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ARIES : LIBRA : Ladakh's traditional and trusted...

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Rigzin Yangdol In every major village in Leh, Ladakh there is an Amchi family. The function of this family is to look after the health of the village and the entire community. There is an Amchi in my village. His name is Karma and he is 56 years old. S haring his experience as an Amchi he says, "The main text book of medicine which has been written is known as Gyudzhin." Karma's grandfather and father were also Amchis and he learnt everything from them. The Amchi is expected to pass his knowledge and experience to his son and daughter or any other student who comes to learn medicine from him or her. They are expected to memorize the entire text of Gyudzhin, which helps them to study the subject and prac- tice medicine. The children or the students help their father, mother or teacher by collecting herbs and var- ious herbal and other material to prepare medicine. This is the practi- cal aspect of the pharmacy. With course of time the teacher teaches his students the method of diagno- sis and the classification of the var- ious diseases. With the help of detailed com- mentaries written in the Gyudzhin, there is enormous literature on the subject of medicine, and the Amchi studies and teaches according to his own personal interest and capacity. For the Amchi since this a family subject, it becomes quite easy to pass the experience to his students who are most often the Amchi's own children, in most cases - his son. The day the course is completed a day is finalized for a final examina- tion which is held and some well- known Amchi's from the area are called to take an oral examination of the student. Post this he becomes a recognized Amchi and has to go around to every part of the village curing and treating people. Some people offer him money but this completely depends on the econom- ic condition of that family. The Amchi does not demand for money, instead just provides his services wherever required. The job of an Amchi is not an easy one; he has to do the job of a doctor without any nurse or assistant for help. He does all the work on his own. However, the family he's providing his servic- es to help him grind the herbs and materials and help as much as they can. The 'Onpo' (Astrologer) from my village says, "Besides the subject of medicine the Amchi has to know about astrology and there are cer- tain surgical operations which the Amchi has to perform which requires the knowledge of astrology such as in the case of 'Moxibustion' (a traditional Chinese medicine therapy which consists of burning dried mugwort -mountain rose herbs - on particular points on the body) which is so often used by the Amchi and Onpo for the effective treatment of paralysis". On 21st March 2018 I went to meet another Amchi at Moti Market, Leh and his name was Mr. Tsering Stobdan. He is 68 years old and he is from Spituk. He practiced his pro- fession from Dharamsala at the age of 30 and got recognition as he got the degrees of 'Kachupa' and 'Men- rampa Dringwa' from the Central Council of Tibetan Medicine. A med- ical student graduates after six years as a Tibetan doctor holding Kachu- pa Degree. After ten years of prac- tice, the doctors are allowed to sit for Menrampa Chungwa degree and then with another seven years gap, they can appear for the Menrampa Dringwa Degree. In Ladakhi lan- guage Amchi has various names such as Amji, Manpa, Larjey, and Aba. The medicine that the Amchi gives has no side effects and the medicine given by hospitals does. For example the tablet for headache affects the liver. Lastly, I would like to say that being an Amchi is a good job. They are responsible for the welfare of the community and curing and healing anyone who is unwell in the village. (Charkha Features) SUNDAY, MAY 20, 2018 (PAGE-2) 1. To all from Sanjay Dhar: “ The secret of happiness lies with you, not outside. He who has great- est satisfaction in life is the richest man”. 2. From Surinder Raina to all: “ Worry doesn’t help tomorrow’s troubles but it does run today’s hap- piness”. 3. To all from Keshav Nanda: “ Progress is impossible, without change and to change your life it takes only one person-you”. 4. From Sharda Devi to all: “Death is the golden ray that opens the place of eternity”. 5. To all from Sweety Raina: “ Pay no attention to those who talk behind your back. It simply means that you are two steps ahead”. 6. From Kamal Kumar Nanda to all: “ Laws control the lesser man, right conduct controls the greater one”. 7. To all from Kiran Kanchan: “ A wise man turns chance into good fortune”. 8. From K K Gupta to all: “ Keep your fears to yourself but share your courtage”. 9. To all from Sumarian Gupta: “ The action of men are the best interpreters of their thoughts ” 10. From Nyha Khajuria to all: “ Beauty of life is how able you make it worth to live for survival”. 11. To all from Rajinder Khullar: “ People will hate you shake you always makes you”. 12. From Lokesh Dutt Verma to all: “ Fear is a disease that eats away at logic and makes man inhu- man”. 13. To all from Deepak Misra: “ Pen is a lot more than a writing instrument, it acts as a sword”. OUR MESSAGE Please do mention pin code number of areas while sending your mes- sage to EXCELSIOR. Your message must reach us by Friday evening. To send your message, use CIPHER-DECIPHER message chit. Your entries should be brief and original. We use those messages devoid of hurting the sentiments of the people. Out of the messages we receive, one of the message is selected for the award. HARESH SINGH CIPHER—DECIPHER MESSAGE CHIT Name....................................................................................... Address................................................................................... ............................................................................................... Message................................................................................ ............................................................................................... ............................................................................................... Cut it Here Cut it Here BEST MESSAGE The award of rupees 200 for this week’s best message has gone to SONIA SHARMA D/o JAI RAM SHARMA, HOUSE NO: D-311, LOWER SHIV NAGAR, NEAR WOMEN POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, JAMMU- 180001 for the message “ The superior man thinks of virtue; The common man thinks of comfort ”. Congrats. The prize money would be sent to you through money order The Contestants are requested to send their mobile numbers, as the winner will be intimated through SMS THIS WEEK FOR YOU 20th May to 26th May 2018 ARIES : Venus moved to Cancer, the 4th House from your Sign, over the previous weekend. This is the House represen- tative of your home and heart. Is a short visit to your childhood home on your mind? The ones living away for work may actually be planning to take a trip home, this week. You will also be filled with a desire to make more money. Well, that's a good idea, but don't succumb to unethical practices, reminds Ganesha. Moreover, it's the 'saving' bit - you may not have been doing right. Invest your money wisely, as returns will add to your bank balance. Mighty Sun moves to the airy Gemini - your 3rd House - on Tuesday. A duality, of sorts, may be visible in your ideas and thoughts. Still, love is calling - and a teenage crush or old friend is most likely the one you have your heart set on now. A new relationship may begin. Ones already married may get the astral nod this week, if conception is on agenda. TAURUS: Venus moved to Cancer - your 3rd House - last Sunday. You may be falling head- over-heels in love with an old friend. Are you? Your social interactions and the collective that backs you - your cir- cle - will bring you joy. Mighty Sun also now shifts to Gemini - your 2nd House. Family matters and finances get bathed in sunlight, thus. Inheritance matters may come to the forefront. Your stance will remain candid and analytical in all that ensues, feels Ganesha. Family related expenses surge. Keep a safe distance from get-rich-quick, shady schemes. Creative activities, dinners (or lunches) with friends and friendly banter through new-age electronic media will take up your time and attention. But, don't let this make you careless about your responsibilities. Albeit the Martian influence will keep pushing you to take risks, you must be careful. Avoid getting into anything that doesn't make sense at the first go itself! GEMINI : Venus recently moved to your 2nd House i.e. Cancer. This will bring a calming effect on your home turf. Sun also now moves to your Sign. This is a good time, when rewards and recognition will come your way. People in your social cir- cle will be impressed by you. However, you must not spend more than your means to show off or flaunt. Ganesha warns you against over spending on indul- gences and luxury. Married people will enjoy a good time, provided they are willing to do something special to keep their partner happy. Adjustments are the key! Professionally, you may be instigated by the planets to take a risk. Whatever you do, ensure weighing its pros and cons. Short term travel taken for business and trade is likely to bring favourable results. In relationships, sin- gles may get attracted towards someone, who is consid- erably elder to them. Finances remain stable. CANCER : Venus entered your Sign, over the week- end. This is good news, as you will feel lighter and better. Sun moves to your 12th House i.e. Gemini. You may be in two minds, over purchasing something expensive. Sun is also the ruler of your 2nd House i.e. finances and family. Keeping this picture in mind, Ganesha foresees a possibility of loss or wastage. An inheritance may also go from your hands. Do not take any financial decisions, without deliberat- ing carefully. Be on guard against any legal troubles. Be tactful and polite, while handling any family disputes. Retrograde Saturn in your 7th House paints a troubling picture for your married life. Staying silent would be a better thing to do rather than speaking your mind - for now. Health must not be ignored. LEO : Are you being too overbearing and demanding, when the week begins? Ask yourself and change your attitude for better. People around you may actually be now afraid of you, given your forceful stance. This is only going to make matters worse - in your family and personal situations. With Venus in 12th House, you may wish to indulge in hedo- nistic pleasures and luxuries. Over expenditure is fore- seen here. Ganesha warns you against this tendency. Mid-week, your Sign ruler Sun enters Gemini - your 11th House. Your social and friend circle will bring you happiness. This is a good time to follow your creative instincts and heart's desires. People involved in activi- ties like music, dance, painting, writing etc. stand to benefit from the stars. A candle light dinner or a fun outing with family is on the cards, as the week ends. VIRGO : Mighty Sun changes Signs to enter Gemini - your 10th House, as the week begins. Work related to government or some senior authorities may surface. Some of you, especially business persons, may have to travel abroad to close a deal. Mars in your 6th House may make you extra bold at work. Be careful. Early in the week, Moon traverses through your 12th House in the company of malefic Rahu. Both are also in direct opposition to Mars, in the 6th House. Don't over-indulge, or the extravagant atti- tude may make you regret later. Unexpected expenses are also likely. Plan your finances well and steer clear of any major risks, reminds Ganesha. Take care of your health and well-being. This vibe continues from the last week, and urges you to be vigilant. Over the weekend, Venus moves to Cancer - your 11th House. LIBRA : Mighty Sun transits to your 9th House of your luck and fortune, as the week begins. This is a good indication, as you will now see the cos- mos favoring you, to some extent. Ruler of your Sign Venus moves through the 10th House from your Sign. This is a calming influ- ence for your professional and karmic zone. You will feel happy at your work-place, which will be a source of relaxation and success. Creative fields tend to gain the maxi- mum from the Venusian influence. Thus, writers, painters, actors, dancers or anyone in performing arts stands to gain, this week. You can also take up such activities as your hobby to refresh yourself, suggests Ganesha. As for your personal life, something or the other may continue to keep you at your wit's end. Blame it on the planets, and try to address this as softly as you can. SCORPIO : Venus moved to Caner-Your 9th House, on the previous Sunday. You can expect posi- tive tidings. The mood will be soft and emotional, and you can expect luck to side with you in creative avenues, home matters and anything to do with your sensitive side. Sun also moves to Mercury-ruled Gemini, the 8th House for you. You must take good care of your health. Although you will get chances to make money, you must not forget to watch your back - and should not indulge in unfair means of earning a quick buck. Stay vigilant against rivals or enemies, adds Ganesha. Family related expenses surge. Mid-week, you may get a chance to showcase one of your newly acquired talents. Ones interested in flings and short term relations shall have the planetary fervor on their side. You will be full of electric energy, and connecting with newly found or old - any sort of partners - will be easy. SAGITTARIUS: This is a week when you want to be lazy and relaxed. Is there anything wrong in this? Well, not at all - if this is just a one-off! Working from your comfort zone or slow- ing down, every once in a while, is actual- ly good for your sanity - just don't make it a habit, chuckles Ganesha. By the way, it's the cosmic vibe too that's giving you a free-way to just lie low and see the world speed-by from the sidelines. Because, the happy, creative and chilled-out Venus is now travers- ing through the 8th House from your Sign i.e. the watery Cancer. You will share an intense chemistry with your beloved now. Fireworks are in store - or, should we say, a more, laid-back, romantic vibe! It's a good time for hob- bies and creative activities too. Spirituality and love for occult are also indicated. Mid-week, Sun moves to your zone of committed or permanent relations. This makes you a bit heady or arrogant in marriage/ relationships. Be careful; know when to shut up! Guard your health too. CAPRICORN: Venus is now in your 7th House, and it tran- sits in opposition to the retrograde Saturn. This planetary movement indi- cates trouble and disharmony in your married or committed relationship. Ones working in partnership business may also have a tough time, dealing with their part- ners. Differences of opinion and a feeling of loneliness may creep in your closest relations. This is a delicate time, so handle all matters very carefully and softly. Something that looks very wrong at the moment will begin to make sense soon, says Ganesha. So, do not take any major deci- sions related to a relationship or partnership now. Midweek, Sun changes Signs to enter your 6th House. This will put the limelight on your work front. Day to day activ- ities will become easier, and you will get due recognition for your efforts. No major monetary gains are likely this week. Health remains fine, except for niggling joint pains or toothache. AQUARIUS : Venus moved to watery Cancer - the 6th House from your Sign - over the previous weekend. Sun, this week, moves to your 5th House - Gemini. Both work and per- sonal sphere get a fresh dose of planetary energy. Use it constructively - and to your advantage. Health must be guarded, as over- indulgence in food, drink or any sort of fun activity is like- ly - and may result in ailments, warns Ganesha. Sun's influ- ence will help you shine in creative activities and hobbies. Something new may also be planned or started, under this influence. Ones planning for kids will have the cosmos on their side - to some extent. Someone new or interesting at your place of work shall add an extra charm to your every- day routine. Finances remain stable, helping you manage your expenses properly. Love comes knocking - and the ones who are already committed may soon be hearing the wedding bells. PISCES : Venus entered the mellow and sensitive Cancer, the 5th House for you, previous Sunday. You feel 'in love' with your home - and inners self. It's a good time to focus on building your personal repertoire with new skills an creative activities. Work, however, may play the spoilsport, by keeping you tied up for long hours, not giving you enough leeway to enjoy this time. Overall, though, the tensions won't melt away but you shall feel much more in command - or rather more detached from the ongoing dramas, feels Ganesha. Watch your health and safety, though. Chances of falling ill are as much in sight as are your chances of get- ting injured. Sun moves to Gemini, your 4th House and directly aspects the 10th House. In love, someone way out of your league (up or down) may attract you. Are you falling for your boss? Be careful, as this is not same as it may appear. Your heart and wishes are rather scattered now. Make up your mind, as to what exactly you desire! CIPHER DECIPHER CIPHER DECIPHER e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Edited by: Neeraj Rohmetra, E-mail: [email protected] INNER VOICE Hi Friends! We are back with your favourite column for the week. Please have a look at OUR MESSAGE before you send in your message to us. Loneliness...Isn't so lonely, It has much more, yet to be discovered. many my definitions of it. Sometimes dearest to me, other day ruining me inside. A bridge it has formed, swinging me to and fro. Normal is just an illusion. What spider smiles over, seems chaos for the fly. It has much more to offer. I have never been so lonely, sadness keeps me alive. I am lost...now i don't want to be found. I knew exactly, how it feels to be left dying. All i can see now, is a deaf crowd passing by. I have felt suicidal... Dilemma of living or dying, entangles me so often. Something kills me inside so brutally. I hid beneath the underlying world, seeking refuge in my words. Unbearable pain of mine... gets diluted, when mixed with the ink. What seems terrible to them... soothes me. Poetry my only refuge. Very often i crawl back, into my world of madness. Curling my back to the so called... loneliness. I am alone, not so lonely. Percieve it right... For God's sake, don't ruin my choice. Sona Khajuria Hiranagar LONELINESS The job of an Amchi is not an easy one; he has to do the job of a doctor without any nurse or assistant for help. He does all the work on his own. e-mail: [email protected] 1. Category: National Scholarship: Sasakawa India Leprosy Foundation Nursing Scholarship Programme 2018 Description: Girl students, whose either of the parents or themselves have had leprosy and are residing in a self-settled leprosy colony are offered financial assistance by the Sasakawa India Leprosy Foundation to pursue their B.Sc in Basic Nursing. Eligibility: Candidates in their first year of degree programme, of age not less than 17 years, having completed her higher secondary from a recognized institute with English, Biology, Physics and Chemistry as prime subjects are eligible to apply for the schol- arship. Prizes & Rewards: Selected candidates will be given up to INR 88K each year inclusive of accommodation, tuition fees, and mess charges. Last Date to Apply: May 30, 2018 Application: Candidates need to send the application by post to : Sasakawa India Leprosy Foundation, S-260, First Floor, Panchsheel Park, New Delhi-110017 Short Source URL: http://www.b4s.in/Excelsior/IFN1 2. Category: International Scholarship: Bond University, India Excellence Scholarship 2018 Description: The Australia based university is offering scholarship for the pursual of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in its campus, to high achieving Indian citizens based on their mer- it. Eligibility: Graduation degree holder with a minimum score of 80%, state board score of 85% and postgraduate applicants with an aver- age score of 70% or above can apply for this scholarship. Prizes & Rewards: Selected scholars will be assisted with AUD 10,000 towards their tuition fee, i.e. AUD 5000 each will be paid for the first two semesters. Last Date to Apply: May 25, 2018 Application: Interested candidates can make an online applica- tion. Short Source URL: http://www.b4s.in/Excelsior/BUI1 3. Category: International Scholarship: School of Life Sciences Excellence Scholarships 2018 Description: University of Warwick, UK is extending monetary aid to grad- uates who are interested in pursuing full- time M.Sc. pro- gramme at the School of Life Sciences (SLS), can apply for this scholarship call. Eligibility Candidates having an excellent academic record or holding equivalent British 1st Class Honours Degree are eligible for the scholarship. Application: Partial tuition fee waiver is offered to the eligible and selected scholar. Prizes & Rewards May 30, 2018 Last Date to apply: Applications are to be made online. Short Source URL: http://www.b4s.in/Excelsior/SOL1 Inarrangement with www.buddy4study.com Scholarship Alert Besides thorns, learn to smile, To thorns don't criticise. Flowers over the thorns bloom, Say to all don't gloom, Thorn is gloomy, flower is a boom, If thorn is goon, flower is still a boom, Always smile morning or afternoon. Amidst thorns, flowers grow and shine, This is a blessing in disguise, Hate the sin, but not the sinner, If you lose nothing, you are a winner. Thorns earn hate, when to somebody they prick Beside thorns we grow, is the trade trick, Flowers say with thorns you must click, Whether they click or do not click, Wonderful association, you all will have is a trade trick. Why there are thorns,? In that case from success, there is digression, Say no to aggression and yes to progression, Follow this Principle and don't suffer any retrogression, Smiles you multiply, Towards the sky all will fly, Follow this, if not at least try, Spread happiness and do not feel shy, And all the times, don't cry, Say to solve the problem, I will try, You are human being that's why? Col Parmjit (Retd) Sainik Colony LEARN TO SMILE EXCELSIOR wishes many many happy returns of the day to SHIVANSH SHARMA S/o Sanjeev Sharma & Preeti Sharma R/o Janipur Colony on his 3rd Happy Birthday. From : Dada & Dadi, Chacha & Chachi Bua (Khushi) and all family HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHIVANSH SHARMA THE AMCHI Ladakh's traditional and trusted Doctor I wish I had a little sis Cute and charming She would crawl And I would cheer I wish I had a little sis Wise and wonderful With whom I could play With whom I could learn.. I wish I had a little Sis Like a beautiful barbie With whom I could gossip With whom I could read.. I wish I had a little sis Nice and honest To whom I could tease To whom I could bully... I wish I had a little sis.. Adhvi Sharma APS Jammu Cantt WISH A SIS
Page 1: ARIES : LIBRA : Ladakh's traditional and trusted Doctorepaper.dailyexcelsior.com/epaperpdf/2018/may/18may20/... · 2018-05-19 · Rigzin Yangdol In every major village in Leh, Ladakh

Rigzin Yangdol

In every major village inLeh, Ladakh there is anAmchi family. The function of this family is to look after the health of the village and the entire community. There is an Amchi in my village. His name is Karma and he is 56 years old.

Sharing his experience as anAmchi he says, "The main textbook of medicine which has

been written is known as Gyudzhin."Karma's grandfather and fatherwere also Amchis and he learnteverything from them. The Amchi isexpected to pass his knowledge andexperience to his son and daughteror any other student who comes tolearn medicine from him or her.They are expected to memorize theentire text of Gyudzhin, which helpsthem to study the subject and prac-tice medicine. The children or thestudents help their father, mother orteacher by collecting herbs and var-

ious herbal and other material toprepare medicine. This is the practi-cal aspect of the pharmacy. Withcourse of time the teacher teacheshis students the method of diagno-sis and the classification of the var-ious diseases.

With the help of detailed com-mentaries written in the Gyudzhin,there is enormous literature on thesubject of medicine, and the Amchistudies and teaches according to hisown personal interest and capacity.For the Amchi since this a familysubject, it becomes quite easy topass the experience to his studentswho are most often the Amchi's ownchildren, in most cases - his son.

The day the course is completed aday is finalized for a final examina-tion which is held and some well-known Amchi's from the area arecalled to take an oral examination ofthe student. Post this he becomes arecognized Amchi and has to goaround to every part of the villagecuring and treating people. Somepeople offer him money but thiscompletely depends on the econom-ic condition of that family. TheAmchi does not demand for money,instead just provides his serviceswherever required. The job of anAmchi is not an easy one; he has todo the job of a doctor without anynurse or assistant for help. He doesall the work on his own. However,the family he's providing his servic-es to help him grind the herbs andmaterials and help as much as theycan.

The 'Onpo' (Astrologer) from myvillage says, "Besides the subject ofmedicine the Amchi has to knowabout astrology and there are cer-

tain surgical operations which theAmchi has to perform whichrequires the knowledge of astrologysuch as in the case of 'Moxibustion'(a traditional Chinese medicinetherapy which consists of burningdried mugwort -mountain roseherbs - on particular points on thebody) which is so often used by theAmchi and Onpo for the effectivetreatment of paralysis".

On 21st March 2018 I went tomeet another Amchi at Moti Market,Leh and his name was Mr. TseringStobdan. He is 68 years old and heis from Spituk. He practiced his pro-fession from Dharamsala at the ageof 30 and got recognition as he gotthe degrees of 'Kachupa' and 'Men-rampa Dringwa' from the CentralCouncil of Tibetan Medicine. A med-ical student graduates after six yearsas a Tibetan doctor holding Kachu-pa Degree. After ten years of prac-tice, the doctors are allowed to sit forMenrampa Chungwa degree andthen with another seven years gap,they can appear for the MenrampaDringwa Degree. In Ladakhi lan-guage Amchi has various namessuch as Amji, Manpa, Larjey, andAba.

The medicine that the Amchigives has no side effects and themedicine given by hospitals does.For example the tablet for headacheaffects the liver.

Lastly, I would like to say thatbeing an Amchi is a good job. Theyare responsible for the welfare of thecommunity and curing and healinganyone who is unwell in the village.

(Charkha Features)

SUNDAY, MAY 20, 2018 (PAGE-2)

1. To all from Sanjay Dhar: “ The secret of happiness lies with you, not outside. He who has great-

est satisfaction in life is the richest man”.

2. From Surinder Raina to all: “ Worry doesn’t help tomorrow’s troubles but it does run today’s hap-


3. To all from Keshav Nanda: “ Progress is impossible, without change and to change your life it

takes only one person-you”.

4. From Sharda Devi to all: “Death is the golden ray that opens the place of eternity”.

5. To all from Sweety Raina: “ Pay no attention to those who talk behind your back. It simply means

that you are two steps ahead”.

6. From Kamal Kumar Nanda to all: “ Laws control the lesser man, right conduct controls the

greater one”.

7. To all from Kiran Kanchan: “ A wise man turns chance into good fortune”.

8. From K K Gupta to all: “ Keep your fears to yourself but share your courtage”.

9. To all from Sumarian Gupta: “ The action of men are the best interpreters of their thoughts ”

10. From Nyha Khajuria to all: “ Beauty of life is how able you make it worth to live for survival”.

11. To all from Rajinder Khullar: “ People will hate you shake you always makes you”.

12. From Lokesh Dutt Verma to all: “ Fear is a disease that eats away at logic and makes man inhu-


13. To all from Deepak Misra: “ Pen is a lot more than a writing instrument, it acts as a sword”.

OUR MESSAGEPlease do mention pin code number of areas while sending your mes-sage to EXCELSIOR.Your message must reach us by Friday evening.To send your message, use CIPHER-DECIPHER message chit.Your entries should be brief and original. We use those messagesdevoid of hurting the sentiments of the people.Out of the messages we receive, one of the message is selected for theaward.




Cut it Here

Cut it Here

BEST MESSAGEThe award of rupees 200 for this week’s best message has gone to SONIA SHARMA D/o JAI RAM

SHARMA, HOUSE NO: D-311, LOWER SHIV NAGAR, NEAR WOMEN POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, JAMMU-180001 for the message “ The superior man thinks of virtue; The common man thinks of comfort ”.

Congrats. The prize money would be sent to you through money order The Contestants are requested to send their mobile numbers,

as the winner will be intimated through SMS

THIS WEEK FOR YOU20th May to 26th May 2018

ARIES : Venus moved to Cancer, the 4th House

from your Sign, over the previousweekend. This is the House represen-tative of your home and heart. Is a

short visit to your childhood home onyour mind? The ones living away for

work may actually be planning to take a trip home, thisweek. You will also be filled with a desire to make moremoney. Well, that's a good idea, but don't succumb tounethical practices, reminds Ganesha. Moreover, it'sthe 'saving' bit - you may not have been doing right.Invest your money wisely, as returns will add to yourbank balance. Mighty Sun moves to the airy Gemini -your 3rd House - on Tuesday. A duality, of sorts, may bevisible in your ideas and thoughts. Still, love is calling -and a teenage crush or old friend is most likely the oneyou have your heart set on now. A new relationship maybegin. Ones already married may get the astral nod thisweek, if conception is on agenda. TAURUS:

Venus moved to Cancer - your 3rd House -last Sunday. You may be falling head-over-heels in love with an old friend.Are you? Your social interactions and

the collective that backs you - your cir-cle - will bring you joy. Mighty Sun also

now shifts to Gemini - your 2nd House. Family mattersand finances get bathed in sunlight, thus. Inheritancematters may come to the forefront. Your stance willremain candid and analytical in all that ensues, feelsGanesha. Family related expenses surge. Keep a safedistance from get-rich-quick, shady schemes. Creativeactivities, dinners (or lunches) with friends and friendlybanter through new-age electronic media will take upyour time and attention. But, don't let this make youcareless about your responsibilities. Albeit the Martianinfluence will keep pushing you to take risks, you mustbe careful. Avoid getting into anything that doesn'tmake sense at the first go itself! GEMINI :

Venus recently moved to your 2nd Housei.e. Cancer. This will bring a calmingeffect on your home turf. Sun also nowmoves to your Sign. This is a good time,when rewards and recognition will

come your way. People in your social cir-cle will be impressed by you. However, you must notspend more than your means to show off or flaunt.Ganesha warns you against over spending on indul-gences and luxury. Married people will enjoy a goodtime, provided they are willing to do something specialto keep their partner happy. Adjustments are the key!Professionally, you may be instigated by the planets totake a risk. Whatever you do, ensure weighing its prosand cons. Short term travel taken for business and tradeis likely to bring favourable results. In relationships, sin-gles may get attracted towards someone, who is consid-erably elder to them. Finances remain stable. CANCER :

Venus entered your Sign, over the week-end. This is good news, as you will feellighter and better. Sun moves to your12th House i.e. Gemini. You may be intwo minds, over purchasing something

expensive. Sun is also the ruler of your2nd House i.e. finances and family. Keeping this picturein mind, Ganesha foresees a possibility of loss orwastage. An inheritance may also go from your hands.Do not take any financial decisions, without deliberat-ing carefully. Be on guard against any legal troubles. Betactful and polite, while handling any family disputes.Retrograde Saturn in your 7th House paints a troublingpicture for your married life. Staying silent would be abetter thing to do rather than speaking your mind - fornow. Health must not be ignored. LEO :

Are you being too overbearing anddemanding, when the week begins? Askyourself and change your attitude forbetter. People around you may actually

be now afraid of you, given your forcefulstance. This is only going to make matters

worse - in your family and personal situations. WithVenus in 12th House, you may wish to indulge in hedo-nistic pleasures and luxuries. Over expenditure is fore-seen here. Ganesha warns you against this tendency.Mid-week, your Sign ruler Sun enters Gemini - your11th House. Your social and friend circle will bring youhappiness. This is a good time to follow your creativeinstincts and heart's desires. People involved in activi-ties like music, dance, painting, writing etc. stand tobenefit from the stars. A candle light dinner or a funouting with family is on the cards, as the week ends. VIRGO :

Mighty Sun changes Signs to enter Gemini- your 10th House, as the week begins.Work related to government or somesenior authorities may surface. Someof you, especially business persons,

may have to travel abroad to close a deal.Mars in your 6th House may make you extra bold atwork. Be careful. Early in the week, Moon traversesthrough your 12th House in the company of maleficRahu. Both are also in direct opposition to Mars, in the6th House. Don't over-indulge, or the extravagant atti-tude may make you regret later. Unexpected expensesare also likely. Plan your finances well and steer clear ofany major risks, reminds Ganesha. Take care of yourhealth and well-being. This vibe continues from the lastweek, and urges you to be vigilant. Over the weekend,Venus moves to Cancer - your 11th House.

LIBRA :Mighty Sun transits to your 9th House of your

luck and fortune, as the week begins. This is agood indication, as you will now see the cos-mos favoring you, to some extent. Ruler ofyour Sign Venus moves through the 10th

House from your Sign. This is a calming influ-ence for your professional and karmic zone. You

will feel happy at your work-place, which will be a source ofrelaxation and success. Creative fields tend to gain the maxi-mum from the Venusian influence. Thus, writers, painters,actors, dancers or anyone in performing arts stands to gain,this week. You can also take up such activities as your hobby torefresh yourself, suggests Ganesha. As for your personal life,something or the other may continue to keep you at your wit'send. Blame it on the planets, and try to address this as softly asyou can. SCORPIO :

Venus moved to Caner-Your 9th House, onthe previous Sunday. You can expect posi-tive tidings. The mood will be soft andemotional, and you can expect luck to side

with you in creative avenues, home mattersand anything to do with your sensitive side.

Sun also moves to Mercury-ruled Gemini, the 8th Housefor you. You must take good care of your health. Althoughyou will get chances to make money, you must not forgetto watch your back - and should not indulge in unfairmeans of earning a quick buck. Stay vigilant against rivalsor enemies, adds Ganesha. Family related expenses surge.Mid-week, you may get a chance to showcase one of yournewly acquired talents. Ones interested in flings and shortterm relations shall have the planetary fervor on theirside. You will be full of electric energy, and connectingwith newly found or old - any sort of partners - will beeasy. SAGITTARIUS:

This is a week when you want to be lazy andrelaxed. Is there anything wrong in this?Well, not at all - if this is just a one-off!Working from your comfort zone or slow-ing down, every once in a while, is actual-

ly good for your sanity - just don't make ita habit, chuckles Ganesha. By the way, it's the

cosmic vibe too that's giving you a free-way to just lie lowand see the world speed-by from the sidelines. Because,the happy, creative and chilled-out Venus is now travers-ing through the 8th House from your Sign i.e. the wateryCancer. You will share an intense chemistry with yourbeloved now. Fireworks are in store - or, should we say, amore, laid-back, romantic vibe! It's a good time for hob-bies and creative activities too. Spirituality and love foroccult are also indicated. Mid-week, Sun moves to yourzone of committed or permanent relations. This makesyou a bit heady or arrogant in marriage/ relationships. Becareful; know when to shut up! Guard your health too. CAPRICORN:

Venus is now in your 7th House, and it tran-sits in opposition to the retrogradeSaturn. This planetary movement indi-cates trouble and disharmony in yourmarried or committed relationship. Ones

working in partnership business may alsohave a tough time, dealing with their part-

ners. Differences of opinion and a feeling of lonelinessmay creep in your closest relations. This is a delicate time,so handle all matters very carefully and softly. Somethingthat looks very wrong at the moment will begin to makesense soon, says Ganesha. So, do not take any major deci-sions related to a relationship or partnership now.Midweek, Sun changes Signs to enter your 6th House. Thiswill put the limelight on your work front. Day to day activ-ities will become easier, and you will get due recognitionfor your efforts. No major monetary gains are likely thisweek. Health remains fine, except for niggling joint painsor toothache. AQUARIUS :

Venus moved to watery Cancer - the 6thHouse from your Sign - over the previousweekend. Sun, this week, moves to your5th House - Gemini. Both work and per-sonal sphere get a fresh dose of planetary

energy. Use it constructively - and to youradvantage. Health must be guarded, as over-

indulgence in food, drink or any sort of fun activity is like-ly - and may result in ailments, warns Ganesha. Sun's influ-ence will help you shine in creative activities and hobbies.Something new may also be planned or started, under thisinfluence. Ones planning for kids will have the cosmos ontheir side - to some extent. Someone new or interesting atyour place of work shall add an extra charm to your every-day routine. Finances remain stable, helping you manageyour expenses properly. Love comes knocking - and theones who are already committed may soon be hearing thewedding bells. PISCES :

Venus entered the mellow and sensitiveCancer, the 5th House for you, previousSunday. You feel 'in love' with your home- and inners self. It's a good time to focuson building your personal repertoire with

new skills an creative activities. Work,however, may play the spoilsport, by keeping

you tied up for long hours, not giving you enough leewayto enjoy this time. Overall, though, the tensions won'tmelt away but you shall feel much more in command - orrather more detached from the ongoing dramas, feelsGanesha. Watch your health and safety, though. Chancesof falling ill are as much in sight as are your chances of get-ting injured. Sun moves to Gemini, your 4th House anddirectly aspects the 10th House. In love, someone way outof your league (up or down) may attract you. Are youfalling for your boss? Be careful, as this is not same as itmay appear. Your heart and wishes are rather scatterednow. Make up your mind, as to what exactly you desire!

CIPHER DECIPHERCIPHER DECIPHERe-mail: [email protected]: [email protected]

Edited by: Neeraj Rohmetra, E-mail: [email protected]


Hi Friends! We are back with your favourite column for the week. Pleasehave a look at OUR MESSAGE before you send in your message to us.

Loneliness...Isn't so lonely, It has much more, yet to be discovered. many my definitions of it. Sometimes dearest to me, other day ruining me inside. A bridge it has formed, swinging me to and fro. Normal is just an illusion. What spider smiles over, seems chaos for the fly. It has much more to offer. I have never been so lonely, sadness keeps me alive. I am lost...now i don't want to be found. I knew exactly, how it feels to be left dying. All i can see now, is a deaf crowd passing by. I have felt suicidal... Dilemma of living or dying, entangles me so often.

Something kills me inside so brutally. I hid beneath the underlying world, seekingrefuge in my words. Unbearable pain of mine... gets diluted, when mixed with the ink. What seems terrible to them... soothes me. Poetry my only refuge. Very often i crawl back, into my world of madness. Curling my back to the so called... loneliness. I am alone, not so lonely. Percieve it right... For God's sake, don't ruin my choice.

Sona KhajuriaHiranagar


The job of an Amchi is not an easyone; he has to do the job of adoctor without any nurse orassistant for help. He does all thework on his own.

e-mail: [email protected]

1.Category: NationalScholarship: Sasakawa India Leprosy Foundation Nursing

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Short Source URL: http://www.b4s.in/Excelsior/IFN1 2.Category: InternationalScholarship: Bond University, India Excellence Scholarship 2018Description: The Australia based university is offering scholarship for the

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Eligibility: Graduation degree holder with a minimum score of 80%, stateboard score of 85% and postgraduate applicants with an aver-age score of 70% or above can apply for this scholarship.

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Last Date to Apply: May 25, 2018Application: Interested candidates can make an online applica-

tion.Short Source URL: http://www.b4s.in/Excelsior/BUI13.Category: InternationalScholarship: School of Life Sciences Excellence Scholarships 2018Description: University of Warwick, UK is extending monetary aid to grad-

uates who are interested in pursuing full- time M.Sc. pro-gramme at the School of Life Sciences (SLS), can apply for thisscholarship call.

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Prizes & Rewards May 30, 2018Last Date to apply: Applications are to be made online.Short Source URL: http://www.b4s.in/Excelsior/SOL1

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Scholarship Alert Besides thorns, learn to smile,To thorns don't criticise.Flowers over the thorns bloom,Say to all don't gloom,Thorn is gloomy, flower is a boom,If thorn is goon, flower is still a boom,Always smile morning or afternoon.Amidst thorns, flowers grow and shine,This is a blessing in disguise,Hate the sin, but not the sinner,If you lose nothing, you are a winner.Thorns earn hate, when to somebody they prickBeside thorns we grow, is the trade trick,Flowers say with thorns you must click,Whether they click or do not click,Wonderful association, you all will have is a

trade trick.Why there are thorns,?In that case from success,there is digression,Say no to aggression and yes to progression,Follow this Principle and don't suffer any retrogression,Smiles you multiply,Towards the sky all will fly,Follow this, if not at least try,Spread happiness and do not feel shy,And all the times, don't cry,Say to solve the problem, I will try,You are human being that's why?

Col Parmjit (Retd)Sainik Colony


EXCELSIOR wishes many many happy returns ofthe day to SHIVANSH SHARMA S/o SanjeevSharma & Preeti Sharma R/o Janipur Colony onhis 3rd Happy Birthday.From : Dada & Dadi, Chacha & Chachi Bua (Khushi) and all family



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I wish I had a little sisCute and charmingShe would crawlAnd I would cheerI wish I had a little sisWise and wonderfulWith whom I could playWith whom I could learn..I wish I had a little SisLike a beautiful barbie

With whom I could gossipWith whom I could read..I wish I had a little sisNice and honestTo whom I could teaseTo whom I could bully...I wish I had a little sis..

Adhvi SharmaAPS Jammu Cantt

