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Archive Session 101

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  • 7/31/2019 Archive Session 101


    ukedchat Archive 7 June 2012Hosted by @ICTmagic

    Olympic Planning Brainstorming Cross Curricular Ideas for an Olympics topic/theme or lessons.

    20:00:05 ukedchat Its 8pm. Time for #ukedchat with @ICTmagic. Topic: Crosscurricular ideas for an Olympic topic, theme & lessons.

    20:00:15 english247#English grammar for beginners: present simple for dailyroutines http://t.co/pl3gYxCa #esl #esol #kids #k12

    #elemchat #ukedchat

    20:00:30 ICTmagicI would like to begin by asking if any schools are planningopening ceremonies and what you have planned for them.#ukedchat

    20:01:38 rjnicolsonRT @ukedchat: Its 8pm. Time for #ukedchat with@ICTmagic. Topic: Cross curricular ideas for an Olympictopic, theme & lessons.

    20:01:38 hilary35tRT @richards_james: Free Apps to Create Digital Portfoliosfor Students and Teachers http://t.co/VTo3S3Au via @Zite#addcym #ukedchat

    20:01:58 Mat6453 Teaching PE with iPads http://t.co/Lm4qUz1f #pegeeks#ukedchat

    20:02:26 mattpearsonCan't really take part in tonight's #ukedchat 2 cynical aboutsponsorship, with big companies whitewashing reputationshttp://t.co/VfgpHrAG

    20:02:35 ICTwitz This is a disappointing #ukedchat Discussion sessiontonight, in my opinion! Did I miss the poll?

    20:02:40 SteveIredale RT @jackieschneider: I'm still looking for good blogs toshow teaching colleagues! Suggestions please! #ukedchat

    20:02:49 mrsdenyer @HodderMSOM Netherlands #MakingSenseOfMaths#mathchat #ukedchat

    20:03:03 SteveIredale@jackieschneider: I'm still looking for good blogs to showteaching colleagues! Suggestions please! #ukedchat@blamehound @nessjohnston

    20:03:23 jackieschneider @ICTmagic - Here are the songs for my school openingceremony http://t.co/3k73ggwE #ukedchat

    20:03:39 smurfatik@ukedchat @ICTmagic I like linking science andtechnology to look at the development of sports shoes or

    other equipment #ukedchat20:03:58 ICTmagic @jackieschneider Looks interesting. Will investigate after

    the chat. #ukedchat

    20:04:22 jackieschneider I highly recommend iAnthems app for playing nationalanthems from around the world #ukedchat

    20:04:24 mikeatedji #ukedchat Great topic for exploring similarities/differencesand combatting stereotypes

    20:04:57 ICTmagic @smurfatik Was going to get on to science/maths a littlelater, but by all means... #ukedchat

    20:05:10 90_maz@ICTmagic each class has a country, will be waving flag,wearing costume and nat anth. Also torch relay round sch#ukedchat sld dch

  • 7/31/2019 Archive Session 101


    ukedchat Archive 7 June 2012Hosted by @ICTmagic

    Olympic Planning Brainstorming Cross Curricular Ideas for an Olympics topic/theme or lessons.

    20:05:14 ICTmagic RT @mikeatedji: #ukedchat Great topic for exploringsimilarities/differences and combatting stereotypes

    20:05:44 dudders7@ICTmagic We are,all kids in countries(4 or 5 per class),parading around pitch with flags & head gear to

    pipes! In correct order! #ukedchat20:06:14 eslweb We are talking about the Olympics today, right? #ukedchat

    20:06:24 ICTmagic @90_maz Torch around the school. Sounds like a H&Snightmare! :) #ukedchat

    20:06:29 kpaton1We learnt about a country in mixed year groups andpresented our learning in a parade for an openingceremony,big flags included! #ukedchat

    20:06:37 Tech_Stories#ukedchat Getting into the Olympic spirit...tell students toget higher grades, work faster and be stronger when theyare told to do better?

    20:06:43 mikeatedji#ukedchat http://t.co/Fa27y9ml This for example is aboutswimmers from QatarCombat some myths aboutparticipants...

    20:06:50 BMatthews393#ukedchat @ICTmagic We are having an Olympic week,already had oly drama day. In oly week will be usingwelcome trust sport and health pack.

    20:07:12 ICTmagic @dudders7 Who chose the countries? Any pattern to who itwho? #ukedchat

    20:07:15 funky_penguin

    #ukedchat The Guardian have great videos of Olympicmoments. Perfect for composing a commentary in anEnglish classroom.

    20:07:33 Belles28RT @mattpearson: I did a blog post about twitter as aprofessional development tool http://t.co/7sIrE8Sg RT if youlike it :-) #ukedchat

    20:07:45 ICTmagic @BMatthews393 Can you expand of some of the dramaactivities you did? #ukedchat

    20:08:26 BMatthews393 @ICTmagic #ukedchat we are having a ceremony but beingorganised by or coord.

    20:08:27 smurfatik @ICTmagic opening ceremonies & assemblies a world mapwhere you click on the country & it takes you to a videoabout that country #ukedchat

    20:08:33 mikeatedji1. #ukedchat Top trumps for countries always good way for younger chn to find out about countries but make categoriesinteresting...

    20:08:41 jessward#ukedchat we're doing opening ceremony before sports day.Each house creating dance, fanfares being composed... Stillmore to work out...

    20:08:42 ICTmagic @funky_penguin Can you tweet the link? #ukedchat

    20:08:43 mrsdenyer #ukedchat was thinking of marking long jump etc recorddistances in maths corridor / on floor

  • 7/31/2019 Archive Session 101


    ukedchat Archive 7 June 2012Hosted by @ICTmagic

    Olympic Planning Brainstorming Cross Curricular Ideas for an Olympics topic/theme or lessons.

    20:09:36 Belles28 Really interested to hear #professionals views on #CPD -what makes valuable or effective CPD activity?! #ukedchat

    20:09:52 ICTmagic @mrsdenyer Ooo! Lots of converting activities there.#ukedchat

    20:09:55 mikeatedji2.#ukedchat e.gfor top trumps carbon emissions/incomeinequalityHappy Planet index (sustainable index)/ populationetc

    20:10:04 jackieschneider Sing up have some inspiring songs for anyone looking for music for opening ceremony #ukedchat

    20:10:16 ICTmagicRT @mikeatedji: 1. #ukedchat Top trumps for countriesalways good way for younger chn to find out about countriesbut make categories interesting...

    20:10:34 ICTmagicQuick side question: Are you inviting guestspeakers/performers to your school? Who are they?#ukedchat

    20:10:35 GeorgeEBlack RT @mikeatedji: #ukedchat Great topic for exploringsimilarities/differences and combatting stereotypes

    20:10:37 SophiaIreland @mikeatedji really like this idea. can expand on flags andanthems to look more at life in other countries #ukedchat

    20:10:42 eslweb@jackieschneider I know my music teacher got the kids todo a playlist for the Opening ceremony. It seemed like a lotof fun. #ukedchat

    20:10:45 cherrylkd #ukedchat we will be cooking meals from some of thedifferent countries and selling them for Enterprise

    20:11:01 MyersClaire#ukedchat I will be teaching literacy to a bunch of post 16public services students who I have not met before, usingan Olympic theme.

    20:11:04 mikeatedji 3.#ukedchat Also look at indices for gender equality/inequality

    20:11:11 ICTmagic @jackieschneider Agreed. Any favourites? #ukedchat

    20:11:31 Tech_Stories@mattpearson #ukedchat It is tragic the way the sponsorshave taken over...Not what Baron de Coubertin would have

    wanted to see!!20:11:41 ICTmagic @cherrylkd Nice idea. which age group is that with?


    20:11:48 BMatthews393@ICTmagic #ukedchat it wad an external company thatcame in. In year 6 we looked at pitching for 2020 Olys,teamwork, presentations, etc

    20:11:58 mikeatedji#ukedchat The Olympic medal table adjusted for income/GDP/population http://t.co/bSvrY10m Really interestingdiscussion about fairness!

    20:12:01 GeorgeEBlack#ukedchat we have the difficulty of being an internationalschool - have to try not to be too focused on the Britishathletes...

  • 7/31/2019 Archive Session 101


    ukedchat Archive 7 June 2012Hosted by @ICTmagic

    Olympic Planning Brainstorming Cross Curricular Ideas for an Olympics topic/theme or lessons.

    20:12:03 SophiaIreland#ukedchat how about exploring where british athletes go totrain, and thinking about we support each other/ linked inlots of ways

    20:12:16 urban_teacher Create an Olympic game using Scratch, Game Review in

    English and Maths to work out the cost of game #ukedchat20:12:21 cherrylkd @ICTmagic #ukedchat we have one of the young para

    Olympians visiting. An ex pupil as we are a special school.

    20:12:36 elvisrunner #ukedchat I am creating a SoW for MFL for 6 weeks of Olympics-based learning.

    20:12:41 90_maz @ICTmagic am sure there will be no naked flame!#ukedchat

    20:12:59 ICTmagic What PSHE/citizenship/world view activities are you hopingto complete during the Olympic period? #ukedchat

    20:13 Zoe_Taylor04#ukedchat I did a short debating/persuasive writing unit onthe Olympics- we debated the budget for the openingceremony

    20:13:18 GeorgeEBlack...however, we do have some ex-pupils in the running for medals - Heather Standing in the rowing, she's done a webchat for us #ukedchat

    20:13:18 mikeatedji#ukedchat Olympics is an excellent vehicle to look atsimilarities between athletes however different theyappearWhat links them/us?

    20:13:20 BMatthews393

    @ICTmagic #ukedchat too much to explain in 140, butinvolved producing tokens relating to criteria, negotiatingresources from other groups

    20:13:31 cherrylkd @ICTmagic #ukedchat 2 to 19. Special school. Kids willlove it.

    20:13:31 GeorgeEBlackRT @mikeatedji: #ukedchat The Olympic medal tableadjusted for income /GDP/population http://t.co/bSvrY10mReally interestingdiscussion about fairness!

    20:13:41 dudders7@ICTmagic Children will pick up points over 3 days of activities, winning country will be presented with medals and

    anthem played! #ukedchat20:13:46 mberry

    /lots/ of opportunities to create Olympic themed games inScratch (or use BYOB and play across the network)#ukedchat

    20:13:52 ICTmagic @90_maz I don't think Athens will approve of that!#ukedchat

    20:13:58 Tech_Stories @smurfatik @ukedchat @ICTmagic #ukedchat Could beused to make maths speed, distance & time more fun

    20:14:03 learningjay@ictmagic #ukedchat use Solo hexagons to plan anillustrated report in 4 sections, ancient, modern, spirit of Olympics and London 2012 1/2

    20:14:10 jackieschneider @ICTmagic Reception and KS 1 love "Its a mexican Wave"

  • 7/31/2019 Archive Session 101


    ukedchat Archive 7 June 2012Hosted by @ICTmagic

    Olympic Planning Brainstorming Cross Curricular Ideas for an Olympics topic/theme or lessons.

    from Sing up site #ukedchat20:14:17 Miniminstrel Check out this site http://t.co/KGpUJhH1 #ukedchat

    20:14:21 rapclassroomI suggest a critical reading of the olympics rather than amere endorsement. We are educators not cheerleaders for

    multinationals! #ukedchat20:14:24 Zoezebra #ukedchat so many great international faces becoming

    more well known now - the Bolt effect!

    20:14:25 90_maz#ukedchat there are boxes of science related stuff cominginto school from @inthezone. They very good but might getmissed

    20:14:25 elvisrunner #ukedchat different countries (each student in group isallocated 1), different sports, training advice, healthylifestyle, prediction

    20:14:27 urban_teacher Create mini website which includes history, geography,english writing reviews and etc. Websites needs vids, picsand music #ukedchat

    20:14:32 jackieschneider RT @mberry: /lots/ of opportunities to create Olympicthemed games in Scratch (or use BYOB and play across thenetwork) #ukedchat

    20:14:43 mikeatedji#ukedchat common themes between athletes of allnationsdedication, openness to new training, openness tocoaching, hard work, etc

    20:14:49 jackieschneider

    RT @mikeatedji: #ukedchat The Olympic medal tableadjusted for income /GDP/population http://t.co/bSvrY10mReally interestingdiscussion about fairness!

    20:15:07 MyersClaire@ICTmagic #ukedchat We will have a policeman coming inwho is working with sniffer dogs at the Olympics to talk tothe public services group

    20:15:12 GeorgeEBlack We has an assembly showing just how fast/high/heavy therecords people set are... that went down a treat #ukedchat.

    20:15:13 SophiaIreland@ICTmagic Bridges from shropshire have done a pack thatlooks at values and fairness in olympic http://t.co/3htz2t3X

    #ukedchat20:15:35 mikeatedji

    RT @ICTmagic: What PSHE/citizenship/world viewactivities are you hoping to complete during the Olympicperiod? #ukedchat

    20:15:46 elvisrunner #ukedchat my objectives are Bronze/silver/gold based, andwe have been keeping a medal table since Easter - kidsrespond v well to it

    20:15:49 helenbradders #ukedchat Creating a film-style trailer for the Olympics,summarising expectations and creating tension. #engchat

    20:15:57 BeeBecF@ICTmagic #ukedchat My yr4s are making a ppt gameusing branching database that links knowledge of countriesand olympic facts

  • 7/31/2019 Archive Session 101


    ukedchat Archive 7 June 2012Hosted by @ICTmagic

    Olympic Planning Brainstorming Cross Curricular Ideas for an Olympics topic/theme or lessons.

    20:16:12 smurfatik@ICTmagic http://t.co/5Qyorrd1 did a great world sciencediscoveries activity for the world cup that could be adaptedfor olympics #ukedchat

    20:16:16 mflsunderland

    #ukedchat Tried and tested MFL Olympic resources

    http://t.co/6MPE7X7A Certainly adaptable in other subjectareas

    20:16:17 jackieschneider @rapclassroom -Agree! For all my musical olympics Icompletely agree that mindless patriotism & beingcheerleaders for coke wrong #ukedchat

    20:16:22 mikeatedji #ukedchat What about designing the greenest possibleOlympics and comparting with what is actually on offer

    20:16:24 ICTmagic@jackieschneider Had the idea of comparing what the goldin the medals would buy/yearly wage in the country of thewinners. #ukedchat

    20:16:40 cherrylkd @ICTmagic ha! He would be v proud! #ukedchat

    20:16:46 BMatthews393#ukedchat one of our govs was involved with oly torch cameto talk, he had 2 torches from previous oly, sport Englandgood contact for that.

    20:16:52 asober RT @ritzertech: A New Web Site and Social Networking toImprove Attainment, Facebook in the classroomhttp://t.co/UT7q0Wnh #addcym #ukedchat

    20:17:12 GeorgeEBlackit's important to give a balanced view - is it all good?#ukedchat. Saying that the torch is exciting, and I didn't

    think it would be...

    20:17:41 mikeatedji

    #ukedchat Critically examine sponsorship against ethicaltrading standards..http://t.co/JbsO0E1Mvia Ethical consumer for example

    20:17:58 ICTmagic What 'English' (I know - Cross curricular) activities do youhave in mind for Olympic work? #ukedchat

    20:18 bucharesttutor So dear people, what's the topic for tonight's #ukedchat@cherrylkd @ICTmagic

    20:18:12 eslweb BBC had a nice article on pay scales the other day:http://t.co/n87NiLSI Would make good PSHE lesson#ukedchat

    20:18:25 workingtonboy #ukedchat In Southend area all schools are running toanother school with Olympic torch. Will take 2 weeks!

    20:18:30 GeorgeEBlackRT @mikeatedji: #ukedchat What about designing thegreenest possible Olympics and comparting with what isactually on offer

    20:18:43 ICTmagic @dudders7 Wow. Inspirational. #ukedchat

    20:18:52 Zoezebra#ukedchat taking students to see the #torchrelay onSaturday in Inverness - the Olympics has to be anopportunity for inspiration at least.

  • 7/31/2019 Archive Session 101


    ukedchat Archive 7 June 2012Hosted by @ICTmagic

    Olympic Planning Brainstorming Cross Curricular Ideas for an Olympics topic/theme or lessons.

    20:19 jackieschneider @GeorgeEBlack - did u see Multinationals have boughttorch carrying places for their cronies & flew them over?#ukedchat

    20:19:09 ICTmagic @bucharesttutor Olympics in schools and how to plan for it.

    #ukedchat20:19:10 cherrylkd @bucharesttutor @ictmagic #ukedchat Olympic themes.

    Collaborative planning. You helping?

    20:19:11 jackieschneider RT @mikeatedji: #ukedchat Critically examine sponsorshipagainst ethical trading standards.. http://t.co/JbsO0E1M viaEthical consumer for example

    20:19:15 BeeBecF Also using enquiry based questions to stimulate interest inGeog e.g. 'Do best swimmers come from islands?'#ukedchat

    20:19:27 MichelleDhillonI'd be tempted to look at music from different countries. Thisweek we did Jubilee-themed @Rockhaq reviews that wentvery well #ukedchat

    20:19:40 mikeatedji#ukedchat To combat racial stereotypes about prowess Ihighly recommend final chapter of Mattheew Syed's"Bounce"

    20:19:47 ICTmagic @TomSale Thanks Tom #useful #ukedchat

    20:20:01 HexagonbotRT @learningjay: @ictmagic #ukedchat use Solo hexagonsto plan an illustrated report in 4 sections, ancient, modern,spirit of Olympics and London 2012 1/2

    20:20:12 itdirectorscut RT @jackieschneider: I'm still looking for good blogs toshow teaching colleagues! Suggestions please! #ukedchat

    20:20:13 Tech_Stories @rapclassroom #ukedchat Yes a critical look at the gamesbeing used as a political pawn...

    20:20:19 jackieschneider I hope everyone will be showing the black power salute intheir whizzy school assembly presentations? #ukedchat

    20:20:21 helenbradders@ICTmagic Newspaper reports with video interviewsembedded - written and talk outcomes covered. #engchat#ukedchat

    20:20:26 BMatthews393 #ukedchat anyone doing anything about sponsorship andcommercial vs sporting side of olys?

    20:20:38 bucharesttutor @cherrylkd @ictmagic @eslweb sounds quite far fetchedfor me, so I will be silently opting out ok? Hope you matesdon't mind #ukedchat

    20:21 jackieschneider Anyone planning to discuss the Saudi Arabian female teamat primary school? #ukedchat

    20:21:01 mikeatedjiFlames of Greed- Olympic spirit has been hijacked bycommercialism http://t.co/e5JLp2EF via @MailOnline I findmyself agreeing! #ukedchat

    20:21:06 cherrylkd #ukedchat we also have a pupil and a Gov who are torchbearers so there will be blogging and media projects around

  • 7/31/2019 Archive Session 101


    ukedchat Archive 7 June 2012Hosted by @ICTmagic

    Olympic Planning Brainstorming Cross Curricular Ideas for an Olympics topic/theme or lessons.


    20:21:13 jackieschneider RT @mikeatedji: #ukedchat To combat racial stereotypesabout prowess I highly recommend final chapter of Mattheew Syed's "Bounce"

    20:21:23 davidhunter #ukedchat I used to play Olympics in my backgarden.mattress forhigh jump, broom for javelin, Frisbee for discus etc.happy days :-)

    20:21:31 nct78@ICTmagic: I do circuit training style lessons on olympicthemed grammar activities, 3 mins each station kids love it#ukedchat

    20:21:40 Zoezebra#ukedchat best Olympic project I've never found time tofollow through - complete athlete profiles. Stats, bio,nationality incl. geog and..

    20:21:42 ICTmagicI'm interested in drama activities for the Olympics (because Ihaven't got any in my planning yet). What are tweets doing?#ukedchat

    20:21:45 workingtonboy#ukedchat We've already had opening ceremony. My classare Jamaica. Danced to One Love/People get ready by BobMarley. #UsainBolt

    20:21:59 kpaton1@ICTmagic the go givers website has brilliant plans andppts to teach children about the Olympic values. Muchenjoyed by my class #ukedchat

    20:22:11 jackieschneider @mikeatedji - I love that book! Has really changed my

    teaching & I force it on students to read #ukedchat

    20:22:12 HYWEL_ROBERTS@ictmagic #ukedchat I've been doing a lot of Sebmisunderstandings where the games should actually belocated in Barnsley not London....

    20:22:25 GeorgeEBlackRT @nct78: @ICTmagic: I do circuit training style lessonson olympic themed grammar activities, 3 mins each stationkids love it #ukedchat

    20:22:31 cherrylkd@bucharesttutor @ictmagic @eslweb #ukedchat you musthave a little maths input my friend. Currency in the different

    countries etc20:22:38 ICTmagic How are you using the symbolism of the Olympic Torch to

    inspire learning/creativity? #ukedchat

    20:22:47 sciencelabman got to plan a creative lesson about Olympic idols... anyideas. needs to last 1 hour. #ukedchat

    20:22:51 Zoezebra.. history of the nation, links to past Olympics, trainingprogramme, nutrition, outline of the sport / event. Could goon! #ukedchat

    20:22:52 BeeBecF@jackieschneider We have talked about planning it in (yr4)and other issues of fairness, but yet to make a decision.#ukedchat

    20:22:58 ICTmagic @HYWEL_ROBERTS Don't even joke! :) #ukedchat

  • 7/31/2019 Archive Session 101


    ukedchat Archive 7 June 2012Hosted by @ICTmagic

    Olympic Planning Brainstorming Cross Curricular Ideas for an Olympics topic/theme or lessons.

    20:23:18 davidhunter #ukedchat read the story/tragedy of Nike.discussed withyear 3 when studying ancient Greece earlier this year

    20:23:27 eslweb@cherrylkd @bucharesttutor @ictmagic It's going to needsome Maths because all the figures are in US dollars to

    begin with! #ukedchat20:23:30 smile2learn Anyone using any good infographics in schools to express

    year 10 into 11 data? #ukedchat #schooldata

    20:23:33 HYWEL_ROBERTS@ictmagic Where does the curriculum lie in an Olympicsthat needs moving location? What jobs need to be done?#ukedchat #oopsbook

    20:23:40 ICTmagic@HYWEL_ROBERTS I like the idea that the games havehad to be moved to where the school is and discuss/plan for it. #ukedchat

    20:23:40 mikeatedjiRT @jackieschneider: Anyone planning to discuss the Saudi

    Arabian female team at primary school? #ukedchat

    20:23:46 learningjay#ukedchat organising event in school, asked IOC if we coulddesign a flag based on rings. Was told only official sponsorscould do that.

    20:24:05 ICTmagicRT @nct78: @ICTmagic: I do circuit training style lessonson olympic themed grammar activities, 3 mins each stationkids love it #ukedchat

    20:24:13 GeorgeEBlack Good grief - Twitter is slow tonight, keep thinking I ammissing something on #ukedchat... to the ipad.

    20:24:19 eslweb@cherrylkd @bucharesttutor @ictmagic Then throw inpurchasing Power Parity and you've got a right good oleMathsathon! #ukedchat

    20:24:29 learningjay #ukedchat led to great lesson on copyright infringement andmoral ambivalence of IOC's position

    20:24:38 ICTmagic @nct78 What kind of 3 minute activities have you gotplanned. Which age group? #ukedchat

    20:24:51 davidhunter #ukedchat "bid"for finding and permission fromHeadTeacher to build a long jump pit

    20:25:08 StephenConnor7 @learningjay we've been told the opposite, only businessesnot allowed, schools are ok #ukedchat

    20:25:39 urban_teacher Let students video record facts on olympics then upload toVLe. Then let them review and create presentation on their findings. #ukedchat

    20:25:48 ICTmagic RT @davidhunter: #ukedchat "bid"for finding andpermission from HeadTeacher to build a long jump pit

    20:25:54 mrsdenyer @OhLottie some good clips to share and gems to share#schoolofhardsums #mathchat #ukedchat

    20:26:29 eslwebIf we want to go to the opposite wxtreme we could do alesson on branding and logos. #ukedchathttp://t.co/ueZKKPEF

  • 7/31/2019 Archive Session 101


    ukedchat Archive 7 June 2012Hosted by @ICTmagic

    Olympic Planning Brainstorming Cross Curricular Ideas for an Olympics topic/theme or lessons.

    20:26:32 wmjohn Re e-books and literacy (in the old fashioned sense)http://t.co/xO6zWQf3 :-) #ukedchat

    20:26:32 wmjohn Re e-books and literacy (in the old fashioned sense)http://t.co/xO6zWQf3 :-) #ukedchat

    20:26:36 jackieschneider @ICTmagic -do drama session based on "time" - series of improv on ancient time - count down to mod olympic - timeslowing in event #ukedchat

    20:26:38 sciencelabman @urban_teacher like the VLE upload idea for info tocomment on or review. #ukedchat

    20:26:50 mikeatedji#ukedchat Why not devise from scratch "ideals" by whichchildren would choose to competeCompare with currentOlympic ideals

    20:27:27 QueenyPrior @ICTmagic Conscience alley for Lutz Long. Whether tohelp Jesse Owens @ Berlin 1936. Followed by great 'mindin turmoil' poetry #ukedchat

    20:27:38 smile2learn @sciencelabman reaching your goals using the DerekRedmond and his Dad clip #ukedchat

    20:28 mikeatedji #ukedchat Olympics also an excellent vehicle to consider the diversity of UK society

    20:28:01 GeorgeEBlackI'm hoping to look at live footage to media coverage inMedia, something similar worked with the royal wedding lastyear #ukedchat

    20:28:22 ICTmagic What Olympic art activities do you have planned?#ukedchat

    20:28:26 jackieschneider I am COMPLETELY ignoring IOC guideline re use of termsfor school assemblies, opening ceremonies.Just let themSUE! #ukedchat

    20:28:27 cherrylkd @eslweb @bucharesttutor @ictmagic #ukedchat That's thespirit. Purchasing power parity. I like it!

    20:28:45 sciencelabman very good info about the olympic park on main olympicwebsite. podcasts giving a audio tour. interesting. #ukedchat

    20:29:18 ICTmagic @QueenyPrior @jackieschneider The history of the ancient

    and modern Olympics is a fascinating topic. #ukedchat20:29:19 Educationchat #ukedchat Set up a pole vault competition over the school

    fence. Disruptive children to go first...

    20:29:23 rashush2 #ukedchat make presentation to IOC for new Olympic event- winner can be done

    20:29:42 eslweb Moving back to drama, what about something on drugs andthe temptation to use them? #ukedchat

    20:29:44 Educationchat #ukedchat Shot put using the Ofsted report. or Gove'shead?

    20:29:48 jackieschneider @mikeatedji How many of UK olympic squad went to privateschool? #ukedchat

    20:29:54 StephenConnor7 @ICTmagic we were planning on a mural to commemorate

  • 7/31/2019 Archive Session 101


    ukedchat Archive 7 June 2012Hosted by @ICTmagic

    Olympic Planning Brainstorming Cross Curricular Ideas for an Olympics topic/theme or lessons.

    the event, incorporating the rings and flags of differentcountries studied #ukedchat

    20:30:01 Tech_Stories @mikeatedji #ukedchat Do you mean "old fashioned"Olympic ideals?

    20:30:09 ICTmagic @jackieschneider That will be trending before too long. :)#ukedchat

    20:30:10 sciencelabman@QueenyPrior @ICTmagic like the idea of helping anolympic competetior achieve a higher standard....a coachingrole for kids ' #ukedchat

    20:30:16 Kezmerrelda#ukedchat just finished olympic topic built up to openingceremony, games and awards on podium in own y1olympics

    20:30:17 eslweb I remember a play called Whacky Soap? Details here:http://t.co/FXBCXFLX #ukedchat

    20:30:38 helenbradders #ukedchat group talk/debate about appropriate sponsors.

    20:30:46 Educationchat#ukedchat Javelin aiming at pictures of various members of the tory cabinet. 10 points for Cameron; 5 for Osbourne; 100for Gove....

    20:30:47 mikeatedji #ukedchat Tech_Stories Ha, yes! Do pupils find they havecontemporary value?

    20:31:09 eslweb Could also use Google Maps / Earth to look at the logisticsof getting there. #ukedchat Nice little Geog exercise

    20:31:18 smile2learn

    Great to start number of areas including resilience or potential #ukedchat 'Perseverance' Derek Redmondhttp://t.co/CX0IK6oZ via @youtube

    20:31:21 jackieschneider @ICTmagic - good job my heads & govs aren't on twitter!#ukedchat

    20:31:21 Educationchat #ukedchat Maths - who can run away quickest from theOfsted inspector.

    20:31:36 sciencelabman @helenbradders dont get me started,!!!! #ukedchat

    20:31:43 raisechildrens #ukedchat have you all seen @EdMusicals they have lots of Olympic resources.

    20:31:50 Kezmerrelda #ukedchat we did lots pse relating to own targets atbeginning of topic and at end decided self assessed if weachieved them

    20:32:09 workingtonboy#ukedchat Each class given an Olympic country and had tomake up a dance to show to whole school assembly, eg.USA did a line dance.

    20:32:17 ICTmagic @smith_jule That *does* sound good. I feel a bit of GoogleEarth coming on. #ukedchat

    20:32:27 HYWEL_ROBERTS@ICTmagic #ukedchat kids like it cos the games come tothem. For some, it may as well be happening on Mars#oopsbook

    20:32:30 PeterSpencer88 @Educationchat some sort of metaphor involving high

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    ukedchat Archive 7 June 2012Hosted by @ICTmagic

    Olympic Planning Brainstorming Cross Curricular Ideas for an Olympics topic/theme or lessons.

    hurdles and government initiatives comes to mind#ukedchat

    20:32:51 Kezmerrelda #ukedchat we built our own Olympic village as a class. Lots junk modelling! It kind of took over

    20:32:53 StephenConnor7@Kezmerrelda us too - opening on 25th June (School SportWeek), mini-games for 3 weeks then closingceremony/parents in. Too much! #ukedchat

    20:33:13 Tech_Stories@smile2learn @sciencelabman #ukedchat Yes usingexamples like this to highlight the value of adversity... Usefulin tough economic times?

    20:33:13 bucharesttutor @cherrylkd @eslweb @ictmagic I would love to help in anycapacity I can dear fellas :)) just name it how and when youneed my help #ukedchat

    20:33:13 BMatthews393@GeorgeEBlack #ukedchat are you going to get pupils tocommentate on events and make their own reports /programs?

    20:33:18 LoveOurHealthCheck out this new resource for key stage 2http://t.co/u3BTCshN#ukEdchat

    20:33:21 ICTmagic @miss_mcinerney What about they have moved it to localpark or school playground instead? #ukedchat

    20:33:22 jackieschneider Olympics is an excellent opportunity to debunk the myth of "talent" - lets get the kids reading & discussing "Bounce"


    20:33:27 davidhunter @jackieschneider @ICTmagic #ukedchat have I missedsomething.you are joking about branding guidelines for usein school!?

    20:33:34 urban_teacher RT Let students recreate Question of Sport: OlympicEdition! in PowerPoint and let them share their presentations. #ukedchat

    20:33:36 mrsdenyer #ukedchat http://t.co/9ozSlpSl are good resources

    20:33:42 smurfatik@Tech_Stories there were good articles in School Science

    Review about photo finishes and physics of relay races#ukedchat #asechat

    20:33:44 lovepookiecat @ICTmagic we made medals, designed torches and madesports pictograms in style of keith haring #ukedchat

    20:33:54 Kezmerrelda#ukedchat designed our own kit and did campaign for itusing persuasive language filmed each other in flip camstoo

    20:33:58 mikeatedji#ukedchat miss_mcinerney So it would b a good opportnityto look at the diversity of athletes/heritages/body types toexplore same/difft

    20:34:18 raisechildrens @PeterSpencer88 @educationchat or jumping throughhoops ;0) #ukedchat

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    ukedchat Archive 7 June 2012Hosted by @ICTmagic

    Olympic Planning Brainstorming Cross Curricular Ideas for an Olympics topic/theme or lessons.

    20:34:38 jobadgeI'm planning a week long maths project:design stadium, buyequipment, compare tables of results, angles for throwinggames #ukedchat

    20:34:42 ICTmagic @HYWEL_ROBERTS I agree that the games do feel a little

    detached for some areas of the country. #ukedchat

    20:34:43 jackieschneider @davidhunter no. IOC claim copyright over a number of terms & images that they will not allow anyone (schoolsincluded) to use #ukedchat

    20:34:49 cherrylkd@bucharesttutor @eslweb @ictmagic #ukedchat just anymaths that is Olympic themed. Although people have said afew.

    20:34:49 mikeatedji #ukedchat jackieschneider Good question and answer is nodoubt distressingly high?

    20:34:58 BMatthews393#ukedchat am thinking of doing a 'grandstand' style videoabout our sportsday. Poss use green screen for studio.

    20:34:59 sciencelabman some great ideas guys.going for gold with #ukedchat

    20:35:38 ICTmagicHow are tweets planning to use the online space and toolsto further the Olympic theme in and out of the school?#ukedchat

    20:35:52 elvisrunner #ukedchat This chat just highlights how brilliant Twitter is for teachers!

    20:36:12 jackieschneider @mikeatedji - Gove proposed School Olympics and thatwas depressingly dominated by private sector #ukedchat

    20:36:16 rpwillan#ukedchat we had an opening ceremony, then a competitionwith team based activities. Write a song, perform a dance,create a sport, ...

    20:36:22 mrsdenyer #ukedchat http://t.co/J1i9Weon #mathchat

    20:36:32 sciencelabman @ICTmagic already been creating a google doc sharing myclasses views with kids in 2 US schools. #ukedchat

    20:36:33 BeeBecFWant to do a maths activity based on road cycle race, whichgoes right past our door, but havent planned it yet

    #ukedchat20:36:47 raisechildrens

    There's some great songs in the charts for singing/leaversassemblies;sing@GBarlowOfficial,fly-Niki Minaj,proud-JLS,to name a few #ukedchat

    20:36:58 smurfatik @ICTmagic lots of good web based resources - hope theyall stay live after the olympics #ukedchat

    20:37:08 jackieschneider Remember how brilliant school sports partnership was?Maybe we need to use Olympics to demand it back?#ukedchat

    20:37:08 bucharesttutor @cherrylkd @eslweb @ictmagic trying to maintain adatabase of the records or keep a regular tab on the Medalstally updated daily #ukedchat

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    ukedchat Archive 7 June 2012Hosted by @ICTmagic

    Olympic Planning Brainstorming Cross Curricular Ideas for an Olympics topic/theme or lessons.

    20:37:10 rpwillan #ukedchat design a sport, research drug testing, create anidentity for the country...those are the ones I remember

    20:37:15 helenbradders #ukedchat video trailer http://t.co/F3GJgFCg

    20:37:21 MichelleDhillon

    Olympics a fab opportunity for students to try sports

    journalism/reviews. Makes such a change from typicalrugby/football events #ukedchat

    20:37:42 mikeatedji#ukedchat miss_mcinerney Using Olympics/inspiring peopleas another way in to feeling empathy for fellow citizens, Ithought

    20:37:48 Kezmerrelda #ukedchat kids planned their own Olympics so a variety of events! Made own medals to award themselves at end of it

    20:38:02 jackieschneider Gove was bleating on about his school olympics idea. Didthat ever come to anything in state schools? #ukedchat

    20:38:06 SchoolCouncilsTake part in our free Guinness #handhygiene WR attemptOct 15. See http://t.co/IDB7WOZ0 for more. #ukedchat

    20:38:11 sciencelabman what about creative ways to light the flame/torch in thestadium. #ukedchat

    20:38:22 cherrylkd @bucharesttutor @eslweb @ictmagic #ukedchat Goodidea. My ch will do that in ICT. Like it.

    20:38:31 PeterSpencer88@cherrylkd @ICTmagic Investigations, children have toplan/run Olympic events. I've found one on TES: 'OlympicInvestigation' #ukedchat

    20:38:49 Educationchat

    #ukedchat Maths project - if we hadn't got the Olympics howmany schools could have been built? How many morepoliceman could be employed?

    20:38:57 ICTmagic @smurfatik What about digital content curation *from*schools? #ukedchat

    20:39:09 elvisrunner RT @jackieschneider: Remember how brilliant school sportspartnership was? Maybe we need to use Olympics todemand it back? #ukedchat

    20:39:21 raisechildrens The Olde sweet shoppe has got some gigantic chocolatemedals! #ukedchat great for prizes!

    20:39:23 Kezmerrelda #ukedchat hopefully speaking on skype to our quadblogpartner in Canada when we return. They hosted winter Olympics last

    20:39:28 cherrylkd #ukedchat @PeterSpencer88 @ictmagic thanks. I'll checkthat out.

    20:39:48 Educationchat #ukedchat Olympic question - which is worth more: A GoldMedal or Greece?

    20:39:57 SparkyTeaching Some really original Olympic-themed ideas coming from the#ukedchat folks tonight. Good stuff.

    20:40:03 jackieschneider I truly loathed all sport and PE when I was a kid. What dowe do for the truly sportingphobes? #ukedchat

    20:40:17 mikeatedji #ukedchat What about designing a sustainable/low enviro

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    ukedchat Archive 7 June 2012Hosted by @ICTmagic

    Olympic Planning Brainstorming Cross Curricular Ideas for an Olympics topic/theme or lessons.

    impact training HQ for an Olympic teamWhaere wouldthey source their food?...

    20:40:33 elvisrunner RT @Educationchat: #ukedchat Olympic question - which isworth more: A Gold Medal or Greece?

    20:40:35 davidhunter How much cynicism drops from @Educationchat at themere thought of Olympics? #ukedchat ;-)

    20:40:43 ICTmagicRT @jackieschneider: I truly loathed all sport and PE when Iwas a kid. What do we do for the truly sportingphobes?#ukedchat

    20:40:49 Tech_Stories @jackieschneider @mikeatedji #ukedchat Exactly in linewith the Olympics then?

    20:41:05 anhalf #ukedchat https://t.co/NAZ1mJom this link is for a load of olympic bits and bobs .

    20:41:11 smile2learn#ukedchat fantastic opportunity for developing relationshipswith learners in other countries sharing experiences, hopesand dreams.

    20:41:31 StephenConnor7 @jackieschneider we've had a load of bumpf about theschool games - same thing? #ukedchat

    20:41:35 GeorgeEBlackRT @smile2learn: #ukedchat fantastic opportunity for developing relationships with learners in other countriessharing experiences, hopes and dreams.

    20:41:38 MrsThorneDon't forget if you're in the SW - but not too far S or W! -#TMWestWilts is in Westbury 12/7: share the year's successstories #ukedchat

    20:41:38 mikeatedji #ukedchat What materials would the facility be made from?Transport? Recycling?

    20:41:47 ICTmagic Are you planning to do any novel activities for sports day inlight of the Olympics? #ukedchat

    20:41:58 SparkyTeaching@jackieschneider The Anti-lympics... Get pupils to design adecathlon with 10 non-sporting events, testing differentskills. #ukedchat

    20:42:03 SCCU_Sport

    @jackieschneider so many good projects planned in our

    jurisdiction until the funding was pulled. Real shame.#ukedchat

    20:42:29 Teachric Everyone has realised the Olympics are taking placeexclusively during the summer holidays right? #ukedchat

    20:42:35 nickotkdIVRT @jackieschneider: Remember how brilliant school sportspartnership was? Maybe we need to use Olympics todemand it back? #ukedchat

    20:42:37 90_maz @jackieschneider art projects based on theme of rings?#ukedchat

    20:42:37 sciencelabman@smile2learn @GeorgeEBlack my class have reallyenjoyed sharing views with kids in the US. great learningopportunity. #ukedchat

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    ukedchat Archive 7 June 2012Hosted by @ICTmagic

    Olympic Planning Brainstorming Cross Curricular Ideas for an Olympics topic/theme or lessons.

    http://t.co/ie3ogHFP #ukedchat

    20:45:10 BMatthews393@sciencelabman #ukedchat get kids to predict how flamecould be lit, show old olys torch lighting. I enjoyed the archer in Barcelona.

    20:45:15 Kezmerrelda #ukedchat http://t.co/uQ1Nh2Cn this is a brilliant clip aboutancient olympics for ks1 horrible histories

    20:45:15 ICTmagic What are tweeps planning for science activities. (Remember - Rocket packs are not allowed in the games) #ukedchat

    20:45:17 MichelleDhillon@teachric The Jubilee took place in half term, but we wereflooded with reviews from students, who are also revising for exams! :) #ukedchat

    20:45:21 Educationchat@davidhunter Sorry - I am excited about the Olympics!Honest! #ukedchat The cost of it does trouble me somewhatthough...

    20:45:37 lesleyanneweir @ICTmagic compete as country in sports day with teamcostumes, flags, banners. Opening ceremony with schoolsong etc Going great! #ukedchat

    20:45:41 cherrylkd @Teachric #ukedchat still have to teach it before that so thechildren understand it (and aren't bored stupid)

    20:45:47 RobAnthony01@BMatthews393 #ukedchat Yes, we have trad sports pluswelly throwing, speed stacking, rowing, hoopla etc.Something for everyone.

    20:46:04 sbyrne4

    RT @Totallywired77: Cracking post from @LearningSpyThe need for Why To guides to teachinghttp://t.co/jhJO7U5z #ukedchat

    20:46:19 MichelleDhillon@tech_stories That's a really great idea! Media coveragemethods have changed so much! Be very interesting to seethe results! #ukedchat

    20:46:30 helenbraddersask students to examine the differences between Olympicand Paralympic values #ukedchat #engchathttp://t.co/jjSl25dr

    20:46:36 ICTmagic @smurfatik Changing Tech culture in school is tough. Been

    there. Lose battles, but slowly winning the war. #ukedchat20:46:40 estecouture

    RT @mflsunderland: #ukedchat Tried and tested MFLOlympic resources http://t.co/6MPE7X7A Certainlyadaptable in other subject areas

    20:46:41 EP3577@mikeatedji #ukedchat Plus assign them a country each topromote/ defend in any ways we can open up nationalism/xenophobia and racism!

    20:46:46 jackieschneider I am definitely pointing out the hypocrisy of fast foodcompanies & chocolate pushers sponsoring Olympics for health halo affect #ukedchat

    20:46:48 Stuey0911 @ICTmagic #ukedchat. Drama-ish. Dragons Den for greatest Olympian. Groups allocated athletes and

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    ukedchat Archive 7 June 2012Hosted by @ICTmagic

    Olympic Planning Brainstorming Cross Curricular Ideas for an Olympics topic/theme or lessons.

    20:49:32 PeterSpencer88 @BMatthews393 Maybe have a Silly Olympics, where thechildren could invent silly events? #ukedchat

    20:49:43 jackieschneider I spoke 2 Colin Jackson absolute horror stories aboutONLYcrap fast food in athletes village in USA. Elite aths. had to

    BYOwn #ukedchat

    20:49:47 MichelleDhillon@smile2learn @Tech_Stories Thanks, tbh I'm planning astudent sports media community platform, this is what Iwould do on it #ukedchat

    20:49:53 Kezmerrelda#ukedchat we lucky to have links to a winner who won amedal at para Olympics and is competing again.Her visitmade kids really enthusiastic

    20:49:55 ICTmagic RT @smurfatik: @ICTmagic these might give people a fewideas http://t.co/d7Pnwq3H #ukedchat

    20:50:08 GeorgeEBlackRT @PeterSpencer88: @BMatthews393 Maybe have a SillyOlympics, where the children could invent silly events?#ukedchat

    20:50:20 mrsdenyer @DeputyMitchell you won't get a medal tonight then :-)#ukedchat #Doh

    20:50:23 SophiaIreland@EP3577 look at which countries have been barred andwhy. discussion about how and if sport should be political#ukedchat

    20:50:25 smile2learn RT @smurfatik: @ICTmagic these might give people a fewideas http://t.co/d7Pnwq3H #ukedchat

    20:50:33 AmyWells2011RT @Totallywired77: Cracking post from @LearningSpyThe need for Why To guides to teachinghttp://t.co/jhJO7U5z #ukedchat

    20:50:35 DeputyMitchellRT @smile2learn: @ICTmagiccollaborative Sport projectthat #ukedchat tweets might like http://t.co/KZSY0LqN@DeputyMitchell will like this

    20:50:39 smurfatik @ICTmagic yep one step at a time #ukedchat

    20:50:48 davidhunter @jackieschneider it grates with me.the protection of thebrand borders on paranoia #ukedchat

    20:51:10 ICTmagic Some tweets have already mentioned some, but whatOlympic 'Great words' are you going to use as inspiration inclass? #ukedchat

    20:51:10 jackieschneider @mikeatedji - let's set up a twitter campaign to get everyteacher parent & child to read "Bounce"? #ukedchat

    20:51:26 Kezmerrelda@Educationchat I did that with year one and linked withcountries who had visited our blog. Great for boys!#ukedchat

    20:51:35 mikeatedji #ukedchat http://t.co/9wf6FzXI Here's the Hppy Planet Indexto compare with medal tables

    20:51:45 jobadge #ukedchat idea from @orunner is to have BeeBot Olympics- in grps devise a game - eg nearest to target, then

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    ukedchat Archive 7 June 2012Hosted by @ICTmagic

    Olympic Planning Brainstorming Cross Curricular Ideas for an Olympics topic/theme or lessons.

    challenge others to compete

    20:51:49 smurfatik @ICTmagic this gave a few bits of inspiration toohttp://t.co/lGkQxhdH #ukedchat

    20:52:20 MichelleDhillon

    @rpwillan @lbcschem @smile2learn @Tech_Stories

    Absolutely, there's no limit to how far it could go. To theOlympics and beyond? #ukedchat

    20:52:50 ICTmagic Any planning ideas about highlighting theenvironmental/economic/social impact of the games?#ukedchat

    20:53:03 Tech_Stories @mrsdenyer @DeputyMitchell #ukedchat #Doh Woodenspoon? Or non-starter?

    20:53:06 dailydenouement Grrr! Hello #ukedchat Unexpected visit from family meansI've almost missed you.

    20:53:12 jackieschneider We need to make sure we challenge the platitudes the kidsare going to hear from commentators #ukedchat

    20:53:19 ICTmagic @smurfatik Yeap. I've got that one bookmarked already.#ukedchat

    20:53:40 ICTmagicRT @jobadge: #ukedchat idea from @orunner is to haveBeeBot Olympics - in grps devise a game - eg nearest totarget, then challenge others to compete

    20:53:45 EP3577#ukedchat my class have come up with - create an Olympicboard game to review the year and imagine characterscompeting, eg Homer Simpson

    20:53:50 MsKateRyanEvery KS3 form at my school has to create a presentationon an Olympic country. My form got Great Britain; shortstraw or what?! #ukedchat

    20:54:15 sciencelabman@ICTmagic got my tickets this week includes info onoffsetting travel emissions to tree planting...interesting.#ukedchat

    20:54:22 ICTmagic @jobadge I beebot Olympics is a amazing idea. #ukedchat

    20:54:32 BeeBecF Currently doing 'magnets and springs' with yr4. Might try andget some Oscar Pistorius in there #science #ukedchat

    20:54:36 MichelleDhillon What about finding great quotes from olympics athletes?Could be used to inspire/motivate learners who aren't sokeen on sport? #ukedchat

    20:54:45 virkjay School just had gym opened for Olympics for KS1 children.Equipment pieces are v cute! #ukedchat

    20:54:48 helenbradders #ukedchat #engchat Pitch a product for an Olympian toendorse?http://t.co/WUANpBdu

    20:55 ukedchat 5 minutes until closing ceremony. Final thoughts?#ukedchat

    20:55:06 chrisleach78Sorry to have missed #ukedchat but can I throw my Olympicchallenges in the mix - http://t.co/S2tHQ4U5

    20:55:13 jackieschneider I want to propose a #ukedchat where we discuss books that

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    ukedchat Archive 7 June 2012Hosted by @ICTmagic

    Olympic Planning Brainstorming Cross Curricular Ideas for an Olympics topic/theme or lessons.

    have challenged & influenced our teaching #oopsofftopic

    20:55:25 dailydenouement We have a PSHE day coming up. Seems like Olympicswould be good theme to work in somehow #ukedchat

    20:55:28 EP3577

    @jackieschneider plus also get them to find the true

    meanings of; 'awesome', 'excellent', 'amazing' and 'tragic'#ukedchat

    20:55:42 MichelleDhillon@teachric :) Thanks. To be honest I really think the kids aredriving this one. Pretty inspirational to just observe#ukedchat

    20:55:42 elvisrunner @ukedchat Bucket loads of inspriation #ukedchat

    20:55:44 dailydenouementRT @chrisleach78: Sorry to have missed #ukedchat but canI throw my Olympic challenges in the mix -http://t.co/S2tHQ4U5

    20:55:46 ICTmagicWill the Olympics be a 'legacy' at your school? How will youmake that happen? #ukedchat

    20:55:50 GeorgeEBlack #ukedchat I still vividly remember the work I did in primaryschool for the 1986 Olympics... I was 7, it was great!

    20:55:58 rpwillan @jackieschneider #ukedchat Overuse of hyperbole? lol

    20:56 mikeatedjiRT @ICTmagic: Any planning ideas about highlighting theenvironmental/economic/social impact of the games?#ukedchat

    20:56:02 Tech_Stories@smile2learn @michelledhillon #ukedchat Could get better clangers than some of Mr Colemans... There could be abook deal in there somewhere!

    20:56:04 raisechildrens#ukedchat how about getting the chn to create a newcountry with flag, anthem etc and a brand new event thatthey will compete in?

    20:56:31 davidhunter RT @jackieschneider: I want to propose a #ukedchat wherewe discuss books that have challenged & influenced our teaching #oopsofftopic

    20:56:34 eslweb There's a lot of stuff about the redevelopment of Stratford...Will it be beneficial etc. #ukedchat

    20:56:53 jackieschneider @MichelleDhillon :is talent what we think it is" M Syed -discuss #ukedchat

    20:56:54 mikeatedjiRT @dailydenouement: We have a PSHE day coming up.Seems like Olympics would be good theme to work insomehow #ukedchat

    20:57:13 SparkyTeachingRT @raisechildrens: #ukedchat how about getting the chnto create a new country with flag, anthem etc and a brandnew event that they will compete in?

    20:57:18 eslweb Here's the link to the BEEB http://t.co/DQl8v6vz #ukedchaturban regen of stratford

    20:58:02 sciencelabman @raisechildrens like the idea of a new country.#ukedchat20:58:04 jobadge @ICTmagic @orunner did us a sheet of ideas for beebot

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    ukedchat Archive 7 June 2012Hosted by @ICTmagic

    Olympic Planning Brainstorming Cross Curricular Ideas for an Olympics topic/theme or lessons.

    olympics will check if I can share. #ukedchat

    20:58:10 EP3577@MsKateRyan depends, could discuss irony of GBinventing many sports, yet topping the world rankings of very few? #ukedchat

    20:58:16 Greig_City #UKEdChat20:58:17 jackieschneider @rpwillan - me or the IoC ? #ukedchat

    20:58:31 craigneilsmithRT @jackieschneider: We need to make sure we challengethe platitudes the kids are going to hear from commentators#ukedchat

    20:59:17 ICTmagic @jobadge Sounds good. #ukedchat

    20:59:44 jackieschneider I'd be pathetically grateful if anyone wanted to play their classes Olympic songs my kids wrote & sang #ukedchat

    20:59:59 mikeatedji#ukedchat Find the similarities before exploring the

    differences between the athletes in an effort to foster empathy

    21:00:01 ukedchat Join @dailydenouement for next week's #ukedchat. Topicpoll is at http://t.co/7WAHFPy8

    21:00:05 SparkyTeaching @EP3577 @MsKateRyan Wiff waff? #ukedchat

    21:00:06 ukedchat It's 9pm. Thanks to @ICTmagic for hosting. Archive will beat http://t.co/Knray31w #ukedchat
