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AS08 Final Project Afreen Khalid

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DS2 Project Infrastructure and Stakeholder Analysis of Husky Air Integrated Database System AS08 Project Team: Samir Negash, Ben Hall, James Manalel, Mariam Bhatti, Afreen Khalid
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Project Infrastructure and Stakeholder Analysis of Husky Air Integrated Database SystemAS08

Project Team: Samir Negash, Ben Hall, James Manalel, Mariam Bhatti, Afreen Khalid


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Table of Contents

Project Description 2-3MOV 2-3

Earned Value Analysis 4-5Excel Screenshots 4 Earned Value Analysis 5

Quality Management Analysis 5-6Team Philosophy 5Quality Based Metrics6Verification 6Validation 6


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Name Phone Email address

1. Mariam Bhatti 571-451-5023 [email protected]

2. Afreen Khalid 703-786-5040 [email protected]

3. Samir Negash (Team Leader)

703-505-9712 [email protected]

4. James Manalel 703-531-9454 [email protected]

5. Ben Hall 804-335-6628 [email protected]


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Team Bios:

Mariam Bhatti – I am an undergraduate student, junior level, studying at the school

business, with the hopes of graduating in May 2016 with a Bachelor in Information Systems.

With my future Information Systems degree I hope to work for national security for the

government. To achieve this dream of mine I am accepting an internship this summer to

increase my experience in the field of IS.

Afreen Khalid – I am currently a junior studying in the School of Business on the track to

graduating with Bachelors in Information Systems. I am the first in my family to graduate

from a University with a four-year degree. With my degree I plan to apply my knowledge in

creating network floor plans for companies.

Samir Negash - Hey guys I’m a senior majoring in information systems I hope to learn a lot

in the course and be efficient with the project. This is a skill that companies love and I want

to be proficient in it for future job opportunities.

Ben Hall - I am a senior IS major who recently switched over from Business Admin to

Information Systems and I’m excited to further gain knowledge in the area. I’m anticipating

another semester and hope to get a lot out of this class.

James Manalel - Howdy everyone, I am James and a senior in the Information Systems

Department. I currently work for UBS which is a wealth management firm. I am an IS major

but I want to get into the finance field and eventually own my own businesses. I believe this

course will help me better my project managing skills.


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Team Strengths and Weaknesses

Mariam Bhatti – I am proficient in HTML5 language and am also familiar with Microsoft

Visio and building a network layout. I am a great team player and know how to cooperate

with others as well as contributing to the team effort. My weaknesses would include system

analysis since it is fairly knew to me, but hopefully after taking this course that will change.

Afreen Khalid – My strengths include knowledge of the Microsoft suite as well as basic

coding language. I am extremely interpersonal and know how to read people which will help

bring our team together and aid in the completion of upcoming tasks. A tend to nit pick at

certain aspects of things which delays the time I complete tasks.

James Manalel - I am proficient with Microsoft Office and have been a team leader before, I

am well organized and ready to take on any task during the project. One of my weaknesses is

that I tend to procrastinate, but I have been working on it and it should not be a problem.

Ben Hall – One of my weaknesses is that this is the first instance where I am actively

connecting the information systems world with the business world, so I may be

inexperienced in that sense. However, I am experienced in various technical software and

have the ability to organize and manage.

Samir Negash - A weakness I have is how to get those ideas to come together where

everyone is happy with the project. One of my strengths is the experience of being on

different teams here at VCU and making sure the task at hand is completed to the teams



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Roles and Responsibilities

Since all members of the group have similar skill attributes on both a technical and managerial

level, leadership duties will be rotated on a weekly basis. When not in a leadership role (project

manager), all other team members are on an equal level of hierarchy and have equal input and no

specific role. This means that the various roles such as business analyst, systems analyst,

infrastructure analyst are shared among those who are not the project manager for that particular


Meeting Times

Meeting times are dependent on the type and difficulty of the assignment as well as the schedules

of the team members. If tasks are relatively simple, team members can communicate via text or

online via email and work on projects and contribute on their own time with interfaces such as

Google docs. Assignments that require in-person communication can be worked on in the hours

after class on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Team Rules and Expectations

If for any reason a team member can not show up to team meeting, member must notify

team leader a day before designating meeting time.

Team members must come prepared to all meetings with necessary materials for


All members must fully contribute to assignments to reduce conflict.

If a member doesn’t agree with organization of project they must speak up to reduce

conflict and increase the group’s efficiency in completing tasks.

Members can switch between different roles if needed to increase productivity.


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If a member has a problem with the work of another team member then they must consult

the team before talking to the professor.

Groups will make decisions by voting with a majority rule.


All members must respect the work of each individual within the group and must always

contribute work during each project. Work must be reliable and content must be applicable to

project/assignments. All individuals must show integrity and respect towards all members.

Contributions must be on equal levels with all members. Lastly, individual work must be honest

and reputable.


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All members of Team DS2 agree to the requirements of the team charter by the signatures below.

Print name    Signature DateSamir Negash Samir Negash 9/1/15

Print name    Signature Date

Afreen Khalid Afreen Khalid 9/1/15

Print name    Signature Date

Ben Hall Ben Hall 9/1/15 P

rint name    Signature Date

James Manalel James Manalel 9/1/15 Print name    Signature Date

Mariam Bhatti Mariam Bhatti 9/1/15   

Project Name: Project Infrastructure and Stakeholder Analysis of Husky Air Integrated Database System


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Project Team: Mariam Bhatti, Afreen Khalid, James Manalel, Samir Negash, Ben Hall

Project Description:

Husky Air is a non-profit organization that provides free transportation by aircrafts to patients in hospitals, health care agencies, and organ banks. Husky Air has been in the process of transitions from their old way of storing data in file folders. They have a hard time with record keeping of information of the pilots. DS2 have been hired as an IT consultant to Husky Air to help them solve their problem and effectively organize their data. DS2 plans on helping Husky Air implement a new integrated database system that will help securely store all pilots’ information and to easily notify end-users (Husky Air) about all details of flight, date/time, distance, destination, patient, pilot, and availabilities. The use of this computer-based system the company will be able to keep track of all their patients and pilot angels’ information which include: names, addresses, contact information, locations, education, certifications, and their total hours of flying. DS2 has many knowledgeable and qualified individuals to assist Husky Air with this new database system that will ultimately help them save them time, money, and improve productivity.

Measurable Organizational Value:

The Desired Area of Impact:

This table shows the desired areas of impact before starting the new installations. The objectives of this IT project include increasing customer satisfaction, reducing cost/time for pilots/patients, as well as increasing market shares and branding between Husky Air, investors, and donators.

Desired Areas of Impact

Desired Value of New System

Metrics Time-Frame

Strategic -Increase shares in the market-Branding of marketing and expansion

-Increase the availability of private pilots by 19-20% and see an increase by 12% annually-Increase numbers of investors and donators by 10% per year

-20% 1st year-10-12% per year-10-15% per year


-Eliminate slow processing time and improve speed of transactions

-Decrease the process time by 50%-Increase numbers of volunteered pilots by 20% each year

-20% first year-30% Second year-50% over 5 years-Increase the amount of pilots by 20% per year


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-Increase flexibility for the pilots

Customer -Improve waiting time for patients to ensure more satisfied customers

-Increase the customer satisfaction by 50%

-50% over 5 years

Social -More recognized public appearance of private pilot angel services to promote partnerships and sponsorships

-Increase amount of investment and donations by 20% per year

-20% per year

Financial -Reduce the pilot's cost and time-Increase the amount of aircrafts and equipment

-Decrease fuel expense and planes -Maintenance by 15% per year-Increase investments and market shares by $200,000 for Husky Air to gain more aircrafts in case of emergency

-15% per year-$200k over 3 years

Desired Value to the Organization:

Our mission is to improve overall efficiency of operations for Husky Air Pilot Angels. We plan to do this by creating a project to develop a system that delivers valuable and relevant information to Husky Air. The system will allow the Husky Air Pilot Angels organization to analyze existing data, as well as facilitate the collection of future data. We feel that doing away with the old pen and paper transactions and moving to a digital database will significantly reduce the time it takes to process a transaction. The system we will be using will support rapidly updated information on the availability of pilots and aircrafts. This will reduce confusion between the pilots and the organization. A solid system will be beneficial to the patients in need of Pilot Angels’ services. The reduction in transaction time will allow pilots to take off quicker for time-sensitive flights.


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Our system will reduce the time it takes to contact a volunteer pilot by a whopping 70%. Our hopes are that this will encourage more pilots to volunteer. We estimate that pilot availability will increase by 19-20% and will also increase by 12% (annually). Worker productivity will increase by 50% due to the readily available information provided by the system. Overall, the operation is expected to be a total of 60% more efficient, which will promote growth and expansion for the entire organization.


The Database for the Husky Air non-profit organization should be completed within a one month period. This will allow the database to be created, have all the tables, entities, scripts, and codes written and implemented. The database will be placed on a small LAN located inside of the organization. The setup of Local Area Network and configuration of routers will take around one week. After the LAN and desktops have been established, a single testing day will be conducted to ensure connections and proper configurations are in place. Then we will be able to train employees over the next three weeks on how to access, edit, delete, and move all information onto the database as well as any basic computer or network training. This will enable them to add their older handwritten and manual files to the new database as well as any new files and information. The time frame is approximately one month for the completion of the project.

Summary of the MOV:

The goal of this project is to allow Husky Air to have a secure and working database system that will grant the non-profit organization reduced costs, increase processing speeds of transactions and missions, as well as increase customer satisfaction. The new system would not only increase productivity and decrease paperwork, but also increase the efficiency of Husky Air and their mission of providing air transportation to and from hospitals.

A Comparison of Alternatives:

DS2 team members are assigned to discover the best alternatives to minimize the overhead cost. There are three alternatives:

Maintain the status quo

Purchase a software package

Build a custom system and training

First Option:


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With the constant advancements in technology it would be beneficial to create a Software package that will be more efficient and effective than using paper files. Changes in software should decrease number of workers, as well as time and effort applied to specific tasks while reducing potential errors. Internet service will be a great factor to connect the workstations and link our new software package with Husky Air. We will also need to pay for training sessions so that our employee scan adapt to the changes being implemented. Estimated additional charges and fees are as follows:

Second Option:

Is to create a system that enhances all the requirements· Pilots· Passengers· Planes used· Distance/Destination of flights· Date/Time of flights. With the implementation of this new and improved software, it will maintain same benefits as the old system but with an increased reliability over the traditional paper system. An improvement to the software is that It will eliminate losing files and file redundancy while increasing costs. Estimated additional charges and fees are as follows:

Custom System (Server, PCs)


ISP $125

Installation $255

Training session $350

Total $5220

Total Benefits of Ownership:


Software $ 4000

ISP $ 100

Installation $ 300

Training Session

$ 620

Total $ 5220

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· Increasing high-value work

· Improving accuracy and efficiency (cost savings)

· Improved decision making

· Improving customer service

· Maintain the status quo (i.e., ‘do nothing’);

· Purchase a software package; or

· Build a custom system.

Option 1: Maintain the Status Quo Option one is the cheapest option of the three. It requires no work, installation costs, and no training costs.

Option 2: Purchasing Software Package There are many benefits of purchasing a software package, one being that everything you need will be bundled into the package. This means that there will be no need to find different vendors for different parts of the system. Not only will the work of employees using the system be of higher quality, it will also be more organized due to a software package. The information that you will collect with the system will be sufficiently more accurate. Another benefit is that your ability to reply to calls will be allot more efficient. In addition to all of these benefits and more, your employees will not have to train as long to learn to use the system as they would with accustom system which means they will be accustomed to the new system faster in exchange being able to assist customers with their needs better. Lastly, due to the accuracy of the information you will be able to make better decisions.

Option 3: Custom Built System One of the benefits of building a custom system is that the system will contain everything that you would need. It won’t have any extra features that your company will not use. Since there will not be any unnecessary features your employees will not have to learn to use the full comprehensive system. This is beneficial because it will decrease the amount of time needed to train them. The employees will also be able to deliver concise work because there wouldn’t be any distractions from unneeded features. Your employees will also be more accurate and efficient in their work productivity along with the similarity of new system. This system will eliminate use of paper, and the ongoing costs of having to replace paper used to keep pilot and patient information in the file folders.


Based on our evaluation of the three alternatives, we strongly suggest building a custom system. We believe this will give Husky Air the best benefit rather than maintaining the old system or


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purchased a software package. We also believe that long term costs will be noticeably lower than if you were to keep your old system or buy a package. The short term costs that you will incur with the building of a custom system are estimated to be $4,525 for a server and PCs, approximately $4,000 for software package that we will have to develop. These estimated numbers add up to be around $10,475. Our custom system will cost less upfront, and we believe that the benefits and positive results will show over a long term use of the system. This system will be sleeker, and more personalized to the specific tasks that Husky Air will need to accomplish. This in turn will reduce the time needed to train employees and volunteers on how to operate the system. We believe the benefits of a custom built system are more significant than the costs in terms of your ability to meet the demand of your patients and volunteers. As theDS2’s consulting co. technical team, we highly recommend that you spend the available funding wisely by obtaining a custom built system.

Resources Required:

Personnel Average Cost Description

IT Project Manager

$8,000/month To regulate the flow of the project. To keep tasks on schedule and to provide leadership to the group.

Network Administrator

$5,500/month To create, maintain, and administer Husky Air's computer network.

Database Developers

$9,650/month To design the database, and to show/teach the users how to input new and old information.

Programming Specialist

$5,500/month To create specific applications that will further the goals for the project.

Technology Average Cost Quantity


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Smart Phones $30 per phone + 45 for services/ with contract

Quantity: 15 for current faculty

Server $850 1 SQL sever with license

Routers $200/each 3 to ensure quality connectivity

High speed internet access

$70/ month 1 contract with Comcast

Computers $1,079 4 fully equipped with workstations

Facilities Average Costs

Office space $2,400/month

Utilities $700/month (includes water and electricity)

Furniture $5,00

Office equipment $1000/month

Stakeholder Analysis:

Stakeholders Interests Influence Role Objective Strategy

President/ CEO

+1 5 Authorize payments for


Increase number of charitable


Hire DS2

Pilots 0 2 Responsible for transporation of patients, organs,

and medical personnels

Deliver customers and supplies safely and efficiently

Make sure aircraft is in

good condition and meets all regulations, as well as getting


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patients to hospital safely

Passengers +1 4 Patients, their families,

caregivers, other medical


Arrive at hospital

Knowlegable of flying safety procedures

Shareholders +1 3 Project sponsors Provide available funds for Husky Air

Owns parts of company through

investing in stocks

Flight Coordinator

-1 2 Schedules and coordinates all

Pilot Angel flights

Operate the new system with speed and efficiency

Uses a manual system but will

have to get accustomed to

new system

Systems Analysts

+1 3 Involved in the design,

development, and delivery of the new Pilot

Angels system

Strategize to make a user

friendly system for employees and customers

Make it user friendly so that

it will be easy to adapt to

Airports 0 3 Landing/Takeoff point for pilots

and their passengers/cargo

Receive planes in a safe


Have a runway available for landing and


DS2 +1 5 Develop new integrated

database system

Provide/maintain a user-friendly

database system that meets the Husky Air’s requirements

Conduct interviews, document

analysis and other techniques

to determine


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user requirements

Deliverable Structure Chart


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Use Case Diagram:


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Scope Change Process:


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Scope Change Request Form

Requestor Name:__________________________ Request Date:____________________Request Title:_____________________________ Request Number:_________________

Request Description:


Possible Alternatives:


Authorized By: _________________________ Date: __________________________

Potential Impacts: Alternative 1: Alternative 2: Alternative 3:


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Resources Required


Date of Request

Request #

Requested By

Subject Manager On Duty

Response Date








Project Approval

Received Date: _______________________Received By: _________________________

Project Summary Report (Original):


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Work Breakdown Structure (Original):


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Project Summary Report (Revised):

Work Breakdown Structure (Revised)


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Our team managed to reduce the project schedule by 9%, which helped reduce the project budget by 15%. We were able to accomplish this by cutting host/client server installations and having the network administrators handle the installations. We also issued a scope change request and threw out some features that were not absolutely required. Effectively, we would save approximately $3,620 by making these cuts.

Project Risk Analysis and Plan Report:

Phases Initialize and Conceptualize

Project Plan and Charter

Execute and Control

Close Out Evaluation

Risk Budget Changes Scope Changes

Alignment Problems

Client Project Conflicts

Random software maintenance


Layer 5 Impact

Unkown-unkown Known-unknown




Type of Risk



-Budget cuts from the client could end up changing the project as a whole including

its potential outcomes.

-Stay on budget and do not change

anything in



-The project could have

too many/little objectives, changes in the plan, or

time involved for the scope.



-The devices, systems,

network, and applications have trouble aligning with the current systems.

-This will end up



-Even though the Business

Case and Project Chart

are on the same page as

the Client, there could be

potential conflicts with

any changes/expe



-Set maintenance periods will be put in place, but there

is always the possibility of

random downtime and required

system maintenance.


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regards to the scope..

taking more time to

appropriately convert.


Triple Constraint

Budget Scope Schedule Quality Schedule

Source of Risk

Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal

Resources Organization People and Process

Technology People, Product,

Process and Technology

Technology, and Other

Part I: Earned Value Analysis:


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Earned Value Analysis Report:

Our earned value analysis shows the project will exceed the actual budget of $12,000. The actual cost at phase 4 totaled to be $9,050, and total of earned value at phase 4 is $7,235. The Estimate at Completion (EAC) for typical is $15,010 and for atypical is $13,815. These variances show that the project will exceed the original budget of $12,000, and based on the EAC for atypical of $13,815, we are still exceeding the project’s original budget. The SPI is less than a value of 1, which means that the project will also go over schedule and activity plans. This requires immediate actions from the third-party company, Bug Busters in order to find out why we are over budget and schedule.

Part II. Quality Management Plan:

DS2’s Objective Statement:


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DS2 is fully committed to client satisfaction. Our underlying priority is to exceed client expectations, most efficiently. Once the project is deployed, our team will provide reliable maintenance, providing solutions for all bugs and errors. When bug removal is complete, we bring in an outside tester to check for any potential faults. Using this method, we guarantee the Superior Satisfaction of every client!

Quality Based Metrics:

Type Metric Description

Process Metrics

Employee Defect Design Defect

The number of defects caused by human error

The number of defects found in the product design

Product Metrics

User Found Defects Customer Response


The number of defects found by the Husky Air employees

Average amount of time to respond to customer requests

Project Metrics

Phase completion time Early Task


Average amount of time to complete a phase

Number of tasks completed ahead of schedule

Verification Activities:

Verify that all processes related to the system regarding requirements, products, and deliverables, within the process-related activities, are up to the standards of the company and achieve what the initial project was set out to accomplish. Once the process has been verified, the validation of the product can begin.

Upon system completion the team will place this pseudo-finished system through three reviews. We will conduct a Technical Review of the Process, Management Review, and a Business Review.

1. The Technical Review will be conducted through walkthroughs and/or inspections to verify that the system has met all the Technical requirements of the project. Ensure they meet the standards and needs of the company.

2. The Management Review will tell us how the project is progressing in comparison to the baseline plan, and whether or not any changes need to be made to the project course. The


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manager will verify expectations are met with the system's creation and the project status is met with the expected status with any and all problems are taken care of.

3. The Business Review will verify that project is within scope and that all deliverables are completed exceptionally.   

Validation Activities:

Validating a project helps achieve excellent work result; every project must be tested to validate the performance, user loads, software interface and reliability for the work:·   Unit testing; verifying detailed utilities work accurately and the software conforms to buyer’s requirement and expectations.·   Functional testing: sending demands and detecting the output to observe how the system and software responds.·   Integration: confirm the system and software is performing as required, functions great to any logically related works of the project all the way through the process.·   System testing: verify that the new installations did not generate or deposit any bugs or viruses that could cause system failure or shutdown and also making sure the software is user friendly and doesn’t give individual users difficulties.·   To finish, a total check to ensure everything performs accurately and the completion meets end user/clients expectations.


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Part 1. Implementation & Project Closure Plan

Conversion Strategy: The phased operation method of processing new information into a system is more effective because there is less room for error compared to the direct cutover and parallel. Solving easing into the next step of the operation helps prevent system failure. Direct cutover has the highest failure risk because there is no proper link between each step.

Closure Checklist:

1 All outstanding tasks outlined on the WBS have been completed2 Outstanding issues have been documented and resolved3 Goals of Project Charter were met4 Feedback from stakeholders have been received and documented5 End users have been trained

6Measures for project success have been assessed and communicated

7 Project team have been evaluated and relieved from duty8 Project costs have been paid and accounted by Fianance9 Post-project evaluation completed

Project Evaluation: Systematic way of assessing ongoing and completed projects. Helps with determining levels of completion as well as the success rate of the project. Important in figuring out the effectiveness, efficiency, impact, sustainability and overall achievement of project.

Part 2. The Change management Plan

4. List of change sponsor(s), target(s), and agent(s): Pilots, Customers, Passengers, Shareholders/Stakeholders5. A change assessment: Mandatory software updates6. A change strategy: Using phased implementation7. A process for tracking change management plan: Implementing an ERP solution to the project


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