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Area Business Plan Template

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Foreword 3

Section 1 Introduction 5

Section 2 2007-08 Current Year 5

Section 3 2008-09 Year 8

Section 4 Royal Courts of Justice Overview 9

Section 5 Breakthrough Commitments 14

Section 6 Balance Scorecard 15


A RCJG Performance Standards 26

B RCJG Finance 28

C RCJG Risk Management 29

D RCJG Environmental Policy Statement 30


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Foreword by the Director of the Royal Courts of Justice Group: David Thompson

I am very pleased to present the 2008/09 Business Plan for the Royal Courts of Justice Group (RCJG).

Our Business Plan sets out the considerable amount of work performed by the RCJG in 2007/08 as well as what we intend to achieve in 2008/09. It should be read in conjunction with the HMCS Business Strategy (February 2006) and HMCS Business Plan 2008/09. This is the 2nd year that the RCJG has produced a single business plan (plans had previously been produced individually for each of the business areas). A single plan enables a more cohesive and consistent approach to our business, provides a strong corporate direction for the RCJG and ensures that our customers feature at the heart of what we do.

During 2007/08 there were many restructuring changes for the RCJG, following the implementation of the recommendations of the 2006 Review of the Administrative Functions at the RCJ, the business areas were reduced from five to three and two new Area Directors were appointed to the High Court Group and Court of Appeal. The RCJG now comprises the following Areas:

The High Court Group (HCG) led by Area Director Stephen Fash, which covers the Chancery, Queen’s Bench and High Court Family jurisdiction.

The Court of Appeal (CoA) led by Area Director Loraine Ladlow, which comprises Criminal and Civil Appeals.

The Probate Service led by Area Director Helen Smith, which is delivered from the Principal Registry in London, and District and Sub Probate Registries located throughout England and Wales.

The year ahead will see a period of continued development for the RCJG. We are working closely with colleagues in the HMCS Change Programme to develop and co-ordinate our major programme of change, some initiated locally, for example, a Review of the Administrative Structure of the CoA (a second phase of the area restructuring implemented in 2007/08), Regionalisation of the Administrative Court and Modernisation of the Probate Service, as well as centrally initiated projects and programmes such as the LEAN approach to improving business efficiency. We have already started, and will continue, to develop our RCJG LEAN Strategy to help us scrutinise our many and varied business processes, to


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strip out waste, to redeploy the savings/benefits realised back into the business, to reduce delays and improve services for our customers.

It is a challenging business plan that will help us achieve the objective we have set ourselves of delivering an excellent service in all of our courts and offices, working in close liaison with our colleagues in the wider HMCS and MoJ and in partnership with the judiciary. The plan will be kept under constant review throughout the year.

David ThompsonDirector, RCJGMarch 2008


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This Business Plan is a firm statement of intent on the part of the RCJG Management Board. It will underpin the whole process of objective setting throughout the organisation, so that every member of staff’s Annual Staff Performance Record takes account of the contribution they make to the plan’s implementation.

It builds on last year’s Business Plan, which was the first to be produced for the RCJG as a whole. It records the achievements from that first plan and looks forward to a programme of continuing change and service improvement. The development of the RCJG Business Plan is an integral part of our management and leadership development agenda. Managers from across the organisation were involved in setting the objectives for the 2007/08 plan and this engagement of the wider RCJG management community has continued. A series of Change Management Seminars were held in June and October 2007 to discuss recent pressures and changes, and to draw ideas from middle managers on how we can improve the RCJG for the future.

This was followed, in January 2008, by a Senior Leadership Event, which identified a number of the priorities and business objectives in this plan and gave attendees a continuing role, through membership of working groups formed, to contribute to the delivery of those objectives.

In view of the investment it was already making in management development, the RCJG was delighted to be the first Region to participate in the National Leadership Development Programme. Those managers who attended the first round of training events in March 2008 for the Leadership Programme were enthused by the experience and will bring their learning back to the RCJG to help realise the ambitions set out in this Plan.

2. 2007/08 Current Position

In 2007/08, we achieved the following:

Strategic Change: The recommendations of the Review of the Administrative Functions at the RCJ were

implemented, with two new Area Directors being appointed in July and the appointment of the restructured senior manager posts in the HCG in September. Non-HCG Family work was transferred to London Region in July.

An HCG IT Strategy has been developed and we are now working closely with colleagues in e-Delivery Group (e-DG) as to specific requirements for the RCJG, taking into account national IT projects, such as Service Upgrade Project (SUPS) and Electronic Document Filing Management (EFDM), and the specialist nature of the jurisdiction of the RCJ.

Work on the Rolls Building project continues throughout the year and is on target for occupation in October 2010.


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Operational Development: We have remained within our financial allocation of £55million for 2007/08.

Further development of the Wider Markets Initiative (WMI) programme, which included a tendering exercise that resulted in a company called “Seasoned Events” being appointed as the Official Organiser of Corporate events within the RCJ. In the last year events have included film premier events and corporate functions. Additionally, the RCJ is frequently used as a location for television and cinema filming. These activities have raised around £541,300 (net) for HMCS.

A Risk Management policy and strategy document has been prepared and will feature on the RCJG intranet site, along with Area Operational Controls and the Regional Risk Register.

New improved electronic tills were installed in the Fees Office that have enabled fee accounts to be managed electronically and which will also enable customers to make payments via credit and debit cards in the near future.

The Disc project dealing with the switch to a new IT supplier was carefully managed across the RCJG estate, to enable compliance with timetable with minimal operational disruption.

We have performed well against the targets applicable to the RCJG, the one exception being the Administrative Court, where steep increases in workload has had a significant effect on performance.

Due to staffing constraints we were unable to undertake the review of performance targets as signalled by objective 2 in our 2007/08 Business Plan. This will be taken forward in 2008/09 as part of the development of our performance reporting arrangements through the HMCS One Performance Truth (OPT) initiative.

The Queen’s Building refurbishment project is underway and is due to be completed in the summer of 2009.

We undertook a complete audit of the RCJG management of sick absence; a full report will be available by the end of summer 2008.

We implemented the Pay & Grading Review in the RCJG for the vast majority of our staff. There are a few outstanding issues that are being addressed via the appeals process.

We developed a Recognition and Reward policy for the RCJG, which will be implemented from the beginning of April 2008.

A Communications Officer was appointed and a number of communication initiatives were pursued including a review of the RCJ guidebook, site maps and the development of the RCJG Internet and Intranet.


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A review of records storage requirements was carried out to ensure best use was made of the basement storage area in the Thomas More Building. Improving records management and storage is an ongoing project to avoid inappropriate storage in offices and corridors and to reduce the use of offsite facilities.

We maintained Chartermark accreditation for the RCJ complex and the Probate Service

began preparing for an accreditation in Customer Service Excellence Standard (which now replaces Chartermark accreditation).


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3. 2008/09 Year

3.1 RCJG Strategic Fit

The RCJG is committed to contributing to the delivery of MoJ Departmental Strategic Objectives below and we will play a role in delivery of these objectives through execution of the HMCS Business Strategy:

Support a vigorous democracy in which everyone can influence decisions, which affect their lives;

Support the efficient and effective delivery of justice;

Help to protect the public and reduce re-offending;

Work to create a culture of rights and responsibilities so both can be delivered effectively;

Help to avoid and resolve civil and family disputes.

The RCJG will also work to support and, in the context of the operation of the RCJG, promote the new partnership arrangements between HMCS and the judiciary. Further details of the partnership model are given in the Framework Document (April 2008) available on the HMCS website.

3.2 RCJG Specific Initiatives

The RCJG has embarked upon a programme of locally initiated change, including the fol-lowing projects:

Regionalisation of the Administrative Court Restructuring of the administrative structure of the Court of Appeal Modernisation of the Probate Service LEAN IT Strategy Rolls Building Support for Judges

These projects are all registered with the HMCS Change Programme and a governance structure has been established through the formation of the RCJ Change and Governance Group. This will provide an overall forum for monitoring and ensuring consistent progress.

The RCJG is also undertaking the following operational initiatives and projects during 2008/09:

Learning and Development – The development of an RCJG Strategy for staff learn-ing and development, taking account of local, regional and national business plan objectives

Cause List – Improving information on case listing for Court users Further improvements in records management and storage Courtroom Utilisation - making the fullest possible use of courtroom capacity


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Single Fees and Issue Office – exploring the potential for centralising these facilities Reviewing contract arrangements to ensure they are fully compliant and provide best

value for money Customer Service Improvements Board – to provide an effective voice to court users Legislation and Policy development - ensuring that the RCJG contributes to and is

consulted on relevant policy and legislative proposals

Specific objectives in relation to all of the above can be found at section 6 of this business plan.

The RCJG is committed to the Government Framework for Sustainable Development and Energy. We agreed to be a pilot site for MoJ Environmental Management System and will be the first site to apply for Carbon Trust accreditation later this year - our objective is to attain accreditation by July 2008. The RCJG’s Environmental Management Representative provides monthly reports for team briefings and for the RCJG Management Board.

A copy of the RCJG Environmental Policy Statement can be found at annex D with further information available on the RCJ Intranet site: http://libra.lcd.gsi.gov.uk/rcj/projects/6232.htm

4 Royal Courts of Justice Overview

The RCJG is part of Her Majesty’s Court Service, an executive agency of the Ministry of Justice. The RCJ complex houses the judicial Heads of Division, the Court of Appeal and the High Court in London. The RCJG is also responsible for the Probate Service, the Office of the Judge Advocate General and the Chief Magistrates Office. Further details are available from the RCJG website.www.hmcourts-service.gov.uk

4.4.1 Jurisdiction

The Heads of Division comprise the:

Lord Chief Justice, who is Head of the Judiciary & President of the Courts of England and Wales

Master of the Rolls, who is President of the Court of Appeal Civil Division & Head of Civil Justice

President of the Queen’s Bench Division and Head of Criminal Justice President of the Family Division, who is Head of Family Justice Chancellor of the High Court


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High Court

Court of Appeal

Magistrates’ courts Trials of summary offences, committals to

the Crown Court, family proceedings courts and youth courts

County courts Majority of civil litigation subject to nature

of the claim

Crown Court Trials of indictable offences, appeals from magistrates’ courts, cases for sentence

Chancery Division Equity and trusts, contentious

probate, tax partnerships, bankruptcy and Companies

Court, Patents Court

Family Division

Queen’s Bench Division Contract and tort etc.

Commercial Court Admiralty Court

Criminal Division Appeals from the Crown Court

Civil Division Appeals from the High Court, tribunals and certain cases from county courts

House of Lords* Appeals from the Court of Appeal and, in exceptional circumstances, from the High Court

(also Scotland and Northern Ireland)

Divisional Court Appeals from the county courts

on bankruptcy and land

The Tribunals Service* Hear appeals from decisions on: immigration,

social security, child support, pensions, tax and lands

Divisional Court Appeals from the

magistrates’ courts

Administrative Court Supervisory and appellate jurisdiction overseeing the

legality of decisions and actions of inferior courts, tribunals,

local authorities, Ministers of the Crown and other public bodies and


Court of Appeal

The Court of Appeal consists of 37 Lord Justices of Appeal. It is the most senior court in England and Wales, with appeals going to the Judicial Appellate Committee of the House of Lords.

The Civil Division hears appeals from county courts, tribunals and the High Court in civil and family matters. All Lord Justices can sit in the court, in panels of two or three depending on the type of case.

The Criminal Division hears appeals against sentence and/or conviction from the Crown Court and also deals with a variety of other applications such as references from the Criminal Cases Review Commission and the Attorney General, Proceeds of Crime Act and interlocutory appeals.

High CourtThe High Court consists of 108 High Court Judges. Judges are assigned to one of three Divisions: Chancery, Queen’s Bench or Family. At any given time 30 or so judges will be away from the RCJ, sitting in courts in the Regions. Of these 30, 13 Queen’s Bench (QB) judges and 1 Family judge serve as Presiding Judges, overseeing judicial business in the regions. They also hear the most serious criminal cases. A dozen or so other QB judges will also hear serious crime and some civil cases. A smaller number of Family judges sit in the regions, and two Chancery judges act as supervising judges for Chancery work outside of London.


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The Queen’s Bench Division is responsible for civil cases involving contract and tort and a number of its judges also sit in the Crown Court hearing criminal matters. It also includes the Commercial Court, the Admiralty Court, the Technology and Construction Court (TCC) and the Administrative Court (formally known as the Crown Office). Around 4,000 QB civil cases are started at the RCJ each year. A further 1,200 Commercial, Admiralty and TCC cases are received, many of which involve highly complex contractual business disputes. Around 80% of the latter involve at least one overseas party. The Administrative Court deals with public and administrative law cases, and exercises a supervisory jurisdiction through judicial review. There has been a considerable increase in workload in recent years relating particularly in relation to Applications for Reconsideration under the Nationality, Immigration & Asylum Act 2002, Control Orders and Extension of Detention Applications under the Terrorism Act 2005, statutory appeals and applications, and Applications under the Drug Trafficking Act 1994 and Criminal Justice Act 1988.

The Chancery Division deals with equity and trust matters, contentious probate, tax, partnerships, intellectual property, company law and insolvency. As with the commercial courts, Chancery attracts high profile, complex and, increasingly, international disputes. Workload is stable at 4,000 claims a year. The Bankruptcy and Companies Court (B&C) has an increasing workload currently standing at 17,000 bankruptcy petitions and 12,000 companies cases each year.

The Family Division deals with proceedings relating to children under both the Public and Private Law programmes, matrimonial proceedings and non-contentious probate. A large proportion of the work is carried out by Circuit Judges and District Judges at the Principal Registry of the Family Division (PRFD), which transferred to the administration of the London Region, Civil & Family Area, in August 2007.

The Probate Service falls under the jurisdiction of the Family Division and issues Grants of Representation in non-contentious Probate matters. It is made up of the Principal Registry in London, 11 District Probate Registries and 18 Probate Sub-Registries throughout England and Wales. The service also provides “caller” offices at selected sites.

Office of the Judge Advocate GeneralThe Office of the Judge Advocate General (OJAG) sits within the administrative function of the RCJG and supports the Judge Advocate General in his role as leader of the military justice system and provider of judges to the Court Martial and other military courts. OJAG provides both administrative support (case file handling) and policy advice. OJAG are com-mitted to the following business objectives during 2008/09:

Participation in the Services Justice Executive Group in co-operation with represent-atives of the Armed Forces, Ministry of Defence and Attorney General’s Office, to ad-vance the reform process in the military justice system.

Support the participation of the Judge Advocate General and Ministry of Justice min-isters in the Services Justice Board by providing policy advice, and work towards im-plementing the judicial partnership model.

Ensure that judges are provided promptly to preside over all types of military criminal courts in the UK and overseas.


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Ensure that the implementation of the Armed Forces Act 2006, in January 2009, is fully supported by policies, rules, guidance and training material.

Continue to devise ways of further reducing delays in the end-to-end process in milit-ary cases.

The Chief Magistrates Office The Chief Magistrates Office (CMO) sits within the administrative function of the RCJG but is outside its jurisdictions. The CMO deals with both the deployment of District Judges (Ma-gistrates Courts) for approximately 20% of their sittings and the deployment of all Deputy District Judges (Magistrates Courts) throughout England and Wales. During 2008/09 the CMO will focus specifically on the business objectives below:

Continue to support the agreement regarding deployment of District Judges (Magistrates Courts) made with the Senior Presiding Judge.

Ensure that District Judges (Magistrates Courts) are provided promptly to hear cases of all types throughout England and Wales.

Ensure that all Deputy District Judges (Magistrates Courts) are offered a minimum of 15 days sittings per year.

Continue to devise and develop a more detailed database for deployment of District Judges to courts and also to prisons when they act as Independent Adjudicators.


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4.2 Organisation Structure

The organisational structure of the RCJG is set out in the diagram below:

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5. Breakthrough Commitments

In March 2007, HMCS published ‘Delivering a Step Change in Performance: National Standards, Consistently Applied’, a document that detailed the key commitments that HMCS plans to deliver by the end of 2008. The eight commitments are:

By the end of 2008 HMCS will:

Give greater priority and urgency to public law cases often involving issues such as whether children should be taken into care, with a view to ensuring that the matter is resolved in less than 40 weeks or such later time as the judge or magistrate deems appropriate;

Simplify and speed up criminal cases in the magistrates’ courts so: most guilty plea cases are dealt with at the first hearing; most contested cases have no more than two hearings; the majority of simple charged cases take from a day to 6 weeks (on average) from charge to disposal;

Embed the underlying principles behind community justice in the magistrates’ courts, ensuring local courts improve their awareness and take account of local issues, particularly when dealing with low level crime;

Encourage more families to resolve issues themselves through providing in-court conciliation or directing parties to mediation where it is appropriate and safe to do so;

Put in place systems and incentives to ensure that the vast majority of civil business is initiated on line;

Provide a simpler and quicker service in the county courts through introducing a presumption that all but the most complex small claims are dealt with by way of mediation;

Reduce the time taken to deal with cases in the Crown Court, so that the majority of cases are commenced and concluded within 16 weeks; and

Provide a knowledgeable, personalized and readily accessible service, keeping users informed about the progress of their case.

The RCJG will play its part in delivering those Breakthrough Commitments that apply to its area of business (see the highlighted points above).

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6. Balanced Scorecard

The objectives for 2008/09 are grouped in the four key areas of the organisation’s business focus – Customers and the Community; Key Performance Results: Improving the Way We Work; People and Learning. These areas are interdependent and together make up what is known as the ‘balanced scorecard’.

1. Customersand thecommunity

4. People andLearning

2. KeyPerformanceResults

3. Improvingthe WayWe work

1. Customersand thecommunity

4. People andLearning

2. KeyPerformanceResults

3. Improvingthe WayWe work

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6.1 Customers and the CommunityDelivering services well to our customersThe way our customers see usThe way the community at large sees usThe way we manage our customers and community relationships

Ref Objective Key actions Measures of success Type Monitoring arrangements1 We will develop the role of the RCJG

Customer Service Improvement Board (CSIB)

CSIB to review the results of the National Customer Satisfaction Survey and agree action plan

CSIB to review performance on complaints and action taken to address recurrent issuesCSIB to review suggestions scheme

CSIB to develop ways of engaging with Litigants in Person (LiPs)

CSIB meets quarterly

Action plans agreed with relevant managers

Effective communication channels established with LiPs

Operational The CSIB to oversee and review all customer service activities e.g. initiating customised local Customer Surveys and Improving Court User information.

2 We will attain accreditation in the new Customer Service Excellence Standard (CSES) (this now replaces Charter Mark accreditation), for the RCJ complex and achieve accreditation for the whole of the Probate Service.

Participate in rolling assessment programme for CSES

Collect and submit evidence to support Probate Service CSES application

Continuing accreditation.

Attain CSES accreditation for the Probate Service by June 2009.

Operational CSES Area representatives complete monthly checklist returns and progress reviewed at CSES meetings.

Advice/direction sought from RCJG Management Board (RCJG MB) as needed

3 We will review and develop publicly available information on case listing.

Establish working group.

Conduct a user survey to identify queries relating to the ‘cause list’.

Engagement with the judiciary throughout the review process.

Review and make recommendations on the order and format of the ‘cause lists

Submit a business case to the HMCS web team regarding the functionality of the Red Dot software

Working group in place

Implementation of the new format with minimal disruption

Feedback from post implementation survey

Operational Monthly progress reports to the RCJG Change and Performance Team

Liaison with the judiciary


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Ref Objective Key actions Measures of success Type Monitoring arrangements4 We will explore the potential for

centralising the Fees and Issue Counters.

Establish a working group with representation from all relevant areas.

Review current arrangements and identify scope for change.

Examine accommodation options.

Develop a costed and phased centralisation programme.

Working Group established.

Project scoped by August 2008.

Costed and timetabled recommendations submitted to RCJG Management Board by December 2008

Operational Interim reports to be submitted to RCJ Estates Strategy Group.

Monthly progress reports to the RCJG Change and Performance Team.

6.2 Key Performance ResultsDelivering the key performance outcomes Government is seeking from us and any others we have decided onManaging our financial and other (non people) resources wellIdentifying & managing key risks

5 We will meet the PSA standards applicable to the RCJG and the performance agreed specifically for the RCJG (see annex A for standards)

Publicise standards to the judiciary and all staff

Monitor performance against standards, investigate trends & variances and take corrective action as appropriate

Work with colleagues in MoJ/HMCS to identify policy proposals at an early stage that will have downstream effect on the RCJG

Standards met or exceeded by March 2009

Where standards not achieved, a 10% improvement delivered on 2007/08 outturn by 31 March 2009

Operational Exception reporting and analyses provided monthly to RCJG MB

Area reports to be reviewed in detail in monthly 1-to-1 meetings between the Regional Director (RD) and the Area Directors (AD).

6 We will review the standards set specifically for the RCJG to ensure they promote continuing improvement and are compatible with national policy initiatives

ADs to review current standards and make recommendations for change.

RCJG MB to engage with judiciary, court users and staff on proposed changes

Incorporate new standards into the RCJG version of the HMCS One Performance Truth (OPT) system being developed over 2008/09

New standards to improve timeliness and other performance measures.

New standards are achieved.

Operational New standards to be incorporated in OPT development by third quarter’s performance reports.


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Ref Objective Key actions Measures of success Type Monitoring arrangements7 We will develop an RCJG version of

the HMCS One Performance Truth (OPT) performance reporting system

Produce a flexible reporting system that enables workload and performance on key performance indicators to be monitored effectively at operational, Area and Board level

New system to be developed, tested and fully deployed by March 2009

Operational Monthly exception reporting for RCJG MB

Area reports to be considered at RD/AD monthly 1-to-1 meetings

Reports discussed at Area Management Boards and by senior management with the judiciary

8 We will remain within our budget allocation.

Determine allocation policy to ensure equitable & achievable budget targets.

Manage the WMI contract effectively to enable continued income from use of RCJ as an event location.

Reduce non-pay costs.

Spend on close of accounts is at, or within budget.

Operational Monthly finance reports reviewed by RCJG MB and at RD/AD 1-to-1 meetings.

9 We will continue the review of records management and storage arrangements, to make best use of storage space whilst maintaining security of data/court records.

Review previous action plans to ensure that previous recommendations have been successfully implemented.

Create additional storage space in the Thomas More Building and elsewhere on the RCJ site.

Review retention periods.

Tender off-site storage contract.

Bulk records no longer inappropriately stored in office areas and corridors.

Agreement reached with judiciary and RMS to reduce retention periods.

Use of off-site storage contracted on a formal, VFM basis.

Operational Quarterly progress reports to RCJG MB – followed up at 1-to-1 meetings with HCG Director

Monthly progress reports to the RCJG Change and Performance Team


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Ref Objective Key actions Measures of success Type Monitoring arrangements10 We will review our contract

arrangements to ensure they are fully compliant and provide value for money.

Creation of Central File/database of contract details

Review and approve additions/amendments to RCJG Procurement Manual

Agree and monitor implementation of Procurement Strategy, including validation of any benefits claimed

Promote appropriate payment methods (GPC, I-Procurement)

All contracts fully compliant and recorded centrally

RCJG Procurement Manual published on Intranet and embedded in the management process

Operational Monitored by RCJ Procurement Group, with regular reporting to RCJG Management Board and HMCS Procurement Working Group.

6.3 Improving the Way We WorkIdentifying and prioritising opportunities for improvement and delivering those improvementsHarnessing the creative and innovative talents of our peopleEffectively harnessing partnerships and our suppliers in development opportunitiesInvolving stakeholders throughout the improvement process

11 We will progress the Review of the administrative structure of the Court of Appeal to produce a more simplistic structure, identify synergies, improve throughput of cases and reduce delays and to improve both customer service and stakeholder experience.

Project manager to be appointed by end of April 2008.

Complete review and implementation by Sept 2009.

Restructuring in place by Sept 2009.

Restructuring takes place with minimal disruption.

Change Regular reports submitted by Project Manager to Project Board, RCJG Change & Performance Manager (RCJG C&PM), the RCJG Management Board and the RCJ Change Governance Group (RCJCGG).

HR Business Partner (HRBP) submits regular progress reports to RCJG MB on any staffing related issues.


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Ref Objective Key actions Measures of success Type Monitoring arrangements12 We will develop and, if approved and

affordable, implement plans for the Regionalisation of the Administrative Court Service.

Establishment of four regional centres for the Administrative Court in Cardiff, Leeds, Manchester and Birmingham as recommended by a JEB judicial working group, chaired by May LJ, in their report “Justice Outside London” (January 2007).

Designation of two supervisory High Court Judges and the appointment of senior Circuit Judges as Deputy High Court Judges to hear cases at the regional centres.

Regionalisation takes place with minimal disruption.

Change Regular reports submitted by Project Manager to Project Board, RD, HCG AD, RCJG C&PM, the RCJG MB and the RCJCGG.

13 We will work with colleagues in e-DG and HMCS Change Programme to develop a 5 year strategy for the rationalisation and modernisation of IT systems in use within the RCJG.

Project manager to be appointed.

Ensure full engagement with the national HMCS EFDM programme.

IT solutions implemented as planned and efficiency savings achieved.

Change Regular reports submitted by Project Manager to Project Board, RD, HCG AD, RCJG C&PM, the RCJG MB and the RCJCGG

14 We will progress the Rolls Building project to ensure the operational and site development programme remains on track for opening in October 2010

Project Board manages project in accordance with MoJ Programme & Project Management procedure including submission for OGC Gateway Review

Project proceeds to budget & timetable

Change Project Board receives regular Project Status Reports

Monthly highlight reports submitted to the RCJCGG

Project subject to OGC Gateway Reviews.

15 We will refurbish the Queen’s Building. The scheme to provide two additional floors to be used for:1. Relocation of Clerk of the Rules

Office and Family Associates2. Conference and Training suite

Monitor Project Plan to ensure scheme is managed to budget & timetable.

Communicate and engage with judiciary & staff on decanting arrangements.

Ensure court users are kept fully informed of scheme progress.

Scheme completed with minimal operational disruption and within budget by summer 2009

Operational Monthly meetings of Estates Strategy Group.

Ref Objective Key actions Measures of success Type Monitoring arrangements16 We will adopt and develop the LEAN Work closely with MoJ and HMCS Redeploy staff savings (measured Change Regular updates provided by the


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approach to improving business efficiency.

lead on LEAN to ensure that benefits are logged centrally and best practices shared where relevant.

Develop an RCJG Lean Strategy, covering communications, events co-ordination, sustainment, benefits realisation and promoting the outcomes of events.

Three RCJG staff to complete the first cohort of Lean Academy training by May 2008.

To value and support our staff who take part in the workshops.

in FTE’s) back into the business to focus on value added work.

Reduction in delays to work throughput with more efficient and effective processes.

Improved services for our customers and stakeholders.

Lead for LEAN, to the RCJG MB

Monthly progress reports submitted to the RCJCGG

17 We will co-manage, with the Judicial Office, the review of the administrative support provided for judges of the High Court and Court of Appeal and implement, as applicable, the approved recommendations.

Project Manager and project support in place since September 2007.

Oversight Committee established in October 2007.

The Oversight Committee will consider the initial findings and draft recommendations at the end of June 2008.

Consultation on the proposals will then take place with the Oversight Committee signing off the final report in September/October 2008 for commendation to the Project Sponsors and for formal consideration by the Judicial Executive Board.

Project delivered on time.

Judiciary receive the level and range of support they require to carry out their judicial and administrative functions.

Change Regular reports to the Oversight Committee, chaired by Lord Neuberger and has 3 HCJs and an LJ as members.

Monthly progress reports submitted to the RCJCGG.

Ref Objective Key actions Measures of success Type Monitoring arrangements18 We will consider ways in which

the Probate Service can be modernised in order to transform

Project manager to be appointed. Project plan developed and will be in place by June 2008.

Change Regular reports submitted by Project Manager to RD, Probate AD, Change Manager, the RCJG


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the delivery of our services to our customers.

Introduce an area structure into the Probate Service.

Overhaul the Non-Contentious Probate Rules, to include the introduction of procedural guidance/rules.

Review procedures (personal applicant interview improved internal/external guidance).

Introduction of area structure takes place with minimal disruption Group Probate Managers in post by June 2008.

Rules Committee established and plan of work in place for the overhaul of the rules.

Pilot telephone interview in place by May 2008.

MB and the RCJCGG.

19 We will establish a formal Listing Council for managing listing policy and procedures to ensure that we are making the fullest possible use of Courtroom capacity.

Review and develop a listing strategy using shared basic principles.

Establish times for cases from fixing to disposal

Liaison with the judiciary

Improved Courtroom Utlilisation figures

Reduced waiting times for cases to be listed

Operational Court utilisation figures to be included in OPT reports to the RCJG MB

Listing Council outputs to be considered by RCJG MB and included in remit of Judicial Partnership Group

Monthly progress reports to the RCJG Change and Performance Team

20 We will work with the judiciary to develop the partnership model within the RCJG in accordance with the Framework Document

Establish a mechanism for regular liaison with representatives of the judiciary on agreed topics

Judicial Partnership Group (JPG) formed with agreed membership, terms of reference and statement of aims

JPG meets regularly and is generally regarded as a proactive and productive contributor to the management of the RCJG

Operational JPG minutes and reports received by the RCJG MB.

JPG minutes and reports received by the Heads of Division,

Ref Objective Key actions Measures of success Type Monitoring arrangements21 We will establish a Health, Safety

and Security Committee Ensure H&S structure in place and responsibilities understood throughout the organisation

Keep security systems and

Less incidents being reported

All areas being compliant

Operational Health, Safety & Security Committee meets regularly and minutes circulated regularly


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arrangements under constant review

Review incident reports ensuring that recurrent themes are addressed

Ensure fire safety protocols, business continuity and other emergency response procedures are kept up to date and regularly tested

6.4 People & LearningPlanning, managing and improving our people resources to meet our business needsIdentifying, developing and sustaining the competencies we needInvolving, empowering and communication with our peopleReviewing, rewarding and recognising our peopleThe way in which our people see us

Ref Objective Key actions Measures of success Type Monitoring arrangements22 We will establish an RCJG Learning &

Development (L&D) Group with overarching responsibility for all of the development and training needs of

Review and develop an L&D Strategy for the RCJG in consultation with the People and Learning Strategic Oversight Group

The embedding of best practice from within the RCJG and the wider HMCS – considering highest and lowest scoring areas.

Operational Regular reporting to the main L&D Group, the Probate AD and the RCJG MB


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staff.Devise the RCJG’s plans for learning and development ensuring consistency of delivery and a fair and equitable allocation of funding and resources.

Establish a Staff Opinion Survey working group to analyse and interpret results identifying key points and potential action points.

Promote and invest in developing a consistent approach to leadership starting from band F’s upwards

Improved results in next survey

Staff develop strong leadership skills – some joining Future Leaders scheme

Monthly progress reports to the RCJG Change and Performance Team.

23 We will establish an HR Policies and Procedures Group

Review and develop an RCJG HR Strategy

Devise an RCJG plan for implementation of HR Policies and Procedures to ensure a consistent approach.

Implement an RCJG Recognition and Reward policy by April 2008

Present a sickness absence audit with recommendations.

Establish a Diversity and Equality Forum for managing Diversity policies

Embedding best practice within the RCJG and the wider HMCS.

Reduction in the number of HR cases being managed within the RCJG.

Better use of the increased budget

More staff rewarded consistently in accordance with agreed standards

Reduced sick absence across the RCJG

Operational Regular reporting to the overarching RCJG L&D Group, the RCJG MB, the RCJG HRBP

Monthly progress reports to the RCJG Change and Performance Team.

24 We will establish a communications strategy for the RCJG

Production of strategy to include:Continued development of the Intranet/Internet site.

Regular Newsletter

New Guidebook, business leaflet and site maps

Improved responses on communication arrangements in Staff Opinion Survey and Customer Satisfaction Survey

Positive feedback from users, visitors etc on quality and usefulness of communications products and events

Operational Regular reports to RCJG MB


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Proactive use of internal HMCS/MoJ media to promote the RCJG

Development of ‘outreach’ activities


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High CourtCase type Standard Supporting indicatorAll Reduce proportion of disputed claims

resolved by hearing to 39.5% *

MULTI-TRACK From Allocation to track (1st CMC for TCC and Admiralty & Commercial) to first day of trial. Disposals at interim stage, settlements, and withdrawals before trial do not contribute to this measure.

78% IN 50 WEEKS


Customer Service

National Customer Satisfaction Survey

National KPI: the Very Satisfied element of the HMCS court user survey be improved from the Y2 survey baseline of 40%

Area Measure:

1) each Area to improve against their "very satisfied" Y2 (2007/8) survey results.

2) each Area to maintain their "overall satisfaction" (the combined very and fairly satisfied performance) at or above their Y2 (2007/8) Area benchmark

See Measure

Complaint handling speed / percentage targets to be carried forward from 2007/8

Area - 10 days 85%

Court - 5 days 85%


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High Court

Court Standard

Companies -Winding up 1st hearing - 95% in 8 weeks (from commencement of proceedings to final order)

Bankruptcy - new petition1st hearing - 95% in 8 weeks (from commencement of proceedings to final order)

Clerk of the lists – Appeals 78% in 26 weeks (from receipt of appeal to final hearing)

Costs Office - bills < £100k 75% in 12 weeks (from receipt of bill to final order)

Costs Office – bills > £100k 75% in 30 weeks (from receipt of bill to final order)

Administrative CourtCase type Standard

Permission applications2 months (Measured against applications dealt with i.e. for cases with a paper decision date within the period, was this within 2 months of date lodged)

s103A Applications

2 weeks (Measured against applications dealt with i.e. for Reconsideration S103A NIAA 2002 cases only with a paper decision date within the period, was this within 2 weeks of date lodged)

Oral permissions2 months (Measured against applications dealt with i.e. for cases with an oral hearing date within the period, was this within 2 months of date lodged)

Substantive hearings6 months (Measured against applications dealt with i.e. for cases with a substantive decision date within the period, was this within 6 months of date lodged)

Cases disposed of*

6 months (Measured against applications dealt with i.e. for cases with a closed date within the period, was this within 6 months of date lodged). Note - reconsideration S103A NIAA 2002, Drug Trafficking Act, Criminal Justice Act and Prevention of Terrorism Act cases are not included.


Applicant StandardsSolicitors 95% in 1 week (Number of Grants issued within 7 days of receipt)Personal 85% in 4 weeks (Number of Grants issued within 28 days of receipt)Miners’ Applications 95% in 1 week (Number of applications issued within 7 days of receipt)


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Court of Appeal


Case type

Standard (Measured against applications dealt with (disposed of) within the period i.e. is the disposal date within “x” weeks of the date received. All types of disposal are included -closed by Full Court, Lapsed, Abandoned etc)

Conviction – Red 70% in 74 weeksConviction – Amber 70% in 48 weeksConviction – Green 70% in 37 weeksSentence 70% in 21 weeks

Civil Case type Standard

(dealt with i.e. time taken from issue to disposal)

Family 85% in 4 monthsAdmin Court & immigration/asylum; High Court DPR p24; Bankruptcy & Directors disqualifications; High Court & County Court preliminary issues; possessions

85% in 6 months

Other Admin Court; High Court & County Court interlocutory orders

85% in 8 months

Family financial & other; High Court & County Court final orders; most Tribunals other than immigration/asylum

85% in 9 months



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ANNEX B – Finance

Area Finance Summary Budget 2007/08 Actual 2007/08 Budget 2008/09

£’000 £’000 £’000

Total Income 1650 941 630

Judicial Salaries 9168 8278 8556

Staff Salaries 34674 34272 35050

Other Operating Costs 12892 12126 11891

Total Expenditure 56734 54676 55497

Total Operating (Income)/Expenditure 55084 53735 54867

Note: 07/08 (Budget & Actual) includes the Site Costs of First Avenue House08/09 Budget excludes £1109k, which has been transferred to London Region for First Avenue House.


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Annex C – Risk Management

Risk Management and Governance.

Risk management is a standing item on Area and Regional Management Boards. Risk processes

continue to be developed within the Region and a Risk strategy has recently been produced and is

available on the RCJ intranet.

In September 2007, a review of operational controls within the RCJG was carried out. The objective of

the review was to ensure that similar standards were applied to those generic controls operating

throughout the Group and to identify Area specific controls. Revised operational control instructions

and manuals were “rolled out” to each Area in January 2008. These controls now form the basis upon

which the Area Statement of Risk and Internal Control will be submitted. These controls will also form

the basis of RCJG specific controls that will be incorporated into the Management Assurance

Programme, when it is eventually rolled out. In addition to the introduction of the revised controls,

Area Directors are required to conduct assurance checks within their Areas to validate and assess the

effectiveness of the controls operating in their Areas. The Governance Team will also undertake

validation checks of controls operating in each Area. A timetable for the forthcoming financial year is

currently being compiled.

Risk Register:

The Risk Register is reviewed on a monthly basis at the Regional Management Board and submitted

every quarter and year-end to Corporate Governance Branch and the Regional Risk and Audit

Committee. The Risk register has been aligned to the Business Plan and objectives contained



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Annex D – Environmental Policy Statement

Ministry of

JUSTICEEnvironmental Policy Statement for the Ministry of Justice - Royal Courts of Justice

The Ministry of Justice (MOJ) is responsible in government for upholding justice, rights and democracy. The role of the MOJ is to deliver an efficient and effective justice system, which supports the rights and need of victims, witnesses and defendants and those who use the tribunals. It also serves to deliver key constitutional priorities, including electoral reform and the creation of the Supreme Court of Justice.

The Royal Courts of Justice are located on the Strand in London and hold the Court of Appeal (Criminal & Civil) and the High Court of Justice for England.

The MOJ is committed to the continual improvement of its environmental performance at the Royal Courts of Justice. This will be achieved through implementation and review of an Environmental Management System (EMS) and the ongoing commitment to a management programme of objective, targets and actions. The EMS will also provide the mechanisms through which the MOJ at the Royal Courts of Justice can contribute to the Framework for Sustainable Development on the Government Estate initiative (SDGE).

The MOJ at the Royal Courts of Justice is committed to complying with all relevant environmental legislation and to the prevention of pollution through environmental management systems and controls.

The key objectives for environmental management will be: to reduce water consumption; to reduce the environmental impact of energy usage; to reduce the amount of waste produced and increase the quantity of waste re-used and

recycled; to minimise the environmental risk associated with the storage, use and disposal of hazardous

substances; to consider environmental issues through procurement activities; and to reduce the environmental impacts of travel.

Through a wide ranging process of audit and senior management direction, the MOJ at the Royal Courts of Justice will ensure that environmental management systems and controls are active. In addition it will ensure they are consistent within the Department and are in line with the Government's Framework for Sustainable Development on the Government Estate (SDGE).

This policy will be made publicly available as well as being actively communicated to staff.

Policy statement approved by:

David Thompson - Director of the Royal Courts of Justice Group

Date: 16/01/08 Revision No: 3

