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Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at https://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?journalCode=kncl20 Nucleus ISSN: 1949-1034 (Print) 1949-1042 (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/kncl20 Are the processes of DNA replication and DNA repair reading a common structural chromatin unit? Stefania Mamberti & M. Cristina Cardoso To cite this article: Stefania Mamberti & M. Cristina Cardoso (2020) Are the processes of DNA replication and DNA repair reading a common structural chromatin unit?, Nucleus, 11:1, 66-82, DOI: 10.1080/19491034.2020.1744415 To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/19491034.2020.1744415 © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. Published online: 10 Apr 2020. Submit your article to this journal Article views: 367 View related articles View Crossmark data
Page 1: Are the processes of DNA replication and DNA repair ... · genome structure and function. The chromatin organizing factors cohesin and CTCF Increasing evidence has established the

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ISSN: 1949-1034 (Print) 1949-1042 (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/kncl20

Are the processes of DNA replication and DNArepair reading a common structural chromatinunit?

Stefania Mamberti & M. Cristina Cardoso

To cite this article: Stefania Mamberti & M. Cristina Cardoso (2020) Are the processes of DNAreplication and DNA repair reading a common structural chromatin unit?, Nucleus, 11:1, 66-82,DOI: 10.1080/19491034.2020.1744415

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/19491034.2020.1744415

© 2020 The Author(s). Published by InformaUK Limited, trading as Taylor & FrancisGroup.

Published online: 10 Apr 2020.

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Page 2: Are the processes of DNA replication and DNA repair ... · genome structure and function. The chromatin organizing factors cohesin and CTCF Increasing evidence has established the


Are the processes of DNA replication and DNA repair reading a commonstructural chromatin unit?Stefania Mamberti and M. Cristina Cardoso

Cell Biology and Epigenetics, Department of Biology, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany

ABSTRACTDecades of investigation on genomic DNA have brought us deeper insights into its organizationwithin the nucleus and its metabolic mechanisms. This was fueled by the parallel development ofexperimental techniques and has stimulated model building to simulate genome conformation inagreement with the experimental data. Here, we will discuss our recent discoveries on thechromatin units of DNA replication and DNA damage response. We will highlight their remarkablestructural similarities and how both revealed themselves as clusters of nanofocal structures eachon the hundred thousand base pair size range corresponding well with chromatin loop sizes. Wepropose that the function of these two global genomic processes is determined by the loop levelorganization of chromatin structure with structure dictating function.

Abbreviations: 3D-SIM: 3D-structured illumination microscopy; 3C: chromosome conformationcapture; DDR: DNA damage response; FISH: fluorescent in situ hybridization; Hi-C: high conforma-tion capture; HiP-HoP: highly predictive heteromorphic polymer model; IOD: inter-origin distance;LAD: lamina associated domain; STED: stimulated emission depletion microscopy; STORM: sto-chastic optical reconstruction microscopy; SBS: strings and binders switch model; TAD: topologi-cally associated domain

ARTICLE HISTORYReceived 31 December 2019Revised 10 March 2020Accepted 13 March 2020

KEYWORDSChromatin structure;chromatin function; DNAstructure; DNA replication;DNA repair; high resolutionmicroscopy; polymermodeling


The biggest polymer in cells happens to be DNA andthe least is known about its structure and how thisrelates to its function. In recent years, the 4D

Nucleome program (https://www.4dnucleome.org)was founded exactly to tackle the issue of how thegenome is folded in three-dimensions, how thisdynamically changes in time (the fourth dimension)

CONTACT M. Cristina Cardoso [email protected] Department of Biology, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Schnittspahnstr. 10,Darmstadt 64287, Germany

NUCLEUS2020, VOL. 11, NO. 1, 66–82https://doi.org/10.1080/19491034.2020.1744415

© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricteduse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Page 3: Are the processes of DNA replication and DNA repair ... · genome structure and function. The chromatin organizing factors cohesin and CTCF Increasing evidence has established the

and which are the functional consequences of suchfolding [1,2]. It is also known for quite some timethat genomic processes occur within discrete sub-nuclear sites. However, whether the structure ofthese sites is determined by or rather determinesDNA metabolism remains to be elucidated.

Indeed, in the last decades, a variety of methodshave been developed toward unraveling how DNAis organized within the nucleus. These include:light and electron microscopy-based approaches(e.g., [3–5]), DNA metabolism-based techniquessuch as the incorporation and detection of nucleo-sides’ analogues (reviewed in [6]), DNA halovisualization (e.g., [7]), fluorescent in situ hybridi-zation (FISH) (e.g., [8]), chromosome conforma-tion capture (3 C) based methods ([9], reviewed in[10]) and polymer modeling (reviewed in [11,12]).

Here, we present our recent discoveries on thestructural organization of chromatin units of theglobal genomic processes of DNA replication andrepair [13–15], in light of the interplay betweengenome structure and function.

The chromatin organizing factors cohesin andCTCF

Increasing evidence has established the architecturalproteins CTCF and the cohesin complex as majorplayers in genome organization, as extensivelyreviewed before (see, e.g.,, [16–18]). Genome func-tion and its structural organization have indeed coe-volved during the branching process of the tree oflife. While cohesin-like proteins are found already inprokaryotes [19,20], CTCF is conserved in mostbilaterian metazoan and might have impacted thebody patterning across Bilateria by forming the ker-nel of a gene regulatory network together with theHox genes, through its role in chromatin domainformation [21,22].

CTCF is an eleven-zinc-finger DNA bindingprotein, which was initially discovered for its tran-scriptional regulation of the chicken c-myc gene[23,24]. This protein was shown to mediate theinsulation of a chromatin loop by bringingtogether two distant DNA sites, after bindingsequence-specific DNA sites in a convergentorientation [25].

Cohesin is a ring-shaped protein complex,which was primarily known to provide cohesion

between two sister chromatids after DNA replica-tion (reviewed in [16]). More recently, the com-plex has been proposed to load on DNA and toextrude a loop until being removed by the releasefactor Wapl or until encountering an obstacle suchas CTCF, as stated in the loop extrusion model[25, reviewed in 26, see also below].

Is DNA hierarchically folded into chromatinunits of defined size?

A variety of studies investigating how genomicDNA is folded over multiple decades are listed inTable 1, the timeline Figure 1 and discussed below.

In 1976, Cook, Brazell & Jost propose the invol-vement of loops in the superhelical organization ofthe genome, meant as organization level above thedouble helix [27]. They prepared nucleoids fromhuman HeLa cells with a lysis solution containinga nonionic detergent and variable concentrationsof salt, up to a saturating level, thus depletinghistones. Based on sedimentation ratios of thesenucleoids through sucrose gradients containingthe intercalating DNA dye ethidium bromide,they were able to deduce their DNA conformation.They did not observe any effect of the nonionicdetergent and saturating concentration of salt(conditions that removed most chromatin proteinsincluding histones) in the migration of thenucleoids through the gradient. Therefore, theyconcluded that additional constraints existed,which kept the superhelical organization of theDNA duplex intact.

The year after, 1977, Paulson and Laemmli usedelectron microscopy to study histone-depletedmetaphase chromosomes, obtained by treatingpurified HeLa cells chromosomes with dextransulfate and heparin [28]. They showed that mostof the DNA existed in loops of at least 10–30 μm,appearing as a halo, held together by a scaffold ofnon-histone proteins, or core, shaped characteris-tically as a metaphase chromosome. Assuming that1 μm of DNA would equal 3000 base pairs [29],they calculated a DNA content of 30–90 kb perloop. They proposed that their measurementsmight be underestimates, due to the fact someDNA may not have been completely unfoldedand to the observation that a few loops werelonger than 60 μm. However, they pointed out


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that similar loop sizes were observed in E. coli [30]and from sedimentation studies of eukaryoticinterphase cell nuclei [31,32]. They also high-lighted the fact that, in a separate study, theycould demonstrate that the scaffold could be iso-lated as an entity independent of DNA, by treatingthe chromosomes with micrococcal nucleasebefore depleting them of histones [33,34], suggest-ing that non-histone proteins are responsible forthe higher-order organization of eukaryoticchromatin.

In 1980, Vogelstein and colleagues first appliedthe DNA halo technique, which allows to visualizea fluorescent halo made of DNA loops extrudedfrom an insoluble nuclear scaffold, after treatingthe cells with a nonionic detergent and dehisto-nized in the presence of a DNA-intercalating dye[7]. They measured intact loops with an averagesize of 90 kb from mouse cells. They concludedthat loops were attached to a skeleton kind ofnuclear matrix, appearing as an insoluble, struc-tural framework, and could be unwound by nick-ing the DNA with DNase I or exposing thesamples to UV light. Moreover, they further iden-tified a relationship between DNA loops and repli-cation, as we will discuss later.

In 1982, Buongiorno-Nardelli and colleaguesobserved with the same technique an averageloop size of 90 kb (maximum halo radius of15 μm) for frog cells [35]. They also plotted theloop size for different species versus the respectivereplicon sizes, as measured by various groups, andhypothesize a relationship between loop and repli-con sizes, which will be further discussed later.

In 1983, Earnshaw and Laemmli developeda method to isolate and deposit intact mitoticchromosomes on electron microscopy grids andmeasured radial loop sizes of 83 kb ± 29 kb inhuman metaphase chromosome preparations [36].They additionally isolated the protein scaffoldfrom where the loops emanated and establishedtheir reversible aggregation upon treatment withhigh levels of Mg++ or NaCl.

After ten years of speculation on the existenceof loop organization of DNA, Jackson and collea-gues tackled the issue by isolating chromatin fromHeLa cells and embedding it in agarose underphysiological buffer conditions to avoid any arti-fact [37]. They could indeed show that some loopsmay arise as artifacts from nuclei, nucleoids andscaffolds preparation, but they were also able toshow that loops ranged from 5 to 200 kb and

Table 1. Sizes of structural chromatin units measured with different methods.

Reference Year MethodNomenclature/

StructureOrganism(cell line)

Median/meansize Size range

Structure Paulson and Laemmli 1977 Histone-depletedmetaphasechromosomes

Loop Human (HeLa) 70 kb 30 – 90 kb

Vogelstein, Pardoll &Coffey

1980 DNA Halo technique Loop Mouse (3T3) 90 kb 84 – 96 kb

Buongiorno-Nardelliet al.

1982 Halo technique Loop Frog (X. laeviserythrocytes and kdineycells)

90 kb -

Earnshaw andLaemmli

1983 Metaphase chromosome Loop Human (HeLa) 83 kb ± 29 kb

Jackson, Dickinsonand Cook

1990 Nuclease digestion andelectrophoresis

Loop Human (HeLa) 86 kb 5 – 200 kb(80–90 kb)

Lieberman-Aidenet al.

2009 Hi-C Megadomains Human (GM06990) - 5 Mb – 20 MbA/B compartments - 500 kb – 7 Mb

Dixon et al. 2012 Hi-C TADs Mouse (mESCs) 880 kb 100 kb – 5 MbRao et al. 2014 Hi-C Loop domains Human and mouse cell

lines185 kb 40 kb – 3 Mb

Gibcus et al. 2018 Hi-C combined withpolymer simulation

Inner loops inprophase

Chicken (DT-40) 60 kb -

Inner loops inprometaphase

80 kb -

Nested outer loopsin prometaphase

400 kb -

Hsieh et al. 2019 Micro-C MicroTADs Mouse (mESCs) 5.4 kb 1 – 32 kb


Page 5: Are the processes of DNA replication and DNA repair ... · genome structure and function. The chromatin organizing factors cohesin and CTCF Increasing evidence has established the

averaged on a size of 86 kb throughout the cellcycle. Though not observing any size changebetween mitosis, G1 and S-phase, they proposedthat loops could still be dynamic structures, whichwere not detectable by the assay used. They alsofitted the data to a standard curve and obtained anaverage of 118 kb. In a subsequent work [38], theyinvestigated loop sizes further with the physiologi-cal lysis method and using electroelution afterrestriction enzyme DNA digestion. Probing differ-ent enzymes and levels of detachment, they could

reproducibly observe a size range of 80–90 kb.Moreover, they observed that attachment of loopsto the nucleoskeleton was very stable and mea-sured that fragments of about 1 kb remained pro-tected from nuclease attack.

In 2002, Dekker and colleagues developeda technique to unravel the chromatin structurethrough the frequency of contacts between differ-ent genomic sites, by ligation of these sites andfollowing detection by quantitative PCR reactions[9]. This technique of capturing chromosome

Figure 1. Timeline of measurements and modeling of chromatin structures.


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conformation was subsequently subjected toa variety of improvements and modifications(reviewed in [10]).

In particular, the method was further developedinto Hi-C or high conformation capture in 2009by Lieberman-Aiden et al., by combining proxi-mity-based ligation with massively parallel sequen-cing [39,40]. They applied Hi-C at a 1 Mbresolution to identify ‘megadomains’ of 5–20 Mb,which were further subdivided into 500 kb – 7 Mbsized domains corresponding to the ‘A’ or activecompartment, enriched for open chromatin, andthe ‘B’ or inactive compartment, enriched forclosed chromatin, which together created theplaid pattern in the contacts’ matrices [39].

In 2012, Dixon and colleagues introduced theconcept of topologically associated domains(TADs) as largely species- and cell type-conserved megabase-sized domains, which corre-lated with the constraints of heterochromaticregions and whose boundaries are enriched forthe insulator protein CTCF, housekeeping genes,transfer RNAs and SINE retrotransposon elements[41]. They observed highly self-interacting regionsat a bin size of less than 100 kb. In mouse embryo-nic stem cells, they found 2200 TADs witha median size of 880 kb, occupying 91% of thesequenced genome. Most of these TADs wereshared across evolution, with more than 50% ofgenome boundaries that were found in mouse,being present also in humans and vice versa.They showed that TADs were related to, but inde-pendent from, previously described organizationstructures such as the A/B or active/inactive com-partments [39], the LAD/non-LAD or lamina-associated/not associated domains [42,43], andthe early/late replicating domains [44]. Theyfurther reported that CTCF alone is insufficientto determine TADs boundaries, being that thebinding of this protein was found enriched atmost boundaries but only 15% of its binding siteswere located within these boundaries [41].

Two years later, Rao and colleagues achieved a 1kb-resolved map of the human genome, made ofthe so-renamed 10000 loop or contact domains[45]. These domains were reported to havea median size of 185 kb (ranging from 40 kb to 3Mb), to be associated with histone marks andoften linking promoters and enhancers, with

CTCF sites enriched at the loops’ anchors ina convergent orientation. Furthermore, they iden-tified six compartments with distinct patterns ofhistone modifications, two of which related toearly and mid replicating regions of the previouslyidentified ‘A’ compartment, and the remainingfour to be related to facultative or constitutiveheterochromatin of the ‘B’ compartment. Allboundaries observed were associated with eithera sub-compartment transition (occurring circaevery 300 kb) or with a loop (occurring circaevery 200 kb) and many with both.

In 2017, Schwarzer et al. deleted the cohesin-loading factor Nipbl and observed the disappear-ance of TADs-associated Hi-C peaks but not of A/B compartments [46]. Furthermore, no effect ontranscription was detected [46].

Rao et al. (2017) similarly reported that cohesinloss eliminated all loop domains while having onlyminor effect on transcription [47]. The loss of theshort-range loops did not affect the histone mod-ification patterns nor the A/B compartments.Moreover, they promoted a fast model of ‘loop-extrusion’ guided by the cooperation between thetwo architectural proteins CTCF and cohesin,based on the fact that loop domains reform ina few minutes after cohesin recovery [47].

Similarly, Nora et al. (2017) observed onlyminor global transcriptional effects and no changein A/B compartmentalization upon CTCF deple-tion [48].

In the same year, Wutz and colleagues alsoshowed that cohesin is required for TADs andadditionally proved that extended loops wereformed once the cohesin release factors Wapland PDS5 were removed [49]. Hence, CTCFcould define the loop boundaries but it would bebypassed if the cohesin unloading factors did notcontrol the length of loops [49].

A recent study by Bintu and colleagues in 2018,applied sequential rounds of FISH after partition-ing a target genomic region into 30 kb segments,in order to generate high-resolution spatial mapsof chromatin from single cells [50]. They showedthat the disappearance of TAD-like structures aftercohesin depletion might be in fact an artifact dueto averaging at a population level, since single-cellstudies revealed that, in the absence of cohesin, theloop boundaries are shifted from cell to cell and,


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therefore, not detectable as a peek of frequencies ata population level [50].

Still in 2018, using Hi-C methods in combina-tion with imaging methods, Gibcus and colleagues[51] were able to establish using synchronizedchicken DT40 cells that, in prophase, consecutivearrays of 60 kb loops are formed followed by, inprometaphase, the formation of 80 kb inner loopsnested within 400 kb outer loops in a helicalarrangement. They could, furthermore, show thatthis arrangement is dependent on the condensinfamily of proteins and that condensins I and IIexerted their effects at different levels.

In 2015, Hsieh and colleagues introducedMicro-C, a novel Hi-C method with nucleosomeresolution, in which micrococcal nuclease is usedinstead of restriction enzymes to fragment chro-matin [52]. In 2019, Hsieh and colleagues showedby Micro-C that TADs are segregated further intomicroTADs by the action of transcription factors,cofactors, and chromatin modifiers [53].Krietenstein and colleagues utilize the same tech-nique to resolve more than 20000 additional loop-ing interactions with single-nucleosome accuracyin comparison to Hi-C [54]. Hansen and collea-gues showed by Micro-C that an RNA-bindingregion in CTCF mediates self-association andthat its deletion disrupts half of the CTCF loops,leading to reorganization of TADs [55].

Insights on chromatin folding throughpolymer modeling

Since the earliest discoveries on chromatin folding,a variety of models have been proposed. With theadvancement of physics, informatics, andmachine-learning algorithms, these could be com-puted in 3D polymer simulations and compared toexperimental data.

Already in 1998, Münkel and Langowski [56]simulated human chromosomes by polymer mod-eling of a fiber arranged into loops and subse-quently forming subcompartments. They couldindeed reproduce the formation of chromosometerritories in interphase cells. The year after,Münkel and colleagues developed the modelfurther by assuming a chromatin fiber foldinginto 120 kb loops and their arrangement intorosette-like structures [57]. By comparison with

experimental data, they found agreement on theoverlap, number, and size of subcompartmentsbetween the model of chromosome 15 and theobserved subchromosomal foci of either early orlate replicating chromatin. The model showed alsoexpected distances as observed for specific markerloci using FISH at both the sub- and megabaseranges [57].

In the subsequent years, models describing fold-ing of chromosomes over length scales between 0.5and 75 Mb based on random loops were proposedby Bohn, Mateos-Langerak and colleagues [58,59].The model assumed a self-avoiding polymer anddefined the probability of two monomers to inter-act creating a loop and extending through thewhole chromosome. They also tested the modelusing experimental data and were able to obtainchromatin folding within a confined space [59],which agreed with the evidence that chromosomesoccupy distinct territories in interphasenucleus [60].

More recently, the strings and binders switchmodel (SBS) [61] recapitulated well key aspects ofchromatin looping, by investigating the interactionbetween diffusing binders and a free polymer, onwhich the positions of the binding sites areassigned. These settings allowed investigation of‘switches’ or conformational changes that the poly-mer can experience when bound by other proteins.Randomly diffusing binders were shown to besufficient to dynamically determine TADs, terri-tories, and thermodynamic changes (reviewedin [11]).

Reviving an older concept of loop extrusiondating back to the 1990s (reviewed in [26]) andadding new biochemical evidence, Fudenberg andcolleagues proposed in 2016 [25] that chromatinfolding into TADs could result from multipleloops being dynamically extruded. This differsfrom the models where loops are formed by pro-teins bringing together the ends of a loop. Theyalso proposed that ring-shaped cohesin complexeswould be responsible for the extrusion process.Once loaded onto the DNA, cohesin would startextruding a loop until being removed by thereleasing factor Wapl or encountering an obstacle.CTCF bound to DNA sites in a convergent orien-tation would constitute such an obstacle, stallingthe loop extrusion and defining boundaries [25].


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Nuebler and colleagues [62] more recently pro-posed that chromosome organization is shaped byboth, affinity-driven compartmentalization andloop extrusion processes coexisting, within thecell nucleus in a nonequilibrium state. Activeloop extrusion would counteract and competeout the compartmental segregation of active andinactive chromatin while enhancing TADs, affect-ing only compartments sized between 500 kb and2 Mb. This nonequilibrium model of loop extru-sion could be used to explain compartmental mix-ing and different experimental findings related tochromatin perturbations, namely removal of eitherCTCF, cohesin’s loader Nipbl, or its release factorWapl [62].

In the same year, 2018, Buckle and colleaguesspeculated that the simple bead-and-spring poly-mers assume a homogeneous chromatin fiber,which is not reflecting the situation in vivo [63].Hence, they developed the HiP-HoP or highlypredictive heteromorphic polymer model, inwhich data from epigenetic marks, chromatinaccessibility, and CTCF/cohesin anchors wereadded onto a polymer chain to reproduce thevariability of the chromatin fiber along its length[63]. They integrated this heteromorphic chainwith diffusing protein bridges and loop extrusionand were able to reproduce the 3D chromatinorganization of genomic loci at both populationand single-cell level (based on 3 C and FISH data,respectively), being able to describe varying levelsof transcriptional activity across cell types [63].

In 2019, polymer simulations by Falk et al. [64]based on bothHi-C andmicroscopy data could high-light the dominating role of heterochromatin (inparticular, constitutive heterochromatin) in inducingphase separation, whereas euchromatin interactionswere found to be dispensable for compartmentaliza-tion. Heterochromatin–heterochromatin interac-tions lead to the formation of large (micrometersize) compartments and are likely mediated by theaffinity between homotypic repetitive elements,modified histones, and heterochromatin associatedproteins [64]. In fact, taking constitutive heterochro-matin as an example, we could show that increasingthe concentration of a single factor (Mecp2) bindingDNA by electrostatic as well as modification-specificinteractions, resulted in the coalescence of pericen-tromeric regions into increasingly larger clusters

[65]. Accordingly, Solovei and colleagues [66] subse-quently demonstrated that, in the absence of attach-ment to the nuclear periphery in rodent rod cellnuclei, these chromosomal regions completely fuseinto a single cluster in the middle of the nucleus.

In 2020, Brackley and Marenduzzo [67] reviewedthe string and binders model focusing on thedynamics of multivalent binders, i.e. transcriptionfactors or other proteins, which can bind chromatinat more than one point to form ‘molecular bridges’that stabilize loops. In the simplest case, interactionscan be electrostatic and non-sequence specific andcould lead to spontaneous clustering or ‘bridging-induced attraction’, depending on the interaction’sstrength or on the protein’s residence time. This canresult in a positive feedback in which protein clusterscontinue to grow and coarsen in a ‘phase separation’mode. When specific high-affinity binding sites areincluded in the model, cluster growth is limited dueto the looping out of the low affinity (e.g., electro-static) interaction chromatin stretches. The resulting‘clouds of loops’ would, in addition, sterically hinderany cluster to merge further, hence stabilizing themicrophase separation [67].

To conclude, in living cells, it is highly probableto find a coexistence of different mechanisms vari-ably dictating the chromatin compaction in differ-ent subnuclear regions. The various models wouldcontribute differently within each chromatin com-partment, with one model being predominant insome compartments but not in others.

Is genomic function reading the chromatinstructure?

A well-known example of functional chromatinloops is given by the insulation of enhancers andpromoters, which are distant from each other onthe linear DNA sequence. The looping of the DNAin between the two sites allows these elements tobe brought in close proximity and to affect tran-scription rates. This very interesting escamotagecontributed to the fame of CTCF as an insulatorprotein influencing the transcription of thousandsof genes (reviewed in [18]). Transcription mightindeed be a function locally defining the chroma-tin architecture. Although the regulation of tran-scription can locally define the chromatinstructure and vice-versa the chromatin looping


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can influence the transcription rates, transcriptioncan be very differently regulated depending on thecell state and on the environment and only a smallpercentage of the whole genome is involved intranscription at any given time. This cell-to-cellvariability in relation to the regulation of geneexpression is exactly the reason why the influenceof the transcriptional function on chromatin loop-ing is so relevant. However, we will focus here onthose events of DNA metabolism that are consis-tent in every cell independently of the cell’s devel-opmental state. In this sense, DNA replication andthe repair of DNA damage can be considered asmore global events: even though these two pro-cesses are also spatio-temporally regulated and,hence, not simultaneously involving the wholegenome, they have to cover its full length ina defined time in order to ensure cell proliferationand the correct maintenance of the genome.A selection of studies dealing with replication/repair subnuclear structures is presented belowand summarized in Table 2 and timeline Figure 2.

Is DNA replication reading the chromatinstructure?

Interestingly, already in 1982 Buongiorno-Nardelliand colleagues collected measurements from dif-ferent studies to propose a relationship betweenthe loop length and the replicon size in differentanimal and plant species [35]. In DNA halos pre-pared from radiolabeled frog cells, they observed

that radioactivity distributed on a progressivelywider area beyond the nuclear matrix at a rate of0.47 μm/minute. Taking into account replicationbidirectionality and the average loop size of 90 kbin frogs, they estimated that one loop would repli-cate in 30 minutes and, indeed, they did notobserve any increase of the labeled area witha pulse of 60 minutes. Similarly, Vogelstein andcolleagues had already observed that the radiola-beled DNA moved progressively from the matrixto the halo region, either by increasing the pulse orthe chase duration after the pulse [7]. By compar-ing the loop size estimated with the halo methodand the replicon size known from fiber autoradio-graphy studies, Buongiorno-Nardelli and collea-gues proposed that the maximum halo radius orloop size is species-specific and that this is directlyproportional to the average replicon length in thesame species. In fact, they calculated that all spe-cies analyzed had an average replicon length fourtimes longer than the maximum halo, whichmeans twice the loop size. Hence, they speculatedthat a replicon might consist of two adjacent loops,might be read by two matrix-bound replicationcomplexes and have origins and terminations atthe anchors of the loops: the newly formed loopwould be then released to bind the newmatrix [35].

This correlation was possible because other groupshad already measured the length of newly synthesizedDNA on stretched DNA fibers starting with Cairns in1963 [68]. From DNA autoradiograms of E. coli

Table 2. Sizes of functional chromatin units measured with different methods.

Reference Year MethodNomenclature/

StructureOrganism (cell

line)Median/mean size Size range

Function Huberman andRiggs

1968 Labeled DNAautoradiography

Replicationsections (IOD)

Hamster andHuman

7 – 30 µm(15–60 µm)

(up to 160 µm)

Lau and Arrighi 1981 Premature chromosomecondensation

Replication units Hamster (CHO) 0.6 µm 0.2–1.2 µm

Nakamura, Moritaand Sato

1986 Conventional microscopyfoci analysis


Rat (3Y1-B) 1000 kb -

Nakayasu andBerezney

1989 Conventional microscopyfoci analysis



0.5 µm 0.4–0.6 µm (late S up tofew µm)

Jackson and Pombo 1998 Replication labeling onDNA fibers

IOD (eq. toa replicon)

Human (HeLa) 144 kb 25 – 325 kb

Conventional microscopyfoci analysis

Replicon clusters Human (HeLa) 0.8 Mb -

Chagin et al. 2016 Replication labeling onDNA fibers

IOD (eq. toa replicon)

Human (HeLaKyoto)

189 kb ± 121 kb

IOD (eq. toa replicon)

Mouse (C2C12) 162 kb ± 100 kb

Natale, Rapp et al. 2017 3D-SIM of gH2AX-labeledchromatin

Repair nano-foci Human (HeLa) 75 kb 34 kb – 159 kb


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cultured inH3-thymidine, he observed that replicationprogressed from a fork-like growing point by formingwhat he called theta-structures (looking like the Greekletter θ). On mammalian DNA fibers, he also showedthat the newly replicated DNA appeared as tandemlyseparated sections [69].

In 1968, Huberman and Riggs confirmedCairns’ experiments in Chinese hamster andHeLa cells, showing that replication proceededfrom an origin in each of the tandemly joinedreplicating sections [70]. By exploiting thymidineswith two different affinities, they observed

a bidirectional synthesis progressing in oppositedirections from each origin, leading them to pro-pose the bidirectional model of DNA replication.They also proposed the term ‘replication unit’ asthe basic unit of replication, meaning that adjacentsections sharing an origin would initiate replica-tion together and hypothesized that replicationmight proceed until converging with the nextgrowing point.

A variety of subsequent studies [71–73] usingnucleotide pulse labeling and microscopical analy-sis established the existence of functional units of

Figure 2. Timeline of measurements and concepts of chromatin functions.


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DNA replication in different rodent and marsupialcell lines and, furthermore, described the focalpattern changes throughout S-phase.

Additional analysis of replication labeling per-formed on stretched DNA fibers determined thatthe spacing between adjacent origins in mamma-lian cells varies between 50 and 300 kb (reviewedin [74,75]). This number corresponds to the seg-ment of chromosomal DNA replicated froma single origin of bidirectional DNA replication.This segment is commonly referred to as‘replicon’.

Jackson and Pombo in 1998, confirmed suchnumbers and, by analyzing numbers of adjacentreplicons in DNA fibers, confirmed that they areactivated in clusters [76], as already shown by theearlier fibers studies. Based on pulse-chase labelingof replicating DNA in subsequent cell cycles, theseauthors proposed that such clusters reflect units ofchromosome structure and are stable over cellcycles [76].

In 2010, Guillou and colleagues investigatedcohesin’s influence on replication. Cohesin wasfound enriched at replication origins and foundto interact with MCM proteins, as shown by bioin-formatics analysis and by immunoprecipitation,respectively [77]. After cohesin depletion, the sizeof both replicons and DNA loops increased, asshown by DNA combing and DNA halo measure-ments. In particular, the density of active originswas reduced by three-fold, while the fork speedwas maintained, thereby causing a delay inS-phase. Hence, they concluded that cohesin isrequired for the formation and/or stabilization ofloops at replication foci, mediating those long-range interactions which bring together a clusterof origins [77]. The same authors could notobserve any delay of replication nor any changein halo size after CTCF depletion, but they spec-ulate this might be due to the transient nature oftranscription-related loops [77]. In 2019, Cremeret al. analyzed replication nanofoci at high resolu-tion upon cohesin depletion. The nanofoci volumeincreased, hinting to chromatin relaxation,although the replication patterns were maintained[78]. The fact that loops are dynamic is altogethernot incompatible with the hypothesis of a stablestructural unit. Loops can dynamically be releasedand reformed, which gives rise to single-cell

variability when taking single snapshots in time[50,79]. However, over time, loops or clusters ofloops are stable in the sense that both the focalstructures and their replication timing are main-tained over multiple cell generations [80,81] (seealso below).

Making use of several decades of technologicaldevelopments, we applied a multi-dimensionalapproach to perform a comprehensive analysis ofreplication dynamics in mammalian cells [13,82].In detail, replication units (as segment of DNA thatis synthesized from a single origin by two opposingforks) were extensively analyzed by live cell micro-scopy of cells stably expressing fluorescent replica-tion factors and by super-resolution microscopy offixed cells in combination with molecular character-ization of replicons in combed DNA fibers and mea-surement of S-phase duration. In both human andmouse cells, 5000 replication units or foci (RFi)could be counted on average at any sub-stage ofS-phase, when imaged at high-resolution by 3D-structured illumination microscopy (3D-SIM) [13].These data showed that the replication structurescommonly observed at conventional resolutionlight microscopy are not the actual units of replica-tion, but higher-order organization clusters compris-ing on average 4–5 of the basic units. Our findingson the cluster composition were confirmed with 2D-stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy(STORM) by Xiang and colleagues, which showedthat an average cluster consists of four co-replicatingregions that are spaced 60 nm apart within a totalregion of 150 nm [83].

Molecular combing of newly replicated DNAfibers showed that the average replicon size esti-mated as an inter-origin distance (IOD) was of188.7 and 161.7 kb, with an average lifetime of57 and 33 minutes, respectively, in human andmouse cells [13]. The replicon sizes obtained arecoincidentally within a two-fold larger size to pub-lished loop sizes in mammalian cells (see above,Table 1 and [35–38]).

After measuring the genome size of each cellline used, both, the time to replicate the genomefrom a single fork as well as the number of repli-cation forks that need to be active in parallel inorder to replicate the full genome within theS-phase duration were calculated. This calculatednumber of required replication forks was divided


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by two assuming that most replication units arebidirectional. This number was subsequentlydivided by the actual number of replication nano-foci counted at any given time of S-phase and theresult was approximately one (0.92 in human cells)[13]. Bridging these different analyses at differentresolutions, it was possible to conclude that mostof the replication nanofoci imaged at 3D-SIMrepresent single (bidirectional) replicons beingactive in parallel. This indicates that individualreplicons could be optically resolved as spatiallyseparated entities, leading to the conclusion thatthe DNA synthesis machinery should be actuallyreading structural chromatin units [13].

The folding of chromatin would consequentlyinduce the firing of adjacent origins within the 3Dnuclear space, as discussed in our proposed dom-ino-like model of S-phase progression [14,81,84–86]. In more detail, whenever an origin is fired,this would increase the probability of firing of theneighboring origins as in the domino game the fallof one bar would lead the neighboring bars to falldown (see Figure 2). The resolution of chromatinunits as replicons thousand times larger than thenucleosomes, in a range of 150–200 kb or bp,respectively [13], led us to propose that thesecould represent the next level of chromatin orga-nization above the nucleosome level. Furthermore,these chromatin structural units would be read bythe DNA replication machinery in a spatio-temporal manner every time the cell needs toduplicate the genome.

Is DNA damage response reading the chromatinstructure?

Another global process that involves the wholegenome and might help us to unravel the chroma-tin organization is the chromatin signaling uponDNA damage (DNA damage response or DDR),which starts with the phosphorylation of the his-tone variant H2AX (γH2AX) (reviewed in[87,88]). This modification has been proposed tospread up to several Mb from the original site ofdamage and it can be detected as a focal structurewith conventional microscopy. In a recent analysisof 53BP1 focal structures, Kilic and colleaguesproposed that also phase separation plays a rolein delimiting the DDR [89].

With the use of 3D-SIM and STED (stimulatedemission depletion) microscopy, we could showthat γH2AX foci are actually clusters of nanofociwith a median DNA size of 75 kb (spanning from40 to 160 kb) in human cells [15]. The nanofocusDNA content was estimated by applying a novelcalculation based on the fraction of genomic DNAin the volume of each singularly segmented nano-focus in relation to the overall DNA contentwithin the full nuclear volume. The measurementof distances between the centroid of all the nano-foci allowed to estimate their clustering. Clustersize distributions had a median DNA size of 921,623 or 220 kb (ranging from 112 to 938 kb),depending on the time point after irradiation(0.5, 3 or 24 hours post-irradiation, respectively)[15]. The DDR nanofoci are, hence, lower-orderunits of chromatin organization, which appear tobe spatially organized in higher-order clusterswithin the (sub-)megabase size range. Whenthese foci were imaged together with labeled phos-pho-Ku70 proteins, as one of the first repair fac-tors known to bind the ends of the double-strandbreak, circa one focus of phospho-Ku70 was pre-sent within every cluster of 3–4 γH2AX nano-foci[15]. This indicated that multiple units of γH2AX-decorated chromatin made up a domain in whichone single double-strand break was found.Moreover, the signaling of damage and the subse-quent DNA repair were both impaired upondepletion of CTCF, which, as mentioned before,is one of the main architectural proteins involvedin chromatin looping together with cohesin. Inaddition, CTCF could also play a role in recruitingrepair factors to double-strand breaks [90].

The impairment of DNA repair after CTCFdepletion suggested that the DNA damageresponse is structured by chromatin loops clus-tered together by CTCF. In particular, after deplet-ing CTCF to 40% of the control protein levels andupon irradiation, γH2AX nanofoci decreased innumber, clustering and DNA content [15]. Thiswas consistent with the fact that, in control cells,CTCF was shown to delimit the clusters ofγH2AX-decorated chromatin, both through high-resolution single-cell imaging and ChIP-Seq dataanalysis before and during DDR. According to ourfindings on the DNA repair nanofoci clustering,each γH2AX nanofocus would be a single loop


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within a CTCF-delimited multi-loop cluster.Hence, CTCF influences the spreading of the sig-nal of DNA damage through its role in delimitingclusters of repair units. Colony formation assaysand measurements of the residual damage throughsingle-cell comet assay demonstrated also thatCTCF depletion resulted in radiosensitization anddecreased the cellular ability to repair the damagedDNA, supporting its impact on the DNA repairfunction by its role in chromatin organiza-tion [15].

Is genome structure determining genomefunction?

It has not escape our notice that replicons have anaverage size double than that of repair nanofoci,leading us to speculate that a replicon correspondsto two adjacent loops while the DNA damagesignaling relies on one single loop [13,15]. Thiswould nicely correlate with the fact that in mostspecies, the replicon has twice the size of a loop, asreported by Buongiorno-Nardelli and colleagues[35]. Additionally, one could further hypothesizethat each single loop in the double-loop repliconcorresponds to a single fork being part of thebidirectional process of DNA replication.

Moreover, in both investigations it was shownthat replication and repair foci as seen at conven-tional microscopy actually consist of clusters of4–5 nanofoci when observed with super-resolution microscopy, suggesting that the twoconsisted of multiple loops nested together intoa domain [13,15]. Remarkably, the individualreplication and damage repair nanofoci are extra-ordinarily similar at the superresolution lightmicroscopy level and it is, in fact, very difficultto distinguish them when seen side-by-side, asdepicted in Figure 3.

Buongiorno-Nardelli and colleagues [35] pre-dicted that replication would faithfully reproducethe chromosome structure at each cell cycle. Thiscan easily be seen by labeling the cells with nucleo-tides and observing them in live cell microscopy:the replication pattern corresponding to theS-phase stage in which the cells were labeled isstably visible also in subsequent cell cycles, con-firming that the structure determining replicationunits (a.k.a. replicons) is maintained over different

generations, as already shown in 1994 by Sparvoliand colleagues in pea root cells using BrdU pulselabeling [80]. Jackson and Pombo also highlightedhow individual replicon clusters could be stablydetected in HeLa cell nuclei throughout successivecell cycles after BrdU pulse labeling [76]. Theymade similar observations on stretched DNAfibers, where 95% of replicons labeled in oneS-phase could again detected in the next cycle [76].

In 2004, using directly labeled nascent DNA andtime-lapse microscopy analysis over subsequentcell cycles we have shown that the replicationunits are stable sub-chromosomal foci, which areread in a defined temporal and spatial order dur-ing DNA synthesis in successive cell cycles [81]. Inparticular, we found that not only a given replica-tion pattern was maintained through different cellgenerations, but it also colocalized with the repli-cation machinery during the next phase of DNAsynthesis, as detected by simultaneously imagingthe Cy3-labeled nucleotides incorporated intonewly synthetized DNA and their colocalizationwith replication machinery components in subse-quent cell cycles [81]. Moreover, during the sameS-phase, the replication machinery dissociatedfrom one Cy3-labeled focus and reassembled atan adjacent new site. This suggested that the repli-cation machinery reads the sub-chromosomalstructures that are spatially next to each other.We further developed this concept into a modelof domino-like progression of DNA replication,whereby the replication fork induces the firing ofnearby origins [14,81,84–86]. Based on this proxi-mity induced firing and taking into account the3D folding of chromatin, the model was able toreproduce the spatio-temporal distribution ofreplication units that is commonly observed dur-ing S-phase progression [14].

Another striking similarity is found between themean size of 185 kb for the so-called ‘contactdomains’ measured by Rao and colleagues usingHi-C and the mean inter-origin distance, equiva-lent to one replicon – 189 kb that we measured onstretched DNA fibers after replication labeling[13,45].

If a replicon, sized as a (double) loop domain(as shown across multiple species and in multiplestudies), is made up of two symmetrical forks, eachof which has circa the same size of a repair


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nanofocus, we propose that DNA replication andDNA repair, being both global genomic processes,do indeed function by reading a basic chromatinloop unit maintained over cell generations and,hence, genome structure determines its function.

The agreement between the size of a loop, a repairnanofocus, and a replication fork is even more strik-ing when we consider that these measurements wereachieved with different techniques. Loop sizes were

achieved by DNA halo technique [35], fork sizeswere obtained on stretched DNA fibers [13] andrepair units by analysis of focal structures in situ[15]. Hence, no matter which technique is utilized,the replication and the repair functions rely on thesame structural unit, which is a DNA loop of circa70–90 kb (Table 1). Consequentially, two forks ofa bidirectional replicon label a length of DNA thatcorresponds to a pair of loops, circa 160–190 kb

Figure 3. DNA replication and repair units in human HeLa Kyoto cells using 3D-structured illumination microscopy. In (a), is showna 3D rendering of DNA replication units (red) in a cell labeled during early S-phase by a 10-minute pulse of the thymidine analogueCldU (10 μM) followed by detection using immunostaining. In (b), is shown a 3D rendering of DNA damage response units (green) ina cell irradiated with 5 Gy X-rays, fixed half an hour later, and immunostained for phosphorylated H2AX. Central sections of the samecells as in (a) and (b) are shown in (c) and (d) overlayed with the DNA stained with DAPI and in (e) and (f) without DNA overlay,respectively.


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(Table 2). This is also supported by the observationsof Buongiorno-Nardelli and colleagues, whichshowed that, on average, the replicon size is doublethe loop size in different species [35].

This relationship is further supported by simila-rities in the kinetics of the two processes. Bothreplication and repair follow a spatio-temporalorder, which is dictated by the fact that euchro-matin gets processed earlier than heterochromatin.In both processes, we observe a pan-nuclear pat-tern of numerous fine foci at earlier stages,whereas focal structures get increasingly clusteredat later time points [13,15].

We and others have shown that depletion ofcohesin increased loop size and replicon size[77,78] and, in addition, we showed that CTCFbrings together single repair nanofoci intoa cluster and that its absence impairs the spread-ing of these nanofoci [15]. As these nanofocicorrespond to single loops in size, we hypothe-sized that CTCF is bringing different loopstogether in a multi-loop cluster and that thisclustering is required for the spreading of thehistone modification on the single loops that arebrought in proximity. Based on these observa-tions, we can hypothesize that the loopsextruded by the cooperation of CTCF and cohe-sin can have a functional significance in terms ofDNA replication and repair. However, futureinvestigations on loop dynamics and the pre-sence and absence of these and other proteinswill help us to better elucidate how the struc-tural units of replication and repair are dynami-cally maintained in living cells.


We thank all present and past members of our laboratory fortheir contributions over the years. We are indebted toAndreas Maiser and Heinrich Leonhardt (LMU, Munich,Germany) for the acquisition of the 3D-SIM images.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


This work was supported by the DeutscheForschungsgemeinschaft [DFG GRK1657/TP1C]; DeutscheForschungsgemeinschaft (DE) [DFG CA 198/9-2].


M. Cristina Cardoso http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8427-8859


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