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Archaeology & History Review

Date post: 20-May-2015
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a) Metal blade b) Stone bead c) Bear skull d) Remains of a cooking pit chaeologist would classif l of the following object artifacts EXCEPT
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a) Metal blade b) Stone bead

c) Bear skull d) Remains of a cooking pit

Archaeologist would classify all of the following objects as artifacts EXCEPT

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a) Stone tools b) Irrigation systems

c) Advances in farming d) Iron tools & weapons

The Paleolithic period isCharacterized by the use of

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a) Grew their own food b) Hunted big animals

c) Shopped at Walmart d) Hunted small birds

If scientists find only large spearpoints in a prehistoric camp,they know that the people wholived there probably

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a) lawyer b) archaeologist

c) biologist d) historian

Which of the following is aprofessional that is dedicatedto the study of ancient peopleand artifacts .

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a) How people live today b) About geography

c) Early farming techniques d) More about his life & death

Scientists studied the Iceman’sClothing, tools, and body tolearn

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a) television b) Stone tools

c) writing d) Type writers

Prehistory are the events thatTook place before the inventionof

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a) Human dwellings b) Plants & animals

c) rocks d) Tools & weapons

Fossils are the remains or Imprints of

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a) When the event occurred b) After the event occurred

c) Before the event occurred d) By word of mouth

A primary source is one thatIs produced

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a) diaries b) letters

c) fossils d) Compact discs

Which of the following is a Source that would be used by An archaeologist studyingprehistory

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a) By studying the land b) By discussing theories

c) By studying their writings d) By analyzing artifacts

How do archaeologists drawConclusions about prehistoricPeoples?

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a) When it was produced b) How it was produced

c) What kind of source it is d) Why it was produced

Which question would ahistorian NOT ask whenexamining a source?

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a) Radiocarbon dating b) Cultural Dating

c) Dendrochronology d) They guesstimate

To determine the age of an artifact by measuring the amount of a radioactive elementremaining, scientists use

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a) Historical Fiction b) a Primary Source

c) Science Fiction d) a Secondary Source

A source created after the eventoccurred by someone whoexamined the original documentsis known as

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a) To see who wrote the source b) To find out how accurate it is

c) To see if they agree with it d) To see if the source is useful

Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons thathistorians evaluate sources?

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a) Paleolithic b) Mesolithic

c) Neolithic d) Monolithic

This term means“Old Stone Age”

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a) Paleolithic b) Neolithic

c) Mesolithic d) Monolithic

This term means “New Stone Age”

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a) fossils b) bones

c) artifacts d) diaries

To learn about life in prehistorictimes, scientists examine all ofthe following EXCEPT

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a) Plutonium b) Uranium

c) Carbon 14 d) Lithium

To determine the age of artifactsscientists use radio carbon dating.The Radioactive element used inthis process is

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a) Shopping at Walmart b) Trading or bartering

c) Herding animals d) Hunting & gathering

People of the old stone age(Paleolithic) got their food by

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a) Historian b) Anthropologist

c) Geologist d) Paleontologist

Person who studies theHuman past

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a) History b) Deciphering

c) Oral Tradition d) Excavation

Human history that is passedOn from one generation to theNext by word of mouth (orally)

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a) Archaeologist b) Anthropologist

c) Geologist d) Paleontologist

Scientist who studies the origin and development of human beings

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a) Paleontologist b) Geologist

c) Archaeologist d) Historian

Scientist who studies Fossilized remains of early life

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a) Archaeologist b) Anthropologist

c) Geologist d) Paleontologist

Scientist who studies the remains of ancientPeoples & civilizations

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a) Neolithic b) Paleolithic

c) Mesolithic d) Jurassic

This term means “New Stone Age”

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