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Artistic Development for Children

Date post: 08-Jul-2018
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8/19/2019 Artistic Development for Children http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/artistic-development-for-children 1/15 Artistic Development For Children Foundations of Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health
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Artistic Development

For ChildrenFoundations of Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health

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Define arts and creativity!

E"plain the importance of art and creativity in Education!

#ive reaction re$ardin$ some principles and theories in art developmentthrou$h children!

Develop some basic s%ills in art!

Appreciate the value in art education! Create different art activities for children!

Create schedule and materials plannin$!

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Definitions of Creativity

Creare &'!( ) to ma%e thin$s *hich has not made before, to brin$ into bein$!&+arnhart(

An act that produces effective surprise &+runer, -./.(

Doin$ somethin$ beyond the acceptable rules or thin%in$ the impossible0 in

a *ay that is understandable and acceptable to a *ider audience! &+oden,-..1(

2pecific to multiple intelli$ence &#ardner, -..1(

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3he Creative Process

4hen children create, the process is *hat matters to them not the product!

-! 5no*led$e &Prior %no*led$e and stimuli(

1! Motivation &6nner drive, inspired not tau$ht(

7! 2%ill &tentative and confidence(

8! 6mmersion &focus(

9! 6ncubation and Production & %no*led$e and s%ills(

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Provide time to e"plore and observe materials

Present the *or% of others so that the child *ill %no* *hat others have done and use

them as basis from *hich they can create their o*n!

Provide varied materials and activities!

Completion amon$ children replaces internal motivation *ith e"ternal motivation!

Do not $ive $eneric re*ards and a model because it may cause an"iety!

Do not interfere *ith their *or% for it may cause hesitation to ta%e ris%s!

'et them solve problems on their o*n *ith little help!

 Provide child *ith opportunities and encoura$ement to e"press himself freely!

Accept and respect *hat child creates!

'et the child learn techni:ues as needed!

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4hat is Arts;

the e"pression or application of human creative s%ill and ima$ination,typically in a visual form such as paintin$ or sculpture, producin$ *or%s to be

appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional po*er!

 a diverse ran$e of human activities and the products of those activities,

usually involvin$ ima$inative or technical s%ill!

3he e"pression or application of human creative s%ill and ima$ination,

typically in a visual form such as paintin$ or sculpture, producin$ *or%s tobe appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional po*er

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3he Creative Arts

6t includes dra*in$, paintin$, printin$, sculptin$, creatin$

colla$e, and crafts!

6t involves not only creatin$ art but also developin$

aesthetic jud$ment and brin$ personal satisfaction!

Art en$a$es children=s senses in open>ended activities and

enhances the development of a *ide ran$e of perceptual,

physical, lan$ua$e, co$nitive, and socio>emotional s%ills!

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Art as a Component of #eneral


#eneral education includes those domains of %no*led$e and e"perience*hich deals *ith *hat it is to be human &A!4! Foshay, Art Education, -./7(

He identifies si" cate$ories si" cate$ories of human developmentintellectual, emotional, social aesthetic, spiritual, and physical!

6ntellectual development demands over .?@ of the school *ee% *hile the artsand other miscellaneous activities account for the remainin$ -?@,

3raditionally, intellectual $ro*th has been limited to s%ill buildin$ in threeareas 7s and the sciences!

2chool shoud provide the foundation for an understandin$ of the relationshipbet*een the individual and society, and for the preservation and transmission

of our common cultural and aesthetic herita$e!

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Contribution of Art 6nstruction

6ntrinsic Contribution &Bni:ue to art(

Art is an end in itself &builds perception about formal and technical properties of

art throu$h direct artistic e"pression and appreciation(

5no*led$e about artistic herita$e

E"perience creatin$ *or%s of art

E"perience perceivin$ and respondin$ to *or%s of art

E"perience justifyin$ jud$ments about *or%s of art!

E"trinsic Contribution

Catalyst for other disciplines!




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3he eed to 3each Art to oun$ Children

Art is inte$ral part of our lives

Art is the child=s first lan$ua$e!

Art helps children $ro*



2ocially Co$nitively

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alues of the Arts 2elf ealiation

Confidence and self>e"pression

A*areness of aesthetic interest

Ability to Evaluate art standards

Civic esponsibility

Art as a socialiin$ activity

Ability to respect and value artistic e"pression

Ability to apply artistic arran$ements in terms of better livin$

6ntrinsic alue

3herapeutic alue

A $ood record of his feelin$s

Detect an"ieties, tensions and frustrations

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Principles Provide time to e"plore and observe materials

Present the *or% of others so that the child *ill %no* *hat others have done

and use them as basis from *hich they can create their o*n! Provide varied materials and activities!

Completion amon$ children replaces internal motivation *ith e"ternal


Do not $ive $eneric re*ards and a model because it may cause an"iety!

Do not interfere *ith their *or% for it may cause hesitation to ta%e ris%s!

'et them solve problems on their o*n *ith little help!

 Provide child *ith opportunities and encoura$ement to e"press himself freely!

Accept and respect *hat child creates!

'et the child learn techni:ues as needed!

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Artistic Development in

oun$ Children

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Pia$et=s 3heory of Child Development

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hoda 5ello$
