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Art Crafts 9th Annual

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original Designs .-D 4 eco - ra ti , ons of · Crafts having A .r: t s t i. c M e r

originalDesigns for~ .-D 4 eco-ra ti,ons an~Ā''

ĀExa~mples of· A'rt~ Crafts having DistinctĀ.~ A .r : t s t i . c M e r .r-~~~

THE ART INSTITUTE Michigan Avenue, opposite Adams Street, Chicago





December 6, 1910, to December 23, 1910


Trustees of the Art Institute of Chicago I 9 I 0- I I




Ex Otficio FRED A. BUSSE,



HENRY G. FOREMAN, President South Park Commissioners

WILLIAM BEST, Auditor South Park Commissioners






Vice-Presidents WILLIAM A. ANGELL,









·THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO was incorporated May 24, 1879, for the "founding and maintenance ot

schools of art and design, the formation and exhibition ot collections of objects of art, and the cultivation and extension of the arts of design by any appropriate · means." The Museum building upon the Lake Front, first occupied in I 893, is open to the public every week day from 9 to 5, Sundays from I to 5. Admission is free to members and their families at all times, and free to all upon Wednesdays, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

The Art School, in the same building, includes departments of Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Tllustration, Decorative Designing, Normal Instruction, and Architecture.

All friends of the Art Institute are invited to become members. Annual Members pay a fee of ten dollars a year. Life Members pay one hundred dollars and are thenceforth exempt from dues. Governing Members pay one hundred dollars upon election and twenty-five dollars a year thereafter. Upon the payment of four hundred dollars Governing Members become Governing Life Mem-bers and are thenceforth exempt from dues. All receipts from life memberships are invested and the income only expended.

All members are entitled, with their families and visiting friends, to admission to all exhibitions, receptions, public lectures, and en-tertainments given by the Art Institute, and to the use of the Ryerson reference library upon art.



l<.OOMS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, Elbridge G. Hall Collection of Casts of Sculpture.

ROOM r, Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Syrian, Asia Minor.

RooM Asia Minor and Early Greek. 2, (Corridor) RooM Greek, V and IV Centuries B. C. :~.

RooM Late Greek. 4. ROOM Roman. s. ROOM Higinbotham Collection of Naples Bronzes. 6; (Corridor) ROOM Sculpture, Roman. 7. RooM Sculpture, Modern. 8, (Hall)

ROOM 9, ROOM 10,


ROOM 12,

ROOM 13, ROOM 14, ROOM 15, ROOM 16, ROOM r8, ROOM 20, ROOM 24,

} Sculpture, Renaissance

(Corridor) Historical Collection of French Sculpture.

(Corridor) Sculpture, Modern.

Getty Collection of Musical Instruments. Sculpture, American. Classical Antiquities.

Egyptian Antiquities. Fullerton Memorial Hall, Lecture Room.

Blackstone Collection of Architectural Casts. The Ryerson Library

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RooM 25, Paintings by Jane Peterson. ROOM 26, American Paintings. R OOM 27, Paintings by Henry R . Poore. RooM 28, American Paintings . ROOM 29, (Corridor) Drawings and Autotypes. ROOM 30, Paintings ; Art Institute Collections and Loans. ROOM 31, Paintings . RooM 32, Hutchinson Gallery of Old Masters. RooM 33, (Corridor) Arundel Reproductions and Medals. RooM 34, Committee Room . RooM 35, (Hall) Sculpture and Paintings. RooM 36, . Committee Room. RooM 37, (Corridor) Sculpture and Drawings. RooM 38, Oil Paintings: Henry Field Memorial Collection. RooM 39, The E lizabeth Hammond Stickney Room; Oil Paintings. RooM 40, Oil Paintings: Albert A . Munger Collection . RooM 41, Nickerson Collection: Oriental Art Work. RooM 42, Nickerson Collection: Paintings; Oriental Art ·work . R ooM 43, Collection of the Antiquarian Society : Textiles, etc. RooM 44, Nickerson Collection: ·water Colors and Prints. RooM 45, Collection of the Antiquarian Society: Tex tiles, etc. RooM 46, Oriental Objects. RooM 47, R osenbaum Collection of Ivories. R OOM 47a, ROOM 48, RooM 49, (Corridor) ROOM 50, } ROOM 5£, ROOM 52, ROOM 52a, ROOM 53 , RooM 54, ROOM 58, (3rd floor) RooM 59, (3rd floor )

Works by Chicago Artists.

Ceramics and Metals.

Ninth Annual E xhibition of Art Crafts

Trustees' Room · Pictorial Photographs.

Ceramics and Drawings . North Print Room: Etchings, various. South Print Room ; Meryon Etchings.


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BOOK-BINDING, ILLUMINATED LEATHER, TOOLED LI!Al'HER -Mary E. Ludlow, Jeannette Buckley, Florence Ward.


JEWELRY, HOLLOW WARE, TABLE WARE, ENAMEL WORK -William J. Myers, Mrs . Clara B. Welles, M. Ellen Ingle-



EMBROIDERY, WEAVING, STENCILING, BASKE:TRY, LACE -Kate Aishton, Mrs. M. J. Coulter, Susanne Sorenson.


PORCELAIN, POTTERY, STAINED GLASS, GLASSWARE-Mrs. A. A. Frazee, Mrs. LeRoy T. Steward, Mrs. R . M . Ash-craft. .



PRIZES. THit AR'l'HUR HitUN PRIZit.-A prize of fifty dollars (150)

will be awarded for the best exhibition of craftwork of original design. No adaptation of historic design will be eligible. The exhibition must include more than six pieces, and may be the work of one person or of several persons associated in one studio or crafts shop. An exhibitor may not receive this prize two consecutive years.

THlt AI.UMNI ASSOCIATION.-Honorable mention will be awarded for the best original design or group of designs or schemes for interior decoration.

CRAF'l'SWORK PURCHASit.-A purchase not to exceed ten dollars will be made with the object of developing taste and good work in inexpensive art objects.

A'l'I..A.N CitRAMIC AR'l' CLUB PRIZit.-The Atlan Club offers a prize of a ten dollar gold piece for the best original design in conventional ornament executed on porcelain, displayed during the exhibition. Members of the Atlan Club will not compete. The prize will not l:>e awarded more than once to a competitor.




ACOMA INDIANS.-Designers, makers. Josephine Foord, exhibitor. Laguna, New Mexico.

1 Queaustea, pottery.

2 Jardiniere, Waki, pottery. 3 Spoona (2 necks), Ziwite, pottery. 4 Duonne (globe), Queaustea, pottery. 5 Duonne (neck), thistle, pottery. 6 Jardiniere, Queaustea, pottery. 7 Duonne (neck), thistle, pottery. 8 Spoona, Waki, pottery. 9 Bowl, Maria Steye, pottery.

10 Duonne (flat top), Acuco, pottery. 11 Old antelope duonne, Arro, pottery.

Made by a Laguna man with a painted Zuni design.

ACKLEY, FLOYD NASH.-506 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, N. Y. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

12 Necklace, silver and grey blister. 13 Stick pin, silver and abalone pearl. 14 Stick pin, silver and abalone eye. 15 Stick pin, gold and star ruby. 16 Bar pin, silver and abalone blister. 17 Bar pin, silver and abalone blister·

18 Bar pin, silver and opal. 19 Bar pin, silver and opal. 20 Bar pin, silver and turquoise matrix.

21 Long chain, silver leaves and abalone. 22 Necklace, silver and white blisters. 23 Ring, silver and star sapphire. 24 Pendant, silver and labradorite. 25 Brooch, silver and abalone.

AISHTON, KA.Tit.-1319 Greenwood Blvd., Evanston, Ills. Exhibitor, designer. Mrs. R. H. Aishton, maker.

26 Square for table, embroidered. 27 Table runner, embroidered, rose design. 28 Table cover, embroidered, old Norwegian pat-

tern. 29 Table cover, embroidered, white.

ALLANSTAND COTTAGE INDUSTRIES.- Care The Adelaide, Asheville, N. Carolina. Designers, makers, exhi-bitors.

30 Split Tyrol basket, colored with hickory bark for green and 'coon root for orange.

31 Oak split basket, extra fine white. ~-

32 Oak split waste basket. 33 Oak split basket, dark blue and white. 34 Oak split basket, green. 35 Oak split basket, red and green.

36 Oak split basket.

37 Oak split basket.

38 Oak split basket, yellow and green. 39 Willow withes, colonial work basket. 40 Oak split basket, ribs. 41 Oak split basket. 42 Oak split basket, olive and white. 43 Oak split basket. 44 Oak split basket, oblong. 45 Oak split basket, large brown. 46 Oak frame for cooling bread. 47 Oak split basket, red and brown. 48 Oak split basket, green and brown. 49 Oak split basket, extra fine white. 50 Raffia case for work bag. 51 · Oak split basket, yellow and green. 52 Oak split basket, yellow and green. 53 Oak split basket, yellow and white. 54 Oak split basket. 55 Oak split ba.sket. 56 Oak split basket, hoops, extra fine white. 57 Oak split basket. 58 Split basket. 59 Oak split, white.

60 Willow withe covered work basket. 61 Willow withe covered work basket. 62 Oak split basket, yellow and orange. 63 Oak split basket. 64 Oak split basket. 65 Model of a sled used for hauling crops. 66 Portiers (one pair), red linsey, embroidered. 67 Table cover, blue and white weave, "Missouri

trouble.'' 68 Floor rug, coverlet weaving, "Rattlesnake"

pattern. 69 Floor rug, coverlet weaving, blue and white,

"World's wonder.''

70 Floor rug, coverlet weaving, red, black and white, ''Pine burr."

71 Floor rug, coverlet weaving, "Whig rose" pattern, dyed with hickory bark, sumac berries and walnut root.

72 Coverlet, heavy weaving, blue and white, " Tennessee trouble."

73 Table cover, coverlet weaving, blue and green and white, '' Tennessee trouble.''

74 Table cover, covei:-let weaving, jewel weed dye (yellow), "St. Ann's robe."

75 Table cover, coverlet weaving, red and white, bay leaves and dye flower, '' Whig rose.''

76 Pillow top, coverlet weaving, white oak and madder dye, '' Beauty of old Kaintuck. ''

77 Pillow top, coverlet weaving , green, white and yellow, "Fox trail" pattern.

78 Pillow top, coverlet weaving, black walnut dye, ''Blooming flower'' pattern.

ANGELL, MARJORIE T.-223 Gary Ave., Wheaton, Ill. De-signer, maker, exhibitor.

79 Table mat, tooled leather, green and gold. 80 Portfolio, tooled leather, peacock design.

ARCADIAN WEAVERS-(MRS. JULES A. BROUSSARD), Avery's Island, La., Makers, designers. Mrs. Paul B. Leeds, exhibitor.

81 Bed spread or '' Counterpointe.'' From cotton grown, carded, spun and woven on their own farms.

ARMS, JESSIB-1261 Victor Ave. , Chicago. Designer, ex-.hibitor.

82 Sketch for a decorative frieze, "The viking ship.''

ASHCRAFT, MRS. CARLE'l'A P .-6133 Monroe Ave. , Chi-cago. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

83 Lace pin, silver and sardonyx. 84 Pendant, silver and labradorite.

85 Ring, silver and clouded chrysoprase. 86 Sugar and creamer, Krow pottery, brown. 87 Sugar and creamer, Krow pottery, brown. 88 Vase, blue green, Krow pottery.

ASHLEY, MRS GJUt.TRUDE PORTJtR-Deerfield, Mass. De-signer, maker, exhibitor.

89 "Japanese landscape," basket. 90 Landscape basket, '' Deerfield meadows.'' 91 Work basket, "nasturtium" design. 92 Work basket, "moth" design.

93 Covered grass basket. 94 Grass and husk tray, "forget-me-not wreath"

center. 95 Grass and husk tray, "yellow wreath" center. 96 Grass and husk tray, orange and brown center. 97 Grass and husk tray. 98 Fruit basket with handles. 99 Work basket, grass and raffia.

ATELIER OF CLASSICS-58! S. Clinton St., Syracuse, N. Y. Exhibitor. A, M. Holstein, designer. John Halzband, Henry Basse!, Joseph Mendelsohn, Hugo Wagner and Israel Reeder, makers.


100 Candelabra (1 pair), satin wood. 101 Candelabra (1 pair), satin wood. 102 Candelabra (1 pair), mahogany.

103 Candelabra (1 pair), mahogany.

104 Electroliers (1 pair), satin wood.

105 Electroliers (1 pair), mahogany.

106 Electroliers (1 pair), mahogany.

107 Clock, vermilion wood.

108 Clock, satin wood.

109 Hand mirror, satin wood.

110 Hand mirror, satin wood.

111 Hand mirror, mahogany.

112 Hand mirror, mahogany.

113 Photo frame, satin wood.

114 Photo frame, satin wood .

115 Photo frame, vermilion wood.

116 Photo frame, vermilion wood .

117 Photo frame, vermilion wood.

118 Photo frame, vermilion wood.

119 Jewel box, mahogany.

120 Jewel box, vermilion wood.

121 Jewel box, satin wood .

122 Ink well, oak.

123 Ink well, mahogany.

124 Ink well, mahogany.

125 Ink well, mahogany.

126 Carte de visite tray, p1ahogany.

127 Carte de visite tray, mahogany. 128 Carte de visite tray, mahogany. 129 Carte de visite tray, mahogany.

130 Carte de visite tray, mahogany.

131 Carte de visite tray, sycamore. 132 Carte de visite tray, oak.

133 Carte de visite tray, oak.

134 Bouquetier, satin wood.

135 Bouquetier, mahogany, 136 Bouquetier, mahogany.

ATLAN CERAMIC ART CLUB- Chicago, Exhibitor.

ABERCROMBIE, MRS. C. A.-7111 S. Chicago Ave. De-signer, decorator.

137 Relish dish. 138 Turkish coffee set.

BAROTHY, MRS. A. M.-7619 Lakeside Terrace, Birchwood. Designer, decorator.

139 Bowl, Satsuma;

140 Powder box, Satsuma. 141 Cosmetic box, Satsuma. 142 Ice bowl. 143 Cake plate.

144 Sugar and creamer.

COOPER, HEI.ltN G.-5967 Ohio St., Austin. Designer, decorator.

145 Vase, Satsuma. 146 Box, Satsuma. 147 Bread and butter set.

CLARKE, MRS. H. H.-1532 E. 65th Place. Designer, decorator.

148 Covered cheese dish.

DUNNE, MRS. GaoRGit R .-329 S. 7th Ave. , LaGrange. Designer, decorator.

149 Bouillon cup. 150 Tray, Satsuma. ·151 Fruit plate.

DUTCHER, MRS. ANNA H,-New York, N. Y. Designer, decorator.

152 Bowl, Satsuma. 153 Pencil holder.

DAILY, MRS. C. T.-4117 Berkeley Ave. Designer, decor-ator.

154 Jelly plate. 155 Almond dish.

HUMPHREY, MRS. EDWARD L.-922 Windsor Ave. De-signer, decorator.

· 156 Fruit bowl. 157 Bread and butter plates. 158 Powder box.

HARNER, MRS. Gao. W.-3500 Oak Park ave., Berwyn. Designer, decorator.

159 Chop plate. 160 Tray. 161 Plate. 162 Sugar and creamer 163 Open marmelade bowl and plate. 164 Fernery.

HULBERT, LYLtAN R.-5700 Drexel Ave. Designer, dec-orator.

165 Mayonnaise bowl. 166 Bowl, Satsuma. 167 Ash bowl.

HOE LSCHER, MilS. MAY B.-378 Walnut Avenue, Elgin. Designer, decorator.

168 Tea set. 169 Tea pot.

H UBBARD, MRS. CHAS. F.- 5961 West End Avenue, Austin. Designer, decorator.

170 Whipped cream bowl. Lent by Isaac D. Moore.

171 Jewel box, Satsuma. Lent by Thos. A. Woodruff.

HADDEN, MRS. HJtRBltRT. -11415 Prairie Avenue. De_ signer, decorator.

172 Teapot, Satsuma. 173 Preserved ginger bowl.

JACK, MRS. EDNA D.-223 Hamilton Avenue. Designer, decorator.

174 Card tray.

175 Wafer tray.

176 Plate. 177 Mayonnaise bowl.

178 Ring tray, Satsuma.

KILLHAM, MRS. B. J.-7333 Sangamon Street. Designer, decorator. ·

179 Plate, Satsuma. 180 Box, Satsuma. 181 Fernery, Satsuma.

KIRCHNER, MRS. JULIUS C.-1051 Foster Avenue. De-signer, decorator.

182 Mucilage jar.

McCARN, MRS. AUGUSTA B. - 1039 Fine Arts Building Designer, decorator.

183 Box, Satsuma. 184 Plate.

PETERSON, HJti.GA M.-7~~ Buckingham Place. _Designer, decorator.

185 Chop platter. 186 Tea tray. 187 Vase. 188 Ice cream plate. 189 Rose jar.

190 Card tray.

RINTOUL, MRS. RoBJtR't.-5509 East End Avenue. De-signer, decorator.

191 Bowl, Satsuma. 192 Butter tub. 193 Muffin dish.

REECE, MRS. AMltLIA D.-3527 Grand Boulevard. De-signer, decorator.

194 Tea tray.

SEXTON, MRS. S'tltPHEN W.-Wheaton, Ills. Designer, decorator.

195 Olive boat. 196 Fruit bowl.

WRIGHT, MRS. J. V. D.-2107 Calumet Avenue. Designer, decorator.

197 Teapot, Satsuma. 198 Sugar bowl and creamer, Satsuma.

BACON, JOHN R. - 341 4th A,venue, New York, N. Y. Des;igner, maker, exhibitor.

199 Volteranno glass, "landscape, Tarrytown, N.Y."

BAGGS, AR'I'HUR E.-Marblehead Potteries, Marblehead, Mass. Exhibitor, Maude Milner; A. E. Baggs and A. I. Hennessey, designers.


200 Vase, blue.

201 Vase, yellow. 202 Vase, green. 203 Vase, yellow. 204 Bowl, green.

205 Bowl, light green. 206 Bowl, blue. 207 Jar, blue. 208 Jar, light green.

209 Jar, dark grey.

210 Jar, blue. 211 Jar, blue. 212 Ash bowl, yellow, leaf border.

213 Ash bowl, dark grey with design.

214 Nut bowl, blue. 215 Vase; dark grey, panel design.

216 Vase, blue, design in green.

217 Vase, green, apples.

218 Bowl, grey, apples.

219 Jar, dark grey with design.

220 Jar, green, design in colors.

221 Vase, grey. 222 Vase, green. 223 Vase, green. 224 Vase, green, dragon fly. 225 Vase, dark grey, aigrettes. 226 Vase, green, leaf design. 227 Vase, green, rose border. 228 Jar, green with design. 229 Vase, grey, aigrette (tall). 230 Vase, grey, panther design. 231 Vase, dark grey with design. 232 Fruit bowl, blue. 233 Fern bowl, green with design. 234 Bowl, mottled blue. 235 Bowl, blue. 236 Nut bowl, yellow, grape border. 237 Plate, gray, band in color. 238 Ink well and holder.

239 Lamp vase, yellow, marsh scene. 240 Ink well.

241 Hanging pot, green.

242 Candlestick, blue. 243 Candlestick, green (tall).

244 Lamp base (large).

BAKER, EDWARD L.-Lake Forest, Ill. Exhibitor, maker.

245 Book, "Forest trails," a journal.

BAKBR, ELIZABit'l'H E.-110 Fen way Studios, Boston, Mass. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

246 Rug, round, blue tree border.

247 Rug, round, old rose flower border.

BARNET POTTERY-6228 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ills., exhibitor. Belle Barnet Vesey, designer. Chas. Barnet Wirick and Jean Paul Wirick, makers.

248 Tile panel, lily design.

249 Tile panel, chrysanthemum design.

250 Four tiles, geometric repeat design.

251 Tile, geometric design.

252 Tile, grape design.

253 Tile, 6 inch, geometric design.

254 Panel, rose design.

255 Vase, potato blossom design.

256 Vase, rose design.

257 Vase, holly design.

258 Vase, buttercup design.

259 Vase, arbutus design .

260 Bowl, brown , black outlines.

261 Bowl, blue, open border.

262 Vase, dandelion design.

263 Vase, tree design.

264 Vase, tan, geometric design.

265 Vase, brown, with handles.

266 Bowl, Colonial.

267 Punch bowl, lemon design.

268 Bowl, warm gray.

269 Vase, blue, raffia cover.

BARRON, MRS. JAN~ CARSON. - 1912 East 71st Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

270 Necklace, silver, enamel and amethyst quartz.

271 Pendant, silver, enamel, amethyst quartz, pearl and Mexican opal·

272 Pendant, silver enamel, emerald matrix, and pearl.

273 Brooch, silver, enamel, and amethyst. 274 Box, silver and enamel.

275 Box, silver, enamel and opal.

276 Ring, gold, enamel and pearl.

BEGGS SHOP. - 1744 Humboldt Street, Chicago, Ills. Exhibitor. Helene W. and Stephen J. Beggs, designers, makers.

277 Bowl, pottery, yellow, incised.

BENNETT, B.-The Art Institute of Chicago, Ills. De-signer, exhibitor. Essie Myers, B. Bennett, makers.

278 Ring, gold and bloodstone. Lent by Mr. E. W. Stansbury.

279 La Valiere, gold and opal. Lent by Miss Geneva I. Willard.

280 Necklace, topaz and gold. Lent by Mr. J. C. Vaughan.

281 Scarf pin, gold and ruby. Lent by Mr. E. W. Stansbury.

282 LaValiere, silver and emeralds. Lent by Essie"Myers.

283 Pendant, silver and amethysts. Lent by J. C. Vaughan.

284 Pendant, silver.

285 Brooch.

286 Cuff links, gold. Lent by Mr. Chas. H. Seamans.

287 Weavings.

BIGELOW, MRS. EDITH J.-21 Institute Road, Worcester, Mass. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

288 Brooch, silver and turquoise matrix.

289 Ring, silver and lapis lazuli.

290 Ring, silver and blue stone.

BLANCHARD, GEORGE P .-192 Pearl St., Gardner, Mass. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

291 Salt spoons, silver, filed end design.

292 Coffee spoons, silver, filed end design.

293 Tea spoons, silver, filed end design .

294 Dessert spoons, silver, filed end design.

295 Table spoons, silver, filed end design.

296 Serving spoon, silver, filed end design.

297 Platter spoon, silver, filed end design.

298 Mustard spoon, silver, filed end design.

299 Cold meat fork , silver, filed end design.

300 Cream ladle, silver, filed end design.

301 Sauce ladle, silver, filed end design.

302 Bonbon spoon, silver, filed end design.

303 Baby spoon, silver , filed end design.

304 Sugar tongs, silver, filed end design.

305 Salad set, silver, filed end design.

306 Napkin ring, plain.

BLOODGOOD, ARTHUR E.-Aurora, Ill. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

307 Wooden trays .

BOGAN, ANNA E.- 3446 S. Park Avenue, Chicago, Ills. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

308 Vase, pottery, green.

309 Vase, pottery, blue.

310 Vase, pottery, blue.

FRY, MARSHALL T.-Guild of the Bridgeport Art League, Bridgeport, Conn. Exhibitor. Martha E. Beach, Julio Homan, Mrs. P. L. Holzer and Mary N . McCord, desig ners , makers.

311 Square for pillow top, bird design. 312 Oblong for inset, turkey design.

313 Christmas cards.

BURDICK, J. CHAS. -532 Beech Street, Richmond Hill, New York. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

514 Candlestick, bronze, glass inlay.

315 Candlestick, bronze, glass inlay.

BUSH, MRS. LuCRETIA McM.- 214 Beacon Street, Chest-nut Hill, Mass. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

316 Pendant, gold, smithsonites and pearls.

317 Brooch, gold and pearls, grape vine design.

318 Brooch, gold :filagree and pink and green tourmalines.

319 Cuff links, gold and emeralds.

320 Collar pins (1 pair), gold and lapis lazuli. 321 Brooch, gold and blue agate.

BYRDCLI F FE ARTS AND CRAFTS-Woodstock, Ulster Co., N . Y. Designers, makers, exhibitors.


322 Curtains (1 pair), silk, blue.

323 Table cover, cotton and silk, tan.

324 Curtain, silk, orange. 325 Curtains (1 pair), silk, green and blue .

326 Table cover, silk, green and b1ue.

327 Scarf, silk, orange.

328 Scarf, silk, pink. 329 Scarf, silk, tan.

330 Scarf, silk, gold. 331 Scarf, silk, orange.

332 Scarf, silk, blue. 333 Table scarf, silk, green.

334 Table cover, cotton, green .

335 Table cover, silk, green. 336 Cushion cover, cotton, yellow.

337 Cushion cover, cotton, green. 338 Table cover, cotton, green.

339 Table cover, silk, yellow.

340 Cushion cover, silk, yellow.

CHEESMAN, JAMES B -Racine, Wis. Exhibitor. Essex House, London, Eng. Makers.

341 Book, ''The Courtyer of Count Baldessar Castilio." 1898.

342 Book, "The Poems of Shakespeare. " 1899.

343 Book, ''Benvenuto Cellini's Goldsmithing and Sculpture." 18'?8.

CHERON, PIERRE J.-1947 Broadway, N. Y. Designer, exhibitor.

344 Photo : '' Conservatory or garden fountain design of . boy and goose."

345 Photo: ''Peter Stuyvesant monument.' '

346 Design of a standard for a table light.

CHETIMACHEZ INDIANS- Avery's Island, La. Design-ers, makers. Sara Avery McElhenny, exhibitor.

347 Basket, box shape, double weave.

348 Basket, box shape, double weave.

349 Basket, box shape, double weave.

350 Basket, box shape, double weave.

351 Basket, box shape, double weave.

352 Basket, box shape, double weave.

353 Basket, scrap, single weave.

354 Basket, open square, single weave.

355 Basket, square, single weave.

356 Mat, single weave.

CLAXTON, RoBnRT-17 E . 13<1th St., New York. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

357 Work basket (small). 358 Umbrella receiver. 359 Work basket. 360 Waste paper basket. 361 Work basket, small. 362 Waste paper basket. 363 Basket with one handle. 364 Work basket, small.

COLWELL, ELIZABETH-The Fine Arts Bldg., Chicago. Designer, exhibitor.

365 Book ''Songs and Sonnets'', hand lettered.

366 Book "Songs of Tristram Iseult'', hand let-tered.

367 Page of lettering for a book. 368 Page of lettering "The year's at the spring."

369 Stencil for curtain. 370 Stencil for curtain.

371 Wood block print "Xmas card."

372 Wood block print "The Oak."

373 Page of lettering from a book.

374 Stenciled silk curtain.

COPELAND, ELIZABETH E . , 296 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

375 Box, silver, turquoise and cloisonne enamel.

376 Box, round, silver, pearland cloisonne enamel.

377 Necklace, silver, turquoise and pearl.

378 Pendant, silver, amethyst and cloisonne enamel.

379 Pendant, silver, yellow pearl and topaz. 380 Brooch, amethyst, white enamel and gold balls. 381 Brooch, pearl, violet enamel and four topaz.

382 Brooch, white and green enamel, amethyst and gold balls.

383 Brooch, silver and Mexican opal. 384 Bar pin, pearl in green enamel.

385 Brooch, amethyst and moon stones.

386 Brooch, opals and moon stones. 387 Brooch, topaz and gold wire on silver back.

388 Brooch, pearl, green and white enamel.

COULTER, MRS. MARY J., 5510 Washington Avenue, Chicago. Designer, maker, exhibitor.


389 Scarf, design in blue. 390 Scarf, design in yellow.

391 Scarf, linen, design in brown.

392 Table square, linen, design in blue and green.

393 Scarf, design in pink.

394 Pillow cover, linen, design in brown.

395 Pillow cover, design in pink. 396 Scarf, linen, design in blue and green.


397 Pendant, green gold, diamonds and abalone pearl.

Lent by Mrs. C. S. Terry.

398 Bracelet, silver, turquoise and pearls. Lent by Miss Frances Terry

399 Bar pin, silver and white onyx. Lent by Miss L. H. Boeck.

400 Bar pin, silver and moonstone.

401 Bar pin, silver and moonstone. 402 Bar pin, silver and green abalone pearl. 403 Bar pin, gold and garnet.

404 Bar pin, silver and white onyx.

405 Pendant, silver and old mosaic. 406 Bar pin, gold and garnet.

406,Yz Frame of four book plates.

COSIO, CLEMENCIA, 835 Fine Arts Building, Chicago. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

407 Brooch, silver and pearl.

COULTAS, WILHELMINA. - 3602 Lake Avenue, Chicago. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

408 Belt buckle, enameled.

409 Pendant, silver.

410 Pendant, silver.

COWDERY, MRs. R. E.-4i9 St. James Place, Chicago Designer , maker, exhibitor.

411 Centerpiece, drawn work on Japanese linen.

CRANE, MRS. B. T. - 175 Prospect Street, Cambridge, Mass. Designer, decorator, exhibitor.

412 Punch bowl, bronze and gold decoration.

CRANDALL, MRS. ADELAIDE B.- Alfred, N. Y. De-signer, maker, exhibitor.

413 Table runner, applique.

414 Table runner, applique.

415 Pillow cover, block printed.

416 Pillow cover, block printed.

417 Bag, block printed.

418 Bag, block printed.

419 Bag, block printed.

420 Bag, block printed.

421 Bag, block printed. 422 Bag, block printed.

423 Curtains, stenciled net.

DEERFIELD SOCIETY OF BLUE AND WHITE NEEDLEWORK. - Deerfield, Mass. Makers, exhibitors. E llen Miller and Margaret C. Whiting, designers.

424 Square, "Ladies take your choice. '

425 Square, vegetable dyed green, ''Frost grape.''

426 Square, vegetable dyed pink, "Hawthorn hedge."

427 Square, vegetable dyed brown, "Cutch flower.''

428 Square, vegetable dyed orange, ''Thistles.''

429 Cover, vegetable dyed green, "Grape vine."

430 Cover, "Pink and leaf." 431 Cover, ''Chinese rose.''

432 Cover, cross-stitch, "Hemlock forest." 433 Cover, cross-stitch, "Orange tree."

434 Square, ''June pinks. •'

435 Square, "The bee.''

DIXON, MR. AND MRS. LAURENCE B.-Victoria Ave., Riv-erside, Cal. Design·ers, makers, exhibitors.

436 Finger bowl, silver and enamel.

437 Finger bowl, silver and enamel. 438 Bracelet, gold.

439 Fan chain, silver, enamel beads.

440 Cigarette case, silver and blue enamel.

441 Fob.

442 Bracelet, gold, pearl, enamel.

443 Necklace, gold, pearl, enamel.

444 Tea strainer, silver.

445 Ring, diamond and gold.

446 Bracelet, cast silver and enamel.

447 Necklace, seed pearls.

448 Bracelet, gold.

449 Necklace, seed pearl.

DOLFINGER, EDNA-Boston Apartments, Louisville, Ky. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

450 Monograms (framed).

451 Monograms (framed).

452 Designs. 453 Designs . 454 Pillow top, pongee, wood block print in black,

green and red.

ELLERY, MAv-26 Lime St., Boston, Mass. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

455 Pendant, silver and turquoise. 456 Pendant, enamel and amazonite.

457 Salts and spoons, silver and enamel.

458 Individual salt and spoon, silver and enamel.

459 Almond dish, silver.

ELMSLIE, LOUISE C.-Care Jarvie Shop, 1340 E. 47th St., Chicago. Designer, maker. The Shop of Robert Jarvie, ex-hibitor.

460 Breakfast set, blue rosette stencil.

461 Table runner, Japanese stencil design.

FERGUSON, MARTHA E.-410 Athenreum Building, Chi-cago. Designer, exhibitor.

462 Design, illustration and initial letter for a Christmas card, and reproduction.

FISK, MRS. N, W .-Fisk, Vt. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

463 Bag, tapestry, "winter night."

464 Bag, tapestry, "pine flats, Lake Champlain." 465 Bag, tapestry, "birches."

466 Rug, fringed, green. 467 Piazza bag, "pine flat ."

468 Pillow cover, Indian .

469 Rug, fringed, blue and white. 470 Rug, fringed, red and yellow.

471 Rug, green, dull blue and white.

FLEURY, MRS. E . S .-Isle La Motte, Vt. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

472 Table scarf, blue, with white border.

FRAZEE, MRS. A. A.-1105 Auditorium Bldg., Chicago. Designer, decorator, exhibitor.

473 Wall plaque.

474 Melon platter.

475 Teapot, satsuma.

476 Teapot, satsuma.

477 Lamp vase, satsuma.

478 Incense, satsuma.

479 Fernery, satsuma.

480 Bowl, satsuma.

481 Box, satsuma.

482 Fernery, satsuma.

483 Fernery, oval.

484 Teapot, satsuma.

485 Salad bowl.

486 Fruit bowl.

487 Plate.

488 Plate.

489 Salt and pepper. (Lent).

GA W, D' ARcv-1104 Sutter Street, San Francisco, Cal. Designer, exhibitor. D'Arcy Gaw and Dirk Van Erp, makers.

490 Scarf, green, woven. · 491 Scarf, woven.

492 Lamp, copper.

GEBELEIN, GEORGE C.-79 Chestnut St., Boston, Mass Designer, maker, exhibitor.

493 Teapot, silver.

494 Waste bowl, silver . 495 Flower vase, silver.

GOE, MRS. FRANCES G.-5339 Winthrop Avenue, Chicago. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

496 Pendant, gold, coral and enamel.

497 Watch fob, silver and labradorite. 498 Watch fob, copper and copper matrix.

GOOGERTY, THOMAS F.-Pontiac, Ills. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

499 Jar, copper, silver-lined, with cover. 500 Box, copper, inlaid silver design in top.

501 Iron door latch. 502 Toasting fork, steel.

503 Candlestick, iron.

504 Candlestick, iron.

GRAVES, RUTH E . - 943 Wilson Avenue, Chicago. De-signer, exhibitor.

505 Illumination, adapted from the Book of Hours.

GRINNELL, ARTHUR G.-New Bedford, Mass. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

506 Stained and decorated wood.

507 Gilt box, landscape design.

508 Gilt box, landscape design.

509 Frame, gilt, carved.

510 Book end, satin wood.

511 Frame.

512 Frame.

513 Frame. 514 Stamp box.

515 Chest. 516 Stud box.

517 Jewel box.

518 Stud box.

519 Mirror frame, carved and gilded.

520 Mirror frame, carved and gilded.

521 Book end.

522 Stud box. 523 Stud box. 524 Book rack.

525 Frame.

526 Frame, carved, gilded.

527 Tray.

528 Frame.

GUNTHER, LILLIAN-1521 N . Washtenaw Ave., Chicago. Maker, exhibitor. · A. Gunther, designer.

529 Hand bag, card case and purse, tooled leather, violet design.

530 Desk pad, blotter and pen wiper, tooled leather.

531 Mat, square, tooled leather, rose design.

GYLLENBERG, F. J. R.-42 Stanhope St., Boston, Mass. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

532 Teapot, fluted, silver.

533 Creamer, fluted, silver.

534 Sugar, fluted, silver. 535 Salt cellars, silver (1 pair) .

536 Salt cellars, silver (1 pair).

537 Salt spoons, pierced handles, silver.

538 Salt spoons, silver .

539 Bowl, silver.

540 Bowl, silver.

541 Ladle, silver.

542 Ladle, silver, pierced handles.

HAMILTON, FRANK L., Deerfield, Mass. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

543 Wood basket, natural willow.

544 Double melon utility basket, willow.

5..J.5 Melon basket, natural willow.

546 Melon basket, natural willow.

HANDICRAFT GUILD, 89 South lOth St., Minneapolis, Minn. Designers, makers, exhibitors.

547 Sconce, copper, brass and enamel.

548 Sconce, copper repousse, peacock.

549 Book ends, copper, brass and enamel. 550 Bowl, pierced copper, silver and glass, grape

design. 551 Bowl, pierced copper, silver and glass, leaf

design. 552 Bowls, (4) pierced copper, silver and glass,

leaf design.

553 Porringer, silver, pierced handle. Designed by Florence Willetts.

554 Plate, silver, pierced and etched. Designed by Florence Willetts.

555 Box, copper, pine cone design. Designed by Grant Wood.

556 Turtle flower holder.

557 Tray, copper. 558 Paper knife, copper, pierced.

559 Paper knife, copper, pierced.

560 Spoon, copper, stone. 561 Desk tablet, etched copper.

Designed by Harold Boyle.

562 Desk tablet, repousse copper and enamel. Designed by Harold Boyle.

563 Desk tablet, enamel and copper. Designed by Harold Boyle.

564 Sconce, pottery.

565 Candlesticks. Designed by Florence Willetts.

566 Tile, triptych, landscape.

567 Pottery.

568 Pottery.

569 Pottery.

570 Pottery.

571 Pottery.

572 Pottery.

HARLAN, HELEN A., 26 Van Buren Street, Chicago. Designer, exhibitor.

573 Monograms, (framed).

HARRIS, MRS. FRANCES A.-400 Seventh Ave., Pelham, N. Y. Designer, maker, exhibitor.


574 Card case.

575 Hand bag.

576 Hand bag.

577 Card case. 578 Bill fold.

579 Card case. . 580 Visiting envelope.

581 Addre~s book. 582 Automobile set (8 pieces).

HASKELL, HJtLltN H.-Ipswich, Mass. Designer, maker' exhibitor.

583 Bowl, silver, fluted.

HAWKS, E . JANE-Deerfield, Mass. Designer, maker, exhibitor.


584 Wool cover, home spun.

585 Crib blanket, home spun.

586 Cover, wool and linen, home spun.

587 Cover, linen.

588 ~over, linen and cotton, art blue.

589 Dimity cover, netting.

590 Dimity cover, netting.

591 Dimity cover, netting.

592 Dimity cover, fringe.

593 Dimity cover, netting.

HAZEN, GRACE-119 E . 19th St., New York. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

594 Ring, gold and black opal.

HENRY, MRS. DAYID. - Deerfield, Mass. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

595 Bag, netted. 596 Bag, netted.

HERBERT, CHARLRS A. -1100 Auditorium Tower, Chi-- cago. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

597 Bag, tooled leather, dandelion design. Lent by Miss Hazel Frazee.

598 Portfolio for music, tooled leather, geometric design .

599 Bag, tooled leather, columbine design. 600 Bag, tooled leather, geometric design.

THE HERTER LOOMS.-142 E. 33rd Street, New York, and Albert Herter, designers, exhibitors, makers.


601 Frieze, Dryads and Fauns, Birds, etc· For hall way in country home of E . H. Harriman.

602 Old Flemish hunting scene. 603 Spanish Renaissance panel. 604 Verdure panel. 605 Gothic panel t3:ken from the Henshal collec-

tion in the Metropolitan Museum.

606 Japanese panel. 607 Curtain, chardonnet silk, leaf design and

valence. 608 Cushions. 609 Verdure pieces. 610 Curtains, green wick. 611 Curtains, gold silk open mesh. 612 Curtain, open mesh gold and blue.

613 Curtains, fruit basket and ribbon design.

614 Panel. 615 Rug, tobacco color.

616 Curtain, tobacco color. 617 Curtains, tobacco color, vine pattern.

618 Curtains, orange and blue. 619 Poftiere and valence Byzantine.

620 Strip for screen, Renaissance.

HEUERMANN, .EMMA J .-2031 Fremont St. , Chicago. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

621 Table cover, woven.

622 Oriental band, woven.

HEUERMANN, DoRA- 2031 Fremont Street, Chicago. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

623 Pillow top, woven.

624 Curtains, stenciled.

HEWES, JOEL F.-Titusville, Pa. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

625 Ring, gold and topaz scarab.

626 Ring, gold and sapphire. 627 Ring, gold and sapphire.

628 Ring, gold and zircon.

629 Ring, silver and chrysoprase.

630 Ring, silver and carbuncle. 631 Ring, silver and carbuncle.

632 Ring, silver and chrysoprase.

633 Scarfpin, gold and amethyst.

634 Pendant, silver, pearl blisber ahd amethyst.

635 Pendant, silver and chrysophrase.

636 Cross, silver and amethyst.

HICKS, MARY M.-328 Sanford Avenue, Flushing, Nttw York. Designer, maker, exhibitor.


637 Salad bowl, "Pomegranates."

638 Salad bowl, "Cornflower."

639 Bowl, "Blue daisy."

640 Bowl, "Apple."

641 Bowl, ''Geranium.''

642 Bowl, ''Fox gloves.''

643 Bowl, ''Rose.''

644 Tea caddy "Campanula.''

HILLS, DoROTHY-839 Michigan Avenue, Evanston, Ills. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

ILLUMINATED SELECTIONS: 645 "Numbers." 646 "Browning.''

647 "Micah."

648 "Van Dyke.''

649 ''Abraham Lincoln.' '

650 "St. John."

651 ''Psalms.''

652 ''Luke.''

653 "Longfellow."

HOUGHTON, MRS. NANCY S. -Stamford, Conn. De-signer, maker, exhibitor.

654 Banner fire screen (mounted by August Cedar-strand).

655 Bed spread, bureau scarf and table cover. 656 Bed spread and pillow case, tree design. 657 Bureau scarf, crow design. 658 Flower tray, flower design (mounted em-

broidery). Lent by Mrs . W. H. Mercur.

659 Flower tray, flower design (mounted em-broidery).

Lent by Mrs. Geo. M. McLaughlin, Jr.

660 Bag, embroidered and mounted. Lent by Mrs. Geo. M. McLaughlin, Jr.

INGLE, ELISE:.-1710 Park Avenue, Baltimore, Md. De-signer, maker, exhibitpr.


661 Engagement pad. 662 Penwiper.

663 Writing tablet. 664 Card case. 665 Card case.

666 Card case. 667 Bridge score.

JARVIE, THE SHOP OF- 1340 E . 47th St. , Chicago. De-signers, makers, exhibitors.

668 Desk set, brass (4 pieces) ' . 669 Ink well, copper . 670 Paper weight, copper. 671 Paper knife, copper .

672 Flower holder , copper . 673 Ring, silver and abalone pearl. 674 Pendant, silver and abalone pearl. 675 Punch bowl, silver.

Lent by Mr. Charles L. H utchinson.

JONES, RALPH T.-12 H igh St., So. H ingham , Mass. De-signer, maker, exhibitor.

T ovs; 676 Desk, Colonial. 677 Settle, Colonial. 678 Cradle, Colonial. 679 T able, mission . 680 Settle, mission .

681 Morris chair, mission.

682 Morris chair, mission .

683 Chair, mission.

684 Chair, mission.

685 Sideboard .

686 Dining table.

687 Set of furniture (5 pieces).

688 Set of furniture (5 pieces) .

JONES, CLARA L .-67 W. Central Ave , Delaware, 0 . De-signer, maker, exhibitor.

689 Cross, silver, iris design. 690 Ring, silver and amethyst, grape design. 691 Hat pin, silver on copper. swallow design.

JUHLINE, ERic G. A.-The Lotus Bindery, 1617 California St., San Francisco, Cal.

692 Book: ''The Bhagavad-Gita.'' . Green mo-rocco levant, lotus design in mosaic on old gold background.

693 Book: ''Ruba'iyat of Khayyam,'' wine colored morocco levant; design of wine cup with grape vine in gold.

KNAG, CHRIS-Bergen, Norway, designer, maker. Mr. Alfred D. Eddy and Dr. F. W . Gunsaulus, exhibitors.


694 Panel, "The south wind.''

695 Panel, "The north wind."

696 Panel , "Boats."

697 Panel, ''Rocks."

698 Panel, ' 'Lighthouse.''

699 Panel, ''Icebergs."

700 Panel, ''The rocks and the lighthouse.''

701 Shelf, "The rocky shore."

KNIGHT, MARY C.-42 Stanhope St .. Boston, Mass. De-signer, maker, exhibitor.

702 Bowl, silver. 703 Chocolate pot, silver. 704 Salt dishes. 705 Salt spoons.

KORONSKI, ANDRE-107 Chestnut Ave., Marberth, Pa.

706 Scarf pin, gold. 707 Collar pin, silver. 708 Necklace, silver and amazonite; 709 Necklace, silver and azurite. 710 Necklace, silver and chrysocolla. 711 Necklace, gold and black opal. 712 Buttons, silver and Chilean stones (2.) 713 Buttons, silver and amaznoite (2). 714 Collar pins silver (2.)

LEINONEN, KAR~ F .-42 Stanhope St., Boston, Mass. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

715 Salad or berry bowl, silver.

716 Mayonnaise bowl, silver.

717 Ice bowl, silver.

718 Tea pot, silver.

719 Sugar bowl, silver.

720 Creamer, silver.

721 Gravy spoon, silver.

722 Salad spoon and fork, silver .

723 Punch ladle, silver.

724 Gravy ladle, silver.

LETZ, MRS. HANS-4918 Winthrop Ave. , Chicago. De-signer, maker, exhibitor.

725 "Sunset" embroidered picture on gold thread, a fireplace decoration .

. 726 Portiere borders, design of fruit bunches. 727 Gobelin ''Divine Love,' ' woven of silk gold

and wool.

LEVIN, C. H.-Houston, Texas. Designer, maker, exhibi-tor.

728 Belt pin, silver, repousse and chased.

LIDBERG, MRS. TroDOLF-1051 Thorndale Ave., Chicago. Exhibitor. Doktorinnan H. and Henrietta Nerin, designers, makers.

729 Bedspread, crocheted and embroidered.

730 Pillow slips, hand made linen.

LUTHER, MABEL-15 Westminster St., Providence, Designer, maker, exhibitor.

731 Brooch, copper and enamel.

732 Brooch, copper and enamel.

733 Hatpin, copper and enamel.

734 Hatpin, copper and enamel.

735 Brooch, silver, moonstone and enamel.

736 Brooch, copper and enamel.

737 Brooch, copper, enamel and topaz.

738 Brooch, copper, enamel and topaz.

739 Brooch, copper, enamel and topaz.

740 Brooch, silver, enamel and lapis lazuli.

741 Brooch, silver, enamel and lapis lazuli.

742 Scarf pin, silver and chrysocola matrix.

743 Brooch, silver gilt, enamel and peridot.

744 Brooch, silver, enamel and obsidian.

745 Brooch, silver, enamel and chrysocola.

746 Brooch, silver, enamel and chrysocola.

747 Beltpin, copper and enamel.


748 Brooch, copper and enamel. 749 Brooch, topaz and enamel. 7 50 Brooch, enamel. 751 Brooch, enamel. 752 Brooch, enamel and epodite.

753 Brooch, enamel and topaz.

LYON, FANNY D:U H.-Dallas Ave., E. E. Pittsburgh, Pa, Designer, maker, exhibitor.

754 Tray, embroidered.

MARKHAM POTTERY-562 S. 7th St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Exhibitor.; Herman;c. and Kenneth S. Markham, designers, makers.

755 Vase.

756 Vase, tall.

757 Vase.

758 Vase, tall.

759 Vase, tall.

760 Low bowl with handles.

761 Vase, small.

762 Rose bowl.

763 Vase.

764 Vase, small.

765 Vase, small.

766 Vase, small. 767 Vase, small. 768 Vase.

MARSHALL, FRANK J.-12 Newbern St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

769 Box for jewels, brass and enamel, peacock design.

770 Box for jewels, brass and enamel, landscape design.

771 Brooch, silver, chrysocola and enamel. 772 Brooch, silver and tourmaline. 773 Brooch, silver, pearl and turquoise. 774 Pendant, silver, turquoise and moonstones.

MATTOON, LAURA E .-5509 East End Blvd., Chicago. Designer, decorator.

775 Bowl, small, mushroom design. 776 Salad bowl, white flower design.

777 Vase, yellow, conventional design.

MERCUR, MRS. WILLIAM H.-5th Ave. and_St. James St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Maker, exhibitor. Kate Aishton, designer.

778 Screen panels, embroidery on green ground.

McCANDLESS, Susnt AND HAZRL-925 Main St., Evans· ton, ills-Designers, makers, exhibitors.:

779 Lace panel, flowers, birds and butterflies.

McCARN, MRS. AUGUSTA B.-1039 Fine Arts Bldg., Chica-go. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

780 Photo frame, carved leather.

McCRACKEN, JAMES A.-214 N . Humphrey Ave., Oak Park, llls.

781 King Arthur cometh to the valley of Delight.

782 The insurrection of the peasantry under John Ball.

McNICOL, JESSIE H .-18 Huntington Ave., Boston, Mass. Designer, exhibitor, maker.

783 Book plate. Engraved by Sidney L. Smith. Lent by Miss Kehler.

784 Card, hand colored, '"tulip.''

785 Card, hand colored, "iris."

786 Card, hand colored, " mountain ash."

787 Card, hand colored, "bleeding heart." 788 Card, hand colored, "holly."

789 Card, hand colored, "Jack in the pulpit." 790 Card, hand colored, "holly wreath."

791 Card, hand colored, "arbutus."

792 Card, hand colored, "clover."

MILLER, RACHEL McM.-610 Morewood Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

793 Book : ''Poems of John Keats."

794 Book : ''Tragical history of Hamlet."

MINER, MRs. LEWIS H.-1717 S . 6th St., Springfield, Ills. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

795 Opera bag, Irish crochet lace.

796 Medallion, crochet lace.

MORRISON, ANNA B.-Care Art Institute, Chicago: De-signer, maker, exhibitor.

797 Bag, tooled leather.

798 Book cover, tooled leather.

799 Book ends, copper, fish design.

MORSE, CARRI.R L.-Morse's Lane Workshop, Newton Center, Mass., maker, exhibitor. G. B. Troccoli, designer.

800 Frame, oval, carved and gilded.

801 Frame, oval, carved and gilded.

802 Frame, oval, carved and gilded.

803 Frame, oval, carved arid gilded.

804 Frame, rectangle, carved and gilded.

805 Frame, rectangle, carved and gilded.

806 Frame, rectangle, carved and gilded.

807 Frame, rectangle, carved and gilded.

808 Frame, rectangle, carved and gilded.

809 Frame, rectangle, carved and gilded.

810 Frame, rectangle, carved and gilded.

MYERS, EssiE H.-2429 W. Monroe St., Chicago, designer, exhibitor. Juergens and :Anderson and Essie H. Myers, makers.

811 Scarf pin, gold and topaz.

812 Cuff buttons, gold, topaz and enamel.

813 Ring, silver-gold finish, garnet and sapphire·

814 Watch fob, silver and thompsonite.

815 Pendant, silver and Mexican opal.

816 Brooch, gold, opals and rubies. Lent by Mrs. C. S. Reynolds.

817 Pendant, silver and lapis lazuli. Lent by Miss Virginia Sayre.

818 Ring, gold, coral and diamond. Lent by Mrs. W. J. Meyer.

819 Cuff buttons, gold and garnets. Lent by Mr. W. A. Hibbard.

820 Scarf pin, gold and emerald. Lent by Dr. R. A. Davis.

821 Cuff buttons, silver and malachite. Lent.

822 Scarf pin, silver and enamel. Lent by Mr. Sam Trogman,

823 Ring, silver and jasper.

NEAL, MARGARET A.-Arts and Craft Guild, 235 S. 11th Street, Philadelphia, Pa., designer. Eugene Barrash, maker. Eleanor P. Stewardson, exhibitor.

824 Box, silver and Swiss lapis lazuli.

NEWCOMB SCHOOL OF ART.-Newcomb College, New Orleans, La. Exhibitor.


825 Lunch set of 2 runners and 4 napkins, "widow's tears·"

Designed and executed by Marie Delavigne.

826 Card case, "crown of thorns·" Designed and executed by Marie Delavigne.

827 Table scarf, "pine trees-" Designed and executed by Anna F . Simpson.

828 Table scarf, ''Cypress trees·'' Designed and executed by Anna F. Simpson.

829 Table scarf, "pine trees·" Designed and executed by Desiree Roman.


830 Vase, "reducing flame·" Leona Nicholson, designer. Joseph Meyer, maker.

831 Vase with stand, chrysanthemum design· Henrietta Bailey, designer. Joseph Meyer and Paul E. Cox, makers.

832 Vase, "reducing flame·" Mary W. Butler, designer. Joseph Meyer, maker.

833 Teapot, "reduCing fla:p:le·" Henrietta Bailey, _designer. Joseph Meyer, maker.

834 Vase, wild rose design· Sadie Irvine, designer. Joseph Meyer and Paul E. Cox, makers.

- 835 Vase, syringa design· Mary W . Summey , designer. Joseph Meyer and Paul

E. Cox, makers.

836 Vase, narcissus design. Anna Frances Simpson, designer, Joseph Meyer and Paul E. Cox, makers.

837 Vase, hyacinth design· Henrietta Bailey, designer. Joseph Meyer and Paul E. Cox, makers.

838 Vase· Henrietta Bailey, designer. Joseph Meyer and Paul E. Cox, makers.

839 Vase, grape design· Henrietta Bailey, designer. Joseph Meyer and Paul E. Cox, makers.

840 Vase, narcissus design. Anna Frances Simpson, designer. Joseph Meyer and Paul E. Cox, makers.

841 Vase, hyacinth design. Sadie Irvine, designer. Joseph Meyer and Paul E. Cox, makers.

842 Candlestick. Sadie Irvine, designer. Joseph Meyer and Paul E. Cox, makers .

843 Candlestick, wild rose. Sadie Irvine, designer. Joseph Meyer and Paul E. Cox, makers.

NEW ULM LACE MAKERS--:-New Ulm, Minn., exhibitors, designers. Mrs. Dietz, Mrs. Brokosch, Mrs. Groebner, Mrs. Grunert, Mrs. Lindmeyer, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Neuwirth, Mrs. Wild, makers. Lent by Minnesota State Art Society, St. Paul.


844 Card, examples 1 to 14. 845 Card, examples 15 to 26.

846 Card, examples 27 to 36.

847 Card, examples 37 to 42.

848 Card, examples 43 to 47.

849 Card, examples 38 to 54.

850 Card, examples 55 to 59.

851 Card, examples 60 to 65.

852 Card, examples 66 to 69.

853 Card, examples 70 to 7 5.

854 Card, examples 71 to 73.

855 Card, examples 76 to 89.

OKLEY, MRS. ANNA. -4401 Armitage Avenue, Chicago. Designer, maker, exhibitor.


856 Table cover.

857 Collar, new "hedebo."

858 Waist trimming.

859 Collar, old "hedebo."

860 Sample of fancy work.

PAGEL, LYDIA C.-40 Pearson Street, Chicago. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

861 Ring, silver and labradorite.

862 Fob, repousse silver and moss agate.

PAUL REVER E POTTERY-IS Hull St. , Boston, exhib-itor. Edith Brown, designer. Saturday Evening Girls, makers.


863 Bowl for porridge, line decoration.

864 Bowl for porridge, owl decoration.

865 Bowl for porridge, name decoration.

866 Bowl for porridge, racing rabbit decoration.

867 Bowl for porridge, mice decoration.

868 Bowl for porridge, lettuce rabbit decoration.

869 Breakfast plate, racing rabbit decoration.

870 Breakfast plate, lettuce rabbit decoration.

871 Breakfast plate, lotus decoration.

872 Breakfast set.

873 Bowl, laurel decoration .

874 Green berry set (7 pieces).

875 Nut bowl, lotus.

876 Bread and milk bowl, tree decoration.

877 Bread and milk bowl, rosette decoration.

878 Bread and milk bowl, witch decoration.

879 Bread and milk bowl, rooster decoration.

880 Pitcher, line decoration.

881 Bowl for porridge, geese decoration.

882 Bowl for porridge, hen and chick decoration.

883 Bread and milk bowl, name decoration.

884 Bowl, Paul Revere decoration.

885 Breakfast set, one chick decoration (21 pieces).

886 Bread and milk set, racing rabbits decoration (3 pieces).

887 Bread and milk set, owl decoration (3 pieces).

888 Breakfast plate, witch decoration.

889 Bread and butter plate, duck decoration.

890 Bread and butter plate, hare and tortoise decoration.

891 Finger bowl, clover decoration.

892 Finger bowl, duck decoration.

893 Fruit bowl, rosette decoration.

894 Pitcher, dancing rabbit decoration.

895 Pitcher, rooster decoration.

896 Pitcher, hen and chick decoration.

897 Bread and milk bowl, dancing rabbit decora-tion.

898 Bowl for porridge, swan decoration.

899 Bowl for porridge, hare and tortoise decora-tion.

900 Bowl for porridge, windmill decoration . .

901 Bowl for porridge, geese decoration.

PEARCE, MRS. MIRIAM B.-185 Newtonville Ave., Newton, Mass.

902 Centerpiece.

903 Note case. 904 Laundry list.

905 Stamp case.

906 Penwiper.

907 Mat (small.)

PEBBLES, MRS. GRACE M.-144 Lake Street, Oak Park, Ills. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

908 Screen, pine tree design, mahogany mount. 909 Curtain, silk, horsechestnut design. 910 Flower holder, brass, narcissus design. 911 Necklace, silver gilt and coral.

912 Box, brass.

PEOPLE'S UNIVERSITY, THE. - University City, St. Louis, Mo. (Endowed by the American Woman's League). Exhibitor.


913 Vase, "comic mask." 914 Vase, "grotesques."

915 Vase (small). 916 Large dish, gres, cameo of ''Bacchus. ''

917 Gres dish, "Gemini:" 918 Vase, "Amazons."

919 Gres dish, "Spring."

920 Vase.

921 Vase, blue. 922 Vase, white aud yellow.

923 Cameo (large), ''Pomona.''

924 Vase (small), brown.

925 Vase (small), yellow.

926 Casket for rings.

927 Vase (small), black.

928 Vase (small), golden brown.

929 Cameo (large), ''Phoebe.''

930 Vase, " apple branch.''

931 Cameo (large), "the wave."

932 Vase, "Cybele."

933 Cameo (large), "Ceres.''

934 Dish, ''Hercules.''

935 Dish, " cupid and comic mask."

936 :Pish, " profile cameo.' '

937 Dish, " confidence. ''

PORCELAINs-By Mrs. Adelaide Robineau:

938 Vase, light blue crystals on light green.

939 Vase, blue crystals on dark green. 940 Vase, dark blue crystals.

941 Crab vase and stand. 942 Crab vase (tall), dark green and buff •.

943 Vase with handles, yellow and pink.

944 Bee vase with stand. 945 Tobacco jar and cover.

946 Vase, craquele pink.

947 Vase, flowing glazes blue on olive.

948 Carved jar.

949 Vase, opal, (miniature). 950 Vase, dark :flamme red of copper. 951 Sample jar, brown crackle on peach-blow,

with stand . 952 Streaked red and turquoise bowl, with stand.

953 Vase, opalescent green with stopper.

954 Jar, dragon :fly. 955 Jar, mat green .and brown, monogram. 956 Vase, grey blue crystals on brown.

957 Vase, pink splashed with red. 958 Apple-shaped vase, light green crystals.

959 Bowl, grey green crystals on brown.

960 Vase, blue crystals with cover and stand.

961 Vase, needle crystals, grey, blue and dragon fly supports .

962 Vase, liver red with cover and stand.

963 Vase, white crystals, sphinx head supports with cover.

964 Vase, pale green crystals, gold lustregr ound.

965 Vase, ox-blood red.

866 Stoneware vase, green and ivory. 967 Stoneware vase, blue and white. 968 Vase, fine craquele pink of copper.

969 Vase, pale green, (miniature).

970 Vase, opal, (miniature).

971 Vase, pink of copper.

972 Teapot and cover.

973 Vase, craquele blue with stand. 974 Frog vase, pink crystalline glaze. 975 Coupe, lavender crystals with stand.

976 Vase, fine green crystals on metallic brown.

977 Bowl, yellow crystals with stopper.

978 Vase, fine yellow crystals.

979 Vase, turquoise green.

980 Elephant bowl. 981 Vase, white crystals on yellow brown.

982 Vase, turquoise blue.

983 Vase, fine souffie grey pink of copper.

984 Vase, flamme blue and red on green.

985 Vase, flowing glaze white, blue and green with stand.

986 Mask vase, white crystals. 987 Mouse jar, "a forest pool."

988 Vase, brown, crystalline glaze.

989 Rose jar, orange, brown and green. 990 Vase, blue crystals on dark green. 991 Mouse bowl with stand. 992 Vase, craquele pink of copper. 993 Vase, blue crystals with stopper.

OVERGLAZE PAINTED PoRCELAINS - By Mrs. Catherine E. Cherry and her honor students:

994 Vase, hollyhocks. 995 Jardiniere, rose design, gold and lusters. 996 Place plate, basket form filled with flowers. 997 Luncheon plate, green and white. 998 Nut bowl, acorn motif. 999 Coffee set, silver and rose. 1000 Tea caddy, satsuma, enamels. 1001 Whipped cream bowl, Satsuma, enamels. 1002 Marmeladejar, lusters and gold. 1003 Fernery, lusters. 1004 Etched vase, wisteria. 1005 Cider jug, conventional pears. 1006 Bowl, Persian design. 1007 Bonbon box, Satsuma, enamels. 1008 Vase, marrow design. 1009 Cup and saucer, Copenhagen blue.

1010 Cracker jar, peacock feather.

1011 Bowl in greens.

1012 Bowl, Egyptian design.

1013 Tray in gold and lusters.

MoDELED FIGURES -By Caroline Risque, (honor student in sculpture and pottery):

1014 Tile, terra cotta, painted in matt glaze.

1015 Baby, terra cotta, glazed.

1016 Figure of a Hindoo, terra cotta.

1017 Figure of a boy, "the dreamer,"terracotta.

1018 Peter Pan Candlestick, plaster.

1019 Sketch "Martha," plaster.


1020 Bowl, peacock design, incised and painted in mat glaze.

1021 Vase, peacock design.

1022 Panels, peacock design.

PETERBOROUGH HANDICRAFT WORKERS.- Peter-borough, N. H. Designers, makers, exhibitors.

1023 Bureau cover, Italian cut work.

1024 Table cover, Italian cut work.

1025 Hand bag, linen.

1026 Bag, Italian cut work.

1027 Bag, Italian cut work.

1028 Brush and comb case, Italian cut work:

1029 Brush aud comb case, Italian cut work.

1030 Card case, Italian cut work.

1031 Card case, Italian cut work.

1032 Card case, Italian cut work.

1033 Belt, Italian cut work.

1034 Doily, Italian cut work.

1035 Handkerchief case, Italian cut work.

1036 Handkerchief case, Italian cut work.

1037 Handkerchief case, Italian cut work.

1038 Handkerchief case, Italian cut work.

1039 Work bag, Italian cut work and bobbin lace.

1040 Pin cushion, Italian cut work and bobbin lace.

1041 Pin cushion, Italian cut work and bobbin lace.

1042 Pin cushion, Italian cut work and bobbin lace.

1043 Pin cushion, Italian cut work and bobbin lace.

1044 Soap hook, Italian cut work and bobbin lace.

1045 Jabot, Italian cut work and bobbin lace.

1046 Jabot, Italian ~ut work and bobbin lace.

PIERCE, HELENA E.-403 North Grove Ave., Oak Park, Ill. Designer, maker, exhibitor.


1047 Table screen, wisteria design.

1048 Three panel screen, pinetree design. 1049 Bag, bluebell design.

1050 Tea cozy, wild iris design.

1051 Tea tray cover, wild iris design. 1052 Two runners, wild rose design, filet lace.

Lent by Mrs. Avery Coonley.

1053 Four Napkins, wild rose design, filet lace. Lent by Mrs. Avery Coonley.

1054 Lunch cloth, breadths, joined by crochet. Lent by Mrs. Avery Coonley.

1055 Two napkins, monograms and crochet. Embroidered by Miss Delavigne. Crochet by Mrs. H. D. Pierce. Lent by Mrs. Avery Coonley.

POCUMTUCK BASKET SOCIETY-Deerfield, Man. designers, makers, exhibitors.

1056 Basket, ''Dutch scene.'' Sarah Cowles, maker.

1057 Basket, ' 'Forget-me-not.'' Sarah Cowles, maker.

1058 Basket, "Pine tree." Sarah Belden, maker.

1059 Basket, ''Duck pond.'' E. Jane Hawks.

1060 Basket, ''Forget-me-not.'' E. Jane Hawks.

1061 Basket, Butterfly. E. Jane Hawks.

1062 Basket, Rosebud. E. Jane H awks.

1063 Basket, Cornflower. E. Jane Hawks,

1064 Flower tray. E .- Jane H awks.

PRESTON, JEssut M.-1028 Fine Arts Building, Chicago· Designer, maker, exhibitor.

1065 Ring, silver-gilt and opal.

1066 Ring, silver-gilt and zircon.

1067 Stickpin, silver-gilt and opal.

1068 Stickpin, silver-gilt and opal. 1069 Necklace, silver-gilt and abalone pearl.

1070 Necklace, silver-gilt, grey opal and pearl. 1071 Necklace, silver-gilt, opals and pearls.


1072 Table runner .

1073 Bag, green.

1074 Bag, yellow. 1075 Bag.

REDMOND, MARGARB'l'.-Fenway Studios, Boston, Mass. Designer, maker, exhibitor.


1076 Panel, "peacock.''

1077 Lamp screen, "poppies."

1078 Lamp screen, "roses."

RICE, CLARA.- 612 West 112th Street, New York, N. Y. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

1079 Pendent, amethyst, grape design.

1080 Ring, amethyst, grape design .

1081 Pendent, avalone pearl.

1082 Pendent and bead, amethyst.

1083 Necklace, abalone pearl.

1084 Ring, lapis.

1085 Drop, abalone pearl.

1086 Ring, jade.

1087 Pendent, turquoise and pearl.

RICHMOND, FLORENCE A.-26 Lime Street, Boston, Masa. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

1088 Necklace, silver and amethysts.

1089 Brooch, silver, pearl-blister and tu~quoise matrix.

1090 Brooch, silver and amethyst.

1091 Cuff links, silver.

1092 Ring, silver, amethyst and pink pearls.

1093 Scarf pin, abalone pearl.

1094 Scarf pin, silver and green onyx.

1095 Scarf pin, silver and turquoise matrix.

RIDGWAY, A. GW:S:NDOLINE.-93 Eldridge Street, New-ton, Mass.

1096 Necklace, silver and garnet, rose and leaf design.

1097 Necklace, round leaf design with amethyst.

1098 Necklace, oval leaf design with topaz.

1099 Ring, silver, with face.

RINGIUS, CARL. - 62 Vernon Street, Hartford, Conn. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

1100 T apestry, panel. ''In the garden.''

ROCKWELL, MRS. Lucy TwYMAN. - Hamilton Court, Phila., Pa. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

1101 Dog collar, gold, Brazilian green topaz and pearls.

Lent by Mrs. F. W . Rockwell.

1102 Necklace, silver, gold and moonstone. Sent by Mrs. Arthur Peck, Ardmore, Pa.

1103 Ring, gold, pearls and catseye crysalberyl. Lent by Mrs. Robt. W. Hyde, Santa Barbara, Cal.

1104 Ring, gold and green tourmalines, leaf design.

1105 Ring, pink tourmaline, grape design.

1106 Necklace, silver and antique coral drop.

ROGERS, MARGARET-77 Chestnut Street, Bosto~, Mass. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

1107 Brooch, gold, pearl, tourmalines and moon-stones.

1108 Necklace, topaz and enamel. 1109 Cross, silver and enamel, pearl, emerald

matrix, amethyst , emerald matrix and chalcedony (stones spell "Peace").

1110 Ring, gold, tourmaline and chrysolite. 1111 Brooch, coral, pearl and enamel. 1112 Pin, lapis lazuli and enamel. 1113 Fob, silver and copper. 1114 Lemon dish and fork, enamel.

ROLLINS, CARI. P .--Montague, Mass. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

Woon WoRK:

1115 Mirror. 1116 Torcherons. 1117 Table.

ROOKWOOD POTTERY--Cincinnati, Ohio. Exhibitor.

1118 Vase, iris design, iris ware. Carl Schmidt, designer, maker.

1119 Vase, valley lilies design, iris ware. Carl Scmidt, designer, maker.

1120 Vase, apple blossoms, iris ware. Edward Diers, designer, make11.

1121 Vase, small blossoms, iris ware. Lenore ~sbury, designer, maker.

1122 Vase, cherry blossoms, vellum ware. Elizabeth Lingenfelter, designer, maker.

1123 Vase, landscape, vellum ware. Fred Rothenbusch, designer, maker.

1124 Box, small blossoms, vellum ware. Katherine Van Horne, designer, maker.

1125 Vase, rabbits, vellum ware. E. T. Hurley, designer, maker.

1126 Vase, geese, vellum ware. Lenore Asbury, designer, maker.

1127 Vase, small blossoms, vellum ware. E. T. Hurley, designer, maker.

1128 Vase, ivy, vellum ware. Sara Sax, designer, maker.

1129 Vase, ros.es, vellum ware. Edward Diers, designer, maker.

1130 Vase, conventional corn flower, vellum ware. Lorinda Epply, designer, maker.

1131 Vase, small blossoms, vellum ware. Sallie Coyne, designer, maker.

1132 Vase, trees, vellum ware. K. Shirayamadani, designer, maker.

1133 Vase, blackberries, vellum ware. Fred Rothenbusch, designer, maker.

1134 Vase, landscape, vellum ware. Lorinda Epply, designer, maker.

1135 Vase, conventional landscape, vellum Katherine Van Horne, designer, maker.

1136 Vase, roses, vellum ware. R. Shirayamadani, designer, maker.

1137 Vase, spiderwort, vellum ware . . Lenore Asbury, designer, maker.


1138 Vase, butterflies, vellum ware. Sara Sax, designer, maker.

1139 Box, feather, vellum ware. Sara Sax, designer, maker.

1140 Vase, landscape, vellum ware. Sallie Coyne, designer, maker.

1141 Vase, tulips, vellum ware. Sara Sax, designer, maker.

1142 Vase, water lilies, vellum ware. Katherine Van Horne, designer, maker.

1143 Vase, border landscape, vellum ware. R. Shirayamadini, designer, maker.

1144 Vase, border landscape, vellum ware. Fred R oshenbusch, designer, maker.

1145 Vase, feather, vellum ware. Sara Sax, designer, maker.

1146 Vase, small blossoms, mat inlay. 0. Geneva R. Pinney, designer, maker.

1147 Vase, small blossoms, mat inlay. 0. Geneva R . Pinm~y, designer, maker.

1148 Bowl, conventional blossoms, decorated mat. Wm. Hentschell, designer, maker.

1149 Candlestick, conventional blossoms, decor-ated mat.

Wm. Hentschell, designer, maker.

1150 Vase, peacocks, decorated mat. Wm. Hentschell, designer, maker.

1151 Vase, green and brown, incised, plain mat.

1152 Vase, green and brown, plain mat.

1153 Vase, bluish gray and lavender, incised, plain mat.

1154 Pitcher, yellow, plain mat.

1155 Vase, green and brown, plain mat.

1156 Vase, green and pink, plain mat. 1157 Bowl, light blue and green, incised, plain

mat. 1158 Vase, dark blue, dark green, modeled, plain

mat. 1159 Vase, brown and red, incised, plain mat.

1160 Bowl, green and brown, incised, plain mat.

1161 Bowl, light green and red, modeled, plain mat.

1162 Bowl, light green and red, modeled, plain mat.

1163 Vase, pink and green, plain mat.

1164 Vase, red and green, modeled narcissus, plain mat.

1165 Vase, dark blue and green, modeled, plain mat.

1166 Tray, red and green, modeled, plain mat.

1167 Candlestick, brown and green, modeled sea horses, plain mat.

1168 Bowl , yellow inside, plain mat.

1169 Vase, brown and green, modeled rooks, plain mat.

1170 Vase, pink and green, modeled, plain mat.

1171 Vase, light green and blue, modeled, plain mat.

1172 Vase, light green and red, modeled rooks, plain mat.

1173 Tile, several colors, outline repeat, decorated mat.

1174 Tile, several colors, outline landscape, de-corated mat.

1175 Tile, several colors, modeled tree, decorated mat.

1176 Tile sign, several colors, outline rook, de-corated mat.

1177 Tile, several colors, modeled oak leaf, de-corated mat.

1178 Tile, several colors, outline heraldic, decor-ated mat.

1179 Tile, several colors, outline fish, decorated mat.

ROSE, Mrss A. A.--512 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. Designer, exhibitor and maker of gold beads.


1180 Jade and gold. 1181 Brown scarab and gold.

1182 Austrian beads and gold.

1183 Venetian black and gold.

1184 Venetian turquoise and gold.

1185 French pearl and gold.

1186 Jade and gold.

1187 Dark catseye.

1188 Venetian jet and gold.

1189 Gunmetal.

1190 White pearl and gold.

1191 Blue gunmetal and silver.

SHAW, MRS. JosEPHINE H.-9 Devotion St. , Brookline, Mass. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

1192 Pendant, silver, pearl and rose q:uartz.

1193 Brooch, agate and sapphires.

SINCLAIR, CATHERINE E. - 201 Park Place, Brooklyn, N. Y . Designer, maker, exhibitor.

1194 Bowl, conventional design.

SKINNER, Mrss E. V.- 235 W. 75th Street, New York, N.Y.

1195 Scarf pin, silver and pearl.

SMITH, JOHN S. -Danbury, N.H. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

1196 Cross, silver.

SORENSEN, SUSANN:E.-800 Halsted Street, Hull House, Chicago, Illinois. Designer, maker and exhibitor.


1197 Table runner, '·'Dobbelt dukagang."

1198 Pillow cover. 1199 Handkerchief bag.

1200 Muffler, silk.

1201 Fancy-work bag, silk .

1202 Table runner, linen, spun and woven.

SPIEGELBERG, BB:Trv G. - Hotel Colonial, W. 81st Street, New York, N.Y. Designer, maker and exhibitor.

1203 Umbrella lachet. 1204 Umbrella lachet.

1205 Umbrella lachet. 1206 Umbrella lachet.

1207 Umbrella lachet, gilt,

STEWARD, MRS. LEROY T.-1532 E. 65th Place, Chicago. Designer, decorator, exhibitor.

1208 Vase, Satsuma.

1209 Box, Satsuma.

1210 Salted nut set. 1211 Plate, Satsuma.

1212 Incense, Satsuma. 1213 Wine cup and saucer.

1214 Conversation set: Decorations of eight epochs in historic ornament and quotations.

STODDARD, LAURA L.-1959 W. Lake Street, Chicago, Illinois. Designer, maker and exhibitor.

1215 Leather mat, tooled.

STONE, ARTHUR J -Gardner, Mass., designer and exhib-itor. Arthur J. Stone, Herbert A. Taylor, Sylvanus A. Lam-prey, Carl Baroblom, makers.


1216 Rose porringer.

1217 Soap box, "poppy."

1218 Small box, hinged.

1219 Soap box, round.

1220 Stamp box.

1221 Candy box (one-half pound).

1222 Jewel box, silver gilt and velvet lined.

1223 Jewel box, velvet lined.

1224 Match box.

1225 Cigarette box.

1226 Child's mug, fluted.

1227 Child's mug, "elephant."

1228 Bowl, plain.

1229 Bowl, fluted.

1230 Bowl, fluted, with scalloped edge.

1231 Bowl, panels.

1232 Bowl, panels and cornflower.

1233 · Bowl, fleur de lis.

1234 Vegetable dish, fluted, Old English model.

1235 Vegetable dish, fluted, Old English model. 1236 Plate, plain.

1237 Plate, Honeysuckle. 1238 Basket, pierced lily. 1239 Baskets, plain (1 pair).

1240 Pepper and salt (1 pair).

1241 Bonbon dishes (1 pair) .

1242 Candlesticks (1 pair). 1243 Cream jug, Nantucket.

1244 Water Pitcher, Nantucket. 1245 Water Pitcher, fluted.

1246 Vase, raised from flat surface and chased ornament with inlaid background of fine gold.

1247 Rose porringer and spoon.

1248 Photographs of gold Pyx, (Cram, Goodhue & Ferguson, designers).


1249 Pieces from ordered set, Crest of owner, de-scended from Dutch family, on back ; owner's wife, .a Mayflower descendent used the topsail of Mayflower for her crest.

1250 Asparagus to~gs.

1251 Fish set.

STRANGE, MILI.ICENT-91716th St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Designer, maker and exhibitor.

1252 Locket, silver gilt and moonstone. 1253 Pendant, silver, moonstone, pearl and en-


SW ASTICA SHOP-880 McClurg Building, Chicago. De-signers, makers, exhibitors.


1254 Scissor, pin and tape cases. 1255 Bag.

1256 Card case. 1257 Card case. 1258 Address book. 1259 Book cover. 1260 Book cover (small). 1261 Note book. 1262 Card case. 1263 Pin case. 1264 Pin case. 1265 Photo case. 1266 Writing case· 1267 Guest book. 1268 Desk set. 1269 Scissor and needle case. 1270 Lamp and grass cloth shade.

1271 Lamp and grass cloth shade. 1272 Electrolier and shade. 1273 Candle shade.

1274 Candle shade.

THOMPSON, BERTHA.-Byrdcliffe, Woodstock, Ulster Co., New York. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

1275 Paper knife, silver, interlaced design.

1276 Bowl, brass.

1277 Flower bowl, copper.

TODD, E. W.-The T. C. Shop, 838 Fine Arts Building, Chicago, Illinois. Designer, maker and exhibitor.

1278 Ring, baroque pearl.

1279 Brooch, pearl.

TRAUTMANN G . H.--4602 N. Hermitage Ave., Chicago, Ill. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

1280 Table lamp and shade.

TRENHOLM, MRS. ARTHUR W.-770 Fairmount Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. Exhibitor.

1281 Russian rag carpet, vegetable dyed. Made 100 years ago.

TRE' 0. SHOP-1570 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, Ills Exhibitor. Clara L. Flinn, Margery Woodworth, designers. Clara L. Flinn, Marjorie Woodworth, Kristoffer Haga, makers.

1282 Ring, silver and topaz.

1283 Cuff links, silver.

1284 Scarf pin, silver and opal.

1285 Veil pin, silver and copper.

1286 Bracelet, silver gilt and hyacinths.

TROCCOLI, GIOVANNI B.-Morse's Lane Workshop, New-ton Center, Mass. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

1287 Frame, carved and gilded rectangle.

1288 Frame, carved and gilded rectangle.

1289 Frame, carved and gilded rectangle.

1290 Frame, carved and gilded rectangle.

1291 Frame, carved and gilded rectangle.

1292 Frame, carved and gilded rectangle.

1293 Frame, carved and gilded rectangle.

1294 Frame, carved and gilded rectangle.

1295 Frame, carved and gilded rectangle.

1296 Frame, carved and gilded oval.

1297 Frame, carved and gilded oval.

1298 Frame, carved and gilded, oval.

1299 Frame, carved and gilded, oval.

1300 Frame, carved and gilded, oval.

1301 Frame, carved and gilded, oval.

1302 Frame, carved and gilded, oval.

1303 Frame, carved and gilded, oval.

1304 Frame, carved and gilded, oval.

1305 Frame, carved and gilded, oval.

1306 Frame, carved and gilded, oval. 1307 Mirror , carved and gilded, frame . 1308 Mirror, carved and gilded, frame. 1309 Mirror, carved and gilded, frame. 1310 Mirror, carved and gilded, frame.

TRUMAN, ELIZABETH.-1505 Schiller Building, Chicago. Elizabeth Truman, designer, exhibitor. Elizabeth Truman, Howard A. Rounds, Fred Seidensticker, makers.

1311 Illumination, "Twenty-third Psalm." Lent by Mrs. J. H . Truman.

1312 Illumination, ''One hundred twenty-first Psalm. ''

Lent by Miss Kaderly.

TURPLE, DOROTHY. - 919 Pleasant Street, Worcester, Mass. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

1313 Chain, silver and "plique a jour. ' enamel.

VERBURG, JOHN G.-Troy, N. H. Designer, maker, ex-hibitor.

1314 Belt pin, with coral. 1315 Belt pin. 1316 Belt pin. 1317 Brooch, moonstone and turquoise. 1318 Brooch, rose quartz. 1319 Brooch, abalone pearl and fancy stones.

1320 Brooch, Scotch pearl and zircon. 1321 Necklace, coral and pearl. 1322 Necklace, garnets.

WALKER, FRANCES E.-716 N. Church St., Rockford, Ill. Designer, maker, exhibitor .

1323 Pendant, gold and tourmalines.

WALRATH, FREDERICK EMERY- Mechanics' Institute, Rochester, N.Y. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

1324 Vase, dark green, apple design. 1325 Vase, tulip design. 1326 Vase, rose design. 1327 Vase, cone design. 1328 Stein set (7 pieces), apple design.

WALTON, FREDERICK C.-N. State Street, Chicago. De-signer, decorator, exhibitor.

1329 Dining room furniture, table, chairs and con-sole .

WARD, Fr,ORENCE I.--1726 Hinman Ave., Evanston, Ill. Designer, maker, exhibitor.


1330 French mirror . 1331 French mirror.

1332 Card case. 1333 Card case.

1334 Case for playing cards.

1335 Address book. 1336 Address book.

1337 Note book. 1338 Note book. 1339 Book " Places visited,' ' levant and illumin-

a ted leather.

1340 Address book.

1341 Bridge score (small).

1342 Bridge score (large).

1343 Frame (oval).

1344 Picture frame for traveling.

1345 Picture frame for traveling.

1346 Opera bag.

1347 Portfolio.

1348 Pin book. 1349 Bag.

1350 Bag.

1351 Bag.

1352 Bag.

1353 Bag.

1354 Bag.

1355 Work box. 1356 ''Enoch Arden and other Poems,'' blue

levant and gold, blind tooled.

WATKINS, MILDRitD G.-2109 Cornell Road, Cleveland, Ohio. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

1357 Tea strainer, silver. 1358 Cream ladle, silver.

1359 Sugar tongs, silver. 1360 Lemon fork, silver. 1361 Salt cups and spoons,

(2 pair).

1362 Salt cups and spoons, (2 pair).

1363 Box, silver and enamel. 1364 Box, silver and enamel. 1365 Box, silver and enamel.


silver and enamel

silver and enamel

1366 Necklace, silver, enamel, opals and jasper. 1367 Ring, gold, sapphire and pearl. 1368 Lace pin, silver and coral.

WEAVER, Fl,oRitNCit M.- The Odd Shop, 613 Walnut Street, Des Moines, Iowa. Florence M. Weaver and Ange-lina St. John, designers, makers. The Odd Shop exhibitor.

1369 Table runner, applique, embroidered.

1370 Opera bag, tapestry with metal mount and turquoise matrix.

1371 Shopping bag, leather, copper mount.

WEHDE, ALBER'l'-1103 Heyworth Building, Chicago, Ill . Designer, maker, exhibitor. •

1372 Brooch, silver, "Entres." 1373 Brooch, silver, "Puntafior." 1374 Brooch, silver and abalone, "Cereza." 1375 Brooch, gold and c.oral, cameo, "Flora." 137 6 Brooch, gold and coral, rose, "Rosa." 1377 Brooch, gold and opal, ''1'rifolio.'' 1378 Ring, steel, gold inlaid and diamond, "Da-

mascus.'' 1379 Ring, steel, gold inlaid and green tourma-

line, "Two in one." 1380 Stick pin, silver, "Plata." 1381 Stick pin, silver and abalone, ''Dospuntos.''

WELD, HOWARD ROSWELL-4062 Michigan Terrace. Chi-cago, Ill. Designer, maker, exhibitor.


1382 Glass mosaic wall panel for dining room . 1383 Decorative panel for c or ri d or of public


1384 Decorative panel for Yacht club.

WHEELER, ETHEL C.-Duluth , Minn. Designer, maker,-Crafts shop, exhibitor.

1385 Book plate.

1386 Brooch, copper and thompsonite.

WIGHT, BLANCH.It L .--340 N. Howard Ave., Austin Sta. , Chicago, Ill . Designer, exhibitor.

1387 Design, living room elevation. 1388 Design, child's room.

1389 Design, library perspective sketch.

WINCHELL, MRS. MARY P.-3149 Warren Ave., Chicago, Ill. Designer, maker, exhibitor.


1390 Covered pine needle basket.

1391 Fern bowl, pine needle, Jerusalem thorn band.

1392 Work basket, pine needle.

1393 Work basket, wire and sweet grass.

1394 Work basket, sweet grass. 1395 Covered basket, pine needle, Jerusalem thorn

band. 1396 Work basket, pine needle.

1397 Work basket, pine needle. 1398 Hanging basket, pine needle and sweet grass

band. 1399 Hanging basket, pine needle and grass balls. 1400 Hanging basket, pine needles. 1401 Hanging basket, pine needles, sweet grass

band. 1402 Maiden hair fern stem, sweet grass band. 1403 Nut bowl, pine needle, cone trimmed. 1404 Wire and sweet grass, covered basket. 1405 Work basket, pine needle. 1406 Waste basket, pine needle, wire grass band.

WINDSOR, MRS. LORRAINE. - 79 Auditorium Building, 306 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Designer, exhibitor. Margaret McCall, maker.

1407 Design, interior of gallery reception hall.

WINN, JAMES H.-1041 Fine Arts Building, Chicago, Ill. Designer, maker, exhibitor.

1408 Fob, silver colored, Mexican opal matrix. 1409 Pendant, silver colored, turquoise matrix. 1410 Pendant, silver colored, coral. 1411 Pendant, silver colored, moon opal. (Lent).

1412 Pendant, silver colored, jasper malachite.

1413 Buttons, gold, lapis lazuli.

1414 Brooch, silver colored, coral.

1415 Ring, gold, golden topaz.

1416 Ring, gold, lapis lazuli.

1417 Ring, gold, coral.

1418 Ring, silver and amethyst.

1419 Ring, gold, sapphire and pearl.

1420 Scarf pin, gold, opal matrix.

1421 Scarf pin, copper, opal matrix.

1422 Scarf pin, gold, green turquoise matrix.

1423 Scarf pin, gold, opal doublet. 1424 Scarf pin, gold, rodenite.

1425 Fob, silver, labradorite.

1426 Fob, silver, labradorite.

1427 Frame of designs.

WOODWORTH, MARG:URY-1124 Elmwood Ave., Evans-ton, Ills.

1428 Necklace, silver gilt, jasper and sardonyx. 1429 Hatpin , copper and opal matrix.

1430 Brooch, silver, blue enamel and pearl drop.

1431 Beltpin, silver and white pearl.

1432 Fob, silver and amethyst. Lent.

1433 Ring, silver and azurite. Lent.

1434 Scarf pin, silver gilt and topaz.

WURLITZER, HELENE-421 Straight St. , Cincinnati, D . Designer, maker, exhibitor.


1435 Pillow, peacock feather design.

1436 Scarf, peacock feather design.

1437 Scarf, sea gull design.

1438 Pillow, sea gull desig n.

1439 Pillow, pink anemone design. 1440 Bag, dragon fly design.

1441 Bag, blue conventional design.

ZEUBLIN, MRS. HENRIETTA C. - 8 Fairview Terrace, Winchester, Mass.-Designer, maker, exhibitor.

1442 Vase, Satuma, enameled, peacock design.

HAAG, CHARZ.JtS-Winnetka, Ill. Designer, m aker, exhib-itor.

1443 Ring, silver and pearl.

HAAG, SoPHIA-Winnetka, Ill. Designer, maker, exhib-itor.

1444 Weaving, "A rainy day."

1445 Weaving, ''Stork.''

1446 Weaving, ''Marabou.''

1447 Table cover , applique.

1448 Basket, "The cat."
