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Aromatherapy, Essential Oils, Remedy Blends, Incense, Scent Therapy, Guidelines for Essential Oils...

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  • 8/8/2019 Aromatherapy, Essential Oils, Remedy Blends, Incense, Scent Therapy, Guidelines for Essential Oils at Peaceful Mind


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    Aromatherapy is the practice of using naturally distilled essences

    of plants to promote the health and well-being of your body, mind,

    and emotion spirit. These essence, called essential oils, can

    restore balance and harmony to your body and to your life.

    Essential Oils

    "Angel's Mist" Essential Oils are

    produced in the most advanced,

    yet most natural method

    available. All of our oils are

    derived 100% through natural

    distillation or cold pressing and

    are either organ ic or wild-crafted.




    Healing variety of herbal incense

    featuring sacred incense sticks,

    cones, Tibetan rope incense,

    Japanese incense, and our deluxe

    incense kit!


    Pulse Point Therapy

    Based on the studies of

    Traditional Chinese Medicine,

    this remarkable therapy utilizes

    the power of 100% essential oils

    blended for harmonizing,

    tonifying and rebalancing our

    most common emotional

    disorders and t heir physical

    manifestations. Apply behind

    ears, on temples, wrists and tops

    of feet o r wear as perfume....


    Mass age Oils and Lotions

    Wonderfully scented massage oils,

    soothing massage and body lotions,

    Andrew's unique hot stone massage

    oils, aromatherapy blended oils and



    Aromatherapy Gifts

    A fascinating and unique

    combination of scent-themed

    gifts such as aromatherapy

    diffuser gift set, love kits, tantric

    massage s ets, cha kra oil jewelry,

    incense bowls and much more...


    Aroma Remedy Blends

    These incredibly effective

    "synergies" of two to three

    therapeutic grade essential oils are

    blended in high quality carrier oils.

    They have been created to treat

    physical symptoms and aliments, as

    well as their emotional counterparts!



    Bath, Spa & Skin Care

    Fresh floral waters, soothing

    scented sea salts, body oils and

    hydrating lotions, bath teas,

    essential oil soaps, spa kits,

    facial, clay & h erbal masks, hair

    care, skin care...


    Candle therapy can be us ed to unite

    the powers of mind, body, and

    spirit. From ancient times to the

    present, Candles have lit our way

    through every transition! Find our

    most extensive collection of

    Featured Products:

    Aromatherapy Essential Oils

    Remedy Blends

    Pulse Point Therapy

    Crystal Remedy Rescue

    Crystal Oils


    Scent Therapy Gem Essenc e

    Crystal Elixirs

    Aura Vib Myst

    Chakra Oils

    ChakraAroma Pendan t

    Botanical Candles

    Candle Sets

    Accessories Herbal Candles

    Sacred Herbs

    Abalone Shell/Stand

    Cone Incense

    Massage Tables Harmony 3 Table

    Massage Chairs

    Great Package Deals

    Related Products:

    Crystals Crystal Potpourri

    Crystal Elixirs

    Aromatic Love Kit

    Meditation Deluxe M editation Kit

    Deluxe Incen se Kit

    Cleansing Kit

    Oils/Lotions Massage Oils/Lotions

    Hot Stone Oils

    Massage Lotion

    Aromatherapy Gifts Candle Gift Set

    Essential Sampler

    Blessings Set

    Aromatic Love Kit

    Related Links:

    Aromatherapy Guidelines

    Materia Aromatica

    Seasonal Oils

    Energy Medicine

    Aromatherapy Terms

    The Ill ustrated

    Encyclopedia of Esse...

    Julia L awless

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    Some of the most sacred and

    cleansing herbs have been u sed

    by many different cultures for

    clearing negative energy,

    purifying surrounding sp ace and

    for starting anew! These herbs

    and resins are now available...


    Andrew has created very special

    products combining the innate

    energy of crystals with the healing

    power of pure essential oil! Here

    you will find gem essence, crystal

    elixirs, chakra perfume and bath oils,

    crystal remedy rescue, aura

    vibrational mysts and much more...


    Aromatherapy can be experienced through several mediums.

    essential oils are the purest form and most medicinal in their action.

    Incense are made from the oils and resins of plants. Sacred herbs ,

    such as sage, cedar, sandalwood and amber resin are known for

    their cleansing and healing properties and are often used for

    cleansing negative energy. Essential oil blends are essential oils

    blended with a carrier oil in order to disperse the healing properties

    over larger areas of the body and to protect the skin from

    irritations, burns or sensitive reactions. Aromatherapy is also

    incorporated inherbal candles, incrystals and gemstones and in

    massage and body lotion.

    On this page there are hundreds of uses for aromatherapy and

    essential oils! Start by looking at the Guidelines for Essential Oils,

    look up botanical names, uses and safety in the Materia Aromatica,

    find the best oils forSeasonal Healing or understand a Glossary of

    Aromatherapy Terms. Aromatherapy is a profound and greatintegrative therapy that can be used in conjunction with many other

    forms of health care. We have collected the most beneficial

    products to work with the incredible mastery of this healing art


    Featured Products

    "Angel's Mist" Essential Oils

    "Angel's Mist" Essential Oils are produced in

    the most advanced, yet most natural method

    available. All of our oils are derived 100% throug h

    natural distillation or cold pressing.

    "Angel's Mist" Essential Oils are free of

    chemicals, fillers, solven ts, emollients, water bas e,

    dyes, scents or additives.

    "Angel's Mist" Essential Oils are tested for

    standard p lant properties. Each lot is tested for

    sp ecific gravity, optical rotation, refractive index,

    solubility, aldehydes, heavy metals, congealing

    point, flash p oint, alcohol, esters and ketones.

    These quality control checks guarantee that you

    are buying the purest and most po tent essential

    oils available.

    These Essential Oils are among the most useful

    and valuable and they will bring the greatest

    benefits to the most people. They have a broad

    range of activities for health, beauty, and

    emotional well-being. The "Angel's Mist"

    Essential Oils come in half ounce, dark blue

    bottles. Choose from:





    Cinnamon Bark

    Clary Sage

















    Pine Needle

    Rose Absolute




    Tea Tree

    Ayurvedic Massage

    Harish Johari

    Buy New $13.57

    Privacy Information

    Aromatherapy for HealthProfessional...

    Shirley Price Cert...

    Buy New

    Privacy Information

    Aromatherapy for

    Healing the Spirit

    Gabriel Mojay

    Buy New $13.57

    Privacy Information

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  • 8/8/2019 Aromatherapy, Essential Oils, Remedy Blends, Incense, Scent Therapy, Guidelines for Essential Oils at Peaceful Mind


    Frankincense, Neroli, Jasmine, Ylang Ylang- $15.00

    Add t o Cart

    Black Pepper, Chamomile (Roman), Myrrh, Rose

    Abs olut(in jojoba), Sandalwood- $23.00Add to


    Pulse Point Therapy

    Based on the studies of Traditional Chinese

    Medicine, this remarkable therapy utilizes th e power

    of 100% essential oils blended for harmonizing,

    tonifying and rebalancing our most common

    emotional disorders and their physical

    manifestations. Apply behind ears, on temples,wrists and tops of feet or wear as perfume. These

    unique blends come in .35 oz roll on bottles for easy

    application and also come with instructions on

    additional acupu-points for individual s ituations .

    Regulate/Relax- used for nervous tension and

    agitation.This therapy soothes Liver Qi stagnation,

    calms the Heart and mind (Shen). Contains lavender,

    chamomile, clary sa ge.

    Settle the Mind - used for overthinking and worry,

    which tax the spleen and stomach. This therapy

    harmonizes and roots the " earth energy" to help u s

    feel grounded and comforted. It also regulates and

    clarifies the mind. Contains frankincen se, myrrh and


    Calm/Reassure - used for anxiety and

    apprehension. This therapy tonifies Kidney Qi

    deficiency by harmonizing imbalances of fear,

    apprehension and insecurity. All water imbalances.

    It also quells energetic imbalances of the Heart and

    the " fire element". Therefore, harmonizing the

    energy between the Heart and Kidneys. Contains

    juniper, lavender, rose.

    Clarifying the Mind - used for po or concentration

    and memory. This therapy tonifies the Spleen, Heart

    and Kidneys. These oils increase the circulation of

    blood and improve the ability to concentrate and

    remember. Contains pepp ermint, clary sage, pine


    Boosting Confidence - used for lack of confidence

    and poor self-esteem. This therapy balances Heart,

    Lung and Kidney Qi. The heart is the emotional

    body, the Kidneys "root" the mind with

    determination while the Lungs maintain our

    psychological boundaries. Contains rosemary,

    thyme, juniper.

    Soothing Anger - used for anger and frustration.

    Resentment, frustration a nd irritability are the

    energetic's of the Liver. Anger is a necessary and

    creative force, but when it is out of control, we setourselves up for a destructive pattern. This therapy

    increases t he smooth flow of Liver Qi. Contains

    orange, grapefruit, bergamot.

    Empowerment - used for disempowerment and

    indecision. This therapy tonifies the Yang energy

    and benefits the Heart and Kidneys, Liver and

    Gallbladder. Disempowerment can be s een as a lack

    of determination, feeling vulnerable and resistance

    to change. Chronic indecision and unassertiveness

    can benefit from this therapy. Contains ginger,

    thyme, orange.

    Uplift the Sprit - used for depression and negativity.

    This therapy helps to stabilize psychological issues

    and pressure that lead to imbalances of the

    "elements" and their related organs. It helps to

    sooth Liver Qi (wood), refresh the spirit, by

    tonifying Heart (fire) and Kidneys (water), grounds

    the Spleen (earth) and clears the Lungs (metal).

    Contains orange, lemon, clary sage, ginger, rose.

    Relating - used for love and friendship. This

    therapy not only works for issues of love and

    sexuality but for relating as a whole. All elements

    play a major part in how we relate on e very level.

    Contains lavender, jasmine, rose, ylang ylang.

    Product n ame: Pulse Point Th erapy $14.95 each Add

    to Cart

    Product name: Set of all 9 o ils fo r $99.00 (25%

    discount) Add to Cart

    * Send a Check or Money Order

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    physical illness!

    "Angel's Mist Remedy Blend's" greatest strength is

    its ability to soothe emotional upset, speed recovery

    from emotional distress, and help you to get through

    trying times!

    "Angel's Mist Remedy Blends" can work well on

    many physical ailments to relieve and often cure

    many painful situations.

    "Angel's Mist Remedy Blends" work well with o ther

    therapies. Essential oils can calm and soothe

    emotional upset, help manage physical health, and

    change the way you feel and improve the quality of

    your life!

    *Each situation has a certain blend of oils that can

    be used for the Bath 1 oz., Inhalant .05 oz., Massage8 oz., Diffuse .5 oz., Rub 4 oz., Compress .05 oz.,

    Mouth rinse 6 oz., Roll on 2 oz. or blended as a

    Perfume .05 oz.

    *You receive the " remedy blends" $19.95 ea. already

    blended for each situation.

    Just choose the particular problem blend you would

    like and in what fo rm:

    Acne * Adrenal Fatigue * Anxiety * Appetite

    Disturbance * Arthritis * Asthma/Bronchitis *

    Athlete's Foot * Candidiasis * Capillaries, Broken *

    Cellulite * Chronic Fatigue Synd rome* Circulation,

    Poor* Colds/Flu * Constipation * Cuts/Bruises *

    Cystitis * Depression * Diarrhea * Ear Aches *

    Eczema * Fatigue * Fertility * Gum Disease *

    Hair/Scalp * Headaches * Hemorrhoids * Herpes

    Virus * High Blood Pressure * Hyperactivity *

    Impotence * Indigestion * Insect Bites * Insomnia *

    Jock Itch * Low Blood Press ure * Menopause *Menstrual * Migraine * Morning Sickness * Motion

    Sickness * Muscle Aches/Pain *Nerve Pain * PMS

    * Prostate Prob lems * Psoriasis * Sinusitis * Skin

    Problems * Sore Throat * Stress * Stretch Marks *

    Sunburn * Teething * Tooth Aches * Varicose

    Veins * Weak Immunity

    Product Name:"Angel's Mist " Remedy Blends $19.95

    Add to Cart

    * Send a Check or Money Order

    Blends for Undesired Emotions

    Aggression * Anger* Disappointment * Fear* Grief

    * Hysteria * Impatience/Irritability*

    Indecision/Indifference * Jealousy/Resentment *

    Loneliness * Mental/Emotional * Fatigue *

    Nervousness * Panic * Sadness * Shock

    Product Name: Blends for Undesired Emotions

    $19.95 Add to Cart

    * Send a Check or Money Order

    Blends for Positive Emotions

    Change * Concentration * Confidence * Courage *

    Creativity * Happiness/Joy * Harmony/Balance *

    Intuition * Love * Meditation * Memory *

    Peace/Calmness * Self Esteem * Sexual Desire *

    Spiritual Purity

    Product Name: Blends fo r Positive Emotions $19.95

    Add to Cart

    * Send a Check or Money Order


    The Deluxe Incense Set

    The unbelievable power of exotic scents can align

    our mind and spirit and help in relieving stress,

    calming the central nervous system and

    stimulating our emotional centers. This "scentful"

    10 piece se t features the "Guide To Working With

    Incense", a pack of our Sacred Incense Sticks,

    Sa e Incense Cone Incense Powdered Incense

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    sheer, spirit lifting scents! Made from the best

    resins and essential oils, these exquisite

    incense sticks are beautifully wrapped in

    colored paper and tied with raffia.

    Choose from:


    Cleanse-clearing and cleaning

    Dreamtime-peaceful sleep

    Dragon Fire-meditation

    The Conqueror-overcome obst acles

    Mother Earth-healing


    Full Moon-enhance psychic ability

    Terra Cotta Hymn-grounding, p rotecting

    Shaman Circle-spirit lifting

    Home Blessing -clears negative energies

    Success-opens mind to achievement

    Product Name: Sacred Incense $6.00 (pack of

    25) Add to Cart

    * Send a Check or Money Order

    Cone Incense

    These cone incense are richly scented, hand-

    rolled cones, which are a great cleansing tool

    for home or t ravel. Approximately 25 cones

    per pac k. Choose from Rose, Lavend er, Lilac,

    Sandalwood, Vanilla and Mixed.

    Product Name: Cone Incense $8.00 Add to


    * Send a Check or Money Order

    Dhoop Sticks

    We are proud to feature the Panchavati Dhoop

    Sticks, imported from India. Thes e sticks are

    approximately 2.5" long. The box also serves

    as a burner by inserting an incense stick into

    the metal ring in the right of the box. The stick

    is a blend of musk, resinoids, sandalwood, and

    other fine Indian perfumes that come together

    to make one sweet scent. One box contains 10


    Product Name: Dhoop Sticks: one bo x $1.50

    Add to Cart

    Product Name: Dhoop Sticks: box of 12 $10.50

    Add to Cart

    * Send a Check or Money Order

    Tibetan Rope Incense

    Tibetan (Lumbini) Rope Incense are used for rituals

    because of there fragrant aroma. It is made according to

    one of the ancient traditional arts of the monastic orders of

    Tibet. It is composed of 25 ingredient, including saffron,

    nagi, and red and white sandalwood. Tibetan rope incense

    are made by placing the herbal ingredients on rice paper

    and then twisting it to form a rope. Because they have no

    stick, incense cones and ropes have a lighter energy and

    less woody fragrance.

    Enjoy the highly purifying yet subtle fragrance of this

    Tibetan Lumbini Rope Incense during meditation or use it

    to change the atmosphere in any room.

    We recommend burning rope incense lying flat on a bed of

    ash, which allows the entire rope to burn safely and

    completely, or use ourCloisonn?owl incense burner.

    Package contains 50 ropes, each one is 3.5 inches long and

    has about 8 h ours of burn time.

    Product Name: Tibetan Rope Incen se $12.95Add to Cart

    * Send a Check or Money Order

    Japanese Incense Sets

    These aromatic and delicate incense bundles

    come in mixed scents such as lavender,

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    Sacred Herbs

    Some of the most sacred and cleansing herbs have

    been used by many different cultures for clearing

    negative energy, purifying surrounding s pace and

    for starting anew! These herbs and resins are now

    available in a large 6 ounce bag. You can choose

    from: Sage, Cedar, Lavender, Sweet Grass, Amber

    Resin and Sacred Resin Blend.

    Product Name: Sacred Herbs $15.00 Add to Cart

    * Send a Check or Money Order

    Sage BundlesSage is used as a stimulant, antiseptic, antipasmodic

    and c arminative. This herb is rolled from large leaves

    and is one o f the most pungent herbs with rich

    essential oils in it's leaves. Sage is one of the most

    sacred and cleansing herbs u sed by many different

    cultures for clearing negative energy, purifying

    surrounding space and for starting anew!

    Product Name: Sage Bundle (large, ap prx 7 inches) -

    $18.00 each Add to Cart

    Product Name: Sage Bundle (small, apprx 3 inches) -

    $6.00 each Add to Cart

    * Send a Check or Money Order

    Abalone Shell & Stand

    Nicknamed the sea ears , the A balone'sflattened, oval shape with iridescent

    interior was used by the Native Northwest

    American Indians as a natural vessel for

    cleansing, offerings and prayers.

    Traditionally, herbs have been used for

    cleansing for centuries. These herbs can

    be utilized when dry, for creating a sense

    of purity, renewal and divine clearing!

    Simply light a bit of these herbs and waft

    the smoke around an area you wish to clear

    of unwanted scents, negative energy or to

    simply st art a new day with. Using a

    natural receptor such as a sea shell,

    abalone shell or crystal bowl can be a place

    to place your herbs after you are done

    using them.

    Sage has a variety of uses. When burned,

    it has a pungent odor. Sage is used

    principally for smudging but can also be

    used in the blessing of our homes and

    vehicles. It is commonly used in medicinetea to flush ones system of all impurities.

    In sweat lodge ceremonies, sage is used to

    sit on and represents part of the p lant

    world. It is also burned in smudge pots.

    The herb is widely used in many of our

    sacred ceremonies including but not

    limited to lodges , drum circles, healing an d


    Wooden tripod stand measures

    approximately 6" and is for use with

    Abalone shell for burning sage.

    Shells are all natural and eac h she ll is

    different, but on average these beautiful

    gifts from the s ea measure ap proximately

    5" across. Each comes with stand and sage


    Product Name: Abalone Shell with Stand

    and Sage $39.95 Add to Cart

    * Send a Check or Money Order

    Sage Smudge Kit

    The scallop shell is the traditional

    emblem of Saint James th e Greater and is

    popular with pilgrims on the Way of St

    James to the apostle's shrine at Santiago

    de Compostela in Spain. Used by the

    Native Northwest American Indians as a

    natural vessel for cleansing, offerings

    and prayers. Many paintings of Venus,

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    Sweet Grass Braids

    These wondrous "cleansing tools" are

    great for clearing and purifying your

    sacred space, altar, crystals or any room

    in the house. Rid the air of negative

    energy and cleanse with the power of

    Sweet Grass. Simply light o ne end of the

    braid as you would sage o r incense.

    Pass the smoldering braid through any

    space, then smother the embers so that

    you may use it again and again.

    Product Name:Sweet Grass Braids $12.00

    each Add to Cart

    * Send a Check or Money Order

    Aromatherapy Gifts

    Essential Oil Sampler

    This basket includes four, .05 ounce

    100% pure Angel's Mist essential oil

    samples, essential Oil recipe blends,

    essential oil diffuser and tea lights.

    We create these essential oil samplers

    around the current holiday or season.

    This makes the gift basket appropriate

    for the time you are purchasing this

    "scentful" gift! Each set comes in a

    lovely wooden box, 4 pure essential oils

    based on the needs of the seasonal

    event and an imported diffuser from

    India, including tea lights to completethe set. The essential oils recipe booklet

    gives you great ideas on how to use and

    blend your essential oils to create

    remedies, party blends and even recipes

    for using your oils in food recipes!

    Product Name: Essen tial Oil Basket

    $45.00 Add to Cart

    * Send a Check or Money Order

    Aromatic Love Kit

    Discover the many ways these natural mood

    enhancers can complement any romantic love

    experience. This sampler gives you several

    different ways to experience the power of the

    metaphysical. This set includes A Crystal

    Empowerment Pouch with four crystals that can bescented like potpourri and information on their

    mood enh ancing pr operties, Crystal Elixir

    perfume/bath o il, An herbal pillar candle with a

    Love Affirmation, Rose s cented Sea Salt Bath

    Crystals, Our famous Aphrodisiac stick incense,

    assorted cone incense and a portable incense


    Product Name: Aromatic Love Kit $39.95 Add to


    * Send a Check or Money Order

    The Blessings Set

    Scent has been us ed for centuries as a p owerful

    cleanser of negative energy and for clearing away

    the old to welcome the new. This set utilizes

    aromatherapy in unique ways with our aromaticHealing Candle and power Affirmation, Aroma-

    scented colored sea glass Potpourri in a hand-

    woven Chinese pouch and a pack of Sandalwood

    Incense. This set uses the "power of scent" to

    offer a personal clearing and blessing.

    Product Name:Blessing Set $28.00 Add to Cart

    * Send a Check or Money Order

    Blissful Bath, Blissful Sleep

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    Cloisonne Bowls

    Cloisonnes also known as cloisonnes enamel, is

    the decorative art of applying enamel of all colors

    to the surface of a copper or bronze object which is

    then fired to become a bright and colorful work of

    art. This artistic technique was transmitted to China

    from the West and reached its peak of perfection as

    a result of the concerted efforts of Chinese artisans.

    Chinese cloisonnes became the standard by which

    to measure the quality and appraise the beauty of

    clois onne world-wide. It is one of China's major

    contributions to the world's fine arts. The general

    method for making cloisonne involved firstsoldering brass wires to the surface of a copper

    object to form a pattern or illustration, then,

    according to th e requirements of each p attern,

    colored e namels were filled in. Enamelware that had

    been fired then needed to have its surface polished

    smooth so that th e soldered brass wire pattern and

    the enamel substance were melded into one.

    Finally, the exposed brass wires between parts of

    the patterns as well as the rim and the b ottom of an

    object, to which enamel had no been applied, were

    gold plated. Thus, a work of cloisonne art was


    The making of cloisonne is a painstaking process .

    Each color is separated by the metal wire and then

    repeatedly filled in with enamel and fired, and then

    finished with touches of gold. With flower designs

    on both exterior and interior, this low cloisonne

    bowl, 5" in diameter 2" in height, suits perfectly

    for a coffee table display, especially when holding a

    small quantity of potpourri, water, incense, candles

    or sage.

    Feng Shui Cures: earth element and metal element

    spaces, for good luck, used as a carrier for small

    quantity of potpourri, water, incense, candles or


    Product Name: Blue Cloisonn e Bowls ~ 5" d iameter

    2" h eight~ $34.95 Add t o Cart

    * Send a Check or Money Order

    Cloisonne Bowls

    Cloisonnes also known as cloisonnes enamel, is

    the decorative art of applying enamel of all colors

    to the surface of a copper or bronze object which is

    then fired to become a bright and colorful work of

    art. This artistic technique was transmitted to China

    from the West and reached its peak of perfection as

    a result of the concerted efforts of Chinese artisans.

    Feng Shui Cures: earth element and metal element

    spaces, for good luck, used as a carrier for small

    quantity of potpourri, water, incense, candles or


    Product Name: Green Cloisonne Bowls ~ 5"

    diameter 2" height~ $34.95 Add to Cart

    * Send a Check or Money Order

    Small Cloisonne Bowls

    The making of cloisonne is a painstaking process.

    Each color is separated by the metal wire and then

    repeatedly filled in with enamel and fired, and then

    finished with touches of gold. With flower designs

    on both exterior and interior, these low cloisonne

    bowl, 2.5" in diameter 1" in heigh t, suits p erfectlyfor a coffee table display, especially when holding a

    small quantity of potpourri, water, incense, candles

    or sage. Choose from brown, white, green, red


    Feng Shui Cures: earth element and metal element

    spaces, for good luck, used as a carrier for small

    quantity of potpourri, water, incense, candles or


    Product Name: Small Cloisonne Bowls ~ 2.5"

    diameter 1" height~ $19.95 Add to Cart

    * Send a Check or Money Order

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    spirit. It will assist in dissolving stress,

    removing blocks and help create an

    overall sense of better health, joy and

    abundance. This pendent contains:

    1st: Root - Garnet or Apache Tear

    2nd: Navel - Carnelian o r Goldstone

    3rd: Solar - Citrine or Tiger Eye

    4th: Heart - Aventurine

    5th: Throat - Blue Lace Agate

    6th: Third Eye - Sodalite

    7th: Crown - Amethys t

    Chakra Aromatherapy Pendants are

    approximately 2 inches long and can hold

    your favorite essential aromatherapy oils.

    Each Item is individually made, so no 2

    pieces a re exactly alike. The Chakra

    Aroma Therapy Pendant comes with a

    black satin cord and information card.

    ADD ON a .5 ounce bottle of one of our

    Angel's Mist pure essential oils:

    Cedarwood, Geranium, Juniper, Lavend er,

    Lemon, Patch ouli, Sweet Orange for just


    Product Name: Chakra Aroma Therapy

    Pendant $46.00 Add to Cart

    Product Name: Chakra Aroma Therapy

    Pendant with Oil $58.00 Add to Cart

    * Send a Check or Money Order

    Crystal and Gemstones Oils

    Crystal Remedy Rescue

    This is a unique combination of si x crystal

    essence vibrationally compatible for emotional

    imbalance. This fo rmula is taken internally under

    the tongu e and is an amazing remedy for stress,

    fatigue, con fusion, anxiety, impatience, feeling

    wired, but tired, adrenal fatigue or feeling over


    This product contains crystal essence of:

    quartz: stimulates natural crystal in body tissues

    and fluids to resonate at the highest healing


    amethyst : soothes nervous system, relieve

    physical and emotional pain.

    citrine: for mental/emotional clarity, problem

    so lving, will power, optimism.

    carnelian: helps us feel anchored and comfortable

    in our surroundings.

    aventurine: heart healer, for inflammation, calms

    the central nervous s ystem.

    blue lace agate: for patience and inner peace,

    inspirational, transforming.

    Crystal essences are blended in a gentle balance

    of glycerin, stevia and spring water. .05 ounces (15

    ml) in a blue dropper bottle.

    Dosage: Place 5 drops under the tongu e, as


    -Safe for the whole family.

    -Vegan approved.

    -Safe for an imals.

    Product Name:Crystal Remedy Rescue $19.95 Add

    to Cart

    * Send a Check or Money Order

    Gem Essence

    Gem ess ence are the infusion of crystals, spring

    water and the power of the s un/moon in a bottle.

    These high quality essence work in harmony with

    the body by interacting with our b io-sheath and are

    natural and self-adjusting. When crystals are

    activated by natural sunlight, they transfer their

    vibrational signature into water, creating a remedy

    that is safe effective and used in con unction with all

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    Clearing/Dispersing: Clear Quartz, Apophylite

    Fear/Protection: Bloodsto ne, Hematite, Obsidian

    Fertility/Hormonal Balance: Carnelian, Smoky

    Quartz, Moonsto ne

    Health/Healing: Quartz, Fluorite, Turquo ise

    Mental/Emotional Balance: Green Tourmaline,

    Moonstone, Onyx

    Passion/Fire: Carnelian, Garnet, Fire Ag ate

    Psychic Connection: Amethyst, Herkimer Diamond ,


    Sacred Spirit: Peridot, Moonstone, Sapphire

    Self Love/Respect: Rose Quartz, Rhodochrosite,


    Product Name:Gem Essence 4 oz sp ray: $14.95 Add

    to Cart

    Product Name:Gem Essence .5 oz tincture $19.95 Add

    to Cart

    * Send a Check or Money Order

    Crystal Elixirs

    These wonderfully scented oils come in .05 ounce

    roll-on bottles and contain genuine crystals in

    vibrationally compatible essential oil blends. They

    are fantastic for Chakra work, energy healing, as an

    Aura Balancer, as a b alancing perfume oil or simply

    as a "refresher" for your Gem Potpourri.

    Choose from:

    Amethyst Oil-Meditation/Psychic Awareness:

    Lavender, SandalwoodAventu rine Oil-Emotional Healing/Good Luck:

    Peppermint, Rosemary

    Blue Topaz-Harmony/ Balance: Clary Sage, Lavend er

    Carnelian-Passion/Sexuality:Musk, Patchouli

    Citrine-Awareness/Power:Orange, Lemon

    Clear Quartz-Enlightenment/Spirituality:

    Sandalwood, Rose

    Garnet-Insp iration/Self Love: Rose, Ylang Ylang

    Hematite-Courage/Protection: Cedarwood, Pine

    Iolite-Truth/Heartfelt:Lavender, Rose

    Moonstone-Love Drawing/Intution: Jasmine,


    Obsidian-Letting Go/Protection: Thyme, Patchouli

    Peridot-Healing/Wealth: Spearmint, Peppermint

    Red Jasper-Energy/Grounding: Cedar, Clove

    Rose Quartz-Heart Awakening/Self Love: Rose,


    Smoky Quartz-Protection/Sp irit Lifting:Orange,


    Tiger's Eye-Money Drawing/W ill Power:

    Sandalwood, Cedar

    Tourquoise-Friendship/Healing: Lemon, Neroli

    Product Name:Crystal Elixirs $9.95 Add to Cart

    * Send a Check or Money Order

    Aura Vibrational Myst

    Cleanse and renew your Auric energy by mysting

    yourself or surroundings. Evokes peace and

    emotional balance. This powerful myst contains

    rich reiki-charged spring water, lavender, rose,

    jasmine and patchouli oils and a blend of mood

    altering herbs ! This aromatic myst comes in a 4 oz,

    blue glass bottle with super fine myster. For best

    results, spray 6-10 inches above head and

    shoulders, avoiding the eyes.

    Product Name: Aura Vibrational M yst 4 oz. $14.95

    Add t o Cart

    * Send a Check or Money Order

    Chakra Bath & Perfume Oils

    The Chakra are vortices of energy within the human

    body. These centers appear to mirror our health and

    the spiritual state. These s even gateways can be

    balanced with the use of color, crystals, visualization

    and meditation. These are all the elements we have

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    Add to Cart

    Yellow-Solar Plexus Chakra-

    Power/Transformation- Citrine water, Sunflower oil,

    Lemon essential oil- $14.95

    Add to Cart

    Green-Heart Chakra-All Forms of Love- Rose

    Quartz water, Sunflower oil, Eucalyptus essen tial oil-


    Add to Cart

    Blue-Throat Chakra-Communication/Expression-

    Blue Agate water, Sunflower oil, Blue Nile oil- $14.95

    Add to Cart

    Indigo-Third Eye Chakra-Psychic/Awareness -

    Hawk's Eye water, Su nflower oil, Peppermint esse ntial

    oil- $14.95Add to Cart

    Violet-Crown Chakra-Spirituality/Understanding-

    Quartz water, Sunflower oil, Lavender es sent ial oil-


    Add to Cart

    Set of All Se ven Chakra Oils (10% discount)-

    Includes all the above oils in a clear box with colored

    top- $94.00

    Add to Cart

    * Send a Check or Money Order

    Crystal Potpourri

    this unique b lend of stones and crystals utilize

    the color combinations of Color Therapy, the

    scent of Aromatherapy and b rought together ina huge Conch shell from the ocean! Colored

    pieces of Carnelian, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz,

    Tourquoise, Blue Agate crystals and Blue and

    Green Sea Glass are showcased in a large shell

    and scented with our highly concentrated

    Crystal Elixirs? b lend. Also comes with a Crystal

    Elixirs? refresher bottle.

    Product Name:Crystal Potpo urri $34.95 Add to


    * Send a Check or Money Order

    Herbal Candles

    Botanical Healer Candles

    When the time is right to visit your sacred space,

    allow us to enlighten the journey. Each of our

    herbal magic candles has been designed with a

    specific intention using a unique blend of

    essen tial oils. App roximately 12 inches tall, they

    are long burning and will burn 80-100 hours.

    Each candle comes with an a ffirmation and

    inspirational message to help you bring your

    wish to fruition!

    Choose from:

    Abundance -Clove, Citronella, Lemon Balm,

    Cinnamon, Nutmeg

    Ascended Masters & Guides - Dragon's Blood,

    Olive Oil, Saffron, Pep permint, M usk

    Astral Journey - Rosemary, Frankincens e, Myrrh,

    Citronella, Cypres s

    Compassion - Orange Blossom, Vanilla,


    Confidence - Pine, Patchou li, Salt, Cypress

    Confidence - Pine, Patchou li, Salt, Cypress

    Courage - Grapefruit, Pine, RosemaryCreativity - Iris, Rose, Cinnamon

    Dreams - Lavend er, Rosemary, Ylang Ylang

    Friendship - Musk, Carnation, Wiste ria

    Good Health - Clove, Nutmeg, Lemon Balm,

    Poppy Seed, Cedar, Honeysuckle, Juniper

    Harmony - Orange Blossom, Rose, Sassafras,

    Juniper, Myrrh, Dragon's Blood

    Healing - Cedar, Ocean, Lemon Balm, Heather

    Housewarming - Cinnamon, Apple, Orange

    Joy - Plumeria, Jasmine, Sandalwood

    Laughter- Citrus

    Love - Olive Oil, Patchouli, Rose, Clove,

    Lavender, Dragon's Blood

    Manifest A M iracle - Magnolia, Honeysuckle,

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    * Send a Check or Money Order

    Candle Gift Set Collection

    Our Candle Gift Set Collection is one of

    our top s elling products. The line has been

    lovingly and mindfully created to celebrate

    life and it's special occasions. Each

    collection comes with four square candles

    uniquely designed with complementary

    colors and scents , and wrapped with a

    beautiful illustrative band. Th ey make great

    gifts for any occasion.

    Citrus Collections is a set of 4 candles

    uniquely created to energize and refresh

    your spirit with an uplifting splash of

    nature's own cleansing aromas. It includes

    Grapefruit, Lemon, Lime and Orange sc ents.

    Four Elements is a set of 4 candles

    uniquely created to embody one of the four

    basic elements of our universe. It includes

    Earth, Air , Fire, Water scents .

    Flower Garden is a set of 4 candles

    spectacularly colored to invoke the

    freshness of Spring with an uplifting splash

    of nature's own floral aromas. It includes

    Honeysuckle, Magnolia, Hyacinth and

    Lavender s cents.

    Good Health is a set of 4 candles created

    with the positive intention of keeping good

    health in mind. It includes 2 Good Health,

    Spirit and Peace scents.

    Harvest is a set of 4 candles created to

    celebrate the traditions of autumn. It

    includes A pple, Pumpkin Spice, Cinnamon

    and Pear scents.

    Healing Garden is a set of 4 candles using

    essential oils of some of the most popular

    therapeutic plants. It includes Thyme, Mint,

    Ginseng and Echinacea scents .

    Love is a set of 4 candles and scents that

    are celebrated for their sensory qualities

    such as Patchouli, Rose, Clove, Lavender,

    Dragon's Blood, as well as the magical

    properties th at many believe they p ossess .

    It includes 2 Love, Spirit and Harmony


    Meditation is a set of 4 candles uniquely

    created to help you reach your inner space

    whenever you need to reflect on life's

    journey. It includes Frankincense,Cedarwood, Sage and Rose scents.

    Prosperity is a set of 4 candles uniquely

    created to embody one of the four basic

    elements of prosperity. It includes Money,

    Power, Confidence and Motivation scents.

    Romance is a set of 4 candles uniquely

    created to embody one of the four basic

    elements of romance. It includes Friendship,

    Seduction, Love and Harmony scents.

    Summer B reeze is a set of 4 candles

    designed to embrace the season. Summer is

    the season to kick back and enjoy the

    peacefulness of a lazy afternoon . Relax, be

    carefree and en joy the lilac of early summer,

    the su nflower of late summer and all the

    green breezes and rain showers that fall in

    between. It includes Summer Showers,

    Green Fields, Sunflower and Lilac sce nts.

    Winter Wonderland is a set of 4 candles

    uniquely created to enhance the precious

    moments that the season creates. It

    includes Night Sky, Winter Breeze, Snow

    Drift, Winter Forest scents.

    Woodland Wonders is a set of 4 candles

    created to release the possibilities of a

    secret world in the depths of a tranquil

    forest. It includes Sandalwood, Enchanted

    Forest, Pine Cedar scents.

    Product Name: Candle Gift Set Collection

    $14.00 Add to Cart

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    Hot Stone Massage Oil

    We have formulated these beautifully scented oils

    especially for hot stone massage! It provides

    good, s mooth absorption with long-lasting staying

    power. Massage it into your hot ston es too! Great

    "glide" for massage, as a moisturizer, and a skin

    hydrator. These unique blends are created with

    healing essential oils. All these oils are infused

    with real basalt stones! Choose from:

    Calm: Soothing grape seed oil combined with

    relaxing Lavender and Clary Sage es sent ial oils.

    Emotional Balance: Restoring sunflower oil

    combined with peaceful Geranium and Ros e

    essential oils.

    Increase Circulation: Invigorating s afflower oil

    combined with s timulating Rosemary and Sweet

    Orange essential oils.

    Pain Care: Healing jojoba oil combined with

    relieving Eucalyptus and Ginger essential oils.

    Product Name: "HotStone" Massage Oil 8 oz.

    $15.00 Add to Cart

    * Send a Check or Money Order

    Angel's Mist Massage Oils

    Ocean-This delighful oil is light Grapeseed based

    with the calming, tranquil sensation of Coconut

    and Chamomile essent ial oil.

    Garden-This wonderful oil is Sunflower based with

    the nurturing scent Bulgarian Rose, White

    Gardenia and French Lavender essential oils.Meadow-This alluring oil is Safflower based with

    the soothing aroma of Oriental Sandalwood and

    aromatic Juniper essen tial oil.

    Woodland-This pleasing o il is Sweet Almond

    based with the centering combinations of Baltic

    Cedarwood and Canadian Pine essential oils.

    Product Name:"Angel's Mist" Massage Oil 6oz.

    $15.00 Add t o Cart

    * Send a Check or Money Order

    Angel's Mist Massage/Body Lotion

    Water soluble based lotion, provides good,

    smooth absorption with long-lasting staying

    power. Great "Glide" for massage, as a moisturizer,

    and a skin hydrator. Blended with healing

    Essential o ils. Choose from: Ocean Breeze, CitrusTwist, Lavender Fields or Romantic Glow.

    Product Name: "Angel's Mist" Body Lotion 6oz.

    $12.00Add to Cart

    * Send a Check or Money Order

    Study Energy Medicine at Home

    The Peacefulmind.com Homestudy Progr ams make it pos sible for anyon e to

    study energy medicine at home, on your time!

    *The Crystal Light Crystal Therapy Course This incredible course is our

    biggest and most popular course on the Internet! This is the study of

    crystals and how to heal with earth's precious gems! Want to know more?

    *Crystal Medicine: A Clinical Approach to Healing Mind, Body, Spirit.

    This is the most complete and definitive guide to working with,

    understanding and healing through crystal medicine! This specific, easy-to-

    understand course teaches you techniques, protocols and unique methods

    to healing on all three levels -mind, body & spirit. Want to know more?

    *The Crystal Divination WorkbookThis is And rew's NEW workbook,

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    spiritual, as well as a physical level and then find ways to re-align, balance

    and manage your energy in a p ositive way! Want to know more?

    *What's Your Heart Telling You? Finding Love and Romance - The

    Workbook and Journal Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac. has now published

    his newest work based on years of personal intimacy, clinical experience,

    counseling and client research on the ways to navigate love, sex, romance

    and relationships in a modern day world. Andrew has devised this very

    thorough workbook and journal with questionnaires, exercises, quotes, tips,

    meditations, feng shui, aromatherapy, massage and herbal applications for

    creating the perfect scenario for finding, coping and keeping love in your

    life! Want to know more?

    *The Healing Art of Touch - Massage Therapy Homestudy Learn the art of

    touch and massage therapy through An drew's very extensive course.

    Complete anatomy lessons, varied techniques and amazing information is

    offered in this course. Also learn the b usiness asp ects of massage, how to

    cope with clients that are difficult and energy transference are just a few ofthe many topics covered! Want to know more?

    *The Feng Shui Journal The Peacefu lmind.com Feng Shu i Journal makes it

    pos sible for you to improve relationships , maximize career po tential and

    enhance your environment! We are honored to o ffer the Feng Shui Journal

    for beginner to advanced Feng Shui practitioners. This journal covers an

    extensive background on Feng Shui techniques history, usage, clearing,

    cleansing, manifesting and helpful information in order to bring balance

    back into your life! Want to know more?

    *Transitions: The Transformational Guide and Workbook for Creating

    Great Health This is the culmination of years of Andrew Pacholyk, MS,

    L.Ac. clinical work. This is a manual you can use, wheth er you are h ealthy

    or ill or somewhere in between and you want to rebalance your mind, body

    and spirit to become the whole person you can be! This workbook gives

    you a plan to take care of yourself. It can be us ed over and o ver to find

    balance and keep yourself as healthy as pos sible. It gives you "tools" to

    use when and where you need them. It helps to evaluate where you are in

    your journey and offers ways to get you exactly where you want to be!

    Want to know more?

    *Dynamic Healing Through Guided Imagery The power of v isualizationand guided imagery is one of our most powerful gifts! A healing tool we all

    have with in us - the "power of the mind!" We are proud to offer Dynamic

    Healing Through Guided Imagery for beginner to advanced healers. This

    course covers an extensive look at, visual and guided imagery techniques,

    history, usage, and therapeutic work. Want to know more?


    1.Cawthorn A. "A review of the literature surrounding the research into

    aromatherapy" . Complement Ther Nurs M idwifery. 1995 Aug ;1(4):118-20.


    2 Craig WJ. " Health-promoting properties o f common h erbs" . Am J Clin

    Nutr. 1999 Sep;70(3 Suppl):491S-499S. Review.

    3.Gattefos s?Ren?aurice, C.W. Daniel Company, "Gattefoss?Aro matherapy -

    The First Book o n Aromatherap y", 1993, Original 1937 French Text.

    4. Gottlieb, Bill, (Ed.), "New Choices in Natu ral Healing" , Rodale Press Inc.,

    Emmaus (Pennsylvania), 1995.

    5. Hammers, M. 1995. Soothe yourself with good scents: essential oils can

    help heal bo dy and soul. Vegetarian Times n210: 90(5).

    6. Janssen AM, et al. "An timicrobial activities of essen tial oils" . A 1976-

    1986 literature review on poss ible applications. Pharm Weekbl Sci. 1987 Aug

    21;9(4):193-7. Review.

    7. Lawless, Julia. "The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essen tial Oils". Rockport,

    MA: Element Books, In c., 1995.

    8. Lawton, A. Honors Presentation at Macalester College titled:

    "Aromatherapy : A Pain Reliever?" 4/20/1998.

    9. Len Price, "Carrier Oils fo r Aromatherapy & Mass age", 3rd Ed., Riverhead

    (Pubs.), Stratford-up on-Avo n, Warwickshire (UK), 1999.

    10. Martin, G.N.1996. "Olfactory Remediation: Current Evidenc e a nd

    Possible A pplications" . Soc. Sci. Med. 43: 63-70.

    11. Penoel Daniel, M.D. and Rose -Marie Penoel. "Natural Home Health Care

    Using Ess ential Oils". La Drome: Osmobiose Publishing, 1998.

    12. Schnaubelt Kurt, "Medical Aromatherapy. Healing with essential oils".

    Berkeley, CA: Frog, Ltd., 1999.

    13. Seppa, N. 1998. "Nailing do wn pheromones in humans" . Science News,

    153 p164.Slotnick, Burton M. 1993. The enigma of olfactory learning. Tren ds

    in Neuros ciences 16: n7 261.

    14. Tisserand, Robert B ,"The Art of Aromatherapy" . New Revised Edition.

    Rochester ( VT): Healing Arts Press, 1977.15. Tisserand, Magg ie "Aromatherapy fo r Women", 3rd Ed., Dealerfield

    (Pubs.), Londo n, 1994.

    16. Wartik, N. "Making Sen se o f Aromatherapy" . American Health. 1995.

    Disclaimer: Statements contained herein have not been

    evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These

    products are not intended to diagnose, treat and cure or

    prevent disease.

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