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2009 Clips as a result of Balanced Equine Training article written by Diana De Rosa.
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ARLYN DECICCO’S BALANCED EQUINE TRAINING “Turning Tragedy Into Triumph” Media Report
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Arlyn DeCicco Photos - BET-SSS

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ArlynDeCicco ArlynDeCicco-Ximite ArlynDeCicco-doing-IsometricStretch

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Arlyn DeCicco Turns Tragedy into Triumph From A Traumatic Fall to Balanced Equine Training 

by Diana De Rosa 

If something good can come out of something tragic then for Arlyn DeCicco revelation came after her 1997 fall. That was when she was forced to find another way to work with horses. Instead of using force, she needed to use a soft touch. She no longer had the strength or the ability to do anything more aggressive. Fate had solved that problem.

Yet, fate was what opened Arlyn’s eyes to the fact that there is a kinder and easier way to ride our horses. Arlyn calls her method BET-SSS for Balanced Equine Training Stretch Supple Strengthen. BET combines aerobic range of motion exercises with a system that

develops all four phases of the horse’s musculature. The end result is the most balanced, relaxed, capable, willing, adjustable and healthy horse possible.

A Little About Arlyn

Arlyn DeCicco was born on May 2nd, 1954 to William D. and Toby B. Lampie. Despite the fact that she lost her dad from complications after surgery in 1984 and her mom to cancer in 1997, her parents left a strong imprint.

Arlyn learned her work ethic, determination and dedication from her parents and often refers to her mother’s favorite quote, "you can do anything you want to do as well as any man if not better."

Horses entered Arlyn’s life when she was nine years old. “Hennie Bordwin, one of my mother's friends, took me to Pepperell, MA where I got to ride a friend’s pony. I was hooked.”

“After I started riding, my brother Mark began to ride. Eventually, he discovered cars and marathon running. I kept riding.”

She grew up riding hunters and equitation in Massachusetts with Brian Flynn. She took clinics with Ronnie Mutch and George Morris. Later she trained with Dottie Morkis, Kathy Connelly, Ernst Bachinger and Belinda Nairn. During the 1970s Arlyn added Eventing through the Preliminary level to her list of disciplines.

Arlyn’s teaching was transformed after she suffered two traumatic accidents. In 1972 Arlyn was thrown from a horse and suffered a back injury.

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“One week after graduating high school I was bucked off in the morning while competing at a horse show. I continued to ride but later that day fell off again from the pain. I was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance and x-rays showed I broke my back (L3 and L4). I spent the summer in bed staring at the ceiling, which is why I can't ever sit still today. Every moment is important,” explained Arlyn.

Through her strong determination she survived that ordeal and in 1979 she and her husband Alfred started their first business called Woodlock Farm based in Massachusetts. In the early 90s dressage was added to her riding and in 1995 she had success on a horse name Sedona who she rode to third place in the NEDA High Score Award at Fourth Level. In 1996 she competed in Prix St. Georges.

The year 1997 was a turning point in Arlyn’s life. She mysteriously fell off a horse when no one was around and was found lying on the ground with what was later diagnosed as a head trauma.

“She was unconscious and was medi-flighted to Beth Israel Hospital in Boston,” explained her husband. “The left side of her body was compromised as well as her vision - eyes not in sync as I looked at her - double vision. After undergoing a battery of tests the doctors could find no reason for the fall. Arlyn doesn't remember the horse bucking and prints in the arena, which had just been dragged, suggested she must have passed out and fallen off.”

Being a strong and independent woman, Arlyn convinced the doctors to let her come home just three days later. “Unfortunately, I couldn't get her up the next morning and had to take her back in for two more days of observation,” continued Alfred. “They still could not find anything and the doctors said there was nothing they could do.

“She would sleep a lot, but would then wake up in the morning. She lacked taste, except for Starbuck's Java Chip ice cream which was her staple. The head trauma had compromised her left leg and hand. Before she got back on a horse, which was about six weeks from the fall, she regained enough use of her left leg and arm to drive herself to cranial-sacral therapy and physical pool therapy. She wasn't able to keep her left fingers closed to ride so she devised a system where she tied reins to our treadmill and performed her own physical therapy.”

While Alfred worried “my attitude was that she would get better. She had her mother's determination.”

One Determined Lady Figures Out A Way to Go On

“My goal was to continue to ride,” commented Arlyn emphatically. “Thus I began my quest to obtain knowledge about the body starting with my treating physicians.”

Arlyn already had some knowledge because her mom was a registered nurse who was always asking questions of trainers, vets and farriers. As a curious child, Arlyn would always be sure to glean every word that was said. Arlyn continued asking questions and has added horse muscle therapists and horse chiropractors in her quest for knowledge.

She also benefitted from courses she took just a few months prior to her accident in August 1996. Arlyn became certified as a Personal Trainer by the American Council on Exercise (ACE). The ACE training manual includes human anatomy and bio-mechanics. Little did she know then how valuable that education would become later when she intuitively transferred that over to horses.

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As Arlyn assessed her situation with an attitude of not letting anything stand in her way she also realized that she could no longer ride at her previous level. She further realized that she could not MAKE a horse do what she wanted. “All of my organizational skills and talent were of no use to me. I needed a new approach and I had to figure out how to direct my horse’s movement.”

She looked for a way to naturally guide the horse’s energy. The answer came in bits and pieces until it evolved into the philosophy that Arlyn has coined Balanced Equine Training Stretch Supple Strengthen (BET–SSS). This philosophy likens the rider to a man in a dancing partnership and the horse to a woman. The rider needs to learn how to lead the horse’s movement, rather than force or demand it, creating a

willing partnership. After having been stretched and suppled, the horse wants to dance. The concept of BET is to ride the neck as the counter-balance for the body. The goal is to educate riders to have the tools they need to lead their horses without interfering with their movement. Arlyn’s philosophy is “less is more” and her goal is to have the rider “guide” the horse’s energy so that they are a dancing couple effortlessly maneuvering around the arena.

Alfred has always been impressed with Arlyn’s attitude and teaching. “For Arlyn it is always about the horse first. If the horse is properly developed then it will perform better because it is comfortable with itself. I have heard many students tell Arlyn that she has the ability to explain new exercises clearly.”

Understanding the Anatomy

Understanding the horse’s anatomy is crucial in training. A horse’s body is extremely complex, and a rider must understand the horse’s musculature in order to know how to supple, stretch, and strengthen each muscle group properly. By training a horse incorrectly, one muscle might unknowingly be developed to inhibit the use and movement of another muscle.

There are four phases of the musculature: anterior, posterior, medial, and lateral. In understanding these four different areas, a rider can understand how to develop a horse correctly and how the four phases interact with one another to create the whole horse.

The anterior and posterior phases of the musculature refer respectively to the muscles in front and back. These muscles include those along the top and bottom lines of the horse, muscles in the front and back of the legs, and any muscles that work in a swinging motion.

While many riders may have heard or used the expression “riding from back to front” or allowing the horse to move forward from the hind end, few understand how this relates to the horse’s musculature. If a rider does not encourage a

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horse to work forward from the hind legs or refuses to stretch the anterior and posterior muscles correctly, the horse’s movement and performance will be inhibited and its performance and ability to flex will be limited. This will result in lack of adjustability and possible injury. The medial and lateral phases of the musculature refer respectively to the middle and outside muscles of the horse. These muscles are located on the sides of the horse and are used when the horse is asked to bend or move laterally.

In order to optimize the medial and lateral muscles, a rider must supple them. This can be done through lateral and bending exercises where the horse is asked to open up and breathe. Once the horse’s muscles are supple and relaxed, the horse will be able to more easily complete the rider’s requests. If a rider begins strengthening prematurely, the horse’s range of motion will be severely restricted. This will result in stiffness, resistance to the rider’s aids, and inability to perform.

BET-SSS in Layman’s Terms

Arlyn’s Balanced Equine Training Stretch Supple Strengthen or BET-SSS revolves around creating well balanced horses and riders by combining aerobic range of motion exercises with a system that develops all four phases of the musculature.

Stretch is the beginning phase when the horse is asked to lengthen its stride in the walk and stretch its neck as long and low as possible making sure the head is not behind the vertical. Once the horse is comfortably swinging in the walk, they begin to breathe and function aerobically. This aerobic exercise puts less stress on

the horse’s muscles, joints, and heart and allows the horse to use itself more completely in a relaxed manner. By allowing the neck and head to stretch down, the horse can lift its back and propel itself forward more correctly from the hind end. Once the horse has experienced the rewards of this phase, they will be asked to repeat these movements in every gait and stage of work. The Stretch phase of SSS helps to relax the horse and prepare for the upcoming phases of Supple and Strengthen.

In the Supple phase the horse is asked to move on a circle. The horse may then be asked to lengthen the outside muscles and shorten the inside muscles or, alternatively, to shorten the outside muscles and lengthen the inside muscles. Other, more complicated suppling exercises involve leg yields or asking the horse to move away from the inside leg and rein. By shaping the horse’s neck and body through these movements, the horse opens up its rib cage. This will allow the horse to breathe more easily. After using the suppling exercises, the horse will be free to stretch and use itself more properly. Strengthen is the final phase and should only be attempted after the other two phases have been completed. Here the object is to build muscle and strength in the horse. This phase can involve riding on varied terrain and work with cavalletti and trot poles. For more advanced exercises, horse and rider can work with gymnastic grids and jumps or the collected, medium, and extended gaits. Each horse’s physical development and mental acuity must be taken into account when developing a Strengthen program.

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On The Scene

Now that you are armed with the concept the question remains as to how Arlyn would proceed to use all of this knowledge.

When giving a clinic, she begins with a demonstration and follows that with individual sessions. She has found the best timing is to have a minimum of three days in a row.

Arlyn starts by assessing the situation. “She analyzes the horse and rider as a pair and bases each exercise on their physical and mental abilities,” explains Brittany Bazeley. “Her understanding of anatomy and physical fitness is applied to both horse and rider to stretch, supple and strengthen and no matter what happens throughout the day, it ends on a positive note for everyone.

“She looks at everything from the ground up. She looks at the horse in the stall and the placement of the saddle on the horse’s back among other things,” adds show jumper Holly Scapa.

While watching the horse in motion, Arlyn assesses the horse’s range of motion and rideability. She also takes into consideration the rider’s level. Armed with this information she then works with the rider to educate them on what they can do to help improve these aspects. The next step is to watch the combination. The rider’s imbalances are also corrected so that they do not interfere with the horse’s range of motion. Through various aerobic exercises and the philosophy of Stretch Supple Strengthen, the horse’s musculature can be developed to create a more balanced and adjustable horse.

Her Students Speak Her Praises

Few words speak louder than from those who are on the outside looking in and on the inside looking out. The success of Arlyn’s method is repeatedly echoed in the words of her students and clients.

“I observed how Arlyn’s recovery from her injury enhanced her ability to teach and ride horses,” commented Martha Weckel. “After the injury, her ability to ‘feel’ for what the horse needed was that much more amazing. She could no longer ‘make’ the horses do their jobs; rather she had to guide them as their ‘dance partner.’”

Dr. Heather Mack added, “I have learned to be a solid dance partner with my horses whereas before I was mostly just trying to stay out of their way.”

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“What I learned is that you have to ride both sides of the horse. What we tend to do is ride whatever direction we are going and you need to ride both sides going both directions,” explained Holly Scapa.

“Arlyn’s extensive knowledge of the anatomy of the horse and rider along with her unique training methods has helped put many struggling horses and riders on the road to successful balanced riding. Aryln doesn’t just teach you how to sit on a horse; she takes the time to teach you how to really ride,” commented Julie Weisz, winner of the 2003 Onondarka Medal Finals.

“Arlyn is deeply committed to improving the physical and mental state of the horse. Her method works,” noted Sally Black, owner of Blackland Farm.

“When horse and rider are both balanced you have a willing partnership. The horse doesn’t need to be forced or manipulated. You have a happy horse,” commented Diana Yeater, owner/trainer.

“Watching Arlyn ride is classical. She doesn’t force; she flows with the horse. She is able to get a horse to soften and collect. She’s like watching poetry. She teaches the horse how to use its body properly,” noted Dino Fretterd, Equine Body Worker.

“You can already walk, trot and canter. You don’t need me to do that. I’m here to help you and your horse do it better,” is how Sally Haddon explained what she heard when Arlyn helped her son, Gatlan.

Miniature Horse owner Susan Hopmans of LaVista Farm added, the fact that this program allows horses to be all they can be and never forces makes my heart soar. It has such a calming and centering effect on the horses. The end result is a relaxed horse that understands and enjoys what is being asked.”

Jumper rider Joie Gatlin’s former stable manager Darren “Dagwood” Roberts is a fan as well. “She has an intuitive knowledge of how their minds and bodies work. She was a huge part of Sun Cal’s King’s many successes.”

Show Jumper Mandy Porter who competed at the 2009 Las Vegas World Cup remarked, “Arlyn considers the wellbeing of the whole horse and the reward is a whole horse.”

Amateur-Owner jumper rider Mia Beckham noted, “Arlyn was the first person that did not try to teach me how to win. She taught me how to ride.”

“She has given me the skills to tap into my horse’s physical and emotional potential. They are so content and confident in their bodies and my riding of them,” concluded Dr. Heather Mack.

And there you have it. Aryln has turned tragedy into triumph and our horses thank her. Arlyn now resides in Southern California. For more information about Arlyn, visit her website at www.arlyndecicco.com. Arlyn can be contacted at [email protected] or at (760) 535-3352.

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Chronicle Forums > Discussion Forums > Hunter/Jumper > Who was/is the best trainer you ever had?

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Aug. 2, 2006, 06:23 PM

You know that being a great rider doesn't make you a great trainer. Some are BNT, others are not, but are worth their weight in gold. I guess the key is to be able to explain not only tecnical things simply, but also being able to convey a feeling in such an explicit way that you can almost feel it yourself. And they also must have great timing when to say things, or when to push and when to stay put.. Who do you think is one of the best trainers you have ever had? The one you most learned from?

Aug. 2, 2006, 06:33 PM

Kate Worsham without a doubt. I still ride with her =) ... I was a very timid and nervous rider due to a previous trainer who wasn't the nicest person in the world. From day one Kate has made a HUGE difference in my self confidence!! I love her even though she can be an equitation natzi at times haha

Aug. 2, 2006, 06:35 PM

I'll play Only considering past trainers and not present, Ginny Sorkin. She imparted in me the greatest amount of my "horse philosophy" that i use to date; she is the most ethical person I've ever met, and even though she's an ammy herself now, she always makes time to answer all the questions I throw her way, be it horsey, non-horsey ethical, or crying to her like a mommy when my heart gets broken. I think what made her the best was her ability to explain things in ways that made sense so they were easier to apply and understand the purpose. She is very much into flatwork and taught me a great respect for the benefits of lateral work and other basic dressage/flatwork and I use it all to this day. She also made sure I knew how to thoroughly take care of a horse/tack/set course etc. so my practical knowledge dates to her.

Aug. 2, 2006, 06:37 PM

Who do you think is one of the best trainers you have ever had? The one you most learned from? The one I ride with now and have been riding with for the last almost 12 years! :yes: I have had 7 other instructors and truthfully, I'd call them just that, instructors. My very first one, I still think of as a good horsewoman. She knows her stuff but she taught me when I was 8 and then moved on to have a family when I was 10. I learned a lot but she didn't have the time to teach me beyond w/t/c/jump 2ft on packer school horses. My current trainer is randomly threatened, er, reminded gently ;) , that she's not allowed to stop teaching me! I hope some day to be half the rider/horsewoman she is. She knows her stuff, has been there done that but you'd never know it to look at her. She's spent her time in the big rings, she's shown and won at the Garden, rode with some of the biggest BNT's but can still start a kid w/t and take them as far as she went - she has the most peaceful manner and has patience of a saint! She is a wonderful person and a fantastic gift to horses. She's one of those naturals-she touches the reins and horses just respond...it's amazing to watch! :yes: :sadsmile: My retired horse would literally change his body language and over all expression when he heard her voice. He knew the "smart one" was there to help his poor mother figure out what the heck she was doing! :lol:

Aug. 2, 2006, 06:40 PM

I had two that I would consider "great". The first is Arlene Orr Amery (Windy Top Farm, Chester NJ) who taught me as a pony kid. She laid a good foundation in riding AND horsemanship. She was a Frank Chapot student and passed on a lot of Franks wisdom. She encouraged us to hang out at the horse shows to just watch and learn. She took us on field trips to USET finals and Maclay finals, so we could see how the "big kids" did it. She didn't put up with any garbage and ran one of the tightest barns I have ever seen. She also taught me that you can do anything that you believed you could, even if that meant buying an old retired lesson pony, cleaning her up and going to A shows. She told me that I could win if I wanted to and I won Middlesex and Monmouth on that $500 pony- all because Arlene said I could. :) The second was Maxine Best who trained me as an older junior. She helped me with style and got me a lot of great rides that I would have never gotten without her help. She was very honest and outspoken. You knew exactly what was expected of you and she didn't settle for anything less. Always ride your best. I was a limited budget kid. She always said that lessons were for learning and that we went to the shows to win. No wasting time. No wasting money. Simple as that. :D

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La Gringa

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derived on words he said: "The key is to keep it small. If your business is too big you can't be considering every horse and rider. Focus. " For the most part Michael didn't have students so I was and am grateful for the opportunity. Arlyn Decicco- My flatwork truely came into it's own working with Arlyn. I stretched my mind. I also leased a Dressage horse and learned up to 3rd level movements. She gave me a clear picture that a horse is an athelete and that our programs should be geared around treating them like an athelete. As a rider too I learned to change some of my routines to help me physically. My Former Students- Having to teach made me a better rider. I had to think about how to convey the message. My students taught me prospective. They were invaluable! I take all these lessons with me everyday in riding and life in general... What a lucky person I have been to have touched all of these people and a few others- I am grateful for them all!

Nov. 5, 2006, 02:40 PM

The horse, PLAY WITH FIRE. If you missed a lick he GOTCHA. He didn't allow for errors and expected perfection. Nothing like an animal being the instructor. He didn't even yell at me, just GOT ME when I got it wrong.

Nov. 5, 2006, 02:43 PM

BridalBridle- Hahaahaha- So true. Very funny!

Nov. 5, 2006, 03:31 PM

It's a 3-way tie, though the ladies are proteges of Major. Major Robert Borg, Christine Koch, Sandra Elwood.

Nov. 5, 2006, 03:34 PM

Victor Hugo-Vidal. Absolutely, positively the best. Victor was also one of the best judges around. He gave really tough workoffs in the medal classes. He loved to make you counter canter forever! RIP Victor.

Nov. 5, 2006, 04:25 PM

John Turner. I love just putting his name here, an expecting people to know my thoughts on this. He is my favorite trainer, he's tought me so much, it's hard to find a place to start.

Nov. 7, 2006, 02:17 AM

My old trainer Jamey Prettyman, he is great!!! I used to train with him and loved him, I thought he was amazing, could ride anything and make it look like a million bucks, and always made me feel like we accomplished something. I no longer train with him only because he is a good 2 hours away from me, however 2 summers ago I did send my greenie to him for more instense training and had some more lessons with him and was very happy. My greenie is now doing wonderful and I couldnt be more happy with the work Jamey did with my youngster. I miss training with Jamey, but we are just to far away now for me to train with him consistently. I am now training and working with Ann Zinsser who also boards her horses at the farm I do and love her. She is a great trainer and knows her stuff. She is amazing! Jamey and Ann are both amazing trainers, not to mention amazing people.

Nov. 7, 2006, 07:58 AM

In the mid to late 80's I rode with Arlene Orr and Maxine Best doing the pony hunters. I was fortunate enough to be able to show ponies for other people in the barn, so I learned early on how to ride many different types of ponies. They both taught me how to learn from my mistakes, how to be proud from my success and to lose with grace, not always the easiest thing for a young kid to do. And since I was training with Mrs. Best when she got sick, she taught me a lot about life in general, things that had nothing to do with what happened at the show that weekend. I still think about her and miss her! Me too. :sadsmile: She was a wonderful "life teacher"- not just riding coach.

Nov. 8, 2006, 01:26 AM

i rode with maxine as a wee little one. she yelled at me all the time. remember her blue vw bug?

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Arlyn DeCicco Turns Tragedy into Triumph Equestrian News Release

If something good can come out of something tragic then for Arlyn DeCicco revelation came after her 1997 fall. That was when she was forced to find another way to work with horses. Instead of using force, she needed to use a soft touch. She no longer had the strength or the ability to do anything more aggressive. Fate had solved that problem. Yet, fate was what opened Arlyn’s eyes to the fact that there is a kinder and easier way to ride our horses. Arlyn calls her method BET-SSS for Balanced Equine Training Stretch Supple Strengthen. BET combines aerobic range of motion exercises with a system that develops all four phases of the horse’s musculature. The end result is the most balanced, relaxed, capable, willing, adjustable and healthy horse possible.

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A Little About Arlyn Arlyn DeCicco was born on May 2nd, 1954 to William D. and Toby B. Lampie. Despite the fact that she lost her dad from complications after surgery in 1984 and her mom to cancer in 1997, her parents left a strong imprint. Arlyn learned her work ethic, determination and dedication from her parents and often refers to her mother’s favorite quote, "you can do anything you want to do as well as any man if not better." Horses entered Arlyn’s life when she was nine years old. “Hennie Bordwin, one of my mother'sfriends, took me to Pepperell, MA where I got to ride a friend’s pony. I was hooked.” “After I started riding, my brother Mark began to ride. Eventually, he discovered cars and marathon running. I kept riding.” She grew up riding hunters and equitation in Massachusetts with Brian Flynn. She took clinics with Ronnie Mutch and George Morris. Later she trained with Dottie Morkis, Kathy Connelly, Ernst Bachinger and Belinda Nairn. During the 1970s Arlyn added Eventing through the Preliminary level to her list of disciplines. Arlyn’s teaching was transformed after she suffered two traumatic accidents. In 1972 Arlyn was thrown from a horse and suffered a back injury. “One week after graduating high school I was bucked off in the morning while competing at a horse show. I continued to ride but later that day fell off again from the pain. I was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance and x-rays showed I broke my back (L3 and L4). I spent the summer in bed staring at the ceiling, which is why I can't ever sit still today. Every moment is important,” explained Arlyn. Through her strong determination she survived that ordeal and in 1979 she and her husband Alfred started their first business called Woodlock Farm based in Massachusetts. In the early 90s dressage was added to her riding and in 1995 she had success on a horse name Sedona who she rode to third place in the NEDA High Score Award at Fourth Level. In 1996 she competed in Prix St. Georges. The year 1997 was a turning point in Arlyn’s life. She mysteriously fell off a horse when no one was around and was found lying on the ground with what was later diagnosed as a head trauma. “She was unconscious and was medi-flighted to Beth Israel Hospital in Boston,” explained her husband. “The left side of her body was compromised as well as her vision - eyes not in sync as I looked at her - double vision. After undergoing a battery of tests the doctors could find no reason for the fall. Arlyn doesn't remember the horse bucking and prints in the arena, which had just been dragged, suggested she must have passed out and fallen off.” Being a strong and independent woman, Arlyn convinced the doctors to let her come home just three days later. “Unfortunately, I couldn't get her up the next morning and had to take her back in for two more days of observation,” continued Alfred. “They still could not find anything and the doctors said there was nothing they could do. “She would sleep a lot, but would then wake up in the morning. She lacked taste, except for Starbuck's Java Chip ice cream which was her staple. The head trauma had compromised her left leg and hand. Before she got back on a horse, which was about six weeks from the fall, she

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regained enough use of her left leg and arm to drive herself to cranial-sacral therapy andphysical pool therapy. She wasn't able to keep her left fingers closed to ride so she devised a system where she tied reins to our treadmill and performed her own physical therapy.” While Alfred worried “my attitude was that she would get better. She had her mother's determination.” One Determined Lady Figures Out A Way to Go On “My goal was to continue to ride,” commented Arlyn emphatically. “Thus I began my quest to obtain knowledge about the body starting with my treating physicians.” Arlyn already had some knowledge because her mom was a registered nurse who was always asking questions of trainers, vets and farriers. As a curious child, Arlyn would always be sure to glean every word that was said. Arlyn continued asking questions and has added horse muscle therapists and horse chiropractors in her quest for knowledge. She also benefitted from courses she took just a few months prior to her accident in August 1996. Arlyn became certified as a Personal Trainer by the American Council on Exercise (ACE). The ACE training manual includes human anatomy and bio-mechanics. Little did she know then how valuable that education would become later when she intuitively transferred that over to horses. As Arlyn assessed her situation with an attitude of not letting anything stand in her way she also realized that she could no longer ride at her previous level. She further realized that she could not MAKE a horse do what she wanted. “All of my organizational skills and talent were of no use to me. I needed a new approach and I had to figure out how to direct my horse’s movement.” She looked for a way to naturally guide the horse’s energy. The answer came in bits and pieces until it evolved into the philosophy that Arlyn has coined Balanced Equine Training Stretch Supple Strengthen (BET–SSS). This philosophy likens the rider to a man in a dancing partnership and the horse to a woman. The rider needs to learn how to lead the horse’s movement, rather than force or demand it, creating a willing partnership. After having been stretched and suppled, the horse wants to dance. The concept of BET is to ride the neck as the counter-balance for the body. The goal is to educate riders to have the tools they need to lead their horses without interfering with their movement. Arlyn’s philosophy is “less is more” and her goal is to have the rider “guide” the horse’s energy so that they are a dancing couple effortlessly maneuvering around the arena. Alfred has always been impressed with Arlyn’s attitude and teaching. “For Arlyn it is always about the horse first. If the horse is properly developed then it will perform better because it is comfortable with itself. I have heard many students tell Arlyn that she has the ability to explain new exercises clearly.” Understanding the Anatomy Understanding the horse’s anatomy is crucial in training. A horse’s body is extremely complex, and a rider must understand the horse’s musculature in order to know how to supple, stretch, and strengthen each muscle group properly. By training a horse incorrectly, one muscle might unknowingly be developed to inhibit the use and movement of another muscle. There are four phases of the musculature: anterior, posterior, medial, and lateral. In

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understanding these four different areas, a rider can understand how to develop a horse correctly and how the four phases interact with one another to create the whole horse. The anterior and posterior phases of the musculature refer respectively to the muscles in front and back. These muscles include those along the top and bottom lines of the horse, muscles in the front and back of the legs, and any muscles that work in a swinging motion. While many riders may have heard or used the expression “riding from back to front” or allowing the horse to move forward from the hind end, few understand how this relates to the horse’s musculature. If a rider does not encourage a horse to work forward from the hind legs or refuses to stretch the anterior and posterior muscles correctly, the horse’s movement and performance will be inhibited and its performance and ability to flex will be limited. This will result in lack of adjustability and possible injury. The medial and lateral phases of the musculature refer respectively to the middle and outside muscles of the horse. These muscles are located on the sides of the horse and are used when the horse is asked to bend or move laterally. In order to optimize the medial and lateral muscles, a rider must supple them. This can be done through lateral and bending exercises where the horse is asked to open up and breathe. Once the horse’s muscles are supple and relaxed, the horse will be able to more easily complete the rider’s requests. If a rider begins strengthening prematurely, the horse’s range of motion will be severely restricted. This will result in stiffness, resistance to the rider’s aids, and inability to perform. BET-SSS in Layman’s Terms Arlyn’s Balanced Equine Training Stretch Supple Strengthen or BET-SSS revolves around creating well balanced horses and riders by combining aerobic range of motion exercises with a system that develops all four phases of the musculature. Stretch is the beginning phase when the horse is asked to lengthen its stride in the walk and stretch its neck as long and low as possible making sure the head is not behind the vertical. Once the horse is comfortably swinging in the walk, they begin to breathe and function aerobically. This aerobic exercise puts less stress on the horse’s muscles, joints, and heart and allows the horse to use itself more completely in a relaxed manner. By allowing the neck and head to stretch down, the horse can lift its back and propel itself forward more correctly from the hind end. Once the horse has experienced the rewards of this phase, they will be asked to repeat these movements in every gait and stage of work. The Stretch phase of SSS helps to relax the horse and prepare for the upcoming phases of Supple and Strengthen. In the Supple phase the horse is asked to move on a circle. The horse may then be asked to lengthen the outside muscles and shorten the inside muscles or, alternatively, to shorten the outside muscles and lengthen the inside muscles. Other, more complicated suppling exercises involve leg yields or asking the horse to move away from the inside leg and rein. By shaping the horse’s neck and body through these movements, the horse opens up its rib cage. This will allow the horse to breathe more easily. After using the suppling exercises, the horse will be free to stretch and use itself more properly. Strengthen is the final phase and should only be attempted after the other two phases have been completed. Here the object is to build muscle and strength in the horse. This phase can involve riding on varied terrain and work with cavalletti and trot poles. For more advanced exercises, horse and rider can work with gymnastic grids and jumps or the collected, medium, and

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extended gaits. Each horse’s physical development and mental acuity must be taken into account when developing a Strengthen program. On The Scene Now that you are armed with the concept the question remains as to how Arlyn would proceed to use all of this knowledge. When giving a clinic, she begins with a demonstration and follows that with individual sessions. She has found the best timing is to have a minimum of three days in a row. Arlyn starts by assessing the situation. “She analyzes the horse and rider as a pair and bases each exercise on their physical and mental abilities,” explains Brittany Bazeley. “Her understanding of anatomy and physical fitness is applied to both horse and rider to stretch, supple and strengthen and no matter what happens throughout the day, it ends on a positive note for everyone. “She looks at everything from the ground up. She looks at the horse in the stall and the placement of the saddle on the horse’s back among other things,” adds show jumper Holly Scapa. While watching the horse in motion, Arlyn assesses the horse’s range of motion and rideability.She also takes into consideration the rider’s level. Armed with this information she then works with the rider to educate them on what they can do to help improve these aspects. The next step is to watch the combination. The rider’s imbalances are also corrected so that they do not interfere with the horse’s range of motion. Through various aerobic exercises and the philosophy of Stretch Supple Strengthen, the horse’s musculature can be developed to create a more balanced and adjustable horse. Her Students Speak Her Praises Few words speak louder than from those who are on the outside looking in and on the inside looking out. The success of Arlyn’s method is repeatedly echoed in the words of her students and clients. “I observed how Arlyn’s recovery from her injury enhanced her ability to teach and ride horses,” commented Martha Weckel. “After the injury, her ability to ‘feel’ for what the horse needed was that much more amazing. She could no longer ‘make’ the horses do their jobs; rather she had to guide them as their ‘dance partner.’” Dr. Heather Mack added, “I have learned to be a solid dance partner with my horses whereas before I was mostly just trying to stay out of their way.” “What I learned is that you have to ride both sides of the horse. What we tend to do is ride whatever direction we are going and you need to ride both sides going both directions,” explained Holly Scapa. “Arlyn’s extensive knowledge of the anatomy of the horse and rider along with her unique training methods has helped put many struggling horses and riders on the road to successful balanced riding. Aryln doesn’t just teach you how to sit on a horse; she takes the time to teach you how to really ride,” commented Julie Weisz, winner of the 2003 Onondarka Medal Finals. “Arlyn is deeply committed to improving the physical and mental state of the horse. Her method works,” noted Sally Black, owner of Blackland Farm. “When horse and rider are both balanced you have a willing partnership. The horse doesn’t

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need to be forced or manipulated. You have a happy horse,” commented Diana Yeater,owner/trainer. “Watching Arlyn ride is classical. She doesn’t force; she flows with the horse. She is able to get a horse to soften and collect. She’s like watching poetry. She teaches the horse how to use its body properly,” noted Dino Fretterd, Equine Body Worker. “You can already walk, trot and canter. You don’t need me to do that. I’m here to help you and your horse do it better,” is how Sally Haddon explained what she heard when Arlyn helped her son, Gatlan. Miniature Horse owner Susan Hopmans of LaVista Farm added, the fact that this program allows horses to be all they can be and never forces makes my heart soar. It has such a calming and centering effect on the horses. The end result is a relaxed horse that understands and enjoys what is being asked.” Jumper rider Joie Gatlin’s former stable manager Darren “Dagwood” Roberts is a fan as well. “She has an intuitive knowledge of how their minds and bodies work. She was a huge part of Sun Cal’s King’s many successes.” Show Jumper Mandy Porter who competed at the 2009 Las Vegas World Cup remarked, “Arlyn considers the wellbeing of the whole horse and the reward is a whole horse.” Amateur-Owner jumper rider Mia Beckham noted, “Arlyn was the first person that did not try to teach me how to win. She taught me how to ride.” “She has given me the skills to tap into my horse’s physical and emotional potential. They are so content and confident in their bodies and my riding of them,” concluded Dr. Heather Mack. And there you have it. Aryln has turned tragedy into triumph and our horses thank her. Arlyn now resides in Southern California. For more information about Arlyn, visit her website at http://www.arlyndecicco.com. Arlyn can be contacted at [email protected] or at (760) 535-3352.

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A Little About Arlyn

Arlyn DeCicco was born on May 2nd, 1954 to William D. and Toby B. Lampie. Despite the fact that she lost her dad from complications after surgery in 1984 and her mom to cancer in 1997, her parents left a strong imprint.

Arlyn learned her work ethic, determination and dedication from her parents and often refers to her mother's favorite quote, "you can do anything you want to do as well as any man if not better." Horses entered Arlyn's life when she was nine years old. "Hennie Bordwin, one of my mother's friends, took me to Pepperell, MA where I got to ride a friend's pony. I was hooked."

"After I started riding, my brother Mark began to ride. Eventually, he discovered cars and marathon running. I kept riding."

She grew up riding hunters and equitation in Massachusetts with Brian Flynn. She took clinics with Ronnie Mutch and George Morris. Later she trained with Dottie Morkis, Kathy Connelly, Ernst Bachinger and Belinda Nairn.

During the 1970s Arlyn added Eventing through the Preliminary level to her list of disciplines.

Arlyn's teaching was transformed after she suffered two traumatic accidents. In 1972 Arlyn was thrown from a horse and suffered a back injury.

"One week after graduating high school I was bucked off in the morning while competing at a horse show. I continued to ride but later that day fell off again from the pain. I was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance and x-rays showed I broke my back (L3 and L4). I spent the summer in bed staring at the ceiling, which is why I can't ever sit still today. Every moment is important," explained Arlyn.

Through her strong determination she survived that ordeal and in 1979 she and her husband Alfred started their first business called Woodlock Farm based in Massachusetts.

In the early 90s dressage was added to her riding and in 1995 she had success on a horse name Sedona who she rode to third place in the NEDA High Score Award at Fourth Level. In 1996 she competed in Prix St. Georges.

The year 1997 was a turning point in Arlyn's life. She mysteriously fell off a horse when no one was around and was found lying on the ground with what was later diagnosed as a head trauma.

"She was unconscious and was medi-flighted to Beth Israel Hospital in Boston," explained her husband. "The left side of her body was compromised as well as her vision - eyes not in sync as I looked at her -

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Arlyn DeCicco Turns Tragedy Into Triumph By Diana De Rosa

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double vision. After undergoing a battery of tests the doctors could find no reason for the fall. Arlyn doesn't remember the horse bucking and prints in the arena, which had just been dragged, suggested she must have passed out and fallen off."

Being a strong and independent woman, Arlyn convinced the doctors to let her come home just three days later. "Unfortunately, I couldn't get her up the next morning and had to take her back in for two more days of observation," continued Alfred. "They still could not find anything and the doctors said there was nothing they could do.

"She would sleep a lot, but would then wake up in the morning. She lacked taste, except for Starbuck's Java Chip ice cream which was her staple. The head trauma had compromised her left leg and hand. Before she got back on a horse, which was about six weeks from the fall, she regained enough use of her left leg and arm to drive herself to cranial-sacral therapy and physical pool therapy. She wasn't able to keep her left fingers closed to ride so she devised a system where she tied reins to our treadmill and performed her own physical therapy."

While Alfred worried "my attitude was that she would get better. She had her mother's determination." One Determined Lady Figures Out A Way to Go On

"My goal was to continue to ride," commented Arlyn emphatically. "Thus I began my quest to obtain knowledge about the body starting with my treating physicians."

Arlyn already had some knowledge because her mom was a registered nurse who was always asking questions of trainers, vets and farriers. As a curious child, Arlyn would always be sure to glean every word that was said. Arlyn continued asking questions and has added horse muscle therapists and horse chiropractors in her quest for knowledge.

She also benefitted from courses she took just a few months prior to her accident in August 1996. Arlyn became certified as a Personal Trainer by the American Council on Exercise (ACE). The ACE training manual includes human anatomy and bio-mechanics. Little did she know then how valuable that education would become later when she intuitively transferred that over to horses.

As Arlyn assessed her situation with an attitude of not letting anything stand in her way she also realized that she could no longer ride at her previous level. She further realized that she could not MAKE a horse do what she wanted. "All of my organizational skills and talent were of no use to me. I needed a new approach and I had to figure out how to direct my horse's movement."

She looked for a way to naturally guide the horse's energy. The answer came in bits and pieces until it evolved into the philosophy that Arlyn has coined Balanced Equine Training Stretch Supple Strengthen (BET-SSS). This philosophy likens the rider to a man in a dancing partnership and the horse to a woman. The rider needs to learn how to lead the horse's movement, rather than force or demand it, creating a willing partnership. After having been stretched and suppled, the horse wants to dance.

The concept of BET is to ride the neck as the counter-balance for the body. The goal is to educate riders to have the tools they need to lead their horses without interfering with their movement. Arlyn's philosophy is "less is more" and her goal is to have the rider "guide" the horse's energy so that they are a dancing couple effortlessly maneuvering around the arena.

Alfred has always been impressed with Arlyn's attitude and teaching. "For Arlyn it is always about the horse first. If the horse is properly developed then it will perform better because it is comfortable with itself. I have heard many students tell Arlyn that she has the ability to explain new exercises clearly." Understanding the Anatomy

Understanding the horse's anatomy is crucial in training. A horse's body is extremely complex, and a rider must understand the horse's musculature in order to know how to supple, stretch, and strengthen each muscle group properly. By training a horse incorrectly, one muscle might unknowingly be developed to inhibit the use and movement of another muscle.

There are four phases of the musculature: anterior, posterior, medial, and lateral. In understanding these four different areas, a rider can understand how to develop a horse correctly and how the four phases interact with one another to create the whole horse.

The anterior and posterior phases of the musculature refer respectively to the muscles in front and back. These muscles include those along the top and bottom lines of the horse, muscles in the front and back of the legs, and any muscles that work in a swinging motion.

While many riders may have heard or used the expression "riding from back to front" or allowing the horse to move forward from the hind end, few understand how this relates to the horse's musculature. If a rider does not encourage a horse to work forward from the hind legs or refuses to stretch the anterior and posterior muscles correctly, the horse's movement and performance will be inhibited and its performance and ability to flex will be limited. This will result in lack of adjustability and possible injury.

The medial and lateral phases of the musculature refer respectively to the middle and outside muscles of the horse. These muscles are located on the sides of the horse and are used when the horse is asked to bend or move laterally.

In order to optimize the medial and lateral muscles, a rider must supple them. This can be done through lateral and bending exercises where the horse is asked to open up and breathe. Once the horse's muscles are supple and relaxed, the horse will be able to more easily complete the rider's requests. If a rider begins strengthening prematurely, the horse's range of motion will be severely restricted. This will result in stiffness, resistance to the rider's aids, and inability to perform.

BET-SSS in Layman's Terms

Arlyn's Balanced Equine Training Stretch Supple Strengthen or BET-SSS revolves around creating well balanced horses and riders by combining aerobic range of motion exercises with a system that develops all four phases of the musculature.

Stretch is the beginning phase when the horse is asked to lengthen its stride in the walk and stretch its neck as long and low as possible making sure the head is not behind the vertical. Once the horse is comfortably swinging in the walk, they begin to breathe and function aerobically. This aerobic exercise puts less stress on the horse's muscles, joints, and heart and allows the horse to use itself more completely in a relaxed manner. By allowing the neck and head to stretch down, the horse can lift its back and propel itself forward more correctly from the hind end. Once the horse has experienced the rewards of this phase, they will be asked to repeat these movements in every gait and stage of work. The Stretch phase of SSS helps to relax the horse and prepare for the upcoming phases of Supple and Strengthen.

In the Supple phase the horse is asked to move on a circle. The horse may then be asked to lengthen the outside muscles and shorten the inside muscles or, alternatively, to shorten the outside muscles and lengthen the inside muscles. Other, more complicated suppling exercises involve leg yields or asking the horse to move away from the inside leg and rein. By shaping the horse's neck and body through these movements, the horse opens up its rib cage. This will allow the horse to breathe more easily. After using the suppling exercises, the horse will be free to stretch and use itself more properly.

Strengthen is the final phase and should only be attempted after the other two phases have been completed. Here the object is to build muscle and strength in the horse. This phase can involve riding on varied terrain and work with cavalletti and trot poles. For more advanced exercises, horse and

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rider can work with gymnastic grids and jumps or the collected, medium, and extended gaits. Each horse's physical development and mental acuity must be taken into account when developing a Strengthen program.

On The Scene

Now that you are armed with the concept the question remains as to how Arlyn would proceed to use all of this knowledge.

When giving a clinic, she begins with a demonstration and follows that with individual sessions. She has found the best timing is to have a minimum of three days in a row.

Arlyn starts by assessing the situation. "She analyzes the horse and rider as a pair and bases each exercise on their physical and mental abilities," explains Brittany Bazeley. "Her understanding of anatomy and physical fitness is applied to both horse and rider to stretch, supple and strengthen and no matter what happens throughout the day, it ends on a positive note for everyone.

"She looks at everything from the ground up. She looks at the horse in the stall and the placement of the saddle on the horse's back among other things," adds show jumper Holly Scapa.

While watching the horse in motion, Arlyn assesses the horse's range of motion and rideability. She also takes into consideration the rider's level. Armed with this information she then works with the rider to educate them on what they can do to help improve these aspects. The next step is to watch the combination. The rider's imbalances are also corrected so that they do not interfere with the horse's range of motion. Through various aerobic exercises and the philosophy of Stretch Supple Strengthen, the horse's musculature can be developed to create a more balanced and adjustable horse.

Her Students Speak Her Praises

Few words speak louder than from those who are on the outside looking in and on the inside looking out. The success of Arlyn's method is repeatedly echoed in the words of her students and clients. "I observed how Arlyn's recovery from her injury enhanced her ability to teach and ride horses," commented Martha Weckel. "After the injury, her ability to 'feel' for what the horse needed was that much more amazing. She could no longer 'make' the horses do their jobs; rather she had to guide them as their 'dance partner.'"

Dr. Heather Mack added, "I have learned to be a solid dance partner with my horses whereas before I was mostly just trying to stay out of their way."

"What I learned is that you have to ride both sides of the horse. What we tend to do is ride whatever direction we are going and you need to ride both sides going both directions," explained Holly Scapa.

"Arlyn's extensive knowledge of the anatomy of the horse and rider along with her unique training methods has helped put many struggling horses and riders on the road to successful balanced riding. Aryln doesn't just teach you how to sit on a horse; she takes the time to teach you how to really ride," commented Julie Weisz, winner of the 2003 Onondarka Medal Finals.

"Arlyn is deeply committed to improving the physical and mental state of the horse. Her method works," noted Sally Black, owner of Blackland Farm.

"When horse and rider are both balanced you have a willing partnership. The horse doesn't need to be forced or manipulated. You have a happy horse," commented Diana Yeater, owner/trainer.

"Watching Arlyn ride is classical. She doesn't force; she flows with the horse. She is able to get a horse to soften and collect. She's like watching poetry. She teaches the horse how to use its body properly," noted Dino Fretterd, Equine Body Worker.

"You can already walk, trot and canter. You don't need me to do that. I'm here to help you and your horse do it better," is how Sally Haddon explained what she heard when Arlyn helped her son, Gatlan.

Miniature Horse owner Susan Hopmans of LaVista Farm added, the fact that this program allows horses to be all they can be and never forces makes my heart soar. It has such a calming and centering effect on the horses. The end result is a relaxed horse that understands and enjoys what is being asked."

Jumper rider Joie Gatlin's former stable manager Darren "Dagwood" Roberts is a fan as well. "She has an intuitive knowledge of how their minds and bodies work. She was a huge part of Sun Cal's King's many successes."

Show Jumper Mandy Porter who competed at the 2009 Las Vegas World Cup remarked, "Arlyn considers the wellbeing of the whole horse and the reward is a whole horse."

Amateur-Owner jumper rider Mia Beckham noted, "Arlyn was the first person that did not try to teach me how to win. She taught me how to ride."

"She has given me the skills to tap into my horse's physical and emotional potential. They are so content and confident in their bodies and my riding of them," concluded Dr. Heather Mack.

And there you have it. Aryln has turned tragedy into triumph and our horses thank her.

Diana DeRosa is a veteran equestrian photo journalist, who has traveled the world and has recorded equestrian history for close to 30 years. An accomplished rider herself, De Rosa understands the horse world from many different angles. A language major in college, De Rosa went on to run a riding school, then was editor of an equine magazine for 13 years and eventually focused on her writing and photography. She has over 1000 published stories and photos to her credit.

A long time member of The International Alliance of Equestrian Journalists, De Rosa has been one of the few journalists to be credentialed to cover the past six Olympic Games (including being on assignment for USA Today for the 1992 Olympics). She has also covered or been on staff at every World Equestrian Games, numerous Pan American Games and World Cups.

Besides being a writer and photographer, De Rosa also owns her own PR firm called Press Link. Some of her past and present clients include the Washington International Horse Show, The Manhattan Mortgage Company, DreamWorks, the American Hunter-Jumper Foundation, and 20th Century Fox.

For ten years De Rosa co-hosted the annual Hampton Classic Horse Show for the local Hamptons' TV Station WVVH. She also does some radio reporting and voiceovers. De Rosa enjoys bringing life to her many equestrian stories through her camera lense and keyboard. For eight years until his death on October 11, 2004, she also worked with Christopher Reeve.

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MLA Style Citation: Rosa, Diana De. "Arlyn DeCicco Turns Tragedy Into Triumph." Arlyn DeCicco Turns Tragedy Into Triumph. 25 May. 2009 EzineArticles.com. 1 Feb. 2010 <http://ezinearticles.com/?Arlyn-DeCicco-Turns-Tragedy-Into-Triumph&id=2391505>.

APA Style Citation: Rosa, D. De. (2009, May 25). Arlyn DeCicco Turns Tragedy Into Triumph. Retrieved February 1, 2010, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Arlyn--DeCicco-Turns-Tragedy-Into-Triumph&id=2391505

Chicago Style Citation: Rosa, Diana De. "Arlyn DeCicco Turns Tragedy Into Triumph." Arlyn DeCicco Turns Tragedy Into Triumph EzineArticles.com. http://ezinearticles.com/?Arlyn-DeCicco-Turns-Tragedy-Into-Triumph&id=2391505

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Turning Tragedy into TriumphIf something good can come out of something tragic then for Arlyn DeCicco revelation came after her 1997 fall. That was when she was forced to find another way to work with horses. Instead of using force, she needed to use a soft touch. She no longer had the strength or the ability ... Full Story

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Turning Tragedy into Triumph by Diana De Rosa Posted: Monday, June 1, 2009

If something good can come out of something tragic then for Arlyn DeCicco revelation came after her 1997 fall. That was when she was forced to find another way to work with horses. Instead of using force, she needed to use a soft touch. She no longer had the strength or the ability to do any hing more aggressive. Fate had solved that problem. Yet, fate was what opened Arlyn's eyes to the fact that there is a kinder and easier way to ride our horses. Arlyn calls her method BET-SSS for Balanced Equine Training Stretch Supple Strengthen. BET combines aerobic range of mo ion exercises with a system hat develops all four phases of the horse's musculature. The end result is he most balanced, relaxed, capable, willing, adjustable and healthy horse possible.

A Little About Arlyn Arlyn DeCicco was born on May 2nd, 1954 to William D. and Toby B. Lampie. Despite he fact that she lost her dad from complications after surgery in 1984 and her mom to cancer in 1997, her parents left a strong imprint. Arlyn learned her work ethic, determination and dedication from her parents and often refers to her mother's favorite quote, "you can do anything you want to do as well as any man if not better." Horses entered Arlyn's life when she was nine years old. "Hennie Bordwin, one of my mother's friends, took me to Pepperell, MA where I got to ride a friend's pony. I was hooked." "AfterI started riding, my brother Mark began to ride. Eventually, he discovered cars and marathon running. I kept riding." She grew up riding hunters and equitation in Massachusetts wi h Brian Flynn.

She took clinics with Ronnie Mutch and George Morris. Later she trained wi h Dottie Morkis, Kathy Connelly, Ernst Bachinger and Belinda Nairn. During he 1970s Arlyn added Eventing hrough the Preliminary level to her list of disciplines. Arlyn's teaching was transformed after she suffered two traumatic accidents. In 1972 Arlyn was thrown from a horse and suffered a back injury. "One week after gradua ing high school I was bucked off in the morning while competing at a horse show. I continued to ride but later that day fell off again from the pain. I was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance and x-rays showed I broke my back (L3 and L4). I spent the summer in bed staring at the ceiling, which is why I can't ever sit still today. Every moment is important," explained Arlyn. Through her strong determina ion she survived hat ordeal and in 1979 she and her husband Alfred started their first business called Woodlock Farm based in Massachusetts. In he early 90s dressage was added to her riding and in 1995 she had success on a horse name Sedona who she rode to third place in the NEDA High Score Award at Fourth Level. In 1996 she competed in Prix St. Georges. The year 1997 was a turning point in Arlyn's life. She mysteriously fell off a horse when no one was around and was found lying on he ground with what was later diagnosed as a head trauma. "She was unconscious and was medi-flighted to Beth Israel Hospital in Boston," explained her husband. "The left side of her body was compromised as well as her vision - eyes not in sync as I looked at her - double vision.After undergoing abattery of tests he doctors could find no reason for the fall. Arlyn doesn't remember the horse bucking and prints in the arena, which had just been dragged,suggested she must have passed out and fallen off." Being a strong and independent woman, Arlyn convinced the doctors to let hercome home just hree days later. "Unfortunately, I couldn't get her up the next morning and had to take her back in for two more days of observation," continued Alfred. "They still couldnot find anythingand the doctors said there was nothing they could do. "She would sleep a lot, but would then wake up in he morning. She lacked taste, except for Starbuck's Java Chip ice cream which was her staple.The head trauma had compromised her left leg and hand. Before she got back on a horse, which was about six weeks from the fall, she regained enough use of her left leg and arm to drive herself to cranial-sacral therapy and physical pool herapy. She wasn't able to keep her left fingers closed to ride so she devised a system where she ied reins toour treadmill and performed her own physical therapy." While Alfred worried "my attitude was that she would get better. She had her mother's determination." One Determined Lady Figures Out A Way to Go On


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"My goal was to continue to ride," commented Arlyn emphatically. "Thus I began my quest to obtain knowledge about the body starting with my treating physicians." Arlyn already had some knowledge because her mom was a registered nurse who was always asking questions of trainers, vets and farriers. As a curious child, Arlyn would always be sure to glean every word that was said. Arlyn continued asking questions and has added horse muscle herapists and horse chiropractors in her quest for knowledge. She also benefitted from courses she took just a few months prior to her accident in August 1996. Arlyn became certified as a Personal Trainer by the American Council on Exercise (ACE). The ACE training manual includes human anatomy and bio-mechanics. Little did she know then how valuable that education would become later when she intuitively transferred that over to horses. As Arlyn assessed her situation with an attitude of not letting anything stand in her way she also realized that she could no longer ride at her previous level. She further realized that she could not MAKE a horse do what she wanted. "All of my organizational skills and talent were of no use to me. I needed a new approach and I had to figure out how to direct my horse's movement." She looked for a way to naturally guide the horse's energy. The answer came in bits and pieces until it evolved into the philosophy that Arlyn has coined Balanced Equine Training Stretch Supple Strengthen (BETSSS). This philosophy likens he rider to a man in a dancing partnership and he horse to a woman. The rider needs to learn how to lead the horse's movement, rather han force or demand it, crea ing a willing partnership. After having been stretched and suppled, the horse wants to dance.

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Turning Tragedy into Triumph by Diana De Rosa Posted: Monday, June 1, 2009

Continued: The concept of BET is to ride the neck as the counter-balance for he body. The goal is to educate riders to have the tools they need to lead their horses without interfering wi h their movement. Arlyn's philosophy is "less is more" and her goal is to have the rider "guide" the horse's energy so hat they are a dancing couple effortlessly maneuvering around he arena. Alfred has always been impressed with Arlyn's at itude and teaching. "For Arlyn it is always about he horse first. If the horse is properly developed then it will perform better because it is comfortable wi h itself. I have heard many students tell Arlyn that she hasthe ability to explain new exercises clearly." Understanding the Anatomy Understanding the horse's anatomy is crucial in training. A horse's body is extremely complex, and a rider must understand the horse's musculature in order to know how to supple, stretch, and strengthen each muscle group properly. By training a horse incorrectly, one muscle might unknowingly be developed to inhibit the use and movement of another muscle. There are four phases of the musculature: anterior, posterior, medial, and lateral. In understanding these four different areas, a rider can understand how to develop a horse correctly and how the four phases interact wi h one ano her to create the whole horse. The anterior and posterior phases of the musculature refer respec ively to the muscles in front and back. These muscles include those along the top and bottom lines of the horse, muscles in the front and back of he legs, and any muscles that work in a swinging motion. While many riders may have heard or used the expression "riding from back to front" or allowing the horse to move forward from the hind end, few understand how this relates to the horse's musculature. If a rider does not encourage a horse to work forward from the hind legs or refuses to stretch he anterior and posterior muscles correctly, the horse's movement and performance will be inhibited and its performance and ability to flex will be limited. This will result in lack of adjustability and possible injury. The medial and lateral phases of the musculature refer respectively to the middle and outside muscles of the horse. These muscles are located on the sides of the horse and are used when the horse is asked to bend or move laterally. In order to optimize the medial and lateral muscles, a rider must supple hem. This can be done through lateral and bending exercises where the horse is asked to open up and breathe. Once the horse's muscles are supple and relaxed, the horse will be able to more easily complete the rider's requests. If a rider begins streng hening prematurely, the horse's range of motion will be severely restricted. This will result in s iffness, resistance to the rider's aids, and inability to perform. BET-SSS in Layman's Terms Arlyn's Balanced Equine Training Stretch Supple Strengthen or BET-SSS revolves around creating well balanced horses and riders by combining aerobic range of motion exercises wi h a system that develops all four phases of the musculature. Stretch is he beginning phase when the horse is asked to lengthen its stride in the walk and stretch its neck as long and low as possible making sure he head is not behind the vertical. Once the horse is comfortably swinging in the walk, they begin to breathe and function aerobically. This aerobic exercise puts less stress on he horse's muscles, joints, and heart and allows the horse to use itself more completely in a relaxed manner. By allowing the neck and head to stretch down, he horse can lift its back and propel itself forward more correc ly from the hind end. Once the horse has experienced the rewards of his phase, they will be asked to repeat these movements in every gait and stage of work. The Stretch phase of SSS helps to relax the horse and prepare for the upcoming phases of Supple and Streng hen. In he Supple phase the horse is asked to move on a circle. The horse may then be asked to lengthen he outside muscles and shorten the inside muscles or, alterna ively, to shorten the outside muscles and lengthen the inside muscles. Other, more complicated suppling exercises involve leg yields or asking the horse to move away from the inside leg and rein. By shaping the horse's neck and body through these movements, the horse opens up its rib cage. This will allow the horse to breathe more easily. After using he suppling exercises, the horse will be free to stretch and use itself more properly. Streng hen is the final phase and should only be attempted after the other two phases have been completed. Here the object is to build muscle and strength in the horse. This phase can involve riding on varied terrain and work wi h cavalletti and trot poles. For


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more advanced exercises, horse and rider can work with gymnastic grids and jumps or he collected, medium, and extended gaits. Each horse's physical development and mental acuity must be taken into account when developing a Streng hen program. On The Scene Now that you are armed with the concept he question remains as to how Arlyn would proceed to use all of this knowledge. When giving a clinic, she begins with a demonstra ion and follows that with individual sessions. She has found the best timing is to have a minimum of three days in a row.

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Turning Tragedy into Triumph by Diana De Rosa Posted: Monday, June 1, 2009

Continued: Arlyn starts by assessing the situa ion. "She analyzes the horse and rider as a pair and bases each exercise on their physical and mental abilities," explains Brittany Bazeley. "Her understanding of anatomy and physical fitness is applied to both horse and rider to stretch, supple and strengthen and no matter what happens throughout he day, it ends on a posi ive note for everyone. "She looks at everything from the ground up. She looks at the horse in the stall and the placement of he saddle on the horse's back among other things," adds show jumper Holly Scapa. While watching the horse in mo ion, Arlyn assesses the horse's range of mo ion and rideability. She also takes into considera ion the rider's level. Armed with this information she then works with the rider to educate hem on what they can do to help improve these aspects. The next step is to watch the combination. The rider's imbalances are also corrected so hat they do not interfere with the horse's range of motion. Through various aerobic exercises and the philosophy of Stretch Supple Streng hen, the horse's musculature can be developed to create a more balanced and adjustable horse. Her Students Speak Her Praises Few words speak louder than from those who are on the outside looking in and on the inside looking out. The success of Arlyn's method is repeatedly echoed in the words of her students and clients. "I observed how Arlyn's recovery from her injury enhanced her ability to teach and ride horses," commented Martha Weckel. "After he injury, her ability to 'feel' for what the horse needed was hat much more amazing. She could no longer 'make' the horses do their jobs; rather she had to guide hem as their 'dance partner.'" "What I learned is that you have to ride both sides of the horse. What we tend to do is ride whatever direction we are going and you need to ride both sides going both direc ions," explained Holly Scapa. "When horse and rider are both balanced you have a willing partnership. The horse doesn't need to be forced or manipulated. You have a happy horse," commented Diana Yeater, owner/trainer. "Watching Arlyn ride is classical. She doesn't force; she flows with the horse. She is able to get a horse to soften and collect. She's like watching poetry. She teaches the horse how to use its body properly," noted Dino Fretterd, Equine Body Worker. "You can already walk, trot and canter. You don't need me to do that. I'm here to help you and your horse do it better," is how Sally Haddon explained what she heard when Arlyn helped her son, Gatlan. Jumper rider Joie Gatlin's former stable manager Darren "Dagwood" Roberts is a fan as well. "She has an intuitive knowledge of how their minds and bodies work. She was a huge part of Sun Cal's King's many successes." Show Jumper Mandy Porter who competed at the 2009 Las Vegas World Cup remarked, "Arlyn considers the wellbeing of the whole horse and the reward is a whole horse." Amateur-Owner jumper rider Mia Beckham noted, "Arlyn was the first person that did not try to teach me how to win. She taught me how to ride." And there you have it. Aryln has turned tragedy into triumph and our horses thank her. Arlyn now resides in Sou hern California. For more information about Arlyn, visit her website at www.arlyndecicco.com. Arlyn can be contacted at [email protected] or at (760) 535-3352.

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Arlyn DeCicco Balanced Equine Training Arlyn DeCicco Turns Tragedy into Triumph

If something good can come out of something tragic then for Arlyn DeCicco revelation came after her 1997 fall. That was when she was forced to find another way to work with horses. Instead of using force, she needed to use a soft touch. She no longer had the strength or the ability to do anything more aggressive. Fate had solved that problem.

Yet, fate was what opened Arlyn’s eyes to the fact that there is a kinder and easier way to ride our horses. Arlyn calls her method BET-SSS for Balanced Equine Training Stretch Supple Strengthen. BET combines aerobic range of motion exercises with a system that develops all four phases of the horse’s musculature. The end result is the most balanced, relaxed, capable, willing, adjustable and healthy horse possible.

A Little About Arlyn

Arlyn DeCicco was born on May 2nd, 1954 to William D. and Toby B. Lampie. Despite the fact that she lost her dad from complications after surgery in 1984 and her mom to cancer in 1997, her parents left a strong imprint.

Arlyn learned her work ethic, determination and dedication from her parents and often refers to her mother’s favorite quote, "you can do anything you want to do as well as any man if not better."

Horses entered Arlyn's life when she was nine years old. "Hennie Bordwiin, one of my mother's friends, took me to Pepperell, MA where I got to ride a friend's pony. I was hooked."

“After I started riding, my brother Mark began to ride. Eventually, he discovered cars and marathon running. I kept riding.”

She grew up riding hunters and equitation in Massachusetts with Brian Flynn. She took clinics with Ronnie Mutch and George Morris. Later she trained with Dottie Morkis, Kathy Connelly, Ernst Bachinger and Belinda Nairn.

Arlyn riding Liberte 2

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During the 1970s Arlyn added Eventing through the Preliminary level to her list of disciplines.

Arlyn’s teaching was transformed after she suffered two traumatic accidents. In 1972 Arlyn was thrown from a horse and suffered a back injury.

“One week after graduating high school I was bucked off in the morning while competing at a horse show. I continued to ride but later that day fell off again from the pain. I was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance and x-rays showed I broke my back (L3 and L4). I spent the summer in bed staring at the ceiling, which is why I can't ever sit still today. Every moment is important,” explained Arlyn.

Through her strong determination she survived that ordeal and in 1979 she and her husband Alfred started their first business called Woodlock Farm based in Massachusetts. In the early 90s dressage was added to her riding and in 1995 she had success on a horse name Sedona who she rode to third place in the NEDA High Score Award at Fourth Level. In 1996 she competed in Prix St. Georges. The year 1997 was a turning point in Arlyn’s life. She mysteriously fell off a horse when no one was around and was found lying on the ground with what was later diagnosed as a head trauma.

“She was unconscious and was medi-flighted to Beth Israel Hospital in Boston,” explained her husband. “The left side of her body was compromised as well as her vision - eyes not in sync as I looked at her - double vision. After undergoing a battery of tests the doctors could find no reason for the fall. Arlyn doesn't remember the horse bucking and prints in the arena, which had just been dragged, suggested she must have passed out and fallen off.”

Being a strong and independent woman, Arlyn convinced the doctors to let her come home just three days later. “Unfortunately, I couldn't get her up the next morning and had to take her back in for two more days of observation,” continued Alfred. “They still could not find anything and the doctors said there was nothing they could do.

“She would sleep a lot, but would then wake up in the morning. She lacked taste, except for Starbuck's Java Chip ice cream which was her staple. The head trauma had compromised her left leg and hand. Before she got back on a horse, which was about six weeks from the fall, she regained enough use of her left leg and arm to drive herself to cranial-sacral therapy and physical pool therapy. She wasn't able to keep her left fingers closed to ride so she devised a system where she tied reins to our treadmill and performed her own physical therapy.”

Arlyn DeCicco.

Arlyn riding Lafayette.

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While Alfred worried “my attitude was that she would get better. She had her mother's determination.”

One Determined Lady Figures Out A Way to Go On

“My goal was to continue to ride,” commented Arlyn emphatically. “Thus I began my quest to obtain knowledge about the body starting with my treating physicians.”

Arlyn already had some knowledge because her mom was a registered nurse who was always asking questions of trainers, vets and farriers. As a curious child, Arlyn would always be sure to glean every word that was said. Arlyn continued asking questions and has added horse muscle therapists and horse chiropractors in her quest for knowledge.

She also benefitted from courses she took just a few months prior to her accident in August 1996. Arlyn became certified as a Personal Trainer by the American Council on Exercise (ACE). The ACE training manual includes human anatomy and bio-mechanics. Little did she know then how valuable that education would become later when she intuitively transferred that over to horses.

As Arlyn assessed her situation with an attitude of not letting anything stand in her way she also realized that she could no longer ride at her previous level. She further realized that she could not MAKE a horse do what she wanted. “All of my organizational skills and talent were of no use to me. I needed a new approach and I had to figure out how to direct my horse’s movement.”

She looked for a way to naturally guide the horse’s energy. The answer came in bits and pieces until it evolved into the philosophy that Arlyn has coined Balanced Equine Training Stretch Supple Strengthen (BET–SSS). This philosophy likens the rider to a man in a dancing partnership and the horse to a woman. The rider needs to learn how to lead the horse’s movement, rather than force or demand it, creating a willing partnership. After having been stretched and suppled, the horse wants to dance. The concept of BET is to ride the neck as the counter-balance for the body. The goal is to educate riders to have the tools they need to lead their horses without interfering with their movement. Arlyn’s philosophy is “less is more” and her goal is to have the rider “guide” the horse’s energy so that they are a dancing couple effortlessly maneuvering around the arena. Alfred has always been impressed with Arlyn’s attitude and teaching. “For Arlyn it is always about the horse first. If the horse is properly developed then it will perform better because it is comfortable with itself. I have heard many students tell Arlyn that she has the ability to explain new exercises clearly.”

Understanding the Anatomy Understanding the horse’s anatomy is crucial in training. A horse’s body is extremely complex, and a rider must understand the horse’s musculature in order to know how to supple, stretch, and strengthen each muscle group properly. By training a horse incorrectly, one muscle might unknowingly be developed to inhibit the

Arlyn riding Summer.

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use and movement of another muscle. There are four phases of the musculature: anterior, posterior, medial, and lateral. In understanding these four different areas, a rider can understand how to develop a horse correctly and how the four phases interact with one another to create the whole horse.

The anterior and posterior phases of the musculature refer respectively to the muscles in front and back. These muscles include those along the top and bottom lines of the horse, muscles in the front and back of the legs, and any muscles that work in a swinging motion.

While many riders may have heard or used the expression “riding from back to front” or allowing the horse to move forward from the hind end, few understand how this relates to the horse’s musculature. If a rider does not encourage a horse to work forward from the hind legs or refuses to stretch the anterior and posterior muscles correctly, the horse’s movement and performance will be inhibited and its performance and ability to flex will be limited. This will result in lack of adjustability and possible injury. The medial and lateral phases of the musculature refer respectively to the middle and outside muscles of the horse. These muscles are located on the sides of the horse and are used when the horse is asked to bend or move laterally.

In order to optimize the medial and lateral muscles, a rider must supple them. This can be done through lateral and bending exercises where the horse is asked to open up and breathe. Once the horse’s muscles are supple and relaxed, the horse will be able to more easily complete the rider’s requests. If a rider begins strengthening prematurely, the horse’s range of motion will be severely restricted. This will result in stiffness, resistance to the rider’s aids, and inability to perform.

BET-SSS in Layman’s Terms Arlyn’s Balanced Equine Training Stretch Supple Strengthen or BET-SSS revolves around creating well balanced horses and riders by combining aerobic range of motion exercises with a system that develops all four phases of the musculature. Stretch is the beginning phase when the horse is asked to lengthen its stride in the walk and stretch its neck as long and low as possible making sure the head is not behind the vertical. Once the horse is

Arlyn doing Isometric Stretch.

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comfortably swinging in the walk, they begin to breathe and function aerobically. This aerobic exercise puts less stress on the horse’s muscles, joints, and heart and allows the horse to use itself more completely in a relaxed manner. By allowing the neck and head to stretch down, the horse can lift its back and propel itself forward more correctly from the hind end. Once the horse has experienced the rewards of this phase, they will be asked to repeat these movements in every gait and stage of work. The Stretch phase of SSS helps to relax the horse and prepare for the upcoming phases of Supple and Strengthen.

In the Supple phase the horse is asked to move on a circle. The horse may then be asked to lengthen the outside muscles and shorten the inside muscles or, alternatively, to shorten the outside muscles and lengthen the inside muscles. Other, more complicated suppling exercises involve leg yields or asking the horse to move away from the inside leg and rein. By shaping the horse’s neck and body through these movements, the horse opens up its rib cage. This will allow the horse to breathe more easily. After using the suppling exercises, the horse will be free to stretch and use itself more properly. Strengthen is the final phase and should only be attempted after the other two phases have been completed. Here the object is to build muscle and strength in the horse. This phase can involve riding on varied terrain and work with cavalletti and trot poles. For more advanced exercises, horse and rider can work with gymnastic grids and jumps or the collected, medium, and extended gaits. Each horse’s physical development and mental acuity must be taken into account when developing a Strengthen program.

On The Scene

Now that you are armed with the concept the question remains as to how Arlyn would proceed to use all of this knowledge.

When giving a clinic, she begins with a demonstration and follows that with individual sessions. She has found the best timing is to have a minimum of three days in a row.

Arlyn starts by assessing the situation. “She analyzes the horse and rider as a pair and bases each exercise on their physical and mental abilities,” explains Brittany Bazeley. “Her understanding of anatomy and physical fitness is applied to both horse and rider to stretch, supple and strengthen and no matter what happens throughout the day, it ends on a positive note for everyone.

“She looks at everything from the ground up. She looks at the horse in the stall and the placement of the saddle on the horse’s back among other things,” adds show jumper Holly Scapa.

While watching the horse in motion, Arlyn assesses the horse’s range of motion and rideability. She also takes into consideration the rider’s level. Armed with this information she then works with the rider to educate them on what they can do to help improve these aspects. The next step is to watch the combination. The rider’s imbalances are also corrected so that they do not interfere with the horse’s range of motion. Through various aerobic exercises and the philosophy of Stretch Supple Strengthen, the horse’s musculature can be

Arlyn riding Sun Cal's King.

Insert the caption

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developed to create a more balanced and adjustable horse.

Her Students Speak Her Praises

Few words speak louder than from those who are on the outside looking in and on the inside looking out. The success of Arlyn’s method is repeatedly echoed in the words of her students and clients.

“I observed how Arlyn’s recovery from her injury enhanced her ability to teach and ride horses,” commented Martha Weckel. “After the injury, her ability to ‘feel’ for what the horse needed was that much more amazing. She could no longer ‘make’ the horses do their jobs; rather she had to guide them as their ‘dance partner.’”

Dr. Heather Mack added, “I have learned to be a solid dance partner with my horses whereas before I was mostly just trying to stay out of their way.”

“What I learned is that you have to ride both sides of the horse. What we tend to do is ride whatever direction we are going and you need to ride both sides going both directions,” explained Holly Scapa.

“Arlyn’s extensive knowledge of the anatomy of the horse and rider along with her unique training methods has helped put many struggling horses and riders on the road to successful balanced riding. Aryln doesn’t just teach you how to sit on a horse; she takes the time to teach you how to really ride,” commented Julie Weisz, winner of the 2003 Onondarka Medal Finals.

“Arlyn is deeply committed to improving the physical and mental state of the horse. Her method works,” noted Sally Black, owner of Blackland Farm.

“When horse and rider are both balanced you have a willing partnership. The horse doesn’t need to be forced or manipulated. You have a happy horse,” commented Diana Yeater, owner/trainer.

“Watching Arlyn ride is classical. She doesn’t force; she flows with the horse. She is able to get a horse to soften and collect. She’s like watching poetry. She teaches the horse how to use its body properly,” noted Dino Fretterd, Equine Body Worker.

“You can already walk, trot and canter. You don’t need me to do that. I’m here to help you and your horse do it better,” is how Sally Haddon explained what she heard when Arlyn helped her son, Gatlan.

Miniature Horse owner Susan Hopmans of LaVista Farm added, the fact that this program allows horses to be all they can be and never forces makes my heart soar. It has such a calming and centering effect on the horses. The end result is a relaxed horse that understands and enjoys what is being asked.”

Jumper rider Joie Gatlin’s former stable manager Darren “Dagwood” Roberts is a fan as well. “She has an intuitive knowledge of how their minds and bodies work. She was a huge part of Sun Cal’s King’s many successes.”

Show Jumper Mandy Porter who competed at the 2009 Las Vegas World Cup remarked, “Arlyn considers the wellbeing of the whole horse and the reward is a whole horse.”

Amateur-Owner jumper rider Mia Beckham noted, “Arlyn was the first person that did not try to

Arlyn with Ximite.

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teach me how to win. She taught me how to ride.”

“She has given me the skills to tap into my horse’s physical and emotional potential. They are so content and confident in their bodies and my riding of them,” concluded Dr. Heather Mack.

And there you have it. Aryln has turned tragedy into triumph and our horses thank her. Arlyn now resides in Southern California. For more information about Arlyn, visit her website at www.arlyndecicco.com. Arlyn can be contacted at [email protected] or at (760) 535-3352.

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HEADLINESArlyn DeCicco Turns Tragedy into Triumph If something good can come out of something tragic then for Arlyn DeCicco revelation came after her 1997 fall. That was when she was forced to find another way to work with horses. Instead of using force, she needed to use a soft touch. She no longer had the

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Arlyn DeCicco Turns Tragedy into Triumph By: Newsroom Associate Last Modified: 5/22/2009 11:00:57 AM

From a Traumatic Fall to Balanced Equine Training If something good can come out of something tragic then for Arlyn DeCicco revelation came after her 1997 fall. That was when she was forced to find another way to work with horses. Instead of using force, she needed to use a soft touch. She no longer had the strength or the ability to do anything more aggressive. Fate had solved that problem. Yet, fate was what opened Arlyn's eyes to the fact that there is a kinder and easier way to ride our horses. Arlyn calls her method BET-SSS for Balanced Equine Training Stretch Supple Strengthen. BET combines aerobic range of motion exercises with a system that develops all four phases of the horse's musculature. The end result is the most balanced, relaxed, capable, willing, adjustable and healthy horse possible. A Little about Arlyn Arlyn DeCicco was born on May 2nd, 1954 to William D. and Toby B. Lampie. Despite the fact that she lost her dad from complications after surgery in 1984 and her mom to cancer in 1997, her parents left a strong imprint. Arlyn learned her work ethic, determination and dedication from her parents and often refers to her mother's favorite quote, "you can do anything you want to do as well as any man if not better."

Horses entered Arlyn's life when she was nine years old. "Hennie Bordwin, one of my mother's friends, took me to Pepperell, MA where I got to ride a friend's pony. I was hooked." "After I started riding, my brother Mark began to ride. Eventually, he discovered cars

and marathon running. I kept riding."

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She grew up riding hunters and equitation in Massachusetts with Brian Flynn. She took clinics with Ronnie Mutch and George Morris. Later she trained with Dottie Morkis, Kathy Connelly, Ernst Bachinger and Belinda Nairn. During the 1970s Arlyn added Eventing through the Preliminary level to her list of disciplines. Arlyn's teaching was transformed after she suffered two traumatic accidents. In 1972 Arlyn was thrown from a horse and suffered a back injury. "One week after graduating high school I was bucked off in the morning while competing at a horse show. I continued to ride but later that day fell off again from the pain. I was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance and x-rays showed I broke my back (L3 and L4). I spent the summer in bed staring at the ceiling, which is why I can't ever sit still today. Every moment is important," explained Arlyn. Through her strong determination she survived that ordeal and in 1979 she and her husband Alfred started their first business called Woodlock Farm based in Massachusetts. In the early '90s dressage was added to her riding and in 1995 she had success on a horse name Sedona who she rode to third place in the NEDA High Score Award at Fourth Level. In 1996 she competed in Prix St. Georges. The year 1997 was a turning point in Arlyn's life. She mysteriously fell off a horse when no one was around and was found lying on the ground with what was later diagnosed as a head trauma. "She was unconscious and was medi-flighted to Beth Israel Hospital in Boston," explained her husband. "The left side of her body was compromised as well as her vision - eyes not in sync as I looked at her - double vision. After undergoing a battery of tests the doctors could find no reason for the fall. Arlyn doesn't remember the horse bucking and prints in the arena, which had just been dragged, suggested she must have passed out and fallen off." Being a strong and independent woman, Arlyn convinced the doctors to let her come home just three days later. "Unfortunately, I couldn't get her up the next morning and had to take her back in for two more days of observation," continued Alfred. "They still could not find anything and the doctors said there was nothing they could do. "She would sleep a lot, but would then wake up in the morning. She lacked taste, except for Starbuck's Java Chip ice cream which was her staple. The head trauma had compromised her left leg and hand. Before she got back on a horse, which was about six weeks from the fall, she regained enough use of her left leg and arm to drive herself to cranial-sacral therapy and physical pool therapy. She wasn't able to keep her left fingers closed to ride so she devised a system where she tied reins to our treadmill and performed her own physical therapy."

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While Alfred worried "my attitude was that she would get better. She had her mother's determination." One Determined Lady Figures Out a Way to Go On "My goal was to continue to ride," commented Arlyn emphatically. "Thus I began my quest to obtain knowledge about the body starting with my treating physicians." Arlyn already had some knowledge because her mom was a registered nurse who was always asking questions of trainers, vets and farriers. As a curious child, Arlyn would always be sure to glean every word that was said. Arlyn continued asking questions and has added horse muscle therapists and horse chiropractors in her quest for knowledge. She also benefited from courses she took just a few months prior to her accident in August 1996. Arlyn became certified as a Personal Trainer by the American Council on Exercise (ACE). The ACE training manual includes human anatomy and bio-mechanics. Little did she know then how valuable that education would become later when she intuitively transferred that over to horses. As Arlyn assessed her situation with an attitude of not letting anything stand in her way she also realized that she could no longer ride at her previous level. She further realized that she could not MAKE a horse do what she wanted. "All of my organizational skills

and talent were of no use to me. I needed a new approach and I had to figure out how to direct my horse's movement." She looked for a way to naturally guide the horse's energy. The answer came in bits and pieces until it evolved into the philosophy that Arlyn has coined Balanced Equine

Training Stretch Supple Strengthen (BET-SSS). This philosophy likens the rider to a man in a dancing partnership and the horse to a woman. The rider needs to learn how to lead the horse's movement, rather than force or demand it, creating a willing partnership. After having been stretched and suppled, the horse wants to dance. The concept of BET is to ride the neck as the counter-balance for the body. The goal is to educate riders to have the tools they need to lead their horses without interfering with their movement. Arlyn's philosophy is "less is more" and her goal is to have the rider "guide" the horse's energy so that they are a dancing couple effortlessly maneuvering around the arena. Alfred has always been impressed with Arlyn's attitude and teaching. "For Arlyn it is always about the horse first. If the horse is properly developed then it will perform better because it is comfortable with itself. I have heard many students tell Arlyn that she has the ability to explain new exercises clearly." Understanding the Anatomy Understanding the horse's anatomy is crucial in training. A horse's body is extremely complex, and a rider must understand the horse's musculature in order to know how to supple, stretch, and strengthen each muscle group properly. By training a horse incorrectly, one muscle might unknowingly be developed to inhibit the use and movement of another muscle. There are four phases of the musculature: anterior, posterior, medial, and lateral. In understanding these four different areas, a rider can

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understand how to develop a horse correctly and how the four phases interact with one another to create the whole horse. The anterior and posterior phases of the musculature refer respectively to the muscles in front and back. These muscles include those along the top and bottom lines of the horse, muscles in the front and back of the legs, and any muscles that work in a swinging motion. While many riders may have heard or used the expression "riding from back to front" or allowing the horse to move forward from the hind end, few understand how this relates to the horse's musculature. If a rider does not encourage a horse to work forward from the hind legs or refuses to stretch the anterior and posterior muscles correctly, the horse's movement and performance will be inhibited and its performance and ability to flex will be limited. This will result in lack of adjustability and possible injury. The medial and lateral phases of the musculature refer respectively to the middle and outside muscles of the horse. These muscles are located on the sides of the horse and are used when the horse is asked to bend or move laterally. In order to optimize the medial and lateral muscles, a rider must supple them. This can be done through lateral and bending exercises where the horse is asked to open up and breathe. Once the horse's muscles are supple and relaxed, the horse will be able to more easily complete the rider's requests. If a rider begins strengthening prematurely, the horse's range of motion will be severely restricted. This will result in stiffness, resistance to the rider's aids, and inability to perform. BET-SSS in Layman's Terms Arlyn's Balanced Equine Training Stretch Supple Strengthen or BET-SSS revolves around creating well balanced horses and riders by combining aerobic range of motion exercises with a system that develops all four phases of the musculature. Stretch is the beginning phase when the horse is asked to lengthen its stride in the walk and stretch its neck as long and low as possible making sure the head is not behind the vertical. Once the horse is comfortably swinging in the walk, they begin to breathe and function aerobically. This aerobic exercise puts less stress on the horse's

muscles, joints, and heart and allows the horse to use itself more completely in a relaxed manner. By allowing the neck and head to stretch down, the horse can lift its back and propel itself forward more correctly from the hind end. Once the horse has experienced the rewards of this phase, they will

be asked to repeat these movements in every gait and stage of work. The Stretch phase of SSS helps to relax the horse and prepare for the upcoming phases of Supple and Strengthen.

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In the Supple phase the horse is asked to move on a circle. The horse may then be asked to lengthen the outside muscles and shorten the inside muscles or, alternatively, to shorten the outside muscles and lengthen the inside muscles. Other, more complicated suppling exercises involve leg yields or asking the horse to move away from the inside leg and rein. By shaping the horse's neck and body through these movements, the horse opens up its rib cage. This will allow the horse to breathe more easily. After using the suppling exercises, the horse will be free to stretch and use itself more properly. Strengthen is the final phase and should only be attempted after the other two phases have been completed. Here the object is to build muscle and strength in the horse. This phase can involve riding on varied terrain and work with cavalletti and trot poles. For more advanced exercises, horse and rider can work with gymnastic grids and jumps or the collected, medium, and extended gaits. Each horse's physical development and mental acuity must be taken into account when developing a Strengthen program. On the Scene Now that you are armed with the concept the question remains as to how Arlyn would proceed to use all of this knowledge. When giving a clinic, she begins with a demonstration and follows that with individual sessions. She has found the best timing is to have a minimum of three days in a row. Arlyn starts by assessing the situation. "She analyzes the horse and rider as a pair and bases each exercise on their physical and mental abilities," explains Brittany Bazeley. "Her understanding of anatomy and physical fitness is applied to both horse and rider to stretch, supple and strengthen and no matter what happens throughout the day, it ends on a positive note for everyone. "She looks at everything from the ground up. She looks at the horse in the stall and the placement of the saddle on the horse's back among other things," adds show jumper Holly Scapa. While watching the horse in motion, Arlyn assesses the horse's range of motion and rideability. She also takes into consideration the rider's level. Armed with this information she then works with the rider to educate them on what they can do to help improve these aspects. The next step is to watch the combination. The rider's imbalances are also corrected so that they do not interfere with the horse's range of motion. Through various aerobic exercises and the philosophy of Stretch Supple Strengthen, the horse's musculature can be developed to create a more balanced and adjustable horse. Her Students Speak Her Praises Few words speak louder than from those who are on the outside looking in and on the inside looking out. The success of Arlyn's method is repeatedly echoed in the words of her students and clients. "I observed how Arlyn's recovery from her injury enhanced her ability to teach and ride horses," commented Martha Weckel. "After the injury, her ability to 'feel' for what the horse needed was that much more amazing. She could no longer 'make' the horses do their jobs; rather she had to guide them as their 'dance partner.'"

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Dr. Heather Mack added, "I have learned to be a solid dance partner with my horses whereas before I was mostly just trying to stay out of their way."

"What I learned is that you have to ride both sides of the horse. What we tend to do is ride whatever direction we are going and you need to ride both sides

going both directions," explained Holly Scapa. "Arlyn's extensive knowledge of the anatomy of the horse and rider along with her unique training methods has helped put many struggling horses and riders on the road to successful balanced riding. Aryln doesn't just teach you how to sit on a horse; she takes the time to teach you how to really ride," commented Julie Weisz, winner of the 2003 Onondarka Medal Finals. "Arlyn is deeply committed to improving the physical and mental state of the horse. Her method works," noted Sally Black, owner of Blackland Farm. "When horse and rider are both balanced you have a willing partnership. The horse doesn't need to be forced or manipulated. You have a happy horse," commented Diana Yeater, owner/trainer. "Watching Arlyn ride is classical. She doesn't force; she flows with the horse. She is able to get a horse to soften and collect. She's like watching poetry. She teaches the horse how to use its body properly," noted Dino Fretterd, Equine Body Worker. "You can already walk, trot and canter. You don't need me to do that. I'm here to help you and your horse do it better," is how Sally Haddon explained what she heard when Arlyn helped her son, Gatlan. Miniature Horse owner Susan Hopmans of LaVista Farm added, the fact that this program allows horses to be all they can be and never forces makes my heart soar. It has such a calming and centering effect on the horses. The end result is a relaxed horse that understands and enjoys what is being asked." Jumper rider Joie Gatlin's former stable manager Darren "Dagwood" Roberts is a fan as well. "She has an intuitive knowledge of how their minds and bodies work. She was a huge part of Sun Cal's King's many successes." Show Jumper Mandy Porter who competed at the 2009 Las Vegas World Cup remarked, "Arlyn considers the wellbeing of the whole horse and the reward is a whole horse." Amateur-Owner jumper rider Mia Beckham noted, "Arlyn was the first person that did not try to teach me how to win. She taught me how to ride." "She has given me the skills to tap into my horse's physical and emotional potential. They are so content and confident in their bodies and my riding of them," concluded Dr. Heather Mack.

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And there you have it. Aryln has turned tragedy into triumph and our horses thank her. Arlyn now resides in Southern California. For more information about Arlyn, visit her website at www.arlyndecicco.com. Arlyn can be contacted at [email protected] or at (760) 535-3352.

Newsroom Associate Staff Writer [email protected]

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Arlyn DeCicco Turns Tragedy into TriumpJune 17, 2009

From A Traumatic Fall to Balanced Equine Training

If something good can come out of something tragic then for Arlyn DeCicco revelation came after her 1997 fall. That was when she was forced to find another way to work with horses. Instead of using force, she needed to use a soft touch. She no longer had the strength or the ability to do anything more aggressive. Fate had solved that problem.

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Yet, fate was what opened Arlyn’s eyes to the fact that there is a kinder and easier way to ride our horses. Arlyn calls her method BET-SSS for Balanced Equine Training Stretch Supple Strengthen. BET combines aerobic range of motion exercises with a system that develops all four phases of the horse’s musculature. The end result is the most balanced, relaxed, capable, willing, adjustable and healthy horse possible.

A Little About Arlyn Arlyn DeCicco was born on May 2nd, 1954 to William D. and Toby B. Lampie. Despite the fact that she lost her dad from complications after surgery in 1984 and her mom to cancer in 1997, her parents left a strong imprint.

Arlyn learned her work ethic, determination and dedication from her parents and often refers to her mother’s favorite quote, “you can do anything you want to do as well as any man if not better.” Horses entered Arlyn’s life when she was nine years old. “Hennie Bordwin, one of my mother’s friends, took me to Pepperell, MA where I got to ride a friend’s pony. I was hooked.”

“After I started riding, my brother Mark began to ride. Eventually, he discovered cars and marathon running. I kept riding.”

She grew up riding hunters and equitation in Massachusetts with Brian Flynn. She took clinics with Ronnie Mutch and George Morris. Later she trained with Dottie Morkis, Kathy Connelly, Ernst Bachinger and Belinda Nairn.

During the 1970s Arlyn added Eventing through the Preliminary level to her list of disciplines.

Arlyn’s teaching was transformed after she suffered two traumatic accidents. In 1972 Arlyn was thrown from a horse and suffered a back injury.

“One week after graduating high school I was bucked off in the morning while competing at a horse show. I continued to ride but later that day fell off again from the pain. I was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance and x-rays showed I broke my back (L3 and L4). I spent the summer in bed staring at the ceiling, which is why I can’t ever sit still today. Every moment is important,” explained Arlyn.

Through her strong determination she survived that ordeal and in 1979 she and her husband Alfred started their first business called Woodlock Farm based in Massachusetts.

In the early 90s dressage was added to her riding and in 1995 she had success on a horse name Sedona who she rode to third place in the NEDA High Score Award at Fourth Level. In 1996 she competed in Prix St. Georges.

The year 1997 was a turning point in Arlyn’s life. She mysteriously fell off a horse when no one was around and was found lying on the ground with what was later diagnosed as a head trauma.

“She was unconscious and was medi-flighted to Beth Israel Hospital in Boston,” explained her husband. “The left side of her body was compromised as well as her vision - eyes not in sync as I looked at her - double vision. After undergoing a battery of tests the doctors could find no reason for the fall. Arlyn doesn’t remember the horse bucking and prints in the arena, which had just been dragged, suggested she must have passed out and fallen off.”

Being a strong and independent woman, Arlyn convinced the doctors to let her come home just three days later. “Unfortunately, I couldn’t get her up the next morning and had to take her back in for two more days of observation,” continued Alfred. “They still could not find anything and the doctors said there was nothing they could do.

“She would sleep a lot, but would then wake up in the morning. She lacked taste, except for Starbuck’s Java Chip ice cream which was her staple. The head trauma had compromised her left leg and hand. Before she got back on a horse, which was about six weeks from the fall, she regained enough use of her left leg and arm to drive herself to cranial-sacral therapy and physical pool therapy. She wasn’t able to keep her left fingers closed to ride so she devised a system where she tied reins to our treadmill and performed her own physical therapy.”

While Alfred worried “my attitude was that she would get better. She had her mother’s determination.”

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One Determined Lady Figures Out A Way to Go On

“My goal was to continue to ride,” commented Arlyn emphatically. “Thus I began my quest to obtain knowledge about the body starting with my treating physicians.”

Arlyn already had some knowledge because her mom was a registered nurse who was always asking questions of trainers, vets and farriers. As a curious child, Arlyn would always be sure to glean every word that was said. Arlyn continued asking questions and has added horse muscle therapists and horse chiropractors in her quest for knowledge.

She also benefitted from courses she took just a few months prior to her accident in August 1996. Arlyn became certified as a Personal Trainer by the American Council on Exercise (ACE). The ACE training manual includes human anatomy and bio-mechanics. Little did she know then how valuable that education would become later when she intuitively transferred that over to horses.

As Arlyn assessed her situation with an attitude of not letting anything stand in her way she also realized that she could no longer ride at her previous level. She further realized that she could not MAKE a horse do what she wanted. “All of my organizational skills and talent were of no use to me. I needed a new approach and I had to figure out how to direct my horse’s movement.”

She looked for a way to naturally guide the horse’s energy. The answer came in bits and pieces until it evolved into the philosophy that Arlyn has coined Balanced Equine Training Stretch Supple Strengthen (BET–SSS). This philosophy likens the rider to a man in a dancing partnership and the horse to a woman. The rider needs to learn how to lead the horse’s movement, rather than force or demand it, creating a willing partnership. After having been stretched and suppled, the horse wants to dance.

The concept of BET is to ride the neck as the counter-balance for the body. The goal is to educate riders to have the tools they need to lead their horses without interfering with their movement.

Arlyn’s philosophy is “less is more” and her goal is to have the rider “guide” the horse’s energy so that they are a dancing couple effortlessly maneuvering around the arena. Alfred has always been impressed with Arlyn’s attitude and teaching. “For Arlyn it is always about the horse first. If the horse is properly developed then it will perform better because it is comfortable with itself. I have heard many students tell Arlyn that she has the ability to explain new exercises clearly.”

Understanding the Anatomy Understanding the horse’s anatomy is crucial in training. A horse’s body is extremely complex, and a rider must understand the horse’s musculature in order to know how to supple, stretch, and strengthen each muscle group properly. By training a horse incorrectly, one muscle might unknowingly be developed to inhibit the use and movement of another muscle.

There are four phases of the musculature: anterior, posterior, medial, and lateral. In understanding these four different areas, a rider can understand how to develop a horse correctly and how the four phases interact with one another to create the whole horse.

The anterior and posterior phases of the musculature refer respectively to the muscles in front and back. These muscles include those along the top and bottom lines of the horse, muscles in the front and back of the legs, and any muscles that work in a swinging motion.

While many riders may have heard or used the expression “riding from back to front” or allowing the horse to move forward from the hind end, few understand how this relates to the horse’s musculature. If a rider does not encourage a horse to work forward from the hind legs or refuses to stretch the anterior and posterior muscles correctly, the

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horse’s movement and performance will be inhibited and its performance and ability to flex will be limited. This will result in lack of adjustability and possible injury.

The medial and lateral phases of the musculature refer respectively to the middle and outside muscles of the horse. These muscles are located on the sides of the horse and are used when the horse is asked to bend or move laterally.

In order to optimize the medial and lateral muscles, a rider must supple them. This can be done through lateral and bending exercises where the horse is asked to open up and breathe. Once the horse’s muscles are supple and relaxed, the horse will be able to more easily complete the rider’s requests. If a rider begins strengthening prematurely, the horse’s range of motion will be severely restricted. This will result in stiffness, resistance to the rider’s aids, and inability to perform.

BET-SSS in Layman’s Terms Arlyn’s Balanced Equine Training Stretch Supple Strengthen or BET-SSS revolves around creating well balanced horses and riders by combining aerobic range of motion exercises with a system that develops all four phases of the musculature.

Stretch is the beginning phase when the horse is asked to lengthen its stride in the walk and stretch its neck as long and low as possible making sure the head is not behind the vertical. Once the horse is comfortably swinging in the walk, they begin to breathe and function aerobically. This aerobic exercise puts less stress on the horse’s muscles, joints, and heart and allows the horse to use itself more completely in a relaxed manner. By allowing the neck and head to stretch down, the horse can lift its back and propel itself forward more correctly from the hind end. Once the horse has experienced the rewards of this phase, they will be asked to repeat these movements in every gait and stage of work. The Stretch phase of SSS helps to relax the horse and prepare for the upcoming phases of Supple and Strengthen.

In the Supple phase the horse is asked to move on a circle. The horse may then be asked to lengthen the outside muscles and shorten the inside muscles or, alternatively, to shorten the outside muscles and lengthen the inside muscles. Other, more complicated suppling exercises involve leg yields or asking the horse to move away from the inside leg and rein. By shaping the horse’s neck and body through these movements, the horse opens up its rib cage. This will allow the horse to breathe more easily. After using the suppling exercises, the horse will be free to stretch and use itself more properly.

Strengthen is the final phase and should only be attempted after the other two phases have been completed. Here the object is to build muscle and strength in the horse. This phase can involve riding on varied terrain and work with cavalletti and trot poles. For more advanced exercises, horse and rider can work with gymnastic grids and jumps or the collected, medium, and extended gaits. Each horse’s physical development and mental acuity must be taken into account when developing a Strengthen program.

On The Scene Now that you are armed with the concept the question remains as to how Arlyn would proceed to use all of this knowledge.

When giving a clinic, she begins with a demonstration and follows that with individual sessions. She has found the best timing is to have a minimum of three days in a row.

Arlyn starts by assessing the situation. “She analyzes the horse and rider as a pair and bases each exercise on their physical and mental abilities,” explains Brittany Bazeley. “Her understanding of anatomy and physical fitness is applied to both horse and rider to stretch, supple and strengthen and no matter what happens throughout the day, it ends on a positive note for everyone.

“She looks at everything from the ground up. She looks at the horse in the stall and the placement of the saddle on the horse’s back among other things,” adds show jumper Holly Scapa.

While watching the horse in motion, Arlyn assesses the horse’s range of motion and rideability. She also takes into consideration the rider’s level. Armed with this information she then works with the rider to educate them on what they can do to help improve these aspects. The next step is to watch the combination. The rider’s imbalances are

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also corrected so that they do not interfere with the horse’s range of motion. Through various aerobic exercises and the philosophy of Stretch Supple Strengthen, the horse’s musculature can be developed to create a more balanced and adjustable horse.

Her Students Speak Her Praises Few words speak louder than from those who are on the outside looking in and on the inside looking out. The success of Arlyn’s method is repeatedly echoed in the words of her students and clients.

“I observed how Arlyn’s recovery from her injury enhanced her ability to teach and ride horses,” commented Martha Weckel. “After the injury, her ability to ‘feel’ for what the horse needed was that much more amazing. She could no longer ‘make’ the horses do their jobs; rather she had to guide them as their ‘dance partner.’”

Dr. Heather Mack added, “I have learned to be a solid dance partner with my horses whereas before I was mostly just trying to stay out of their way.”

“What I learned is that you have to ride both sides of the horse. What we tend to do is ride whatever direction we are going and you need to ride both sides going both directions,” explained Holly Scapa.

“Arlyn’s extensive knowledge of the anatomy of the horse and rider along with her unique training methods has helped put many struggling horses and riders on the road to successful balanced riding. Aryln doesn’t just teach you how to sit on a horse; she takes the time to teach you how to really ride,” commented Julie Weisz, winner of the 2003 Onondarka Medal Finals.

“Arlyn is deeply committed to improving the physical and mental state of the horse. Her method works,” noted Sally Black, owner of Blackland Farm.

“When horse and rider are both balanced you have a willing partnership. The horse doesn’t need to be forced or manipulated. You have a happy horse,” commented Diana Yeater, owner/trainer.

“Watching Arlyn ride is classical. She doesn’t force; she flows with the horse. She is able to get a horse to soften and collect. She’s like watching poetry. She teaches the horse how to use its body properly,” noted Dino Fretterd, Equine Body Worker.

“You can already walk, trot and canter. You don’t need me to do that. I’m here to help you and your horse do it better,” is how Sally Haddon explained what she heard when Arlyn helped her son, Gatlan.

Miniature Horse owner Susan Hopmans of LaVista Farm added, the fact that this program allows horses to be all they can be and never forces makes my heart soar. It has such a calming and centering effect on the horses. The end result is a relaxed horse that understands and enjoys what is being asked.”

Jumper rider Joie Gatlin’s former stable manager Darren “Dagwood” Roberts is a fan as well. “She has an intuitive knowledge of how their minds and bodies work. She was a huge part of Sun Cal’s King’s many successes.”

Show Jumper Mandy Porter who competed at the 2009 Las Vegas World Cup remarked, “Arlyn considers the wellbeing of the whole horse and the reward is a whole horse.”

Amateur-Owner jumper rider Mia Beckham noted, “Arlyn was the first person that did not try to teach me how to win. She taught me how to ride.”

“She has given me the skills to tap into my horse’s physical and emotional potential. They are so content and confident in their bodies and my riding of them,” concluded Dr. Heather Mack.

And there you have it. Aryln has turned tragedy into triumph and our horses thank her.

Arlyn now resides in Southern California. For more information about Arlyn, visit her website at www.arlyndecicco.com. Arlyn can be contacted at [email protected] or at (760) 535-3352.

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Arlyn DeCicco Turns Tragedy into Triumph From A Traumatic Fall to Balanced Equine Training

If something good can come out of something tragic then for

Arlyn DeCicco revelation came after her 1997 fall. That was

when she was forced to find another way to work with

horses. Instead of using force, she needed to use a soft

touch. She no longer had the strength or the ability to do

anything more aggressive. Fate had solved that problem.

Yet, fate was what opened Arlyn’s eyes to the fact that there is

a kinder and easier way to ride our horses. Arlyn calls her

method BET-SSS for Balanced Equine Training Stretch Supple

Strengthen. BET combines aerobic range of motion exercises

with a system that develops all four phases of the horse’s

musculature. The end result is the most balanced, relaxed,

capable, willing, adjustable and healthy horse possible.

A Little About Arlyn

Arlyn DeCicco was born on May 2nd, 1954 to William D. and

Toby B. Lampie. Despite the fact that she lost her dad from

complications after surgery in 1984 and her mom to cancer in

1997, her parents left a strong imprint.

Arlyn learned her work ethic, determination and dedication

from her parents and often refers to her mother’s favorite

quote, "you can do anything you want to do as well as any man


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if not better."

Horses entered Arlyn’s life when she was nine years

old. “Hennie Bordwin, one of my mother's friends, took me to

Pepperell, MA where I got to ride a friend’s pony. I was


“After I started riding, my brother Mark began to ride.

Eventually, he discovered cars and marathon running. I kept


She grew up riding hunters and equitation in Massachusetts

with Brian Flynn. She took clinics with Ronnie Mutch and

George Morris. Later she trained with Dottie Morkis, Kathy

Connelly, Ernst Bachinger and Belinda Nairn.

During the 1970s Arlyn added Eventing through the

Preliminary level to her list of disciplines.

Arlyn’s teaching was transformed after she suffered two

traumatic accidents. In 1972 Arlyn was thrown from a horse

and suffered a back injury.

“One week after graduating high school I was bucked off in the

morning while competing at a horse show. I continued to ride

but later that day fell off again from the pain. I was rushed to

the hospital in an ambulance and x-rays showed I broke my

back (L3 and L4). I spent the summer in bed staring at the

ceiling, which is why I can't ever sit still today. Every moment

is important,” explained Arlyn.

Through her strong determination she survived that ordeal

and in 1979 she and her husband Alfred started their first

business called Woodlock Farm based in Massachusetts.

In the early 90s dressage was added to her riding and in 1995

she had success on a horse name Sedona who she rode to third

place in the NEDA High Score Award at Fourth Level. In 1996

she competed in Prix St. Georges.

The year 1997 was a turning point in Arlyn’s life. She

mysteriously fell off a horse when no one was around and was

found lying on the ground with what was later diagnosed as a

head trauma.

State Ride - Friday, May 22, 2009

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Harder Memorial Open Horse Show - Monday, May 25, 2009

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“She was unconscious and was medi-flighted to Beth Israel

Hospital in Boston,” explained her husband. “The left side of

her body was compromised as well as her vision - eyes not in

sync as I looked at her - double vision. After undergoing a

battery of tests the doctors could find no reason for the

fall. Arlyn doesn't remember the horse bucking and prints in

the arena, which had just been dragged, suggested she must

have passed out and fallen off.”

Being a strong and independent woman, Arlyn convinced the

doctors to let her come home just three days

later. “Unfortunately, I couldn't get her up the next morning

and had to take her back in for two more days of observation,”

continued Alfred. “They still could not find anything and the

doctors said there was nothing they could do.

“She would sleep a lot, but would then wake up in the

morning. She lacked taste, except for Starbuck's Java Chip ice

cream which was her staple. The head trauma had

compromised her left leg and hand. Before she got back on a

horse, which was about six weeks from the fall, she regained

enough use of her left leg and arm to drive herself to cranial-

sacral therapy and physical pool therapy. She wasn't able to

keep her left fingers closed to ride so she devised a system

where she tied reins to our treadmill and performed her own

physical therapy.”

While Alfred worried “my attitude was that she would get

better. She had her mother's determination.”

One Determined Lady Figures Out A Way to Go On

“My goal was to continue to ride,” commented Arlyn

emphatically. “Thus I began my quest to obtain knowledge

about the body starting with my treating physicians.”

Arlyn already had some knowledge because her mom was a

registered nurse who was always asking questions of trainers,

vets and farriers. As a curious child, Arlyn would always be

sure to glean every word that was said. Arlyn continued asking

questions and has added horse muscle therapists and horse

Reviews Reviews ( 3 )

Profile Reviews

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chiropractors in her quest for knowledge.

She also benefitted from courses she took just a few months

prior to her accident in August 1996. Arlyn became certified as

a Personal Trainer by the American Council on Exercise

(ACE). The ACE training manual includes human anatomy

and bio-mechanics. Little did she know then how valuable

that education would become later when she intuitively

transferred that over to horses.

As Arlyn assessed her situation with an attitude of not letting

anything stand in her way she also realized that she could no

longer ride at her previous level. She further realized that she

could not MAKE a horse do what she wanted. “All of my

organizational skills and talent were of no use to me. I needed

a new approach and I had to figure out how to direct my

horse’s movement.”

She looked for a way to naturally guide the horse’s energy. The

answer came in bits and pieces until it evolved into the

philosophy that Arlyn has coined Balanced Equine Training

Stretch Supple Strengthen (BET–SSS). This philosophy likens

the rider to a man in a dancing partnership and the horse to a

woman. The rider needs to learn how to lead the horse’s

movement, rather than force or demand it, creating a willing

partnership. After having been stretched and suppled, the

horse wants to dance.

The concept of BET is to ride the neck as the counter-balance

for the body. The goal is to educate riders to have the tools

they need to lead their horses without interfering with their

movement. Arlyn’s philosophy is “less is more” and her goal is

to have the rider “guide” the horse’s energy so that they are a

dancing couple effortlessly maneuvering around the arena.

Alfred has always been impressed with Arlyn’s attitude and

teaching. “For Arlyn it is always about the horse first. If the

horse is properly developed then it will perform better because

it is comfortable with itself. I have heard many students tell

Arlyn that she has the ability to explain new exercises clearly.”

Understanding the Anatomy

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Page 57: Arlyn DeCicco Media Report

Understanding the horse’s anatomy is crucial in training. A

horse’s body is extremely complex, and a rider must

understand the horse’s musculature in order to know how to

supple, stretch, and strengthen each muscle group properly.

By training a horse incorrectly, one muscle might unknowingly

be developed to inhibit the use and movement of another


There are four phases of the musculature: anterior, posterior,

medial, and lateral. In understanding these four different

areas, a rider can understand how to develop a horse correctly

and how the four phases interact with one another to create

the whole horse.

The anterior and posterior phases of the musculature refer

respectively to the muscles in front and back. These muscles

include those along the top and bottom lines of the horse,

muscles in the front and back of the legs, and any muscles that

work in a swinging motion.

While many riders may have heard or used the

expression “riding from back to front” or allowing the horse to

move forward from the hind end, few understand how this

relates to the horse’s musculature. If a rider does not

encourage a horse to work forward from the hind legs or

refuses to stretch the anterior and posterior muscles correctly,

the horse’s movement and performance will be inhibited and

its performance and ability to flex will be limited. This will

result in lack of adjustability and possible injury.

The medial and lateral phases of the musculature refer

respectively to the middle and outside muscles of the horse.

These muscles are located on the sides of the horse and are

used when the horse is asked to bend or move laterally.

In order to optimize the medial and lateral muscles, a rider

must supple them. This can be done through lateral and

bending exercises where the horse is asked to open up and

breathe. Once the horse’s muscles are supple and relaxed, the

horse will be able to more easily complete the rider’s requests.

If a rider begins strengthening prematurely, the horse’s range

of motion will be severely restricted. This will result in

stiffness, resistance to the rider’s aids, and inability to perform.

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BET-SSS in Layman’s Terms

Arlyn’s Balanced Equine Training Stretch Supple Strengthen

or BET-SSS revolves around creating well balanced horses and

riders by combining aerobic range of motion exercises with a

system that develops all four phases of the musculature.

Stretch is the beginning phase when the horse is asked to

lengthen its stride in the walk and stretch its neck as long and

low as possible making sure the head is not behind the vertical.

Once the horse is comfortably swinging in the walk, they begin

to breathe and function aerobically. This aerobic exercise puts

less stress on the horse’s muscles, joints, and heart and allows

the horse to use itself more completely in a relaxed manner. By

allowing the neck and head to stretch down, the horse can lift

its back and propel itself forward more correctly from the hind

end. Once the horse has experienced the rewards of this phase,

they will be asked to repeat these movements in every gait and

stage of work. The Stretch phase of SSS helps to relax the

horse and prepare for the upcoming phases of Supple and


In the Supple phase the horse is asked to move on a circle. The

horse may then be asked to lengthen the outside muscles and

shorten the inside muscles or, alternatively, to shorten the

outside muscles and lengthen the inside muscles. Other, more

complicated suppling exercises involve leg yields or asking the

horse to move away from the inside leg and rein. By shaping

the horse’s neck and body through these movements, the horse

opens up its rib cage. This will allow the horse to breathe more

easily. After using the suppling exercises, the horse will be free

to stretch and use itself more properly.

Strengthen is the final phase and should only be attempted

after the other two phases have been completed. Here the

object is to build muscle and strength in the horse. This phase

can involve riding on varied terrain and work with cavalletti

and trot poles. For more advanced exercises, horse and rider

can work with gymnastic grids and jumps or the collected,

medium, and extended gaits. Each horse’s physical

development and mental acuity must be taken into account

Page 6 of 11Northwest Horse Source News: Arlyn DeCicco Turns Tragedy into Triumph


Page 59: Arlyn DeCicco Media Report

when developing a Strengthen program.

On The Scene

Now that you are armed with the concept the question remains

as to how Arlyn would proceed to use all of this knowledge.

When giving a clinic, she begins with a demonstration and

follows that with individual sessions. She has found the best

timing is to have a minimum of three days in a row.

Arlyn starts by assessing the situation. “She analyzes the horse

and rider as a pair and bases each exercise on their physical

and mental abilities,” explains Brittany Bazeley. “Her

understanding of anatomy and physical fitness is applied to

both horse and rider to stretch, supple and strengthen and no

matter what happens throughout the day, it ends on a positive

note for everyone.

“She looks at everything from the ground up. She looks at the

horse in the stall and the placement of the saddle on the

horse’s back among other things,” adds show jumper Holly


While watching the horse in motion, Arlyn assesses the horse’s

range of motion and rideability. She also takes into

consideration the rider’s level. Armed with this information

she then works with the rider to educate them on what they

can do to help improve these aspects. The next step is to watch

the combination. The rider’s imbalances are also corrected so

that they do not interfere with the horse’s range of

motion. Through various aerobic exercises and the philosophy

of Stretch Supple Strengthen, the horse’s musculature can be

developed to create a more balanced and adjustable horse.

Her Students Speak Her Praises

Few words speak louder than from those who are on the

outside looking in and on the inside looking out. The success

of Arlyn’s method is repeatedly echoed in the words of her

students and clients.

“I observed how Arlyn’s recovery from her injury enhanced her

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Page 60: Arlyn DeCicco Media Report

ability to teach and ride horses,” commented Martha

Weckel. “After the injury, her ability to ‘feel’ for what the

horse needed was that much more amazing. She could no

longer ‘make’ the horses do their jobs; rather she had to guide

them as their ‘dance partner.’”

Dr. Heather Mack added, “I have learned to be a solid dance

partner with my horses whereas before I was mostly just trying

to stay out of their way.”

“What I learned is that you have to ride both sides of the

horse. What we tend to do is ride whatever direction we are

going and you need to ride both sides going both directions,”

explained Holly Scapa.

“Arlyn’s extensive knowledge of the anatomy of the horse and

rider along with her unique training methods has helped put

many struggling horses and riders on the road to successful

balanced riding. Aryln doesn’t just teach you how to sit on a

horse; she takes the time to teach you how to really ride,”

commented Julie Weisz, winner of the 2003 Onondarka Medal


“Arlyn is deeply committed to improving the physical and

mental state of the horse. Her method works,” noted Sally

Black, owner of Blackland Farm.

“When horse and rider are both balanced you have a willing

partnership. The horse doesn’t need to be forced or

manipulated. You have a happy horse,” commented Diana

Yeater, owner/trainer.

“Watching Arlyn ride is classical. She doesn’t force; she flows

with the horse. She is able to get a horse to soften and

collect. She’s like watching poetry. She teaches the horse how

to use its body properly,” noted Dino Fretterd, Equine Body


“You can already walk, trot and canter. You don’t need me to

do that. I’m here to help you and your horse do it better,” is

how Sally Haddon explained what she heard when Arlyn

helped her son, Gatlan.

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Miniature Horse owner Susan Hopmans of LaVista Farm

added, the fact that this program allows horses to be all they

can be and never forces makes my heart soar. It has such a

calming and centering effect on the horses. The end result is a

relaxed horse that understands and enjoys what is being


Jumper rider Joie Gatlin’s former stable manager

Darren “Dagwood” Roberts is a fan as well. “She has an

intuitive knowledge of how their minds and bodies work. She

was a huge part of Sun Cal’s King’s many successes.”

Show Jumper Mandy Porter who competed at the 2009 Las

Vegas World Cup remarked, “Arlyn considers the wellbeing of

the whole horse and the reward is a whole horse.”

Amateur-Owner jumper rider Mia Beckham noted, “Arlyn was

the first person that did not try to teach me how to win. She

taught me how to ride.”

“She has given me the skills to tap into my horse’s physical and

emotional potential. They are so content and confident in

their bodies and my riding of them,” concluded Dr. Heather


And there you have it. Aryln has turned tragedy into triumph

and our horses thank her.

Arlyn now resides in Southern California. For more

information about Arlyn, visit her website at

www.arlyndecicco.com. Arlyn can be contacted at

[email protected] or at (760) 535-3352.


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Arlyn DeCicco Turns Tragedy Into Triumph

A Little About Arlyn

Arlyn DeCicco was born on May 2nd, 1954 to William D. and Toby B. Lampie. Despite the fact that she lost her dad from complications after surgery in 1984 and her mom to cancer in 1997, her parents left a strong imprint.

Arlyn learned her work ethic, determination and dedication from her parents and often refers to her mother's favorite quote, "you can do anything you want to do as well as any man if not better." Horses entered Arlyn's life when she was nine years old. "Hennie Bordwin, one of my mother's friends, took me to Pepperell, MA where I got to ride a friend's pony. I was hooked."

"After I started riding, my brother Mark began to ride. Eventually, he discovered cars and marathon running. I kept riding."

She grew up riding hunters and equitation in Massachusetts with Brian Flynn. She took clinics with Ronnie Mutch and George Morris. Later she trained with Dottie Morkis, Kathy Connelly, Ernst Bachinger and Belinda Nairn.

During the 1970s Arlyn added Eventing through the Preliminary level to her list of disciplines.

Arlyn's teaching was transformed after she suffered two traumatic accidents. In 1972 Arlyn was thrown from a horse and suffered a back injury.

"One week after graduating high school I was bucked off in the morning while competing at a horse show. I continued to ride but later that day fell off again from the pain. I was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance and x-rays showed I broke my back (L3 and L4). I spent the summer in bed staring at the ceiling, which is why I can't ever sit still today. Every moment is important," explained Arlyn.

Through her strong determination she survived that ordeal and in 1979 she and her husband Alfred started their first business called Woodlock Farm based in Massachusetts.

In the early 90s dressage was added to her riding and in 1995 she had success on a horse name Sedona who she rode to third place in the NEDA High Score Award at Fourth Level. In 1996 she competed in Prix St. Georges.

The year 1997 was a turning point in Arlyn's life. She mysteriously fell off a horse when no one was around and was found lying on the ground with what was later diagnosed as a head trauma.

"She was unconscious and was medi-flighted to Beth Israel Hospital in Boston," explained her husband. "The left side of her body was compromised as well as her vision - eyes not in sync as I looked at her - double vision. After undergoing a battery of tests the doctors could find no reason for the fall. Arlyn doesn't remember the horse bucking and prints in the arena, which had just been dragged, suggested she must have passed out and fallen off."

Being a strong and independent woman, Arlyn convinced the doctors to let her come home just three days later. "Unfortunately, I couldn't get her up the next morning and had to take her back in for two more days of observation," continued Alfred. "They still could not find anything and the doctors said there was nothing they could do.

"She would sleep a lot, but would then wake up in the morning. She lacked taste, except for Starbuck's Java Chip ice cream which was her staple. The head trauma had compromised her left leg and hand. Before she got back on a horse, which was about six weeks from the fall, she regained enough use of her left leg and arm to drive herself to cranial-sacral therapy and physical pool therapy. She wasn't able to keep her left fingers closed to ride so she devised a system where she tied reins to our treadmill and performed her own physical therapy."

While Alfred worried "my attitude was that she would get better. She had her mother's determination." One Determined Lady Figures Out A Way to Go On

"My goal was to continue to ride," commented Arlyn emphatically. "Thus I began my quest to obtain knowledge about the body starting with my treating physicians."

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Arlyn already had some knowledge because her mom was a registered nurse who was always asking questions of trainers, vets and farriers. As a curious child, Arlyn would always be sure to glean every word that was said. Arlyn continued asking questions and has added horse muscle therapists and horse chiropractors in her quest for knowledge.

She also benefitted from courses she took just a few months prior to her accident in August 1996. Arlyn became certified as a Personal Trainer by the American Council on Exercise (ACE). The ACE training manual includes human anatomy and bio-mechanics. Little did she know then how valuable that education would become later when she intuitively transferred that over to horses.

As Arlyn assessed her situation with an attitude of not letting anything stand in her way she also realized that she could no longer ride at her previous level. She further realized that she could not MAKE a horse do what she wanted. "All of my organizational skills and talent were of no use to me. I needed a new approach and I had to figure out how to direct my horse's movement."

She looked for a way to naturally guide the horse's energy. The answer came in bits and pieces until it evolved into the philosophy that Arlyn has coined Balanced Equine Training Stretch Supple Strengthen (BET-SSS). This philosophy likens the rider to a man in a dancing partnership and the horse to a woman. The rider needs to learn how to lead the horse's movement, rather than force or demand it, creating a willing partnership. After having been stretched and suppled, the horse wants to dance.

The concept of BET is to ride the neck as the counter-balance for the body. The goal is to educate riders to have the tools they need to lead their horses without interfering with their movement. Arlyn's philosophy is "less is more" and her goal is to have the rider "guide" the horse's energy so that they are a dancing couple effortlessly maneuvering around the arena.

Alfred has always been impressed with Arlyn's attitude and teaching. "For Arlyn it is always about the horse first. If the horse is properly developed then it will perform better because it is comfortable with itself. I have heard many students tell Arlyn that she has the ability to explain new exercises clearly." Understanding the Anatomy

Understanding the horse's anatomy is crucial in training. A horse's body is extremely complex, and a rider must understand the horse's musculature in order to know how to supple, stretch, and strengthen each muscle group properly. By training a horse incorrectly, one muscle might unknowingly be developed to inhibit the use and movement of another muscle.

There are four phases of the musculature: anterior, posterior, medial, and lateral. In understanding these four different areas, a rider can understand how to develop a horse correctly and how the four phases interact with one another to create the whole horse.

The anterior and posterior phases of the musculature refer respectively to the muscles in front and back. These muscles include those along the top and bottom lines of the horse, muscles in the front and back of the legs, and any muscles that work in a swinging motion.

While many riders may have heard or used the expression "riding from back to front" or allowing the horse to move forward from the hind end, few understand how this relates to the horse's musculature. If a rider does not encourage a horse to work forward from the hind legs or refuses to stretch the anterior and posterior muscles correctly, the horse's movement and performance will be inh bited and its performance and ability to flex will be limited. This will result in lack of adjustability and possible injury.

The medial and lateral phases of the musculature refer respectively to the middle and outside muscles of the horse. These muscles are located on the sides of the horse and are used when the horse is asked to bend or move laterally.

In order to optimize the medial and lateral muscles, a rider must supple them. This can be done through lateral and bending exercises where the horse is asked to open up and breathe. Once the horse's muscles are supple and relaxed, the horse will be able to more easily complete the rider's requests. If a rider begins strengthening prematurely, the horse's range of motion will be severely restricted. This will result in stiffness, resistance to the rider's aids, and inability to perform.

BET-SSS in Layman's Terms

Arlyn's Balanced Equine Training Stretch Supple Strengthen or BET-SSS revolves around creating well balanced horses and riders by combining aerobic range of motion exercises with a system that develops all four phases of the musculature.

Stretch is the beginning phase when the horse is asked to lengthen its stride in the walk and stretch its neck as long and low as poss ble making sure the head is not behind the vertical. Once the horse is comfortably swinging in the walk, they begin to breathe and function aerobically. This aerobic exercise puts less stress on the horse's muscles, joints, and heart and allows the horse to use itself more completely in a relaxed manner. By allowing the neck and head to stretch down, the horse can lift its back and propel itself forward more correctly from the hind end. Once the horse has experienced the rewards of this phase, they will be asked to repeat these movements in every gait and stage of work. The Stretch phase of SSS helps to relax the horse and prepare for the upcoming phases of Supple and Strengthen.

In the Supple phase the horse is asked to move on a circle. The horse may then be asked to lengthen the outside muscles and shorten the inside muscles or, alternatively, to shorten the outside muscles and lengthen the inside muscles. Other, more complicated suppling exercises involve leg yields or

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asking the horse to move away from the inside leg and rein. By shaping the horse's neck and body through these movements, the horse opens up its rib cage. This will allow the horse to breathe more easily. After using the suppling exercises, the horse will be free to stretch and use itself more properly.

Strengthen is the final phase and should only be attempted after the other two phases have been completed. Here the object is to build muscle and strength in the horse. This phase can involve riding on varied terrain and work with cavalletti and trot poles. For more advanced exercises, horse and rider can work with gymnastic grids and jumps or the collected, medium, and extended gaits. Each horse's physical development and mental acuity must be taken into account when developing a Strengthen program.

On The Scene

Now that you are armed with the concept the question remains as to how Arlyn would proceed to use all of this knowledge.

When giving a clinic, she begins with a demonstration and follows that with individual sessions. She has found the best timing is to have a minimum of three days in a row.

Arlyn starts by assessing the situation. "She analyzes the horse and rider as a pair and bases each exercise on their physical and mental abilities," explains Brittany Bazeley. "Her understanding of anatomy and physical fitness is applied to both horse and rider to stretch, supple and strengthen and no matter what happens throughout the day, it ends on a positive note for everyone.

"She looks at everything from the ground up. She looks at the horse in the stall and the placement of the saddle on the horse's back among other things," adds show jumper Holly Scapa.

While watching the horse in motion, Arlyn assesses the horse's range of motion and rideability. She also takes into consideration the rider's level. Armed with this information she then works with the rider to educate them on what they can do to help improve these aspects. The next step is to watch the combination. The rider's imbalances are also corrected so that they do not interfere with the horse's range of motion. Through various aerobic exercises and the philosophy of Stretch Supple Strengthen, the horse's musculature can be developed to create a more balanced and adjustable horse.

Her Students Speak Her Praises

Few words speak louder than from those who are on the outside looking in and on the inside looking out. The success of Arlyn's method is repeatedly echoed in the words of her students and clients. "I observed how Arlyn's recovery from her injury enhanced her ability to teach and ride horses," commented Martha Weckel. "After the injury, her ability to 'feel' for what the horse needed was that much more amazing. She could no longer 'make' the horses do their jobs; rather she had to guide them as their 'dance partner.'"

Dr. Heather Mack added, "I have learned to be a solid dance partner with my horses whereas before I was mostly just trying to stay out of their way."

"What I learned is that you have to ride both sides of the horse. What we tend to do is ride whatever direction we are going and you need to ride both sides going both directions," explained Holly Scapa.

"Arlyn's extensive knowledge of the anatomy of the horse and rider along with her unique training methods has helped put many struggling horses and riders on the road to successful balanced riding. Aryln doesn't just teach you how to sit on a horse; she takes the time to teach you how to really ride," commented Julie Weisz, winner of the 2003 Onondarka Medal Finals.

"Arlyn is deeply committed to improving the physical and mental state of the horse. Her method works," noted Sally Black, owner of Blackland Farm.

"When horse and rider are both balanced you have a willing partnership. The horse doesn't need to be forced or manipulated. You have a happy horse," commented Diana Yeater, owner/trainer.

"Watching Arlyn ride is classical. She doesn't force; she flows with the horse. She is able to get a horse to soften and collect. She's like watching poetry. She teaches the horse how to use its body properly," noted Dino Fretterd, Equine Body Worker.

"You can already walk, trot and canter. You don't need me to do that. I'm here to help you and your horse do it better," is how Sally Haddon explained what she heard when Arlyn helped her son, Gatlan.

Miniature Horse owner Susan Hopmans of LaVista Farm added, the fact that this program allows horses to be all they can be and never forces makes my heart soar. It has such a calming and centering effect on the horses. The end result is a relaxed horse that understands and enjoys what is being asked."

Jumper rider Joie Gatlin's former stable manager Darren "Dagwood" Roberts is a fan as well. "She has an intuitive knowledge of how their minds and bodies work. She was a huge part of Sun Cal's King's many successes."

Show Jumper Mandy Porter who competed at the 2009 Las Vegas World Cup remarked, "Arlyn

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considers the wellbeing of the whole horse and the reward is a whole horse."

Amateur-Owner jumper rider Mia Beckham noted, "Arlyn was the first person that did not try to teach me how to win. She taught me how to ride."

"She has given me the skills to tap into my horse's physical and emotional potential. They are so content and confident in their bodies and my riding of them," concluded Dr. Heather Mack.

And there you have it. Aryln has turned tragedy into triumph and our horses thank her.

Diana DeRosa is a veteran equestrian photo journalist, who has traveled the world and has recorded equestrian history for close to 30 years. An accomplished rider herself, De Rosa understands the horse world from many different angles. A language major in college, De Rosa went on to run a riding school, then was editor of an equine magazine for 13 years and eventually focused on her writing and photography. She has over 1000 published stories and photos to her credit.

A long time member of The International Alliance of Equestrian Journalists, De Rosa has been one of the few journalists to be credentialed to cover the past six Olympic Games (including being on assignment for USA Today for the 1992 Olympics). She has also covered or been on staff at every World Equestrian Games, numerous Pan American Games and World Cups.

Besides being a writer and photographer, De Rosa also owns her own PR firm called Press Link. Some of her past and present clients include the Washington International Horse Show, The Manhattan Mortgage Company, DreamWorks, the American Hunter-Jumper Foundation, and 20th Century Fox.

For ten years De Rosa co-hosted the annual Hampton Classic Horse Show for the local Hamptons' TV Station WVVH. She also does some radio reporting and voiceovers. De Rosa enjoys bringing life to her many equestrian stories through her camera lense and keyboard. For eight years until his death on October 11, 2004, she also worked with Christopher Reeve.

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Crib-biting could be hereditary trait Horsetalk, New Zealand Overall, 4.5 per cent of the horses demonstrated crib-biting behaviour, Equine Science Update reported. Thoroughbreds were more than twice as likely than any other breed to crib-bite. They were five times more likely to be crib biters than were ...

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Equine Center Damaged-- Horses Injured WSIL TV, IL jackson county-- SIU's equine program is considered one of the top places in

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Where Can I Find the Best Polo Ponies?

Categories: Horse Articles | June 1st, 2009 | by Recreation and Sports: Equestrian Articles from EzineArticles.com | no comments

Looking for a polo pony but not sure where you can find one? Heard about criollos but don't know where to

buy them?

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Arlyn DeCicco Turns Tragedy Into Triumph

Categories: Horse Articles | May 29th, 2009 | by Recreation and Sports: Equestrian Articles from EzineArticles.com | no comments

If something good can come out of something tragic then for Arlyn DeCicco revelation came after her 1997

fall. That was when she was forced to find another way to work with horses. Instead of using force, she

needed to use a soft touch. She no longer had the strength or the ability to do anything more aggressive. Fate

had solved that problem. Yet, fate was what opened Arlyn's eyes to the fact that there is a kinder and easier

way to ride our horses. Arlyn calls her method BET-SSS for Balanced Equine Training Stretch Supple

Strengthen. BET combines aerobic range of motion exercises with a system that develops all four phases of

the horse's musculature. The end result is the most balanced, relaxed, capable, willing, adjustable and healthy

horse possible.

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Equestrian Pasture Management

Categories: Horse Articles | May 28th, 2009 | by Recreation and Sports: Equestrian Articles from EzineArticles.com | no comments

Horses are natural Grazing animals, meaning that they like to roam and eat continuously throughout their day.

The modernisation of the horse today means that so often this can not be the case; be it because of the lack

of space for all horses on the yard, needing to rest the pasture there is available or avalability of grazing

space. All horses are different, but many horses follow their natural instincts and like to spend time grazing.

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Horse Riding on Your Hen Weekend

Categories: Horse Articles | May 26th, 2009 | by Recreation and Sports: Equestrian Articles from EzineArticles.com | no comments

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SportsQuest.tv - Equestrian Channel [Hi-Res Edition] The EasyRiders of Southwest Missouri compete in the 1st "USEDC Ride of Champions" The Ghostriders compete in the 1st "USEDC Ride of Champions" Bellville Heritage Cowgirls compete in the 1st "USEDC Ride of Champions" Matagorda County Thundering Hooves compete in the 1st "USEDC Ride of Champions" The Canadian Valley Rangerettes capture the SportsQuest Cup Super Ride IV - 2006 United States Equestrian Drill Championship Video Excerpt - A Life of Equestrian Substance: Conversations with Major General Jonathan R. Burton Steve Muni on History, Resurgence and "Polo in the Park" Tom Warriner - Chairman, Florida Agriculture & Horse Park Authority Conversation with Normand Latourelle, President and Artistic Director of Cavalia USEF News A Call For Volunteers for the National Museum of the Morgan Horse The Egyptian Event Offers International Competition and Large Payouts Richard Spooner Clinches Second Consecutive Meydan FEI Nations Cup™ Win for United States USEF Adult Medal Final Clarification for Lexington Junior League Horse Show 2009 Markel/USEF Young Horse Dressage Selection Trials Conclude in Raleigh HITS, Inc. Calling All Equine Artists!!! HITS-on-the-Hudson adds to the fun for Super Sunday with Purina Mills Kids Day and the $125,000 Purina Mills Grand Prix to close out the spring horse shows HIT Parade! HITS Saugerties celebrates another terrific week of show jumping action Marvelous Margie!Former Olympian takes the top spot in $75,000 HITS Grand Prix HITS is pleased to announce Arenus as a Nationwide Sponsor A Hit on the Hudson! HITS Saugerties is off to a jumping start Twice the Fun! McLain Ward captures the $50,000 EMO Grand Prix aboard Phillipa at HITS Saugerties Two-Time Olympic Gold Medal Winner McLain Ward captures the $25,000 HITS Grand Prix aboard Phillipa HITS to offer new NAL Low Junior/Amateur-Owner Jumper qualifying classes at HITS Saugerties and HITS Culpeper Marshall & Sterling League will get Wild in September YardandGroom Latest Equestrian Jobs (Worldwide) Trackrider And Stablehand (Hobart-Tasmania-Australia) Apprentice-----Potential Full Time Instructor (Goldsboro-North Carolina-United States) Polo Groom (Scone-New South Wales-Australia) Horse Groom And Trainer (Bluffton-Alberta-Canada) Riding Young Horses And Driving ( Will Teach Driving ) (Burleson-Texas-United States) Person Needed To Start Colts, Work Yearlings, Chores, Clean Stalls (Nevis-Minnesota-United States) "Working" Farm Manager (Milford-Ohio-United States) Nvq 2 Apprenticeship/Working Pupil (Strensham-Worcestershire-United Kingdom) Rider / Groom / Working Pupil (Bedford-Bedfordshire-United Kingdom) General Assistant (Bedford-Bedfordshire-United Kingdom) Recreation and Sports: Equestrian Articles from EzineArticles.com Equine Acupuncture Arlyn DeCicco Turns Tragedy Into Triumph Where Can I Find the Best Polo Ponies?

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Turning Tragedy into Triumph Horsecity.com - Jun 1, 2009 by Diana De Rosa If something good can come out of something tragic then for Arlyn DeCicco revelation came after her 1997 fall. That was when she was forced ...

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Horseback Riding Lesson OneHorse riding is an art. In order to master horse riding, you need to have the correct mindset. Not only that you have to love horse riding as your daily routine, but you also have to have passion for horses. They are like ...By: Davina Joomla

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A Horse in the HospitalPublished 05/26/2009

WBAY - Green Bay,WI,USA Her name is Rosie, a miniature horse who loves to snuggle. Wherever she goes Rosie draws a crowd, and it's not just because she stands only 26 inches tall. ... » Read More

Arlyn DeCicco Turns Tragedy into TriumphPublished 05/26/2009

Equestrianmag.com - Miami,FL,USA I'm here to help you and your horse do it better,” is how Sally Haddon explained what she heard when Arlyn helped her son, Gatlan. Miniature Horse owner ... » Read More

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The Associated Press ... was cited by police in Pine Township, another suburb north of Pittsburgh, after two of his dogs got loose and killed a miniature horse on a nearby farm. ... » Read More

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Beach,The Northwest Florida Daily News - Fort Walton FL,USA The 19-year-old pony travels around the country with Harris, an Australian Shepard named Ruby and a miniature horse, Queenie, in hopes the group will lift ... » Read More

Gloucester times reporting of pit-bull attack leads to breed-ban ...Published 05/26/2009

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Pet parade still popular: Wide range of animals featured in 62nd eventPublished 05/26/2009

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Arlyn DeCicco Turns Tragedy into Triumph Equestrian News Release

www Fitness-Singles com Ads by GoooooogleIf something good can come out of something tragic then for Arlyn DeCicco revelation came after her 1997 fall. That was when she was forced to find another way to work with horses. Instead of using force, she needed to use a soft touch. She no longer had the strength or the ability to do anything more aggressive. Fate had solved that problem. Yet, fate was what opened Arlyn’s eyes to the fact that there is a kinder and easier way to ride our horses. Arlyn calls her method BET-SSS for Balanced Equine Training Stretch Supple Strengthen. BET combines aerobic range of motion exercises with a system that develops all four phases of the horse’s musculature. The end result is the most balanced, relaxed, capable, willing, adjustable and healthy horse possible. A Little About Arlyn Arlyn DeCicco was born on May 2nd, 1954 to William D. and Toby B. Lampie. Despite the fact that she lost her dad from complications after surgery in 1984 and her mom to cancer in 1997, her parents left a strong imprint. Arlyn learned her work ethic, determination and dedication from her parents and often refers to her mother’s favorite quote, "you can do anything you want to do as well as any man if not better." Horses entered Arlyn’s life when she was nine years old. “Hennie Bordwin, one of my mother's friends, took me to Pepperell, MA where I got to ride a friend’s pony. I was hooked.” “After I started riding, my brother Mark began to ride. Eventually, he discovered cars and marathon running. I kept riding.” She grew up riding hunters and equitation in Massachusetts with Brian Flynn. She took clinics with Ronnie Mutch and George Morris. Later she trained with Dottie Morkis, Kathy Connelly, Ernst Bachinger and Belinda Nairn. During the 1970s Arlyn added Eventing through the Preliminary level to her list of disciplines. Arlyn’s teaching was transformed after she suffered two traumatic accidents. In 1972 Arlyn was thrown from a horse and suffered a back injury. “One week after graduating high school I was bucked off in the morning while competing at a horse show. I continued to ride but later that day fell off again from the pain. I was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance and x-rays showed I broke my back (L3 and L4). I spent the summer in bed staring at the ceiling, which is why I can't ever sit still today. Every moment is important,” explained Arlyn.

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Through her strong determination she survived that ordeal and in 1979 she and her husband Alfred started their first business called Woodlock Farm based in Massachusetts. In the early 90s dressage was added to her riding and in 1995 she had success on a horse name Sedona who she rode to third place in the NEDA High Score Award at Fourth Level. In 1996 she competed in Prix St. Georges. The year 1997 was a turning point in Arlyn’s life. She mysteriously fell off a horse when no one was around and was found lying on the ground with what was later diagnosed as a head trauma. “She was unconscious and was medi-flighted to Beth Israel Hospital in Boston,” explained her husband. “The left side of her body was compromised as well as her vision - eyes not in sync as I looked at her - double vision. After undergoing a battery of tests the doctors could find no reason for the fall. Arlyn doesn't remember the horse bucking and prints in the arena, which had just been dragged, suggested she must have passed out and fallen off.” Being a strong and independent woman, Arlyn convinced the doctors to let her come home just three days later. “Unfortunately, I couldn't get her up the next morning and had to take her back in for two more days of observation,” continued Alfred. “They still could not find anything and the doctors said there was nothing they could do. “She would sleep a lot, but would then wake up in the morning. She lacked taste, except for Starbuck's Java Chip ice cream which was her staple. The head trauma had compromised her left leg and hand. Before she got back on a horse, which was about six weeks from the fall, she regained enough use of her left leg and arm to drive herself to cranial-sacral therapy and physical pool therapy. She wasn't able to keep her left fingers closed to ride so she devised a system where she tied reins to our treadmill and performed her own physical therapy.” While Alfred worried “my attitude was that she would get better. She had her mother's determination.” One Determined Lady Figures Out A Way to Go On “My goal was to continue to ride,” commented Arlyn emphatically. “Thus I began my quest to obtain knowledge about the body starting with my treating physicians.” Arlyn already had some knowledge because her mom was a registered nurse who was always asking questions of trainers, vets and farriers. As a curious child, Arlyn would always be sure to glean every word that was said. Arlyn continued asking questions and has added horse muscle therapists and horse chiropractors in her quest for knowledge. She also benefitted from courses she took just a few months prior to her accident in August 1996. Arlyn became certified as a Personal Trainer by the American Council on Exercise (ACE). The ACE training manual includes human anatomy and bio-mechanics. Little did she know then how valuable that education would become later when she intuitively transferred that over to horses. As Arlyn assessed her situation with an attitude of not letting anything stand in her way she also realized that she could no longer ride at her previous level. She further realized that she could not MAKE a horse do what she wanted. “All of my organizational skills and talent were of no use to me. I needed a new approach and I had to figure out how to direct my horse’s movement.” She looked for a way to naturally guide the horse’s energy. The answer came in bits and pieces until it evolved into the philosophy that Arlyn has coined Balanced Equine Training Stretch Supple Strengthen (BET–SSS). This philosophy likens the rider to a man in a dancing partnership and the horse to a woman. The rider needs to learn how to lead the horse’s movement, rather than force or demand it, creating a willing partnership. After having been stretched and suppled, the horse wants to dance. The concept of BET is to ride the neck as the counter-balance for the body. The goal is to educate riders to have the tools they need to lead their horses without interfering with their movement. Arlyn’s philosophy is “less is more” and her goal is to have the rider “guide” the horse’s energy so that they are a dancing couple effortlessly maneuvering around the arena. Alfred has always been impressed with Arlyn’s attitude and teaching. “For Arlyn it is always about the horse first. If the horse is properly developed then it will perform better because it is comfortable with itself. I have heard many students tell Arlyn that she has the ability to explain new exercises clearly.” Understanding the Anatomy Understanding the horse’s anatomy is crucial in training. A horse’s body is extremely complex, and a rider must understand the horse’s musculature in order to know how to supple, stretch, and strengthen each muscle group properly. By training a horse incorrectly, one muscle might unknowingly be developed to inhibit the use and movement of another muscle.

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There are four phases of the musculature: anterior, posterior, medial, and lateral. In understanding these four different areas, a rider can understand how to develop a horse correctly and how the four phases interact with one another to create the whole horse. The anterior and posterior phases of the musculature refer respectively to the muscles in front and back. These muscles include those along the top and bottom lines of the horse, muscles in the front and back of the legs, and any muscles that work in a swinging motion. While many riders may have heard or used the expression “riding from back to front” or allowing the horse to move forward from the hind end, few understand how this relates to the horse’s musculature. If a rider does not encourage a horse to work forward from the hind legs or refuses to stretch the anterior and posterior muscles correctly, the horse’s movement and performance will be inhibited and its performance and ability to flex will be limited. This will result in lack of adjustability and possible injury. The medial and lateral phases of the musculature refer respectively to the middle and outside muscles of the horse. These muscles are located on the sides of the horse and are used when the horse is asked to bend or move laterally. In order to optimize the medial and lateral muscles, a rider must supple them. This can be done through lateral and bending exercises where the horse is asked to open up and breathe. Once the horse’s muscles are supple and relaxed, the horse will be able to more easily complete the rider’s requests. If a rider begins strengthening prematurely, the horse’s range of motion will be severely restricted. This will result in stiffness, resistance to the rider’s aids, and inability to perform. BET-SSS in Layman’s Terms Arlyn’s Balanced Equine Training Stretch Supple Strengthen or BET-SSS revolves around creating well balanced horses and riders by combining aerobic range of motion exercises with a system that develops all four phases of the musculature. Stretch is the beginning phase when the horse is asked to lengthen its stride in the walk and stretch its neck as long and low as possible making sure the head is not behind the vertical. Once the horse is comfortably swinging in the walk, they begin to breathe and function aerobically. This aerobic exercise puts less stress on the horse’s muscles, joints, and heart and allows the horse to use itself more completely in a relaxed manner. By allowing the neck and head to stretch down, the horse can lift its back and propel itself forward more correctly from the hind end. Once the horse has experienced the rewards of this phase, they will be asked to repeat these movements in every gait and stage of work. The Stretch phase of SSS helps to relax the horse and prepare for the upcoming phases of Supple and Strengthen. In the Supple phase the horse is asked to move on a circle. The horse may then be asked to lengthen the outside muscles and shorten the inside muscles or, alternatively, to shorten the outside muscles and lengthen the inside muscles. Other, more complicated suppling exercises involve leg yields or asking the horse to move away from the inside leg and rein. By shaping the horse’s neck and body through these movements, the horse opens up its rib cage. This will allow the horse to breathe more easily. After using the suppling exercises, the horse will be free to stretch and use itself more properly. Strengthen is the final phase and should only be attempted after the other two phases have been completed. Here the object is to build muscle and strength in the horse. This phase can involve riding on varied terrain and work with cavalletti and trot poles. For more advanced exercises, horse and rider can work with gymnastic grids and jumps or the collected, medium, and extended gaits. Each horse’s physical development and mental acuity must be taken into account when developing a Strengthen program. On The Scene Now that you are armed with the concept the question remains as to how Arlyn would proceed to use all of this knowledge. When giving a clinic, she begins with a demonstration and follows that with individual sessions. She has found the best timing is to have a minimum of three days in a row. Arlyn starts by assessing the situation. “She analyzes the horse and rider as a pair and bases each exercise on their physical and mental abilities,” explains Brittany Bazeley. “Her understanding of anatomy and physical fitness is applied to both horse and rider to stretch, supple and strengthen and no matter what happens throughout the day, it ends on a positive note for everyone. “She looks at everything from the ground up. She looks at the horse in the stall and the placement of the saddle on the horse’s back among other things,” adds show jumper Holly Scapa.

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While watching the horse in motion, Arlyn assesses the horse’s range of motion and rideability. She also takes into consideration the rider’s level. Armed with this information she then works with the rider to educate them on what they can do to help improve these aspects. The next step is to watch the combination. The rider’s imbalances are also corrected so that they do not interfere with the horse’s range of motion. Through various aerobic exercises and the philosophy of Stretch Supple Strengthen, the horse’s musculature can be developed to create a more balanced and adjustable horse. Her Students Speak Her Praises Few words speak louder than from those who are on the outside looking in and on the inside looking out. The success of Arlyn’s method is repeatedly echoed in the words of her students and clients. “I observed how Arlyn’s recovery from her injury enhanced her ability to teach and ride horses,” commented Martha Weckel. “After the injury, her ability to ‘feel’ for what the horse needed was that much more amazing. She could no longer ‘make’ the horses do their jobs; rather she had to guide them as their ‘dance partner.’” Dr. Heather Mack added, “I have learned to be a solid dance partner with my horses whereas before I was mostly just trying to stay out of their way.” “What I learned is that you have to ride both sides of the horse. What we tend to do is ride whatever direction we are going and you need to ride both sides going both directions,” explained Holly Scapa. “Arlyn’s extensive knowledge of the anatomy of the horse and rider along with her unique training methods has helped put many struggling horses and riders on the road to successful balanced riding. Aryln doesn’t just teach you how to sit on a horse; she takes the time to teach you how to really ride,” commented Julie Weisz, winner of the 2003 Onondarka Medal Finals. “Arlyn is deeply committed to improving the physical and mental state of the horse. Her method works,” noted Sally Black, owner of Blackland Farm. “When horse and rider are both balanced you have a willing partnership. The horse doesn’t need to be forced or manipulated. You have a happy horse,” commented Diana Yeater, owner/trainer. “Watching Arlyn ride is classical. She doesn’t force; she flows with the horse. She is able to get a horse to soften and collect. She’s like watching poetry. She teaches the horse how to use its body properly,” noted Dino Fretterd, Equine Body Worker. “You can already walk, trot and canter. You don’t need me to do that. I’m here to help you and your horse do it better,” is how Sally Haddon explained what she heard when Arlyn helped her son, Gatlan. Miniature Horse owner Susan Hopmans of LaVista Farm added, the fact that this program allows horses to be all they can be and never forces makes my heart soar. It has such a calming and centering effect on the horses. The end result is a relaxed horse that understands and enjoys what is being asked.” Jumper rider Joie Gatlin’s former stable manager Darren “Dagwood” Roberts is a fan as well. “She has an intuitive knowledge of how their minds and bodies work. She was a huge part of Sun Cal’s King’s many successes.” Show Jumper Mandy Porter who competed at the 2009 Las Vegas World Cup remarked, “Arlyn considers the wellbeing of the whole horse and the reward is a whole horse.” Amateur-Owner jumper rider Mia Beckham noted, “Arlyn was the first person that did not try to teach me how to win. She taught me how to ride.” “She has given me the skills to tap into my horse’s physical and emotional potential. They are so content and confident in their bodies and my riding of them,” concluded Dr. Heather Mack. And there you have it. Aryln has turned tragedy into triumph and our horses thank her. Arlyn now resides in Southern California. For more information about Arlyn, visit her website at http://www.arlyndecicco.com. Arlyn can be contacted at [email protected] or at (760) 535-3352.

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Applying Geopat®The best results are accomplished by proportioning 4 kilograms Geopat ® per square meter arena. For an arena measuring 20m x 40m, this means you will need 3,200 kilograms Geopat ®. This will be mixed into the top layer of the soil with a coil harrow.

Applying Geopat ®

The bottom layer of the arena surface must be flat, stable and, for an outdoor arena, well drained.

For the top layer of soil we advice to use unwashed sand with a grain-size between 130 and 200 Mhu. This is sand with a low level of slush. You can easily check this by making a ball of sand in your hand and making it wet. The right sand does stick together in a ball when released. You will need 12 to 15 cm of this type of sand. After the sand sets, you will have a layer 10 cm thick. Please make sure the sand is well flattened and stays in place.

Divide the total surface in as many parts as bales of Geopat ® and place one bale in the middle of each part. Remove the tape and plastic and loosen up the bale with a dung-fork, so that it falls apart in smaller pieces. After that you can disperse the Geopat ® more evenly with a harrow, adjusted so that the coil remains just above the soil. Now you have a 'blanket' of Geopat ® on top of the soil in your arena.

After the Geopat ® is well dispersed, you can adjust the harrow to enter the top layer for about 5 cm. By driving across the complete surface of the arena, you will reach a good mix of Geopat ® and the sand. Finally, you can adjust the harrow to again reach 5 cm deeper into the soil, to a total of 10 cm. Use the harrow as long as needed to create a homogeneous mix of Geopat ® and sand 10 cm thick.

For a good bond between the sand and the Geopat ® and to prevent dust as much as possible while mixing, we recommend keeping the arena as wet as possible during the process. After the process the complete surface should be sprayed wet to enable the soil to 'settle'.

Price per kilogram € 1,25 excl. VAT

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This Book Was Prepared by

Diana De Rosa Press Link PR

45 Sarah Drive Farmingdale, NY 11735

516-848-4867 [email protected]

