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Aronagh wellbeing portfolio 2015

Date post: 06-Aug-2015
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© Aronagh 2015 WellBeing

© Aronagh 2015


© Aronagh 2015 e: [email protected] 2

Aronagh WellBeing

Are you experiencing challenges with motivation and commitment to your health and wellbeing?

Are you lost in the no-man’s land between that nagging voice: “I should get in shape, move, relax, and reduce stress” and procrastination, sluggishness and the ‘stuck to the couch syndrome’? Does this conflict stalemate cost you so much energy that you find it hard to get yourself to do anything much?

Do you wish to upgrade your well-being - mental, emotional, energetic and physical? Yet, whatever you do in one area always seems to lag behind, and then draw down the others?

Or are there answers you are looking for but feel disjointed, disconnected from your deepest self? Do you live in your head and feel disconnected from your intuition and body? Does your body language belie and betray your words as a leader?

If any of the above apply to you, our Aronagh WellBeing Coaches can help.

Aronagh’s WellBeing Focus Health & WellBeing Coaching 5

Integrative BodyEmotionEnergyMind (BEEM) Transformation 6

Body & Energy Work 7

o Qi Gong 8

o Korean Hand Massage/Acupressure/Acupuncture 11

o Energy Re-Balancing 13

Transformative Meditation 15

We offer packaged coaching programmes, ad-hoc coaching, and bespoke solutions for individuals and teams. We offer special rates for people working in the voluntary sector. For self-funded individuals: if financial worries or constraints are holding you back, speak with us. We work with you to put together a mutually agreeable solution. For further information, contact us: [email protected] or +44 845 900 5754

© Aronagh 2015 e: [email protected] 3

How we work We believe the body, mind, emotions, energy and spirit are dynamically interrelated. From experience, we have learnt that a change through one dimension has a ripple effect on the others; a small and seemingly insignificant change can have a massive impact. We also know that each person is unique, and each of us has preferred entry points or pathways to change and transformation. For example,

some of us respond best to physical movements or somatic approaches when stressed, which stabilises their emotions, clears their mind, calms their spirit or increases their energy.

others get best results through talk-type or cognitive approaches, which help them change habitual behavioural responses, balance out their energy and give them spiritual connectedness.

yet others, find that the emotion angle is their most effective entry point, especially if they don’t find it easy articulating . Working directly with the dominant emotion(s), releases the body, frees the mind, increases spiritual receptivity, and unleashes trapped energy.

some work best with energy, especially in those cases when they know something is wrong, find that hard to articulate or cannot access the memory of the underlying root cause. Shifting or transforming energy can help these individuals to balance out the whole system and release whatever they have been holding onto be it weight, negative beliefs, trauma or stuck emotions.

other individuals find working with spirit the most effective way to transform WellBeing challenges, and helps them to balance out their whole system and discover answers to key questions.

We are flexible as to which entry points of change we work with depending each client’s preferences and needs.

How we work with you We start with an initial free 10-20 minute consultative discovery session where you have an opportunity to share your main WellBeing goals, key challenges and wellbeing gremlins, and you can find out more about your coach. We will also send you a short questionnaire to complete, which will allow you to decide whether coaching is right for you, what you want to achieve and how committed you are to those goals.

We will help you select or design (if applicable) the coaching programme that is right for you.

Once you are happy to go ahead with coaching, your coach may ask you to complete pre-work before sessions and may provide you with in-between session activities. At the start of each session, your coach will clarify your overall goal and check in with you what you wish to cover in this particular session. These sessions are about you, and you only, so it is good to come prepared with what you wish to get from the session.

Your coach will facilitate your process to achieve your outcomes, and support you through any low times and help you celebrate the high points.

Aronagh WellBeing

© Aronagh 2015 e: [email protected] 4

What typical outcomes can you expect?

Deeper self- knowledge and awareness allowing you to take on new and sustainable health and wellbeing habits,

Increased level of motivation and staying power enabling you to keep up the good work,

Absolute clarity on your stress, weight and/or well-being procrastination triggers freeing you to transform them,

Easy to learn and easy to embody practices that seamlessly fit into your day like “brushing your teeth”,

Transformation of those health and wellbeing gremlins so that you stop sabotaging your efforts from now on,

Increased energy levels and renewed zest for life, empowering you to go for your dreams, goals and ambitions full steam.

Your WellBeing Coaching & Therapy Options

WellBeing Coaching Options:

Face to face, or Skype Video/Audio

Typical 1:1 sessions are 1 hour, 1.5 hours or 2 hours

One off sessions, call off sessions, 3 month or 6 month programmes available

WellBeing Therapy Options- Qi Gong, Korean Hand Massage & Acupressure, Korean Hand Acupuncture:

Face to face only

Typical 1:1 sessions are 45 mins or 1 hour

One-off sessions, call-off sessions, 3 month or 6 month programmes available

Aronagh WellBeing

© Aronagh 2015 e: [email protected] 5

Health & WellBeing Coaching Are you

not as fit as you wish to be?

stressed, and find it difficult to fully relax and shed the stress?

feeling generally unhealthy, or unhappy with your weight?

finding it a challenge to switch off?

having difficulties establishing a regular health, fitness and/or well-being practice?

feeling disconnected from your body or ungrounded?

How we work? Health and Wellbeing is about building unconscious and supportive habits, regular practice, awareness and attention, and gradual and evolving change. Whilst change can be quick and dramatic, when it comes to health and wellbeing, it seldom lasts or it can overload the system. Therefore, we do not subscribe to the ‘magic wand approach’ and focus on achieving incremental and sustainable change with each session.

"The groundwork of all happiness is health." James Leigh Hunt

At Aronagh, we work with you to

develop and embody a regular and holistic health and wellbeing practice that is right for you,

maintain and increase your commitment and motivation even when things seem to stall or go backwards,

transform limitations that keep you from taking your health and wellbeing to the next level. We support you in-between sessions to ensure you maintain momentum and get the best possible results from our work together. Note: Health and Wellbeing Coaching is no substitute for medical treatment by a qualified medical professional. It can, however, be used to enhance and support medical treatments in agreement with your GP or medical practitioner.

Aronagh WellBeing

© Aronagh 2015 e: [email protected] 6

Integrative BodyEmotionEnergyMind (BEEM) Transformation The western world tends to focus on thinking and mental processes due to predominantly sedentary, technology enabled lifestyles and the gigabytes of information we deal with every given day in our work and home lives. This can cause disconnect from the other human dimensions - our body, our emotions, our energy. We become stale and stagnant; feel ungrounded, internally conflicted, and overwhelmed with decisions. Our energy fluctuates and can reach burn-out point. By integrating and establishing new pathways of communication between these dimensions we can increase our intuition, energy, creativity, flow and ability to make congruent decisions. We also experience increased empowerment, wellbeing and happiness in and with ourselves.

“The intuitive Mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

Albert Einstein This programme is aimed at

increasing your intuition and creativity,

enhancing self-awareness, and knowing,

re-connecting and integrating all human dimensions,

establishing a regular practice to maintain integrative communication,

increasing your speed and quality of decision making,

developing a sense of empowerment, ease and balance across all human dimensions.

This work is very individual. Even though each of us has these dimensions (body, mind, emotions, energy and spirit), how these interact and communicate with each other is highly individual. You coach will facilitate your process of integration, help you recognise what your intuitive reactions mean to you, and support you in establishing communication pathways and mechanisms that deeply resonate and work for you. Note: BEEM is no substitute for medical treatment by a qualified medical professional. It can, however, be used to enhance and support medical treatments in agreement with your GP or medical practitioner.

Aronagh WellBeing

© Aronagh 2015 e: [email protected] 7

Body & Energy Work

In our busy times a lot of us cannot find the time to work out, lack the motivation to go to the gym, feel disconnected from our bodies, suffer lifestyle related pains such as chronic back ache, neck and shoulder pain or have breathing related complaints. We often feel stressed and tense due to the overwhelming pressures, barrage of information and demands places on us by work, our lifestyle, and our environment. Without regular stress release, and conscious clearing of all the accumulated emotional charges, negative energies and physical tensions, we continuously live in flight, fight or fright mode with our sympathetic nervous systems working overtime. This constant pressure can cause disease, ill health, errors, general unwellness and loss of zest for life.

“The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to

produce outstanding results.” Anthony Robbins

The Body-Energy Work Practices offered at Aronagh are aimed at:

releasing stress and tensions,

building resilience,

transforming habitual stress responses,

growing your self-awareness and ability to defuse stressors,

enhancing mind/body connection,

improving mind, body and emotion integration,

increasing emotional stability,

enlarging motivation and zest for life,

giving you an easy to follow and enjoyable personal practice.

We offer

Qi Gong

Korean Hand Massage/Acupressure

Korean Hand Massage/Acupuncture

Energy Re-balancing

Aronagh WellBeing

© Aronagh 2015 e: [email protected] 8

Body & Energy Work: Qi Gong

Qi Gong – the literal translation from the original Chinese is: Energy Work - is a health and fitness approach, originating in China. It has been widely adopted in the western world. It is a complete body, mind and energy system which includes movements, standing positions, walking and sitting meditation. There are many different Qi Gong systems that were developed for different purposes including

treating a variety of health conditions,

becoming fit,

increasing stamina and energy levels,

relaxation and calmness,

stress release,

strength building. Our focus at Aronagh is health, medical and martial Qi Gong.

What we offer? We offer 1-hour face-to-face Qi Gong sessions in Central London. Our sessions are suitable for all ages and people with all fitness levels. If you have any fitness or health challenges let your teacher know before the session. We will ask you to complete a health and fitness questionnaire so your teacher can adapt the movements to your specific needs. For Corporates we offer Qi Gong Health, Stress Release & Resilience half-day or full-day workshops.

At Aronagh, we teach the following Qi Gong Systems:

Elemental Qi Gong

Hun Yuan Qi Gong

Standing like a Tree (Zhan Zhuang)

Eight Treasures

Little Nine Heaven Qi Gong

Dragon & Tiger Medical Qi Gong

Aronagh WellBeing

© Aronagh 2015 e: [email protected] 9

Body & Energy Work: Qi Gong: Five Element Health & Medical Qi Gong The Five Element Qi Gong is about creating balance between the Elements: Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal and their corresponding organs and physical body parts, emotions, and mental states.

Working with the elements takes self-judgement out of the equation. The current state of your

body, mind, emotions is described through the elements rather than being given hard scientific labels that can impede change.

allows change to occur on all levels – the symbolism of water, wood, fire, earth and metal gives permission to our unconscious to support alchemical transformation where needed.

is exciting and fun, as you will notice elemental threads throughout other areas of your life, not just your body and energy system.

This Qi Gong combines standing and sitting positions and movements that help you to

gain improved co-ordination and body alignment,

increase your energy levels,

release neuro-muscular stress and tensions,

clear the mind,

unwind & relax,

be playful and have fun,

become aware of emotional patterns and release stuck emotions,

expand your awareness and your creative potential,

achieve increased flow in your movements, thinking and life.

Aronagh WellBeing

© Aronagh 2015 e: [email protected] 10

Hun Yuan – meaning Eternal Circle – is a complete, dynamic 12-movement martial Qi Gong system. What makes Hun Yuan so powerful is the combination of a number of elements that are often practiced in isolation. Hun Yuan combines

body alignment,

breathing techniques,


internal organ massage,

movements to increase physical strength and spinal flexibility, and release muscular tensions.

This Qi Gong system includes a lot of circular and spiraling movements which follow the way our bodies are naturally supposed to move. All Hun Yuan movements are full-body movements. They take into account the interconnectedness of the body’s muscles and tissues, and encourage omnidirectional movement of muscles and fascia. So, apart from having great health benefits Hun Yuan will also give you a great workout. Practicing Hun Yuan on a regular basis has the following benefits:

Improved mind-body integration and connection with your body,

Increased physical flexibility,

Stress and tension release,

Better co-ordination,

Enhanced mental clarity,

Higher levels of energy,

Feeling more grounded,

Better alignment,

Overall improved health and wellbeing.

Hun Yuan Qi Gong is great foundation for those who wish to learn Tai Chi or already practice Tai Chi.

Aronagh WellBeing Body & Energy Work: Qi Gong: Hun Yuan Health & Martial Qi Gong

© Aronagh 2015 e: [email protected] 11

What is it? Koryo Hand Therapy (KHT), also called Koryo Sooji Chim, Korean

Hand Acupuncture or Soojichim, was developed by Korean

Acupuncturist Dr. Tae Woo Yoo between 1971 and 1975. KHT

uses the hand, similar to the way foot reflexology uses the foot, as

a microcosm of the whole body.

How does it work? KHT uses 14 micro-meridians that correspond to the meridians of

Body Acupuncture and 345 acupuncture points on our hands.

These micro-meridians and acupuncture points act as gateways

to our organs and by stimulating them we can regulate and

balance our physical body, emotions and mental state. This

stimulation can be done via massage and acupressure and/or

acupuncture using sterilized needles. It is the client’s choice which

treatment methods will be used.

Why KHT? Bettina chose to train in KHT as it

is one of the safest forms of acupuncture,

(massage/acupressure) can be done almost anywhere,

is a very effective treatment as the hands are directly connected to the brain,

supported by the five element concept which makes it easy to combine with most Qi Gong systems,

turned out to be very effective and supportive in releasing stuck emotions and accumulated psychosomatic stress; which makes it a great modality to combine with health & wellbeing coaching or stress & resilience coaching,

can be used for ongoing self-care. Bettina often shares relevant hand acupressure points with her coaching clients, so they can self-treat certain conditions, relieve stress or emotional tensions.

What conditions does KHT treat? If you are in pain or have a problem somewhere in your body, the reactions are reflected on the hands in the

form of tender points. Pain commonly or frequently shown on the hands corresponds to the painful part of

your body. Therefore, the stimulation of the tender points positively affects pain relief.

Aronagh WellBeing Body & Energy Work: Korean Hand Massage, Acupressure & Acupuncture

© Aronagh 2015 e: [email protected] 12

KHT is very effective in treating a wide range of conditions such as

Muscular pain

Emotional imbalances

Releasing tension, accumulated stress and stuck emotions

Lack of energy




Weight loss

Skin problems

IBS Check out http://www.koryohandtherapy.com/ for additional conditions treated. Clients tend to leave a KHT session relaxed, energised, calmer, increased mental clarity and often experience a change in body temperature indicating the healing process is

taking place. Note: KHT is a complimentary treatment modality and is not intended to replace existing treatments from a GP or other western medical practitioners. If you are already in a western treatment protocol, check with your medical practitioner if KHT is suitable for you before contacting Aronagh.

Treatment options We offer 45 minute and 1 hour session with a choice of Hand Massage & Acupressure, or Hand Massage, Acupressure & Acupuncture. All treatments are face-to-face and take place in Central London, unless otherwise agreed with your therapist. We also offer KHT in combination with Coaching, Energy Work and Qi Gong, after an initial free consultation where we discover together what the most effective combination of modalities are for your particular circumstances.

Aronagh WellBeing

© Aronagh 2015 e: [email protected] 13

Body & Energy Work: Energy Re-balancing

The main focus of Energy Re-balancing is reconnecting you with


Why Energy Re-balancing?

In our busy lives we often forget who we truly are, our true passions, and

what we truly believe in. We disconnect from our bodies, our emotions,

thought patterns that make us uncomfortable to just get by and stay afloat

amidst a multitude of tasks, pressures and expectations.

Do you …

live in your head?

feel disconnected from some areas of your body?

have this ungrounded and wobbly feeling that does not go away?

experience inner conflicts between head, heart and core when making decisions? Or find it hard to


tire out easily or frequently experience energy swings?

If so, then Energy Re-balancing could be for you.

How does it work? We work with you either face-to-face or over the phone. In each 1.5 session we will address the following:

Overall energy level

Letting go of negative and other people’s energy in your space

Resolving those inner conflicts that are ready for resolution

Reconnection of Head, Heart and Core

Recharging yourself

Your coach will draw on techniques and processes from Energetic NLP, Reiki, Qi Gong, Acupressure and

other Energy Modalities.

Following each session your coach will e-mail you hand-outs of the key techniques used, empowering you to

maintain and improve your new energy levels. If you book a programme (5 sessions) you will also have e-

mail and Skype access to your coach in between sessions.

Aronagh WellBeing

© Aronagh 2015 e: [email protected] 14

What are the benefits?

After an energy re-balancing programme, clients experience a combination from the following:

More balanced energy levels

Integration of significant inner conflicts – and as a

result increase energy levels

Ability to manage their own energy better

Deeper sense of self

Deeper connection with themselves, and others

Enhanced knowing and intuition

Connectedness between the main three energy

centres of the body: Mind, Heart and Core.

Aronagh WellBeing

© Aronagh 2015 e: [email protected] 15

Transformative Meditation

Why Meditation for Business? Despite most employers best efforts to reduce office

pressures, a significant number of staff feel overloaded

with information and experience stress at work.

Meditation has been shown to be highly beneficial in

relieving stress and overwhelm, and in reducing the stress

load accumulated throughout the day. Meditation also aids

relaxation, increases mental clarity, and insights.

Group meditation, as we are offering it, adds additional

value through 'awakening to' and 'evolving collective

consciousness', proffering previously unforeseen

enhancements to teams and their potential.

We also provide participants with transformative meditation techniques. They can apply these during the

working day, enabling them to reduce stressors as they appear. This increases creativity and mental focus.

What is ‘Transformative’ Meditation? Each meditation uses symbolic, metaphorical language. It acts as the bridge to unconscious, often untapped

resources, conflicts and blocks. It provides the safe container and pathway to new creative options, inner

conflict resolution, and different perspectives on complex problems that previously seemed difficult to resolve.

Our tailored meditation programmes

are conducted over the phone/web to ensure everyone, locally and globally, home or office based, has the opportunity to participate

are 45 minutes, incl. a short introduction, a different/themed meditation each week, ending with Q&A time

are appropriate for people from all faiths and spiritual direction. We do not follow a specific spiritual direction in our meditations, and are happy to tailor what we do specific to your needs

provide optional and easy to apply transformative follow on practices

will be recorded, so in case you cannot participate on the day you do not miss out

take place at the beginning or end of the working day come with a number of flexible delivery and payment options.

Aronagh provides this service in collaboration with Nyali Muir. To find out more check out


Aronagh WellBeing

© Aronagh 2015 e: [email protected] 16

Aronagh WellBeing

The Team Our coaching team, led by Bettina Pickering, is drawn from diverse backgrounds and are selected on the basis

of best fit with the client’s needs and preferences. For more information on the Aronagh coaching team check

out www.aronagh.com/our-team.

Aronagh’s Lead Coach: Bettina Pickering Bettina is a qualified Coach, certified NLP Trainer and Behavioural Change Facilitator who predominantly works with executives and business leaders committed to embracing and effecting transformational change in their lives and at work. Her passion is in developing individuals and teams to perform at their best grounded in their own unique and authentic style. Bettina deeply believes that everyone one has a contribution to make, and has the capability and inner resources to make that contribution.

Before founding Aronagh in 2010, Bettina enjoyed 13 years as a Management Consultant, Change Facilitator and Internal Trainer and Coach at PA Consulting Group leading and delivering 50+ engagements in complex, culturally diverse and fast changing environments across numerous sectors, both private and public.

She focused on people and culture change, business transformation, organisation design and performance management. Bettina’s clients included Arthur D. Little, BP, Clifford Chance, CQC, Department of Health, Ericsson, Financial Services Authority, KPMG, MAN Diesel, Philips, Royal Mail and a Strategic Health Authority.

Since 2010, Bettina coached and worked with numerous business leaders and senior consultants from banking, insurance, transportation, technology, utility, health & well-being sectors helping them to move forward in their careers, develop a personal brand, increase self-esteem, embrace and lead from their authenticity, deal with negative emotions, become more relaxed, transform stress, improve resilience and remove limiting beliefs and stress triggers.

She has also designed and delivered stress managing, energy management and resilience training and coaching programmes for public audiences and in company.

Having experiencing various health and wellbeing issues and burn-out herself, Bettina has been on her own successful health and wellbeing journey, and can empathise with the challenges her clients are dealing with.

Bettina’s qualifications include:

NLP Trainer and Master Practitioner, Energetic NLP, Qi Gong Teacher for a number of health, martial and medical Qi Gong systems, Practitioner Coach, Clean Language & Symbolic Modelling, Reiki Level 1 & 2, Fitness Instructor to Music, Diploma in Korean Hand Massage and Acupuncture.

© Aronagh 2015 e: [email protected] 17

Other Information & Terms All Aronagh’s Health & WellBeing Coaches, Therapists and Teachers are trained and certified to work with

their modalities. Aronagh’s insurance is provided by Towergate Professional Risk Insurance.

It is the client’s responsibility to ensure they share any health concerns, medications they current take,

information about current treatments they are undergoing or any other concerns with their Aronagh Coach,

Therapist or Teacher. This helps us to ensure any treatment or service is tailored to the client’s specific needs

and health/wellbeing challenges.

If an Aronagh Coach does not deem a treatment or service suitable for a client during a session, we offer

clients an alternative treatment or service (if relevant) or a full refund. Refunds of completed sessions are not


Health & WellBeing sessions must be paid fully in advance. For cancellations, refunds or reschedules, clients

must give at least 48 hours’ notice. No refunds will be provided if a session is cancelled when notice is given

less than 48 hours. We do accepts reschedules at short notice, as we know that sometimes life or business

demands can get in the way.

Other Aronagh services

Aronagh provides the following services through in-house or associate expertise:

Consultancy and Business Advisory services in the areas of Business Transformation, Human Resources

Management, Organisation Design and Development, Culture Change, Change Management, Project

and Programme Management, Performance Management, Business Process Re-engineering, Employee

Engagement, and Employer Branding.

Training development and delivery. We provide a number of training programmes and workshops that

can be tailored to your business’s needs: Leadership & Team Development, Culture & Change,

Innovation & Creativity, Resilience & WellBeing, Customer Service & Sales, NLP. We have developed in-

house courses and programmes for our clients.

Facilitation of Team Events and Motivational Speaking. Our team event facilitation is focused on

enhancing team cohesion, team building, and effecting behavioural change in teams.

Aronagh WellBeing

To commission a programme or for further information,

contact us:

t: +44 845 900 5754 (UK)

+353 834 489 245 (IRL)

e: [email protected]

w: www.aronagh.com
