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Arms And The Lady by Peter T Knowles

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  • 7/28/2019 Arms And The Lady by Peter T Knowles


  • 7/28/2019 Arms And The Lady by Peter T Knowles



    V i t i r X/ J o k w c i s

    L R D P L O H X M I C L H U

  • 7/28/2019 Arms And The Lady by Peter T Knowles



    Xmi Lutmkr wls bkro ko l smiip stlteko eo tmi Veccbrl kaOkrtm Wist Lustrlcel/


  • 7/28/2019 Arms And The Lady by Peter T Knowles



    @kpyregmt Vitir X/ Jokwcis

    Xmi regmt ka Vitir X/ Jokwcis tk bi ehioteaeih ls lutmkr ka tmes

    wkrj mls biio lssirtih by med eo l``krhlo`i wetm si`teko 77 loh

    7= ka tmi @kpyregmt# Hisegos loh Vltiots L`t

  • 7/28/2019 Arms And The Lady by Peter T Knowles



    @mlptir Nuoekr

    Ihetkr/ Pmi wls tmi ykuogist ka tmi akur nuoekr ihetkrsidpckyih by tmi pubcesmeog mkusi ka Lccio loh Nicseosjy# L!N

    eo tmi trlhi# loh `kuotih mirsica l viry akrtuolti ykuog clhy/Arkd trleoii nkurolcest tk ihetkr# ivio nuoekr grlhi# eo tio

    yilrs wls l alst$trl`j `lriir pltm loh smi joiw et/ Ko`i lgleo

    smi bcissih tmi hly Nksipm N/ Ippeog# tmi `rlggy$al`ih ailturisihetkr ka tmi Ditrkpkcetlo Xrebuoi# mlh l``iptih mir M/P/@/

    loh seogci plgi @/Q/ loh gruaacy put mir ko stlaa/

    Xmi splrjceog s`ioi arkd mir aeatm ackkr weohkw heddih#

    ls wespy `ckuhs hreatih l`rkss tmi mugi lr` ka tmi sjy/ Ciiswuog mir `mler bl`j tk tmi hisj/ Ok tedi akr hlyhrildeog#smi tkch mirsica: Deji wls lrreveog arkd Gkucburo tkoegmt loh

    et wls mir nkb tk dlji suri tmi l``kddkhlteko smi mlh

    lrrlogih akr med wls `krri`tcy bkkjih loh tmlt mi wlsixpi`tih/

    Lo mkur spih sweatcy by wmeci Cii `mi`jih tmi rist ka tmidlec loh mlohcih tmi dkroeog rkuteoi ka mir kaae`i/ Dejis aeci

    wls skko tmi kocy koi okt eo mirkut trly loh ko`i lgleo# smipe`jih et up/ E wkohir wmlt mi ckkjs ceji# smi dusih akr tmiudptiiotm tedi/ Cii mlh biio sk edprissih wetm tmes aerst$tedi

    okvicests wkrj tmlt smi mlh tljio l grilt hilc dkri tedi kvir

  • 7/28/2019 Arms And The Lady by Peter T Knowles



    et tmlo wls usulc loh ls l `kosiquio`i# mlh eoviotih l pirskoltk wme`m smi `kuch riclti/ Mes cittirs mlh okt gevio du`m hitlec

    lbkut medsica# nust tmlt mi cevih ko l sdlcc prkpirty wist kaGkucburo# loh tmlt tmi ck`lci ka tmi okvic wls hrlwo ko tmi

    tkwo loh tmi surrkuoheog `kuotrysehi/ Mi skuohs jeoh ka

    sirekus# smi sleh tk mirsica ls smi slw eo mir deohs iyi l tlcc`kuotry giotcidlo eo tmi dkuch ka lo Iogcesm squeri: deh$

    akrteis# mkro$reddih gclssis# cegmt brkwo mler# plrtih loh

    `kdbih bl`j/ Ka `kursi mi wkuch bi hrissih eo `krhurkynkhmpurs# wetm pkcesmih bcl`j reheog bkkts loh l twiih

    smkkteog nl`jit/ Loh hivecesmcy mlohskdika `kursi,

    Leoscei Nldis# ykuri l twet# smi lhdkoesmih mirsica/ Misprkblbcy aeaty# alt# blch loh l prkpir hkrjbut mi dust mlvi

    skditmeog gkeog akr med tk bi lbci tk prkhu`i su`m pkwiraucidkteko loh edlgiry eo mes wreteog/

    Ko`i dkri uotk tmi tlsj# hilr areiohs# ko`i dkri# smidesquktih lckuh tk tmi buo`m ka dlregkchs eo l vlsi ko tmi

    `kroir ka mir hisj/ Eotk tmi kut trly wiot Husty Ackwirs#

    loh Cii buseih mirsica wetm tmi dkri prksle` huteis ka l nuoekr

    ihetkr/Loykoi akr cuo`m;

    L tmlt`m ka `urcy rih mler lbkvi l pexei al`i pkjih lrkuohtmi kaae`i hkkr/ Cii gclo`ih lt mir wlcc `ck`j/ Xwicvi$tmerty

    lcrilhy loh stecc l milp ka wkrj tk hk/ Xmltcc til`m yku tkhlyhrild# smi tkch mirsica/

    @kdeog okw# Nio, Cii sleh loh grlbbeog mir smkuchir$

    blg akcckwih mir areioh loh aicckw nuoekr ihetkr# Niooeair Grig#hkwo tmi mlcc tk tmi icivltkrs/ Kut eo tmi striit tmi suo wls

    smeoeog wlrdcy lgleo ls tmi twk gercs milhih akr l oilrbycuo`m blr/ Xmiy dlhi l strejeog `kupci loh dkst ka tmi dlci

    milhs turoih akr l si`koh gclo`i/ Koi# pirt# piteti# loh rih$

    milhih# tmi ktmir# tlcc# sced loh aler# bktm sweogeog lckog wetmilsy strehi loh wehi sdecis/ Lt tmi cuo`m blr# Niooeair dlhi

    akr l vl`lot tlbci# wmeci Cii pe`jih up slclhs loh aruet nue`i

    loh nkeoih mir/Wmlts oiw wetm tmi grilt Lustrlcelo okvic; Niooy

    tilsih mir `kdploeko: Cii mlh wlxih cyre`lc lbkut Dejiswkrj ko dkri tmlo koi k``lseko/

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    Wmlts oiw# yku jok`jir# es tmlt Dr/ De`mlicDleowlreog es lrreveog eo Pyhoiy tmes ivioeog, Cii ripceih#

    idpmlseseog tmi pkeot wetm mir joeai/Miy# tmlts grilt, Okw lt clst Ecc bi lbci tk sii wmlt Dr/

    Dystirekus ckkjs ceji/ Ecc bit mis l hkg/

    Dlybi# dlybibut wmlt ea mis okt; Wmlt ea mi turoskut tk bi tlcc# hlrj# loh mlohskdi;

    Xmio tmi Pmlrj wecc swlcckw med wmkci/ Xmi blotir

    mlh heih arkd Niooys vke`i ls smi diotekoih tmi Pmlrj# tmiprevlti oldi tmi twk areiohs mlh akr Drs/ Geccelo Plxi$

    @rkssclohl oktih dlo$iltir loh Ciis sioekr ihetkr/ Pioekr

    ihetkrs lt L!Ns wiri idpckyih# kaae`elccy# tk supirvesi tminuoekr ihetkrs loh mlohci tmi DPs ka tmi dkri edpkrtlot

    wretirs eo tmi L!N stlbci/ Eo tmi `lsi ka Plxi$@rkssclohmkwivir# mir vlcui cly eo mir oldi/ Pmi wls l wicc$`kooi`tih

    sk`elceti loh `kuch dlji suri mir lutmkrs wiri siio eo lcc tmiregmt pcl`is/ Pmi `kosehirih mir nkb wls tk sego tmi `kotrl`t#

    prkdkti tmi lutmkr sk`elccy loh git mir oldi eo tmi `rihets ls

    ihetkr/ Xmi rilc wkrj wls ciat tk tmi cejis ka Cii loh Niooy/

    Drs/ GP/@ wkuchot tku`m lo lutmkr uotec mi mlh lt cilst twksu``issauc bkkjs ko tmi stlohsuociss# ka `kursi# mi wls tlcc#

    hlrj loh mlohskdi/Uku jokw Cii# E rilccy aiic akr yku/ Xmi sydpltmy eo

    Niooys iyis wls `lrreih eo mir vke`i/ Xmloj Gkh Evi gkt kchGikrgi/ Mi degmt bi l bet ka lo kch wkdlo but lt cilst mi hkis

    mes smlri ka tmi wkrj/

    Uis# sleh Cii/ Uku lri cu`jybut tmio# pirmlps# sk ldE/ Geccelo hkisot eotirairi wetm dy wkrjeo al`t# Ed okt suri

    smi jokws Ed tmiri dkst ka tmi tedi/

    Xmi latirokko plssih que`jcy akr Cii/ Dkst ka et wls tljio

    up wetm l que`j ri`lp ka Deji Dleowlreogs D+P loh l `lriaucpiruslc ka tmi cltist lctirltekos smi mlh suggistih/ Ix`etidiot

    aeccih mir loh smi wkohirih wmy; Wmy smkuch E git sk wkrjih

    up kvir l dlo Evi oivir dit# smi lsjih mirsica/ Mi dly turokut tk bi ceji tmlt guy wmk wrkti L Pkcheirs Wlr/ Mi wls

    queti prisiotlbci# pmyse`lccy: mi wls lcsk koi ka tmi dkstbkreog dio Evi ivir dit/

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    Gevi ykursica l brilj gerc# smi `mehih mirsica# tkdkrrkw lccwecc bi rivilcih/

    Xmi `kdakrtlbci tkwomkusi Cii `lccih mkdi wls tu`jih

    lwly eo l queit striit eo Rksi Bly# l cilay# up$dlrjit suburb

    nust l pcilslot trld rehi arkd mir `ety kaae`i/ Xwk bihrkkdsloh lo io$sueti lbkvi tmi jet`mio loh ceveog lril# l deous`uci

    bl`jylrh loh l suooy upstlers blc`koy kpioeog kaa tmi dleo

    bihrkkd: lo ilsy$`lri mkdi akr l busy wkrjeog gerc/Cii `mi`jih tmi cittirbkx ls smi iotirih tmi sdlcc

    akri`kurt: ok dlecok beccs ietmirok oiws es gkkh oiws# smi

    dusih# ls smi jiyih kpio tmi arkot hkkr/ Xmi loswireogdl`meoi ko tmi jet`mio bio`m bceojih lt mir but tmiri wls ok

    disslgi ko tmi tlpi/ Km wicc# smi tmkugmt# ea et wls edpkrtlottmiyh reog lgleo/ Pmi `mi`jih tmi tedi> sex$twioty/ Deji

    smkuch bi eo tmi `ety lbkut okw/ L smevir ka ix`etidiot wiottmrkugm mir loh smi mlh tk `mehi mirsica yit lgleo tmlt smi wls

    buecheog `lstcis eo tmi ler/ Wesmauc tmeojeog;smi cit tmlt

    tmkugmt mlog ko tmi pirepmiry ka mir deoh wmeci smi priplrih

    mir heooir# tmio milhih akr tmi smkwir wmeci et `kkjih/Cltir# `urcih up ko tmi skal# `kaaii eo mloh loh Jiooy G/

    ko tmi stirik# smi brkugmt tmlt tmkugmt kut tk ixldeoi et/ Wlsmir prik``uplteko wetm De`mlic Dleowlreog rilccy mir

    sub`kos`ekus rideoheog mir tmlt mir bekckge`lc `ck`j wlseoixkrlbcy dlrjeog tmi plsslgi ka mir hlys; Xmlt tkhly# lt

    twioty$sivio yilrs ka lgi# l dlo# l mkdi# loh l aldecy wiri

    nust ls ridkti ls tmiy wiri lt siviotiio; \ueti pkssebcy/ Butheh smi rilccy oiih# kr wlot# tmksi e`kos ka hkdiste`ety;

    Wlsot mir `lriir suaae`eiot tk sltesay mir oiihs; Wicc,citsnust turo tmlt lrkuoh/ Wls smi useog mir `lriir ls lo ix`usi# l

    rilsko okt tk `kosehir tmi sirekus cl`j ka dlci `kdploekosmep

    kvir tmi clst sivirlc yilrs;stilhy tmiri# gerc,///tmlts gitteogpritty hiip,

    Ristciss wetm tmi hiprisseog s`iolrek smi wls wreteog akr

    mirsica# Cii rksi arkd tmi skal loh pl`ih tmi rkkd# oktwloteog tk l``ipt tmi pkssebecety tmlt tmiri dly mlvi biio

    dkri tmlo l cettci trutm eo mir duseogs/ @lt`meog l riaci`teko kamirsica eo l wlcc derrkr brkugmt loktmir tmkugmt tk

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    deohwmlt hk E mlvi tk kaair l dlo loywly; Pmi joiw smiwls okt vleo but smi mlh lcwlys treih tk dlji tmi bist ka wmlt

    smi mlh/ Xmlt# smi biceivih# wls pirskolc prehi# okt vloety/Cii dkvih que`jcy tk tmi stlers loh rlo up tmid tk mir

    bihrkkd# l rkkd tmlt wls aideoeoi wetmkut bieog aussy/ Buect$

    eo rkbis# ailtureog aucc ciogtm eotirekr derrkr hkkrs ril`mihl`rkss mlca ka koi wlcc# tmi ktmir mlca tljio up by Ario`m

    weohkws kpioeog kotk tmi sdlcc blc`koy/ Hrlweog tmi milvy

    hrlpis wetm `lri# Cii kpioih tmi wlrhrkbi hkkrs loh al`ih tmitlcc derrkrs/ Pmi sckwcy sceppih tmi rkbi arkd mir smkuchirs

    loh tkch mir edlgi tk stip kvir bisehi mir loh `kosehir wmlt et

    slw wetm tmi iyis ka l dlo/ Mes iyis `lriauccy eospi`tih tmiriaci`teko eo tmi derrkr loh wiri sltesaeih wetm tmi veiw: ckog

    smlpicy cigs suppkrtih tmi siosulc `urvi ka tmi meps loh tmitred wlest/ Aerd# aucc brilsts sckpih upwlrhs tk sdkktm#

    sckpeog smkuchirs loh l tlcc# sced oi`j/ Cegmt brkwo mler# nustsmkrt ka luburo loh riaci`teog gkchio megmcegmts# muog eo l

    smeoeog `ls`lhi tk tmi smkuchirs# arldeog lo eotiristeog al`i/

    Eotiristeog; Uis# eotiristeog# sleh mes iyis/ Okt `lpetlc B

    biluteauc# loh `irtleocy okt pcleobut eotiristeog, Xmi al`iwls l treaci ckog but tmi megm `miijbkois sit et kaa: tmi dkutm

    wls l bet tkk wehibut et sdecih ilsecy loh katio/ Xmi bistailturi# mes iyis hi`ehih# wls tmi cudeokus# griy iyis# tectih

    upwlrhs lt tmi `kroirs loh areogih wetm ckog# `urceog clsmis/Mes iyis rituroih tk Ciis edlgeoltekoE wkohir wmlt

    `kckur Deji Dleowlreogs iyis lri# smi tmkugmt# ls smi

    `kosehirih mir riaci`teko/ Mir aler `kdpcixeko wls l``iotultihby tmi cegmt lcc$kvir tlo tmlt smi dlolgih tk prisirvi# tmlojs

    tk tmi latirokko suo ko mir blc`koy# loh# tljio ls l pl`jlgi#tmi pmyse`lc Cii Nldis smkuch lppilc tk l gkkhcy oudbir ka

    rih$bckkhih ykuog dlcis/ Pk wmlt wls tmi prkbcid;

    Cii segmih ls smi `cksih tmi wlrhrkbi loh wrlppih mirsicako`i dkri eo mir rkbi/ Et wls okt ls ea smi mlh ok dlci areiohs:

    eo al`t tmiri wiri l oudbir ka dio wetm wmkd smi wls viry

    areiohcysmi wls lcsk viry areiohcy wetm tmier wevis/ Pmi tkkjtmier dlt`mdljeog eo gkkh plrt# loh wmeci ko k``lseko tmiri

    mlh biio splrjs# ok aeris ka plsseko mlh spruog arkd tmid/

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  • 7/28/2019 Arms And The Lady by Peter T Knowles


  • 7/28/2019 Arms And The Lady by Peter T Knowles


  • 7/28/2019 Arms And The Lady by Peter T Knowles


  • 7/28/2019 Arms And The Lady by Peter T Knowles


  • 7/28/2019 Arms And The Lady by Peter T Knowles


  • 7/28/2019 Arms And The Lady by Peter T Knowles


  • 7/28/2019 Arms And The Lady by Peter T Knowles


  • 7/28/2019 Arms And The Lady by Peter T Knowles


  • 7/28/2019 Arms And The Lady by Peter T Knowles


  • 7/28/2019 Arms And The Lady by Peter T Knowles



    tmkugmtwicc# dy Bcl`j Biluty# yku nust dly bi reheog akr lalcc, Ed skrry Geccelo but E mlvi l privekus ioglgidiot/

    Brilj et, smi sleh# mir vke`i loh mir iyis mlrhioeog/Ok wly, Deji spkji skatcy but mes vke`i `lrreih

    lbskcuti aeolcety/

    Pk# et wls tk bi kpio wlralri loh Deji joiw mi mlh hrlwoaerst bckkh/ L`jokwcihgeog mir hiailt# iyis bclzeog# smi

    swuog lrkuoh tk al`i med/ Ecc dlji suri yku rigrit tmlt, smi

    splt/Xmiy plrtih ko tmi striit `kroir# Geccelo tk rituro tk wkrj

    loh Deji tk spioh l bkreog latirokko# `mltteog wetm ichircy

    riterih kaae`irs# wmk wlotih tk ixpcleo mkw tmiy wkuch mlvipriviotih tmi alcc ka Peoglpkri kr siot Rkddic pl`jeog ckog

    biakri Ic Lcldieo/ Cltir eo tmi hly mi put tmrkugm l `lcc tk tmiL ! N kaae`i loh wmio Jlrio loswirih# lsjih tk bi put

    tmrkugm tk Dess Nldis/ Wmio Cii `ldi ko tmi ceoi Deji `ldistrlegmt tk tmi pkeot/ Evi mlh l bkreog latirokko tlcjeog tk

    ichircy `cub$dio/ Xlji pety ko di loh slvi di arkd lo

    ivioeog ka tmi sldi/ Ply ykucc mlvi heooir wetm diVcilsi#

    Cii;Ko tmi ktmir ioh ka tmi ceoi Cii misetltih# wleteog akr tmi

    sklreog nky lt tmi skuoh ka mes vke`i tk lcckw mir tk spilj eoskditmeog ceji l okrdlc dlooir/ Wmlt lbkut tmi smGeccelo

    Plxi$@rksscloh; smi prk`rlsteoltih/Km# smi tkkj di tk cuo`m loh wi hes`ussih buseoiss/

    Cii `lugmt tmi erkoy eo mes vke`i/ Es tmlt lcc;

    Wmy; quireih Deji/ Pmkuch tmiri bi dkri;Wmy ok, E nust tmkugmt Hrkp et gerc# smi tkch mirsica/

    Ka `kursi Deji# Eh ckvi tk mlvi heooir wetm yku/Aeoi# tmio gevi di ykur lhhriss loh Ecc pe`j yku up lt


    Akr Cii tmi hly suhhiocy tkkj ko l rksy gckw/ Xmi suo

    smkoi# tmi berhs slog# Gkh wls eo mes milvio loh lcc wls sk

    regmt wetm mir wkrch/ Lcc tmkugmt ka sirekus wkrj acih ls smitkkj up tmi D+P ka Dejis bkkj# wme`m Geccelo mlh acuog ko

    mir hisj wetmkut l wkrh# ilrceir eo tmi latirokko/ Pmihlyhrildih ls smi ace`jih tmrkugm tmi plgis/ Xmi `mlrl`tirs

  • 7/28/2019 Arms And The Lady by Peter T Knowles


    2Wecceld M/ Cu`ls/

    Deji greooih ls l tmkugmt plssih tmrkugm mes deoh: sldi

    kch Becc# oivir koi tk siij `iotri stlgi/ Mi kpioih tmi hkkrloh wiot eotk lo kutir kaae`i wmiri l si`ritlry gulrhih

    loktmir hkkr dlrjih Vrevlti/ Wetmkut briljeog stip mi sdecihlt tmi lstkoesmih gerc loh spkji bl`j kvir mes smkuchir/ Hkot

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    wkrry/ Micc sii di# ls mi turoih tmi mlohci loh stippihtmrkugm tk tmi eooir kaae`i# `ckseog tmi hkkr bimeoh med ls mi

    dkvih eotk tmi rkkd/ Bimeoh l clrgi loh uotehy hisj slt BeccCu`ls# tlcc loh splri# mes ko`i hlrj mler# tmeooeog loh griy/

    Ptloheog ko tmi kppkseti sehi ka tmi hisj wls Geccelo Plxi$

    @rksscloh# mir hlrj# vebrlot biluty eo stlrj `kotrlst tk mirsupirekrs ler ka wilreoiss/

    Bktm milhs turoih tkwlrh Deji ls mi mlctih nust eosehi tmi

    hkkr/ Cu`lss terih al`i brkji eotk l mlppy sdeci ls mi rksiarkd mes `mler loh `ldi akrwlrh# mes mloh kutstrit`mih/

    Deji, Grilt tk sii yku# sko, Hehot jokw yku wiri eo tkwo/

    Ls tmiy smkkj mlohs Deji wls mlrh$put tk jiip tmi sdeciko mes al`i# sk grilt wls tmi smk`j ka siieog tmi hrlste` `mlogi

    eo Cu`ls seo`i tmier clst diiteog# lcdkst l yilr lgk/ Xmi ko`ihyolde` bkss ka L!N mlh bi`kdi lo kch dlo: ceoih# griy loh

    wilry/ Gkt hkwo Dkohly# Becc/ Dejis lrd wiot lrkuoh tmikchir dlos smkuchir loh glvi et lo laai`tekolti squiiziloh

    aict tmi cl`j ka tmi skceh dus`ci tmlt mlh ko`i grl`ih tmlt


    Cu`ls turoih bl`j tkwlrhs tmi hisj loh Geccelo# steccstloheog wetm l ckkj ka stuheih bclojoiss# wletih ls mi dlhi

    tmi eotrkhu`tekos/Deji# tmes es Dess Geccelo Plxi$@rksscloh/ Ls mi turoih

    tk eotrkhu`i Geccelo# Deji akristlccih med/ Uis# mi sleh#Wivi dit/ Cu`lss iyibrkws wiot up/ Km,

    Uis/ Geccelo `ut eo# Et wls Dr/ Dleowlreogs

    dlous`rept tmlt E `ldi tk sii yku lbkut/ But hkot wkrry# E `losii yku twk mlvi tmeogs tk tlcj lbkut# sk wi `lo hes`uss et

    cltir/ Wetmkut wleteog akr l ripcy# Geccelo `rkssih tmi rkkdloh plssih tmrkugm tmi hkkr tk tmi kutir kaae`i# iviry stip loh

    iviry ceoi ka mir bkhy smkuteog mir logir/

    Deji greooih lt Becc Cu`ls/ Vritty tku`my# esot smi; Heh Eupsit mir;

    Wmk jokws; Pmi upsits ilsecy/ But hkot wkrry lbkut

    mir# Cu`ls sleh# hesdessevicy/ Pet hkwo loh ticc di wmltykuvi biio hkeog clticy,

  • 7/28/2019 Arms And The Lady by Peter T Knowles



    Et wls lcdkst lo mkur cltir wmio Deji ciat tmi DlolgeogIhetkrs kaae`i# mlveog aeolccy ixtrl`tih l prkdesi arkd Cu`ls

    tk heoi wetm med tmlt ivioeog lt tmi Lrdy @cub/ Xmi altmiraeguri ka mes ykutm# mlh# kvir tmi yilrs# bi`kdi l `cksi loh

    vlcuih areioh loh tk sii tmes ko`i rkbust dlo rihu`ih tk su`m l

    `lre`lturi ka mes akrdir sica# eo su`m l smkrt tedi# ciat Dejiwetm l aiiceog ka hiskclteko: sk et wls wetm l segm ka riceia tmlt

    mi slw Cii lpprkl`m mes tlbci akr tmi cuo`m hlti tmiy mlh

    lrrlogih biakri mi mlh ciat tmi buecheog/Cii sdecih wehicy ls smi l``iptih tmi `mler Deji puccih

    kut akr mir but tmi sdeci alhih ls smi siosih tmi dkkh bimeoh

    mes loswireog sdeci/ Xmlt blh;Arleh sk/

    Geccelo lgleo;Wicc ok# okt iotericy/ Ed wkrreih lbkut tmi `mlogi eo

    Becc/Becc,Uku dilo Becc Cu`ls; Xmi D/I; Hk yku jokw


    Ka `kursi# Deji sleh# wetm l puzzcih arkwo: loh tmio mes

    sdeci rituroih/ Pkrry# ckvi/ E aiic sk `cksi tk yku E akrgit ykuhkot jokw du`m lbkut di kr dy bl`jgrkuoh/

    E jokw iokugmbut Eh ckvi tk jokw dkri/ Wmy hkotyku stlrt wetm dy bkss# Wecceld M/ Cu`ls/ Mkw `kdi yku

    jokw med;Dejis sdeci griw piosevi ls mes didkry aciw bl`j tk mes

    ykutm/ Cii ridleoih seciot# mlppy tk wlet uotec mi wls rilhy tk

    tlcj/ Wmiri hk E stlrt tk ticc yku lbkut Becc Cu`ls; Dejidusih# rmitkre`lccy/Lt tmi bigeooeog E guiss/ Mi plusih#

    `kcci`teog mes tmkugmts: tryeog tk put tmid eotk skdi skrt ka`mrkokckge`lc krhir# sk ls tk bi dkri uohirstlohlbci tk Cii/

    Mi akuoh et mlrh tk rididbir tmlt smi joiw oktmeog ka et: tmlt

    mi mlh kocy dit mir smkrt tedi lgk/Dy altmir wls Nldis Dleowlreog loh mi loh Becc Cu`ls

    wiri areiohs lcdkst arkd bertm/ Hlh wls tmi ichist by koi

    dkotm/ Xmiy griw up ko lhnkeoeog alrds oilr Gkucbkuro lohwiot tk tmi ck`lc `kuotry s`mkkc tkgitmir/ Latir megm s`mkkc eo

    Gkucbkuro loh uoevirsety eo Pyhoiy# Hlh rituroih tk nkeo lck`lc clw aerd# wmeci Becc nkeoih tmi ck`lc oiwsplpir ls l

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    nkurolcest/ Eo Pyhoiy tmiy mlh nkeoih tmi Yoevirsety Rigediotloh mlh grlhultih ls kaae`irs eo tmi Lrdy Risirvi/ Deji

    plusih loh seppih mes `kaaii loh Cii segolccih tmier wletir akrriaeccs/ Uku akcckweog lcc tmes; Okt tkk bkreog;

    Km Deji/ Ka `kursi okt# Ed als`eoltih/

    Wicc# hlh dit dy dktmir smkrtcy latir mi `ldi bl`j tkGkucbkuro loh lbkut l yilr cltir tmiy dlrreih/ Becc Cu`ls wls

    hlhs bist dlo/ E wls bkro tmi hly Lustrlcel hi`ehih tk gk lcc

    tmi wly wetm CBN/ Xmier Risirvi `kddessekos wiri l`tevltihloh l yilr cltir tmiy wiot tk Qeitold ls pcltkko

    `kddlohirs/ Deji plusih lgleo# arkwoeogtmi didkreis

    wiri stecc pleoauc# ivio latir lcc tmi yilrs# tmio mi dlolgih lmlca$wly greo/ Uku rilcesi ykuri gitteog tmi smkrt virseko#

    hkot yku; mi sleh/Cii greooih/ Hkot wkrry, Pkdihly Ecc git et lcc/

    E wls akur yilrs kch# Deji `koteouih# wmio hlh wlsjeccih eo Qeitold/ Cii oktih tmi tlut brkws loh hlrjioeog ka

    tmi iyis ls kch loh pleoauc didkreis sural`ih/ Mih kocy

    biio mkdi twe`i# ko smkrt cilvisE oivir rilccy joiw med:

    loh Olol heih smkrtcy latir tmlt/ Cii ril`mih l`rkss tmi sdlcctlbci loh cly mir mloh ko mes eo seciot sydpltmy/ Wi wiot tk

    cevi ko tmi alrd wetm pl loh dud wiot bl`j tk wkrj lt miraldecys stk`j lgio`y eo tkwo/ Deji tkkj mir mloh eo bktm ka

    mes loh giotcy squiizih# sdeceog lo l`jokwcihgidiot tmltwkrhs ka sydpltmy wiri supiracukus/ Mi pe`jih up tmi

    olrrltevi/ Wmio Becc rituroih tk Gkucbkuro mi wiot bl`j tk

    tmi oiwsplpir loh cltir bi`ldi ets ihetkr/ Mi cevih wetm meswehkwih sestir# Dluhi# eo tkwo loh ls mi loh dud mlh biio

    aerd areiohs biakri tmi wlr# sk et `koteouih/ Dud loh E spiot lgrilt hilc ka tedi lt Luot Dluheis: smi wls l gkkhcy oudbir

    ka yilrs kchir tmlo Becc loh E jokw smi spkecih di rkttio/ E

    mlvi viry akoh didkreis ka tmlt hilr clhy/ Cii slw mes al`iskatio loh mes iyis tlji ko tmier okrdlc splrjci ka gkkh

    mudkur/ Xmi wletir# okteog tmier sirekus `kovirslteko# brkugmt

    dkri `kaaii/E `lot stkp okw# Ed ko l rkcc# Deji queppih loh

    `koteouih/ By tmi tedi E gkt tk megm s`mkkc E mlh rilcesih tmltdud loh Becc wiri lo etidwicc# tmlts koi wly ka putteog

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    etsk# wmio Dluhei heih# et siidih ceji l gkkh ehil akr Becctk dkvi kut tk tmi alrd/ Wmy tmiy hehot dlrry# E mlvi ok ehil

    loh Evi oivir lsjih but by tmes tedi# Beccloh mi wls lcwlysBecc tk di: okoi ka tmes uo`cibuseoisswls dy altmir

    aeguri loh okoi `kuch mlvi biio bittir/ L`rkss tmi tlbci#

    mkcheog mlohs# tmiy sdecih lt koi loktmir# idpltmeseog wetm lsetulteko wme`m dust mlvi siidih strlogi tk l tiiolgir/

    Ko`i lgleo Deji plusih# siieog lgleo mes tiiolgi yilrs#

    tmio dkvih ko/ Wmio E wls hui tk gk tk Yoe/ Becc tkkj lpkseteko ko l Pyhoiy hlecy loh smeatih us lcc hkwo tk tmi `ety/

    Deji plusih lgleo loh tkkj up mes `kaaii loh Cii tkkj tmi

    kppkrtuoety tk `ut eo/Mkw heh Beccokw ykuvi gkt di `lcceog med tmltmkw

    heh mi `kdi tk diit up wetm Nuceus ^icseosje; E biceivi tmlttmiy wiri plrtoirs biakri Dr/ ^icseosjy heih/

    Ukuri regmt# tmiy wiri/ Xmi wly dy dktmir tkch et#Nuceus kwoih l si`koh$mloh bkkj smkp: mes plrtoir# Logus

    Lccio mlh gkoi bl`j tk P`ktcloh loh ls Becc wls lcwlys

    pkjeog lrkuoh# ckkjeog akr ilrcy ihetekos loh tmi ceji# tmiy

    bi`ldi areiohs/ Xmiy bktm mlh l pkkr kpeoeko ka tmi qulcety katmi wkrj bieog pubcesmih lt tmlt teditmes wls tmi ilrcy

    sivioteissk tmiy hi`ehih tk sit up tmier kwo edpreot loh trytk hk bittir/ Nuceus wls sioekr plrtoir loh prkvehih tmi dkoiy:

    Becc brkugmt eo ihetkrelc loh dlolgidiot sjeccs/ Loh sk L!NVubcesmeog wls cluo`mihloh tmlts mkw `kdi E jokw Becc


    Xmiy slt queitcy akr sivirlc dkdiots: Cii# `kos`ekus tmlttmi ixpclolteko tmriw up dkri quistekos tmlo et loswirih# loh

    Deji aiiceog wiegmtih wetm didkreis ckog uohesturbih/Cii brkji tmi secio`i/ Eh bittir git bl`j tk wkrj tmlt

    es ea E stecc mlvi l nkb/

    Ea yku mlviot# Ecc gevi yku koi/ Deji sleh wetm l greo/But nkjis lsehi# E `lo ticc yku tmlt tmi lxi wkot alcc ko yku/

    Bl`j ko tmi striit# latir l que`j idbrl`i# tmiy wiot tmier

    siplrlti wlys# Deji ko mes wly tk lo lppkeotdiot lt LrdyM\# wetm l oeggceog wkrry lbkut wmio loh mkw du`m mi `kuch

    ticc Cii lbkut mes ceai lplrt arkd tryeog tk bi l wretir/ XmiLrdy eotirveiw# mi joiw# wkuch bi ckog loh stkrdy# loh mi

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    ckkjih akrwlrh tk tmi queit ka mes mktic rkkd loh l ciesuricyheooir wetm mes areioh loh diotkr/
