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As bem-aventuranças Mat 5:1-13 O ser do discipulado interior ATITUDES ATITUDES do Reino Viv Grigg.

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As bem- aventuranças Mat 5:1- 13 O ser do discipulado interior ATITUDES ATITUDES do Reino Viv Grigg
Page 1: As bem-aventuranças Mat 5:1-13 O ser do discipulado interior ATITUDES ATITUDES do Reino Viv Grigg.

As bem-aventurançasMat 5:1-13

O ser do discipulado interior ATITUDESATITUDES do Reino

Viv Grigg

Page 2: As bem-aventuranças Mat 5:1-13 O ser do discipulado interior ATITUDES ATITUDES do Reino Viv Grigg.

O contexto do ser feliz

Dando a luz a comunidadeDefinindo valores(Estilo de


Definindo os universais Aprendendo com o

homem sabio de Israel, cada bem-aventuranca do Velho Testamento

Page 3: As bem-aventuranças Mat 5:1-13 O ser do discipulado interior ATITUDES ATITUDES do Reino Viv Grigg.

The Disciplines of Jesus Como as facetas de um

diamante Isso e usado como base

para a etica Impossivel, a nao ser com

a habitacao do EspiritoVoce conhece a presenca

esmagadora ou voce esta bloqueado?

Page 4: As bem-aventuranças Mat 5:1-13 O ser do discipulado interior ATITUDES ATITUDES do Reino Viv Grigg.

Cada bem-aventuranca inclui: Uma bencao e uma maldicaoUma descricao do carater de DeusUma promessa

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Mateus 5:3-123 Felizes sao os pobres de espirito, Pois deles e o Reino dos ceus.

4 Felizes os que choram, Pois eles serao consolados.

5 Felizes os mansos, Pois herdarao a terra.

6 Felizes os que tem fome e sede de justica,

Pois serao saciados.

7 Felizes os misericordiosos, Pois obterao misericordia.

8 Felizes os puros de coracao, Pois verao a Deus.

9 Felizes os pacificadores, Pois serao chamados filhos de Deus.

10 Felizes os que sofrem perseguicao por causa da justica,

Pois deles e o Reino dos ceus.


Felizes sao quando os insultarem e perseguirem e os acusarem falsamente por causa do meu nome.

Se regozijam e sejam felizes, pois grande e o seu galardao nos ceus.

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Luke 6:20-26 Blessings… "Blessed are you who are poor, for the

kingdom of God is yours. Blessed are you who are now hungry, for

you will be satisfied. Blessed are you who are now weeping, for

you will laugh. Blessed are you when people hate you, and

when they exclude and insult you, and denounce your name as evil on account of the Son of Man. Rejoice and leap for joy on that day! Behold, your reward will be great in heaven. For their ancestors treated the prophets in the same way.

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…and Woes But woe to you who are rich,

for you have received your consolation.

But woe to you who are filled now, for you will be hungry.

Woe to you who laugh now, for you will grieve and weep.

Woe to you when all men shall speak well of you, for their ancestors treated the false prophets in this way."

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How would Jesus view them?

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Os pobres de espirito

Lukas disse, “Felizes sao os pobres de espirito” E uma classe dos pobres, as pobres que trabalhar Out of their poverty they responded to God The term had developed during the prophetic period

as Israel had urbanised, and the society polarised between the oppressive rich and the oppressed poor.

No so pessoas ricas que tem probreza do espirito

Meu casa em Tatalon, Manila

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The opposite of poverty of spirit is the spirit of the rich. The rich are always right. They are independent of others and of God. They have a sense of power and control.

The poor in spirit have an internal poverty, They are people who depend on God, recognising their spiritual need, their lack of spirituality, their frailty.

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Is poverty blessed?

No, the poor are blessed –those poor who respond to God

The Conundrum (Luke 6) Poverty is a curse

The poor are blessedThe poor are blessed Riches are a blessing But the rich are cursedBut the rich are cursed

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The beatitudes are an expansion of the blessings on the godly poor.

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Felizes os que

choram … God weeps, God sits where

men and women sit, where people hurt. He dwelt (e.g. Tumbakan).

The dying disciple wears sackcloth in their heart for the sins of his/her people. They cry over the slave trade in

Manila, over the putrid stench of the

alcoholic in their arms over the pain of the childless

orphans of Rwanda. They pour out their soul for

the hungry (Isa 58:10).Wailing- Bernard Hinds

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Abencoados sao os humildes… Humildade morre para o poder e

escolhe a falta de poder. Nao se pode rebaixar os humildes

pois eles escolheram estar em baixo.

A dureza do interior e amaciada pela gentil compaixao e o espirito gentil em relacionamentos. Como borracha por fora e aço por

dentro Mulheres assim sao lindas deante

de Deus (1 Pe 3:4). (como buscando agua)

Humildade - M (Feuerteufel)by Karin Kuhlmann (Germany)

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…eles herdarão a terra.

A pessoa humilde nao precisa lutar pelos seus prorios direitos Eles escolheram nao ter direitos. Essas pessoas sem poder sao as que sao realmente

poderosas. Este e o carater central do missionario de sucesso.

O humilde pode cruzar qualquer barreira. Eles herdarao a terra.

Com uma pequena obediencia como entrar numa favela, vem ccentenas de trabalhos – essa e a nossa heranca, 1000’s – se escolhermos o caminho mais baixo.

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Abencoados aqueles que tem fome e sede de justica Humildade e fraqueza sem o desejo pela

verdade de Deus. Esta fome nao e uma fome por sabedoria, mas por

sabedoria em acao – um compromisso a acao por justica.

Justica nao e somente vertical E tanto morrer para a auto-justica en confiar na

justica de Deus. E uma fome por santidade.e.g. land rights consultation

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Blessed are the merciful

Mercy balances the drive for righteousness It is death to cruelty, the harsh word, the rigid

hardness that blames others, demands from others

A tenderness that easily forgets and forbears, daily choosing to

forgive (Eph 4:32) It walks softly among the bruised souls of mankind

(Prov 15:1; Isa 42:3).

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Blessed are the pure in heart The heart is the inner shrine,

the temple of God The pure heart is fixed on

God alone, undivided By desires to please self By courting the approval of

others By the cares of owning and

buying and selling By the delight in a wife,

husband, family By pride of position

These do not steal away that pure devotion to him (1 John 2:15,16)

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Blessed are the peacemakers

The cross is a cross of pro-active reconciliation

Peacemakers are able to speak the truth in love

They are not peaceful people watching television

They enter into conflict when it solves the sins that destroy people and communities.

(e.g. Raineer)


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Blessed are the persecuted

We are hated Friends are irritated by our goodness Families hate those who choose poverty and

powerlessness, it goes against their goals for success Communities hate us: A pure love for Jesus is deeply

offensive to those who love self and darkness(e.g. CIA or Marxist)

Politicians seek to destroy those who would destroy their oppressions

Yet we always rejoice and overcome the hatred of our closest friends and families with love (II Cor 6:10)

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And the promisesFrom righteous poverty to …. The Kingdom of heaven From pain to comfort From meek response to opression to inheriting the earth From oppression and injustice, they will be filled with

righteousness, see the transformation of the nations From cruel slavery, they will find mercy, forgiveness They will see God, the centre of the Kingdom They will be adopted as sons and daughters Persecuted but theirs is the Kingdom of heaven

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Rich man, poor man…

Can we be rich externally and poor in spirit?

Jesus chose poverty in birth, life and death, laying aside his wealth. He asks us to follow. Flee earthly riches

Internal Poverty

External Poverty

Internal Humility

External Humility


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Kingdom EconomicsAdvice for the Middle Class

Earn much Earn much Consume littleConsume little Hoard nothingHoard nothing Give generously Give generously Celebrate lifeCelebrate life

Grigg, 1984, Companion to the Poor, Authentic

•Production•Consumption•Simplicity•Redistribution•Focus on Deity
