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ari rst i;tat · obliged to remain in ser.-lo-ii until oh Monday to make the bill a law under the...

Date post: 29-Aug-2020
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i i - i . v- -i j - ;aaP""KaaaaaVaK li aaW t .aaaaaaaW L a -- .aaattlaaam B aT aaaaVBCaaaaWannflBJB jBaL' kJ&dffiftV rR"P "nVFPTfFP 'Wi s Bwcre: In the case of T3B REPCBLK OF epjuj. toh?e eaileoad bo.tds. i i procure a just ana aocuraie sr-- - :J Ii.LlU!(: ronjrreHtHi iiifir is prettier Epfcin, in the b&ginaiDg of the hz- - Editor yebmsta Adrtiisere jroent, aad preat care should be exer- - dwUuiAa lb irawra of the of- - teenth entcry. enjoyed her failed le it intiuiated tijrwjrn the AID- -' csed in the meehaaieal execution of fJSkisl ?2?r of Crr.Cveaiy. zadtlt f!W It i not fcr thi-- i they par- - measure of politiesl poirer. ia- - h2TI5B that Dr. Converge has the book to ins-ar- e aecarfley as a? HulvA Slaf-- v TECfeSDAV. KAfc.H . MCJL IttlUirt- - iUwrtt-- d latty ifooVfc erreJr ha two event? the trtJt deded!v ieekv. When tbe ent. g9Mks. 1LW7 CV feffe.'e4 W Arioax. ae- - P rf -- 15 1, start- - is L, TT temped evea ceaswre. The oaainii-- " hidi materially in swae three 1 tee. it .frt ooaiered, diMjaarg-- ! Spain to bijrber aa- - jjajf years airo, tbe;- - ooae ?zei dUtt imewvi &imnritt 7T . 7 ;. i 1T W mr- - vwi'MWt t "4oe iid be tire ju-- i. TIbe who croaof Ferdiaaad Isabella. piedg-- d honor that hereby ordered the Coanty vel! the then throne ia the bonds srere voted, the road rold Commi-rione- rs that the list Tbe BfMtabh Crt- - h' 4--- rd HpiriTltTriii to blv is Porto Jiico, utm. IM A tbe Hfce Cuba. itit r i wre 1 were ; her - -- . ' I - 4 j a- - t I ( i j rV4eat fap h- - here lfat Marcel r find time ! tije fen Hpbicd Tirft to SwrtH ; r tijinag. Aifrrxria-- , lhe ban4s imbecile jlsfit, muiit '.-".'i- b 9jo.uibs- - A b.Aref4hepblleebtdr-- ; 1 the Penitentiary , aad south. Carried. cf lLe bpBDib do more to ev- - .1.4 ftll .,J l . IM rWy. w a w - wr. , quleilkm daiini: tbe seventeenth AKltr fMIMW 0W wi in thirty t. T4 fU lt of H the iawi jmu nt mi tb revciU xioa of the leg- - YjmttfT ia tjpr. bt i acwoaal of jMt Mifctter H ld to over. 0vMf Orsat, Mt tbe iaagaraitko Ibe 4b hk-4- .. oeettfMHl a ehatr -- vbicb wfct oMrd by Wabiaytoa pie-- ' -- - - - - .. a. x . 1: ms. mi wk iuaio;vrK.KMt ik mote vortMr of the boner Ornrrftl Grant. A ;f4erio bf beett ootaaeae- - utf bjrjoba ws the tbe $7.4i prodveed by York ia tbe JfrttsftK re. JI" i a bauker fe cllrged by 1'vmezev that the! aa tjr wfaira York prodaeed & fa Um4e4 Sot bltn. Tb Hoiatbm of the qutiott of cbfcf tnuteporiMiien Nebraska is hi;;bt to b a barge line upon the Jtdtooorl rlr--r. r. Jxnik aad are aritaiintr idhlo-itio- a ad some nartv ittntmm, ttstd fe probable that Mich a life will mkms be established. TiVe ar caable from a pre- - of j S give tor of tbe ex-tmat- aa of tbe LgMaUire to Topka. They we reeelvrd and cuterlained to t$M hv-pliab- le manner. Thir zbage of courtev4er will result iJaidly bet- - eea the Tbe Wil to porehtfH; tbe reideitce at Kx-G- r. Rutler aa executive M(soai UAUfd to carry. In its MR wo to take lauds from Bwtfcsr bt faM of tn.scbool mwy de-riaaa- bim. at soeh value e Goveraor. Auditor and Trea-ure- r. were iktlgaated a appraisers, fehi:!! deter mi ao. Tb ooJe wa. finally ir- - ed. While being enrol sev-or- al of tl,e -- bets were which ooaastow! cmlMirra-mn- t. Gov. Kuraas refw'rd to sign or veto the bill, so that the legislature wa obliged to remain in ser.-lo- ii until oh Monday to make the bill a law under the constitutional provie-l- o mmi that subject, lly this courre tbe Governor placed the whole bur-d- m of itr enactment upon the shoul- ders of the legislature. L'pon the rprttiaiioii of many of the mem-bt- r of the legMature (nat they had void spot! tbe bill im providently, Oawrmtz conclude! to pursue this ottarh". thut- - them an itr defeating the bill liy an adbnet. We think that the owrrse of the Governor com- - jMCNMiable. veto of Gov. Furnat upon ooao'tltutioaal bill, although ed tb" bill and put a much zeedHl amendment, every oae must bd hi y!-ecTitiHi- i. oa the parhof the Govrnorf and i not with- out je.tllicittin. There I- - force in the argument that n dbrejrard of the oofeUtutkti u;on ony pretext, or a a Hep which reader a wanton dih-rega- rd of it more eay in the future Bet we favor the view taken many Mble lawj-e- r that the people have already expres-e- l their will in favor of a change of ooiif-titutio- In aoounlatiee with the strict letter of the ro-i- t, although change ha4-nev- been made. Why go through with the name for trial! again But the matter has hen settled, and a vote will be taken in October to docide if a convention -- hall he call- - oil. tbe time we cramp-o- d by a narrow and defective consti- tution, and our development i mate-rlull- y rtardd, a thingH much to jogretted. The work of the Poland Credit Mo-Idll- er Committee i over, and action takon ujwn the Huhmitted. one has been oxftelle!. however, al- though the committee recommended that x me-an- d U'ook; be ai)fcealed. The rejtort the Credit Mobilier fchome have been a device to ena- ble tho-- e interetei in the I'nion Pa-dt- ic to traa-fi- T to their own pocket the bond and landn granted by the United tiute build the ronil. In mi iniuutMeni helieme Mr. Amci vancc the interests of thore ed the scheme, who were likely to be affected legjutive action, al- though purine he artfully dis-guhe- d. It wa not atlirmMtive legis- lation which the Credit Mobilier com- pany nought, but its purpose was to pruvent tuch legislation, o a ad-ver- ee ita interest. Hence A me did not an absolute lie when he Informed those with whom he wa3 dickering for block that the com nan v didnotfceek legislation, although It but half the truth, and cal- culated to mislead. The intent ia the of the offense, the mor- al character action obvl- - -- - i" '""-u- i itoiiicon'.o. thad r leid a guilty ter-msrria- se of Ferdia&ad aad I-- s- threaten! that, if our County Com- - neato - htl . oaiativ tli.- - bells aad the union of the fcitrcflom- - raL-sioa- ers don't do o and so. so- - . -- T''" JZ.1 7 ,?:. t. i aet- - ei...o bs witi certainty, J of abii thej- - -- arere sovereiirB-- . aad Vther rail of iron trill be oa tbej Property is 10 be valued at itsctal April 1st. 1ST3, aperies aa:uta teistatettf Xrtifc.i w't 2 v.. ' di&eoverv of America bv GIfl3- - ' TT T?. fi. XV.-n- - .1.? if 1 cssii valae at time of mating tae iwea u, boar? S doci A. M. aa7 laare pn-e- n la Hae Eaci-si- i usance. y ira. &JU. tkMa ike fArVrTT.??f0' - m twiiwjfu Tfce . occurring in ari bv lb HiKe nd all tbers l&?t decade of the afeath ceatary rtDTi.5eatativ of thi road first oenoy orcereo iaat uie Jinm -- j ! aided lifting ed the enterprise, aad a be tbe acnae of out here to of pon IkitbfulJr. ind readred tioaal glory. Charles Eaaperor wt,'aat Lafayette precinct, and jie same farnirbed the as?es-bW- J ezbsoi- - Charles V., tvaose head reed jitUe bio? tbe ill ttao4 expeeied and tioa thev their bj zaisbtie&t of item? vhu-waehia- x mnn of ia 12 the la-k- 6a and titelr dkpfoiataeMt. m ' Hi dol a or 4 ia of tbe imj we -- j. a do e-o- r- the if It is lu oa thl-- , wu m m mi editoeul the (jnoai decline of Spain. Tbe jv build a road oa on lands as tvell as totra lots, and lAXxti.x, -- tii. lz.4. is marked til of ijatterpar: centorr Wt:13. Urn three really. v w o our une- - wJtfa reverriw SroaiEh j aad ; thev us acain H. Miyioi. Sec. j e ran to -- ., dferri aJd a. do &cepter It to r tbe of the Philip III prtare :- - Gradually the recovery Aeliog criatlnal gravamen j iu'e ae 1 3JOtJTKKIIAXy IKOPK IJLTJOX. Oi. r3turdSy Tfae In-do- ot thaa wes-r- ei rtb - TT..,. - . - . 1 n- - PivnuMm cea- - tbe jwevtaeia4 wfe 'Brt in nnPnMiir. th? fi;w b f be hM &.: itirv Milt ). for j f lj?pkmltt a4 H tr Tb it mat- - tjav jcrUtiJr two for c HK-e- d &gaM4t bo was led stolen, o'clock tb giving for was Tlie "IT It u'jas aet i- - by Mich ty ? now JJ-7-4 In mean are be or.t No to to iiitere.st In far to tell wna was in iJ. laid sever tbe vt 1ST. d r individual to- - Velt. jre cro-a- , no rad came O. anei. jit. A. heforz demonstrated by lf fa; pfona2lioB lhat triumphed ia iK jihuu - 1 German England, Scotland. Poland been doinc eWBc.i-..an,...- ii s.A.fcdeo aad had even reWed ig oeea ceeuireu wj wr Aiwrnf Geerl and other al mind. &s le-g- kl od binding. Tbe ownmittee ap-poicU- rd to invfe-tfe-a; tbe coaduct of tbe Stt4e Prieoa IBpector were uajioiavw- - ia the Ofnc!ou that tbe "-- V - "-- !"' " i Eooceeded upon the 1 and loudly hurled at tbem, wai fait sad uxhMnm&i. We notice that tbe JJemocrai pzo-e-- ss to desire information as. to why the Traak R R. ha not been built. Vie the Mmple that if, ' powers. the Bourbons, the lone war eoaipany. po-i-et-j- ag the ability .. the reverse build ba been found which would take the fcb?tdie- - a Uiey hav-exi-tn- d anil do -- till exist, and build it. Th ic the whole nscret in nut tbell. We rejKctfully FUggett that if our cotemporary would evince half th- - Qtoaba rakr& thl? :o fl to build the zoate will jtlie road that does la fault with tbote who have for yenrt- - beea Jaboriag. in en-- on and out of M?aM3n, to that end. It would be much more creditable act on it part. XEvr oonsTirvrioy. Yesterday Webster's New Consti- tution till j- -d the Sens;, s.nd now awaitu Exectitjve action. Webelievf-i- l will be veto-d- , desjHte the threat leld over the Governor's head, should he withhold his rv&ent. Webster, liAiik- - he has, made biin-el- f and name faaiou?. So did Ha-ca- l! hut hort year Place, aad one year hence Webrter and Hascsdl will oc cupy the -- kme niche ia popular opin- ion. We are surprised that any mat could or would endorse the bill. It will be remembered that In '71 s of the defeated Contitutioa argued that the defeat of said iatru meat was owini: to the shortaes of time in which the people were per- mitted to study it- - Yet. aeeordiag to the provfeJoofc of Webster's bill, the convention will meet ia September and the people are to pass upoa it ia October. Talk about tbe Bourboat nver learning or forgetting any- thing, why ihe&e constitution tiakerc out-Iiourb- ou tbe BouiboaE. Since penning the above Goveraor Furnas hat vetoed the bill, which ve- to "vie be' y, the firt pv- by an Executive of thic State. AbJol-JiKMirX- We think the IjegUiature will on Thursday night. There ari owe legfclatoie here who resemhl- - the man who became so infatuated while ugar-makiii- g that he seid h would make sugar all summer wheth- er the ap run or not, and who would stay here all if possible. 'u: the great majority are tired of it and yearn for home. "GO 1VH6T, YOL'NO 3IA M When the Legislature does adjourn ? j.fx. tnhUUiz a flying trip to Lowell and Republican City. V.'jr are to be met at the former point by friend and conveyed to tho latter place and back. The trip wil I scarce ly occupy week's time and will erve gratify our curiosity ? to the "lay" of that section of our domain. CKIMINAb CODE. On lat Saturday a new Criminal Code was adopted which entirely doee away with our old We look upon the new one as an abomin- ation. It renders many little mi-d- e ineanorF penitentiary offence?. It the "Ohio Code," but b not. The "Blue Laws" as an addi- tion would scarcely make It more re- pugnant. How it paed Is a invite- - ry. Nobody read it except the Clerk of the Jlouse. and Ibtened to turn wane was reading it. If rig- - idly adhered to several ne-A- - peniten- tiaries will have to be hujlt. NKW LAWS. We to-da- y another Invoice of title of new Jaws enacted by thb Legi-latu- re and hope to be able to "end a full and ctmipletcHummary be-f- re thi- - letter ?ee the light. Our next article for the AuviiRTiSKU will be written in thp Aiivektis,eu office. One of our exchange? speaks n foU low-- of Governor Furnas, giving him a meed of prrJse political m well aienemles are willing rought to cnli-- t hi fellow member- - I Ui acwni lo him : ofConcress. lii'iMirtK, ww to ..I. I "H."Ve :Mi: Kurnne took (he Kuber- - by of Amen' j natorial cluiir he ha earnestly and vigilantly looked over the record- - of hi predecessors, with view of cor- recting error- - and abu-- e, and estab- lishing a healthy and honest 3tem f iroveriiiiiciit. vv here once all was disorder and inttigue. S'cadilj and uniformly Mr. Furnas troe to work land although but a short time ha- - elap-e- d -- luce he took hi- - eat, "shad- ow.,'' are being "ca-- t before" which atiKur well for the future of his Kverat bis post, and continually looking after matters of public the Governor haB al- ways- time cordially welcome and entertain whoever if pleae3 call at ni o.iice. And whoever calls upon Governor Furnas can but be favora- bly impressed with the man. Digni- fied, without heina Eunercillions frnnlr vn. ,l!n,nt s r ur t. " "us. The intent, indeed hn dn... U.i .. " ...i...I '...', " .ur,, - t,..w ..o one who meeis mm, eittier in 'tnj-- . 1 lie truiitfactlons of Urooka I,UUP or private, can but acknowl- - ire equally obnoxious as tho-- e of ' t.,J'c Lr)aI ,le,s wt'1' qualified to grace e. lie -- .van ludnf m n.. it.,. ,.... poaillon which he now lioldb." the fcatiie criminal itcd Ames, and h Tlull! lo and .hocs sold at cost, at Alex , t i the world. Hi; abilicatioa m favor ot j,e conapieted the three year of each person assessed be extended to era- - Sixii d M&ia .- - bit wa, II, mark-th- e epoch of avt fed for at thi time it would scarce-jinclH- de tbe value of improvements! tai0 Ue jfafw coi:iJEP05yE5CE. to the capital. years ap, value a men M the to b hi- - th It it finding col- lapse to code. nobody interest, to time, vrorid--wrideposiiJo- as October. ExteasJoa voted, thn ap.l erumbied from it aad decadence bat- - J no road. Tbev oome to as ! -- ors commence appraising land on . . . ' i. ; r .i- - ; ened on vrjib ieeeienttd spea. with threats, aad us that if we "c -- &"L t4U- - W1 lu- - oouaiy, rHaaiag .. , ? Uae re our peDc... , nd i- -. rummer which .. u,e " tbe novr tell was thev i eru the power of Spain in tbe 1?paaUh can sret along without king in old Netherlands. In government Nemaha, aad & raHroad grand for king. We live within two xad half ' Apiawall licaa freedom fa the Spanish Nether- - niiie of :a line of tbe B.fT":. K. fc St. Deroin ... T ...' lands met with a and tnsj p. R., and are as much lntttx-tie- d relentless tyranny of the Hapsbunrs accord inj: the amount ofproper- - Xo an eclipse ri iag sea iibertv in Spain, which question wa.- - put to-da- v, we Wi''J continued end of the century, j woald say aot another dollar said : In the year 3709, by th death of ! road until it and in run Charles II. lat of Hap-bar- ;r n:ng order, nor then until they without heir, Spain wa left as a have jriven eudicient guarantee; that J to ironzr The en o road be :on m interests venture rply no . to &ooee--io- n, 1:. yet it friendb to oftbe.San-- ! nt for tie sole and lo?e of Spanish nrmduriaK thee:hteenlh vrho own it. centur sre matters of hitorv. In the present century, other nations s-e- to have abandon! the aimle" experiments of ae. and to settle themaelvs into the letrer security of well deSned oon'-tiiution-T- Inalieaatile rights of man and tbe inherent law& of social ordr and prozre are sought to beembodiei in to the -- .rittn forms of government, and the whole fabric of irovernment acknowledged to re-- t upon the con- - seat of the governed. A healthy government, one answering the prop- er end of it- - institution, does not con-si- -: of a ruler and a rabble, but of jjreat bodies of fr&e people?, pre-erv- - and protecting their hiahe-- t civil and persona' liberty. From beinjr the mere subjects of zov.-nmen- t, to say the sport of de-po- t-, the peo- ple are everywhere being, recognized a- - the overei;rs. From the vindica- tion of their right. the transition i ieins: made to the ultimate vindica- tion of their authority. Beyond thii.it b beinz a never before, that governments are mean.-no- t end- -. people's life. But in Spain thi-ha- s not ben true. She ha not char- ed In thl- - universal prozre-- -. and her people have -- uffired much from polit- ical disention, and have profited lit- - shouli' Nodaway in that nronertv id. an..J' Kirk.ville. i,i aaj llllli tie heart of the Spanish people. With the overthrow of Napoleon and the expulsion of the French, the liberty thu- - achieved resulted in the framing of liberal constitution by the Cortes National Aernbly. vnee thi- - time, aside the to the right of ucce--io- n. there has been an interminable war be- tween the Oirtes the royal claim- ant the throne. The armies have with the people In re-it-i- ng In many ca--- e, and have compelled at tlmei the restoration recognition of the con- stitution of 112. as well aa the reroj:-nltio- n of the Gortes. 1S23 by 5d of arm. the Cortex wa -- uppre-aed, and Ferdinand VII wn- - retored lo the throne, and died in 'ivY, au-vni- z tho crou-- n hia finnh-ter- , I.oabella. uncle. Don Carlo claimed the throne, but with sup- port of the Fngli-- h in the civil war which ensued, the Corli-t- - were final- ly defeated in 1330. Another revolu- tion broke out hv the same yer.r, and various times fince revolutionarv movement0 have occurred. The Re- public horn amid uch loud acclaim. Is already beginning to totter under he desperate agenrie? which Ama wisely sought elude by hi- - abdlcation. The bu-ine- sa of the country at a etand--tiI- ! familie-ar- e leaving the capital, and its every ispect betokens the near npprosch of n bloody revolution. There not be wanting factions to make a ate Ptruirale. The Federalists in arms at the capital, ready open moment; the formeradhe'-ent- - of Amndc-i- ready to fizlit for the of a new king person of ome foreigner; the legiti- mists will flirht for the of Isabel- la Carltets already in the field In considerable force for Don Carlos; the communi-t- s are Ihma"l-ite- s and prepared butcher, pil- lage and destroy everything upon mi i.iii jm) uaiill-- -. Wltll then? unpromising pro-)ec-ts and in the view of Spain' unsettled and ean-guinar- ;,- career, as detailed in history. it Is hoping, were, against hope, to expect the puccess of the Republic. The people not ready for it. Thev seem iHek In their conception of popular And herein they will fail; that they are not uni ted and do not p.-e- nt the bold aspect of a popular revolt against monarch- ical authority, before which, onlv, will such government retreat. The petty factions which are ready to take up for diverse purposes idence of the instability of the Re- public, and collate may be expect- ed at moment. The Brownville Democrat man gives notice that he call any- body that differs from him "idiot?' 'liar," "billiard-cue.- " stufT-er,- " "horse thief." There are be no personalities in paper. Korrect. rnaia Republican. Tliose owing will please be kind to enquire the amount of their accounts, TiiEo. Hill Co. Best coal oil CCce-uts- , at SrevensonJ S: Crocs'. The iato oa 27th of last May, aad atk extension oi until tbe fiSjh en, they will sink into On motion, tbe rate for build ,fmd io the different preeiaets ruin by simply neglecting to thp at all vhst hav fxd follors: 2"w. the opinion that the and battle Rpub-- J reaction, to ty are of R. we wn a any other man, but jfjDtJir!? of tbe to us the in is completed, the the even, nzr lit will the the people, and Is ins not demonstrated and pon of of of of the railroad to heep, S3; hogs, per Indeed we cannot see how the County can itsue the for ale Jfe c?d follow bonds rond all. When the que-tio- a was subailtted the people last spring, was told them tbe road would completed la.- -l fall, and thdt it would ave the ftiraaer, ia op, almo-- i tlje amount of tax he would be required to pay the road. Now op: roy bka been marketed and we can't whre B.f K. P. Avkrti?kb Democrat for publi cent. In the mean time the mana- gers of the road have dallied alonz until the county becouie settled up, that will pay build road by private enterpri-e- ; just what they j intended do in the ilrst place, and now they want to bully the people out of $75,003 form nucleus for new Crdit Mobilier ring, and if we don't ''fork over" we be obliriort. Now thisavor something of the aory of the wolf, whocun-e- d the lamb, "be- cause it wouldn't lie tiH and !ei hi:n eat Now, we. for one. would say to Dr. Converse, we have jjot along so far without the B.. K. fc P. p. .and we can get alon still further without it. ami if you don't -- ee fit to ahead and complete it, jut lef 'er litdar.' uiem. mean Kr-"- -".v. early of ,ee all railroad Kirt In French Her le'ja desper are any are are are are arms its any more that rod be ouec R. are go 1; usiw aim uiieu jsaine oiuer prop- erty. Vat you say, fanners? Proc-dlu- "teetlnr rrotn County Cotninii--'ou- r landk t!ir liiaVrent I'r-cinct- . Clerk Office. Nemaha Co March 173 The Board of Equalization met pur- suant or County There present from the diflerent pre- cincts, follow-- : Wm. Windnheflle. Benton precinct A. L. rry. Bedford J. F. Cro-- , rit. Deroin L. Fi-he- r, Aspiu.vall L. Job neon. Nemaha City E Brownville B. F. In inch. Londuu W. C. Clary. Douglas -- Benton Aldrich. Wa-hingt- on W. Wright. Lafayette Thoinn Birre-- , Glen Rwk " P. Richards. Peru, ab-en- t. Meeting organized Uy election W. Clary. Pre-imi- it, ail W. Wright. Secretary. The following in-- tr jctions re- ceived from the County Com -- ioner-: Each assessor should become per- fectly familiar with the revenue law. page 179, Jaws of lfJ9. previou- - commencing his as-e-m- and re- member that male residents over the of fifty year3 are exempt from poll tax. In li- -t of taxable lands nild ilots, the column headed value place the value of the property, and in column undsr the head of value of the fcojal value of all merit required buy of person- - refusing wear. Assessors required them-elve.sa- ll property where the law-onl- y require the pen-c- m givsf the number of each kind of prop- erty when the require- - the iroon listing give the amount received by indi- vidual responsible uniler oath for -- aid amount correct. persons trading dealing izeu sell wiieu the owner of the goods does reside in this State, are required the property in their possession. In making up the amount of cred- its which person required list, ho will be entitled deduct from the amount, the amount of bona fide owing by him, such duction cau from of money credit both by such listed not from capital employed in merchandise have heretofore supposed them- selves entitled be. Assessors are requested to endeavor memory of the persons whom they assessing bv over the items list well items not exempt by law, and in ev- - way diligently exert themsc-lve- s iJPfcCg everlasting ad avoid defacing cr'aSL?S SseSrt -- ..r,J.tua S5 blanks aad books furnished. troetoa powifaea lor io It iVa A ?u3 nn U A ., wirw yr a a j -- - a a a a !. a ! J8rKM-3- c -- Vsi. .Jfcrt IS. Moved and seconded that the 2JMi errlatiz aseinr iusi a e & it." rrecmct, froa Si acre. Nemaha Citv " i a a- - j a Ijondon Glen Washin 'ron Ben ton 12 it it 11 11 it tt a a a a 50 A- 5- 30 On motion, wa onlered that le a-- ii front Sl-- 5 $155 mules from 50 155 cattle from arandizemeti; kimrs cents gross pound. It W3J also ordered ihut r.raia nej,j Commissioner? mar- keting EQUAMZATIOX. Brownville Corn. cents per bbeL Wheat. 93 cts. $!.S. Oat- -. Scents-Barle- y. 30 Potale&s., cents. Moved and carried that the-ecreta-- ry ftimi-- h the rail ute- - of their meet- ing, uether with ths instructions of the County Commissioners, the Ft. R., ha- - -- aved and Ft, cation, and that the publishers are quested furnish eacli ae-o- r with extra copy of their paper. Adjourned. C. CLARY, Ch'n. W. F. Weight. Sec. Annual HIeetlos Directors the The regular annual iumiij;: of the frtofklioldex... the Quiucv. Mi-sou- rj Pacific Railroad Giipiiy, vided iy the law- - of iIi-,-".ur- i, im. place WVt Q'lii.cy Mr. Philip B. Linviilf. of Kdioi, ua-i-iis"- ii ciiMiriuaii of the uieetjii. Mr Kinir, Qumcy. -- creur . The folio wint: tlirecior-.- " tiji. eb-ie- il fir the eiiviiiuu yar: U. Pouiroy. H. Bull. George Adam-(.- '. A. .Savage. (Jreeii. Tliomt-Ja-je- r. Thomu- - Redmond. Root, J. G. Rowland, (laiacv W. Blackburn, of Rock port. Mil. A. Brow nville. Neb ueo;, azaint tn the time the jeople Co.. Mo. tbe Freneh the part thi- - M' DeF.IK"e: Mo .- - - . . me rjecretarv -- howed JV JJ a r u. V III rruiil ! a l - . . tinal a from to or the the nt to ; will to fl-r- e at in the ; the to ' it to is. an ev won't or to 0 us so as ' & an v, n-e to to aid to it to ee the has .. r ofAM(iiri-InMrw.iS'- Mi s call Clerk were ii F. ihfi f were mi age your the Improvement-- , improvements. by the All list but the the JJJ Jj j j I it 1 it it jt t: it it i t 3 " " 3 " " S " 3 " ; 3 t J S jj i i:a so to to to to to P. re j & I A- - fc a- - pro f J ; i 1t .- - i ne re oi r in. ... fla(r a.rrf x... or to I o as to it --. wmm ; cn Liixi ier. lit- - liiiii r lm k raT t ia - -a ... m9- - v iIJ ...! . . .. a? r. J. of ia , l 1, to as ' i - . " C C: F. to In a- - to to to to it is or on i to is to or or as lo to on as a3 I to . oe . . - 1, as- - us at la i $ Z it a 11 it at to to : at - i to to H to an u j of of .11. P. It. It. ,f & at an-- . (I S ' ! M C of ; : P M ne of ' - i.. l- - i. atiu uuru - ''"ui-.- j oiJC to to had I een of thi-amou- nt 14.610 -- liure were vote at thi- - meet- ing. No other bu-ine- ss than that mentioned above wa- - transact el at tbe meeting, at which there wa- - the ut-mo- -t gowl feeling on the jrart of all present. Quimy Calt, 4. Aerial Telcgraplr Scheme. The bill incorporating the L".-mi-Aeri- aph Co. ha.- - tinally th .Senate, and with tbe "igna-tureo- f the pre-id-- nt. will hconi law. Tin aerial telegraph soheme -a thing The plain of Dr Loniui-- . the inventor, i- - to telegraph from a hnrh peak of the Rock Mountain, to th. hlghe-- t uttaiiiald'-fea- k of the Alp-- , at jniint tower i- - to te erete"!. on tii top f which a uia-- t i to be All apparatn- - capnlde for cidiecting eb-ctrifi- i- -, to b" put on the upper of ibis tna-- t. by uiejiii- - of which on -- ueh eljeVMlUMi.'itJ-oiaifoedsirJrn- fjl of tht atmo-piinr- e wiJl be reached 1 wiiicii i charged with eleetricitv. (Ground conneetioii-- . the a- - hi ordinary te!i-grH2- i. wiJl l erect id . sir.funi (II Itlf Htl!'l I . pher-wil- l. - with the ordm-tr- y -- in ( . .. .. n.i, 'IHIU'CIIDII, m;K- - a complete circuit, and it U ciaimeii that the Iiubti'-- t unUntson of tli- - :A. m- - towr will t.n.- - iliii-e- - a -- iiuilnr pul-utf- on at tbe ther. Tiie compntiyi- - to have n capital -- ttck of $iiO'K). ujrh the privilege of iucr-a-in- t: the to two million- - if the intere-- t of the comp4iiy -- hall require it. Tbe bu-i- ue object- - of the corpor- ation are -- tated in the hi 1 to develop-an- d utilize the principles powe'r- - i iiaiu ai electricity, to be used in telegraphy generating lixht, heat, and motive power, operate ma- chinery run by electricity To Iliimhitg. 3To Humbug. I am determined to clo-- e out my winter btock before I go ea- -t for my -- pring -- lock, and will offer the folio w- - ttiif f Tin 1 it. !it tinil Kr.KTT oif r..,.- - Every person ed should Mlvi fio..,. ,in...ia lr. 1 f.. and be -- worn to their ' ' . is-e-m- ii-- t. f nubias, and scarf., winter oots and -nr should file the 'tate- - tcnps. ihanking mv customers an. are value Ji-ti- ng h-t- ed. but law theape--f)- r, being being not all any debts de only be made amounts person and many assist are the ery sf rv Rock cents. were Amoi panv and March novei which large pla-ei- . end iame and and any and the publrc for paL iMitronage. I will try nr.l Kve up to my motto: quick u.rtd txinail profit. L. Lovman SI Main street. Repairing iiealh' executed n th tin and stove line at Tisdel & Richard' NEW OrdinaaGe No. 32. cmmis.ion, and consigners author- - Ar0Vu iVlA of repeating lie lUGrdnntd by the Mayor and Council of th" CJ fif ISrocnvMf, Tliat said city be divi- - iitsu 0110 iiree w.iru-s- , wnose Lounuarie are a fo;ioy.. to-wi- t; All Hiat portion of tho city Jyln? east of a line draw-a-. alonu the centre of the entire lenjtth of Secoxjl street in Brownville prop- er, arid nIon,-thee- nt re lenttli of Sixth street in South Brovrnville.and ail additions to said city east of wild iitves, shall-constitu- te one Z.. ..."" e ueaignaieu ana Known as the First W ard. All that portion of the citv Ivir."- - wc--t of said line aloni; the centre of Second street in Brown-iiI- e proper, and Sixtii street in South Brownville. to the centre of Fifth street in -- aid city, and all additions lerween said -- 5econd street and Fifth street. Phsll. consti- tute one ward. and le designated and known a the Second Ward. All that portion of the city Jyina west of thecentreof Fifthfireet in Brow-nvilleproD- - J L " u'llMBns we-- 1 01 said Fifth street. hall constitute one ward, and te !e.lgnated and known as the Third w ard. All ordinances or parts of ordinances In conflict with thi-- j ordinance, are hereby re- pealed. This ordinance to he !nfniifnruonr. t feet from andifter Its pas-a- e. ana approved Mirrh 1 lsTt -- P- COGSWELL, Slayor. i.. t t, t 11 a I ADVERTI5EJIEST5, Notice of Section, -- will be ,bid in tbe City of 3rowrtviUe oa 5 X JEW tjewe kkali be ToUti lr: ) -- ereug wrt. It arteea ia jaui laas&ce Ac pirf Kse of jremt.mE Ybetr titL tT Oae Mayor. One Marshal, Oae TrtMiiBrts-- . Oae CSerk, Tvro CoJrilJea Sr Is; "JTani. Two OeaarliaBes Ar3ad "K"EreL Two OotHKaUsfa icrrd "Sarfi. Tbe place J6r boMiag tae la 1st Boose; rJ Ward, store rocs aortk srebl ! Philip Vnltistlon Henry fe--l. Otr CTt. 10 ! "OTICE i Le-e- bj r'ven to&t banoers sad 1 &rft.Jie(-i- v axer?yo.ted v. s,nttauplwi5 aud i''ii. oiati u-1- ie cn ia Poor Farm of UJsonBtT. Tle lKue it. toJ biifk. ioiie toaiUKa. aad aot Joeorr-- f Sa.(HL FlUto i4 p'iaeattoyi-V be received op soUkeflriJiTaeiKia via April :s7S. By ortJpr of tb Board of Treaty Ooaiaiit-Mooer- s. of Ceaiaa"tj-- . Neb. JAMS 5i H CKKK. 2-- tr County Cierk. T I CASfi CAPITAL AT ficvr TTaHefi Slesjaritea L.jasi goad ituti .A?7 VUV B Ii&tiK oa s. my2je aa !. ?m. rsT in -- awt- Sj atai :J ""--- t rlc1 RruOT r.3d Call A. Kni prmr P t Ttie ktc .TEpiDy i. tto .trtiirest itt' cjiziir' n.1 im. . i(r tuii nun-- iAltr ij jb'-'ni- tj tjC A FULL Li:VK OF 4 D T,V 13 OF BET Far Sale. Utr Kalir n; i.aUie Hk? do.- - at Broiruville on tae lh dy t ia red. ek""k x lo the talsboot Wdd-r- . toose aad thre- - otv. ". 7. aodV. kAt-i- : ti. tbe vlllAse or erniha tmenxy, to be made at tbe m"- - rf le. lK. A. ?pRMAVN r. Platzes. Aam.OTi-- r. ii.3t 13 tiecUos M4knas. AEE BV THE V?vfi a fcer Woo ST. Are daiaj: aiort tod And cperale A.VO BOIJj BY Live .Store Like NEB. 16-- rr to Repaired, Jsweiry 3itaaactBred ALL WOKE B. F. jci .Dealer ia .t ssmtv., tyD ZIXK PAPS. .o2srw 72 syt f baW 158 1 JWIH d 5 ill aaW 9T Z CCIDE. "t"KUi: ' IaHL!SUtir . tbe t1. fLTif? M&2l?l; BVbd- - T r. : - l...X not , "- - Bf:l';,'T. Tuesday. -- o 1 i the J 555 : li"lll'l ADVERTISEMENTS. is - , NOTICE BUILDERS EacrtnacR. Jt. yonsu; j5de. ar sbose iiirtac ifee lm :atmi We. stmMrat tide tCt- - 2t sbut ererr tilmaK be uttqBiAiA- - Bifll xtsx zaxz ie locket n?u iva& i&e iiuvt. 2: vj& he szsz la lsj aMress aa rt-o4-H af M cents. Aares$ Tt. WiL Am1-AI- L JK- S- A2TD 'J R1 T111 JOBTMsy aifre aaeof ;mb r3ea Joan L Urws abut avreica aSrertts-- e ttusraT M,aryJ- - Clark. "Wtlltam Oak. ci osr af Sir Tatar's ?TJ' ?-i'- ". ISotrt Eaiiaa reut ccrafaUr- - 1'- & Ve 'tae astaf mf stvlB-r- oa mhjit aaa&r tobt iMtUaa. jatibty joar Dr. Tnaar te oaosefceS 9a nair escribed ia afc iiaaiBtrrnia Wt -- nt.tl kk f9 BaKJ esttd fey On Jlarrls-sr- Jizstpj- - Jar Tnaii- - :rea fraaa tate ejects Erroriai Xukwii rmaareC rccirraos aeaBitj cared. at at-nu- s -- taoiiT KfK ato4 of ge-fwii- at. Sew ad rtaacjiiaaao rvm2iei- - 3ots CSrcaAitrs free, MAJed ea-reo- e. rciDtij PkBtAelaaaa aa luimimlaii atrtap izh r;tnjitxB Jor itooan-M- f coadoct l4 raf' sjjaa. t.tfll. S4.-239.79- S 84.:,, , Ai-n-a M.aimo-3- a Lost . i7r Jo poWlri of BOBEHT 2. Cei-etr- Essay oa -- otfia.' JTotlci. ifMrrr-- 1 '""-itl- awliow) of xtraiMaro. SemtaaJ i.Uot Kami. ar rS.lS WeAknets. IcTo!nBtarySBtoJ Exs4ook ioftui; (lt. BOSTON t;j IeoiiUT. nvt m, Munuf r T .r:ri ram. rr, I r'ile,atK-u- i on "W. a I: is r r LE CHTLEBT THE feeay Tisdel & Richards. Public IVTILI.oJK-- r soettoa at l!n I i in nendan. Keb. Trm kuovn : :n v JEW Street. T ." latrriei 1 X is I s j F l B ; arjmir woobTt, TlTaCyl MeauJ PbydcU Luctperii arsxni4 Price, eaTrioj. sotoor. ladxairat.- - eriy jrovei ooii'iOoB(joceg Skf-Ata&- - eSnaalH- - renw- - wTtbcn aadakAaes. dter somcil ofsrilittov. ixmriev rjcs.ar josUor efieetwJ xafSerer coatmoa tooMAI ebeaoly. jutrioely. Ixrnre afeoald yoata idrew. eavelooe receipt sl&bbj. 'H.trr.--- z price Addretp- - Pobbs-be- CKAs. ELIXE Borry. 156 r!!. rX4A. -- aSp lOM, PNr-:- - XLaaaaa 3iADE.,LlU.-- i .OT7TS, ALVATi pr'ersj- - h AU and GR.VI.V -- .MMaiir i;tat trlta: Imeiz fc S j tt reBef A t la A3SOCXAT30.yo.55ttk zS SPZCIAI. NOTICES. tko Ir. CULV22W2XI.-- tkr rtcrc ar I i td 1 --? a J " tlt- 1 f (. v n T a t : Fitt. ta j reuo.'sas I Iroaa trrr rrioce. ia & stle oaJy C wsts. j Toe ia Uris sre. Iran his turc eijer t l.nt ifae nwfal nt zii.t kB? n vlrc e(k. mm xcoae core sx core eeitua Vy wket ert- - atk.arr vhu fete aa j be .kj t. aty sod ra.fi Uy. 7 In- - be la lite a&oas ere- - ry erery au ia lie Seat aooer mL u say a, ?el loe of Lr e-- ati. ctwi.jm! tee OalTerwtiJ b 3 ceat, U J &. CO- - 127 Nev -i VM, TTgJ-- . wm a Wn hmm WmM v wbe i -- jr5.!l!Lr &:- - TMJ y&Wf - rai. m -- -. -- - - jts s a- - g yv ja v- -. avOAaOSK liMM M H aaafc yn. i..,iL-L-j4.r- a igr OiOcr -- re kk.-j- v" p-- r a, Uj Spr. EXCELSIOR MMOFOT CO,' SsfSaraa4 from tbe aaae roots 2"rU of CAuToraia. !ree '" Aco3uic suauss's. T2er ire tbe Great Wood Panfier & UTe-?ia-z Principle, Perfm Reaoraior aJ of tbe STSta. carrrins sll roi-oo(- auer tad resJona? tae oiood H 9 "7 T1 T?nov ' k-- . condiaoa, earK-aia- t: Vi k: OOOJilllg. , lavjoratir? to: iniad tad boJr. A 1 vs f T iUnanKrvioa. Char POCKET rerreauar are prompt la tfcejr r9mi Cheaper i. !f :beu" rfeSC"s' J && ia funs ef tayS-'oTeo- .' I t'trton cm tbe h. m.t. ted avAViM uTOicas. iin re:ciiaorcaireii. provided toeir ire desirored bT auseraj potfoa aier aeai.&. He iuu orjsis vted beroad ie pauit of repair. tow Pricsd, I sSji Pita tbe .,m...l. tbe Most Attict I"Jwtaoom Heart. Loars. repos Kjdaejv hcadrot atar Mafni WII.L DO YOCR npum. Mi-pna- cs tat jUUniriU pr0Te bettfr nraate tncriu taaa a AA1 lenr.hr sdtr.i-eain- t. JCCi ADEA-- Y for Kcmale Tosasr W. CiriCIC .VII CLE AX. ES?72i I?V,.?r naUoil. .nartsr hum x& nlnUlO Oak Dealers VLfloOJ CxcOSS, ainmanonoftUeljertadVieroJrssswid BP.OWXVILLE. CLOCKS, WATCHES. WAP.RAXTEP. SOU!BSE, Manufacturer Lg - COLLARS, ROBES, AXD . V '56 - . - . ' . - , . ' ' ' I ' ' - ' " I luuoixjtre HAREUCE Renutuat a4rtkeareaf esiorcd ifitiaT Quicker or i ot ! toe of Pt , of toe j s;. are the of OilLAP of its - toniplttnt. la A t or --"- iKrf. aturri .w aji ooa r knis. tJ J ' of tbe MVwl , - t 17 35 jC ,- - en 1 & I-- V ' - . 2 5 3 S a ja- - ae le: a? a v la j a IC 5 e- - yet -!. aa or ia oa Ir C -- ? S I. ' 'i i xc a Z '" it aad Tbej a sane ,.. -- . -- - toaei '.; or r.f tt.. Tae ia a. s tad - , - i4gp so ae- - l ' ' iiir.eu iajprtr a cad Chronic Tthen- - W lnui!Tesriiii Uil- - i..- -. ". -. 4TCKCS ".. xr. 'J,t- - .waej tau B.sWer. taes- - xk..s oeea no-- i ticreJttl. Saca lasea? They are a Ocutlc a6 ,eU tae peeoaar aentof ae lf- - C . V.rn, in &h. .r. J--- 2l & tcrr , irrTr,- - -- ru.ac.es. R.aj-oru- ScU hc;.. ore Ew! ..'3 irtease? tf ilc .n nr m.r,. 25 u-- zxt tr niiue. are L-- f til a. - . . iM-- e Li.ttrs. One , Li-- iBcreJujous of w it 1 nrati-- . U,e VIad Hiood whenever xoa -- P1'",13- orio:-.- : Yriasa jos i: vLa it fa fu! ; j uj- J,uo a-- . 1 tc.i tJu fcea. Keep the Uood rre, sad toe fceiUh of ioe eT, Gratcrul proclaim Ytve;r 3r- -. teis toe L.os: k jtwler. j laior.1 tL- -t tier scs- - PIu, Tape, and other Wo tie ijotein of o manv icoes . uiii rpaoied. F-.-- -T , larXtog la re C3ectffnr Sl ?l fllXf ttln.t ..3..".Ci -- 1 . rw . piisKiO-i- 3. . 1 atre is scar-- e r sn 1 ,!n .fc lor uay zm& &aC life. seat .KTT ti eare aod sjlh-- " y tai zod east PjTTvtm co. No zzd Ttuu. uiTe iai tf lice of wfca ' , rreseace 1: cniea:a tte boilj dossed sUt- -t 1,. - ,. -- - . . aaawb : l4llilkkrfj Oi tl.fc.f Vrt r.c. o?1 to Zj tree system from wvrau UWe Ifttteri I raiau iad Mineral, wch seiiera, ooiu-eater- s xad i.'iatrs. as tier adrla- -. la .i.e. are subject to paralysis cf te Kowe's. caard ajraiast thLs, tal.c dos of Xi" I Eu in BrrrrKS twKe a "week. Coe-- c. emeai V -- .i v. I our preat r.vc--3 throc-ho- a: tae rniusl -- s axi -- vrw. k. 1 especially those of t&eirairtpiJ oaM. iL3 &7 r-- J.1WM-- '. Cnober:a..j. aiVjmm pT? 4 J 33 bra- - 4t,, tuiT V2s: ctirtv WHIPS, BRUSHES. BLAXKETS. m nz. z v w fcv.; - i- -t; cujiscr 1 f 1 f pJ so dna- - reasoa.- - of cnaoai - Vi J JT- - 1 Ele cf ti.e sto.arn and Ui'er ai r3 fMnrA-riT- Ti tbe me) -- ale other la ttcir la-a- ce c-'- tJc : no for tae to jik. j. ebs a? they tnii the with the are a: the Rsme time the of an.1 rwi , '-tt- - t tb of r -' i-X- 3. , or iviu'Eilt "W..T. MOORS CO., Comraisi.on Merchants, SHIPPERS, DEALERS AKDCOAt., 3Iatn Brownville. JACOB MAROHN, MSRCHAJO- - TAXLOH, r. - - z laP r aaaaaaaaLa?aTg9raaCJ'1 :ETXKTOraHKO:SCHrTr31-3i?r- f- r oeattBplia;iarrliJTf AFTUCT2D trKP02Tr2CATE.- -a arfaee.yo.CSrBcsret,iJrePatl.Pa- - AaresR.HOWAXD l i Yort..PoscSceBcx titvt4n:iiiBe4i lavijorsuir Reliable, Kewiafhe. Jalaam&Ucn pTspepaa. Warranlpri ParSiii - uuicjfjwMwjibo t tSMi.teraiaafcjcrtuietTtaeibof i'' S,;.au.e ;i',?:e3: Thousands ""uftSM. aathebsUuUo. j Tennessee, taroSoT &auActcn.t remartauir lraa?eawDt5 CAXTJLS abdonaaal v.wra. treanaVnt pjrymve, exeruna vanoos oraa3, tKccssarr. Tberets catharjc purpose waiI. MNE.31R Bitte-o- . rsji, reaiore dark-colore- d viscid nu.ucr Twtic toweu loauci. M.mnL.t. secretioaj ,Jir RROWVVTTTP healer rancuoas thedipuveorWas. iuij, Mroiuia. White fcwcHta'r .Yebraska. k-'M- p Licera. Lrrs.peias, XccV. Coitre. Sc mr.IT?'. ATioaa, Did Seres, Eruptions of ue'skiaTta. uoaal lascaaes. WxtxzzTs VisroiRltrrrriM hat Fhowa lrrest rn-nt.- r.. rwvo-.- . . .u . j. i 0!HUiatean.lTntra::r'jr"v'" - iita ? Dr. Vlne-- ar Hit ter act on a.1 these cac3 ia a nu.i.7 aaY . i .' fcw uiwu .' mnovR in rt . ty rcsOlriD? away the caeca of the lnSammitii (the tabercBlar cWposit.) the arected por receie health, aad a pennanen: rare U cSectedV The Dk. TrWr are Aperteat, Diaphoret Carauaar .Sctritiooa, Jjixaure. Diareuc, EeStire. Coaatl: Irnjaa:, SudonSc, Alterative, and Aati-BUiou- si ,e ,A.Perlcut raiid Ixatve proper.h of Vinecar BirrK3-eYhV- tu i Their bateatnic. beahaz. and penies protect the Ucraors of the Since" TW- - t m. stomach, and bowels, from tacaauuauf wind, cohc cramp, etc .' ,.Jile,,hr Co1tej-Xrrlta- nt Influence I the system. I properties stimalate the liver, la the wretioV' C e and !ts ilia-hart- inm .k . . . .. .... .. .a... ..- - .j .....-- . .1. Ik. ... . .. ' . - ar. cnnnAr tn 1 r.m.1. .. . . . . "" i.-- a jue, Fortify the lody acnlnst disease It ins all its fluids wrJi.NEcKiTTEi'-!- : t. cpeciic can tate Isold a system thus fore-Sra- v Direction. Take of the Bitters on coiajo be J at Dish: from a half to one one-ha- lf wb p:as3roL Eat pood nourkhia food, such as bif-stc- at, mntton chop, veaisoa, roast beef, and vit- a. ,.es. and take out-do- exercise. Ther composed of purely vegetable ingredients ii coaLiin no "rnlnr . r. 11. nicD(vvAi.rj co.. I ""Rafts and Gen. A?ts.. San Francisco. CaL jfe ' srl .;iiaoaat'iniarltonSts.,.V.Y. f . I .LEGAX V Irola.te iT-- i vCM - ' (0&5ss.tectoauiss iKTCKSLL ar 1 xiV vrid r dlterv to rst tbnj- - r Tin urn l .'cm jw ue niinn lg.lHi j x MtM eAattf Xrow tike r3Ui - of ?.! f . IS. """ Iatl Ft israr St fa. Kl a"4: . ? J& I-e- al Xotlce. TCC P. PHvK. Koisrt P. Mall aod TT . tttf eoart of 'niaL OODStT X-- r. ,. SaeGCACKS 3wt J P. Ei California properties c.c ry ir. o--i w OaanaomtitiL 3, toortsa-- eo lots; oo. two, tare. !- - . tea. MHi aod .xt. 4. l : lc in -- aa.Ar .4.1m-.- . .. T ? tr . Mwn mii..-cxv- i. t'ra,' ra J mJ . .ll Utk 1221. . .- - 1" 2e !. 2, S. V-- - A-.- y- - Lil sac- - date, doe la taxty oays vita 12 from KULttiriiy. aad loobtaj ieat w 5S3,Ut) laterex at i p? - , pvriLnanaB froaaOeolrl"b,iH(gfclk - v sell iaad presaiHe aad 1t acoee."' &&leia pj-x2sm- i sf plMaoCs satd ela " . pctrfereace to tbe 3sJJa. of aarr m dDfuaoaa. ber. sxij fLaOaot i- -- qolr-- d ai.ws3- - o ota-irl- i aauttd t u pettUoB so or Usfcre ta2rtOaj- - r :. JOHN L CAE?&K. ' 3y J. H. 3SQAST. ait. A"y. aa3U- - v Etrnj- - S"ottt 'PJIKEX UP by iie Baarscnoer. Ttirtz z i I 1 LAfayett Prrt art. rsa of ta r- - M4T fM tC ?, rr 1 . d tiorve. vhtte pr to JoreaMaaf. "tf bao ah. ssa r yeaj-- f cad. A!k. e roan tuAr vth otroe r t-- t, a jcciaert; na nors raiU' la lor Bid . H1 Inch uid S Ta.-- v Virer . -- i- AW, oae toy wtiiu- - n 1 nal lau l o : TT- - : ZZOillUiLi . ..vo.h. "I1 tvo HivEtt- - l&ad. Ala. Thin " a t n h. T- it -- ?" ftftm..r1.1 c e..--e- -it titee t- - 3& k cjal their fl -- " vrtth T. J' l'wj fc.1" i aaav - v . " TO THE "M jv-ai- -- run GSfVfe EC -- " liT Jt -- v xr t ar-- .B&f o- - - - n M. . -- m -- wa.'ja. iOV m SekdForSampleCopyi Q ''. iii - " "i jj "H2 't.ouis democrat IS AX ADVOCATE OF Sound Republican Principiss, 1 An iYrvfanr:- fkf 41iwm1 tkrw a j- - -- awawa. ir. MUitn.VU o&ai, m and progressive politics, and 2 S 5eV!5nrytr fiallv im tn tiw nnxv.. Dsrt Prior it. la Tnwr to ments of the time as a chroatcie : current events at home aad abrcc 1 the woficra historr. its co -- merce and its literature. It w I be true- - to tbe mission of a Tt r newspaper seeking to teach t. t: highest awl principles in p and to fill, as to all other de- partments within its eoiwraas. the poet's measure of "AiMiffbttsyfc. Its fiuctesiieas and ks vast eoncenii TERMS: DAILY. 7 times a wetk. per ytsar $14 6 " i ,,K 3 copies 1 eiob. " 33 5 copies 1 dab. ' S3 ;. Ay 3ddidonl nnaaher $ St ecb. TRI-VEEKL- Y. 1 copy oae year 5 OC 3 copies 1 ehtb, per yer 17 O" 4 . ....... 74 ., 10 " " " 50, Any addkionAl number $0 aaeh. WEEKLY. Siiwrle copies $3 CC Clubs of 5. each , Clubsof 10. each I 5o Any additional number $1 5f each. On these very low rates we w give aH agents" who get up ekfos for us a liberal commission. Send fbt sampie copies, circu- lars and instructions to agsats-N- o papers sent unless paid for in advance. Money sent to us in "egistered letters, money orders. irafts. or by express, at oor risi. Address, St Louis Democrat Co., Si. Loui. -- EATiTTi:xi Sc GU3I tae ear.a bouj fa e pt irooT L.LiKl cf is una?. la no; T,T27irT of xaa: Tbnfnao & HiCHAI :oorfer. the bamon aad d JSS rSioTSni: a p is tae lirer. Swe.icd alker's of BI77ZK3 Ml c .t. of and &. Til oaar best iOuis Lowma RFTINi; n Dealer Lo DHY GOODS, PAWCT2' GOODS, RIBBONS, CLOrTHIIlST-G-- , GSSTT'S FURJTISHrN'GS, HATS &. CAPS. BOOTS &SHC2S. -- No. 81 SZain Street, BroTrrjiviHe, Jgehz f?i The best for eTelut-in- t' p TVI?rD,DUST. ORRATN from under doers. 3 For sale by STvan & Bro. JOB PEINTHTG, OF ALL KIXIX. Neatly and Promptly Tixecutd. .1i THIS OFFTCF. 272 -.- "- aar " II u --- J i Hi 1 i
Page 1: ari rst i;tat · obliged to remain in ser.-lo-ii until oh Monday to make the bill a law under the constitutional provie-l-o mmi that subject, lly this courre tbe Governor placed the

ii -



v- -i


- ;aaP""KaaaaaVaK

li aaW t .aaaaaaaWL a --.aaattlaaamB aT aaaaVBCaaaaWannflBJB jBaL'kJ&dffiftV

rR"P "nVFPTfFP 'Wi s Bwcre: In the case of T3B REPCBLK OF epjuj. toh?e eaileoad bo.tds. i i procure a just ana aocuraie sr-- -

:J Ii.LlU!(: ronjrreHtHi iiifir is prettier Epfcin, in the b&ginaiDg of the hz- - Editor yebmsta Adrtiisere jroent, aad preat care should be exer--

dwUuiAa lb irawra of the of-- teenth entcry. enjoyed her failed le it intiuiated tijrwjrn the AID- -' csed in the meehaaieal execution offJSkisl ?2?r of Crr.Cveaiy. zadtlt f!W It i not fcr thi-- i they par-- measure of politiesl poirer. ia- - h2TI5B that Dr. Converge has the book to ins-ar- e aecarfley as a?

HulvA Slaf-- v


IttlUirt-- iUwrtt-- d latty ifooVfc erreJr ha two event? the trtJt deded!v ieekv. When tbe ent.



feffe.'e4W Arioax.

ae- -

P rf--


1, start- - isL, TT temped evea ceaswre. The oaainii-- " hidi materially in swae three

1 tee. it .frt ooaiered, diMjaarg-- ! Spain to bijrber aa-- jjajf years airo, tbe;- - ooae ?zeidUtt imewvi &imnritt

7T . 7;. i1T W mr- - vwi'MWt t "4oe

iid be tire ju-- i. TIbe who croaof Ferdiaaad Isabella. piedg-- d honor that hereby ordered the Coantyvel! the then throne ia the bonds srere voted, the road rold Commi-rione- rs that the list

Tbe BfMtabh Crt- - h' 4--- rd

HpiriTltTriii to blv is Porto Jiico,utm. IM A tbe Hfce Cuba.


ri wre 1 were ;


--- .

' I

- 4 ja-- t I

(i j

rV4eat fap h- - here lfat Marcel r find time ! tije fenHpbicd Tirft to SwrtH ; r tijinag. Aifrrxria-- ,

lhe ban4s imbecilejlsfit, muiit '.-".'i-b 9jo.uibs- -


b.Aref4hepblleebtdr--; 1 the Penitentiary , aad south. Carried.cf lLe bpBDib do more to ev- -.1.4 ftll .,J l.

IM rWy. w a w - wr. , quleilkm daiini: tbe seventeenthAKltr fMIMW 0W wi

in thirty t.T4 fU lt of H the iawi

jmu nt mi tb revciU xioa of the leg- -

YjmttfT ia tjpr. bt i acwoaal of

jMt Mifctter H ld to over.

0vMf Orsat, Mt tbe iaagaraitkoIbe 4b hk-4- .. oeettfMHl a ehatr

-- vbicb wfct oMrd by Wabiaytoa pie--'-- - - - - .. a. x . 1:ms. mi wk iuaio;vrK.KMt

ik mote vortMr of the bonerOrnrrftl Grant.

A ;f4erio bf beett ootaaeae--

utf bjrjoba ws thetbe $7.4i prodveed by York ia tbe

JfrttsftK re. JI" i a baukerfe cllrged by 1'vmezev that the!

aa tjr wfaira York prodaeed & faUm4e4 Sot bltn.

Tb Hoiatbm of the qutiott ofcbfcf tnuteporiMiien Nebraska ishi;;bt to b a barge line upon the

Jtdtooorl rlr--r. r. Jxnik aadare aritaiintr idhlo-itio- a ad some nartv

ittntmm, ttstd fe probable that Micha life will mkms be established.

TiVe ar caable from a pre- - of j

S give tor of tbe ex-tmat- aa

of tbe LgMaUire to Topka.They we reeelvrd and cuterlainedto t$M hv-pliab- le manner. Thirzbage of courtev4er will result

iJaidly bet- - eea the

Tbe Wil to porehtfH; tbe reideitceat Kx-G- r. Rutler aa executiveM(soai UAUfd to carry. In its

MR wo to take lauds fromBwtfcsr bt faM of tn.scbool mwy de-riaaa-

bim. at soeh value e

Goveraor. Auditor and Trea-ure- r.

were iktlgaated a appraisers,fehi:!! deter mi ao.

Tb ooJe wa. finally ir- -

ed. While being enrol sev-or- al

of tl,e --bets were whichooaastow! cmlMirra-mn- t.

Gov. Kuraas refw'rd to sign or vetothe bill, so that the legislature waobliged to remain in ser.-lo- ii until

oh Monday to make the bill alaw under the constitutional provie-l- o

mmi that subject, lly this courretbe Governor placed the whole bur-d-m

of itr enactment upon the shoul-ders of the legislature. L'pon therprttiaiioii of many of the mem-bt- r

of the legMature (nat they hadvoid spot! tbe bill im providently,

Oawrmtz conclude! to pursuethis ottarh". thut- - them an itr

defeating the bill liy anadbnet. We think that theowrrse of the Governor com- -jMCNMiable.

veto of Gov. Furnat uponooao'tltutioaal bill, although ed

tb" bill and put a muchzeedHl amendment, every oae mustbd hi y!-ecTitiHi- i. oa theparhof the Govrnorf and i not with-out je.tllicittin. There I- - force inthe argument that n dbrejrard of theoofeUtutkti u;on ony pretext, or a

a Hepwhich reader a wanton dih-rega- rd

of it more eay in the futureBet we favor the view takenmany Mble lawj-e-r that the peoplehave already expres-e- l their will infavor of a change of ooiif-titutio- Inaoounlatiee with the strict letter of the

ro-i- t, although change ha4-nev-

been made. Why go throughwith the name for trial! again Butthe matter has hen settled, anda vote will be taken in Octoberto docide if a convention -- hall he call- -

oil. tbe time we cramp-o- d

by a narrow and defective consti-tution, and our development i mate-rlull- y

rtardd, a thingH muchto jogretted.

The work of the Poland Credit Mo-Idll- er

Committee i over, and actiontakon ujwn the Huhmitted.one has been oxftelle!. however, al-

though the committee recommendedthat x me-an- d U'ook; be ai)fcealed.The rejtort the Credit Mobilierfchome have been a device to ena-ble tho-- e interetei in the I'nion Pa-dt- ic

to traa-fi- T to their own pocketthe bond and landn granted by theUnited tiute build the ronil. Inmi iniuutMeni helieme Mr. Amci

vancc the interests of thoreed the scheme, who were likely tobe affected legjutive action, al-though purine he artfully dis-guhe- d.

It wa not atlirmMtive legis-lation which the Credit Mobilier com-pany nought, but its purpose was topruvent tuch legislation, o a ad-ver- ee

ita interest. Hence A medid not an absolute lie when heInformed those with whom he wa3dickering for block that the com nan vdidnotfceek legislation, although It

but half the truth, and cal-culated to mislead. The intent ia the

of the offense, the mor-al character action obvl- -

-- - i" '""-u-i itoiiicon'.o.

thad r leid a guilty ter-msrria- se of Ferdia&ad aad I-- s- threaten! that, if our County Com-- neato


htl . oaiativ tli.-- bells aad the union of the fcitrcflom- - raL-sioa-ers don't do o and so. so- -.

-- T''" JZ.1 7 ,?:. t.i aet- - ei...o bs witi certainty, J of abii thej-- --arere sovereiirB-- . aad Vther rail of iron trill be oa tbej Property is 10 be valued at itsctal April 1st. 1ST3, aperies aa:uta teistatettf Xrtifc.i w't2 v.. ' di&eoverv of America bv GIfl3- - ' TT T?. fi. XV.-n- - .1.? if 1 cssii valae at time of mating tae iwea u, boar? S doci A. M. aa7 laare pn-e-n la Hae Eaci-si- i usance. y ira. &JU. tkMa ike fArVrTT.??f0' -

m twiiwjfuTfce . occurring in

ari bv lb HiKe nd all tbers l&?t decade of the afeath ceatary rtDTi.5eatativ of thi road first oenoy orcereo iaat uie Jinm-- j

! aided lifting ed the enterprise, aad abe tbe acnae of out here to


ponIkitbfulJr. ind readred tioaal glory. Charles Eaaperor wt,'aat Lafayette precinct, and jie same farnirbed the as?es-bW- J

ezbsoi-- Charles V., tvaose head reed jitUe bio? tbeill ttao4 expeeied and tioa thev their bj

zaisbtie&t of item?vhu-waehia- x mnn





la-k- 6a


titelr dkpfoiataeMt.



Hi dol a or 4 ia of tbeimj we --j. a do e-o- r-

the if It is

lu oa

thl-- ,

wum m mi

editoeul the (jnoai decline of Spain. Tbe jv build a road oa on lands as tvell as totra lots, andlAXxti.x, -- tii. lz.4. is marked til ofijatterpar: centorr Wt:13. Urn three really.

v w o our une- -wJtfa reverriw SroaiEh j aad ; thev us acain H. Miyioi. Sec.

j e ran to -- .,dferri aJd a. do &cepterIt to r tbe of the Philip III

prtare :-- Gradually the






Oi. r3turdSy Tfae In-do- ot thaa wes-r- ei rtb- TT..,.- . - .

1 n- - PivnuMm cea- -tbe jwevtaeia4 wfe 'Brt in nnPnMiir. th? fi;w


f be hM

&.: itirv

Milt). for j


a4 H



mat- -tjav jcrUtiJr



c HK-e- d



was ledstolen,







It u'jas aet

i- -



ty ?


In mean are


or.t No






wna was


iJ. laid severtbe vt 1ST.

d r

individual to--Velt.

jre cro-a-,

no rad came O.


jit. A. heforz demonstrated by lf fa; pfona2lioB lhat triumphed iaiK jihuu -

1 German England, Scotland. Poland been doinceWBc.i-..an,...- ii s.A.fcdeo aad had even reWedig oeea ceeuireu wj wr Aiwrnf

Geerl and other al mind. &s le-g- kl

od binding. Tbe ownmittee ap-poicU- rd

to invfe-tfe-a; tbe coaduct oftbe Stt4e Prieoa IBpector wereuajioiavw- - ia the Ofnc!ou that tbe"-- V

- "-- !"' " i Eooceeded upon the1 and loudly hurled at tbem, wai faitsad uxhMnm&i.

We notice that tbe JJemocrai pzo-e-- ss

to desire information as. to whythe Traak R R. ha not been built.Vie the Mmple that if, ' powers.

the Bourbons, the lone wareoaipany. po-i-et-j- ag the ability . . the reversebuild ba been found whichwould take the fcb?tdie- - a Uiey hav-exi-tn- d

anil do -- till exist, and buildit. Th ic the whole nscret in nuttbell.

We rejKctfully FUggett that if ourcotemporary would evince half th- -

Qtoaba rakr& thl? :o fl to build




jtlie road that does la faultwith tbote who have for yenrt- - beeaJaboriag. in en-- on and out of M?aM3n,to that end. It would be much morecreditable act on it part.

XEvr oonsTirvrioy.Yesterday Webster's New Consti-

tution till j- -d the Sens;, s.nd nowawaitu Exectitjve action. Webelievf-i- l

will be veto-d- , desjHte the threatleld over the Governor's head, shouldhe withhold his rv&ent. Webster,

liAiik- - he has, made biin-el- f

and name faaiou?. So did Ha-ca- l!

hut hort year Place, aad one yearhence Webrter and Hascsdl will occupy the -- kme niche ia popular opin-ion. We are surprised that any matcould or would endorse the bill. Itwill be remembered that In '71 s

of the defeated Contitutioaargued that the defeat of said iatrumeat was owini: to the shortaes oftime in which the people were per-mitted to study it-- Yet. aeeordiag tothe provfeJoofc of Webster's bill, theconvention will meet ia Septemberand the people are to pass upoa it iaOctober. Talk about tbe Bourboatnver learning or forgetting any-thing, why ihe&e constitution tiakercout-Iiourb- ou tbe BouiboaE.

Since penning the above GoveraorFurnas hat vetoed the bill, which ve-

to "vie be' y, the firt pv-

by an Executive of thic State.AbJol-JiKMirX-

We think the IjegUiature willon Thursday night. There ari

owe legfclatoie here who resemhl- -

the man who became so infatuatedwhile ugar-makiii- g that he seid hwould make sugar all summer wheth-er the ap run or not, and who wouldstay here all if possible. 'u:the great majority are tired of it andyearn for home.


When the Legislature does adjourn? j.fx. tnhUUiz a flying trip to

Lowell and Republican City. V.'jr areto be met at the former point byfriend and conveyed to tho latterplace and back. The trip wil I scarcely occupy week's time and willerve gratify our curiosity ? to the

"lay" of that section of our domain.CKIMINAb CODE.

On lat Saturday a new CriminalCode was adopted which entirelydoee away with our old Welook upon the new one as an abomin-ation. It renders many little mi-d- eineanorF penitentiary offence?. It

the "Ohio Code," but bnot. The "Blue Laws" as an addi-tion would scarcely make It more re-

pugnant. How it paed Is a invite- -

ry. Nobody read it except the Clerkof the Jlouse. and Ibtened toturn wane was reading it. If rig- -idly adhered to several ne-A-

- peniten-tiaries will have to be hujlt.

NKW LAWS.We to-da- y another Invoice of

title of new Jaws enacted by thbLegi-latu- re and hope to be able to"end a full and ctmipletcHummary be-f- re

thi- - letter ?ee the light. Ournext article for the AuviiRTiSKU willbe written in thp Aiivektis,eu office.

One of our exchange? speaks n foUlow-- of Governor Furnas, giving hima meed of prrJse political

m well aienemles are willingrought to cnli-- t hi fellow member- - I

Ui acwni lo him :

ofConcress. lii'iMirtK, ww to ..I. I "H."Ve :Mi: Kurnne took (he Kuber- -


of Amen'

j natorial cluiir he ha earnestly andvigilantly looked over the record- - ofhi predecessors, with view of cor-recting error- - and abu-- e, and estab-lishing a healthy and honest 3temf iroveriiiiiciit. vv here once all wasdisorder and inttigue. S'cadilj anduniformly Mr. Furnas troe to work

land although but a short time ha--elap-e- d -- luce he took hi- - eat, "shad-ow.,'' are being "ca-- t before" whichatiKur well for the future of his

Kverat bis post, andcontinually looking after matters ofpublic the Governor haB al-ways- time cordially welcome andentertain whoever if pleae3 call atni o.iice. And whoever calls uponGovernor Furnas can but be favora-bly impressed with the man. Digni-fied, without heina Eunercillionsfrnnlr vn. ,l!n,nt s r ur t. "

"us. The intent, indeed hn dn... U.i .. " ...i...I '...', " .ur,,- t,..w ..o one who meeis mm, eittier in'tnj--. 1 lie truiitfactlons of Urooka I,UUP or private, can but acknowl- -ire equally obnoxious as tho-- e of ' t.,J'c Lr)aI ,le,s wt'1' qualified to grace

e. lie --.van ludnf m n.. it.,. ,.... poaillon which he now lioldb."the fcatiie criminal

itcd Ames, and h Tlull! lo and .hocs sold at cost, at Alex,



the world. Hi; abilicatioa m favor ot j,e conapieted the three year of each person assessed be extended to era- - Sixii d M&ia .--

bit wa, II, mark-th- e epoch of avt fed for at thi time it would scarce-jinclH- de tbe value of improvements! tai0 Ue jfafwcoi:iJEP05yE5CE. to

the capital. years ap, valuea men M the to

b hi- -th











time,vrorid--wrideposiiJo- as October. ExteasJoa voted, thn ap.l

erumbied from it aad decadence bat-- J no road. Tbev oome to as !--ors commence appraising land on

. . . ' i. ; r .i- - ;ened on vrjib ieeeienttd spea. with threats, aad us that if we "c -- &"L t4U- - W1 lu- - oouaiy, rHaaiag

.. , ?Uae


ourpeDc... ,


i- -.








wasthev i

eruthe power of Spain in tbe 1?paaUh can sret along without king in oldNetherlands. In government Nemaha, aad & raHroadgrand for king. We live within two xad half

' Apiawalllicaa freedom fa the Spanish Nether-- niiie of :a line of tbe B.fT":. K. fc St. Deroin... T ...'lands met with a and tnsj p. R., and are as much lntttx-tie- d

relentless tyranny of the Hapsbunrs accord inj: the amount ofproper- -Xo an eclipse ri

iag sea iibertv in Spain, which question wa.- - put to-da- v, we Wi''Jcontinued end of the century, j woald say aot another dollar said :

In the year 3709, by th death of ! road until it and in runCharles II. lat of Hap-bar- ;r n:ng order, nor then until theywithout heir, Spain wa left as a have jriven eudicient guarantee; that

J to ironzr The en o road be :on m interestsventure rply no.

to&ooee--io- n,

1:. yet




oftbe.San-- ! nt for tie soleand lo?e

of Spanish nrmduriaK thee:hteenlh vrho own it.centur sre matters of hitorv.

In the present century, othernations s-e- to have abandon!the aimle" experiments of ae. andto settle themaelvs into the letrersecurity of well deSned oon'-tiiution-T-

Inalieaatile rights of man andtbe inherent law& of social ordr andprozre are sought to beembodiei into the --.rittn forms of government,and the whole fabric of irovernment

acknowledged to re-- t upon the con- -

seat of the governed. A healthygovernment, one answering the prop-er end of it-- institution, does not con-si- -:

of a ruler and a rabble, but ofjjreat bodies of fr&e people?, pre-erv- -

and protecting their hiahe-- t civiland persona' liberty. From beinjrthe mere subjects of zov.-nmen- t,

to say the sport of de-po- t-, the peo-ple are everywhere being, recognizeda- - the overei;rs. From the vindica-tion of their right. the transition i

ieins: made to the ultimate vindica-tion of their authority. Beyond thii.itb beinz a never before,that governments are mean.-no- t end- -.

people's life. But in Spain thi-ha- s

not ben true. She ha not char-ed In thl- - universal prozre-- -. and herpeople have -- uffired much from polit-ical disention, and have profited lit- -

shouli' Nodawayin that nronertv id. an..J' Kirk.ville.

i,i aaj lllllitie heart of the Spanish people.With the overthrow of Napoleon andthe expulsion of the French,the liberty thu- - achieved resulted inthe framing of liberal constitutionby the Cortes National Aernbly.vnee thi- - time, aside the

to the right of ucce--io- n. therehas been an interminable war be-

tween the Oirtes the royal claim-ant the throne. The armies have

with the people In re-it-i- ng

In many ca--- e,

and have compelled at tlmei therestoration recognition of the con-

stitution of 112. as well aa the reroj:-nltio- n

of the Gortes. 1S23 by5d of arm. the Cortex wa

-- uppre-aed, and Ferdinand VII wn- -

retored lo the throne, and died in'ivY, au-vni- z tho crou-- n hia finnh-ter- ,

I.oabella. uncle. Don Carloclaimed the throne, but with sup-port of the Fngli-- h in the civil warwhich ensued, the Corli-t- - were final-ly defeated in 1330. Another revolu-tion broke out hv the same yer.r, and

various times fince revolutionarvmovement0 have occurred. The Re-

public horn amid uch loud acclaim.Is already beginning to totter underhe desperate agenrie? which Ama

wisely sought elude by hi- -

abdlcation. The bu-ine- sa of thecountry at a etand--tiI- ! familie-ar- e

leaving the capital, and its everyispect betokens the near npprosch ofn bloody revolution. There notbe wanting factions to make aate Ptruirale. The Federalists inarms at the capital, ready open

moment; the formeradhe'-ent- -

of Amndc-i- ready to fizlit for theof a new king

person of ome foreigner; the legiti-mists will flirht for the of Isabel-la Carltets already in thefield In considerable force for DonCarlos; the communi-t- s are Ihma"l-ite- s

and prepared butcher, pil-lage and destroy everything upon

mi i.iii jm) uaiill-- -. Wltllthen? unpromising pro-)ec-ts and inthe view of Spain' unsettled and ean-guinar- ;,-

career, as detailed in history.it Is hoping, were, against hope,to expect the puccess of the Republic.The people not ready for it. Thevseem iHek In their conception ofpopular And hereinthey will fail; that they are not united and do not p.-e-nt the bold aspectof a popular revolt against monarch-ical authority, before which, onlv,will such government retreat. Thepetty factions which are ready to takeup for diverse purposesidence of the instability of the Re-public, and collate may be expect-ed at moment.

The Brownville Democrat mangives notice that he call any-body that differs from him "idiot?''liar," "billiard-cue.- " stufT-er,- "

"horse thief." There are beno personalities in paper.Korrect. rnaia Republican.

Tliose owing will please bekind to enquire the amount oftheir accounts,

TiiEo. Hill Co.

Best coal oil CCce-uts- , at SrevensonJS: Crocs'.


iato oa 27th of last May, aad atkextension oi until tbe fiSjh

en, they will sink into On motion, tbe rate forbuild ,fmd io the different preeiaetsruin by simply neglecting to

thp at all vhst hav fxd follors:

2"w. the opinion that

theand battle Rpub-- J



are of


we wn a any other man, but jfjDtJir!?of tbe to us

the inis completed,

the the even,

nzr lit will thethe people, and










of the railroad to heep, S3; hogs, per

Indeed we cannot see how theCounty can itsue the for ale Jfe c?d followbonds rond all. When theque-tio- a was subailtted the peoplelast spring, was told them tbe roadwould completed la.--l fall, and thdtit would ave the ftiraaer, ia

op, almo-- i tlje amountof tax he would be required to paythe road. Now op: roy bka beenmarketed and we can't whreB.f K. P. Avkrti?kb Democrat for publicent. In the mean time the mana-gers of the road have dallied alonzuntil the county becouie settledup, that will pay build roadby private enterpri-e- ; just what they

j intended do in the ilrst place, andnow they want to bully the peopleout of $75,003 form nucleus fornew Crdit Mobilier ring, and if wedon't ''fork over" we be

obliriort. Nowthisavor something of the aory ofthe wolf, whocun-e- d the lamb, "be-cause it wouldn't lie tiH and !ei hi:neat

Now, we. for one. would say to Dr.Converse, we have jjot along so farwithout the B.. K. fc P. p. .andwe can get alon still further withoutit. ami if you don't --ee fit to aheadand complete it, jut lef 'er litdar.'

uiem. mean Kr-"- -".v.

early of ,ee all railroadKirt











more that







1;usiw aim uiieu jsaine oiuer prop-erty. Vat you say, fanners?

Proc-dlu- "teetlnrrrotn County Cotninii--'ou- r

landk t!irliiaVrent I'r-cinct- .

Clerk Office. Nemaha CoMarch 173

The Board of Equalization met pur-suant or County There

present from the diflerent pre-cincts, follow-- :

Wm. Windnheflle. Benton precinctA. L. rry. BedfordJ. F. Cro-- , rit. DeroinL. Fi-he- r, Aspiu.vallL. Job neon. Nemaha CityE BrownvilleB. F. In inch. LonduuW. C. Clary. Douglas --

Benton Aldrich. Wa-hingt- on

W. Wright. LafayetteThoinn Birre-- , Glen Rwk "P. Richards. Peru, ab-en- t.

Meeting organized Uy electionW. Clary. Pre-imi- it, ail W.

Wright. Secretary.The following in-- tr jctions re-

ceived from the County Com-- ioner-:

Each assessor should become per-fectly familiar with the revenue law.page 179, Jaws of lfJ9. previou- -commencing his as-e-m- and re-

member that male residents over theof fifty year3 are exempt from

poll tax.In li- -t of taxable lands nild

ilots, the column headed value placethe value of the property, and incolumn undsr the head of valueof the fcojal value ofall

merit required buy of person- -refusing wear.

Assessors requiredthem-elve.sa- ll property where the law-onl- y

require the pen-c- m

givsf the number of each kind of prop-erty when the require- -the iroon listing give the amount

received by indi-vidual responsible uniler oathfor -- aid amount correct.

persons trading dealing

izeu sell wiieu the owner of thegoods does reside in this State, arerequired the property intheir possession.

In making up the amount of cred-its which person requiredlist, ho will be entitled deduct fromthe amount, the amount of bona

fide owing by him, suchduction cau from

of money credit bothby such listed not fromcapital employed in merchandise

have heretofore supposed them-selves entitled be.

Assessors are requested to endeavormemory of the persons

whom they assessing bvover the items list wellitems not exempt by law, and in ev--

way diligently exert themsc-lve- s



ad avoid defacing cr'aSL?S SseSrt --..r,J.tua S5blanks aad books furnished.

troetoa powifaea lor ioIt iVa A ?u3 nnU A ., wirw yr











J8rKM-3- c--Vsi. .Jfcrt IS.

Moved and seconded that the2JMi

errlatiz aseinriusi a



rrecmct, froa Si acre.

Nemaha Citv "i a

a- -




Washin 'ronBen ton







a a


A- 5-

30On motion, wa onlered that

le a-- ii front Sl-- 5 $155mules from 50 155 cattle from

arandizemeti; kimrs cents


pound.It W3J also ordered ihut r.raia nej,j





Corn. cents per bbeLWheat. 93 cts. $!.S.Oat- -. Scents-Barle- y.

30Potale&s., cents.Moved and carried that the-ecreta-- ry

ftimi-- h the rail ute-- of their meet-ing, uether with ths instructions ofthe County Commissioners, the

Ft. R., ha- - -- aved and


cation, and that the publishers arequested furnish eacli ae-o- r with

extra copy of their paper.Adjourned.

C. CLARY, Ch'n.W. F. Weight. Sec.

Annual HIeetlos Directors the

The regular annual iumiij;: of thefrtofklioldex... the Quiucv. Mi-sou- rj

Pacific Railroad Giipiiy,vided iy the law- - of iIi-,-".ur- i, im.place WVt Q'lii.cy Mr.Philip B. Linviilf. of Kdioi, ua-i-iis"- ii

ciiMiriuaii of the uieetjii.Mr Kinir, Qumcy. --creur .The folio wint: tlirecior-.- " tiji.eb-ie- il fir the eiiviiiuu yar: U.Pouiroy. H. Bull. George Adam-(.- '.

A. .Savage. (Jreeii. Tliomt-Ja-je- r.

Thomu- - Redmond.Root, J. G. Rowland, (laiacvW. Blackburn, of Rock port. Mil. A.

Brow nville. Nebueo;, azaint tn the time the jeople Co.. Mo.tbe Freneh the part thi- - M' DeF.IK"e: Mo

.- - - . . me rjecretarv -- howedJV JJ a r u. V III rruiil ! a l - . .












to fl-r- e


in the

; the





is. an ev


or to


us soas





to aidto



ee the



r ofAM(iiri-InMrw.iS'- Mi


call Clerkwere








Improvement-- ,improvements.

















3 ""

3 ""

S "3 "






i i:a

so to








A-- fc

a- - pro



;i 1t

.- - i ne re oir in. ...fla(r a.rrf x...








--. wmm ; cn Liixi ier. lit-- liiiii r lm k raT t ia- -a ... m9- - v iIJ...! . . ..a?

r. J.

of ia

, l1,




i -




C: F.



a- -to



toit is

or on i


is to

or or




on as a3 I

to .

oe.. -


as- -







itat toto : at -







of of.11. P. It. It.



an-- .

(I S '!


of ;:

P Mne of

' -i.. l- -i. atiu uuru- ''"ui-.- j oiJC



hadI een of thi-amou- nt

14.610 -- liure were vote at thi- - meet-ing. No other bu-ine- ss than thatmentioned above wa-- transact el at tbemeeting, at which there wa- - the ut-mo- -t

gowl feeling on the jrart of allpresent. Quimy Calt, 4.

Aerial Telcgraplr Scheme.The bill incorporating the L".-mi-Aeri-

aph Co. ha.-- tinallyth .Senate, and with tbe "igna-tureo- f

the pre-id-- nt. will hconilaw. Tin aerial telegraph soheme -a

thing The plain of DrLoniui-- . the inventor, i- - to telegraphfrom a hnrh peak of the RockMountain, to th. hlghe-- t uttaiiiald'-fea- k

of the Alp-- , at jniinttower i- - to te erete"!. on tii top fwhich a uia-- t i to beAll apparatn- - capnlde for cidiecting

eb-ctrifi- i- -, to b" put on the upperof ibis tna-- t. by uiejiii- - of which

on -- ueh eljeVMlUMi.'itJ-oiaifoedsirJrn- fjl

of tht atmo-piinr- e wiJl be reached 1

wiiicii i charged with eleetricitv.(Ground conneetioii-- . the a- - hiordinary te!i-grH2- i. wiJl l erect id. sir.funi (II Itlf Htl!'l I .pher-wil- l. - with the ordm-tr- y -- in (

. .. .. n.i, 'IHIU'CIIDII, m;K- -

a complete circuit, and it U ciaimeiithat the Iiubti'-- t unUntson of tli- -

:A. m- - towr will t.n.- -iliii-e- - a -- iiuilnr pul-utf- on at tbe

ther. Tiie compntiyi- - to haven capital -- ttck of $iiO'K). ujrhthe privilege of iucr-a-in- t: the

to two million- - if the intere-- t ofthe comp4iiy -- hall require it.

Tbe bu-i- ue object- - of the corpor-ation are -- tated in the hi 1 to develop-an- d

utilize the principles powe'r- -i iiaiu ai electricity, to be used in

telegraphy generating lixht, heat, andmotive power, operate ma-chinery run by electricity

To Iliimhitg. 3To Humbug.I am determined to clo-- e out my

winter btock before I go ea- -t for my-- pring -- lock, and will offer the folio w- -ttiif fTin 1 it. !it tinil Kr.KTT oif r..,.- -

Every person ed should Mlvi fio..,. ,in...ia lr. 1 f..and be -- worn to their ' ' .is-e-m- ii-- t. f nubias, and scarf., winter oots and

-nr should file the 'tate- - tcnps. ihanking mv customers an.

are value

Ji-ti- ng

h-t- ed. but law

theape--f)- r,




debts deonly be made

amountsperson and















large pla-ei- .




and any

andthe publrc for paL iMitronage. I willtry nr.l Kve up to my motto: quick

u.rtd txinail profit.L. LovmanSI Main street.

Repairing iiealh' executed n th tinand stove line at Tisdel & Richard'


OrdinaaGe No. 32.cmmis.ion, and consigners author- - Ar0Vu iVlA of


lie lUGrdnntd by the Mayor and Council ofth" CJ fif ISrocnvMf, Tliat said city be divi- -iitsu 0110 iiree w.iru-s- , wnose Lounuarie area fo;ioy.. to-wi- t;

All Hiat portion of tho city Jyln? east of aline draw-a-. alonu the centre of the entirelenjtth of Secoxjl street in Brownville prop-er, arid nIon,-thee- nt re lenttli of Sixth streetin South Brovrnville.and ail additions to saidcity east of wild iitves, shall-constitu- te oneZ.. ..."" e ueaignaieu ana Known as theFirst W ard.

All that portion of the citv Ivir."- - wc--t ofsaid line aloni; the centre of Second street inBrown-iiI- e proper, and Sixtii street in SouthBrownville. to the centre of Fifth street in--aid city, and all additions lerween said--5econd street and Fifth street. Phsll. consti-tute one ward. and le designated and knowna the Second Ward.All that portion of the city Jyina west ofthecentreof Fifthfireet in Brow-nvilleproD-


J L " u'llMBns we-- 1 01 saidFifth street. hall constitute one ward, andte !e.lgnated and known as the Thirdw ard.All ordinances or parts of ordinances Inconflict with thi-- j ordinance, are hereby re-pealed.This ordinance to he !nfniifnruonr.

tfeet from andifter Its pas-a- e.

ana approved Mirrh 1 lsTt-- P- COGSWELL, Slayor.i.. t t,






Notice of Section,

--will be ,bid in tbe City of 3rowrtviUe oa




tjewe kkali be ToUti lr: ) --ereug wrt. It arteea ia jaui laas&ce Ac pirfKse of jremt.mE Ybetr titL tTOae Mayor.

One Marshal,Oae TrtMiiBrts-- .

Oae CSerk,Tvro CoJrilJea Sr Is; "JTani.Two OeaarliaBes Ar3ad "K"EreLTwo OotHKaUsfa icrrd "Sarfi.Tbe place J6r boMiag tae la 1st

Boose; rJ Ward, store rocs aortk srebl !





Otr CTt.

10 !

"OTICE i Le-e- bj r'ven to&t banoers sad1 &rft.Jie(-i-v axer?yo.ted v. s,nttauplwi5aud i''ii. oiati u-1- ie cnia Poor Farm of UJsonBtT. Tle lKue it.toJ biifk. ioiie toaiUKa. aad aotJoeorr-- f Sa.(HL FlUto i4 p'iaeattoyi-V

be received op soUkeflriJiTaeiKia via April:s7S.

By ortJpr of tb Board of Treaty Ooaiaiit-Mooer- s.

of Ceaiaa"tj-- . Neb.JAMS 5i H CKKK.

2-- tr County Cierk.



ficvrTTaHefi SlesjariteaL.jasi goad ituti



Ii&tiK oa s. my2je aa !. ?m. rsT in--awt- Sj

atai :J ""--- t rlc1RruOT r.3d

Call A.Kni prmr P t Ttie ktc .TEpiDy i.tto .trtiirest itt' cjiziir' n.1 im. . i(rtuii nun-- iAltr ij jb'-'ni- tj tjC


4 D T,V 13OF BET


Sale.Utr Kalir n; i.aUieHk? do.- - at Broiruville on

tae lh dy t ia red. ek""k xlo the talsboot Wdd-r- . toose aad thre- -

otv. ". 7. aodV. kAt-i- : ti. tbe vlllAseor erniha tmenxy,to be made at tbe m"- - rf le.

lK. A. ?pRMAVNr. Platzes. Aam.OTi-- r. ii.3t









ST.Are daiaj: aiort tod

And cperale


Live .Store Like

NEB.16-- rr to

Repaired, Jsweiry 3itaaactBredALL WOKE

B. F.jci .Dealer ia








f baW

158 1 JWIH

d 5 illaaW 9T


CCIDE."t"KUi: 'IaHL!SUtir .

tbet1. fLTif? M&2l?l; BVbd-- Tr. : - l...X

not , "-

- Bf:l';,'T.Tuesday.--o 1








is -,


EacrtnacR. Jt. yonsu; j5de. ar sboseiiirtac ifee lm

:atmi We. stmMrat tide tCt- - 2tsbut ererr tilmaK be uttqBiAiA- -

Bifll xtsx zaxz ie locket n?uiva& i&e iiuvt. 2: vj& he szsz la lsj

aMress aa rt-o4-H af M cents. Aares$ Tt. WiL

Am1-AI- L

JK- S- A2TD 'J R1 T111


aifreaaeof ;mb r3ea Joan L Urws abut

avreica aSrertts-- e ttusraT M,aryJ- - Clark. "Wtlltam Oak.ci osr af Sir Tatar's ?TJ' ?-i'-". ISotrt Eaiiaa

reut ccrafaUr- - 1'-- & Ve 'tae astaf mf stvlB-r-oa

mhjit aaa&r tobt iMtUaa. jatibty joarDr. Tnaar te oaosefceS 9a nair

escribed ia afc iiaaiBtrrnia Wt --nt.tl kk f9 BaKJ esttd fey

On Jlarrls-sr-

Jizstpj- - Jar Tnaii- - :rea fraaa tate ejectsErroriai Xukwii rmaareCrccirraos aeaBitj cared. at at-nu-s-- taoiiT KfK ato4 of ge-fwii- at. Sew adrtaacjiiaaao rvm2iei-- 3ots CSrcaAitrsfree, MAJed ea-reo-e.

rciDtij PkBtAelaaaa aa luimimlaii atrtapizh r;tnjitxB Jor itooan-M- f coadoct l4 raf'sjjaa. t.tfll.

S4.-239.79- S 84.:,, ,Ai-n-a M.aimo-3- a Lost . i7r

Jo poWlri ofBOBEHT 2. Cei-etr-

Essay oa --otfia.'


ifMrrr-- 1 '""-itl- awliow) of xtraiMaro. SemtaaJ i.Uot Kami. arrS.lS WeAknets. IcTo!nBtarySBtoJ Exs4ook ioftui; (lt.BOSTON t;j IeoiiUT. nvt m, Munuf r

T .r:ri ram. rr, I r'ile,atK-u- i

on "W.a I:is

r r



Tisdel & Richards.Public

IVTILI.oJK-- r soettoa at

l!n Ii

innendan. Keb. Trmkuovn :





T ."



X isI s



l B ;




MeauJ PbydcU Luctperiiarsxni4

Price, eaTrioj.sotoor. ladxairat.- -

eriy jroveiooii'iOoB(joceg Skf-Ata&- -

eSnaalH- - renw-- wTtbcn aadakAaes.dter somcil ofsrilittov. ixmriev

rjcs.ar josUorefieetwJ

xafSerer coatmoatooMAI ebeaoly. jutrioely.

Ixrnre afeoaldyoata

idrew.eavelooe receipt

sl&bbj. 'H.trr.--- z

price Addretp- - Pobbs-be-

CKAs. ELIXEBorry. 156

r!!. rX4A. -- aSp

lOM, PNr-:-- XLaaaaa

3iADE.,LlU.-- i



pr'ersj- -






i;tattrlta: Imeiz









tko Ir.CULV22W2XI.--

tkr rtcrcar I

i td1 --?













Fitt. ta j reuo.'sas I

Iroaa trrr rrioce.ia & stle oaJy C wsts. j

Toe ia Urissre. Iran his turc eijer t

l.nt ifae nwfal nt zii.tkB? n

vlrce(k. mm xcoae

core sx core eeitua Vy wket ert- -

atk.arr vhu fete aa j be .kjt. aty sod ra.fi


7 In-- be la lite a&oas ere--

ry erery au ia lieSeat aooer mL u say a, ?el

loe of Lr e-- ati. ctwi.jm!tee OalTerwtiJ b

3 ceat, UJ &. CO- -

127 Nev

-i VM, TTgJ-- .

wm a

Wn hmm WmMv wbe i

-- jr5.!l!Lr &:- - TMJ y&Wf- rai. m -- -. -- - - jts s a- - g yv ja v- -.

avOAaOSK liMMM H aaafcyn. i..,iL-L-j4.r- a

igr OiOcr --rekk.-j-v" p-- r a, Uj Spr.

EXCELSIOR MMOFOT CO,' SsfSaraa4from tbe aaae roots 2"rU of CAuToraia. !ree'" Aco3uic suauss's. T2er ire tbe GreatWood Panfier & UTe-?ia-z Principle, PerfmReaoraior aJ of tbe STSta. carrrinssll roi-oo(- auer tad resJona? tae oiood

H 9 "7 T1 T?nov ' k-- . condiaoa, earK-aia- t:Vi k: OOOJilllg. , lavjoratir? to: iniad tad boJr.A 1 vs f T iUnanKrvioa.




prompt la tfcejr r9miCheaper i. !f :beu" rfeSC"s' J && ia funs eftayS-'oTeo- .' I t'trton cm tbe h. m.t.


avAViMuTOicas. iin re:ciiaorcaireii. providedtoeir ire desirored bT auseraj potfoaaier aeai.&. He iuu orjsis vted beroadie pauit of repair.tow Pricsd, IsSji Pita

tbe.,m...l.tbe Most Attict I"Jwtaoom

Heart. Loars.repos Kjdaejv hcadrot atar MafniWII.L DO YOCR npum. Mi-pna-cs tatjUUniriU pr0Te bettfr nraate tncriu taaa a

AA1 lenr.hr sdtr.i-eain- t.JCCi ADEA-- Y for Kcmale Tosasr W.

CiriCIC .VII CLE AX. ES?72i I?V,.?r naUoil.

.nartsr hum x&nlnUlOOak


VLfloOJ CxcOSS, ainmanonoftUeljertadVieroJrssswidBP.OWXVILLE.













- .













' "I








ori ot! toe of Pt ,

of toej s;. are the of

OilLAP of its-

toniplttnt. laA t or

--"- iKrf. aturri.w ajiooa

rknis. tJJ ' of tbe MVwl , - t

17 35







'- .

2 5 3



ja- -


le: a?

av la




5e- -








I. ' 'i i





asane ,..

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toaei '.;or

r.f tt..Tae ia a. s



, - i4gp so ae--l '


iiir.eu iajprtr acad Chronic Tthen- -

W lnui!Tesriiii Uil--i..- -.". -. 4TCKCS".. xr. 'J,t- - .waej tau B.sWer. taes--xk..s oeea no--i ticreJttl. Saca lasea?

They are a Ocutlc a6 ,eUtae peeoaar aentof aelf-- C . V.rn, in &h. .r.

J---2l &

tcrr , irrTr,--

-- ru.ac.es. R.aj-oru- ScU hc;.. ore Ew!..'3 irtease? tf ilc .n nr m.r,.

25 u--zxt tr niiue. are L-- f til a. - .. iM-- e

Li.ttrs. One, Li-- iBcreJujous of w it 1 nrati-- .

U,e VIad Hiood whenever xoa-- P1'",13- orio:-.- : Yriasa jos

i: vLa it fa fu! ; j uj- J,uo a--. 1 tc.i tJu fcea.Keep the Uood rre, sad toe fceiUh of ioe eT,

Gratcrul proclaim Ytve;r 3r--.

teis toe L.os: k jtwler. j laior.1 tL- -t tier scs--

PIu, Tape, and other Wotie ijotein of o manv icoes .

uiii rpaoied.


, larXtog lare C3ectffnrSl ?l fllXfttln.t..3..".Ci-- 1 . rw .piisKiO-i-3. . 1 atre is scar-- e r sn 1 ,!n .fc








aodsjlh-- "





co. No




lice of wfca ', rreseace 1:

cniea:a tte boiljdossed sUt- -t

1,. - ,. -- - . .aaawb : l4llilkkrfj Oi tl.fc.f Vrt r.c.o?1 to Zj

tree system from wvrau UWe Ifttteri I

raiau iad Mineral, wchseiiera, ooiu-eater- s xad i.'iatrs. as tier adrla- -.la .i.e. are subject to paralysis cf te Kowe's.caard ajraiast thLs, tal.c dos of Xi"

I Eu in BrrrrKS twKe a "week.

Coe-- c.



-- .i

v. I our preat r.vc--3 throc-ho- a: tae rniusl--s axi --vrw. k. 1 especially those of t&eirairtpiJ oaM. iL3&7 r-- J.1WM-- '. Cnober:a..j. aiVjmm pT?

4 J 33 bra- - 4t,, tuiT V2s: ctirtv



mnz. z v w fcv.; - i- -t; cujiscr1 f 1 f pJ so dna- - reasoa.-- of cnaoai

- Vi J JT-- 1 Ele cf ti.e sto.arn and Ui'er air3

fMnrA-riT- Ti


me)-- ale other la ttcir

la-a- cec-'- tJc


no for tae to jik. j.ebs a? they tniithe withthe are a: the Rsme timethe of an.1 rwi ,'-tt- - t tb of r

-' i-X-3. , or iviu'Eilt"W..T. MOORS CO.,

Comraisi.on Merchants,SHIPPERS,





- -z laP


:ETXKTOraHKO:SCHrTr31-3i?r- f-




arfaee.yo.CSrBcsret,iJrePatl.Pa- -







Reliable, Kewiafhe.




ParSiii- uuicjfjwMwjibo





""uftSM. aathebsUuUo.






abdonaaal v.wra. treanaVntpjrymve, exerunavanoos oraa3, tKccssarr. Tberetscatharjc purpose waiI.

MNE.31R Bitte-o- . rsji,reaiore dark-colore- d viscid nu.ucr Twtictoweu loauci. M.mnL.t.secretioaj ,JirRROWVVTTTP healer rancuoas thedipuveorWas.iuij, Mroiuia. White fcwcHta'r



Licera. Lrrs.peias, XccV. Coitre. Scmr.IT?'.

ATioaa, Did Seres, Eruptions of ue'skiaTta.uoaal lascaaes. WxtxzzTs VisroiRltrrrriM hatFhowa lrrest rn-nt.- r.. rwvo-.- . . .u . j. i0!HUiatean.lTntra::r'jr"v'" - iita ?

Dr. Vlne-- ar Hitter act on a.1 these cac3 ia a nu.i.7 aaY. i .' fcw uiwu .' mnovR in rt .ty rcsOlriD? away the caeca of the lnSammitii(the tabercBlar cWposit.) the arected por receiehealth, aad a pennanen: rare U cSectedV

The Dk. TrWrare Aperteat, Diaphoret Carauaar.Sctritiooa, Jjixaure. Diareuc, EeStire. Coaatl:Irnjaa:, SudonSc, Alterative, and Aati-BUiou- si,e ,A.Perlcut raiid Ixatve proper.hof Vinecar BirrK3-eYhV- tu

i Their bateatnic. beahaz. andpenies protect the Ucraors of the Since" TW- -t m. stomach, and bowels, from tacaauuaufwind, cohc cramp, etc .',.Jile,,hr Co1tej-Xrrlta- nt Influence I

the system. I

properties stimalate the liver, la the wretioV' Ce and !ts ilia-hart- inm .k .. . .. .... .. .a... ..- - .j .....-- . .1. Ik. ... . ..'. - ar. cnnnAr tn 1 r.m.1. .. . . . .

"" i.-- a jue,Fortify the lody acnlnst disease Itins all its fluids wrJi.NEcKiTTEi'-!- : t.

cpeciic can tate Isold a system thus fore-Sra- v

Direction. Take of the Bitters on coiajobeJ at Dish: from a half to one one-ha- lf wbp:as3roL Eat pood nourkhia food, such as bif-stc- at,mntton chop, veaisoa, roast beef, and vit-a. ,.es. and take out-do- exercise. Thercomposed of purely vegetable ingredients iicoaLiin no "rnlnr .r. 11. nicD(vvAi.rj co.. I

""Rafts and Gen. A?ts.. San Francisco. CaL jfe '

srl .;iiaoaat'iniarltonSts.,.V.Y. f .




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I-e-al Xotlce.

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