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ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY,: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER , 1900 ...ill on Will Return Home—An Added fivent...

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FOURTEENTH YEAR. &0. 215. / ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY,: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1900. PRICE ONE CENT FOR SALE A splendid property : on Asbury Avenue, second block from ocean, A decided bargain for some- body. : Calljand get particulars, D. C. cbVERT -------------- 1 208 Boad Street, . ; . ' - Asbury tfyk, N. J. SBBTTKY PARK and OCBA.t?-f3tfOVH i Hotel Brunswick, Cvnona < Railroad Depot and • • \ 1814 Bangs Avenue. *>rtncjpaf Office. .♦... ...806 MAIN ‘BTRKBD .' . woods stored at reasoaAbleratoft. .i • .Telephone connect,Ion. • v ' r. O.BCtt 6fl7> , - - - - AfiBUflY Pak> YOU -ARE For otherwise I , oould not ’help your falling eyesight with! spec- tacles or eyeglass**,:: But the pa- tlent, helpful nose Is barbarously ' T TTO W tPea ^ the Frencl1 nftme fo,! i-*U L lV -Y eyeglasses, pince-nez (plnch-oose) __ was weUkelooted. * V L6t me show you a ntrt thing In HAYE , ... EYEGLASSES... A . t’whlch waa contrived for nose comfort.' ^ hen you wear a pair N O ^ F °* my eyeglasses your nose will be aa lucky as your eyes. CLAUDE j, WISEMAN, Jeweler and Optician . •_ ; • 64 jS Cookman Ave. Glasses, watohes and Jewalry repaired srlth promptnees and skill IF YOU-HAVfjr LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING Wanted on first bond and mortgage $5,000 at S'per cent. on. firstclass - hoteFproperty inAsbaiyPark;: $7,500 at 5 per cent, oa 50 room hotel and 165 acres of land, mostly under cultivation at Dela- ware Water Gap. $5,000 at 5 per cent, on finely locaiejd hotel property in Asbury Park. .. . ; Others on application. • . V ' . •«««**; _.JVV, H , B e e g l e ^ 226 MAIN'STREET, •' _ Asbury Park^N. JT ■or Spectacle Wearers ~) It In just /isJmportaht to have cor reotlj fitting frames as correctly ground lenses, I make sure the frames Bt tho face perfectly. It In essential ta good vision that the centieof sho glasses eume exactly opposite tho pupils of the eyes, and with Ill-fitting frames this most lui portaat essential may be absent. Eyes'Examined Free Willard G. Wiseman Asbnry Park Optical Parlor, . @03 Cookman Avahue. Cor. .Emory Street Tel. 13 capital $50,000 su^ ? « r e $so,ooo isljiiry.Pftand Ocean Grove Conner flattlson Ave. and Main Sf., 1«V,, ^>&SBURY- PARK, N. J; ; Corner Maln Avenue and Pilgrim Pathway OCEAN dROVE., •HESKY O. WIBEORf Prwldsnt, , , ' GKO. W. EVAN8, Vice-President. EDMUND E< DAYTON. Cashier, ......... JES3(C^tlS0T,7«.95atiiK80e!firerr PmBQIOBas. T. FiUKK AfPLSnV,— N.‘ B . DUCHANON, C. O. CLAYTON, • S O . W. EVANS,’ , J,.*. fBROtSON, DR. J. A* W. HETHIOK, 7JOHN RUdRABD, . ' .LBWIS BAINKIR, OKO, W. TREAT, AMOS TILTON," ~ HBNRY O. WINfcOR. 7f~ 1Accounts Respeotfully Soltolted, Safa Leposlt Boxes to Rent. 1 We Issue Foreign Drafts and Let- ters of Credit, IT pietic schools Eight New Faces Will Be Seen in Local Educational Institution the Coming. Session, STUDY C0URSE~UNCHANGED But 1Vii>ro latitude Given Scholars In Their Choice—Conference of Principal.. Shop-' her a anil Teachers yeptcmber 10— . amlhatiou* on Opening Day—ldat of the Instructors. ~^ViicSti nrrtll no- i ftp Idly—d HIW 11 Yg- clone for both instructors and pupils. On Thursday, sipt, 20, the city, schools reopen and on Sept. 1lw tlay previous, d confer-, onto betweeu’Principal Fred. S. Shepherd andiho touchers will bo held-in^tlie High 'school a t lj priiiT ‘ - »* . Tho examinations of oil pupils condi- tioned in any subject will bo held on the opening day. / ' Tho sessions will bb .tho same as. last year, ono for'tho high school from 8,80 to 1;10, and two for the other grades, 8.45 to 11.50 a n d 1,15 to Ji;15. The. above Jime is Bubject to slight variation; There has been littlo change in the course of study, but more latitude has been given tho scholars in their choico of studies. /"■ The instructors for tho. ensuing year are 4islfoil&ws;— Miss—Frances - II—-Abbott*-, English; "Miss Estello Mulholland*, Latin an(l Greek; Miss Mary E. Coffin,'science\ Miss Margaret I. V^ade, mathematicsf Miss Grace E. Rich, drawing and i wood* working;, S, Jennie Townsend, music and elocution; May G.^Xvirolt*, Gorman -and French B. Sanders, commercial studios; Miss M. Frances Freeland, his- tory ; Miss Bessie Ii.. Barris*, woodwork- ing and domestic sciences; MIbs Hanna L. Lewis, ninth grade; Miss Helen R* Emery, eighth grade; Miss Delia Barrows*, seventh, grade; Miss Mary D. Kachline and Mrs. Emma Pratt Coward*, sixth grade; Miss Florence Jones, fifth grade; Miss B. Amoretta Davis, fourth,grade; Miss Floronco Randolph Sanders*, third grade; Miss Elizabeth, Dunham, second grade and supervisor of tho primary build- ing; Mies Clara V. Cloke, first grade; Miss Emma O. Byo, second year kinder' garten; Miss Edith R. Mitchell*, first year Mnderkarton, A star following tho name of a teacher Indicates that this la her first year as in* Htructor in th"(Tlocal schools. BELMAR TAXPAYERS W ill Pcrmanoritly Organize Association * Tonight to Secure, Protection and Better Government, A second meeting, of tho Bolinar Tax- payQrls^associj>tlDu^whiclLr-was_orgauizod- lust Saturday evening willrbo held; at tho Buena Vista hotel, Belmar, this ovonimg at 8o’clock. . * A permanont organization will bo effected for tho purpose of affording proper pro^ tection to the taxpayer.-* and of taking suoh aggressive action as might become ncces. Bary to compel the borough olllcials to properly perfonn their .duties. The association already numbers Jimong Its menibers Messrst S. E. Garrotsou, Dr, C. Jayne, II. Rothchild, J. Reiss, G. N. Robinson, C. H. Fletcher, Edward Brown, P. Coster, William Kowbotham, E. Napier, A. Steiner, T, J. Philips, S. Bell, J. It, Breetl, G, R. G i'lw on,^^. Bimno, C, II, Gillesplo, FI R. LefTerts, George Coster “SrC, Bailey, .\. S. Townsend, A, Mann, E, Fi VanNortwick, 'C. Robbotham, J, C. Hopkins, II. K. Pieitie, ,B.-Philips, F. S, Hufcchinson,^H i--fr,.-l>nHenr H. Cochran, T/HurloyTA. T'Gurlitz, W. P. RSchiml- sou, W. X, Jennings. W. B. Weddle, Robert Coster, II, H. Hall and J, Dema- rest. - - | Trof. Shepherd .Returns. ^ Prof.’Fred. S. Siiepherd, principal of tho Asbuiy Park High school, and his wifo, who have been spending six weeks of the summer in Maine, have returned to this city. They were delightfully sitiiated on Douglas mountain, near Sebago, at an al- titude of about 1,*100 feofc. While away Mr, Shephertl occupied part of his time in ad- justing dlflicutt school questions to his satisfaction. Both Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd roturncd in tho best of health, as is .-shown by their increased woight, Sh^rt Factory to Reopen. - The Bhtrt factory on - Morris avohue, Long Branch, which has been closed for sevoral months, will open in.full swfhg on Monday ,next under the personal •super- vision of C, S. Steiner, who has successful- ly oporatod tho AsbUry Park factory. A. F. Baum having relinquished his interests in tho Long Branch plant, the solo man- agement of tho factory .will bo in the hands of Mr^Stoihor .. . . . Horse.Kick Causes Bad Scalp Wound. Richard B. Parker * of -West Park was kicked this morning by a horse bolonging to Tlmbrook Newman, The animal's hoofs oponed^’Parke^'B scalp soveralinches. Dr. J. T.Roso tooksix iatitches in ordor to close tho wound. ; - v ----- . _ Notlee.. —Ir. pui'suanco of tno call iBsuir' by Wil- liam B. Qoiirloy, chairman o: the Dckio, cratio State oousniltten, tho Domoorata ot Noptiuie township are.hereby requestod to -as?,embleuti-Purk-H»li-tom!;,iTow-m - 'r-fi m fos the purposfl of oleetlng seven dew featea to theState dOnvehtloh to ba held in Trenton Sept. 13 for t|ie selection of Preii dontial olootors, and an equal number of' detogatos to the Congressional convention to be held at —1 -------- — on By order of. ‘J ohk J. S mith, ’ r Chairman ot last Primary. —J oskph HARRlsrSeeratary I i Dated8opt;6,1900, All Allenhurat lotB to bo sold this summer. . Hfiad T ite D aily P ress, RIFLE CONTESTS END AT SEA ,GIRT TODAY Prizes WU1 bo Distributed and the Marks- ill on W ill Return Home—An Added fivent Today. Today will closo tho great riflo contest, at Sea. Girt, This afternoon after the last shot is fired at 5 o’clock thoro will bo a distribution of prized and the rifiomon will probably be gone before tomorrow. Trriho' Con^ennUil trophy matcli and the Prosidont’s match, scheduled as tho* great closing events, somo excellent scores woro made yesterday. The President’s match was completed to,tho (KX)-yard vango and tho contest at the 800 and 1,000-yard tar- .gets tyas renewed today, , Thirteen moii’stiirted in yesterday’s con- test, . §ergoan6( David * McCally of tho Ariny Sorvicb'corps of Now -South Wales broko'" tho hoodoo. McCally boins: ;an alien was out.oiTtho prize division, but ho” was rfllowed tQ shoot and did 6ome re- markablo work at tho longer rungos. In the reentry revolver match Tom ’An- dorton of Boston has regained tho lead, having’ fchrep strings of 48 each, n ix in g a total of 144 points. J. A ;' Crabtree of Sprin^lold, Mass;, holds second. Nutnor- ous adclitionalj revolver experts arrived last nighfci They joined in the, contest today, '• . ‘ ” f The event today was an added one, be- ing a match between tho First Royal Jes- ters of " Colonel Ii; Keeler and the - First Alaska cavalry, commanded by Major Bell of Washington. Tho teams llno<l, up 12 men each. Thoy shot over the 2Q0.and 500-yard ranges and wquml up with a skirmish run, , * .’ -V ■* WIFE GOES SECOND TIME ----------- - . I , airs. Thomas W hite of Farmlngdnle -Strips Home of Furniture 'While nuftbnnd Visits Son, Mrs. Thomas Wliitp of Farmingdale hns run away from her husband again. This time Mrs. White, profiting by tho.absonco of hor husband in Ocean Grove, removed everything of value In tho.houso anti whon tho owner returned ho found nothing but tho bare floors. White thinks hi3 erratic spouse lias gone for good, as sho has^ stripped him of everything. Four months ago Mrs. ^Vliite ran awny, it was alleged, with Daniel W. Voorheos,- a farmer living near her homo. After an absence of several weeks she returned and asked to bo taken back to her homo. • Mr. White consented and they havo lived to- gether ever sinco. This week White went' to Ocoan Grove for a visit with his son, William White, and Mrs. White, with the ‘coast'cleared for business, “mado a~clean breakaway. Sinco her first disappearance Voorheesis“snid“tu~havo booif^llvlug in Trenton, and it is supposed sho has again joined him thore. It is currently roported that Mrs. White’s sister, Miss Lizzio Burdgo, has accompauied tho pair in their flight. * . * * Voorheos is about 40 years of age. Mrs. White is .80. Voorhees leaves a wife and four children at Farmingdale, Ho has been married 20 years. „The Whito? .have boon married 17 -years and havo three children. White has rented'hls houso at Farmingdale and it is said will reside with the son whom ho recently visited at Ocoan Grovo. . I P O N A LD G O E -S TOO. Allcffotl to Hum’ Sol ; Ui'i’din^ tn lo c a l . Uettler , Not IflH Own und With- 1 nut Authority; James M, McDotmld, who has boon con- ducting tho Mansfield \imlur a biil of sale from its former inaimgcr,.Frank W. Ca#)e, jr., soems to hayo followed tho example of tliat worthy and 'disappeared from the. hotel-stiigo, Itischurgod that before his departuro ho sold about $H3 worth of tho pillows and bedding belonging to tho hotel ’ to M. M; Crosbie of this city. T. Frank Appleby, tho agent in oharge of the property, has served notice upon Mr. Crosbie that the goods aro tho property of the owner of the hotel and that McDonald had noisiutliority to dispose of.them. Is Posted- as Among tho Missing. Tho creditors of A H. Snydor,. pro- prietor of tho Marino Villa, Broadway, Occan Grove, aro much alarmed over'tho decease of that gentleman. It is said that he departed his hotol lifo on oraljout Wed- nesday night. To the owner of tho hotel, a gentleman of California, he is said to bo Indebted In thu sum of $475 and It is claimed, numerous, other qredltors feel thdlr'loss keenly. Mr. Sohnoidcr’s frlondi. say that-tho gohtioman In question has no Intention p^efrauditag H&jf o ! .his Oredl- tora and wlll pay everything h t ow03. Throb attaclimonts: liavo, hpwbyer, de- .spitfl their protestations Ijgcii Issued by Justice Dodd, They isroi'ln. jTavor of Mo- Cabn & Marjsorum, butohei’s,. Layton & Preston/grocers, and G. P. Farmer, coal nnd wood. ------ ----------- Witter Malnfr for Hod Bunk. The people of Bed Bunk, voted Tuesday on tho proposition to. Issue bonds to tho amount of $10,000 to lay ..water mains in most of tho streetsl ot the town whoro they are not now laid The vote was light, only 148 votes being east in all. Of thoso six wore rejeotod because the ballots wero not marked in the manner required by law. Six others wore cast against tho approprla- tloh,' and tho remaining 186 wore cast in- favor of it,, " DlKt):—'Qeorge.^V. Bous. at his homo, 506 Seventh avonuo, oarly- Friday morning. Funeral services from his late residence Sunday evening at 8 o’clock. Interment at Heading, l'a. Asbury Fark JUMi for Sale. . Thoso lots ora located on ■fetniotg- ono hundred foot 'in width, with gas, sower and water mains. Prices range from'- 81,000 upward. Whoro parties build.nc money roqulrod and. in addition a.bulld- ing loan will be made. Inquire at Park hall,. 1 lteomtf , Subscribe for tiur vreokly edition; T he SHOtiK PBESS'. All the local nows of In- terest for only $1 a year.—Adv. , «»> i - fl ''A ll lots to bo sold a t Allenhurst. . Time for Services- and Subjects of Seritions to be Given. REGULAR SCHEDULERESUWIED Order of Exercise^ In the Various B[oiises of- Worship at Asbury ,Parj^ Ocean Grove and Vicinity-- The Topics for Presentation and Consideration—Vesper Servljces Continue. Second Baptist CmjKeiij Atkins ave- nup, 'VYqst Park," Rev. B, A, Bolon,,pastor. Preaching a t.10.10 a. in.; 8 p. m. ; - First.B aptist Ciiuhcii.—Rev. Z. Clarke Marten, pastor. Servico at 10^45 a. ni. ajid 7j45-p.jm._^Sunda,vischooLa.t4)Ji0^-__Church op tJ ie H oly S pirit .—Rov. M. L, Glonnon, ‘ riastor. Mass at 7, 9, 10 and 11 a. rti, Evenlil^ devotions at 7.JJ0, CnhlSTI^r Alii) :^SSIONAltY.‘A lm AXCK^ Mikado'building.^Meeting c>^ry Sunday a t-8.30, and ovory. Thursday at 7;80 p.m . B ethel ; A. M. E. Ciiiincni Second ave- nue and ilain ^irb6^, Rov. T. E. Franklin, D.D,,. jmstor4 ; Preaching af 11.30 a; m, .• Mt . MoriaH Ch A pel , West Park.—Ser- vices at 10.30 a. m. ivnd 7,80 p. m., incharge_ of :Rev, Thoipas .Robinson, Sabbath-, school a t 3 p. m, WniTTiEii w CnAPEt, cornor Second avohue anrl\Emory street.^ Meeting of Friends’ society overy • Sabbath during summer, a t 4.p. m,- All aro welcome.------ TRTVTTV T^’PTBrnP’AT. .-■.ROV. A . J. Miller, rector. Holy communion, 1 a. in.; morning prayer, litany and sermon, 10,80 j evensong, 7,80 o’clock. .Daily at 9 a. m. UVAXOELICAL Iit!TnEttAN CnuRcn, cor; nor Grand and Munroe avanuos.—Kev. George A. Genzmer, pastor. Sunday-school 9.30a.m.; morning service,. 10.45; vespor service, 7. St. PAttL’t* M ethodist ■ Ii. CnttRcn, Ocean Grove.—Rov.. J. G. Reed, pastor, Sorvicps nt 10.80 a. 'rfi. nml 7.80 p, m. Sun- day-school at 2 ni. Epworth Leaguo meeting nt 0.30. B hadley B each Mettiodtst E. Cmtncn, Rev. Thomas S. Brock, pnstor. Morning service at 10.30; sermon by pnstor. Sun- day-school at 2,30 p. m. Epworth League a t 0.30. Evening eerfnon by pastor at. 7.30. Rescue .Mission', 31 South Main, street, G. W. Guyor, superintendent: Sunday- school at 3 p. m. Evening service at 7.45 will bo addressed by J. Wesley Witlhright/ of Baltimore, a- Pennington soniinary student. ■W estminster P resbyterian C hurcji, Rev. Georgo J, Mlngins, D.D.,' pastor. Morning servico nt 10.30; sormon topic,' “First Love Lost.” Sunday-school at 2.30 p. m. People’s servico at 7,30; topic of lecture, “A Fact Worth Considering,” FtnsT CbxattEGAfioN'AL CliL'iieti, corner •First •avenuo- .and • Kinory-struetr—-Rov. Dwight Es: Mov»'ln, 0.1)., pastor.-.- Services at 10.45 a. ill. und 7 '^i^nrr Slorning sor- ■hion topic,. ‘’ISpholdihg the Invisible;’* evening, “Fast Friendship.”. Sunday- school 1S.1S p. ill. W est Giiove Mktiiodist E. Ciiuttcn, Rov. W. G. Moyer, pnstor. Pentecostal meeting at? 0 Short sgEinon, bap- tism and reception of probationers at 10,80. Sunday-school at 2 p. m. Young people’s meeting nt <130. Topic of pastor's sormon a t 7.30, “Sowing Scijd to Die." "West P ark Methodist E. Church, Rov. G. K. Hancock, pastor. Address at 10.80 by Rev. Samuel Frouder, B.D., a for- mer Jewish rabbi; sopio, “The Jmv of l’o- ( l a y ^ —Sunday-school—at,—2,30,—E pw onh League at 0.80; topic, "Our Simple Duty.” Sormon by pastor nt 7.30 service; subject, “Tiio Sorvieo God Requires.” '^FtltST PliEs’ llYTIiltrAN'CBURCH^RC%\ AT ,G. Bale, pastor; Sunday-sohool at- 0.30 a. m. Prcaehing service at 10.30; pastor’s sermon topic: "Tho Rewards of Spirit uni Enthusiasm.” Christian Endeavor at iU!U p. m. ' Ycsper service at 7 o’clock; special music by choir; sermon by pastor to young men—“The Unfading Record.” G.tAXD AvEXtiE R eformed CHUitCn.'. Rov. James B. Kennedy of Trenton will preach at 10.30 a. aft. No evening service. Sunday; school a t 2.!W p. m. Ad- dress at'3 o'clock by Hov. Samuel Freuder, B.D., a former Jewish rabbi, on "Tho Ttdmudj or, Wit and Wisdom ot . the Ancient. Rabbis,” with description of Jowish customs and ceremonies, " A. M. E‘. ZioU Cm:RCH, Springwood avo- nuo, West Park,-r-Kev. J. ii, White, D.D., pastor. Quarterly mejotiiig services, Lovo feast at 9.80 a. in,., I'oliowed by song sor- vico. ■ Sunday-school at 1.81) p. m. Preach^ ing at 3 o'olook and administration of tho Lord's supper, with praise service follow- ing, . Christian Endeavor society ritceting at-7 o'clock. Preaching a t 7.45, followed by 8ong.sorvlce. ., 1 Fortner Jewls!) BabW to Speak. Tomorrow afternoon.at 8 o’clock . Rov, Samuol Freuder, B.D., . formor Jowish rabbi; will deiivor an address in tlie Grand Avonuo Reformed church on "Tho 'Tal- mud; or, W it and Wisdom of the Anclont RaSbls," with a .description of Jowish customs and ceremonies.' Mi% F n ju d o r will exhibit tho rabbinical costumo and sing tho 23d Psalm in Hebrew, The ad- dress wilj doiibtloss bo unusually Interest- ! ng. — - *115,008 good bond and mortgage or other first- class security.' B. M. Pmr-UPS & Co., 1-13 East State St., Trentoni,K. <T . Or B. M. Phillips, Second uvotiuo, Bslmnr. 2'12-38*- Crosbie’s. immense salo of trunks, all sl7.es and kinds, baas, telescopes and dress suit cases will continue naxt week at last year’s prices, 508 MMn street;" . .* All Allenhurst lots to be sold1this gtmmer; BULLOCK’S WHEREABOUTS REMAINS A MYSTERY Report Not Verified That a Man Answer- ing, Ills Dcficrlptlon Waa Seen on * Sprlnc>vood Aveiiue* Murderer Willlan), Bullock, who escaped from the Freehold jail Thursday night, is still at liberty. Not oven a clue' has Wen discovered as to tho course ho toDk-after leaving Jail.- Ho could not have disappeared more effectually had the earth opened up and swallowed him. /■. " It was reported this morning that last, night a negro answering to tho description of Bullock had stopped a passerby on Springwood avenuo and asked the way to Adamji street, West Park, Tho township police were notified of the incident dnd instr ucted to keep a shf\rp lookout. So far, however, not a trace has been dis* covored. ? ______ _ DISTURBED HAPPINESS. Wife pf SAinuel Davis- Finds Him In Coin* panyJjJot to lier’^lk|iig .an<l •; J • ~ _ Storyiy ^cene Follows.' ... Samuol Davis was having n royal ^-ood time last night at Wanamussa Heights, By his side was a fair damsol and before him stood a glass Af foaming lager. What more could a mortal desire ? He was- happy. Happy, at least, ’till lie mother. The “hor” in question was his wifo and thoro was a wild energy in her appcaranco that boded 111 for Samuel and his companion. . V".’ ■ There was il stormy scene and Samuol received poromptory orders to procccd hoinbWard: He wouldn't' go,t however^ tm lcss_hiH uumpinilxiri wvad ivlso allowed t(T go’anjl so the trio started. Shortly after Special Ofllcers George Bennott and »Tbs- eph McLaughlin hoard sounds of a tumul- tuous uproar on Asbury avenuo and has- tened to tho scene, Mrs. Davis was stretched out in tho road in a dead faint, tho other woman in the case had disap- peared, and Samuel stood looking on deeply perplexed. When Mrs. Davis Anally regained her senses it was to find herself and husband under arrest, ^They were given a hearing before Justice Dodd at 1 o’clock this morn- ing, Each was lined $2 and costs, which they paid; >■ .' .. • . Delightful Outing at Wanamassa. Yesterday the members of the Ocean Grovo auditorium choir and orchestra spent tho day in an enjoyable manner at Wanamassa parkp-tho second'.visit they mado to that plcasuro resort this year. They wcht via trolloy to North Asbnry station and thouco ni vehicles. Over tf(K) persons participatedv A banquet was spread on ten Jong tables under the roof of the big auditorium at Wanamassa arid thp dinner signal was sounded at 1 o’clock. A sumptuous repast was served. Tho dny was spent in various ways. Games were played by the younger folk;-thoVonches'tra played during the aftornoon, fand about everybody took a trip on J. Ed; Wortman's electric: launches or .used the fleot of row' boYiTs aVtKclr;servrce. PEotogra phlFof the "chblrand^orchestra w’cYtrTalieiK Thoas-1 sociation defrayed all the’expenses. Ocean Crove Auditorium Servloes. Dr, A. J. Palmer of. Now York will preach tomorrow morning in the Ocean Grovo auditorium a t 10.80. A t night thoro will be a song servico tho entire ovoning. Director Morgan and, tho choir and or- chestra -will assist at both services! The evening servico will bo mado patricularly interesting with solos, anlhems and con- gregational singing. The last young peo- ple’s meeting will commence at &8U to- morrow’’ morning." Leader Yatman and Ills corps of helpers will providea profitable service. The meeting for tho promotion of holiness will take place at 11.45 p. ni. in 'the tabernacle. ' -Treat-"- For Theatre^Coers. Lovers of music, pantomimic and scenic eirects will have a treat in tho production of “Next Door,” which ■will bo given at Kducational Hall next Tuesday night by tho famous Bros.. Royer. This species‘of entertainment, especially tlie trick prop- erty part of It, has an abiding hold .upon theatre-goers, and helps to^provo fche asser - tion that wo arc all children whon tho' ap- 'proprlaw moment comes around. In the course of an evening “.Noxf; Door” contains a burlesque, a farco’ coniody, ii musical coriiedy, a pan tom lino and a spectacular production. ______ . Clifton’s Guests Entertained. Last ovoning tho guests of tho Hotel Clifton w:ere delighted with tho artistic -literary entertainment given by Miss May Gleason, elocutionist of Now York, Miss Gloason’s selections wero.of a high literary character, and sho was repeatedly encored. MisS Myers; is to bo congratulated-on se- curing such tnlonb for ontertaintng her guests. . ... * Moving Plcturos Tonight. - . Tonight in the Ocean Grovo' auditorium a scries of moving pictures by tho Ameri- can Blograph company' will bo. exhibited. Tho views will be some of the.best over shown iu this vicinity. , Ono of them is tho great oil Are at Bayonne._The .ontert^iinr niont is under the auspices of tho Ocean Grovo board of traSo. ! ________ 1 .... Sunday Delivery Ceapen After Tomorrow, . After tomorrgfc the Sijndoy mail de- livery will be discontinued. Tho snlo jjf stamps on. Sunday will itlso cease lifter tomorrow. ,' • i. Clothing CInclies, Our recant lucky find in gllt-edge ready- -to=doh-clothlng_for~men—and-youths-isr nearly clcaned out, but a number of bar- gains In odd sizos yet remain. . , Tmr steisback Cosipant. t?e«tival PoHtuonotl.' Tho Catholic festival, ill aid of the ohtirch of-.thu Holy Spirit; which was te taku placo oil Sopt. (>and 7, has boon post- benoa until l’htu'sday and FrfdajvSept. 13 a n d 14, . __ . ___ 211-10 All Allonlsurst lots to bo sold this summer, ■ All lots ta bo Bold at Allenhurst. ON T I E VERGE OF It Will Require Almost a Miracle To Prevent Greatest Struggle in Country’ s History. SCRANTON’S SHAMEFUL CASE Dictatorial Mine Dosses Abuse' Their Power—Subordinates •Suffer Indignities Unmentionable—Operators Refused Pro- positions . of .Miners Yesterday - Strike WIU Probably Begin Nyct Monday.' Scranton, FaTT Saturday.—unless somer thing akin to a miracle happens today the whistle call which brings tho yien from the mines this afternoon will announce the beginlng of one of- tho greatest Jabor ‘w arsiiithe Itistory of .this’ cou n t ry. .; . . The last actempt for peace was made by the mlhcr&yestcrdtfy and their proposition being denied by tho operators means that a strike will certainly bo called, and when tho mines open Monday , tlie trouble will begin*. - , 1 In addition to tho grievances of the men which have been printed and toldi of an- other nas arisen. The mine bosses havo almost dictatorial power and thoy abuse that power. Somo of these bosses go so far as to compel their subordinates to suf- fer indignities which would make a Zulu ;rsii:ictdi to write, but right hero in Scranton, a city of 100,0.00 inhabitants,- at least one mino boss uses his little brief authority to compel his men to yield to his desires their wives and daughters.. . .. >y A PERMANENT GARRISON. English Government W ill Keep 15,000’ Soldiers at Dloemfontein. ^ London, Saturday.—The English gov- ernment expects to maintain a big per- manent garrison at Bloemfontein, the capital pf- tho Orange Free Stiite. , The war oflico, with tlnit ot)jecfc in. view, is buying thousands of huts, which are to bo shipped at once to South Africa. The permanent garrison will number 15,000 men. " UPRISING OF BLACKS Life ami Property Dostroyed( in Interior. 1 ----- M ovemeutspTegciincaiyiaiv .— —- Melbourne, Saturday. — The, blacks in tho interior of New South' Wales have arisen, and murder and raplno are follow- ing in ; their footsteps. Many settlers llvihgat romcjte points have been massa- prcd1and their homes burned. Women and children have not been spared, -The uprising is spreading rapidly. , vigilant s J ailer dies * Native of Norway Managed Boat In Races With the Valkyrie, _Tr, Now -Bedford, Mass., 'Saturday.—Wil: Ham Hamsen, w’ho sailed the cup defender Vigilant In'the races with the Valkyrie, died today aged f>:j years. Ho was a-nativo pf Norway,; • . " Lydenberg'n Capture Lacks Conririnatlon Lorenzo, Marquez, Saturday,—A report has reached here tliat the British have captured Lydenberg. Conflrmmtioh.of the report is lacking. ! . PLOT TO M liltm-:R POPE iIeo Reported to Have Ifticn Discovered nnd Frustrated Recently. Rome, Saturday. — The Preseveranza state’s that a plot; to murder Pope Leo has been discovered and frustrated. DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY To J*c Held Tliis.Afternoon to Elect Dele- gates to ilie Slato and 'Congres- • • i HloualCohyehtlons,. . . The Democratic primary for tho election of seven delegates to tho state convention to be •held at Trenton on Wednesday next for the'purpose of choosing tho presidential doctors will be held at Park hall at 4 o’clock this afternoon,. Seven, delegates Will also be chosen to*attend tho congres- sional contention to * be held at New Brunswick'. The following delegates' will , likely be chosen: Presidential—Dr. J. A. W.;.Het- rlck, R. E. Thompson,' C.' E.- King,.Jjsr,-, Samuel A. C!lver,|Willlam Iv. Doveraux, J; L. Klnmonth andvAv S. Craig. Con- gressional—C. Meyer Zuliok, J. J. Smith, C,harlos; Ward, Joseph: Harris; "James .L. Thompson, CyrusL. Low and Charles E, Cook. i ■ , - CONTRIBUTORS SERENADED .... ..........----- - Sanford's lland Piiys Its Musical Respects to.Those Who Made Uptown Con- certs a Possibility. . The 18 or moro contributors to the up- town music fund w'ore serenaded last night ,by-Sanford’s band. Tho start was made at 8 o’clock an d from cue place to another the~musicians paraded, 'discoursing ’their liveliest airs until about 10,110 o’clock. Some few- of tho subscribers the musicians could not locate and to them they desire to verbally instead of musically^express thoir thanks. They wero treated royally whor- ever-they went and received-innumerable treats to. soda w-ator hnd camo back with pockets bulging wT lth cigars. • __ ________First National Bank stock for siilo-^thirteon (18) shares. For particulars apply to F. A. Pawley, real eetato .and’insurance, 728 Mattiaon*ave- nue'. t ■ • . 209fcf Worhavo comnloted our.f^ll summer lino of ladles’ snlrt -waists; no size, so small or larpKJ but we have It. Nojnat^rlal or style that’s down to date but It’s' hore, 139J C o o k ’s B ee H ivk .' All Allenhurst lots' to ho sold this summer. WON'T THINK, If you investigate the Al- lenhurst dorner residence .propertyi two lots, rent- ing for $850 that the Milan Ross Agency are offering for sale at $7,000, a bargain, YOU, WILL -KNOW” IT and - Safe Deposit Company tODmuntb Building, Ashury ParK, fl. J. CAPITAL, _______ $100,000. SURPLUS,;. -------- ... 25,000 Loans money on bond and mortgage. Receives deposits Bubjeel to check *n<t *llow> interest on dally balances Acta as Trustee Registrar »nd Transfer A wrent Pays coupons. Makes demand and time loan* on apnroven collateral. Safe deposit vaults. A C. TWINING, President. OrB. M. HARVEY, Vice President. R, A. TU8TING, Secretary. D C CORNELL. Treasnr® DIRBCTORS: O, H Brown, , R. A Tustlng, J H. Buchanon, Henry Mitchell, !M, D D. C. Cornell, . John P O^Brlen, . W. J. HarHson, Perry R Smith, Col. G. B. M. Harvey, 8, A. Patterson, George P. Kroehl A. O. Twining, Bruce 8. Keator, U .S ., H. H. Vreelana, G. D, W-rVroom. High Grade Fishing Tackle Repairing on Bofls and Reels. 31QARSIAND TOBACCO Imported Key Weet and Domestic Olgara and all ---- 8inolferst-AftIcIefl. ' . ---------- The best cigar that 5 oenta can tray, J . I*. S E G E R , Cooiran&yAveriwe- WE HAVE IT Everything in the STATIONERY^ Line. Views of Asbury Park, 10c, Tally Cards and Punches. ? ’ Playing Cards. 14kt Fountain Pen, $1,00. Card Board and Mounting Board 22x28. Picture Binding and Library^Paste. All Latest Magazines. New York aiid Philadelphia Papers. —5 , 000-N ovelsatlOc,——------------------ .HURRY 1 , BORDEN Stationer % , Newsdealer*' Cor: Bond St. aud'Mattison Aye, jProbably not, but why riin the risk of seriously injuring your Eyes by the us? of incorrectly fitted glasses when you can have them skillfully adjusted'by i STILES &CO, PhUadelphla Bye Specialists At 222 Main street, Asbury Park, * 7 “ every Friday. Froa^exaMrriiltSonand^all work guaranteed. Of ASBURY PARK Mattison Avenne and Bond Street Behruea Fsrtsfltos s s i iJap®4 OlSANlZKl PCDRUARY, ISSt /. . ; OFPTOBlBSs 8E0RGEF. KROBHX. President O. H. BROWN, 1st ViOB Pwsident M. L. BA3JMAH, 203 Vtoe Ffealdent M. H. BCOTT, Caahle-. P a t rif ri«' v aluabisfe ^ 4 ofc 6 H®d for aaf• koopln sfree of oharkKi.-’ . Foralen exohanttA boutht anc< sold C olleotlona p rom p tly a cknowledged VOIIR' B08iNB88 ' FAVORS RB- 8 PBOTPULLY SOMCtTBO.
Page 1: ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY,: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER , 1900 ...ill on Will Return Home—An Added fivent Today. Today will closo tho great riflo contest, at Sea. Girt, This afternoon after


FOR SALEA splendid property

’ : on Asbury Avenue, second block from ocean, A decided bargain for some­body. : Calljand get particulars,

D. C. cbVERT--------------1 208 Boad Street, . ; . ' -

A s b u ry t f y k , N . J .

SBBTTKY PARK and OCBA.t?-f3tfOVHi Hotel Brunswick,

C vnona < Railroad Depot and• • • \ 1814 Bangs Avenue.

*>rtncjpaf Office. .♦... ...806 MAIN ‘BTRKBD . ' . woods stored at reasoaAbleratoft. .i

• .Telephone connect,Ion. • v '■ r. O.BCtt 6fl7> , - - - - AfiBUflY Pak>


For otherwise I , oould not ’help your falling eyesight with! spec­tacles or eyeglass**,:: But the pa-tlent, helpful nose Is barbarously

' T TTO W tPea ^ the Frencl1 nftme fo,!i-*U L lV -Y eyeglasses, pince-nez (plnch-oose) _ _ was weUke looted.* V L6t me show you a ntrt thing In

HAYE , ... EYEGLASSES...A . t’whlch waa contrived for nose

comfort.' ^ hen you wear a pair N O ^ F °* my eyeglasses your nose will

be aa lucky as your eyes.

CLAUDE j , WISEMAN,Jeweler and Optician .

• _ ; • 64jS Cookman Ave.Glasses, watohes and Jewalry repaired

srlth promptnees and skill



Wanted on first bond and mortgage$5,000 at S'per cent. on. firstclass

- hoteFproperty inAsbaiyPark;: $7,500 at 5 per cent, oa 50

room hotel and 165 acres of land, mostly under cultivation at Dela­ware Water Gap.

$5,000 at 5 per cent, on finely locaiejd hotel property in Asbury

• Park. . . . ; ■ Others on application. • . ‘

V ' . • «««**;

_ .J V V , H , B e e g l e

■ ^ 226 MAIN'STREET, •'_ ■ Asbury Park^N. JT


S p e cta cle W earers ~)

I t In ju s t /isJm portaht to have cor reo tlj fitting frames as correctly ground lenses, I make sure the fram es Bt tho face perfectly. I t In essential ta good vision th a t the cen tieo f sho glasses eume exactly opposite tho pupils of the eyes, and with Ill-fitting frames this most lui portaa t essential may be absent.

E y e s 'E x a m in e d F r e e

W illard G . W isem anAsbnry Park Optical Parlor, .

@ 03 C o o k m a n A v a h u e .Cor. .Emory Street Tel. 13

capital $50,000 su ? « r e $so,ooo

is l j i ir y .P f ta n d Ocean Grove

Conner flattlson Ave. and Main Sf., 1«V,, ^>&SBURY- PARK, N. J; ; Corner Maln Avenue and Pilgrim Pathway


• HESKY O. WIBEORf Prwldsnt, , ,' GKO. W. EVAN8, Vice-President.

EDMUND E< DAYTON. Cashier, .........JES3(C^tlS0T,7«.95atiiK80e!firerr

PmBQIOBas.T. F iU K K AfPLSnV,— N.‘ B . DUCHANON,C. O. CLAYTON,•S O . W. EVANS,’ , J , .* . fBROtSO N,




1 A c c o u n ts R esp e o tfu lly S o lto lted ,S a fa L e p o s lt B oxes to R en t. 1W e Is s u e F o re ig n D ra f ts a n d L e t­

te r s o f C re d it ,

ITpietic s c h o o ls

Eight New Faces Will Be Seen in Local Educational Institution

the Coming. Session,

S T U D Y C 0 U R S E ~ U N C H A N G E D

B u t 1Vii>ro la t i t u d e G iven S ch olars In T h eir C hoice—C onferen ce o f P r in c ip a l.. Shop-' h er a an il T eachers y ep tcm b er 10—

. am lh atiou * on O p en in g D ay—ld a t o f th e In stru c to r s .

~^ViicSti nrrtll no- i ftp Idly —d HIW 11 Yg- clone fo r both instructors and pupils. On Thursday, s ip t , 20, the city, schools reopen and on Sept. 1lw tlay previous, d confer-, onto betweeu’P rincipal Fred. S. Shepherd a n d ih o touchers w ill bo held-in^tlie High 'school a t lj priiiT ‘ - »* • •. Tho exam inations of oil pupils condi­tioned in any subject will bo held on the opening day. / '

Tho sessions w ill bb .tho same as. last year, ono for'tho high school from 8,80 to 1;10, and tw o for the o ther grades, 8.45 to11.50 and 1,15 to Ji;15. The. above Jim e is Bubject to slight variation; There has been littlo change in th e course of study, b u t more latitude has been given tho scholars in their choico of studies. /"■

The instructors for tho. ensuing year are 4islfoil&ws;— Miss—F rances - II—-A bbott*-,English; "Miss Estello Mulholland*, L atin an(l Greek; Miss Mary E. Coffin,'science\ Miss M argaret I. V^ade, m athem aticsf Miss Grace E. Rich, draw ing and i wood* working;, S, Jennie Townsend, m usic and elocution; May G.^Xvirolt*, Gorman -and French B. Sanders, commercialstudios; Miss M. Frances Freeland, his­tory ; Miss Bessie Ii.. Barris*, woodwork­ing and domestic sciences; MIbs H anna L. Lewis, n in th grade; Miss Helen R* Emery, eighth grade; Miss Delia Barrows*, seventh, grade; Miss Mary D . Kachline and Mrs. Em m a P ra tt Coward*, sixth grade; Miss Florence Jones, fifth grade; Miss B. A m oretta Davis, f o u r th ,grade; Miss Floronco Randolph Sanders*, th ird grade; Miss Elizabeth, Dunham , second grade and supervisor of tho prim ary build­ing; Mies Clara V. Cloke, first grade; Miss E m m a O. Byo, second year k inder' garten; Miss E dith R. Mitchell*, first year M nderkarton,

A sta r following tho nam e of a teacher Indicates th a t th is la her first year as in* Htructor in th"(Tlocal schools.

B E L M A R T A X P A Y E R SW ill P crm an oritly O rganize A ssocia tion

* T o n ig h t to S ecure, P r o tec tio n and B ette r G overnm ent,

A second m eeting, of tho Bolinar Tax- payQrls^associj>tlDu^whiclLr-was_orgauizod- lust Saturday evening w illrbo held; a t tho Buena V ista hotel, Belm ar, th is ovonimg a t 8 o’clock. . ■ *A perm anont organization will bo effected

for tho purpose of affording proper pro^ tection to the taxpayer.-* and of tak ing suoh aggressive action as m ight become ncces. Bary to compel the borough olllcials to properly perfonn their .duties.

The association already num bers Jimong Its menibers Messrst S. E. Garrotsou, Dr,

C. Jayne, II. Rothchild, J . Reiss, G. N. Robinson, C. H. Fletcher, Edward Brown, P. Coster, W illiam Kowbotham, E. Napier,A. Steiner, T, J . Philips, S. Bell, J . I t , Breetl, G, R. G i 'lw o n ,^ ^ . Bimno, C, II, Gillesplo, FI R. LefTerts, George Coster“SrC , Bailey, .\ . S. Townsend, A, Mann,E, F i VanNortwick, 'C. Robbotham, J , C. Hopkins, II . K. Pieitie, ,B.-Philips, F . S, Hufcchinson,^H i--fr ,. - l>nH enr H. Cochran , T /H urloyTA . T 'G urlitz, W . P . RSchiml- sou, W . X, Jennings. W . B. Weddle, Robert Coster, II , H . Hall and J , Dema- rest. - - |

Trof. S h ep h erd .R etu rn s. ^P rof.’Fred. S. Siiepherd, principal of tho

A sbuiy P a rk High school, and his wifo, who have been spending six weeks of the sum m er in M aine, have returned to th is city. They were delightfully sitiiated on Douglas m ountain, near Sebago, a t an a l­titude of about 1,*100 feofc. W hile away Mr, Shephertl occupied p art of his tim e in ad­justing dlflicutt school questions to h is satisfaction. Both Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd roturncd in tho best of health , as is .-shown by their increased woight,

Sh^rt F a c to ry to R eop en . - The Bhtrt factory on - Morris avohue,

Long B ranch, w hich has been closed for sevoral months, w ill open in .fu ll swfhg on Monday ,next under th e personal • super­vision of C, S. Steiner, who has successful­ly oporatod tho AsbUry P a rk facto ry . A.F. B aum having relinquished his interests in tho L ong Branch plant, the solo m an­agem ent of tho factory .w ill bo in the hands of Mr^St oi hor . . . . . •

H o rse .K ick C auses B ad S ca lp W ou nd .R ichard B. P arker * of -West P a rk was

kicked th is m orning by a horse bolonging to Tlm brook Newman, The an im al's hoofs oponed^’Parke^'B scalp soveralinches. Dr. J . T .Roso to o k six iatitches in ordor to close tho wound. ; ■- v -----

. _ Notlee..—Ir. pui'suanco of tno call iBsuir' by W il­liam B. Qoiirloy, chairm an o: the Dckio, cratio S tate oousniltten, tho Domoorata ot Noptiuie township are.hereby requestod to -as?,embleuti-Purk-H»li-tom!;,iTow-m - 'r-fim fos the purposfl of oleetlng seven dew featea to theS tate dOnvehtloh to ba held in Trenton Sept. 13 for t|ie selection of Preii dontial olootors, and an equal number of' detogatos to the Congressional convention to be held a t — 1--------— onBy order of. ‘J ohk J . Smith,

’ r Chairman ot last Primary. —J oskph HARRlsr Seeratary I

i D a ted 8 o p t;6,1900,

All Allenhurat lotB to bo sold this sum m er. • . •

Hfiad T ite Daily P ress,


P rizes WU1 bo D is tr ib u te d an d th e M arks- ill on W ill R e tu rn H o m e —A n

A d d ed f iv e n t Today.Today w ill closo tho g rea t riflo contest,

a t Sea. G irt, This afternoon after the last shot is fired a t 5 o’clock thoro will bo a d istribution of prized and the rifiomon will probably be gone before tomorrow.

Trriho' Con^ennUil trophy m atcli an d the Prosidont’s m atch, scheduled as tho* great closing events, somo excellent scores woro made yesterday. The P residen t’s m atch was completed to,tho (KX)-yard vango and tho contest a t the 800 and 1,000-yard tar- .gets tyas renewed today, ,

Thirteen moii’stiirted in yesterday’s con­test, . §ergoan6( David * McCally of tho A riny Sorvicb'corps of Now -South W ales broko'" tho hoodoo. McCally boins: ;analien was out.oiTtho prize division, bu t ho” was rfllowed tQ shoot and did 6ome re- m arkablo work a t tho longer rungos.

In the reen try revolver m atch Tom ’An- dorton of Boston has regained tho lead, having’ fchrep strings of 48 each, n ix in g a to tal of 144 points. J . A ; ' Crabtree of Sprin^lold, Mass;, holds second. Nutnor- ous adclitionalj revolver experts arrived last nighfci They joined in th e , contest today, '• . ■ ‘ ‘ ” f

The event today was an added one, be­ing a m atch between tho F irs t Royal Jes­ters of " Colonel I i; Keeler and the - F irs t Alaska cavalry, commanded by M ajor Bell of W ashington. Tho team s llno<l, up12 men each. Thoy shot over the 2Q0.and 500-yard ranges and wquml u p w ith a skirm ish ru n , , * .’ - V ■*

W IF E G O E S S E C O N D T IM E• ----------- - . I ,

a irs. T h om as W h ite o f F arm ln gd n le -Strips H o m e o f F u rn itu re 'W h ile

nuftbnnd V is its Son,Mrs. Thomas W liitp of Farm ingdale hns

run away from her husband again. This time Mrs. W hite, profiting by tho.absonco of hor husband in Ocean Grove, removed everything of value In tho.houso anti whon tho owner returned ho found nothing b u t tho bare floors. W hite th inks hi3 erra tic spouse lias gone for good, as sho has^ stripped him of everything.

Four m onths ago Mrs. ^Vliite ran awny, i t was alleged, w ith Daniel W . Voorheos,- a farm er living near her homo. A fter an absence of several weeks she retu rned and asked to bo taken back to her homo. • Mr. W hite consented and they havo lived to­gether ever sinco. This week W hite went' to Ocoan Grove for a v isit w ith his son, W illiam W hite, and Mrs. W hite, w ith the‘coast'cleared for business, “mado a~clean breakaw ay. Sinco her first disappearance V oorheesis“snid“ tu~havo booif^llvlug in Trenton, and it is supposed sho has again joined him thore. I t is curren tly roported th a t Mrs. W hite’s sister, Miss Lizzio Burdgo, has accompauied tho pair in their flight. * . ** Voorheos is about 40 years of age. Mrs. W hite is .80. Voorhees leaves a wife and four children a t Farm ingdale, Ho hasbeen m arried 20 years. „T h e W hito? .have boon m arried 17 -years and havo three children. W hite has ren ted 'h ls houso a t Farm ingdale and it is said w ill reside w ith the son whom ho recently visited a t Ocoan Grovo.

. I P O N A LD G OE-S TOO.A llcffotl to Hum’ Sol ; Ui'i’d in^ tn l o c a l

. U ettler , N ot IflH O w n und W ith - 1 nut A u th ority ;

Jam es M, McDotmld, who has boon con­ducting tho Mansfield \imlur a biil of sale from its form er inaim gcr,.Frank W . Ca#)e, jr., soems to hayo followed tho example of tliat w orthy and 'disappeared from the. hotel-stiigo,

Itisch u rg o d th a t before his departuro ho sold about $H3 w orth of tho pillows and bedding belonging to tho hotel ’ to M. M; Crosbie of th is city.

T. F rank Appleby, tho agent in oharge of the property, has served notice upon Mr. Crosbie th a t the goods aro tho property of the owner of the hotel and th a t McDonald had noisiutliority to dispose of.them.

I s Posted- a s A m o n g th o M issing.Tho creditors of A H. Snydor,. pro­

prietor of tho Marino V illa, Broadway, Occan Grove, aro m uch alarm ed o v er 'th o decease of th a t gentlem an. I t is said th a t he departed his hotol lifo on oraljout W ed­nesday night. To the owner of tho hotel, a gentlem an of California, he is said to bo Indebted In thu sum of $475 and It is claimed, num erous, other qredltors feel thdlr'loss keenly. Mr. Sohnoidcr’s frlondi. say that-tho gohtiom an In question has no In tention p^efrau d itag H&jf o ! .his Oredl- tora and w lll pay everything h t ow03.

Throb attaclim onts: liavo, hpwbyer, de- .spitfl their protestations Ijgcii Issued by Justice Dodd, They isroi'ln. jTavor of Mo- Cabn & Marjsorum, butohei’s ,. Layton & Preston/grocers, and G. P . Farm er, coal nnd wood. — ------ -----------—

W itter Malnfr fo r H od B u n k.The people of Bed Bunk, voted Tuesday

on tho proposition to. Issue bonds to tho am ount of $10,000 to lay ..water m ains in m ost of tho streetsl ot the tow n whoro they are not now laid The vote was light, only 148 votes being east in a ll. Of thoso six wore rejeotod because the ballots wero not m arked in the m anner required by law. Six others wore cast against tho approprla- tloh,' and tho rem aining 186 wore cast in- favor of it,, "“ DlKt):—'Qeorge.^V. Bous. a t his homo, 506 Seventh avonuo, oarly- F riday m orning. F u n e ra l services from his late residence Sunday evening a t 8 o’clock. In te rm en ta t Heading, l 'a .

Asbury F ark JUMi for Sale. .Thoso lots ora located on ■fetniotg- ono

hundred foot 'in width, w ith gas, sower and w ater m ains. Prices range from'- 81,000 upward. Whoro parties b u ild .n c money roqulrod and. in addition a.bulld- in g loan will be m ade. I nquire a t P a rk hall,. 1 lteom tf, Subscribe for tiur vreokly edition; The

SHOtiK PBESS'. A ll the local nows of In­terest for only $1 a year.—Adv.

, « » > i - fl

' 'A l l lots to bo sold a t A llenhurst. .

Time for Services- and Subjects of Seritions to be Given.

R E G U L A R S C H E D U L E R E S U W IE DO rder o f Exercise^ In th e V arious B[oiises

o f- W orsh ip a t A sb u ry , P arj^ O cean G rove an d V ic in i t y - - T h e T op ics fo r P r esen ta tio n an d C onsid eration —V esper Servljces C ontinue.

Second B a p tis t CmjKeiij A tk ins ave- nup, 'VYqst Park," Rev. B, A, Bolon,,pastor. P reaching a t .10.10 a. in.; 8 p. m . ; -

F i r s t .B a p t is t Ciiuhcii.—Rev. Z. Clarke M arten, pastor. Servico a t 10 45 a. ni. ajid 7j45-p.jm._^Sunda,vischooLa.t4)Ji0^-__—

Church op tJie H oly S pirit .—Rov. M. L , Glonnon, ‘ riastor. Mass a t 7, 9, 10 and 11 a . rti, Evenlil^ devotions a t 7.JJ0,

CnhlSTI^r Alii) :^SSIONAltY.‘A lm AXCK M ikado 'building.^M eeting c>^ry Sunday a t -8.30, and ovory. Thursday a t 7; 80 p .m .

B eth el ; A . M. E. Ciiiincni Second ave­nue and i la in ^irb6^, Rov. T. E. F rank lin ,D.D,,. jmstor4; Preaching a f 11.30 a ; m,. • Mt . MoriaH Ch Apel , W est P ark .—Ser­

vices a t 10.30 a. m. ivnd 7,80 p. m., incharge_ of :Rev, Thoipas .Robinson, Sabbath-, school a t 3 p. m,

WniTTiEii w CnAPEt, cornor Second avohue an rl\E m o ry street.^ Meeting of Friends’ society overy • Sabbath duringsummer, a t 4.p. m,- A ll aro welcome.------—

TRTVTTV T ’PTBrnP’AT. .-■.ROV. A.J . Miller, rector. Holy communion, 1 a. in.; m orn ing prayer, litany and sermon,10,80 j evensong, 7,80 o’clock. .Daily a t 9 a . m.

UVAXOELICAL Iit!TnEttAN CnuRcn, cor; nor G rand and Munroe avanuos.—Kev. George A . Genzmer, pastor. Sunday-school 9 .30a .m .; m orning service,. 10.45; vespor service, 7.

S t. PAttL’t* M e th o d is t ■ Ii. CnttRcn, Ocean Grove.—Rov.. J . G. Reed, pastor, Sorvicps n t 10.80 a. 'rfi. nml 7.80 p, m . Sun­day-school a t 2 ni. Epworth Leaguo meeting n t 0.30.

B hadley B each Mettiodtst E . Cm tncn, Rev. Thomas S. Brock, pnstor. M orning service a t 10.30; sermon by pnstor. Sun- day-school a t 2,30 p. m . Epw orth League a t 0.30. Evening eerfnon by pastor at. 7.30.

R escue .Mission', 31 South M ain, street, G. W . Guyor, superintendent: Sunday- school a t 3 p. m. Evening service a t 7.45w ill bo addressed by J . Wesley W itlhright/ of B altim ore, a- Pennington soniinary student.

■Westminster P resbyterian C hurcji, Rev. Georgo J , Mlngins, D .D .,' pastor. M orning servico nt 10.30; sormon topic,' “F irs t Love Lost.” Sunday-school a t 2.30 p. m . People’s servico a t 7,30; topic of lecture, “A F act W orth Considering,”

FtnsT CbxattEGAfioN'AL CliL'iieti, corner •First • avenuo- .and • K inory-struetr—-Rov. Dw ight Es: Mov»'ln, 0.1)., pastor.-.- Services a t 10.45 a. ill. und 7 '^i^nrr Slorning sor- ■hion topic,. ‘’ISpholdihg the Invisible;’* evening, “F ast Friendship.” . Sunday- school 1S.1S p. ill.

W e s t Giiove M ktiiod ist E. Ciiuttcn, Rov. W. G. Moyer, pnstor. Pentecostal m eeting at? 0 S hort sgEinon, bap­tism and reception of probationers a t 10,80. Sunday-school a t 2 p. m. Young people’s m eeting n t <130. Topic of pastor's sormon a t 7.30, “ Sowing Scijd to Die."

"West P ark Methodist E. Church, Rov. G. K. Hancock, pastor. Address a t10.80 by Rev. Samuel Frouder, B.D., a for­m er Jew ish rabbi; sopio, “ The Jmv of l ’o- ( l a y ^ —Sunday-school—at,—2,30,—E pw onh League a t 0.80; topic, "O ur Sim ple Duty.” Sormon by pastor nt 7.30 service; subject, “ Tiio Sorvieo God Requires.”'^F tltST PliEs’llYTIiltrAN'CBURCH^RC%\ AT ,G. Bale, pastor; Sunday-sohool at- 0.30 a. m. P rcaehing service a t 10.30; pastor’s serm on topic: "Tho Rew ards of Spirit uni E nthusiasm .” C hristian Endeavor a t iU!U p. m. ' Ycsper service a t 7 o’clock; special m usic by choir; serm on by pastor to young m en—“The U nfading Record.”

G.tAXD AvEXtiE R eformed CHUitCn.'. Rov. Jam es B. Kennedy of T renton will preach a t 10.30 a. aft. No evening service. Sunday; school a t 2.!W p. m. Ad­dress at'3 o'clock by Hov. Sam uel Freuder,B.D., a form er Jewish rabbi, on "Tho T tdm udj or, W it and W isdom ot . the Ancient. Rabbis,” w ith description of Jow ish custom s and ceremonies," A. M. E‘. ZioU Cm:RCH, Springwood avo­nuo, W est Park,-r-Kev. J . ii, W hite, D.D., pastor. Q uarterly mejotiiig services, Lovo feast a t 9.80 a. in,., I'oliowed by song sor- vico. ■ Sunday-school a t 1.81) p. m. Preach^ ing a t 3 o'olook and adm inistration of tho L ord 's supper, w ith praise service follow­ing, . C hristian Endeavor society ritceting at-7 o'clock. Preaching a t 7.45, followed by 8ong.sorvlce. ., 1

Fortner Jewls!) BabW to Speak.Tomorrow afternoon . a t 8 o’clock . Rov,

Samuol Freuder, B.D., . formor Jowish rabbi; w ill deiivor an address in tlie Grand Avonuo Reformed church on "Tho 'Tal­m ud; or, W it and W isdom of the Anclont RaSbls," w ith a .description of Jowish customs and ceremonies.' Mi% Fnjudor w ill exhib it tho rabbinical costumo and sing tho 23d P salm in Hebrew, The ad­dress w ilj doiibtloss bo unusually Interest- !ng. — -


good bond and m ortgage o r other first- class security .'

B. M. Pmr-UPS & Co.,1-13 E ast S tate S t.,

T ren ton i,K. <T. O r B. M. Phillips, Second uvotiuo, Bslmnr.

■ 2'12-38*-

Crosbie’s. immense salo of trunks, all sl7.es and k inds, baas, telescopes and dress su it cases will continue naxt week a t last year’s prices, 508 MMn street;" . .*

A ll A llenhurst lots to be so ld1 th is g tm m er; ■


R ep o rt N o t V erified T h at a Man A n sw er­ing, I l l s D cficrlptlon W aa Seen on *

Sprlnc>vood A veiiue*M urderer Willlan), Bullock, who escaped

from the Freehold jail Thursday night, is still a t liberty. Not oven a clue' has Wen discovered as to tho course ho toDk-after leaving Jail.- Ho could not have disappeared more effectually had the earth opened up and swallowed him. /■. "

I t was reported this m orning th a t last, n ig h t a negro answ ering to tho description of Bullock had stopped a passerby on Springwood avenuo and asked the way to Adamji street, W est P ark , Tho township police were notified of the incident dnd instr ucted to keep a shf\rp lookout. So far, however, not a trace has been dis* covored. ? ‘ • ______ _

• D I S T U R BED H A P P IN E S S .Wife pf SAinuel Davis- Finds Him In Coin*

panyJjJot to l i e r ’ lk |iig .an<l •;J • ~ _ Storyiy ^cene Follows.' ...

Samuol Davis was having n royal ^-ood time las t n igh t a t W anam ussa Heights, By his side was a fair damsol and before him stood a glass Af foam ing lager. W hat more could a m orta l desire ?

He was- happy. Happy, a t least, ’t ill lie m o ther. The “hor” in question was his wifo and thoro was a wild energy in her appcaranco th a t boded 111 for Sam uel and his companion. . V".’ ■

There was il stormy scene and Samuol received poromptory orders to procccd hoinbWard: H e w ou ldn 't' g o ,t however^ tm lcss_hiH uumpinilxiri wvad ivlso allowed t(T go’anjl so the trio started. Shortly after Special Ofllcers George B ennott and »Tbs- eph McLaughlin hoard sounds of a tum ul­tuous uproar on A sbury avenuo and has­tened to tho scene, Mrs. Davis was stretched o u t in tho road in a dead fain t, tho other woman in the case had disap­peared, and Sam uel stood looking on deeply perplexed. ’

W hen Mrs. Davis Anally regained her senses it was to find herself and husband under arrest, T h e y were given a hearing before Justice Dodd a t 1 o’clock th is m orn­ing, Each was lined $2 and costs, which they paid; >■ .' ■.. • .

Delightful Outing a t W anamassa.Yesterday the members of the Ocean

Grovo auditorium choir and orchestra spent tho day in an enjoyable m anner a t W anam assa parkp-tho second'.visit they mado to th a t plcasuro resort th is year. They w cht v ia trolloy to N orth Asbnrystation and thouco n i vehicles. Over tf(K) persons participatedv A banquet was spread on ten Jong tables under the roof of the big auditorium a t W anam assa arid thp d inner signal w as sounded a t 1 o’clock. A sum ptuous repast was served. Tho dny was spent in various ways. Games were played by the younger folk;-thoVonches'tra played during the aftornoon, fand about everybody took a trip on J . Ed; W ortm an's electric: launches or .used the fleot of row ' boYiTs aVtKclr;servrce. PEotogra phlFof the

"chblrand^orchestra w’cYtrTalieiK Thoas-1 sociation defrayed all the’expenses.

Ocean Crove Auditorium Servloes.Dr, A. J . P alm er of. Now York will

preach tomorrow m orning in the Ocean Grovo auditorium a t 10.80. A t n ight thoro will be a song servico tho entire ovoning. Director Morgan and, tho choir and or­chestra -w ill assist a t both services! The evening servico will bo mado patricularly interesting with solos, an lhem s and con­gregational singing. The last young peo­ple’s m eeting will commence a t &8U to­morrow’’ morning." Leader Y atm an and Ills corps of helpers will providea profitable service. The m eeting for tho promotionof holiness will take place a t 11.45 p. ni. in

'th e tabernacle. ■' •

-Treat-"- For Theatre^C oers.Lovers of music, pantom im ic and scenic

eirects w ill have a trea t in tho production of “ Next Door,” which ■will bo given a t Kducational H all nex t Tuesday n ight by tho fam ous Bros.. Royer. This species‘of entertainm ent, especially tlie trick prop­erty part of It, has an abiding hold .upon theatre-goers, and helps to^provo fche asser­tion th a t wo arc all children whon tho' ap- 'proprlaw m om ent comes around. I n the course of an evening “.Noxf; Door” contains a burlesque, a farco’ coniody, ii musical coriiedy, a pan tom lino and a spectacular p r o d u c t i o n .______ .

C lifton’s G uests E n terta in e d .Last ovoning tho guests of tho Hotel

Clifton w:ere delighted w ith tho artistic -literary entertainm ent given by Miss May Gleason, elocutionist of Now Y ork, Miss Gloason’s selections wero.of a high literary character, and sho was repeatedly encored. MisS Myers; is to bo congratulated-on se­curing such tnlonb for ontertaintng her guests. . ... •

* M ov in g P lc tu ro s T o n ig h t. -. T onight in the Ocean Grovo' auditorium

a scries of moving pictures by tho Am eri­can Blograph company' w ill bo. exhibited. Tho views w ill be some of the.best over shown iu this vicinity. , Ono of them is thogreat oil Are a t Bayonne._The .ontert^iinrniont is under the auspices of tho Ocean Grovo board of traSo.

!________1....Sunday D e liv ery Ceapen A fter T om orrow ,. A fter tomorrgfc the Sijndoy m ail de­

livery w ill be discontinued. Tho snlo j j f stam ps on. Sunday will itlso cease lifter tomorrow. , ' •

i. C lo th in g C Inclies,Our recant lucky find in gllt-edge ready-

-to=doh-clothlng_for~men—and-youths-isr nearly clcaned out, b u t a num ber of bar­gains In odd sizos yet rem ain.

. , • T m r steisba c k Cosipant.

t?e«tival PoH tuonotl.'Tho Catholic festival, ill aid of the

ohtirch of-.thu Holy Spirit; which was te taku placo oil Sopt. (> and 7, has boon post- benoa un til l ’htu 'sday an d F rfdajvSept.13 and 14, .__ . ___ 211-10

A ll Allonlsurst lo ts to bo sold this sum m er, ■ •

All lots ta bo Bold a t Allenhurst.

ON T IE VERGE OFIt Will Require Almost a Miracle

To Prevent Greatest Struggle in Country’ s History.

S C R A N T O N ’ S S H A M E F U L C A S ED icta to r ia l M ine D osses Abuse' T h eir

P o w er—S ub ord inates • Suffer In d ig n it ie s U n m en tion ab le—O perators R efu sed P ro­p osition s . o f . M iners Yesterd ay - S tr ik e WIU P ro b a b ly B egin N y ct M on d ay .'

Scranton, FaTT Saturday.—unless somer thing akin to a miracle happens today the whistle call which brings tho yien from the mines this afternoon will announce the beginlng of one of- tho greatest Jabor ‘w a rs iii th e Itistory of .this’ cou n t ry. .; . .

The last actem pt for peace was made by the mlhcr&yestcrdtfy and their proposition being denied by tho operators m eans th a t a strike will certainly bo called, and when tho mines open Monday , tlie trouble will begin*. - , 1

In addition to tho grievances of the men which have been printed and toldi of an ­other nas arisen. The mine bosses havo alm ost dictatorial power and thoy abuse th a t power. Somo of these bosses go so far as to compel their subordinates to suf­fer ind ign ities w hich would make a Zulu

;rsii:ictdito w rite, b u t righ t hero in Scranton, a city of 100,0.00 inhabitants,- a t least one mino boss uses his little brief au thority to compel his men to yield to his desires their wives and daughters.. . .. >y


E n g lish G overnm ent W ill K eep 15 ,000’ S old iers a t D lo em fo n te in .

London, Saturday.—The English gov­ernm ent expects to m aintain a big per­m anent garrison a t Bloemfontein, the capital pf- tho O range Free Stiite. , The w ar oflico, w ith tln it ot)jecfc in . view, is buying thousands of huts, which are to bo shipped a t once to South Africa. The perm anent garrison will num ber 15,000 men. "

U P R IS IN G O F B LA C K SLife ami Property Dostroyed( in Interior.1 ----- M ovem eutspTegciincaiyiaiv . — — -

Melbourne, Saturday. — The, blacks in tho interior of New South' W ales have arisen, and m urder and raplno are follow­ing i n ; their footsteps. Many settlers l lv ih g a t romcjte points have been massa- prcd1 and their homes burned. Women and children have not been spared, -The uprising is spreading rapidly. ,

v i g i l a n t ’s J a i l e r d i e s *

N ative o f N o rw a y M anag ed B o a t In R aces W ith th e V alkyrie , _Tr,

Now -Bedford, Mass., 'Saturday.—W il: Ham Hamsen, w’ho sailed the cup defender V igilant I n 'th e races w ith the Valkyrie, died today aged f>:j years. Ho was a-nativo pf N orw ay ,; • . " •Lydenberg'n C apture L acks C onririnatlon

Lorenzo, Marquez, Saturday,—A report has reached here t l ia t the British have captured Lydenberg. Conflrmmtioh.of the report is lacking. ! .

PLOT TO M li ltm -:R PO PE i I e o

R ep orted to H ave Ifticn D iscovered nnd F ru stra ted R ecen tly .

Rome, Saturday. — The Preseveranza state’s th a t a plot; to m urder Pope Leo has been discovered and frustrated.

D E M O C R A T IC PR IM ARYTo J*c Held Tliis.Afternoon to E lect Dele­

gates to ilie Slato and 'Congres-• • i HloualCohyehtlons,. .

. The Democratic prim ary for tho election of seven delegates to tho state convention to be •held a t T renton on W ednesday nex t for the'purpose of choosing tho presidential doctors will be held a t P a rk hall a t 4 o’clock th is afternoon,. Seven, delegates Will also be chosen to*attend tho congres­sional contention to * be held a t New Brunswick'.

The following delegates' will , likely be chosen: Presidential—Dr. J . A. W.;.Het- rlck, R . E. Thompson,' C.' E.- King,.Jjsr,-, Sam uel A. C!lver,|W illlam Iv. Doveraux, J ; L. K lnm onth andvAv S. Craig. Con­gressional—C. Meyer Zuliok, J . J . Sm ith,C,harlos; W ard, Joseph: Harris; "Jam es .L. Thompson, C yrusL . Low and Charles E, Cook. i ■ • • • ’ , -

C O N T R IB U T O R S S E R E N A D E D.... ..........—----- - •Sanford's lla n d Piiys I ts M usical R espects

to .T h ose W h o M ade U p tow n C on­c e r ts a P o ss ib ility . .

The 18 or moro contributors to the up­town music fund w'ore serenaded last n ight ,by-Sanford’s band. Tho sta rt was made a t 8 o’clock an d from cue place to another the~musicians paraded, 'discoursing ’their liveliest airs un til about 10,110 o’clock. Some few- of tho subscribers the musicians could not locate and to them they desire to verbally instead of musically^express thoir thanks. They wero treated royally whor- ever-they w ent an d received-innum erable treats to. soda w-ator hnd camo back w ith pockets bulging wTlth cigars. •

__________F irst N atio n a l B an kstock for siilo-^thirteon (18) shares. F o r particulars apply to F. A. Paw ley, real eetato .a n d ’insurance, 728 M attiaon*ave­nue'. t ■ • . 209fcf

W orhavo comnloted o u r .f^ l l sum m er lino of ladles’ sn lrt -w aists; no size, so sm all or larpKJ b u t we have It. N ojnat^rlal or style th a t’s down to date b u t I t’s ' hore,

139J Cook’s B ee H iv k . '

A ll A llenhurst lo ts ' to ho sold th is summer.


If you investigate the Al­lenhurst dorner residence .propertyi two lots, rent­ing for $850 that the Milan Ross Agency are offering for sale at $7,000,a bargain,



• a n d -

Safe Deposit CompanytODmuntb B u ild in g , A sh u ry ParK, f l. J.

CAPITAL, _______$100,000.S U R P L U S , ; . -------- . . . 2 5 ,0 0 0

Loans m oney on bond and m ortgage.Receives deposits Bubjeel to check *n<t *llow>

interest on dally balances Acta as Trustee Registrar »nd T ran sfer A wren t Pays coupons.Makes dem and and tim e loan* on apnroven

collateral.Safe deposit vaults.

A C. TW IN IN G , President.O rB . M. H ARVEY, Vice President.

R, A. TU8TING, Secretary.D C CORNELL. Treasnr®

DIRBCTORS: ‘O, H Brown, , R. A T u stlng,J H. B uchanon, H enry M itchell, !M, DD. C. Cornell, . John P O^Brlen, .W. J . H arH son, Perry R Sm ith,Col. G. B. M. H arvey, 8, A. Patterson,George P. Kroehl A. O. Twining,Bruce 8. K eator, U . S . , H. H. V reelana,

G. D , W-rVroom.

High Grade Fishing TackleRepairing on Bofls and Reels.

31QARSIAND TOBACCOImported Key Weet and Domestic Olgara and a ll---- ■ 8inolferst-AftIcIefl. ' .----------

The best cigar that 5 oenta can tray,

J . I*. S E G E R , C ooiran& yA veriw e-

WE HAVE ITEverything in theSTATIONERY Line.

Views of Asbury Park, 10c, Tally Cards and Punches. ? ’ Playing Cards. 14kt Fountain Pen, $1,00. Card Board and Mounting Board

22x28. • Picture Binding and Library^Paste. All Latest Magazines. New York aiid Philadelphia

Papers.— 5 , 000-N ovelsatlOc,——------------------

.HURRY 1 , BORDENStationer %, Newsdealer*'

Cor: Bond St. aud'Mattison Aye,

jProbably not, but why riin the risk of seriously injuring your Eyes by the us? of incorrectly fitted glasses when you can have them skillfully adjusted'by i

STILES & CO,PhUadelphla Bye Specialists

At 222 Main street, Asbury Park, *7“ every Friday.

Froa^exaMrriiltSonand^all work guaranteed.


Mattison Avenne and Bond Street

Behruea Fsrtsfltos s s i iJap®4


/ . . ; OFPTOBlBSs8E0RGEF. KROBHX. PresidentO. H. BROWN, 1st ViOB Pwsident M. L. BA3JMAH, 203 Vtoe Ffealdent

M. H. BCOTT, Caahle-.

P a t rif ri«' v a lu a b is f e 4ofc6 H ® d f o r a a f • k o o p l n s f r e e o f oh ark K i.-’ .

F o r a l e n e x o h a n t t A b o u t h t anc< s o l d C o l le o t lo n a p r o m p t l y a c k n o w l e d g e d


Page 2: ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY,: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER , 1900 ...ill on Will Return Home—An Added fivent Today. Today will closo tho great riflo contest, at Sea. Girt, This afternoon after


GATHERING IffSARftTOGAD em ocrats Lining Up f o r New-4 >

Y ork S ta te Convention.


En*« P o l M i w -T n m in n n y C h le f(A (Iiipr Ai»i»nrciitly In th e ^ e n d - J n d u c K a rl iin n l ’o.snlble Couiprow inc tV iiid idatc—t ’o le r S till In ili*i F Ic ltl Saratoga, Sept. 8.—The eland ave gntli*.

oriijg for tho iKMtiocratie .state’con veution .to hc.hohl hero.iie.vt woeJC * -Kvery delegate th a t hus arrived .pre­dicts th a t M r. Grok er lias the upper hand

. in the .contest far control of the .con v eil- tion. Congressmati Sttlzot* ' i s . prftUetlH#;

■ lhat. tliere will |ho little or 110 friction ami adds, “ W hat fria ion there is will redound to the.good ot? the party nml'will jrivc.lhe people to understand that, the t&*Uct.-fs.tho

; outcome of vigorous rivalry, ami not like, the Ilopul»lieans\ all slated uhJoUs be*

. * Jfor*\V. '• • .- *-_»— r .It is said that* out. of"Ihe votes in

tin* convention All*., Crolu*r will control—1277. TliiV is providing that Kings county

votes as’a unit? which it is saitl it 'h'v Thore are. ii i con tests. noted,’ ami. tlie

"F irst district of Niagara may h a te a com tesu ■ T he”faction coui'rHo)led hy.

— uuudlt MiWotos. It fakes w2Gto cont rol the,convimfton. anil Mr. Ot'okei1

k sta rts 11IT with - I t i n New York, 124 in 3*h'itv(bi in KiVigs,!) in Monroe, {> in Kens-

* sehier. J) in Queens and \) in Westehes-• .ter. a. t ou tl oV absolutely cert a i n for

I T , 1 - * " ' ' "I>»% 1*1 II. H ill * CiMi'OW ^iitr ^ ....On the c«mtwil\v. Mr. H ill’s .largest,vote

front any one*county is .12 in Onomlnga. Mr, Hill eontL'oIs the votes in JM conn tie* out of thi‘ tl.1 in lluvstate;'M r. Croker eon- trols the votes of hut IT* counties outright, while 11 a r e ‘alum t’ equally shared he*, tween tiie two. There are w ntests iu Al­bany. Allegany, Cattaraugus, Cayuga, Ohautamiua, Niagara and Oneiila. I f Mr. Oroker controls tiie sta te committVe at its meeting and naiiles .Mr. McCarrejj, it is fairly, certain that Croker delegates will Jie seated from these/?i>iihties. If Mr. Hill controls the coi^mittoft-atnl Mr. McGuire. Is named as tempuWiVy chairman, it is in*

■ timateil tliat a motion rtf TUiiteti.rntu the. .naine of M i\ .McCarren will be .made in .open convention and the will of the com­m ittee overturned.” ’ ‘

I f such a thing occurs, it will he yafclier •unprecedented in Democratic annals, al­though such an attem pt was m ade'in the Republican convention of 18S1 by those opposed to Governor Cornell. In th a t con­vention it was defeated by a m ajority of 12. W ith the (ivet;wheJlitin^ od/ls alleged

, in 'Mr. CrokerV fnfor. however, the at* tempt-could he successfully made in this convention, . • . Vf P om 'iiH t o t tlio T ic k r ^ , -- '

It is' believed tliat. the ticket, will be m ad e Kip as follows:; *.

F or governor, J.- Ji. Staijchtielfl of Che­mung; for lieutenant governor/ AV. F.

\ Mackey of Kri’e: foi* secretary of stat\», ’’ Coiiftn*!* ( \ 'V. Kowe of Rensselaer: fotv

compt roller. Kdwin Atwater of Dutchess, and for attorney general, George M. 1’almer Of Sehoiinrie.

Kx-Sjimff.: Shevlin and .ludj;t\ Van .'.W vuk of Krooldvn both ’declared Ibis

L E A S E D E L K W O O D PARKM utliicv' Ituccs to lin Given Iiy I.oiib

Mralloh l)rivj|iff Club Next Suuiincr.l t i i l l i i u i k T i t lk » o f K n e e s . ,

The Long Branch D riving .Chib's asso­ciation is m nvnn nssurcd fact. Tilt* m an. agors have loaseil the lilkivnml P ark g ru m l stand and om* mile track of Ehilip Daly ami have t.ho assurance th a t in easo their plans m aterialize a station w ill be built a t the Klkwood crossing am i a loop run into the grounds by the lied Hank trolley com­pany. • . •

A rrangem ents have been completed whereby the driv ing club will have un in ­terrupted use of tho Klkwood P a rk track, which is credited w ith being tho fastest in Ihe country. The lease ru n s for llvoyeai*. Tlie; track- was' originally bu ilt by the U ing ' Branch Athletic association and nourished but a short tim e before it w ent iilto the.hands'vof the sheriff. T he track- and grand stand was bought by P h ilip Daly, the present owner, who hasimproved (lie place n f a eiist of several thousand dollars. . " • . ,

l)r. 11. Tf: Kune, one of the prom oters of tlie new association! Is-enthusiastic over* tile prospect, of gu tting» ilateln the Grand Circuit. jm;eT said: . * .

“We tire going to givci a series of I-’ m at -inw^nU'esr-beginning-on.JulyJ—A_siuadal_ feature will bo a m atch race on tho open­ing day, the proceeds of which w ill be de­voted lo the Monmouth Memorial hos­pital. A m onster , parade o fho rses .be- loiigin!; t6 liio ' membvrs o f ' tlie l.ong Braneh f)rivlujjr clnb”wi 11 He afioOier-feiit- ure. There will be special prized for trot- t.'rs and pacers driven- single,1 tro ttin g

i v r i t n iilb i I lu irIcn iK '.. Norfolk, Sejit. S.—The W est lndiiui liiuTictine wliieh was expected to reaeit this section railed to appear. N ortheast storm signals hoisted on the signal s ta ­tions oil this eiiasi w ere.taken down ye.s- .tprdov morning. ' 'l 'h o w eath er is blight, clear, dihii nnd warm, and no . sign of storm is visible. I.ocal W eather Observ­er Cl ray received from W ashington in the forenoon, advices to the effect' tlia t the hiim cnno passed out into th e gulf of Mexico, ami its exact position is not nowljtlOWU. ' __■

lln ru ff l to . D entil In n H o te l. •'WiUuiinaport. I ’a.. Sept. S.—F ire liaH

(lestroved Sempsoy's liotel a t. L iberty, T joga ' comity; .lacob Kimble’s blnck- smilli shop. Itobeil lleeil's 'w agon shop, lin y lor V tailor shop, -Ferguson's furni­ture store and tlie Woodruff business block. Ueorge Weigaud, wlio occupied a room in the Seiapsey hotel, was burn­ed to dentil. Tlie other guests escaped,

-but-lost nearly. tilL.of Jhei.S .chitlung^ _


I ts V ic tim s A re N u m b ered b y th o H u n d re d s of T h o u sa n d s . ■

If you arc suffering from K idney . or B ladder/disease, tho doctor iisks: “Do

Speaking of tlio clulrMio; rtosirc.to^u.riritttn often, and aro you ■ ctiinpellcd to get. up ffcquently during tlio

nlglit. 1 Docs your back pain you i Does -ynirtrjn-lm-. stnln ' llimii ? Is thoro a Bcald-

mnrning that so far .is ) lu-y limnv the situation is iinchaiiL'eil in^Kings eomity. One of tin. interesting rumors of tlie day is to the effect that Perry Tleluiont: will Vote in eoniiui^tiM. to make Senator Me-

1 t ’arren' leinporary cliairi.nan ainl that flic * . .'Hninnf I.'cnicn f rnln Krie, Iienssehier and

Albany jyi11 do, the same. Ir is -evident tlia t the nt]lierent.s of Mr, Croker aro more confident tliiin. those of Mr. I [ill.

, (b iss if i.a b o u t t l ie .t ic k e t con iines itse lf.....toStiiii.lifield nt'ii. Milcki'V ns tlie liend nf

the ft icket.; and ex-AsseudilyinTTn L‘;i 11uelr . i*f Wt-li(dinrit! for atttirm'.v gencrnl.

. I t is Kated here that i h e '( ’.der men 11;i\e decided toTefuse all overtures-from the t'rokei-.Miirpliy conilnmitioti. to .in­sist mi presenting the. mime o f Coinp- trolier t'oler for governor and to throw iipob.the f'roker-Mnrpliy people tiie full resiiotisihilily of nominating a ticket anil condm.'ttng tlie camjiatgn.

H i l l VIsrtH J i i ' i I k o H u r t .T.'rtlie 1’alls. .V. Y.. Sept./.S.—i.la'v.iiV It,

Hill iirrived at llerlcimer last night; \vber.<\.iie ivr.tlie-gijest of Uohei't. Karl. c.\: chief jnsftiee of the eonrt i.if appeals.. It i« rninored here iluit Mill is .endeavoring lo have .ludge .Karl become n eanii<da.te for ihe' nomination, for.governor, '.ludge Karl's i u - p i l e i s o b e r f Karl, second, n I'leiiiiiHT lijiiiUT. n-m -hcnrf-thr-H w H - m rr county delngniiou to 'Siiraioga. aiid

, an effort. «.ill he made to iiave-i llill ad-rii.'ss i i . •

t.'ains, ciiucstriiins, ebbs, high stiippdrs, hooked single, fancy team s to victorias, traps, etc. A novel feature w ill lie-a; pro­fessional race to sulkies a t the llrst mcet-1 >g-' ; .

“ Wo arc going to try to get such horses as ‘Joe P atehen,’ 'John R . G entry ' and others wlileli'l m ig h t m ention, to appear on the truck during the sum m er. Thore will bo uo gam bliug or betting of any kind allowed on tho Elk wood grounds.

Tlnrprtnctpni- liotcl.t-wiii—lionn Vmateurs w ill drive evory Saturday, here will be a cup offcm l for the fastest

pacer w inning tho m ost races and one for t o tters.” . . .

An olfort is also being mado to rovivo interest in tro tting a t Rod Bank, .T. W. Flinn, tra iner and the ownor of the tro t; tor. Albatross, has moved to Ked B ank anil

one of the principal promoters in the low scheme. I t is proposed-to form a now- club out of tho present driving club, lease the track on .Shrewsburyavenue, put t in excellont shape and hold big m eetings

there iiverv year." The llrst, meet, will probably be held th is fall anil goodsized purses will 1)3 offered in order to get good hoi'ses.tq take p a r t . , ■

C O U N T Y AN D S T A T EK. i. Vi teller has been appointed tru an t

officer u t Long-Brunch.

-De.li>uiilcs. Vo<i> T or Color.’ Cat skill.’ N. Y.. ^ i'p t. -S.—rirnone county

luim ocrais )?avi»'olif'cjaod out..and out Color delegates to the .state convention. 'I'he.v are (.'lai't'ii'v' i-'. J»l«>odgood. .Kmoi’son Fo n lan d Iv I w ard : I vi.ie'fa item a t es, l ra n k 11. Ni«iiiol_s, .1 iidsou A. Itetts and Kgbert Valtner;.congressional delecates.’.lohn’ 11. Bairley; N. Iv. Alead. Henry P . Churchill and .1 nlin Noll: seuaforinl d*!lcgati» , Ir* H. Kerr, CliaHos A. Fnn)ej%y J;jmes

Oil ills, F. H, Osborii,' S. i>. Sap? and John ♦1. Cary-.' - ’

v Hry«*n *in n u ^n K n . '■ ChicaKt*.: f?opt;‘ S/- - \Villiam •l;„l<r1vau Returned tii f i d l a s t night’ from liis AVest Viigiiiia toiii*. ’ Mr. r.ry'iur wenl tj the Auilitiiriuni hoti»J, and retired oiirly,

.M’lm I’oiiirli-i^tilroa^linsr ;In .West. Viruinia provedmost, fatiguing/, iind the eiiudjdat \yas in net d oi*: resi. T in ; 'tr ip fronr Wheel in ir " a s liuie vent ft’il. At nearly every stnl iwii eit fjteiis ‘ gat bored to get a gliiiipsc, of-' -ilit* .eandidule,.. Inn h|oM\ of Ihe.nt jn e t tin* t rain .-.'lift, j ( ’ambridirc. <>., w here Nlr. Ilrya ii spohe a minnre fr.>m

“ 1ln^sii3p so f ."i he^ear.'” ] n _T>etiair(»e-i?u->i t ~ tempi, was -made to ‘ get him fnim .thi1 tra in ,, but, be was shayimr and deelimd to present f» la I here.d face t.o the, erowd. tiarrett:, Ind.. tu rhed .o u t oOO.siron’g at the.sta tion, and Mr. liryan made a short

-^address-. ; Jh* left, .for . ^Filwaukce. tjys mornintr and Kpeaks ihi*re ibis: a 'ft e moon” Ifelurniiig ’ iMilwaukee, lie ..will


\oi.etl( )sweg'v

Mii’ )Vit’f ii<* l n r e r I J en il.N. V., Sept . 8 . <riioinas

KinKs'ford; lu*ad of the Kingsford Starch company and < )s\vego’s , leading lmsuukss nian aiid 'mnnufaei'ureiv died, last night aged; To, after.* a b rief. illness’ Re was liorn in Hcadeomb, Jingland, and ln'came

_th^ h.Wi.t <>f*♦ he 1 »1 ;r stareh jndnstry here iii ISt»U.‘‘ JI is- numerous ot her Iim>:m»*s5' enterprises followed^' He was the father nC Thomas J V Khiysford, |»rc.s?denf of

ing pain in 'passing it, aiid is i t diflioult to hold the u rine back V 1 f so, yptir Kidneys or, Bladder ai-e. diseased.”

Try p u ttin g somo of your u rin o , m a -fllSSsf ’iuiiibier; lot it stiihiT tw enty-four *h‘6iursr™-If' tlii'rti is a sodimont, o r a cloudy, m ilky appearance your ICidnoys.are sick.

Dr. David Kennedy’s Favorite Bomcdy w ill snroly reliove and cure even tho m ost ‘distressing cases of these dread diseases, and no physician can,proscribe a modioine th a t equals i t for diseasos of tho Kitliieys, Livori-Bladder and Blood, K heum atism , Byspepsia and Chronic’ Constipation. . I t will proifTptly correct .the bad effects of beer and whiskey. AU drug stores sell ifc for one dollar a bottle.

l iy sending ?bur Address to the D r. * Da­vid Kennedy’s Corporation, Ron (lout, N.

and—me ntiQuInK -this,. papei% till ’bottle,* togother w;ith paniphlet of valua We medical advice, w ill be sent you free; postpaid by m ail. O nr readers can de .pond upon the gcnuinenesiTUf th is offor.

'IM ietelephoneK uliw uyjitr/oiiglirani'Ji will also" be used for the lire alarm system.

The assessed valuation ‘of property a t Ijong Branch this year is $ll,ltH),r»f>5. ■>

lOatontown public schools w ill open ■H'pfc. 10. O nkhuist school w ill not begin untirOet. I, when the new building >vill be occupied.

Charles Dennis,’tlie Shrewsbury painter who mys'tcriously. disappeared two months

•it go^-li a s-rotiu?y ed-to- th a t—plaqe^-—H(;: .r.Cr fuses to say .where he has" been, bu t Wasreoently sebn-in New York.

( '( m ik 'I 'c k n o f A iuirch^tH ., Faris.: .Sept. N.—The poliee authorities

learn that '.an iiiie'rnatiomil eongress of uiarehist.s is heinu arrangetl to meet here Sept.Im to tii. It is to be tmidi* the t»*{;a-. sion of a monster denionstration and pro- tj-sl against ''Hie. antiauarehist inov»*meut ihituited in Germany and .Italy, wiu;re •,vJio!es;ih? arrests have been made. Amer- ea atul tJertnaiiy are to. send tlelegates to'.he eomii'ess. •_______ . ■ .

• illis.m W eiH lcU D c r ln r e i l In n n n o .New York.. Sept. S.—-The inrpiiry into

he sanity of'Miss Georgiana Wendell lias ,.)teu transferred fmni .While Plains to

-irringfour—?r»dye-‘-S in ith—I^nf*—before \vliotn ihe ease “was car.i'ied, decided, that Miss Wendell was, insane. .Tudye J,eut made’ a pem»n«4—v4sit to Wendell nnnie-iirroin pa ny-Vvi t Ii-t Jie-fa miiy-lu wyer tid-sa i i s lied -h i mself-tha t - li uiiwo m a n_wa^

insane. Ir o u r t l i CUtst* ‘. ’ofiOiinKtern,

W a sb i ij g t on. Se j »t. S . -T he foil o wing fourth eiass ■ pest masters have been ap*p o iiite ii; - ' ■ .•

Massaebu^ettsr East* Aetnh, r . .1. Wil­liams: West Stoekhriilee. I’aul Con rad t. j New York'--West Alden. Let tie■ E. Ya- ger. ,

I'eim^ylvatii.v-Hed -Batik* Kuril am. Kob* ■ rt' S. Klnl:e; Stevens P.iiint, JI . J . An*

J i i a t a J Y I o r r a e n t .I

We want to show you our,now line < f FAIjIj HH1RTS. Exclusive patttTnw,

• very nobby. Just- take a look at our window at


G. W. PATTERSONT h e O n e - P r i o e T a i l o r , Q lo th ie r an d F u rn is h e r .

Everything new for the foil tirhde. Moneybnclr,

JisDury FarH Rotcis H$ft»ry P a r#

Remains . Open until October

Fourth Avenue and Kingsley Street

D ir e c t ly o n t h e B e a c h

OPEN ALL THROUGH SEPTEMBERThe Most Delightful Season of the Year


SEPTEMBER RATES, PER DAY, $3.00Elevator, , Casino, Electric Lights, . ' .Baths,

E V E N IN G D IN N E R S ,. ’

Telephone 80a , ; . MORGAN & PARSONSO P E N A L C T / I I S Y B A X t . . ,

H O T J S I t

M A H L ' B O R O U G H

I C o r a e r G ra n d n n tf “ . M a n ro e A r e n u e t


New Honso Handsomely FurnUhed

A* U . S E 2 C T O JS

. H u A ll JModera Im provem enU

f a m i l V H O T E L

Ot’EN ALL THE YKAH 'Steam h eat. '» E lectrlo llg tlB .

All modem improvements dun parlor, arf-' - Bwisonable prices

Hotel ClarendonNow Open 302~Fifth Avenue, Asbury Pork, N. J.

. Two blocks from the ocean. One of the finest views of the Park and ocean to be had. Near Sunset Lake, boating and bathing grounds Firstclass hotel in every respect. ■________ GEO. W . W A TE H B U R Y .

302 ASBURY AVENUE. One block and a halt fr. mthe h-acsh, *Je>vty furalahed. tfirafcci*ui8 table. It. * duced.ratea for 8 ep‘.embe e M. A.. UNDERHILL, Pr^o.

1 d . ■■■ V. , . 215 239Glenn Cottage

Victoria Hotel TJ lrd and Oce »n avenues.■ Open until November, a t reduced I a tea. ,

i • - Furnace ht at and all convonionccp» '218-24.

Commercial Hoteltarge, airy, comfortable room*.

tFormorly tit. J nuieS.). nue and Webb street. ~

o o r n e r C o o k m a n n t -_______ __________ Open all the year. CommancUng full view .of the sea. Broad porches

Steam heated th roughout. Service and cuialne excellent., . ■_____________________ • ,. B. VAN AKEN.

Grand Avenue Hotel Open all 'the ye at. Enlarged and Im

{iroved. Electric llghta and gaa. Bun par ora, Superior table. L SILL, P ropriew

y04 ^Fourth avenue Near the beach; ocean^ view >11'modern Iratroveme^ts; ■ terms reasonable

__ _ THE ORLANDO, cor. Urand tand Dtum^e ave­nues. Open all the year, New house; new furniture; modern improvements. HRS. GEO. M DEY.

I Fine 50-booir lotei onNEAR KINQSLEY STREET

N ew ly furnished from top to bottom .—Can be purchased cheap and__

. on easy terms.'

ilrus.• ' Slortn'w U nvotes. In ’.Iuim ilen.; Iviiujvi.fiii. ’.lanmiea. Sept. S .- A tet;rit\t*. ■Jtorin has swV'pt ev«*r.. this ■ island, /r ire rherv are.alJ flooded ;»nd- «»•»*«t <laii/air«: aa* been iloue to the bamiim-phMit«atioie5. Miles of the ruitroad traeUs have boon iVashed awiiy. The.torrential rains, which were a feature the .storm, eoitUnu*. •file lo^-es u iii amount to 'thousands-gf- ;.ounds.. * •• :

.V oveiiK M i^ o f W a r C rn ft. -—r-W-ji sh.jn irt.on .ISei>t..A .-Tho— eo 11n»v .Cte*

4ar. with eorH, on her way to^Pnliii. h.ts •njrivetl a I -Singapore;' rl’lie (mini n^ ship L(iue^ster has arrived nt Havre. -./The H:twk‘, w iiHi .is lo h e ‘nlllized by the Ohio naval, inilitia. has sa i^d ' from XOr* folk.for HanipJoji Uuads. ' '

L e t us g ive you particu lars.

‘ Monmouth* Realty Co.ROOMS i a - 13

MONMOUTH BUILDINGN o r t h w e s t C o r n e r M a t t i s o n A v e n u e

r_______ a n d B o n d S t r e e t


tIn. Niitimml Stnreli eiiuijiun.v, wlio wit.li ii siHler {mil h.isjiiotlier Kii.y.ivf.. ..<;iiaiiilM?i'l«lM'd' €oiijfii JleinriJ.v 11 ; tlrvnl

' . Ffkv^plte. i. Tlio Hoothlntt and hauling uroperties of: this romody, its jjleuaiipt tiiBto nnd prompt nml pBrmunent cures have mnde It a fc'r.ui t f.voiiite- w ith -people everywhere. It-la ospeolsllv priced by mothers of smiUl ohll- ilren for colda, croup nnd whooping cough, n i l t always, nffords. qltlck relief, und un It eontnins no ftpium or other harmful drug, it niiiv be given as conndently to 'a baby as to nn hilult. For sale by Thomas M. Stowart, corner Cooktnnn nvontto mid Bond streot. •

f’’«» n-s't ( <i in ni i w . 11, in- r .\ n in .' .I. .A Uni n y . . 8 i‘|ii'. K.^TIH' forrotl -fish a nd

C iin io ..... .. . iidjnurniiiK sinnrinne-*’d tlm t tliny luul .n pp ointe il-n s e x e cu tiv e o llieer •of the hniird .loiin D . \V liish o f .A lb a n y .. Mr; W liisli is. ii w ell know n in-w spuper iniiii w ho hits.luul n w id e e x ; perji'nee in fi'u-est pri.servi- w oiif. H is n I'P'iiiit uii'ii 1 w ns niiiile mi 1111 v it i i or Itiiosi.velt's'persijiiiil I'i'irmniiii'li.lilliiin.

* ~ ' —— C-.velimV—I i»x u Iir._:___i...,....4.■ Tlayana, Si;p< .,.T.-fTlie inayor. o f ’Trini- ^ s * — —-

dad, j»mriHee'of ‘Snntji Chrrw, has wired € T H 2 1 T Q T i V C D to ihe m ilita ry government from Cilfilh m T f—1-n -A - lr^ - l-A -I -O - ll- for assistance, el aiming- tliat W ednesday ‘destroyed’ *all' the'

u cyclone W erops . of

tiie/Iisiriet: and that flie^people are'desti- IKff.orts will be made io relieve the. rlutr

situation^ _________________, ’ Xdtc. fMi'K'crM - -

— T3ondoi>T ep t.'-7 ^“ The -ptdiee of -Buda- pesl, aeeorilyiK lo n di^pa^eji froip.’Vienna to The l‘)aliy;Mail,- have' captured a jmm1 of wluilesah* note formers, iiielmliui? a po litical la\V,yer named T akata and F ran K oVacz, a we| lfc;k now ti paint er. Takata tried |o jdiob^.iijtuseif,

Sails from foot of First avenue, Asbury Park, for the Fishing Banks at 8 a. m' Bait and line included in fare.

F A R E $ 1 . 0 0 .

Ocean sailing excursions only .... at 2 p. m.;

F A R E 50 C EN TS.

Cnpt. L. Newman. Catit. Frank Fearso.

W e know what goes into, our naint'.potH, it’s honest piiint. niixwl from. tne. purest umtoriulH—tin* kind

•tlmt hnvo Ijech ti«te<l by experience. .Wo mix our own paint and can stake our reputation, upon ifc. When it is put ou by thoroughly competent

-> mcchtmicH-r-cho only land or liolp wo h ire— your houso will stayp a in te d ,........ '........♦ . ... .'. ,

Let us give S'ou an estimate.E . J . S T R O U D

t’ • . Painter'. . . . .

MHI Main Street. • #•*' - P

The Buckingham

Onr Store is ploie: seaoiltni Han EverWe have just laid in the finestB E C A U S E of cut glass, china,_bric-a-

... . brae and statuary procurable.

On M e Is tye Best Place to Bug FdrqlltiRWe have the newest and most

D p / * a | T C P artistic styles. We are relia- p C v n v ^ u ble— and we give a discdunt

of 10 per cent.

Out Store is toe Place Yon mast visit■ ■ : - It is the last week the wonder-

BECAUSE ful Pa'?ting Niagara Will beon! exhibition.

Grand and Cookman Aves.Open U n til 9. P . M.

The Adrian Comer First avenue and Emory street. All modern Improvements. Open all the year. Special terms for the spring and h l l months. J.S .A D BIA N .

156 MAIN ST.,


St. Claire House One btock frnm_ ocean; superior accommodations^ steam heat. Ueduced ratcB rdFfaH Biid'winter*' T'.

•i • • Address* A. . J.. ROM AIN,r 2Q3 Second Avenue.

Ocean Grove fiotets Ocean Grove hotels

The Alaska8 and' 5 Pitman avenue, 4 and ,6 McCllntock Btreett This hotel Is open all tho year. Sunparlora ana well heated rooms for the cold months. The only hotel in Ocean Orove supplied with seaw ater baths. Tlie location is tho best* 100 feet from boardwalk and close to auditorium and postoiDce. N. II, KILMER, Proprietor,

Mixed O a t s . . . . . ................Mixed Clips.................. .a w u t e Oata.................Regular C lips,..........x. a clips....................Yellow‘C o rn ,..............Cracked Corn. ti*.Coarse Mea'.. . . . . . . . . . . . .Ground F eed ............. .B r a n . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..............Middlings.,........................Gluten v,

Other Resorts Other Resorts

SHADY GLEN HOUSERemodelled and Refurnished


Tlie above-prices are for spot cash at our stores, cording to quantity as follows:5 bafca or ...................... ....................... ................................... ................................. ........................ 60 per bagLess than’5bass...... ...................... ............ ....................................................... i....,luo per bag

For a doqd and Cheap Bedding Buy Shavings, 32c per Bale

TH E P A U L T. N O R TO N COM PANY.E liu b e tb E lU .'betbpbrt R ahw ay Red Bank Aabury Park Plainfield S o m .r v lll.

A sfo u ry P a r f c B r a n c h , 812 C o o k m a n a v e n u e .F. D. W IK 0 F F , Manager Asbury Park and Red Bank Stores

___Dally.mail, tolo^repb, bathiripr, flshing. Stage morning and evening from Cairo railroad station.Bowline* teon is.cru |uet, switi gs, delightful drives, wrilks and rambles.- Table One o f the bestr Fn?ah eggs milk and vegetable*) from owner’s farm. Pure water and healthful mountain air. No malaria, BATES 15 A WEEK for September, October and November. Asoury Park refersoces—Mr S. Hem* menway, John W. Crowell, W Harvey Jones, Howard Hulick. S. M. ELLIOTT, Prop’r,

$ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0AT

If You are Not Already— Using Our 'r— ■


We have the 'above sum. to place In arge or email am ounts on first mortgage

loans on Aabury Park, Loch A rbour,, Allenhuret and Deal buslnees or dwel- Ipg property. ' ^ .. .

J . W . H etrick &J>on,6 2 5 Mattison Avenuo.

K e a to r B lock.


Mr. Taylor Has Been Modeling a t As- bury Park for ElghfYearg.

A CHALLENGE_. Ono. Humlioil Dollars have boon placod with tlie Asbury P ark Board of Traae to bo given to the winner in 'a sand moileliug contcat-who a n nicfll Mr. Taylor. This

Special Blend Java flocha Coffees-


For Hotels, R estaurants a n d ' Boarding Houses you should try some;

Only 25 Cents per Pound..A Good J a v a a n d M ar^cabo fo r 2 0 o

p e r -ip . a . qggnr c o r m o fo r i s o .40 years’ experience enables u s to ' oITor to

our oustomers an attlolo th a t will give aat- Istaotlon.

---------- 626 COOKM AN A V E.

J. Westeg Pettier £ Co.FUNERAL DIRECTORS



challenge Is to all the Sand artists of .m eritIn. the .World, -— — '----- -——-v-,—-

Tr tho above cliallonge fs nuoepted by any European artist, and ho should prove to be a wiunor, he will. In addition to tiie 1100. reeelvo free second cabin passage ou t and return. . : • .

JUDGES. 'Assemblyman Samuel Klrkbrlde, _Aflbury

Park. ‘' Hal Allairo, AUalre,

Prank M. Taylor, Long Branch Rosord.

ShlR m onta a S p e c ia l ty •7 22 Mattison Avenue

Branch olllco, 4IKM00 OrilnEo Street,Newark "Tuliipl 1011 cunuoction. ___' ■___

Coaches and chairs furnished for I'll*' ~ — ■1 uccastonsT*-—----- — —


D R E S S M A K I N G■ Blyllsh and perfectly fitting costumes.

M R S i M . H . J O R D A N Parlors 6 0 3 Mattison A venue

. 'N ext Door to P o s to ll lc e .-Tailor made suits; golf suits; accordion Jplalttngj illterations made; Bkirts rebound, etc,




E L IZ A B E T H .

g P E A RL ST.',


17 FR O N T ST.,


78 S. B R ID G E S T


140 T H IR D ST




. . . . . . »...73cper bag. . . . . . . . . . . .?fic ]>er. bag................ .tfkperbag. ...........7 7 c per bag........... ...7Kc per baar. . . . . . . . . . . ’.fttio per 100...... . . . . . .8L00 per. 100..............$1.0 ) per 100... *1.00 per 100................... ifii per 100................ . 5)8c per 100

, . . . . |I ,0i» per 100

Oat Feed ................ ............. ......... . . . . . . .8 3 o per loJ{CottonBeed M e a l.. . . . ........................ .$1.40 per 1(WOlLMeal..........................; • ts.-ifl.B0 perlt/JElevator B. S c r e e n in g s .. . , . . , , .^ .. . . 700perl0j.{Our Poultry Food........... .. f 1.120 per 10«Barley (00 lbs). . . . . . . i ............. I J j^ P ^ b a g. W h e a t . . ___No. I Grain M ixture..,Cut Hajr.........No. 1 Timothy H a y . . .Shavings......... .Peat Mosa,

,.81.40 per 1. . . . ; . . . . .'^ .f l^J7 per io a -

. . . . . . . . 05c per 100......................... * 1.00 per 100........... .SUc per bale. . . . . . . . . . . . f I.i»0 per bateIf delivered add ac-

Sharkriveramusement company--— S o u th e n d o f S h a r k R iv e r B r id g e

Hotel and Restaur an t’ ' A o o o m n io d a t io n a f o r S u m m e r G u e s t s

Meals a la Carte. Refreshments, etc.Clam Bake Dinners to order, . . . . . Boats for Hire by tho day, week or season,

Shooting Gallery and Shuffle Boards. Good Crabbing and Fishing.

Take Electric Car Cookman Avenue and Main Street

I; Ross- Fenton Farm iO n D e a l L a l c e , A a b t t r y P a i ' I c

HI Now Open...■' _ — ■ ■« ,-

♦ A strictly flrstolass /amUy resort. Kverything new since last season, j J

Telophon e 129 aLaunches Connect at Interlaken Station with all Trolleys Direct

to Farm

O . W . S I ^ C O l s T S O l S rDISTRICT A O EN T FOR

B&I I a n t i n e’s expert andTLACER B e e rB o ttled ' b y S te a m P ro c e p s a n d G u a ra n te e d to k e e p In a n y C lim a te

W IN ES , LIQUORS AND FOREION AND DOM ESTIC ALES AND P0RTER8G oods d e liv e re d o n ly o n o r d o r —fro o o f oharg:e.l

-T elephone c a l l 6 7 a . ‘ —------ ... 1 .___ S P R IN G L A K E . N, J ■





' . . . 1 ......................... 8......----------------------------------------------------------------------------------_ _ j r

Page 3: ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY,: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER , 1900 ...ill on Will Return Home—An Added fivent Today. Today will closo tho great riflo contest, at Sea. Girt, This afternoon after


4 Prices from A ug. 3 0 to Sept. 6 j$w ------- f - --------- -----------— — ,— — +* _ ~ __________ ________ ^ *

Labor Leaders Declare They Are Ready For Fight.


T H jE p o p u l a r g r o c e r

Our stock of fine goods,_ such as Olives, Sauces'and Salad jji..

Dressings are as [good as c^n be obtained, A dinner with ^

these accessories tastes.;ever so much better. ‘ M

Celci'y Rellsb'

Stuffed Olives

xoc bottle

xoc bottle

j f B a b y O l i v e s ........................................

i f .WoreestersWre Sauce . .

'*■ Sandwieii Mustard . . . ..............

* Catsup Large Bottle ! . . . ,

^ 3 - toot.. Mood’s Root Beer for

J f . Mustard Salad Dressing » .'

M. Condensed aillSt • ,

xoc bottle

xoc bottle -ft

xoc bottle'

1 5 c bottle

, . '„ 8 c .can

t C r e a m C u s t a r d - ' . ' . . .. :. ; . i . , xc

^ 4 . l a r g e ' p k g s . O a t l M e a i -tor ; . . ,nr •j f 5 c a k e s Q u a k e r C i t y S o a p f o r . . . . . . ,

j f 3 c a l c e s F a i r b a n k s ' 1 B e s t L a u n d r y S o a p

DIAMONDS- V and \ ‘i - .



Mqldolm IX-'Wlijtmiia, w ho recen tly wort tli« tenn is chninplnnRliip of the •l iniK.il HHffwiBftirrhpHWnl-MiftN^W<»-«ww^wuid-tli«w(l>Y guina j"*rmnn“nl" possession of tlie handsom e trophy em blem atic of the title , now. say s he will re tire-from tlie courts. H e sa y s he (loos not: like the hard tra in in g necessary fo r a season 's enmjraigii.=H u t nex t season lie wiil probably be seen again be­hind th e nets , ju s t tlu: same.


Wo guarantee everything ■« o sell to givo satisfaction or your money refunded. ■ Our specials spld for OABH ONLY and will not be charged a t these price&

624 Cookman Ave., Asbury ParHG r a d u a te O p tic a n

CONDITION OF TRADE, THE PRINCE AND THE POLE,P iir t liv r D o tn iln 'o r AlmiKieiS'i'frxiiedi-

tlfin (o (In? F u r N orth . * ‘ - r i i d j d - i t u i i n . f F i u ' t l m r . particu­

lars roiciirdinjr -tin* nn*li<* .oxp(Mlition of tin* Duke of Ahnizzi on .hritinj tlu* Ktrlja I'dfnro, whose ssiti*’ roluru was reported Thursday from Tromso, Nonviijv show th a t _ tU<? exposition last year through' Xighte»KuI(*..sounn and the British ennui reaehi'it its far north as 82.4: hut; limlingiio w intering harbor, it returned to 'lV-p- litsc hay. Crown l'lineo HudoliVh’s land, where * tlie Stelln Pula re was frozen in about Kept. 1.

.Tin; of Xhru5Hd‘s lingers were-fi*o?<HiiUi»mm~Tr-tr iir}^ylprigi t r i p ;i t (^lrrre^ lnitHt. ami two joints were amputated, ohliging him to remain lor several months in his tent.

Thu e»»hl iurrenHoil to 52 ;<h‘gnVs Otfl? *Kius, On .Mitreh rl1 the adyauee.w as re- •jiewe<i, nmi ten men .started licirtii. A fter teii' iliiys* m arehing,three started t«> re­turn to . tlte ship, whieli,-however^ they

'never rearhed. Their fiittf is unknown.;A s'entml party of. tin-cejnon passed tlie

.eighty-third .-parallel a fte r a jnareh of 20' tin.vs ami then returned to tho ship.

A. third parly, led hy (>aplain ( ’agni. with, t.WM'..,A.lpiiit*^gul<les- ami -an Italian sailor, renclieil. IatUndo mid was.then obliged to retitrn through lark of fAml. It started with six sledges'-aml *ir» dogs and .returned with two sledges and seven dogs, having subsisted t’ur IT days exclusively on tlog Ih'slt.

On A tig. .*S the -Stella I N ilan \ started homeward. She traversed the IJiitish eanal in a singh; day and tijiMi drifted about for a fortiiijrl.it. in a seven* strug­gle with d r if t . iee* before reaching', tlie open sea.- i 4 * ■ ■

Dun & Co/t* .R e v ie w o f Affair# Iu *lja \ IStiHlrieftN W orld .

Now York, Sept. S.—Iii thoir weekly review of trad e R .O .J h u i & Co. siiy:

“The volume-of business does not ma­terially enlarge a t the east', and there is anly m oderate improvement a t the. west ami south, but if expert a lions of greater activity when polilirs reuse to# disturb an* ’realised emTcht-operations* will lit* founil to have laid a substantial founda­tion. Bnilk clearings for the week show a loss of; 24; per; ceilt at New York com­pared w ith 1800 .ami T» per cent.' deerOase from IM S.- A fo th ^ r l«>:nlinir cities they

^TnuM'ense a;!-per cent -fruui ^ ittrtrn trg iriir 1(1.8 per cent over 1*S S. * -■■;.,.

“The most important event of the week in the industrial ••world- wiis the agree­ment on^tlie tiirjd a t^w ag e scale w ith the Amaiga nm t ih I associa t ion' gra n ting a hmt t-

per cent advance to Miauds.Jong idle. Other,,melijl-workers’ disputes are nearing settlem'enl,, while the .Horden puVehase'of i}00,000 pieces of print cloths at' 2% cents clears up the Fall Itiver indrket>/*ml- is-belieyed to-preelude-seri­ous Wage dift'erenCes tiiere. There were also sold IHO.OOO pieces of odd. goods.'

. “Prices of grain are little alteredj good crop reports coiniug’in .freely/ but .the <*r- feet lVeing' lientrWHzed Iiy ;i foreign esti­m ate of a crop below requi remen ts,.

“Cotfon is strong in th e face ol* a lar­ger yield than expected, th e Xew Orleans exchange reporting 1),430,-4It» bales* for whicii $81,(1.1 ‘Tnore 'was jyiid Ilian for the previous w o rd break in ir produc­tion of 1.1,274,840. bales.-

“ Business iti iroii and steel products steadily increases, atid m ills/are more ae-. tively employed. (>et;* J I'neutioned as the probable’date o f a general resump­tion. It. is signiHcrtiitt th a t shii»^ards oil the Inlet*# aiid the I’aoilic coast are full tjf orders for eight months or nifire.

“Last, week’s shipments o f bools amlA shoes^ f rom—Host on—Svere—.on !y—7()..‘M5* •cases, against 71,277 in -tins-, previous Week, and for the year thus fan the <Ie- vcrejiso.co in pared with 1 SOOlius a mountedtu£f)4;)Ur>ciises7------------------- — -.=—■«------

“ Failures for the week were 145, ih the *t7iiiteiI_*SJjntes against last year and 24 in Canada“/agains7~o0:1 nst“.vear.”

173jMain St,, Asbury Park■ THE P O P U L A R G R O C E R .

604, 606, 608 Cookman Avenue ,Cor. Maln Street and iJike Avenue,--------—

Tel. 69 ASBURY PARKOther Stores

MiSl’ivfi'JQfiLictle Falla

Ready-Mixed PaintsWhite Lead

Pure Linseed Oil Varnishes and Brushes

XhoXargeBt. Stock of . . .

W I N D O W G L A S Salong tho coast a t bottoto prices, i

A. Fuij. jLinej)f Fishing Tacklc’ ;• '■ A t nut p?ioB% tfl reduce stock. - •

Still Sell Tbat Best Qrade Bicycle Tire • lor $ 1.48. - Few flore Left

A Shoe That Fit s __ 1 „. Is one of the greatest comforts you can indulge in. We can fit you

and the whole .-family with shoes that are “dressy, stylish and serviceable at less than you can buy them.elsewhere, * .. -

' . '■ 'i ' • ’ ‘ -------------t— . ..1. ■ : 'Special Reductions in Men’s and Women’s

Oxford .Ties$i;oo and $l.2S Women’s B M TEp $2.00 Women’s “Mannish • | i c n

. orRusset Oxfords at' _ iUU Oxfords, ,, -, ■

$2.50 and $3.00 Women’s $2.50 and $3.00 Men’s V ic i- - - - - - - - - f e l t Oxfords, Calf or n il Kid Oxfbrds,. Black or Qfl (1(1 Kid, Black or Russet, p.UU Russet, Bull Dog Toe, -ffiJII

AGfiNT P P S EJBLSBY _I®ltiiACE>Bttst and fifost SlooKoiaitjiU ruraacos

For a few weeks, wlillo tho stock lasts, will sell the heavy, woight

2-Ply Tar Paper at $1 per RollA a a o a v P A R R . N . Jf,Heaflquarters for : ; j

•MASON F R U IT JA R S ,Pints, quarta and imif .(Mliiins. Also1

IflCtUTUNINQ JARS, PKE8EUVINO JAKS Htid POTS, a t reduceil prlees. J M t K CJ ii - BI3i|U -lc dozen, JELLY TUMBLERS 2Uc dozen.

O F ALL. KI NDS W e W a n t t o C l e a r T h e m O u t a s Q u i c k l y a s P o s s i b l e

Ju st received a full Hoe of , ’

Bevotvers, ImM SQeiis, Garttlnges, Etc.Pleass examine out* bargain 'oouater. TARIFF ON TOBACCO.


What is -more attractive than a h a n d s G i n e foot ? • SOR- QSIS will make yours so. no matter what size! you wear.

Steinbach Company natur ally insures with all the insur­ance men in Asbury Park. .1—They had a fire Friday, June 8 Ask them .who paid thciir loss ,first.. They will tell -you GIFFARD, We write insure ance—-best. companies, lowest rates, and settle losses at-once-



Dayton Orient Cleveland/Vale Spalding White

Barnes. Eagle CrawfordTribune Quaker SterHn?---------

. Those lire soma ot the wl eels I am selllap tlilayear.


Mr. Timcl. VanderVeer.ls in charge of my repair shop. This luaureajprompt and re- liable repairing. “

Located-Near North Asbury ___ ParkDepot

Party purchasing this house can secure'a desirable lot in Northwest Asbury Bark and thus secure a good-investment;-------——— ------—-—------;

For full particulars apply to

T, FI^ANK APPLEBY.Cor, Main St. and Mattison Ave.


^ 2 2 Main Street A S B U R Y P A R K

rftfinbiiclr.! Mnmmotl? Storo. 1Tiio uiitiro ntoqk.sviil bo.sold . rogardlosa of

vrtltto to tliq hifflioat liidder. Slli-lS*

W nkestwi’rc, PiTi Sept. 8.—-iVKnei's1" moethiKS Avore held!in various parts of the. Wyoming viilfey Inst night and tho strike situation discussed. In nearly all tin1 m et'tinss.tlie sentim ent wns in favor of' alilding'.by the decision of the executive board of tlie United Mine W orkers now in session-in Indianapolis. .Some of the’ Speakers deplored ii lockout, but said they Were willing to stand by. the m ajority’,

A t tlie meeting held at Kingston there »-us fiiiiaiderable opposition to a strike, Sbnid of tlie minors shy ,the organization Ih. not strong enough to carry the men through a ioiig strike. A t W unamic and {lion Lyon tlie miners were almost a unit for si strike.’ A t the Woodward miue of

J h e _Laek<iwanna company tlie foremau- Inol; a vote of tlio oiupio.yces to see hiiw ,iiey"Btood on a HirKo. Tf ia saiiTouly four out of 470 men voted not to strike. Some, prominent coal operators held a confer­ence in this city las t evening. Tho pro­ceedings frere secret,

. .jimparmiit KCW f jixucated.London, Sept. 8 . - Tiio Daily. Kews'

says; *‘Wo luarn thn t tlio govbrnmcnt expects, decisive news fpom Sotjtli. A fri­ca within a fortnight and th a t parliam ent 'will be dissolved daring the last week of September.” '■ y ; r ■' •■■■■■

LcBioiii Given »nd W h » ! i for R ia t lc g l


via Atlunlin Hiahlandy on .tho ST JOHNS of tlm Sandy Hoolc R oute


o n - . . r *:TUESDAY, SEPtEPIBER 18, 1900

SiMHsitil bxtnir«Ion tlckots from Asbury Parle" anil Occult Grovo >vill bo Hold good to go only on* train louvlng Anbury Park nnd Ocoan Grovo a t 8.15 a.ini. Hoptcmbor 18th. Return will bo niiulu afc-a-roaKonablu- hour.— REPRBS Hftt BNTS-AT-p6i ‘Ul,A Rp RI CES-^-

714 Mattluon A iiru e '

... • nf'rifnks o f all kjiidsatJp^est possible prices, > An immense ptock to choose'from, •-« .

Porch rockersjat cost. We are. - closing out this lot, and are witling to sell at costl" . .:_AtLJcinds ofJ-sepont liandgoods bought^and. sold, Ii) fact if Jtou want ,to buy or sell anything visit Crosbie,.'; <Eveq old Golf Balk, Highest price



Has moved Its m alt afikw from 812 Cook-^nanaianui

O nilD K E N , 05 .CENTS, r irs . Ada Louise P a iey 'Mies M ay C asta

M iss C atherine T cunienjPatrxniajje S o l i c i t e d , ‘

FIBST-CLH8S WORK 8Qil P10DIPT SBEiniiE• _i.Ssa O' i)elephono 85b ;

John N. Biirti3( •U N D E R t A K E P

7 9 ^ Mq.ttlaoin A v en u e Oofflns' bud Bdrlat- Caaketa s® band or

urpiahed tp or-H! - t,The Pbsss Rives more reading m atter for

one cent' thaa «ny other newspaper; iu As­bury Park, i • v . . >i-.ivi -:

Pnsss Special Advertlsemeixts bring im­mediate results.

The KalatechnoBcope now on the t«oth con- secutive month in F.^F. Proctor’s Ave the*tera.

Page 4: ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY,: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER , 1900 ...ill on Will Return Home—An Added fivent Today. Today will closo tho great riflo contest, at Sea. Girt, This afternoon after

.1 -


The Daily Press.J . X. KXNMONTH,.


PUBULCATION OFFICE-: flO'Jf M attison Avenue, Asbnry Park , N. J,

TKLiPHOH* CALLS !Editorial B o o m s..,....,............ WeBusin au Office*.........................601

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION :. 3 . Evening Edition. ,One year (strictly In advance).... . . . . . . . . .One w eek ...............••»*•...................'Single copies ..........................

M orning Edition (June to Septem ber). Ten w e e k s . . . . . . . »...•••*• i 1*??One week.......................................... . .wSlnglecoples ........ ............................ .

W eekly Edition (Tlie Shore Press)Ono y e a r . .*.-i......... . .*•. •*•••* *58SlxmontliM;................. ......... »••».«*••**•«•• -JJjSingle co p y ... . . . . . . . . . . y *-***-..............

A dvertising ,R ates on Application;



, Persons leaving the-c ity cun have iii © DAILY PRESS mailed to them a t anyatl- .dress, liosTfraid, a t the regu lar subscrip* Uou rate, w ithout extra charge./' The ad­dress may be ehauged'aK desired.

..THE (COMING STRIKE.Tht> h t.v\ ke of Ove r UX),00() coal in i liars 31>

Pehhsylvanla, w hicli now^stieins'u[nevittf *■ bio, w ill undoubtedly l4>o one o f the longest aiul m ost b i t t e r l a b o r w ars - o f re c e n t years anil may l>e uxpect^l to tin up m any other Industries'by cu tting off the coal s u p p l y . , ' ' , •>

•* This would seem to be a good timo to study the„ labor legislation pf New Zeal- and, which has been so su tice ss fu lin avoiding eonilfSts between labor and cap' Ital In recent years; Compulsory arb itral tlon has its 'fa u lts ,, bu t strikes;* lookouts anil boycotts are a ll . species ’ of w ar which are ruinous alike to^he best Inter­ests of capital and labor. Tho prosperity

— of-arcomrtry-shouid-riotydapon il n p o iy jj^ . caprices of a comparatively few, no m at­te r w hether they bft laborers or capitalists. The greatest liberty an itth e greatest good to the greatest numbe* is often reached by curtailing the powers of Individuals to interfere w ith the powers of the many. -

E D I T O R I A L Q 0 M M E N T

S E P T E M B E R V IS ITO RSMr. and Mrs. Fred. K endall of H arris­

burg; Pii., aro registoreil a t the W ost Knd hotel!

F . E . W hite, well know n In W all street n sa successful broker, is roglstoreil nt tho Coleman House.

J . S. Case,rsnlesman.for Holmes,"Cnirn- bor & Co. of New York, Is registered a t tho M arlborough. __; __

Mrs. Buel I s a prom inent Clevoland so­ciety woman registered for a tw o weuks’ stay a t th(! St. Claire.

Edw ard Dale, jr., a t the head of a New York shipping concern, Is a September guest a t the Madison.

Mr. and. Mrs. Ot H. liom entz of Van W ent, Ohio, are now Septem ber guests a t the W est Eiul hotel. • .

Dr. Jr. llerzog ot Chicago, now a t the W est Kml hotel, .\viU rem ain the season ou t if it lasts un til election. 1 1

W. F. Htilhvell, president of tho, B alti­m ore S truc tu ra l Ste«l company,; In a lato arrival a t the Colemftn House. .’ Dr. P . A. Rogers is a p tam in en t VVater- vllot, X.. Y „ physician, domiciled a t the Coleman House for September.

Jam es 1?..Baldwin .of the ' Poughkeepsie tlo u g h company is V prom inent Septem ­ber g u o s ta t tho Coleman House. • • , 'D r . W illiam T. llobinsoiv .thu skillful

Tiroliir "eitractoi—of—Frcefiolilr-lias-jolned. the September colony a t the St. Claire,

•J. Vanderbeck, connected w ith the Otis •MevatorTOm'^nyVVJiH enjoy a briiSf Sep- b 'm ber vacatiop a t the Coleman lloliso.- _ Jid , I ,.S tn ith o t .i;^iston,1P a., represent­ing the B ulk W ater .Stove- uqmpiiny.Ts !ii late Soptom borarrlvnl i»t the Marlborongii.

Dr, 11. St. C lair Ash is a prom inent Philadelphia physician who w ill spend tho month, of Septem ber a t the Marlborough.

W. E. Lawrence of T renton, president of tho S tandard Insurance company of New York, Is a new Septem ber guest a t the Marlborough.

Mr."and Mrs. Fish of Now, York are, am ong the favorite Septem ber guests a t the St. Claire. Mr. Fish is a . mem bet- of the legal fra tern ity?

Mrs. S- liaynear, a wealthy New York lady, who is now erecting a cottage at A llenhurst, Is rogistOred a t the Marlbor-


W ILLIAM P. W H I T E D E A DCollector0 oC. .Avon Pauses Xxvay • XlilH

Afternoon A fter l lr le f , IllneRR. • V u Prom inent Citizen.

W illiam P . W hite, collector, of Avon died late th is afternoon. H e was' over- como iiy the heat several days ago and grow steadily worse. '.

Mr. W hite has taken a p rom inen t p a rt in tlie borough affairs. H e has acted as councilman a iu lm ayoro f tho luunlclpatlty ami served a term ns postm aster. H is father, C. P . W hiti!,' is the present post­m aster. ■ ' ■ „■ '' Deijeastjd was also a road con tracto r and

prom inent In lodgo and political affairs,

H O T T E S T A U G U S T 0 W R E C O R DIVmiierut u r*' huh niK heHt.ltaiiifiilll.oweHt.

Coiiiparlsoi. o f S«i»le»llier Wcatiiwr l For 1‘iuit F ly . Years.

Reference to the nioterological records in the otlico of tlie A sbury P a rk board ot hca.lt.h sliows tlia t tho m onth of A ugust ju s t closed has been tiio hottest on, record. The norm al mean tem perature foi'" the m onth of A u g u s tin th is city during the past ten years has been 72.Hr degrees! . The mean tem perature for the m on tli'b t Aug- u s t , , WOO, was Trt.4 degrees—1,1 •degrees above.tholiovmal..

ill) degrees, occiirred on the n th . This wns the hottest A ugust day by .1 degrees, here­tofore recorded.- ■The-prcelpitatlon-forHihe-monlh-llo- is!1.74 below th e ■ norm al-fo r- tho- m onth of A ugust imd the lowest preclplUitlon for the m onth heretofore' leeordetl.

The m onthly m ean tem porature for the m onth nf Septem ber d u rin g tho past ilvo years in A sbury P ark , eonipared to th a t 'af. Philadelphia, Is shbwn hi tiio following ■table: . .■'■••;YF.AIt. ASIUtliY PARK. rllIl.ADKI.VHIA.1S99.I........ i l f l . H . V . ,’«7.S1808....... . I t # . ? ........................ i .71.21897....................... ..V 1S7.I1. .................118.1)WSH1............ i . .«!■>.*..■., .........07.418115........ .\uii. . . . . . . . . . . h a

Indications: are tlm t w arm Weather v^ill linger u n til tho la tte r p iirt of th is month,' an d even after tlm ttim o there will no groat dem and for heavier clothing.

' L O C A L HAP,PENI.NOS'E . E. Eppohlm or and fp;nily pfjOcean

Orovn left today to sponrt two weeks w ith relntivos a t Pottstow n, P a„„ th q lr form et Home.' , ! • | •

Misses Grace an d Belle Millor of Belm ar le ft today to apond a week a t Dolawaro W ater Gap. Miss Bello Millor Is ono of B e lm ar's school ieachors.

This is the las t iday,- tp [fllo applications for tho civil serv.iap exam inations fo r clerk and carrie r to be held a t the A sbury P a rk rtiul Ocoan Grovo'postofliees on Sept. 28. -

H . A . Stll'ps, optician, left last Dlgltf for Brookshlo, Pa.,; in ,tlio Alleghony inphn- talns, whero hls fam ily has been spending the g&mmeiv. Ho 'will Bpend a Week - there to rest afte r i. Very busy seaijan. ' . .

... 'I'omorrow tho W eslifiinster Presby' teriah coiigrogatlou w ill .rosumo services in ■■ the ehurcli ion Sewall avenue,, near tlh u u l. T lio 'usual servicos will amo bo to- Hume<i Iii m any other local churcheBCZ

A . K: Parsons,' p roprletor olFthd B ru n s ' wick, and fam ily left th ls-inorn ing for Boxbury, D elaw are ' county, N. Y .. Mr. Parsons w ill re tu rn immediately, b u t hls fam ily w ill spend a montii In tho Catskills,

D r. Briice S. K eator who, w ith "his wife; a n d ehil<Vhas been attendlivg the Reunion of tho More fam ily a t Roxbury, N. Y., was In A sbury P a rk las t n ig h t on business, •H e-returned—tlils-jiioriiliiK lo Roxbury,wiiere Mrs. K eator is quite lU w ith m alar lal fever.

Tomorrow w ill be proliationer's day a t the W est Grove M. H: church: • Sept.-1(1 w ill be tempornncb d ay ; Sept. 2!1 au tum nal day, and Sept. tw g ftm d rally day. Mr. a n d -Mrs, Harry'^Ibjier,“ singing evangel­ists o t Camdfin, \vl)| assist a t the rally day services., ,

'riiom as LefTersoh; nn il.vpressman, Svas arraigned before Jiistlci!.Borden yesterday charged by Oflicer Eiiwatxl Davis w ith being intoxicated. He was fined $2antl costsam l given u n til today In wlileh to pay. A t a la te hour lie had failed to m ake Ills appearance.!;.’ ,i . :>•- .

Gape pn Once.Mew YerK Journal: ~ ~ . .

I t was really unnecessary for Mr. Schurz tp take the trouble to de­molish Secretary Gage's scarecrow about tho danger of Mr. B ryan’s bringing the country to a silver basis by executive action. I t tu rn s ou t th a t the work had been thoroughly done in advance by Mr. Gage himself. Paul F uller lias uu- earthed a n Interview w ith the seorotary, published in the Journal of Commerce so recently as Ju ly 10 of th is year, in which Mr. Gage said: .

“I am satisfied th a t tho new law estab­lishes the gold standard beyond assault, unless it Is deliberately violated., * * * I t Is quito truo tha t the legal tender qual-

• ity has no t been taken away from the sil­ver urid papenuoncy of the United States. IC .would have been a remarkable.and^dlk-.

, quieting th ing to do. ' * * * W h at tjif- ference would 1t m ake to Tne-if I held some bonds and Mr. B ryan should direct his secretary of: the treasury to sort out somo of his iim ltcd stock of silver dollars f6r the purpose of redeoming the bonds? W ould I not immediately deposit the sil­ver in my bank nnd draw checks against i t ju s t as I would if the secretary had ex­ercised the more rational policy of paying m e w ith a sub-treasury check? 1 believe th a t silver .yl 11 novcr drop below par in gold. Tho ernx of the proposition is th a t adoquate measures have been taken by the new law tojprovont such a contingency.”!| |A fter d ilating upon'the ’absolute secur­ity rconforred-upon-tho-U nances-by-the new law, Mr. Gago concluded:

“ I t is wholly Im material w hether some secretary of the treasury pursues the in- fantile policy of paying silver .dollars upon thoso bonds Instead of checks, when, as 1 have shown, all money of the United

-■ S tates Is convertible into gold. These are! the d istinct provisions of the new law, and they cannot fail to m aintain the gold

■ standard.excopt by tho deliberate Viola- . tlon of the duty imposed by the law on ■ the secretary of th e 1 treasury, In theevenf of Mr. Bryan’s election, I th ink tin? gpld standard would be resolutely m ain­tained so long as the law remained on the sta tu to book." -

A ll th is was lifter the adoption pf the i_Kiuisns Cltv pintfurmSrnd the nomination

of Mr. Bryau. , Evidently Mr. Schurz can Und better: unit for Ids t ln ie a tu l Iron bit than in answ ering an opponent who so effectively answ ers himself.,

Two Philadelphia , bellesiwlio.se. grace and beauty havo captivated tho guests nt the St. Claifo are Miss Helen Sm ith and Miss Bertha Sillims.. Mr. and Mrs. Janies McDevett and

F rank .Merry, prom inent in the best cir; cies of Freehold, a te new Septem bcrguosts a t tho W est End Hotel. ,

Edw ard S tirling nn oflicer In the Bridge­port Brass' company, still lingers a t tho Coleman Houso. Ho is delighted w ith -Ashnrv-Park-and its ehariiiing environs.

Kelsey K. S loat of the Slont Mariufac-' tu rliig company of Savannah, Ga., a r ­rived a t the Coleman ’House las t n igh t w ith his fam ily for a two weeks’ sojourn in Aabury P ark .

Mr. and Mrs. Kunklo of Chicago, after a to u r of tho w orld extondlng over a period-of-flvu ycarsyhayc aottledr.dowii_lQ_ home pleasures a t the St. Claire, where they w ill rem ain for an Indefinite period.

H . E. Eder, m anager of tho Hotel Kaat- erskill, in the Catskills, has come to" the Colonian Hnusoforn breath of fresh sea air. Sir. Eder’s m ountain hotel is closed and ninny of his old guests nre now by the sea.

Senator Louis F. Goodsall of H ighland Falls, N. Y „ Is so pleased w ith the a llu r­ing pleasures of A sbury P a rk in Septem- beE-that-ho-w ill -ex ten d -h is -s tay -a t-tlie Edgemero Inn u n til the close s t the. sea-

>n.:....... ;■----------- —------•--------- ..................•.Dr. V ictor Neeson and Mrs. Neeson are

interesting Septem ber guosts a t the Jladl- son. Dr. Neeson lins ju s t completed his m edical studies in P aris and is about to swing his professional shingle lu Jersey City.- . , ." '

■I.11! Taylor, tho EngllHh golf chnmpioii, is a g a in - a t 'th e G rand A venue botch where he registered late last , n ight. Mr. Taylor has no im m ediate plans, lie will probably play on the Deal links th is afte r­noon. . . . .

Miss M arie Champion, a most attractive m aid from H ighland Falls, -V. Y., has formed a coterlo of dovoted friends a t tho Edge'inere Inn , wliere her b righ t w it and well trained voice have given great pleas-,ure during the past few days:--------------

L . Lqchman is a New York ath lete whose-liardencd musclos are softening.un der the genial Inlliieaco of a lonr- rest jieriod n t the Madison With his family. Mr. Lochman is a member of the New York Atlilotic elub und also the New York Yacht club. ' ! ~Tr_Henjimiin W. Cox, a w oalthy W ashing-finiaa," 1A a t tlie Grand. Avenue for Sep­tember. Mr. Cox Is a leader in tlie south- crn oyster trade and to escape the heat of theeiipital city lie w ill bask in tlie cool breezes of Asbuny Park- pending the ad

lal storm . ■ -


fi.U yaliurK ,, lairuy, N iiln ra l Itr lilge , lt le h - . - liio lill; Olil P o in t C'uniforl uud

W ablllngtoli, ’A nine-’day personnlly conductedi tour ot

battlefield or Dottysburg,' Luray Caverns, N atural Bridge, Richmond, Old Point Com­fort and Washington will leave New York aud Phlladejphla in a special train of Pull­man parlor cars on Tuesday, October 9. The party will be in charee of a tourist agent and an experienced chaperon. _ A whole day will bo Bpent on the battlefield of Gettysburg, a carriage drive with lec-

^ tiires by. an able guide beiog included in the ticket. Ample time will be allowed a t Lu­ray aud N atural Bridge to view the won­drous naliira l formations. Sunday, October 14, will be spent a t Old Point Comfort!. A t Richmond and W ashington Opportunities will bo presented to visit all the points of Interest under intelligent guidance.

- TJie round-trip rate, including all neces­sary expenses, is tfli from New York, £03 from Philadelphia, and proportionate rates-from-other-polnts.— ...........-------------— ___


Sister H annah, well kuow ii in the "char: italiln di'cles of the great metropolis, where her face lias ever been a welcome one to the poor and unfortunate, is tak ing a much needed rest a t .the Grand Avenue Sister H annah is a prom inent m em ber of a New Y erk Episcopal sisterhood.

henry: Contreras, a form er resident of Asbury P ark , agreeably ■ surprised' his many friends by'dropplng in to town yes- tenTay:—M i';-( '-on tre ru se x pi-iit .--lallTi'oi'C uba tomorrow.. W hile visiting In this city last sum m er he was the guest of Mrs. •lorrin, whpse husband was a lawyer of In ternational famo and one of the first agitators of hoino ru le for Cuba.

A nother Campm eetlng to Begin.Tomorrow a t W anninnssa P a rk a union

campineetlng w ill bo commenced to con­tinue over two Sundays. The meetings will lie In charge o t Rev. G, M. Landin, pnstor of the ICynott Memorial M. E. church, and Rev. R. A. Bolen, -pastor Sec­ond B aptist church, both of W est P ark . P rom inen t clergym en w ill assist. Ser­vices w ill bo held daily at.JIJand 10.30 a. m. 3 and 7.80 p. m. Tomorrow afternoon Bishop Fitzgerald of Occan Grove wlU- preacli. P repara tions have been m ade to provide food for . m an a n d beast on tho grounds. Tlie park is b u ta short distance west of tho ath letic grounds and easilyreached. ' . .___________ •

Meetings to be Resumed.The weekly m eetings of tho New Bruns-

wlok D istrict proachors w ill be resum ed nex t SojidayatT0.30*InT3t7Paul‘s church, Oceaii Grove. Rov. E ll Gifford of this city w ill make un address, his subject being “ A Revlow of the Recent- Ocean Grove School of Theology.” A ll clergymen are Invited. - , • ... .

'■ I t o o H e v e l t ' H M f c l i l f f i i n T u n r .

Grand Rapids, Sept. 8. — Governor Riiosevelt was accoi'deil a most hearty welcome in this city and spoke' a t the Auditorium, which was crowded.to its ut- niost eupiieity.' The meeting wiis pre-

-eedeil -b y -a -g re a t ' street- demonstratioiii The New York governor is pleased with .iiis ,i'0 (,t’]itjtm ill Jlichigan, although he eoiupiaiiis th a t lie-is greatly overworked, l ie Miys th a t w hile,liis health is robust and his strength equal to any ordinary demand lie will lie glad when he crosses Ilie- .Michigan line into another sta te where the central committee does not work its candidates so hard. Governor Roosevelt speaks a t South Bend, Ind., tonight. •_____ -

O bjeeteil to 111m H an g m an ,Wilmington. N. 0 „ Sept. 8 .—Rather

than lie iianged a t the hands of a liepub- lie'iin or'Poim list, as lie declared, Archie Kiiisauls. a condemned w hitb 'm urderer who was sentenced to be hanged a t Clin­ton, Sampson county, mado two unsuc­cessful attem pts to eommit-RUicide in his cell, one by cutting his th roat from ear to ear and another by taking morphine, tlie means for liis self destruction having been fiirnished-by sympathizers- aud-se- creted by him in iiis cell until a few hours before liis execution w a s 1 appointed1 to take pliiee. 1 . ■ . ' . ; . !

AnierlenUK to tJe t C o n trac t.Cupe Tow n,'Sept. 8 .—American energy

promises to lie 'rew arded by securing .or­ders for 300 large coal trucks,-involving £150,000, about to_lu> placed by guld mill- ing eoinpanies mi the .R a m i,. in which quick delivery is vitally im portant. Ten­ders were received from British and American m anufacturers, but tin* la tte r quoted lower prices and promised more speedy delivery. British financial, houses fear tliat the English m anufacturers wiU allow foreitraers. to roan the commercial benefits of tile war.- . . .

N ot Counting Unities.Prof. P arker, A sbury P a rk 's ehamplcm

wclghor, w ill cast up Ills accounts ton igh t for the season of 1(100. Tho prpfesspr has p u t pu t from Ju ly 1 to 'S ep tem ber 1, In­clusive, 411,403 weight, cards; as against. 44,:M() for tho satiio perlpd Inst year. H is' twp biggest days were A ugust, 4 an d Sep­tember 3. Ho weighed en those two days 2,S58 peoplo. P a rk e r also announces th a t ho has weighed hundreds of- babies freo -during the sum m er, probably on the theory th a t baliWa- wcl^h so ilttlo thereJa. no uso counting thpm. . . . .

The final count tftibo made tonight, i t is belloVed, w ill b r in g the to tal to ove|ro0 .000 .

For detailed itinerary apply to “ticket, haentRj to tourist agent,—lliW-Broadway'r

• New Y ork; 4 Court street, or Pennsylvania , Annex, foot Fulton street, Brooklyn; 789 . Broad street, fiowark, N. J ,; or address

: ‘ George W. Boyd, assistant general passen-, ger agent, Broad stree t1 station, Philadel­phia.

you w ant a pleasant physio try the new remedy, Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take aij pleasant. In effect. Price, 25 cents. Sam pies freo a t Thomas M. S tew art’s drug stpre, corner Cookman avenue and Bond street.


‘"Tonight—Asbury Avenue. 4“S ta r Spangled B anner.”March—“Up Broadway” ....................TolerMedley SelQction—“ Off an d Qn” , . . .Bever Tubophono Solo-'7.‘. . . . . .Asa Van, Winjclo W altz—VYou'ro tho Only Ono” . . . . .Kelser. An Idyl—"M ill In the Forest1’■. .E ilehborg Medley of^Old T im a Favorite Songs. •“ Yo Anclents'MarcH*-’...... . KeevosGalop-r“ FlrO” . V ......... LaurendeaurfraTorlto-flfolodie# _____________ 5torn-

, “ H ome, Sweet Home.’SumTay Night—Aabury Avenue.

“ S tars and Stripos.”March—Second Kcgiment, N. J . N. G. P o rto ‘Rlcio,n“Danco “Kbsita” . . . . . . .MisfeudSelection from Opera “ Robin Hood.’* Interm ezzo “ Cavallcria R usticana;” O v e r tu ro -^ iA lL A ra o r jc a ^ _ . J .. Moses Song for Baritone—“Asleep in tho Debp.” Potpourri of Favorite Songs . . . . ...B rooksSelection from Opera “F a u s t" .; . . .Gounod “ Spring Song^. . .^ . . . . . . . . . . .Mendelssohn* ‘ F a \ orite Molodies’ ....... B erliner“Ariierica."

• DiNtroHM A111 oiik1 F iH lierm en.St. Jolm 's, X. F „ Sept. 8 ,—Reports

from northern Lttbriido'r reveal the exist- truce of great, distrexs ampng the iisher- men \»ying to the ice retti'ainlng on the const so long. Many vessels lutve^bgen crushed in tlul does, losing their sup­plies niid fishing otttfits. The others nre meeting with but pom' success.' The Lab rador cod fishery is a virtunl l'nilure. .

F O R R E N T F V I R S I S H f t D .. irgf

inenta;. neated b;A large eottagft; piuno; modern improve;lents;. neated by b o tvH“ ‘ ' -*•«•*»*---...........

nue, iVHbury, Park.

E D ^ V I N F r B K N N E T T — -, Successor' to. W. D. Flood, .carpet weaver,

county road, botwGcn Avon and - Hamilton.: N. .T. P. O. address, Avon; Work done a t snortnotice, and., satisfaction.- guaranteed.....Ragscalled for and carpets delivered. 212-60*

F O R BA U K O R I I X C H A N G E .Nine ^building lots, 60x200 feet, adjoining

Ocean Grove Heights. • Price ’seventy-fire dollars each; also property Main street, Bradley Beach. Apply to -M8,1'lftn avenue, Asbnry Park. I4tf

M A T T .A P P I .R G A T K ,Contracting' Fainter 'and Deodrator. Kstlmatea

, .promptly given.P. O. Box 1004. 69tf

50,000 G O T T H E I R W E IG H TParker’s Scales W orked. Harder This Year

Tlnin T.ast- by <>vcr fi.otio PersonB^

Park, N,

; T H K C R O W N ,145 Main avenue. Ocean Qrovo. Open all the

year. The most homelike boarding house in -Ocean-.Grove.—Steam-heatr-batha-and-aU-In provements Terras reasonable. 180tf

WANTED,A cotta go to take care of during tlie winter

a t a small rent, with best of references. Ad­dress box 51, Press office. . 214-15*

APARTMENTS TO RENT.•Lk party of adults tlfeeiring tb remain during

September can find a desirable suit' of com­municating rooms, with board adjoining, at 803 Sewall avenue. * , 214-17*

WANTED.A white girl for general housework.

509 Asbury-avenue.— —— : ■ - ■ ■


By a gentleman who is about to retu rn to the city, a gray mare, combination buckboard and set of brass mounted harness, all in good order and a t a low price. Call a t 9Q8 Seventh avenue. . . 21445*v

-THTT-U P - T O - D A T E F R E E Z G R .

Servan t: “What shall we have for desert ¥” Ijady: “Ice croam'mndcrin ono minuteby John Hagan's up-to-date freezer.” For salo a t '810 Cookman avenue, npxfc to Stouffcr’e,- ^4^19*


U nder.® ausplces_of_the_ j j.__:OCEAN GROVE BOARD OF TRADE

The board guarantees tlid’ xcell^ftcy’vof'these pictures, as the -best the animatedviews. These trr(i the Relmino biograph pic­tures, as., were..shown., m tho Auditoriuni *' this companyiaat year.

fjehmno mograph . n the..Auditorium_by

ALL NEW PICTURESYou liave never hod the opportunity of see­

ing their like.before. In addition to the pic­tures the Auditorhun^Orchestra will givti a concert.

AD M IS S IO N 15c. building..Tickets for sale a t the Auditorium office

• after 9 o’clook Saturday morning.

EDUGA.TIONAL HALLNew Quarters for Coming a ttraction s Grand and Second-Avenues

Under the management’ of W. H. MORRIS, ... .. late of the ParkOpera House. ■

TUESDAY, SEPT, t£T h e F a m o u s

In their Acrobatic Farce Frolic,

N ext DoorThe Funniest Show on Earth.

g M TIm T?nynr Troop of Acrobats. 1'Vnny TrlcK'Kcmiery.— ~——

■ Thi) H ot ChaRes. >Tlie Funny Mule.NOTHING LIKE IT.

Prices 25,215, GO-and 75.l. 'Seats now oii sale at GrenelKj’s Phunum.*y» 214 Mi in Street.


l i} 'tlrn liu ri;-ll.p „H (< il T a k en ,Non- York, Soiit. 8.—The Tribune has

tlie following .from its Loudon corre­spondent:' "T here Is ‘'llo.(h*!i_iijt|‘ news to- eiironiclo tliis liioliiing from South A fri­ca, A rumor conies' from Hehigon Bay to the (-iroct' tliut thu British" occupied l.yileiihuig on Thursday, hut it lacks eonflrination.”

T h e n in e P e n c il .“T his," snld th e m an who w as show .

Ing tlic -v is lto rs-ab o u t-tlie office o f the m etropolitdn dally , “ is th e coiiy^read- e rs’ room. ' I t Is th e place w here th e m atter sen t in -for ju ib llca tion is boiled d o w n jo 't h e r igliTdinieiisioiw.' 1

■"Uoesn'T'tliat innke it ' wapin?’- gig " -gled one ef-the yeiing w’Pmen.——-— —

"No,” be replied. ‘‘B u t the men who w rite th e stu ff g e t p re tty bot^over it som etim es.’.’—Chicago T ribune. ■

Have yon a sense of fairness In thtfreglon of yoiir^ stomach after eating? I t so you will be beneQted by 'using Chamberlaln'ff Stomach and Liver Tablets. They also Qure belching and sour stomach. They regulate the bowels too. Price, 25 -.(rats. For sale by Thomas M. Stew art, comer; Cookman avenue and Bond street.

WANTED.—A Trmn[: liulvrni,t over lX],.\vithnut rm-um brunees nnd\vil)ing to go uhroud; wouldflml'n goocl home its hiiusi.-loiopcr. Box RJ, Prt-ns olfieo. S1S-21U*

FOR8ALE. ;Furniture saved from Gibson houso und

.cottages,.such us bedroom .suits, parlor suits, pictures, tables, dining room choirai-carpet^, piano and rockore; itl.-io n lino hot uir fumaco, nearly new. Goods must bo disposed-of ,in n week. Mrs. B. Gilwon, Bid Suiftmorileld avenue,, corner SummerfloUMVBtfti& and Kmory Btretit;


LOST. ■A pair of polil eyeglasses and chain on -Mattl-

son or Cookman avenuos Saturday morning, Leave at Lake's bakery, 717 Cookman avenue,

c ■ '-ilS*.

W A N T E D .

to_take_care of during tho whiter a t a smaL ren t: besfcof references givon—Address Box 54, Press office. • ■ -215-216*

WANTED.Man with small family “wishes to live in

cottage for tho winter^to care for premises.; references. J. Hatfield Youmans, 709 Cookman avenue, Asbury Park. . : 215*

CLARENCE D. WILSONA rchitect.....

ISO Broadway , J~- ctO N Q „'V;; i- i f V

Advertleemonts containing not m ore. than twenty-five words Inserted under this beading for twenty*five cents first insertion and fifteen cents each BiftJBequant insertion. No money re­funded undor anjrcondltions. Errors will be made good by additional Insertions. ■ ■

WANTED,.White girl to do general 'houseworkin small

•. Apply at'onco, Seaside Pharmacy, cor ghth avenue and F street. Belmar, if. J.

■ V' : . S1&17*famil;ner

FURNISHED COTTAGE.For rent, 8 bedrooms, parlor, kitchen and

dining room [ extra lot, 111) Ooolonan avenue. Ocean Grove. , * 215*

WANTED.Would like a'houso containing ,

heater, in good location; small rent} very small family. Address Box 925, Asbury Park., 215-)7

* B N E X C H A N G E . ‘ i ^french, German and Itnllaii lessons given %

a lady iii exchange for board.* Address Box 65, Pjfess office. ' 4*215*

r r P R I V A T E S C H O O L ....

Miss Phillips desires to amiouiico that slie reopen her school Sentember 17,1900, at

517 First avenue. A limited number or pupils' taken. . ; 21&-S9

FOR RENT.oom liouse on Seventh avemio for

hot and cold w ater; * heated Address box 50, Press office'.

V I . A..218tlB*

water : 525 Munroe .ave.21U-89*.


L E W I S B L O C K F O R S A L E .Comprising three stores and four fiats, lo­

cated on corner Cookman avenue and Bond street, Asbury Park. Best business cornor in town. Property can be bought a t a bargain^. Not annual income is 10,'per .cont. on price' asked. On account,of ill health of owner, who must leave tho shore,, no reasonable r. offer wiU be-refused. -Spiall* amount downp balance-to suit. Apply to Ldwls Bros., on tho promises.

----------- ------------------ — -----^ . ' 214-19*",V-

i i W s V i i .

=<■■ body shirt- id' Chcyiot- and Madras^;I)- jifhich is so Very popular, is meeting with'

,, ij.jjffiusiial snccesis. We haye’them in,aii colors., '.fJ- bX:|BLOOD is the real thing itf color;this 'i

aommer. Purple Blue, White and Fink/ :r-S./ilsp.'1 50c and upwards. - '",' • ’‘

~. Keepirig up the Shirt standard. Best pia- terial, best fashioning, best making., If we sold nothing but shirts we wouldn't d.ft it better, because nothing but the best ran find room on "our shelves— that's the reason we

,^ o it so well. ) ; f ' V ;

: ’ with collafs to match the tie,' Price, 50c.

TUe Cros] BatWhich is the only th ing for knock about and general wear, can be found here in all >, the popular shades. 50c to $2.00.

Exclusive Hatter« and Wen’a Furnlther.

108 M attisoa A veaue Next to IPostofllce •


R. A. & E If. RALSTON,612 Cookman Avenne.

Opposite Postofflce,' Asbnry Park; ■'




A Good Reason•Mother: “ V^hy did you accept

Charlie from among all the young men who have paid you attention?1*

Daughter: “ Because he was the only one who had the good taste to propose.” ' :

Possibly-no one-has had-the-good- taste to ask you whether you want a Piano this fall. If not we EARN­ESTLY •‘ PROPOSE” that you‘ come and talk the matter over with us. We never had so many beau­tiful Pianos at such low prices. We have made good rentals on mady. of these pianos and you share the pro-, fits.' QUALITY is the password and PRICE the grip that will holdyou, Call and examine them.


Taylpr UUiuUnje.BuUd.ltiK, Mattison Avenuo

.and Boijd Street................

R. A . Tusting ;Aabury, Park. N. J.

\ 1

Want a Situation ?flake your deslrc known through the Special Adyer>

! tlsem ent columns of the Dally ,,,^ ' - - '^~



This Group lias the finest bathing; ground along the ! Atlantic Shore.


BATHING MASTERS!'■ Edward White, Howard Patten


BATH HOUSESEquipped With All, Modem

Improvements For the Comfort of Bathers.,

Open weekdays, 7 a. m .'to S p. m. • • >

Sundays from 6 a. m.s to 10a. m. _____ _____________ V------

P- C. SNEDEKERSuperintendent.


NEW YORKThe, four-deck.,Ocean Steamer

“COLUMBIA”• will leave the>I.ong lirancm,!'

. Iron Pier every day

Ili8.3J f t f r jr 01.PJ.Fare, One V^ay, - ■

“ R ound T rip , 7 5 ® * !19*210


iQtnd Dtrcctoi mtd Eiqoalmsi1S9 Main Street, Asbnry Park.

The finest and beat eqnlppod funeral par .lore in tbe state. I

Branch pt(Ic«i»BelniBr, Spring Lake

Page 5: ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY,: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER , 1900 ...ill on Will Return Home—An Added fivent Today. Today will closo tho great riflo contest, at Sea. Girt, This afternoon after

'-n V-fri,.


OUR POSITION INDORSED: 1 ------------- * ■The. American Policy: In China

i Favored by the Pow ers.


‘OWr C om m ander . n t P ek ln ff W U Iina to K ore«o P ro m o tio n T h a t A n o th e r

* Jlny W e n r th e C ove ted S tn t—A»k« I>f*Hr«ett*H P ro m o tio n . .

. WnshinRton, S b p t.-8.—The. efforts ol the United Suites,to hnrmonb.o the attl-

;tude of the- poworn on tho next step in tlie solution of tin* Chinese problem give

;niwc promise of success than the Knro- ; pi^jn. press lips; reidfzpd,, and > the ulma- ddnntout of P^kjnK; tb Kpch another reign: ot" flnnrcliy ■ .(in’ existed for 'liertply .foul: months is.now regarded h,v th is govern*1 m erit' as <to o re tn o te n • • eontingene.v ' to

; hrtve further RerioUs eoiiHideration.. The chief obstacle in the way of imihediate negotiations to restore, q stable, enndi* tion of affairs is tile inaccessibility of re­sponsible (Chinese officials, and this, it if?

^hoped, may. be remedied early next .week, ns soon as the Inst semblance of diversi-

■tjTpf intention among the co-operating nations is publicly removed by official

j dpclamtions. • . 'L/.The modifications in tho Russian prop psition which have suggested themselves

j from the reception the note has had at -weycry-cn pita 1—in volvin^vnMhe,v-^h>,Mloth=- ;ing tlmt Kussia cannot tionsisteiitly .in*. dorse..as esscntiaU:to the -rcsJoralioji o£ Chinese responsibility ol :Pekitig ‘under the protection- ofC- fiir- allied- force com*

. m ensurate w ith the task or guaranteeing “ sa fe tyn irfove igners ." im tive 'C hv istianH

and imperial authorities alike, have Al­ready been made clear in a general wa.t-

. to .the • powertT’and have hern' received with such favor t lint the 'U nited ‘'S tates looks to a definite agreem ent on their

Jjnes nti>a mere formality.‘ The disnsters which would otherwise

Inevitably mark a pr«clnifc»te\yiihdrawal of the allies from Peking* one a f te r an- ofner to the coast have proved too great ‘fo r^ n y of The,powers seriously to con­template, anxious a« most of them are to he relieved of the irksome task 'insepara­ble from m ilitary occupation-'the, coining winter. *' ■

The accepted m ilitary plan from tho American point of view for the restora­tion of the sta tu s quo‘in the Chinese cap-

—UaMvonid-ffro?s4de-foii-the-est*bliHhment- In the legation qunrters of such an inter­national guard as defended foreigners through the decent siege, w ith a stronger body encamped outside the walls for. prom pt re-enforcement, in ab emergency, while the main allied arm ^ remaincd a t Tlen-tsin. to m ain tain communications until peace was restored and general se-

: curlty existed.V; 'Ail iiiternational guni4d l>'*af,J.000 In en ' would probably be effective if £,500 con- j Htituted the re*ehforcements nearby nnd

2 0 ,(KK) composed the garrison of the -■T.ieiutsinJbasd

ChnfTee'N' G ood W ord K or DnRRett,# . Though v e ry likely to be selected to iili the vaenuey in the grade of brigadier general to be caused on Monday by tho retirem ent of General Wheeler, (jeneral Chaffee has chosen to recommend to the

president- ffie appoinfment oi CoIoHeltAT S. Daggett, commanding tlie Fourteenth infantry, who,,as-Ghnffee points out, will be retired within iiine months and will not again have an opportunity to obtain the coveted Ktnr, l^ iis .is (icneral Chaf­fee 's dispatch,, which Is dated Peking, Ssat m;day :j • * / • • v • “ Kollowihg extract niy report ’cabled: *.I wisti^to * ■ * .*• special Colonel Aaron S. Oaggett, Fourteenth United S tates in­fantry, for his gallantry - at Yang-tsun, Aug. ti. nnd good judgment in1, the attack on Peking, Aug; 14,' and for gallantry and exeollont\supervision of the attack ou the gates of the.im perial city. Aug. 15. I rccomm^ud that lie hom y;’>■ a bri?rt\dbe

' C.OLONbHi A. S. IU U G U T T . peneta r. i uit eif* Nfiit os ‘ aritiy. Colonel I>nggett has nine mouths to serve before arriving. '<|4, If promoted to brigadier general,, he will glailly aceept retirement immediately upon promotion.* ” -

In vipw of Colonel D aggett's willing* ness to retire it is likely that he will rtf* Vctvc the appoint ment. Me will be placed upon tlte retired list a fter his acceptance, of the commission. The vacancy which will then exist will probably be filled by the selection of .Major Ctohcm! Wood, commanding in Cuba, or (Jeneral Chaf­fee. So far as known the president has not decided between these two officers.

RUSSIA’S POSITION.Mt' In Snld <lie t,’*nr In 'W .lllluft to

(.'oiniiroinlMV.^ .Ivondon, -Sept. S.—It .'is asserted a t thi*

Austrian foreign ollice, according to the Vienna eorrespoudent nf The Daily Mail, thut Hjissia has agreed to n m m promts*, leaving a portion of the troops in Peking and semllng the. inain* body to Tien-Nm. which will be the m ilita ry headquarters.

According to Tlie, S tandard 's Moscow correspondent. Russia's programnio main­ly concerns Manclniria; and she'needs, troops from .Peking to assist in the selz^ .lire of .tiiqt. province, which is litakcilr ink-

U erm n% ifhli-sn W ith tne- AmeiiMns nT the mnreh-v through the forbidden city. The British naval hrigade^and the ma­rines of the. legation guards Icft-PeUing tufay**’

The Peking correspondent of Tht*. Morning Ifyst. in ii dispatch dated Aug. 20 says M r/ Conger has w ritten a leltei asserting that without “fhe aid of the American missionaries the defense of tin* legations would linve, been impossible.According to this correspondent the Unit* ed S tates m inister has received congrat­ulatory telegrams from President Mc­Kinley and others.

THE KAISER CENSURED,fieri in Pniiern A ttnqk Illn C o n r n e ln

.C h in ese Im hroK llo-Berlin, Sept. -8.—The. emporor; and em­

press of Oerniaiiy have arrived a t S tet­tin to uttend th e 'n a v y maneuvers. In rep ly .to .an»aUtlress? tif welcome from the- biirgoinasteif^ his ‘.m ajesty . declared his conviction th a t success would attend the effoyfs being4inhde’to.establish in ithe fat east a. stable government and orderly conditions under which the German-mer­chants can Carry., oiu trade undisturbed nnd without, risk. In. conclusion, he said he felt no anxiely for the fu ture and was satisfied his plan , would, succeed i^nd .servo the best interests of the fatherland.

rrhe emperor’s speech- is interpreted here to ipean th a t his plan of overcoiniiiR the | ii'.esent dif’ n l t y in China ‘will' \ic adopted by the powers. T h is -g o es 'to Mhow, ns has been asserted all, along, that

-4-^«:mnny-in-th*MJhina-nHU4i^Us-&ilhj4\^.ing‘Ihe personal policy of th e i kaiser. A 'Uuuiher~4>f^.leadiug.^jour-ualH--MMMideniu such a; course as iu contra tu itio n of the.

•constitution. * fl-lie-(rpgeiiAyart^says-: - •'Surely * is high time to .determine

the <|Ucstion whether oUr political life can sj ill be justly called constitutional or whet her we are s tee rin g . toVvard abso­lu tism /’ • ’ ■ ‘

B A S E ^ B A 'L L * S C O r " e . S .

Itenultfl o f Yc»terdny*i»'<j«nme» In th e iJifTerent Xa:n«rnei*.

NATIONAL LK ACU U,.' >A.1 Ilrniilil) h—■ a . B.

pfookJviii,; . i *1. **0^2 -tl n 0 0 2 I• - 0 ' JI . t 1*1 U*st>»rK ■ ... 0 1 0 t o ' 2 0 2- O - 0 I I : —it*

Hut toiii'S*.Met* in iitty and Mc<5»uro; Waddi’H- ii ml Zim m er. - 1 / *

At New Y ork-- ; * ' j , n . Er.' B . New Y o rk ... t 0 J 0 l t> n t r» 7 — 1 St. b o u is .. . . 2 I - 0 a .0 0 , 0. 0 0 - :* 7 2

Huttcii«t»--limyley ami Grady} .lotion ami lUibla* • • ■. * . ' . -

At PliiliuloliiliLv- " n , 'u . R.

c i i i '. -H K i: t o a o q t 2 0 0 -fi .1.1 t nml M cFartnml; ltuviio» nml

Durioliur. .• At IJoston1— it. » . E.

H w ton........... 1 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 IK- 3 i:t IC im -iiim iti... 0 t» ) 1 0 0 0 1 t r i o i .1

n itltc rir^ -.D iiW ii, W illis nml C lurkr; *\>ivl«n, I’hilUpH 11ml KhIiop. . . ..

STANDING OF THE CLUBS.. w. i.. p.c. • w. i». r.c.

Hrnnklyii.. 03 -12 - Unfit on........ W.i AT .<HJl»‘itt> bm ir... .,'.08 <‘im tiin a ti.. 51 CO . ItWlI 'l l iim trl 'a .. ' .Mi 52 ,SI. I.diiis.. .7) sV.I . I.VSt ; l i i i : u j ; o . .' J> I - ■ J57 .ISO. Nrw Y ork .. -Hi (K5 .122


SKELETON HIS ACCUSER.F o rm e r A rrc n te d ' F o r A lte re d Mtir-

' ’ d e r t 'o m m ltlc il Ychrjt Aro . Poughkeepsie, N. V., Sept. N.—Peter

Austin, a ‘prosperous fanner living near StormvilUy in this ‘county..'has bet?n ar­rested charged with murdejitig ium.an-11 years ago. *_ His allegi*d v ic tim '-w as Charles Brower,, whose, skeleton was found ten days ago in an-old well on a farm ort which Austin formally live I,

W henr the skeleton was found, it Was' recalled thot one night 14 years ago Aus­tin anil Brower, wlio .vorked for him. h‘ft A ustin 's” house .together and 'started across the farm. The men had uuarreied previously and liad h:pl an altercation two months before, in which Brower’s b;g w as fractured. After that night Bro\v- er never was seen again.

An examination of tlie skeleton reveal? ed the fractured bone., and Coroner Be- vier accepted, this, as conclusive.^'evidence th ill the skeleton - was th a t’ of .Br«»wer.- The body had been, wrapped in a cloth. A stone large eu.ongh ^ o have crushed theMjody had it fallen ujioii j t acci«h?ntiil- ly w as found. It is believed the m)m who killed Brow er carefully loweretl ;the' stone al’tei* ho had killed him and-thrown; h!i)i iiitti the> vell; h r tlic skull wnj» found afrnetuft.yn ppH rent Iy from a fdowi'

Austin had rented fi'Inn Brower -.the iriiplemonts w ith5 which. he worked jiis .farm ,1 1 Austin failed to ‘pay for th e Tuce of t he articles J and Brower ■ t hren t cned fo place a Hen on the (‘arm. This led to several disputes between the men. and

oil as-.another ISgypt. H er withdrawal from Peking is considered tin atlem pt to posq as a sincere adherent;.to the princi­ples of The H ague conference..

The Tien-tsin correspondent of The Stam^rO.- wiring .M , says: ’T h e

~^T1Tt^?lHiri^I*rnratpnrcr^*T~^inrg<v, cr r >t~ .A t Montrrnl—Mmitrral. .0; Toronto, it.

At S|»rinsftt't<l--S|»rini(tit,W, :i; liartfnpl, 4.A t H o H i%t*’r— llochr »1 rr, 2; Syrat-n i*,. 0,

' i MASTKKN-liKAtJUE.At'C’hicago -('tiiciitro, J ; KaiiPii? C ity ,-7. ■■At .Mihvmikrc Mihviiei'f***, lUi(T»to, I.

Avlfen tirey”left tlirrlhmse mi the nigbl iTTHJH;stion_they were talk ing a bout them atter. Austih 'said: that he couitt not tell..where.i.hp w a s ... . . . . J___ ‘. ..... ..

Kve.r>*‘ day for. Iii .wars Austin had ■passed the -old Well in-which the bo«f^ was hi<hl.en. From time to time logs'- nml other debris were-thrown 'in to the well until it wns completely filled. Aus­tin sold Ihe farm two years ago, and the lad* of w ater this summer led to the re* opcning.oC the well aud the discovery of the skeleton. . :• i

When bj*ough.t to tlie jail, Austin re* fused to tail*. . "

RAILWAYS ARD POLITICS.S o n th ern H ohG* W ill. D en inn d P ay

F o r C nrrylnir C n n d ld n ies.♦Chicago, ‘S e p tr 8.*— I tail roads opera ti tig

south of .the Ohio .and east of the Missis* sippi.hnve"depnrleikfroiu the time honor­ed campaign year custom of jcrntiittnusjav taking preshlentiaf and-vice presidtMitial <?andidatcs and their retinues about their territory on elcdtitmeering expeditions. T h is year they want money for hauling candidates’ special trains, anti they have agreed among themselves to stand out fur a fixed rate per train mile. The national committees of the Democratic and Ke- publicaw parties have been uotitiet'l of the railroads’ action. _ . "

T he lines tlave- agreed upon a minimum rate of $l,r»0 per train mile for the spe­cial tra jns -a mi that short; liue« distances are. to"govern' between, common points. AH th e 4’oads■ he.hmging'lu the SouthWest- T nr'Pnssenger-assorintion—ha^i’—euterrrl into the agreement, and the tionassocia- tion lines operating in, the same terri­tory have also signified their willingness to participate in llu* arrangement.

Lots Range from One Thousand to Five Thousand Dollars

The Streets of Asbury Park are ONE HUNDRED FEET BROAD

An advantage possessed by no other Seashore Resort on the Jersey Coast.

INHERE will never be another seaside town in Momirouth County that will compare with the broad streets and open spaces, sach

as shown on the map of Asbury Park. This assertion is based on the fact that all the ocean front lands between. Seabrigh^and Barnegat are already laid out with streets averaging FIFTY^PER CENT. LESS in width than those laid out in Asbury Park, without such open ' spaces as Asbury Park. , 1

Where purchasers erect buildings the whole amount of purchase money may remain oil mortgage.




ZtAe Sreai Tjuttle mttison jfve.

2 ,0 0 0 yards b est quality Table Oil Cloth., per yard- 1 0 0 dozens Rogers S ilver Tea Spoons, per se t ......Screen Doors . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . 69c Water Coolers ; ., .... .Oil Stoves .L. , . L. . . . . . . . . . . , 75c Clothes Baskets . . . . . . . . . . . .

A $'3 Oil' or Gasolene Stove Oven for $ 1.75 Clothes Horses , , . . . . .A $3 Carpet Sweeper,very best make, $2.25" .

■ fMd. 4. 99ct:, _

Everything at Less Than Cost—Come Early—A ^reat Chance

The Big Kitchen FurnishersNEW END LANDBREADOur New England Bread

is acknowledged to .be the nearest to the old

fashioned home made bread y & u always

praised" s o highly X X X X

T. J. WINCKLER7 / 7 M A T T I S O N A V JB .


EmpireHoi and Cold

Sea Water BathsROW OPEN /

Cooper BlockCor. Cookman and Kingsley

Asbury Park, N. J.

ProfessionalIRS. B R Y A l & BURT

PHYWtOIAN8 AND BURGEONS ;22l Aflbury ▼nnua, Asbury Park, N. J . Office hours 8 to

i: m ., id,to 3 p. m ., 6 to 9 p. m . p h on e 5.

— — t ; E rK E T R lC K rH .J D; —PBTRIUUK AMD BUltuKON1. 831 ■ Cookmfti.

.AT&IIUS:.- faoura: Ha. ra; to 10 a. to., 8 n.m. to 3 p. 7 p in. to B p. rn. ~RutTdayB, o.S01,r 10,30 a. m. Bneciat attention to eye, ear. aud surgery, Tol. No. 141). ^ ;

DR; MARQARET a . CURRIE126 Main avenue, Ocean Grove, N . J . Offlct

loura: 7 to 10 a. m .. 2 to 5 p., m.» 7 to 10 p. in.

DR. ELLA PRENTISS W H A M ;305 Third avenue, Aebury Paris, N . J. Office

jours until 10 a. m .t 18 to 3 p . m., Q to 7.30 p. m. Tulepbone call SO I.

H . !S. K IN M O N TH , M . D.. 710 Grand avenue und a t .Kintnnnth A Co <?

Drug Store, «"t Cotikunin avenue, A8t?ury 1’ark.

G. F. WILBUR, M. 0,; PH Y SIC IA N AND BURGEON, S oultaw tut cor- n e r Gran-1 nut! Aa-. t r y aven u es .

Brandt, Northeast, corner Third nvemif* nnd Ejng8iey_streefc__T ejtp hoae I a .______ HKl */ih»

LAURA M WRlOHT.iyi.D.jot Heek avenue, Ocean ^rovn, N. J. (Hecnnd lmuHe_from_8..E. cnr._t>CNew.Jersey »•»<* Maitl ■*v*»nues.) Hours: Until ID a. ih„ 1 lo-a, 6 to 8 p. in. * - 4

BURTON BROTHERSi>ENTI6T8,'tJ2ti Cookm an avenue, A ibnry Park.

Baudoulne building, 8 . W . Cor. Broadway and J3thstreet, New York. New York-office closed from May until October. ■ ' ----------------

DR. H . s . TAYLORDENTIST. (Graduate of U n iversity otPennayl-

ranlaj, cornorCooknTan avyim>* iin^TEnrory^t reet,” over LeMftlHtre’s, opposite pont office; en li ance on Em ory eireoC, Asbury Park, Office hours from 9 a. m. to 5 p . m . Telephone D31.

;■ 0E0. L. D. TOMPKIflS 0. D. S,1DEtiTIST. K oonis 2, 3 nnd 4, Postofllctv’fiuild-

Asbury Park. Teeth e*traoted pain lessly w ith­out render! hr th e patient unconscious. G m ad- ininlfltered. Offioe.noora: 9 a . m . to 5 p . ra.

R . r . OQRAN, D .O .S .tDF.NTI8T, Ruct'essor to tiie Boston DenttetR

716 MatUson avenue, W Inckler B uilding. .

CLAUDE V . 0UIERIMLAW OFFICES. %ransaopt general leg a l bust

,aefls. ~ A cknow ledgm ent* token fo r a lf-s ta tes Booms 0-10 A ppleby BulldlDK.

W ILLIAM C , BYRAMa't t o e n e y a t l a v '

MASTER IN CHANCERY, 23 A ppieby Building, ABburv Park, N . J .

W M . S . COTTRELLABCHITECT. PJana an-t specifications fur­

nished a t short notice. H otel work a sp ecialty US Lake avenue. -

Samuw. A . B roubk ' jjimiK8T A, AlUU«GBR0U8E A AREND

A'fSltltecta. 931 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. P*orflt-ltivhey Duildlng, Trenton, N . J , Appleby ButiUlng, Aabury Park, N, J .

C . T R A I I - F V — E A g K H A LI' - . V'. ' ' ” " ;

■ 8R* V. I , HEIQ HT, 'VETERINARY BURGEON. T reats all ani­

mals, Office 508 Sewall aven u o Tele phone No. 6 Asbury Park, N . J

iRr-H.-Cr MILLAR-VETERINARIAN, 708. A sb u ry r avenue. Tele-

ohone N o 80 f. D ors a s u e d o lty . —


E le c t r i c G a s L ig h tin g . E le c t r i c B o lls a n d 'A n n u n c ia to r s ,

B u r g la r A la r m s , E tc .


Now eator B lock. , ’ *

.. -Le a p i n g

M e r c h a n t

T a i l o r


time table*

V h e S ta n d a r d R a ilro a d o f A m e r ic a

On and a fter June 80,1000.TPA IN S LEAVB ASDUftTF rXnK—T7EBK DAYS,

For Kew Y ork nnd N ew ark, fi 35 (M ondaysonly).7 20,7 43,8 20. 9 20 a m, 120, 2 35 , 835, 6 3 6 and

■ 0 20pm. 1 „For h llzabeth, 7 43, 9 20 a m ,. 1 20, 2 3 5 ,3 35 585 ‘ and 5120 p pi* .

For R ahw ay, 9 20 a m,x 20. 5 Ji5 and 9 20 p m . . For Motawan, 9 20 a m. 1 20*. 2 35, 635 and 9 20 p

For Long Branch, 630. ft 35 (Mondays only);7 20. „ 7 43, *8 20, 0 20 10 23, 10 55.' 11 45 Cn) m, I 20,

‘4ULS5 J L 3 5 0 iH tA 2 1 , A ^ J L i a a U e ^ \ J m -w 01 (Siiturdays on lv) and 9 20 p m .” ,

F or Red D in k ,.7 20, 7 43, 9 20 a m , 1 2 0 ,2 35, 335;6 35 and 9 20 p m.

For Philadelphia, Broad St. and Trenton, ? 25, . 7 25, 7 52,9 07 a m, 12 4 8 ,3 57 and 5 22 p m .

For Camden, via Tnmton/nnd Bordontown, 7 2 6 0 07 a m , 12 48 nnd 3 5? p m .

For Camdt*n and Phi lad el u hi a, via Tom s River, 0 52 and II 13 a m , 2 25,5 15 p .m .

For Toma Hlver, L^tnnd Heijrhteand Intermediate 'stations,0 52 and 11 IH a in.2 25 6 1 5 and 002 p m.

For Point Pleasanc an d Intermedia te stations."*8D0rirQri0 5fi, l l 1:1 a m. 21217258 (ifeturdays . only), 122 t 50 .5 10, 5 15, « 02, 0 45 and 9 00 p m. For New Brunswick, via Monmouth Junction.

0 25, 7 62 and 9 07 a m,’.12 48,-3.57 and 5 22 p m.T nA IK S LKAYB. NEW, YOIIK F O R ASBDHY PARK.

rom W est Twenty-third Street S tation, 8 55ua!m’, 12 10,1 10 (Saturdays on ly ), 2 2TK 2 5 5 ,3 26, 4 10,4 5 5 and 0 55 p m . SU ndays,7 5 5 and i9 25 a m, and 4 55 p m . . . .

From Deabrosnes 8treet Station a t 3 80, 9 00 a ra, ^ 12-20ri 1,0 (Saturdays o n ty )7 2 30,'3 10 ,3 40rC20‘

5-tO and 7 00 p m. Sundays, 815, 9 45 a m and 6 15 p m ,

From CortlandLStroet-8,tatlon. atJJ ,30_ _9 00 a m.„ .1220,120 (Saturdays only). 2 30.3 10,340,^20.5 10 and 7 W) p m . Sundays 8 15, 9 46 a m . ana 615 p m. 'On Sunday w ill stop a t Interlaken and Avon In plac- of North A sbury Park and A ib u r y P a r k to leto flt passengers.TRAINS LKAVK PHILADELPHIA (Broa'd St) FOB

ASBURY PARK,At 1 05, 6 50.8 22 11 41 a m, 2 12,3 30 and 4 08 p m,

w eek-days, 5 00 p m (SatiirdHys o n W . Bun* d ays, stop nt Interlaken for A sbury Park, 105 and 8 30 a m. M arket Street W harf, via Cam* den and Trenton, 6 10,. 7 10,10 30 a m , 2 30 and 3 30 p m w eek-days. 4 80 (Satu rd ays only). Leave Market S treet W harf, via Jam eeburg, 710 a in. 4 00 d m week-days, /


F or Baltlniorftand W ashington, 3 50,7 20,8 32,0 12, 10 20, 11 28* 11 33 a n i. 12 30 lim ited (Dining Car).1.13 (D in in g Car), 3 13, 4-41 (5 25 Congressional lim ited.(D ining Car),0 05 ,0 20,0 55 (D iuing Car), 7 31 (D ining Car) p m , and 12 20 n igh t w eek­days. Sundays, 3 50,7 20, 9 12. 11 23, I I 33 a m.1 13 (i)in in g Car), 3 13,. 4 41 (5 20 Congressional Lim ited, Dialup: Car), 005■ 0 55 (D ining Car),

- 7 81 (Dining Car) p in ran d i2 .20 n ig h t .- -------Tim e tables or nil other trains o f th e systeir

m ay be obtained n t t he tick et offices or stations ' J . R. WOOD, Gen. Pass. A g K

J, B. HUTCHINSON Gen. Mammor.

ItlaitlG Coast EleGtflG B. 1.6DT IM E T A B L E , SEPT. 6

(Subject to change). _LKAVK PLEASURE EA T

Week d sy s ....7.20, 9.10 a. xn„ 3.10,,4.10p.m RETURNING LEAVE NEW! YORK

Foot W est 18th et. 9.00, *11.00 a. m. -..40 p.rn. Battei7 Park 8.80, *11.80 a . m„ 8.10p .m . —-► OirsatiiKisyiroHir i r o o - a’ciocif iioat" leaves W est 18th st. 13.45 aad.B attory Park 1.15 p. r a . instead o£ 11.30 a . m, :.

SUNDAYS.Xeava Ploomre Bay, 4.80, 4.45, p. m.

“ N. foot W. 18th St., S.4U, a.co, a. at, .

Leave Battery Park, 8.10, 9.S0, a . n i.’

: ^skB’e a r w h l c h P s r k ~ H b t T l a t e F '“ than C.S0 s . rn. JTor?.20a, m . boas. ■ For afternoon fcosts, to k o car n o t Istcf.tliaB 1.10 for |2,1Q boat , 3.1tlfDr 4.10 boat; 4 .10 .fo r 5,10 b o » t,_ |}u n d a y 6 3.SO,3.^0, p .m . ■

. . . carried £rm w ith passenger

CENTRAL B. R. OF HEW JERSE'Aatlsracltc Coal Used Bxcmsiyely, loser*

log: Cleanliness and Comlort

Time table In effect 12.C noon. June 30, 1900.J For New York via Sandv Hook route, B 47,7 0

7 60, 9 30, 10 M n in ,12 02, I 52, 2 52, 5 14 p m Bnndayn from .Interlaken Station,_955.a_m.108,5 12,7 55 pm .


iTor New York, Newark and Elizabeth via all rail — routo,-(0 10 BPihdays only),-B 17, 700, (7-28 New-

York onlyl, (7 iW except Nhw York) 8 00, 1060 am , 12 02, 2 10,- 4 DO,3!'05 p m . Sunflayrfrom lntorlaken station, 7 37 a m, 4 19,8 05 p in,

For Philadelphia and Trenton via EUzabethport, 6 17, (7 (M) cxcept TretiTbn) 8 00,10 60 a m, 12 02, 210;. 4 CO pin . Sundays fronr^wterinken flta-tlori, 737 a m, 4 1 8 p m. ...........

For Baltimore and Washington, 7 00, 8 00.10 60 > a m, 12 02,4 00 p m. Sundays fropi Intern* *-

station, 7 37 a in , 4 18 p m.v •For EasCon, Bethlehem. Alleatomi aud Maacb

nhunk, 6 17r 8 00,(10 50 to Easton), a m, 12 02. 2 10.(4 00 to Easton),pm . Sundays from In ierJaken station, 4 18 p m. / '

ForWitkesbarreand Scranton, 8 00 am J^ tM pm ForBiftalo and Chicago v IaD .,L . A;W. B, R.

8 10 50a m, 4 00 pm .J. H. OLHAXJBEN, QenUBupti <

W r d*i,nw(N. fJpn Pupp Asrf

Awnings, . .F l a g s ,


Canvas Coversmade of best material

^and workmanship at low eat prlfcei.'* w .


A \S PliQZA l t y .

[ ap s i i iaWflWiiflsTflacienE le v a tp r asid D u m b \y a l te s

RiBBlnB, S p lic in g , <&c,

HBMMBN WAY'S 617 Cookmaih - 618 Mattison Ayes.


Advertise in THE PRES5

Ome. Cables

8 0 C e n t s


f l n s i 8 p h


Attractive PricesIn dellaueo of Truats, Combiuatious aud

Ailvanoluif Btarkois generally, muuy of tliesiv aro ra r bttlow. the lowest of last sea- hoii’s prices for Bimllar or lufarior gooiia.

OiiiHewntiesswiniomaiiG Oil Slove is a Woiijsi

JULY SALE PRICES 2 Burner $6.90, w orth S9.S03 Burner 8.90, w orth 12.00

~Wc Guarantee E very Stove

-• \ rofrlj'orator saves t I c o ^ ' saves food—-'anu saves money. A few of tho hitfh-grado hardwood Refrigerators romalu to be sold a t “July Salo11 Special Prices.We offer Refrigerators lor $J,38 and upward. .

les C n FreezersS S E S W o have tlio.i.XXth Coulluv; tlio

W hite Mountain, tho Arotlft_'tiro Blizzard-and tho' Gem; b u t' the “Oem" ia tho gem. I t fruc7,oa

. to' the boat anil tiikoa leas ISa to lloit. .

qt., $1,’B5 qt., $2.15 4 <jt., #2,50 , ,' • $3.25 - •a1’-- -

No. 8 O te l Tin W ash Boilers..,-.4!>u a lit. Eimmelofl Tea. Potnr.j-, ..v.lOo 0 “ Colteo P o ts . . . . i. Ittcs

Wuali B ow Ih ......... 10(3" Sauce Pans,....*.t!5o

■ “ Tea K o tt lo s ., ,a 5 o ; . . ■

It W ill Certainly Pay Y ou to K naw Our Store


Stores and Housefurnls^injr Goods.

r^o. i 6a -i64 /la in Street ASBURYPARK

......■ ’ r "" ■ . • '* ■' i


Page 6: ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY,: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER , 1900 ...ill on Will Return Home—An Added fivent Today. Today will closo tho great riflo contest, at Sea. Girt, This afternoon after


Iiti t h e R u s hOf Mid-Summer Traffic It- Is difficult to speak through

advertisements of all the good things, our various depart­ments offer. Many things now must of- necessity be 'closed out quickly,

h ^ . ; . . . \ Shirt WaistsFor instance will from now on have a “ CLOSING

O U T ” price on each -which will be of, interest to all.

and TailorMust go to make room for early autumn purchases,

and prices are pruned to cost. r 7I .

l:f ; B a t h i n g ; S u its ,: : ; :-You will find on second floor to fit all sizes and Suit

all minds. 'This is one of our specialties, and we allow no onfr to -undersell -us. There are SPECIAL VALUES to be had. from now on., *

-Suppose ynn look through our

And see how cheaply and completely you Jean be •fitted out.l • •-*- •

Experienced Operators to flake Night Shirts

Learners also taken. •>Good, steady work a ll th e year. Good w ages can be earned.

Another week or two—-then autumn. This means new stock in every department. When ne,w goods come in We must have'room for a proper display.

& SONA S B U R Y PA R K , N . J. By every express and in order to gain room the




L e M A 1 S T R f e ’ S■ Cookman Aye, and Emory St. ASBURY PARE, N. J . '

These are Special Bargains1 Lot. W aists at.SDc, worth 50o ana 75o.1 Lftt WalBtB a t 50o, w o r lh 75c and t l 00.

_______ 1 r.nt Waists a t 750. worth 61.00 and tl.25.

To hasten the going, prices have been still further reduced on the hangers on. ■ ■ r i y y , ,- • ■ : •

The Gut Prices Prevail iri1 hot W aists a t $1.00 , worth SI.00 anif $1.75.A fine assortment of W hite W aists from fl.00 up to 13.75.

S K I R T S! Navy Bide Duck w ith W hite Dots, a big bargain, *1.10 and $1.89.

A!so, Wlilwi Pique and Colored Skirts, from *1.00 to *5.75.Wn lmve ju s t re-el veil a Inrgo Invoice of IRISH POINT SHAMS,

BUREAU SCAKFS and DOYLIES, which we1 will s e ll,a t special prices during this sale. .

The celebrated HUDNUT’S PERFUMERIES and TOILET ARTICLES . sold a t regular oity prices. ------- --------------- . .


Every De

Has just been placed in stock, anticipating our heavy sales for these Indispensables. Nothing for the traveler in the way of Trunk, Bag, Grip or Straps but we have ifT Bought right and selling to interest you.

' D ep o r tm en t bn* a Car P la tfo r m .l i e lind stud ied nil th e ru les o f cour­

tesy (aid dow n fo r conductors a n d ban p roiltcd by tliom. H e d id n o t intend to lie caugh t qnpping.__“-W lm t.car is tills V asked tlie sw eet

\ ‘ I’r ! ' . id Tii .Vl'L'il.About ha lf an h'dtir liad been ex­

pended b.v th e I wishful young in.in in a series of advances tind Vetrerfts, and lit­tle Johnn y 's cram ped position behind the so fa w as becom ing som ew hat pa lu-



Trimnjed .Straw Hats Untrimmed Straw Hats1 F ro m . $ 2 . 0 0 U p F rom 2 U p

F O R T H E N E X T - W E E K O N L Y - -

. E. 7 0 6 C o o k m a n A v e .


F’lain 'and Ornamental P i a s t e r e r aB ricklaying, S etting of Mantel's; ItSnges and H ea te rs .-"Also B oiler S etting anfl

F oundations Laid.. Tile Setting .Estimates FonNianED pon Above, with Rkfehenceb

P o s t n f f i c e t f o x i r i V . J

young tiling. f ■ H e (lofted Tils cap an d gave h e r a

C hosterileidlan bow."M adam ,” he said, "tills is c a r No.

310.”“I m ean,” she explained, " w h a t l s Its

destina tion?”~ '•S la d n n ii ''— lie^ an sw ered —w l t h t h c . sanie courtesy, "It affords mo p leasure io be' ab le to. inform you th a t its des­tination -Is th e —e a r—barn.J1—Gbicago Post.

S lie *IVns S e n s it iv e ."Your, face Is, Iilc«~_aiL_c>geii book,”

sighed Mr. Softleigli to MIssTTtrsph; ac­com panying the rem ark .with w h a t be though t w a s ids m ost w inn ing sm ile.

“I f I bad as big a m outh as yAurs I would no t ta lk about o th e r people's,” sn iffed 'th e young lady a s she flounced o u t of the room, thus teach ing tlie young m an to cling to tbe good old, u n ­m istak ab le -ta ffy . ta lk w lion he de- slre.s .to ' be .com plim entary.- TT7

T lie T flv c r n ic r P e a r l. *Tlie la rg est pried ever ;isl;ed an d paid

Cor . a single peaiT w as .$350,000; w hich w us tlie value; o f the g r e a t T uvern lerpearl. I t Is thp la rg es t and m ost per­fect" gem o f Its .kind know n, v I t is exactly tw o inches in leng th an d oval shaped.—t-----------— r ---------— ---------

T h e R e p ly , .A y e a r #go a tn iIo rn m ste r» l courage

enough to send bis bill to an editor. I to received it yesterday w ith .a polite note, saying, “ Your m anuscrip t Is re ­spectfu lly i ieeit.H.’i.i,” .......

f ill.“ I ivlsli I ’ darefl"^- the yoistis man

com m enced on n nety n ttaek ,. w hen the couple w ere clcct rllicil by nn im patien t ox'clnmatlon behind (them : “Aw, make a break! She’s, dead en.syl" i 1

T o w n (SonHlp.—It-Is-generally^agi-eed-tbat-tho . sm all­town is ii p leasan t jjlace tb live in, ex-

jrept th n t th e re Is a lw ay s a g lo a t “iViiuiifilt ofgosB lp ln -sirclrp lnccsr—Why- do not W orthy people contro l in, th is m atter o f gossip a s th ey do in o th er respects? A re the sirinll tow ns of the coun try to be m ade -undesirable as places of residences to please a lot of cheap people w h o 'o u g h t to be con­trolled and regu lated?—A tchison Globe.

*. . F o r e w a r n e d .A Y orkshire v ic u r 'te lls how he once

received thd follow ing note from one of Ills parish ioners: “T h is is to give .no-' tice tlm t I and Miss Je m im a B rearley nre couiing-to your church on S atu rday a fternoon n ex t to undergo th e opera­tion of m atrim ony a t your bands. P lease bo prom pt, a s tb e cab is h ired by the hour; F o rew arned Is fo rearm ­ed,”— London T if-W ts. (

D rc.lf.— Some -women in - th ls world have a new gown every o th er week, while th ere lire o th er women wlio esteem

~tholhsL'lves~luc'!:y—If once In ; th r ee m onths they get Jl elm nee to look th rough a fashion m agazine.—Sbmor- vll!e-(Muss.i .loum al. -

J$o there is “ something doing'' for bargain hunters While | | | j the depleted stock tarries. > .

S i f In the -meantime come in andT-look-our-new Fall.Goods |H| over. The pick'of the choicest markets are here-and you will

discover while the assortment is complete the pricing favors the I l purchaser every time. ' v

-----------^ -------------------- ----- . j - ■ -—~ — ........ ■ w ------,-----------------------«-■ . . ' :i ' " • '' ...... ; ■ . . ' • • •' " 1

S t e i n b a c hMODERN

m p a n y m


^ S l i r

mSj"Everything for tbe Home imi the Wardrobe” .

mn] OCEAN PALACE T W O R f f l ^ T O P F ^ THE MAMMOTHiSwaj ■ cookman and Main- 1 ▼▼ v y ^ *• V-J Cookman and Emory


B R A D L E Y B E A C H— „Br«rich Station o» the Aabury Park . '■■. 'V' DAILY PR ESS


I For the convonienco o l our patrons a branch fltfttlou h u been eetabllBhed at the BRADLBY BEACH NOTION STORE, Main Btreet, betweenMcCabe and Cook avMiuee. .**

Papers regularly on saie and Huppllpd to new«*boys at office rate. '



Woodworth & H a b £rgahn , tinsmitHs, 712 cookhah ave

T h e P r e s s c o n t a i n s a l l t h e n e w s

A L S O S I X M O D E M N <

LOTS TO BE SOLDi - :'• *

_ _ _ _ _ _ S O M I E 3 ^ = 0 ■ I N K T U M B 1 3 R , , ; J : - f-£ A l l a r e f l a c r o ; » r i r n i t O ^ r i : f n l l y i ^ i i p r o v p . f l a n d , l o n a t e d m o s t > d o p i r a b ] y . -V T iT f b e s o l d a t ^ s p e c i a t p r i c e s ; ^ a s y i ? ^ m ^ ^ l 6 ^built if desired. Y.OUR TIRST AND LAST CHANCE TO BUY SO FAVOR ABLY.u Allenhurst has fine ocean and lake frontage also ocean Casino, Swimming Pool, Bathing Pavilion, etc. , , • - 1 • . . • .. :X

For new B ooklet, g iving fa ll particulars, ca ll or address, Edwin P. Beniamin, President, Allenhurst, N. J.• ..t . ” * ' • • • • • : ' • • ' '• „••• • • - ' ,9 '*•? ;• jit'' j -'■ ' *l i- . • 4 » .■ *• ' . ’ - -w

