamas leader *haled 2eshaal06says Shashan /oshi0 Senior )esear,h %ellow at the )oyal United Ser1i,es Institute# 3=atarhas a long history of pro1iding shelter to Islamist groups0 amongst them the 2uslimBrotherhood and the Tali-an#6

    Turey4s ruling /usti,e and 7e1elopment Party0 whi,h ,ame to power in >??>0 supports what/oshi ,alls 3other neo@Islamist allies#6 Though the Turish go1ernment expli,itly re5e,ts thela-el 3Islamist60 their so,ial ,onser1atism is inspired -y an Islami, ideology that Hamasshares# Aast year0 2eshaal1isitedTurey and met with Turish Prime 2inister )e,ep Tayyip&rdogan for se1eral hours#

    Both =atar . one of the world4s ri,hest states . and Turey are powerful allies to ha1e0 -utHamas might wish for more support gi1en the -readth of the $ra- world# It on,e had it0 too#Hamas used to -e strongly allied with -oth Iran and Syria0 with the former gi1ing Hamas anestimated:@:D million a month as re,ently as >?::0 as well as long@range missiles# Hamas4

    politi,al -ureau used to -e -ased in the Syrian ,apital of 7amas,us -efore its mo1e to =atarin >?:>#

    But relations ,ooled dramati,ally with Iran and Syria amid se,tarian di1isions following the

    out-rea of the Syrian ,i1il war# Iran0 a Shia@ma5ority ,ountry0 -a,ed the go1ernment ofSyrian President Bashar al@$ssad whose $lawite faith is a -ran,h of Shia Islam# He"-ollah0 apowerful Shia Islamist group -ased in Ae-anon0 also too $ssad4s side#

    Howe1er Hamas0 a Sunni@led fa,tion0 sided0 as most of the $ra- world did0 with the re-els#Cue Tehran ,utting their allowan,e0 He"-ollah allegedly ordering Hamas mem-ers out ofAe-anon0 and Hamas pa,ing their -ags for =atar#

    3Iran4s relationship with Hamas was always pro-lemati,06 says Chris 7oyle0 dire,tor of theCoun,il for the $d1an,ement of $ra-@British Understanding# 3Hamas is a Palestinian Sunnigroup and Iran is Shia# Ne1ertheless0 Hamas was their entry into the issue of Palestine#6

    Seeing to regain its influen,e o1er this issue0 Iran has attempted to foster a re,on,iliationwith Hamas o1er the last :E months# %arwa" !erges0 professor on the 2iddle &ast at theAondon S,hool of &,onomi,s says the ,onfli,t in !a"a is the reason# 3The ,urrent ,risis has

    -rought a ind of rappro,hement -etween Iranian leaders and Hamas#6

    He"-ollah too0 !erges notes0 has in1ited Hamas -a, into the fold# On 2onday0 theHe"-ollah@owned tele1ision ,hannel $l 2anar reportedthat He"-ollah leader0 Hassan

    Nasrallah0 praised 2eshaal for 3the persisten,e of the Hamas resistan,e#6 The TF stationadded he 3strongly supported their rightful demands to end the ,urrent -attle#6

    !erges is 8ui, to point out that this doesn4t signal 3a return to the warm days of the Iran0He"-ollah and Hamas leaders#6 Howe1er he adds+ 3Out of this parti,ular ,risis0 a new

  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas


    realignment might happen#6 That may sound lie good news for Hamas0 -ut there4s another$ra- ,ountry that is of late 1ehemently opposed to it# That would -e &gypt0 the largest andmost influential ,ountry in the $ra- world and the one responsi-le for drafting a potential,ease@fire#

    %rom >?:> to >?:0 Hamas en5oyed &gypt4s munifi,en,e under the leadership of formerPresident 2ohamed 2orsi0 a longtime mem-er of the Islamist 2uslim Brotherhood of whi,hHamas is an offshoot# hen 2orsi was ousted last year and repla,ed with $-dul %attah al@Sisi0 Hamas new the good times were o1er#

    3The most de1astating thing that has happened to Hamas is the ousting of 2ohamed 2orsi06,omments !erges# Sisi0 whose go1ernment has or,hestrated a 1iolent ,ra,down on the2uslim Brotherhood0 destroyed Hamas4 tunnel networ into &gypt and ,losed the -order,rossing at )afah0 de1astating Hamas4 finan,es# The United $ra- &mirates and Saudi $ra-ia0two of &gypt4s finan,ial -a,ers0 are also hostile to Hamas# Aie &gypt0 they 1iew the2uslim Brotherhood as a ,lear domesti, threat . and Hamas is guilty -y asso,iation#

    But perhaps Hamas doesn4t need &gypt# $s the death toll ,ontinues to rise in !a"a0 there is agroundswell of pu-li, sympathy a,ross the $ra- world for the group#

    3Hamas in terms of people on the street is at the height of its politi,al power in e1ery single$ra- ,ountry with the ex,eption of &gypt06 says !erges# 3The longer the ,onfli,t ,ontinues0the more they gain in popularity# $nd for Hamas0 what really matters is the pu-li, pulse#6











    Hotspots and In,identsG Confli,ts

    Gaza Carnage: erry time !or uslim


  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas



    Note from editors: The following piece appears on Prada!"u unedited and ma# not coincide

    with the point of iew of Prada!"u editors

    By M. I. Bhat

    $%e cannot forgie them forforcing usto &ill their children!$ 'ormer (sraeli Prime )inister

    *olda )eir! +emphasis added!

    That was in early :;

  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas


    But why should 2uslim politi,al leadership when it is the 2uslims who are suffering sohorri-ly at the hands of ionist /ews despite the fa,t @ a,,epted e1en -y many /ew historians@ that /ews ha1e histori,ally found pea,e and sola,e among 2uslim ,ommunities9

    The short and long answer is that the ,urrent 2uslim leadership is as ionist as their

    Christian ,ounterparts# The only differen,e -etween the two -eing that the later0 ha1ingturned 1ast ma5ority of their population pro@ionists K%riends of Israel0 Christians United %orIsraelL0 doesn't feel hamstrung to openly a,,ept and flaunt the fa,t while the former plays itstealthily -e,ause the 1ery illegal entity0 -orn out of gra1e in5usti,e0 is anathema to the faithand re,ent experien,es of their people#

    ithout a word of sympathy for the ,arnage and destru,tion0 !a"ans ha1e -een ,olle,ti1elysuffering for the past o1er two and a half wees0 all we hear the estern leaders lead -yPresident O-ama and his &uropean minions saying0 JIsrael has right to self@defense#J hata-out !a"ans right to life without Israeli siege0 let alone freedom from Israeli o,,upation0 isoff O-ama's ta-le# The man has re1ealed himself -la, not merely in the ,olor of his sin -ut

    deep in his heart and soul#

    hat really is surprising is that whate1er ,ondemnation we hear of Israel and its ,ontinuingwar ,rimes in !a"a it is -y the so@,alled Jself@hating /ewsJ and Janti@Semiti,J Christians -utnothing from 2uslim ionists#

    Here is a sample from a Christian+

    J)ight now as I type0 e1eryone is -e,oming a Palestinian# &1eryone is a now a 2uslim0 a/ew0 a Christian a China 2an0 a )ussian# e are at the 1ery -eginning of a new one lo1ehumanity that will loo -a, at our primiti1e years in the >?th ,entury as a shameful

    -a,ward sense of -eing#J @ /ohnny Punish0 who rightly ,alls !a"a the J$us,hwit" !a"aJ andJThe 2aximum Se,urity Prison#J

    $nd a /ew+

    JThe international ,ommunity has not done enough to stop the Israeli regime of o,,upation###$s a result0 Israel does not pay any pri,e for seriously 1iolating international law and human1alues### e0 the ,iti"ens of Israel and the stateless people of Palestine ###### need you to

    prose,ute the Israeli go1ernment and army0 we need you to -oy,ott Israeli e,onomy and,ulture0 we need you to urge your go1ernment to stop profiting from the o,,upation###J @@

    Nurit Peled@&lhanan0 a professor at He-rew Uni1ersity0 Israel#

    In ,ontrast0 here is one of ionist al@Sisi's infe,ted dog+

    JThan you Netanyahu0 and !od gi1e us more men lie you to destroy HamasMJ@@ $""a Sami0a writer for go1ernment daily $l@$hram#

    The 2uslim ionists ha1e fored tongues# One part they use in issing $meri,an ass and theother they Ka few among them with the intention of ,laiming leadership of the 2uslim worldLuse to express outrage against Israeli siege and -om-ardment of !a"ans# Had they -eensin,ere in their sympathy for the Palestinians0 $ra- Aeague or Organi"ation of JIslami,J

    Countries wouldn't ha1e let &gypt ,lose )afa ,rossing that ,ontinues e1en during the ,urrentindes,ri-a-ly horri-le ,ir,umstan,es for the !a"ans#

  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas


    The drama played at the UN -y the 2uslim ionists of the $ra- Aeague to see halt to theIsraeli -om-ardment on the ,aged !a"ans wasn't for the lo1e of those hapless -ut a P)exer,ise for their own oppressed popula,e# The ionist al@Sisi Kmost liely in ,onsultationwith Saudi *ingL went a step further -y -roering on his own a ,easefire deal with Israel withthe sinister moti1e to delegitimi"e Hamas @ a demo,rati,ally@ele,ted politi,al entity more

    legitimate than the /ewish@0 Christian@ and 2uslim@ionist ,o@opted 2ahmoud $--as' sold@out PAO# Credit goes to the politi,al saga,ity of the Hamas leadership that smelled the foul

    play right in the ni, of time and re5e,ted the deal#

    Hamas' Islami, ideologi,al moorings is as gra1e a threat for the ,urrent 2uslim politi,alleadership as it is for Israel# Both are illegitimate and o,,upying for,es# It is therefore naturalthat the $ra- world's three most politi,ally and religiously important ,ountries @ Saudi $ra-iaKwhere the reigning ing ,laims to -e self@appointed J,ustodianJ of the Islam's two holiestmos8uesL0 /ordan Kwhere *ing $-dullah ,laims dire,t lineage through his mother withProphet 2uhammad Kp-uhLL0 and &gypt Klargest $ra- 2uslim ,ountryL @@ stand together withIsrael against Hamas# Unlie &gypt and /ordan0 Saudi $ra-ia may not ha1e designated

    Hamas as a terrorist organi"ation -ut for all pra,ti,al purposes )iyadh treats it as one @ thereis no offi,ial ,ommuni,ation or ,onta,t -etween the two ex,ept for on,e in >??< when Saudi!o1ernment in1ited Hamas leadership to 2aah to wor out re,on,iliation -etween Hamasand PAO post@Hamas' ele,toral 1i,tory in !a"a# Se,ular Christians and e1en Christiansionists among them don't ha1e any pro-lem with Christian 7emo,rats -ut the flag -earer ofIslam ,an't tolerate 2uslim BrotherhoodM

    Then we ha1e Turey where Prime 2inister &rdogan says JIsraelis ha1e no ,ons,ien,e0 nohonor0 no pride# They ,urse Hitler day and night0 -ut they ha1e surpassed Hitler in

    -ar-arism#J His &U 2inister J,urss Israel's atro,ityJ on !a"ans0 a,,uses &U of Jdou-lestandards0 and hypo,risy0J and slams 2uslim ,ountries for Jremaining silentJ But themsel1esthey ne1er expressed shame for their prede,essors for -eing the first 2uslim ,ountry tore,ogni"e Israel and esta-lish ,lose military ties or ha1e no 8ualms in ,ontinuing to hostIsraeli &m-assyM Unmitigated hypo,risy#

    hy should Israel tae 2uslim protestation @ if at all there is any @@ seriously when it nowsit is false and phony9 $ren't Saudi's and Turish woring together with the US in ,ausingdeath and destru,tion of Syrians for the sole -enefit of Israel9 7idn't Saudis and Israelis

    5ointly help al@Sisi ena,t military ,oup against duly ele,ted President 2orsi to0 again0 helpIsraeli ,ause9 Isn't Saudi $ra-ia helping US in its destru,tion of (emen9 $ren't Saudis onewith Israel and the US against Iran9 Name a 2uslim ,ountry that didn't side with the US in

    destroying $fghanistan0 Ira8 and Ai-ya# Of the D ,ountries nown to ha1e hosted $meri,antorture ,enters for 2uslims0 >? are 2uslim ,ountries# The first thing the wret,hed *urdishdid the moment they got a ,han,e to exer,ise independent ,ontrol o1er their territory was tosell their oil0 of all in the world0 to IsraelM 7on't -e surprised if tomorrow they would -e firingIsrael@made missiles into Iran#

    $ few hundred or thousand deaths of !a"ans that Israeli war may ,laim again this time from!a"a won't mae mu,h differen,e to the e1er@in,reasing death toll of the 2uslims that the USand 2uslim ionists are 5ointly and indi1idually ,laiming from Philippines to 2oro,,o#Israelis tried it se1eral times earlier and they now it for ,ertain that it is will not stopPalestinians from fighting for freedom# They now they are losing this ,ruel war on inno,ent

    ,iti"ens of !a"a for ea,h indis,riminate -om- and tan and na1al shell on residen,es0-usiness0 mos8ues0 and e1en hospitals0 am-ulan,es0 s,hools and UN esta-lishments and the

  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas


    resultant massa,re of whole families0 infants0 ,hildren0 old0 women0 infirm and disa-led ispushing them into pariah ,orner and strengthening B7S mo1ement#

    But the worst and new losers in all this are going to -e 2uslim ionists of the $ra- world#They should now it is 1ery short distan,e for their own IS KISISISIAL fighters from Bagdad

    to )iyadh and $leppo to $mman and -eyond# $nd they now $llah surely has promised K$l=uran @ D+:DL the hottest part of the hell for hypo,rites#

    Hamas will -e ,ommitting sui,ide if it su,,um-s to a,,ept the repa,aged ionist al@Sisi's,easefire deal -eing negotiated -y the UN Se,retary !eneral Bani 2oon and the USSe,retary with 2ahmoud $--as# They ,an't trust those who ha1e repeatedly dit,hed them andthey ,an't expe,t Israel to treat this ,easefire any differently from the one it agreed to asre,ently as in >?:># They should sti, to their own set of ,onditions0 most importantly liftingof Israeli siege and release of prisoners#

    P#S#+ Netanyahu says0 'Hamas is lie ISIS0 Hamas is lie al@=aida0 Hamas is lie He"-ollah0

    Hamas is lie Boo Haram0 lie so many other extremist Islamist groups who re5e,tpluralisti, demo,ra,y#' owM See who is taling of JPluralisti, demo,ra,yM' hate1erhappened to his demand that Palestinians re,ogni"e Israel as the /ews@only state9 hat a-outon@going ethni, ,leansing of Israel and est Ban9 He seems to thin 2ax Blumenthal's'!oliath+ Aife and Aoathing in !reater Israel' doesn't exist or didn't get distri-uted worldwidefor people to now what Israel means for the se,ond ,lass $ra- Israelis e1en without it -eingre,ogni"ed as the /ews@only stateM ionist tongue after all#

    #ar on Gaza and t$e response o! uslim


    by Yusu! %$ia&Alla$

    $ugust0 >?:

    (t is reealing that )uslim regimes in the )iddle -ast that eagerl# gie billions to ta&firi

    terrorists to &ill fellow )uslims are completel# silent about .ionist &illings of Palestinians!

    7uring times of ,rises0 2uslims naturally as what the regimes in the 2uslim world and

  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas


    indeed regimes in the rest of the world are doing to help the suffering people# The ionistonslaught on !a"a has led to similar 8uestions from 2uslims# hile the 8uestion is natural0the answer0 sadly0 is anything -ut satisfa,tory#

    Ordinary 2uslims are for,ed to as this 8uestion -e,ause there are many pro-lems,onfronting 2uslims in different parts of the world# They feel deep sympathy for andempathy with them# hile they want to express solidarity and help in whate1er way possi-le0su,h help is limited in s,ope and impa,t# Indi1iduals ,an at -est donate money to a ,harity tohelp alle1iate some suffering andor parti,ipate in rallies to 1ent their anger and frustration atthe ongoing in5usti,es -ut these ,annot resol1e the -asi, pro-lem# It is for go1ernments totae a,tion to stop aggression against 2uslims and to institute poli,ies that would ensuresu,h ,rises do not erupt again#

    The expe,tations of ordinary 2uslims 1is@Q@1is the regimes spring from two diametri,allyopposite sentiments# The first is their genuine ,on,ern for fellow 2uslims suffering anywhere

    in the world# The se,ond is predi,ated on the assumption that the 2uslim regimes ,an dosomething# This is a faulty assumption and empiri,al e1iden,e from repeated ,rises hasdemonstrated this -eyond dou-t that su,h expe,tations are mispla,ed# ith few ex,eptions0

    people in ,ontrol of regimes in the 2uslim world are agents of imperialism and ionismRtheir o1erriding ,on,ern is self@preser1ation0 not alle1iating the suffering of oppressed2uslims# In fa,t0 these regimes do not ,are for people in their own so,ieties either so thisshould put to rest any notions that they would help 2uslims elsewhere#

    The suffering of Palestinian people fa,ing a -ar-ari, ionist onslaught has mo1ed 2uslimsworldwide0 espe,ially during the days of fasting in )amadan# Seeing little ,hildren -eing

    -lown to pie,es on tele1ision s,reens has mo1ed e1en non@2uslims to ,ondemn ionist-ar-arism0 notwithstanding the support their regimes ha1e extended to the illegal entity inO,,upied Palestine# 2ost people are also aware that !a"a has -een under an illegal siegesin,e >??< that has ,aused extreme hardship among Palestinians# $dd to that the repeatedionist atta,s on the en,la1e destroying whate1er infrastru,ture they ha1e managed to -uild0naturally ,auses deep anguish#

    Aet us0 therefore0 ,onsider what the rea,tion of the 1arious regimes in the 2uslim world has-een to the latest ionist onslaught on !a"a# e start with the Saudi regime that has donnedthe mantle of leader4 of the Sunnis and the self@styled Custodian of the Two Holy Cities#4The Saudi regime is also flush with petrodollarsR it earns an estimated ?? -illion in annual

    oil salesR its reser1es are estimated to -e more than : trillion# This is no small sum#

    =uestion a-out the Saudi regime4s ,ondu,t is important -e,ause it has pumped an estimated -illion to tafiri groups in Syria and Ira8 ostensi-ly -e,ause they are fighting againstShia4 go1ernments there# To the -est of our nowledge0 there are no Shias in Palestine or!a"a# e must0 therefore0 as+ what has the Saudi regime done to help the suffering Sunni4

    people of !a"aR more parti,ularly0 how many guns0 ro,ets or missiles it has sent to theresistan,e in !a"a to fa,e the ionist onslaught9 The tafiri terrorists in Syria and Ira8 ha1eno shortage of weapons or other war materiel0 thans to the Saudis and their tri-al allies inthe region# If the Saudis are ,hampioning the ,ause of the Sunnis40 why are the pooroppressed Palestinians not in,luded in this list9

    Instead0 what we find is that the Saudis and their allies are a,ti1ely ,olla-orating with the

  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas


    "ionists to destroy su,h resistan,e groups as Hamas0 Islami, /ihad and Hi"-ullah# This leadsus to ,on,lude that the Saudis do not represent the interests of Sunnis4 despite ,laiming to,hampion their ,ause# This is 5ust a ploy to use against those ,ountries and mo1ements thatare predominantly Shia in order to play on the se,tarian emotions of ordinary 2uslims#

    &gypt that has a -order with !a"a has ept it shut pre1enting any relief supplies fromrea,hing the -esieged en,la1e# Similarly the &gyptian military regime tried to sta- Hamas inthe -a, -y -roering a ,easefire agreement di,tated -y the "ionists that would ha1e putHamas at serious disad1antage and ris had it a,,epted its terms# Hamas was not e1en,onsulted a-out the ,easefire agreement# It is important to note that the &gyptian militaryregime is ,losely aligned with and finan,ed -y the Saudi tri-al regime#

    hat is the rea,tion of the other Sunni4 go1ernments in the region9 Sin,e most are tri-alregimes and little more than ,ity@states e1en if flushed with oil and gas wealth0 they ,arrylittle weight in international politi,s# They are more ,on,erned a-out self@preser1ation thanworrying a-out suffering 2uslims elsewhere# The only ex,eption to this is Turey that is a

    serious regional player# hat has -een its role9

    )hetori,ally0 Turish Prime 2inister )e,ep Tayip &rdogan has lashed out at Israel and,riti,i"ed its atta, on !a"a# Has he done anything pra,ti,al to help the Palestinians9 Tureyis among the few 2uslim ,ountries.&gypt and /ordan are others.that ha1e diplomati,relations with the ionist entity# Has Turey withdrawn its am-assador from Tel $1i1 or sentthe am-assador of the illegal ionist entity pa,ing home9 Turey was the first Sunni42uslim ,ountry to esta-lish diplomati, relations with the "ionist state as soon as this ,an,eremerged in the heartland of Islam# True0 Turey was at the time under *emalist rule -ut if the

    present go1ernment is more representati1e of the people0 then it should ha1e no pro-lemse1ering diplomati, ties with one of the most oppressi1e and ,riminal regimes in the world#The o1erwhelming ma5ority of Turish people are totally opposed to the ionist regime andits ,riminal poli,ies# They ha1e had dire,t experien,e of ionist ,rimes when the 2a1i2armara was atta,ed in international waters illing nine Turish ,iti"ens and in5uringdo"ens of others on 2ay :0 >?:?#

    The 2a1i 2armara was taing relief supplies0 not guns or -om-s0 to the -esieged people of!a"a yet the Turish go1ernment has taen no steps to prose,ute the ionist war ,riminalsthat perpetrated war ,rimes on the open seas against its ,iti"ens# %urther0 Turish@Israeli tradehas ,ontinued to grow# So how ,an anyone tae &rdogan4s anti@Israel rhetori, seriously9 It is,lear that he is playing to the pu-li, gallery without taing any ,on,rete steps to help the

    suffering Palestinian people#

    e must now turn to the poli,ies of the two ,ountries that ha1e -een at the re,ei1ing end ofSaudi@"ionist@imperialist ,onspira,y+ Islami, Iran and Syria# Iran has -een espe,ially targetedand -randed -y the Saudis as a Shia State4 Kinstead of the Islami, State0 as if Shias are not2uslimsL in a despi,a-le attempt to delegitimi"e it in the eyes of the Sunni4 ma5orityworldwide#

    hile the o1erwhelming ma5ority of Sunni4 2uslims ha1e not fallen for this 1ilepropaganda0 some na1e Sunnis4 ha1e#

    Has Iran done anything pra,ti,al to help the Palestinians0 espe,ially Hamas and Islami,/ihad9 The te,hnology0 though primiti1e0 used -y the two resistan,e groups to de1elop their

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    missiles has -een pro1ided -y Islami, Iran.yes Shia4 Iran of the Saudi ,on,eption toSunni4 Hamas and Islami, /ihad# hile these ro,ets and missiles ha1e ,aused little damageto the ionist state0 the fa,t that the Palestinians ,an ,ontinue to stand up to the ionist -ullygi1es them enormous self@,onfiden,e and tells the resisters that their ,ause is not lost#

    Unfortunately0 Iran has no dire,t -orders with Palestine# It is0 therefore0 for,ed to resort toingenuity to deli1er the te,hni,al now@how to the Palestinians to stand on their feet# ithoutsu,h help0 the Palestinian resistan,e groups would ha1e -een wiped out and the ,ause ofPalestine ,ompletely forgotten# Those 2uslims that are swayed -y se,tarian rhetori, shouldas themsel1es the simple 8uestion+ whi,h ,ountry has done the most for the sufferingPalestinians9 $lso0 they should ,onsider the pri,e Iran has had to pay in terms of the illegalsan,tions it has endured for more than three de,ades -e,ause of its prin,ipled stand ofsupporting the Palestinian ,ause#

    In No1em-er >?:>0 following the last ionist atta, on !a"a0 leaders of Islami, /ihad andHamas a,nowledged at a Cairo press ,onferen,e the pra,ti,al help Islami, Iran had

    extended to their groups# 7r )amadan $-dallah0 leader of Islami, /ihad was the first to speaout# *haled 2eshaal0 head of Hamas4s Politi,al Bureau spoe next and he also thanedIslami, Iran# No other ,ountry was mentioned# Those that har-or se,tarian tenden,ies shouldrefle,t on the pu-li, a,nowledgement of help extended -y Islami, Iran to the resistan,egroups in Palestine#

    There is one other ,ountry whose poli,y we need to ,onsider+ Syria# 2er,enaries from E,ountries ha1e flooded into Syria targeting its go1ernment# They are finan,ed -y regimes inSaudi $ra-ia0 =atar0 *uwait0 the U$&0 Turey and su,h other well@nown anti@2uslimentities as the ionist regime in O,,upied Palestine and the US# hen the mayhem in Syriastarted in 2ar,h >?::0 there were numerous Palestinian organi"ations that had offi,es in7amas,us# These offi,es had existed for more than two de,ades# Slowly0 the Palestiniangroups influen,ed -y their sponsors in =atar and elsewhere persuaded them to ,lose theiroffi,es and relo,ate despite the fa,t that the Syrian go1ernment showed no hostility to them#Unfortunately0 some Hamas mem-ers ha1e also gone to Syria to fight against the for,es ofthe go1ernment of Bashar al@$sad#

    Under su,h ,ir,umstan,es and with su,h hostility shown -y some mem-ers of Hamas toward$sad4s go1ernment0 it would -e reasona-le to expe,t that he too would -e hostile to them#(et0 we find that far from showing hostility0 he has adopted a prin,ipled stand far morehonora-le than many of the so@,alled friends among other regimes ha1e shown to the

    Palestinian ,ause#

    $t his swearing@in ,eremony on /uly :0 $sad addressed the assem-led gathering and he toothe $ra-ian regimes to tas that ha1e and ,ontinue to finan,e the tafiri terrorists in Syria# e8uote at length from his spee,h to grasp the message that he deli1ered -y exposing those

    -ehind the terrorist ,ampaign in Syria0 Ira8 and !a"a# )eferring to the $ra-ian tyranni,alregimes0 he said+

    3The existen,e of these ,ountries is the est4s most important a,hie1ement and the mostsignifi,ant ,ause for Israel4s su,,esses and ,ontinued existen,e# There is no ,learer e1iden,ethan their ,urrent stand regarding the Israeli aggression against !a"a# here is the alleged4

    "eal and ardor that they showed towards Syria or the Syrian people9 hy ha1en4t theysupported !a"a with arms and money9 here are their 5ihadistsR and why ha1en4t they sent

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    them to defend our people in Palestine9

    3In order to now the answer0 we should now that what is happening today in !a"aV is nota separate or passing e1ent# It is an integrated ,hain of e1ents+ from the o,,upation ofPalestine0 to the in1asion of Ira8 and trying to di1ide it now and the di1ision of the Sudan all

    planned -y Israel and the est and always exe,uted -y the states of tyranny and-a,wardness in our $ra- world#3as it not $-dul $"i" I-n $-dul )ahman al@%aisal i-n Saud who ,on,eded to Britain thathe does not o-5e,t to gi1ing Palestine to the poor4 /ews in :;:D9 7id those states not in,itethe :;< war0 whose pri,e we are still paying today0 in order to get rid of the !amal $-dul

    Nasser phenomenon49 7id those states not support Iran under the Shah0 only to stand againstit when it de,ided to support the Palestinian people and turn the Israeli em-assy into aPalestinian em-assy after the re1olution9

    3Those are the ,ountries that made the *ing %ahd Pea,e Initiati1e4 in :;E: and threatened

    the Palestinians with ri1ers of -lood if they don4t a,,ept it# hen the Palestinian fa,tionsre5e,ted it0 and in less than a year0 there was the Israeli in1asion of Ae-anon /une :;E> andthe e5e,tion of the PAO from Ae-anon0 not out of ,on,ern for Ae-anon0 -ut for Israel#

    3Those same states surprised us in >??> with their greatest ,on,ession+ normali"ation inreturn for pea,e04 whi,h was later modified to -e,ome the $ra- Pea,e Initiati1e4 in theBeirut summit#

    3hen Israel atta,ed Ae-anon in >??0 it was those same ,ountries that en,ouraged Israeland the est not to a,,ept a ,ease@fire until the Ae-anese resistan,e Hi"-ullah wasdestroyed0 des,ri-ing them as ad1enturous#4 Be,ause these satellite ,ountries su,,eeded intheir tass0 they were ,harged with funding ,haos under the name of the $ra- spring04 andwith leading the $ra- Aeague after other $ra- ,ountries a-andoned their roles# The $ra-Aeague itself was redu,ed to summoning N$TO and imposing a siege on the $ra- states thatrefused to ,omply#

    3$ll of these e1ents ,onstitute a strongly lined ,hain aimed at li8uidating the Palestinian,auseR all the money spent -y those ,ountries sin,e their ,reation has -een for this purpose#$nd here they are today playing the same role+ in !a"a through Israeli terrorism0 and in Syriathrough terrorism -elonging to E nationalities# The methods may differ -ut their o-5e,ti1e isthe same#

    3This leads me to another important issue# Some inside Syria ha1e expressed indifferen,etowards !a"a0 on the premise that we ha1e our fair share of national pro-lemsR others ha1egloated at the Israeli aggression as a rea,tion to the ingratitude and disloyalty of somePalestinians towards Syria and e1erything we ha1e offered for de,ades# Both ,ases howe1er0refle,t na1e thiningR what is happening in Syria and the region as a whole is strongly linedto what is happening in Palestine# 7isso,iating oursel1es from these e1ents would -e liewat,hing a neigh-or4s house -urning and not offering to help#That is why those who -elie1e that we ,an li1e in safety and distan,e oursel1es from thePalestinian ,ause are mistaen# It will remain the ,entral ,ause -ased on prin,iples and thereality that lins what is happening in Palestine with what is happening in Syria# e need to

    distinguish -etween the resistant Palestinian people and the ungrateful Palestinians0 -etweentrue resistan,e fightersWwho we should supportWand the amateurs who mas themsel1es in

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    the mantle of resistan,e to ser1e their interests0 impro1e their image or strengthen theirauthorityR otherwise0 we will -eW,ons,iously or un,ons,iously.ser1ing Israel4s o-5e,ti1es ofdi1iding us e1en further and maing us -elie1e that our ,risis is lo,al and isolated#6

    %or $sad to show su,h ,larity of understanding at a time when Syria is still fa,ed with amer,enary onslaught is en,ouraging# He ,ould easily ha1e turned on the Palestinian groupsand said it ser1ed them right for turning against him# Instead0 he has shown understandingand reali"ed the importan,e of the Palestinian ,ause -y lining it with the -roader imperialist@"ionist ,onspira,y aided and a-etted -y the $ra-ian regimes0 to mae the region su-ser1ientto foreign interests#

    'acts All () Citizens Need to *now About

    Israel and +alestine

    Posted on /uly :>0 >?:-y )o-ert Barso,,hini !a"a Kalong with the est Ban and &ast /erusalemL is o,,upied Palestinian territory

    under international law0determined -y the 1ast ma5ority of the world0 as well as thehighest ,ourt in the world0 the UN4s International Court of /usti,e# !a"a ,annot,ommit aggression against Israel0 sin,e Israel is in ,onstant and ,ontinual ,ommissionof illegal aggression against Palestine -y o,,upying it Killegally and sadisti,ally

    -lo,ading it and fre8uently ,ommitting terrorism against its ,i1ilians0 in,luding -ytargeting them with ,hemi,al weapons pro1ided -y US taxpayers W see 3)ain of %ire6

    -y Human )ights at,hL# $s do,umented -y $mnesty Int4l0 Human )ights at,h0and many others0 Israel intentionally targets and murders ciilians, includingc$ildren, en masse-

    Israel also idnaps and tortures ,hildren0 in,luding -y eeping them in outdoor ,ages0o1er night0 in winter#

    But0 e1en ignoring international law and that !a"a is under illegal Israeli o,,upation0

    !a"a did not initiate this ,urrent round of 1iolen,eR Israel did+

    o esternUSIsraeli propaganda says the 1iolen,e started with the idnappingand illing of three Israeli youths on /une :>th# That is a lie+

    o On 2ay >?th0 the Israeli go1ernment murdered > unarmed Palestinian teens0

    one on 1ideo0 and wounded a third#

    o The firing of patheti, s,rap metal ro,ets from impo1erished !a"a0 whi,h

    ha1e illed no one0 were in fa,t laun,hed in response to earlier Israeli-om-ings0 illings0 assassinations0 and arrests of Palestinians0 in,luding,hildren#

  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas


    Sin,e the year >???0 Israel hasilled :0D?? Palestinian ,hildren0 while Palestinians

    ha1e illed :> Israeli ,hildren# That means Israel has illed o1er :0???X per,entmore Palestinian ,hildren than 1i,e 1ersa#

    $s do,umented -y the ashington 7C -ased non@Profit0 The /erusalem %und0 Israel

    -reas far more ,easefires than PalestineW this in,ludes firing of the Palestinian s,rapmetal ro,ets#

    o %or example0 $mnesty International0 Human )ights at,h0 and many other

    human rights organi"ations reported that in Israel4s >??; !a"a 2assa,re0Israel illed a-out D? ,hildren0 and it was Israel0 they do,umented0 that -roethe ,easefire#KIn that massa,re0 Israel illed o1erall from :0?? to

  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas




    3The 2ission re,ei1ed allegations that in two areas in north !a"a

    Israeli troops used Palestinian men as human shieldsV The 2ission

    found the foregoing witnesses to -e ,redi-le and relia-le# It has noreason to dou-t the 1era,ity of their a,,ounts and found that thedifferent stories ser1e to support the allegation that Palestinians wereused as human shields#6

    Noam Chomsy+ 3Hamas is regularly des,ri-ed as Iranian@-a,ed Hamas0 whi,h is

    dedi,ated to the destru,tion of Israel#4 One will -e hard put to find something liedemo,rati,ally ele,ted Hamas0 whi,h has long -een ,alling for a two@state settlementin a,,ord with the international ,onsensus4.-lo,ed for o1er ? years -y the US andIsrael# $ll true0 -ut not a useful ,ontri-ution to the Party Aine0 hen,e dispensa-le#6

    In the history of all ro,et and mortar fire into Israel0 > people0total0 ha1e -een

    illed# $nd remem-er0 Palestine -reas ,easefires far less often than Israel0 asdo,umented a-o1e#

    o This num-er of > is in ,ontrast to the minimum num-er of :0?? people who

    were murdered -y Israel in a single one of its terrorist atro,ities0 the >??;!a"a 2assa,re#

    o Noting that in the ,urrent massa,re0 "ero Israelis and o1er :?? Palestinians

    ha1e thus far -een illed0 and noting that !a"a is a ,on,entration ,amp W Israel

    allows no one to enter or lea1e W 7an San,he"gi1es a perfe,t des,ription ofthe disparity in arms -etween the USIsraeli war ma,hine and Palestinians,rap metal pro5e,tiles+ 3They the !a"ans are lie fish in a -arrel0 -eing

    -lasted -y a shotgun from a-o1e# It4s lie some of the fish in the -arrelpatheti,ally spitting water at the gunman0 and US media ,alls that a3shooting -attle#6

    The rhetori, and ta,ti,s of Hamas and other groups resisting Israeli o,,upation and

    ,oloni"ation ,an -e -rutal Kthough far less so than IsraelL# Propagandists try toattri-ute this to anti@Semitism0 to distra,t from the fa,t that these groups are resistingha1ing their ,ountry stolen and their people dispossessed and annihilated# Nati1e

    $meri,an resistan,e to &uropean ,oloni"ers was sometimes extremely -rutal0 as wastheir rhetori,0 -ut e1eryone uni1ersally re,ogni"es that this was not -e,ause of 3anti@hite@ism60 or 3anti@&uropean@ism60 -ut -e,ause they were ha1ing their land stolenand their people massa,red0 the same thing that Israel is doing to the Palestinians#

    o Palestinians ha1e the right under international law to resist o,,upation0 ethni,

    ,leansing0 ,oloni"ation0 aggression0 and annexation# 2io Peled0 son of anIsraeli general0 re,ently stated that if Israel doesn4t Aie ro,ets0 they shouldde,oloni"e Palestine# 7r# Norman %inelstein notesthat 3The Palestiniansha1e the right to use arms to resist an o,,upation # Howe1er0 the fa,t thatmorally and legally they ha1e that right doesn4t mean that it4s the most prudent

    strategy# In my opinion0 a national Palestinian leadership ,ommitted to

  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas


    mo-ili"ing non1iolent resistan,e ,an defeat the Israeli o,,upation if those ofus li1ing a-road lend support to it#6

    In :;E0 the people who wanted to form a /ewish state ,arried out a massi1e terror

    and ethni, ,leansing ,ampaignagainst the o,,upants of Palestine0 expelling a-out half

    of them K

  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas


    on the issue0 and e1ery year it goes a-out :D to >0 the world against the US andIsrael# This ,ontinues under O-ama# $ll human rights groups support the ,onsensus0as does Hamas0 the $ra- Aeague0 Iran0 the Organi"ation of the Islami, Conferen,eVFirtually e1eryone0 ex,ept the US and Israel# K2ore details on thispage#L

    Palestinians are-rutali"ed0 repressed and impo1erished -y Israel# To get a 8ui,1isual understanding of the differen,e -etween !a"a and Israel0 tae a loo at theimages of people and ,ities -eing wantonly pummeled -y Israeli terrorism when yousear,h the word 3!a"a30 and the images of opulen,e0 wealth and luxury that ,ome upwhen you sear,h 3Tel $1i13#

    Israel has an illegal stash of hundreds of nu,lear weapons#

    Israel0 whose go1ernment intentionally targets0 tortures0 and murders ,i1ilians0

    in,luding ,hildren0 in,luding with ,hemi,al weapons0 and whose go1ernment usesPalestinian ,i1ilians as human shields0 and whose go1ernment is the last entity on&arth ,arrying out old@style ethni, ,leansing and ,oloni"ation of foreign ,ountries0 isthe single -iggest re,ipient of US aid0 at o1er three -illion dollars a year and hugeamounts of lethal weaponry su,h as atta, heli,opters and white phosphorous,hemi,al explosi1es#

    To reiterate0 O-amare8uested more military aid for Israel than any president e1er#

    This is not -e,ause O-ama and the US$ lo1e /ewish people# O-ama was re,ently ana,,ompli,e in a literal neo@Na"i@led ,oup d4etat in Uraine0 and is ,urrently fullysupportingthe 5unta@integrated Urainian go1ernment0 whi,h is staffed with se1eralneo@Na"is in high ministries0 and whi,h uses neo@Na"i paramilitaries to ,arry out

    massa,res Kand possi-ly geno,ideL against people resistant to the 5unta# The a,tualreason the US supports Israel is dis,ussed -elow#

    $s $mnesty International has noted0 all aid to Israel is illegal under international Kand

    USL law0 -e,ause Israel is a ,onsistent 1iolator of human rights#

    $mnesty International also noted that Israel4s >??; massa,re of !a"a would not ha1e -eenpossi-le without the illegal funding Kmoney and weaponsL and support Israel gets from theUS$#

    This is also true of the ,urrent massa,re Israel is ,ommitting in !a"a#

    Howe1er0 in a way0 that is good news#

    That means US ,iti"ens ,an STOP the massa,res#

    If we stop our money and weapons@flow to Israel0 whi,h is illegal anyway0 we stop IsraeliterrorismM $ll we ha1e to do is stop ,ommitting a ,rime0 and we will stop more ,rimesM That4sgreat news#

    Here is a pre1ious example of how this has wored+ hen the US$ ,ut its funding forIndonesia4s geno,ide against &ast Timor0 whi,h the US$ was funding almost ex,lusi1ely0

    Indonesia was for,ed to stop and withdraw# $ll it too was ,utting off our illegal flow ofmoney and weapons to the ,riminals#

  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas


    The same thing would happen if we ,ut our illegal funding for Israel4s geno,ides and a,ts ofterrorism0 ethni, ,leansing0 ,oloni"ation0 and annexation against Palestine#

    But sin,e the US$ is an anti@demo,rati,,ountry0 the only way to stop US pluto,rats fromusing our money to fund Israeli terrorism is to for,e it through massi1e0 non@1iolent pressure#

    One way it happens is when it -e,omes too politi,ally ,ostly for the pluto,ra,y to eepfunding geno,ide and terror0 meaning the ,osts of their illegal support outweigh the -enefits0as in Indonesia# In that ,ase0 massi1e pu-li,ity and indigenous resistan,e a,,omplished thegoal#

    But Israel is the US$4s main imperial W and nu,lear W -ase for ,ontrolling the 2iddle &ast0whi,h US planners0 in :;D0 ,alled the greatest material pri"e in world history0 due to the oiland gas# Thus0 it might re8uire more0 as in non@1iolently maing our ,ountry into ademo,ra,y so that people ,ontrol their own institutions and money0 and thus the way weoperate as a so,iety and intera,t with the world#

    Aast note+ To -e ,lear0 Israel is a legal state0 -ut only within the -orders allotted to it -y theUnited Nations W the Pre@:;< -orders0 whi,h existed -efore Israel started eating away0through terror0 ethni, ,leansing0 ,oloni"ation0 and annexation0 at the areas reser1ed -y theUnited Nations for Palestinians0 as well as areas of other ,ountries0 su,h as Syria Kthe !olanHeightsL#

    Per international law0 US domesti, law0 and ,ommon sense0 Israel doesn4t deser1e anysupport until it a-andons isolationism and a,,epts that it ,an4t steal other people4s ,ountries0and stops -lo,ading and withdraws its soldiers and settlers0 all there illegally0 from those,ountries#

    Israel is0 militarily0 the most powerful ,ountry in the 2iddle &ast0 -y far# )emo1ing oursupport for the Israeli go1ernment Kwhi,h we are legally re8uired to doL will not put Israelisin danger# It will pressure the Israeli go1ernment to stop doing what endangers Israelis0 whi,his ,ommitting aggressi1e a,ts against Israel4s neigh-ors#

    If Israel ends its status as a ,onsistent 1iolator of human rights0 de,oloni"es Palestine0 andrespe,ts its neigh-ors0 it ,ould -e a pleasure W and legal W to wor with and support Israel#

    !ermany0 /apan0 and South $fri,a went from -eing the most re1iled ,ountries on &arth to

    -eing some of the most admired# 2ay-e Israel ,ould undergo the same transformation0 -utnot unless we0 US ,iti"ens0 help -y ,easing to ena-le Israeli terrorism and war ,rimes -yillegally supporting them#

    .y+ Shaih K7rL Haitham $l@Haddad


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    $ -rother that I now0 7r Saleh al@$yid0 wrote the following 5ust a few minutes after Turey4sele,toral authorities announ,ed that )e,ep Tayyip &rdogan won the general PresidentialTurish &le,tion+

    In the summer of the year :>: $H0 >??: C&0 I was with a group of friends on holiday in

    Turey# 7uring our stay my ,olleague0 7r *halid al@$5imy and I 1isited the great s,holar2ohammed $meen Siraa5 at his home in Istan-ul# hen we entered his house we foundsitting with him 2r )e,ep Tayyip &rdogan# So we sat to dis,uss general affairs o1er tea and,offee0 and we noti,ed &rdogan speaing in an impe,,a-ly polite manner with his Sheih#

    So my ,olleague 7r *halid started to spea a-out &rdogan4s efforts in the Turish renas,en,etaing pla,e in Istan-ul during his period as mayor of the ,ity0 and he praised him a-undantlywhile Sheih 2ohammed $meen Siraa5 was translating into Turish for &rdogan tounderstand# &rdogan displayed extreme hum-leness upon hearing his words# hen my,olleague finished speaing0 Sheih 2ohammed $meen Siraa5 turned to us and said+

    3It is neither our $m-ition nor )e,ep Tayyip &rdogans to su,,eed in leading a pro1in,e e1enif it is the si"e of Istan-ul0 instead we are training him to -e a su,,essful President0 and youwill see him soon -e,ome the President of Turey -y the will of $llZh#6

    Here we are now0 : years later0 witnessing the promise of Sheih 2ohammed $meen Siraa5with the help of $llZh0 ,ome to life as )e,ep Tayyip &rdogan -e,omes the President of thenation of Turey today# 3And All/h has full power and control oer is Affairs, but most ofmen &now not!6

    2uslims on so,ial media0 parti,ularly $ra-s0 ha1e -een -usy ex,hanging greetings and,ongratulations for the 1i,tory of &rdogan# News and ,omments a-out him and his 1i,torye1en o1ertoo the topi, of !a"a# The 8uestion is0 howe1er+ why9 There are a multitude ofreasons for this# 2uslims ha1e -een wanting to pro1e to the whole world that if they were to

    -e gi1en the ,hoi,e0 they would ,hoose a 2uslim leader who is sin,ere in woring forhis mmah#

    Turey is proof that if 2uslims en5oy good leadership0 they are ,apa-le of transforming their,ountries from so@,alled de1eloping4 ones to ad1an,ed0 powerful ,ountries as &rdogan andhis party did# It is a matter of a few short years in whi,h &rdogan4s /usti,e and 7e1elopmentParty0 ele,ted into power in >??>0 transformed Turey from a de-t@ridden0 ruined ,ountry0shattered -y 1alueless se,ularism and deep@rooted ,orruption to one of the strongest ,ountries

    in the world# In only :? years0 from >??> to >?:>0 Turish exports hit :D> -illion0 maring aten@fold in,rease# Turey4s o1erwhelming annual inflation rate of up to :??X was watereddown to single figures0 whilst its !7P rose -y o1er DX# &rdogan is now resolute in -ringinghis e,onomy into the top :? in the world -y >?>0 ha1ing ,ompletely erased its D>@year@oldde-t to the I2% in >?:#

    Born in :;D0 &rdogan is the son of a ,oastguard in the ,ity of )i"e# 7uring his early life hesold lemonade and -uns for some po,et money0 -eing a mem-er of a poor family# &rdoganattended an Islami, s,hool0 -efore studying management at Istan-ul4s 2armara Uni1ersity#Here he met Turey4s first Islamist Prime 2inister0 Ne,mettin &r-aan0 and -egan hisfas,inating politi,al ,areer# In :;;0 he -e,ame the mayor of Istan-ul0 ,on1erting the ,ity

    from a slum into one of the world4s ey destinations for tourism0 and a -eauty of a ,ity for

  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas


    lo,al residents# His ,ommitment to IslZm and its 1alues were relentless and in :;;E he wasdetained for four months for re,iting a poem on a pu-li, stage0 ,ontaining line+

    3The mos8ues are our -arra,s0 the domes our helmets0 the minarets our -ayonets and thefaithful our soldiers#6

    His release and rise in positions of leadership0 from Prime 2inister in >??@>?: to nowPresident the first to -e dire,tly ele,ted -y the people in Turey4s history with D>X of theele,torate 1oting for him# This landmar 1i,tory suggests that se,ularism is a foreign

    phenomenon for our Islami, so,ieties# 7espite the fa,t that Turey was on,e the mother andheartland of se,ularism in the 2uslim world0 it ,an so easily turn to Islam on,e the so,io@e,onomi, pressure applied -y the se,ularists is lifted#

    2any 2uslims are e,stati, at the 1i,tory &rdogan has a,hie1ed# It mars a ,ontinuation to theunpre,edented support Turey has pro1ided for the Syrian re1olution# 2any analysts ,onfirmthat had the authorities in Turey a,ted against the interests of the Syrian people and their

    re1olution0 the tyrant regime in Syria would ha1e regained power and wiped out the entirestruggle# Turey4s -orders with Syria0 parti,ularly its southern -order to $leppo0 are thema5or.if not the only.-reathing spa,e4 for the Syrian Islami, re1olution#

    Palestinians in general and !a"a spe,ifi,ally are parti,ularly o1erwhelmed with 5oy# %or toolong they ha1e witnessed the entire world turning against them while the 1ery few who maysupport them do so for no politi,al gain# No one ,an forget Israel4s raid on the Turish0 !a"a@

    -ound flotilla and the politi,al aftermath that ensued# No one ,an deny that it is &rdogan4sgo1ernment0 more than any other in the world today0 that is ardently supporting !a"a and

    -itterly atta,ing Israel as mu,h as the rules of international politi,s allow# The 1i,tory of&rdogan has moreo1er ,ome as a slap on the fa,e of the many $ra- and !ulf ,ountries thatha1e paid millions and -illions of dollars in support of his main0 se,ular ,ompetitor#

    There is no dou-t that despite the atro,ities the mmahis going through0 $llZh is showing usrays of light0 and glimmers of hope0 to eep us optimisti, and moti1ated and to gi1e us thea-ility to -ear the responsi-ilities He ,ommanded us to -ear#

    3$llZh has promised those among you who -elie1e0 and do righteous good deeds0 that He will,ertainly grant them su,,ession to Kthe present rulersL in the earth0 as He granted it to those

    -efore them0 and that He will grant them the authority to pra,tise their religion0 that whi,h Hehas ,hosen for them# $nd He will surely gi1e them in ex,hange a safe se,urity after their fear

    Kpro1idedL they K-elie1ersL worship 2e and do not asso,iate anything Kin worshipL with 2e#But whoe1er dis-elie1ed after this0 they are the %Zsi8[n Kre-ellious0 diso-edient to $llZhL#6

    The 1iews expressed in this arti,le are the author4s and do not ne,essarily refle,t those of2uslimFillage#,om#

    O1er :;: illed in Syria sin,e 2ar,h >?::+ UN

  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas


    7amaged -uildings are seen in 2leiha on the outsirts of the Syrian ,apital 7amas,us on$ugust :D0 >?:#%ri $ug >>0 >?: ::+D;P2 !2T


    >)elated Inter1iews+

  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas


    US atta,s on ISIA mae no sense4

    est dou-le standards em-oldened ISIA

    )elated Fiewpoints+

  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas


    ISIA+ Independent0 or CI$@2ossad proxy9

    ore t$an /0/,111 people $ae been killed in oer t$ree years o! !ig$ting in war&

    raaged )yria, says t$e (nited Nations-

    In a report released on %riday0 the Offi,e of the UN High Commissioner for Human )ightsKOHCH)L announ,ed the death toll0 the first issued sin,e /uly >?: with a figure standing at:??0???#

    The !ene1a@-ased OHCH) said the death figure do,umented -etween 2ar,h >?:: and theend of $pril >?: amounted to :;:0; people#

    3Tragi,ally0 it is pro-a-ly an underestimate of the real total num-er of people illed duringthe first three years of this murderous ,onfli,t06 said UN High Commissioner for Human)ights Na1i Pillay0 who o1ersees OHCH)0 in a statement that a,,ompanied the report#

    Pillay said other armed ,rises ha1e made Syria4s drop 3off the international radar06 noting0there is a 3strong lielihood6 for a signifi,ant num-er of illings not to ha1e -een reported atall#

    There were nearly D>0??? other reported illings0 not in,luded due to the la, of ampleinformation#

    $round ;# per,ent of the do,umented 1i,tims are women in the list0 whi,h also in,ludesE0E? minors0 with >0:D of them ,hildren under the age of ten#

    On Thursday0 the UN rights ,hief lam-asted the UN Se,urity Coun,il for its failing to thwart

    ,onfli,ts a,ross the glo-e#

  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas


    J!reater responsi1eness -y this ,oun,il would ha1e sa1ed hundreds of thousands of li1es0Jshe told the :D@mem-er world -ody0 adding0 JConfli,t pre1ention is ,omplex0 -ut it ,an -ea,hie1ed#J

    Syria has -een gripped -y deadly 1iolen,e sin,e >?:: with ISIA Tafiri terrorists ,urrently

    ,ontrolling parts of it in the east#

    The estern powers and their regional allies @@ espe,ially =atar0 Saudi $ra-ia and0 Turey @@are reportedly supporting the militants operating inside Syria#

    A !our&year&old Israeli boy $as been killed !ollowing a retaliatory rocket attack against

    )$a2ar HaNege in t$e nort$western Nege %esert-

    On %riday0 the &""edine al@=assam Brigades0 the military wing of the Palestinian resistan,emo1ement Hamas0 ,ontinued firing ro,ets into Israel in retaliation for Tel $1i14s onslaughton the -esieged !a"a Strip#

    %ollowing the atta,0 Israeli Prime 2inister Ben5amin Netanyahu said JHamas will pay ahea1y pri,e#6

    $,,ording to the Israeli military0 Palestinian resistan,e fighters ha1e fired more than ?ro,ets into Israel sin,e the ,ollapse of temporary tru,e tals last wee#

    2eanwhile0 a synagogue was hit in the port ,ity of $shdod where at least three Israelis werein5ured# $nother was also in5ured -y shrapnel in Be'er She1a#

    On Tuesday0 Tel $1i1 resumed its aggression towards !a"ans after the tru,e tals ,ollapsedand the Israeli negotiators left the &gyptian ,apital Cairo#

    hile the Israelis a,,used Hamas of 1iolating the tru,e -y firing ro,ets into Israel0 thePalestinians -lamed Israel for the ,ollapse of the tals#

    Israeli warplanes and tans ha1e -een pounding the -lo,aded en,la1e sin,e early /uly0infli,ting hea1y losses on the Palestinian land#

    2ore than >0?;? people0 mostly ,i1ilians0 ha1e lost their li1es and o1er :?0>?? ha1e -eenin5ured despite pressure from the international ,ommunity on the Tel $1i1 regime to end

    aggression against Palestinians#

    Nearly ??0??? Palestinian ,hildren are in immediate need of psy,hologi,al help due to3,atastrophi, and tragi, impa,t6 of the Israeli war0 a,,ording to the United NationsChildren4s %und KUNIC&%L#


    Hamas exe,utes :E Israeli informants in !a"a Strip

    %ri $ug >>0 >?: ::+>$2 !2T14

  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas


    E:??;?#Some :?0?? others ha1e -een wounded sin,e the Israeli aggression -egan on /uly E#

    The UN and se1eral other international -odies ha1e denoun,ed the destru,tion and death tollas 3appalling#6


    +alestinian resistance !ig$ters $ae ramped up t$eir rocket strikes on Israel in

    retaliation !or Tel Ai5s airstrikes on t$e Gaza )trip-

    The retaliatory ro,ets were fired from !a"a on se1eral Israeli ,ities0 in,luding &shol and$shelon0 setting off alert sirens there#

    &arlier0 Palestinian fighters targeted the *issufim air-ase in Israel# The Israeli military saysPalestinians ha1e fired o1er ? ro,ets at Israeli ,ities and ,ommunities sin,e midnight#Palestinian fighters also fired ro,ets on Tel $1i1's Ben@!urion $irport#

    %riday mared the third day of ,ontinued fighting in the ,oastal en,la1e following the,ollapse of ,easefire tals in &gypt#

    The death toll from the Israeli war in the !a"a Strip stands at nearly >0?;?# Some :?0??others ha1e also -een wounded sin,e the Israeli aggression -egan on /uly E#

    Palestinians in the !a"a Strip ha1e ,alled for more retaliatory responses to the Israeli atta,sfollowing the illing of three senior ,ommanders of the Palestinian resistan,e mo1ement0Hamas0 in an airstrie in )afah#

    2ohammed $-u Shammala0 )aed al@$ttar and 2ohammed Barhoum0 the ,ommanders of the&""edine al@=assam Brigades0 whi,h is the military wing of Hamas0 were illed in an Israeliairstrie on the Tel al@Sultan refugee ,amp in )afah in the southern !a"a Strip on Thursday#

    Thousands of people in !a"a too part in the funeral of the three leaders on Thursday0demanding more retaliatory ro,ets against Israel#


    Iran ready to fully support Palestinian resistan,e+ I)!C2on $ug 0 >?: :>+:P2 !2T



  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas


    orld must unite against Israel4

    'US su-sidy for Israel -ar-arity must end'

    )elated Fiewpoints+

  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas


    2ystery -om-ing running o1er Uraine

    A senior Iranian military commander says Iran is ready to !ully support t$e 6growing6

    +alestinian resistance moement-

    3e are prepared to support the Palestinian resistan,e in 1arious aspe,ts# In defending2uslims0 we re,ogni"e no distin,tion -etween Shias and Sunnis06 ,ommander of the Islami,)e1olution !uards Corps KI)!CL 2a5or !eneral 2ohammad $li /afari said on 2onday#

    He added that the !a"a ,onfli,t indi,ated that the power of Palestinian resistan,e is 3endlessand growing#6

    The I)!C ,ommander further emphasi"ed that the num-er of ro,ets laun,hed into Israeland the Palestinian fighters' a-ility in ,onfronting the Israeli ground in1asion is proof to thePalestinian resistan,e4s growing power#

    He added that the e1ents in the !a"a Strip and Ira8 are the result of the 5oint US@Israelipoli,ies#

    3The ionist regime of Israel will ,ollapse soon as a result of the unity among Shia andSunni 2uslims and we are ready for that day06 /afari pointed out#

    2edi,al sour,es say at least :0E>> people0 in,luding ?? ,hildren0 ha1e -een illed and o1er;0?? in5ured sin,e the Israeli regime -egan its offensi1e against the !a"a Strip on /uly E#

    Palestinian resistan,e fighters are ,ontinuing their ro,et atta,s against Israeli ,ities inretaliation for the Tel $1i1 regime4s relentless onslaught on the -lo,aded !a"a Strip#

  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas


    The Israeli military says Israeli soldiers ha1e -een illed in the four@wee ,onfli,t0 -utPalestinian resistan,e mo1ement0 Hamas0 puts the fatalities at more than :D?#

    A political analyst says t$e tig$tening o! sanctions by t$e (nited )tates and t$e

    7uropean (nion 87(9 against ussia is ;counterproductie,< +ress T= reports-

    In an inter1iewwith Press TF0 /an O-erg said the US@&U mo1e to impose san,tions against)ussia o1er the Urainian tension is 3self@defeating6 as it harms the e,onomy of the est aswell#

    3I thin it is utterly ,ounter@produ,ti1e and I don4t understand myself why people ha1e notunderstood that this is not the way to deal with )ussia06 O-erg said#

    3It4s self@damagingR it destroys your own e,onomyR it has a negati1e influen,e that you,annot trade06 he added#

    The analyst said that the -ans ,ould pro1e ineffe,ti1e as they ha1e en,ouraged )ussia to seeother trade partners#

    3)ussia will turn to other B)ICS ,ountries# It is already happening with the oil deal-etween )ussia and China# It will turn to Iran0 it will turn to India0 and it will turn to South$fri,a06 he said#

    The B)ICS is the group of fi1e ma5or emerging e,onomies of Bra"il0 )ussia0 India0 China0and South $fri,a# B)ICS ,ountries represent ? per,ent of the world4s population and a fifthof the glo-al e,onomy#

    O1er the past months0 estern states ha1e pla,ed san,tions on )ussia4s -usinesses0 in,ludingon its finan,ial and energy se,tors o1er the tension in Uraine#

    *ie1 and its estern allies a,,use )ussia of arming pro@)ussia for,es in the east of Uraine0an allegation re5e,ted -y 2os,ow#

    The US and &U ha1e also imposed an array of em-argoes on )ussian indi1iduals ,lose toPresident Fladimir Putin#

    )ussia has retaliated against estern san,tions0 -anning most food imports from the United

    States and the &uropean Union# 2os,ow is reportedly ,onsidering ,ar imports -an fromestern nations as well#

    ussian %eputy 'oreign inister Grigory *arasin says oscow is not intimidated by

    t$e recent 7uropean (nion sanctions, warning t$at t$e bans will only $arm ussia5s

    relations wit$ 7urope-

    In a meeting with &U en1oy to )ussia Fygaudas Usa,as on %riday0 *arasin said the >E@nation -lo,4s mo1e to impose new san,tions on 2os,ow will prompt a retaliatory response#

    JThe )ussian side stressed that &U san,tions against )ussian indi1iduals and entities are not

    s,aring anyone# They only es,alate the situation and lead it to a dead end06 )ussia4s %oreign2inistry 8uoted *arasin as saying#

  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas


    In a statement0 the %oreign 2inistry said that the )ussian go1ernment had -een for,ed toadopt restri,ti1e measures to prote,t the ,ountry4s national se,urity in the fa,e of the esternsan,tions#

    3$s we ha1e repeatedly stated0 it is not our ,hoi,e0 -ut we will not lea1e the es,alation of

    san,tions -y the est unanswered06 the statement said#

    The United States0 the &uropean Union and their allies ha1e introdu,ed se1eral rounds oftargeted san,tions against )ussian ,ompanies and indi1iduals o1er the ,urrent ,risis in eastUraine following Crimea4s reunifi,ation with )ussia# Crimea held a referendum in 2ar,h to

    5oin )ussia# *ie1 and its western allies do not re,ogni"e the results of the referendum sayingthe peninsula -elongs to Uraine# %ollowing the mo1e0 a few other regions in eastern Uraineinha-ited -y pro@)ussians0 ha1e ,alled for 5oining 2os,ow#

    The estern powers a,,use 2os,ow of playing a role in the ,risis in eastern Uraine0 whi,h-roe out when *ie1 laun,hed military operations to silen,e pro@)ussia protests in $pril0 -ut

    the *remlin denies the a,,usation#

    Gunmen kill at least >4 in attack on Ira?

    )unni mos?ue


    It is not yet ,lear who is responsi-le for illing at least E people in a mos8ue north of


    Fiolen,e in Ira8 has es,alated sin,e the Islami, State ,ampaign gained momentum in /uneK$$L

    2&& and agen,ies%riday >> $ugust >?: :+? BST

  • 7/25/2019 Arab States Support Israel Against Hamas


    Aast update+$ugust >> $ug >?: +?D BSTTopi,s+Ira8atarTags+

    Islami, StateR ar? ,omments

    !unmen opened fire on worshippers during %riday prayers at a Sunni mos8ue in the town ofImam ais0 northeast of Baghdad0 illing at least E people0 )euters reported#

    $,,ounts of the atta,0 whi,h also wounded do"ens0 1aried sharply0 with some sour,es-laming Shiite militiamen and others pointing to militants from the Islami, State KISL0 aSunni militant group#

    $ resident of the town said the atta, was ,arried out -y Shiite militiamen in re1enge for a

    roadside -om- that stru, one of their patrols0 an a,,ount -a,ed up -y 2P Nahida al@7aini#

    But an army ,aptain and a poli,e offi,er said the atta, was the wor of four IS militants @ asui,ide -om-er who detonated explosi1es inside the mos8ue and three gunmen who fired onfleeing worshippers#

    IS militants spearheaded a sweeping insurgent offensi1e that was laun,hed in /une and hassin,e o1errun large areas of fi1e pro1in,es#

    The initial onslaught swept se,urity for,es aside0 and the go1ernment responded -y turning to

    Shiite militiamen it fought in past years to -olster its flagging troops#

    @ See more at+ http+www#middleeasteye#netnews-reaing@gunmen@ill@least@>@atta,@ira8@sunni@mos8ue@DD>?
