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US Army War College US Army War College USAWC Press USAWC Press Monographs, Books, & Publications 12-1-1999 Army Professionalism, the Military Ethic, and Officership in the Army Professionalism, the Military Ethic, and Officership in the 21st Century 21st Century John A. Nagl Major C. Anthony Pfaff Dr. Don M. Snider Dr. U.S. Military Academy Follow this and additional works at: https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs Recommended Citation Recommended Citation John A. Nagl Major, C. Anthony Pfaff Dr., and Don M. Snider Dr., Army Professionalism, the Military Ethic, and Officership in the 21st Century ( US Army War College Press, 1999), https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/146 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by USAWC Press. It has been accepted for inclusion in Monographs, Books, & Publications by an authorized administrator of USAWC Press.
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US Army War College US Army War College


Monographs, Books, & Publications


Army Professionalism, the Military Ethic, and Officership in the Army Professionalism, the Military Ethic, and Officership in the

21st Century 21st Century

John A. Nagl Major

C. Anthony Pfaff Dr.

Don M. Snider Dr. U.S. Military Academy

Follow this and additional works at: https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs

Recommended Citation Recommended Citation John A. Nagl Major, C. Anthony Pfaff Dr., and Don M. Snider Dr., Army Professionalism, the Military Ethic, and Officership in the 21st Century ( US Army War College Press, 1999), https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/146

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Dr. Don M. Snider

Major John A. Nagl

Major Tony Pfaff

December 1999

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ISBN 1-58487-011-7


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In the following monograph, Dr. Don M. Snider, a retiredArmy colonel and Professor of Political Science at West Point,Major John Nagl of the Department of Social Sciences, and MajorTony Pfaff of the Department of English and Philosophy, addresswhat they—and many others—perceive to be a decline in military professionalism in the Army officer corps. The authors firstdescribe the ethical, technical, and political components ofmilitary professionalism and then address the causes for thedecline. They conclude by proposing a set of principles which, ifadhered to, will reinvigorate the vision of the officer corps andmotivate the corps to selfless service.

Dr. Snider, and others who served in the Army in the laterstages of the Vietnam War, saw firsthand the deleterious effectsthat result when an institution loses or discards its moral andethical compass. One of the hallmarks of a great institution,however, is its ability to recognize and deal with its defects. TheArmy did that during the decades that followed the Vietnam War. The officers and soldiers of America’s Army rebuilt theirinstitution into the world’s finest army; the force of decision inOperation DESERT STORM. In the last few years, rapiddownsizing and vastly increased operational tempo have had anegative impact on the Army and the officer corps. BecauseGeneral Eric Shinseki understands what is at stake, our Chiefhas challenged each of us to help him reinvigorate America’sArmy. Accordingly, we commend this thought-provoking essay as a step in that direction.

DOUGLAS C. LOVELACE, JR.Interim DirectorStrategic Studies Institute


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The United States Military Academy activated the Center for theProfessional Military Ethic (CPME) in August 1998 to bring a newcohesiveness to the United States Military Academy’s moral-ethicaltraining of cadets. While the cadet honor code (which states that “Acadet shall not lie, cheat or steal or tolerate those who do”) and the motto(“Duty-Honor-Country”) provide the underpinnings of cadets’ moralethos, Academy leadership established the Center to deepen cadets’understanding of the Professional Military Ethic and to develop withineach cadet a self concept of officership. The Center will also coordinateand integrate the Academy’s officership development programs acrossthe curriculum. In turn, as the Center matures, it will provide enhancedassessment methods and resources to Academy leadership, as well asassistance to the field Army, other training centers and civilianeducation institutions with ethical development issues, training forvolunteer instructors and ethical development opportunities for cadets.

Specifically the center will perform five functions: (1) Develop andmaintain instructional materials in support of a program of instructionto the Corps of Cadets on the Professional Military Ethic; (2) Assess theeffectiveness of the “West Point Experience” in developing within cadets a professional self-concept and an understanding of the ProfessionalMilitary Ethic; (3) Conduct research on the Professional Military Ethicto determine its current content, the potential requirements for change,and its application to the education of cadets and ultimately to theArmy; (4) Develop outreach initiatives to assist and interface with theArmy, particularly schools of professional military education, and otherappropriate Federal and civilian institutions on the subject ofprofessional ethics and ethical education relating to the Profession ofArms and scholastic integrity; (5) Supervise the Cadet Honor andRespect Committees.

This paper, jointly sponsored by SSI and CPME, is intended to bethe first of many whose purpose is to promote scholarship on Officershipand the Professional Military Ethic as well as enhance the discussion ofmilitary professionalism within the Army and sister services.

Michael E. HaithColonel, InfantryDirector, CPME


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DR. DON M. SNIDER is Professor of Political Science,teaching seminars in military innovation/adaptation andcivil-military relations in the Department of Social Sciencesat West Point. He has been a member of the civilian facultyof the U.S. Military Academy since 1998, having previouslyheld the Olin Chair in National Security Studies,1995-1998. Earlier, he completed a military career whichincluded three combat tours in the Republic of Vietnam and, much later, service on the staff of the National SecurityCouncil, The White House. He retired from the Office of theChairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, in 1990. Dr. Snider’scurrent research and publications focus on military cultureand ethics, the gap between the military and Americansociety, officership, and U.S. security policy towardsEurope.

MAJOR JOHN A. NAGL teaches international relationsand national security studies in the Department of SocialSciences at West Point. A West Point graduate, he holdsMasters and Doctoral degrees in International Relationsfrom Oxford University, where he studied as a RhodesScholar. His doctoral dissertation, “Learning to Eat Soupwith a Knife,” examined how military organizations adaptto unfamiliar situations. An armor officer, he led a tankplatoon of the First Cavalry Division during OperationDESERT STORM and commanded an armored cavalrytroop in the First Armored Division in Germany. MajorNagl’s recent publications include works on arms controlpolicy and military innovation.

MAJOR TONY PFAFF teaches in the Department ofEnglish and Philosophy at West Point. He received a BA inEconomics and Philosophy from Washington and LeeUniversity and an MA in Philosophy from StanfordUniversity, where he was also a graduate fellow at the


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Stanford Center for Conflict and Negotiation. An Infantryofficer, he served in the 1/505 PIR, 82d Airborne from 1987to 1991 with which he deployed to the Persian Gulf. He hasalso served in the First Armored Division from 1992-1995,holding several brigade and battalion level positionsincluding Company Commander and Battalion S3. Duringthat time he also deployed to Macedonia for OperationABLE SENTRY. Major Pfaff has written and presentedseveral papers on a variety of topics including militaryethics, ethics of development and conflict resolution.


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Introduction: Army Professionalism and Conflictwithin the Professional Military Ethos.

On January 25, 1999, a tall, ramrod-straight youngcombat-arms officer serving in Bosnia with the 1st ArmoredDivision told the about-to-graduate cadets at West Point, “Itell my men every day there is nothing there worth one ofthem dying for.” It was a startling admission to the cadetswho were in the midst of a series of classes on theprofessional military ethic; the lieutenant’s admission wasutterly contradictory to what they had been studying. Theirstudies had led them to believe that minimizing casualtieswas an inherent part of every combat mission but not amission in and of itself, particularly one which mightimpede or even preclude success in the unit’s mission 1—inthis case, peace operations within the American sector ofBosnia. Queried by a cadet in the audience as to why hecommunicated this to his men, the lieutenant responded,“Because minimizing, really prohibiting, casualties is thetop-priority mission I have been given by my battalioncommander.”

Some time later in the presentation the battalioncommander gave his perspective. “It’s simple,” he said.“When I received my written mission from Division,absolutely minimizing casualties was the missionprioritized as first, so I in turn passed it on in my writtenoperations order to my company commanders. This is themission we have, this is the environment in which wework.”2

Some months later an article in Army magazine by anArmy major made the same point. Arriving for duty inBosnia, his brigade commander gave the major the


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following guidance, “If mission and force protection are inconflict, then we don’t do the mission.”3

To us, these two examples from the many communicatedeach week within the media and among the e-mail of theArmy officer corps demonstrate that the Army’s norms ofprofessional behavior are being corroded by politicalguidance on force protection. Doubtless the ethics of otherservices are being corroded by the same guidance—witnessAir Force pilots flying combat missions from fifteenthousand feet in Kosovo and Bosnia to avoid the risk of pilotloss from ground fire and missiles. Yet one does not hearsenior military leaders defending the military ethic,informing the profession and the American public it servesof its utter necessity for military effectiveness. Neither doesone read in military journals significant dialogues on thepersonal conflicts this is causing for individual officers.

Placed in the larger context and stated simply, changesin the international system since the end of the Cold War,the new nature of conflict (which we will refer to simply asmilitary operations other than war, MOOTW) and secularchanges within American society are strongly influencingthe American military ethic in directions unknown. This isan issue of military professionalism, rightly understood;and as such in an era of already declining Armyprofessionalism is of vital concern to both professionals andthe society they serve.

Thus this manuscript will proceed to place this issue into the context of military professionalism, a topic little studiedin the military now and even less understood outside theprofession. Subsequently, we will use that framework toanalyze two issues within the profession now impedinghealthy adaptations—the officer corps’ intellectual muddleover the purpose of the Army and their ethical muddle overthe role of self-sacrifice in the profession’s ethos. We believethese two unresolved contradictions have contributed invery significant ways to the Army’s inability thus far to dealeffectively with vexing issues such as force protection.


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Lastly, we will present a “principled approach” for arenewed self-concept and motivation of the Army officercorps, a self-concept that, if it existed now, would lend a very different perspective to such issues as force protection.

A Framework for Analysis: Military Professionalism.

Our understanding of military professionalism isadapted from Professor Sam. C. Sarkesian. 4 As he noted in1981, “the examination of professionalism, its boundaries,and substantive elements lack a generally accepted andcoherent perspective.”5 Fortunately, Professor Sarkesianoutlined such a framework in his book, but to our knowledge it has not been seen in the literature since. It is a frameworkthat in the more quantitative analytical environment todaywould be considered a 3x3 matrix of political, social andfunctional interactions inherent in the relationshipsbetween a democratic society and its Army—its militaryservants. In matrix form it appears as:


of AnalysisMilitary

Technical Ethical Political

SocietyLand mine ban, MOOTWmissions

Post-modern oregoist ethic



RMA,resources,recruiting, anddecliningprofessionalism

TheProfessionalMilitary Ethicand forceprotection

Powell Doctrine and forceprotection


Individualskills, retention



Figure 1. American Military Professionalism.


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Further, each of these components can be analyzed fromat least three different levels. They can be viewed at thelevel of, or from the perspective of, the American societysanctioning the military institution, the military institution itself (the Army), or from the perspective of the individualsoldier within the institution. In contrast to the verticallines above, the horizontal lines in the diagram representreal boundaries across which deep and abidingrelationships have been created, both official (formal) andunofficial (informal). These relationships and some of thecontemporary issues creating tensions, both healthy anddysfunctional, will be delineated briefly in the sections thatfollow in order to show their contextual reality among themany interactions and relationships involved. Takentogether they provide a brief overview of the state of themilitary institution, its professionalism or effectiveness,and its relationship with the society it serves.

The Functional or Military-Technical Component . Thiscomponent includes those aspects of the profession that give it unique purpose and legitimacy, what Huntington calledthe “expertise” of the profession.6 He defined this function in the post-World War II era as the “management of violence.”Others have at different times given it different titles, butthe essence remains clear regardless of specific purposestatement: Armies have been created by societies throughthe ages for the purpose of protecting themselves, theirterritory and their way of life, and for advancing theirnational interests in the regions around them. During thealmost four centuries since the Treaty of Westphalia andthe appearance of the nation-state, the formativerelationships between societies and their armies havevaried dramatically depending on the society, its ideologyand its form of government, i.e., the state. 7 Now in thepost-Cold War era, it may be the case that once again theformative relationships have changed, at least among theadvanced democratic nations, reserving armies forprimarily defensive purposes. 8 Such formativerelationships include the purpose for which society seeks to


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prepare and use its army and the resources provided forsuch uses, particularly human resources—by conscriptionof a mass citizen army, by soliciting/enticing volunteersfrom among the citizenry as the United States does today, or by some combination of these methods.

At the societal level, one currently contentious issue (asnoted in Figure 1) is the desire of some American politicalleaders and a considerable portion of the public to outlaw byinternational treaty the use of land mines as a form ofwarfare. Such intrusions into the traditional sphere ofmilitary professionals—how best to fight wars—is oneindicator of society’s dissatisfaction with currentprofessionalism. Thus the darker horizontal line separating the societal level of analysis from the institutional levelconnotes an American civil-military relationship currentlywith significant tensions on many issues across all threecomponents of professionalism, land mines being only one. 9

At the institutional level , the military-technicalcomponent focuses on the overall effectiveness of the Army.Is it capable of doing what society expects of it and in themanner it is expected? Such military effectiveness is theresult of many things, some under the control of the leadersof the military institution and others that must be providedby a supporting society.10 Internally, the U.S. Army todayconsiders these essential inputs to combat effectiveness tobe the “six imperatives”: force mix, doctrine, training,modern equipment, leader development, and qualitypeople.11

At this level of analysis, there are myriad issuescurrently demanding the urgent attention of the officercorps, those who are responsible for creating the intellectual consensus and direction that sets the professionalstandards which produce military effectiveness, andsubsequently for policing and adapting these standards asnecessary. Such issues include the institution’s inability toobtain a level of resources sufficient to the institution’sneeds, the demonstrable decline in military effectiveness of


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front-line operational units,12 and the urgent, but unmet,need to modernize fighting forces for the information-dominant forms of warfare potentially available in the“revolution in military affairs (RMA).” 13 These issues, all ofmajor significance for the decline in Army professionalism,have existed roughly in current form since shortly after theend of the Gulf War in 1992.

At the third level of analysis, that of the individualsoldier, professionalism in the functional componentbecomes the issue of individual competence in soldier skillsand the motivation by which those skills are to be used andintegrated with those of other soldiers, whether they beofficer, noncommissioned officer or enlisted soldier. Giventhe virtual revolution that occurred in Army trainingprograms in the 1980s, resulting in the remarkableproficiency of our forces in the Gulf War, it might besupposed that at this level few problems exist. But that isclearly not the case. Since the Gulf War, the seriousmismatch between a military structure too large andresources too small, when combined with an unusually highoperational tempo for MOOTW, has severely eroded thetrust and commitment of individual officers and soldierstoward both the Army and the society it serves. This hasbeen particularly so when the soldier’s quality of life iscontrasted to a roaring American economy with an excess ofgood job opportunities. Thus at the individual leveldeclining professionalism is reflected in the systemicinstitutional failure to attract and retain sufficient recruitsfrom the citizenry to man the current Army force structure,along with the continuing exodus of company grade officers,particularly from the combat arms. 14

The Ethical Component. The ethical component seeks ateach level of analysis to answer questions like “what shouldofficers and soldiers do?” and “what kind of leaders shouldthe Army have?” The answers to these questions establishnorms of individual and collective behavior, what courses ofaction, and what outcomes the officer is obligated to seek; insum, they constitute a professional military ethic. We


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accept the definition of “ethic” as “the body of moralprinciples or values governing a particular culture orgroup.”15 Just as with the military-technical component,this component can be analyzed from the perspectives ofAmerican society, the military institution, or the individualsoldier.

At the societal level, it is difficult to categorize succinctlythe ethics to which Americans adhere. Americans are aneclectic people who embrace a variety of ethical beliefs;however, recently some have accumulated more weight asthose in influence have embraced them. These trends, oftenlabeled inaccurately as “post-modernism,” reflect arejection by many Americans of traditional moralstandards. While some skepticism regarding tradition andauthority is healthy, completely rejecting traditionalstandards undermines the possibility of a common nationalor societal ethic on which professional organizations canrely to inform their own ethics. What many call “postmodernism” is best thought of as a complex collection ofbeliefs and theories that, in essence, reject the idea thatthere is any such thing as objective truth, ethical orotherwise. Without an objective standard, “truth” is thenleft to the individual or group to decide and thus becomesrelative to their desires and beliefs. This has underminedthe earlier consensus among Americans that any particularbelief can actually be wrong.

Of course, not all Americans embrace such relativism,but often what arises in its place is an unreflective egoism,which is best characterized as the belief that what ismorally good is “what is best for me.” Rather than therelative standard that post modernism offers, egoism is anobjective standard against which to measure conduct. Itsbasic premise is everyone should do those things, and onlythose things, that they perceive are good for them. Such anethic does not necessitate untrustworthiness, cowardice, orselfishness, and, in fact, many Americans have found that itis in their interests to be trustworthy, brave, and giving, and often so behave. Nonetheless, such an ethic does not


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preclude behavior such as untrustworthiness, cowardice, orselfishness by describing it as morally reprehensible—andwhen it does not, this ethic comes into direct conflict withthe professional military ethic.

Many Americans have combined this egoist ethic withthe post-modern insight that all truth is relative, and relyon the contradictory ethical system that results from thisviewpoint to make ethical decisions. We cannot recount thenumber of students we have had who profess a belief inChristianity, Judaism, or Islam but reject the possibility ofobjective moral truth. This experience on campuses hasbeen noted and written about by other philosophers. 16 Thefact that the acceptability of such contradictory beliefs hasseeped so profusely through modern religious institutions is alarming evidence that reason is slowly being disregardedas important in the larger society. And to a militaryinstitution that values, and indeed prizes, rational thoughtand decisionmaking processes, the potential conflict isimmense. Just as our students see no problem embracingthe contradictory beliefs of an objective religion along withrelative “post-modernism,” so too many officers today seenothing wrong with embracing a personal ethic ofunreflective self-interest or relativism, along with theobjective ethical demands of the profession.

At the level of the military institution , this contradictionis most evident as officers attempt to reconcile theirpersonal ethic with that of the institution. While the beliefsof egoism and post-modern relativism can be heldconsistently by many in America, they cannot be held byArmy officers who simultaneously hold an objectiveprofessional ethic. 1 7 One reason is that while theprofessional military ethic requires that at least sometruths be held as objective, the social ethic does not. Another is that while the professional military ethic requires thatthe officer put self-interest secondary to at least some otherconsiderations, the prevailing social ethic does not. This isnot a new dilemma for the Army: Since the founding of theRepublic with its unique social contract making the


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citizenry sovereign over the state, the Army has understoodand accepted that it, ironically, can never reflect internallythe essence of this contract.18

Furthermore, the ethical obligations of the officer areobjective and are not contingent on any desire held by anyindividual. The professional military ethic is not a relativeethic. The obligation to uphold it or any of its tenets does notarise because those in the profession said so, but ratherbecause it is necessary if the profession is to be effective inits purpose of warfighting. In a relativist ethic what is goodor bad is justified based on the desires of the individual orgroup; what is good is what makes one (or the group) feelgood, while what is bad is what does not. For a professionalethic, good and bad are determined, in part functionally, byhow the profession contributes to society. As noted earlier,the military performs a socially useful, indeed vitalfunction—the protection of society and its territory and wayof life. This creates a moral obligation for the soldier, andparticularly for the commissioned officer, to respondeffectively when called on to defend a defenseless society,even to the point of death.19

Thus, where it would be improper for a manager at IBMto invade the privacy of her employees, the officer is morallyobligated to do so. In order for the military to function well,leaders must know and have influence over many aspects ofsoldiers’ private lives, including their health and physicalcondition, how they spend their money, and where and withwhom they spend their free time. 20 This does not mean,however, that rightness or wrongness of exercising suchinfluence is relative to the situation, or even relative to thedesires of the officer corps or business professionals. Itmeans that given how the officer and the businessmancontribute to the well-being of society, in every case it wouldbe wrong for the IBM manager to exercise such influenceand right for the military officer to do so.

The objectivity of the professional military ethic is alsonot contingent on any personal desire a member of the


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profession might have. These obligations are not merelyinstrumental—they do not take the form “If I want to be asoldier, then I must be willing to sacrifice.” Rather they takethe form “Since I am a soldier, I must be willing to sacrifice.”The source of these truths arise out of the moral obligationan officer incurs when he or she accepts a public trust, i.e.,when an officer accepts freely, without reservation, his orher Commission from society. The obligations may beprofession specific—that is they only hold for those whoaccept the Commission—but they are nonetheless objectivein nature. They hold regardless of the desires or beliefs ofthose who accept such charges.

Given this understanding of the nature of theprofessional military ethic, at the individual level theproblem is not just that the contradictions discussed earliermay cause soldiers to mistakenly choose one ethic over theother. Nor is the problem that soldiers may sometimes giveweight to the social ethic when they should have givenweight to the professional ethic though on occasion this toocan be a problem, witness the Aberdeen scandal or theegregious behavior of BG Hale. 21

The fundamental problem is the existence of thecontradiction itself. Logically, anything can follow from acontradiction. And if literally anything follows from acontradiction, then any system of beliefs that iscontradictory can produce any other belief. Ethical beliefsystems are supposed to guide our behavior. But if anythingfollows from a contradiction then anything could be anethical truth and thus any belief can pass as ethicalguidance. And if any belief can pass as ethical guidance,then ethics would not be able to guide decisions eitherindividually or organizationally—any decision would bejust as good as another! This renders such an ethical systemnonsensical and self-defeating.

Some officers claim that their unwillingness to adoptfully the norm of self-sacrifice is motivated more byunwillingness to sacrifice in vain, rather than relativism or


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egoism. They are not, so the argument goes, interested inmaximizing self-interest, but rather the national interest.They see many MOOTW missions as never-ending, quixoticquests that are only marginally in the national interest. Inthis view, putting soldiers’ lives at risk when it benefitsAmerica so little is not just imprudent, but immoral. Suchofficers then see radical force protection 22 as inherentlymoral since it limits the chances that soldiers might have topay the “ultimate” sacrifice in vain.

Certainly, it is wrong for the civilian leadership to putsoldiers’ lives in jeopardy for immoral reasons. It is just ascertain that the military’s senior leadership is required topoint that out to civilian leaders when they feel the civilianleadership is doing so. What is not clear, though, is thatmissions that do not serve individual perceptions ofnational interests are in fact immoral. It would be hard toargue that intervening to prevent humanitariancatastrophes such as the genocide in Bosnia and Rwanda isimmoral just because the national interest, howeverdefined, is not well-served. But more to the point, servingofficers must remember that under American norms ofcivil-military relations, determining the national interest isthe responsibility of the elected leaders and the public theyserve, and not the responsibility, nor the prerogative, of themilitary.

This is not to say that acting in the national interest isnot an important consideration. However, it cannot be theonly, or even always the best, criteria by which to justifymilitary intervention and by extension, the risking ofsoldiers’ lives. If by immoral one means, “anything not in the national interest,” one is articulating a simple version ofnationalism, which privileges one group over another in thesame way that egoism privileges one individual overanother. Thus, it is subject to similar criticisms as egoism.Therefore, while the national interest is certainly animportant consideration, it cannot be the whole story to theprofessional military ethic. If it were, then acting


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dishonorably could be morally obligatory as long as it served the national interest.

Therefore, the argument that it is immoral to intervenewith soldiers to stop or prevent humanitarian disastersbecause such activities are only marginally in the nationalinterest loses its force. If it is not immoral to send soldiers on such missions, military leaders cannot have a moralobjection to them and thus remain morally obligated, aslong as the military remains subordinate to civilianauthority, to accept such missions.

Thus, we conclude that the post-modern ethos(relativism) or an unreflective egoism (or nationalism) isincompatible with being a professional military officer. Themajor ethical tension is the failure of individual officers togive up such ethics, adopting instead the necessary virtuesof a professional military ethic—e.g., self-sacrifice andself-abnegating service. That leaders at multiple levels donot understand and act on this understanding signals amajor breakdown in the acceptance and application of theprofessional military ethic within the United States Army.Failure to recognize this can have terrible consequences,such as fostering uncritical acceptance of radical forceprotection as the “right” thing to do, even at the expense ofmission accomplishment!

The Political Component . This component of militaryprofessionalism is the least understood today, probablybecause of the Huntingtonian tradition within theAmerican profession of arms that the military should avoidpolitics and politicization in order to retain itsprofessionalism—Huntington’s objective control. 23 Suchtradition is rich with examples. Eisenhower did not registerwith a political party until drafted for the presidency by theRepublicans in 1951; General Marshall did not vote untilafter his decades of public service, lest he be undulyinfluenced.24 But regardless of the traditions, the militaryinstitutions in America are, as Sarkesian points out,inherently political institutions in their interactions with


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the larger political and social systems of Americangovernance.25 For example, their financial resources areallocated annually by a political process in which they mustparticipate involving both the executive and legislativebranches of government. Further, when executing theirunique function of warfighting, their use is determined byan equally political process involving the same branches ofgovernment, as well as by the opinion makers and masspublic of American society itself. In fact, militaryinstitutions retain their legitimacy and standing as aprofession only by their successful interaction in thesepolitical processes and with the society they serve. Thus,their professionalism inherently has a political component.

At the societal level , as noted in Figure 1, it isincreasingly clear that the use of U.S. armed forces forintervention abroad in humanitarian and peace-enforcingpurposes is well-supported by the American people, evenmore so than perceived by elected representatives of bothpolitical parties.26 It is also the case that the Clintonadministrations have been well-appointed by liberalinterventionists, who, with much merit to their causes, have been willing and able to pursue a more militarized U.S.foreign policy. The sentiment seems to be “What’s the pointof having this superb military that you are always talkingabout if we can’t use it?” 27

At the societal level, there is also evident tension overthe uniqueness of military culture, a uniqueness which hasbeen under steady attack since the end of the Cold War fromthose of a progressive agenda. While it is not unusual forsuch political activism to be focused on the armed forcesduring periods of peace and prosperity, it is quite unusualfor elected political leaders not to offer informed assistanceto a profession in need of selective adaptation, defending the functional necessities of the profession’s culture. 28

Unfortunately, it is the case that after three decadeswithout conscription, too few Americans today, andparticularly those in positions of public influence, haveexperiential knowledge of the instrumental value of


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military culture.29 This has left the public articulation of the need for such culture to senior military officers, a task theyhave been either unable or unwilling to completeeffectively.30

At the next level of analysis , both of these issues—decisionmaking about the use of force and defense of themilitary culture—retain high salience within theintellectual dialogue of the Army. So do the other issuesmentioned under the military-technical component—resourcing and readiness—and they are not unrelated. TheWeinberger-Powell doctrine is still held by many seniormilitary leaders across the armed forces, 31 causing thewell-publicized tensions of 1992-1994 betweenthen-Chairman of the JCS, General Colin Powell, and theClinton administration.32 But at a deeper level all of thesemajor issues, from gaining the resources necessary formodernization to the use of force and to radical forceprotection, reflect a renewed institutional ambivalence over how far senior military leaders should go in opposingpolitical guidance. When does their candid, professionaldisagreement and dissent become disloyalty to theadministration under which they serve? On the other hand,when does its absence become disloyalty to the institution of which they are the chief stewards?33 When, if ever, may such military leaders go beyond the three traditional functions ofrepresenting the profession and its needs, rendering candidprofessional advice, and executing legal orders from above?As shown in Figure 2, the roles of senior military leaderstoday often overlap with those of civilian leaders, who,because they are elected and appointed leaders of thepeople, have the last say, even if wrong. In such situations,the plight of senior military leaders is not to be envied;nonetheless, their duty should be clear.

At the institutional level, there is also currently a thirdpolitical issue. This is the “conventional wisdom” thatAmerican society is casualty averse—unwilling to acceptcasualties in military operations supporting less-than-vitalnational interests. Such wisdom is, in fact, myth (our


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refutation of this position is in the following section), but auseful myth for political decisionmakers. And, if “casualtyadversity” is becoming accepted by senior military leaders,it helps explain at the institutional level why the prevention of military casualties has such current salience.

Finally, at the individual level of analysis currentconcern, particularly within academia, is focused on thepotential of a civil-military “gap,” a disjuncture between theculture and values of American society and those of theindividuals composing the military, particularly the officercorps.34 While many are concerned with the recentRepublicanization of the officer corps, the larger issue is“how different and how separate” the military should befrom the society it serves. Whether this tension is sui generisowing to the policies of the Clinton administration remainsto be seen.35

In sum, in this section we have presented a frameworkwith nine perspectives across the components ofprofessionalism, and a brief overview of the U.S. Army andits tensions with political leaders and the society it serves.We have also noted its declining professionalism andeffectiveness. There is, as we will discuss subsequently,much behind each of these perspectives and manyinter-relationships that need to be examined if one is tounderstand well the reasons behind such declines. Suffice to


Figure 2. The Civilian-Military Interface.

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say that such a decline has been the case historically inAmerica after every major war. Thus the Army is nowdeeply involved in a necessary and vital transition from aCold War Army focused on the “big war” in Europe to anArmy of a different character to be used for a different set ofmissions under different priorities.

We now turn to a more in-depth analysis of two issueswhich we believe are significantly retarding the Army’sability to get on with this vital transition of adaptation to21st century missions and environments while preservingthe vital aspects of an effective land force. They are: theofficer corps’ intellectual muddle over the fundamentalpurpose of the Army, and their ethical muddle over the roleof self-sacrifice within the profession’s ethic.

Resolving the Intellectual Muddle.

After roughly five decades of almost continuous focus onland warfare in Europe, and now almost one decade of“peace,” the Army’s officer corps is, candidly speaking, in the midst of an intellectual muddle. That is, institutionally it isthinking and acting in a confused manner, one which beliesits fundamental purpose and foundational relationshipswith the American society it serves.36 Given the enormousrevolutions through which American society has passed inthe last decade, it should not surprise us to find that theArmy is showing signs of strain; armies are such intimatereflections of their parent societies that “a revolution in theone [is] bound to cause a revolution in the other.” 37 Not all ofthe causes of this muddle are of the Army’s own making orwithin its control. There are, however, several importantcauses of the confusion that are within the institution’scontrol, and, as we shall explain, it is there that the Armymust start to redefine its purpose and organizationalessence.

Preparing to Fight the Wrong War? While there is muchdebate over whether true military innovation springs frominside organizations, from external sources, or from a


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combination of the two,38 there is a growing recognition thatcultural factors to a great extent determine whetherchanges accord with the organizational essence of anArmy.39 Clearly, during periods of significant externalchange, it is axiomatic that public organizations simplycannot proceed with the learning and adaptation that isnecessary for effectiveness in their task without a very clearvision of organizational essence and purpose. This is thefunction of senior leadership, to determine and articulatepersuasively a coherent vision for the organization’s future.This axiom is even more applicable to militaryorganizations where the histories of successful innovationdisclose the absolute necessity of an engaged, well-informed officer corps conceptualizing, leading, and otherwisefacilitating the innovations and adaptations necessary forchange. Such innovation in periods of transition is, after all,cultural in its essence rather than technological. Suchclarity of vision, particularly at the strategic level, is citedby prominent theorists and historians as the essential firststep of successful military innovation and adaptation—what is the new strategic task of the military institution,what is the new theory of victory for future war? 40 AdmiralWilliam A. Moffett had a clear vision when naval aviationwas born in the 1930s, and there was no doubt in the mindsof Generals Gavin and Howze after the Korean War aboutthe new need for airmobility of Army forces. But such clarityof vision—realistic in its premises, coherent in itscomponents of forces, mission and resources, and thusbelievable to the officer corps—we believe, has not beenprovided since the end of the Gulf War and the initiation ofthe post-Cold War builddown of military capabilities.

The two most prominent causes of the officer corps’muddle are not hard to identify. Political guidance to theArmy still requires conventional capabilities to executenearly simultaneously two major regional conflicts, hencethe retention by many within the officer corps of the “bigArmy, big war” vision and essence, and also the retention ofthe bulk of the Army’s Cold War force structure and


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infrastructure. In stark contrast, the Clintonadministration has since 1993 repeatedly received theapproval of the American people for the conduct of MOOTW. Given the reality of a desirable “can do” attitude among themiddle and lower ranks of the officer corps, it is notsurprising a significant majority of those officers now accept MOOTW missions as the purpose and essence of the Army,indeed, as the vision for the future. 41 They have experiencednothing else and have been presented with no other vision of the future that is credible to them. 42

The major positions contributing to the muddle areshown in Figure 3.

Fighting and Winning the Nation’s Wars—or Military Operations Other Than War?

Big Army, Big War MOOTW

Political leaders Yes Yes

Military leaders Yes No . . . Perhaps Yes43


Mid-, lower-officercorps

No, not credible Yes

Figure 3.

As the diagram shows, America’s political leaders aretelling the Army its essence is to do both big wars andMOOTW; and senior Army leaders are in turn telling theinstitution the same thing. But at the lower level, where thebulk of the officer corps accepts MOOTW as the way of thepresent and the future, it is a quite different story due to atleast four other causal factors:

• The resources, both financial and human, requisite toplacing both missions within the core purpose of the Armyhave not been forthcoming. Whether that is a failure ofresponsibility of political leadership or of senior militaryleaders is now largely irrelevant. To the majority of theserving officer corps it is simply inconceivable, given a


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modernization “holiday” of almost a decade and steadilydeclining funds for collective training over the same periodthat senior leaders, whether uniformed or not, can expect“more with less.” In fact this issue is one of the mostfrequently mentioned as cause of the unprecedented, andgrowing, gap in trust and confidence between the lowerechelons of the Army officer corps and its seniorleadership.44

• The Army’s operational tempo, caused by a 37 percentreduction in force structure since the Gulf War coupled withrepeated MOOTW, is up roughly 300 percent over Cold Warlevels. Army-wide, soldiers are deployed an average of over140 days per year away from families and home post; theaverage is well over 200 days per year for those soldiers andfamilies assigned within Europe. Understandably, thisunsustainable rate has increasingly demoralized soldiersand their families, contributing heavily to the exodus ofjunior officers and likely, to the current recruiting crisis forthe volunteer force.

• The Army officer corps, until the onslaught of MOOTW in the mid-1990s, generally held the self-concept, and thusthe motivation, of leader-trainers. This was the successfulresult of the TRADOC-led training revolution in the 1970sand 1980s.45 To be an officer was to be a leader and trainer of soldiers, practically regardless of the officer’s branch. Thisself-concept correctly placed great emphasis on achievingpositive results from rigorous training in individual and,particularly, collective skills. Unfortunately, given themultiplicity of missions and paucity of training resourcescurrently confronting the Army, those same officers, several now in or selected for battalion and brigade command, areleaving the service in almost unprecedented numbers. 46

They echo the refrain, “It isn’t fun any more.” 47 Moreregrettably yet, their junior officers are also leaving, statingthat “I’ve seen what my commander has had to deal with the past two years, and I don’t want to do that.” 48 It is a sure signof a military profession in trouble that junior officers do notaspire to serve in their commander’s position .


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• All soldiers, regardless of rank, have watched for thepast seven years the amazing success of the Americaneconomy, but have not participated in its benefits at acommensurable rate. More importantly, sociologically thisis not the Army of the 1970s or even the 1980s; roughly 60percent of the soldiers are now married with 85 percent ofspouses working outside of the home. Thus, the impact ofthe excessive operation tempo on the current “married withworking spouse” force has no precedent in Army history.Although some redress is on the way in FY 2000 in the formof across-the-board and focused pay increases, the failure ofthe Army to provide adequately for quality of life issues iscited by enlisted soldiers as the main reason—far above anyother—for the lowest state of soldier morale in the 1990s. 49

These facts about the current organizational climatewithin the Army, particularly within the operational forcestructure, document the consequences of an amazingly largemismatch between resources and missions. To be sure, therehave been quantitative analyses aplenty describing thedegree to which the Army lacks funding for modernizationalone, and offering comparable explanations of why the AirForce is now flying the oldest fleet of aircraft in theirservice’s young history. 50 Yet until 1999, with theappearance of a systemic failure of recruiting for thevolunteer force and the unremitting exodus from the Armyofficer corps, the magnitude of the overall danger to military professionalism was not so clear. It is now evident, however,that the option of continuing to “muddle through” thistransition is no longer an option.

One Solution: Fight the Wars American SocietyApproves. Since this monograph is focused on problemidentification and analysis rather than solutions, which arethe purview of current uniformed leaders, we offer here onlybrief insights as to how this intellectual muddle overorganizational purpose and essence might be resolved—oneway among many, we are sure.


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In a democracy, an Army does not get to choose themissions it accepts—at least, no professional army does.The hesitancy of the U.S. Army to accept wholeheartedlythe missions it is currently being given strikes the authorsof this paper as cause for concern in the context of militaryprofessionalism. We believe that means defining the Army’sorganizational purpose, its essence, simply as serving theAmerican society, and fighting the conflicts they approve,when they approve them. Any other essence or purposestatement places the institution in the illegitimate andunprofessional position of declaring its intellectualindependence from the society it was formed to serve. Andas we have deduced from the evidence presented, if theArmy continues to resist organizing, training, andequipping itself to fight and win the “wars” it is currentlybeing asked to fight, it may no longer have a sufficientlyprofessional officer corps when the next big war occurs.

The Army can create a vision and an organizationalclimate that accepts the importance of MOOTW whilemaintaining much of its desired focus on training/adaptingfor future regional wars. But for that to occur, Army leadersmust resolve the resources-missions gap in ways that arecredible. This must be done very quickly. There are manyoptions, from gaining relief/change in the “two-MRC”guidance, to obtaining increased resources, to reducingunneeded structure and infrastructure, to specializing roles within the total Army. None are easy nor without costs. Butit is equally clear that radical action to close the gap is wellpast due; the cost in declining professionalism is already toogreat.

In light of these facts, it is encouraging that Army Chiefof Staff General Eric K. Shinseki recently addressed manyof the problems with which we have expressed concern inthis monograph, and explicitly articulated a vision to“adjust the condition of the Army to better meet therequirements of the next century.” 51 That vision is clearabout the need to dramatically change the Army; a vision of“Soldiers on point for the Nation transforming this, the most


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respected Army in the world, into a strategically responsiveforce that is dominant across the full spectrum ofoperations.”52

To accomplish this transformation, General Shinsekihas promised that by the end of FY 2000, the Army’sdivisions and armored cavalry regiments will be manned at100 percent of authorization, removing some of the strain on units as soldiers no longer have to do the job of two or three.Even more importantly, General Shinseki established avision of a lighter, more strategically deployable Armywhich will “allow us to put a combat capable brigadeanywhere in the world in 96 hours once we have received‘execute liftoff’, a division on the ground in 120 hours, andfive divisions in 30 days.”

The missions to which these lighter-weight units willrespond—and which their presence and capability shouldhelp to deter—are the very peacekeeping and stabilityoperations which have confounded the Army’s forcestructure and manning system since the end of the ColdWar. General Shinseki intends to begin procuring weaponssystems to man two new “middle-weight” brigadesimmediately. Changing the institutional culture, which still looks askance at peacekeeping missions, however, will takelonger—but the need for change has been recognized, andthe process has begun. It will take time to see whether thisvision will prove credible and motivating to the bulk of theofficer corps. As we have noted earlier in this monograph,such a credible vision has been missing, contributing to lowmorale and diminishing trust between officers serving inthe field and their leaders in Washington. In our view,solving the gap between missions and resources remains theunsecured, critical link to turning this new vision into morethan simply another declaratory policy.

The Comfortable Myth of a “Casualty Averse” AmericanPublic. Despite the promise of substantial change in thestructure and organization of the Army to meet the needs ofthe new world order in which we find ourselves, there is a


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second, equally disturbing trend of incipient decline withinanother component of military professionalism, the ethicalcomponent. That is the trend for senior military leaders toaccept, as political leaders have accepted since the early1990s, the myth that the American society is “casualtyaverse.”

As we noted earlier, the issue of force protection drawssome of its salience from the accepted conventional wisdomthat the modern American public is very averse to acceptingU.S. casualties in operations abroad. This “wisdom” is mostoften cited in reference to the participation of U.S. armedforces in humanitarian and peace operations. On otheroccasions it is presented as a broadly accepted wisdomapplicable to all military operations abroad, regardless ofpurpose. It is a wisdom held by, and almost always voicedby, influential elites in the nation’s foreign policycommunity, opinion makers such as elected politicians,members of the press, columnists, and the ubiquitouschattering classes of Washington talk shows. As we shallsee, not all scholars agree with this myth, particularlyserious academics and serious polltakers.

The origins of such wisdom are varied, but one mostoften cited is the incident in Mogadishu in October of 1993.Eighteen U.S. Army Rangers were killed in that action. Live television coverage in the United States subsequentlyshowed the body of an American soldier being draggedthrough the streets surrounded by jubilant Somalis. 53 Fourdays later President Clinton announced the end of U.S.involvement in the operation, ostensibly because of thepublic’s adverse reaction to the casualties. He alsoannounced a rapid timetable for withdrawal of all U.S.forces. The incident ultimately led to the sacking ofClinton’s Secretary of Defense, Les Aspin, furtherheightening the understanding within the policycommunity that because of the public’s sensitivities,casualties could not be tolerated.54 At about the same time asociological explanation for the American public’s aversionto military casualties was offered by an American scholar on


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the pages of one of the most prestigious journals, ForeignAffairs.55 Thus the myth grew—the public’s intolerance ofcasualties results in quick reversals of public support formilitary operations abroad. Political leaders therefore needto factor into their foreign policy decisions the risk of suchreversal, and the political costs potentially to be incurred.Subsequent political guidance to U.S. military leaders hasnot ceased to emphasize the urgency and importance ofabsolutely minimizing U.S. casualties, and by extensionany collateral damage to civilian populations.

The most recent example—Kosovo, a war without aground campaign and with U.S. pilots flying at fifteenthousand feet—is a clear manifestation of such politicalguidance. The point here is that the conventional wisdom isa myth. In fact, the American public is quite willing toaccept casualties, and doubtless, political leaders are awareof this. Recent scholarly research demonstrates, once againconvincingly, that there are two conditions that must beapparent in order for the U.S. public to accept casualties: 56

they must be convinced there is a consensus among politicalleaders that the operation is in the nation’s interests; andthat this same consensus among political leaders issufficient to see the venture through to a successfulconclusion (Lincoln’s, “that these dead here shall not havedied in vain . . .”).57 The elite consensus was obviouslymissing, and thus in the public’s mind so also thewillingness to see it through successfully, both in the case ofSomalia in 1993 and in Kosovo in 1999.58 It has been theunwillingness, or inability, of the Clinton administration tocreate an elite consensus that leaves their policy “hostage”to the public’s recoiling from the loss of American soldiers’lives. But this is not the doing of the public. Research hasrepeatedly demonstrated that there is room for politicalleaders to shape public opinion and create a forum fordeliberation and debate of intervention decisions. To besure, in that debate the public will consider in a rationalcalculus the risks to American lives as well as other costs


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and benefits of the intervention, but it is not a debate that isforeclosed because they are “casualty averse.”

Therefore, if it is understood that such behavior bypolitical leaders who as a class, and forthrightly so, are more concerned with reelection than with accomplishment of anymilitary mission,59 it becomes even more imperative to askwhy senior military officers are signing operational orderswith the identical guidance. As we discussed in theintroduction, such is the case today with Army divisioncommanders in Bosnia, and by implication of more seniorcommanders, also. Is it possible that senior Army officershave adopted the policy attitudes of political leaders or,more of concern, their behavioral norms? Clearly that is theimpression the junior officers have, and as well one held bythose of the public interested in the issue. Even moreperplexing than occasionally bowing to political pressure issenior officers’ intellectual acceptance of such a myth. It istrue that political leaders are going to behave as though themyth was real; it is often in their individual self-interest todo so. Thus for practical purposes senior military leadersmust accept the myth as a real influence. It is influentialirrespective of its validity. But precisely because it is amyth, senior military leaders must be articulate andpersuasive in advice to civilian leaders that the public is, infact, not so casualty averse. Only then can they fulfill theirprofession’s responsibility for candid and forthright adviceto political leaders as well as their responsibility forpreservation of the profession’s ethic.

The gap between top military leaders and juniorofficers—and the public at large—is instructive here. Mostmid-career officers and the American public believe that,while casualties should obviously be minimized, theyremain an inevitable part of any deployment. They alsobelieve that the accomplishment of MOOTW missions are,under certain circumstances as noted above, worth the riskof loss of American lives. This perspective is demonstratedin Figure 4.


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An Analysis of Casualty AversionIs the U.S. PublicCasualty Averse? Why?

Political Leaders Yes Intervention is highrisk

Military Leaders Echo High risk; lesspreferred form of war

Junior MilitaryOfficers

No Willing to sacrifice

American Public No Will accept, undertwo conditions

Figure 4.

Again, the solution appears straightforward. SeniorArmy leaders should replace all service guidance anddoctrine that treats the prevention of U.S. casualties asanything other than an inherent component of anyoperational mission.60 The trust in operational commanders’ ability to accomplish missions prudently and competently,irrespective of the number of American casualties, must berestored, and immediately so.61 Without that, few officersaware of the profession’s need to maintain its own uniqueethic will seek command. Ultimately there will be noprofession, only an obedient military bureaucracy with noautonomy, one which responds in an unthinking anduncritical manner to the requests and directives of civilianleaders. We doubt the military effectiveness of such abureaucracy.

Resolving the Ethical Muddle.

Both history and present research confirm that it isduring times of uncertainty and change in missionrequirements that a firm foundation of sharedunderstanding of professionalism is most needed to sustainthe military organization. 62 We therefore offer several ideason how to refocus individual officers, and thus the officercorps itself, on the ethical foundations of professionalism.


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We turn first to the concept of self-sacrifice, specificallyaddressing the issue of risk as an inherent part of anofficer’s concept of duty. In other words, if an officer ismorally obligated to lead her unit to successful missionaccomplishment (the moral claim of the mission) is theobligation of, and thus the risk of, self-sacrifice inherentwithin that duty? And if so, what happens to the officer’smoral obligation, and thus to the profession’s ethic, ifpolitical leaders proscribe such risk as part of a policy of“radical force protection?” In the paragraphs that follow weaddress the first question by a review of the origins of theAmerican military ethic, and subsequently answer thesecond by using examples of the recent NATO operation inKosovo and Serbia.

The Inherence of Self-sacrificial Risk: Sacrifice Is NotAlways Above and Beyond the Call of Duty . Whilesacrificing may sometimes be above and beyond the call ofduty, it is not always the case. We often apply words like“saint” and “hero” in a variety of situations, all of whichinvolve sacrifice, but not all of which involve circumstancesthat are above and beyond the call of duty. We do call heroespeople who do their duty even when considerations ofself-interest or self-preservation would cause most others tofail. For example, consider the terrified doctor who remainswith his patient in a plague stricken city. Clearly he isheroic, but it is still his duty to tend to his patient. Thepresence or absence of the plague does not alter the fact thata doctor’s duty is to remain with his patient. 63 It only affectshow we judge the character of the doctor who does so.

Nevertheless, it is not sufficient to simply assert thatthere are conditions when sacrifice can be obligatory; wemust spell out what those conditions are. Just as withactions in war, we must not think our concept of sacrificemust either permit everything, or allow nothing. It is hardto argue, for example, that the soldier who falls on a grenade to save his fellow soldiers was merely doing his duty. Suchan action seems to be beyond the call of duty. If it is not, thenit is not clear that any action ever could be. Nevertheless, it


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seems equally clear that soldiers, and especially the officerswho lead them, are obligated to risk their lives to accomplish legitimate missions. What remains is to give a principledaccount of this distinction.

In giving such an account, it is important to resist thetemptation to justify such obligations by virtue of the factthat one agreed to take the job. A trucker, for example, maycontract to deliver specified goods to a certain destination by a certain time.64 However, he cannot be morally obligated todrive at high speeds over a dangerous shortcut, even if thatmeans he may not be able to fulfill the provisions of thecontract. The trucker, while he may have certaincontractual obligations, cannot be morally obligated to puthis and others’ lives at risk to fulfill them. He will simplyhave to live with the penalty, and the customer will simplyhave to live without the goods. The officer, however, cannotsimply live without the victory that he or she may haveotherwise achieved. For this reason, especially given thekinds of sacrifices that the officer is required to make, it isimportant that the obligation run much deeper than a mere“contract.”

In fact, the obligation does run more deeply. It is rootedultimately in the fact that the service the officer corpsprovides is essential if human beings are to thrive andflourish. When officers play their roles well by effectivelydefending a defenseless society, they are contributing to thewell-being of fellow citizens. If it were otherwise, we wouldnot be able to justify their obligation to make the sizablesacrifices officers are often called upon to make.

But these sacrifices are justified. Human beings are,among other things, social creatures. If they are to thrivethey must form the kind of societies and structures ofgovernance that permit, if not promote, the good life for all of its members. In any socio-political setting, a tension arisesbetween the needs of the community and the needs of theindividual. That tension is resolved in the Americanconstitutional system by recognizing that individuals have


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certain rights, namely the right to life and the right toliberty. A socio-political setting that recognizes such rights,even if it sometimes resolves specific issues imperfectly,would be one worth defending as is the American Republic.

But rights entail obligations. If someone has a right tosomething, someone else has an obligation to provide for it.If a person has a right to life, the obligation falls ontosomeone to safeguard that life. If someone has a right toliberty, then it falls onto someone to safeguard that liberty.This is why states have an obligation to raise and maintainarmies.65 Armies then perform a morally necessaryfunction: safeguarding the rights to which the members ofthat society are entitled vis`a vis external threats to theirsecurity, individually and collectively.

Since it is a tragic, but no less true, fact that some human societies feel a need to destroy other human societies, itmust then be a necessary feature (at least as long as this fact is true) of a good society that it be able to defend itself. Thisalso means that it will be a good thing, though perhapsunder some conditions not morally obligated, to use force tostop or prevent violent conflict, since the cessation of violentconflict is a necessary condition for a good society.

Since the authority to decide when the use of force isappropriately in the hands of the civilian authorities,professional soldiers have a prima facie obligation toaccomplish the missions civilian authorities assign them.Since it can be morally permissible, if not obligatory, to useforce outside national boundaries to stop or prevent violentconflict, professional soldiers are then obligated to performsuch missions, as long as they are not blatantly immoral. Aswe have argued earlier, humanitarian interventions are not blatantly immoral.

Furthermore, this issue goes to the deeper issue of theongoing redefinition in America of what it means to be agood citizen. While some may reject the idea that citizensowe any service to their country, our argument suggestsotherwise. If America is a good society in the relevant sense,


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then some citizens all of the time, or all citizens some of thetime must either support the defense through the paymentof taxes or offer themselves for service in the case of anational emergency.

And those who answer the call for service incur specialmoral obligations. As we have shown, what justifies theseobligations is that they are necessary if the state is to beproperly defended. Since a successful defense depends onsuccessful accomplishment of certain missions, theaccomplishment of those missions has moral force. Thismeans those who undertake such missions, unlike the tardy truck driver cited earlier, are morally obligated to see themthrough to success—even if that means putting themselvesand their soldiers at risk to do so. The only thing that couldnegate this is some weightier moral claim.

This obligation to sacrifice is not limited to times ofconflict. Many, if not most, missions undertaken in thedefense of a state engender some risk. Even in peacetime,training missions often have the potential to result in injuryor death of those who participate. Thus by extension,self-sacrifice on the part of the officer corps to make possiblerealistic training which ultimately contributes to missionaccomplishment is also morally obligated.

All of this is not to say that officers can ever beindifferent to friendly casualties. Rather, it is an officer’sduty to consider the risk of casualties, as well as severalother factors when planning how best to accomplishassigned missions. The point is that the considerations ofcasualties, as well as other relevant factors, are inherent tothe moral duty to defend a defenseless society.

Hence, a coherent view of the officer’s duty is presentedin Figure 5.

As stated before, the moral claim of the mission can onlybe superseded by a weightier moral claim. Self-interest, and even sometimes self-preservation, cannot serve asweightier moral claims. If they could, the possibility of


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defending society would be undermined. And, as indicatedearlier, that is not morally permissible. But, that there canbe such claims must be understood before we have acomplete conception of sacrifice for the militaryprofessional. The Just War Tradition (JWT), upon whichthe Laws of Land Warfare are founded, embody one such setof obligations. JWT recognizes that everyone has the rightto life and liberty, regardless of the nation to which theybelong. This right can be mitigated, even negated, but onlyunder a certain set of conditions .

One of the fundamental principles that underlies theJWT is that soldiers are obligated to take risks to preservethe lives of noncombatants. By gaining the right to kill(which is necessary if they are to properly serve and defendthe state), soldiers have given up the right not to be killed.Noncombatants have not gained the right to kill, and assuch, still retain their right not to be killed. While this canbe mitigated somewhat by the application of the doctrine ofdouble effect,66 that doctrine requires, among other things,that soldiers take extra risks to preserve civilian lives. 67

This may seem counterintuitive to many militaryleaders. We often hear officers claim that their soldiers’ lives are more valuable, and thus more worthy of protection, than the lives of noncombatants.68 But those who make suchclaims clearly misunderstand the extent of a soldier’s moralobligations. A soldier exists to defend on behalf of the statethe individual rights of its citizens. It makes no sense to say


Figure 5. A Coherent View of the Officer’s Duty.

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that soldiers, who have given up their right not to beharmed, may enjoy additional protection at the expense ofthe lives of civilians, who do have a right not to be harmed.Still, it is not the case that to preserve civilians’ livessoldiers are obligated to take any and all risks. Their risk islimited by the following conditions: by taking this risk, (1)one cannot accomplish the mission, or (2) one will not be able to carry on future missions.

To illustrate this point, consider the following example.In World War II, French pilots flying for the Allies (overFrance) had the problem that if they bombed high, theycould destroy their target with little risk to themselves, butat a high cost in civilian casualties. If they bombed low, theycould destroy their target and their bombing would beaccurate enough to minimize civilian casualties, but theircasualty rate would be very high. The casualty rate would be so high, in fact, that they might be able to carry out one ortwo “suicide” missions, but would not long be able to sustainthe effort and the Germans would have emerged victorious.To resolve this tension, the French pilots bombed lowenough to reduce civilian casualties but high enough thattheir casualty rates would allow for not only missionaccomplishment, but also for sustained operations againstthe Nazis. Since all noncombatants—regardless of theirnationality—retain their right to life, soldiers (or airmen inthis case) are obligated to accept these extra risks asinherent within their duty.69

This illustrates well the problem a policy of radical forceprotection poses for the professional military ethic.Consider the recent bombing of Kosovo and Serbia, whereAllied air forces bombed high enough to be out of range ofSerbian anti-aircraft weapons and Allied ground forceswould not even mount a ground campaign for fear ofcasualties.

To our understanding these tactics, driven by Allianceand domestic political considerations, were more designedto preserve soldiers’ and aviators’ lives than to rapidly and


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effectively accomplish the mission, thus allowing morecivilian casualties than would have otherwise been thecase.70

By not using Apache helicopters, A-10s, or NATO ground troops to destroy Serbian military capacity, NATO forcesfailed to take risks they should have taken. Certainly theseforces were more vulnerable than high altitude bombers,but by keeping them out of harm’s way, soldiers andaviators placed risks they could have taken onto civilians.But soldiers and aviators, as we have discussed before, areobligated to take risks, at least up to the point of certainfailure, that civilians are not. If it was the case that NATOcould have accepted the additional risk without dooming the mission, then NATO was obligated to do so.

By not taking the risks necessary to destroy Serb tanksand other military and paramilitary forces, NATO forces did not diminish the Serb capability to carry out their brutalpolicies. By aiming at Serbian infrastructure and militarybases (resorting to the World War II strategy of attrition),NATO forces failed to stop the continued slaughter ofinnocent civilians, and, as some have argued, might haveaccelerated it. If this is the case, that by adopting tacticswith more risk for allied soldiers they could have degradedmore rapidly Serb military capacity and thereby savedinnocent lives, then NATO air forces were obligated to takethose extra risks. This last point is important. Under therules of land warfare, NATO forces had at least a prima facieobligation to take risks to preserve innocents’ lives, and they did not do so.

These tactics may have been justified if the politicalconsequences of increased NATO military casualties wouldhave precluded intervening on behalf of the Albanians atall. If political pressure in Germany or Italy, for example,would render NATO incapable of conducting operationsagainst Serbian efforts to ethnically cleanse Kosovo AND iffailing to intervene would still result in a Kosovo cleansed ofethnic Albanians (though the cleansing would undoubtedly


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have proceeded at a much slower pace) then NATO’s courseof action, at least with respect to preserving soldiers’ andairmens’ lives at the expense of rapid accomplishment of the mission, would be morally permissible. We suggest,however, that was not the case. It is quite clear that theoperation could have continued as a “coalition of the willing” from within NATO, much as did the initial phases of theBosnian campaign.

The problem for the professional military ethic shouldnow be obvious. Servicemen and women are not only morallyrequired to take those risks necessary to accomplish themission, they are morally required to take some additionalrisks to preserve the lives of noncombatants. Even if onewants to argue that the priority mission was, in fact, forceprotection, the claims to the rights of life and liberty on thepart of the noncombatants supersede in this case the moralclaims of force protection as a mission. Thus, under theimposition of a policy of radical force protection we have asituation where while serving the interests of the state, which officers are obligated to do, the state places the officer corps in a position from which it cannot fulfill its other moralobligations. This creates a contradiction that renders theprofessional ethic incoherent and ineffective at its most basicpurpose: to provide moral guidance for behavior to both theinstitution and individual members.

This incoherent view of duty as currently implementedis shown in Figure 6; note the cracks in the duty conceptcaused by the extraction of casualty minimization and theplacing of it as a supererogatory mission.

Reconceiving the Officer as Self-sacrificing Servantof Society.

It should now be clear that what is needed is a principledapproach to officership. We recommend principles as afoundation from which consensus can be built, educationcan proceed and officers can apply moral reasoning to theissues and problems they face in the course of their dailyduties. We do not presume that the set of principles below is


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the very best one. We have given it considerable thought,but doubtless this set can be improved. Our point, however,is that there is insufficient intellectual consensus within the Army today as to what it means to be an officer. Creatingthat consensus is the responsibility of the officer corps. Wetherefore encourage readers to develop a better set ofprinciples and to enter a dialogue in the professionalliterature with a view toward creating consensus within theofficer corps.

Adopting a principled approach to officership will, webelieve, assist in the necessary recasting of the institutionalrole and the self-concept of the officer, and thus of the officercorps itself. We believe this is needed at every level, from the pre-commissioning cadet to the Chief of Staff and hiscolleagues as they guide the institution through thistransition. Our basic reasons for believing that this is anecessary corrective, regardless of where the Armyeventually exits the transition, are drawn from our studyand understanding of the Army as a fighting organizationwith a very unique culture.

As such, we understand that the process of resolving theissues outlined in this monograph is essentially politicaland organizational. It is political in that the institution is


Figure 6. An Incoherent View of the Officer’s Duty(as currently implemented in MOOTW).

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reacting at its borders with external environments ofintense and rapid change imposed through politicalprocesses. It is organizational, and thus cultural andethical, because the organization retains in its internalenvironment extensive autonomy to remake itself, to adaptto the necessities of its new missions and priorities . Leadingthe institution and effecting change within it via politicaland organizational processes are the raison d’être of theofficer corps! By their public trust, they are responsible atall times for both the current state of the Army and itsprofessionalism; they lead every single soldier in the Army,every day, in every installation around the globe,maintaining the most effective organizational climatespossible. They are also responsible for those plans andpolicies that adapt the institution to changing realities. 71 To be sure they are assisted and supported by legions of veryprofessional Army civilians and by the most professionalnoncommissioned officer corps in the world, without whichthey could not fulfill their responsibilities. But the factremains that commissioned officers, motivated by a correctself-concept of who they are and what they are to do on behalfof American society, are the dominant force in militaryorganizational change, intellectually and ethically.

A Principled Approach to Officership.72

Thus we offer the following set of principles from whichall officers, and particularly those at pre-commissioninglevels, should draw both their vision and their motivation :

1. The officer’s duty is to serve society as a whole, toprovide that which they cannot provide forthemselves—security. Thus a moral obligation existsbetween the officer and the society he or she serves, a moral obligation embodied in the officer’s “commission.”Officers act as agents of society , both individuallyaccountable to them and, as well, serving to strengthen theclaim of the service on the affections of the American people.


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2. Professional officers always do their duty,subordinating their personal interests to therequirements of the professional function. They serve withunlimited liability, including life itself. When assigned amission or task and particularly in combat, its successfulexecution is first priority, above all else, with officersaccepting full responsibility for their actions andorders in accomplishing it.

3. Officers, based on their military expertise,determine the standards of the profession, e.g., fortactical competence, for equipment specifications, forstandards of conduct for all soldiers. Within aprofessional self-policing role, officers set/change theprofession’s standards, personally adhere to the standards,make the standards known to all soldiers, and enforce thestandards.

4. The officer’s motivations are noble andintrinsic, a love for his or her craft—the technicaland human aspects of providing the nation’ssecurity—and the sense of moral obligation to usethis craft for the benefit of society. These motivationslead to the officer’s attainment and maintenance of thehighest possible level of professional skill andknowledge.

5. Called to their profession and motivated by theirpursuit of its expertise, officers are committed to acareer of continuous study and learning .

6. Because of both the moral obligation accepted and themortal means employed to carry out his or her duty, theofficer emphasizes the importance of the group overthat of the individual. Success in war requires thesubordination of the will of the individual to the task of thegroup—the military ethic is cooperative and cohesive inspirit, meritocratic, and fundamentally anti-individualisticand anti-careerist.


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7. Officers strictly observe the principle that the military is subject to civilian authority and do not involve themselves or their subordinates in domestic politics or policy beyondthe exercise of the basic rights of citizenship. Senior military officers render candid and forthright professionaljudgments when representing the profession and advisingcivilian authorities (there is no public or political advocacyrole).

8. The officer’s honor is of paramount importance,derived through history from demonstrated couragein combat—the professional soldier always fights whencalled on—and it includes the virtues of honesty andintegrity. In peace, the officer’s honor is reflected inconsistent acts of moral courage.

9. The officer’s loyalty is legally and professionally to an office, rather than individual incumbents, and inevery case is subordinate to their allegiance to theideals codified in the Constitution.

10. The officer’s loyalty also extends downward tothose soldiers entrusted to their command and to theirwelfare, as persons as well as soldiers, and that of theirfamilies during both peace and war.

11. Officers are gentle-men and -women—persons of character, courtesy and cultivation, possessing the qualities requisite for military leadership.

12. Officers lead by example, always maintaining thepersonal attributes of spiritual, physical and mental fitnessrequisite to the demands of their chosen profession.Through leadership, officers invest in theirsubordinates, both as soldiers and as persons—andparticularly in the vital noncommissioned officer corps—tothe end that they grow in character, maturity and skill.

Further, we believe that the vocation of officershipshould be understood and executed, indeed lived, in aconsistent and principled manner. Given the importance of


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the ethical component of American militaryprofessionalism, the connection between the Army’sprofessional military ethic and the principles of officershipis very relevant. If a principle cannot logically be derivedfrom elements of the professional military ethic, then itshould not be part of the self-concept as an officer!Conversely, however, if the principles of officership arecorrectly consistent with the professional military ethic andsupportive of it, then all officers regardless of rank shouldreflect seriously on how many of these principles they haveinculcated—are these principles imbedded in their ownself-concept? Those commissioned by society mustremember that only to the extent that an officer corps is,each one, loyal to its professional military ethic, can it beconsidered professional.

If it is the case, as we believe, that true character is moreaccurately seen in adversity than in success, then theapplication of these principles can, perhaps, be most readilyunderstood in the context of recent issues within or close tothe profession of arms—Iran-Contra, Tailhook, KhobarTowers, Aberdeen, and the Commander-in-Chief’simpeachment. In these particular cases, three applicationsof the principles come immediately to mind: the profession’sconcept of selfless service, the relevance to the profession ofthe difference between morality and legality, and last, andmost important, the officer’s valuation of truth.

The concept of service is central to a principledunderstanding of officership. It holds that the professionserves the American people by providing a socially usefuland necessary function: defending Americans and theirinterests by being schooled in war and hence able to applyeffectively protective violence at their request. As noted inthis monograph, this meeting of a societal need creates themoral dimension of the Army’s professionalism as well asthe noble character of the individual officer’s service to hisfellow citizens. Embodied explicitly in the commission andimplicitly in the unwritten contract with society, this moralobligation requires of the officer unlimited liability,


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including life, as well as the moral commitment always toput service before self. Therefore, if involved in the type ofcrisis noted above, there should never be in the officer’smind the need to preserve self nor to take any actions at allin that direction. To the officer, self is always to beabnegated to the higher calling through the disciplinedapplication of moral or physical courage. A self-abnegatingofficer has no legacy save the character and quality of his orher service, and to attempt to create or maintain such alegacy would violate the basic concept of service inherent tothe profession and to a principled understanding ofofficership.

Secondly, just as the officer’s commitment to service isgrounded morally in his or her obligation to society, underour form of government it is also grounded in law, both inthe Constitution and in subsequent statutes. But justbecause the commitment has two overlapping foundationsdoes not mean that both are to be valued equally by theofficer, nor equally available to the officer dealing withcrisis. Particularly within an increasingly legalistic society,the officer’s reaction to crisis must always be to placefulfillment of the moral obligation over that of the legalobligation, even at personal or professional expense. His orher role must be to do the right thing, to pursue the rightoutcome on behalf of those served, American society. It isclear that any issue of intense divisiveness, pushed farenough by hyper-legalism and equivocation, becomes apolitical issue resolvable only by political means—reasoneddiscourse and compromise aimed, rightly, at the resolutionof principled disagreements. But for the officer to pursuesuch resolutions is to politicize the profession, exactly theopposite of what is needed for professionalism to survive. Aprincipled understanding of officership requires insteadthat officers strive to attain the highest of moral standards,regardless of the minimum that the law might allow.

Third, and last, is the issue of truth. Not only mustcommissioned officers always revere the truth, they mustalso never be in fear of it. The crises being discussed here do


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not involve truth on which there might be understandabledisagreement because of epistemological concerns. Theissues in political-military crises are much more mundane,but no less important—what happened, when, where, whatwere the causes, who responded and how? Since the truth,as well as the absence of fear about it, cements the bond oftrust between officer and society, it is always to be pursuedand displayed with exceptional vigor. Utter transparency isthe desired, indeed obligated, state between theaccountable officer and the American people. That means as a matter of highest principal that the officer speaks “thetruth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth” at alltimes because he or she is perpetually under moral oath,upon accepting the commission. Given this attitude andbehavior, coupled with the concept of selfless service notedabove, fear of the truth holds no power whatsoever over theofficer. It is, in fact, his or her very best companion during the long journey of service.

Thus, application of the principles yields attitudes andbehavior often at odds with those within the society theofficer has chosen to serve. Does this then mean that theofficer is in any manner better than those in Americansociety? We do not believe so. It means only that the officer is different, and has unreservedly chosen to be so.Triumphalism and self-righteousness do not become theserving officer nor the profession any more than self-serving actions, appeal to legalisms, and disdain for the power of the truth. It is better, we believe, for the officers, operating incamaraderie under the imperatives of their commission, totend in a principled manner to each other, to theirprofession and to its ethos.


We trust this monograph demonstrates that we aredeeply concerned by the cracks in the edifice ofprofessionalism in the United States Army. We remainconfident that a refocus on the framework of


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professionalism as presented here will help to correct whatwe see as serious corrosion, even violation, of theprofessional military ethic. And we are encouraged by therecent creation of a Center for the Professional MilitaryEthic (CPME) at the U.S. Military Academy, West Point.Hence we offer through that Center this monograph as astarting point for the officer corps’ review, reflection anddialogue on their, and the Army’s, purpose and ethic. Webelieve such to be essential to help the Army refocus on itskey role as the willing and effective servant of the Americanpeople.


1. For the traditional understanding, see Michael Walzer, “TwoKinds of Military Responsibility,” in Lloyd Matthews and Dale Brown,eds., The Parameters of Military Ethics, Washington: Pergaman-Brassy’s, 1989, pp. 67-72.

2. Comments in quotations are either exact quotes or from memoryparaphrases of the lecture dialogue attended by all three of the authorsof this monograph.

3. Major Mark L. Kimmey, “After the Deployment: The Impact ofPeacekeeping on Readiness,” ARMY, July 1999, p. 11.

4. Sam C. Sarkesian, Beyond the Battlefield: The New MilitaryProfessionalism, New York: Pergamon Press, 1981.

5. Sarkesian, p. 21.

6. Samuel Huntington, The Soldier and the State, New Haven:Harvard University Press, 1957, chapter 1.

7. Bruce D. Porter, War and the Rise of the State, New York: TheFree Press, 1994. For the American experience, see particularly chapter7.

8. Christopher Dandecker, “A Farewell to Arms? The Military andthe Nation-State in a Changing World,” in James Burk, ed., TheAdaptive Military: Armed Forces in a Turbulent World, 2d ed., NewBrunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1998; and Michael W. Doyle,“Kant, Liberal Legacies, and Foreign Affairs,” in Michael E. Brown,


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Sean M. Lynn-Jones, and Steven E. Miller, eds., Debating theDemocratic Peace, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1996.

9. Don Snider and Miranda Carlton-Carew, eds., U.S. Civil-Military Relations: Crisis or Tensions?, Washington, DC: Center for Strategicand International Studies, 1995.

10. The division of labor between military leaders and politicalleaders is not always clear, but what is accepted is that the role of seniormilitary leaders includes the persuasiveness needed to obtain necessary resources. See Allen Millett, Williamson Murray and Kenneth Watman, “The Effectiveness of Military Organizations,” International Security,Summer 1986, pp. 37-71.

11. Louis Caldera and General Dennis Reimer, A Statement on thePosture of The United States Army Fiscal Year 2000, Washington: U.S.Government Printing Office, February 1999, p. 26.

12. See testimony by Colonel John D. Rosenberger, CommanderOpposing Forces, National Training Center, Ft. Irwin, CA, before theMilitary Readiness Subcommitee, Committee on National Security,U.S. House of Representatives, February 26, 1999, accessed on-line.

13. The potential of the RMA remains quite debatable. For anexcellent overview, see Colin Grey, The American Revolution in Military Affairs: An Interim Assessment, Camberley, Surrey: Strategic andCombat Studies Institute, 1997.

14. Steven Lee Myers, “Drop in Recruits Pushes Pentagon to NewStrategy,” The New York Times, September 27, 1999, accessed on-line.

15. Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the EnglishLanguage, New York: Gramercy Books, 1996, p. 665.

16. Louis Pojman, Ethics: Discovering Right and Wrong, 3d ed.,Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1998, p. 27.

17. We reject the notion held by a few that one can compart-mentalize life into different roles, hold different ethics for each role, andyet lead a morally consistent life. See Malham W. Wakin, “ProfessionalIntegrity,” Sixth Annual Alice McDermont Lecture in Applied Ethics,U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, April 3, 1996.

18. We are indebted to Colonel Dan Kaufman for this observation.

19. Huntington, chapter 3.


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20. It should also be clear that we believe any military tradition,custom, or intrusion into the lives of soldiers that cannot be defended onthe basis of a clear contribution to military effectiveness is, prima facie,questionable.

21. One only has to recall the recent controversies surrounding thesexual escapades of Brigadier General Hale and the officers andnoncommissioned officers at Aberdeen to see the damage that can bedone to professionalism by embracing an inherently contradictory ethic. In both cases, leaders placed personal interest and gratification abovethe needs of the service. This is not to say that society condones rape orabuses of power, and clearly some of the activities of those at Aberdeentransgressed even the most lax versions of “post-modern” or egoistethics. However, the judgment society makes on most of these activitiesis much different than what the military must make if it is to functionwell.

22. We define “radical force protection” as placing the prevention offriendly casualties at a higher operational priority than missionaccomplishment. Such “radical” force protection is not to be confusedwith sound Army doctrine that requires commanders, whileaccomplishing the assigned missions as first priority, to protect theirforces prudently by the judicious application of the appropriateelements of combat power. See Field Manual 100-5, Operations, chapter 2, July 1993, for a more complete discussion.

23. Huntington, chapter 4.

24. The apolitical tradition has not been without critiques. For the“fusionist” debate of the 1970s and 1980s, see John H. Garrison, “ThePolitical Dimension of Military Professionalism,” American DefensePolicy, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997, pp. 472-478. For a morerecent criticism, see Christopher Gibson and Don M. Snider,“Civil-Military Relations and the Ability to Influence: A Look at theNational Security Decisionmaking Process,” Armed Forces and Society,Winter 1999, pp. 194-218.

25. Sarkesian, chapters 8, 9.

26. Steven Kull and I. M. Destler, “Misreading the American Publicon International Engagement,” Center for International and SecurityStudies, University of Maryland, Program on International PolicyAttitudes, October 18, 1996, pp. 1-5.


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27. This quote is, in fact, Madeleine Albright speaking to ColinPowell. See Colin Powell, My American Journey, New York: RandomHouse, 1995, p. 576.

28. The absurd response by the Senate Majority Leader, SenatorTrent Lott, to the Air Force’s courts martial of Lieutenant Kelly Flinnfor disobedience and conduct unbecoming of an officer is instructive inthis regard. See Elaine Sciolino, “Air Force Chief has Harsh Words forPilot Facing Adultery Charges,” The New York Times, May 22, 1997, p.A1.

29. William Bianco and Jamie Markham, “Vanishing Veterans: TheDecline in Military Experience in the U.S. Congress,” TISS project,forthcoming, see endnote 35.

30. Don M. Snider, “The Uninformed Debate on Military Culture,”Orbis, Winter 1999, pp. 11-25.

31. Deborah D. Avant, “Are the Reluctant Warriors Out of Control?,” Security Studies, Vol. 6, No. 2, Winter 1996/7.

32. Richard Kohn, “Out of Control,” National Interest, Vol. 35,Spring 1994, pp. 3-17; Richard Weigley, “The American Military and the Principle of Civilian Control from McClellen to Powell,” Journal ofMilitary History, Vol. 57, October 1993, pp. 27-58.

33. This is certainly not a new issue for senior officers in the Army.See, for example, Maxwell Taylor, The Uncertain Trumpet, Westport,CT: Greenwood Press, 1959; Matthew Ridgway, Soldier, New York:Harper and Brothers, 1956, pp. 217-219. For a more recent era, see H.R.McMaster, Dereliction of Duty, New York: Harper Collins, 1997.

34. Ole R. Holsti, “A Widening Gap between the U.S. Military andCivilian Society: Some Evidence, 1976-96,” International Security, Vol.23, No. 3, Winter 1998/99.

35. The results of a major, 2-year study by 28 scholars under thedirection of Richard H. Kohn and Peter D. Feaver and the auspices of the Triangle Institute of Security Studies (TISS) into the existence andpotential implications of such a gap were initially presented in October1999. The 20 individual studies will be published during 2000. For asummary digest of survey results and study conclusions, see Peter D.Feaver and Richard H. Kohn, “Project on the Gap Between the Militaryand Civilian Society—Digest of Findings,” www.poli.duke.edu/civmil,accessed on-line.


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36. This paper was written prior to the announcement by ArmyChief of Staff General Eric K. Shinseki of his vision for reforming theArmy, address to the Eisenhower Luncheon at the Association of theUnited States Army (AUSA) annual meeting on October 12, 1999. Thearguments presented in this monograph, we believe, support his visionto do just that.

37. Michael Howard, War in European History, Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press, 1976, p. 75.

38. See Barry R. Posen, The Sources of Military Doctrine: France,Britain, and Germany between the World Wars, Ithaca, NY: CornellUniversity Press, 1984; Stephen P. Rosen, Winning the Next War:Innovation and the Modern Military, Ithaca, NY: Cornell UniversityPress, 1991; Kimberly Martin Zisk, Engaging the Enemy: OrganizationTheory and Soviet Military Innovation, 1955-1991, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993; Williamson Murray and Allan R. Millett, eds.,Military Effectiveness, Three Volumes, Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1990.See also Allan R. Millett, Williamson Murray, and Kenneth H. Watman, “The Effectiveness of Military Organizations,” InternationalSecurity,Vol. 11, No. 1, Summer 1988.

39. John A. Nagl, “Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife: British andAmerican Army Counterinsurgency Learning during the MalayanEmergency and the Vietnam War”, World Affairs 161/4, Spring 1999;Alastair Ian Johnston, “Thinking About Strategic Culture,”International Security 19/4, Spring 1995; Carl H. Builder, The Masks ofWar: American Military Styles in Strategy and Analysis, Baltimore:Johns Hopkins, 1989.

40. See Rosen; Williamson Murray and Allen R. Millett, eds.,Military Innovation in the Inter-War Period, London: CambridgeUniversity Press, 1996.

41. Deborah Avant, “Officer Attitudes and Change in the Post-ColdWar U.S. Armed Services,” in Theo Farrell and Terry Tarriff, eds., TheSources of Military Change: Military Organisations and TheirChanging Environments in the Modern Era , forthcoming.

42. Given the paucity of resources used to exploit its unknownpotential, the vision of high-technology, major-power warfare asportrayed in Joint Vision 2010 and Army Vision 2010 has, we believe,proved thus far to be incredible to the majority of the Army officer corps.

43. The decision in 1997 by Chief of Staff of the Army GeneralDennis Reimer to deploy one of the Army’s premier heavy divisions, the


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1st Cavalry Division, to peacekeeping duty in Bosnia can be seen asevidence that the senior leadership of the Army eventually accepted theimportance of performing MOOTW missions. It can also be interpretedas evidence of the extreme stresses placed upon the institution in thepost-Cold War world.

44. In addition to the TISS study discussed in endnote 35, a second,multi-year study of the U.S. military will be completed in late 1999.Conducted independently by the Center for Strategic and InternationalStudies (CSIS) in Washington, DC, but with the cooperation of theseparate services, it examines empirically by field research theorganizational climate within the armed forces today and recommendspolicies and adaptations to maintain service cultures most supportive offuture military effectiveness. For a discussion of the growing“perceptions gap” between senior Army leaders in Washington and thejunior grade officers in the field, see American Military Culture in the21st Century, Executive Summary and chapter 6, Center for Strategicand International Studies, forthcoming.

45. For the training revolution see Robert K Griffith, Today’s ArmyWants to Join You: The U.S. Army’s Transition from the Draft to anAll-volunteer Force, Washington DC: Center for Military History, 1995,and Anne W. Chapman, The Army’s Training Revolution, 1973-1990,Ft. Monroe, VA: Training and Doctrine Command, 1990. For recentresearch into the importance of self-concept in motivation andleadership, see Robert G. Lord, Douglas J. Brown, and Steven J.Friedberg, “Understanding the Dynamics of Leadership: The Role ofFollower Self-Conceptions in the Leader/Follower Relationship,”Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Vol. 78, No. 3,June 1999.

46. For an analysis of the impact of the reduction in officer numberson the officer corps, see David McCormick, The Downsized Warrior:America’s Army in Transition, New York: New York University Press,1998.

47. CSIS, American Military Culture.

48. Ibid.

49. The data on Army morale in the 1990s is taken from Department of the Army, DCSPER QOL Survey, September 1998-June 1999.

50. Michael O’Hanlon, “The Pentagon’s Unrealistic ProcurementPlans.” Available at www.brookings.edu/views/articles/ohanlon/1998af.atm, accessed on-line.


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51. All citations are from a text of the AUSA speech disseminatedthroughout the Army over email on October 13, see endnote 36. Thespeech was covered by the media on the same day, drawing generallyfavorable reviews; see Steven Lee Myers, “Army is Restructuring withBrigades for Rapid Response,” The New York Times, October 13, 1999, p. A16.

52. Emphasis added.

53. For a thorough treatment of this incident, see Mark Bowden,Blackhawk Down: A Story of Modern War , New York: Atlantic MonthlyPress, 1999.

54. For the relief of Secretary Aspin, see chapter 24 of ElizabethDrew, On the Edge: The Clinton Presidency, New York: Simon &Schuster, 1995.

55. In fact, Edward Luttwak’s theory as presented in Foreign Affairswas largely an assertion without empirics to support it, andsubsequently has been clearly refuted. For his theory, see EdwardLuttwak, “Where are the Great Powers?,” Foreign Affairs, 73,July/August 1994, pp. 23-28; “Toward Post-Heroic Warfare,” ForeignAffairs, 74, May/June 1995, pp. 109-122; and “A Post-Heroic MilitaryPolicy,” Foreign Affairs, 75, July/August 1996, pp. 33-44. For adevastating critique of Luttwak, see James Burk, “Public Support forPeacekeeping in Lebanon and Somalia: Assessing the CasualtiesHypothesis,” Political Science Quarterly, Vol. 114, No. 1, 1999, pp.53-78.

56. The recent research is Steven Kull, “Americans on Kosovo,” TheProgram on International Policy Attitudes, University of Maryland,May 27, 1999. This research into American public opinion on Kosovospecified a successful outcome for U.S. goals, and in turn a substantialmajority of Americans responded they would continue to support theeffort, notwithstanding 250 U.S. military casualties. The two conditionscited in the text have been well-known for years by public opinionscholars, most of whom also hold that the relationships between publicand elite opinion are extraordinarily complex. See, for example,Benjamin I. Page and Robert Y. Shapiro, The Rational Public, Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 1992; Bruce Russett, Controlling theSword, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1990.

57. See Eric V. Larson, Casualties and Consensus, Santa Monica,CA: Rand, 1996.


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58. In contrast, Americans supported the Gulf War in 1991, fullyaware of predictions of a significant number of casualties. But eventhen, the Bush administration barely created the elite consensus thepublic sought; the Senate vote to support the intervention passed only52-48.

59. The “Mayhew hypothesis,” which suggests that the first concernof any political leader is his or her reelection, was first presented inDavid Mayhew, Congress: The Electoral Connection, New Haven: YaleUniversity Press, 1974.

60. This issue of “radical force protection” eroding service ethics may point to a serious flaw in the Goldwater-Nichols legislation of 1986. Thismay be a case of political guidance and military orders flowing throughjoint channels of communication/command which are at serious ethicalodds with the service’s Title 10 responsibilities to “man, equip, andtrain” forces which embody an ethical culture supportive of effectivewarfighting.

61. It should not be lost on senior Army leaders, as it has not beenlost on the Army officer corps in general, that this was one of theprincipled reasons for the resignation of Air Force Chief of Staff GeneralRonald Fogelman.

62. Andrew Gordon, “The Doctrine Debate: Having the Last Word,”in Michael Duffy, Theo Farrell, and Geoffrey Sloan, eds., Doctrine andMilitary Effectiveness, Exeter, UK: The Strategic Policy Studies Group,1997, p. 47.

63. J. O. Urmson “Saints and Heroes,” in A. I. Melden, ed.,Monographs in Moral Philosophy, 1958, pp. 199-202.

64. The authors are grateful to Colonel Anthony Hartle forassistance in developing this example.

65. See Porter, particularly chapter 7; and Huntington, particularlychapters 1 and 2.

66. Originating with Catholic theologians in the Middle Ages, theprinciple of double effect is the view that there is a difference betweenthe consequences of our actions that we intend and those we do notintend, but still foresee. See Michael Walzer, Just and Unjust Wars 2d,Basic Books, 1992, p. 152. While it has a variety of applications whenapplied to military situations, it explains when a military force may actin such a way as to bring about the deaths of noncombatants. Theprinciple has four conditions: (1) the bad effect is unintended, (2) the bad


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effect is proportional to the desired military objective, (3) the bad effectis not a direct means to the good effect, and (4) actions are taken tominimize the foreseeable bad effects, even if it means accepting anincreased risk to combatants.

67. By extra risks, we mean those risks not minimally necessary toaccomplish the mission.

68. This, in fact, was Lieutenant Calley’s defense during his trial foratrocities he and his platoon committed at My Lai. He claimed, “If thereis one thing I am guilty of, it is valuing my soldiers’ lives over that of theenemy.” Since by enemy, he meant more than 400 women and children,most of whom posed no threat to his unit, we can see that, in fact, he isclaiming that no noncombatant’s life that was worth that of a soldiers’.We can also see by this example, the absurdity of such a claim. While hemay have killed, with minimal risk, some people who would later killsome of his soldiers, such an action is not morally defensible. SeeFrontline Episode, “Remember My Lai,” March 5, 1989.

69. Walzer, p. 157.

70. See “Foreign Policy: The ABC Club,” Economist, May 22, 1999,pp. 30-31; Michael Debbs, “Post-Mortem on NATO’s BombingCampaign,” The Washington Post National Weekly Edition, July 19-26,1999, p. 23. For more detail, see Paul Kahn, “War and Sacrifice inKosovo,” Philosophy and Public Policy, Vol. 19, No. 43, University ofMaryland, Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy, Spring/Summer1999, pp. 1-6.

71. See Don M. Snider, “An Uninformed Debate on MilitaryCulture,” Orbis; John A. Nagl, Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife:British and American Army Counterinsurgency Learning During theMalayan Emergency and the Vietnam War, Oxford: UnpublishedDoctoral Dissertation, 1997.

72. This list was compiled by Dr. Snider in 1996 from multiplesources within the literature of civil-military relations, military ethics,and military professionalism. It has been improved by comments fromseveral senior officers and refined in class discussions and researchprojects during 2 academic years, during which time it reached itspresent form.


Page 58: Army Professionalism, the Military Ethic, and Officership ...


Major General Robert H. Scales, Jr.Commandant


Interim DirectorProfessor Douglas C. Lovelace, Jr.

Director of ResearchDr. Earl H. Tilford, Jr.

AuthorsDr. Don M. Snider

Major John A. NaglMajor Tony Pfaff

Director of Publications and ProductionMs. Marianne P. Cowling

Publications AssistantMs. Rita A. Rummel


Mrs. Christine A. Williams

Cover ArtistMr. James E. Kistler
