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  • 7/30/2019 archi finl (2)



    In the growing global competition, the productivity of any

    business concern depends upon the behavioral aspect of

    consumers. This topic deals with the customers perception

    towards different loans from SBI at Ahmedabad. This project

    report contains five different chapters. The report begins with

    the research methodology taken up to conduct the survey of


    The second chapter is the introduction of the Banking industry

    in India and also about schedules, public and private sector


    The third chapter includes about State Bank of Indias profile

    and its achievements, awards and recognition. The chapter also

    includes the different loans and its rate of interest prevalent.

    The fourth chapter includes comprehensive coverage offorecasting concepts and techniques which shows the analysis

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    of data through tabulation, computation and graphical

    representation of data collected from survey.

    The fifth chapter deals with the findings, suggestion &

    conclusion part which is very much important after analysis is


    As we know that only analysis and conclusion is not the end of

    a research, so in the sixth chapter the recommendation part is

    covered which are made after a depth study of the analysis part

    of thesis.

    In each of the five chapters as described above, every chapter

    has been scheduled in a manner so as to enable the reader to

    appreciate the contents easily. The report is supported byfigures and data wherever necessary with a view to assist the

    reader in developing a clear cut understanding of the topic.

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    Executive Summary

    In the growing global competition, the productivity of any

    business concern dependsuponthe beh avioral aspec t of consumers . This topic d

    ea ls wi th the custome rs percept iontowards other

    Advance Product from SBI credit cards at Bhubaneswar. This

    project reportcontains 5 different chapters. The report begins

    with the introduction to company, its areaof operation, its

    organization structure, its achievements, etc.The second

    chapter is the introduction to the Advance Product whichgives a brief idearegarding ADVANCE PRODUCT

    o f S B I M A I N B R A N C H , B B S R w h e r e t h e p r o j e c

    t isundertaken . It also contains the objectives and limitationsof the project.The third chapter, methodology adopted in

    preparing this report is mentioned. It coversthe sample

    procedure, types of data used and the data collection

    method.The fourth chapter comprehensive coverage offorecasting concepts and techniques which shows the analysis

    of data through tabulation, computation and graphical

    representationof data collected from survey.The fifth chapter deals

    with the findings , suggestion & conclusion part which is very

    much important after analysis is made.As we know that only

    analysis and conclusion is not the end of a research, so in the

    sixthchapter the recommendation part is covered which aremade after a depth study of theanalysis part of thesis.In

    each of the five chapters as described above, every

    chapter has been scheduled in a ma n n e r s o

    a s t o e n a b l e t h e r e a d e r t o

    a p p r e c i a t e t h e c o n t e n t s e a s i l y . T h e r e p o r t i s s up

    ported by figures and data wherever necessary with

    a view to ass is t th e read er in developing a clear cut

    understanding of the topic


  • 7/30/2019 archi finl (2)


    State Bank of India is the largest and one of the oldest

    commercial bank in India, in existencefor more than 200 years.

    The bank provides a full range of corporate, commercial and

    retailbanking services in India. Indian central bank namelyReserve Bank of India (RBI) is the major share holder of the

    bank with 59.7% stake. The bank is capitalized to the extent of

    Rs.646bnwith the public holding (other than promoters) at

    40.3%. SBI has the largest branch and ATM network spread

    across every corner of India. The bank has a branch network of

    over 14,000branches (including subsidiaries). Apart from

    Indian network it also has a network of73overseas offices in 30countries in all time zones, correspondent relationship with

    520International banks in 123 countries. In recent past, SBI has

    acquired banks in Mauritius,Kenya and Indonesia. The bankhad total staff strength of 198,774 as on 31st March, 2006.

    Ofthis, 29.51% are officers, 45.19% clerical staff and

    the remaining 25.30% were sub-staff. Thebank is listed on

    the Bombay Stock Exchange, National Stock Exchange,Kolkata StockExchange, Chennai Stock Exchange and

    Ahmedabad Stock Exchange while its GDRs arelisted on the

    London Stock Exchange. SBI group accounts for around 25%

    of the total businessof the banking industry while it accounts

    for 35% of the total foreign exchange in India. Withthis type of

    strong base, SBI has displayed a continued performance in the

    last few years inscaling up its efficiency levels. Net InterestIncome of the bank has witnessed a CAGR of13.3% during the

    last five years. During the same period, net interest

    margin (NIM) of the bankhas gone up from as low as 2.9% in

    FY02 to 3.40% in FY06 and currently is at 3.32%


    The bank has 14 directors on the Board and is responsible forthe management of theBanks business. The board in addition

    to monitoring corporate performance also carries outfunctions

    such as approving the business plan, reviewing and approving

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    the annual budgetsand borrowing limits and fixing exposure

    limits. Mr. O. P. Bhatt is the Chairman of the bank. Thefive-

    year term of Mr. Bhatt will expire in March 2011. Prior to this

    appointment, Mr. Bhatt wasManaging Director at State Bank ofTravancore. Mr. Bhatt has more than 30 years of experience in

    the Indian banking industry and is seen as futuristic leader in

    his approachtowards technology and customer service. Mr.

    Bhatt has had the best of foreign exposure inSBI. We believe

    that the appointment of Mr. Bhatt would be a key to SBIs

    future growthmomentum. Mr. T S Bhattacharya is

    the Managing Director of the bank and known for hisvastexperience in the banking industry. Recently, the senior

    management of the bank has beenbroadened considerably. The

    positions of CFO and the head of treasury have beensegregated,and new heads for rural banking and for corporate development

    and new businessbanking have been appointed. The

    managements thrust on growth of the bank in terms of network

    and size would also ensure encouraging prospects in time tocome.


    The roots of the State Bank of India rest in the first decadeof 19th century, when the B ank of C a lcu tt a, later renamedthe B ank of B enga l, was established on 2 June 1806. TheBank of Bengal and two other Presidency banks, namely, theB ank of B o m bay (incorporated on 15 April 1840) and the

    B ank of Mad r as (incorporated on 1 July1843). All three Presidency banks were incorporated as jo ints tock co m pan ie s, and were the result of the r oyal cha rt e r s.These three banks received the exclusive right to issue papercurrency in 1861 with the Paper Currency Act, a right they

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    retained until the formation of the R ese r ve B ank of I nd ia.The Presidency banks amalgamated on27 January 1921, and the reorganized banking entity took as

    its name Im pe ri a l B ank of I nd ia. The Imperial Bank of Indiacontinued to remain a joint stock company.

    Pursuant to the provisions of the State Bank of India Act(1955), the R ese r ve B ank of I nd ia, which is I nd ia's cen tr alban k, acquired a controlling interest in the Imperial Bank ofIndia. On 30 April 1955 the Imperial Bank of India becamethe State Bank of India. The G ov t.of I nd ia recently acquiredthe Reserve Bank of India's stake in SBI so as to remove anyconflict of interest because the RBI is the country's bankingregulatory authority

    Offices of the Bank of Bengal

    In 1959 the Government passed the State Bank of India (SubsidiaryBanks) Act, enabling the State Bank of India to take over eight formerState-associated banks as its subsidiaries. On Sept 13,

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    B ank of Sau r ash tr a, one of its Associate Banks, merged with StateBank of India.

    SBI has acquired local banks in rescues. For instance, in 1985, itacquired Bank of Cochin in K e r a la, which had 120 branches. SBIwas the acquirer as its affiliate, S ta te B ank of T r avanco re, alreadyhad an extensive network in Kerala.


    There are six associate banks that fall under SBI, and together thesesix banks constitute the State Bank Group. All use the same logo of ablue keyhole and all the associates use the "State Bank of" namefollowed by the regional headquarters' name. Originally, the thenseven banks that became the associate banks belonged to p ri nce lys ta tes until the government nationalized them between October, 1959and May, 1960. In tune with the first Five Year Plan, emphasizing thedevelopment of rural India, the government integrated these banksinto State Bank of India to expand its rural outreach. There has been a

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    proposal to merge all the associate banks into SBI to create a "megabank" and streamline operations. The first step along these linesoccurred on 13 August 2008 when State Bank of Saurashtra mergedwith State Bank of India, which reduced the number of state banksfrom seven to six. Furthermore on 19th June 2009 the SBI boardapproved the merger of its subsidiary, S ta te B ank of I ndo r e, withitself. SBI holds 98.3% in the bank, and the balance 1.77% isby individuals, who held the shares prior to its takeovergovernment.

    ownedby the

    The acquisition of State Bank of Indore will help SBI add 470branches to its existing network of 11,448. Also, following theacquisition, SBIs total assets will inch very close to the Rs 10-lakh

    crore mark. Total assets of SBI and the S ta te B ank of I ndo r e stood atRs 998,119 crore as on March 2009.


    State Bank of India has often acted as guarantor to the I nd ianG ove r n m en t, most notably during C hand r a Shekha r's tenure as P rim eM in is ter of I nd ia. With 11,448 branches and a further 6500+ associatebank branches, the SBI has extensive coverage. State Bankhas electronically networked all of its branches under Core

    of IndiaBanking

    System (CBS). The bank has one of the largest AT M networks in theregion. More than 8500 ATMs across India. The State Bank of Indiahas had steady growth over its history, though it was marred by theH a r shad Meh ta scam in 1992. In recent years, the bank has sought toexpand its overseas operations by buying foreign banks. It is the onlyIndian bank to feature in the top 100 world banks in theG lobal 500 rating and various other rankings

    Fo rt une

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    The bank has 92 branches, agencies or offices in 32 countries. It has

    branches of the parent in C o lo m b o, D haka, F r ank f u r t,Johannesbu rg, L ondon and environs, L os A nge le s,

    H ong K ong,Ma le in the

    Ma ld ive s, Musca t, N ew Y o r k, O saka, Sydney, and T okyo. Ithas offshore banking units in the B aha m a s,B ah r a in, and S ingapo r e,and representative offices in B hu tan and C ape T o w n.

    SBI operates several foreign subsidiaries or affiliates. In 1990 itestablished an offshore bank, State Bank of India (Mauritius). It hastwo subsidiaries in North America, State Bank of India (California),

    and State Bank of India (Canada). In 1982, the bank established itsCalifornia subsidiary, named State Bank of India (California), whichnow has eight branches - seven branches in the state of California andone in Washington DC which was recently opened on 23rdNovember, 2009. The seven branches in the state of California arelocated in Los Angeles, Artesia, San Jose, Canoga Park, Fresno, SanDiego and Bakersfield. The Canadian subsidiary too dates to 1982and has seven branches, four in the greater T o r on to area, and three in

    B riti sh C o lu m b ia.In N ige ri a, SBI operates as INMB Bank. This bank began in 1981as the Indo-Nigerian Merchant Bank and received permission in 2002to commence retail banking. It now has five branches in Nigeria.

    In Nepal SBI owns 50% of Nepal SBI Bank, which has branchesthroughout the country. In Moscow SBI owns 60% of C o mm e r c ialB ank of I nd ia, with C ana r a B ank owning the rest. In I ndones ia itowns 76% of PT Bank Indo Monex.

    State Bank of India already has a branch in Shanghaiopen one up in T ian ji n.[ 1]

    and plans to

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    Sr. No.

    Name of Director Sec. of SBI Act, 1955

    1.Shri O.P. BhattChairman


    2. Shri S.K. BhattacharyyaMD & CC&RO


    3.Shri R. SridharanMD & GE(A&S)


    4. Dr. Ashok Jhunjhunwala 19(c)

    5. Shri Dileep C. Choksi 19(c)

    6. Shri S. Venkatachalam 19(c)

    7. Shri. D. Sundaram 19(c)

    8. Dr. Deva Nand Balodhi 19(d)9. Prof. Mohd. Salahuddin Ansari 19(d)

    10. Dr.(Mrs.) Vasantha Bharucha 19(d)

    11. Dr. Rajiv Kumar 19(d)

    12. Shri Ashok Chawla 19(e)

    13. Smt. Shyamala Gopinath 19(f)

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    The State Bank of India, the countrys oldest Bank and a premier interms of balance sheet size, number of branches, market capitalizationand profits is today going through a momentous phase of Change andTransformation the two hundred year old Public sector behemoth istoday stirring out of its Public Sector legacy and moving with anagility to give the Private and Foreign Banks a run for their money.

    The bank is entering into many new businesses with strategic tie ups Pension Funds, General Insurance, Custodial Services, Private Equity,Mobile Banking, Point of Sale Merchant Acquisition, AdvisoryServices, structured products etc each one of these initiatives havinga huge potential for growth.

    The Bank is forging ahead with cutting edge technology andinnovative new banking models, to expand its Rural Banking base,looking at the vast untapped potential in the hinterland and proposesto cover 100,000 villages in the next two years.

    It is also focusing at the top end of the market, on whole sale bankingcapabilities to provide Indias growing mid / large Corporate with acomplete array of products and services. It is consolidating its globaltreasury operations and entering into structured products andderivative instruments. Today, the Bank is the largest provider ofinfrastructure debt and the largest arranger of external commercialborrowings in the country. It is the only Indian bank to feature in the

    Fortune 500 list.

    The Bank is changing outdated front and back end processes tomodern customer friendly processes to help improve the totalcustomer experience. With about 8500 of its own 10000 branches andanother 5100 branches of its Associate Banks already networked,today it offers the largest banking network to the Indian customer.The Bank is also in the process of providing complete paymentsolution to its clientele with its over 8500 ATMs, and other electronic

    channels such as Internet banking, debit cards, mobile banking, etc.

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    With four national level Apex Training Colleges and 54 learningCentres spread all over the country the Bank is continuously engagedin skill enhancement of its employees. Some of the training

    programmes are attended by bankers from banks in other countries.

    The bank is also looking at opportunities to grow in size in India aswell as Internationally. It presently has 82 foreign offices in 32countries across the globe. It has also 7 Subsidiaries in India SBICapital Markets, SBICAP Securities, SBI DFHI, SBI Factors, SBILife and SBI Cards - forming a formidable group in the IndianBanking scenario. It is in the process of raising capital for its growth

    and also consolidating its various holdings.

    Throughout all this change, the Bank is also attempting to change oldmindsets, attitudes and take all employees together on this excitingroad to Transformation. In a recently concluded mass internalcommunication programme termed Parivartan the Bank rolled outover 3300 two day workshops across the country and covered over130,000 employees in a period of 100 days using about 400 Trainers,to drive home the message of Change and inclusiveness. Theworkshops fired the imagination of the employees with some otherbanks in India as well as other Public Sector Organizations seeking toemulate the programme.

    The CNN IBN, Network 18 recognized this momentoustransformation journey, the State Bank of India is undertaking, andhas awarded the prestigious Indian of the Year Business, to itsChairman, Mr. O. P. Bhatt in January 2008.


    The origin of the State Bank of India goes back to the first decade

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    of the nineteenth century with the establishment of the Bank ofCalcutta in Calcutta on 2 June 1806. Three years later the bankreceived its charter and was re-designed as the Bank of Bengal (2

    January 1809). A unique institution, it was the first joint-stock bankof British India sponsored by the Government of Bengal. The Bankof Bombay (15 April 1840) and the Bank of Madras (1 July 1843)followed the Bank of Bengal. These three banks remained at theapex of modern banking in India till their amalgamation as theImperial Bank of India on 27 January 1921.

    Primarily Anglo-Indian creations, the three presidency banks cameinto existence either as a result of the compulsions of imperial

    finance or by the felt needs of local European commerce and werenot imposed from outside in an arbitrary manner to moderniseIndia's economy. Their evolution was, however, shaped by ideasculled from similar developments in Europe and England, and wasinfluenced by changes occurring in the structure of both the localtrading environment and those in the relations of the Indianeconomy to the economy of Europe and the global economicframework.

    Bank of Bengal H.O.


    The establishment of the Bank of Bengal marked the advent of

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    limited liability, joint-stock banking in India. So was theassociated innovation in banking, viz. the decision to allow theBank of Bengal to issue notes, which would be accepted forpayment of public revenues within a restricted geographical

    area. This right of note issue was very valuable not only for theBank of Bengal but also its two siblings, the Banks ofBombay and Madras. It meant an accretion to the

    capital of the banks, a capital on whichthe proprietors did not have to pay any interest. The

    concept of deposit banking was also an innovation because thepractice of accepting money for safekeeping (and in somecases, even investment on behalf of the clients) by the

    indigenous bankers had not spread as a general habit in mostparts of India. But, for a long time, and especially upto thetime that the three presidency banks had a right of note issue,bank notes and government balances made up the bulk of theinvestible resources of the banks.

    The three banks were governed by royal charters, whichwere revised from time to time. Each charter provided for ashare capital, four-fifth of which were privately subscribed and

    the rest owned by the provincial government. The members ofthe board of directors, which managed the affairs of each bank,were mostly proprietary directors representing the largeEuropean managing agency houses in India. The rest weregovernment nominees, invariably

    civilservants, one of whom was elected as the president of the board.

    Group Photogaph of Central Board


    First Five Year Plan

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    In 1951, when the First Five Year Plan was launched, the

    development of rural India wasgiven the highest priority.

    The commercial banks of the country including the

    Imperial Bank of India had till then confined theiroperations to the urban sector and were not equipped

    torespond to the emergent needs of economic regeneration

    of the rural areas. In order,therefore, to serve the economy

    in general and the rural sector in particular, the All

    IndiaRural Credit Survey Committee recommended the

    creation of a state-partnered and state-sponsored bank bytaking over the Imperial Bank of India, and integrating

    with it, the former state-owned or state-associate banks. An

    act was accordingly passed in Parliament in May1955 and

    the State Bank of India was constituted on 1 July

    1955. More than a quarter of theresources of the Indian

    banking system thus passed under the direct control of the

    State.Later, the State Bank of India (Subsidiary Banks) Act

    was passed in 1959, enabling the StateBank of India to

    take over eight former State-associated banks as itssubsidiaries (later named Associates).The State Bank of

    India was thus born with a new sense of social purposeaided by the 480offices comprising branches, sub offices

    and three Local Head Offices inherited from theImperial

    Bank. The concept of banking as mere repositories of

    the community's savings andlenders to creditworthy parties

    was soon to give way to the concept of purposefulbankingsubserving the growing and diversified financial

    needs of planned economic development.The State Bank of

    India was destined to act as the pacesetter in this respect

    and lead the

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    Top Performing Public Sector Banks

    Andhra Bank

    Allahabad Bank

    Punjab National Bank

    Dena Bank

    Vijaya Bank

    Top Performing Private Sector Banks

    HDFC Bank

    ICICI Bank

    AXIS Bank

    Kotak Mahindra Bank

    Centurion Bank of Punjab

    Top Performing Foreign Banks


    Standard Chartered

    HSBC Bank

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    ABN AMRO Bank

    American Express

    Strength/ Opportunities:

    The growth for SBI in the coming years is likely to be

    fueled by the following factors: Continued effort to

    increase low cost deposit would ensure improvement in

    NIMs andhence earnings. Growing retail & SMEs thrust

    would lead to higher business growth. Strong economic

    growth would generate higher demand for funds pursuantto higher corporate demand for credit on accountof capacity expansion.

    Weakness/ Threats:

    The risks that could ensue to SBI in time to come are as

    under: SBI is currently operating at a lowest CAR.

    Insufficient capital may restrict the growthprospects of thebank going forward. Stiff competition, especially in the

    retail segment, could impact retail growth of SBI andhence

    slowdown in earnings growth. Contribution of retail credit

    to total bank credit stood at 26%. Significant thrust ongrowingretail book poses higher credit risk to the bank.

    Delay in technology upgradation could result in loss of

    market shares. Management indicated a likely pension

    shortfall on account of AS-15 to be close toRs50bn. Slow

    down in domestic economy would pose a concern over

    credit off-take therebyimpacting earnings growth



    Savings Home Consumer SBI

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    Account Loans Cards International


    Life Plus








    Credit Card SBI Gold






    Travel Card SBI Gold

    Master cards



    Car Loan Debit Cards Your City

    Your Cards
















    Prepaid Card




    Purchase Card SBI EmployeeCards














    Business Card SBI



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    Flexi Cash Merchant



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    Now a day not all the people have the capacity to fulfilltheir requirement by their own earning, thats why they

    need help from others. For this so many government &

    private sector bank provide them money to fulfill their

    requirement, thats call the Advance Product (loan product)

    of the bank. All the banks have so many different types of

    advance product as per the requirement of the people orcustomers. In Bhubaneswar also there are so many banks

    those provide loan to the people for different causes.

    Types of Advance Product

    Home Loan

    Educational Loan

    Car Loan

    Personal Loan

    Property Loan

    Loan Against Shares\Debentures

    Now a day a large number of people are taking loan from

    different banks. It helps people to fulfill their need and it

    really easy to repayment the loan amount with a longer

    repayment period.

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    3.10.1 SBI HOME LOANS


    Purchase/ Construction of House/ Flat

    Purchase of a plot of land for construction of House

    Extension/ repair/ renovation/ alteration of an existing

    House/ Flat

    Purchase of Furnishings and Consumer Durables as a part

    of the project cost.

    Takeover of an existing loan from other Banks/ Housing

    Finance Companies.


    Minimum age 18 years as on the date of sanction

    Maximum age limit for a Home Loan borrower is fixed at

    70 years, i.e. the age by which the loan should be fully

    repaid. Availability of sufficient, regular and continuous

    source of income for servicing the loan repayment.

    Loan Amount

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    40 to 60 times of NMI, depending on repayment capacity

    as % of NMI as under

    Net Annual Income EMI/NMI Ratio

    Upto Rs.2 lacs 40%

    Above Rs.2 lac to Rs. 5 lacs 50%

    Above Rs. 5 lacs 55%

    To enhance loan eligibility you have option to add:

    1. Income of your spouse/ your son/ daughter living with

    you, provided they have a steady income and his/ her

    salary account is maintained with SBI.

    2. Expected rent accruals (less taxes, cess, etc.) if the

    house/ flat being purchased is proposed to be rented out.

    3. Depreciation, subject to some conditions.

    4. Regular incomefrom all sourcesSBI CAR LOAN:


    You can take finance for:

    A new car, jeep or Multi Utility Vehicles (MUVs)

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    A used car / jeep (not more than 5 years old). (Any make

    or model).

    Take over of existing loan from other Bank/Financial

    institution (Conditions apply)


    To avail an SBI Car Loan, you should be :

    Individual between the age of 21-65 years of age.

    A Permanent employee of State / Central

    Government, Public Sector Undertaking, Private

    company or a reputed establishment or

    A Professionals or self-employed individual who is an

    income tax assessee or

    A Person engaged in agriculture and allied activities.

    Net Annual Income Rs. 100,000/- and above.

    Salient Features

    Loan Amount

    There is no upper limit for the amount of a car loan. A

    maximum loan amount of 2.5 times the net annual income

    can be sanctioned. If married, your spouse's income could

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    also be considered provided the spouse becomes a co-

    borrower in the loan. The loan amount includes finance for

    one-time road tax, registration and insurance!

    Type of Loan

    1. Term Loan

    2. Overdraft - a) For New vehicles only

    b) Minimum loan amount: Rs. 3 lacs.

    Documents required

    You would need to submit the following documents along

    with the completed application form if you are an existing

    SBI account holder:

    1. Statement of Bank account of the borrower for last 12


    2. 2 passport size photographs of borrower(s).3. Signature identification from bankers of borrower(s).

    4. A copy of passport /voters ID card/PAN card.

    5. Proof of residence.

    6. Latest salary-slip showing all deductions

    7. I.T. Returns/Form 16: 2 years for salaried employees

    and 3 years for professional/self-

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    employed/businessmen duly accepted by the ITO

    wherever applicable to be submitted.

    8. Proof of official address for non-salaried individuals.If you are not an account holder with SBI you would also

    need to furnish documents that establish your identity and

    give proof of residence.


    New / Used vehicles: 15% of the on the road price.


    You enjoy the longest repayment period in the industry

    with us.

    Repayment period:

    For Salaried: Maximum of 84 months

    For Self-employed & Professionals: Maximum 60 months

    Repayment period for used vehicles :Up to 84 months from

    the date of original purchase of the vehicle (subject to

    maximum tenure as above).

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    Prepayment Penalty:

    Prepayment fee of 2% of the amount of the loan prepaid

    will be levied subject to certain conditions

    Interest Rates w.e.f 01.07.2010






    1 Applicable to All New Car Loans to Public

    2 Scheme Period From July 1, 2009 to September 30, 2010

    3 Interest Rate Period Term Loan Overdraft

    First year 8% Fixed 8.5% fixed

    For 2nd & 3rd

    year10% fixed 10.5% fixed

    From 4th Year Onwards: The floating

    interest rate will be reset

    to applicable card rate contracted on the

    date of

    sanction. Currently the rates are:

    Period Term Loan Overdraft

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    4th &



    3.75% above


    Rate i.e.11.25%

    4.25% above


    Rate i.e.11.75%


    6th &



    4.00% above

    Base Rate


    4.50% above

    Base Rate i.e.


    Base Rate 7.50 %

    No other interest concession will be given


    any tie-up arrangement or otherwise below


    offer rate.

    4 Reset Period Interest Rate will be reset on the anniversary

    date of the loan to the applicable card rate

    contracted as on the date of sanction under


    respective new car loan schemes i.e.


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    above Base Rate as applicable on the date of

    Sanction as per the agreement.

    5 Processing fee 0.50% of loan amount


    A term loan granted to Indian Nationals for

    pursuing higher education in India or abroad where

    admission has been secured.

    Eligible Courses

    All courses having employment prospects are eligible.

    Graduation courses/ Post graduation courses/

    Professional courses

    Other courses approved by UGC/Government/AICTE


    Expenses considered for loan

    Fees payable to college/school/hostel

    Examination/Library/Laboratory fees

    Purchase of Books/Equipment/Instruments/Uniforms

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    Caution Deposit/Building Fund/Refundable Deposit

    (maximum 10% tution fees for the entire course)

    Travel Expenses/Passage money for studies abroad

    Purchase of computers considered necessary for

    completion of course

    Cost of a Two-wheeler upto Rs. 50,000/-

    Any other expenses required to complete the course like

    study tours, project work etc.

    Amount of Loan

    For studies in India, maximum Rs. 10 lacs

    Studies abroad, maximum Rs. 20 lacs

    Base Rate 7.50 % w.e.f. 01.07.2010

    SBI Student Loan Scheme

    Loan Amount Rate of Interest

    For loans upto Rs.4 lacs 3.75% above Base Rate,

    currently 11.25% p.a.

    Above Rs.4 lacs and upto

    Rs.7.50 lacs

    5.25% above Base Rate,

    currently 12.75% p.a.

    Above Rs.7.50 lacs 4.25% above Base Rate,

    currently 11.75% p.a.

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    (0.50% concession in interest for girl student)

    Education Loan Scheme for students of ISB,


    2.75% above Base Rate, currently 10.25% p.a.

    (0.50% concession in interest for girl student)

    SBI Scholar Loan Scheme

    2.75% above Base Rate, currently 10.25% p.a.

    (Irrespective of the loan amount)Processing Fees

    No processing fee/ upfront charges

    Deposit of Rs. 5000/- for education loan for studies

    abroad which will be adjusted in the margin money

    Repayment Tenure

    Repayment will commence one year after completion of

    course or 6 months after securing a job, whichever is


    Place of




    Repayment in



    Studies in


    Rs. 10.0 lacs 5-7

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    Rs. 20.0 lacs 5-7


    Amount For loans upto Rs. 10.00 lacs for

    Studies in

    India and upto Rs. 20.00 lacs for

    studies abroad

    Upto Rs. 4 lacs No Security

    cs to Rs. 7.50 lacs Collateral security in the form of

    suitable third party

    Guarantee. The bank may, at its

    discretion, in

    exceptional cases, weive third party

    guarantee if

    satisfied with the net-worth/means of

    parent/s who

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    would be executing the documents as



    Tangible collateral security of suitable

    value, along

    with the assignment of future income

    of the student

    For payment of installments.

    All loans should be secured by parent(s)/guardian of

    the student borrower. In case of married person, co-

    obligator can be either spouse or the parent(s)/ parents-



    For loans up to Rs.4.0 lacs : No Margin

    For loans above Rs.4.0 lacs:

    o Studies in India: 5%


    Studies Abroad: 15% SBI SARAL PERSONAL LOAN:

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    The loan will be granted for any legitimate purpose

    whatsoever (e.g. expenses for domestic or foreigntravel, medical treatment of self or a family member,

    meeting any financial liability, such as marriage of

    son/daughter, defraying educational expenses of

    wards, meeting margins for purchase of assets etc.)


    You are eligible if you are a Salaried individual of

    good quality corporate, self employed engineer,

    doctor, architect, chartered accountant, MBA withminimum 2 years standing.



    This facility is available to our existing individual

    customers enjoying a strong relationship with SBI. This

    loan could be availed either singly or as a joint account

    with spouse in 'Either or Survivor'/ 'Former or Survivor'mode. It is offered as an Overdraft or Demand Loan.

    The facility is available at 50 select centers.

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    It is a process that can allow an organization to concentrate its limited resources on the

    greatest opportunities to increase sales and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.

    A marketing strategy should be cantered around the key concept that customer

    satisfaction is the main goal.

    Marketing strategy is a method of focusing an organization's energies and

    resources on a course of action which can lead to increased sales and dominance of a

    targeted market niche. A marketing strategy combines product development, promotion,

    distribution, pricing, relationship management and other elements; identifies the firm's

    marketing goals, and explains how they will be achieved, ideally within a stated

    timeframe. Marketing strategy determines the choice of target market segments,

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    positioning, marketing mix, and allocation of resources. It is most effective when it is an

    integral component of overall firm strategy, defining how the organization will

    successfully engage customers, prospects, and competitors in the market arena.

    Corporate strategies, corporate missions, and corporate goals. As the customer

    constitutes the source of a company's revenue, marketing strategy is closely linked with

    sales. A key component of marketing strategy is often to keep marketing in line with a

    company's overarching mission statement


    Marketing strategies may differ depending on the unique situation of the individual

    business. However there are a number of ways of categorizing some generic strategies. A

    brief description of the most common categorizing schemes is presented below:

    Strategies based on market dominance - In this scheme, firms are classified

    based on their market share or dominance of an industry. Typically there are four

    types of market dominance strategies:





    Porter generic strategies - strategy on the dimensions of strategic scope and

    strategic strength. Strategic scope refers to the market penetration while strategic

    strength refers to the firms sustainable competitive advantage. The generic

    strategy framework (porter 1984) comprises two alternatives each with two

    alternative scopes. These are Differentiation and low-cost leadership each with a

    dimension of Focus-broad or narrow.

    Product differentiation (broad)

    Cost leadership (broad)

    Market segmentation (narrow)

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    Innovation strategies - This deals with the firm's rate of the new product

    development and business model innovation. It asks whether the company is on

    the cutting edge of technology and business innovation. There are three types:


    Close followers

    Late followers

    Growth strategies - In this scheme we ask the question, How should the firm

    grow?. There are a number of different ways of answering that question, but the

    most common gives four answers:

    Horizontal integration

    Vertical integration




    Meaning and Definition

    Marketing Mix means to collect and mix the resources of marketing in the manner that

    objects of the enterprise may be achieved and maximum satisfaction may be provided to

    the consumers. The term marketing mix is used to describe a combination of four

    elements the product, price, physical distribution and promotion. These are popularly

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    known as Four Ps. A brief description of the four elements of marketing mix (Four

    Ps) is.

    Product : The product itself is the first element. Products most satisfyconsumer needs. the management must, first decide the products to be

    produced, by knowing the needs of the consumers.

    Price : The second element to affect the volume of sales is the price. The

    market or announced amount of money asked from a buyer is known as basic

    value placed on a product.

    Promotion : The product may be known to the consumers. Firms mustundertake promotion work-advertising, publicity, personal selling etc. which

    are the major activities.

    Place : Physical distribution is the delivery of products at the rights time and at the

    right place. The distribution mix is the combination of decisions relating to

    marketing channels, storage facility, inventory control, location transportation

    warehousing etc

    Marketing Mix

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    Marketing approach in banking sector had taken significance after 1950 in western

    countries and then after 1980 in Turkey. New banking perceptiveness oriented toward

    market had influenced banks to create new market. Banks had started to perform

    marketing and planning techniques in banking in order to be able to offer their new

    services efficiently. Marketing scope in banking sector should be considered under the

    service marketing framework. Performed marketing strategy is the case which is

    determination of the place of financialinstitutions on customers mind. Bank marketing

    does not only include service selling of the bank but also is the function which gets

    personality and image for bank on its customers mind. On the other hand, financial

    marketing is the function which relates uncongenitalies, differences and non similar

    applications between financial institutions and judgement standards of their customers.

    The reasons for marketing scope to have importance in banking and for banks to interest

    in marketing subject can be arranged as:

    Change in demographic structure: Differentiation of population in the number and

    composition affect quality and attribute of customer whom benefits from banking

    services. Intense competition in financial service sector: The competition became intense

    due to the growing international banking perceptiveness and recently being non limitingfor newenterprises in the sector. Increase in liberalization of interest rates has intensified

    the competition. Banks wish for increasing profit: Banks have to increase their profits to

    create new markets, to protect and develop their market shares and to survive on the

    basis of intense competition and demographic chance levels. The marketing







    Brand Name






    Sales force





    List price





    Credit cards








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    comprehension that is performed by banks since 1950 can be shown as in following five


    1. Promotion oriented marketing comprehension

    2. Marketing comprehension based on having close relations for customers

    3. Reformist marketing comprehension

    4. Marketing comprehension that focused on specializing in certain areas

    5. Research, planning and control oriented marketing comprehension



    Recently, banks are in a period that they earn money in servicing beyond selling money.

    The prestige is get as they offer their services to the masses. Like other services, banking

    servicesare also intangible. Banking services are about the money in different types and

    attributes like lending, depositing and transferring procedures. These intangible services

    are shaped in contracts. The structure of banking services affects the success of

    institution in long term. Besides the basic attributes like speed, security and ease in

    banking services, the rights like consultancy for services to be compounded are alsopreferred.


    The price which is an important component of marketing mix is named differently in the

    base of transaction exchange that it takes place. Banks have to estimate the prices of their

    services offered. By performing this, they keep their relations with extant customers and

    take new ones. The prices in banking have names like interest, commission and

    expenses. Price is the sole element of marketing variables that create earnings, while

    others cause expenditure. While marketing mix elements other than price affect sales

    volume, price affect both profit and sales volume directly. Banks should be very careful

    in determining their prices and price policies. Because mistakes in pricing cause

    customers shift toward the rivals offering likewise services.DISTRIBUTION

    The complexities of banking services are resulted from different kinds of them. The most

    important feature of banking is the persuasion of customers benefiting from services.

    Most banks services are complex in attribute and when this feature joins the

    intangibility characteristics, offerings take also mental intangibility in addition to

    physical intangibility. On the other hand, value of service and benefits taken from it

    mostly depend on knowledge, capability and participation of customers besides featuresof offerings. This is resulted from the fact that production and consumption have non

    separable characteristics in those services. Most authors argue that those features of

    banking services makes personal interaction between customer and bank obligatory and

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    the direct distribution is the sole alternative. Due to this reason, like preceding

    applications in recent years, branch offices use traditional method in distribution of

    banking services.


    One of the most important element of marketing mix of services is promotion which is

    consist of personal selling, advertising, public relations, and selling promotional tools.


    Due to the characteristics of banking services, personal selling is the way that most

    banks prefer in expanding selling and use of them. Personal selling occurs in two ways.

    First occurs in a way that customer and banker perform interaction face to face at branchoffice. In this case, whole personnel, bank employees, chief and office manager, takes

    part in selling. Second occurs in a way that customer representatives go to customers

    place. Customer representatives are specialist in banks services to be offered and they

    shape the relationship between bank and customer.


    Banks have too many goals which they want to achieve. Those goals are for

    accomplishing the objectives as follows in a way that banks develop advertising

    campaigns and use media.

    1. Conceive customers to examine all kinds of services that banks offer

    2. Increase use of services

    3. Create well fit image about banks and services

    4. Change customers attitudes

    5. Introduce services of banks

    6. Support personal selling

    7. Emphasize well service

    Advertising media and channels that banks prefer are newspaper, magazine, radio, direct

    posting and outdoor ads and TV commercials. In the selection of media, target market

    should be determined and the media that reach this target easily and cheaply must be


    Banks should care about following criteria for selection of media.:

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    1. Which media the target market prefer

    2. Characteristics of service

    3. Content of message

    4. Cost

    5. Situation of rivals


    Public relations in banking should provide;

    1. Establishing most effective communication system

    2. Creating sympathy about relationship between bank and customer

    3. Giving broadest information about activities of bank.

    It is observed that the banks in Turkey perform their own publications, magazine and

    sponsoring activities.


    Another element of the promotion mixes of banks is improvement of selling. Mostly

    used selling improvement tools are layout at selling point, rewarding personnel,

    seminaries, special gifts, premiums, contests.



    Marketing scope develops day to day. These developments carry special significance for

    service sector in which customer and service producer interact closely.


    Especially in service sector like external relations, internal relations also have

    significance. It requires finding and keeping successful personnel. For personnel of the

    organization to be considered their own goals and service situation, values of the

    organization are sold to them. The communication techniques carried out for customers

    are also performed for the personnel in internal marketing and this two techniques go

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    together. For example, the ads that aim creating firms image should be prepared with

    regarding to audience which is composed of firms personnel.


    This approach takes the organization as a sequence which involves producer and

    customer that market services to each other in the organization. In this structure, the

    activities of departments that compose organization would be more focused on market.

    This will also affect the structure of organization.


    It was mentioned that close relationship was established between producer and customer

    in service sector. In addition to this, life cycle of a customer relationship was also

    mentioned under the product outline. According to the researchers, maintaining the

    relationship for extant customer increases the profit of firms. It should be emphasized

    that this fact has an importance for service sector.


    SBI took several initiatives to capture the market pie in 2008. SBI has adopted various

    marketing strategies for educating customers about its products and services, particularly

    the asset products. The various marketing strategies of SBI are discussed below:

    Participation in various consumer exhibition and meetings

    SBI multiproduct sales team regularly participates in the exhibitions / melas organized

    by various sponsors (e.g., SSISmall Scale Industries). SBI finances loans to the

    entrepreneurs through this channel. SBI also sets us booking counters are various tradefairs and industrial fairs where it offers loans at concessional rates to

    borrowers for booking at those counters. Apart from financing loans to the borrowers,

    SBI uses these meets as an opportunity to educate people about its various personal

    segment (psegment) products and services.

    Tieups with builders / car and other vehicle dealer

    SBI has entered into financing agreement with various builders, cars and other vehicle

    dealers to finance the customers at the existing market rates. Usually, we find dealer

    advertising purchase of their vehicles at cheap rates. This is possible through a loan

    agreement with the banks.

    Festive loan products

    SBI takes advantage of festive seasons, such as Holi, Diwali, Christmas, New Year for

    propagating their loan products. During these periods it ties up with various dealers to

    organize finance for customers who wish to purchase cars or other vehicles during the

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    festive period. During festive periods it offers XPress credit and festival loan also to the


    Advertising in TV and Newspapers

    The advertising strategy is centralized at Mumbai office for advertisements in TV andEconomic Times / The Times of India. The famous Chiman Lal Charlie Ad placed in TV

    has also won awards. SBI campaigns also attempts to explain why it is better than other

    banks (See Figure 9). For advertisement into other National dailies and local dailies their

    advertisement strategy is decentralized at the local headoffice level. SBI has launched

    an education initiative to educate its customers about ATMs, its account opening

    services, its wide network, home loan and various other loan products and so on. The

    advertisements are regularly published

    in local and national dailies.

    The bank has taken the positioning of Pure Banking emphasizing that SBI does what itdoes best: Pure banking. The bank has now taken the tagline" Pure Banking , Nothing

    else", which takes a dig at new generation banks which spend lot of time doing non

    banking financial services. A new TV commercial is also running showing a young guy

    getting impressed by the services offered by SBI, which is his parents bank. The recent

    print and TV commercial are aimed at shedding the "old public sector bank" image of

    SBI and make it more relevant and attractive to the young customers. The bank is now

    running a mix of rational, humorous and emotional advertisement to promote the bank.

    Oral Marketing

    SBI has appointed various customer relationship officers and assistants at the 10branches of SBI, Bilaspur. These officers take care to provide the relevant information to

    the customers who visit their offices. They help the customers with various products

    and services of SBI.

    Professional Offerings

    SBI has also several offerings directed towards professionals who wish to set up their

    own businesses. For example, Doctor Plus/ Dental Doctor Plus is a finance scheme

    directed towards the Doctors/ Dentists who wish to set up their own clinics/

    dispensaries and for purchasing medical equipments. Similarly, they have SBI Shoppe

    scheme which is directed towards other professionals like beauticians and other service

    oriented people encouraging them to set up their own establishments for rendering

    services. SBI has a welltrained multiproduct sales team (MPST) which educates its

    customers about these products and services.

    Ads at various display boards

    SBI also advertises at various billboards about its products and services


    In 2008 SBI planned to capture the rural market of India. Establishing a bank in a rural

    area is a costly affair. However, the technological advancements made the possibility of

    banking over mobile from anywhere in India. SBI launched mobile banking in March

    2009 with a vision to capture rural market without needing to establish any physical

    premises there. Along with SBI, ICICI and few other banks also launched Mobile

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    banking. Mobile banking refers to conducting banking activities using a mobile device,

    whereby customers can access their accounts to check account balances, transfer funds,

    pay bills, and perform various other transactions. Mobile banking reduces delays in

    banking transactions and affords time to employees for other banking services.

    The introduction of mobile banking follows the relatively successful introduction of

    Internet banking in India, whereby customers can access their bank accounts, through the

    banks web site. Since, the number of Internet users is small in comparison to mobile

    phone users in India, the mobile phone network is the most likely platform for value

    added services such as online banking and mobile commerce (Manson, 2002).

    Several issues, both technological and cultural mar the adoption of mobile banking. Vital

    Analytics (2009) reveals fast growth of Mobile Banking in Urban India. Around 40

    million users in India are using mobile banking in Urban India. The most widely used

    services in mobile banking are checking account balance (91%), Viewing last three

    transactions (65%), Cheque status (48%), payment reminders (48%) and requesting a

    cheque book (44%).

    However, although promising, the adoption of Mobile Banking has so far been dismal.

    Security concern is the biggest barrier to adoption of mobile banking. SBI undertook

    several security measures to allay users security concerns. Indian Government has also

    passed legislation covering mobile banking practices in India. Still the adoption of

    mobile banking is far from expected. Particularly in the target market (rural areas), there

    is hardly any adoption. Lack of awareness of these security enhancing approaches could

    be one of the other major reasons for poor adoption. The tradition and culture of India

    plays a vital role in how Indian users view and adopt mobile banking for their

    transactions. It would be interesting to know if there are factors that mar adoption

    beyond the lack of awareness or faith in security practices of Indian banks.

    Generic strategies adopted by State Bank of India:

    Institution for advanced learning: to provide state of the art training in

    financial products to middle level and senior level executives.

    Internal consultant/change agent: to act as a catalyst for change in attitudes and

    orientation of banking staff and to provide expertise and consultative support

    Feedback supplier: to capture and structure feedback from trainees and from the


    Think tank: to provide expert and inform suggestions, model business strategies,

    analysis of market developments from a banker perspective.

    Research and development role: to carry out research on contemporary subjects

    that are relevant to the banks short term and medium term and operational needs

    and policy formulation

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    Overlapping staff training canters: to validate and closely monitor the staff

    training canters in seven circles attached to the academy.

    The Restructuring

    To overcome the intense competition from private and foreign banks, SBI planned a major

    organizational restructuring exercise.

    The key aspects involved

    redesigning of branches,

    providing alternate channels;

    focus on a lean structure and

    Technological up gradation.

    A business process reengineering (BPR) team was constituted in June 2003 with

    McKinsey & Company as consultants. The BPR's basic goal was to create an

    operating architecture that would facilitate service delivery of international


    New Products and Service

    Apart from restructuring, SBI launched several innovative, value-added products and

    services to project a customer friendly image. It launched a special service for corporate

    customers called 'telebanking and remote login' to support transactional requests.

    This facility would be available at 593 branches, and remote login at 269 branches. Thebanks trade finance solutions, called EXIMBILLS, were intended to handle trade finance

    transactions efficiently and enhance the range of services provided to corporate and

    network branches.

    In March 2004, SBI announced that it would introduce anywhere banking facility for

    its customers over 9000 branches across India in the next two years. All the branches in

    Mumbai would provide this facility by December 2004. SBI also launched different

    customized loan programs to cater to various sections of society depending on income

    levels and repayment capabilities. Interest rates and repayment periods were tailor-made

    to suit the customer groups.

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    Alliances and Tie-Ups

    To boost its business, SBI entered into several alliances and tie-ups with automobile,

    insurance, mutual fund, project finance and medical equipment companies.


    Unlike other competitors that relied on reduced interest rates to get business, SBI

    extended the tenure of car loans from five to seven years, thereby lowering the monthly

    debt repayment burden of the loan seeker. SBI entered into a tie-up with Maruti, the

    largest automobile manufacturer in India, to provide loans for purchase of Maruti cars

    at the rate of 10.05 per cent and 11.25 per cent for three years and above three years

    respectively. After the scheme was introduced, SBI emerged as the largest financier for

    Maruti cars in India and the number of Maruti vehicles financed grew by 17 per cent in

    the fiscal 2003-04 over fiscal 2002-03

    The Marketing Initiatives

    SBI carried out various marketing initiatives to enhance its reach. They included

    Segregating and targeting existing high value customers,

    Cross sales of other products,

    Setting up call centres and outbound sales force to secure new customers.

    Plans were also made to utilize database marketing to pursue large and medium

    sized corporate, government and trade finance customers.

    Database marketing was expected to draw increased revenue from cross selling,lower costs and increased customer loyalty.

    SBI also introduced various other ways of reaching out to customers like

    extension of hours of work(SBI increased daily working hours by two hours

    and Sunday banking was introduced) and

    Aggressive marketing through print and television media.

    Looking Ahead-Result:

    Among the factors that will help in realizing this full potential were access to

    institutional credit to more farmers and appropriate quantity and quality of agriculture

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    credit. Since the Seventies, the decadal average growth rate of the volume of short-term

    institutional credit to agriculture has stagnated at around 15 per cent, while the growth

    rate of the volume of long-term credit has in fact declined from 20.2 per cent in the

    1970s to11.9 per cent in 1990s.

    The government has anxiously examined the question of agriculture credit and related

    issues in consultation with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), National Bank for

    Agriculture and Rural Development (Nabard) and commercial banks.

    Among commercial banks, SBI with its vast network is well placed to fulfill the large

    commitments of the new government to the farm sector. In the current financial year the

    government targeted for a 30 per cent increase in the aggregate agricultural credit over

    the previous year.

    On interest rate, the rates would remain stable in the short-term. There could be a

    revision in interest rates in the medium to long-term period. Further, any likely revision

    would depend on external factors than domestic factors.

    Elaborating on the importance of the right tie-ups and partnerships for the bank, there

    are a few non-core business areas where SBI is and wherever we have partners, the

    global majors are our partners. For instance, in insurance, Cardiff, and for cards, GE is

    our partners. We are becoming a very major player in the Indian economy. For example

    SBI Cards we are the third largest card company and second fastest growing card

    company after ICICI. This is the most profitable card company in the country and SBI is

    doing very well.

    On technological up gradation, all the 13,650 branches of the bank were fully

    computerized, also they increased fully integrated ATM network from 4,000 to 6000

    today across the country. SBI in its own quiet manner is trying to provide world-class


    SBI`s Strategies in the current scenario

    SBI have set up capacity in places where they are not very strong. Its time for

    them to follow overall SBI philosophy of planning new branches, given the huge

    untapped potential. Besides, this is also the best time to benefit from their past

    expansion, since there is a lot of trust in SBI.

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    Brand SBI is very strong, while people may be generally cautious about some other

    brands. They can not only tap the potential better but can also provide a safe and

    transparent insurance alternative to the public.

    The bank is entering into many new businesses with strategic tie ups Pension Funds,General Insurance, Custodial Services, Private Equity, Mobile Banking, Point of Sale

    Merchant Acquisition, Advisory Services, structured products etc each one of these

    initiatives having a huge potential for growth.



    It is the part of SBI`s philosophy to open new branches .The Bank is forging

    ahead with cutting edge technology and innovative new banking models, to

    expand its Rural Banking base, looking at the vast untapped potential in the

    hinterland and proposes to cover 100,000 villages in the next two years. SBI is

    planning to hire 11,000 employees in the current fiscal.

    The Bank is also in the process of providing complete payment solution

    to its clientele with its over 8500 ATMs, and other electronic channels such as

    Internet banking, debit cards, mobile banking, etc.

    Countrys largest lender, State Bank of India (SBI) has prepared a blueprint to

    go retail in its international operations. Such strategy would help the bank to

    promote its lead in syndication of loans in the overseas market, at a cheaper cost.

    The banks overseas operations have been instructed to thrust more on

    promoting retail banking locally, SBI is assessing that by opening more branches

    across foreign locations and promoting retail services by mobilising deposits at

    interest rates as low as 3-3.5%, the bank will be able to increase its operating

    margins by 250-300 basis points in overseas markets where syndicationopportunities arise often.SBI is expected to open \seven new branches over next

    eight months in the United Kingdom where it operates six branches currently.

    In response to signals from the central bank, SBI have progressively reduced

    their PLR from 13.75% to 12.25% during the past few months in stages, and

    further softening in interest rates cannot be ruled out.

    SBI is introducing loan products at sub-PLR rates - in home loans at 8%, auto

    loans at 10%, special products for SMEs and... agriculture sector at 8%, but it

    may not be possible for them to reduce the interest rate beyond a certain point.

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    SBI is working on infrastructure sector projects, which has seen a growth of 26%

    in the current year. For the year 2008 the Rs 10,000 crores was sanctioned for the

    infrastructure projects while in the current year from April 08 to February 09 the

    amount sanctioned for the infrastructure project is Rs 13,000 crores,out of which

    project worth Rs 8000 crore is in pipeline. Despite of various viability issues the

    growth in this sector for SBI is been intact.

    With market-linked products finding fewer takers, insurance

    companies are launching more guaranteed products to lure

    investors. The latest to join the bandwagon is SBI Life insurance

    with SBI Smart ULIP, a product that guarantees returns based on

    the highest NAV recorded by the fund in the first seven years .

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