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Art of Charming

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  • 7/30/2019 Art of Charming


    Could This One Trait Really Bethe Thing That Separates the MenWho Get 90% of the Women from

    Everyone Else?

    The Answer is YESAnd if YOU Want to Learn How to Instantly Attract theWomen of Your Dreams, Then The Six Secrets Im About to Share With You WillBe The Most Important Thing Youll Ever Read

    From: J im Strieter, Art of Charm Academy Alumnus

    Cleveland, OH

    One year ago, I felt like two thirds of a man.

    I was incredibly successful in two of the three big areas of my life,

    while the third area was a dismal failure.

    I had a well-paying career as an electrical engineer, a well-toned

    physique, and my doctor told me I had ideal health.

    Meanwhile, behind the scenes, I was getting rejected by every girl Itruly wanted to date.

    I knew how to maneuver a satellite into lunar orbit, yet I had no idea

    how to walk up to a beautiful woman and get a date.

    I know exactly what its like to pour out your heart to that girl you

    desire, and all she says is, Youre not my type. I have felt the

    frustration of wanting to introduce myself to a girl I like, but not

    knowing what to say; not knowing what to do, not knowing how to

    escalate from hello to something more.

    I didnt know the secret that some men possess that makes getting

    dates look easy.

    I do know what its like to be stuck in the friend zone with every girl

    you like.

    I know what its like to be stuck in the friend zone with that one girl you

    would love to settle down with.

    But one year ago, EVERYTHING CHANGED

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    and its all because I discovered the ONE VARIABLE that separates

    the guys who effortlessly get 90% of the girls from the guys who fight

    over 10% of the girls.

    By mastering this one core virtue, I have taken my dating from

    sporadic, to multiple dates a week, to settling down with that one

    special girl who just might be the one.

    I have gone from settling for the girl I could get, to settling down with

    my loyal, beautiful, charming girlfriend.

    To be clear, I am NOT saying this to brag. I am saying this because I

    have walked in your shoes. I know what its like to get friend-zoned

    by the girl youve secretly had a crush on for the past two years. I

    know what its like to be humiliated because she told your friends all

    about it.

    I ALSO know that you can enjoy my new lifestyle too by adopting the

    right mindset and doing some simple exercises.

    And when I say simple exercises, Im talking about mini-missions that

    you can do in minutes per day.

    These simple exercises have made me so confident that I can talk to

    ANY woman, and its as natural as breathing. If shes single, she

    usually gets a little bit flirty with me, and setting up a date is easy. And

    for five months now, Ive been with my loyal, beautiful, charming

    girlfriend. Now, I feel like I own my life. I feel like 100% of a man when

    Im single, and I feel like a rock star when Im with my girlfriend.

    Now, imagine for a moment what its like to have that kind of

    admiration from your own girlfriend. You have the confidence to live

    the life you want to live in dating, and in every area of your life.

    See yourself in the picture.

    Hear the sounds, see the sights, and really feel the feelings of your

    own girlfriend admiring you like a rock star.

    Where are you? Who are you with? What are you doing? What do you

    see? What do you hear? How does that feel to you?

    What kind of woman are you dating?

    How does it feel to walk her into a room full of people, people looking

    at her? With your arm around her?

    How does it feel to spend quality one-on-one time with her?

    How does it feel to have this much mastery over dating? Over your

    entire life?

    Feels good, doesnt it?

    Well, keep reading, because you are about to learn the secret that will

    transform your dating life. If youre like most guys, you can learn to

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    attract women into your life just like I did. It doesnt matter if youre rich

    or not, handsome or not, fit or not, because most guys suffer from the

    same problem.

    The one problem that most guys suffer from has NOTHING to do with

    how much money you make, how handsome you are, or how fit you

    are. The one problem that 90% of men suffer from has everything to

    do with that one core virtue I mentioned earlier. This one variable willeither attract women to you just because youre present, or cause

    them to subconsciously reject you as soon as you walk in the room.

    The ability to attract women is something that deep down, every man

    has , but only an elite 10% have learned how to access. The true

    number might be even less than 10%. It might be 5%, or 1%. But

    regardless of how elite this group is, you can be a part of it if you

    practice the tips outlined below.

    Now, before we go any further, I would like to clarify whether this

    report can help you. If youre looking for some kind of instant hack to

    trick women into sleeping with you, you wont find it here. Close thiswindow and go somewhere else. If, however, you are willing to get out

    of your comfort zone, challenge yourself, and stick with something

    until you have the life you want, keep reading.

    Also, I want to clarify what we mean by success in this report. To a

    lot of people in the dating industry, success means getting lots of

    phone numbers, or getting laid, or dating as many women as possible.

    To me, success is something very different. In this report, intimacy is a

    necessary part of success. And, success in this report also means:

    You have an incredibly fun social life, with both sexes. You have so much fun that

    dates happen as a result.

    You transmute the passion of your dating life into every other area of your life,

    You serve the best interests of the women you date,

    You improve yourself as necessary to keep the love aflame with your woman, and

    You set an example of gentlemanly confidence for the next generation.

    Success is really a lifestyle. Like life, success is a journey, not a

    destination. The confidence tips Im going to give you are really forpeople who want to get better with age (like good wine). Yes, I am

    going to give you some cool stuff you can use to improve right now,

    and the best results are the fruit of a long term commitment to the life

    you want.

    Cool! We just drove off the sleazy losers! If youre still reading, you

    are probably interested in succeeding with women the genuine way

    by working on yourself.

    You could probably tell me the advantages of long term, incremental

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    training over short term hacks. You probably see how much more

    deeply and thoroughly you learn when you learn dozens of lessons,

    over the long term. Short term hacks lead to limited functionality in a

    skill. Long term lessons lead to you becoming a new person, a master

    of a particular area of your life.

    (There are some contexts in which short term hacks are appropriate.

    However, for dating, you are best off if you focus on the long term.)

    Because we want you to be a new person, lets clear the air of a few

    fatal fallacies a lot of guys have about dating. These fatal fallacies are:

    1. Only Men Suffer from Bad Dating Lives,

    2. The Dating Trap Most Men Are Caught In, and

    3. The Three False Kinds of Confidence.

    Who Is Suffering, Anyway?

    I can hear you saying Men. Duh.

    Everybody knows men suffer from bad dating lives.

    Sadly, though, the suffering doesnt stop there.

    According to MSNBC in 2006, 72% of people are dissatisfied with

    online dating. As of 2009, Match.com users go on 6 million dates per

    year, yet the chance of a date leading to marriage is 0.073%.

    According to OkCupid, women rate 80% of male users as being less

    attractive than average. The male attractiveness statistic is especiallyalarming, because the dominant source of male attractiveness is

    something very different than appearance. Well talk about what that

    is in a minute. Based on these data, Im willing to conclude that both

    men AND WOMEN are suffering from bad dating lives. This is a

    problem, because for most people, this means living lonely, empty

    lives. You can have all the success in the world, but if you dont have

    someone to share it with, you will feel lonely inside.

    And LOTS of people feel lonely inside.

    Men and women feel lonely inside because most men do not know

    the secret to attracting, delighting, and keeping a high quality woman.So let go of any belief you may have that succeeding with women is

    selfish, sinful, or any of that rot. The women checking you out need

    a fulfilling relationship just as much as you do. These poor gals are

    starved of love, and they just need to see you demonstrate the right

    kind of manliness so they can FEAST on your love and BRAG

    about it.

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    Were gonna talk about that right kind of manliness in a minute. First,

    though, we need to talk about the fallacy that is keeping more guys

    home and lonely than any other.

    The Dating Trap Most Men Are Caught In

    Like most guys, my biggest problem was in the approach. I went to a

    school of 30,000 people, 17,000 freaking girls, and out of 17,000

    freaking girls, not a one of them wanted to be my girlfriend.


    Because of the way I APPROACHED. I walked around with shoulders

    slumped, head low, and no smile. I looked like serial killer.

    Like most guys, I thought communication started when I started


    This lie is The Dating Trap Most Men Are Caught In:

    Communication starts when Istart talking.

    Reality is, if you want to attract women, you must accept that

    communication starts when she SEES you in her PERIPHERAL

    vision, or FEELS your presence. Even if her back is turned when you

    enter the room, she can feel your presence. And, she is making

    decisions about whether you are mate material before she

    consciously knows youre there. When you are out of earshot, and

    your voice is part of the background conversation in the room, she

    subconsciously judges your voice tone as being mate material voice

    tone or not.

    Here is a quick exercise that most men will NEVER do.

    This exercise is SUPER SIMPLE. Do it right now:

    For a moment, consider the first tenth of a second a woman notices

    you. She may consciously notice you, or just subconsciously make

    decisions about you. Either way, think about what those decisions

    might be.

    What does she feel when you walk in the room?

    When she looks at you, what is the very first thing she sees?

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    When she hears your voice, what does she hear?

    What is the very first decision she makes about you?

    Most men have never given this a moments thought.

    What do you want that decision to be if shes going to date you?

    Read on, because the answer is in Tip #3.

    How NOT To Impress A Woman:

    The Three False Kinds Of Confidence

    I spent years trying to impress women with where I worked, how good

    I am at my job, and how good a musician I am. Basically, I tried to

    impress women with how accomplished I am.

    The result?

    Nobody was impressed.

    My accomplishments did not spark attraction in the women I wanted to

    date. Something very different does that

    I experimented for a year with putting women down. All that did was

    cause them to stop talking to me. I negged one of the highest quality

    women that I know. I didnt actually mean anything mean. I was just

    trying to have a little fun. The result? She doesnt talk to me now. Ive

    apologized; Ive asked her to forgive me; I told her I was an ass for

    saying that.

    Doesnt matter.

    Permanent. Silent. Treatment.

    I tried buying girls things too. I actually walked into a jewelry store

    once, and I saw a stunning diamond necklace. It was two strings

    intertwined red gold and white gold, and studded with hundreds of

    brilliant little diamonds. I told the sales rep I wanted to buy that

    necklace for a special girl.

    How long have you been going out? she asked.

    We havent yet. I want to tell her how much she means to me. I said.

    Well, this is against every sales rule in the book, but honestly, if you

    buy that for her, it will probably freak her out.

    Really? I asked.

    Yeah. Really, she said.

    Thank you, I said, grateful that this kind saleswoman would save me

    a handsome sum of money.

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    So I went home, and I spent the next two months knitting that girl a


    No joke.

    When I gave it to her, she was genuinely flattered. But did she date

    me? Nope. Did I ever see her wear that scarf? Nope. Does she talk to

    me now?


    Why not?

    To answer that, we need to answer the question I hinted at earlier:

    What is that one core virtue that makes the difference?

    The one core virtue that affects your success with women more than

    anything else is confidence.

    Now, everybody knows that confidence is the single most important

    key to success with women. Sean Connery said this, George Clooneylives this, as well as thousands of the worlds most prolific lovers.

    But, how do you be confident? Saying, Be Confident is like saying

    Be tall.

    How do you do that?

    Even more importantly, what KIND of confidence? And, confidence in

    what context?

    To answer these questions, you need to understand the four kinds of

    confidence. Of the four different kinds of confidence, three require

    dishonesty on your part, and therefore are false. Only one kind ofconfidence releases your authenticity. This is the only real kind of


    These four kinds of confidence have been explained to me by my

    friends at The Art of Charm. The trainers of The Art of Charm have

    been featured on The Huffington Post, the Today show, Sirius

    Satellite Radio, guardian.co.uk, Psychology Today, and

    Cosmopolitan. These guys have helped thousands of men transform

    their dating lives. These guys helped me when others couldnt. I am

    forever grateful to the difference theyve made in my life, and I want to

    share that difference with you.

    It all starts with understanding the different kinds of confidence, and

    why only one of them brings out your best self.

    The four kinds of confidence are:

    1. Foo-Foo

    2. PUA

    3. External

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    4. Charismatic

    Lets demystify these now.

    Foo-Foo Confidence

    Foo-Foo confidence is self-talk that you yourself dont believe. Foo-

    Foo confidence is the worst incarnation of positive thinking.

    To be fair, positive thinking has gotten results for some people. The

    problem with positive thinking is that it doesnt make you more mature

    than that little voice in your head. When you have true confidence, it

    doesnt matter what that little voice in your head says.

    Lets say youre truly confident at work. When youre at work, and you

    take on a new challenge, you might remind yourself that you can do

    your challenge if you just stick to it. Reminding yourself that you can

    do this challenge is helpful when its believable to you.

    Conversely, lets suppose youre not confident with women. Telling

    yourself Im attractive in the mirror usually doesnt help if you dont

    believe it.

    If you arent congruent with what youre telling yourself, its an act, and

    if its an act, its not confidence.

    PUA Confidence

    By this point, most guys (and girls) have heard of the pickup

    artist (PUA) community.

    Sadly, a lot of guys see this as a shortcut a way to trick girls into

    liking them and thousands of guys have wasted YEARS driving

    women away that they could be DATING.

    Pickup artists feign confidence in three ways:

    1. They dress up in ridiculous outfits and act like someone theyre not,

    2. They insult women (called negs), thinking that if they can lower herconfidence, it will somehow increase theirs, and

    3. They tell elaborate stories designed to show how cool they are.

    Not only have most women heard of these tactics, the truth is, they

    have always seen right through them.

    One of the best ways to drive interested women away is to play PUA


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    I know. I drove off some pretty voluptuous wife material this way.

    NOT recommended.

    If you want to turn off the women who are checking you out, use PUA


    Otherwise, keep reading.

    External Confidence

    Unlike the first two forms of flawed confidence, which most women

    can tell are a sham, this one is trickier to recognize. A lot of guys fall

    for this one because they miss a subtle distinction which Ill explain in

    a minute.

    Basically, its trying to get confidence through external means your

    looks, your car, how much money you make, your position within an

    organization, where you went to school, etc.

    And although this may seem like a good idea, it just doesnt work.

    External confidence is like sticking the wrong key into the lock. Sure,

    there are women willing to marry a rich guy for the luxury, but these

    women usually cheat with a man who has real confidence. So, unless

    you want your girl cheating on you, ditch the external confidence.

    Fortunately, there is ONE kind of confidence that can bring the ugliest

    guy in league with the HOTTEST women. For real. One of the ugliest

    guys Ive ever met is married to one of the hottest girls Ive ever met.

    This is the real deal.

    This one kind of confidence is Charismatic Confidence.

    Charismatic Confidence

    Charismatic confidence is the hallmark of historys greatest lovers.

    The type that movie bad boys like J ames Dean, Clark Gable and

    Robert Patterson have. The type that the great leaders throughout

    history, like Marcus Aurelius, Winston Churchill, and J ohn F. Kennedy


    This is the confidence that truly drives women wild.

    Its no secret that women say confidence is the most attractive trait in

    a man.

    What they are talking about is CHARISMATIC CONFIDENCE.

    How does Charismatic Confidence drive women wild?

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    1. Charismatic Confidence gets a womans attention. If you want to

    MEET a girl, you first need to get her attention. Charismatic

    Confidence is the best way to hook her attention and reel her into

    you. Charismatic Confidence is the magnetic pull that draws

    women to you, without them even knowing why.

    2. Charismatic Confidence makes her feel POWERFUL EMOTIONS.

    Women dont choose guys who are the most logical choice for

    themthey choose guys who make them FEEL GOOD. Being with

    a truly confident man makes a woman feel AMAZING.

    3. Charismatic Confidence conveys ALL THE RIGHT THINGS about

    you. A man with Charismatic Confidence comes across as relaxed,

    funny, intelligent, and challenging which women LOVE!!!

    The best part is

    You can learn this t ype of confidence.

    In fact, contrary to popular belief, the entire science of attraction CAN

    be taught. You can learn to turn your anxiety around approaching

    women into tornado-proof confidence. You can learn to use eye

    contact, body language, voice tone, and high-status humor to build

    massive attraction in a woman. You can escape The Friend Zone and

    FINALLY land that girl you really want. J ust like learning something

    new at work, the process of becoming more confident and attractive is

    a set of defined skills that anyone can learn.

    To help you learn true confidence, my friends at The Art of Charm

    have codified the Four Archetypes of Confidence. The Four

    Archetypes of Confidence illustrate the four fundamental ways men

    seek confidence. Three archetypes are, deep down, insecure. Onlyone archetype has Charismatic Confidence.

    The Four Archetypes are:

    1. The Wimp

    2. The Bully

    3. The Douche

    4. The Winner

    Lets break these down:

    The Wimp

    Our first archetype, the Wimp, has very low self-confidence. Hes

    insecure, unsure of himself and uncomfortable in his own skin. He

    does, however, have a deep need to be accepted and loved by

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    others. What makes him The Wimp is the way he goes about gaining

    this acceptance. This guy basically begs other people to like him. Hes

    the kiss-ass, the pushover, the guy that will do anything and

    everything to be accepted by the group. He shows his insecurity by

    being a little too eager to please. You might know a guy like this, and

    he is not attractive to women.

    The Bully

    Like The Wimp, The Bully has a lot of insecurities and a deep need to

    be accepted by others. However, the Bully has a completely different

    strategy for getting this acceptance he tries to force other people to

    respect him. He does this by belittling others. When he goes out on

    the weekends, hes probably going to look for the drunkest, most

    insecure girl and try to take her home. Thats how he validates his

    manhood. If that doesnt work, hes probably going to pick a fight with

    someone. You might know a guy like thishes the meathead, theschool-yard bully, and the entire cast of J ersey Shore. At first, he

    might seem confident, but within minutes of meeting him, its clear that

    hes a fraud. The Bully is most likely to resort to PUA confidence.

    The Douche

    The Douche actually does have a sense of high self-worth, but the

    problem is that its conditional on external factors. The Douche may

    have loads of money, he might be a published author or a respected

    professor he might be a hot-shot Hollywood agent. As long as hedoesnt view you as a threat, this guy can actually seem pretty cool.

    Because he creates the appearance of being confident, he actually

    does pretty well with the ladies at first.

    The problem with the Douche is that the more you get to know him,

    the more his true colors emerge. Because he defines himself by his

    achievements, he often goes out of his way to remind everyone about

    them. He buys a fancy sports car to show off his wealth, he casually

    mentions his alma mater in the conversation, and he name drops like

    a champ. His confidence comes off as arrogance, and eventually

    drives the high-quality women out of his life.

    The Winner

    This is the final archetype, and the one that all men should aspire to.

    The Winner has a high level of self-confidence that is generated

    internally. Hes the natural born leader. He knows that his life is

    together, he knows that he has a lot to offer. In short, he knows that

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    hes the total package. And because of this, hes actually quite

    humble on the outside. He never brags. He still might have the fancy

    sports car, but he doesnt need to show it off. In fact, The Winner

    seldom, if ever, mentions his fancy sports car. He has it because he

    enjoys driving it, not because he needs other people see it.

    People can literally FEEL The Winner when he walks in the room. The

    Winner treats people with respect, and hes an amazing guy to bearound. To imagine the winner, think Clint Eastwood, Steve McQueen,

    Sean Connery or George Clooney, or the characters they play. Earlier

    in this report we talked about the 10% of men that can get 90% of

    women. Well this guy is in the 1% that can get damn near ANY


    Of these four archetypes only The Winner has true self-confidence.

    Hes not a pushover like the Wimp, but he doesnt create an arrogant

    faade like the Bully or the Douche. He has that je nais se quoi, he

    gives value to others, and people know hes confident. People know

    hes confident not by his words, but by his masculine presence. Henever needs to tell anybody how cool he is. He just is. Thats why he

    has his choice of women.

    One great example of The Winner is Nikki Sixx. If you listen to his

    radio show, The Sixx Sense, you can hear how The Winner talks. Ive

    been listening to that show for two years, and Ive never heard Nikki

    brag. Ever. Hes a rock superstar, yet he tells stories that ANYBODY

    can relate to stories of not having enough money to eat, and

    needing to pawn his bass. Stories of frantically trying to learn a song 5

    minutes before a show. Stories about cats and dogs and food. Nikki

    can joke about being not cool because he IS cool. Whatever you think

    of his music, his tattoo covered body and his crazy hair, this is a man

    of VERY high internal value. If you want to hear how high internal

    value men bond with others, listen to his show.

    So at this point you might be asking yourself how do I develop this

    type of unshakable, internal confidence?.

    Honestly, its not easy.

    Its not easy because true confidence is something you find in


    J ust like buying a home gym doesnt make you fit, neither is there any

    shortcut to finding true confidence. Confidence is li ke a muscle. You

    have to exercise it.

    However, before you can exercise that muscle, you first have to find

    that muscle. To help you find your confidence muscle, my friends at

    The Art of Charm have created The Value Scale.

    The Value Scale showed me WHY some men are so magnetic to be

    around, and HOW I could do the very same thing. As you read this,

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    youll probably think of some magnetic guy that women love to be

    around. If youve ever wanted to be just as attractive to women as that

    guy, the Value Scale will tell you how to do it.

    The Art of Charm Value Scale

    We all know some guys rate girls on a point system. (We know its

    crude, but thats a story for another time.)

    But after years of research, thousands of clients and interactions with

    tens of thousands of women, the guys at The Art of Charm have

    figured out exactly how women rate men. The result is the Art of

    Charm Value Scale.

    The best part about the Value Scale is that you can put yourself in

    league with the most valuable girls. Not just the hottest girls, but the

    hottest, smartest, most fun, most mature girls. You can do this,

    because a womans attraction to a man is based entirely or almost

    entirely on confidence. So these levels Im going to explain are really

    just ratings of a guys confidence.

    The Value Scale tells you how to BE any archetype you want. If you

    want to be The Wimp, just live Level 6 on the Value Scale!

    If you want to be the PUA, live level 7!

    Want to be The Douche? Easy! Live level 8!

    And if you want to succeed with women, and be The Winner, live level


    The Value Scale is BY FAR the most effective gift Ive ever received

    from anybody in the dating industry. This one outshines them all.

    Every single one.

    I listened to it in podcast form (which you can get on the Pickup

    Podcast website for free), and went out that same night and lived The

    Winner. So keep reading

    Remember, these levels are based on 1) behavior and 2) what that

    behavior communicates. Since you can change your behavior at any

    time, and therefore change what you communicate, you are never

    locked into any one level. And you dont have to move up one level at

    a time. If you were a 6 one second ago, you can be a 9 right now.

    Levels 6, 7, and 8 all do the same thing: Seek value.

    The only differences between levels are in how they seek value.

    Level 9 does one thing: Give value.

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    As a 9, raising other peoples value implies that you are the source of

    value. As the source of value, you have so much value that you can

    freely give to all who want it.

    You may notice in your past a mixture of levels. Dont waste time

    figuring out which one level you were. 6-8 are undesirable; 9 is

    desirable. So whatever you were, just shoot for 9 right now.

    Level 6

    Level 6 people have what we call a Supplicative Dynamic. To

    supplicate is a religious term that means to pray to a god. A man

    supplicating to a woman is basically saying, You are so beautiful Im

    going to worship you. The Level 6 catchphrase is, Please like me.

    Level 6 people have a very low internal value. Some common level 6

    behaviors are:

    1. Pecking Leaning toward a person to hear them better

    2. Unwarranted apologizing Assuming that in some way, hes

    offended someone, even when he hasnt done anything wrong.

    3. Shrinking up Afraid to be in anyones way.

    4. Qualifying Giving reasons why others should like him.

    5. Treating people as objects of worship.

    Fortunately, 6s are easy to deal with. J ust find something toappreciate about them, and theyre happy. 6s often use specific

    things (accomplishments or possessions) to supplicate for approval,

    so just saying I like your Mickey Mouse pocket protector [or

    whatever]. Thats cool, is often enough to delight a 6.

    Then, change the subject of the conversation to something you can

    bond on.

    Level 7

    Level 7 people have what we call a Combative Dynamic. The Level 7

    catchphrase is, Youre below me. Level 7 people seek value

    externally by trying to push others into 6.

    Level 7 is like the scared puppy that has to bark at anything that


    Common Level 7 behaviors are:

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    1. Challenging others to a competition, sometimes in the form of a


    2. Being territorial. e.g. This is MY table! Who let you in?

    3. Being controlling. e.g. I thought I told you to lick your ice cream

    cone from the south! Why are you licking it from the east?

    One powerful way to deal with a 7 is to give him value in a place he

    didnt know he had any. For example, when he says, Youre a weasel

    -faced mollycoddle! misinterpret it as a joke and say in a lighthearted

    tone of voice, Yeah, you got me! You know, you read people really

    well. Im glad youre on my side.

    Briefly give him value in an area he probably didnt know he had any,

    and divert the conversation to something you can bond on.

    Level 8

    Level 8 people have the Competitive Dynamic. The Level 8

    catchphrase is, Im better than you. A level 8 person is always trying

    to one up you. Level 8 has some value, usually external, and knows

    he can win a value contest.

    Common Level 8 behaviors are:

    1. Wearing flashy clothing.2. Buying drinks for everybody. Bottles with sparklers are a favorite of


    3. Bragging about material possessions, connections, or


    4. e.g. As VP of sales, I made the Mickey Mouse pocket protector the

    bestselling pocket protector in the world.

    The best way to deal with an 8 is to give him value in the area hes

    seeking value. When he says, I bet I can do more pushups than you,

    just say in a lighthearted tone of voice, Yeah, I bet you can too.Thats a cool bling bling youre wearing. Whered you get it?

    People can switch between levels instantaneously. Its common for

    guys to switch between 7 and 8 several times in a night, for example.

    That doesnt mean he IS a 7 or an 8. It just means he was acting like

    one at that moment. No one is locked into any one level. S ince you

    can switch between levels, nothing prevents you from switching into 9

    and staying there.

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    Level 9

    Level 9 people have the Cooperative Dynamic. The Level 9

    catchphrase is, Im awesome, and so are you! A 9 asserts his own

    desires, and cooperates with others along the way. Level 9 is the onlylevel that has HIGH INTERNAL VALUE. A 9 values himself so highly

    that he can lift everybody else up like the space shuttle lifts

    everybody into orbit.

    9s are very accepting of people. 9s keep cool; 9s dont get shaken; 9s

    play along.

    Common Level 9 behaviors are:

    1. Misinterpreting others behaviors in a lighthearted, positive way,

    2. Giving people value, especially in areas they didnt know they had


    3. Appreciating little things in the moment. This can be anything from

    complimenting a girl on her earrings, to thanking the waiter for

    bringing lemons with the water.

    The best way to deal with a 9 is to be one! The best part about being

    a 9 is how easy and fun it makes your social life. As a 9, you dont do

    a lot of work just to get a phone number.As a 9, you have a lo t o f

    FUN and phone numbers flow as a byproduct.

    Commonalities and Differences Between Levels

    You may have noticed that 9 has a lot in common with 6. The

    difference between a 9 and a 6 is that a 6s attitude is, Please like

    me. Im going to kiss your ass to try to get you to like me, whereas a

    9s attitude is, Im awesome, and so are you.

    9 and 7 both assert what they want. The difference is that a 7 gets

    scared if anybody encroaches on his turf, or his girl, or his table. A 9,on the other hand, is comfortable with everybody jumping into his


    A 9 is like the mirror image of an 8. Imagine an 8 looking into a pond,

    and seeing his 9 self below the surface. The difference between the 8

    and the 9 is that the 8 gives EXTERNAL value, while the 9 gives

    INTERNAL value. The 8 gives THINGS of value, while the 9 makes

    everybody FEEL valued. The 8 knows hes valuable because of his

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    things. The 9 knows hes valuable because he decided hes

    valuable no matter what.The 9 finds the good, the fun, the funny, in

    everybody, and shares it with the whole group. The 9 gets everybody

    appreciating everybody elses value.

    Some people in 6-8 are going to stick to their low value behavior. As a

    9, you are okay with that. You show your value by how you

    RESPOND to other peoples behavior, and you are okay with otherpeople doing what they want to do.

    Remember, people can switch between levels instantaneously,

    including you. If you ever catch yourself 6ing, 7ing, or 8ing, just give

    yourself whatever value you were seeking by doing so, and switch

    right back into 9.

    At Last! The Foundation!

    At this point, Ive explained what confidence really is, and now its time

    to tell you how to get it. And let me say, youre pretty cool for reading

    this far. Most people have quit reading by now, so youre one of the

    serious ones who is seeing this through to the end.

    So, here they are:

    My Top Six Tips for Charismatic Confidence

    Charismatic Confidence Tip #6: Ask Yourself, What Would A 9Do?

    As you think, so shall you become.

    Bruce Lee

    One of the best ways to find confidence in yourself is to behave like a

    9. Whatever you do, do it as a 9. Whatever you say, say it as a 9.

    When a 6 begs you for value, give that value as a 9. When a 7 testsyour mettle, show youre cool as a 9. When an 8 tries to one up you,

    compliment him as a 9. When a woman you like hints at spending

    time with you alone, set up the date as a 9!

    Now, in this step, you might have to fake it till you make it. Thats

    okay. The difference between fake it till you make it and just plain

    faking it (PUA confidence) is that, in fake it till you make it, you are

    finding your 9 self, so you are seeking to be authentic. In fake it till

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    you make it, youre actually wiping away the soot that covers up your

    9 self, so that everybody can see the real you.

    Charismatic Confidence Tip #5: Collect Micro-Victories

    Continuous effort not strength or intelligence is the key to

    unlocking our potential.

    Winston Churchill

    Im going to let you in on two keys to confidence:

    1) Success breeds confidence and

    2) Confidence breeds success.

    What do I mean by that?

    The more success you have with women, the more confident you will

    be. The more confident you are with women, the more successful you

    will be.

    Hold on, this sounds like a Catch-22, right?

    Not exactly This WOULD be a catch-22 except that you can use a

    little trick I got from my Art of Charm friends. That little trick is to

    collect micro-victories. The basic idea is to start with whatever you can

    do, and expand that only as fast as you can maintain confidence. You

    go on mini-missions that stretch your confidence little by little.

    For instance, here are the first four mini-missions.

    Day 1: Go out and smile at 10 women. Most will probably smile back.

    Day 2: Go out and ask 10 women for the time. Most will tell you.

    Day 3: Go out and ask 10 women for the time, and then ask how their day is


    Most will gladly share a little bit about their day, and keep walking.

    Day 4: Ask 10 women for the time, ask how their day is going, and once you have

    a good conversation going, flirt a little. Youd be surprised how many flirt back.

    You get the picture. Keep going like this and your confidence will

    shoot through the roof. Eventually, you challenge yourself with things

    like get 10 phone numbers in a day or go on three dates in a day.

    You can get there, as long as you break victory down into small

    enough pieces.

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    So start racking up those micro-victories and youll soon be fearless

    around women!

    Charismatic Confidence Tip #4: Immerse Yourself in Positi ve


    You are the average of the five people you associate with most, so

    do not underestimate the effects of your pessimistic, unambitious, or

    disorganized friends. If someone isnt making you stronger, theyre

    making you weaker.

    - Tim Ferriss

    If you want to be successful, whom you hang out with matters.

    A lot.

    Research into behavioral psychology shows that your thoughts,

    emotions and beliefs are deeply influenced by your peer group.

    Psychologists call this social contagion, the phenomenon that

    basically describes how your friends shape your outlook on life, your

    values and your behaviors. You see, the influence of your peer group

    is very powerful. It actually acts like an invisible hand that either drags

    you down, or lifts you up to the life you want.

    So, when it comes to your friends, you need to ask yourself a simple


    Are my friends helping me or hurting me?

    When you go to a bar, are your buddies huddled in a corner, or are

    they proactive about meeting everyone in the room? Do your friends

    have Charismatic Confidence, or do they demonstrate low self-worth?

    Chances are, your answer to these questions will reflect your own

    level of success and confidence with women.

    Whats the solution?

    Start hanging out with guys that are already successful with women.

    Build your own social network of charismatic men who can help you

    improve your own level of confidence and success with women. Hang

    out with men who will program you, consciously and unconsciously,

    to succeed with women.

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    This doesnt mean that you need to ditch your current friends.

    Although, if you try hanging around some of them less, you may

    actually notice an improvement in your quality of life.

    I did cut a small number of people out of my life after I decided I would

    do whatever it takes to succeed with women. I felt like a weight was

    lifted off my chest. Some people are toxic and it may be in your best

    interest to avoid them. Only you can decide what is best for you in thissituation. Regardless of whether a particular friend is a keeper or a

    loser, when you meet girls, you want to be with guys whose values

    and traits you want to emulate.

    Its also critical that you learn to recognize which guys are confident

    with women, and which ones arent. I was at a bar with a group of

    friends recently, when I met another dude flirting with the same two

    girls I was flirting with. If he and I were 7s or 8s, we would have

    competed for those girls. Instead, he and I teamed up right then and



    Instant wingman.

    Hans and I exchanged names, and without saying a word about it, we

    supported each other to get the girls we wanted. Hans was bonding

    with the brunette, and I was clicking with the redhead. Hans and I

    lifted each other up and helped each other win with our respective


    This is just ONE of the powerful things you can do once you find true

    confidence. You not only have access to your own confidence, but

    you leverage the confidence of all the other confident people in thegroup. You get the social cred of the highest value people in the

    group, because you contribute to that highest value.

    This is how your success with women grows EXPONENTIALLY.

    Charismatic Confidence Tip #3: BE PREPARED

    Know your enemy and know yourself and in 100 battles you will

    never be in peril.

    Sun Tzu, The Art of War

    Okay, women are NOT the enemy, so lets translate this one. The

    dating version is, Know the girl you want and know yourself, and in

    100 dates you will always be confident.

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    If you want to be confident with women, you need to understand how

    they think, and you also need to thoroughly understand what signals

    you are sending.

    What does that mean?

    Well, you need to know what they find attractive, exactly how they fall

    in love, what they mean when they talk about chemistry and how to

    get it, and how they view sex and the process of seduction.

    And thats just the beginning

    You also need to know:

    1. What your body language says about you and how to come off as

    the most confident man in the world,

    2. What your particular style of humor says to a woman. Get this right

    and she will literally melt. Get it wrong and shell reject you before

    you can say Friend Zone.3. Where The Creepy Zone is, and how to AVOID it,

    4. How to send the SEXUAL SIGNALS that drive her WILD.

    The fastest way to start is to master body language. While there are

    no hacks, mastering body language is the quickest path to being a

    supremely confident and attractive man.

    Master your body language and youll be able to attract women from

    across the room. Do this right, and women will approach you. Learn to

    read her body language and youll instantly know if she likes you, so

    you can approach her without fear of rejection. Youll also know when

    to physically escalate, when to move in for the kiss, and when to invite

    her to go out with you.

    But What About BEAUTIFUL Women?

    I can hear the rumbles.

    Lots of guys are worried about what to say when the woman is

    especially beautiful. Fortunately, the same applies with beautiful

    women as with ANY woman. The primary source of attraction is the

    proper use of body language. So, once you master body language,

    you can talk about VIDEO GAMES and still drive a woman wild.

    In fact, master your body language and itll be like that scene in The

    Matrix when Neo says what are you trying to tell me, that I can dodge

    bullets? And Morpheus responds with No, Neo. Im trying to tell you

    that when youre ready, you wont have to.

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    Charismatic Confidence Tip #2: MAKE IT FUN

    Frankly, my dear, I dont give a damn. Clark Gable, Gone With The


    The American Film Institute voted the above line of the number one

    movie quote of all time and most women will tell you that its also the

    SEXIEST movie quote of all time.

    Why is that? Why do women love the bad boy? Why are J ames

    Dean and that vampire guy in the Twilight movies so damn attractive

    to women?

    To put it simply he doesnt give a damn. Hes EXCITING, hes

    playful, and he doesnt need anything from her.

    Fortunately, you dont have to be the bad boy, Clark Gable, or the

    vampire guy from Twilight to be playful, non-needy, and carefree. You

    can be a suave gentleman and be equally playful, non-needy, and

    carefree. After all, if youre really on top of the world, then you have

    nothing to fear, and therefore nothing to stress aboutso the whole

    world becomes your playground!

    So the question now is, how do you cultivate this attitude? Well, one

    simple trick is to make the whole process of meeting women into a

    game! When youre playing a video game and your character dies,

    you hit the reset button. You dont pout, you dont stress out and you

    most certainly dont get anxious.

    If you really want a fun game to get you in the I dont give a damn

    attitude, try the no game. The premise is simple go out and try to

    get as many people to tell you no as possible. For example, when

    you see a woman walking down the street on a sunny day, ask her to

    buy you a house. Youd be surprised how many girls want to play

    (verbally) after you ask such a playful question.

    Not only will this game quickly desensitize you to what other people

    think, but it has another surprising benefityoull see how difficult it

    can be to get a person to say no to you! In fact, I once had a girl

    give me the keys to her boyfriends Porsche when I was playing the

    no game. Once you make the world your sandbox, youl l be

    surprised how many people jump in.

    What All Great Men Have in Common

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    We live in more of a pussy generation now Clint Eastwood

    In any situation, the best thing you can do is the right thing; the next

    best thing you can do is the wrong thing; the worst thing you can do is

    nothing. Theodore Roosevelt

    What do all great men have in common? Whats the common threadbetween Marcus Aurelius, Winston Churchill and 50 Cent? If you

    could only pick one trait that makes great men great, what would it


    The answer is simple. There is one supreme trait that separates lifes

    winners from its losers

    And after going through my own personal transformation, I now know

    that THIS is why some men HAVE massive amounts of success while

    others WISH they did.

    Its ACTION!

    Sounds simple right?

    But its not always so simple. In fact, its the #1 reason guys FAIL.

    Ill be honest theres a major problem with men today. Most men are

    looking for the quick fixthe easy way out. Most men are afraid to put

    in the work it takes to be successful. They dont exercise the

    DILIGENCE to take consistent ACTION.

    Now, lets be honest with ourselves, do shortcuts really work in life?

    Do Mens Health cover models get there by following fad diets? Do

    millionaires make their money off get rich quick schemes?

    Absolutely not and thats the secret that all great men know. If you

    want something worthwhile, you have to earn it.

    Remember the home gym example from earlier? My home gym is a

    pair of running shoes and a pull up bar. I take consistent action with

    those two things and I am in better shape than 90% of men ever will

    be.Action trumps fancy every t ime.

    The same is true in dating. Like I said earlier, YOU can learn to be a

    confident and attractive man. YOU can learn to turn your anxiety

    around approaching women into unstoppable confidence. YOU can

    learn to use eye contact, body language and high-status humor to

    build massive attraction in a woman. YOU can learn to get out of the

    friend zone and FINALLY land that girl YOU really want.

    And, like with anything else of value, there are no shortcuts on the

    road to your dream.

    Now, you already know that pickup lines and routines dont work, you

    know that there arent any psychological tricks that will allow you to

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    read a womans mind, and you know that using Axe Body Spray isnt

    going to make thousands of women flock after you.

    So, not just any action will work.

    The action you take must be effective action.

    What many guys dont realize (and this is important to understand if

    you want to save thousands of dollars) is that the majority of booksand DVDs giving dating advice are worthless.

    Why is this? Well, most at-home dating programs fail because they

    use PASSIVE learning. The student simply reads an eBook or

    watches a few DVDs and thats it. No drills, no coaching, NO ACTION.

    You must adopt ACTIVE LEARNING if you want to succeed with


    Like I said earlier, the thing that differentiates the WINNERS from the

    LOSERS is ACTION. You need ACTIVE learning to make your

    lessons instinctive.You need your body to learn what your head

    already knows. You need to get out, and meet women and have fun!

    In short

    If You Want to Have the Charismatic Confidence of aGreat Man,

    You Must Take ACTION!!!

    Charismatic Confidence Tip #1: Take Action !

    Sounds Great J im, but How Do I LIVE Like This?

    This is where I get all salesy and try to enroll you in the Art of Charm

    Academy. If you decide not to join, thats cool with me.

    Im actually modeling something I want you to do with women. Tell her

    what you want, confident that what you want is a worthy thing. And,

    be okay with whatever choice she makes.

    What I want is for you to succeed with women. My personal conviction

    is that The Art of Charm Academy is the single best tool to make thathappen. Therefore, I would be 6-ing if I did anything other than ask

    you to enroll.

    Remember that if you enroll , your investment is pro tected by our

    Iron Clad 100% money back guarantee. If you decide you want

    a refund for the month youre in, you ask for it , and you get it.

    You dont need to give a reason. The most you risk by trying this

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    is the 5 minutes it takes you to ask for a refund. Is it worth it?

    You decide.

    Okay, so now you know you need to take action. Cool.

    And its really important that you adopt a whatever it takes attitude in

    succeeding with women.

    Adopt that attitude right now.


    So, what actions specifically do you need to take?

    You need to follow the six tips I outlined above, and Im about to show

    you how The Art of Charm Academy can help you do each one


    1. Everywhere you go, and in everything you do, ask yourself, What

    would a 9 do? and do that. If you notice yourself 6ing, 7ing, or

    8ing, just give yourself whatever validation you need, and go right

    back to 9ing.

    2. Collect micro-victories. You can do a lot of this on your own, for

    free. I gave you the first four mini-missions from the Academy. You

    can go rack up 100+micro-victories just using those four. For free.

    For the full sequence, dozens of missions, the path to all the dates

    you could want, enroll in The Art of Charm Academy.

    3. Immerse Yourself in Positive Reinforcement. This is where you

    may need to invest in yourself. When it comes to succeeding with

    women, like-minded men can be damn near impossible to find. So,

    if youre going to find one, you need to go where there are lots of

    them. The best place to find lots of like-minded, high value men is

    the Art of Charm Academy. You may even find a local wingman


    4. Be Prepared. Theoretically, you could find all of the information you

    need to succeed for free on the Internet. The problem is, most guys

    wont actually do it.

    5. Make it fun. When is the last time you got rewarded for

    approaching a woman? When is the last time you got points just for

    asking? Well, in the Art of Charm Academy, you literally do! The Art

    of Charm Academy is the only place I know that gives you positive

    feedback just for taking action.6. Of course, take action. The difference between The Art of Charm

    Academy and every other dating product out there is that every

    aspect of The Art of Charm Academy supports action. The Art of

    Charm doesnt sell information. The Art of Charm GIVES you all

    their information for free. Why? Because anybody can talk. Why

    would you pay somebody to talk? What The Art of Charm

    Academy does , that no other at -home program does, i s

    actively facilitate your action.

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    In fact, The Art of Charm Academy so effectively supports your action

    that some people are calling it the worlds first at-home boot camp.

    My mission is to better the male sex for the benefit of both sexes.

    Remember, women are suffering too. Most women will NEVER have a

    lover who even comes close to fulfilling their wild fantasies. Most

    women settle for relationships that are unsatisfying, or even abusive.

    Women need strong, confident, caring men, and quite frankly, there

    arent enough to go around.

    My way of doing something about it is helping guys become the

    confident, suave gentleman who can lead a lady through an

    unforgettable experience. To do anything else would just be


    I have been helped by some amazing coaches to find my own

    success with women, and now its my turn to help others. I am out to

    help as many men be the best versions of themselves as possible.Only by flooding the world with millions of high value gentlemen can

    we make fulfilling relationships abundant for both sexes.

    Historically, most guys who need help with dating have gone to a boot

    camp, such as The Art of Charm Boot Camp. There are some cool

    benefits to going to a boot camp:

    1. You spend a ton of time with instructors. When you hit the field, an

    instructor can show you what youre doing wrong right then and

    there. You can fix it with the instructor watching, and you know

    youre good to go.2. Your learning is very intense. Because of the energy pumping

    through your body, you internalize your lessons very quickly.

    3. You form camaraderie with your classmates.

    Bootcamps also have their limitations:

    1. Unless you live in the same city as the boot camp, its not your city.

    This leaves some guys wondering whether they will have the same

    results in their own town.

    2. Boot camps are expensive, usually $2500 and up.

    3. Boot camps require you to take a lot of time off work, usually a


    4. For most people, boot camps require a lot of travel time and


    The Art of Charm Academy is designed to overcome the limitations of

    the in-person boot camp, while giving you the same benefits. Heres

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    1. You can email an instructor when youre stuck on something. If

    necessary, an instructor can call you on the phone.

    2. You are part of an exclusive social network designed to give you

    boot camp camaraderie with your Academy mates.

    3. You practice in your own city, so as you build success, you know it

    works in YOUR city.

    4. The price is only $67 a month. The price is high enough that we

    can keep the quality of training high, and low enough that anybody

    can do it.

    5. You dont need to take one minute off work. You practice whatever

    days and times work for you.

    6. Compared to flying across the country for a boot camp, virtually no

    travel is required. The only travel you do is going places to meet

    girls, which you should be doing anyway.

    I invite you to enroll in the Art of Charm Academy. These guys have

    helped thousands of men revolutionize themselves, and they can help

    you. J ordan, AJ and I have teamed up to make The Art of Charm

    Academy available to you, in your home, for only $67 per month.

    The first month on the Academy was simple and had

    a great impact on me. I was noticing improvement on

    every approach I made, because (thanks to what Ive

    learned on the Academy) I always knew where I wentwrong o r where I could improve the next time

    around. Ive found it much easier to be comfortable in

    my own skin, and now every day Im taking small

    actions to develop myself to become better and


    - Daniel Perez, San Bernadino, CA

    In six amazing months you wi ll reprogram your

    body to automatically turn a woman on. Each day,

    you will turn your head knowledge into stronger and

    stronger confidence as you turn women on more

    and more deeply. You will program your voice,

    behavior, and posture, to throw her dating drive into

    high gear. Even after the first module I noticed results

    that have left me feeling happier and more confident.

    In addition, Ive been getting hit on at work, getting

    compliments on my hair and clothes at college, and my

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    female friends are introducing me to a lot of their girl

    friends as well. Honestly, the whole world seems to

    be responding to me more positively.

    - Justin Ferrin, Chico, CA

    So, Who Is This For, REALLY?

    The history of the world is but the biography of great men.

    - Thomas Carlyle

    Your success with women is more than just success with women.

    Your success with women affects the world at three different


    Imagine three concentric circles. A little circle, inside a medium circle,

    inside a big circle. The smallest circle is your dating life your ability

    to attract and keep the woman of your dreams. Thats a pretty

    awesome circle one that most men will never fill.

    The medium circle is you being in control of your entire life. The little

    circle, success with women, is key to filling the medium circle, being in

    control of your entire life. The sexual energy that you must master to

    fuel a romance empowers you to grab your life by the horns and

    steer it whichever way you want. Romantic intimacy is the mostpowerful source of energy a man can access. Only by learning to

    guide your sex energy with a woman can you unlock the greatest

    source of inspiration that you could ever possess.

    So, the inner circle is your success with women, and the medium

    circle is you being in control of your life.

    Whats the outer circle?

    The outer circle is your effect on the world around you. The people

    you inspire. The professionals you mentor. The friends you make

    laugh. The woman you love. The children you have.

    Failing with women hurts more people than just you. And succeeding

    with women benefits many more people than just you.

    Remember, real men are getting scarcer by the decade. In an age of

    overly humble men, absent fathers, and frivolous lawsuits, the

    tradition of true manliness has been all but squelched. A small

    number of men have preserved the tradition of manliness, and an

    even smaller number of men have turned it into a model that anyone

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    can learn. My dad is a chronic-6. I grew up watching a 6, and guess

    what? I learned how to be a really good 6! But a 6 doesnt have what

    he wants in life. Not in career, not in friendships, and definitely not in

    dating. I wasted years trying to figur e out what a 9 is on my own. I

    wont have that for my son. My son is going to have an example of

    kind, considerate, confident manliness. Your son deserves the same.

    Invest in yourself. Make yourself the kind of man who can change theworld.

    Intimacy between the sexes cannot flourish by men sitting around

    watching DVDs. It can only happen one person at a time one man at

    a time making himself the solution. One man at a time taking action

    now. The only way to solve this problem is to BE the solution.

    Invest in yourself. Change yourself, change the world. Enroll in the Art

    of Charm Academy

    One quick story: This past weekend, each of us had

    the opportunity to go home with a girl three evenings in

    a row simply by bar walking at our favorite bars. They

    literally asked to put their numbers in our phone! By

    being self-amused and outgoing, we frequently end

    up sitting at the table of the hottest girls in the bar

    before we even know whats happened. Two tables of

    women literally used the phrase, Sit down! and

    ordered my friend and me to sit with them! Through

    what Ive learned on the Academy my friend and I

    produced so much social value that nearly every hot

    girl we met was asking us how we knew everyone so

    well! Ive been able to apply the skills Ive learned on

    the Academy immediately, and weve been meeting

    more women than we ever have before.

    I think what is most gratifying is receiving compliments

    that are directly in line with attributes Ive been trying to

    cultivate in myself. They center around me being more

    confident and having the drive to go after what I want.

    Further, learning (from you guys) how to lead

    effectively has drastically improved all aspects of mylife. Ive finally stopped being a passenger and

    started being a driver in my own life.

    - Nathan P, Florida

    I already know I want this! Sign me up!

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    No Nonsense, No Excuses 30-Day Money BackGuarantee: Measurable Results Or We Foot The Bill

    We know you know the same program isnt for everybody.

    We think we should have to PROVE our program is as good

    as we say it is.

    Thats why we protect every penny of your investment with

    our iron-clad, money back guarantee.

    If, after 30 days, you havent enjoyed at least 10 women

    playfully bantering with you, we would be embarrassed to

    keep your money. I am dead serious. Either you get results

    that delight you, or you dont pay.


    If youre borderline, try the Academy out, and then you know

    for sure whether this is for you. You can ask for a refund any

    time during the next 30 days, and receive a prompt, pleasant

    refund. No bull, no questions, no excuses.

    We can make this guarantee because we are confident the

    Academy wil l work for you.

    You probably already know whether you want to do this.

    Youre probably happy for the guys who have already gotten

    amazing results from this program. And at the same time, you

    might be wondering, Will this work for me?

    I made it clear pretty early on that this is not for everybody.

    Really, the only way to know whether this works for you is to

    try it. Thats why we protect every penny of your investment.

    Every penny, iron-clad, no questions asked. We want you to

    put our program to the test. Do the first ten mini-missions and

    see whether each one builds your confidence a little bit.

    Watch the first four modules. Learn how to enter a room.

    Learn how to chase a woman. Learn how to create attraction.

    Do it in the real world. And then you will know for yourself

    whether this works for you.

    Notice the women checking you out. Hear her banter with

    you. Watch her bat her eyes when you give her a

    compliment. Enjoy the confidence this infuses into every

    other area of your life.

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    If you enjoy all these benefits yourself, then just keep doing

    what youre doing. If not, send an email to info [at]

    theartofcharm.com and well immediately refund your order.

    Regardless of what you do, keep learning! The biggest

    mistake you could ever make is to think you know everything.

    As long as you learn eagerly, you can succeed at anything

    you set your sights on.

    My Personal Promise To You: 100% SatisfactionGuaranteed

    Order Today Risk Free & Get:

    With Curriculum As Seen On:

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    Add To Cart

    24 video modules the simple voice tone, body language, and mindset

    you need to literally play your way to dates. This is the complete

    classroom training from The Art of Charm Bootcamp over 20 hours.

    $2500 Value.

    Almost 100 mini-missions that break up success into bite-sized pieces

    ANYONE can do. These missions take you from smiling to multiple dates

    per week, in 90 days. $500 Value.

    Exclusive access to The Art of Charm Academy forums, where you get

    UNLIMITED access to our coaching team. Bootcamp participants pay

    $5000 to talk to these very same coaches.

    VIP membership to our social network, where you make friends with like-

    minded guys, congratulate, and be congratulated on your success! $500

    value, and you cant get this anywhere else.

    Take Advantage Of Our Satisfaction Guarantee And Revolutionize YourDating Life Today!

    For your security, all orders are processed on a secure


    Get Started Immediately For Just $67/month

    Add to Cart

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    Sometimes, you stagnate a little bit. The Academy will

    boost you up. Its a really nice boost.

    For guys who are considering it, give it a shot. Worst

    case scenario is you try it out and its not for you. What

    do you have to lose? A little inconvenience of trying to

    get a refund, but this could totally change your life. I

    think its definitely worth a try.

    - Patrick C, St. Louis, MO

    The one tool that, far and away, was most useful for

    diagnosing tools, is the Interaction Map. It was very

    easy to self-diagnose with the Interaction Map.

    - Nathan P, Florida

    One thing I appreciate about The Art of Charm

    Academy is the time. I dont have to take off a day or

    week or anything. Its very cost effective. I enjoyed the

    point system for the different achievements; that was

    awesome! I didnt think I would like that at all, but I

    LOVED it!

    There is so much information in The Art of Charm

    Academy that you get out of it what you put into it. It is

    worth every penny that I paid. It is AMAZING! It is life


    - Allen G, Colorado

    Sign me up!!

    The Academy helped a lot with my family and friends

    too because the social dynamics are very similar. I can

    draw a lot of parallels between women and how they

    react, and a family member. The Academy helped me

    read people better.

    The most helpful feature for me is the video training

    modules. Like a lot of people, I retain things better than

    I visually see. Its way easier for me to actually apply it.

    - Mark C, Cleveland, OH

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    I like how there are all different skill levels in the

    Academy. You can give advice to people who are just

    starting, and you can get advice from people who are

    really, really good.

    Ive dated women that I wouldnt even have known

    where to find them before. I get a lot of women

    approaching me, who I find attractive and interesting. Ilive in a different world now!

    - James S, Ohio

    Sign me up!!

    I took the girls over to the dance floor and started

    dancing with both of them twirling both of them at the

    same time. My confidence skyrocketed. All thanks toThe Art of Charm Academy. Just do it man. If youre

    on the fence, you just have to do it. It might seem like

    a lot, and it might seem like a lot of work, but its

    broken down so simply that its fun. Its really fun to go

    out, approach random people, and get them to smile.

    Get them to laugh. Not only will it help you in your

    romantic life, it will help you in your business life too.

    - Scott M, Missouri

    Kiss of Death:

    How Your Mind Keeps You Procrastinating

    And What to Do About It

    You just spent the last hour or so studying great men, and what

    separates the men who have what they want from those who dont.

    Now, lets talk briefly about the ones who dont.

    Here are the Top Ten Reasons why most men never have what they

    want in life:

    1. Indecision

    2. Indecision

    3. Indecision

    4. Excuses

    5. Excuses

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    6. Excuses

    7. Indecision

    8. Excuses

    9. Excuses, and

    10. Indecision

    This is how most men live their lives. Excuses. Indecision.

    Funny. Those are the very same things that CREEP a woman out

    (indecision), or keep you from talking to her in the first place


    Indecision is pretty straightforward. Indecision is the refusal to decide

    what you want. Stop it. Decide what you want, and go for it. When you

    see a girl you want to talk to, just do it. It may take some courage, but

    imagine what life will be like once youve done it. Imagine talking to

    that girl and its going really well. Shes flirting with you, youre

    playfully flirting back. And all of this is really easy. Thats what your life

    will be like if you take action. If Im showing you the life you want, justdo it.

    An excuse is any rationalization for not doing what you want. If in your

    heart, you really want to talk to a girl, and you rationalize not talking to

    her, thats an excuse. (Apply this one with maturity, okay? If your

    grandma has a fork sticking out of her head, skip the girl. Get

    grandma to the hospital!) In a social setting, where theres nothing

    wrong with talking to anybody you please, rationalize TALKING to her,

    rationalize MEETING her, rationalize SEEING HER. Rationalize just

    doing it and just do it!

    How Much Time Does The Art of Charm Academy Take?

    The Art of Charm Academy adds less than 1 hour per week to the

    dating you should be doing anyway. I consider the minimum

    worthwhile commitment to be 4 hours per week. 30 minutes to watch

    a module, 3 hours to practice in the real world, driving time, plus time

    to log your micro-victories. If you can do that, you have time for The

    Art of Charm Academy.

    4 hours per week is the amount of time I spent, and in weeks 12-16, I

    went on five dates with two cute girls. Five dates in four weeks is no

    joke. Youre getting prolific when you can do that.

    Besides, The Art of Charm Academy is fun. If youre tight on time, one

    option you have is to re-direct some of your fun time to The Art of

    Charm Academy. If you arent willing to schedule time for fun every

    week, forget about dating. No girl worth dating wants to be with a guy

    who doesnt make time for fun.

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    J ust do it!

    But I Cant Afford It!!! WHINE!!!

    Hey man, Ive been there. Right after college, I had an entry level job,

    I was paying for grad school out of my pocket, and I was living

    paycheck to paycheck.

    Then, I got laid off. I took a job that paid half of what I was making

    before, and I was even tighter. And I STILL found a way to pay for

    my dating coaching. By the way, my early dating coaching was $100

    PER HOUR. So $67 per month is a pretty awesome deal.

    Its really a matter of, How badly do you want the lifestyle of your

    dreams? No matter what your dream is, whether thats an exceptional

    career, changing the world, an amazing romance, or all three, you will

    have to exercise tenacity to make that happen.

    Ive spent years scraping by financially, and I was so determined to

    succeed with women, and I was so serious in my whatever it takes

    attitude, that I still found a way to make it happen. Its not a question

    of money, but a question of will. Its not a question of, Do I have have

    $67 burning a hole in my pocket? but of Am I going to make this


    Another way to look at it is, can you afford to date girls you dont like?

    Can you afford to waste years, and tens of thousands of dollars,

    dating girls you dont like? Thats what most guys do. And its not fair

    to women. You only live once. She only lives once. Its not fair to a girl

    to take up her time if the pleasure of dating isnt mutual. Its not fair to

    you either. The most respectful thing you can do for women, and

    yourself, is to limit your dating to the women you mutually enjoy

    dating. It will save you YEARS, plus THOUSANDS of dollars. My

    personal conviction is that the best way to do this is to use The Art of

    Charm Academy.

    I Cant Stress This Enough!

    I cant stress enough how important it is to take action now. It doesnt

    matter to us whether you buy. Lots of guys are signing up, so from a

    financial standpoint, we are fine with whatever you want to do. Were

    like a cookout and pool party. If you want to come eat some good

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    About Us


    Art of


    is a


































    food, and jump in our pool, you are more than welcome! And if not,

    thats cool too.

    What really matters is whether you have what you want. Are you the

    kind of man who has what he wants? You probably have some

    measure of success in your life. It could be academic, professional, or

    social. To achieve that success, you probably didnt wait around for

    the perfect time to do what you did. You decided what you want, andyou made it happen. Thats why I encourage you to take action now if

    you know you want to do this. The time will never be perfect.

    Conditions will never be ideal. If you want it, I encourage you to make

    it happen.

    If you are going to succeed with women, you must form a habit of

    taking action now. When you see a girl you want to meet, take action

    now. When you recognize that she wants a kiss (which you will learn

    in the Academy), take action now. When shes about to walk away,

    and you know she wants another date with you, take action now. My

    purpose for being so adamant is to help you just do it.

    Sign Up Today and J oin the Academy Now!

    J ust Win Baby!

    - Al Davis

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    with an





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