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Arthritis Action August 2016

Date post: 12-Feb-2017
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The theme of this issue of Arthritis Action is based around Volunteering and the important part that Volunteers play in the organisation. For Arthritis Care our Volunteers are at the core of everything we do. All of the services we deliver in Northern Ireland to people living with arthritis are delivered by Arthritis Care Volunteers. They are the ones making a difference to the benefi ciaries.

We couldn’t deliver the wide range of services that we do without our Volunteers input - from our young people and families work, self-management programmes, raising awareness and making your voices heard in your localities through to working with isolated older people in their own home. Throughout Northern Ireland Arthritis Care Branches are run by enthusiastic Volunteers organising programmes of events to support people in their area living with arthritis. The Northern Ireland Committee depends on Volunteer members for their support, commitment and expertise in helping the organisation

understand and meet the needs of peop le with arthritis.

So any members and supporters who are reading this and would like to get involved and become an Arthritis Care Volunteer please get in touch with the Northern Ireland offi ce on 028 9078 2940. We will have a Volunteer role to suit you and you could be making a big difference to someone living with arthritis.

As one of our Volunteers commented

‘I Volunteer as a Living Well with Arthritis Information Volunteer.

I care about the cause because I know what it is like to live with pain and want to let others know there is help out there.

I believe that together we are going to help others to fi nd new horizons and set new goals.

I think you would enjoy getting involved because you are helping other people and not thinking of your own pain and you are setting yourself new challenges.’


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The heart of a Volunteer

“The heart of a Volunteer is not measured in size, but by the depth of the commitment to

make a difference in the lives of others.” DeAnn Hollis

Hello again from the Northern Ireland Committee – and how quickly time passes.

As our Northern Ireland Director discussed in the organisational update this issue of Arthritis Action is about Volunteering. Our Volunteers are the backbone of this organisation and it is they who are delivering our services on the ground. I know that, a long time ago, it was at a Challenging Arthritis self-management course, that the Volunteer trainers helped me fi nd my way. After a number of years expecting the doctors to ‘fi x’ me it was a revelation to meet with other people experiencing the same pain and frustration and sharing techniques and skills to get through those dark days and so my Volunteering for Arthritis Care began.

What singles out Volunteering with Arthritis Care is the high level of training and support you will receive whatever you sign up to do. You will never be out of pocket as expenses for travel and costs are covered, and you will also get a chance to make new friends. So many of you have a wealth of knowledge and understanding about the diffi culties caused by arthritis… please do consider stepping forward to help others who are maybe just at the beginning of their diffi cult journey or have found themselves coping, alone and isolated, in the later stages of their lives. It is a rewarding experience making a difference in someone’s life!

There have been a number of changes within the NI Committee recently and we have been working hard to ensure that the committee represents as wide a cross

section of the Arthritis Care community as possible both in age and condition. Effective succession planning, as members and offi ce bearers step down, means being well prepared to recruit and support new members. Those recruited from our branches bring experience and a wide range of ideas. Recently Raymond McGarvey joined us from Cookstown branch and I’m delighted to inform you that Eilish McKee from Magherafelt branch has recently joined the committee and will be stepping in to the shoes of treasurer, Ian Walters, whose term of offi ce is coming to an end. Ian and Eilish have already met and worked out their own informal ‘shadowing scheme’. This means Eilish can ask questions and feels well supported as she takes over the important job of treasurer.

In June, the committee said goodbye to Eileen Tunney, who has left to work in Dublin. Eileen brought her wealth of knowledge about people of working age affected by arthritis and helped establish TWIFTIES, our branch for twenty to fi fty year olds. She occupied the role of vice-chair of the NI Committee so we will be seeking to appoint a new vice-chair at our next committee meeting.

We, as the advisory committee, are only as strong as our membership and there is considerable knowledge and experience among you all. Please do not hesitate to contact me, or the staff at the offi ce, if you are interested. Whether you are a branch or postal member I am sure there is a space for you.

Gillian Coward, Chair of Northern Ireland Committee

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Northern Ireland Committee




Policy and Campaigns updateIt was really encouraging to see Arthritis Care Branches getting involved in campaigning in the run up to the Assembly election, with many members getting candidates to sign a pledge card to show their support for people with arthritis. A number of branches organised or were involved in pre-election election meetings, with Newcastle Branch bringing together local Party representatives for a ‘question time’, while Antrim Branch got to meet First Minister Arlene Foster at a DUP election hustings. Newry Branch managed to get SDLP’s Justin McNulty along to their meeting in his fi rst engagement as a new MLA. Get in touch with John at Arthritis Care if you’d like some pledge cards or help to set up a meeting with local representatives.

Programme for GovernmentThe Programme for Government is the mechanism by which the Assembly sets out its priorities over the next 5 years and we have an opportunity to respond to a consultation on the draft framework. The framework sets out 14 broad outcomes such as ‘we enjoy a long and healthy life’, with a number of measures and indicators like ‘Improving the quality of the health care experience’ which is measured by how many people are satisfi ed by the health care they receive. In the main, we support the broad outcomes but are unsure whether the measurements will demonstrate real improvements.

Benefi t changesFinally, a big change to the benefi ts system has quietly slipped in under the radar. Welfare Reform has been talked about for years but it’s fi nally starting to happen. Over the next few months we’ll see a number of important changes such as Disability Living Allowance (DLA) being replaced by a new benefi t called Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and most other benefi ts like Jobseekers Allowance being replaced with a single benefi t called Universal Credit. The fi rst change people receiving DLA might notice is an invitation to apply for PIP. It’s important not to ignore the letter as a move to PIP is not automatic and you need to make an application. If you’re concerned about benefi t changes, contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau.

If you’d like to fi nd out more about campaigning with Arthritis Care, contact John McCormick, Policy and Engagement Manager on 028 9078 2840 or email: [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you!



Arthritis Care Northern Ireland offi ce 028 9078 2940 w






Patrick Brown (Alliance), Harold McKee (UUP), Sean Rogers (SDLP) with

Rosemary Poland, Newcastle Branch

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Are you living with a long term health condition?Arthritis : Epilepsy : MS : Parkinson’s Disease : Heart Disease etc.

Do you often: Have pain? Feel fatigued? Feel stressed? Worry about how you are going to cope? WE ARE HERE TO HELP! We are delivering a range of FREE courses which are designed to provide tools and techniques to help you manage your condition more effectively. Contact Yvonne on 028 9078 2940 or email [email protected] to book a place on one of the following courses.

CHALLENGING YOUR CONDITION COURSE (2.5 hour session for 6 weeks)VENUE DATES TIMESWarrenpoint Town Hall Tuesday 20, 27 Sept, 4, 11, 18 & 25 Oct 10.30am – 1.00pmCraigavon Civic Centre Monday 26 Sept, 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 Oct 10.30am – 1.00pmMillbrook Lodge, Ballynahinch Wednesday 5, 12,19, 26 Oct, 2 & 9 Nov 10.30am – 1.00pmThe Stables Groomsport Tuesday 11, 18, 25 Oct, 1, 8 & 15 Nov 2.00pm – 4.30pmLisburn Library Wednesday 19, 26 Oct, 2, 9, 16 & 23 Nov 2.00pm – 4.30pmBallywalter Village Hall Tuesday 25 Oct, 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Nov 11.00am – 2.00pmMoy Methodist Church Thursday 13, 20, 27 Oct, 3, 10, 17 Nov 10.30am – 1.00pm

CHALLENGING PAIN (3 hour session for 2 weeks)VENUE DATES TIMESFortwilliam Golf Club Tuesday 4 & 11 October 10.00am – 1.00pm

CHALLENGING ARTHRITIS (2.5 hour session for 6 weeks)VENUE DATES TIMESMarine Hotel, Ballycastle Tuesday 13, 20, 27 Sept, 4, 11, 18 Oct 10.30am – 1.00pm

If you are interested in any of these courses please contact the training team on 028 9078 2940 or email [email protected]

Other courses will be held throughout the year across Northern Ireland.If none of the above are suitable and you would like to attend a course then please contact us

and your name will be added to a waiting list.


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The Staying Connected Project held a celebration event during Volunteers Week (1st to 7th June) to thank Volunteers for the valuable contribution they make to the lives of older people living with arthritis.

During the event Volunteers told us what they enjoyed most about their Volunteering role which involves visiting isolated older people, living with a long term health condition, in their homes.

• I love seeing the diff erence in the attitude of people I visit as the weeks progress

• I nd it so rewarding having the opportunity to encourage someone to have hope for the future

• It gives me a real sense of accomplishment if/when an older person I have been working with joins a local group or builds their con dence to leave their home

The project has continued to be life changing for many older people. One older woman that a Volunteer worked with was living in pain which was causing her to feel very anxious and as a result she was having diffi culty sleeping. The Volunteer showed her conscious breathing and relaxation techniques. The woman has found she is feeling less anxious, her pain has eased; she has reduced her pain medication and is sleeping better.

One benefi ciary with arthritis had a few falls. She was suffering from anxiety and had issues going outside on her own. She was becoming more and more isolated. A Staying Connected Volunteer supported the woman to manage her anxiety and to set herself a goal of going to the shop on her own. We took small steps at fi rst - she was taken

outside her house to walk accompanied then by herself. By week 7 she got out of her car and walked to the shop on her own. Her confi dence had greatly increased and her anxiety levels had reduced.

If you would be interested in fi nding out more about Volunteering for this project please contact Mary McConville on 028 9078 2940 or email [email protected]

Mary McConville, Project Manager, presents Bill McFall, Staying Connected Volunteer, with a certifi cate of appreciation.





To mark Carers Week in June we joined one of our Staying Connected partners, Carers NI, to deliver a number of courses.

The ageing population of the UK has led to an alarming rise in the number of people in the 60+ age group, who are looking after a partner or elderly parent.

‘Take Care’ is a two-week course run by Arthritis Care Northern Ireland and is intended to provide support and emotional wellbeing to older carers. A major success element of the programme is that it gives carers the opportunity to simply talk and express how they’re feeling to peers who are both sympathetic and empathetic.

Carers are taken through a range of activities to help them to develop skills to manage their caring role, to understand the importance of looking after their health and mental well-being and to take steps to improve them.

The ‘Take Care’ course ends with each attendee being given a session with a complementary therapist: a little ‘me time’ which is so often denied them.

We are running more of these courses over the coming year so if you are an older carer please get in touch with Jude on 028 9078 2940 or email [email protected]

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TAKE CARE Marie Mitchell (Staying Connected Volunteer and NI Trustee) with Mary

McConville (Staying Connected Project Manager)

Arthritis Care Helpline 0808 800 4050The Helplines team is here for a confidential chat, support and information on all aspects of your arthritis. This is a completely free service offering a hand of friendship and a chance to talk things through for as long as you need - just call 0808 800 4050 (weekdays 10 am - 4 pm)

too youngfor arthritis

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Arthritis Care has a parent support group for parents who have a child with arthritis. JOINTZ run events throughout the year from Parents’ seminars, social nights and family fun days. We have a committee made up of parents who plan and run each event and we also have a facebook page – JOINTZ – Arthritis Care NI. Have a look at the page if you want to fi nd out more about up and coming events.

In our last edition you got to meet our fantastic team of social media Volunteers who have been helping us build an online community for young people in Northern Ireland with arthritis.

Here’s a few of the team after a bit of a brainstorming session.


Did you know..???

We are currently working on a campaign trying to raise awareness of the fact that arthritis can happen at ANY age. Many of the young people involved in our online community will tell you that they would be very rich if they had a pound every time someone told them they are “too young for arthritis”. This has become the name of our community and is also the hashtag on which this campaign will be based. Why not join in with us and share at what age you, or someone you know was diagnosed.

Here’s a sneak peak… get involved by searching or posting with #TooYoungForArthritisNI

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Please see our facebook page

‘Too Young For Arthritis NI’

Arthritis Care NI has a special facebook page

dedicated to supporting young people living

with arthritis?? Find us by searching for ‘Too

Young for Arthritis NI’.

Did you know?




We’ve also been pretty busy trying to think up

some clever ways to tell other young people who

have arthritis in Northern Ireland that there are

many others just like them, and to invite them to

join our community online. So, proving that not

everything has to be digital to be exciting, we

decided to get creative and write some letters!

Just think, if you didn’t know of anybody else

who had the same condition as you, and you

received a personalised letter in the post, written

just for you by someone with the same condition,

how great would that be? Pretty powerful? We

hope so. So, at our recent weekend away our

young people let their creative sides go a bit

mad – they decorated their own paper and

wrote a personal letter on it to another young

person with their condition. They decorated

the envelope and everything. Here’s a sneak

preview of a few of the letters before they

were sent out… beautiful aren’t they?

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Interested in writing a letter to a

young person with arthritis who

doesn’t know any other young

person with their condition? Get

in touch with us. (P.S. you must

be under 18!) Visit the www.


or text “I would like to

write a letter” to 07721

880900Alternatively just scan

this QR code:

Caitriona, who

Volunteers for Arthritis

Care, was diagnosed when

she was 12


10 Arthritis Care Northern Ireland offi ce 028 9078 2940 w


• Do you have arthritis?• Interested in Volunteering

to help others?• Interested in enhancing

your CV and SKILLS?

Arthritis Care runs events throughout the year to support young

people with arthritis and their families in NI. So far this year we have

had our Annual Pantomime and Party in January, a Parents Seminar

in February, a Positive Future Workshop in March, a Pain management

and Fun Day in May and an Activity Weekend in June. We have a packed

programme of events so get involved.

• 17 Sept – Family Fun Day

• 14-16 Oct – Activity Weekend

• 19 Nov – Pain management Day

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The Family and Youth Work Service are recruiting for a variety of Volunteering roles. Presently we are recruiting for • Youth Contact

Volunteers 16-20 years of age• Peer Mentor Volunteers 21+ years of age, and• Social Media Volunteers 16+ years of age

Please text “interested in Volunteering” to 07721 880900 or email [email protected]








Stay ing safe online We have been taking lots of steps to ensure that our online community is a safe environment for everyone involved. We have set up a welcome page for each facebook page with information on lots of things including free info booklets you can download, links to videos and some great information about staying safe (and keeping your child safe) online. Have a look at it here! www.smarturl.it/WelcomePage

We also held a parents information evening on keeping your child safe online, facilitated by NSPCC and some of the gurus from O2 – we were very impressed to fi nd out that if you phone the number below, or if you go to any O2 store, you will be able to access free technical help in setting up your child’s devices to be safe – regardless of whether you have bought a thing off them in your life.

O2 helpline 0808 800 5002

Volunteer on our social media team!Want to help us reach more young people, make our online community more vibrant and get some great social media/media skills for your CV? If you are aged 16-25 we would love to have you on board. We will give you all the training required, all you need is an interest in social media and helping people.

Visit www.smarturl.it/SocialMediaVolunteer if you’re interested or text “I want to be a social media Volunteer!” to 07721 880900

Alternatively just scan this QR code:

Join our online community!If you are aged 12-18 and you have arthritis, we really want you to join our online community! We have our very own closed facebook group where it all happens – visit smarturl.it/OurOnlineCommunity to join the group, or text “I want to connect with other young people online” to 07721 880900

Alternatively just scan this QR code:

Want to write an article/make a video for the social media page?Not able to Volunteer, but interested in writing an article, helping us make a music video or making a vlog about your life? If you are age 12-25, get in touch with us! Visit www.smarturl.it/WantToHelp if you’re interested or text “I can write an article or make a video!” to 07721 880900. Alternatively just scan this QR code:



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Ever fancied some real life Walking Dead action? This is a really exciting new event where you will complete a 5K obstacle course while being chased by zombies! Can you complete the course without losing your 3 lives? This event is being run by Jungle NI on 9th October 2016. For more information email [email protected]

Afternoon Tea for World Arthritis Day If drinking tea and eating cake is more your thing – why not hold a Tea Party for World Arthritis Day on 12th October? This is such an easy and fun way to raise money and get together with friends, family or colleagues. We have great little packs which you will fi nd ideas, tips and recipes. For more information or for YOUR FREE PACK email [email protected] or telephone 028 9078 2940.

SET YOUR 2017 CHALLENGE!We have plenty of adrenaline fi lled fundraising opportunities again during 2017, so don’t despair if you missed out on the fun this year. There will be ziplines, runs, marathons, skydives and abseils aplenty – register your interest with [email protected] today so you don’t miss out as spaces on these events fi ll up quickly.If you have any other fundraising ideas that you would like to discuss please email [email protected] or call 028 9078 2940. Remember that your fundraising event can be as simple as a coffee morning or selling pens and key rings. You can also usually take part in larger pre-organised events and collect sponsorship for Arthritis Care NI.


• Carolyn Dawson donated £550 from holding a coffee morning. Carolyn has been an avid supporter of Arthritis Care NI and has raised over £6000 for Arthritis Care since 2012.

• Linfi eld Supporters’ Club donated £108.37.

• Collette McNamee retired from the Civil Service in March and asked colleagues for donations to Arthritis Care instead of a leaving present. Collette donat ed £165.00.

• Kilbride Fellowship held an afternoon tea and raised £542.00.

• Irene O’Neill attended a Challenging Your Condition course which inspired her to write a book of poetry. Irene donated £30.00 from the sale of the poetry book.

• Calvert Copiers donated £60.00.

• Terry McCorry held an afternoon tea and raised £411.32.

• Jade Higney, Portglenone Branch, abseiled down the Europa and raised £300.

• Victor Bradley donated £100 from his Swimming Group.

• Ballymena branch donated £470.00 from their fundraising efforts.

• Yvonne Telford and friends donated £150.00 from a Golf Day.

• St Patricks Church Temperance donated £190.00.

• Michael and Gemma Lagan and friends took part in the Belfast City Marathon relay and raised £434.00.

• Mrs Phyllis Kavanagh who sadly passed away recently donated £100.00.

• Ballymena Branch held an afternoon tea and raised £98.50.

• Ellen Montgomery Millar who sadly passed away recently left Arthritis Care NI £1000 in her Will.

Thank you also to the following organisations for supporting our work:

• Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

• Belfast Local Commissioning Group

• Big Lottery Fund NI

• Children In Need

• Northern Local Commissioning Group

• South Eastern Local Commissioning Group

• Southern Health and Social Care Trust

• St Anne’s Cathedral – Black Santa Sit Out

• Ulster Garden Villages

Arthritis Care Northern Ireland would like to thank everyone who supported and contributed so generously to our work.





Big thanks to Rachel Hicklin,

Ruthanne McCready,

Rebekah Lutton and to NI

Staff members Ailish Cullen,

Alyson Dollin and Debbie

Mairs, who took part in the

Ballymena Belles 5 mile race

and raised £569.00.

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A massive thank you to Eileen Tunney, Julieann McElroy, Gemma Devlin and Babet Gray who took part in the Zipline across the Lagan in May and raised

a fantastic combined total of £1532.00

When Debbie Adams, proprietor of the Sports Hut Ballymena, contacted us to say Arthritis Care NI had been selected as their charity of the year for 2016, we were delighted! Debbie has Rheumatoid Arthritis herself, so understands the importance of supporting people with arthritis. So far the Sports Hut has already held a fantastic Ladies Pamper night and a 24 hour football tournament which have raised a staggering total of £1060. A big thank you to Debbie and the staff at the Sports Hut for all their hard work.


10TH ANNIVERSARYDeputy Mayor of Antrim, John Blair cuts a cake with Branch Chairperson Eileen Stewart to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Arthritis Care – Antrim Branch.

A packed audience fi lled the Royal British Legion in Antrim to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Arthritis Care – Antrim Branch. The conference was opened by the Deputy Mayor of Antrim, John Blair and Branch chairperson Eileen Stewart. A number of experts spoke on a wide range of topics regarding the needs of people with arthritis including the role of the rheumatology nurse and rheumatology pharmacist; how to look after your mental health; the importance of exercise; and the support Arthritis Care provide.

The event was an opportunity for the branch to showcase their success to date and many group members spoke on a personal level about the challenges of living with arthritis and how much the branch and its members supported them to cope with their condition. Arthritis Care Antrim Branch would be delighted to welcome new members. The branch meets on the second Thursday of every month at 7.30pm in Antrim Day Centre, Station Road, Antrim. If you are interested please feel free to attend or for more information contact Eileen Stewart on 07732 984969.


On Wednesday 25th May, Magherafelt Branch celebrated their 30th Anniversary. Nancy Cassidy has been a member of the branch since it started and has held various offi ce bearer roles including Secretary and Chair. Nancy has decided to retire from the branch this year and we would like to take this opportunity to thank Nancy for all her hard work, dedication and commitment to making the branch so successful over the last 30 years.

Magherafelt Branchcelebrates their 30th Anniversary

Pictured from left to right, Doreen Caskey (Secretary), Eilish McKee (Treasurer), Nancy Cassidy (Chair)


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If you are interested in joining an Arthritis Care Branch, where you will meet a fantastic group of people who understand what you are going through and where you will also learn tips to help manage your condition please contact [email protected] or telephone 028 9078 2940.


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GAMES DAYOn 23rd April over 100 branch members from across Northern Ireland descended on Ballymoney Provincial Towns Indoor Bowling Stadium for Arthritis Care’s annual games day.

The games day has become an annual event and was started thanks to funding from the Big Lottery in NI. Through the grant we were able to train branch members how to play Boccia and New Age Kurling and to purchase the equipment needed. Both games are all inclusive so can be played regardless of a person’s ability or disability. It is also a great way for people to keep fi t and to socialise. Branches regularly play both games at their branch meetings.

Ballymena branch were the champions of the day winning both the Boccia and New Age Kurling competitions. Coleraine narrowly missed out on the Boccia title coming in a close second whilst Cookstown branch put up a worthy battle to clinch second place in the New Age Kurling competition.





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Fit to engage

Fit to engage was the theme of this year’s Volunteer Conference which was held in the Glenavon House Hotel, Cookstown in March.

The Conference was opened by Gillian Coward, Chair of the NI Committee, followed by an Update on Arthritis Care by Stewart Long, Director of Nations and Services, who thanked the Volunteers in Northern Ireland for delivering our services and projects on the ground and making a real difference to the lives of people with arthritis. The morning sessions covered health related issues with presentations from Martina McGarel, Podiatrist from the Fitter Feet Clinic and Vicki Quinn, Consultant Physiotherapist, Western HSCT.

John McCormick, Policy and Engagement Manager, held a session on how to lobby local political representatives about the needs of people with arthritis. Sophie Mullen, Social Media and Digital Marketing Co-ordinator, then gave an in-depth presentation on how social media could be used as a lobbying tool.

The conference came to an end with a refresher on using the Chair Based Exercise DVD at Branch meetings. This enabled all the participants to end the day on a very relaxed note.


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Living Well with Arthritis Through the Living Well with Arthritis Project fi ve new Arthritis Care Hubs have been established in Health Centres, GP’s clinics and other community spaces. The Hubs are manned by trained Arthritis Care Volunteers who have set up regular drop-in events offering support, guidance and practical information to give people the tools they need to start dealing with the physical and emotional impact of living with arthritis.

Due to high demand we need to recruit additional Volunteers to support the Hubs based in the following locations:

• Ballymena Health and Care Centre• Banbridge Health and Care Centre• Causeway Hospital• Downe Hospital• Musgrave Park Hospital

There are also other Volunteering roles available including Arthritis Awareness Volunteers who deliver talks on arthritis in their local communities and a new mentoring Volunteer role where you will work on a one-to-one basis with a person living with arthritis.

Volunteering with Arthritis Care is a great way of getting out, meeting new people and making a difference to the lives of people struggling to cope with their arthritis. Full training will be given for all roles.

If you are interested in Volunteering with Arthritis Care we would love to hear from you. Contact the Volunteer Development Manager on 028 9078 2940 or email [email protected]

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As this issue is focussing on Volunteering we wanted to share with you some feedback from our Volunteers about why they Volunteer.I Volunteer for the Staying Connected Project.

I care about the cause because arthritis affects so many people and it’s about much more than just some pain. Often people’s lives are hugely affected including their mental health, relationships and family life.

I believe that together we are going to help reduce the number of older people feeling isolated because of their arthritis as we are helping by giving them the tools to cope better.

I think you would enjoy getting involved because you get as much out of Volunteering as the person receiving the service. It’s a great experience and it feels lovely to help people.

I Volunteer as a Training Volunteer. I deliver self-management courses to people who live with arthritis.

I care about the cause because I live with arthritis and I attended one of these courses and found it very benefi cial. Many people feel isolated when they are diagnosed with arthritis, so the courses are a great way to meet others who are in the same position as you.

I believe that together we are going to help people by giving them the tools to take control of their condition. We will also help people see that they are not alone.

I think you would enjoy getting involved because Volunteering is really rewarding. I love to see how the course I have delivered has helped someone’s quality of life.

I Volunteer as a Living Well with Arthritis Information Volunteer.

I care about the cause because I myself suffer with Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis and I know how it feels to live with a long term condition.

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I believe that together we are going to make Health Professionals understand our needs as well as help each other to push for earlier intervention and treatment.

I think you would enjoy getting involved because you will be helping other people to get information about their long term illness.

If you would be interested in fi nding out more about Volunteering for Arthritis Care NI please contact our Volunteer Development Manager on 028 9078 2940 or email [email protected]


To buy a copy of the DVD contact the Northern Ireland offi ce on 028 9078 2940 email [email protected] or visit www.arthritiscare.org.uk

Arthritis is the largest cause of physical disability in Northern Ireland and affects around 300,000 people. This number is set to rise dramatically - so more people will need Arthritis Care’s support than ever before.

By leaving a gift to Arthritis Care in your Will, you will help ensure future generations do not face arthritis alone. Instead, they will have the

support they need to stay independent and live well with arthritis.

GIFTS IN WILLS FUND OVER HALF OUR WORKA gift of any size will help us support people to manage their pain and do more than they thought possible.

Leaving a gift is simple

To find out more, please call Ailish Cullen on 028 9078 2944, email [email protected] or visit arthritiscare.org.uk/wills

Did you know 1 in 2 of the people we support in Northern Ireland is helped due to gifts in Wills?

ARTHRITIS CARE NORTHERN IRELANDThe McCune Building, 1 Shore Road, Belfast BT15 3PG. Tel (028) 9078 2940

Email: [email protected] www.arthritiscare.org.ukRegistered Charity Nos: 206563 and SCO38693
