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Arcana Evolved - Items Evolved 4 - Races & Classes

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Rite Publishing

Items Evolved:

Wordsmith (Design & Development):Steven D. Russell

Wordartist (Editor): Clay Fleischer

Illuminators: (Cover) Richard L. Biggs II (primary)

Open Domain (background)(Pencils and Inks): Richard L. Biggs II

(Colorist): Erik Rorrer

Visual Architects (Cover Layout): Hans Cummings

(Interior Layout): Steven D. RussellBased on the initial layout designs of Corey Graham

Special Thanks: to the other members of The Observance: Bill Collins, Perry Grosshans, David

Paul and Soren K. Thustrup

Playtesters: Steven Fulton, Miranda Gray, Mike Holt, Doug Hughes, Sean Middleton, Chris Olendorf,

Beth Stump

Dedication: To Nikole Garder: my sister, my mirror, my opposite. Though you may never

fully understand me, you have always supported me. Thank you.

Items Evolved: Oaths and Rite Publishing Copyright © 2008herein, as described in the Product Identity noticefrom Monte Cook’s Arcana Evolved, Copyright 2003, M

Gaming License Copyright © 2007 Wizards of the Coast.

Rite Publishing Presents

Items Evolved: Races and Classes

Wordsmith (Design & Development):

(primary)Open Domain (background)

Richard L. Biggs II

Hans CummingsSteven D. Russell

of Corey Graham

he other members of Bill Collins, Perry Grosshans, David

Miranda Gray, Mike Holt, Chris Olendorf, and

sister, my may never always

DDeessiiggnn NNootteess

Lore: Characters with Delve Into Collective

Memory or ranks in Knowledge (Magic) or other listed skills can learn more about a magic items background. When a character makes a successful check, the information listed in the lore section is revealed, including the information from lower DCs. Characters that gain an akashic class level or put a rank into the appropriate skill automatically reroll to learn more about themagic items background (This does not count against any uses per day)

OBJECT LORESIGHT: Is not a random generation, the designer chose carefully using the method below1.&2. Named NPC that appears in Rituals of Choice adventure path. 3. 4. &8. Canon NPC and Location that appears in a Arcana Evolved product. 9. A Generic NPC Name appropriate to the race represented as the item’s most famous owner in the Lore section.

Publishing Copyright © 2008 Steven D. Russell, “Some content included herein, as described in the Product Identity notice accompanying the Open Game License, comesfrom Monte Cook’s Arcana Evolved, Copyright 2003, Monte J. Cook, used by permission; Open

ming License Copyright © 2007 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.

Races and Classes

Characters with Delve Into Collective Knowledge (Magic) or

can learn more about a background. When a character

information is revealed, including

haracters that gain an akashic class k into the appropriate skill

reroll to learn more about the(This does not count

Is not a random generation, the designer using the method below:

Rituals of


Name appropriate to the s most famous

IItteemmss EEvvoollvveedd:: RRaacceess aanndd CCllaasssseess


AArrmmoorr ooff HHaarrmm’’ss DDiimmiinnuuttiioonn Price (item level): +2 (12th)

Body slot: Body

Caster level: 9th

Aura: Moderate Abjuration (DC 16)

Activation: NA

Weight: -

This armor it is lined with a layer of soft black woven


Lore: Delve Into Collective Memory, Knowledge


DC 15: Countless sets of armor of harm’s diminution(“Vhira Svenlitrix” in Draconic) were created in “The Unknown West” of Pallembor and appeared into the Lands of the Diamond Throne when the dragons returned. Some were given as gifts by the dragons to the Observance and the Knights of the Diamond. They have seen a dramatic rise in use since a dracha warmain wearing this type of armor held his ground against the Beast of the North while defending Ui-Narath, the Steward of Navael.

Abilities: This armor grants damage reduction equal

to its armor bonus divided by 3. For example if the

armor worn grants a +7 armor bonus, it also grants

2/crystal (4/+5) damage reduction. If using the armor

as damage reduction variant rule, this ability stacks

with that damage reduction. When worn by a

warmain the damage reduction increases by

1/crystal (2/+5).

Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor (earth’s


Cost to Create: -

OBJECT LORESIGHT 1. It was created 1,201 years ago. 2. The last person to touch the object was Serntrag

of the Clave. 3. The last person to touch the object was a mojh. 4. The name of the creator of the object was

Krovacatharis the Seeker. 5. The creator of the object was a dragon. 6. The purpose of the object is to help you survive

in battle. 7. The object is made of steel and woven reads. 8. The object was created at Eremor Castle, “seat

of dragon magic”. 9. The most recent owner of this object was

D'reth'b. 10. The magical function of the object is (see


AAtthhaammee WWeellll Price (item level): +1;

Body slot: - (held)

Caster level: 6th

Aura: Faint Transmutation (DC 16)

Activation: Special (see below)

Weight: -

This athame appears as a normal weapon with a silver-blue

sheen. If it is holding one charge, the sheen changes to a

green so dark as to almost be black; if it holds two charges

it changes to gold-red.

Lore: Delve Into Collective Memory, Knowledge

(magic/dangerous beasts/sibeccai)

DC 15: These weapons are known as “Izvor-veza”,translating to “bonded cistern” in the dead language of Sennes and “Ampar padir” or “reserve of the eldritch” in the language of Skaraven. Invented in the north, their production exploded in the lands of the harrid, after a gifted sibeccai mage-blade single handedly defeated a harrid and valkith raiding party. Abilities: This special property can only be applied to a athame. Your athame channels your touch spells and can hold two touch spell charges instead of one. Only one stored spell can be discharged at a time. You may still cast other spells while the athame holds charges.

Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor (hand

of battle).

Cost to Create: -

OBJECT LORESIGHT 1. It was created 8 years ago. 2. The last person to touch the object was Serntrag

of the Clave. 3. The last person to touch the object was a mojh. 4. The name of the creator of the object was

Kleberen Liathes. 5. The creator of the object was a human. 6. The purpose of the object is to serve as a better

athame. 7. The object is made of steel and silver. 8. The object was created at Im-ruick Estate near

De-Shamod. 9. The most recent owner of this object was Narik

the Focused. 10. The magical function of the object is (see


IItteemmss EEvvoollvveedd:: RRaacceess aanndd CCllaasssseess


BBrraacceerrss ooff tthhee SSttrruuggggllee Price (item level): 4,000 gp (7


Body slot: Hands

Caster level: 7th

Aura: Minor transmutation (DC 21)

Activation: special see below

Weight: 1 lb.

These bracers have markings that change to match the

symbols of the cause of the wearer.

Lore: Delve Into Collective Memory, Knowledge

(magic/nobility and courtesy)

DC 15: A fanatical litorian champion had seventeen

pairs of these commissioned in Serathis. The first

was given as a gift to a member of the Order of the

Axe infamous for his paranoid and obsessive hatred

of giants and sibeccai. It is not known if this knight of

the axe and strange champion of freedom still

retains his bracers.

When worn, the markings match the symbols of the

owner’s cause and do not change until removed.

When you use Call or Imbue Weapon, you can

substitute an enhancement bonus for a weapon

special quality of equal value to the enhancement

bonus that would be given.

Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Call or

Imbue Weapon.

Cost to Create: 840 gp (67 xp)


1. It was created 8 years ago. 2. The last person to touch the object was Sir

Melechan Agelicson, “The Knight of Monsters.“ 3. The last person to touch the object was a

human. 4. The name of the creator of the object was

Kelberen Liathes. 5. The creator of the object was a human. 6. The purpose of the object is enhancing a

champion’s weapon. 7. The object is made of steel and a crystal. 8. The object was created at Im-ruick Estate near

De-Shamod. 9. The most recent owner of this object was

Tevgar. 10. The magical function of the object is (see


CCllootthh ooff tthhee RRuunneeccaasstteerr’’ss RRoobbee Price (item level): 1,875 gp (6th)

Body slot: - (held)

Caster level: 14th

Aura: Strong Transmutation (DC 23)

Activation: special (see below)

Weight: -

This appears to be a piece of cloth torn from a garment

covered with silver stitched runes.

Lore: Delve Into Collective Memory, Knowledge


DC 25: The Cloth of the Runecaster’s Robe, known as “Dachrin Glyphcloth” in Faen, and “Pobon Yobolat “ or “Mark of the Flesh” in Draconic, were created when a Shuyarn (commonly called a rune angel) touched the cloth of robe that was a gift from the Observance of the Diamond Throne. The robe “tore but does not tare, is made from the thread but not of the cloth.” Even the spell object loresightreveals the nature of the robe and not the hem. The Shuyarn passes them on as gifts to various runethanes, runelords, runeblades, champions of runes, and runechildren throughout the Lands of the Diamond Throne.


You may use this to create one rune that does not count against your total of runes available. This causes the cloth to unravel becoming just useless thread.

Prerequisites: Craft Runic Item.

Cost to Create: 937 gp (75 gp)

IItteemmss EEvvoollvveedd:: RRaacceess aanndd CCllaasssseess


OBJECT LORESIGHT 1. It was created 1,862 years ago. 2. The last person to touch the object was Brianna

Neverhold. 3. The last person to touch the object was a faen. 4. The name of the creator of the object was Ka-

Rone. 5. The creator of the object was a giant. 6. The purpose of the object is to promote the use

of runes 7. The object is made with thread of silver. 8. The object was created at Mount Arathamis, The

Roof of the World. 9. The most recent owner of this object was

Tabriel. 10. The magical function of the object is (see


CCrryyssttaall SShhaarrdd ooff SSppeellll EExxcchhaannggee Price (item level): 1,750 gp.

Body slot: -

Caster level: 17th

Aura: Strong Transmutation (DC 20)

Activation: Full-Round Action

Weight: -

As you look at this small splinter of blue crystal, you

think of a spell you know but do not have readied.

Lore: Delve Into Collective Memory, Knowledge

(magic/dangerous beasts).

DC 20: The crystal shard of spell exchange is often found on low servants of the kingdom of Skaraven. The verrik call them “Yibe Xaat” or “gift gem” and they are known as “Arsuelith Jayd” or “grain of one drop” in the language of Skaraven. These became infamous when the harrid airship Eldritch Hunter and its crew of mageblades made a daring midnight raid of the royal treasury at De-Shamod, Abilities: This crystal allows you to swap out any readied spell for any other spell you know. Once used, it crumbles to dust. Prerequisites: Craft Single Use-Item (modify


Cost to Create: 875 gp (70 xp)

OBJECT LORESIGHT 1. It was created 5 years ago. 2. The last person to touch the object was Tlilsang

of Epochs.

3. The last person to touch the object was a timeflayer.

4. The name of the creator of the object was The Red King.

5. The creator of the object was a harrid. 6. The purpose of the object is to access non-

readied spells. 7. The object is made of crystal. 8. The object was created at the Weeping Moon. 9. The most recent owner of this object was

Emygdia. 10. The magical function of the object is (see


FFllaasshhbbaacckk CCrryyssttaall Price (item level): 300 gp (1st)

Body slot: -

Caster level: 3rd

Aura: Faint Transmutation (DC 17)

Activation: (as use of class ability)

Weight: -

This crystal creates an echo in your mind of the last

class ability that you used.

Lore: Delve Into Collective Memory, Knowledge


DC 15: Called “Macilass” or “echogems” by the faen and “Xisha” (“déjà vu”) by the verrik, thousands of these crystals were made and given away by their creator during the 300

th festival of Remembrance.

Abilities: You gain one additional use per day of any racial or

class ability you possess, then the crystal cracks and


Prerequisites: Craft Akashic Item (Delve the

Collective Memory).

Cost to Create: 150 gp (12 xp)

OBJECT LORESIGHT 1. It was created 52 years ago. 2. The last person to touch the object was Vethkar.3. The last person to touch the object was a verrik. 4. The name of the creator of the object was

Neverin. 5. The creator of the object was a mojh. 6. The purpose of the object is to accelerate ability

recovery. 7. The object is made of daelren crystal. 8. The object was created at the Akashic

Guildhouse of De-Shamod.

IItteemmss EEvvoollvveedd:: RRaacceess aanndd CCllaasssseess


9. The most recent owner of this object was Gealu Wordstar.

10. The magical function of the object is (see above).

MMaassqquuee ooff LLiivviinngg LLeeaavveess Price (item level): 2,160 gp (6


Body slot: Face

Caster level: 3rd

Aura: Faint Divination (DC 17)

Activation: -

Weight: ½ lb

This appears to be a mask of live and growing emerald

foliage; it feels soft and vibrant to the touch.

Lore: Delve Into Collective Memory, Knowledge


DC 15: A small number of Masques of Living Leaves, known as “Dulilmair Folih” in Faen, were created for the Throne’s Eyes at the behest of their Speaker, who seems to have a gift for divining who would make good use of them. They gained notoriety when a giantess steward of a growing town left one behind for her successor after suddenly abandoning her stewardship to become a dark warden.


If you have the nature sense ability, you can

perfectly identify any magical beasts, elementals,

fey, ooze, or vermin. If there is a knowledge check

to be made in reference to that creature, you can

make that check untrained and gain a +3 insight

bonus to that check.

Prerequisites: Craft Constant Item (creature


Cost to Create: 630 gp (50 xp)

OBJECT LORESIGHT 1. It was created 6 months ago. 2. The last person to touch the object was Qainel. 3. The last person to touch the object was a verrik. 4. The name of the creator of the object was Earral

Starspeaker. 5. The creator of the object was a faen. 6. The purpose of the object is to help identify

indigenous supernatural creatures. 7. The object is made of a living plant. 8. The object was created at Castle Vanguard in

the Giants’ Hold at Serathis.

9. The most recent owner of this object was Oia-Perren

10. The magical function of the object is (see above).

TTootteemm ooff PPoowweerr Price (item level): 1,400 gp (5th)

Body slot: -

Caster level: 7th

Aura: Moderate Transmutation (DC 19)

Activation: Standard (command)

Weight: 1 lb.

This inch-high pewter figurine takes on the appearance

of the nearest animal companion.

Lore: Delve Into Collective Memory, Knowledge


DC 25: Called “Mbel Chawi” meaning “sign of power” in Litorian and “Latal Dastud” or “Power of the Companion” in Draconic, a rare few of these totems have made their way into Dor-Erthenos from the city of Serathis. Most have found their way into the wider world in the hands of a female litorian totem speaker who uses them as rewards for totem warriors who perform great services for the land.


Your DM chooses an ability score associated with

your animal companion. Once activated, you lose

all racial modifiers to this ability score, and instead

you gain a racial modifier equal to half your totem

warrior class level. This effect lasts for 20 rounds,

which do not have to be consecutive. Once its

magic is expended, the totem dissolves into


Prerequisites: Craft Single-Use Item (ability boost ,


Cost to Create: 1000 gp (80 gp)

OBJECT LORESIGHT 1. It was created 1 year ago. 2. The last person to touch the object was

Catchpole Gavin Taverson. 3. The last person to touch the object was a

human. 4. The name of the creator of the object was

Lifekeeper. 5. The creator of the object was an akthar. 6. The purpose of the object is to give you the

power of your totem.

IItteemmss EEvvoollvveedd:: RRaacceess aanndd CCllaasssseess


7. The object is made of pewter. 8. The object was created in the ankheg burrows in

the Barrens of Serathis. 9. The most recent owner of this object was

Setena. 10. The magical function of the object is (see


WWeeaappoonn ooff tthhee CCoonntteemmppllaattiivvee SSttrriikkee Price (item level): +2 (11


Body slot: - (held)

Caster level: 6th

Aura: Faint Evocation (DC 17)

Activation: Swift (will).

Weight: -

This weapon appears unremarkable save for one piece

of ornamentation -- usually a colored tassel that

distracts the eye.

Lore: Delve Into Collective Memory, Knowledge


DC 20: Known as “Jor-Raikern” in language of the giants, the sibeccai simply call these arms “rite weapons”. With the art of the ritual warrior no longer being such a closely held secret, more and more of these have begun to appear. These weapons recently gained a greater level of infamy when the human mistress of the steward of Khorl killed seven opponents in a single day with one at the city’s largest ceremonium.


A number of times per day equal to 1+ your Wisdom modifier, you may add your Wisdom modifier to your next attack roll. You must declare the use of this ability before you make the attack roll. If you are a ritual warrior you may also add half you ritual warrior level to the attack roll.

Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor (spirit

of prowess).

Cost to Create: -

OBJECT LORESIGHT 1. It was created 2 years ago. 2. The last person to touch the object was Devara

the Devout: 3. The last person to touch the object was a

sibeccai. 4. The name of the creator of the object was Gar-

Yolarien. 5. The creator of the object was a giant.

6. The purpose of the object is to enhance to the attacks of a ritual warrior.

7. The object is made of steel and silk. 8. The object was created at the Sanctuary of

Forms. 9. The most recent owner of this object was

Minaval Pelledottir. 10. The magical function of the object is (see


WWeeaappoonn ooff tthhee NNooccuuoouuss Price (item level): +1

Body slot: - (held)

Caster level: 6th

Aura: Minor necromancy (DC 18)

Activation: triggered

Weight: -

This weapon is made of rusted steel, and has a stylized

image of worms gnawing at the corpse of a beast along

its notched and worn form. It appears as if it might

break at any moment. It bears a mirrored rune on both

sides of the weapon (Knowledge: runes DC 15:


Lore: Delve Into Collective Memory, Knowledge


DC 20: The weapon of the nocuous is called “Vallorian Bane” by common folk, but the vallorians have their own name for it: “Il Palitor”, which translates as “The Defiler.” There are only a hundred of these in existence since the Vallorians hired the Nightwalkers to seek them out and destroy them. The weapon gained its greater renown when a human mage-blade raided House Otherwise’s training ground of Harzahkite priests and destroyed its proto-flesh pit. Abilities: This weapon ignores any Vallorian living item’s hardness and any benefits to AC provided by Vallorian living armor. It also deals +1d6 additional points of damage per enhancement bonus of the weapon to the bearer of any Vallorian living object.

Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor (bestow


Cost to Create: -

OBJECT LORESIGHT 1. It was created 52 year ago. 2. The last person to touch the object was Telthar

the Keeper.

IItteemmss EE

3. The last person to touch the object was a sibeccai.

4. The name of the creator of the object was Jaedyn Darksight.

5. The creator of the object was a faen. 6. The purpose of the object is to help defeat

Vallorians. 7. The object is made of rusted steel. 8. The object was created at the Brightborn School

in Ka-Rone. 9. The most recent owner of this object was Gared

Katrenson. 10. The magical function of the object is (see


WWeeaappoonn ooff WWaarrddiinngg Price (item level): +2 (14


Body slot: - (held)

Caster level: 9th

Aura: Faint Abjuration (DC 16)

Activation: Special (see below)

Weight: -

This weapon has beautiful a stylized crystalline

handguard that radiates a light blue aura.

Lore: Delve Into Collective Memory, Knowledge


DC 15: These weapons are called “Chi-Meiloz“war-defender” in Giant and “Verdig Mes” or weapon” in Sibeccai. The creation of these was onlrecently discovered, and become quite the rage amongst the duelists in the city of Khorl. Their mfamous wielder is a male sibeccai supremely skilledin the twin steel fighting style. He is most renowned for a nighttime rooftop duel that led into a battleseven flights of evolved gargoyles -- in the morning their bodies littered the streets.


Once per round as an immediate action, you may

attempt to use this weapon to negate a single melee

attack made against you or someone within your

natural reach. You may not use this power to negate

a melee touch attack. This negation counts and

functions just like an attack of opportunity and mu

be declared before the result of the attack is know

You make an opposed attack roll; if you win, the

attack is negated. An unfettered gains a +2 insigh

bonus to this check.

EEvvoollvveedd:: RRaacceess aanndd CCllaasssseess


The last person to touch the object was a

The name of the creator of the object was

The purpose of the object is to help defeat

The object was created at the Brightborn School

The most recent owner of this object was Gared

t is (see

This weapon has beautiful a stylized crystalline

Delve Into Collective Memory, Knowledge

Meiloz” oror “shield

weapon” in Sibeccai. The creation of these was only recently discovered, and become quite the rage amongst the duelists in the city of Khorl. Their most famous wielder is a male sibeccai supremely skilled

e is most renowned for a nighttime rooftop duel that led into a battle with

in the morning

you may

attempt to use this weapon to negate a single melee

made against you or someone within your

You may not use this power to negate

s and

functions just like an attack of opportunity and must

be declared before the result of the attack is known.

You make an opposed attack roll; if you win, the

attack is negated. An unfettered gains a +2 insight

Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor (magic


Cost to Create: -

OBJECT LORESIGHT 1. It was created 11 months ago. 2. The last person to touch the object was Vo

Tarran. 3. The last person to touch the object was a giant.4. The name of the creator of the object was

Haffren. 5. The creator of the object was a giant.6. The purpose of the object is to help you defend

yourself better. 7. The object is made of steel and crystal.8. The object was created at the Silver Anvil in the

Giant’s Hold of Serathis. 9. The most recent owner of this object was

Darhkath the Skilled. 10. The magical function of the object is (see


Craft Magic Arms and Armor (magic

The last person to touch the object was Vo-

The last person to touch the object was a giant.The name of the creator of the object was Ern-

The creator of the object was a giant.The purpose of the object is to help you defend

The object is made of steel and crystal.The object was created at the Silver Anvil in the

of this object was

The magical function of the object is (see

IItteemmss EEvvoollvveedd:: RRaacceess aanndd CCllaasssseess


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13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.

14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.

15 COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000–2005, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. d20 System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2005, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, and Bruce R. Cordell, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Arcana Evolved Spell Treasury Copyright 2006 Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.

Monte Cook’s Arcana Evolved Copyright 2005 Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.

The Complete Book of Eldritch Might, The Book of Hallowed Might II: Portents and Visions, and Legacy of the Dragons Copyright 2004 Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.

The Book of Hallowed Might Copyright 2003–2004 Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.

Items Evolved: Races and Classes copyright 2008 Steven D. Russell
