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Arburg moulding machines

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+PLGEVKQPOQWNFKPIOCEJKPGU4QDQVKEU[UVGOU2TQFWEVKQPQRVKOKUCVKQP+PLGEVKQPOQWNFKPIOCEJKPGU#..4170&'4XGTUCVKNGTCPIGQHRTQFWEVUCPFVGEJPQNQIKGU$CUKEKPHQTOCVKQPInjection moulding machinesARBURG products and servicesModular: ARBURG machine technology made in Germany.Comprehensive support: detailed knowledge of applications and processes.Service Allround: specialist expertise world-wide. 1 ProductsALLROUNDER injection moulding technology and ARBURG robotic systems, which can be integrated seamlessly into the machines and the SELOGICA control system, are synony-mous around the world with outstanding reliability, universal application and individu-ally-adaptable high-end technical solutions made in Germany. The success story of the company and its products is the result, above all, of a sophisticated, modular design, which enables each user to adapt ARBURG techno-logy to their own individual requirements. A close network incorporating the parent fac-tory, ARBURG subsidiaries and international trading partners brings our technology and services directly to all customers. 2 Application expertiseThe comprehensive application expertise with which ARBURG can provide every customer extends far beyond the machine itself. This expertise ranges from consulting and selection of the appropriate machine technology through the planning, design and commissioning of ALLROUNDER injec-tion moulding machines or complete pro-duction cells, to comprehensive application technology support. 3 ServiceARBURG service technicians are available world-wide and provide rapid assistance when needed. The service area of expertise also incorporates maintenance, a telephone hotline, a globally networked spare parts service and individual customer training. Our ALLROUNDER injection moulding machines are the product of consistent basic research and model refnement. The result is a variety of mutually en-hancing machine series, which are per-fectly designed to meet your needs in terms of performance and operation the best solutions are guaranteed every time. Our modular product range extends from the hydraulic entry-level model and hybrid high-performance versions through energy-effcient elec-tric ALLROUNDER machines to vertical and rotary table machines. This means that we cover every aspect of injection moulding processing. Made by ARBURG - Made in Germany1 2 33www.arburg.com 07/2011Injection moulding machinesInnovative: electric ALLROUNDERsWith its ALLROUNDER injection moul-ding technology, ARBURG has repea-tedly set benchmarks. Moreover, we are systematically pursuing this goal with our electric ALLROUNDER machines. What does this mean for you? That components such as spindles, motors and their control are exclusively se-lected on the basis of the strictest crite-ria for function and quality. Whether you wish to enter into the world of electric machines with our effective EDRIVE machines, or mass-produce high-end moulded parts with our high-precision ALLDRIVE models; whether you operate in the medical technology, packaging or automotive sector: you are always guaranteed optimum effciency and cost effectiveness. 1 RapidityIn the electric ALLROUNDER machines, the main axes for injection, dosing as well as opening and closing the mould are servo-electrically driven as standard, and there-fore fully independent of one another. High acceleration and fnal speeds com-bined with simultaneous machine move-ments result in greater cost-effciency by reducing the cycle time. 2 PrecisionOn the electric ALLROUNDER machines, play-free and direct-acting spindle drives provide for mechanically rigid drive axes and correspondingly dynamic movements. Combined with the excellent positioning accuracy of all servo-electric drives, this permits the highest degree of reproducibil-ity and part quality. Absolute position encoders make movement to a reference position unnecessary.Further information: Product information Electric ALLROUNDERsDynamic and with a high degree of repeat accuracy: electric drive technology made by ARBURG.407/20!! www.arburg.com3Energy e!ciencyThe high elciency ol lhe servo-eleclric drives and lhe loggle-lype clamping unil ol lhe eleclric ALLPOUNDLP machines ensure energy-elcienl operalion. The energy re-covery ol lhe servo molors during braking also has a benecial ellecl. Togelher, lhese laclors combine lo reduce energy consump-lion by 25 lo 50'.4Emission minimisaIionThe servo-eleclric drives are liquid-cooled and lherelore capable ol especially low-noise operalion. Air lurbulence is consisl-enlly prevenled and lhe largeled dissipalion ol heal considerably reduces lhe amounl emilled inlo lhe environmenl. Closed drives and spindle syslems reliably prevenl expo-sure lo dusl caused by abrasion. The ma-chines are lhus perleclly suiled lo clean room produclion.5VaIueA wide range ol processing lasks can be accomplished wilh consislenlly high qualily using lhe high-precision eleclric ALLPOUNDLP machines. The high degree ol reliabilily ol lhe machines and subsequenl minimal varialion in lhe process is achieved by numerous lechnical delails. This includes, lor example, lhe closed cooling circuil ol molors and converlers lor lasl cycles and long holding pressure phases.DisIance beIveen Iie bars. 270 mm - 920 mmCIamping !orces. 350 kN - 5,000 kNInjecIion uniIs. 70 - !3005www.arburg.com 07/2011Injection moulding machinesProductive: hybrid ALLROUNDERsPerfect combination: electric and hydraulic drive technology.Our hybrid ALLROUNDER machines enable you to achieve high perfor-mance in cycle-time optimised thermo-plastics processing. With the HIDRIVE machine series, we combine the best from the ARBURG modular system: a powerful combination of sophisticated electrical and hydraulic machine tech-nology. Reliable, highly-functional and energy-effcient thats how the ALLROUNDER H machines work in your production. Day after day, 24 hours around the clock.Further information: Product information for hybrid ALLROUNDERs 1 Production capacityThe hybrid ALLROUNDER machine concept has been confgured with the particular aim of achieving high production capacities. The machines provide high injection per-formance in relation to the relevant clamp-ing force, and combine: servo-electric clamping units from the ALLROUNDER A and generously dimensioned injection units with hydraulic accumulator technology 2 Reduced cycle timesAll movement axes operate completely in-dependently from one another. In this way, simultaneous drive movements can be achieved whatever the application. Dosage across cycles permits optimum, uniform ma-terial preparation, a reduced material tem-perature and therefore shorter cooling times. Finally, the extremely short dry cycle times of the servo-electric clamping unit provide for fast cycles.607/20!! www.arburg.com3Energy opIimisaIionThe high levels ol elciency ol lhe servo-eleclric dosage drive and lhe loggle-lype clamping unil ensure energy-elcienl oper-alion ol lhe hybrid ALLPOUNDLPs. Moreover, lhe hydraulic drive lealures a perlormance-adapled pump and an el-ciency class Lll! eleclric molor. Togelher, lhese laclors combine lo reduce energy consumplion by up lo 40 percenl.4Dynamicsln addilion lo lhe dynamic mould move-menls ol lhe servo-eleclric clamping unil, hydraulic accumulalor lechnology also sig-nicanlly conlribules lo lhe achievemenl ol shorler cycle limes. This enables large, dy-namic injeclion ows. ln addilion, a posi-lion-regulaled screw ensures maximum re-producibilily and parl qualily.5CosI-e!ciencyThe sophislicaled hybrid ALLPOUNDLP lechnology provides lor reliable operalion and maximum availabilily. High acceleralion and nal speeds combined wilh simullane-ous machine movemenls resull in signi-canlly grealer cosl-elciency lhrough re-duced cycle limes. lurlhermore, numerous lechnical delail solulions are aimed al lhe suslainable minimisalion ol sel-up limes. DisIance beIveen Iie bars. 370 mm - 920 mmCIamping !orces. 600 kN - 5,000 kNInjecIion uniIs. !00 - 46007www.arburg.com 07/2011Injection moulding machinesVersatile: hydraulic ALLROUNDERsOur hydraulic ALLROUNDERs are high-performance, reliable injection moulding machines. The machines range from the low-cost entry level models of the GOLDEN EDITION series to the individu-ally adaptable ALLROUNDERS Series. Our modular design approach opens up a whole range of cost-effcient options with several alternative hydraulic and electric expansion stages as well as vari-ous equipment versions. Thanks to their adaptability, the hydraulic ALLROUNDERs not only offer a wide variety of different applications, but can also be equipped in an extremely energy-effcient manner. You specify your requirements and we build a suitable hydraulic ALLROUNDER. Especially for you. 1 Diverse applicationsHydraulic ALLROUNDER machines can be optimally adapted for operation in conjunc-tion with all familiar injection moulding tech-niques. They impress, not only with their large range of sizes, but also due to the ease of integration of various peripherals via the freely-programmable SELOGICA control sys-tem. Equipment packages for specifc tasks make the machines exceptionally fexible and suitable for universal applications. 2 Cost effciencyThe ALLROUNDER GOLDEN EDITION is the entry-level model in the hydraulic product range. The machines unbeatable price/per-formance ratio is achieved through the con-sistent standardisation of the extensive, technically high-quality standard equip-ment. Thus, for example, two regulating pumps and fast-switching valve technology are provided as standard.Energy saving: powerful differential piston system on the clamping unit.Further information: Product information Hydraulic ALLROUNDERs807/2011 www.arburg.com 3 IndividualityThe ALLROUNDERS is ARBURGs versatile hydraulic machine series. These machines can be adapted precisely to the relevant ap-plications and energy requirements. This is achieved by means of several hydraulic and electric expansion stages, perfectly gradu-ated clamping forces and injection units, as well as numerous equipment versions and combination options. 4 ReproducibilityRegulated injection ensures reproducible mould flling and the customary high moulded part quality on all hydraulic ALLROUNDERs. With the position-regu-lated screw expansion stage on the ALLROUNDERS, injection moulding repro-ducibility comparable to that of electric ma-chines can be achieved.Distance between tie bars: 170 mm - 920 mmClamping forces: 125 kN - 5,000 kNinjection units: 30 - 4600 5 ReliabilityAll hydraulic ALLROUNDER models are high-performance machines featuring quality workmanship. Optimum availability and a long service life are synonymous with the ARBURG name. Proven features include: energy-saving oil exchange via the differ-ential piston system in the clamping unit high stability of the clamping unit thanks to four-tie-bar guidance9www.arburg.com 07/2011Injection moulding machinesErgonomic: vertical ALLROUNDERsIf you intend to use vertical injection moulding machines in your production facility, we currently offer the widest range in the entire industry. Our vertical ALLROUNDERs are designed especially for the encapsulation of inserts. Our extensive product range extends from the ALLROUNDER S, featuring the ALLROUNDER principle with swivelling clamping unit and interchangeable injection unit, our entry-level vertical model, the ALLROUNDER V, the fexible ALLROUNDER T vertical rotary-table machines, through to customer-specifc, specifcally confgured vertical machi-nes. Furthermore, a wide variety of equipment options and possible combi-nations are available. The choice is yours: whatever your application requires. 1 ErgonomicsA high degree of ergonomics is particularly important during the processing of inserts, in order to organise manual operations as conveniently and effciently as possible. In the case of the entry-level ALLROUNDER V machine, this is achieved by means of the so-called vertical free-space system for the clamping unit. Tie bars are dispensed with, rendering the mould freely accessible from three sides. 2 Application versatilityThe entire technology of the vertical ALLROUNDERs can always be matched precisely to the specifc injection moulding task. This is achieved through: the wide range of clamping forces and injection units the fexible vertical and horizontal arrangement of the injection units. task-specifc equipment packages, such as for silicone processingHigh fexibility: product range with a variety of machine concepts.Further information: Vertical ALLROUNDER product information1007/2011 www.arburg.comDifferent clamping systemsClamping forces: 125 kN - 4,000 kNInjection units: 30 - 4600 3 AutomationIn order to enable simultaneous insertion and removal of items during the injection process, machine versions with rotary or sliding tables are also available. This enables shorter cycle times and thus higher produc-tivity. The versatile confguration options ensure that vertical ALLROUNDER machines can also be easily integrated in automated production lines. 4 Process reliabilityAs you would expect from ARBURG, the in-jection units of the vertical ALLROUNDERs offer the customary high plasticising and moulded part quality. The position-regu-lated screw enables reproducible injection movements which are equally accurate to those of electric machines. The rotary tables of the ALLROUNDER V and T are generally servo-electrically driven. This makes them extremely fast and precise. 5 Space optimisationThe greatest advantage of the ALLROUNDER entry-level machines is their compact design and small footprint. The scope for planning the installation of the machines remains cor-respondingly fexible. Full and problem-free integration in differently designed produc-tion lines is also possible.11www.arburg.com 07/2011Injection moulding machinesAdditional equipment: effciently expand your ALLROUNDERs 1 Robotic systems ARBURG develops and produces robotic systems and specifcally adapts them for use with ALLROUNDERs Plug and work principle: complete, CE-certifed unit comprising injection mould-ing machine and robotic system, for rapid production readiness Integratable SELOGICA: central control system for ALLROUNDERs and robotic system INTEGRALPICKER H and V: for entry into automated removal technology MULTILIFT H: low overall height and fast, reliable part removal MULTILIFT SELECT: consistent standardisa-tion, fxed confguration, attractive price/performance ratio MULTILIFT V: large working area, fexible part set-down, choice of longitudinal or transverse design Six-axis robotic system with SELOGICA user interface: simple independent pro-gramming. 2 Turnkey projects Projects or production cells are individual, customised solutions, which cover various requirements in terms of the combination of injection moulding machine, robotic system and peripherals. Generally, all upstream and downstream production steps in the injection mould-ing process are automated ARBURG provides individual customer support in this area and is responsible for the complete planning process from applications engineering development, on-site installation and commissioning through to comprehensive services As the main contractor, ARBURG bears the overall responsibility for planning, implementation and operation of the production cellsOur ARBURG product range is rounded off by harmonised robotic systems, which can perfectly supplement your injection moulding system to enable automated production. In this area, we also make use of modularity to indivi-dually adapt the robotic systems in line with your specifc production con-ditions. As a main contractor, ARBURG implements complete turn-key projects, from project planning through to com-missioning and service. The company can also provide you with products for quality assurance and production opti-misation. This further increases the effciency of your ALLROUNDERs. Hence you always have the perfect production solution available to you.Fully integrated: robotic systems with individual grippers.Further information: Robotic systems basic informationProduction optimisation basic informationFully automated: projects integrate various production steps.1 21207/2011 www.arburg.comAdditional equipment: effciently expand your ALLROUNDERs 3 Quality assurance ARBURG has a variety of products for computer-aided quality assurance The basis for these is the SELOGICA con-trol system, which offers integrated qual-ity assurance features as standard. ARBURG Quality Assurance System (AQS): online monitoring and documentation of product quality AQS inspects production series on the ba-sis of defned quality standards AQS records quality-relevant production parameters and processes them according to pre-defned test-schedule criteria. ARBURG Quality Control (AQC): automatic process monitoring AQC selects good and reject parts on the basis of automatically calculated quality characteristics AQC optimises the machine and operat-ing point settings 4 Production optimisation ARBURG offers a graduated range of optimisation tools The basis for these is the SELOGICA con-trol system, which offers integrated pro-duction optimisation features as standard. COPYLOG: central management and backup of machine programs for all ALLROUNDERs ARBURG Remote Service (ARS): access to important production data remotely or via the company network ARBURG host computer system (ALS): modular production management system for comprehensive order and production planning ALS is an independent Manufacturing Execution System (MES), also for small and medium-sized injection moulding companies ARBURG is a technology and consulting partner for injection moulding and appli-cations technology through to production management Fully monitored: direct quality control with separation of rejects.Fully transparent: effcient production optimisation with ALS.3 413www.arburg.com 07/2011Injection moulding machines 1 Multi-component injection moulding Automatic, time and cost-saving produc-tion of moulded parts from several com-ponents Mould indexing units, driven hydraulically or servo-electrically Application technology consulting for the design of two or three-station moulds Support with special applications such as composite, sandwich, interval and mar-bling injection moulding The ALLROUNDER S already allows o peration with six mutually independent injection units 2 LSR injection moulding Processing of liquid silicone rubber on all ALLROUNDERs with specially adapted in-jection units Numerous options and peripherals can be used, such as compact mixing and dosage systems, vacuum device, inter-faces for brushing and demoulding, fow box for medical technology applications 3 Elastomer injection moulding Special equipment such as liquid medium temperature-controlled cylinder modules, adapted screws, open nozzles or custom-ised material feed Additional options such as automatic feed devices or control sequences that can be integrated in the SELOGICA control systemWith ARBURG, you have a competent partner for applications and process technology at your side. We offer you reliable advice from our extensive ex-pertise, whatever question may arise. All our ALLROUNDERs can be individu-ally adapted for work with your special applications. The various equipment pack ages indicate how broad the range of applications has become. Our com-mon goal: always to offer the most cost-effcient production solution for smooth series production!Range of applications: consistently utilising opportunitiesFurther information: Application expertise basic information3 1 21407/2011 www.arburg.comRange of applications: consistently utilising opportunities 4 Thermoset injection moulding Liquid medium temperature-controlled thermoset cylinder modules with com-pression-free screws and open, short nozzle without non-return valve Extended heating circuits and control system upgrades Additional options such as INJESTER tamping devices, interfaces and actuators for vacuum pumps 5 Powder injection moulding Processing of metal and ceramic materials on all ALLROUNDERs with specially adapted injection units (highly wear resistant) Production can be automated with the appropriate peripherals 6 Encapsulation of inserts Also possible with standard machines us-ing the ALLROUNDER swivelling principle (pivoting clamping unit and interchange-able injection unit) Encapsulation can also be automated with special vertical machines such as the entry-level ALLROUNDER V and ALLROUNDER T rotary table machines Servo-electric rotary tables are available with various diameters Robotic systems can be integrated for part removal and set-down as well as sprue separation 7 MuCell microfoam technology Injection of a gas for the formation of microfoam, simultaneously with the injection process Production of more lightweight, high-strength parts, material savings MuCell system can be integrated in the overall cycle via a SELOGICA control system 8 GIT/WIT injection moulding Through the injection of gas or water via an injection module or shut-off nozzle during the injection process, the plastic material is optimally distributed in the cavity and partially substituted For use on all ALLROUNDERs Freely programmable inputs/outputs allow easy actuation of the required peripherals Control modules programmable via SELOGICA4 5 615www.arburg.com 07/20112 1Injection moulding machinesSector-specifc: the right solution for each industryYou produce high-quality plastic pro-ducts for the automotive, packaging, communications and consumer electro-nics, medical or optical sectors? Or tech-nical moulded parts, for example for the sanitation, white goods, sports and leisure or toy industry? Then ARBURG is the right address! In addition to our ALLROUNDER injection moulding solu-tions, which are precisely tailored to your application, we offer detailed application technology consulting: the ARBURG experts know the require-ments of the various sectors down to the last detail, and provide targeted assistance in selecting and confguring your ALLROUNDER from our compre-hensive range. 1 AutomotiveThe implementation of innovations at ever shorter intervals is a characteristic of the au-tomotive sector. Safety, design and weight-reduction of the components are important factors here. A wide variety of different plastics are processed: thermoplastics, ther-mosets, elastomers and LSR often com-bined using the multi-competent injection moulding process. Hard-soft combinations are playing an increasingly important role. Fluid injection technology, in-mould label-ling and decoration as well as foaming are further core competencies in this sector. A high degree of automation in order to pro-duce high-quality moulded parts cost effec-tively is also a prerequisite. Here, injection moulding technology offering a high degree of availability is required, which comprehen-sively meets the highly complex require-ments while always being open to new processes and technologies: in other words, real ALLROUNDERs in terms of equipment! 2 PackagingWhen it comes to speed and productivity, packaging technology makes by far the highest demands. Machine performance must also be fully utilised without sacrifc-ing quality and availability. Short cycle times along with the highest quality and availability are ensured with the ALLROUNDER injection moulding ma-chines. Whether it be thin-walled sections, IML products, screw caps or preforms ARBURGs modular machine range makes it possible. Moreover, ARBURG cooperates very closely with the relevant packaging sector experts with regard to moulds and peripherals in order to make optimally matched turnkey solutions available.1607/2011 www.arburg.com5 3 4 3 ElectronicsThe requirement profle of the electronics sector is as varied as the sector itself. For the adornment of surfaces for example, processes such as in-mould labelling and decoration must be mastered. In the case of connectors, however, the encapsulation of inserts (hybrid technology) and the position-ing accuracy of the clamping unit are deci-sive. Highly temperature-resistant plastics often play a signifcant role, the processing of which requires special injection units. In order to achieve this economically with high precision and quality, a wide variety of pro-duction concepts and ALLROUNDERs are employed. Whether it be vertical machines, rotary table machines, manual or auto-mated insertion and removal or reel-to-reel encapsulation ARBURG has a suitable so-lution for all applications. 4 Medical/optical applicationsIn the medical and optical sectors, precision and cleanliness are paramount. During the production of mass-produced and disposa-ble items such as syringes, the machines must also display high-speed qualities. A wide variety of materials are used, including liquid silicone or metals and ceramics, which are processed using powder injection moulding technology. In order to compre-hensively meet the high quality require-ments, the process sequence is of great im-portance. With ALLROUNDERs, for example, sophisticated compression injection mould-ing processes can be implemented conven-iently using the user-friendly SELOGICA control system. Depending on their feld of application, products frequently have to be produced under clean-room conditions. ARBURG provides fexible and customised clean--room solutions for this purpose all from a single source. 5 Technical injection mouldingComplex geometries and high functionality of the components are important require-ments which must be met in technical injec-tion moulding. For this purpose, application and mould concepts, as well as materials are further and newly developed on an ongoing basis, for example multi-component, assem-bly and functional injection moulding, pow-der injection moulding or the EXJECTION process. In many sectors, the products are becoming increasingly small and the signif-cance of micro injection moulding is increas-ing accordingly. In order to produce these complex components in high volumes, auto-mation, i.e. the relevant robotic technology has an important part to play. Here, ARBURG offers everything from a single source: from comprehensive consulting and precisely adapted ALLROUNDERs through to complex production cells.17www.arburg.com 07/2011Injection moulding machinesFurther information: World-wide service - basic informationComprehensive support and service are a permanent feature of the ARBURG corporate philosophy and, like all pro-ducts are subjected to a continuous pro-cess of optimisation. Our package of services for you extends from planning and design through to the commissio-ning of complete production cells com-prising ALLROUNDERs and robotic sy-stems, maintenance, spare parts service and extensive training offerings. All of this makes ARBURG a top partner in the industry, at both national and internati-onal level, ensuring your entrepreneu-rial success on an ongoing basis. 1 Global networkWith its own organisations at more than 30 locations in over 20 countries and trading partners in over 50 countries, ARBURG boasts a world-wide sales and service net-work. It is not only the contact partners of the sales force that allow rapid contact at global level, but application technology consulting and the entire after-sales service is also available at a location near you. 2 Perfect spare part qualityThe best quality, comprehensive consulting from selection to installation, a high degree of availability and fast delivery with genu-ine ARBURG spare parts and corresponding warranty - our customers around the globe are on the safe side. Our spare parts service is enhanced by preventive, tailored mainte-nance and wearing parts packages in the form of active spare parts management (AEM), plus inexpensive ordering options via the Internet. 3 Comprehensive customer serviceCustomer service hotlines offer immediate assistance via telephone. Customers around the world also receive rapid help via our ex-ceptionally well-trained service engineers. ARBURG inspection contracts are a guaran-tee of permanent, high machine availability and can be precisely adapted to each cus-tomers requirements. Comprehensive, country-specifc training initiatives can be carried out either at ARBURG sites or at the customers premises. In these courses, sound specialist knowledge on all aspects of injection moulding production is taught clearly and in detail by specialists.International: excellent supportGlobal network: the ARBURG subsidiaries. Original ARBURG spare parts: guaranteed quality for a long service life.Comprehensive and competent: the worldwide ARBURG service.1 2 318DisIance beIveen Iie bars !rom 170 x 170 Io 920 x 920 mm [ CIamping !orces !rom 125 Io 5,000 kN [ InjecIion uniIs !rom size 30 Io 4600 (according Io EUROMAP), eIecIric, hydrauIic, horizonIaI and verIicaI injecIion uniIs 20!! AP8UPC CmbH + Co KCThe brochure is prolecled by copyrighl. Any ulilisalion, which is nol expressly permilled under copyrighl legislalion, requires lhe previous approval ol AP8UPC.All dala and lechnical inlormalion have been compiled wilh greal care. However, we are unable lo guaranlee ils correclness. lndividual illuslralions and inlormalion may deviale lrom lhe aclual delivery condilion ol lhe machine. The relevanl valid operaling inslruclions are applicable lor lhe inslallalion and operalion ol lhe machine.ARURG GmbH + Co KGPosllach !! 09 72286 Lossburg Tel.. +49(0)7446 33-0 lax. +49(0)7446 33-3365 www.arburg.com e-mail. conlaclarburg.com WiIh IocaIions in Europe. Cermany, 8elgium, Denmark, lrance, Uniled Kingdom, llaly, Nelherlands, Auslria, Poland, Swilzerland, Slovakia, Spain, Czech Pepublic, Turkey, Hungary [ Asia. People's Pepublic ol China, lndonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Uniled Arab Lmirales [ America. 8razil, Mexico, USAlor more inlormalion, please go lo vvv.arburg.com.ARURG GmbH + Co KG uaIiIy.DlN LN lSO 900! + !400! cerlied 68005!_LN_C8_0720!! Subjecl lo alleralionsPrinled in Cermany
