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Artist of the divine imagination

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Ancient teachings tell us that the potential of mind in early mankind was sparked alight by the already developed spiritual-mental capacities of beings that had been highly evolved humans in a previous planetary life period. Perhaps we should extend our conception of the mind beyond its rationalizing aspect that is so highly prized today, because it comprises so much more - such as the aspect that is the source of intuition. There is also the question of another quality we have, which is closely connected with our creative ability.
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Artist of the Divine Imagination Artist of the Divine Imagination 1 Artist of the Divine Imagination Luminous Visions of Celestial Cities, Peacock Angels, and Temples of Illumination, where living Light springs eternally from within the Fountains of Creation. Much of Erial's art draws its energy from the subtle realms of the Divine imagination, rarified spaces where beings of Light radiate love and healing.
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Artist of the Divine Imagination

Artist of the Divine Imagination


Artist of the Divine Imagination

Luminous Visions of Celestial Cities, Peacock Angels, and Temples of Illumination, where living Light springs eternally from within the Fountains of Creation. Much of Erial's art draws its energy from the subtle realms of the Divine imagination, rarified spaces where beings of Light radiate love and healing.

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Artist of the Divine Imagination

Artist of the Divine Imagination


In writing about his process Erial says that he spends most of his time in the search and retrieval of energy and information from the Inner Worlds. In order to do this he must continuously 'purify' his consciousness, for he believes what we pay attention to we become. Therefore it is as much a discipline as an art form, to maintain the clarity of awareness to stay in contact with these realities. Nutritious food, healthy thoughts and a prayerful attitude towards life, are all part of the formula for bringing these images to light. As human beings he believes that we can only approximate the Divine in art and ideas. Like the moon reflecting the sun, we can mirror the source and yet still remain separate.

At the same time, when we gaze at these images, we can resonate with their healing and inspirational energies, as well as remember our essential Unity with all life and being. They also remind us of our soul's eternal nature. Q: It would be interesting to know what you feel when you're painting these beautiful images? A: I feel a sense of peace and passion as I work on them, as though I'm fulfilling my destiny in an act of great love. Q: Why do you do it and when? A: I'm looking for something of beauty and spiritual depth, a world more numinous and pure than this one. I work on these things when my head is clear and or working in that direction. It helps to focus my energy and create clarity by doing it as well. www.erial.us  www.iasos.com/artists/erial  

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Artist of the Divine Imagination

Artist of the Divine Imagination


The Power of Imagination

I get many questions, how to do this, and how to reach that etc. What if the answer is just as simple as, use your imagination. Thoughts cannot give you answers, thoughts are just temporary waves, that can change at any moment. Knowledge is in your imagination. I imagined this website, and now you all here.

Thoughts takes over your hearts imagination.

Key to happiness is, "awaken your imagination".

How things unfold isn't important, whats important is how you choose to embrace the NOW moment. You cannot change the NOW moment. Practice to be in the moment, focus on your breath or try to feel your heartbeats in your body. Thoughts are actually all around us, in wave frequency form, we sometimes tune-in to the thoughts of humanity and channel them through our body.

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Artist of the Divine Imagination

Artist of the Divine Imagination


What's this say? Thoughts isn't always your own, it's shared and broadcasted like a radio station.

What FM are you listening to?

Can you imagine how it would be to break free from limited thinking and tune into a higher frequency that is in harmony with your heart? It's possible. Listen to the silence and become aware of this broadcast that is within you, the GOD CHANNEL. This channel feels different for everyone.

You entered into this body, it's not your body, it's actually a part of Mother Earth.

The body and Earth is connected, see it as a very advanced space suit.

Thoughts is like a fog, hiding the blissful silence, containing all there is.

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Artist of the Divine Imagination

Artist of the Divine Imagination


I created "Ashtar Command Crew", because we will be more and more who remembers the power of LOVE, it's really simple. Awaken to love and you cannot go back to limitation again. Things will evolve quicker and quicker.

First contact procedure will come naturally, we cannot know it all. Let it be a surprise, let they handle the planning. Focus on LOVE, you always know what to do in each moment. You came here to anchor LOVE, by being an EXAMPLE. Be the change. Practice LOVE, practice patience, you are the one who will make a change, by tuning into your joy. More and more people will tune into the LOVE RADIO STATION and we will feel each other, it will flood this Earth and there is no turning back! Are you with me?..

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Artist of the Divine Imagination

Artist of the Divine Imagination


Imagine your own teachings

You are your own teacher, imagine your own way and share it with others. We all have LOVE in common, the rest is EXPRESSION, expression have eternal possibilities.

Change is brewing in this moment. To be open minded and have a loving approach is a great beginning, let the change flow through you and let the love in. No one can convert any other into beliefs, beliefs are belief, knowing is knowing. To really know something within your heart is beyond beliefs, its beyond proof. Knowledge is temporary, LOVE is eternal. Ascension is an imprinted word in our minds, do not forget the simplicity of it, it's just a change of perspective. Now is the time to choose with the heart which world we want to live in. The purpose is to EVOLVE Earth and mankind into a HIGHER state of MIND and awareness of itself. Listen to the GOD channel within you, do it as a daily practice, in your own unique way. There is no wrong way to GOD. Clinging to OLD beliefs etc. will not be possible the coming years, people can resist change or embrace it. Thank You for Reading! Your Friend, Ben-Arion, Sweden. "Ashtar Command Crew" http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net

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Artist of the Divine Imagination

Artist of the Divine Imagination


On the Wings of Imagination "I rest not from my great task! To open the Eternal Worlds, to open the immortal Eyes Of Man inwards into the Worlds of Thought, into Eternity Ever expanding in the Bosom of God, the Human Imagination". William Blake

Ancient teachings tell us that the potential of mind in early mankind was sparked alight by the already developed spiritual-mental capacities of beings that had been highly evolved humans in a previous planetary life period. Perhaps we should extend our conception of the mind beyond its rationalizing aspect that is so highly prized today, because it comprises so much more - such as the aspect that is the source of intuition. There is also the question of another quality we have, which is closely connected with our creative ability.

Our imagination is a faculty that eludes a binding definition, for its properties are patently immaterial. By its means we can conceive and create all kinds of activities and existences. Charles Darwin stated in The Descent of Man "The Imagination is one of the highest prerogatives of man. By this faculty he unites former images and ideas, independently of the will, and thus creates brilliant and novel results" (1896 ed., p. 74). The medieval mystics Hugh and Richard of the St. Victor monastery in Paris, perhaps applying Paul's threefold classification of a man as being composed of spirit, soul, and body, referred to "Imagination, Reason and Intellect" as different facets of our inner nature. We can trace a slow development in the Western view of the imagination. For example, Iamblichus, who lived during the late 3rd and early 4th centuries AD, wrote: "Imagination is superior to all nature and generation, and through it we are capable of transcending the worldly order, of participating in eternal life and in the energy of the super-celestial. It is through this principle, therefore, that we will be liberated from the bonds of fate itself." A commentator interprets Iamblichus to mean that by "contacting" inspiration and insight, we may overcome the ("fate" of our character by working through personality problems and limitations").

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Artist of the Divine Imagination

Artist of the Divine Imagination


Indeed, the imagination can be a powerful influence to shape or affect our souls, and at least one author of insight has encouraged us to "visualize", for we thereby "create in imagination the picture of mighty things", opening a "door to new powers" within ourselves. (Katherine Tingley, Theosophy: The Path of the Mystic, pp. 46-7). "This aspect of the imagination is described as dual, capable of being as destructive in its lower phase as it can be creative in its higher. In other words, we become what we imagine".

In modern times, the word imagination has acquired various meanings, usually limited to literature and the other arts. For example, it has been regarded as the faculty producing the setting, "atmosphere" or background, and symbolism in the most moving poetry or art. That is, it has been treated as though synonymous with fancy or fantasizing. But gradually the usages of the terms have grown far apart. The two poets of the 19th century who contributed much to the widening distinctions were William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, both of who felt that composing a poem was strictly not a reasoning process. Elaborating on Wordsworth's tentative view that imagination is an "element of nature's inner self", Coleridge identified it with creative power, the highest faculty that synthesizes experience into imagery. It perceives shape or form and order, using different, even opposite, elements of feeling, vision, and thought to achieve a unified whole. In other words, it fuses and assimilates the daily experiences into a larger unity. While Carlyle felt that imagination was lower in the scale than intellect, Coleridge regarded it as the "organ of the divine." The fancy, on the other hand, he felt to be merely the capacity to combine things and events. Wordsworth associated the "higher poetry" with the "wisdom of the heart" and the "grandeur of the imagination". He felt too that "wherever these appear, simplicity accompanies them". Percy Bysshe Shelley also deals profoundly with this theme. A Platonist, he places reason on a lower level than the other aspects of mentality: it has a guiding principle, the imagination, which he images as a "throne contained within the invisible nature of man".

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Artist of the Divine Imagination

Artist of the Divine Imagination


In the words of Carl Grabo, that there is a divine order, truth, and beauty, existing in the immaterial world of ideas, a world to which the creative or poetic mind has occasional access. It is in the light of its intimations from this world - what for want of a better word must be called intuitions - that the creative mind apprehending it imposes its imaginative reading, its discovery of relationships, upon actual experience and thus aids in shaping the actual into a likeness of the divine.

As Percy Bysshe Shelley perceives it, what the world needs most are not more facts but the creative imagination, and he analyzes the parlous situation of our materialistic civilization that is based on and shored up chiefly by scientific and economic knowledge. For him as for Plato, the world of the material phase of life partly obscures and partly exposes the real world of which it is the reflection or "shadow". During those moments when we feel illumined, we become aware of the "heart of things", which means we sense the presence of the eternal essence of life, of which all the routines and ephemera of our daily lives are but symbols. This is why the poet appears to be in a state of constant wonderment about life's finer aspects - he is sensitive to the invisible reality. In comment, Carl Grabo writes that:

"Reason, unless directed by imagination, leads nowhere but to futility. We have knowledge, material things, and command over natural forces; but these are nothing in themselves . . . Unless, prompted by intuition from the divine, we shape them imaginatively to the uses of a freer and less selfish social order. This is not the analysis and teaching of a visionary, but realism of the toughest kind. It is inspired common sense. It is not Shelley who is fantastic and insane but the world of "practical" men". - P. 363*

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Artist of the Divine Imagination

Artist of the Divine Imagination


We turn now to another artist-poet of the 19th century who gave the term imagination a new and wider meaning. William Blake was a largely self-educated mystic gifted equally in the graphic arts and poetry. He had stepped into the stream of ideas that flowed down into the slough of Europe's dark centuries from Plato, the Neo-Platonist, and those few mystics scattered in space and time who had immersed them-selves in the life-giving waters. Through the murk of contemporary dogma and illiteracy, Blake discerned gleams of spiritual light that came from a very ancient wisdom tradition. Taking from his various sources phrasings about the ensoulment of the universe and the composite nature of man, he created his own language of which the most important term is perhaps his distinctive use of the word imagination. Blake envisioned human as spiritual beings drawn into the smoky fires of material life ages ago and unaware of their true identity. The souls "fallen from heaven" or their state of pristine purity remain smog-bound,

captivated by the false glitter of the pleasures offered by the physical side of earthly existence. Their appetite for possessions and the delights that feed the ego and its lower qualities increases as each gratification grows stale. The increase brings in its train further stupefaction.

If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man, as it is, infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things through narrow chinks of his cavern.

The one savior is the imagination, which, he points out, is really the creative soul of the universe. In his writings, illustrations, drawings, and etchings, he contrasts the imagination with the dry, mechanical aspects of the reasoning mind. The mythology that he invented symbolizes this process. For example, his term the "satanic mills" warns against the worst features of the industrial revolution: the reduction of human entities from being spiritual individuals into merely material creatures functioning as cogs turning the wheels of machines.

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Artist of the Divine Imagination

Artist of the Divine Imagination


The names of the English scientist Newton and philosopher Locke represent in his poetry the rationalizing elements in human nature; they symbolize excessive dependence upon the mechanical aspect of the mind - that part of it that merely operates the "computer" or brain, rather than the higher element that programs it. Blake's point of view stresses that this is done at the expense of the finer qualities of the human being. The creator of the physical world, the "Workman," could produce only a machine-like universe that is really a shadow-image of the much superior realm where the truly creative aspects of divinity are allowed fuller play.

One biographer writes that Blake himself saw spiritual appearances by the exercise of a special faculty - that of imagination - using the word in the then unusual, but true sense, of a faculty which bases itself with the subtler realities, not with fictions… The things the imagination saw were as much realities as were gross and tangible facts… His advice to a young painter was "You have only to work up imagination to the state of vision, and the thing is done". - Alexander Gilchrist, Life of Blake, pp. 318-19

By I. M. Oderberg (From Sunrise magazine, December 2002/January 2003; Copyright © 2002 Theosophical University Press)

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