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Archibald Bros •. .• ,collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard... ·...

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' ' . . The ·Starldard and the Montreal f'amily or Witness · only S1.50 •. Do think - will · the mo..,ey spemnt in · y..!.. 1 VOLUME LI. ($1.00 a year in advance. $1.50 OTIUIRWISR.) .. ·MEN ·. WAN1iED.1i* Experienced RIVER DRIVERS HARBOR GRACE, NFLD., THURSDAY, MAY 19,1910. 20 GIVE YOPR CUSTOMERS VERBENA . a re wanted by the DEVELOPMENT Co. FLOUR Instead of tkue llferior Grades. ·' LunT£0, at Grand Falls now. Wages paid $1.75 to $2. 00 per day and board. A memorial ee"ice will be held to-morrow e.eaiafr ia tbe Methodiat Church. the Ru. J. W. Ba rtlett conductiag the .e"ic:e. lliJI'" To HARBOR GltAAND BA v P£OPL£ F RO!II can get the STANDARD aeat to your addre11 to e.nd of ye.ar 1910 for ooly 50 centll in atampa or otberwiae. Add 40c. for poat.age if to the United E;tatea or Great Britain. lliir" STA.'MD&IlD W&LL Fou.ow.- Aay aabecriber wlablaJ to Jtate Ilia STAao&•o amt to Labrador or tbe Freacb Shore duriar the 6abiog aea· aoo, or to Sydaey, etc ., direct (rom thia office will pleaae ac:od ua hla from home addreaa. - Relir«:d Head·Conatable McBay of &t. Joha 'a, atationed here for a aum'ber of ye.ara. bora in 1823 aad aUll in poaaeuioa of all bit faecal · tlea.la.p eeen fin ao.ereipa on the Mr. and Mrs. a B. Ar c hibald Throne aad lbe late Mra. W. BaU have taken Mr. Makinson's house, who diM tbla week In ber 100th Victoria Street, and will move year alx. She wat 10 _1eara old into it to-day. wbea Georp ni died ia 1m. we underata.Jld that aa teOTdt - At tbe laat meeti.ar of tbe poe: admilliOn to the malo body or St. . rat Committee. the apeclal Paura Church at to-morrow'a aer· were formed aad aoase Tice, tbe aoc.ietiea will take their other bualneaa done. We tn&lt to eeata before tbe pneral body of be In a po.ltJoa aooa to record a worablppera will be admitted ez. further adnace In W.!lf'k. Tbe Sec- cept to tile r'leria. ret&I'J of the lbecafhe Committee •- · baa i'uehed a telqram from Dr. -Tbe report Ia oae of tbe late Ro4Ztick uaariac thua of bla COGD- papcra that Mr. Lui Froat ar .. waa te.adce of tbe Guy .Boapltal dead waa aot correct. Mr. Froat meub bad beeo aUlae for aome time but ia ============== •ow lmprooredia bealtb. !:;lace tbe OtJR NfW PUULf. report, hlaaoa Le\'i receiwed a tele· JT&IIl from him that be waa welL -Mr. D. Muaa was a paattas- er to St. Joha's oa ' the S. S: Sibenan from Italy via the Mother Coun- . tg. He Arrived here by Tuesday nsrhta tt-aia ia company with Mr. W. Muan . Bia many friends ' are pleued to see him looking' so welt. · -We befr with thank• to ac.know- ledp lbe TeCeipt from Mr . Selby Hawldaa of aome more coplea of rauuiaea containlac Peai'J' oar· ntfwe. Alao of a copy of the IIford 6eftD Klap Mercary and &oath B.ez Jrewa froaa Mr. W. A. BI'OWD. St. Joha 'a. -Mr. Graham Muon. aon of Mr. To the gae eeadiafr Ia tbe loa,.eat liat of E"qllab wofda made from one or more lett.en la tbe word STANDARD, a priae of 50 ceata will be eb-en, to the aut belt 30 cent.a, to the third beat 20 ceata; to the aut be bqt a nice picture each. CoNDITIOlfS : I a cue of a tie. the oae firat recei'l'ed. Aat word made of tbe lettera giwca."Jlbore that Ia aot a proper aamc (aucb aa Daa) foUDd in the Webater 'a Interaa.tional Diction&? (of 2373 pagee; ASealde. additioaa). will count. Writing muat be plain aad aeat, oa oac aide of s-per oalJ. .Eanlopca to be ad- drdaild 8'1'411DAaD. llubcW Once, Puazlc Competitl;o. All aaawera moat be Ia on or 6efore May31at. WAN=F60 Jolla G. Mana who baa been with bla fatltef' in bit dry a tore the foar ,-ra. left by to-day'a (Tbar.d&J'•) for Sydaey. r 0 Goods 5 Cape Br.toa. Graham' afrieuda wiab .... -or a ry A GIRL AS ASSISTANT. .... doae ••11 at Lawmac:e. Mua.. .AJ»ply in wnting to ::It::::: u 2i ' p. 0. BOX 72. -u •• reported abotlt t.o"a thft · Po--lts · bv the We.tera Uaioo Co.. laUe UIU J &•• declded to laad their Cable• at Bay "'l'he tenna and l:>rices Jloberta. and that Beacb7 Cowe bU Ill g beeJ1 cboac:a u lbe place. and a lot will comeiato effect at my tudio of laad parcb.-d there beloagiag on March 15th, 1910 : to a called Mercer. and a.ootber Sittiaas must be paid for at the lot beloaJiac to the Metoodiat time of malrinr · same. Of before Charcb u a afte. , delivery of proofs, aad prices of We bne telqrapbe;d to Bay Rob- photoJ are separate from this «ta inqalriag u to whetbif any s;harJC which. covers only coat of d•Ue atepa hue beea taken by maklni' and furaiahiag' the bat baTe not yet recelwed proofa. Xay au•ber pf photos a replr. over two wUt be funsltlied at - The S. S. Invennore collided dozen ratei" yesterday with a French trawler OST 0 PHOTOS .outside of Sydaey. wiiJ P AA&I e»DJe to Sl John's for repairs. of Sitting .................. SOc. 'n. Bruce a ad pet haps the GJea-- Photo Post Caids per doz ...... 70c. e»e .W take her place. The SIULL OAJJifBT PJIOTOS. tnawler fared worse. Price of SlttJnr .. ::.: •• : . .. --Captala Raaka ofthc Almcriaaa per doz. .. .... ... $2 .00 J"eporta buia&r eeea Salley'• Comet LARGE CABINET pvoTOB. .oa SUDday w*· la tU •tern e ky at a qaarterto 3 o'doc:k. R' led ?rice of Sitting .. . .... . .... ...... $1.00 a fine taU and pre.ented a apl,endid PhotoJtilpba per . .... .... $4.00 to tboae oa the •tUQ. In a week or iO J l h;tl} )Jan a All pr e'pa.rat:ioaa made for memo- new apPal'atua we tailed eervice at C. Cathedral ;1ad will be pr e pared to fum.Jsh St. Joba 's, phot.Ogra_.l In any up to will tftea.tlt, Governor and JMIWU:: Pf· b, 40 facb.es. 6clala wiU PJ'!tbyteriau " ac:nlte at \la.m.. Methodlat-eerrice f'NBMAN, at 6 p. m. Britiab Sot;Rty a lao bold aernc:e. Senlce in :Ul war,abip• 1 v•.-torla Book ..o'dock p.m. Foreca.At weather to. Q.' . day aad to-morrow. winda eool,' TJul for · Mowery . Bo .. _.a · -llr. T. C. Makinaon and George .... ;p;.._..,... __ _ Maldaeoa jr .. wete down here on a Always to the ftoat with sea- abort rialt oa Tuuday . Tbe for- for as well .mer returaed the aame day. 'l'he G' latter nti tbe aut day. Ba baa lately 35 srl s. . or tbe speck· utarned froaupeadlnfr 3yearto Ia the le . aulteS, you wtU all !Far Weat. Be waa laat at Vaat91i· lb bsng t ackle you requare. Boys .-er, emaorlum of We.teru aad and Caaada Tile dlqtt of hi• time waa Games of all kinds in All epeat at oc oear R.e.elatoke; but the lat est novels. Post eard i>e- hariac beea oae of tbe party that of Newfoundland 'llfC!Dt to or ntber to dif Shamrocks and Erin Go Braugh j oat the dead bodiea of t.be 'l'ictlma . ..L._t entombed by that cltt.iu !Jilll sen/ oul guar R:Tty •. JOHI CODY, - lltaqagcr. celttnl ,... prowided by tbe Ry. Co .• with a pall to Vaacouwer. He •puka lafply of tbe "' eat North 0 ,.. .lllllttMO Weat. MARRIED. o ,. Oa Sunday, Oeeember lltb. at .. Harbor Grac.e,i!e Rev. F. S. II toaia1 Mr. H. . hibald, B. Sc.l to )rfiil Aaaie Ha I 111 . ., . ..... •• ... . D1JR TRKVEUEER is now on the road with a complete line of samples , of Fine and Staple Foot-Wear. You will do well to see them placing your for Spring. Fine ' Boots have three features, Value, Style and OUrs combine the three. ., Pegged Boots can have S LEas well as Durability. OUrs have both. · • TedQlem. The . mailufacb.JFe of Water Tight Boob. is, in itself, a peculiar art, involving a Scientific I ' Process. Ours have this feature predominant. They have stood the test. PLACE YOUR ORDERS £ARL Y. , o# Archibald Bros •. .• , TJE PI81EEIS Of IIDERI 'HOE IN NEWFOUNDLAND WAT!R STREET. HARBOR GRACE. . # J - .. The Purc haser is pleased and will of coming back for more. He what he is buying and The Lake of the Wcods Milling Co. guarant ee that he gets what .he boug ht. NA FLOUR EST MANITOBA PATENT. to arriwe a car K1adlla.r Wood made apIa Ia alloob oi 40 felt. at l5 ceata per eboot. ... to arrite put qqo..- ...... etc. c.mace. a tJ'tlllbu PlDe &ad Bpnace Baud. IA&p SlaOp WlDdowa, etc., Patty, PUBUO Prct'l'ial0111 .. "a11Mt of all klada, cb•p u lbe cheapest alld a.· RUTBUPORD 1: CO Try it fo r Loaf Bread, Cake or Pastry fl our . MANUF ACT URERS, Bri dgeport a nd Baden. Pictou, N.S. J. B. BARTY, Sales Manager. Board, Dry Goods. Dry Hardware: Lumber of Good Quality now in Stock. .. , -4LSO- - Full n.ssortments of Dry Goods, P rovisious, Gr oceries, Hard- ware, Mattrnsses, Crockery wa re, .Furn.iturc, &c. Thomas Ross, Harbor Grace. IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS. Provisions, Groceries, Cadiz Salt, . Tar, Pitch, CENTRAL Jfishery Four weeks from the date here- of application will be made to His Excellency the Goveraor ia Coun- cil for a new and useful " method of awtufacturing fi sh and their by-products for food aad other purpolea," to be granted to MA-r- maw MARTrN of Harbor Grac;e, Newfoundland, Engineer. Dated the 26tp day of April , A. D., 1910. · c. J. CAHILL, for AppliC&Dt. Graduat e of Phiiadelpbl.a Dental College and Bo. pltal of Oral Surgery ...... DeAtal Ol!ice on Water St 1 nut door to Slmmoaa' Grocery. Teeth uttacted abeolutelt with· oat pala uae o( 'ritali&ed air or perfect aaaeethetic. FIRE INSURANCE COIPANY Beach Premises, ; Harbor Grace. · Business at Grady, Le.brador. ASSETS • .£11,000,000 STG. Guaranteed by tbe Loudon. Li vepool and Globe lllaurance Co. FrRE Tbe Cel:ltra.l ia a bigh cl.a .u Eng· lisb Jnaurance Company, and baa the g uarantee or that gt"e&t. long- h tablisbed Eagli ab Company, the Londoa, Li.erpool aad Globe. raauraace wiU find in the Central tb e main in an iaauraoce 'l'iZ., Sl!!CORITV. LI O.l!!IULl· 'l'Y tn witb I OS&el, and PROMPT S ETTL&M l!! NT therefor. G. N. Sos, & WATSON, Arenta, St. John' a. & SUOio:Na, Harbor Gnce. ... ... _ ... Has the Oldest Established i i Musical Housel NOW E XISTENT IN NEWFOqNDL $. lliir"No thi ng Shoddy kept. i ... Lea.lling Musicians are our Pa trons. Tlley should know. i i WRITE US. · CHESLEY WOODS, 14.0 w,ter Street, S. T. JOHN' S. M. SEARLE, Agent or Harbor Grace. ................................................... , 1 . ' I I ,. ,
Page 1: Archibald Bros •. .• ,collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard... · 2017-05-24 · A. BI'OWD. St. Joha'a. -Mr. Graham Muon. aon of Mr. To the gae eeadiafr Ia tbe



. .

The ·Starldard and the Montreal f'amily He~a.ld or Witness ·;f~ · only S1.50 •. Do yo~:~ think - will · the mo..,ey spemnt in this (~. ·y..!.. 1

VOLUME LI. ($1.00 a year in advance. $1.50 OTIUIRWISR.)

.. ·MEN ·. WAN1iED.1i*




• are wanted by the ANGLO-N~WFOUNDLAND DEVELOPMENT Co. FLOUR Instead of tkue llferior Grades.


LunT£0, at Grand Falls now. Wages paid $1.75 to $2.00 per day and board.

A memorial ee"ice will be held to-morrow e.eaiafr ia tbe Methodiat Church. the Ru. J. W. Bartlett conductiag the .e"ic:e.

lliJI'" To HARBOR GltAC£ AND BA v P£OPL£ FRO!II HO~£.-You can get the STANDARD aeat to your addre11 to e.nd of ye.ar 1910 for ooly 50 centll in atampa or otberwiae. Add 40c. for poat.age if to the United E;tatea or Great Britain.

lliir" STA.'MD&IlD W&LL Fou.ow.­Aay aabecriber wlablaJ to Jtate Ilia STAao&•o amt to Labrador or tbe Freacb Shore duriar the 6abiog aea· aoo, or to Sydaey, etc., direct (rom thia office will pleaae ac:od ua hla from home addreaa.

- Relir«:d Head·Conatable McBay of &t. Joha 'a, atationed here for a aum'ber of ye.ara. bora in 1823 aad aUll in poaaeuioa of all bit faecal· tlea.la.p eeen fin ao.ereipa on the

Mr. and Mrs. a B. Archibald Throne aad lbe late Mra. W. BaU have taken Mr. Makinson's house, who diM tbla week In ber 100th Victoria Street, and will move year alx. She wat 10 _1eara old into it to-day. wbea Georp ni died ia 1m.

we underata.Jld that aa teOTdt - At tbe laat meeti.ar of tbe poe: admilliOn to the malo body or St. . rat ~uy Committee. the apeclal Paura Church at to-morrow'a aer· Commtt~ were formed aad aoase Tice, tbe aoc.ietiea will take their other bualneaa done. We tn&lt to eeata before tbe pneral body of be In a po.ltJoa aooa to record a worablppera will be admitted ez. further adnace In W.!lf'k. Tbe Sec-cept to tile r'leria. ret&I'J of the lbecafhe Committee

•- · baa i'uehed a telqram from Dr. -Tbe report Ia oae of tbe late Ro4Ztick uaariac thua of bla COGD­

papcra that Mr. Lui Froat ar .. waa te.adce of tbe Guy .Boapltal IDO~ dead waa aot correct. Mr. Froat meub bad beeo aUlae for aome time but ia ============== •ow lmprooredia bealtb. !:;lace tbe OtJR NfW PUULf. report, hlaaoa Le\'i receiwed a tele· JT&IIl from him that be waa welL

-Mr. D. Muaa was a paattas-er to St. Joha's oa 'the S. S: Sibenan from Italy via the Mother Coun-

. tg. He Arrived here by Tuesday nsrhta tt-aia ia company with Mr. W. ~ Muan. Bia many friends 'are pleued to see him looking' so welt.

· -We befr with thank• to ac.know­ledp lbe TeCeipt from Mr. Selby Hawldaa of aome more coplea of rauuiaea containlac Peai'J'• oar· ntfwe. Alao of a copy of the IIford ~. 6eftD Klap Mercary and &oath B.ez Jrewa froaa Mr. W. A. BI'OWD. St. Joha'a.

-Mr. Graham Muon. aon of Mr.

To the gae eeadiafr Ia tbe loa,.eat liat of E"qllab wofda made from one or more lett.en la tbe word STANDARD, a priae of 50 ceata will be eb-en, to the aut belt 30 cent.a, to the third beat 20 ceata; to the aut be bqt a nice picture each.

CoNDITIOlfS : I a cue of a tie. the oae firat recei'l'ed. Aat word made of tbe lettera giwca."Jlbore that Ia aot a proper aamc (aucb aa Daa) foUDd in the late~Jt Webater'a Interaa.tional Diction&? (of 2373 pagee; ASealde. additioaa). will count. Writing muat be plain aad aeat, oa oac aide of s-per oalJ. .Eanlopca to be ad­drdaild 8'1'411DAaD. llubcW Once, Puazlc Competitl;o. All aaawera moat be Ia on or 6efore May31at.

WAN=F60 Jolla G. Mana who baa been with bla fatltef' in bit dry ~rood• a tore the ~t foar ,-ra. left by to-day'a (Tbar.d&J'•) ~ for Sydaey. r 0 Goods 5 Cape Br.toa. Graham'afrieuda wiab ....-or a ry tor~

!:~me:=.\!',!':b:,O=.::~~ A GIRL AS ASSISTANT. .... doae ••11 at Lawmac:e. Mua.. .AJ»ply in wnting to r.e~:f~ ::It::::: ~ular u 2i ' p. 0. BOX 72.

• -u •• reported abotlt t.o"a thft · Po--lts · bv Photont~phy the We.tera Uaioo Cabl~ Co.. laUe UIU J &•• • declded to laad their Cable• at Bay "'l'he followia~r tenna and l:>rices Jloberta. and that Beacb7 Cowe bU Ill g beeJ1 cboac:a u lbe place. and a lot will comeiato effect at my tudio of laad parcb.-d there beloagiag on March 15th, 1910 : to a ~q~.a called Mercer. and a.ootber Sittiaas must be paid for at the lot beloaJiac to the Metoodiat time of malrinr·same. Of before Charcb u a afte. , delivery of proofs, aad prices of

We bne telqrapbe;d to Bay Rob- photoJ are separate from this «ta inqalriag u to whetbif any s;harJC which. covers only coat of d•Ue atepa hue beea taken by maklni' ~tivea and furaiahiag' the eo.~ bat baTe not yet recelwed proofa. Xay au•ber pf photos a replr. over two wUt be funsltlied at

- The S. S. Invennore collided dozen ratei" yesterday with a French trawler OST 0 a~.,. PHOTOS .outside of Sydaey. Sh~ wiiJ P AA&I • e»DJe to Sl John's for repairs. Pri~ of Sitting .................. SOc. 'n. Bruce a ad pet haps the GJea-- Photo Post Caids per doz ...... 70c. e»e .W take her place. The SIULL OAJJifBT PJIOTOS. tnawler fared worse. Price of SlttJnr .. ::.: •• : ... ,..,.,~,

--Captala Raaka ofthc Almcriaaa Photo~r~:aphs per doz . ...... ... $2.00 J"eporta buia&r eeea Salley'• Comet LARGE CABINET pvoTOB . .oa SUDday w*· la tU •tern ~ e ky at a qaarterto 3 o'doc:k. R' led ?rice of Sitting ... .... ........... $1.00 a fine taU and pre.ented a apl,endid PhotoJtilpba per do~ . ........ $4.00 ::1p~ to tboae oa the •tUQ. In a week or iO J l h;tl} )Jan a

All pre'pa.rat:ioaa made for memo- new enlargia&~ apPal'atua we tailed ~lal eervice at C. ~- Cathedral ;1ad will be prepared to fum.Jsh S t. Joba's , to-morro~jalaopJoaea phot.Ogra_.l In any ~ze up to will tftea.tlt, Governor and JMIWU:: Pf· ~ b, 40 facb.es. • 6clala wiU a~d. PJ'!tbyteriau " ac:nlte at \la.m .. Methodlat-eerrice f'NBMAN, at 6 p. m. Britiab Sot;Rty a lao bold aernc:e. Senlce in :Ul war,abip• 1 v•.-torla Book ..o'dock p.m. Foreca.At weather to. Q.' . day aad to-morrow. winda eool,' TJul )»~alar Bm~um. for · Mowery. Bo .. _.a ·

-llr. T. C. Makinaon and George ....;p;.._..,... __ _ Maldaeoa jr .. wete down here on a Always to the ftoat with sea-abort rialt oa Tuuday. Tbe for- sonabl~oods for ~ as well .mer returaed the aame day. 'l'he ~ G' latter nti tbe aut day. Ba baa lately 35 • ~4 srls. . or tbe speck· utarned froaupeadlnfr 3yearto Ia the le . aulteS, you wtU ~t all th~ !Far Weat. Be waa laat at Vaat91i· lb bsng tackle you requare. Boys .-er, t¥ ~t emaorlum of We.teru aad 01fl;$'~filrbiP..S and Ski~tope.s. Caaada Tile dlqtt of hi• time waa Games of all kinds in f~· All epeat at oc oear R.e.elatoke; but the latest novels. Post eard i>e­hariac beea oae of tbe party that pot-5c:e~ry of Newfoundland 'llfC!Dt to th~reecue or ntber to dif Shamrocks and Erin Go Braugh j oat the dead bodiea of t.be 'l'ictlma . ..L._t

entombed by aqlaacb~; that cltt.iu !Jilll sen/ oul guarR:Tty •.

!:a~b~,:~:~~:;~ ~o~'b1t1~ JOHI CODY, - lltaqagcr. celttnl ,... prowided by tbe Ry. Co .• with a pall to Vaacouwer. He ~-Woo4'1 ~laofilt •puka lafply of tbe " ' eat North 0 ,.. .lllllttMO ~ • Weat. C'::IWil~_::=

MARRIED. o,. Otbafl~V,t:~£ Oa Sunday, Oeeember lltb. at =:2~ra .. a.cJk.:~'&:"'.r.J:~

Harbor Grac.e,i!e Rev. F . S. II ~.U!ff ~ toaia1 Mr. H. . hibald, B.Sc.l ~~~-~~Jiiillflilii~~:Jit;~ to )rfiil Aaaie Ha I 111 . .,

. •





D1JR TRKVEUEER is now on the road with a complete line of samples , of Fine and Staple Foot-Wear. You will

do well to see them ~ placing your ord~ for Spring.

Fine' Boots have three indisp~nsable features,

Value, Style and ~inish.

OUrs combine the three.


Pegged Boots can have S LEas well as

Durability. OUrs have both.

· • TedQlem. •

The .mailufacb.JFe of Water Tight ~ishing Boob. is, in itself, a peculiar

art, involving a Scientific

I 'Process.

Ours have this feature predominant.

They have stood the test.


, o#

• Archibald Bros •. ~td .• , TJE PI81EEIS Of IIDERI 'HOE IAJ.Uf~CTURI'B





. .

The Purchase r is pleased and will on~think of coming back for more.

He kn6w~ what he is buying and The Lake of the Wcods Milling Co. guarantee that he gets what .he boug ht.


to arriwe a car K1adlla.r Wood made apIa

llc!4B!il!!l!lll~tlp Ia alloob oi 40 felt. at l5 ceata per eboot. ,.~ ... ~-·

to arrite put qqo..- ...... etc.

~~~!!=~~~~~·_:no.w. c.mace. ~ a

~~1!~~, tJ'tlllbu (Meolld-~ PlDe &ad Bpnace Baud. IA&p SlaOp WlDdowa, etc., Patty,

GllrN~II'-'AL PUBUO Prct'l'ial0111 .. "a11Mt of all klada, cb•p u lbe cheapest alld ~


Try it for Loaf Bread, Cake or Pastry flour .

MANUF ACTURERS, Bridgeport a nd Baden.

Pictou, N.S.

J. B. BARTY, Sales Manager.

Board, ~cantling, Dry Goods.

Dry Goods~ Grocerie~, Hardware: Lumber of Good Quality now in Stock. ..

, -4LSO- -

Full n.ssortments of Dry Goods, P rovisious, Groceries, Hard­ware, Mattrnsses, Crockeryware, .Furn.iturc, &c.

Thomas Ross, Harbor Grace.


Provisions, Groceries, Cadiz Salt, . Tar, Pitch,

CENTRAL Jfishery .Supp~·

Four weeks from the date here­of application will be made to His Excellency the Goveraor ia Coun­cil for a new and useful " method of awtufacturing fish and their by-products for food aad other purpolea," to be granted to MA-r­maw MARTrN of Harbor Grac;e, Newfoundland, Engineer.

Dated the 26tp day of April, A. D., 1910. ·

c. J. CAHILL, Soli~tor for AppliC&Dt.

Graduate of Phiiadelpbl.a Dental College and Bo. pltal of Oral Surgery ......

DeAtal Ol!ice on Water St 1 nut door to Slmmoaa' Grocery.

Teeth uttacted abeolutelt with· oat pala ~ uae o( 'ritali&ed air or perfect aaaeethetic.

FIRE INSURANCE COIPANY Beach Premises, ; Harbor Grace. · ~Branch Business at Grady, Le.brador.

ASSETS • .£11,000,000 STG.

Guaranteed by tbe Loudon. Liver· pool and Globe lllaurance Co.

FrRE Tbe Cel:ltra.l ia a bigh cl.a.u Eng·

lisb Jnaurance Company, and baa the g uarantee or that gt"e&t. long­h tablisbed Eagliab Company, the Londoa, Li.erpool aad Globe.

raauraace wiU find in the Central tbe main ~derata in an iaauraoce COm('aa~ 'l'iZ., Sl!!CORITV. LIO.l!!IULl·

•'l'Y tn d~aling witb IOS&el, and PROMPT SETTL&Ml!!NT therefor.

G. N. REI~ Sos, & WATSON, Arenta, St. John'a.

& SUOio:Na, Harbor Gnce.


... _ ... ··c~BSLEY''WOODS"'.'"f ~ Has the Oldest Established i

iMusical Instrumen~ Housel NOW EXISTENT IN NEWFOqNDL$.

lliir"Nothing Shoddy kept.

i PI~~~~t!~, ... ~~!NS ~ ~ Lea.lling Musicians are our P atrons. Tlley should know. i

i WRITE US. · ~ CHESLEY WOODS, 14.0 w,ter Street, S.T. JOHN'S.

M. SEARLE, Agent or Harbor Grace. ~

................................................... , 1 . '

~ • I I

,. ,

Page 2: Archibald Bros •. .• ,collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard... · 2017-05-24 · A. BI'OWD. St. Joha'a. -Mr. Graham Muon. aon of Mr. To the gae eeadiafr Ia tbe

, /


bOttAR 1

t ,. ~ l . ,.,

DOLLAR l DOLLAR l DOLLAR l DOLLAR l l'O END. 1910 ! · TO END 19i0 ! ,.....,_...,._,...,_._......,...,...,. .. ..,_ ............. ._..* ......... ~ ........ - ....... - ................ - .... - ................. _ ..... __ ,_ ............... ""!tr""-"""• ..... --........ --...... - .. ,..,., .. _,.,_ ... ~.,.-................................ .,.-.... ., ..................... - ..... ,. ...... _ ....... _ ............. ---................... * ........... .,. ........................ ....--..... ..,_"''"'""'"'""·"'-""•""ft ....... - ............ ,.._ t '

Standard and Montreal Family Herald· or .Weekly ·wttneee $1.00 to end 1~10. with Three lara;e ~c;>lored Pictures ... c .. The two for $1.50 a year. with Three lara;e Colored Plcturee . ...:::::::..._~-.. ..

I. Merchant Tailor Our Fall and Winter Stock of

Suitings, Overcoaliags and Trou· scrings of all kinda--largest and best we ever imported- now in, amoust them the new and fash­ionaiJI,e green shadc:s. ~easure Cards and patterns

supplied on application. Custom ~work Of all kinds exe­

cuted at lowest prices aud with despatch.

llirFit, Style, and Workmanship guaranteed. -&I


~smanu ~a· J!. . I I..I.IOTBD .)



OUR. MOTTo: .. Belt Qualitr 1- LoweiR Pricelr. ..


S. ar llllod Betefit 88cietJ. BS'fJ.BI~ 1874.

Pnlledt llembenhip 20,000. na obJeotaan to ..SnDI!e U.elatenall

o~Jlfab-D and tbelr deaoeDdll,llta bJ' p IDI a aa,. aDd oanaiD miaD&of mutual proteodoa In Um• of .Sok­&JMI dlltnMI aDd to _ftr••lth•• Ule boDd of UloD betwMD Btllluid and the ~bar aoaa bav~pled.

Beaeata an: ln - of atoka-, m.Ueal a& .. adaa~ and a wMkiJ btlae­ftL Ia 081!80f deatb1 '1001 death of wile fiOl death of ohlld berwNil 6 and 16. ••6.

Initiation :r- are uallorm. TbrM doUan for all&,~• ap to 110.

Ia the thlrtJ )'eaitl or Ita ull•aoa. the 8. 0. B. B. 8. bu paid to En1Uabmaa or their falolll-, oYer one mWloa aDd a quarter dollan Ia .relief of dla"-, or wba& Ia ao 1 ... to the pol at, to prevent dlatnM.

Tbe 8oolttJ hu a low rate bot ueel· laalaebemeofllfe luaaraace.

ParUcalanoao be b8d fro• memben Lodae .. Diamond Jabll ... • Ro.:lall, Bar-bor"Ot-. •

John W. Carter, Sap. 0..-od Sea., ToroDto

o~ .. I

JAMES D •. MUNN, Dealer in Real Estate, Commis­

sion Agent, Conveyancer, Com... of Sup. Court, Auctioneer, ~

Harbor Om~, • Newfoundland.

Even people who are usuan, healthy occasionally requin some kind of a food tonic! Fer. rovim, that excellent rombi. nation of beef, iron aud sherry wine, if tnkeu wheu the sys. tem is run down from over. work or a slight rold, will prevent a more serious illness Ferro\'im gives strength to con­valescents and nll thin-blooded people. $1.00 a bottle

" Somet.hing Rotten in the State of Denmark."

The £our men, three belonging to thia town and {'DC to Carbonearthat made trouble b.7. being drunk and diaorderl1 and Cia~arang propert.J oo Coo. Gaul'a train on Satut<!a.J aigbt week. were &oed $14, $11. $10 and $LO with coata at the Diatrict Court oo Saturdayl.aat. Tbeaepten, ao doabt, dc:Mne it But it ~ma to ua t.bat tberc Ia aomethiag wrong aomewbere. Outport mea, Baymea, t.bat tlardly aee or taate a drop oJ atroar driDk from one year·a end to

Bu ~l 11 'u'D ' . ' . I r • ... • .J

.. .


rwvo .. KD~patioa Physici.aus agree that • vigorous oervous aystem is essential to the sac::ces.fu1 treatment of Cousnmp­tioa. "A8A VA·NBtJRALI." feeds the nerves with Lecithin (obtain­ed from eggs}, the element re­qnirc:cl for nerve repair.· Its use maiD~ fall nerve vigor, re­stores courage when hope is fall· iug, and thus 1uds inc:alculable aid iD throwing off the diseue.

·SO per bottle. LOcal agent.


Now that the STANDAllD Office ia supplied with telephone com· mcnic:ation with the town, River­bead, South Side, Carbonear, Fr~water, Victoria Village,and will in a few days be thus co;­nect~ with Heart's Content, otfr cust~ers in these pl~ will of­ten find " the phone" the best way of making their ~quirements kaowll to us.

4 -..

Lines on the Death of King Edward VII.


The King bas fallen--:a aation , weepe,

With England's Great the Mon· ·arch sleeps ; '

Cold ate the bands of noble deeds; And yet a noble king succeed!t. The "Empire's Rod" be wielded

' well, When from bis mother's band it

fell: While' Britain's Glory be main­

tained, The "Star of Empire" never

waned. A Statesman of far-reaching view, A Diplomat of vision true, He kept Old England's flag un-

furled, ' And yet kept Peace with all the


~ atthenewsofEdward'sdeatb, The world-wide Empire held ita

breath, Aad to the striclcen Queen went

forth , The sy~pathy of all the earth.

Now, as their noble son succeeds, To God, for him, tbe Nation

pleads, That He, King George's Reign

will bless With Progress, Peace, and Happi·

neas. I

1-'0R TBB STA"OAl«O.

Danson's Fire and Old Re­collections.

Invest 25 cents in a. box ot Davis' Menthol Salve (11 Thc D. & L.") anCi &: prepo.red fo1 ahundredailments, whicbma.y not be dangero~s but are \'ery anooying and painful, like neu­rugia, earache, sprains, burns, bruises, insect slings, cuts, piles, etc. It is a. household remedy

·always useful for some trouble-, a.ud should be kept iu the family medicine closet.


BEARINE ~ lrpn~ tlre ~ c;{ thf. C&iladiaa Bear. Delicately perfumed.

!be Slallft ...... J ... 40 Ye~no •

All Dealcn * - ,.. Dlatia •l.a'ln'U.., Co.. )!oootreal.

the cod fishery in large "J cka," working the grounds on tbe Southern Shore, Baccalieu and other places. <rhe Jeney fish.· vessels loaded at the stages along the front of the harbor. ThOle were busy times and no man need be idle, the cod fisher itself beiag sufficient to provide or the waata of the ave~e ni a and with plenty to spare.

1 • And His Majesty t eKing is dead- died suddeniJ· He wu a good man, his subjects will miu him, and the world is the loser. I have seen in my day five Moa· archs on \be Throne of Great Britain- William IV., George IV., Victoria, Edward VU., and now George V.-God bless him."

Mr. Editor, if the above glean· ings be of any value you are free to publish them ill the STANDAJU). They were me by an old and resident 9f tbia

uscestonwere among in this part of

Yours truly, VrATOa.

Harbor Grace, May 9, 1910.

Edison's Storage BaUery. TO TlJB KDlTOR STANDARD.

SrR,-Would you please publish in

your columns tbe folloping item. It shows that the great inventor Eaison bas perfected that which has taxed the inventive genius of the greatest iaventors of the age, and bas added another triumph to the lon~r list o( electrical won­de.rs of tbts able American inven· tor. Yours truly, .

ONE b."TBRBSTED. Harbor Grace, Miy 9, 1909.

"About two months ago one of the Edison storage battery cars was placed on the twenty-eig-ht street, New York crosstown hoe as an experiment. The car bas been in constant operation since, and ha.s require4 no alterations or repairs other than are common ..to be ordiu;.ry street car. It !las

proved remarkably economical in the consumption of ,power. In­stead of costing two cents a mUe, as was at first stated, the actual cost of the car bas been leas than half a cent-0.43 cent. to be exact. It costs more to start and stop tbe car than to keep it running, and it was supposed by practical street railroad men thaf when the car was put iato active service on cou· JCSted stree~ the cost of rulllling 1t would Jar exceed the estimate made by the builders. So, satis­factory have the experiments with this car.proved, that an order has been pla.c:ed with tbe Edison Com· paay for si.Jtteen more to be used on the twenty-eight street cross. town line."

-Th'e HarboT Grace Boot & Shoe Factor1 ba. been working over houn for muy week• and still ae.ea!lo ud of the orde(l to be filled. .-

Eloquent Sermon to Odd Fellows.

Knox, N. D., April 29.- The eighty-first anuh•ersary of Odc.l Fellowship will be a day long to be rememberesl as a land-mark among the shcial events of this town. By invitlllion the sermon waa preached by the Rev. S. T . Simpson In the Presbyterian church, to an appreciative audi· ence that fiJied tbe church to over· Bowing. Mr. Simpc.on took for hi~ text the Odd Fellows' creed : •• Ft-endship, Love and Truth," and delivered one of the most elaborate and well-constructed dtscourset on the subject ever preached in Knox, and held his audience speU-bound for nearly au hour. I would not attempt a sy­nopsis oJ the address, it was one of those rare efforts .that can­not be put on paper, and could ha"e been delivered only by one well acquainted with the princi­ples of tbe order, and specially endowed to deliver such a mes­sage to the people. After the ae"ice, t be lodge adopted resolu­tioas of aprreciation and tha.aks. We al join with the Odd Fellows in thanks and con­gratulations.

Intereatiug Items.

From the Trade Review, May 6th PKtC£ OP F1sn.- The same

prices given for fish last week arl! ~a quoted this week, and theu waU probably maintain for the balance of the old catch.

Fatller Preserlptiorls:


have been curiug for 3o; ,ears, , aud are curing to-da~. :lll • the common ailment~ 1 that come to every family,' •We ba\re bund~s of gtatcful letters to prove this.

fallltr Ktrrlscy•a Wt. 7' tones up the Kidneys. re­moves Uric Acid from the ( blood,B.11d cures Rheumatlam. 1.::~:::::::;:~~ Io tablet form, soc. ,

fdu Ktrrbey'a Nt. 1t is a.' most effective and reliable cure for Cough.s, Coi~Brouchhis, Asthma aod Whooping Cough. A real Lung •nlc.

:t,rial Bottle, 25c. R.egnhlr Size, ,50.

fllkr lltrrlsey'l Nt. relieve and cure Dy~ ~ aad all forms o~ Each t:lblet '!i' digest 1 J( pouoda of food. Per 60z, soc-

flllla' .. r-,.s cures Catarrh. A combined blood, and a halinc aalve for the dected aDd aalve together, soc.

filler .. riley's ataudby foT all aorta of ac:.bes aDd to use-q•liek to rdievl!.

l>er bottle, 25c:. 51

Cllatlail"'. N •••

Pou.- Tbe price or hogs fell nearly two ceata per lb. ia a few daJa, aad pork dropped accord· ingly. The marketa, however, re­covered in a abort time, aad while quotatioas are not so high a • tltey were • lliOiltb ago, chea., pork u we kaew it two years qo ia not likely to 1fe reached for SOIIle time.

AND FLOua.- Wheat. wh doWil a bit last week, we a cent or two this wee , the.eluctuations do DOt affect us. Loc:a1 dealers ae stodr­ed for spring supply. The stocks or flour held in the city at present are larger than usual.

LoBSTEKS.--A.t this seaaoD o( the year, when tbe lobster ~ery is opening, it is again opportuae to call atteutioa to the necessity for a close down of this industry, in the interest of its preservation. If this be not done there will not be a lobster to catch in Fortune and Placentia Bays in five years. The Fisheries Board (who, we think, are legally competent to act in the matter) sho• ld diSGuss this subiect at once, with a view to give notice Of a Cl<fC down of two years from the end o( the fishing season of 1911.

SALliON. - The Newfoundland salmon is the most gamey and tasty fis li in the world. In London be would nevq sell for less than s ixty cents per pc?und, anti fre­quently the figure [s over a dollar per pound. Surely it ought not to be impossible to send out salmon in cold storage to the sa.me mar .. ket, when we are only a third of the distance away that Australia is, If the industry were properly loo"cd after, its vaJue to us would increas~ by )lundreils or tbou.sauds of dollars annually.

Try thle


For THREE new Subscribers to the STAI'mAKD, handed in with $1,00 each, or Staadard and Montreal Family Hcralu or Witness or Daily Star $t.SO each. 3 large colored pictures ac· company the papers. I 60 CENTS. The Pen' aife for 4 new subscri bers ba nd·

ed in . 60 cents each for the STAN~ARD till end of 1910; or for 4 to STA....,.DARD and Moo. Family Herald or Daily Star or Wi\uess, at $1.00 each. Three large colored pictures go with er :qso.

A J?air of Scissors wi~ be giveqta.s a Premium instead of the Pt a Knife, tf preferred. ·• · · ,

This Pen Knife is a good article, costing us as much as our best much admired, valued by the manufacturers a in ano ther place. A sample of the Knife t :aat means work.

St. John's Marble Works -· -PE~SONS REQUmi~G­

MonumentS, · Headstones, Tablets-and such like Work.

can be suited by nddre siug the Proprietor of the nbo\'<'­nruncd Works.

(Eif"Outport lett& o~ cuquiq• promptly ::111. \ICI'C~l, c~tim:tlc.!S of price and styl~ furri.Shcd, and nlh,fnclton n · u t·cd to customers.

·J. 1\fciNT)."RE, P l'opr·ictor.




T SAur.e (&LAND PoMI'ES.-Sir Ed· ward P. MOrrie. ~bile In Montreal arrang'ed with the Canadian meat of Maria~ aad Fiaheriea !or the obtaining- f~e of charge to us of

Do Y.-u Know. Your Aibnent

Or Ia It a complication whlotl oan be reached o•'Y try DR. CHASE'S


-We quite agree with tbe re­marks Qf the Eveui.ug .Telegram in the article bern'nmg : The great majority o the English speaking people of the Empire -,vill learn ·with satisfaction that {be British Cabinet bad decided to introduce a bill to remo"e the offensive wording of the lest which every King is called upon to submit to prove to Parliament that he is not a member of the Church of Rome, As our con­temporary says it is unnecessary and offeasi\'e. MorC<\ver it is not proposed to abolish the test, only

I N order to encou1~e the develop~eot ef Agriculture an~ • the manufacture of &un-dried Pea.t fuel in this Colony. the Newfound·

land Agricultural Board propose holding an Exhibit!~ in St. Joho 'a during the month of October next. at which will ~ exbitlted Agricultur-

203 Water St., t • ST. JOHN'S, NFLD.

a number of theao cele'brated little Sable leland poole&. On~ baadred q( theae have beeo aaked Cor and a achooner will be acnt by the Govern· meat to Sable:Ialand to brio( to Newfoaadlaad~b,ltt 'l:tiJantitY are available. The~ult df thia' c:.xpe· rimut will be watthed with intereat,

1111'' IIIILE ··~IS. lila~ Po.ltleqJdo you Want? . Cabot~ Water Skeet , , Tel-era Mr, En oeer, Eleotrlolan

St. 0\Ui I. . Cb•mllt. ;e&allb~l, Scuvoyor, 'Nul·

Full llaes Gr&Dite aad Marble Beadatollea. Moaumenta aad Ceme­·tety Decoration now on baad. Deilpa aecJ estimata on a_ppllca· tioa. Beet worluaaaahlp. Lqweat prices.


gator 8cllooi·TeaCher DrauJblamao, Pld.mh-r1 Sb .. t·Metal Worker, 11r ~bat noL Slia)' at bnme under the lnt.rna­\lOaalCol1'ellpoadell~ Sohool of Sorao..­toD. Pa., u eooru .,e dolac al Orand hila aod baDdred~ elaewboro Ulrou~th the IalaDd, and :JOU 'lrlll ban a boner obaooe. A ooune (aa • )'Ou want) .fQr dllpoaal at thia mo at a mucb reclaeed rale. Appl7 arl , u on I)' ono

\ -Two 111 raiUlWrJlU) J!laxra!ltr'Va a.o­

OAL •Ab.UIIf1UI, AIWa.JII weloollle tn our readbaa_table:tbe DlooeaaaMaculae aDd the lletbocllal Mootbl)' OrMllnlf. Tile MaJ Dambuajuat reoelved, brtmll:d of aood HlldiD&·

There la ooly ono mediehe that eaa proTO thoroughly aalilfactol')' ba eom· piJGAtcd :illmeats of tbo llnr ud.ldd· ney•, and that Ia Dr. Chue'a Jtiche7· Liver PUla.

Tbe.r begiu b7 re~UD1 Uae bowm Alld awakulog the seUoa 9! Uae Hnr, t henoby t'fteetlllg a tborouala lllauias of tbe rutcrelDry l)'ltem. "BJ tlua reo movlolf tho pollou from the l)'ltem t.he7 l~btt'o tbe work of tile lddot71 aud f!TSdually rettore Ulem to llaaUb.

Nobody w•o· oaee learaa of the do!· alto at1d certalll sc:tJoa of Dr. Obue'a Khlnty·Linr ~illl io regalslblg aad ln\i~:onting the lddne71, llnr aa4 bowt'l'l, ia willing to take ehanc:ea b'i oxrcrhncntina wltb other medlc:laea.

' Sucb allmonu u bUlonaoeu, eoutl· p:~otlon, ebronJo locllgeatloa, liver com· plolnt and kldoe1 d.lae* 7leld reaclll7. to tbla tnoatmeot. "'

Dr. Cbue •e Kldue,y·Llver PlDI, oue plll a doae, !5 eta. a box, at all dealeTio or Edmnaoo, Batea 6 Oo., ToTODto. Write tor a free COPY, of Dr. Obue'a Rtcir-

to alter its wording. • We regret to note certain lit.tlc

jarring notes in the world w1de sorrow over tbe deaij1 of our late sovereign, but we. would regard ourselv<'S As a pubhc cne~y were we to magnify such or d~StfrDedly use it as the means or stirrang up bad feeling. ·

• ;;t< Dtr Any au~ber..no~reeelvlng hll

pap_4!r reaulariJ wlll fnor ua b)' prompt ootlfteallon. -----

al and Horticultural producta of all kinde, woof and all a rtidc:a made therefrom and aamplea of aao-dried Peat fuel The Board iD\·ites the co­opc:rntioo of the Agyicultural Societies to be formed in the varioua locali-Uea and the public generally in carryio~rout these object •

A Section or Room in the Exhibition Building will be act :.parrlor Exhibit• from each Electoral Dis trict aod...-at the cloae of the Epibitioo all articles ubiblted will be purcha&ed by lbe Board.

Pnz• eS Three thousand dollars {S3000) baa been set aside for the • purchase of a superior breed of P oultry. wbicb. will be

diatributed .. prhe• for the best exhibit of each kind or produ~ •

Peat Fuel It is illlended that a display of 8ot1-dried Peat • shall be a special feature at the exhibilio~.­

Pri&ell will be awarded Cor the best samples uhibited and 1the u mples exhibited will be purchased by the Board at a fai7 valuation.~ ~

Freight on all exblbita will be paid by the Board. No eotrnnc:e fee will be charged on c:.xbibita. c Full particulaTe of the date on which the Exhibit ion will be held.

pry:e lista, etc., will be published at as euly a date as po111i ble. -lleaara. Ratmooda.ndJohn Downing

ha,•e palot.ed t e oatalde of Mr; RobL S. M1lDu'• bOWie oa Ylc:lorla Street. al5,8i

FR.A.NK l:I· SXM!."\>U~, S«mary Nftd. Agricultttrlll S()('t~ly.

./J.T&~ ITDJDT. ·ST. JO-ts-__... . ... ..

... ·.

Page 3: Archibald Bros •. .• ,collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard... · 2017-05-24 · A. BI'OWD. St. Joha'a. -Mr. Graham Muon. aon of Mr. To the gae eeadiafr Ia tbe

, .




.. . '


• I • • ' f

1'he liarbor Greee Standard artd. the Fami&y Herald and Weekly Star, of ~on~l (~2) for $1.50 ( 1 p~lu~). The ~tandatd and tQntreat Weekly Witness (l2) for 1.50 (1 picture). The Standard and the panadtan Ptclortal, ~onthly, (l2) for l1.50 (1 pacture). The ta•~<t.r , and World Wide (weekly) ft.75 (• picture). The Standard per half-year for 50 cents (1 pacture). The S~andard ~er ~ear for ft. (r pa ture). The Standard and a large pair of nickel plated Scissors, $1.25. The Standard and a somewhat shgbter pcur mck~l plated au 81.1 5· The Standard and a half-dozen famed W. H. Rogers Tea Spoons, l•.so. All in advance< ..... ; ...••...•••••...•••.... {. 'f, ...

vox TUB STANDARD. leader or codtrap ia place thereof, COD FISIIERY. . day wee~ la~t Mrt1. 'laird went for ~ ~--~-~~-~~· !!i---•---... -•!-lllllli~---11! aad the lattersball be subject also ~ abort v1ait to Mr. and Mrs. .Ma'k· , to the proviaion of this section as From Rules and Begulationa, aason .at Al~erdene, apcndaag a 1



THEY are the Remedy that the -.anteous b:nd uf n3.ture bu

provided for all dlseuu arbla~ fr"m IMPURE BLOOD.


!Iirt·a Ltli81t cmsoolfs etc. -Baine Jobnaton .ft Co. had a

meuare on lllond'ly from tbeir areat at Batlle Harbor tbat there WU DO ic:e I here. --CONSUMPtiON ANO LUNO OJio'lo"{•

Cl'L'rli':S ·

AIWDJI ariM from parUclH of eornpt mauer deJ)OIIt~ lo the alr-lla, b7 lm· pa~ blooil. Parity lbat atr .. m of life aad It ..,Ill very - arry olr and d .. .. troy IJit polliODOIU mat .. r, aod like & orya&al rtver aowlnlf Uaroettb a d-re. wlll wloa with It and lean tbro~acboal tbt bod~ tbt elemeall of bealtb au ·~&b. A8 the rtnr, l•avloa lbe olemea .. or twtUit71Dit. ooorw, ~J b &be before barren ..... to bloom .., I dowere and rrau, 110 p~are blood eaa- tbe frame to r•Joloe In etreoath aU bealthf and. bloem wltb UDfldlD!it l)eaatT. A I medicine Dealer• nU Dr. llorN'•Indiall Root Pilla. •

-Tbere Ia said to be plenty of work at Relllale. ---A WOKEN MADE RAPP\•.

•1 ooui4,MUOel7 *''about tbe bouae to aUIDd to !D7 work aDd feU mlMrable -•J' all tb4i u...._" ..,rtffoelha. Alex. Baob&DU. 111&1111 BIQOk Que. "Af .. r u1q Dr • .A. W.OUW. Nerve Food my ~tam 11 'WODderlall7 buill ap. Tbere lj 110 futMr .._ble from dluy epell.a udaeo..u....--; &nd 'Willi b•a&&b ead •&re~aa&b Nltored, lite bu a aew pi_,. for me." -----Re'f. A. G. ReeveL a Ne..,. foaadlaader, arri•ed by the S. S. Slberiu ou JdoadaJ ou bia way to Weatena Caaada to enpre iu Mi•· aloa worlr. ---- • llld'l LDIInt Cllll DlltBIJBI'·

~FOR SALE. 800 M. Ho. 1 SBIHGLBS. Also ll8tohed BOABD. &c.

aJ&iaat any other who may ao de· 1910. short hme watb M'rs. J. D. Muna stre to set a leader or cod trap; pro- at Harbor ~rae~. Sb~ returned to I

The Old Picket renee.

"'Tis passing; no longer the vided that if any person after set· 48• (As amended.) No person town by Fnday s trata. t farQ:ter repairs it, * • tin&" his cod trap leader shall be shall set on aay of the 1ishin~t The Rev. Ralph Strathie arrived

1 The hideous barbed wire ex ... boaa fide pr~ventoo by at.ress ~f grouads ia Newfoundland any cod· from Prince Edward Island last tends in ita place, weather or 1ce from sethng bta trap or leader at a less distance week bn a visit to his father Mr.

Yet many there are who rejoice codtrap w.itbia the said four days. thaa· eighty fathoms from the John' Strathic, he is condu~ting in its going, such penod shall be computed aearest poant of any cod trap or the services at St. Andrew's Pres·

And tell us how much it was from tbe time at which the wca- teadU previously set. If any per- byterian Church here during his wanting in gTace." t~er or ice shall pumitt of his set· sou shall set a cod trap leader on stay. Sunny Jim, ia E. Telegram. hag such. cod trap. No cod trap .or the fishing grounds ia order to se- Amonpt the visitors from llar-

RKJOINDBR. leader shall be set at a letf dta. cure the place for the setting of bo G tb. k M tance thaa seveaty fatbotp~ from his cod trap, aad such persoa shall r J rJace IS w~ ar~:- Ressrs.

But some will lament the fence passing­

Picket codtra or leader ...--viously i cod . b' W. . anes, E. Packerang, . M. ::loa the 6,ast of Lab~-dor. It fat to set such trap 'nt tn Duff! J. McRae, II .. H: Arch.ibald,

The ones that made their wood-pile, •

. shall .__ lawful to ••t a codtrap oa four dar- after setting out such E. Stmmons and Walhs Davu .. tt replace ~ "" leader, it shall be lawful for any the opposite side of aay laad or other peraoa who may desire to Mr. Art~ur ~aylor, .who. spent

The lads that tore it ~oat gruing,

in gaps for ialaad which may intervene be- secure the place where such leader a. week wttb bas relataves a a the tweea two codtraps at a tess dis· wu so set out for the settiar of C1ty, returned to Carbonear. on taace thaa the seventy fathoms his (the latter's) codtrap, to re- T~esday .eve.n!nr week, bavtng above meatioaed. No bultoW11 or mov;auch leader, and thea set his enJOYed hts \'Jsat very ~ucb. Mra. trawlssball be used before the lOth own leader or cod trap in place Alfred Penney and Mtss Pt;>"!e11, day of Septea:ber in any year oa thereof, aad the latter aball be wbc;> we.re on a few weeks vtatt to the fishing ground!i witban three au~ect a1ao to the provisions of tbetr f~enda returned home at \be

'Tis they that will vote barbed wire ,is poor st1le.


miles of the Coast of Labrador or this sectioa as against any other same tame. Patriotic Concert on St. George's Islands on said Coast from Cape who may so desire to set any lead· Mrs. H. D. Reid, who left for a


night, April 23rd in the Metho- Charles to Cape Harrison. No er or codtrap; provided that if at1y health trip la,st autumn, spending dist College Hall-St. Thomas's cod trap shall be set in Blackguard ~rson after sdting his codtrap some time ia Egypt and also in Glee Singers Concert on Thurs- Hay, LabradQr, except from the leader shall be bona fide prevented Loudon, ~(>4:Cts to leue Liver­day, April 28th-Methodist maialand or islaads and rocks by stresS of weather or icc from pool by the Empress of Britaia Guards entertainmeat on Thurs· above water inside a line to be settin'- his cod trap within tht said for Quebec on Friday next, en day evening, April 28th-Hon. drawn from Curew Print theace four Clays, s•ch period shall be route for home, her friends will D. Morisoa and Mrs. Moriaoa to Long Island Head • and the c.omputed from the time at which be pleased to learn that her health leave towa for a trip to Euro(>C: Northwest end of the Western the weather or ice shall permit of bas much improved. -Arrival of Mr. at1d Mrs. Davtd Hare bland. bis setting such cod trap. CoHil.UPOHDHNT. Baird fl'om an exteaded "tour (Added). The use of trawls or 49. No person shall set on any St. John's, May 4th, 1910. abroad..:.Rev. Ralph Strathie, bultows is prohibited Oil the fish- of the fishing grounds of this Col- • . of Prince Edward bland OD a ing grounds inside one mile from ony or its dependencies any cod net A Hewfonndluder Wntea Bia visit to his Native Land. tbe shore in Pinnaire Bay ia the or salmoa-net at a tess distnace Lut Bditorial. Seftral very pleasaat public en- Straits of Belle Isle. tbaa fifty fathoms from the near·

tert,.iaments hue beea held n:- est point of any codtrap pre,·ioua-ceatly, amongst the aumber was a USIN& PlJR&ATIVES ty set, nor at a less distance tbatJ Patriotic Coac:ert oa St. George's fifty fathoms from any other cod· night, April 23rd, uader the pat- INJURES ftE!LTH. net or~ salea-net previously set. roaage of HJsExcellency theGov- (Add . Norshallany codtrap eraor, and Lady William$. Tb~ Wbal You Need fn Spring is be set wit ·a fathoms of any first part of the ptogramme coa- a BIOOd-Bntldlng Tonic. ~moa or -net prcvitlusly set. sisted of vocal, pianoforte and 60. Wbea any peraoo shall violia solos. An Ode, "Newfouad· A spring medicine is an aclual have set a cod-net or salmqn-net land" by Mr. A. H. Allen, Orgaa- aecessity to most people. Nature or cod-trap, and the same \!that! ist of the C. of E. Cathedral, by demands it as an aid ia carryiag have ·become d.._. to any 'ex· the Choir, Mr. Allen, Coadactor. off the impurities that have accu- ~nt, rendering ~ssary that The differeat musical selectioas mulated ia the blood durinr the 1t be: takea up for the purpose "<?f were well rendered aad received iadoor life of wiater.But unfortua- repaar, he aballaot thereby forfett repeated eacores. ~ the day wu ately thousands of people who do 'his right to re-set his cod-trap, abo"held ia celebration of the r~izetheliecessity of a spring cod-aet or aal~oa·net in the place birtb of tbe great dramatist, Wil- medtciae do not kaow what is best from. whence 1t bas beea take a up; liam 'Shakespeare. A scene from to take aad dose themselna with pz:ov~ded that the same be re-set "A mid-summer Night's Dream" harsh, (ripiag purgath·es. Wttbl.ll four days. . . was presented by some youal" Tbis ts a serious mistake. Ask ~1. Any J!USOD Us1ag a hernag louU .. aod yo••J geotlemeo. Itt aoy docto• attd he will tell 1.., ,.. ••.• , uplia ~·· oa the ~t the dress of furies. to suit the that the u~f purgative medi- of tbts Island t~ take or h~u . -characters they meant to portray: cines weakeas the ayst-:.m but does fish shall be gu•lty of a vao a Oberoa-Misa Outerbridge; Tita- uot cure disease. Ia the spring of these rules. aia-Miss Withers; Bottom-Mr. the system needs building up-pur- 52. It shall not be lawful for Cyril Carter i Puck-Miss. Dora gatives caanot do this- -they weak· any. ~rson to throw ~verboard or Ayre; Cob-Web-Miss Flora Clift; ea you still more. The blood depostt upon the fiah•ag grouads TbeCbaageliagChUd-MiaaOliYe should be made rich, red and pure, or _ledges on or n.ear the coasts of Renaie. All the parts were well aad oaly a toaic medicine can do thts Colony or ~ts dependencies, atJd creditably performed. After this. The best blood building. any ~eads, entraLls, bones, or offal au address by His Excelleacy Sir llene restoring tonic medical of any codfish. . Ralph Williams the eatertaiament scieace bas yet discovered is Dr. 57. (As amended). In the dts­closed with the National Au them. WilliJuas' Piak Pills. Every dose trict of Ba,r-de-Verde no person The proceeds were in aid ()f tbe of this mediciae actually makes shall place •tt the water !IDY cod­Feild~peacer Association. uew, rich blood. 'l')lis aew medi· tra.p or cod-trap moorang:s. . or

The St. Thomas's Glee Singers' clue ,ptreagtheas e'tery orgaaJ tw1ne or gear of atJy descnphon

Loadoa, Oat., May 11th-Mal· colm Graveae Bremaer\..editor-ia­chief of the London 1'-ree Preas was at the office writinr editorials last night. TbismorniaJ" he wu found dead in bed. He had oftea c.-~pressed a wiab to die ill hanleu. He was a aative of Haat'a Har­bor, Trinity Bay, NOd., aad came to London whea niae yean old. He bas beea editor of the Free Press for 20 years. ----


NatTOw Elcape of a Harbor . Gnctao.

aaaual coacert was held ia C&noa ever)4lerve aad every part of the to secure a trap-berth, before nOC?D

11'-•tinal S ... " LAtl tl u ... t Wood Ball Oil Tb~raday April 28th body. This is why D. r. Williams' Oil ~be tweaty-filtb day of May ID .mill _.. !~ 1141 ia aid of St. Tho6lu'sCboir fuad. Pink Pijls cure headaches and an1 year betweea . Breakbe!lrt

. Mr. Bugh Simmoaa. mate oa the schooner Alycome, bound from the Magdalea Ialaads with tea hundred aad fifty barrels of berriags to Eastport, Maiae, met with a fierce ~e oa the 4th May. The cargo abtfted and the •easel sank in five minutes, the crew barely escaped with their lives. They had oaly their worst cloth· ini on. The captain was lo his sbtrt-sleeves, and his son 15 years of age, sleeping in the cabin, bad to jump in the boat with hardly any clothing on-no boots, cap, etc. Mr. Simmons went into Ute cabin to save his valise with his quadrant; but his comrades called on him "to come on," as the ship was siaking rllpidly. He jumped into the boat with only what he bad on, a.nd be and the rest that were in the boat were nearly cast into the water, as the maio boom struck the boat and came near ti4>piag her over. They rowed to the nearest land, which they reached in safety-the elevea of the ship's company. TbeJ were met at the railway atabon nt Halifax by the American Consul's assistant, and brought to a hotel, proVided 'with food, and later broutrht to a clothing store for clotbtag. They took the firs t train going Qut for Eastport, ~aine, the home of the Captain . Neither the cargo, nor the vessel Wcl.S insured ;'and as the Captain was sole owner the loss is a heavy one to him. There were three othtt vessels lost on that coast in the same storm, May 4th.

------ Mr. Herbert Sttrling, Organist of backacheS, rheumatism at1d aeur- Potnt aad Red Head tn Baccalaeu Firewood, Oats, Hay, Caule St. Thomas's Cbo!!.:DL_thedirec- algia, baaishJimples and erup- Tickle. . p-..t 'Harness, &c., for sale. tor. Tbe concert -openta with a tiona, at1d gi a glow of .health Ia Concephoa Bay .. no trap may ~ pianoforte SQlo by Miss Floreace to the most sallow skin. Mea be set at a greater dLStaace thaa

Also, Provisions and Groceries. Pittman, of the Methodist College women and growin,r, boys and eighty fathoms from a line drawa Verbena Flour always in stock musical staff of teachers. Part girls who take Dr. WtllialllS' Pink from headland to headland frem

1ft bottom price.. Soa(-'4 Softly fall lhe shades of Pills eat well. sleep weU, and feel Red; Lauds to Murpby'a Island at THOV&Il WALSH evenaag," Soag, Mias Berteau; Re- bright, active and strong. If you Jobs Cove, nor s~all any bul~ow ~ Riverh~d. citation, Mill Pauliaa Baird; Glee, aeed a medicine tbia spring-and or trawls be set wttbia three males

• __ :A• _ __ a::: "Song of the Vildnl"t" Soag, Mr. most likely .rou do-try this great of the land from Red Lands to H. V. Tuff; Glee, "Lullaby," reviving tonic, and see the new Murphy's Islaad, at Job's Cove,

f . R. A. SQUIRES, LL a Cello Solo, Mr. Alex. Mews; Glee life, aew health aad new strength between all imaginary line run-

IOUC ... OI. 11 Call of the Breeze," Song, Miss it will put into you. ni~g south-south-east from each u G. Strang; Song, Mr. W. Mon- Sold by all dealers In medicine, Potat.

crieff Mawer; Glee," Spriag Wei- or wUI be sent b7 mall, I'Oit paid, No person shall place in the .t.JID


onrc:a. - 1. KIMBERLEY ROW, sna.f~ur.

(Oppollte star of the Sea BalL)

come"; Soug, Mr. Charles Button; at 60 oent.a per box, or six boxes waters any cod-trap or cod-trap Glee, "The long day closes." The for t2.70, by addreulog Meura. T. mooring, or twine or gear of any Glee Siagera CoaCert was voted a MoM.ardo & Co., 8t. John'•· description, to secure a trap-berth, great success by all who bad the -Archibald BToL turooutof~hoea before noon on the 25th day of pleasure of attending it. laat month reached the highelt 61. May in any yea.r oa the cJast be-

The Methodist Guards eater- ure yet iu their rapidl1 increaaiag tween Salmon Cove Head and 014 · h" b b td · th buainell-5340 pairL Sow Point, thence to Feather

taiament, w tc was e 10 e Poiat, soutbsideofBarborGrace,, TheQueenMother'sMessage

W . d Methodist Colle~e Hall OD Tburs- 1118d'l Lilllnt cues O....NIIt il em. including Harbor Grace and Car-

Teleplloqe 2&6, 8'1'. ]ODS.

a ntA day eveain&', t e 28th of April ucu&ll bonear Islands. Queen Alexandra in her me&· V • 1 was a very enjoyable performance. CaJ»t. Wm. Bartlett went to St. No person shall place any but- sage to the Nation says:

I . The Bon. D. Morison and Mrs. Jabn abyMonday moroiac'auprua. toW11 in the waters of Conception " From the depth of my poor A Representative for Birbor Morison, accompanied by Miss Farmers are baay at their groaad, Bay, or the Arms thereof, inside broken be'art I wish to express to . Grace. · M~risoa, aud a young ladr, frie~d, and IOII\e alteady have their pota- of a line running from Mosquito the wbble aafion, and our own

--"'---· Miaa Guan, of London, ()ntano, toea aet.-Brigua Cor. Mayl3. Poi at of Harbor Grace, in a so10th- kind people we loved so well, m1 This is the time to scllaursery latend leaving this week by the · wardly direction to the eastermost deep-felt thanks for all thetr

stock. \Ve pay liberally aad offer Moagoliaa, ea route to the United Twitching of I point of Kelly's Island, and thence touching sympathy in my over-stead!_ C:'!'t>l~yment. Our list of Kial[dcnp aad the Coutiaeat. Mr. til a wei twardly direction to Col- whelming ,sorrow ~&nd unspeak· SPEOIALTIE~mbraces :tocare Xonsoa being Olle o( tht New- the Nerves Her's Point before the 15th day of able aaguiiJb. and choice list of r~c!:r sellers in fouadlaad delegates to the Hague July in aay year. . "Not alone ba,•e { lost every-both FBU1T and ORlU.JIEJ(T- Confereace they willvtlit Holland Wonctc.:tul 0u,. brought about by DR. 63. (Amended). In the waters thing in· him, my husband, but AL stock, Seed Potatoes, &c. in Juae. ThQ" expect td spend A. w. CHASE'S NI!.RVE FOOD of the Coast of Labrador from tbe nation, too, have -suffered an

some weeks ia Loadoa, sig:ht see- It Ia oulr ttr -tcbios tbl) •ymrtoaM Blanc Sablon to Red Bay Island, irreparable by their best friend, Write for tenn.s avatalogue. iag, takia~·ll the .. Festtval of of 110"~11.1 CSXbaU.tloh llhl a}'plyLDa it shall aot be lawful to put out father and sovereign thus sudden·

Emp=·e., d "nv th•=• · •-y, they roal9ratl•o trutmc11l t at you eau c,·cr codtra cod._,.... 1 d 1 lied .. 1 God . .. 111> _. :-" hope to ..,ard otr locomotar atula &Dd any p or trap ea er or y ca away. a~ay gwe

STOI1B ~ WELLINGTON, will probably pay a vistt to Scot· pamlyalt.. mooring or other coatrivance us all His Dh•iae belt> to bear this The :Foothill Nurieries, laud and Ireland. Their frleads Mra. E. J. Vudcrburgh, of EuUMl whate\'er for the purpose of secur- heaviest of crosses, which be bas

will uaite in good wisbes for a wena.od An, St. Catbl'rloe~, Oot., iag a tr;Jp berth before noon on seea fit to lay upoa us. "His (Established 1837) 1 t l • d f tu atatcs:-"For twtllty..ono 7toara I wu h fi f J . p easan \np an a aa e re ra. adly atnietod with hurt trouble, Dt'"· t e rat day o une LD alJY year. will be done. '

TORONTO, ONTARIO. O..April 18th Mr. and Mrs. Q. 0111ea nud cnmps LD tile llmba, a1ao It shall W' lawful to set Cod traps "Give to me a thought in your Baird returaed from a most enjoy- teblag of tbo IIUVIII ud uervou. Oil the Coast of Labrador, from prayers which will comfort and

..... -. ... Ot 8tau Cl.taum bl d t d d E to b~d3tbn I bocamo weak, deblllt.ated Red Bay lalaad North, durinf the sustaia me ia all that I have to ~,.. ..,_. i/fi1 . a e aa ex en e • uropeaa ur. ud ttDAceiated. y 1 eolldlllou wu dis· _...,._ During .their 50joura abroad they trealllg :uul I wu matte worao through fishing season in aay year. I any go through.

oo:tra.l"l''Oll B.t.Y .t.DVBR'l'I8BB visited several of the principal wonrud loa of aleop. person shall set a codtrap leader "I confide my dear sou to your ~~ u4 publlahld '"!:il'rtdaJ .COJrtinen~ities-Rome,Naples, "I tried a bund~d remedfu In nl11. Oil the fishing groundsia order to care, who, I know, will follow in • .. tile ~~ VJO. ~ c , MeSsina, Mea tone, Afw hn,·in~ ued halt • dou o boxoa secure the place.{or the settin~ of his dear father's footsteps, beg-...... -a llarborO,..,b7K1lJUI Oke G'b t "'-·t B --• ofDr.Cb~•Ne d ... oldtrou· hiscodt"'p andsucbn• .. ·••n s II · t b b ' tb --- 1 ra , Oil e'-'<U o, ar\OC.lona, bl b:al tl e nolabl'd, ud I ,..1 ·~ , r--n a g~ng you o s ow 1m e same

8abearlplloa Batelt-To nblcrlben Madrid, Lisbon, Pari~, a ad ~her ~n; ..... · ~: r be:llth t~11 r bad 1 t11ee fail to set sucb,.codtrap witbiu four loJally and devotion you showed ~~~~:o'J.~J~~~ ~~D=~-u,':.O: aotc.d places. They alao spent , irl ~ " days after actting putsuclrleader, bas dear father. 1 know that

• lJDIW Bta..., GO 11 lldClUtoaal lor llf'llle weeks fa Loadoa, Liverpool ft c~UCa u tbla pro\'& Ua& ..,onder- it shall be lawful for any other 'both my dear son an~ daughter-s-Ial .. Toothen, rstiL · MQchester Malvera SoutbaDJ..:. <al ellleicoey of Dr. A.. W. Chuo'• persoa who may desire to secure in-law will do their utmost to D-•- -..... .. r 1Do11 • A • . •. • •rn· I\10<1 n ~urtt ID Nature'• ..,~ h 1 b h 1 d . d k . . r~lr':~~ :: .. &:r IJloll ton, Gltsrow and yrsbtre. All by \'Pi~hiog the bloo4 lind for thl&. rea· t e p ace 9 ere sue ea er was mertt an eep tt." tor ..--.unaUoa. BPtala1 .....,. tor thetr fnends arc pleased to see ~;1 enriching tbo bloo4 ao4 Ita beoetlta 10 f>et out for 'the settiag of his --::,,.------tltree or_._...._ 'l'la• DIUD~ tbem once more, aad\give them a •are luHug. c:o ttl. a boz, all dealers, (the latter's) codtrap, to remove -STANDAltD for sale at Mr. IMIIUou of ~-• 111111 cordial welcome home. Oa Moa- or Edm:a1110n, Batu • Co., To~ll1o. such-~eader, and thea set his owu Cody's Book store . ., • ...., 07 &laeld..u.r.

0 • -. /



lln. inv~,ent of a few hundred dollars in (he ca1) ays of the Cobalt or Ne\":lda mi4fs -..:oil have made you rich.



Jtic.h got~ camps are not found e'•ery day p,or every generation.. You may atilt get an oa f.be ground floor of one o( the ricbh~ m~ap in


·1'10 pq CBlft'. PBB AIIM Ua. tt'lth"' •mp mill oa our propeat), a

peteat' euaulg engineer eailia&tes the of coaftrtiag tbis ore iato gold but-at $6 tpu loa. A tea-stamp mill,

tr~ing 1,! toas per mouth will yield a p t of 80,000 per year on our total ca talizat 11 of $500,000 in 51 shares, or ~ r ceata.

' , JF YOU BUY HOW atWO ceo~ a share your profit wiU be at · tq rate of l40 per ccat. per annum .



h~ N\J~et mine in the Sheep Cl-eek P• l'i.S bought 18 months ago for 000. Since then $171,000 in gold but-. has botn taken from the mine and re­

tly the.itoperty was sold to New York pte for S-400,000 cash. mpet~nt mining men. agree that. we

b \'e as good or better opportunities. ·


ave ou.r stamp mill in opera· earning SL5,000 per month

will command $2 or $3 a market.

arc all b siaess men of a the Cit1 of Vancouver,

who and-pa1d for their stock. We ba,·e not given any wealthy man a block.of our stock fpr the use of his name. Our ~roperty stands oa its merit, and is lpok1ag better wilh every foot of work.

-$60~00 PROFIT IN SIGHT. A conservati \' e estimate places the

quantity of ore no-av:~ilable at 4,000 tons on which a clc;ar profit of $15 per too can be obtafaed. This tonnage is be·

• ibg increased d;tily.


Some of the most careful investors in Vaac()uver arc buyintr this s tock, and it will only b4l a short time until the small issut> offered at 50 cents is all taken.

Price advanced to 50 cent.s on May 1st, 1910.




436 Hastings St. West. Vancouver, B. c.

, Please send prospectus \lnd par- i [;::~0······ ·· .. ·· ·~····· ·· ····:······~ ·· -- ·

ADDRESS ........ .. ................ , .. :

- '

I ..

Page 4: Archibald Bros •. .• ,collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard... · 2017-05-24 · A. BI'OWD. St. Joha'a. -Mr. Graham Muon. aon of Mr. To the gae eeadiafr Ia tbe



RYAN 8 ROTH ERS, Comet TumeclDi~ Hight XiDI


, Bermlida. May lOth.-Oa Friday aicllt. that of U.. dea\ll of Kiag Bel· w&tcl uut. of coune tho acceaaroa of K1ac Geof1e, a remarkable plaoao. maaoa waaobeened at Berm uCla a ad recorded by aa experimental tclea­tlat. Impc-;en o( Britiah, Ameri~, Canadian, F!cnch and German

Dry 8\ods. PnYI)Ieas, 8ncerlu, parnara,Leatberwara -EXPOR'l'tlt& or-

Balley'a cocaet, which &rat became riaible about two o'clock Ia tbe momlar, later dlaplayea a moat de­dded red tlnre on the tail. At half put tweiYe o'clock the fort aear the city of Hamilton bepa &ring the. a&· hat. of 101 paa to the aew kiar at hltenala of two mi.Jwtea. J uat aa tbe lalt pa waa fired. at exactly lifty two minatea after three o'clock, tbe comet 'a taU lared a decided red eo d.


BONAVISTA.'K;ING'S COVE; ELLISTON! GREENSPOND. The hea". diatinc:tly 'riaible. be·

c:ame a ball of red lire. Thia pheao­meaon Jaated only li•e minute., but wu oWened by man7 aegroea 'I"Ork· lag o~ the pier• loadaug fbe a teamer Bermudi&D, who fell oa tbeir koeea and praJtld, refaaiar to work. ~l!iYeoif trae.aad not ezanuated an antere;atiaC' coincidence bat aot om­iaoaL ODiyauperatltJoa, altOj['eth· er oat of pl&ce bi thia ap of ealiC'ht· enmeat, would attach any hapocto ance to the fac:t. U fact It wen. Cometa are almoat boarl7 more or leaa chan&inr their form, color, etc. EDITOR.)

' And tr.c following STA'!IOKS OK L\BRADOR-

Ba\teaux, Webber's Harbor, Orleans and Hawk's Harbor.

FISHING OUTFITS Supplied at all the above EstabliJhmcnts HIGHEST PRICES PAID for altiUnds of Produce.


pi' LATE ~AJESR 1118 EDI~RD TpE 'EYEITH. , I --- --

HiDe Xi.q• at l'uDeral. London. May 16tb.-Kiar FTedi­

naad, of Bulgaria. baa decided tr at· tend the Royal faa era l. The other ao•ereigna are George. of Britala ; William, of Germaay; Haakoo. of Norway ; Frederick. of Denmark ; Albert. of Belgium ; Aloaao, of SpaiJa ; Mataual. of Portugal ; and Georre. af Greece. Ra11ia aod Ita I{. wiU be repreaeoted by bigh digs~ · tarieL


To-morrow being the day ·of the funeral of our late be­loved Sovereiga.o£ gracious aad rtorious memory will be observed in the Island as throughout the Empire as a day of moiAruing. In ~ost places, if uot everywh~re, it will be observ~ as a publfc holiday, and memorial ser·' -wices. will be held wherever such can be done. In Hat· bor Grace, ia the forenoon, there will be as we intimated laat week, a Memorial Ser• TO TBE EDITOR STA.NOUD. vice held in St. Paul's Epis- Dear Sir,-copal Church which Will be 5'1', PAUL'S CUOJlCB. 1 ~ to contradict what waa pab-atteaded by ' the Muoaic, • . . lllhed ao lut iaaue, of Robert Neil British, Oraa~re. aad Soas of Eagland bc>di~ The aer.va~ wtl~ com· falling while worklnr i.P Pyno'a meace at 11 0Tcl0ck. A Httlt; befo~ that ti~e t~e ~~~ties will .be- mill. Myaelf and my ~n went to ..:a their march. Each Soctety 1\'ill wear ats dastiactive.. mouruang the mill on buaiueaa, aad Robert ~~ . Neil weot with uL While walking

be order Of the procession so far as we have bee, a able to tiara aroand u~taira be fell tbroagb the llodr, a dtataoce of ICftll feet, laad·

will be U follows :-- 4 , • • • S' iAg on bit feet. He did DOt I&)' be

The~~ the Conception Bay Brabsh Socacty, wtth the aiken wu hart, only fripteaed. This Flag ~f tl(e ~ety furled i · J happened four weeka before bia

-niamond Jubilee Lodge, Sons of England ; death. Riaiag_ Sua Lodge, No. 1, L. 0. A. ; Mts. AuouaTus PncN, Kiag Edward Braacb (Juveniles) C. B. B.S.; .Baaaermaa Lake Road.

. Conception Bay British Society ; Harbor Grace. Lodge "Harbor Grace,"R.S., A F . & A.M., No. 416· [W d.l ~ blic:it to th" ,..__;.__.:..,.a Wt'llatart from ncar the British a ad Maaonic Hall e rea 1 7 Ye pa 7 11

.~.-r~ oote of MrL ynn. The pa~· Baildiag, and will proceed down Victoria and W\\ter Streets aud up lara we gue wvot from a peraon Coc:bnae Street to tlse Ckurc:h pte. The Bud, headed by Mr. W. l;l· that oae would 'think woold kaow J[eaaedy will play during the march a funeral hymn, 399 or JOO lD tbe fada.llDd we ga•e them without BJ111U Aadeat-&114 Modern. , comment u a matter of pablicnewL

Arririaa' at the Church f&tes. the ranks will be opened and the tt appeara from Mrl. Pynn'a letter )luoaic: Brethren will ~k lD first between the ranks to the C,._-..._t :.blat in eome detalla, .. c)tably the -d ..._~.... their .e&ts ia the front pews of the centre ; the members o ate of the accideat.'U waal ot aoria - wac ·u f u d tak it oarioteatloo to attach aly ati(lll& the C. B. B. S. and of Killl' Edward Branch Wl •0 • ow, au e to aqy one in connection with the tbelr teats aen ill the centre. The members of Riatng San Lodge matter, aimply·to rt•e tbe factL) will be aat..flld will be .uted in the front rows of pews on !he n~rth aide, and Boas of England ia the froat rows Qn the aouth s1de.

There will &lao be a.pe• in froat provided for ~~e R-:v·. J. W. Birtlett, Methodist. p.nd Rev. F. S. Coffin, Presbytenaa' Mimsters 1 a pew for Court aud~ther public ofticiala ; as well u for the mem· ben of Qac Constabulary headed by Dis~~ Inspec~r BaiteY,·


The eerrice will occupy about an hour, and will conttst of the Fua.eral Service, aa Anthem aucl a brief address by the Canon who will conduct the service, assisted by the Rev. T. Godd~n. .

The march from the Church back to the Halls wall be JD reverse order of the march to it, the Band pla7ing the British ~arch. Lodge Harbor Grace oa their returu to tbear Lodge Room wdl hold .a Me-

Mr. W. R. Gooby, wife llDd child· rea went out by Thut'l§iay'a train to St. Jobn'a w._ere they will realde ia future. Mr. Gooby baa take" oYer a a tore in the City and Ia going: to ruo it. We predict for him a quac:k ad· nac:ement amougat the buaiaeaa men of the City. The atote ;J.t Jer· aey Side ia oow under the manaie· me~t of Jamea Collhaa; ble.auiat· anta beiug:-Joho Roae, John Col· Una and JaL GritAn.

morial Serrice. A , 'Jl . . , ~ • The six members of the \ADJtabu.lary w1 JOln an tue servtce,

marchiag ia full uniform from lheir Station to St: Paul's. MrL Alexander Jack, Dr. Mitchell, MrL Griffin and Captain Fihpatric:k

bovet fright to change to tbanka- came in on Wedoeeday'a tra.i.D.

Abnt ,. mouth ago the head of Balley'• Comet wu at ita neareat point to th~ .ua. Laat nlrbt known u .. Comet" nilfht. it waa at ita aeaJ¥t to the earth, a dlataoce. aa­troaomera bYe calc:ulated of about 15 million• of milea. aix time• aearer tbaa the earth ever approac1i· ed the Kiqof Day. Il it. tail hap­pened to be aaloog aa it generally baa been in the recorded ~raea of ita 75th yearl{ viaita to ua.fhere waa •llkeUhood o ita caudal appendage llweepiac tbrou(b.our atmoapbere. There w,u a ~deal of uaeaaineQ in. the GJloda of many JM:RO~a ~r~e aad elaewbere. •pproachiog 10 abdre cuea to alarm.-at the proapect of wbat mi(ht bap~ to fbe earth. if tlae· COIIMt'• .A.l! ~- •trike a£ Some l'reaqa astronomers were It wQ•Jd appear partly reaponaible for tlda uaeaaiceaa ia tbe fnatanc:ea at kut of tho.e that had beat reaa­•red by the kaowleqe that the comet'a tall ao c:alled waa thinner than tlUn. 10 teauoaa that one many qaillioo• of •11• long woald ~eigh only a fewouocea«at moat polllldL 'l"'Ua re-uauriar kaowWr. waa ~by tb~ dictum of oae or two of the PNuch aeienti&c: oblenen abo•e refHred to. who iaf?,!~ed 111 tlu'oaci4 the Preaa that ~l bad 4iecoYered a vut i~ iJa the

· comet',a taU of that poleelaoua pa cyaaopa. aad that. it ROHI!Jlz qbt :tnl•rfollaly aJfect the earth a .atmoapbere.

.A little knowledge ia a daorerooa Ua\-e-. and all oiH' koowledge o( .co..U ia ao little that a little un·

' laaioe.a Ia very excuaable. Iod.wd, if the aporoac:& of the erratic vial tor(

ghill&'· Tbe S. S. Glencoe reporta a good Wbll~ our •iaitor ha&. been draw· halibut &abery on the Weat COUt.

in( near UL .. e bad to be ap be- Jobaten beiq a1ao fairly pleatiful. t~et and ba•e a clear aky to aee Thia ia •err good and we trait it hi (or Iter): yery few i( i,cdeed will continue to for .the aummer. a y landamen. about bere, really .... iaa Mullowne~, who came ,by a&w him;lalthoafb aome may baYC ...

th d.i M t led b t Friday'• train le t for the Cape thought ey ' any r u 8laoro lfith Mr. Jamea Barron, mail the early mornia( aky waa nearly courier. a.\waya c:loacted. Capt. Jlartery of tb~ brqt. Daloare. report• that on AD iotueetiog billiard toqrna:. bia way to St. John'a, wbea the mcnt ia being held at tbe Star bil· w~er waa c:lear, tbe comet wu tiard rooma at the preaeat ·time. Yiaible about one degree N. m. of Tboae wbo lose are to Ji•e the win· the morninr atar. a .ncra a diooer at i'11lforcS'a l{otel, S. ~ ahduld all be on the alert to Eaat. Apot il at preaeat leacSiae.

aee bim now th~t be is makiog the 'rbe na~;~~et of nrioua playera to­cveaiog the time of bi1 daily Calla. rether with ac:ore WiH be giYCD io Very few ot tbia ·gcaecttion will bt aext week•an9tea. on land or 19 to &'feet bim wbea b~ MI. Eareac Lepelletler of the paya his !left via it 75 ,Ura benc:e. French Cable oftic:e. st. Pierre, Mlq.

Sale of Work. * wllo..,...etadJiag the Xarliah lall· guage~the paat few months re­turned b c by the S. S. Argyle to

Tbe lad.iea 1M the Btesbtterian Lawn,. fro thence to St. Pierre by Church are again befO're the public amall from that plac:e the dia-witb their Sale of Work. Oil Tuea· t~c:e ng comparatively abort. d&J. next the 24th ioat.,. in tb!' Vic:- Oil Wedue1day about ?O boataleft toraa Hall from five o c:loc:k 10 the tbe harbor, and aa they ~ile4 o-at afternoon they will be prepared too oDe after the otber tbey ~ted a recciYe their .frle~od patron•. nry prettJ apectaclo 1nd6ecS. 4 where will ~posed for aale a laTe"' oull'l-.er of people aa &_Teat nriety of fancy a11d uaeful fr. them admired tbe ac:e ry muc:b. tiel._ for ladiee and c:lrildrena wear. ' · ~· h ad bee • h at prlua wbicb abould iuduc:e libt'ral• !)r. Chiabol n ao t e IOOI(oiag of tho pasr.e afriagL T~~ bay retum t S. S. Arnie refreahmcnt tablet will roan with and left for b • ome. goo4 tbloga-all JOU wil need will Rev. Father Cacciola who arrived be ~n appetite ~n'i! your pur,e. The from New York by Thuraday'a train c:anu aacl ic:e cream table W\11 be left for Jb,rroq Ia!and by the Arnie prea1!1ed over by roaar ladiel 'who on Th11ra~y. · are preparing to gtve a (ood aecoullt Cet.R.BSPOND•Jf~. of their department. and that the Placentia, Hay lBtb, 19LO. buhflll and retiring man may be IQde to feel~ ae. they will - London, May19tb.-Tbouaandt readUya~rve him om heir table at of Loadooera •lewed KID( Edward'• llDJ part o( tbe al The public body Wea~miaater Hall yeaterda,.. may. expect !l 'me and good Multitudea oatalde remalaed aa· val de for Uletr moaey.-Ad . rain till aHer mid-night. Premier

' c:aaaecl aeriou tltoarbta in the mind• o£ the gelseraiJtr of aa u to the uoc:ertaio tenure mortala have o( thia planet of oara. aot mach

• Jaarm laaa been done. and tbe mia· lliOII of the erratic •iait or !not

Kornt Tueadaye•eaing laid w~th


~. Ia nin. Co-.t Day J)Uaed away- a the

.....- comet ia t'eudiar without au'- c:aJ· .amity bcinc occ&aioaed. aad"a~ be-

- Mrs. C. F . Snelgrove aud on Royal eaa~et with inaeriptloo: ehlld rotqrag4 bome to Catalina• "lo gntefa1 remeqJbraace trom on Tuesday l~icr S. &. Ethic New~uodland, hit oldeat ,::OloQ7· via Carbonear. er brother, !4r, Prer»aet rep~nta NewfollndJao4 RafphTrapnell · mpanied them. at fllGCnl at WIJJ!Itor to-morro., .

--8BOut.D 1CO'I' DRIM' 011.-Tbe men of the LabOnn' Uaion of St. Joba'l are on atrlke at tbe Reid Nfld. Co.'a Dock premlseL Tbey nfuae to work w~b tbe non-union mea that are employed there. it Ia l&.id at warea below the regular ratea for uaioa ll'lea. Tbe other ~aloaa are atated to aympatlllae with them. and importera &ad other ahippera fear that ff tbe Truc:klter'a Union join the Ooc:k LaboreR and refaae to bul gooda from the traioa and Reid ahipa. lt will aerioualy hamper trade. Strikea may tome· tlmea be oec:eaaary: but they are re­grettable aa aot only entailing loaa to both partiet to it : but to the general public both direct!{ and In· dlrec:tly. Aa our law ia a preaeat tbe latter. though iaooc:ent. ha•c no voice io the qtlettioo of atrike or no at.rike. They c:an only, u we now do, ad•lae both to make mutual ad· vances towarda a aatiuactor11 aet­tlemeot. If atrikea or lockouta ia·

A Centenarian Pasaes Away.

MrL William Butt aeaior pasted away on Moaday night laat at the reaidence of ber daul{hter·ia-law. Mra. William Butt juo1or of Water Str~t. She bad reached tbc ver1 adY&Dc:ed ~ or ooe hundred yeara waotlog fi•e moothL Within two yeara ago. aiac:e which abe waa con­&aed to bed till the e11d came, abe waa able to be oat llDd about. Se•en ')'earl aro. wheo in her 93rd year, lbe rrforll'led the reat feat ror one o her yearL o walklog from Bay Roberta to Harbor Grac:e. MrL Butt liYed to aee alx British tovereir• oo the tbroae. She waa a clrl o 10 wben King Geor~e Ill. died. Up to two 1eara &g"O, her re­memberanc:e of eyeuta of 'the eeriod tome term •• the musty past that c:ame within her knowledge aa far bac:k aa ninety yeara ago waa very



ReidNewfo --·~nd Company


On Every::} Baf and Coast. , - ·--'-'--

Placentia Bay- Twp tri~a~ch week Trinity Bay- Four trips ~ch week Bonavista Bay- Two trtpll each week ~ Notre Dame Bay-;rwo tri~s each week Bay of Islands an'\ ijttttle,Harbor- Weekly trips Placentia to Port·Sfpf-"BaSflues- Weekly trips ·

making raU connectio.q a~. ter.m.tnal points. ,, .\ ' ~

S. ~ .~UCE Tri-weekly trips be weeii rt-aux-Basques and ·North

Sydney. The conn between Newfoundland and Canada and Unl Sta~.

N·E~~~DLAND. Mayfl . Wer Milk I •

j Is manufacturpl ~fguaranteed by The Tnaro CoDdeDill lllil Oo'J. L~, whose .. are ~ted lj Ule Oanytan GoY· arDJDeD''a -.. to ., Ule P1ll'8d in Ule

See tlaeir adv. or& prat page.

creue to &DJ great extent. a Board .JrOOd, audIt waa YefJ lateratlac to of Coocillatioa. with aimilar powera Jin.r bcr apeak of tlae old timet ia to tboae ka ~me other countries. CarboDear wbea ptck, Goue & may be required. Aa there ia 110 Fryer &ad othera DOted iD dUfereat auch Board, the ImporUI'a' Aaao- walka o( We In thae by pae d&JI eiatlo(l and the Boiil.rd o( Trade 8oarlne.t. Her bubulcl. Mr. Wm. aboplll uae their Kood offices to Batt eeolor, predeceaaed her by - ...... .-to.-·· ·:-€,..... ... ._, ..... and lrleedi:F.;Jmeat. t ftt' ninety yara of qe. She

lea iDd her two claiaptera. -The ac 10DD&' Rew· MrL let P..-. of Ottubary,

fouadlaodera receaUy pauecl their aud MrL Leri J'roat. beaidea 22 ioal examiaatloaa at Mc:GW Uni· rranddaildren aad aixteea creat Yeraity lex their sneral degreea aad j podchildrea. Anotber ,.reat· wete daly praeated Witb them grandchild, the two moatha O[d ton there on Wedneldaylut. 1'1& :-Mr. of Mr. Job a Butt (of Codaraae St.) Robert W. Aclraia, B.Sc: Mr. A. J. died a few hoara before hia aged C. Palae. B.A.; Ill': A. G. IQtc:ber. relative. M.A. The two latter are aona of Methodiat miDiateB. aamely, Rev. G. Pabae and Rev. H. C. Hatc:her. B.D., of tbia Colony, aa~ were edu­cated pre•ioualy at the Methodlat College. Mr. Adrain, atudeot . ia-. aoo of · Mr. Job a Adrain, merchant. of tbla c:lty. and waa prepared at Fei!d Collep. • We coarratulate tbe yoanr graCiuatea and wiab them eYery aucc:eaa-Heald,

[The STUD.ut.D jotaa witts their otiier friend• in aiacere c:oagratqla· ti'oaa aad belt wiahes.)

-UNDJCRPAQ).-Tbc Weatern Star thlnka that deaplte the recent addl· Uooa made to tbe IWuc:atiooal graot Boar~• of Education• do aot grant larre eaougb aalariet to teacberL Whatever be the reaaon, aalariea are not larre eoourb. and maoy af the beat mea are leaving tbe profeaaioa. The Stat polata out that the a nr•(e aalary of &rat-C'fade male teachef\ a a Jell tllan $400 a 7ear in tb~ timea of high coat of h•ing\ while the aa· aiataot·lfeeper in tbe agric:alturai atablea reta $456 aod the farm labor· er $)96-qot uc:easivo p:\7·

- Another Harbor Graeiao, Mr. W. J. Coatn. aeema to be doiDJr weU in the -Far Caoadlao North West. He La c:arrylog on. Ia partnerabip 1Jith a Mr. Lougheed. a reoeral brok~. realettate and ioaaraac:e baaioeaa lo the ftouriabiog emporam of Vuc:oqyer, and wrltea entbuaiaa­tic:aUy of the c;ity and Ita proapectL The 6rm1 ia iotercated to mining propertiea, one of which ia Ia the c:elebrated Sheep Creek recion, ao ad•erti~ment of which appeara io oar colUJDDI io another place. Some thqe &&"0 the abarea ($L.OO c-.cb} were o!Jcred at~ CCJtll ·each i tjqt it will be aoticed the1 have beeo adn.nc:ed to -50 c:enta. and Mr. Coats tbioka tJae1 will io all ~robabllib reach thear par value ~.00) lu a yery abort time. He baa e•ery faith In the future of thia propertJ. --IT W.U NO'l' Tire Co~tT.-00


With all reapec:t to the Nomenc:la· ture Society and tbe Iron Ore Com· paaiet at Belle Iale. why aboald they aeek to impro.-e tbe name of that plac:e. Belle Isle to II'IY mind baa a much more tweeter tound thaa Bell Island, Belle Ialaod aad Bell fale. Let the old name ataod­Ba.LE I~. There may be aome reaaon in reuamiar oar numerous Bear'a. Salmon, Broad ,and Caplin Coves, but there ne•er waa any acnae in apoiliog moat e&IJIOunding aame-Belle I ale. Aa Bellltle let it stand. -Com.


His Personal appearance, Dreas, Ceremoniousnesa, Tact

and CourteQ,

ln penooal appeara.oc:e the King ,.., a typical EnrUabmaa. He was rather below the averare atature. of atroag and beary bu1ld. Hie ruddy fac:e · betokened good health and .rood a{Mrlts up to a abort time ago. He wore bia gray beard trimmed to a abarp point. B it thin circle of g-ray hair had diminished vatU be waa quite· bald. Evea in bia later daya he continued to be one of the beat dreaaed mea Ia .Europe, and waa regarded as a model for quiet reline~eat of dre11 a'l:ld bearing.

At the Slate fuaC!tiooa io which be participated. King Edward revived all the pomp and c:eremooiet of the mediau•al day11. ae drove to Weat· ~qins~attbeo~ai~gof Parliament ia ooc of the aumpluoua Royal coocbea attended by beralda. equer• ries and outriders llnd a nat retinue . On tbeae occaaloaa the Kiog wore the full robea of majesty.

Bia tactCulnesa waa a coospicu­oua cbaracteriatic of the late King. Tboae who auoc:iated with him hue aard \bat he ""\A empbatic:all1 the " rood fellow " 11mple aad oour· b:!oaa; bet -. atielder fOr tt1e defer· eoce w~ich bia rank demanded.

Wedneaday. moroiur. there wu qaite.a.l1We.e10ri &I'GilDcl tbe door of the eaergoetic: Secretary of the A.gric:altural Society here to receive their pllan of potato aeed aeat for

1 -Mr. E. G. Walth who left here

dlatributioa. The potatoea which for Montreal about ai.x years ago to are clear. healtbJ. good-ait~d apec:i- aeelc a wider field of labol' ia in me.na are of tbe early Hebron varie· atel\<IJ employrnont at the Moatreat tyr "!Jiic}J II aaid to be !ln early. ~motive Worka. He baa been fa1rly ~etyy c:ro_pper ll04 a Q'oo4 t di · ht 1 t tbc Moo ,.,1·nter·'---plillrr '-lad. ll)Ye'"" r-eoep· a teo ng o1g c auca a • " "'"'" " • •J tl:eal Tecnolc:al Sc:bqol aad in a re­lent is bound to pi11Dt the quantity cent examination he beaded his be reeelvea. and to retain half of claaa and obtaiued 95 marks out of tbe yield for aeJrt aeatoo'a planting. 11 poaaible IOO. we arc always Allahoald aim to g!Ye tbe teed a fair pleued to see our NewfouJ?dlaod trial. lade ambitious to get 0'11 10 the

-.Mnoagst the paaaengers by Tueaday'a e~pre~~ f?bm St. Jobo'e waa oar former townaman, tbe Re•. Ralph Strathie, wbo ia returning boiiJe tQ Charlot.te~a. lUp. o¥r. Strathie. who ita earlr yean apout se.eralyeara in tbe City and who'ia well-liked there helped the Pretby· teriao ConP.egatioo there by c:oo­duc:tiag davine aer.,ce for them during ae•eral SuodlJL Bia frieada here would ba.-e been very mach pleaaed could he, hue arranged to pay a viait to hit old nome, which he would doubtleaa ,bimael£ hue eo joyed. ----~~. Littlnt e,area n;••

world. aod arc ever ready to record aoy progre11 they make.

- Mr. M. O'Brien, \>fl.\0 with Dr. Wbell\Jl repeaent"d Dalton <::ouocil lf. of c., at the State Couac1l held on May lOth. at Mondo~ N.B., re­turned home by Moado.y • .e~preeL Mr. O'Brien v.·bo Ia the prea1d1ng- of· ftc:er of Dalton Lodge~aa honored 1flth tbe office o' St~ W"ardea. The delegatee bad a very enjoyable trip, 11Dd speak wanl!ly of the ho&pitable reception they met with. ,

. I - Tbe Rev. T. B. Darby. B.A., of

C:lrbonear. left a wee~ ago fof \VaaJtington·· to. "tte$\d 1. Sunday ~QOl Qoov~\19Q,

\ / .

world. !his ~ alao mall1ltaearas

Jere ~ eam.

Prizes t Samples.

have been given by th to be donated as pri small bricks ready for

ov~tnment a certain amount of money r the.ibest samples of Peat put up in as f4~ and exhjbited at its


formation later on. ,the Exbibition will supply further in-.l . '

Items of -Ova L&ST POZZLJt:-We regret aay that the time (or aolutioo lias pired, and we baYe rccei•ed no

aolutioo. We may give it one of theae days.

-Halley'• Comet comeab 100n bot our uJtlnga and lo'anoy v .. unga or mau.urac;ture are here now dlr· a aplendld n loctlon they arc. them 11 to bay them. Beller

. . your aprlng .Wt made ill the latest 11dered oar plan of becom10g posse~;· York atyle t rom lheae ~ood~. aecl of a line four·bladcd peolcilife ? 8noclal attenllon given mall orden<.

, Write 10-day tor me.uuro <:erda IDII -The •KinK'• death ia . mourned 1 nmplo. of our aprlng gooda. •

l b It- d Pal (ft.o ,J • .t w . MA DIOA:<, moa y J.JOD oo poor. -e .. 1 The Expert Tailor a tight aet lips, and eyea red wi~b I weeping are aecn everywhere. . 1-

- The North Sydaey Herald ill down bard on the " three toughs that assa.ulted three iaoffenal•e aail­ora from oae of .1be Newfoundland &ahiag- veasels in s,dney port. ..


I cnr~ a hor110 ot tho msnge with )I I~­ARD'S LlNI 1\f I': :NT.


I ~rod a born, badly torn b\· a pltct. torlr,91th Mll"AH D'S T, J:NlM'J.: :NT. St. Peter'•• (.'.D. EOW. LI~UEF.

Ecaema Ia a dlle.ue ot the akin not of{ t enn'<l a hOnle ot a bad awolllnf; tw the blood. For lhla reuon·lnl.trn&J m• MfNAHD'I) LI:NIM J-:t'T. • dlelnel have never been '• auocjlu l.o 'l'UOS. W. PAY~ J·: curing oczemL Whatever the cauaelo- Datbur~t, ~. 11. cal application 1* oeceaary lo heal tho 10r01 and rcaloro lhe akla lo a health tal, natur._t oondiUon. For lhll reaaoo Dr. Cbue'll Olnlmt\nt bua 1rorld w1dnepu­a.aUou u beiJig without a rl't'lll u a cure tor -mL

-St. Andrew's Preabyterian Church. St. John'11, baa not yet auc­c:eeded in deciding whom to call to euc:eed Dr. Robertson aa ita pastor.

-So far u we :c:an judge fro~ a c:aac or two we see rec:ordedtin the papers, good results of our New· {oondlaad Act awarding com pen~:~· 6on for iojuriea to employees arc beiag felt. .......__L_ .

-The Rev. Dr. Murphy. P.P. o{ Bona•ista, collected a fortnight a~o $400 to be spent in repairing the Church at Catalina.

W r. llKCOM.Iu:sn I•'J:nno\'131, thelo,.Jg­oralln~t tonic, 10 elderly people whoeo atrength Ia bet:lnnlng 1.0 wane, and who autrer frequently trom attaeksoflod:len oxhanslloo,cbltlltu!P, weak heart ~~etlon etc. Ferro.-!m coatalna troeb lean beet, Citrate of Iron, and pu.re old Spanllh l:lhorry Wl.ae. JI.OO a botUe at draggl111.

-~1ra. H. D. Reid (nee Miu J. Pateraon of Harbor Grace) who baa been qu a health trip to Enrope, re­turned by Mondays'• upreaa much improved io health.

- Mr. 0. Hodder of tbe Great Northern Copper Co .. Twilliogate, baa returned from tbeUoited States, bringing with him a large quaoity of machloery. - ---

--A former citizen, s t ill interested in Uarbor Grac:e, Captain Coooolly. o( Messrs. Ryan·s schr. \'i r~rin ia. was iu to"'n ou Monday and Tues. day. Tltc Captain returned a few weeks a::-o to Trinity from Cadiz. with a load ef salt, and iu a abort t ime will start for Sydney for a ca:go of coal. ----\'oq s~:cv /1.. (JOOJ> IIALVIlln lb11 houaq. Or.1'11' llfonlh9l Salvola tho bMl. 1 tc:uru l'U::burn1.moeqllllo and~nlleet a and lltlnga, pue.., old 10roa, •kJ aao k. • Z>c.~r Un. •

- Tbe Rev. J. A. MacGiasbao and Mrs. Mac:Oluhan (nee Mi111 Duff of Carbooear) .of Bridt"eport C. B., left. Halifax aome weelcs ago for the Old Land. Mr. MeG. is one of the or­official delegates to the World's Miuioaary Confcreaee which meets at E.2ioburgh in June.

O~LY !IUCCEISVUL JUau;ou :s aro o.-er lmlt.aiA!d. H Ia O\"idenl that " D .• t 1-" Menthol Plutera aacceuhllly reUe•·c rheomatJc pata1, b~~eltaohe, pleurtay, .~r. "Tbe D.~ L" hue bi!en 10 'IL!dl'ly Jml· tated. A.-olddlaapJIOlDlmeot: Oet l.bo l(eoolno. Made oory .by na,-11 .t. llaw-reuco Company. • ,

S'"To LA.BRADORM~N A"SD OTDERS The STM-"ltARD from -ow to end of 1910 for only Fn"TY ced\a v.;tb tbrec large bright colored pictures good enough for framing. Mav b;, SQfll lot that money from tbe office to an,. addresa at home or abroad, in Nc\\:·

~The STAXDAR.D will be mail- found land, Labrador or Canada. ~ to auy address reached by post Add 30 centts more, for pos tages. i ! 10 Newfoundland, Labrador or Can· to be maile~ to the United StMc~ or ~da from now till the end of O~to- 1 Great Bri~a,j a. STANDARD for on<· ber for 30 c:enttl. llDd three beaubful vear, $1. w1tl:rtbe sa.mc pictures. II large colored picturea will be thrown to the U. S., or G. B .• add 50 ccul' ~ iu (r~. for poet-.gea.
