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Are Ads on Google search engine results pages labeled clearly enough?

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ARE ADS ON GOOGLE SEARCH ENGINE RESULTS PAGES LABELED CLEARLY ENOUGH? The influence of knowledge on search ads on users‘ selection behaviour Dirk Lewandowski, Sebastian Sünkler, Friederike Kerkmann Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany ISI 2017, Berlin, 13 March 2017
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ARE ADS ON GOOGLE SEARCH ENGINE RESULTS PAGES LABELED CLEARLY ENOUGH? The influence of knowledge on search ads on users‘ selection behaviour Dirk Lewandowski, Sebastian Sünkler, Friederike Kerkmann Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany ISI 2017, Berlin, 13 March 2017

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Does users’ knowledge on Google’s business affects their clicking behavior on the search engine results pages?

Hypothesis: Users who are not able to distinguish between ads and organic results will click ads more often. If this hypothesis was true, this would call for action: -  Increasing users’ information literacy -  Ad labeling (regulation) Approach: A large-scale online experiment, using a representative sample of the German online population.



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1.  Organic results

2.  Advertisements

3.  Universal Search results

4.  Knowledge Graph results


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Results selection

Users are influenced mainly by the following factors: 1.  Results position and reading behaviour

- Users tend to click at or near the top of a results list (Joachims, Granka, Pan, Hembrooke, & Gay, 2005) - More than two thirds of all clicks go to the first five positions (Petrescu, 2014) - 10,000 websites account for approximately 80% of results clicks (Goel, Broder, Gabrilovich, & Pang , 2010)

2.  Users in most cases only consider the first few results (Goel, Broder, Gabrilovich, & Pang, 2010)

3.  Users predominantly select results “above the fold” (Jansen & Spink, 2007)



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Ad labelling

Properties of search ads -  Ads in search engines are contextual, i.e., they are generated in response to a query,

and can therefore be considered as search results. -  Searchers provide their intent (cf. Battelle, 2005). Users‘ position towards ads -  38% of searchers not aware of the distinction between ads and organic results (Fallows,

2005) -  U.S. Federal Trade Commission’s guidelines on search engine ad disclosure (Sullivan,

2013a) -  Industry studies strongly suggest that the ad labeling is not be clear enough

(Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft, 2009; Charlton, 2013; Wall, 2012)



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Self-reported and performance measures



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RQ1: Does knowledge on the possibility of buying screen real estate on the SERPs (i.e., buying advertisements shown above the organic results) influence users’ selection behavior on the SERPs? RQ2: Does knowledge on the distinction between advertisements and organic results influence users’ selection behavior on the SERPs? RQ3: Does knowledge on Google’s business model (i.e., selling ads) influence users’ selection behavior on the SERPs? RQ4: Does users’ actual performance on distinguishing between organic results and paid advertisements on the SERPs influence their selection behavior?



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-  Online experiment -  Representative sample (N=1,000) of the German online population (AGOF) -  Users were randomly assigned to one of two conditions:

- SERP with ads - SERP without ads

-  Search task: “Imagine you participate in a cooking competition where you should prepare fresh calamari. Your search query is “calamari recipe”. Which result(s) would you click on spontaneously?” [translated from German]

-  Users were asked to mark the result(s) -  Focus on the first two positions (the ones labeled as ads in the experimental condition)



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Stimulus material


9 A B

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Additional data for the groupings (Lewandowski et al., forthcoming)

Data from a questionnaire (knowledge-based measures): 1.  “Search engines are commercial Internet services, and therefore need to make money.

Please describe in your own words how the search engine Google generates its revenues.”

2.  “Is it possible to pay Google for preferably listing one’s company on the search results pages, as an answer to a search query?”

3.  “Is it possible to distinguish between paid advertisements and unpaid results on Google’s search engine results pages?”

Data from tasks completed (performance measures): 4.  Four tasks where users either had to mark all advertisements or all organic results

on screenshots of SERPs.



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No significant differences between those who said they know that it is possible to pay Google […] and those who say they do not.

-  User click more often on the first two positions in the control condition -  No significant differences within the conditions



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Significant differences when it comes to users’ self-reported knowledge on whether it is possible to distinguish between paid advertisements and organic results on the search engine results pages

-  Users who say they know how to distinguish between the two results types click on ads on position 1 considerably more often.



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Users who know how Google makes money choose the first position in the control condition significantly more often than users without that knowledge.



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Users who are not able to distinguish between the two results types choose ads around twice as often as users who are able to recognize the ads.



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Knowledge-based measures

-  Self-reported knowledge on whether it is possible to pay for being shown on Google’s SERPs did not affect their selection behavior in the experimental condition (RQ1).

-  Those who say it is possible to distinguish between ads and organic results select ads more often (RQ2). A likely explanation is that they do so on purpose, as ads can be relevant to a search query (Jansen, 2007; Lewandowski et al., 2017).

-  Users who know how Google generates its revenues selected the first results more frequently in the control condition (RQ3), which could be related to them trusting the search engine’s ranking (Pan et al., 2007).



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Performance measures

-  Results based on performance measures are contradictory to the self-reported measures: Users who are not able to distinguish ads and organic results clicked on ads around twice as often.

-  Re methods this suggests better using task-based groupings than self-reported measures.



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-  Findings call for - a clear labeling of advertisements (i.e., current labeling is not sufficient). - helping users become more information literate when it comes to search engines.

-  Empirical basis for the discussion on how ads on SERPs should be labeled. -  Limitations: Study is based on one task only. -  Future research needed, especially related to other types of results, most importantly

Universal Search results.



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THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION. Dirk Lewandowski, Sebastian Sünkler, Friederike Kerkmann Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany www.searchstudies.org [email protected]

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