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Around One Day

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Page 1 Page 2 ABOUT A DAY ANNE HAMPSON Private Secretary Bart Nash, a famous author of books on Nature. Kim travels the world and especially the exotic countries. His stay South Africa promised to be very agreeable ... It was without counting Rock Linton. neighbor and friend of Bart. Bachelor, arrogant and very pretentious, it gives women a very vague interest. Yet he simply lay eyes on a girl so that she dreams of becoming Mrs. Linton ... Kim did not she dare not to succumb to his charm? Page 3 - 3 - This book was published in English under the title: SWEET IS THE WEB The law of II March 1957 authorizing under paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 41, firstly, that the copies or reproductions strictly reserved for private use the copier and not intended for collective use and, secondly, that analyzes and short quotations for the purposes of example and illustration, any representation or complete or partial reproduction made without the consent the author, or his successors or assigns, is illegal (paragraph 1 of Article 40). - -
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    Private Secretary Bart Nash, a famous author of books on

    Nature. Kim travels the world and especially the exotic countries. His stay

    South Africa promised to be very agreeable ... It was without counting

    Rock Linton. neighbor and friend of Bart. Bachelor, arrogant and

    very pretentious, it gives women a very vague interest.

    Yet he simply lay eyes on a girl so that she

    dreams of becoming Mrs. Linton ...

    Kim did not she dare not to succumb to his charm?

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    This book was published in English

    under the title:


    The law of II March 1957 authorizing under paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 41,

    firstly, that the copies or reproductions strictly reserved for private use

    the copier and not intended for collective use and, secondly, that

    analyzes and short quotations for the purposes of example and illustration, any

    representation or complete or partial reproduction made without the consent

    the author, or his successors or assigns, is illegal (paragraph 1 of

    Article 40). - -

  • This representation or reproduction, by any means whatsoever, constituted

    kill 'thus an infringement punishable by articles 425 and following of the Code

    Criminal ,.

    1977 Anne Hampson.

    1981 Harlequin SA French translation.

    ISBN 2-86259-740-6

    ISSN 0223-3797

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    The wind was carrying the heady scent of frangipani.

    Mounted on Sammy, the beautiful gray horse that had bought him

    his employer, Kim went back trotting alley Katania

    Lodge. Her long blond hair ^ flew on his shoulders,

    illuminated by the African sun. Small curly locks

    fell over his forehead. Her large clear blue eyes

    were fringed with long lashes. They darkened

    when Kim saw the powerful bay stallion tied to a tree

    in front of the house. That of ...

    Rock Linton ... The despotic boss of the largest ex-

    operating agencies of local wood ... The rich owner who

    was used by a dozen servants ... The celibates

    obdurate silence which more than one wife would have liked tear

    gray eyes like steel, for revenge ... Rock Linton

    was there. He visited the employer to Kim, a famous

  • author of books on nature.

    In dismounting, Kim thought of the chance which had

    her to work for Bartlet Nash. She regretted

    do not be dead with the other three passengers of a neighboring

    ture faced the brunt by a crazy truck. His father,

    mother and her fianc had been killed instantly. Desperate,

    she wandered the following days in the countryside around

    Derby like a lost soul. She had not expected

    to meet someone in these large tracts of land

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    deserted, especially not a man crawling! She had

    almost fell on Bartlet, Bart as his friends called him.

    Muttering an apology, it was quickly noted. His glance

    piercing had immediately discerned on the faces of the Kim

    Signs of a tragedy. Ten minutes later, she had her

    entrusted his misfortune in every detail. Having found

    a person who listened, she talked and talked, is discharged

    giant a bit of his heartbreak.

    - My child, said the man with compassion, are-

    you alone in the world now?

    - Yes, I have no one, she replied, throat


    The tears had, once again flooded his face.

    - And to make matters worse, I have to leave home

  • where I live. The owner wants to sell.

    Bartlet Nash had then reacted surprisingly.

    After placing the magnifying glass he had used to observe

    a beetle in the grass, he picked up his backpack and

    slipped her arm through Kim. From that moment he

    took the situation in hand, leaving the girl a

    dark distress to bring the light of life.

    - Well, Sammy, you are free until tomorrow morning, said

    Kim, tearing his memories to talk to the brave horse.

    The beast offered him his head above the white barrier

    a caress, then, with a little whinny, she ran to

    the other end of the pen.

    Kim watched her for a moment; She then went

    towards the house plunging into his musings ... It

    day, she had walked a while with Bart and he had

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    invited to get into his car. She had been persuaded

    to go home.

    There he forced her to have a meal and finally he

    had offered to stay for the night.

    The whole conduct of Bart, the next day had been ten-

    due to a single purpose: to distract Kim of her distress, at least

    to the extent possible. Without secretary last month,

    he was struggling to replace the one that had left

  • ; he proposed employment Kim. The girl working at

    this time in the offices of a department store. From

    the accident, his depression had required leave.

    By climbing the steps leading to the terrace, she

    remembered the incomprehension of his boss. He had not

    quick to let him see that she had to get back to more

    fast or resign. Kim had accepted the proposal

    tion of Bart, and this man had never unpleasant review.

    On one extreme kindness, Bart had said:

    - Work has accumulated during this month when I had

    no secretary. To begin, you will type

    my notes. This requires no concentration and you

    do not need to worry about mistakes. He ... not

    This is not the final text of my book.

    Soon after, she moved to the beautiful May-

    Bart's. His housekeeper, as good and attention-

    born than he was attempting the impossible to bring a smile

    the face of the girl. Bart had dealt personally

    ment to sell her furniture and had stored it at his

    Kim wanted to keep. He had solved all his problems

    and had endeavored to soften his fate. In gratitude,

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    she promised to work for him as long as he

    would need it, that is to say, certainly until

  • retirement. So during the past eight years, she

    had traveled with him thousands of kilometers, the following

    from one continent to another. Now, at the age of twenty-six,

    she was in South Africa for ten months

    and maybe more. She helped Bart in his research

    and she tapped her notes. She also watched a bit on

    his household. Here there was indeed not deemed Useful engage

    servants. Once finished his book, he would fly

    Kim to other horizons to undertake a nou-

    vel book.

    Returning to the present reality, Kim stayed a while

    motionless, contemplating the garden around it. It had rained

    overnight and wet earth gave off a strong odor.

    All plants were very green and fresh. Only

    the most delicate flowers had suffered significant

    waterfalls. Insects buzzed in the bushes

    hibiscus. A bird threw a melodious call winging

    a stunted oak ask to go gracefully

    high poplar.

    Kim turned from this show and went directly

    in the living room by the bay window overlooking the terrace.

    Rock immediately leveled at her his usual look

    metal, that look that seemed to see through her clothes

    ments. He gave him also his equally usual

    ironic smile and inquired in a casual manner:

    - How is Miss Mason this morning? You are you

    walked well?

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    She shrugged with an imperceptible disdain,

    as every time she had to do it.

    - Okay walked, Mr. Linton, she said. I saw

    that you had come on horseback. You will start in the


    This remark, which was launched on an almost cheerful tone, sub

    heard that she was thrilled to imagine Rock tempered Jus-

    as bone. She deserved a response. When his in-

    interlocutor, hardened expression, was preparing to hand it to

    its place, Bart interjected. An annoyance wrinkle across his


    - I would like you to behave in a more

    friendly towards each other and you were called by your

    first names. Miss Mason! Mr. Linton! I have enough

    these ridiculous ways!

    The ride is dug on the front of Bart, while searching

    to understand this hostility:

    - You know each other for more than three months now.

    Why you pitch you always so against each other


    Her brown eyes studied in turn the face of Kim and

    that of Rock.

    - You'd think that you hate. You do not speak,

  • Bark you when you are together!

    - I do not bark, Kim protested.

    She hastened, however, to raise his head one way

    significant to the sky where had accumulated large

    gray clouds. The sun had disappeared and the rain was near.

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    - Do not Bark, you bite! stated wickedly


    - I am very surprised, 'said Bart, Kim still shows

    days so kind to everyone!

    She could not help blushing of this reflection, and

    reaction did not escape Rock. H gave him an amused glance


    - I do not bark, she insisted indignantly, pretending

    did not hear the remark of Rock. I have nothing in me

    reproach regarding Mr. Linton.

    - Look, you can not deny the facts objected Bart.

    To be fair, you're so involved one than the other.

    Tighten your hand and therefore draw a line on your mesenteric


    Bart sighed impatiently, this irritated him.

    - In fact, he added, noticing suddenly he did not know the

    more importantly, what caused this animosity?

    Kim Rock and stared while they evoked each

  • cun for itself the scene of their first meeting ...

    Kim strolled along the small river that ran through the docu-

    maine Rock. Accustomed to walk throughout his

    native countryside, around Derby, it was not even him

    had the idea that she was introduced to a property

    Private. And besides, it was really no trouble. It

    had simply skirted the charming river to the banks

    flowers that had she said then, Bart would like it

    in the near future. His book contained indeed a

    chapter on aquatic flora.

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    - Hey, there! shouted a male voice. Yes you?

    What are you doing here?

    The unpleasant tone had immediately piqued.

    How arrogant and conceited man! She would give him a

    lesson. Gifted with a good repartee, she had him respond

    of a deliberately provocative manner:

    - That the master of the house does not care, I'm just

    I spend abyss nothing!

    A heavy silence followed. Kim had hardly denied

    detail one who had not managed to intimidate him. It was

    brown, with a high forehead, severe eyebrows barely arched,

    a straight nose, a mouth in a mysterious little crease, which

    not lacked sensuality and a strong chin, square, indi-

  • as much pride. It measured a meter well four-

    eighty, and his athletic body gave him great pressure

    tance. He looked older than thirty years. His skin

    Tan was that of a man who spent most

    of his time outside, exposed to the powerful rays

    African sun. Kim raised his head to face without fear

    gray eyes, the sparkle yet disturbing. Willy-nilly,

    she had to admit that this profound charm emanated

    odious character.

    - Who are you? Had he repeated in a firm voice, very

    farm, and Kim had felt falter despite its determination


    - I live in Katania Lodge. I work for a writer

    who settled here for some time.

    - Oh yes! The Joynsons praised him their house was

    Rock murmured, almost to himself.

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    Kim had the impression he wanted to his neighbors

    to be gone for a year by letting their property to a

    man - from what he had heard - was raking

    whole centimeter by centimeter region with his loupe to

    to study insects and flowers. This work was not him

    seem seriously. Kim had guessed at once, even

    before that Rock exploited forests, immense

  • Forests which he sold wood.

    - Well, dear lady, 'he said after a num-

    tain time of reflection, know that I do not want you

    review on my land.

    He took a hard look and pursed lips in a way


    - If I ever catch you around here, I'll have a word with

    your boss. Beware!

    With a wave of his hand, he ordered the girl

    from launching again:

    - Come on, scoot!

    Seething with anger, she had enough yet

    controlled to realize that his abominable inter-

    speaker was within his rights. She had turned so violent

    lently that is taking root in the feet, it was

    fell flat belly. Hands on hips, Rock had

    unleashed a loud laugh, without any sketch

    gesture to help him.

    - Oh you ...

    This man was a real lout! The fury had prevented

    Kim to find her words. Powerless, she shook her

    dress covered in mud.

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    - What a pity you are not fell into the

  • river! exclaimed Rock. In time, when we wanted

    punishing a woman, they laid her head underwater. I regret

    that we have given up this kind of punishment. It would be very

    useful for learning with creatures of your species to stay

    in their place.

    Without giving Kim time to reply, he had turned his

    back and walked away quickly approaching.

    Now ensconced in his chair, he observed

    with amusement. He undertook smiling mischievously

    to answer the question of his friend:

    - Our relations have not started very well, Bart. Ap-

    take Miss Mason was walking home without permis-

    sion. She was well punished because she fell in

    mud. The lesson served him, she never set foot

    on my land ... at least not to my knowledge, he added

    unchecking her a sly wink.

    She avoided his gaze immediately, remembering About

    she had heard at the Chameleon Club. Taking air

    in the gardens of the establishment, she surprised, without

    want, a conversation between two friends:

    - Rock Linton is rudeness personified. I would vou-

    read slap him when he said that women should stay

    their place at the back of the house, claimed the first.

    - This means the kitchen, the other replied by pushing

    a sigh full of nostalgia despite his indignation. What

    shame it is so! Acknowledge that it is irresistible

    and that it emanates from him an almost magnetic force. It would be

  • the perfect husband ...

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    - Nonsense! had cut the first. With me con-

    identifies, I would not be the slave of such a man.

    - Come on, Susan, be honest, you have eyes only

    for him for years.

    - You're kidding, Linda!

    - No, I know what I'm saying. And I maintain that it would be

    a sensational husband if only he did not show whether

    insolent and contemptuous towards women.

    - It is a confirmed bachelor. He told me himself> same

    who successfully than him to give up his freedom

    was not yet born.

    At these words, the named Susan burst out laughing:

    - Because I'd like to see the arrogant Rock Linton taken

    trap! It is really very confident. It comes from, that which

    take him his freedom!

    Since that night, Kim had the opportunity to be herself

    even an opinion on Rock. Unlike its forecasts

    at their first meeting, he had befriended

    Bart. But the opinion of Kim joined that of Susan and

    Linda. She would have liked to see him fall in love. It

    only waiting for this opportunity to mock him. What

    pleasure to imagine, finally tamed obliged to keep for

  • his insolence on women.

    Fun secret of that thought, she studied at the

    stealth. He let himself go comfortably back in

    his chair, his long legs stretched out before him. It arbovirus

    would, as always, this air of smug satisfaction

    infallibly annoyed Kim. He thought he was well protected behind

    its stunning single image. He even seemed ex-

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    sively proud to be as well protected as a fortress.

    Oh yes! Kim thought almost hatefully she would have liked

    see all her defense system crumble before the charm

    pest of a woman.

    Alas, for the moment, Rock stared a hard air, heavy

    irony. She sighed and turned his attention

    Bart. He meditated on the bad relations that had

    established between Rock and her.

    - It's a shame, 'he murmured, yes, a shame you ...

    - Whether we are enemies, Bart? inquired the young


    She was curious to know what was going to find Rock


    - The term is a little strong, Miss Mason. We are

    not friends, that's all, 'he asserted.

    Again, he made fun of her, in a subtle way,

  • elusive, which made her furious. She could not keep still

    place on the sofa where she had moved.

    - For me it is the same, Mr. Linton, replicate

    qua she stiffly.

    Rock then falsely declared on a serious tone:

    - I see that you do not grasp the nuances, dear.

    At the end of arguments, Kim had to bow. The sky ever

    darker offered him some consolation.

    - The storm threatens, really, she announced with an air

    Rock delighted by sliding a corner glance.

    - You want me to leave, is not it? he said.

    - Rock, what are you saying! Bart was indignant. Never my secretary

    silence would dare be as inhospitable!

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    - Really?

    Eyebrows raised, Rock feigned disbelief. He narrowed

    eyes of a cunning manner.

    - You know her very badly, Bart, despite the eight years

    you spent with her.

    Deciphering his expression, Kim could have sworn Rock added

    was mentally: "Eight years! My God, how did

    you could endure so long? "

    He left a few minutes later. Kim noted with

    happy that the clouds continued to gather in the sky.

  • She wished a flood capable of carrying and Rock

    intolerable arrogance.

    She found his foe on Saturday. Dressed in a

    beautiful long dress with a very successful Gradient

    blue, she entered the club hall and fell immediately

    ment on the tanned and mocking face of the man she

    hated most in the world. He furiously, she had

    confess with rage. The beautiful tan of her skin contrasted

    with the whiteness of his collar. And her beautiful hands emerged

    also on the cuffs of his shirt.

    - Good evening, Miss Mason, he said on a cold and impersonal tone


    It gave him a bored look and brought her lazily

    fingers to her mouth to stifle a yawn.

    - Bart not there with you today?

    Kim quietly took off his velvet cloak and took the

    on his arm before answering:

    - But if, of course. I will never come here alone.

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    - Why? You know enough young

    people not having to fear making tapestry. From elsewhere

    I think I see their Val Hudson. He watches my departure

    to rush towards you.

    With a really inappropriate humor, he added:

  • - The poor boy, as he is misguided!

    Biting his lips to keep from bursting, Kim glared


    - Are you always have to show you hurting?

    she asked in a trembling voice. What perverse pleasure

    do you draw a pipe-as odious?

    He did not do him the honor to apologize, but made a

    chuckle satisfied:

    - I love seeing women to demonstrate their inferiority.

    Kim frowned and asked that this beautiful

    statement exactly meant. Not at all embarrassed,

    Rock explained with ironical complacency:

    - By making you angry, you showed your FAI


    - I did not angry! she protested vive-

    ment, leaving him barely time to finish his sentence.

    While speaking, she was conscious of the attention of

    people that were around them. They would surely

    delighted to have fun at his expense. Rock had followed his gaze and

    He easily guessed his thoughts. As aimed at him a

    smirk, she adopted a very dignified expression and

    declared taking care not to raise your voice:

    - I do not intend to stay here to experience your in-


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    He made a grimace incredulous:

    - I'm sure you know how to defend you. You are not going

    still not giving up the fight without trying to have

    the last word!

    Why was he hounded her so much? Kim parve-

    not born to understand its reasons. There was, however.

    Rock Linton never did anything without a reason.

    - Because you expect a response is this: you

    hateful with your stupid prejudice against women and

    your very stupid man pride. Your small mind

    Has he ever thought that without a woman to put you

    in the world, you would not be there?

    Rock listened without losing his calm. His impassive air

    sible and finished top of disgust.

    - Odious, stupid, little mind ... You're not afraid of

    adjectives, Miss Mason! I had already noticed. I hope to

    all my heart that Bart does not commit an error in you lais-

    ing some freedom when you type his manuscripts.

    White rage, Kim controlled himself at the cost of supreme effort

    strong. She gave him a look and furious. refusing to pro-

    denounce another word, she walked away holding the head upright

    like a queen. She went to drop her coat in the cloakroom.

    Val was waiting at the exit. His courtesy and his eyes Francesco

    admiring mation brought him solace she

    really needed. Thanks to him, she was soon re-

    find his good humor and she forgot Rock Linton.

  • Val bore a striking resemblance to her fiance. The

    same stature, the same blue eyes and sharp, the same Che

    blonde want a mouth as tender and laughing ... He had

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    drawn from their first meeting. Over the weeks,

    had begun to ask questions. Val him he liked

    only because he reminded her of her missing fianc? It

    could analyze his feelings with confidence, his pain

    having abated over the years.

    Yet despite her efforts, she could not see

    Light itself. It had, in fact, irrelevant.

    She got along well with Val, many similarities

    brought them and between them, the conversation was always

    interesting and lively. Val worked in operating

    his parents but he hoped to devote one day to a

    more intellectual profession. This writer tried it, too Bart

    Had he once invited to Katania Lodge to discuss with


    The young man offered his arm to Kim and led to the

    bar where they were soon joined by Bart. Then

    Kim and Val danced and served dinner buffet. Of the

    corner of the eye, the girl watched Rock. Very man

    world, he gallantly shared between young women

    and older women. As she noted with

  • relief that he had not the slightest intention of inviting

    ter to dance, she found herself in his arms.

    - Always in a bad mood? he quipped.

    She preferred not to respond and focus on 'the execution

    tion of uncomplicated it imposed him probably on purpose.

    If she was wrong, he would have been too happy. They had

    always admired her grace and sense of rhythm, and she

    lived up to its reputation. When the music

    ceased, Rock gazed attentively and she could not him

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    hide the glow glad had the pleasure of dancing lights

    in his eyes.

    - I loved this dance, he said. You are

    an excellent horsewoman.

    Such a statement from Rock surprised considerable


    - I have so little accustomed to your compliments I do not know

    what to say, she said in a defiant tone.

    This reaction triggered a laugh. Susan, which te-

    born not far with its partner, the seductive Roger van der

    Walte, Rock turned and looked pensively. Kim

    remembered the conversation she had heard. Linda had

    claimed that her friend was in love with Susan de Rock

    then years ...

  • - Look, Miss Mason, retorted it without worrying

    soft eyes that made her Susan, it is unnecessary to answer

    a compliment.

    - It seems to me however that it is not in your nature

    to do, 'said Kim, determined to have the last word.

    With an indulgent smile, the Rock said in his arms and

    led her into a waltz.

    - Think again, I'm not stingy with praise when

    they are deserved.

    - What a strong sense of justice! she replied ironically


    Without bothering to raise this point, Rock con-

    Duisit authority on the terrace at the end of the dance. If retrou-

    Vant out before I understood what was happening, Kim

    appreciated the fresh air on her burning cheeks.

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    - It was stifling inside, said Rock by offering a


    She sat down obediently, intrigued by the behavior of

    his companion. He sat in front of her and, in expression

    sion, she saw that he was thinking. Was he thinking of his trees? himself

    she asked. How he used his fortune? In

    this region of Africa, there was little opportunity to make

    expenses. His house was beautiful, at least exteriorly

  • ment. Kim was never there entry, but Bart had told him

    it was a luxury masterpiece and refinement.

    It was a colonial-style building surrounded by a gar-

    din glitzy. And, beyond the garden, extended a hand to

    Rock Forest, and on the other side, along the road, of

    pastures occupied by Merino sheep and by boric


    Kim considered the owner of all these riches. This

    up to that time to observe a small animal that work-

    pouring the lawn. His stature was so imposing and he

    emanated from him a kind of severe stiffness that belied the

    flexibility with which he moved. It really pained

    Kim recognized the superb presence of Rock. In

    avowing how she went up against this man, she

    smiled. Then he just turned to Ras

    seoir and surprised expression.

    - What amuses you, Miss Mason?

    Taking his place, he casually crossed legs. It

    would have liked to know how he would have reacted if he

    said she admired him. But Rock was already enough

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    ment full of himself, he should not flatter more

    his vanity.

    - I laughed because of an idea that crossed my mind, explain

  • qua she casually contemplating the sky dotted

    of stars.

    The air was impregnated with a sweet scent of honeysuckle. The

    cicada song rose from the mango trees that lined the

    Club gardens. With a sigh, Kim leaned in

    back in his chair. She was surprised to feel as

    serene and relaxed in the company of the odious Rock Linton.

    Obviously, the identity of the man who was in front

    it mattered little, for one night so beautiful and so sweet. She

    was hardly aware of his presence.

    She thought Val, and tender emotion seized immediately

    her. She would have preferred him to be there, instead of rock, it

    dear Val who looked so much like Richard ...

    Suddenly the past resurfaces, and the sting of grief trans-

    Kim pierced as if the accident had only produced the

    eve ... We had knocked on his door ... When she opened,

    a police officer asked her if she was well Kim

    Mason ... His expression had frozen with terror ... and he had him

    said how unhappy he was having to teach him

    terrible news ...

    - What the devil do you think? You grim, made

    Rock, and she shook her head to clear her memories.

    - I was thinking terrible things, she answered by form

    Cant smile. We can do nothing against what is written in

    Memory ...

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    She paused, surprised at having almost let go

    confide in Rock. For a brief moment, she had forgotten that

    their relationships were more composed quarrels

    as confidences.

    - You are very young to have bad memories,

    he affirmed.

    - I'm not as young as you think, sir


    - How old are you?

    - Twenty-six.

    He nodded:

    - I gave you no less.

    - It's not very flattering, I ...

    Kim stopped in mid-sentence, regretting this reaction

    tion of coquetry. Amused, Rock expected result but

    took care to continue.

    - It would have been silly of me to say that you pa-

    raissez rather twenty-one years, since I know you work-

    vaillez with Bart for eight years, he explained finally.

    As he stared at her intently, she rose to dissimulation

    ler his discomfort.

    - It's time to join the others, she said. Rock imitated

    and stood for a moment, one hand on the back

    his chair. Kim admired the silver moon in the sky im-

  • mense and studded with stars. Rock saw nothing of it

    as it looked; he looked at his slender and elegant silhouette,

    her shiny hair, her ivory skin and eyes. It

    lingered on the soft swell of her breasts, emphasized

    by the perfect cut of her dress.

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    And suddenly, for some mysterious reason, he wrenched

    contemplation and found his usual brusque tone:

    - You are right, Miss Mason, it's time to join


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    During the evening, chance led Kim to the table

    Susan and they chatted amicably:

    - I would like to do your job, Susan said. Everything

    the nature fascinates me.

    - I'm lucky that Bart offered me this job, re-

    she knew.

    - Surely you've traveled a lot.

    Kim nodded. She watched him a couple of hazardous

    ers very graceful that attracted the attention of the audience.

    - Our next destination is South America.

  • - This is fantastic! exclaimed Susan admiring it

    Also, the two dancers.

    His gaze then lingered on another figure and

    asked almost by accident:

    - What do you think of Rock Linton? You are from

    long enough to have an opinion. I also believe

    he has befriended Bart.

    Kim confirmed the excellent relations existing between

    Rock and his employer, but for the rest, she appeared

    very cautious:

    - Actually, I really do not know, 'she said in a tone

    detached. When it comes to Katania Lodge, he discusses with Bart

    and I rarely stay with them.

    Page 25

    - 25 -

    Susan seemed pensive. Looking in the same direction

    tion that Kim saw Rock in conversation with Bart

    and Rendall Kilber, a man who had just moved

    in a property close to that of Val.

    - This is an elusive being whispered Susan, a celibates

    obdurate silence, and yet ...

    She became absorbed in his thoughts and be heard Kim say

    despite itself:

    - You do not seem to think there will always be cli-


  • Why had she made that remark? She noticed

    it wished to cause the confidences of her friend.

    She wanted to know if she was really in love with

    Rock, like Linda claimed.

    - It is not normal that a man does not marry explained


    - Well ... Yes, no doubt, she nodded vaguely.

    - He places his freedom above all. I even have the impression

    sion that if he had to choose between independence and all

    forests, he would prefer to give up his land.

    Kim shook his head in disbelief.

    - What madness! I ...

    She paused, suddenly aware of the absurdity of the


    - I am sure that if one day he falls in love, he

    debate like a devil against his feelings, explained


    Kim could not help bursting out laughing noting com-

    although the young woman took the subject seriously.

    Page 26

    - 26 -

    - So far, the case has not been presented, she slipped.

    - No, not to my knowledge, anyway. Never any

    woman has managed to interest him, if only for that

    some time.

  • Susan was silent, leaving the floor to her companion, but it

    followed new developments dancers.

    - If a girl managed to seduce Rock, we would

    an opportunity to have fun. I would like to witness

    the struggle, finally said Kim because politeness understand him

    mended to continue the discussion. I wonder elsewhere

    their what form it.

    - This would include an odious manner towards the young

    person, Susan guessed. He overwhelm and sarcasm

    insults; he would take with her a disdainful and ironical


    - By adopting such an attitude, it could lose

    one he loves, said Kim.

    - Yes, and he deserves you. But I wonder if it

    would not his goal.

    - But if he loves her ...

    Kim frowned as she tried to repre-

    submit the situation. The visions that were outlined in its

    mind amused.

    - What happens next will be very funny, she explained

    with a satisfied air. If elected regrowth Rock, it will be forced

    beg her to marry him. Can you imagine the comic

    the scene?

    - You mentioned the word "beg"! Susan threw.

    Do you really believe the proud capable of Rock Linton

  • Page 27

    - 27 -

    beg someone ... and especially a woman? My God, he

    probably prefer to jump off a cliff!

    Kim had to admit that her friend was right. This continent

    nuait softly, almost to herself:

    - Anyway, he stands on guard enough

    never reach such extremes. He will not leave

    not his feelings develop. If he felt any

    attraction to someone, he would fight immediately.

    The passion with which Susan was talking to priests about it

    was smiling. Kim, however, listened courteously. Always

    days very serious, his interlocutor continued:

    - Besides, he would not need to beg. Anyone

    what woman would agree to marry her without being asked, to


    - Not me, anyway. Nothing in the world I am ma-

    rierais with a man like him.

    - Really?

    Very surprisingly, Susan Kim looked for a moment in silence

    before declaring:

    - Yes, basically you are correct. I find it extremely

    seductive. It has a charm higher than where sev-

    of men, but do it for the world

    consumed with love for him,

    - It is too overbearing and domineering, claimed Kim.

  • - Certainly, confirmed Susan. His poor wife would hardly

    the right to breathe.

    She was exaggerating a little but his words contained a substance

    Truth. Kim lamented the unfortunate who would take the

    risk to unite with this formidable man. It could be

    Page 28

    - 28 -

    boast of being the wife of a being outstanding, be proud out

    with her and all other women braqueraient

    on her looks full of envy. In exchange, which con-

    living conditions should she accept? Any sensible person

    surely would reflect before committing. But Rock Rencontres

    trerait perhaps one day the one, devoid of any suspicion,

    would fall into the trap?

    The next day, Kim rode with Sammy in the environ-

    Rons of Katania Lodge. She borrowed a deserted road

    crossing a wood and uncorked a village of natives.

    The sun's rays bombed, but she had capita

    killed with heat and not more suffering. She had risen

    early, like every morning pushed by the desire to attend the

    fantastic spectacle of dawn. Scarlet range is de-

    bowed down on the horizon, announcing the appearance of the star of day.

    Kim was then taken advantage of the cooler hours

    the morning to work, and then she was out like

    custom at eleven. She was walking normally up

  • noon.

    Casting a glance at her watch, she saw that he was

    Time to go. She turned around and returned to Sammy

    trot backwards. Despite his sunglasses, Kim was

    dazzled. She approached Katania Lodge when she saw

    Rock. His workers were cutting down a giant

    mahogany and supervised the operations. He wore trousers

    navy blue and a plaid shirt. Her slender body,

    strong and muscular, was that of a man leading a healthy life

    outdoors. The arrogant ways, he adopted were

    Page 29

    - 29 -

    unbearable, but that pride was at least justified. Rock

    was aware of his exceptional qualities, and felt

    probably no woman was not worthy of him. Kim

    suddenly smiled, realizing she was trying to

    guess his thoughts. Who could boast of knowing what

    going through his mind?

    When he saw her, he gave her a sign of careless hand.

    She just nod and went on his way

    to Katania Lodge. Bart was on the terrace, a block

    on his lap. Kim went Sammy locked in its enclosure

    then came running toward him. She was charming with its

    cheeks red from the effort and tousled hair.

    - I made a wonderful walk, she affirmed in

  • anticipating his question. Thank you a thousand times, my dear Bart, of

    I have bought Sammy.

    - I am happy whenever I can make you Requesters


    - Me have you prepared notes to type after lunch?

    - I have not done much, he confessed anxiously.

    I have more and more difficult to work.

    - Whether he arrives?

    - I do not know.

    He put a sad look on Kim:

    - It is perhaps time that I retired. My carbon

    hind has been long enough.

    - The do you really?

    Kim was unable to hide his dismay.

    - This is the first time you talk that way, added-t

    it. :

    Page 30

    - 30 -

    - Yesterday, explained Bart, I did not think to stop

    my activities. But this morning, I fought with my text,

    I was looking for my words, I ...

    He shrugged and went wearily:

    - I promised myself to abandon my work as soon as

    begin to weigh myself.

    - Is it really become the case?

  • - Yes, Kim, I struggle to make this book. She shook her head,

    refusing to believe.

    - It's just a bad day. Tomorrow everything will be fine


    - No, no, my dear.

    - Then you should rest. How about a

    small living beside the sea?

    - I'm going to rest, but here.

    The girl was worried. Since she knew Bart,

    he had always been energetic and enthusiastic. She

    asked about his health, but he answered evasively.

    She had to look after him, the only person in the world who often

    ciait her and gave her affection. For his part, Bart

    had it, and the nice cleaning lady who cared

    permanently from his home in England.

    Rock spent the same day, during the afternoon. It ap-

    Bart wore journals he had promised him, containing

    articles on rare African plants.

    Expecting his usual contemptuous hi, Kim was sur-

    outlet. Instead of his ironic grin he bestowed the broad


    Page 31

    - 31 -

    - Good morning, Miss Mason. Have you walked this much


  • - Very good, Mr. Linton, thank you. Bart frontier

    it once again eyebrows and said with irritation:

    - Here, all people are called by their first names. I think

    you have already said.

    Rock sketched a comic grimace:

    - Since Bart seems upset by this situation, we

    should perhaps grant his wish.

    Kim looked his questioner in amazement. To his

    displeasure, she blushed.

    - Well, if ... if you wish, Mr. Linton.

    - This is Bart who desires, Miss Mason, he clarified on

    defiant tone.

    His gray eyes shone fun to dive into Kim

    embarrassment. Bart let out an exasperated exclamation.

    - For the love of God, so you behave more normally

    LEMENT! Kim, what have you to you squirm and blush so?

    - In my opinion, slipped Rock, delighted with his insolence, he Fau- him

    dra weeks to pronounce my name without becoming

    peony and without looking down.

    - What do you think? she threw furious ... Rock! Rock! ...

    So I blushed? I looked down and say your name?

    - No, Kim, you're only angry,

    like always.

    Bart hastened to interrupt:

    - Order, order! You have already made progress.

    Hopefully soon, you and the more you chamaillerez

    will be perfect. You behave like children.

  • Page 32

    - 32 -

    He put on a lightly tinted Rock reproachful look:

    - Kim rarely gets angry. I do not see why

    you made it this remark.

    - Me neither, he admitted against all odds.

    Suddenly, his eyes carefully examined Kim. It SEM

    bla reflect and a little disturbing.

    Later, when Bart had left the room, he landed himself in

    even the subject was bothering Kim:

    - How do you find Bart these days?

    The question was raised as to skillfully so as not

    the alarm. Yet Kim panicked right away:

    - Do you think he is suffering? The sombre phrase

    Rock did not reassured. He was deeply attached to

    man despite their huge age difference. They were

    both very intelligent and educated, and they exchanged their

    ideas with great pleasure.

    - I feel he is sick, finally declared

    Rock. I want him to see a doctor, I will tell him.

    - Oh yes, do it, please! Today he told me

    he was thinking of retiring.

    Contrary to what Kim would have thought the news astonished

    didnt Rock. He nodded as if this information

    fit exactly with what he already knew.

  • - The other day he told me he was working more and more


    Bart came back to that time in the living room and turning

    to him, Rock said:

    - We were just talking about you, Kim and me. Do vou-

    driez not you see a doctor?

    Page 33

    - 33 -

    - Why? I'm just tired.

    - We need to find the cause of this fatigue, retorted he very

    quietly. An explanation is necessary, especially when

    he is a man as energetic as you.

    - No, Rock, it's useless. I simply

    overworked. I promised Kim to rest and I'm going

    employ during a fortnight.

    Rock did not insist, but before leaving, he slipped in the ear

    Kim he would take to send a doctor Katania

    Lodge as soon as possible.

    The next morning, Bart asked his secretary to visit

    Tengaville to look for he had ordered delivered

    a few weeks ago;

    - Should I return immediately? she asked.

    He shook his head and answered his unspoken question


    - If you do not mind, I'd like to go to the coif-

  • feur. My hair has grown and I can not stand the

    having so long in this heat.

    - Make them cut, Kim, of course. I expect you do

    do not worry.

    She set the wheel of the car Bart. Arrive Tenga-

    city, she pulled on the club car park. Books were not

    not arrived, the bookseller hoped receive the following Thursday.

    So Kim came out of the store empty handed. At the coif-

    feur, he was asked to come back three quarters of an hour

    Later, as she had not made an appointment.

    She killed time by walking through the main street

    the city. Despite its short cotton skirt that revealed the

    Page 34

    - 34 -

    beautifully tanned legs, and her bodice

    sleeves and very low neckline, she was soon to be very

    hot. She decided to put in the shade in a cafe where she

    goal with delight icy lemonade. Through the window, she

    saw the foliage in coconut sawtooth swing

    gently under the blue sky. She was let go in accordance

    tably back against the back of his chair when a

    appearance drew his well-being. With a quiet familiar

    liarit, Rock went to his table and asked per-

    Mission to sit.

    - Please, sir ... Rock, she corrected a

  • surprisingly firm voice in a mocking gleam in his eyes.

    - How is our friend? he asked immediately.

    - I find it always tired. Rock nodded with a look


    - Dr. happen tomorrow to Katania Lodge.

    - Have you informed Bart?

    - I intend to go warn tonight.

    - It's really very nice of you to take care

    and of him, she said,

    The waitress came to take command of the Rock. After

    Initially, it leaned well into his seat and looked at Kim

    critically. In defiance, she held his gaze.

    Their hostility was not decreased. Sharing the

    same concerns about the health of Bart sufficient

    not know to bring them together. No, never will their relationship EVO-

    lueraient towards friendship. For a moment she thought that was Rock

    give the signal for the fight by throwing the first re-

    Page 35

    - 35 -

    ironic brand but inexplicably aggressive glow

    deserted his eyes and said nothing ... absolutely nothing.

    Susan Kim remembered the words: "... If one day he

    falls in love, he will struggle like hell against his

    feelings. ".

    Why evoked the remarks just this moment?

  • Probably because it noted once again the beauty

    virile and remarkable charmed Rock. It was a mid

    squeegee that such a man has managed to stay single.

    He asked her why she was in town, and

    she found herself replying in a tone more amiable than

    the ordinary.

    - We conduct ourselves very well today, he observed

    worm sarcastically.

    - It will not last if you start to make iro-

    denies, she replied immediately.

    - There you go! he then launched. Not only you are not

    very feminine, but you're still angry and very suscep-


    - Is that all? asked Kim remaining beautifully

    mistress of herself.

    - I do not think, he replied, laughing and pretending it

    search for other defects.

    - You are a conceited boor, Mr. Linton, annona-

    she calmly.

    The insult had no other effect than to amuse.

    - I see that we do we call our most pre-

    names, he noted. One of these days, someone will give you

    the lesson you deserve.

    Page 36

    - 36 -

  • He presented the threat as a joke,

    but Kim blushed violently.

    - I wonder why you came to my

    table! she threw to hide his confusion.

    - I had the folly to believe that you would not try to de-

    trigger an argument in public, he explained in a tone distort

    suave versa.

    - I have nothing triggered! she protested with dignity.

    Rock shrugged and emptied it in one gulp half its


    - Change the subject. Tell me rather how long

    it will take to Bart to finish his book ... it Ends.

    Kim did not know whether to answer it or leave

    without a word, as she wanted. For the sake Bart

    he was a friend, she decided not to shine. From elsewhere

    their, how Rock spoke intrigued. It SEM

    blait attach some importance to the date

    Bart would end his book ...

    No doubt he would regret when he would leave Africa

    for he had great respect for him. Kim, on the contrary,

    surely not fail him.

    - He will end his book, she assured. However, I can not

    estimate the time it will be necessary. He praised Katania

    Lodge for one year. He then found another home if


    - He still writes in exotic countries, is not it?

    - Almost always. We had the opportunity to make a

  • wonderful stay in Fiji.

    - I envy you; you are a privileged woman.

    Page 37

    - 37 -

    - If Bart retires, I will be obliged to

    look for another job, she said while Rock

    rested his empty glass on the table.

    - Let's hope he does not take any time soon, he said dryer


    Kim was surprised by this sudden change of tone. The human

    Rock meur was altered in the same way the other night,

    on the club terrace. Why this man would he often

    ted retirement Bart? This does no more than concerned the

    the problem of employment it would pose to Kim.

    - I have to go, 'she announced. I have an appointment with the

    hairdresser to cut my hair.

    She took a few strands between two fingers and mouthed the

    movement scissors.

    - They have far too long.

    - I'm not with you, said Rock, it manifestly

    As an unexpected interest. It is a length that you will very


    - Thank you, she said of politeness, but I will

    still make the cut very short.

    Glancing at her watch, she got up, wished him

  • good afternoon and went in haste to avoid arri-

    late worm.

    Minutes later, she was sitting in a Fau-

    teuil beauty salon. When asked what the hairdresser

    she wanted, she heard herself respond to his narcotic


    - I do not want you to cut them. Straighten them only


    Page 38

    - 38 -

    Page 39

    - 39 -


    Bart was dictating a text to Kim. He stopped

    suddenly and sought papers in a binder.

    - How sad! he whispered.

    He had recently made a habit of thinking aloud. Kim

    supposed he thought of the animal species being dis-

    pearance due to too intense hunting. She under-

    not born men who were bent upon beast

    sheer pleasure of killing.

    The doctor had happened a few weeks earlier and

    diagnosis was reassuring. Bart was not suffering from any disease

    serious. He had just rest. According to him, it is acting

  • simply knows overwork.

    - But all authors overwork! had he said to

    to defend oneself. How would you stop working

    when your mind is full of ideas?

    - I insist, after all, for you to reduce your activi-

    ties, said the doctor.

    Turning to Kim, he had taken to the daughter of Bart,

    he added:

    - Make sure he does not work more than five hours


    - I will do my best, she replied without much


    Page 40

    - 40 -

    In eight years, she had the opportunity to report to

    how Bart was obstinate.

    On leaving, the doctor had taken apart to tell him

    she had no reason to be alarmed:

    - Do not worry especially. On meeting my advice,

    he will soon regain its shape.

    The next day, Kim had met with Rock. He

    had promised to help him to reason Bart, and she could

    count on him.

    - Have you noticed what I said about the last element

    elephants living in the forests of Knysna? frequently asked

  • dain it, pulling it from his thoughts.

    Kim nodded affirmatively and he resumed his

    dictation. When he had finished, she went immediately to type

    the text. Having quickly performed this task, she decided

    then reviewing ten pages of another chapter

    that required corrections. Bart entered his office at

    when she began this work. He begged her to return

    for him at the bookstore Tengaville.

    - I can not wait to read two new books I

    ordered. And do not rush to return if

    you want to stroll, he added with a gentle smile.

    Why do not you do shopping? You told me

    a dress and a fragrance that you tried.

    Kim smiled and looked at his face with good

    affection. Bart's treated more like a daughter than

    as an employee. Single, no longer having any fa-

    thousand, he hosted Kim at him with open arms. His com-

    pany made him happy, both in their private and pro-

    Page 41

    - 41 -

    fessional. Often at the end of a workday, it

    had thanked II congratulated her on being the best collaboration

    trice he had ever had. Since seconded him, pretended

    Dait he, his work had progressed in a way remark-


  • - I'll try this dress, she said, knowing that by doing

    pleasure, she pleased him too. But still you, I

    have to wait. Christmas is coming, I need my ar-


    - You're surely not even you deny that perfume

    that you like so much! he insisted.

    - If it is too expensive.

    - Let me offer you, Kim, is he hastened

    propose a pleading tone.

    He knew very independent character of the young

    wife and his desire not to owe anything to anyone. This time,

    she did not disappoint:

    - Thank you, Bart, I accept gladly.

    The face of his interlocutor brightened. .

    - And I hope that when you have that gift, you

    will use it!

    Kim laughed:

    - I always hesitate to use so costly products. I have

    printing spoil.

    - Why is that? When the bottle is empty, we

    will buy another.

    A few minutes later, Bart gave her a check in

    White and invited him to buy the perfume she wanted without

    about the price. She dreamed of a famous brand, a real

    Page 42

  • - 42 -

    madness. She was not even sure to find it in a small

    agglomeration as Tengaville. Yet she managed to

    the readily available and, not wanting to abuse, she con-

    tried the small model. Then she began to search

    a dress. Ultimately, she was seduced by a

    all light canvas pants, which avoided having to him

    choose a dress for every day and keeping

    evening. Susan came shortly after it in the store,

    and they were delighted at the chance which brought together.

    - I would like a corsage, but I'm having trouble Trouville

    ver what I want.

    - Why?

    - It must be both dressed and comfortable to wear under

    this climate. Unfortunately, dressed blouses have

    always long sleeves.

    - Is that a ceremony?

    Susan looked a dissatisfied air the clothes him

    presented the saleswoman.

    - Not at all. I would simply renew a

    bit my wardrobe before the arrival of my cousin. I con-

    nais, she is always dressed with unprecedented chic.

    Susan punctuated his words amusing grimace. The

    saleswoman continued to show other corsages, attention

    ing with hope - and with great patience - of suc-

    Sir sale.

    - When even cousin she has to happen? Kim asked.

  • - Next week ... Friday exactly.

    - Is she going to stay here long?

    Page 43

    - 43 -

    - Six weeks and perhaps even more if she

    Please us.

    - With any luck, it will be still there at Christmas.

    - I do not think so, replied the young woman, carried

    killing a quick calculation dates. In her letter, she said

    it comes in principle for six weeks and she prolonged

    gera possibly his eight-day visit at the most. And if

    I'm right, Christmas is in two months.

    - Indeed.

    - So, it will be distributed.

    While talking, Susan still examining new


    - My cousin is the most vibrant young girl and most atti-

    appli- I have ever seen, 'she continued. All men

    fall on their knees before her, but she shows so difficult

    in my opinion, it will eventually not to marry.

    - I understand, said Kim, she has all the qualities

    ties: youth, beauty and dynamism.

    - Oh yes, the good fairies have examined his ber-

    CWater. She wears high fashion clothes and jewels

    with the ease of a queen; she knows how to flatter the pride

  • men, and she used to wonder her eyes

    ls move to blue ...

    Susan paused and laughed. - I've said enough.

    You have guessed that I envy a lot, I suppose?

    - Not at all. Your description was very interested.

    I look forward to getting to know this person

    Extraordinary. How is it called?

    Page 44

    - 44 -

    - Ravella. It is strange fashioned name for a young

    if modern girl;

    - I feel that it will wreak havoc in our

    club, Kim slipped.

    - Without a doubt. The men around does pain

    tent not surprise awaits them; Here, they are not

    the opportunity to see every day a blonde goddess.

    The curiosity of the Secretary continued to grow:

    - How is she? Small, large? ...

    - It is medium in size and can boast

    a modeling figure.

    - And what does she do for a living?

    Kim suddenly realized she was asking too much

    issues. Susan did not complain anyway. It

    seemed, on the contrary, delighted to chat while its


  • - She does not need to earn money, she explained

    complacently. His father, that is to say uncle, breaststroke

    very important business. Ravella has never worked. It

    she would have a husband capable of ensuring the lifestyle

    to which she is accustomed.

    - Does she come alone? Kim asked.

    She was beginning to be embarrassed because her friend continued

    refuse blouses that showed him the saleswoman. Her him

    had already unsuccessfully proposed a ten and Susan do

    concern even to answer his questions:

    - Yes, Ravella comes alone. My aunt had planned the action

    pany, but my uncle got sick. She will

    to leave now.

    Page 45

    - 45 -

    Susan finally agreed to try a pink bodice

    Kim had won, saying it could suit him.

    - Oh yes, I will spend it, she said. Kim remained

    Only as she followed the saleswoman in a cabin.

    Ten minutes later, the two women came out of the

    store, one with her blouse, the other with whole.

    - I have to go to the bookstore, Kim announced. Bart com-

    mended books.

    - I come with you, Susan immediately asserted. My mother

    asked to buy her magazines.

  • Kim inquired about the books of Bart. They were perhaps

    arrived. The seller asked him ten minutes to unpack

    delivery he had just received. Meanwhile, she leafed

    magazines with Susan. The latter turned his head sharply

    noticing the sudden expression of different Kim. Decision

    demented, it was the day of coincidences: Rock Linton pene-

    relating to turn in the library.

    - Hello, Rock! Susan launched with a big smile.

    How is it that you have left your loved trees

    this time of day?

    As always wearing his impassive and safe air, he

    walked rapidly towards the two women. His

    eyes fell on the charming face of Susan and then

    Kim. As imperceptibly furrowed brow, she

    blushed. He studied her hair and found it

    had not cut his hair. He wondered without

    probably why she had abandoned its project. He did, however,

    Once no comments and interested in was relieved.

    Page 46

    - 46 -

    - What seek these young ladies? he said, neglecting

    to explain the reasons for his presence at Susan. Books

    kitchen? Patterns for sewing?

    The ironic brightness of her eyes deepened when he saw anger

    Kim win.

  • - No? Is not that what you want?

    - No! Kim almost cried, reproaching himself immediately

    to be entered in her game.

    She grabbed a magazine whose cover knit re-

    fat boy had a baby. The waving under the nose of

    Rock, she said by better intonations:

    - Look, this could possibly interest you. There is

    men who knit, you know! It seems that it is

    excellent for the nerves.

    Susan laughed, dispelling the tension that had provo-

    cated these words. A little disappointed, Kim had to settle

    surprise a menacing gleam in the gray eyes of Rock.

    If they had been alone, his words would no doubt

    sparked one of their famous quarrels.

    - Rock And you, what kind of book do you want? inquired


    She looked up at his handsome manly face a look frankly

    admiringly. Despite his casual manners and dsinvol-

    ture it posted, Kim saw clearly in it. The presence of

    Rock inspired him with deep emotion.

    - I want an easy novel to read, he stated. I want

    to relax.

    He glanced nearest shelf of him.

    Page 47

    - 47 -

  • - Do you have a book to advise me, dear? The

    young woman shook her head:

    - I never have time to read. There are always some

    thing to do with me.

    Rock shrugged and walked away. He stopped on the other

    next to the store to a display. Kim had profited

    the last moments to make a selection of magazines.

    She handed them to his companion:

    - Does it suit your mother? Susan exam-

    mina titles and quickly approved his choice:

    - Yes, this is perfect.

    Glancing at her watch, she added:

    - I have to go, Kim. I am sorry for not able

    see stay with you longer.

    - You're welcome. I wait five minutes for SA-

    Bart see if the book arrived and I also go home


    When Susan was leaving the bookstore, Rock joined Kim.

    He put a volume in his hands, and she had no right

    Following the presence of mind to refuse. With a man pa-

    Reil, yet still had to be wary.

    - I thought this book would be helpful, he said

    difficulty in holding back his laughter.

    Despite herself, Kim looked at the cover. It read in

    gold letters: " The great book of politeness and good

    ways. "

    - You are ... terrible! she threw failing to find

  • an even more virulent qualifier.

    Page 48

    - 48 -

    - I guess you would experience extreme satisfaction

    tion for me throw it in the face, he said.

    She is recovering more quickly than he had anticipated and managed to

    responding on a sugary tone:

    - Yes, Mr. Linton. However, I can not myself of-

    fer this kind of pleasure in a store. I thank you so

    your book, and I would like to suggest you start

    read by yourself.

    To his surprise, Rock is greatly entertains its

    Ironically, disappointing hopes. She had counted the injury. It

    wanted to put it out of him, show him that women

    were not the only ones to lose their composure because of a

    derogatory remarks, as he had claimed. But he

    had also said that he was still master of himself

    Similarly, and it remained so.

    He took the book she held out a hand trembling slightly

    blante and proposed:

    - Kim, for once, let us not go to our

    penchant for argument. Let's make a truce than a quarter

    minutes. I invite you to tea.

    She opened her eyes in astonishment. She recognized the

    no. Even his voice was transformed. It was no longer that of

  • the arrogant Rock Linton who always sought to crush and

    win the battle. He had used a persuasive tone which he

    was very hard to resist. She found herself saying:

    - Thank you, Mr. Linton ...

    He interrupted her by pointing an index nicely


    Page 49

    - 49 -

    - Rock. I thought we agreed to we ap-

    peel by our first names. Bart would be disappointed if he heard you.

    Everything was changed in him, even the expression of his eyes,

    as he uttered these words. Kim did not understand

    nothing in his attitude.

    - I have trouble calling you ... Rock since the style

    aggressive of our relationship, she confessed after a small if-

    embarrassed lence.

    - You just said my name in a way

    charming, he asserted laying on it a look bright-

    nous which plunged in a strange state.

    His heart began to beat a little faster and when he launched

    a joke about their relationship, she realized with astonishment

    ment that she did not want him to make fun of her.

    Why does she felt more the desire to make him sar-

    casme for sarcasm and revenge? She merely Chan

    ger subject:

  • - I came to look for books for Bart. Seller

    went to see if he received them.

    - When have they been ordered? inquired Rock.

    On hearing date, he frowned.

    - I would be surprised that they are already there. What kind of books

    was it?

    - There's one on the vegetation of South Africa,

    I do not know about the other.

    The seller returned to the store at this time and ex-

    cusa not yet have the books.

    - Can you board next week? asked,

    Does Kim.

    Page 50

    - 50 -

    - Yes certainly.

    - I think having them Thursday or Friday at the latest.

    - I can lend a book about the vegetation of Africa

    South Bart, offered Rock when they were in the street. Come

    home, I will give it you.

    - It's very kind of you. Bart will be happy.

    They entered a teahouse where he commanded the au

    authority cakes in addition to the promised drink. When the

    .garni well plate arrived, he used sparingly, pre-

    ing a single wafer. Kim was unable to the contrary

    resist a beautiful pastry topped with cream. -

  • - Do not you fear for your line?

    She sat across from him and studied his long

    slender bust.

    - I can eat whatever I want without getting fat, an-

    Does it an air emitted by planting his greedily

    range in the cake.

    The confusion however outweighed its appetite Rock

    no reply, but continued to observe a ma-

    curious manner. She had never yet seen in as

    well disposed towards him. This new attitude to

    disconcerted. Rock was not the man she hated

    violently and this discovery helped to increase

    her excitement. For the first time, she felt in a position to

    weakness. Until now, even if she had not often

    managed to score points against her, she was considered ca-

    to safely stand up to him. But now ...

    - What do you think? he asked suddenly.

    Page 51

    - 51 -

    - I am concerned, she said vaguely. He shook


    - Thank you for that answer, but I. am not

    very advanced.

    She chuckled and justified saris seek to lie:

    - I can tell you that some of my thoughts.

  • - Or I'll just crumbs, 'said he, be mo-

    about her without malice.

    - I was wondering what to attribute this change in human

    meur, sir ... Rock.

    - What mood change?

    He raised his eyebrows questioningly.

    - I beg you to be more clear.

    - Well, I do not find your superior attitude

    usual, she said. For once, I do not have the impression

    sion to be a poor, contemptible, miserable

    female, fit only to be enslaved.

    Kim did not understand what had made her say so.

    She wanted not however cause an argument. The shadow

    a smile lit up the features of his companion while he


    - Why are you showing your teeth, Kim? Do not know

    not handle irony.

    Instead of answering, she swallowed a mouthful of cake.

    - Besides, he added, only a man who fears

    nothing could make you a slave.

    She greeted this statement with a laugh. A kind of in-

    instinct warned him that the spirits gave him a charm sup-

    mentary. She perceived a new luster in the eyes

    Page 52

    - 52 -

  • cold gray of Rock. Her laugh it showed a glimmer

    different, warmer.

    - The man who will reduce me to slavery is not yet

    born, she asserted .tranquillement ending his pastry.

    - Are not you a little too sure of yourself? he threw on

    defiantly. Take care not to not tempt fate. A

    day, perhaps sooner than you think you will find

    your master.

    Kim looked at the man who dared to keep him for such conduct, and

    his heart beat quickened for the second time

    in this afternoon.

    -A You hear, I guess the end of the truce ap-

    near, she observed instead of responding with a comment

    pungent its insolent.

    - You fight back! if he then exclaimed, displaying

    an indulgent contempt. This is a typical behavior Femina

    nine: you dodge you when you are about to

    lose. This being so, I tell you, my dear,

    you're too sure of yourself. The man who knows you

    give a lesson can not be far away.

    The day before, Kim would have exploded on hearing this kind

    speech. She did nothing and instead applied himself to breathe

    background. Then she spoke of her sweetest voice, counting

    Rock and make him ashamed of speaking bluntly:

    - You demonstrate a nice touch by paying a

    Bart book. It will be delighted. Are you sure I do

    not mind fetching him home now? I

  • can go tomorrow if it suits you better.

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    - 53 -

    She was very proud for having proven it can re-

    lay its attacks by the politeness and friendliness.

    Alas, he pretended not to notice anything and simply stated


    - If you Geniez me today, I would not have you pro-

    asked to come.

    He watched her reaction and she realized that her answer was

    calculated. He wanted to show him that his charm offensive

    had no hold on him. He considered her a ten-

    tative almost childlike. Decidedly, even when

    had decided to remain calm, he managed to make

    furious. What man exasperating! She might just es-

    sayer, she never managed to win any weighing

    tite victory over him!

    - I see you've finished your tea. I'm ready to go,

    she said in a tone sharp.

    - What fly stings you suddenly?

    - What do you mean? He sighed loudly:

    - You are no longer the same that a few minutes ago, former

    he pliqua fixing upon her a penetrating look.

    - I still do not see what you mean, she supported


  • Rock pursed lips. Envy visibly lacked

    Kim not to shake to make him understand this faster

    he had in mind.

    - There is a moment, you were charming, and now

    you show unpleasant. I felt that

    you did a kindness effort but your bad character-

    ter takes over without warning.

    Page 54

    - 54 -

    Kim's eyes widened. She remained silent time

    analyze these strange remarks. Was she not, she Aus-

    if puzzled by the behavior of Rock? It does pri-

    Vait not abruptly switch from one tone to another,

    from one attitude to the other. In addition, it often showed

    inexcusably rude to her. Having honestly

    ment exhibited her thoughts, she waited her answer. The Had

    it finally hit? No, not at all. An expression

    sion well known amusement mixed with relaxed playfulness

    his features, and he announced in a soft voice, intended to make

    mad with rage and helplessness:

    - Since you're ready, let's go.

    He accompanied Kim to where she had parked her


    - Mine is there, he said, by showing him

    finger. You have to follow me.

  • He waited for it to be installed and added again before re-

    earning his own vehicle:

    - I will not drive too fast.

    She rolled behind him on the winding road. As always

    Today, expanses of meadows brown drew his gaze.

    This wild landscape moved him. In the distance she could see a

    billowing hills and even beyond, the mass

    dark mountains. The bluish haze purposes post

    African twelve o'clock enveloped the countryside. On the right ap-

    rurent Rock forests, immense spaces occupied by

    mahogany, ebony and of several other species very


    Page 55

    - 55 -

    Rock The car left the road and entered a

    path lined with mango trees at the end of which stood a

    remains pristine white. Rock's grandfather had

    called Lusaka. Imitating the vehicle that preceded Kim

    slows. A scent of honeysuckle and balsam brushed

    nostrils well before it was lowered car. It

    remained motionless for a long moment, his hand on the handle of the

    door, gazing around her the splendor of the vegetation

    lush tropical tation. The dazzling fantastic colors

    saient, deafened the powerful odors.

    She recognized some trees and flowers. There was

  • orange trees, bougainvillea, hibiscus whose

    bright colors stood out against a dark foliage.

    Lilies side with climbing roses carried by a


    - This is beautiful! she said, breathless, unable

    his eyes off the spectacle. Rock ... I've never

    seen so beautiful!

    This enthusiasm does not unduly flattered.

    - If you'll follow me inside the season I

    you give the book, he said, cutting short "six exclamations

    Kim marveled.

    She came back to reality and climbed five steps behind him

    stone, passed under a portico with columns topped with flowers

    violets. Rock ushered in a charming lounge with

    huge windows opened on one side of the gardens, of

    the other pool. The foliage of palms swayed

    gently over the blue waters in which it is

    reflected. To the east, far on the horizon, rose the amount

    Page 56

    - 56 -

    mountains. And all the land between the house and the mountains,

    acres and acres of dense forests owned

    Rock. Kim saw his laborers to work among the trees


    After having observed for a few moments, she

  • turned his attention to the room in which she Trouville

    Vait. She recognized the luxurious and refined furnishings including

    Bart had told him. Persian rugs were arranged on a

    beautiful carefully waxed floor. Exquisite pieces

    porcelain adorned a large fireplace. A sure taste

    had presided over the selection of furniture. Of arranged bouquets

    art occupied with several vases of cut crystal. A

    clock struck in a corner of the living room and looked at his Kim

    watch. I was already late. The sun was setting. A golden thread

    stressed the clouds in the sky. After a short moment

    ment, Rock returned with a book in hand.

    - Thank you, said the girl by sliding it into her bag and she

    prepared to leave.

    - Does Bart gets enough rest every day?

    inquired the householder.

    - Yes. I am pleasantly surprised because it shows

    very reasonably priced.

    Rock face expressed no special feeling.

    - Be careful on the road, he advised in a way

    detached. The rains of recent days have cut hazardous

    ous ruts.

    - I'll be careful. Goodbye, Rock, and thank you for

    the book.

    Page 57

    - 57 -

  • Driving the big car Bart, Kim withdrew from

    Lusaka. In the rearview mirror, she saw the man, always de-

    end to the place where she had left him. He did not move forward

    having lost sight of the vehicle.

    Page 58

    - 58 -


    Kim looked one last time in the mirror, then rejoi-

    Gnit Bart in the lobby. He highly complimented on her

    held. She wore a low-cut dress in white silk.

    Up perfectly marrying her bust and the bottom was Joli

    ment flared.

    - Do you like my perfume? she asked when he had

    finally finished raving about the look that gave her this dress.

    - It is ... Mmm, I'd be forty years younger!

    She was delighted to see him so gay.

    - This is the perfume you gave me last week

    manner. I love it!

    Bart still launched into praise on her

    hair, on her beautiful necklace and matching bracelet. By

    discretion, he refrained from talking about the beautiful evening bag

    gold, consisting of fine crochet, which he had

    Gift Kim three years earlier on the occasion of Christmas.

    - I wonder if Rock ... he began, but he went only

    not until the end of his sentence.

  • Kim looked at him in astonishment:

    - What do you mean?

    - Oh, nothing, he said, sweeping a gesture that question

    hand. I just thought ...

    He paused again and, opening the door, he said:

    - If you are ready, Kim, we'll leave.

    Page 59

    - 59 -

    She sat beside him in the car, let him START UP

    rer, and waited to be on the road to rest his question:

    - What did you say about Rock?

    - About Rock? Bart repeated in pretending not


    - Bart, now, what do you hide me?

    - I hide nothing, my dear Kim. You are

    mounting hairpin simple trifle.

    He changed speeds, adding:

    - I do not even remember what I said. I was wondering

    no doubt he would come to the club tonight.

    - Do not he come every Saturday?

    - Yes, but ... there may be other occupations. It is

    never know ...

    - Is it so important for you to meet the

    today? she asked, surprised herself to insist

    ter as on this topic.

  • Admittedly, the behavior of Bart intrigued. She had

    like he was trying to conceal something.

    - Yes, I would see him tonight, he gave in to dpor-

    As the other side of the road to overtake a family


    There was the father, mother and three small children in black

    the lights did shine eyes. They returned to

    their village down the road Kim borrowed

    every day with Sammy.

    - I want to talk to Rock the book he lent me, he explained

    Bart qua.

    Page 60

    - 60 -

    - I see, the girl murmured; but in truth it

    saw nothing.

    Bart seemed to mysteries and attitude held

    Kim's mind for a while. The course of his thoughts

    however, changed when they entered the gardens of

    club. Many cars were already parked on the par-

    king. Kim immediately sought that of Rock. The owner of

    Lusaka was not yet arrived.

    Bart had many friends among the club members.

    It was soon separated from Kim, meanwhile, was very

    quickly captured by Susan. She was eager presented him

    ter finally the famous "blond goddess" she had him

  • announced the visit. Ravella looked out of a luxurious

    fashion magazine with glossy pages. Kim's eyes widened.

    She had never found in the presence of Tune

    these creatures to the miraculous beauty of readers

    magazines contemplate with envy. Ravella was splendid,

    and there she was.

    His blue eyes twinkled like stars last

    hind her long eyelashes. A beautiful necklace, which alternated

    diamonds and sapphires, adorned her graceful neck. Her dress

    gold lame, a little slinky, revealed the admirable harmony

    its forms. It was cracked on one side and from the knee

    Kim thought the feminine. Then his eyes fell on

    slender fingers with manicure nails impeccably. Ra

    vella wore two rings sumptuous: a large diamond on

    right hand and left hand, a clear sapphire surrounded by

    smaller diamonds. His voice gave this set

    dazzling, Kim noted with involuntary tip

    Page 61

    - 61 -

    jealousy. How to remain insensitive to the combination of both

    qualities in one person? Only thanks to its

    voice, Ravella could bewitch any man.

    Susan really had not lied.

    Taking advantage of a few seconds of one-on-one with Kim,

    it slipped:

  • - I much fun seeing people's reaction to

    which I present Ravella.

    - It already seems to know everyone. Are you ar-

    riveted for long?

    - Yes, we came early.

    The girl went back to Kim and her cousin.

    - Susan, you told me that there are young people interested

    sants here. I do not see any.

    - And Dick Farnham? It is brown, it's big, it's beautiful,

    what do you want more? Susan replied mockingly

    kindly Ravella.

    It sketched a charming pout:

    - It leaves me completely indifferent. Today, the

    Men really do not have the manly air.

    - And Val? Oh no, I forgot he has a crush on Kim.

    The latter shrugged casually. A

    however slight redness invades her cheeks.

    - We're just friends, she said, unable

    to find a more original denial.

    - For the moment! Susan clarified by unchecking him a wink

    mischievous eye.

    Page 62

    - 62 -

    Yes, he liked Val, Kim confessed. But she also thought of

    Bart that she promised not to leave until he had

  • need his services.

    - Do you Val? inquired Ravella.

    Frowning, she examined his interlocutor as

    valuer- for its chances of attracting a man more remark-

    markable and she asserted in a tone unconvinced:

    - Yes, it's not bad.

    - And John Paterson? Susan continued undeterred.

    It has a lot of success.

    - But I find ridiculous with his little teenage voice

    ! Ravella objected.

    - If I understand correctly, you need a man of strong type

    and domineering, with an athletic build and a deep voice.

    Well, here it is!

    Ravella invited Susan to turn around, and in a tone a little

    drier which betrayed despite nuance, she continued her


    - Is the man who is closest to perfection.

    He is tall, strong, with a very masculine voice ...

    which can occasionally make formidable accents. Here is

    Linton Rock! Look well, miss the difficult!

    Rock stood a moment in the doorway. He traveled assis-

    tance of a look around, before advancing. Susan en-

    Ravella dragged him to meet her, and Kim followed them.

    - Rock, I told you about my cousin. Ravella Spal-

    ding ... Rock Linton.

    Kim watched the expression of arriving while he examined

    born girl from head to toe. Finally, he held out his

  • Page 63

    - 63 -

    hand, and she abandoned his fine white fingers between his.

    She seemed shocked by the strength that emanated from him.

    - I am delighted to meet you, Miss Spal-


    The voice was cold and hard look. Unseen

    wrinkle appeared on the front of Ravella. She had probably

    matter to the first man who did not fall immediately

    tion under its spell. When she looked up at him, he

    was easy to read there that it was in any case fell under his.

    But Rock does already more interested in her. He saw Kim

    his side and took his most impersonal tone to say:

    - Good evening, Kim. Bart did he come with you?

    - Yes, he's there. He speaks with Mr. and Mrs. Holt.

    - And how is he?

    Rock never failed to worry about the health of Bart.

    Reassured by the improvement that had already brought some

    weeks off, Kim stated:

    - He's fine, thank you.

    - So much the better, 'said Rock and then cast a new look circum-

    lar in the room and spotted someone he wanted


    He muttered an excuse and walked away. Ravella then turned

    to his cousin. Her pretty lips sketched a grimace:

  • - It is not very pleasant. Behaves he always so?

    Susan looked up at the sky:

    - Yes, we women, we must resign ourselves. Rock

    Linton does not judge us worthy of more respect. I am

    sorry for you, dear. I have to present to you a

    man more affordable. Rock is a confirmed bachelor.

    Page 64

    - 64 -

    - It's ... fascinating, Ravella said softly, lost in

    his dreams. A confirmed bachelor? I can not believe it.

    - Yet it has thirty years and I have never

    seen interested in a woman.

    - How do you know?

    - I live here forever. I am aware of everything

    happens in the region. None of us can

    claim to have caught his attention, even briefly.

    Ravella shook his head skeptically. She managed

    not to take his eyes off the enigmatic character who

    standing at some distance, superb in his white suit.

    - Do not tell me that this man does not know the

    women suddenly threw the Ravella. Love has no secrets

    for him, it's obvious!

    - Let us hear the voice of experience! Susan joked. Ve-

    nose, I offer you a drink to Kim and to you, and you can

    dazzle us by telling us your many exploits sen-

  • timentaux!

    They burst out laughing all three, drawing on them the

    Rock and looks of the speaker, Ralph Astbury, a

    Tengaville trader. John Paterson joined them, and they

    walked together to the bar following the young


    Rock Kim looked down and ordered him no more


    - Go to book us.

    His imperious tone and his outstretched hand in a manner authorized

    silence indicated that he was confident of being obeyed.

    Page 65

    - 65 -

    - Look there is one there, a bit away from this


