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Area 1C Agenda, · Roadshow/Leo Nedeff Camp – Second weekend of Jan, we will have games that...

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Area 1C Agenda, August 27, 2015 DuPars, Pasadena, @ 7pm 1. Call to Order Jane Approve Minutes from June 2. Coach Report: Mike Calendar 3. Upper Division Report: Peter Schedule Final Rosters Coach Meeting 8/31 4. Referee Report: Scott 5. Interlocking What Regions & Divisions 6. Allstar Craig Allstars play down debate 7. YDPMarco Report back from YDP meeting 8. Area Guidelines dueNeed to attach your guidelines Complete board to move to Section play, Accounts payable. Insurance – ecerts VIP – Tomupdates 9. Regional Reports: Reports attached Additional comments 10. New Business 11. Adjourn Calender and Due Dates to Area Next Meeting – September 24 Calendar attached
Page 1: Area 1C Agenda, · Roadshow/Leo Nedeff Camp – Second weekend of Jan, we will have games that weekend, section only Dec 19 and 20 Play-thru Playoffs- Draw for match up at October

Area 1C  Agenda,  August 27, 2015 

Du‐Pars, Pasadena, @ 7pm  

1. Call to Order  ‐ Jane 

Approve Minutes from June  

2. Coach Report: Mike 


3. Upper Division Report: Peter 


Final Rosters 

Coach Meeting 8/31  

4. Referee Report: Scott  

 5. Interlocking 

What Regions & Divisions   

6. All‐star ‐Craig 

All‐stars play down debate   

7. YDP‐ Marco 

Report back from YDP meeting  


8. Area 

Guidelines due‐ Need to attach your guidelines 

Complete board to move to Section play, Accounts payable. 

Insurance – ecerts 

VIP – Tom‐ updates  

 9. Regional Reports: Reports attached 

Additional comments  

10. New Business  

11. Adjourn  

    Calender and Due Dates to Area Next Meeting – September 24 Calendar attached 


Page 2: Area 1C Agenda, · Roadshow/Leo Nedeff Camp – Second weekend of Jan, we will have games that weekend, section only Dec 19 and 20 Play-thru Playoffs- Draw for match up at October



Meeting opened 7:15 Motion made by Peter to approve the June minutes with corrections, Aldo second, motion approved. Treasurer report: Frank Bagheri Still imputing data from Freeway Jam, $2700 to be added to income that needs to be deposited. $12,500.00 in ref fee’s, checks written for $7000.00. Going to double check to see if any money was deposited before July 1st. See attached financial statements Checking Balance $31,190.61 Savings Balance $55,263.46 Coach Report: Mike Stiles Calendar updated, but not reposted yet. Looks that some type of class is going on each week. Intermediate and Advanced classes available next couple of weekends in other areas. All coaches must have certification before the season starts. Upper Division Report: Peter Smock Upper division schedule is completed Season will be done by Nov 9th then playoffs 7 BU19 6 GU19 12 BU16 16 GU16 17 games every Sunday Monday coaches meeting at Pasadena club house, rosters should have been in by Aug 24th. A hard copy must be brought to the coaches meeting. Motion made by Al, second by Aldo - Not pass out semi-finalist medals for upper division, just 1st & 2nd place - approved by all RC. ID – each team should have only one set of player IDs, must have UD 2015 written on the cards. Referee Report: Scott Davis Rule 19 of the combined rules change – see attached proposal Discussion had In Favor – 3 Against – 4 Will re-visit for YDP Mentoring day canceled was not able to find someone to take the lead. Region 2 has a referee refresher night, no date yet

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Intermediate Candidates for upgrades, are required by qualified AYSO assessor or qualified observer (Scott or Bruce) Scott’s goal is to have Referee scheduler by the All-star season Anne is working on setting up a tracking system for referee advancement. Interlocking Regions 60 - B & G14, B12 – 1 off or bye 40 – B & G14 98 – B & G14 908 – B & G 14, GU12, GU10 1304 – B & G14, GU12, U10 Coaches meeting – apply same rules as last year- To send Area 1C rules Area – Jane Individual Guidelines will soon be – National Regional Procedures and Protocol, if you have your own rules you must have an appendix or PDF in place by MY2016. Must have guideline sheet signed tonight. Teams will not move on to section play unless the Region has a full board (required 7 positions) and accounts up to date/paid. VIP- Tom Regan I would like to get a jump on planning the VIP Spring Camp for 2016 and wanted to get your thoughts regarding the camp so we can coordinate more effectively. So far, I have looked at the 2016 calendar and come up with two six-week camp scenarios: 1. March 13 - April 24 with off day March 27 for Easter 2. April 3 - May 8 (no break) The camp would be split into two sessions as this past Spring as it is easier to manage for UK soccer trainers and requires fewer volunteers. I spoke with Neil Hitchman at UK Soccer and he says his trainers prefer the back-to-back schedule as they are driving from the Thousand Oaks-Agoura Hills area. Also, he can staff either schedule I listed above. I would like the following from all of you: 1. Comments regarding the past two camps: a. The way it's run b. The location c. The timing d. Any other comments 2. Is Arroyo South available for either camp schedule? If we stay at this location, how

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soon can we get a commitment from the City to use it for the Spring camp? Ideally, I need responses from everyone by the end of next week so we can move forward with this. I would like to revise the attached camp flyer with the new dates, etc. prior to the beginning of the Fall season so we can post it on the Area 1C website and you can distribute it to all of your VIP players and families during the Fall season. CVPA – check on your red flag volunteers If you are putting a comment please make it a short comment to say “contact you for further information”. Management Classes – Yeseenia 3 Regions- 40, 60, 214 are in compliance with your board, the other regions need to get their volunteer training done to be able to advance All-Star – Craig Dunkin Calendar will be distributed in the next few days Roadshow/Leo Nedeff Camp – Second weekend of Jan, we will have games that weekend, section only Dec 19 and 20 Play-thru Playoffs- Draw for match up at October meeting 1st week of Jan – coaches meeting Craig is working on website, hope to get a better understanding of referee assignments and what game responsibility is, be more user friendly. Play down issue – Discussion had about regions not providing a Section level team, but instead placing a team in Area play, currently that team not eligible for Area playoffs. Proposal made by Craig- I would favor a compromise that would require a detailed reporting of the reasons as well as a recommendation by the AD and PSC, plus a 2/3 majority vote, which prevents one voting bloc from railroading a team through. Teams may apply to “play down” from sectional to area, area to regional or area to regional. Teams wishing to do so must state, with detail, their reasons for doing so. This includes details of the ages of the players of the teams, past records of teams in the same division when playing at any levels, numbers of players on interlocking or play-through teams and the records of those teams during interlock or play-through. These requests, with information, must be submitted to the Area Director and post-season coordinator no later than December 15. The Area Director and/or post-season coordinator will then make a non-binding recommendation on the request. The matter will then be put to a vote of all the RCs in the Area. If 2/3 of the RCs approve, the request will be granted and the team will be allowed to “play down” and will be eligible for the playoffs. A team that does not follow this procedure may still play down, but it will not be eligible for the playoffs.

Page 5: Area 1C Agenda, · Roadshow/Leo Nedeff Camp – Second weekend of Jan, we will have games that weekend, section only Dec 19 and 20 Play-thru Playoffs- Draw for match up at October

Motion made by Lisa, no second made. YDP – Tabled until next meeting New Business – Meeting adjourned at 9:30pm Minutes submitted by: Vicki Barstow

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Page 7: Area 1C Agenda, · Roadshow/Leo Nedeff Camp – Second weekend of Jan, we will have games that weekend, section only Dec 19 and 20 Play-thru Playoffs- Draw for match up at October
Page 8: Area 1C Agenda, · Roadshow/Leo Nedeff Camp – Second weekend of Jan, we will have games that weekend, section only Dec 19 and 20 Play-thru Playoffs- Draw for match up at October
Page 9: Area 1C Agenda, · Roadshow/Leo Nedeff Camp – Second weekend of Jan, we will have games that weekend, section only Dec 19 and 20 Play-thru Playoffs- Draw for match up at October
Page 10: Area 1C Agenda, · Roadshow/Leo Nedeff Camp – Second weekend of Jan, we will have games that weekend, section only Dec 19 and 20 Play-thru Playoffs- Draw for match up at October

Region Reports Region 2- Peter Smock Region 2's final number is 1750. Our teams have been practicing for two weeks. We have held our coach pre-season and team manager meetings. Another coach meeting will be the Wednesday after the season starts. That will probably be an airing of grievances. Very few drops in any division. We have a U-12 class tomorrow night and Saturday. Participants will be fed tomorrow night. A region ref course will be held Saturday. I have identified a successor. Region 13 – Al Prado

• Currently at 2500 players – with late registrations coming in each day… looking to match last year at 2650

• Running Regional (and U8/Upgrade) ref cl inics the next 2 weekends • Save Haven course on 8/27 • Coach courses at La Sal le on 8/29 • Had our Coach / Ref KO dinner on 8/25 – about 140 attendees • 9 UD teams… sent ref teams to Scott • GU14 has 9 teams… we are looking to interlock/play/scrimmage other GU14 teams

within 1/C with our bye team (fr iendly) • Please let me know if anyone can help • This year, no Opening Day ceremonies!! Opening Day Celebrat ion!! • Getting new U10 goals form Score for Victory Park f ields to pi lot • As they are a l itt le larger than our old goals • Got new U6/7/8 goals from Bownet, also for Victory Park to pi lot

Region 40- Mario Garcia Here is the follow evens for Region 40 Team Manager Meeting 09/11/15 Region 40 Opening Ceremonies on 09/12/15 Season start 09/13/15 Only U14B/G will be interlocking with the following regions 68,98,908 and1304 Picture day 10/03/15 Having one more regional referees course TBD Here are the following registered players 554 I will try to make it to the meeting tomorrow, working late. I will also ask if someone can go in my place if I dont make it.

Page 11: Area 1C Agenda, · Roadshow/Leo Nedeff Camp – Second weekend of Jan, we will have games that weekend, section only Dec 19 and 20 Play-thru Playoffs- Draw for match up at October

Region 60- Rolando Morales Here is what we have going on:

• 90 teams (roughly the same as last season) • 914 registered players (slightly down due to one less U14 and UD team) • 35 players have asked for refunds (all 35 replaced from the wait list of players) • 195 volunteers registered • Found a coach for our BU16 team (did not have one last season) • Practices began on 08/10 • first games on 09/12 • piloting keeper training for U10 and U12 (no cost to players or the region) • We have about a 8-10 new PRO referees • schedule for U5-U12 completed (only to version f this time) • interlocking U14 with 98, 908, 40, and 1304 • Picture Day is 09/27 • Silent Saturday slated for 10/3

I think that is all for now. Region 88- Aldo Mascheroni Busy with the game schedule trying to accommodate the 73 multiple-team coaches. We have registered 3,589 players at this point, 2 more than last year. Still 177 pre-registered, but getting them registered will take an act of Congress. Safe Haven, coaching, and Intermediate Referee clinics this weekend, Basic Referee clinic next week (all welcome). Making a sizable donation to the Verdugo Woodlands Dads Club (next to Glendale College), which holds 178 people. We need it badly for our bigger clinics/meetings. Having a much needed U10 meeting with all coaches and assistant coaches tomorrow. See you all Thursday! Region 214- Maurice Saldebar Opening Day is taking place on September 19th. Theme is Honoring our Military who were former AYSO Players. Color Guard will conduct Flag Ceremony First official game on September 12th We are officially on NAP 5 Extra teams this year. We are talking with Challenger and I have dropped some trial balloons about a AYSO Challenge Club Team for next year Exploring U4 for next year Renegotiated Challenger Contract for upcoming year Keeping our fingers crossed for the RAP

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Conducted New Players meeting last week Coaches meeting taking place this weekend. Families will be notified of team placement Arroyo South Field has been re-sodded and treated. Field looks beautiful

Region 908- Lisa Durcharme Hi Everyone. Our total for this year is 465 so far. Had our Team Parent meeting and Coaches Tuesday and Wednesday. We were to have a referee class this Saturday, but it was cancelled. Will be sending volunteers to Pasadena and/or Arcadia. Working with the El Monte High Unified School District to see if we can use their fields for u14 and UD Opening day 9/12/, Picture Day 9/13/15 with our Pancake Breakfast AYSO Soccer 2015 is now in full force Region BH 1304 – Sandy Ponce We have about 250 youth registered this season. Have spaces open for U-19G trying to fill up this team. Will be Interlocking with the following regions 908,98,68 for the following divisions U-14B and U-14G, U-10G, U-12G. Thank you for allowing us to participate in InterlockJ Opening Day will be 09/12/2015 season will start this day. Picture Day 10/3/2015 TBD looking to change it to a Friday to avoid conflicts with Interlock teams schedules and UD not having complete teams for picture day.. Recruiting new coaches and volunteers. Is anyone having U-10 and U-12 coach or referee courses available anytime soon? Our region is in need of Referee gear if there is anyone that may help us with anything recycled or new we would greatly appreciate it. See you all tonightJ
