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Arabell Steam Turbine Nuclear Power Plants Performance Boost

Date post: 04-Apr-2018
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  • 7/30/2019 Arabell Steam Turbine Nuclear Power Plants Performance Boost






  • 7/30/2019 Arabell Steam Turbine Nuclear Power Plants Performance Boost






    emeRgeNCy DIeSeLgeNeRaTORS



    heaT exChaNgeRS


    25prcnt o t orlds

    por productioncpcit dpnds on

    alsto tcnolo

    52,000plos round torld in 70 countris

    100rs o industrldin prtis

    Wth ur recne experte all er the

    pwer eneratn market, we are able t n

    lutn t the challene ta.


    We recoge the eed to mprove the evro-metal balace o legacy plat whle crea-g adopto o ew clea eergy olto.

    PLANT INTEGRATOROr olto maxme perormace byoptmg the complex teracto betweeb-ytem rom deg to operato.

    LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENTAt all tage o the lecycle we pport owerto maxme ther retr o vetmet whlemmg egatve evrometal eect.

    Altom a global leader power geerato wth a portolo o prodct

    coverg all el type. From ol ad boma to clear ad reewable,

    cloe to 25% o the world power prodcto capacty deped o

    Altom Power techology ad ervce. Whether deg, maactre,

    procremet or ervcg, Altom Power ettg the bechmark or

    ovatve techologe that provde clea, ecet, fexble ad tegrated

    power olto. Altom ca pply aythg rom gle compoet to

    complete trkey power plat. Or Plat itegrator approach ad power

    atomato ad cotrol olto ere the optmato o all elemet to

    derve the maxmm letme vale rom all or ctomer vetmet.

    Altom Power ha more tha 100 year o experece egeerg,

    procremet ad cotrcto (EPC) o ew power plat. Bt or egeer

    are alo expert retrottg, moderg ad ervcg extg plat.

    Wth operato 70 cotre, Altom Power cloe to ctomer all over

    the world, erg rapd repoe ad ervce excellece at all tme.

    wlco toAltm Pwer

  • 7/30/2019 Arabell Steam Turbine Nuclear Power Plants Performance Boost


    Altm the N1 uppler nuclear team turbne.

    Tod, 30% o ll oprtin nuclr por plnts

    in t orld n alsto st turbin nrtor

    insid, nd 40% o t us alsto-d quipnt.

    Alstom, market leader or nuclear power plantAltom the market leader or clear team trbe ad other key clear power covero eqpmet. Altom ha demotrated t

    kll ad leaderhp a a clear power plat eqpmet maactrer ad tegrator throgh a terrpted et o project, both or

    ew ad retrotted clear plat.

    An advanced technologyAltom clear power covero olto are baed o t ARABELLE team trbe techology platorm. Wth t peror

    perormace ad exceptoal relablty ARABELLE team trbe ca accommodate power otpt ragg rom 900 MW to 1,900

    MW. The larget trbe operato worldwde or the pat 10 year are ARABELLE team trbe wth a 1,550 MW power otpt

    provded wth extremely hgh relablty (99.96%).

    An integrated approach or more efciencyAltom ha developed the other key eqpmet o a clear power plat covero ytem co-ordato wth the ARABELLE amly,

    yo, a plat ower, ca beet rom a tegrated power covero package. Altom deg, maactre, tall ad mata all

    the crtcal power covero eqpmet o a clear trbe lad: team trbe ad trbogeerator, motre eparator-reheater,

    codeer ad pmp, low ad hgh prere eedwater heater, ad more.

    ARABELLE steam trbePov ad cttg dg tcology


  • 7/30/2019 Arabell Steam Turbine Nuclear Power Plants Performance Boost


    ARABELLE nt jut a pruct. it a aml cuttn-ee

    pruct. Altm nteratn capablte are bult n the l

    unatn a ull n-hue pruct rane cern the ke

    cmpnent nuclear plant turbne lan. The cu

    n the perrmance mprement that can be btane

    rm the ARABELLE team turbne thruh ptmal

    cmpatblt wth the turbeneratr, the mture eparatn

    reheater an the cnener t et mre than jut the um

    the ke cmpnent an ultmatel ptme the pwer

    cnern rm the nuclear reactr team.


    Key benefts

    MoRE MW

    A cmpact, pwerful, efciet ad reliable turbie

    60% f the pwer cmes frm hihly efciet sile

    fow expao

    A uique cmbied HP/IP mdule Stadard iterface / ftprit fr 50 Hz & 60 Hz

    Based mature 1,550 MW uits


    Fully adaptable steam path

    Frm 900 MW t 1,900 MW, 50 Hz r 60 Hz

    Fr ay backpressure cditis

    C-eerati applicatis

    LP sizE oPTiMisEd oR ANy siTE CoNdiTioNs

    Varius last-stae blade sizes fr each frequecy

    (50 Hz ad 60 Hz)

    A blade desi that has demstrated its reliability

    Tw, three r fur LP mdules fr ptimum vacuum t

    WELdEd RoToRs oR RELiABiLiTy ANd sECURE dELivERy

    Hih resistace t stress crrsi cracki (SCC)

    Excellet reliability, fewer ispectis required

    Smaller fris easier t supply ad ispect

    dEsigNEd oR EAsE o MAiNTENANCE

    Easy access fr maiteace

    Easy adjustmet f LPs with idepedet structure

    Cmpact arraemet with fewer bladed rws

    t or

    wit or tn 300,000 oprtin ours ccuultd nd n outstndin

    rlibilit rt, ARABELLE the mt aance team turbne technlr ur nuclear pwer plant.

  • 7/30/2019 Arabell Steam Turbine Nuclear Power Plants Performance Boost


    turbne-eneratr packae:

    Process equipment

    alsto s tnsi kno-o in t cn cross ll tps o porplnts, includin nuclr pplictions. alsto nuclr t cnrs rdptbl to n rctor output ll, dlirin iu prornc ndrlibilit, cilittin intnnc.

    alsto tilor-d pups or n outstndin rlibilit, fcincnd cost-ctinss. Our tndd pups portolio o products or nuclrpor plnts includs on otrs: circultin tr pups, condnsttrction pups, d-tr pups.

    GiGATOP 4-pole trbogeerator

    Wth over 30 year developmet ad more tha 1.5 mllo hor

    o operato, Altom ha accmlated vat experece wth very

    hgh ratg 4-pole trbogeerator or clear power plat.

    The Altom GiGATOP 4-pole trbogeerator complemet the

    ARABELLE team trbe wth prodct ragg rom 900

    to 1,900 MW, eablg hgh otpt wth almot 99% ececy.

    Ther deg eatre have bee jdcoly combed to optme

    relablty ad acltate mateace.

    n just t su o t k coponnts

  • 7/30/2019 Arabell Steam Turbine Nuclear Power Plants Performance Boost


    A ovatve actctPreu-eneratn nuclear turbne eature ne uble-fw

    hh-preure (HP) clner llwe b ur r x

    lw-preure (LP) fw (wth tw r three LP, repectel)r nal expann t the cnener.

    The ARABELLE trbe oer a ew archtectre where the

    steam rst expads i a sile-w HP path; after misture

    eparato ad reheat, t the expad a gle-fow terme-

    date-prere (iP) ecto beore gog throgh the or or x

    low prere (LP) fow.

    This unique ARABELLE architecture makesmaintenance work much easier

    it eed oly or team readmo valve et tead o x.Th acltate mateace. i addto, the btterfy valve

    are istalled at the level f the HP/IP cylider, accessible frm

    a platorm above the MsR, tead o hagg above the

    operatg foor rot o each LP cylder.

    The LP team admo ppe are etrely below the trbe operatg

    foor. Th arragemet help redce mateace drato ad cot,

    becae mateace o the LP doe ot reqre daembly o ther

    let ppe. Large lay-dow area are th avalable alogde the LP

    cylder, rther acltatg mateace.


    HP IP LP 1 LP 2 LP 3


    LP 1 LP 2 LP 3



    HP 2F

    Former cograto

    ArabelleTM uqe cograto

    ARABELLE pron


  • 7/30/2019 Arabell Steam Turbine Nuclear Power Plants Performance Boost



    wth depedet trctre

    i prevo-geerato trbe, the LP er cag pportedby the LP oter cag, whch tr pported by the trbe

    table. Dtorto o the oter cag or load varato o the

    table dced by vacm or codeer weght varato drg

    operato wll aect the relatve cetrg o the rotatg ad

    xed part. Th e become more crtcal wth the very large

    exhat trctre that charactere moder clear plat.

    The ARABELLE LP cylder are deged wth depedet

    trctre. The LP er cag coected at each ed to a

    ed-wall, whch tegrate the rotor bearg hog. The LP

    oter cag, whch o loger act a a pport, mply become

    a evelope rgdly welded to the codeer, whch pportedo the baemet foor. Th mple deg mprovemet provde

    may advatage:

    The trbe load o the odato greatly redced.

    The load o the trbe table ot aected by the vacm

    varato or by the orce tramtted by the codeer

    (throgh chagg water level).

    Th depedet trctre alo make the relatve cetrg o

    the movg ad tatoary part eaer, more prece ad more

    stable. Very predictable vibrati behaviur is the result.

    Welded rotor technologyWelded rotor techology a key Altom team trbe ad ga

    trbe ovato, whch ha bee cotoly mproved over

    the pat 80 year to erve larger ad larger t.

    Compared to a hrk-o dk deg, welded rotor

    ecoter redced tre level ad provde better retace

    to tre corroo crackg (sCC).

    Compared to moobloc rotor, welded rotor eatre maller

    orged cylder (whch are the welded together), meag

    that orcg ad delvery are eaer ad more ecre.

    Dcov wat mak

    o ARABELLE q

    nd rlibl dsin


  • 7/30/2019 Arabell Steam Turbine Nuclear Power Plants Performance Boost






    Blade Aspect Ratio

    1 2 3 4

    Blade Aspect Ratio

    = Height/Width

    Low Tip Leakage losses

    Low Endwall losses


    High Tip Leakage losses

    High Endwall losses



    Efficiency vs Blade Aspect Ratio

    Altm ha leerae er 35 ear experence n nuclear

    pwer plant, an mre than 100 ear n team turbne

    technl, t eelp an cntnuul mpre t

    ecent an relable turbne blae aml.

    Hih-efciecygle-fow expao

    The mot trkg eatre o the ARABELLE archtectre

    t gle-fow team expao eatrg blade wth hgher

    apect rato. Th ere hgher ececy de to the redcto

    o ecodary loe at the root ad the tp o the team path. The

    relt greater trbe perormace, wth a overall ececy

    ai f at least 1%. T reduce verall turbie leth, the HP ad

    IP expasi sectis have bee ruped it a cmbied HP/iP cylder, mlar to thoe ed ol red applcato. The

    cmpact HP/IP mdule ale, with the same ftprit fr bth

    1,500 ad 1,800 rpm applcato, ca prodce p to 60% o the

    total power delvered by the trbe.

    Ecet, relable bladg

    All ARABELLE trbe blade eatre three-dmeoal

    prole to optme ther aerodyamc perormace.

    statoary tage eatre a welded platorm deg or hgh

    reliability, especially fr the HP staes, but that als yields better

    aerodyamc optmato o the ed-wall codto, redcg

    the ecodary loe. Th robt deg perectly adapted to

    the large volme fow od today clear power plat.

    All rotatg blade, other tha the Lat stage Blade (LsB),

    are deged wth tegral hrod to mme loe. They

    are maactred a gle pece, .e. o looe part, ad

    aembled throgh a orked ad ped root ateg deg:

    a extremely robt olto. The ealg rb are machedater aembly or optmm perormace, ad a coto

    blade hrod coecto ere cotetly good reqecy

    cotrol ad relablty.

    The LsB optmed throgh detaled 3D modellg, valdated

    mero laboratory tet ad maactred throgh

    hgh-preco orgg. A tegral treamled bber or blade

    tercoecto ad coto lahg greatly creae tage

    tablty. it help avod vbrato, whch ch log blade wth

    hgh-apect rato cold otherwe dergo ervce. A crved

    etry, r-tree root ateg provde excellet tramo o eort

    to the dk, bt alo acltate traportato ad pecto.

    Maxmnour por plnt it


    uniqu dsin

  • 7/30/2019 Arabell Steam Turbine Nuclear Power Plants Performance Boost


    A worldwde ootprt

    The Altom Power clear be headqartered Levallo ear Par, (Frace). Egeerg cetre pecaled clear

    equipmet are t be fud i Levallis (Frace), Bade (Switzerlad), Wuha (Chia), Sait Petersbur, Jit-Veture AAEM (Russia), ad

    Chattaooga (usA). Maactrg locato dedcated to clear power techology are Portgal, Polad, Ra, Cha, usA ad Mexco,a well, a Frace. Together wth the pport o local ervce cetre 70 cotre, Altom Power ca delver rapd clear ervce

    acro the globe.

    Lare team turbne







    St. Ptrsbour,Joint-vntur aaemRussi











    in ction in nuclr por plnts

  • 7/30/2019 Arabell Steam Turbine Nuclear Power Plants Performance Boost


    Altom worldwde experece

    Altom ha bee at the orerot o degg ad tallg clear trbe lad or the pat 30 year, wth all kd

    o clear reactor. Or logtadg experte rvalled.

    LIng Ao PHASE II, ChinA

    2 x 1,080 MW turbne eneratr packae

    Lin ao 3+4 turbin nrtor pcks or 2,160 mw turbinislnds r ordrd in 2005.Fturin aRaBeLLe tcnolo, t units strtd succssullin 2010 or t unit 3 nd 2011 or t unit 4, d o tscdul nd tirs surd por outpots r irtn t urntd ll.For tis projct, sinifcnt trnsr o tcnolo ndnucturin srin it our lon tr prtnr DeCL sbn iplntd. Lrin on tis solution, srl siilrprojcts r undr construction in cin, suc s honn,Nind, or Fnjisn, on otrs.


    1,750 MW nuclear turbne lanFlnill 1+2 strtd corcil oprtion in 1985 it to1,350 mw units. T rctors r o t our-loop ar P4tp. Undr nubr o sprt contrcts, alsto dsind,dlird nd rctd t turbonrtors, plus t bulk o tturbin islnd cnicl nd lctricl uiliris, includincondnsrs, dtr rtrs, nd condnst trction ndcircultin tr pups.a por plnt tnsion is no undr construction. It ill includon aRaBeLLe st turbin (unit 3), dlirin 1,750 mwro t n ePR (eolutionr Prssurizd Rctor) roar. wn coissiond tis ill b t ist poroutput in t orld ro sinl turbinnrtor st. alstos dsind, dlird nd rctd t coplt turbin islnd,

    includin t condnst trction pups, circultin trpups nd rnc disl nrtor sts.

    BALTiC, russiA

    2 x 1,200 MW nuclear turbne lan

    T alsto-atonros (aaem) Joint-vntur s slctdb Rosto, t Russin drl nuclr nc, to dlir tturbin islnds o t Bltic nuclr por plnt to b con-structd in Klininrd, Russi.Tis is t frst jor contrct on b t Joint-vntur crtdin 2007 b alsto it atonros to suppl t turbinislnds to Russin nuclr por plnts.T plnt ill b bsd on t Russin vveR 1200 prssurisdtr rctor dsin.aaems scop includs t suppl o bot units turbin ll,includin t alsto aRaBeLLe st turbins, nrtorsnd tir ssocitd uiliris, t oistur sprtor rtrs

    (mSR), t condnsr nd d-tr tin plnt quipnt.



  • 7/30/2019 Arabell Steam Turbine Nuclear Power Plants Performance Boost


  • 7/30/2019 Arabell Steam Turbine Nuclear Power Plants Performance Boost


















    Altom cotrbte to the protecto o the evromet.Th brochre prted o evrometally-redly paper.

    Altom ( Frace )3 avee Adr Malrax92309 Levallo Perret CedexTel: +33 1 41 49 20 00

