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Arc-en-Ciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy

Date post: 13-Apr-2017
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Well, okay now that I have motivation to write again and I am trying very hard not to get distracted attempting another challenge, I’ll get this out. Yes Boolprop has another

challenge with another medal potential and my obsessive desire to earn medals is gnawing at me to try it, although there’s a few questions about how to do it in Sims 3 before I start. Anyway, that’s not what this is about so let’s get going and see how my

heiress and her siblings begin their Freshman year at college.

I see you found the public easels outside your building.

Morganite: Yes, and my painting skills are dismal. I think maybe I chose the wrong degree.

You’ll get better.

Morganite: It’d be easier without the Stalker-Ratzi writing down everything I do and taking pictures.

Maybe you should head home then, you have the family money so we can get

you an easel.

Morganite: Good idea, see if they can keep up with the fairy float I’m so good at.

I’m sure they could…but do try.

Kunzite: I don’t mind outdoor classes when it’s not freezing cold but what about when it’s winter? Mermaids may like it when it’s raining but not when it’s freakin

cold out.

I wish I could help you but that’s just the way it is, maybe winter scenes are more artistic or something, I don’t know.

Where did you see her?

Morganite: I don’t know I just did.

It looks eerily like the real me. 0_0!

Morganite: Huh, you don’t say…

I do and it’s freaking me out.

Morganite: If I make it look like you do I get an advance on my credits?

No comment.

Kunzite: *yawn* You’ll let me copy your notes right big bro?

Morganite: No, do your own work.

Kunzite: But it’s boring…

Kunzite: You’ll make him let me see them won’t you Camera Lady?

Morganite: She’s on my side; I drew the real her.

Kunzite: Oh yeah, right sure you did.

Morganite: I did and you can’t have my notes.

I take no sides in this…

Morganite: Welp, I’m outta here. Got things to do.

Kunzite: You’re so mean, both of you.

Morganite: Then pay attention better. I’m not carrying you through Uni.

Rhode! Long time no see, whatcha doing?

Rhodonite: Upgrading things for extra cred. Teach though it would be good for me.

I see, well then carry on.

Okay, how is it doing that? * is creeped out*

Sakura: Mr. Bone-Jangles here is alive, didn’t you know that?

Bone-Jangles? Alive?

AHH!! *flees in terror*

Sakura: Oh don’t worry about her Mr. Bone-Jangles, she doesn’t understand what we have together.

*skids into Frat House* Morgan! That skeleton thing is alive!

Morganite: *chugs*



Kunzite: I’m jammin’ here for extra cred, what do you want?

The—the skeleton thing, it’s alive and no one seems to care…

Kunzite: I never took you for a chicken Camera Lady.

I’m not, it was just—surprising that’s all…

Kunzite: So why are you so freaked?

Because it’s Halloween?

Kunzite: Oh that, well I can see why.

Make any tips?

Kunzite: $36, not bad but I completed my assignment so it doesn’t matter.

Rhodonite: So she totally ran?

Sakura: Yeah, I mean who does that? It’s only Mr. Bone-Jangles, he’s awesome.

Rhodonite: Hmm. Maybe she’ll get over it.


Next time on the Arc-en-Ciel Rainbowcy:

Almost done with their first year, and Sakura’s generation is shaping up to be a much longer one than the previous generations. Mostly because I’ve never played Sims 3 Uni before and there seems to be so much more to take pictures of, at least I can follow them to their classes unlike Sims 2 where they just go poof at the edges of the lots…anyway.

More on that next time.
