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Are You a Medium? The 5 Signs You've Got the Gift

Date post: 17-Jul-2015
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Are You a Medium? The 10 Signs You've Got the Gift Who else would love to be able to communicate with spirits and other side? Think you've got to be born with some sort of super duper psychic gift to be able to have extraordinary experiences with the wild, weird and wonderful world that awaits? The truth is, one of the things that frustrates me more than anything is reading all of the new age nuttiness and spiritual silliness that surrounds the topic of spirit communication. On one hand……you have psychic mediums who want to convince you that ONLY those born with very special gifts can communicate with spirit and that you need THEM to connect with your loved ones. (or have any sort of extraordinary spiritual experience at all)

Are You a Medium? The 10 Signs You've Got the Gift

Who else would love to be able to communicate with spirits and other side? Think you've got to be

born with some sort of super duper psychic gift to be able to have extraordinary experiences with the

wild, weird and wonderful world that awaits?

The truth is, one of the things that frustrates me more than anything is reading all of the new age

nuttiness and spiritual silliness that surrounds the topic of spirit communication.

On one hand……you have psychic mediums who want to convince you that ONLY those born with very

special gifts can communicate with spirit and that you need THEM to connect with your loved ones. (or

have any sort of extraordinary spiritual experience at all)

On the other hand…..and maybe more dangerous and frustrating, are the psychic

development "teachers" who want you to believe that any odd or unexpected experience is really a

sign from spirit, or evidence of something extraordinary.

For example, I read an article earlier today where the "teacher", who is signing up people for a psychic

development course, told her readers that things like "not sleeping well" or having a fear of the dark

or even hearing voices that you can't explain is a sign that you are a medium.

Guess what?

The truth is, these are signs you are a HUMAN being…..with the same frailties, flaws and foibles as

everyone else walking around the world around you. (and if you are hearing voices you can't explain,

it could be a sign of something far more serious and something that any responsible advisor of ANY

type would ask you to get checked out before moving on to the medium hypothesis)

That said, I DO believe that there are many powerful, profound and life changing experiences that you

can have that DO in fact point to having a more direct pipeline to the world that awaits.

1 - Having had a near death experience. There is something about having had an NDE that seems

to open up survivors to a whole host of psychic abilities thereafter. This has been documented in

hundreds, if not thousands of cases….and there is even mention of it in the scientific literature with

regard to the types of life changing after affects that NDE'ers seem to have thereafter.

2 - You are a dedicated meditator. The truth is, many exceptional spiritual transformative experiences

happen through meditation, and this includes the feeling of "presence" that comes with many deep

altered states. There are also very specific types of meditations that seem to be really effective

for bringing forth the spirits of the dead……including, in my own practice, a type of "metta" (loving

kindness meditation) that works wonderfully well. Many trance mediums use meditation as a way to

enter into an altered state where all sorts of amazing information comes through.

3 - You are a more right brained person in work and at play. In other words, you are creative, dreamy

and more connection oriented than practical, pragmatic and coldly analytical. You value personal

expression and feel most alive when immersed in activities and experiences that are emotive and

sensory. In my own view, most psychic experiences emanate from this part of the brain being more

attended and aware of things going on in the world around us…..including intuitive insights and

information that left brained folks block out. (hint……and where most of the invisible world can be


4 - You are a dedicated dreamer. The vast majority of my own spiritual experiences have taken place

in dreams. But not any dreams……but rather, crystal clear, hyper lucid and life changing dreams

that are very different than the ordinary. Many lucid dreamers, for example….will have what are

called "dream visitation experiences" where a loved one will appear unexpectedly, and the nature of

the dream is so vivid, that is stretches the word "dream" to it's core. Many millions of people have had

ADC's (after death communication) experiences with a loved one in what is called the "hypnagogic

state" as well, which is that strange space between waking and sleeping that can be a treasure trove

of rich adventures. (especially if you learn how to fully embrace it as well)

5 - Lastly, if you've lost someone close to you, especially a spouse or a child, the chances are, you

WILL have a visitation experience of some kind. While it's certainly a community that NO parent would

ever welcome, some surveys show that more than 3 out of 4 parents who lose a child will have at

least one powerful and profound ADC experience thereafter, often with a visual component. Other

surveys show that about 50% of those who lose a spouse will have a similar experience, again….often

having a visual basis that involves an apparitional visit or "full body" appearance.

There are many good books and interesting research on these and other types of after death

communication, where ordinary people have extraordinary experiences with the other side…..without

needing someone to tell them they are a "medium" first. ("Hello from Heaven" is a great beginners


Being human is often more than enough….and simply being open to embracing the full depth and

breadth about what this experience of aliveness entails.

Are all Mediums Real? The Straight Scoop on Psychic Readings

Q: Are all mediums real? Is it possible for a psychic or medium to only appear to be accurate, when in

reality they are actually making it up? What about mediums who are “on” SOME of the time, for some

of the people….but for others, are guessing, reaching or merely cold reading the entire time?

A: The truth is, we get a lot of questions about fake, fraudulent, impostor or merely BAD psychics or

mediums. Interestingly, many times someone thinks they’ve been ripped off, or taken advantage of

by a psychic or spiritual coach that someone else thinks was spot on, or offered them a fantastically

valuable experience.

Can those 2 things be reconciled? Can a medium be both amazingly ON one day….and out and out

OFF the next?

The answer is YES, and in our experience, just the way psychic or spiritual “abilities” manifest in the

real world as well. Here is a quick example:

I liken a really good medium to a really talented artist, or athlete, who has a specialty skill or unusual

ability that often requires the right circumstances to thrive.

I have seen amazing artists that create a masterpiece on a Monday…and then, for whatever reason,

create a clunker or something absent any artistic value the next. We’ve all seen athletes have

incredible, record setting performances one day, and literally look like world beating champions that

can’t be stopped. A few days or a week later (depending on the sport) they may not be able to do

ANYTHING right, and you almost forget how much they shined in their previous performance.

That’s really how many psychics operate in my experience, and another reason why so many really

gifted intuitives don’t do very well in “laboratory” conditions, as well.

If you took a world class artist or musician and put them in a laboratory where other people were

going to rate and review every brush stroke or inspired musical note, most would NOT do as well as

they perform in their “natural” environment, they are most comfortable, as well.

One of my favorite spiritual teachers and a gifted medium herself once told me that for a reading to be

REALLY good, she needed 3 parties to do their part.

She needed to be on top of her game. Her client or caller needed to be open, engaged and present.

And the loved one in “spirit” needed to show up as well, and do their piece, and play their part as well.

When those 3 factors came together……

The experiences were invariably life changing for the client, and for her as a reader as well. (and

probably really rewarding for those in spirit….who were able to get across a message of hope, health

and healing to their loved ones on THIS side as well!)

Looking to develop amazing, insightful, inspiring intuitive gifts in 2015? Would you love to hone, refine

and expand your own awareness in powerful and profound ways that can truly transform your life in

more ways than you can count?

Check out our brand new upcoming psychic development course with input from some of the best and

most talented psychics, mediums, authors, teachers and trainers from around the world!


4 Things Worth Knowing About Awakening Your Psychic Abilities

Let's take a quick and easy look at a few things that may surprise you if you are just getting started

with exploring psychics, mediums and spiritual teachers of all types. Some of these things we covered

briefly above as well.....but this has been one of the more popular themes on our psychic community

(http://famouspsychicmediums.com) and it bears repeating below!

1 – Think only famous psychic mediums can communicate with “the other side”? Think again! The vast

majority of psychic or spiritual experiences happen to ORDINARY people.

While many people DO turn to psychic mediums to communicate with their loved ones who have

“crossed” over, the overwhelming majority of these sorts of extraordinary experiences are had by

ordinary people. (often spontaneously and unexpectedly)

2 – Psychic ability MAY be a lot like art, or science or musical ability. We all are born with certain

innate gifts. Some are genetic. Some are nurtured by our environment. And some are simply “hard

wired” into our brains and biology. Much the way a musical prodigy still needs to practice to excel their

craft, so too do those who are naturally more intuitive than others. While you may be naturally MORE

intuitively aware than others, cultivating clairvoyance is a life long practice.

3 – The best way to develop, refine and hone your psychic gifts? Specific meditations that are

designed to expand your awareness and enhance intuition have been practiced and perfected for

hundreds of years.

For example? Simply sitting in your seat and allowing your awareness to expand to places and spaces

that are outside of the boundaries of your body is a GREAT way to become aware of many things

happening in your extended environment. The further you can push this process, the more you’ll be

able to start to see, and verify…….WELL outside of what would be possible with your eyes alone.

These sorts of spiritual exercises are a great way to dive in and actually get personal PROOF that

these experiences are true and valid, rather than having to believe them from a book, or a show on


4 – Connecting with a clairvoyant community is key.

Finding a spiritual sangha, or a network of psychic aficionados is a critical part of becoming more

psychic yourself. In my own journey, I probably spoke to 20 or 30 professional readers as a caller or

client, simply to learn how the process worked and how other spiritual teachers did their best work.

Finding meet ups, joining Facebook groups, getting read by other mediums and clairvoyants, and

other similar experiences is truly the gateway to opening up your own potential.

It’s also a ton of fun…and a great way to get crystal clear about your own future. Good psychic

readings provide evidence, validation and experience as you grow and flow in the direction of your

destiny, and will help you have your own ethereal experiences to boot!

● See more at: http://famouspsychicmediums.com/2014/12/4-things-worth-knowing-

