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Army of Two 40 Days Listado de Logros

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  • 7/28/2019 Army of Two 40 Days Listado de Logros


    Listado de logros

    No era como pensaba

    Puntos: 5

    Tendrs que completar el captulo 1 en cualquier nivel de dificultad

    Descenso pronunciado

    Puntos: 10

    Tendrs que completar el captulo 2 en cualquier nivel de dificultad

    Un animal honrado

    Puntos: 15

    Tendrs que completar el captulo 3 en cualquier nivel de dificultad

    Sala de emergencia

    Puntos: 20

    Tendrs que completar el captulo 4 en cualquier nivel de dificultad

    Vamos de compras

    Puntos: 25

    Tendrs que completar el captulo 5 en cualquier nivel de dificultad


    Puntos: 30

    Tendrs que completar el juego en cualquier nivel de dificultad


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    Puntos: 50

    Tendrs que completar la mitad del juego en nivel de dificultad Contratista


    Puntos: 100

    Tendrs que completar el juego en nivel de dificultad Contratista

    Escudo de carne

    Puntos: 15

    Tendrs que usar a 15 enemigos como escudos humanos


    Puntos: 15

    Tendrs que embestir a 20 enemigos

    La bestia

    Puntos: 50

    Tendrs que matar a 6666 personas en Campaa


    Puntos: 10

    Tendrs que matar a 3 o ms enemigos con una sola granada


    Puntos: 20

    Tendrs que matar a 150 enemigos con una pistola

    Viejo fiel

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    Puntos: 20

    Tendrs que matar 400 enemigos con rifles de asalto, subfusiles o escopetas

    Donde pongo el ojo...

    Puntos: 20

    Tendrs que matar a 100 enemigos con un rifle de francotirador

    Como una bala!

    Puntos: 15

    Tendrs que matar a 25 enemigos con "Como una bala" tras Rendiciones fingidas

    A tortazos!

    Puntos: 15

    Tendrs que matar a 50 enemigos cuerpo a cuerpo o con bayoneta


    Puntos: 25

    Tendrs que sobrevivir un nivel en una sesin sin ser derribado en dificultad normal o


    No eres tan malo

    Puntos: 10

    Tendrs que maniatar a 15 combatientes enemigos en lugar de ejecutarlos


    Puntos: 10

    Tendrs que curar a tu compaero 10 veces

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    Francotirador cooperativo

    Puntos: 10

    Tendrs que matar a 5 enemigos con francotirador cooperativo

    Ansia de atencin

    Puntos: 10

    Estando en Rendicin Fingida, permitirs a tu compaero matar con rifle de francotirador a 5


    En sincrona

    Puntos: 10

    Mata a dos enemigos con "Como una bala" simultneos durante una Rendicin fingida


    Huerta de calabazasPuntos: 10

    Tendrs que disparar a 2 enemigos en la cabeza con una sola bala

    Destruccin de colegueo total

    Puntos: 10

    Tendrs que acabar el juego como los mejores amigos

    Colapso de colegueo total

    Puntos: 10

    Tendrs que acabar el juego con una amistad rota

    La verdad est ah fueraPuntos: 20

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    Tendrs que escuchar todos los programas de radio

    Roba y saqueaPuntos: 20

    Tendrs que conseguir 1000000 $

    Arsenal completo

    Puntos: 30

    Tendrs que recoger todas las armas y piezas para armas

    No toques a los gatos con guante

    Puntos: 50

    Tendrs que disparar a todos los gatos Maneki Neko (gatos de la fortuna) del juego

    Traficante de odioPuntos: 10

    Tendrs que personalizar un arma hasta una agresividad alta

    El optimista

    Puntos: 5

    Tendrs que tomar una decisin de moralidad cooperativa positiva

    El pesimista

    Puntos: 5

    Tendrs que tomar una decisin de moralidad cooperativa negativa


    Puntos: 30

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    Tendrs que salvar a todos los rehenes

    Piedra, papel, tijeraPuntos: 5 | Secreto

    Gana a tu compaero tres veces seguidas a "Piedra, papel, tijera"

    Carne fresca

    Puntos: 5 | Secreto

    Versus: Revive a tu compaero y realiza una recarga de compaero durante la misma

    partida pblica


    Puntos: 10 | Secreto

    Versus: Crea una mscara personalizada online (http://www.armyoftwo.com) y sala en una

    partida pblica

    Buscando empleo

    Puntos: 10 | Secreto

    Versus: En partidas pblicas, mata un jugador con el arma principal o secundaria de cada kit

    Traficante de muerte

    Puntos: 10 | Secreto

    Versus: Mata a 10 jugadores con disparos en la cabeza en un solo mapa de una partida


    Buena pareja

    Puntos: 15 | Secreto

    Versus: Gana la puntuacin maxima de equipo en partidas pblicas

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    Rey de la colina

    Puntos: 30 | Secreto

    Versus: Gana la puntuacin maxima de equipo en partidas pblicas

    Agrrate a la vida

    Puntos: 30 | Secreto

    Versus: En una partida pblica, sobrevive un mapa de Extraccin sin sufrir muertes en tu


    Visiones de futuro

    Puntos: 30 | Secreto

    Desbloquea todos los futuros posibles

    Supervivencia de talento

    Puntos: 50 | Secreto

    Versus Completa las 16 rondas de una partida Extraccin en una partida pblica

    Gran partida de caza

    Puntos: 5 | Secreto

    Versus: Mata a ambos miembros de un equipo durante una partida pblica

    Imagnate que estuvieras aqu

    Puntos: 5 | Secreto

    Versus: Invita a un amigo antes de unirte a una sala para jugar una partida pblica


    Puntos: 15 | Secreto

    Construye un arma usando 3 piezas caseras

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    Puntos: 20 | Secreto

    Toma solo decisiones positivas


    Puntos: 20 | Secreto

    Toma solo decisiones negativas

    Todas las armas a tiro

    Puntos: 30 | Secreto

    Versus: Mata un jugador con cada arma, incluidas las armas especiales, en partidas pblicas

    Hombres del pueblo

    Puntos: 25 | Extra

    Escoltad a todos los rehenes a lugar seguro.

    Una nueva cara

    Puntos: 15 | Extra

    Hay algunas mscaras flipantes por la ciudad. Buscad una o dos para cambiar de aspecto.

    Ataque fallido

    Puntos: 50 | Extra

    Completa el captulo 8 en cualquier nivel de dificultad.

    Tren destrozado

    Puntos: 50 | Extra

    Completa el captulo 9 en cualquier nivel de dificultad.

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    Buscando al Dr. Wu

    Puntos: 35 | Extra

    Dr. Wu est buscando informacin. Aseguraos de que vive el tiempo suficiente para


    De verdad puede ser tan simple?

    Puntos: 25 | Extra

    Tenis la oportunidad de acabar con Jonah, lder de la FDI. No la fastidiis.

    Chicos buenos

    Puntos: 25 | Extra

    Meilin Jun ha traicionado a la resistencia, pero si a vosotros os da igual, dejadla vivir.

    Chicos malos

    Puntos: 25 | Extra

    Meilin Jun es una delatora y una traidora. Dadle su merecido.

  • 7/28/2019 Army of Two 40 Days Listado de Logros


    0. Consejos para sobrevivir a la oleada terrorista deShanghai.

    Recarga tus armas en los momentos calmados: en los tiroteos, ser imprescindible

    tener las armas bien a punto.

    En ocasiones, aparecern "final bosses": granaderos, escopeteros, pirmanos, con

    escudos... No malgastes las balas con este tipo de enemigos y presta atencin a ellos

    en la explicacin detallada, en el correspondiente captulo.

    Recoge cuanto dinero y plomo puedas de los enemigos cados: los fajos de billetes te

    servirn para jugosas mejoras en las armas.

    Preocpate de tu compaero, y chale una manita siempre que puedas: cuando t

    caigas en combate, ser l el que venga a socorrerte...

    Si ests herido y tu compaero te est cubriendo para curarte, ayuda t tambin y

    dispara. Puedes hacerlo aunque vayas arrastras.

    Salva, siempre que puedas, a los rehenes inocentes. En el captulo final, si hassalvado a suficientes, te ayudarn.

    Piensa bien tus decisiones en los dilemas morales que te encontrars. Determinarn

    muchas acciones de la trama principal.

    Haz buen uso de la cobertura y, pese al aspecto, no te creas Rambo. Disparar a

    ciegas es una buena idea.

    Psate por la armera de vez en cuando: armas como el RPG-7 o las miras

    telescpicas te ayudarn mucho, sobre todo en los compases finales del juego.

    1. La historia de Salem y Ros en Shanghai. CALLES DE SHANGHAI

    Ve avanzando por las sucias calles de Shanghai mientras te familiarizas con loscontroles. Tu misin aqu es reunirte con uno de tus contactos, JB. Sguele mientras

    haces caso de las indicaciones de la pantalla. Ve poniendo los packs en las cajas

    metlicas sealadas (haz uso del GPS (BOTN SELECT) para saber por dnde ir, y

    conocer la ubicacin de tus objetivos). Cuando no puedas avanzar ms, dispara

    desde la verja a las cajas de alarma. La verja se abrir. Avanza junto a tus

    compaeros hasta llegar al ascensor. Al salir, te encontrars con la primera situacin

    con rehenes. Coge a uno de los secuestradores y detenlos (o mtalos). Sigue por el

    nico camino posible hasta llegar a los paneles de electricidad. Tras corromperlos,

    tendrs que hacer frente a la primera gran oleada de enemigos.

    Tras matarlos, volvers a la lgubre zona en construccin. Mata a los enemigos queencuentres por aqu y abre la verja con ayuda de tu compi. Sigue avanzando hasta

    que veas un vdeo en el que te encontrars con tu primer dilema moral. Tendrs que

    elegir si matar a tu compaero negro o no.

    Tras tu eleccin, debers escapar con tu compaero de ejrcito, pues hay una lluvia

    de misiles que est provocando que se desmoronen gran parte de los edificios de la

    ciudad. Abre la verja que os encontraris y vers que los terroristas os estn

    buscando. Tiende una emboscada o ve a saco, lo importante es que acabes con

    todos ellos.

    Prosigue hasta que veas una pared con una flecha hacia arriba. Aqu, uno deber

    ayudar al otro a subir. Durante un buen rato, lo que deberis hacer es avanzar yacabar con los enemigos que os encontris. Cuando estis en el exterior, veris que

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    los edificios siguen derrumbndose. Bajad y acabad con los numerosos enemigos que

    veris. Mucho cuidado con las ametralladoras esttica y los tipos con escopeta. Si

    vis unas escaleras, no subis, pues el camino sigue por la derecha, donde habr

    una nueva oleada de terroristas. Acaba con todos ellos y avanza por la estructura en

    obras, por el nico camino posible en esta zona. Llegaris a una verja. Abridla entre

    los dos y os encontraris con una situacin con rehenes inocentes. Intenta salvarlos,

    nunca est de ms.

    Abre la puerta verde y saldris al exterior. Veris que el edificio en el que est

    vuestro contacto, Murray, se va a venir abajo por momentos. Mucho cuidado en esta

    zona, ya que aparecern enemigos con escudo (lee la seccin de Consejos para

    saber su punto dbil). Cuando la zona est mas o menos despejada, acercos a la

    pared con una flecha blanca y que uno ayude al otro a pasar al otro lado. El que

    haya cruzado, que vaya a la sala de mando (cercana) a abrir una de las vayas

    metlicas, y que se rena con su compaero. Seguid avanzando hasta que entre en

    escepa el escopetero. El truco est en dispararle a la cabeza, en el resto del cuerpo

    apenas le afectan las balas. Proseguid por el nico camino posible hasta que lleguis

    a un ascensor, que os llevar a la planta donde est Murray. Fin del captulo. EN CASO DE INCENDIO Empezis en el ascensor. Cuando lleguis a la ltima planta, veris que hay varios

    enemigos y una enorme caja de pertrechos, que slo se abrir si matas a los

    enemigos sigilosamente, algo un tanto difcil... Acaba como quieras con los enemigos

    de la planta y... el edificio se empezar a desmoronar por completo. Es el captulo

    ms espectacular, disfrtalo. Mientras vas acabando con los terroristas, avanza

    esquivando los enormes cascotes que caern. Aqu, no te separes de tu aliado, ni lo

    enves por un camino separado del tuyo: los terroristas se cuentan por decenas, y

    habr varias oleadas... Desde el exterior vers la desoladora imagen de una

    Shanghai azotada por el terrorismo, a la vez que varios terroristas se acercarn por

    el fondo, intentando daros caza. Cbrete en los trozos de edificio derrudo para no

    morir y recoge toda la municin de los enemigos cados, pues quedarte sin municin

    aqu tiene delito. Avanza hasta que encuentres unas escaleras metlicas y una valla

    que abrir.

    Cuando crucis la valla, saltad por el boquete del suelo a la planta baja. Se os

    presentar la primera situacin de rendicin fingida. Instrucciones en pantalla, as

    que adelante. Cuando hayis salido airosos de esta mini-emboscada, id por la puerta

    de la izquierda y corred por los pasillos en ruinas. Saldris, de nuevo, al exterior.

    Vuestro objetivo aqu es avanzar y eliminar a los terroristas, siguiendo esta mecnica

    a lo largo de toda esta zona en el exterior. Puedes utilizar los mismos consejos que

    en el tiroteo anterior, as que echa un vistazo ms arriba. Es muy recomendable el

    uso del GPS para descubrir a enemigos escondidos. Proseguid por la zona mientras la

    despejis, hasta descubrir a la derecha unas escaleras de metal que os permitirn

    bajar y continuar vuestra bsqueda de Murray.

    En el interior del edificio, deberis continuar aniquilando a los terroristas. La

    situacin se limitar a esto durante un buen rato hasta que, avanzando por el nico

    camino posible, os encontris en el lujoso hotel. Aqu, salvad a los rehenes de la

    entrada y maniatad o matad a los terroristas. Proseguid por el pasillo central (usa el

    GPS si te pierdes) hasta llegar al hall. Os espera un tiroteo de apa, y los enemigos

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    vendrn por la planta baja y por la planta de arriba (o sea, en la que os encontris).

    Repeled el plomo enemigo hasta que todo est ms tranquilo. Ahora, id a por


    Es imperativo que actuis con sigilo, pues si dan la voz de alarma, Murray morir. No

    es difcil, slo localiza e identifica a los enemigos con ayuda del GPS y esquvalos.

    Cuando lleguis a la sala en la que est Murray, acabad con los terroristas que la

    custodian y liberadla. Acto seguido, la chica de buen ver que lleva por nombre

    Murray os guiar hasta la salida. Lo malo... es que el hall volver a estar lleno de

    enemigos. Mucho cuidado con los escopeteros y los enemigos con escudo. Cuando

    est todo limpio, bajad al nivel inferior y acercos al boquete que ha hecho el

    helicptero que se ha estrellado. Os tocar huir en la gra de la obra que sostiene un

    enorme bloque de cemento. Espalda con espalda, deberis acabar con gran parte de

    los enemigos que veris. Aprovecha los bidones explosivos y dems objetos

    inflamables y... bon voyage. Id rotando para que no os acribillen y dejad el resto en

    manos del gatillo.

    Una vez abajo, acrcate al inocente herido y... buah! Por poco ese autobs te lleva

    por delante... Aprovecha el boquete que ha provocado el accidente para salir al

    exterior. Es la ltima fase del captulo, que consiste en avanzar por la autopista

    mientras despejas el camino. Al final, aparecer un tipo con una ametralladora de

    ruleta (es decir, una "Terminator"). El truco para vencerle est en disparar a los

    tanques que lleva a su espalda. Cuando exploten, avanzad hasta el puente y

    eliminad a los terroristas que acaban de aparecer.

    Corred hasta la puerta roja de la pared derecha del tnel para finalizar el segundo

    captulo. TERRENO FIRME Comenzaris el episodio en las caticas calles. Tras ver el vdeo en el que un edificio

    vuelve a ser vctima de un helicptero loco, avanzad y aniquilad a los enemigos que

    aparecern. Segid avanzando, abrid la verja entre los dos y continuad. Os

    encontraris con otra retencin de civiles. Intentad salvarlos, pues al final del juego

    hay recompensa por hacerlo. Si la cosa sale mal, pues mala suerte... Continuad y la

    situacin se repetir. Avanzad por el nico camino posible hasta que seis asediados

    por cuantiosas tropas enemigas. Es preferible coger el camino de la azotea, ms

    seguro que el inferior. Aprovecha aqu las granadas y la posicin elevada frente a tus

    enemigos. Ojo con los escopeteros y los enemigos con escudo. Cuando hayis

    despejado la zona, bajad al nivel inferior (las calles) y abrid entre los dos la verja

    que veris a mano izquierda.

    En una secuencia de vdeo, veris a travs de videoconferencia al dueo del zoo

    prximo, que solicita vuestra colaboracin. Al instante, varios terroristas os atacarn.

    Acabad con ellos y escucharis a Woo, el dueo del zoo, que os dir que si le salvis,

    os promete sacaros a los dos fuera de la zona de los ataques.

    Pasad por la valla que acaba de abrir Woo y, entre t y tu colega, abrid la que tenis

    enfrente. Saldris al exterior, donde veris que hasta el zoo est siendo reducido a

    su mnima expresin por culpa de las incesantes explosiones. Despejad la zona de

    tropas enemigas y cumplid vuestro objetivo primario: llegar al lugar del avin

    siniestrado. Para llegar a l, tendris que deshaceros de hordas y hordas de

    enemigos, y pasar por el tranva turstizo del zoolgico. Cuando acabe vuestro "tour",

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    bajad y deshaceros de los enemigos que os encontraris. Cruzad el puente (arranca

    la gran tapa de los circuitos elctricos del zoo para hacerte con un escudo

    improvisado) y despeja la zona que se abre ante ti. Los enemigos aparecern por

    todas partes, as que mucho ojo.

    Al abrir la puerta del tnel por el que sigue el tranva turstico, aparecer otro tipo

    blindado con una ametralladora de ruleta, y unos cuantos esbirros. Acaba primero

    con los matones de poca monta y, luego, ocpate del gigante blindado. Cuando

    acabis con todos ellos, proseguid vuestra supervivencia por el tnel que habis


    Llegaris a una zona en la que hay un helicptero derribado, y la zona, cmo no,

    repleta de enemigos. Limpia la zona de enemigos hasta que aparezca en escena el

    granadero. Tiene tres cestas de granadas, y un lanzagranadas. No dejar de

    lanzaroslas hasta que lo matis, as que empezad a rodar por el suelo como si os

    fuera la vida en ello (que as es...). El truco para vencerle est en disparar a las

    cestas de granadas para que exploten. Cuando hayan explotado las tres, derribaris

    a este indeseable. Proseguid por el camino izquierdo (usad el GPS si os habis

    perdido) hasta que lleguis a la jaula del tigre blanco. Debers decidir si matarlo o

    no... Ten corazn y djalo vivir, pues impedir un futuro robo a una tienda, tal y

    como veris en las vietas posteriores si habis elegido mantenerlo con vida.

    Volveris a estar en el exterior. Llegars a la zona donde est retenido Woo. Ve a

    saco o intenta ser cauteloso, el caso es liberar a Woo. Cuando lo hagis, las cosas se

    pondrn ms feas de lo normal: seris asediados por un montn de enemigos, as

    que ya sabes qu hacer. En vuestra odisea hacia la salida, os toparis con matones,

    escopeteros, enemigos con escudos y un par de granaderos. Asegrate de no

    separarte de tu compaero, quien te curar en caso de resultar herido de muerte.

    Tras haber desandado todo el camino, llegaris a una pared con una flecha blanca

    hacia arriba que indica el final del captulo tercero. TIERRA ALTA Y tu odisea hacia la supervivencia contina. Tras la secuencia de introduccin, gira a

    la izquierda y acaba con los enemigos que te encontrars. Abre la verja de la

    derecha y vers a unos terroristas que retienen a unos inocentes. Ya sabes cmo

    actuar, as que tu decides. Si el rescate sale mal, los enemigos pedirn refuerzos y

    vendr un par de oleadas de enemigos, con escudo incluido. Cuando mates a los

    terroristas, coge el dinero y la municin y sube por unas escaleras laterales (usa el

    GPS para saber cules) y vuelve a subir por unas escalerillas metlicas, para llegar a

    la zona de las azoteas. Cbrete y empieza a repeler el fuego enemigo, mientras te

    desplazas junto a tu compaero. Aqu, es recomendable equipar al rifle con la mira

    telescpica, pues hay enemigos en los balcones del fondo que con la mira normal no

    podrs ver bien. Acto seguido, ve hacia esos balcones (la zona es amplia, usa el GPS

    si te pierdes), y sube las escaleras que all vers. Entra en la sala abierta y utiliza el

    panel de control que encontrars.

    Ahora, abre la puerta verde para encontrarte en otra zona de exteriores. Ve

    avanzando por los balcones rotos hasta que veas, en una cinemtica, que Salem

    tiene un accidente, al derrumbarse el balcn.

    Os encontraris en el hospital, donde mantendris una charla con el director. Como

    siempre, a cambio de despejar el hospital de terroristas y encontrar a civiles sanos y

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    salvos en las zonas en ruinas, el mdico os dejar salir del recinto. Tras la escena de

    vdeo, avanzad y veris que otro par de inocentes empleados han sido secuestrados.

    Intenta liberarlos y contina tu camino. Veris que por la puerta de la izquierda, es

    empujado un empleado del hospital, al que un terrorista va a disparar. Tienes la

    ocasin de salvarle, matando al terrorista antes de que muera el inocente. Pasa por

    la puerta y avanza escaleras abajo, por los lgubres pasillos.

    Sigue avanzando hasta abrir la verja que os cierra el camino. Acto seguido, activa el

    generador para reestablecer la corriente. Segundos despus, el hospital y sus

    alrededores quedarn ocupados por terroristas, as que ve a la tienda de armas para

    mejorar las que tienes o adquirir nuevas. Asegrate de tener municin de sobra y

    "pa' alante como los de Alicante".

    Tras superar varias secciones del hospital en las que vuestra prioridad era sobrevivir,

    llegaris a una pequea estancia donde os encontraris a un nio pequeo, al que

    "adoptaris". El renacuajo asegura conocer el camino a la salida del hospital, as que

    sguele. Sube las escalerillas por donde ha subido el cro y observa la siguiente

    cinemtica. Hay varios civiles retenidos en el centro de una enorme sala que debi

    ser la sala de conferencias. Salves o no a los civiles, aqu os espera un tiroteo de

    apa, y un poco ms complicado de lo normal, puesto que los enemigos os podrn

    sorprender por la espalda debido a la estructura circular de la estancia. Mantn los

    ojos bien abiertos y no dejes morir a ninguno de tus dos aliados, bajo ningn

    concepto. Llegar un momento en el que tendrs que decidir si el cro coge un rifle

    de francotirador que ha encontrado. Es muy tentadora la idea de que el cro os eche

    una mano, pero por el cuidado de todos, es preferible dejar que se esconda.

    Cuando esta descomunal lluvia de plomo acabe, ve por la puerta abierta (mira las

    indicaciones del GPS) y acaba con los terroristas que se escondern. Sigue

    avanzando hasta que haga acto de aparicin el pirmano, un hombre con blindaje y

    lanzallamas. No le ataques de frente, pues te quemar y no le perjudicars nada. El

    truco est en pillarle por detrs, y disparar a los tanques que lleva a su espalda.

    Mientras, varios matones os incordiarn un rato. Acaba con ellos y cntrate en el

    pirmano. Cuando consigis abatirlo, la cosa no habr acabado.

    Abre la valla del otro lado y mata a los enemigos que aparecern. Luego, sigue

    avanzando hasta ver al doctor.

    Entregado el nio, te tocar defender la recepcin de la ingente cantidad de

    enemigos. No descuides el contador de municin y recoge el plomo y el dinero de los

    soldados cados. Cuando la recepcin haya sido defendida, deberis hacer lo mismoen la entrada, ya en la calle. No perdis ojo de vuestras espaldas y permaneced


    Tras un buen rato de tiroteo, finalizar el captulo cuando os aproximis al muro con

    una flecha blanca pintada. LLUEVE A MARES Por si no habas visto una imagen desoladora de Shanghai, la del comienzo del

    quinto captulo es para echarse a llorar... Pero centrmonos en vuestra salida de la

    ciudad. Avanza y comenzaris el captulo con un gran tiroteo, que finalizar mucho

    rato despus. Id corriendo por las avenidas y callejones mientras os deshacis de los

    molestos enemigos. Cuidado con los apostados en los balcones, pues se cubrirn

    muy bien y pueden daros ms de un susto... Aparecer otro pirmano. Ya sabes

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    cmo deshacerte de l, as que s perseverante. Proseguid mientras aparecen

    enemigos que se apostarn en ametralladoras estticas, y cargoslos. Recoge toda la

    municin del suelo, as como el dinero, y mejora algn arma si lo crees necesario.

    Utiliza el GPS para saber por dnde seguir y corred hasta la verja cerrada. Abridla

    entre los dos y finge tu rendicin cuando te sorprendan dos terroristas escondidos.

    Crgatelos y coge lo que hay dentro de la caja de pertrechos. Continuad hasta que,

    en un callejn, veis que en el edificio de enfrente se esconte un tipo con un RPG-7.

    Crgatelo de inmediato y cbrete en los muros de enfrente para no ser pasto de las

    balas (ojo, el muro no aguantar mucho). Este es otro tiroteo de apa, as que

    mucha paciencia para eliminar a la ingente cantidad de terroristas con la que te las

    vers en breves momentos...

    Cuando hayas acabado con todos, contina por el nico camino posible hasta que

    llegues a una zona en construccin. Hay civiles retenidos, as que no hay nada que

    explicar. Cuando se monte folln, prepara tu rifle con mira y acaba con los

    francotiradores de las ventanas prximas. Peinad la zona hasta que est todo

    despejado... provisionalmente. Baja a la zona en obras y aparecern ms enemigos,

    incluido un escopetero. No te separes de tu compaero y reparte estopa.

    A continuacin, dirgete a la entrada del centro comercial, y vers que est toda

    plagada de enemigos. Bien, ya sabes qu hacer. Llegar un momento en el que

    vers que ponis en marcha la excavadora, lo que provoca una tremenda brecha en

    el centro comercial. Bueno, ya habis encontrado la entrada al centro comercial.

    Entrad para encontraros con ms enemigos. Abatidlos, hasta que llegue un momento

    en el que os debis defender, espalda con espalda. No dejes de rotar, pues los

    enemigos aparecern por cualquier parte. Segundos despus, vers en una corta

    escena de vdeo que un tipo con un RPG-7 dispara, justo en vuestra posicin...

    Tras ver el vdeo en el que, por fortuna, sigues con vida, tomars el control de tu

    personaje en la celda. Te han quitado todo tu equipo, y te han aislado de tu colega.

    Admira el aspecto de tu personaje sin tanta parafernalia, mira lo sucia que est tu

    celda... no tendrs nada mejor que hacer, hasta que un tipo deje K.O. a los guardias

    que custodiaban tu celda. Te liberar, y te asegurar que te va a llevar ante la celda

    de tu compaero, tambin retenido.

    Sal de la celda y sigue en todo momento a tu nuevo aliado, mientras os deshacis de

    los enemigos que os salgan al paso. Cuando llegues a la celda de tu colega, libralo y

    haceos con vuestro equipo. Seguro que, por un momento, os habis sentido

    desnudos sin l... El simptico Breznev os llevar hasta el "corazn" del centro comercial, y os dir que

    es necesario que pongis bombas en los puntos estratgicos, sealados por Breznev

    en el suelo. Mata primero a los enemigos, y luego coloca las bombas. No uses la

    bomba como cobertura, o te estallar en las manos. Cuando estn todas colocadas

    (no todas van en la misma planta), veris una secuencia de vdeo, en la que se

    plantear un dilema moral. Escojas el que escojas, el captulo finalizar tras tu

    eleccin. EL BUND Murray os informa: hay un carguero con gran parte del arsenal del grupo terrorista.

    Debis hundirlo y, acto seguido, Murray vendr en helicptero a recogeros. Poneos

    en marcha y aproxmate a la zona donde estn los enemigos. Empezar el folln, as

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    que saca tu mejor arma y mejrala si lo crees necesario (que as debera ser). Tu

    objetivo primario, hundir el carguero, est a bastante distancia, y todo se reduce a

    avanzar junto a tu colega, mientras te deshaces de los numerosos enemigos que

    saldrn a despediros. No me voy a enrollar sobre cmo superar un tiroteo, a estas

    alturas ya sabrs lo que es enfrentarse a escopeteros, granaderos y enemigos con

    escudo, adems de la chusma que le acompaar. Los consejos fundamentales son

    los de siempre: vigila tu municin, no te separes de tu compaero, hazte con dinero

    para mejorar y/o comprar armas...

    Cuando hayis despejado la zona, veris cmo el carguero explota. Sin embargo, eso

    no significa que dejen de aparecer enemigos, al contrario. Acabad con todo ser

    viviente no aliado y avanzad. Una vez estn todos los enemigos muertos,

    aproximos a la puerta giratoria del otro extremo (usa el GPS si no la encuentras).

    Estaris en una zona oscura. Matad a los terroristas que veis aqu y salid de nuevo

    al exterior por la puerta giratoria de enfrente.

    Aqu, la mecnica es la misma: avanzad conforme limpiis el terreno. Habr muchos

    enemigos, as que vigilad vuestras espaldas.

    Tras superar el interminable tiroteo, Murray os dir que aterrizar en breves

    momentos. Mientras, vuestra misin es proteger el transporte, y defender vuestra

    propia vida. Tras hacerlo, veris en un vdeo que el helicptero de Murray es

    bombardeado, quitndole la vida a vuestra compaera y, a vosotros, el medio de

    huda de esa catastrfica ciudad.

    Ahora, slo os queda aniquilar a los enemigos supervivientes y escapar de la zona.

    Slo os queda una ltima misin: matar al lder de la organizacin, Jonah. NO HAY CAMINO DE VUELTA Nada ms empezar, os encontraris con la ltima situacin con rehenes. Si habis

    salvado a suficientes civiles a lo largo de la historia, obtendrs una ayuda extra. De

    lo contrario, os tocar a vosotros dos "apechugar" con lo que os viene encima...

    Tras hacer tu eleccin (salvarlos o centrarte en matar a los terroristas), acrcate al

    edificio de donde oirs disparos. Est repleto de enemigos, as que repele el plomo

    de tus rivales disparando por las ventanas. Ahora, usa tu GPS para saber dnde

    debes ayudar a tu compaero a pasar al otro lado. Cuando lo haga, te abrir una de

    las puertas, as que busca en los laterales la entrada. Contina abatiendo a ms

    terroristas hasta que llegues a una plaza. Ves esa fuente del centro? Bien, no pases

    de ella: cubrindote en ella, podrs flanquear al enemigo sin graves problemas. Si

    empezis a dispersaros, pueden sorprenderos por la espalda, cosa que no queremos

    que pase, verdad? Elimina a los refuerzos que aparecern y contina por el nico

    camino posible cuando est todo despejado y hayas recogido municin y dinero.

    En la nueva zona, tendris que llegar a la zona elevada, es decir, subir la escalinata.

    No ser fcil, pues los matones sern muy numerosos, y aparecern granaderos,

    escopeteros y hasta blindados con ametralladora de ruleta. El xito en esta fase se

    basa en la destreza y la prctica, asi que rmate de paciencia y sigue los consejos

    que se han dado en otros captulos, o en la Seccin 0. Una vez llegues arriba, ve por

    la puerta de la derecha, la que ya est abierta, y llegaris a una zona muy acogedora

    y tranquila... como un oasis en el desierto...

    Que tu compaero se acerque al hueco de la izquierda de la puerta, y que te ape:

    en esta posicin, dispara a los enemigos que vers dentro. Pasa, recoge la municin

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    y dems tems de inters, y abre la puerta. Comienza a repeler los disparos

    enemigos y usa tu GPS para ubicarte y dirigirte a tu objetivo primario. Llegaris a

    otra plaza, donde el nmero de enemigos ser lo nunca visto. Estars ms de un

    cuarto de hora slo en esta zona, as que no te precipites y aniquila a todos los

    terroristas que divises. Hazte con el dinero y su municin y contina por el nico

    camino posible.

    Volvers a encontrarte ante una escalinata. El proceso se repite, as que lee unas

    lneas ms arriba: el tiroteo es idntico. Te saldrn todos los tipos de enemigos, ya

    sabes qu estrategia usar con cada uno de ellos. Especial cuidado con las

    ametralladoras estticas, que pueden dejarte como un colador en pocos segundos.

    Cuando llegues arriba, coloca una carga de C4 en la ubicacin sealada para entrar a

    lo bruto en el escondite de Jonah. Observa la siguiente secuencia de vdeo, que

    incluye el dilema moral ms complicado del juego. Tras tu eleccin, el juego


    Slo queda por ver la escena de vdeo final, y los crditos finales.

    Army of T.W.O. the 40th Day Basics

    Play through the first stage (Shanghai Streets) and J.B. (and the game) will introduce you to the concept of

    "Aggro", firing, movement, and reloading. Alice Murray will also activate the War-Chest so you can changeweapons and upgrade weapons on the fly. You even get some pointers on how to control your A.I. partnerif you are playing alone. There are some fine points to keep in mind though.

    Keep together.

    Unless absolutely required, keep your partner near by so he can resuscitate you if you are downed (andvice versa). Stay in the "blue" follow/regroup command and break out the guns when enemies are firing.Switch to hold/less aggro when your partner is about to expire from wounds.

    Put silencers on all weapons.

    While you cannot do this from the start, putting silencers on all your weapons makes your character harderto spot initially and you can safely take out enemies in hostage situations without initiating a deadly fire-fight.

    Build a weapon with big "Aggro" gain.

    Having a weapon that generates a large amount of "Aggro" is handy so you can quickly get attention ofenemies with one or two shots instead of hosing them down. When your partner is in danger of dying, thiscan quickly get attention on you and thus allow your partner to regenerate life.

    Eye your partner's orders.

    Always be cognizant of your partner's orders. The A.I. will make way to switches and gates without regardto its safety. Order it to HOLD when it runs off, or you'll be down a man very quickly. In fact, flick the orderson the D-PAD quickly if required to keep the A.I. under control.

    Damage first -- Precision second -- Handling last.

    The goal of a weapon is to neutralize a target as fast as possible, and this i t won't do when it does zilchdamage. When modifying weapons, use parts that do the most damage first (barrel parts generally).

    Afterwards, upgrade the precision to insure you can hit what you aim at (stock parts generally).While handy, the handling characteristic only comes into play during blind fire, and if you are sniping ormaking slow advances, you can eschew this statistic and focus on damage, precision, aggro, and

    magazine capacity.Unless operated by a human, your partner is A.I.

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    Your computer controlled partner is only so smart. It cannot take reasonable initiative by itself, so keep iton a tight leash. The A.I. is good at covering, shooting, sniping (it has infinite ammo), but it cannot docertain tasks well, especially if left alone.When faced with doing some tasks after doing a step-jump, consider only sending your A.I. to do short

    tasks (i.e., anything that's not the long battle across the skyscraper in the second mission).

    Army of T.W.O. the 40th Day Walkthrough

    Radios Parts Cats

    Mission 1

    The first radio is next to your contact, J.B. If youstart running (hold your Context Action button), youwent too far ahead.

    The second radio is after you make your first "moralchoice" in regards to J.B. After the plane crashesinto the building, the radio is visible just before youopen the next gate.

    The third radio is the gate control room abovewhere the Shotgun Heavy appears (from the levelexit). Note that just outside the window from theradio is a weapon part.

    Mission 2

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    The first radio is where you have the co-opsurrender tutorial and cut-scene.

    The second radio is after you make your way downthe skyscraper (on different sides). Enemies near aPMC strongbox will allow you do another mocksurrender; the radio is near the strongbox.

    Mission 3

    The first radio is right after you rescue the firstgroup of hostages (past the gate). Check the side-alley (or workshop area) for the radio before youencounter a cut-scene for the second group ofhostages.

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    The second radio is in the zoo's loading dock (after

    the ambush) and before you enter the zoo proper. Ifyou activated the zoo's tram, you just screwedyourself.

    Mission 4

    The first radio is in the basement where thegenerator is in. Can't miss it unless your eyes havemelted off your face from the Call of Cthulhuspell Strike Blindor you injected your eyeballs withsulphuric acid.

    The second radio is in the hallway right the step-jump with the kid at the hospital, and before thehostages in the surgery theater.

    Mission 5

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    The first radio is next to the PMC strongbox afterbattling the APC, Flamethrower Super Heavy, andShotgun Heavy in the first alley.

    The second radio is in the alleyway when AliceMurray contacts T.W.O. a second time about goingto the shopping mall.

    Mission 6

    The first radio is at the start of the stage.

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    The second radio is by the PMC strongbox at thesecond underground checkpoint.

    Mission 7

    The last radio is in the hallway after battling theMini-Gun Super Heavy (on the stairs) but beforeyou enter the next small courtyard with theemplaced gun.

    Army of T.W.O. the 40th Day Walkthrough

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    Mission 1

    Go up and meet the contact, J.B. He will start giving you tutorials on movement and introduce you toshooting in the game (taking out the alarms), as well as run a video about "Aggro" and how to exploit theenemy's focus on the more aggressive character in T.W.O.

    Notice that the A.I. can take the enemy by surprise 100% of the time so long as they are not spotted.When trying to capture enemy officers (use your mask's enhanced reality to show how many stripes an

    enemy has -- the more stripes, the more important the enemy is) for hostage situations, have the computerA.I. do it.

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    If you need to sneak in, crouch and move the stick just a shade under a full run and you can sneak up onthe enemy. Press the "Partner Command" button to take the enemy hostage (at close range, this issomething your character does for himself). Afterwards, point at the enemies you want tied down and haveyour partner do the restraining. Note if you tie down your own hostage, enemies immediately foregosurrender and fight if they are not restrained.

    Mission 1 Neko Cat

    In the zone where you place the second beacons and get the "Aggro" tutorial video (every damn time!), there is a Neko cat. Standon the top of the ladder leading down to the lower roof and look right. If the door J.B. opens is in the bottom corner of your screen,the Neko Cat is visible in the center of your screen. It's atop the roof infrastucture in the above illustrations.

    Soon after neutralizing the police force on the roof, you will have your chance to play judge, jury, andexecutioner. Co-op choices are more like "Moral Choices"as they affect your world positively ornegatively. Naturally, weapons and other goodies are available for the taking if you are morallyquestionable.Unless you are going for the "Purist" accolade (and the Glock G-18), you might as well go evil and take all

    there is to take. It's a good thing anyway, as you will unlock more weapons and weapon parts if you do (foryour next replay).

    Moral Choice: The Contact

    Spare J.B. This is the positive choice and you get nothing.

    Execute J.B.This is a negative choice and you get $7,500. Whoever said human life is priceless neverworked as a mercenary, a contract killer, a life insurance salesman, an insuranceinvestigator, or a property damage assessor.

    Make your moral choice and move to the next area. Don't miss the second radio before you use the metaldoor. Along the way, you will get the G14 Thunderstrike from the PMC Strongbox tutorial. It'srecommended you fit it immediately to your H&K G-36 (nice gun, but doesn't do enough damage in mostvideogames).The next section is a construction yard with an emplaced gun and hordes of enemies. When fighting, setyour partner to Aggro Regroup to actively cover you as you advance (yes, you can do this even on

    Contractor). Have your partner Aggro Hold once you have a good spot overlooking the first constructionpit.

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    The catwalk area above the emplaced gun has a weapon part (Slanted G5 Grip) . Secure the immediatezone and head upstairs to nab it. Note that this foregrip can be fitted to a variety of weapons (not just thestarting G-36). Move to the second part of the construction yard and neutralize all hostiles there.

    Mission 1 Neko Cat

    In the construction yard, you will encounter an emplaced gun shortly after a cut-scene of a building blowing up (this is after the oneof Alice's building blowing up). There is a Neko Cat on the ductwork next to the catwalk with the Slanted G5 Grip placard.

    The hostages in the next zone are easily rescued provided you don't f* it up. HityourBACK orSELECTbutton to get enhanced reality and tag the targets. This lets you identify the officer(more chevrons in his icon). Have your computer ally take him hostage. If you have to do it, crouch andmove just a shade under a full run, and grab him when the button command appears. Tie up the enemies and rescue the hostages. Note how you rescue hostages, treat your partner, and whatmoral choices you make are completely separate things. You can rescue all hostages and still be the mostevil person in the world to get the Heartless accolade.

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    Outside the hostage room (the upper door is safer), take out the marksman on the roof and have yourcomputer partner Aggro Hold. He should be able to distract the shield soldiers long enough for you to takethem out. Have your drone-partner take up a shield and Aggro Advance (select regroup then advance if hegets stuck). This will attract the attention of the other enemies and you can safely cack their ass from theupper walkway.

    For the final zone, you can initiate the step-jump and have your computer drone open the gate. If you optfor this, do the step-jump on the left side (when you face the locked gate) to avoid the rocket sniper on theright side. Once the gate is opened, hold position in the control room and get ready to blast the ShotgunHeavy after wiping out the intial enemies.Shotgun Heavy soldiers are vulnerable all over, although shooting them in the head will knock off theirhelmets and allow you to kill them instantly with a headshot. However, if you have a high-powered shotgun(as you would on a replay), you can simply hose the bastard down and be done with it. The AA-12modified with a high-damage barrel is recommended for Contractor difficulty. Otherwise, work with whatyou have and lower the difficulty (you can do this by quitting and resuming the game with a differentdifficulty) to unlock your gear first.Before ending the chapter, hop out the window in the gate control room to pick up the weapon

    part Custom

    rmy of T.W.O. the 40th Day Walkthrough

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    Mission 2

    The initial strongbox seems to always lock-down, so skip it and head outside. Whether or not you take theenemy hostage or not won't matter. Simply neutralize them all as the building explodes from externalimpact. Work through the rubble of the building, whack enemies, and head downstairs to the next area.

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    After the brief cut-scene on the stairs, drop down the hole and take the weapon part Soda CanSilencerfrom the row of yellow chairs. While it looks cheesy (and cheap), equip it to your handgunimmediately since you still use it for silenced shots from your handgun. The mock-surrender tutorial should occur shortly after this. The radio is there, so pick it up after you dealwith the two enemies at that point.

    After the mock-surrender tutorial, you will fight on top of a skyscraper (fallen on its side). For the record,heavy masonary buildings of this type are seldom seen in Shanghai (the load-bearing masonary wall ismore of an American thing). In any case, your computer partner will be tempted to split with you andadvance on his side of the building.

    Mission 2 Neko Cat

    In the zone where you go across a toppled skyscraper, stop right before you leave the area. Stand either at the exit (or where thesniper was) and look back towards where you came from (i.e., uphill). To your left is an array of office windows. The Neko Cat is at

    the end of the curtain wall (as seen in the above illustrations).

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    Splitting up is fine if you remember where and when enemies will appear (even on Contractor). You justneed to remember to tell the drone to Hold or Aggro Hold when either of you are too injured to continue.Take up a temporary weapon for some more ammunition (although this is seldom necessary). Get acrossthe street using the collapsed skyscraper and head inside. When opening the next door, either spam the melee or fire buttons and you may be able to foil the enemyfrom taking your character hostage (in open areas, you can lob grenades and flush enemies to prevent thisfrom happening). Otherwise, you will need to have your partner kill your captor before your neck is


    After the enemy capture incident, you will have a chance to snipe two enemies and rescue hostages.Equip a weapon with stable, long-ranged firing capabilities -- the starting SVD is fine. Bring up enhancedreality, tag the enemies, and pay attention which enemy your computer drone is aiming it. Aim at the othertarget and fire when you have a clear shot (or the hostages are killed).When the hostages are rescued, it's suggested you let your computer partner boost you up over the wall;there are too many enemies on the other side of the building to have a drone handle (especially onContractor). Once separated, remember that if you are incapacitated, your game is over. This in mind, takethings slowly and leave your partner on Aggro Advance or Aggro Hold Position to have it cover you.

    There is nothing but ammunition packs on the "sniping" side of the skyscraper; however, the enemy-

    riddled side of the building has a EZ Muzzle Enhanceron the floor just above the emplaced gun turret.Check the dark corner where enemies come out from and you should see the weapon placard on aconcierge desk. For the enemy emplacement, simply have your partner draw its fire and waste theoperator when the turret turns to the side.

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    Push the concrete pillar over to regroup with your combat drone. Use a mock surrender at the PMCstrongbox (three enemies) so you can secure some more money (from the box -- this money reappearswith each replay).While you are here at the strongbox area, don't forget the radio and the Z1 Muzzle Reduceron the nearbydesk (same room as the strongbox -- can't miss it if you brush against everything and press the context

    action button).

    If this is your first time through the game, take the weapons. Make sure to equip a silenced weapon beforeleaving the room after making your choice.

    Moral Choice: The Weapons Locker

    Put weapons back This is the positive choice and you get nothing, except a harsh life lesson -- that being niceis for suckers like children and Polly Anna.

    Take the weapons

    This is a negative choice and you unlock the HM Shotgun -- a weapon you will likely keepusing until you buy the AA-12. Here's an important lesson kids: don't index a gun's triggerunless you're sure you're going to fire it. Also: don't let Nathan Drake (Nolan North voicesElliot Salem, the Prince of Persia, Nathan Drake, and a few other obnoxious videogamedouchebags) slap your weapon hand.

    After you make your choice, equip a silenced weapon to take out the next two enemies threatening a

    hostage. While you can neutralize both enemies quickly (and loudly), there are more enemies who come in(unrelated to the hostage takers) and their gun fire may kill the hostage before you rescue him.

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    Using silenced weapons will forestall the enemies from coming in too early and you can detain orneutralize the kidnappers and rescue the package before you have to deal more unpleasant mercenaries.

    Fight your way out and try to keep the HM shotgun around (as your special weapon) in case a Shotgun

    Heavy appears. Taking the shotgun heavy's MCS1870 shotgun is also a good idea. Start increasing yourgrenade count as well. You will need the maximum capacity of four grenades before long.

    Head into the consulate office and fetch Alice Murray. Since she's a special hostage, she will not be shotwhen you attack the room. Simply waste everyone, then turn around and fight your way back out. Becauseof the chopper crash, the emplaced gun on the second level is protected from most attacks. Consider sending your partner to Aggro Hold the emplaced weapon and use a shotgun to waste theShotgun Heavy at the stairs. To be frank, you can actually run (both characters) to the hole made by thehelicoptor. Once there, Alice actually teleports to your position and you can move on.

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    Aboard the crane Alice brings in, you will enter "butt-to-butt" mode and proceed to hose down enemieswith infinite ammunition from your primary weapon. If you want to use a shotgun for this sequence, swap itinto your primary slot otherwise, you will likely use a SMG or Assault Rifle. Hose down enemies in the surrounding area, and take note of red explosive barrels to take down enemiesin groups. Also watch for enemy soldiers with rocket-propelled grenades. If any explosive connects with

    your party of two (neither of you can move, only turn) nothing will save you. Ride the stack of crap down tothe next zone and hop off.

    Outside, hose down the three sets of enemies and stock up on "special ammo" for your sniper ri fle. Youwill need it for the Super Heavy enemy. If you have the option to increase the SVD's magazine, it would begood to do that before you get the save point after pushing the van out of the way. We recommend usingthe .50 Caliber M107 (on a replay) to deal with the Super Heavy on the Contractor difficulty.

    Mission 2 Neko Cat

    At the last checkpoint on the highway (the one before you meet Mr. Mini-Gun), there is a highway sign showing the Shanghai CityZoo exit. To the left of this sign is the Neko Cat. You may have seen it while sniping the enemy marksmen up there.

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    You will need to have your computer drone lure the enemy Mini-Gun soldier with Aggro Regroup or Aggro

    Hold (somewhere off to your side). This is to reveal the ammo pack on the back of the enemy. You can

    just snipe the backpack and nick the corner. Once the backpack is destroyed, the enemy Super Heavy is

    slain and you can clear the chapter.

    Army of T.W.O. the 40th Day Walkthrough

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    Mission 3

    Right after you cack the first few enemies, there are hostages. For this hostage situation, order yourcomputer drone to take the officer (in the medium combat armor) hostage and tie down the rest of the unit.If you have to do it, remember to crouch and move at less than a full run. Don't miss the radio in the sidealley before moving on. The radio is right next to the hostages you save.

    For the second set of hostages, have your computer drone boost you up. Don't attack the enemy. Instead,go down the ladder without provoking them and open the door to let your drone through the door. Onceyou've regrouped, you can both take out the guards without trouble. For the extra trouble you put forth, youwill unlock the Desert Eagle .44. You may want to immediately put a silencer on the weapon and equip itbefore moving on.

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    For the next encounter, your drone will be on automatic (regardless of the orders given to it). If you takethe low road, the computer partner will the high road and attack enemies while you mock surrender; if youtake the stairs overlooking the block, your computer drone will attempt a mock surrender. Apart from theShotgun Heavy, the only enemies are two lightly armored soldiers. Take them out and move to the zoo'sloading dock.The loading dock fight is fairly simple. Enemies climb over the wall and shoot. Occasionally, you will see asoldier pop-up over the wall and fire (but he will not mantle over and attack). Blast the hangers-on andwhen enough enemies are neutralized, the door to the zoo is open. Head inside and lock out the enemies,or finish the fight and pick up the ammo and money drops from defeated enemies.

    Take the radio from the zoo's loading dock and move out. Activate the tram and wait for the insaneChinese zookeeper to finish his diatribe. When the tram starts moving, clear out the enemies in the hippopit and move back up top across the hippo exhibit.

    Mission 3 Neko Cat

    There is an emplaced machinegun on the roof of the tram control room. Fixate on it and follow the roofline to the left. Neko Cat

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    shoot. PETA blows chunks!

    To activate the tram again, hit the control panel (this spawns a Shotgun Heavy and enemies from the exit).Before you can get close, take your time to clear out the enemies from the control panel building. Noticethere is an emplaced gun on its roof, so you will get hosed on Contractor and die. Enemies are finite until you activate the tram, so return fire and take the weapon part ChepznazRedstarfor the sniper rifles. Be sure to equip it on your SVD, as you will need it in about five minutes.

    Restart the tram, neutralize the Shotgun Heavy and move to the next section.

    The animal pit with the crashed PMC chopper is tricky business. Order your computer ally to hold position.After the cut-scene reveals the enemies, head to the ground and jig right at the rock arch (aboveillustration, left). You should be able to sneak up on the enemy officer and take him hostage. Remember tocrouch and move a shade less than a full run to get close enough to grab him. Either you or your partner can grab the officer and then proceed to detain the rest of the unit (if you wantyour ally to do the initial capture, have it follow on regroup only). After taking the whole enemy unit, youcan take the PCG Delta EX sniper scope from the enemy strongbox.

    Once you shut off the automated S.O.S. in the crashed chopper, you will be attacked by the second typeof Super-Heavy soldier -- the Grenadier. If you think getting close is a good idea, think again. Apart fromthe usual retinue of assault rifle escorts, the Grenadier Super-Heavy has a DE.44 for a back-up weaponand he can easily down you on Contractor.What you want to do is play the range game to the Super-Heavy's disadvantage. The grenades aredestructive, but the A.I. doesn't really know how to aim them for splash damage (note enemy grenades arealways timed and not impact-triggered like Rios' and Salem's grenade shots). Get on top of the rocks near where you dropped into the animal exhibit and use a sniper rifle and scope topick apart the three bags of grenades the Super-Heavy soldier has on his sides and ass. A few good shotsand he dies, clearing the way forward.

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    In the next zone, the zookeeper will ask if you want to spare a rare white Siberian tiger (which incidentally,aren't as endangered as you may think). Whacking it unlocks more parts, and not whacking it generatesparts (of a different sort).

    Moral Choice: Tigi Has Been Waxed

    Spare the tiger This is the positive choice and you get nothing but a nice sack of body parts, chiefly in thetiger's poop.

    Execute the tigerThis is a negative choice and you unlock several (unspecified) parts including the FR EliteModel 3 buttstock for sniper rifles. If T.W.O. wasn't busy, they should've carved thecarcass up for spare parts on the rarities market as well

    The next zone has a hostage you must rescue. While the guy is invulnerable to the enemies (until he'srescued, then you protect him), the bright sunlight in the area will make it hard to tell where enemies areunless you use enhanced reality.

    Waddle your way towards the hostage and take down the four enemies threatening to kill his ass. On yourway there, there are two ladders leading atop an animal cage across from the hostage. Atop this cage isthe very handy Pipe Bomb Launcherfor assault rifles.Note that this attachment and the 40 mm Grenade Launcher (something you can buy) are identical ineverything except appearance.Take down the enemies, rescue the hostage, and escort him to the door with the red panda face. Unlike

    Alice Murray, this "third buddy" will not try to revive you (although you can revive him), nor will he shoot.The hostage will only open the red panda doors when all enemies are neutralized, so get to it.

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    Do a mock surrender once the doors open (to rescue the last hostage of the stage). Blast the soldierholding his gun at the hostage first, then the red barrel on the right (near the strongbox). The strongboxhere only holds money (a lot of money), so it's a good idea to try for it. Fight up the stairs, and down enemies. There is an emplaced gun on the left at the top of the stairs. Youcan flip to face the other way if you want. Once all the initial enemies are gone, a Grenadier Super-Heavy

    will appear from the zone's exit. Defeat the Grenade Super-Heavy and his buddies and move to the finalzone.

    After discovering Rios committed bestiality at the San Diego zoo, proceed to clear this final area. An APCwill crash through the chapter's exit gate and bring along three Shotgun Heavy soldiers. Waste them andtheir allies and you can clear out.

    Mission 3 Neko Cat

    When you've cleared the zone to the chapter's exit, stop before you leave the zoo's back entrance. Look up at the gate and youcan see the Neko Cat taunting your sorry ass like a Helghast Emblem. Oh yes. We hated looking for this in Killzone 2 as well.

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    Mission 4

    While you can mock surrender to the troops at the PMC APC, it's better to snipe the turret gunner and takedown the rest of the trash. Equip a silenced weapon now. You need to make a quick shot to rescue the

    next set of hostages (past the gate).

    This hostage situation is one of the more difficult ones. Your parnter (especially if computer controlled)needs to be kept on a tight leash. Begin by identifying the officer on the left side of the street -- he shouldbe the one in the medium combat armor under the guy on the stairs. Sic your computer drone the officer and once your A.I. partner starts moving, use a silenced gun and blowthe brains out of the PMC private in the small courtyard to the right. This insures that no alert is soundedwhen the officer is grabbed. Note that if you do start a fracas, the hostages will likely be killed not by thefour enemies in the initial patrol, but by enemies who spawn on the rooftops down the street.

    Restrain the rest of the enemy patrol and rescue both hostages. Save your progress by moving on andclimbing either ladder (on the side of the street) to the rooftop towards the PMC antennae. Shoot up the

    rooftop and access the comms-station. Before you actually use the comm-station panel (this will lock youto the next zone), head back downstairs (from the comms room) towards the rooftop. From the stairs to thecomms array, go straight until you hit the side of a tenement with two windows, a lantern, and a small tablewith a crate on it. To the table's left is a placard for the 7337 Defender shotgun barrel.

    Mission 4 Neko Cat

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    The easiest method is to locate the spot where you picked up the 7337 Defender shotgun barrel placard; if not, simply locate thespot again. From the placard, look directly across the alley. You should see a tenement building emitting black smoke betweentwo otherbuildings doing the same thing (a red tiled building and the comm-station building). This tenement building has a NekoCat on its top-most balcony though, as seen in the above illustrations.

    When you've processed this crap, you can proceed using the control panel and wind up blacked out on ahospital table. At least there's no one saying, "Aaargh -- I be a doctor," and giving you a rectal exam whenyou regain consciousness.

    When you start at the hospital, your previous three moral choices affect your next weapon pick-up. Ifyou've been totally evil (as recommended for your first run), you will find the weapons locker (above left,the blue door) locked. You will lose out on the Glock G-18 if your negative moral choices out-weigh thepositive ones you made; however, you shouldn't worry about it, since the G-18 is inaccurate. You chieflywant it as a PDW as a secondary weapon (with 33 rounds). Step-jump and take care of the next hostage, who will unlock a free M636 Scope (2x zoom) part forassault rifles. Silently take down the lone guard in the hallway and send your partner to nab the officer inthe surgery ward. If you're the one doing the grab, hold the action button down to slowly open the door andenter the ward. Once the officer is grabbed, restrain the remaining soldier and rescue the hostage.

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    Take it easy after this hostage -- there's a second hostage when you head down the hallway. Be ready toruthlessly blast the enemy soldier as he comes through the doorway after his quarry. Remember enemiescan perform a "last stand" and kill the hostage while on the ground. Head downstairs and take the radiobefore activating the generator (so you save your progress).

    Head back upstairs and you'll find the way back blocked. You will have detour through the hospital's main

    ward. Waste the shield soldiers and Shotgun Heavy, but check the side rooms. One of the side rooms(room #157) has a HL Reflex Core buttstock for assault rifles. Open a closed blue door to find thisweapon plan. Keep going to meet the kid (Chin) in the storage room.

    After getting a step-jump to reach the operation theater, grab the radio. A hostage situation is up ahead, soyou may want to equip a silent weapon just in case; however, that's not necessary if you know who to grabfirst.

    Send your computer ally to grab the officer at the top of the stairs, then detain the rest of the enemies andrescue hostages (you unlock the D56 Suppressorfor your trouble). Once that's done, you will have tomake a quick moral choice. IGN recommends taking the gear first -- people are replaceable (and re-trainable) but good gear is expensive.

    Moral Choice: Children or GunsHave the kid stay in cover This is the positive choice and you get $30,000 when the kid is presented to the doctor.

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    Have the kid grab the weapon

    This is a negative choice and you unlock the M107 Barrett rifle. This is the mostdestructive rifle in the game (outside of the grenade launcher). Since only bullet weaponscan destroy a Super-Heavy's vulnerable spots, this weapon is critical to your survival onContractor difficulty.

    Sadly, you won't be needing the M107 immediately (not until the next stage anyway). The enemies acrossthe street are vulnerable to your assault rifle and the M636 scope you unlocked. Use this weapon andstock-pile special ammo (for your shotgun). You will need to make mince-meat of a new type of Super-

    Heavy: the Flamethrower.Mission 4 Neko Cat

    In the surgical amphitheatre, enemies will attack from two inaccessible buildings after you deal with the hostages (and the moralchoice). The right building has an emplaced machinegun. Fixate on it and track to your right by one room. The Neko Cat is atopsome appliances.

    After the operating theater shoot-out, head down the ladder and confront the Flamethrower Super-Heavy.Get your partner to distract him and shoot the fuel pack on the enemy's back to ignite him. The HMShotgun (or AA-12) is the key to fast neutralization here. After defeating the first flamethrower soldier,there will be a second Super-Heavy. Lure and defeat him as well. Before leaving the laundry area, check the air ducts. Unlike the money stashes in earlier levels, this pi le ofmoney is hidden well inside the air ducts of the laundry room. Exit the laundry area once you're done.

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    Past laundry, there's a hallway with enemies. At the end of the hallway is a room with the T6-400 Shield.Take it, meet the doctor, and defend the front area from several waves of enemies.Nothing special to mention about the defence mission save that you can wait in the hallways whereenemies appear and get the drop on them as they appear. Note that the computer drone has a problemfollowing you inside, but human players are capable.

    Aside from the enemies in the hallways, there are marksmen in the balcony. If you've cleared the groundlevel of enemies, you can focus on the enemies in the balcony overlooking the foyer. A second set ofenemies (several waves) will appear after the save/checkpoint in this defend-the-base area. When you're done with the hospital, head outside and blast the snipers (left side) and infantry (right side).The mini-gun Super-Heavy will appear and destroy the gate to the exit soon after. Have your partner lurehis attention and either use the sniper rifle or the shotgun to blast his pack. The final area to the chapter exit is the alleyway behind the mini-gun Super-Heavy. Clear the zone and

    consider equipping a silenced assault rifle with scope before ending the chapter (this is for the next level).

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    Mission 5

    The starting area is a deathtrap if you incite enemies. There is a Shotgun Heavy, a Flamethrower Super-Heavy, and several enemies (medium and light) fully ready to combat your ass.It's all easy if you have a silenced weapon though. Start by nicking the first patrolling enemy in the head with a silenced headshot. Turn left and follow thenext patrolling enemy into the alley.Nick him in the head with a quiet gunshot when he stops. Head back the way you came and go down thethe "right" side of the street. There, you can brain a third enemy in the head.

    From the slain third guard, turn left and brain the fourth enemy near the enemy APC. That done, headback to where you dropped the first guard. You should be able to see a ladder going up to a balcony. Justpast the ladder is a street covered by the enemy APC, emplaced guns, the Shotgun Heavy andFlamethrower Super-Heavy.

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    Shoot the Shotgun Heavy (or any other soldier) and fall back to the starting area. Using the alley and thestreets, you can now run circles around the Heavy soldiers and get behind them (you would haveproblems if enemies were alerted).Destroy the Shotgun Heavy and Flamethrower Super-Heavy, then nick the APC gunner around the corner. Now you can climb the ladder to the balcony. From the balcony overlooking the alley, you can fire on theenemies at the emplaced gun as well as the rocket-soldiers across the street. Before you exit this intial alleyway, locate the enemy APC. On the opposite end of the alley, there should

    be a burned out truck-tractor cab. A large trash dumpster is next to this tractor rig. Near the dumpster willbe a placard for the Trueshot Mk.1 rifle barrel.

    Past the APC and its continent of support troops in the first alley, you will go through an alley where Alicetries to contact you. Past that is a PMC strongbox (mock surrender) with the stage's first radio. Takeeverything and get ready for one of the hardest battles you've fought so far.There are rocket soldiers and an emplaced gun in the second story of the building across from you. Youmay want to use the Pipe Bomb Launcher you found at the zoo to blast the backwall of the second story toget rid of enemies. Use a scope and chip/nibble away the enemies from the alleyway. While the cover isimperfect (it eventually gets destroyed) and the firing angles are awful, you don't want to step out into thestreet with so many enemies still active.If you do step out into the street, not only do you have to deal with the emplaced gun on the right, but aShotgun Heavy will appear (ground floor) near the stairs in the middle of the block.

    When you do step out and take down the emplaced gunner and the Shotgun Heavy, don't wander too farto the left (above left). If you do, you will trigger the mini-gun Super-Heavy and likely die. Instead, takewhat ammo and money you can, then head up the second level of the block. You can down four or fivesoldiers who jump down as you approach the easement on the second level. These enemies will appearwhen the Super-Heavy does, so killing them early spares you some surprise. If you are with a computer drone, put i t into normal regroup so the A.I. focuses on following you (ratherthan fighting). Your plan here should be simple -- you spawn the mini-gun Super-Heavy by going near thedumpsters, then retreat to the emplaced gun down the street. You put your computer drone on the gunand order it to Aggro Hold Position to draw attention. When the Super-Heavy is distracted, you sneak upbehind with a silenced shotgun (or far away with a sniper rifle) and destroy its backpack.When you've dealt with the Super-Heavy, you will go through another alleyway where Alice tries contactingyou by radio again. There's a radio in this alley. Take it and equip a silenced assault rifle with a scope(preferably 3X). You can exploit the game up ahead and IGN will tell you how.

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    Take the contents of the strongbox (it's just money). Then start zooming in to the yellow crane's left as youclimb the stairs. There'll be an enemy soldier you can take out (silently -- even from a checkpoint) andreduce the number of enemies hassling the hostage by one.This is a very helpful exploit, as you can easily take down the two remaining enemy kidnappers with littletrouble. Should you miss the enemy as you crest the stairs (note, you must shoot the enemy before the

    cut-scene of the hostage crisis occurs), you can simply restart from the checkpoint to get it right.Otherwise, you will have a difficult time downing all three enemies.

    Rescuing this hostage (the final one in the game) is a good thing, since he unlocks the GrenadeLauncher. Note that the grenade launcher can have a shotgun masterkey attachment (same one as theassault rifle), making it a pretty nifty weapon.

    Mission 5 Neko Cat

    Get to the construction yard and clear the zone up to the emplaced gun. Stand so the two construction cranes are to your right. A

    detached bulldozer shovel/blade will be on the ground. Look past it to an inaccessible tenement building. This building has ahanging bathtub (similar to Cleveland's tub on Family Guy); below the tub is a doorway with the Neko Cat.

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    Hose down the Shotgun Heavy and the soldiers using the emplaced weapons at the barricade. From theenemy barricade, you can walk up the ramps to the wrecked building. Note there's another well-hidden pileof cash in the bombed out building (top level). From the upper level, you can hose the enemies at thesecond barricade with ease.

    You can ignore most of the enemies at the next zone by simply making a quick bee-line to the yellow

    bulldozer. Before you follow it, modify your primary weapon so you're comfortable shooting it at enemies atmedium range (meaning if scopes throw you off, remove them). You will do another "butt-to-butt" firingsequence before both Rios and Salem are captured by the enemy.

    Tyson Rios vs. Elliot Salem

    Playing SalemSalem will need to wait for the A.I. Brezhnev to spring him. While you cannot orderBrezhnev, he is an allied bot. Although he can revive Salem, becoming incapacitatedbefore meeting with Rios still means game over.

    Playing Rios Rios will need to get out by himself. He will not have any assistance -- just like a SplinterCell. He will need to make his way to the rendezvous alone ... again, just like Fisher.

    The character you play will determine how you will be sprung. Players using Salem will need to wait forBrezhnev to open the cage while those players using Rios will need to break the neck of the "Johnny

    Akiba" prison guard and shoot his way out. Either character will have it tough on Contractor -- if Brezhnevis downed, you need to revive him, but he will not do the same until Salem and Rios regroup.

    Since we're going to do things the hard way, let's use Rios, as Salem just needs to pick up a gun andshoot his way out (and activate the same gate on the other side) for his escape. Rios needs to press"Action" near the inattentive guard and snap his neck. Open the gate and take the Chinese handgun. Headout and see how far you can get by snapping necks (which is a silent attack).Use the switch as ordered by Brezhnev and head towards Salem. Note that if you die, you will need toeither locate a pre-placed weapon or kill a guard with your bare hands to get his weapon (temporaryweapons are deleted when you re-try). So if you get a good weapon (the DE.44 and SCAR-L spawnsrandomly) try not to drop dead.

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    Meet your partner (at this point, it's the same for both characters -- not that the initial escape was hard ordiffered much anyway) in the mall's main thoroughfare and switch him between Aggro Advance and Hold.You need him to draw fire so you can neutralize enemies. By now, you more than likely have picked up theSCAR-L (Mk.17) and are working over the idiots at the bottom of the escalator (the ones holed up in thepillbox).Blow their s@!% apart and you can get your gear and move to the next zone.

    After Brezhnev shows you the bombs and the spots where to blow the mercs' comms-dish, you should dosome elective exploration and enemy elimination. Pick-up a bomb to trigger enemies (you'll need to walkout a bit more), set it down (anywhere) and proceed to run all over the floor where the bombs are and theone above it.On the floor with the bombs, circle counter-clockwise and locate a small boutique (actually there areseveral, but you get the idea). Inside one boutique, you should find a weapon placard behind the counterwith the weapon part Kitchen Knife (the boutique is pictured above and right). Provided you take down allthe enemies, you can simply walk around, triggering other hostiles and clearing the way for you and yourbombing partner.

    Mission 5 Neko Cat

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    Meet at Brezhnev's bombs. The Neko Cat is on top of the communications tower.

    When you've cleared most (but not all) the enemies, you can actually have your partner take up a secondbomb and both of you can place them on the red X's marked by Brezhnev. Fight the final batch of enemies

    (spawned when at least two bombs are placed) and you can place the final bomb in relative peace. Withall three bombs placed, head back to Brezhnev and he will blow the charges.

    Head down the escalator to the next level and snipe the enemies there. Stay up top, as there is aGrenadier Super-Heavy who spawns once the initial wave of enemies are destroyed. Waste this toughenemy and move on. The remaining enemies in the level are nothing (all peons) although there is a rocketsoldier here and there. The end of the level has a moral choice for you to commit to.

    Moral Choice: The Victim

    Shoot Brezhnev This is the positive choice and you get nothing.

    Leave Brezhnev alone This is a negative choice and you get $75,000, which is what's recommended unless you'reunlocking the Future Vision accolade. The aggressor isn't always obvious at a glance.

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    Mission 6

    Despite the crap you're in, the stage starts off good. You get a radio right off the bat. Take it and headoutside. If you have a silenced sniper rifle, you may want to take it out -- otherwise, you can use the freeVSS (nine shots) near the supply crates. Place your computer idiot on Hold Position (passive) and he willco-op snipe with you.Unfortunately, there's no real way to determine if your drone will use a silenced weapon or not (it generallydoes). If you cause an alert, it's not a big problem -- not with so much space between you and the enemy.Use sniper rifles to down the enemies at emplaced turrets. You can even place good shots using a 3Xscope and an assault rifle.

    Against emplaced gun operators, you can switch to an explosive front mount (Pipe Bomb launcher orsimilar) and fire directly at the faceplate of the emplaced gun. It should kill the operator. If not, you canalways aim to the side and neutralize him that way.

    There is a single weapon (only weapon pick-up in this chapter) at the starting pier. Locate the circularplaza in the middle of the pier (the one with the columns around some ammo boxes). There is apassageway under this area. Go down below decks and check out the hallway. In the middle of the hall(directly under the plaza in fact) is a placard near some cables for the Red Dot Sight 3X.No matter how the wharves look, your goal is to reach the revolving doors at the end of each section. Dowhat you can to kill the hostiles and take your time to get to the end of each pier section. Before leaving,rummage through the battlefield and pick up grenades and ammo. You should have all your "extra"upgrades (20% more primary ammo and maximum grenades) by now.With all parts you've been picking up, you no doubt have plenty of money to squander on nifty weaponparts. Remember to buy the ones that do the most damage first, then the ones that add precision andammunition. The HM Shotgun can use the AA-12 Shotgun's 20 round magazine -- making it a goodboomstick against Shotgun Heavies and certain Super-Heavies.

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    Silently down the soldier near the strongbox in the underground checkpoint. There should be another radionearby. Take it and clean out the money in the strongbox. Before boosting yourself or your partner to openthe gate, see if you can soft-toss a grenade past the gate, where the bottom of the stairs are; this shouldflush out the enemy who tries to take people hostage. Open the gate and head to the second area of the Shanghai pier. You will be tasked with a collorary

    objective (that's not that collorary). This will put a crimp on your kick-ass crime-spree in China since youcan't just kill everyone and leave.

    The anti-aircraft guns are a hassle. Use your assault rifle (with scope) for short and medium range tagging.Save your sniper rifle for long-range targets. Once you've cleared out most of the enemies, head to theweapons crate marked in your enhanced reality. Sabotage the crate and use the nearby crane's controlpanel to dump the mess on the freighter.

    Mission 6 Neko Cat

    At the weapons ship pier. There're some containers near its stern. Zoom in from the beginning or at the zone's exit to spot thisNeko Cat. This is just like the blue emblem in area 6-1 in Resident Evil 5.

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    Regroup with your partner and be ready to take on some more enemies. Note that once the ship (and itsAA-gun) is destroyed, you can simply leave by using the revolving doors and avoid fighting all the enemieswho try to hassle you.

    The second underground checkpoint is another gate opening "puzzle". This time, you can fire through thefence to cover your partner. Get to the final (third) part of the Shanghai wharves (the 'Bund') and waste the

    Shotgun Heavies, emplaced guns, and other enemies as they wander towards you.

    Deactivate the final AA-gun (using the panel) and hose the enemies at the end of the pier. After the cut-

    scene (to paraphrase a marine, Alice is pretty -- but not suicide pretty), aim at the set of double doors that

    lead back into the safety of the wharf. You can cack all four enemies as they come through. Push through

    the doors and you're done with this chapter.

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    Mission 7Your moral decisions from the first three stages (the sixth chapter had no moral choice) will determine ifyou have allies here. If you've been good, you will have allies who will fire at enemies. Otherwise, you'realone. Since it's never good to depend on the goodness of humanity, let's go about this alone.

    At the beginning, pull out a silenced weapon and wait. You can down the first three enemies (except theShotgun Heavy) without raising an alarm. See if you can down the emplaced gunner down the street.Once the enemies are slain, you can provoke the Shotgun Heavy with little impunity. Gather yourself andhave your partner put you over the wall into Jonas' compound.

