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Arts and Older People - Arc 29 Nov 2012

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Presentation slides (Part Two) from Arts and Older People training day at ARC Stockton. 29th November 2012
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Arc Stockton Arts and Older People Training Ageing Communities – A Context 29 th November 2012
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Arc StocktonArts and Older People Training

Ageing Communities – A Context

29th November 2012

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Older people – building age friendly communities

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Ageing communities – facing the future

“Population ageing and urbanisation have in their different ways become the key social trends of the the twenty-first century.”Professor Chris Phillipson 2010

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Ageing in an urban environment“There is emerging evidence that urban environments may place older people at a

heightened risk of isolation and loneliness.

Changes in urban environments are developed to meet the needs of younger consumers.

Older people’s social well-being is prone to changes in population. The loss of family members, friends and neighbours has implications for the maintenance of stable,

social relationships.

Older people are affected by changes linked to social issues, such as changes in services and levels of crime.”

Scharf / Gierveld 2008

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Experiences of Ageing

“Some councils will see an outward migration of affluent people in their 50s and 60s who choose to leave urban areas. The remaining older population tends to be poorer, isolated and more vulnerable with a lower life expectancy and a need for acute interventions”

Audit Commission 2008

“I just sit in staring at the television or the walls. You get to a point where you think I can’t cope. I mean you think what’s the point being stuck here day in day out.”Female, 51, East Manchester

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Age Inequalities – Depression and wealth

M 50 - 59

M 75 +

W 50 - 59

W 75+

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%


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Ageing Inequalities – Mean walking speed & wealth, people aged 60+

Metres Per Second

0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1


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Ageing in Teesside

Under 15

Working Age 15 to 64

65 to 79

80 plus

0 500000 1000000 1500000 2000000


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How may this change our communities?

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5 Key Questions for an Ageing Community

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Any questions?Any observations?

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Arts and Older People – why develop this work?

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Context of Ageing

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“The Impact of Professionally Conducted Cultural Programmes on the Physical Health, Mental Health and Social Functioning of Older

Adults” Cohen et al, National Endowment for the Arts, USA

• Study included a variety of artforms and involved 300 older people, one group involved in arts programmes, one group not.

• The study showed participants who were involved in arts programmes had better health, fewer doctor visits, less medication usage, and increased activities and social engagement.

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Mental Wellbeing

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Physical Wellbeing

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Community Building

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