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Armanism and Kabbalah the Tree of Life by Arehisosur

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A continuation of the work of Guido von List..
Armanism and Kabbalah: The Tree of Life By Arehisosur

Armanism and Kabbalah: The Tree of Life

By Arehisosur


Introduction Armanism and Kabbalah The Kabbalistic Tree of Life The Armanen Tree of Life: FRKDNSTBLM The Armanen Tree of Life: AEIOU Arising, Being, and Passing Away to a New Arising The Armanen Tree of Life: The 22 Paths The Armanen Tree of Life: The 22 Paths Expanded Conclusion Appendix I: Towards an Understanding of the First, Second, and Third Logos Appendix II: Runic Elements, The First, Second, and Third Logos, and The Squared Circle Appendix III: On the finding of correspondences between the Armanen Runes and the Kabbalistic Sephiroth Appendix IV: On the Subject of Tradition

Introduction Armanism and Kabbalah: The Tree of Life is a continuation of the work of der Meister Guido von List. In The Primal Language of the Aryo-Germanic People and their Mystery Language Guido von List writes regarding his last book which was to be called Armanism and Kabbalah.. “I have honestly tried to write as simply, clearly and plainly as I could and have kept secret, as is appropriate, all of the still hard to understand –with the current way of thinking- explanations, which I will fully and organic-systematically structured reveal in my next book: G.L.B. No. 7: Armanism and Kabbalah, and thus close off my system of theories to which I plan then- if my earthly life in the present body will allow it- to give the outside form. With this last book I will then remove the last veil surrounding the secret teaching and make it accessible to all who long for it.” The Armanen Tree of Life has come into being as a result of this longing, or shall I say seeking. It is presented here in its most basic form so as to provide a firm foundation upon which further development can take place. In The Primal Language of the Aryo-Germanic People and their Mystery Language the correspondences between the Armanen Runes and the Kabbalistic Sephiroth are provided, and in The Religion of the Aryo-Germanic Folk: Esoteric and Exoteric the astrological correspondences of the 22 Paths can be found. One quote of Guido von List from The Sigil of the Macrocosm forms the basis upon which the whole of this text is based and confirms, without a doubt, that this approach is the appropriate one. He writes.. “..ten is the number of the divine perfection according to the rules of Armanism, as well as the rules of Kabbalah..”

Armanism and Kabbalah In Hoch-Zeit der Menschheit Rudolf John Gorsleben tells us interesting tales regarding the nature and history of the Kabbalah. He writes.. "The Kabbalah is not Hebrew property...The Kabbalah is the Germanic wisdom that has been saved in the synagogue from the prosecution of the Church." “As is well known or actually as is not so well known, in the early middle ages the ancient Aryan knowledge was saved by the initiates in the synagogues, and a later initiate, an armane, Reuchlin, saved 1510 in mutual agreement with the emperor Maximilian I, who not for nothing was called "the last knight", the writings of the Kabbalah from being burned, because he knew that in the Kabbalah the Kala of the Armanen was contained and kept. The Rabbis have never solved completely the secret language of these traditions." Ultimately, the Kabbalistic Sephiroth have their origin in the number mysticism of Pythagoras as Kieren Barry writes in The Greek Qabala.. “In all its various forms, the number mysticism of Pythagoras and his followers continues to recur throughout the history of the evolution of the Qabalah, and must be acknowledged as its ultimate origin.” I have taken a certain approach to this project which may best be appreciated with the following few quotes in mind.. Master Michael Kelly writes in his Words of Power.. “The simple truth of the matter is that the mystical Hebrew roots of Qabalism bear no relation at all to the tool it has become in the hands of Western magicians. The purpose, the practice, the philosophy are all so absolutely different that there really is no kinship between the two. Traditional Qabalistic mystics doubtless feel affronted by what magicians have done to their model, and magicians would feel baffled and straitjacketed by the traditionalists' notions.” Rudolf John Gorsleben writes in Hoch-Zeit der Menschheit.. "The Runes are symbols of the pulsating life, they are life itself, reduced to a mathematical formula. They are in some mystical relation to the law of the numbers as the basis of all cosmic and philosophical thinking." “The key to the Kabbalah is the Runes, the ten Sephiroth, the ten numbers of the Kabbalah.”

"Each Rune is the expression of a cosmic law (cosmos = order), of an Ur-idea, of one of the ten Ur-forms, of the Ur-mothers, of the Sephiroth..” Thomas Karlsson writes in his Qabalah, Qliphoth, and Goetic Magic..

"For a practitioner of Qabalah its historical roots are of a subordinate significance. Most important is not whether it is Jewish, Christian, Greek, Hermetic, or Nordic, but rather that it is a universal occult system that has revealed itself to be immensely applicable to most spiritual traditions" “No Qabalist would claim that the universe is constructed exactly like the Tree of Life: the Tree of Life is simply a map and illustrates the most fundamental structure of existence, and like all maps it is based on simplifications. But it is a most brilliant map that has been used by a great number of mystics and magicians to gain knowledge about the mysteries of the universe. The Tree of Life is based on a universal numerical mysticism and can be applied to all myths from all times.”

The Kabbalistic Tree of Life

All we really need to know, for the purpose of this text, about The Kabbalistic Tree of Life is that it consists of 10 “numerical emanations” collectively known as Sephiroth that are connected by 22 Paths corresponding to the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. I have chosen to quote Elements of the Qabalah by Eliphas Levi as I find his words correspond best with those forthcoming of Guido von List.. "The thirty-two roads are thirty-two absolute and real ideas attached to the signs of the ten arithmetical numbers and to the twenty-two letters of the Hebraic alphabet. Here are the ideas:” NUMBERS

1. Supreme power 2. Absolute wisdom 3. Infinite intelligence 4. Goodness 5. Justice or harshness 6. Beauty

7. Victory 8. Eternity 9. Productivity 10. Reality


1. Aleph Father 2. Beth Mother 3. Gimel Nature 4. Daleth Authority 5. He Religion 6. Vav Liberty 7. Zayin Ownership 8. Cheth Distribution 9. Teth Prudence 10. Yod Order 11. Kaph Force 12. Lamed Sacrifice 13. Mem Death 14. Nun Reversibility 15. Samekh Universal being 16. Pe Immortality 17. Ayin Balance 18. Sadhe Shadow and reflection 19. Koph Light 20. Resh Recognition 21. Shin Heat (left out of Levi’s list?) 22. Tav Synthesis

Most important to us in creating The Armanen Tree of Life are the elemental, planetary, and Zodiacal correspondences of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, as it is with these Guido von List goes on about in The Religion of the Aryo-Germanic Folk: Esoteric and Exoteric. But, there will be more on that later on. For now, here are the correspondences..

1. Air/Spirit 2. Mercury 3. The Moon 4. Venus 5. Aries 6. Taurus 7. Gemini 8. Cancer 9. Leo 10. Virgo 11. Jupiter 12. Libra 13. Water

14. Scorpio 15. Sagittarius 16. Capricorn 17. Mars 18. Aquarius 19. Pisces 20. The Sun 21. Fire 22. Saturn

The Armanen Tree of Life: FRKDNSTBLM

In The Primal Language of the Aryo-Germanic People and their Mystery Language Guido von List wrote.. “It is of far-reaching consequence that these ten phonetic symbols, in their ten-fold progression, exactly correspond to the ten stages of the old armanic-kabbalistic rule of development (rule of progression) ...which I will now show here. The rule of emergence and development (rule of progression) is ordered in the following ten stages: The rule of emergence and development dominates language I.Cause or power; II. Will to the expression of power; III. Ability (art) as result of power’s expression; IV. Realization of the goal in deed; V. The rule that power follows (relation between power and deed, potency or magic); VI. The order according to which the power made - deed naturally operates; VII. The spiritual interior (psychic order); VIII. The corporeal exterior (physical order);

IX. The cultivation of qualities, and X. The perfection of the plan of the cause (I.) or the superior idea. And this rule of emergence of development, which lies at the foundation of everything that happens— the primordial law of nature!—also holds sway over the emergence and development of our language. It expresses itself with the force of law in the ten phonetic symbols of the consonants, and almost exactly in the order they are ascribed in the Futharkh as we presented it above. Only a small rearrangement is necessary, whereby the Thorn rune appears not in the second place, but rather the fourth, the Rit rune is moved to the second place and the Ka rune to the third. All of the other runes, however, remain in their old places .”

The Armanen Tree of Life: AEIOU

Guido von List writes in The Primal Language of the Aryo-Germanic People and their Mystery Language.. “If the vowels A, E, I, O have, as phonetic symbols, expressed the nine evolution stages of the law of evolution (progression law), as: A 1. The cause of power 2. Will for power expression 3. Can (art) as the result of power expression 4. Realization of the purpose in the deed, thus as the high phonetic might sign of the power of God in the Trinity, which encloses the quadrinity and the seven-fold; E 5. law, according to which the power works in the ration between power and deed, as might or magic, 6. order, in which the power turned to a deed has a lawful effect, thus as the phonetic high sign impact sign of the power of God in the Trinity, as the sign of magic;

I 7. Order of the spiritual inside as physical order, phonetic evaluation sign of the power of God in the unity of the Trinity, sign of the spiritual ego of the deity; O 8. Order of the physically visible outside as the physical order, 9. Building of features (character), as the phonetic high order sign of the of the power of God in the physical (material) world, so that the following fifth vowel U Brings on the last stage of the evolution law, 10. The completion of the plan of the cause (1) or the preconceived (divine) idea and closes the circle. According to the Arman secret teaching (progression law) that, what is up (1, crown), is similar to that, what is down (10, kingdom), which means one = ten, then with the number ten the next higher level is achieved that begins with the number eleven. This is why the vowel U is recognized as the phonetic High completion sign (completion and unification sigil) of the power of God in the unification of the mental (spiritual) with the physical (material), as the phonetic symbol of the great law of unification (assimilation) in the universe!”

Arising, Being, and Passing Away to a New Arising Guido von List writes in The Religion of the Aryo-Germanic Folk: Esoteric and Exoteric.. “As is virtually self-evident from this brief summary of the first ten words for numerals, these did not originate from dry numerical values, but rather have their origin in the developmental representation of the great evolutionary process, and signify the evolutionary stages of this process with very precise concepts, which only later become numerical values.” What der Meister is getting at is that there are ten “evolutionary stages” in the “great evolutionary process” of arising, being, and passing away to a new arising as Rudolf John Gorsleben elaborates further upon in Hoch-Zeit der Menshheit when he writes.. "In the cycle of events from becoming, therefore the One (1), of God, of the One, of the Ace, of the Aesir, over the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, i.e., over the whole of being all the way to the 10, the passing away to a new becoming.." And, to wit further, let us turn to The Sigil of the Macrocosm..

Regarding which Guido von List writes in The Sigil of the Macrocosm.. “When we look at the sigil we first notice the three concentric circles, and these are the sign of Woutan! ...Woutan-Arahari as the sacrosanct three: Genesis, Being and Decay towards anew uprising.” With just the above and the table below in mind one can determine to which of the sacrosanct three each of the ten stages of the great evolutionary process of arising, being, and passing away to a new arising refer. Arising happens with 1-2-3, Being happens with 4-5-6, Passing away to a New Arising happens with 7-8-9-10.

The Armanen Tree of Life: The 22 Paths The 22 paths of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life are represented by the letters of the Hebrew alphabet which correspond to the 3 elements, the 7 planets, and the 12 houses of the Zodiac.

As Nigel Pennick writes in Magical Alphabets.. “The three mothers comprise the letters Aleph (A), Mem (M), and Shin (Sh), which represent the three elements of air, water and fire respectively. All of creation was believed to emanate from these three elements.” “In the Hebrew alphabet, after these three 'mothers', the seven 'doubles' are most important. They are thus named as they symbolize the pairs of opposites which compose existence, and as they signify two phonetic values, a hard and a soft sound.” “According to the Sefer Yetzirah, the seven planets and the days of the week were also formed from these letters by God.” “The remaining 12 Hebrew characters are the 'simple letters'. These have correspondences to the signs of the zodiac..” Guido von List writes in The Religion of the Ario-Germanic Folk: Esoteric and Exoteric translated by Stephen E. Flowers.. “The oldest divine triad to be named is: "Wuotan, Wili, We," later they are called "Wuotan, Hoenir, Lodur," and then "Wuotan, Donar, Freyr," or "Wuotan, Donar, Fricco" -- and in the Younger Edda they appear once as "Har, Jafnhar, Thridi." “That which concerns the essence of the Triad of Gods as such symbolizes the three stages: "coming into being -- becoming -- and passing away (toward new arising)," and this is expressed by all groups of names in all mythical triads. These always symbolize the same triad in various aspects, whether or not these begin with Wuotan as the first element, e.g. the Nornic triad: "Urda, Verdandi, Skuld." Urda means: That which has been there from the beginning, thus that which has come into being; Verdandi is that which is becoming; and Skuld is the effect and cause of becoming, in either the good or bad sense according to circumstances.” “Once the division of the One-god into the Tri-divinity within the graded system of arising, becoming and passing away toward a new arising has been recognized, their breakdown into the "sevenfold- divinity" can be demonstrated in what follows.” “These Seven-Gods, as the holiest, received their assigned heavenly bodies as their mystical residences and are still today designated as the planetary spirits in what is misunderstood as "astrology," and according to which the seven-day week is arranged and the days named.” “With these Seven-Gods the divinities can be shown to be gods of time and as such they can be found even more clearly in the Twelve- and Thirteen-Gods. Certainly it does not again have to be recalled that Armanism simply names the expressions of power of the revealed One divinity through characterizations of its qualities, and that Wuotanism personified these names and took these essential

qualities and interpreted them as divinized, yet anthropomorphic, entities. The Twelve- and Thirteen- Gods correspond to the months of the year, initially the thirteen lunar months, and then later the twelve solar months. But since with this calendrical transition of the lunar year into the solar year the thirteenth month-god dropped out, i.e. symbolically died, this is how the aversion to the number thirteen arose, an aversion which holds that if thirteen people sit at a table one of them will have to die within the year. But which one of the thirteen is the one destined to die remains the choice of the divinity, which constantly selects its own sacrifice. And this election of the victim of the divinity is -- and this only has to be mentioned parenthetically -- the rationale underlying trial by ordeal, as well as games of chance (cards, dice, betting, etc.), duels and the lottery. But in no way did this idea lead to a belief, as is erroneously assumed, in fate ruling blindly, but rather it led to a consistent trust in a conscious divine course of destiny and its higher compensatory justice.” The 22 Paths of The Armanen Tree of Life.. 1. Wuotan/Urda 2. Mercury – Wednesday – Wuotan 3. The Moon – Monday – The Moon 4. Venus – Friday – Freyja 5. Aries – Saga in Sokkvabekkr – March - Nikar 6. Taurus – Wuotan in Glastheim – April – Hnikudr 7. Gemini – Skadi in Thirmsheim – May – Fiolnir 8. Cancer – Baldur in Breidablick – June – Oski 9. Leo – Heimdal in Himingbiorg – July - Omi 10. Virgo – Freyja in Volkwang – August – Biflinidi 11. Jupiter – Thursday – Thor 12. Libra – Forsetti in Glitnir – September – Vidrir 13. Wili/Verdandi 14. Scorpio – Niord in Noatun – October – Svidrir 15. Sagittarius – Widar in Landwidi – November – Svidur 16. Capricorn – Uller in Ydalir – December – Jalkr 17. Mars – Teusday – Tyr 18. Aquarius – Fro in Alfheim – January – Allfather 19. Pisces – Wal-Father in Walaskialf – February – Herian 20. The Sun – Sunday – All-Father 21. We/Skuld 22. Saturn – Saterday – Surtur

The Armanen Tree of Life: The 22 Paths Expanded I put the following together using the astrological correspondences of the Hebrew alphabet with what Guido von List wrote in The Religion of the Aryo-Germanic Folk: Esoteric and Exoteric translated by Stephen E. Flowers.. 1st Fa-Rit: Wuotan/Urda 2nd Fa-Ka: Woden of Wednesday “The fourth, Mercury , is Wuotan, whose rune (othil) is in this instance reversed and connected to the sign of increase to form , indicating the increaser, bringer of luck, the wish-god. But the hieroglyph of the bull, which appears here combined with the sign of increase , already in itself consists of the Ur-sign combined with the hieroglyph of the Moon (Mannus) , and means primeval generation, or "the one who generates things out of the Ur"; for this reason the same sign is to be found once more in the Zodiac as that of the bull (Taurus) or the primeval generator. That the ancients already thought of Wuotan as being essentially the same as Mercury or Hermes is shown in the writings of Cornelius Tacitus, Julius Caesar, et al. It is also no accident that Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun.” 3rd Fa-Sig: The Moon of Monday “The Moon was mani or Mannus, the progenitor of humanity, which once more forms a special section in the [Blavatsky's] Secret Doctrine. It has already been said above that the Ases could only create the bodies of humans and their lower soul, the intellect, and only Wuotan -- as All-Father (he who is one with his father in heaven) -- could give them the divine human soul. Now, the Secret Doctrine says that the Moon was the father of the Earth, and in a state of torpor -- much like that of death -- it shriveled up and became smaller than the Earth and was forced to follow along in the orbit of the Earth as its satellite, and it gave up its developed inhabitants to the Earth and these form the race of men here on the Earth in contrast to those formed from the earthly animal kingdom. These spirits descended from the Moon -- the lunar ancestors -- whom the All-Father incarnated into the bodies of those created by the other two Ases (Hoenir and Lodur) to form the human race, and for this reason Mannus, the Moon, is called the progenitor of humanity. Here too there are two signs, i.e. for the Moon itself and for Mannus or Mene. the spiritual Moon (Psychomena).” 4th Rit-Ka: Freyja of Friday “The sixth of the Seven-Gods emphasizes the sexual aspect as the connection to the Ur-word sex shows. Its holy-sign, consisting of increase our of the Ur , already indicates this. It is this Venus whose hieroglyph comes closest to that of Mercury, clearly showing the close relationship between the two. As Mercury-Wuotan means "he who generates out of Ur," so too can Venus-Freya be seen as "she who bears forth out of Ur," as that "god-bearing virgin," whom we will once more meet with in the Zodiac as the constellation of Virgo, or just as we did with the Ur-generator and the constellation of Taurus. Just as he is the Ur-father, she is the Ur- mother, and therefore the two are unified as the divine royal couple. The Latin name Venus also corresponds perfectly to the Aryo-Germanic Freya, Fenus, Fenussin, since the mystery language is the Aryan proto-language itself in which Latin, Greek, Sanskrit, etc., are rooted, and thus all mythological names and concepts can be interpreted by means of this language.

5th Rit-Sig: Saga in Sokkvabekkr/March/Nikar “Nikar = The victorious primeval light *Urlicht) which decides every battle; at the end of the month the days are already becoming longer than the nights.” “Lenzmond, March, Aries : Saga in Socquabeckr [Sokkvabekkr] (Plunge-brook). Snow and ice thaw and the feminine element, water, is liberated by the solar fire, the masculine element. Therefore All-Father's month-name, Nikar, also means "sun of the water nymphs" [Nixensonne]. The mild storms of spring rush over the murmuring waters -- the speech of the waves is heard whispering. Wuotan, "reawakened," leads his army of souls without bodies to Lady Saga -- who is none other than Freya -- to unite the disembodied souls with the soulless bodies, which she brings out of her Sun-fortress, in order to render the effect of death harmless. Solar fire and earthly water hold a conversation. Wuotan and Saga "drink daily the drink of memory from golden horns." The first swallow returns (Annunciation of Mary), the first violet blooms (violet festival), people celebrate the festival of spring, the festival of the Resurrection.” 6th Rit-Thorn - Wuotan in Glastheim/April/Hnikudr “4. Ostermond, April: Hnikudr = He who Overcomes. The giants are overcome, the Sun climbs ever higher.” “4. Ostermond, April, Taurus : Wuotan in Glastheim *radiant-world]. The Sun has once more gained a complete victory (Hnikudr) on the day of the spring equinox, and now Wuotan appears as a groom just as he was active as a suitor in the previous month. His bride is the Earth-Goddess who also has as many names and aspects corresponding to them, as does the Sun-god himself. As Freya appeared as Lady Saga in the previous month, she is now Ostara, and the marriage of the divine pair takes place with the full Moon after the equinox. This is then a "high time" in heaven (Glastheim) and from this our concept of marriage [Hochzeit: literally "high-time"] has its origin. "High time" means the time of the Sun, and therefore our German concept Hochzeit knows nothing of a corresponding "low time." 7th Ka-Sig - Skadi in Thirmsheim/May/Fiolnir “5. Mai, May: Fiolnir = The Manifold. Life springs forth in manifold forms from the earth, now freed from the ice.” “5. Mai, May, Gemini : Skadi (Schade *= harm, scathe]) in Thrimsheim. The second divine marriage follows soon after the first, but this one is not a Hochzeit, but rather only a marriage, as only the Sun can have a "high time," or zenith. After the Sun, the Urfyr, is wed to the Earth, the water now again weds the Earth, and these then form two related pairs. One pair is Donar [Thor] (weather-god) with Sabia (Earth-goddess) and the other, that comes into consideration here, is the giant-daughter, Skadi [scather] (once more the Earth) with the Rain-god, Niord. The first storm rains down in the mountains of Thrimsheim; Doner [Thor] killed the giant Thiassi and the Ases burned him in Asgard. His daughter requests legal compensation for the death of her father and is given permission to choose a groom from among the circle of the Ases, with the condition that she may only see the "left foot of the various gods. She then goes for the one that looks most powerful to her and cries out: "Baldur is without blemish!" But she was mistaken; she had matched herself with the Rain-god not the Sun-god. The gods celebrate this wedding in Asgard and humans attend the Festival of Pentecost. There is yet a third wedding of the Earth-goddess with the Storm-god, Wuotan (air), that could be mentioned, but only one name recalls this

wedding, which otherwise appears to have been totally forgotten, the name is Windesbraut [wind-bride]. This is the Earth which appears to be seduced into a cloud of dust by the storm. Fire, water and air strive after the Earth to impregnate her. This is the meaning of this complex institution of divine marriage, many more of which could be named, and therefore in this month All- Father is called Fjollnir, the Manifold.” 8th Ka-Not: Baldur in Breidablick/June/Oski “6. Bracht, Brachet, June: Oski = He who has divine abilities, the gifts of God flow forth in rich abundance over the entire earth.” “6. Brachet, June, Cancer : Baldur in Breidablik (Broad-view). The Sun is at its full power, ascended to its highest height [Hochzeit, zenith -- marriage], when Hodur's deadly shot hits Baldur. Gods and humans are seized by wild terror and fearful anxiety, for Oski, the Ase who has every ability, has been killed off. The Ases prepare a funeral pyre for the Fallen Baldur and his things along with his dead wife, Nana. Humans attend the Midsummer festival (summer solstice).” 9th Thorn-Not: Heimdal in Himingbiorg/July/Omi “7. Heuet, July: Omi = "the holy one who is praised. Everywhere jubilation and joy; the festival of summer.” “7. Heuet, July, Leo : Heimdal (Heimdoldt) in Himingbiorg *heaven's fortress+. Heimdoldt, the sentinel of the gods, stands on the highest battlement of his heavenly fortress and remains on the lookout as to whether the sons of Muspell are approaching, in which case the air will be glowing, or whether the dark rime- and frost-giants are trying to approach, in which case the white sword-god will be vacillating and sinking and Darkness will begin its struggle with the primal light [Urlicht] all over again. Heimdoldt blows into his horn and all the high gods gather around him and anxiously hear as to whether the twofold danger is calling them to the final battle. The festival of the summer solstice goes on, fire flickers from every hilltop to frighten away the forces of darkness, if they should break out against the forces of light. Omi, omen, amen!” 10th Thorn-Sig: Freyja in Volkwang/August/Biflinidi “8. Aust, August: Biflindi = "the one who is about to sink, the inconstant." The Sun is already beginning to sink (the white god of the sword is faltering).” “8. Aust, August, Virgo : Freya in Volkwang. The danger has now been partially allayed. But the generative power of nature is growing tired, of course, and the ripening fruit is pressing on toward being harvested. Like Baldur, many a man has fallen in battle and so too have many fruits ripened on the tree of humanity only to sink once more into the grave. Souls are separated from bodies in battle [Wal] and All-Father and Freya each take their half. The former takes the souls who lost their bodies, and the latter takes care of the bodies having lost their souls, which she takes to Volkwang in the meadow of the dead. (Fridhot), while Wuotan calls the liberated souls to Walhalla. However, the souls which have not yet attained to the level of free spirits go to Donar in Thrutheim, to Hel in Helheim, or to even darker places, each according to the soul's level of development. The bodies being held in Volkwang await their new reception of souls or spirits just as those souls contained in Walhalla and the other soul-worlds await their re-incarnation, each according to the measure of the powers which have prepared them and the gifts which have enriched them. The powers absorbed there thus strengthen them in this way (more on

this later). All-Father-Biflindi, just as Freya-Fria feel their powers waning, and by providing rich harvests they provide for the "primeval state," in order thereby to gather new forces for the coming battles. Wuotan, who up until now has been the exhaling Giver,now becomes the Taker when he inhales -- therefore he is at this time the Shifty-One. The gods, like humans, are mindful of the cares of winter and begin, each for him or herself, to make harvest.” 11th Thorn-Tir: Thor of Thursday “The fifth of those high-holy Seven-Gods is Jupiter , the Aryo-Germanic Thor (Donar). His hieroglyphic, however, intentionally distorted from the fyrfos ; just like the gibor-rune , which represents this holy sign. The fyrfos (swastika) as the "Hammer of Thor" was one of the holiest secret signs of the high secret tribunal [Acht], and was intentionally concealed by the Armanen for purposes of Wuotanism at public religious services as shown only in an imperfect form. The secret sign of Wuotan, the tryfos or wilfos: or was kept absolutely secret and was not revealed to the folk even in the imperfect form. In place of it we find the othil-rune or . The hieroglyph of Jupiter , the gibor-rune and ultimately the concealed holy-sign of the fyrfos symbolize the high-holy crossed lightning bolts, which we recognize as the bundle of lightning bolts held in the raised right hand of Jupiter, just like the hammer Malmer (Mjolnir) that Thor carries.” 12th Not-Sig: Forsetti in Glitnir/September/Vidrir “9. Scheiding, September: Vidrir = "the weatherer," but also the generator of law" (vid = law, rir = to generate). The equinox with its stormy weather.” “9. Scheiding, September, Libra : Forsetti in glitnir. The struggles and troubles continue on, the high gods hold council and take their places on their seats of judgment. Forsetti (the chief of the divine judges, son of Baldur) decides and discovers justice; he is actually All-Father himself as Vitnir, the generator of law. (Freya as holds the .) Spirit and body, day and night, maintain their balance, gods and men deem that every sort of strife is put to rights and they come together for a common purpose; high-holy legal assemblies [things] are called, great popular assemblies are held, the fruits redden on the trees, the ears of corn become golden, the great general festival of the harvest draws near for gods and men alike.” 13th Not-Bar: Wili/Verdandi 14th Sig-Tir: Niord in Noatun/October/Svidrir “10. Gilbhard, October: Svidrir = "the disappearance of generated fruits." The fields are empty, the leaves turn yellow, and growth ceases.” “10. Gilbhart, October, Scorpio : Niord in Noatun (boat-home). Niord rules in the realm of ships which have returned to harbor. The ship is also symbolically the cradle and the coffin -- and therefore the earth itself, upon which gods and men sail through cosmic space. Just as the ship of Nehalenia went out in Hornung to pour out blessings, it now comes home loaded down with the products of harvest. But the decisions have not proven themselves to be enduring; the light is increasingly at a disadvantage with regard to the darkness, All-Father-Svidrir allows that which has been generated to fade and he himself approaches a descent into Ur.”

15th Sig-Laf: Widar in Landwidi/November/Svidur “11. Laubris, November: Svidur = "disappearing into the Ur." Storms rip leaves from the trees, whatever fruits remain outside will freeze.” “11. Laubris, November, Sagittarius : Widar in Landwidi (woodland, rule-land [Waltland]). All- Father-Svidur sinks back into Ur. Wuotan-Hangatyr "consecrates himself to himself," as a self- sacrifice by hanging in the branches of Yggdrasil. From his semen, which falls down when he dies, the Alraun [mandrake root] grows up from the earth under the hanged-one. This is the re-born Wuotan under the name Widar "again" [Wieder]). Wiedar is therefore Svidur, who has returned, but only as his ancestor, and therefore only his formal appearance, his double [Doppelganger]. Therefore he is also known as the silent Ase; but also the strongest, for he at once sets out and kills the murderer of Baldur, Hodur (Hader), whom he commends to the burning fortress (cremation) in the following month. When, according to other myths, Widar is seen as the son of Rind -- the frozen earth in winter -- this is just another image of the same process. But Widar also means the winter-sun, which is silent -- i.e. without power -- but in spite of this when he is called the strong, even the strongest, Ase after Donar, this refers to his reserve of power collected in the harvest which he takes down into Ur in order to transform this reserve there into even more power for his next return as the youthful solar god. He is the archer who refuses to shoot (Hubertus) because the arrows of the Sun are powerless at this time. For this reason too, the tyr-rune struck through is the symbol of this zodiacal sign. The gods have descended into Ur, the migratory birds have left us, nature has grown quiet and humans celebrate the great festival of the dead (All Souls).” 16th Sig-Bar: Uller in Ydalir/December/Jalkr “12. Wihimanoth, Julmonat, December: Jalkr = "he who has died off." Snow covers the earth like silver hair covers the head of an elder.”” “12. Wihimanoth, Yule-month, December : Uller in Ydalir. The last month in the ring of the year, which contains the shortest day of the year as well as the longest night -- the great Mother Night -- in which the new Sun, the new time, is born. The role which Forsetti played in the inner life of man, as that of the one who decides in conflicts between gods and giants, the spiritual and the material -- is now taken on by Uller in the outer world as the one who decides on who is to win battles. Forsetti puts things to right through decisions and reconciliations, Uller though duels, for in his month the duel between the hostile brothers Wali and Hodur (Hader) takes place, the duel between light and darkness, between summer and winter. "Therefore it is good to call on him in all duels." The gods prepare the funeral pyre for Hodur (Harder) and celebrate the birth of the young god of the Sun, while humans celebrate the holy-night and the fires of Yule. Now it is remarkable that one month-god, namely Wali -- the "Thirteenth"! -- appears in Hornung in the solar-house Walaskialf, as well as in Laubris in the solar fortress Landwidi, without being at home in either fortress. This is actually the Thirteenth, the Dead-one. Wali is, as his name indicates, the dead. Walaskialf certainly belongs to Wuotan as Wal-Father, for it is Walhalla itself and Landwidi is Widar's property, but it is often confused with that of Wali. Widar is not the killer of Hodur, but rather it is Wali, who only "gets off his horse's back in Widar's forested homeland," for his solar house, the thirteenth, was lost to him when the twelve solar months displaced the thirteen lunar months. But Wali will rise up again and he even survives the twilight of the gods [Gottrdammerung] along with Widar. Thus he was

compelled, even if temporarily, as if he was being sheltered, to be placed in "Widar's forested homeland" in Landwidi.” 17th Tir-Bar: Tyr of Teusday “The third, Mars is Tyr, Zio, also Zeizzo or Erich, the one-armed sword-god, the "generator." His hieroglyph also consists of the sign of Ur and the Tyr-rune , which symbolizes the solar ray, the solar arrow as impregnator (phallus). His sword, his one-arm, his phallus ererctus, clearly designates him as the provider of increase, the multiplier or generator under whose guardianship marriages stood, but war as well, since war increased property through the taking of booty and drove out vermin.” 18th Tir-Laf: Fro in Alfheim/January/Allfather “1. Hartung, January: All-Father. The first month in the year is the highest, as All-Father is the first and highest of all the gods (cf. Sunday and ). From this first month all the subsequent months emerge, just as all the gods come from All-Father. The year begins with the longest night, and just as the Night -- as a feminine entity -- is thought of as the Mother of all things, the longest of nights -- the "Great Mothernight," the "Holy-Night" -- was the mother of the year.” “1. Hartung, January, Aquarius or Urn : Freyr (Fro in Alfheim *elf-world]. The new-born Sun rules, the days are bright even if they are still short. All-Father and the gods celebrate the festival of the first tooth of Freyr (of the first ray of the Sun) of the newborn son of the Sun; humans celebrate Yule [Weihnacht = holy-night+, New Year.” 19th Tir-Man: Wal-Father in Walaskialf/February/Herian “2. Hornung, February: Herian = Army-Father, Army-God (not Lord-God [Herrgott]. Wuotan as the Sun (Exalted, Ar ), Urfyr (primeval fire) appears as the warrior (Herier) against Darkness, i.e. the rime- and frost-giants.” “2. Hornung, February, Pisces : Wal-Father (Wuotan as the one who conducts the dead to reincarnation) in Walaskialf (hall of the dead, Walhalla). Wuotan gathers to himself the "half of the Wal" (half of the dead) which belongs to him, i.e. the souls which have lost their bodies, in Walaskialf, in order to conduct them toward reincarnation, i.e. up out of the "primeval state [Urstand] (Underworld) into the world of humans once more. It is just these souls, separated from their bodies, who are his army, which he victoriously leads against the forces of death -- the rime-and frost-giants -- and by means of which he overcomes death in that he awakens the dead to a new life through reincarnation. Humans celebrate the Festival of Torches (Candlemas) by illuminating the Balsen, i.e. the exits of caves, with torches in order to show the way back to the upper world to the souls returning to the earth out of the "primeval state." (This is the Balfaribrauch -- from these Balfen the Palfau in Steirmark have their name.) Gods and humans celebrate Fasnacht [fasting-night = Lent] and Fasing [= Fasching = Mardi Gras], when the ship of Nehalenia departs to spread its fructifying blessings.” 20th Bar-Laf: The All-Father of Sunday “In the Sun, in the primeval fire (Urfyr), the All-Father can be recognized. The sign of the empty circle is Ur, the unrevealed God, while the sign of the circle with the point in the middle designates God revealed in matter (First Logos). is therefore not the Sun as such, but rather it is the God revealed as the First

Logos, as Father-Mother and as All-Father, merely whose symbol is the Sun. For this reason the high holy Acht has two signs for it: for the Sun as such and for the spiritual Sun, the primeval fire [Urfyr], God, or All-Father; in secret scriptures it is also called psychhelia. (This was because at certain times it was thought that without the use of foreign words this name could not be pronounced or that it needed to be hidden.)” 21st Bar-Man: We/Skuld 22nd Surtur of Saterday “The last, the seventh of the Seven-gods, is Saturn . The name consists of the two Ur-words: sa = "generate" and turn = "turn," i.e. to cause something to stop, and therefore is the equivalent of death, or passing away, or transformation toward a new arising. This name Saturn, like so many other mythological names, is only a functional characterization which became the name of an anthropomorphized elaboration of a divine essence. In the understanding of Armanism it is, however, a circumlocution for Surtur (Satur) and means "continually in the Ur," i.e. in the eternal. Through the portal of birth, in coming into being, a human encounters things such as essence, objects, events, times, etc. Thus we have the course of becoming, life in our world of the senses, which allows us to leave this world through the gate of death -- by dying once more, and to be prepared in the Ur for a renewed arising, for rebirth. The Arman calls this preparation in the Ur for the next rebirth or incarnation "Surtur," and for this reason God, or the All-Father prior to his materialization, is called "Surtur," and bears, after his dematerialization at the end of times, the same name -- "Surtur." Even in the Christian Middle Ages the state of the soul in death was called the "primeval state" [Urstand] , i.e. the condition within Ur. Therefore the hieroglyph of Saturn (Surtur) is the sign of increase together with the sal- rune or , meaning an increase in salvation. Throughout the transformations which condition this passing away toward new arising (through dying and overcoming death for re-incarnation) it is just these reserves for salvation slumbering in the Ur which are released, and thus the soul, tarrying in the "primeval state," is able, depending to its own abilities, to develop and provide for its next incarnation on earth, and with these means to assimilate as many of the qualities from the treasury of such qualities stored in this state as it can. For this reason the god of death is no enemy of man, but rather his friend, who provides him with rich gifts during his stay in the "primeval state," for his next earthly life in a renewed human existence, in order to maintain the steady progress of the whole of humanity in an indefatigable process by means of these gifts. By concluding in "Surtur," or Saturn, the Seven have reached their end, only to begin the circulation once more from the beginning in the Acht (octave), but as with music on an Acht (octave) higher. Therefore the circulations do not take place on a horizontal plane, but rather in a spiral toward a definite goal, exactly as the planets in their orbits around the Sun -- proceeding onward with the Sun in their collective course -- rushing through unmeasured distances toward a goal which remains unknown to us.” The 22 Paths of The Armanen Tree of Life.. 1. Wuotan/Urda 2. Mercury – Wednesday – Wuotan 3. The Moon – Monday – Moon 4. Venus – Friday – Freyja 5. Aries – Saga in Sokkvabekkr – March - Nikar

6. Taurus – Wuotan in Glastheim – April – Hnikudr 7. Gemini – Skadi in Thirmsheim – May – Fiolnir 8. Cancer – Baldur in Breidablick – June – Oski 9. Leo – Heimdal in Himingbiorg – July - Omi 10. Virgo – Freyja in Volkwang – August – Biflinidi 11. Jupiter – Thursday – Thor 12. Libra – Forsetti in Glitnir – September – Vidrir 13. Wili/Verdandi 14. Scorpio – Niord in Noatun – October – Svidrir 15. Sagittarius – Widar in Landwidi – November – Svidur 16. Capricorn – Uller in Ydalir – December – Jalkr 17. Mars – Teusday – Tyr 18. Aquarius – Fro in Alfheim – January – Allfather 19. Pisces – Wal-Father in Walaskialf – February – Herian 20. The Sun – Sunday – All-Father 21. We/Skuld 22. Saturn – Saterday – Surtur

Conclusion Putting together Armanism and Kabbalah: The Tree of Life has been a most rewarding experience. I have offered nothing in the way of any practical use of it, and that is for a good reason. What is best is what only one knows! If you are so inclined I recommend you study the Kabbalah as much as you can stand, and then internalize The Armanen Tree of Life as presented herein. Sooner or later it will begin to speak of its Self, and when it does, so will you, in the Kala of the Armanen. Alaf sal fena!

Appendix I: Towards an Understanding of the First, Second, and Third Logos Guido von List goes on in The Religion of the Ario-Germanic Folk: Esoteric and Exoteric about a First Logos, a Second Logos, and a Third Logos. The First Logos "...the previously hidden, still unrevealed God revealed himself as the First Logos. This original element then developed into the first four elements: fire (Muspellsheim), water (Audhumbla), air (Niflheim), and earth (Ymir).” The First Logos was revealed into the four elements of fire, water, air, and earth represented mythologically by Muspellsheim, Audhumbla, Niflheim, and Ymir. This can be imagined horizontaly. The Second Logos “Only with the appearance of the first divine triad is the Second Logos revealed..” “That which concerns the essence of the Triad of Gods as such symbolizes the three stages: "coming into being -- becoming -- and passing away (toward new arising)," and this is expressed by all groups of names in all mythical triads. These always symbolize the same triad in various aspects, whether or not these begin with Wuotan as the first element, e.g. the Nornic triad: "Urda, Verdandi, Skuld." Urda means: That which has been there from the beginning, thus that which has come into being; Verdandi is that which is becoming; and Skuld is the effect and cause of becoming, in either the good or bad sense according to circumstances.” The Second Logos came about with the cyclical process of arising, being, and passing away to a new arising represented mythologically by especially Urda, Verdandi, and Skuld. Again, this can be imagined as a cyclical process. The Third Logos “But just as the unrevealed God is only able to reveal himself in matter and become the world-spirit (First Logos), and just as the revealed God has to activate himself in creation generatively (Second Logos), in order to come to a vision and knowledge of himself, and finally just as the human spirit (Third Logos) had to attain this through an apparent descent from divinity for the sake of awareness of divinity itself, i.e. his own selfhood, so too the human being can only rediscover the divinity within himself (the divine inwardness)..” The Third Logos is Man on Midgard. He is a synthesis of the elements of the First Logos manifesting on the horizontal plane which go through the cyclical process of arising, being, and passing away to a new arising of the Second Logos. The Third Logos is thus Man on Midgard who "rediscovers the divinity within himself!" A quote on the divine inwardness from The Secret of the Runes, by Guido von List translated by Stephen E. Flowers..

"The exalted introspective awareness or subjectivity of the Aryans was their consciousness of their own godliness, for internity is just being with one's self, and to be with one's self is to be with the Nordic God. "

Appendix II: Runic Elements, The First, Second, and Third Logos, and The Squared Circle In Appendix I: Towards an Understanding of the First, Second, and Third Logos I mentioned a few things I would like to single out and go on about. The Armanen System of Elements The First Logos - Fire, Air, Water, Earth The Second Logos - Arising, Being, Passing Away to a New Arising Third Logos - Man on Midgard as a synthesis of the above. The Germanic System of Elements In Runelore by Edred Thorsson he writes about a Germanic System of Elements.. “As far as the lore is concerned, the secrets of the Eddas have for too long been ignored. In them is housed a great wealth of hidden knowledge if one will only open one's eyes to it. The cosmogonic myth explored at the beginning of this chapter holds the keys to the secrets of the ancient and complex science of runic elements. The polarized primary elements are two in number: (1) fire and (2) ice, and the secondary ones are (3) water and (4) air. Further elemental building blocks of life are also described in the Gylfaginning in the Prose Edda: (5) iron (slag and the "sparks" from Muspellsheimr as its heat reaches the center), (6) salt, (7) yeast, (8) venom. These are all synthesized in the final element-(9) earth. All of these elements work on the "plane of manifestation"-the horizontal plane-not on the vertical axis of consciousness. These elements are meaningfully diagrammed in figure 10.4.”

Regarding iron, yeast, salt and venom, Edred writes.. “This spark of life first quickens the yeast, causing the organic birth process to be set in motion. This is eternally maintained by the salt of life, which holds the process together. However, the latent venom ensures the continued dynamism and evolutionary nature of the process because it is continually dissolving life so that it may be reshaped in ever more complex forms by consciousness. Here we see the origins of the material aspects of the "high-holy-three" (trifidic-truine-triyad)-birth-life-death to rebirth” (as in Figure 10.5).

The Connection between the Armanen and Germanic Systems of Elements A quote from Donald Tyson's The Power of The Word for an introduction as to what a "Squared Circle" is all about.. “The dynamic interrelationship of three and four was a central puzzle of medieval alchemy. One of the foremost authorities on this subject, the psychiatrist Carl Jung, writes: "The number three is not a natural expression of wholeness, since four represents the minimum number of determinants in a whole judgment. It must nevertheless be stressed that side by side with the distinct leanings of alchemy (and of the unconscious) towards quaternity there is always a vacillation between three and four which comes out over and over again" (Psychology and Alchemy [Princeton University Press, 19801, p. 26). Jung saw the shifting of focus back and forth between systems based on three and four as a wavering between a spiritual and a physical emphasis.” “Alchemists captured this dynamic relationship in the symbol of the squared circle. Along with the making of the Philosopher's Stone and the discovery of the Water of Life, the squaring of the circle was the prime achievement of alchemy. It was represented geometrically by a circle within which was a triangle, within which was a square, within which was a circle. From the unity of the circle arises trinity, and trinity gives birth to quaternity, which in the highest mystery returns to unity once again. The center and perimeter meet and are the same.” More about the "Squared Circle" in a moment.. How the Armanen and the Germanic Systems of Elements correspond with one another.. The First Logos - Fire, Air, Water, Earth / Iron - Fire, Ice, Water, Air The Second Logos - Arising, Being, Passing Away to a New Arising / Yeast-birth, Salt-life, Venom-death

The Third Logos - Man on Midgard as a synthesis of the above. / Earth How these systems correspond with one another so perfectly I will leave the reader to wonder?

The Squared Circle of the Logos

The Squared Circle of the Germanic Elements

Appendix III: On the finding of correspondences between the Armanen Runes and the Kabbalistic Sephiroth One might think this would be the most difficult part of this project, but it has turned out to be rather easy. In The Secret of the Runes Guido von List writes.. “The root word fa, which is symbolised as the primordial word in this rune, is the conceptual foundation of arising, being (doing, working, ruling), and of passing away to new arising -- and so of the transitoriness of all existence and therefore of the stability of the ego in constant transformation.” In A Kabbalistic Handbook for the Practicing Magician Joseph Lisiewski writes regarding Kether.. “The First Cause; the Root of all things; the initial Unity that was, is, and will be, and from which all else proceeds.” And, in The Primal Language of the Aryo-Germanic People and their Mystery Language Guido von List writes.. “I. The phonetic symbol = fa (F) the primordial fire as the cause or power” W. Wynn Wescott writes regarding the Monad in Numbers Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtue.. “The number One or the Monad has been defined by the mathematician Theon of Smyrna as “ the principal and element of numbers, which while multitute can be lessened by subtraction, is itself deprived of every number and remains stable and firm.” Hence as a number, it is indivisible, it remains immutable, and even multiplied into itself remains itself only, since once one is still one, and the monad multiplied by the monad remains the immutable monad to infinity. It remains by itself among numbers, for no number can be taken from it, or separated from its unity.” In The Kabbalah Unveiled by Mathers we read.. “42. We now come to the consideration of the first Sephira, or the Number One, the Monad of Pythagoras. In this number are the other nine hidden. It is indivisible, it is also incapable of multiplication; divide 1 by itself and it still remains 1, multiply 1 by itself and it is still 1 and unchanged. Thus it is a fitting representative of the great unchangeable Father of all. Now this number of unity has a twofold nature, and thus forms, as it were, the link between the negative and the positive. In its unchangeable one-ness it is scarcely a number; but in its property of capability of addition it may be called the first number of a numerical series. Now, the zero, 0, is incapable even of addition, just as also is negative existence. How, then, if 1 can neither be multiplied nor divided, is another 1 to be obtained to add to it; in other words, how is the number 2 to be found? By reflection of itself. For though 0 be incapable of definition, 1 is definable. And the effect of a definition is to form an Eidolon, duplicate, or image, of the thing defined. Thus, then, we obtain a duad composed of 1 and its reflection. Now also we have the commencement of a vibration established, for the number 1 vibrates alternately from changelessness to definition, and back to changelessness again. Thus, then, is it the father of all numbers, and a fitting type of the Father of all things.”

What Seigfried Adolf Kummer in Rune=Magic had to write regarding Fa for good measure.. “The F-Rune, Fa, Fa-tor = Father; generation in Spirit and in Matter, kindling a fire, fire- engendered magical force which shapes everything; the eternal return of the Fa-tor—pure Love which constantly works in a creative manner. Numerical value 1.” In The Secret of the Runes Guido von List writes.. “rit = cosmic law, rat, red, wheel, rod, right, and so on. A fifth I heard, if from a happy flight a shot flies into the host; however swiftly it flies, I will force it to stop if I can only catch it with my gaze. The thrice hallowed Cosmic Law, the solar wheel, the primal fire itself! The exalted introspective awareness or subjectivity of the Aryans was their consciousness of their own godliness, for internity is just being with one's self, and to be with one's self is to be with the Nordic God. As long as a people possesses unspoiled their entire original internity as a natural people (the people as a natural people is not being in a savage condition, for uncivilised savages live in the bondage of the most horrible shamanism; the people as a natural people, on the contrary, stipulates a high level of culture, yet free from any kind of false sophistication), it also has no cause to worship an external divinity, for an external divine service bound by ceremony is only made obvious when one is not able to find the Nordic God in one's own innermost being, and begins to see this outside his ego and outside the world -- up there in the starry heaven. The less internal the person is, the more outward his life becomes. The more a people loses its internity, the more pompous and ceremonialised its outward manifestations become -- in the character of its government, law, and cult (all of which will begin to emerge as separate ideas). But they should remain one in the knowledge: What I believe is what I know, and so I also live it out. For this reason, the Aryan divine internity is also the basis for a proud disdain for death among the Aryans and for their limitless trust in the Nordic God and in the self, which expresses itself gloriously in the primal law of the Aryans and which has the fifth rune as its symbolic word sign. Therefore, this rune says: I am my right (rod), this right is indestructible, therefore I am myself indestructible, because I am my right.” In A Kabbalistic Handbook for the Practicing Magician Joseph Lisiewski writes regarding Chokmah.. "Wisdom of the most subtle, profound type, of which humankind is capable of comprehending; the essential impulse behind the very essence of intellectualism; the Will that exists beyond one's personal, individual will, and which is the Divine Will within the individual. Magically, it is the 'True Will" of the aspirant: that part of the Will of God seeking to express itself in the world through the individual." In The Primal Language of the Aryo-Germanic People and their Mystery Language Guido von List writes.. “II. The phonetic symbol = rit (R) the primordial air , as the will” At this point I should probably quote the following since we are going on about Will and the Nordic God.. In The Secret of the Runes Guido von List writes..

“The pivotal point of the old Aryan Germanic worldview laid down in the runes and holy signs and of its theosophical metaphysical understanding, however, rests on the clear understanding of a higher spiritual being -- the Nordic God! that consciously and with intention engendered or created matter, with which it bound itself indivisibly until their passing away; with matter equally indivisible from being -- ruling within matter -- this being controls and develops it until matter has fulfilled the aim for which it was engendered, whereupon it will again be dissolved and a higher form of being -- the Nordic God! -- will again be dematerialised as the Primeval, which it was before the engendering of the world. From this main point of understanding, the following points of knowledge may be deduced: 1. the biune bifidic dyad (spirit and body); 2. the triune trfidic triad (the Primeval, the All, the Primeval; past, present, future; arising, being, passing away to new arising); 3. the multifidic multiune multiplicity (the ego in the All as All); 4. the divine internity; since every ego is a part of the Nordic God, and therefore is immortal as an individual, it consequently only migrates along the way through matter toward eternity through the mutation of uncounted preexistences, present existences, and postexistences; 5. the recognition of duty to help to develop and perfect the work of the Nordic God; 6. the will to fulfil this duty, because the will of the Nordic God must be the personal will of every ego; and 7. the act of fulfilment, through the sacrifice of one's life.” Wit ye further, or how? Edred Thorsson writes in ALU regarding Ansuz.. "...the gift of the Aesir - must evolve, come into being and act in the world in order to do the work of the Aesir in Midgard. This is the actual advanced purpose of galdor and of the Runes (the articulation of symbolic sound).”

Appendix IV: On the Subject of Tradition I would like to offer up a few quotes from Rune Might by Edred Thorsson regarding Tradition.. "I must add that although the Armanic tradition is a modern phenomenon, it remains a Germanic one." "...all of these systems can be seen for what they are: various facets of the underlying runic reality, of which these systems are the most external phenomena. The fact that there is a degree of fluctuation in the traditions is perhaps to be expected of the Germanic magical systems, which so highly value the state of flux and resulting possibilities for growth." "In essence there are only four true runic systems..What is needed, however, is a systemic synthesis of the four legitimate rune-magic traditions. Once such a synthetic understanding is gained, it will be easier for the runer to make use of the magical practices and lore particular to each of the systems, while maintaining a solid base of traditionally anchored knowledge. There can be no doubt, from any point of view, that the 24-rune Older Futhark is the oldest and most original of all the traditions. It is the primary thesis, which actually represents the original Germanic synthesis of universal knowledge. It is from a knowledge-base in this system that a synthetic understanding of all the other systems is most easily achieved." I saved the best quote for last.. "The older tradition can teach the runer much more about the Armanic system than the Armanic system can be used to understand the older tradition." Let me now show you how such is so.. Guido von List writes in The Primal Language of the Aryo-Germanic People and their Mystery Language.. “I. The phonetic symbol = fa (F) the primordial fire as the cause or power” Edred Thorsson writes in Runelore regarding Fehu.. "In the cosmology this is the true outward force of the primal cosmic fire - the expansive force that answers to contraction and solidification in ice. This is a fire generated out of water and in the dark depths of the multiverse - and in the dark corners of the self." And, in Alu.. "Cosmologically, the first rune has often been associated with fire. This is perhaps because its name alliterates with fire (OE fyr), but more specifically in the Old Icelandic Rune-Poem, the kenning flaedhar viti "flood-tide's fire or beacon" appears. A viti is a signal fire or a beacon, which burns on shore at the seaside to warn approaching ships - like a lighthouse. A fire in proximity to water is the cosmological key here. The world is created and sustained where fire and water meet. Fire is also necessary for the generation of gold - which is the oldest smelted metal." Guido von List tells writes regarding Rit in The Primal Language of the Aryo-Germanic People and their Mystery Language..

“II. Will to the expression of power” Edred Thorsson writes in Runelore.. "The R-rune is the vehicle ("wagon") for and the pathway (the whole "ride") along the journey of becoming in the rune worlds. This path is hard and difficult at times - often in hostile social or natural environments - and a strong vehicle ( = mental powers) and horse ( = spiritual substance; see ehwaz) are needed in order to be successful." "One of the great mysteries of the R-stave is its relationship to the idea of "wheels" within the psychophysical complex of man ( see the Latin gloss iter [wheel] in "The Icelandic Rune Poem"). It is on these "wheels" that the magical journey of initiation is made." Guido von List writes regarding Ka in The Primal Language of the Aryo-Germanic People and their Mystery Language.. “III. Ability (art) as result of power’s expression” Edred Thorsson writes in Runelore regarding Kenaz.. "This is the rune of creativity - or more accurately, in Germanic terms, of the ability to shape. This is symbolized by the controlled fire - the torch - but also by the fires of hearth, harrow ( = altar), forge, and pyre. Each serves the human will to shape and reshape itself or its environment." And, in Alu.. "Kenaz is the technical means through which things are transformed from one state of being to another - darkness into light, life into death, etc. Transitions are made through kenaz and such transitions are made by bold - keen - spirits." Guido von List tells writes regarding Thorn in The Primal Language of the Aryo-Germanic People and their Mystery Language.. “IV. Realization of the goal in deed” Edred writes in Runelore regarding Thurisaz.. “..the sign of pure action” And, in Alu.. “Every human, like every god, has a Thurs lurking deep within its DNA. This thursic brain ( reptilian or even deeper ) is both our enemy and our friend. It is our enemy in that it works against development with its intrinsic entropic nature. But if that automatic power can be harnesses and directed toward the service of conscious plans, it can be unstoppable. The Aesir learned to overcome and control this power for their own ends - an act which forever separated them from the thurses and made them true gods."

See what I’m getting at? Reyn til Runa!
