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Ascendant – Virgo - AstroVidhi · The planetary positions in your horoscope is as follows :...

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Page 1: Ascendant – Virgo - AstroVidhi · The planetary positions in your horoscope is as follows : Ascendant – Virgo Sun , Mercury and Ketu – Second house – Libra Mars – fourth
Page 2: Ascendant – Virgo - AstroVidhi · The planetary positions in your horoscope is as follows : Ascendant – Virgo Sun , Mercury and Ketu – Second house – Libra Mars – fourth

The planetary positions in your horoscope is as follows :

Ascendant – Virgo

Sun , Mercury and Ketu – Second house – Libra

Mars – fourth house – Sagittarius

Saturn – seventh house – Pisces

Rahu – Eighth house- Aries

Moon , Jupiter and Venus – twelfth house – Gemini

Cuspal position in your horoscope as per stellar astrology is as follows :

Ketu – first cusp

Sun and Mercury – second cusp

Mars – fourth cusp

Saturn and Rahu – seventh cusp

Moon – eleventh cusp

Jupiter & Venus – twelfth cusp

Nakshtras and planets

Ascendant Aries is in Utra Phalguni nakshatra , ruled by Sun

Sun is in debilitated sign of Libra. It is placed in Swati nakshatra, ruled by Rahu

Page 3: Ascendant – Virgo - AstroVidhi · The planetary positions in your horoscope is as follows : Ascendant – Virgo Sun , Mercury and Ketu – Second house – Libra Mars – fourth

Mars is placed in Moola nakshatra , rules by Ketu

Mercury is retrograde and combust in your horoscope , placed in Vishakha nakshtra , ruled by Jupiter

Jupiter is placed in Magha nakshatra , ruled by Ketu

Venus is placed in Poorva Phalguni nakshatra , ruled by Venus

Saturn is retrograde , placed in Uttra Bhadrapad nakshatra , ruled by Saturn

Rahu is placed in Ashwini nakshatra , ruled by Ketu

Ketu is placed in Chitra nakshatra , ruled by Mars

At the time of your birth the Virgo rasi is rising in the first house of your horoscope. The ruling planet of this

rasi is Mercury. Mercury being the lord of first house is situated in the Second house of your horoscope due to

which it is producing its medium results. You will be intelligent and get engaged in your work sincerely. You

will always be mindful as to which work should be done at which time. You will not have any hesitation in

taking help from other people. You will always do your work with caution and not be ready to do anything

without thinking over it carefully. You will generally have an influential personality due to which other people

will be attracted towards you. You will not let your feelings be expressed and usually keep it a secret. You will

do your work in a systematic manner due to which you can gain a good name & position in life. You will

possess patience and courage in your nature. Though you will always be observant of unnecessary

expenditures and expect the same from others yet you don’t mind spending little extra money also if you think

the cause to spend is genuine and needed .

You will receive the support and guidance of your elders & seniours in life due to which there will always be a

Page 4: Ascendant – Virgo - AstroVidhi · The planetary positions in your horoscope is as follows : Ascendant – Virgo Sun , Mercury and Ketu – Second house – Libra Mars – fourth

solution for any forth-coming problems. You will be attracted towards intelligent people. You must give

special care towards your mental and emotional health so that you can lead a happy peaceful life. You

shouldn’t be workaholic else you wont be able to enjoy the pleasures of life .

During the next twenty years from now i.e. from January 2017 till December 2037 , you will undergo the following Dasa-Antardasa periods :

Till 20th March 2017 – Mars-Sun

From 20th March 2017 to 19th Oct 2017 – Mars-Moon

From 19th October 2017 to 2nd July 2020 – Rahu-Rahu

From 2nd July 2020 to 25th November 2022 - Rahu – Jupiter

From 25th November 2022 to 1st October 2025 - Rahu- Saturn

From 1st October 2025 to 19th April 2028 - Rahu-Mercury

From 19th April 2028 to 8th May 2029 - Rahu- Ketu

From 8th May 2029 to 7th May 2032 - Rahu-Venus

From 7th May 2032 to 1st April 2033 - Rahu- Sun

From 1st April 2033 to 1st October 2034 - Rahu-Moon

From 1st October 2034 to 19th October 2035 - Rahu-Mars

From 19th October 2035 to 7th Dec 2037 – Jupiter- Jupiter

From 7th Dec 2037 till the year end – Jupiter – Saturn

Believing birth details furnished by you to be absolutely accurate , Predictions based on analysis of Mahadasa and antrdasa , taking transits of the planets into consideration is as follows :

Page 5: Ascendant – Virgo - AstroVidhi · The planetary positions in your horoscope is as follows : Ascendant – Virgo Sun , Mercury and Ketu – Second house – Libra Mars – fourth

From the beginning of the year till 20th March 2017

Mixed results will be felt during this broad period. During this period, you will become over ambitious and try to exhaust your all energy without taking much caution . This phenomenon can fill you with disappointment and you start losing your temper. By taking the customers lightly , you may serve them not upto the mark behavior . This attitude can result in financial challenges . Make sure due to your little rude behavior , people & associates don’t become against you . Stay away from legal hassles and court cases as this period is not good for such things .

After 26th January , Saturn will move to Sagittarius sign , which is fourth from your birth ascendant . By

worshipping Saturn , things will take turn in your favour . Family and finances both will look positive .Your

fixate of purpose will remain intact and you will not lose determination or abandon work, once undertaken.

You would like to support your friends and associates .

You will get involved too much in your work and will become workaholic sort of . At times, you will become

too rationale to understand real gist of the things. There is a danger of developing egoistic temperament in your

personality. This attitude of yours can lead you towards unpopularity. Try to watch yourself inwardly.

In your Varshphal chart , you are under the influence of Rahu till 10-02-2017 . In the Varsha Kundli Rahu is in

house No 4 This position offers mixed influences. You will have new opportunities and derive benefits by

utilising them; thus financial prosperity will be observed. .

You are under the influence of Jupiter From 10-02-2017 To 31-03-2017 In the Varsha Kundli Jupiter is in

house No 5 This is a very favourable position. You will become popular as your name and fame will be

widespread. You will enjoy good health and your confidence-level will also considerably increase. You will

become very energetic . In the professional sphere, you will attract the attention of important persons .

An investment should not be done without going into the practical details of the work. Your family members

Page 6: Ascendant – Virgo - AstroVidhi · The planetary positions in your horoscope is as follows : Ascendant – Virgo Sun , Mercury and Ketu – Second house – Libra Mars – fourth

may differ with you at certain occasions. A sense of insecurity may prevail. You may develop some eye

problem in this period. Your opponents will try to harm you but will not be successful in their mischievous

plans There could be health related issues but you will be able to cope up comfortably . Minor ailment will

be cured . For speedy recovery , you should take homeopathic liquid medicines in case you fall sick .Family

life will be normal . By ignoring little uneasiness , happiness will be achieved . Hindrance in attracting business luck will be observed .

To reduce the negative effects of the malefic planets , you are suggested to follow the given below astro-remedies and suggestions

Occasionally gift some money or sweets to sweepers

Maintain harmonious relations with wife’s maiden family

Read Durga stotram daily

From 20th March 2017 to 19th Oct 2017

Moon is placed in 11th cusp in the star of Ketu . Ketu signifies cusps numbers 1,2,9,10 and 12 . Moon in

eleventh cusp assures that despite having challenges , you will be able to get your work done by this way or

that way . On the whole, this is a satisfactory period for you. Your business / trade will run smoothly because

of your ability to cope with situations in the correct way. Your troubles will be subsided . You may not be able

to save money due to business related expenditures . Your hard work and labour will reward you suitably .

In varshphal chart , you are under the influence of Saturn From 31-03-2017 To 28-05-2017 . In the Varsha

Kundli Saturn is in house No 7 This position offers mixed influences. For profession, the period is encouraging

. You will develop good contacts and make beneficial deals. For getting into business-partnership or

Page 7: Ascendant – Virgo - AstroVidhi · The planetary positions in your horoscope is as follows : Ascendant – Virgo Sun , Mercury and Ketu – Second house – Libra Mars – fourth

collaboration and for having distant journeys in connection with business (more so in the direction of west and

also south) the period will be highly favourable. The position however is not-so-good for the health .The

health of your spouse may also be affected. You should also remain careful during movements as you will be

prone to sustain injuries resulting from fall.

You are under the influence of Mercury From 28-05-2017 To 19-07-2017 In the Varsha Kundli Mercury is in

house No 6 This is a good position for gains by utilising acquired knowledge in a special field. Your opponents

and rivals can give you some troubles but you will be able to overcome them. Your servants/ employees could

cause your annoyance . Health wise you may suffer from some indigestion problems .Your interest in culture

and religion will increase. Life in foreign countries / distant places will fascinate you and you may look for opportunities .

You are under the influence of Ketu From 19-07-2017 To 09-08-2017 and will be under the influence of

Venus From 09-08-2017 To 09-10-2017 . This is a very favourable period. You will have success in your

endeavours and receive favours from your important persons . You will form new relationships and make new

deals. You may have fruitful journeys and pleasure-trips. Some of your cherished desires will be fulfilled and

ambitions realised. In family-life too you will have a pleasant and enjoyable time-period . For socializing the

period will be favourable as your relations will be improved and your popularity will also increase.

You are under the influence of Sun From 09-10-2017 To 27-10-2017 . In the Varsha Kundli Sun is in house No

6 This is a positive position. You will vanquish your enemies and come out victorious in disputes .

The position is however not favourable for well-being of your elderly relatives. In professional sphere, it will

be a very constructive time for having much of progress. Your earnings will increase and your circle of friends

will be widened. You may even be engaged in a prospective new venture.

Page 8: Ascendant – Virgo - AstroVidhi · The planetary positions in your horoscope is as follows : Ascendant – Virgo Sun , Mercury and Ketu – Second house – Libra Mars – fourth

Health wise though no major issues indicated yet you must not eat oily and spicy food . Smoking and drinking

is strictly no no . No major financial issues indicated. In business Lady luck will smile at you during difficult


To reduce the negative effects of the malefic planets , you are suggested to follow the given below astro-remedies and suggestions .

Every Saturday light a lamp of mustard oil under Peepal tree .

Regularly feed the fish in any pond / river .

Be kind and courteous to the poor and junior staff

From 19th October 2017 your Rahu main period will start . This period will last till 19th October 2035 . This

period will be very positive for you . Rahu is placed in the star of Ketu thus signifies cusps numbers 1,2,9,10

and 12 . Through sublord Moon , cusp number 11 is indicated . This assures that you will have you way . You

will get success dealing with overseas matters .

From 19th October 2017 to 2nd July 2020 , you will be under the influence of Rahu minor period in Rahu major period .

You are under the influence of Mars From 28-10-2017 To 18-11-2017 In the Varsha Kundli Mars is in house

No 2 This is not a good position as far as family harmony is concerned. You will tend to become impulsive

which you should try to overcome. You should closely watch your words as this can spoil relationships and

cause bickerings in the family and also in the sphere of profession. The health of your spouse may cause

concern. Your children may be prone to feverish complaints and sustain minor injuries. In financial matters

you may face some problems; you may run into disputes with close people and your enemies may also give

you some troubles. Time is not good for starting a new venture or going for speculations as losses are likely.

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You are under the influence of Rahu From 18-11-2017 To 12-01-2018 In the Varsha Kundli Rahu is in house

No 12 This is not a constructive position. You may have to face problems as your secret enemies will be

actively working against you for tarnishing your image. You should remain on the alert and leave no scope for

this otherwise you may have a setback at the close of the period. During the period however you will enjoy

good materialistic happiness and you may have some journeys in connection with your profession. The

relationship with your family-members may come under strain and you may even suffer estrangement. Your

expenses are likely to increase

You are under the influence of Jupiter From 12-01-2018 To 02-03-2018 . In the Varsha Kundli Jupiter is in

house No 3 This is a good position. You will have good progress in this period . Your knowledge in the

subjects of interest will increase. You will shine forth as a capable trouble-shooter and you will gain

recognition for your special talent of solving problems in uncanny ways. In professional sphere, you will gain

distinction and may receive good profits. Your popularity will greatly increase and you will have many fruitful

journeys to short-distance places. Your earnings will increase whereas your expenses will be under control.

The comfortable financial position will boost your confidence-level. Your family-life will be comfortable and

pleasant. Family life will be comfortable .

You are under the influence of Saturn From 02-03-2018 To 29-04-2018 . In the Varsha Kundli Saturn is in

house No 5 This is not a favourable position. You should stay away from any sort of speculation and

investments. Regarding your food-habits also you should be more careful otherwise you may have stomach-

aches and upsets. You may have a challenging time professionally as deterioration of relationships with

important & influential persons may block your progress. You might become anxious and worried as your

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spouse may become argumentative and your children may not be in good health.

You are under the influence of Mercury From 29-04-2018 To 20-06-2018 . In the Varsha Kundli Mercury is in

house No 3 This position will make you a busy person. You will correspondences with many people. A

number of short journeys you may also have. Some elder’s health-condition may deteriorate and that may

keep you anxious. But your spouse and children will keep you happy and cheerful. You will spend a good part

of your time in informal studies & readings and also enjoy outgoing activities. DO NOT take any talisman ,

taabeez, holy ash , rudraksha and conch from anybody .

You are under the influence of Ketu From 20-06-2018 To 11-07-2018 In the Varsha Kundli Ketu is in house

No 6 This is not a favourable position. You may have to face problems as your secret enemies will be actively

working against you for tarnishing your image. You should remain on the alert and leave no scope for this

otherwise you may have a setback at the close of the period. During the period however you will enjoy good

material prosperity and you may have some journeys in connection with your profession. Before starting the

journey , visit Ganapathy temple and feed milk to any street dog .The relationship with your family-members

may come under strain and you may even suffer estrangement. Worship Ganapathy and chant His mantra to

maintain peace & harmony at home . Wear a pure gold ring in the ring finger of right hand to boost the

positivity .

You are under the influence of Venus From 11-07-2018 To 10-09-2018 . In the Varsha Kundli Venus is in

house No 2 This position is highly fortunate. You will find improvements in all areas of life and you will have

smooth progress. You will have betterment in career and your financial position will considerably improve.

You will receive favours from important clients and you will lead a joyous carefree life. You will be in good

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health and enjoy a good time with all your family-members who will be very loving and caring. You may have

new acquisitions which will make your life more comfortable. You may have some celebrations in the family.

You are under the influence of Sun From 10-09-2018 To 28-09-2018 . In the Varsha Kundli Sun is in house No

3 This is a highly favourable position. You will have brimming confidence and become very courageous. You

will attract the attention of your seniors and will have some favourable opportunities to prove your worth.

Socially you will gain popularity and form many new friendly relationships some of whom will admire you

greatly. You will have victory over your enemies. The position is however not good for well-being of your co-


You are under the influence of Moon From 28-09-2018 To 28-10-2018 . In the Varsha Kundli Moon is in

house No 6 This is not a good position. Your enemies may increase and give you some troubles in your

professional sphere. Your relationship with relatives (maternal) may be somewhat affected. You may feel

tense and irritable; some health affections are likely for which you should take care. You should try to retain

your cool and be very tactful while dealing with people. You should also resist the temptations of speculations

as the period does not bear any promises in this respect. You should try to gain control over your emotions and

try to view the happenings in their proper perspective. DO NOT donate milk , silver and rice to anybody in this

period . Feed the rabbits for the better health of children .

You are under the influence of Rahu From 28-10-2018 To 22-12-2018 In the Varsha Kundli Rahu is in house

No 9 This is not a favourable position. Your elder family members and clients might be in distress and become

unhelpful, you may have some issues with a few known persons and you may incur losses in your ventures in

distant/ foreign places. While on the good side you will enjoy a blissful family-life and will come out

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victorious in respect of conflicts. In your professional sphere, you may have career betterment and increase of

earnings. You may also develop an interest in the study of mystical and occult subjects.

You are under the influence of Jupiter From 22-12-2018 To 09-02-2019 In the Varsha Kundli Jupiter is in

house No 1 This is a fortunate position. You will have favourable circumstances and you will receive benefits

from all quarters. In your professional sphere, you will have cordial relationships with your clients & financers.

You will receive due recognition for your talents and invested endeavours. Your family-life will be bright with

happiness. You will be in good health and so will be the other members of your family. Your confidence will

increase and you will successfully complete the pending jobs by working single-handedly. A good period for

you to start a new venture or for making prudent investments. Your name and fame will be widespread and you

may have new acquisitions that will make your life more comfortable.

You are under the influence of Saturn From 09-02-2019 To 08-04-2019 . In the Varsha Kundli Saturn is in

house No 2 This is not a favourable position. Your family-life may not be peaceful as the members might have

misundestands among themselves which may be a source of worries and keep you in a state of tension. This

may affect your outlook as you may lose patience which in turn may lead you to have conflicts with others. Try

to become diplomatic for tackling the home-front and by adopting a philosophic outlook try to see the real

world in it's true perspective. You should be more cautious and careful in respect of your financial dealings;

since the time-period is not favourable, your earnings may decrease and funds may get blocked. You should

think twice before making commitments.

You are under the influence of Mercury From 08-04-2019 To 30-05-2019 In the Varsha Kundli Mercury is in

house No 1 This is a beneficial position. You will develop interest in yoga and meditation. It will give you an

Page 13: Ascendant – Virgo - AstroVidhi · The planetary positions in your horoscope is as follows : Ascendant – Virgo Sun , Mercury and Ketu – Second house – Libra Mars – fourth

attractive youthful appearance and you will be endowed with an inquisitive intellect. You will be fond of

communicating and will have many journeys. Socially you will be very popular and enjoy your time merrily.

You should try to concentrate more and engage yourself in some creative endeavours which will bring in

success and honour for you.

You are under the influence of Ketu From 30-05-2019 To 20-06-2019 In the Varsha Kundli Ketu is in house

No 3 This is not a favourable position. You may remain out of touch with your co-borns . Short journeys may

not be fruitful .On the good side you will enjoy a blissful family-life and will come out victorious in respect of

conflicts. In your professional sphere, you may have career betterment and increase of earnings. You may also

develop an interest in the study of mystical and occult subjects.

You are under the influence of Venus From 20-06-2019 To 20-08-2019 In the Varsha Kundli Venus is in

house No 12 This is not a very favourable position. You must excercise care and caution as your opponents

could otherwise ferment troubles for you and make you a victim of slander or disrepute. Your health also needs

more care as you may suffer from minor ailments. You may feel irritated but you should try to diffuse your

tensions which will smoothen things for you. By adopting a compromising attitude and dealing in a tactful

manner you could be able to tide over domestic and professional conflicts .

You are under the influence of Sun From 20-08-2019 To 07-09-2019 In the Varsha Kundli Sun is in house No

12 This is not a favourable position as far as physical health is concerned . Medical and wasteful expenditures

could tilt your balance. The health of your family-members may cause anxiety. You should try to overcome

your own excitable disposition and deal with the emotional outbursts of your family members in a tactful

manner. Some of your enemies may give you trouble in your professional sphere. You may have to go to a

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distant place in connection with your profession which may not bear much of fruit. Your religiously inclination

could increase during the period which is a good thing after all.

You are under the influence of Moon From 07-09-2019 To 07-10-2019 In the Varsha Kundli Moon is in house

No 7 This is a favourable position. This period will shower you with all sorts of material benefits and

emotionally you will have a pleasant period. You will receive favours from authorities and will have much

gains through trading activities. Your relationship with people in general will be much improved. From all

areas and from colleagues as well you will receive full co-operation and support. An excellent progress in

profession you may have with a little effort.

You are under the influence of Mars From 07-10-2019 To 28-10-2019 In the Varsha Kundli Mars is in house

No 3 This is a very fortunate position. Your courage and confidence-level will reach to higher level and you

will successful to make full use of them in constructive purposes. In professional sphere you will firmly deal

with certain situations and introduce some progressive changes which will work wonders for you. Your

position and level of earnings will be much improved. Some of your ambitions will be realised and you may

have some new acquisitions. You will conquer your opponents and your social status will be raised. You will

form new relationships and your popularity will greatly increase.

You are under the influence of Jupiter From 28-10-2019 To 16-12-2019 In the Varsha Kundli Jupiter is in

house No 10 This is a fortunate position. You will receive favours from clients & influential persons and also

from higher authorities. In your professional sphere, you will have much of advancement. in business, you

may start a new venture or finalise a new deal which will bring in much profit. Your name and fame will be

widespread and your social reputation will soar higher. You will form lasting friendships with worthy people.

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You will be good health and so will be the other members of your family. You will enjoy your family- life

which will be comfortable and peaceful. You may have new acquisitions which will improve your life-style

and increase your satisfaction.

You are under the influence of Saturn From 16-12-2019 To 12-02-2020 In the Varsha Kundli Saturn is in

house No 11 Except for health-matters, the position is favourable. You must take proper care of your health;

the health of your children may cause you some concern. Your spouse may become a spendthrift and some of

your enemies may remain in your circle in disguise as friends. All these may make you worried and you must

remain alert and retain your cool. In other respects it is very good. You may have some improvements in your

career; your responsibility will increase and so will be your earnings. You will also have gains from some other

sources. You are to avoid speculations.

You are under the influence of Mercury From 12-02-2020 To 04-04-2020 In the Varsha Kundli Mercury is in

house No 10 This is a favourable position and you may derive much of benefits if you can overcome your

restless disposition and impatience .If you only look for quicker methods and easier ways then you may only

invite changes which will be pretty worse. You may have good gains from trading activities. In financial

matters you should remain careful and become more farsighted; you may otherwise run into debt. Relations

with your business associates may become bitter if your plannings are faulty. You may have jouneys to many

places for meeting with authoritative persons.

You are under the influence of Ketu From 04-04-2020 To 25-04-2020 In the Varsha Kundli Ketu is in house

No 11 This position offers mixed influences. You can suffer from excessive acidity and stomach disorders; you

would do well if you can give up addictive bad habits (if any). The health of your children might be of concern

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to you. Speculations and entertainment could cause drainage of funds; but if your own profession has some

connection with these areas then you will have good gains from these fields. Your interest in religion and

spirituality will increase

You are under the influence of Venus From 25-04-2020 To 25-06-2020 In the Varsha Kundli Venus is in

house No 10 This is a auspicious position. You will win the appreciation of important persons and will be

favoured with good gains. Your name and fame will be widespread and your social popularity will

considerably increase. You will form new relationships and have many admirers in your friends' circle . You

may have new acquisitions which will improve your life-style. Your family-life will be a little tricky as you

may become concerned and may remain anxious on account of your children; your spouse will however be

very affectionate and loving who will offer you moral support to get over the stresses. You will enjoy all

material comforts and pleasures.

You are under the influence of Sun From 25-06-2020 To 13-07-2020 In the Varsha Kundli Sun is in house No

9 This is a favourable position. You will be fortunate and enjoy happiness with spouse and children. For your

noble deeds you will be held in high esteem in your social circle. Your earnings will increase to a considerable

extent. In professional sphere, you will do well and receive favours from authorities. You will have good gains

from business. You may go to a distant place and from there may secure a good contract or finalise a big deal.

From 2nd July 2020 to 25th November 2022

You are under the influence of Moon From 13-07-2020 To 12-08-2020 In the Varsha Kundli Moon is in house

No 9 This is a fortunate position. You will be religious-minded and will perform some pious deeds for which

your social popularity will increase. Your family-life will be blissful and you will be mentally at peace. You

Page 17: Ascendant – Virgo - AstroVidhi · The planetary positions in your horoscope is as follows : Ascendant – Virgo Sun , Mercury and Ketu – Second house – Libra Mars – fourth

will be helpful to others and people will treat you with much respect for this. Your self-confidence will

increase and you will receive full co-operation and support from all quarters.Your ventures will become

productive and you may be successful to start a new venture. Your financial position will improve and some

of your cherished desires will be fulfilled.

You are under the influence of Mars From 12-08-2020 To 02-09-2020 In the Varsha Kundli Mars is in house

No 8 This is an unfavourable position. You should take every possible care for avoiding quarrels and conflicts;

you should not get entagled in any Law- suit also. Your health needs much more care and you should be very

cautious while driving as you will be prone to sustain injuries and suffer blood-loss. In professional sphere,

you may face many problems which you should try to sort out peacefully. The period is not favourable and

you must let the adverse period pass over by lying low. The period is not good for finances; so think twice

before making any new commitments. Worship Anjaneya Swami daily after taking bath to ward off many of

your problems .

You are under the influence of Rahu From 02-09-2020 To 27-10-2020 In the Varsha Kundli Rahu is in house

No 5 This position offers mixed influences. You can suffer from excessive acidity and stomach disorders; you

would do well if you can give up addictive habits (if any). The health of your children might be of concern to

you. Speculations and entertainment could cause drainage of funds . Whenever possible feed the elephants .

You are under the influence of Jupiter From 28-10-2019 To 16-12-2019 In the Varsha Kundli Jupiter is in

house No 10 This is a highly fortunate position. You will receive favours from your suppliers & clients and

also from Govt. authorities. In your professional sphere, you will have much of advancement. You may start a

new venture or finalise a new deal which will bring in much profit. Your name and fame will be widespread

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and your social popularity will reach higher. You will form lasting friendships with worthy people. You will

be good health and so will be the other members of your family. You will enjoy your family- life which will

be comfortable and peaceful. You may have new acquisitions which will improve your life-style and increase

your satisfaction.

You are under the influence of Saturn From 16-12-2019 To 12-02-2020 In the Varsha Kundli Saturn is in

house No 11 Except for health-matters, the position is fortunate. You must take proper care of your health; the

health of elderly persons and also of your children may cause you some concern. You should be careful about

people jealous of your success. All these may make you worried and you must remain alert and retain your

cool. In other respects it is very good. You may have some improvements in your career; your responsibility

will increase and so will be your earnings. You will also have gains from some other sources. You are to avoid


You are under the influence of Mercury From 12-02-2020 To 04-04-2020 In the Varsha Kundli Mercury is in

house No 10 This is a favourable position and you may derive much of benefits if you can overcome your

restless disposition and changeful nature. If you only look for quicker methods and easier ways then you may

only invite changes which will be pretty worse. You may have good gains from trading activities. In financial

matters you should remain careful and become more farsighted; you may otherwise run into debt. Relations

with your business-partners may become bitter if your plannings are faulty. You may have jouneys to many

places for meeting with authoritative persons. You will invole yourself too much into communications.

Worship Durga to attract luck .

You are under the influence of Ketu From 04-04-2020 To 25-04-2020 In the Varsha Kundli Ketu is in house

Page 19: Ascendant – Virgo - AstroVidhi · The planetary positions in your horoscope is as follows : Ascendant – Virgo Sun , Mercury and Ketu – Second house – Libra Mars – fourth

No 11 This position offers mixed influences. You can suffer from digestion related issues . It is high time you

should take only very light food in dinner. Going for regular mornings will be good for you . Reduce the intake

of sugar , tea and coffee to maintain good health . You will develop interest in reading habits .

You are under the influence of Venus From 25-04-2020 To 25-06-2020 In the Varsha Kundli Venus is in

house No 10 This is a fortunate position. All of a sudden, circumstances will start favouring you during this

period. A few business deals will give you much more dividends. There will be a lot of support from friends

and well-wishers. Long distance travel is likely to take place during this period. Family life shall be quite

satisfactory. In your social circle, you will command much respect and regard.

You are under the influence of Sun From 25-06-2020 To 13-07-2020 In the Varsha Kundli Sun is in house No

9 This is a favourable position. You will be fortunate and enjoy happiness with spouse and children. You are

likely to go for pilgrimages .For your noble deeds you will be held in high esteem in your social circle. Your

earnings will increase to a considerable extent. In professional sphere, you will do well and receive favours

from authorities. You will have good gains from business. You may go to a distant place and from there may

secure a good contract or finalise a big deal.

You are under the influence of Moon From 13-07-2020 To 12-08-2020 In the Varsha Kundli Moon is in house

9 This is a very auspicious position. You will be religious-minded and will perform some pious deeds for

which your social popularity will increase. Your family-life will be blissful and you will be mentally at peace.

You will be helpful to others and people will treat you with much respect for this. Your self-confidence will

increase and you will receive full co-operation and support from all quarters. All your ventures will become

productive and you may be successful to start a new venture.

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You are under the influence of Mars From 12-08-2020 To 02-09-2020 In the Varsha Kundli Mars is in house

No 8 This is an unfavourable position. You should take every possible care for avoiding disputes and conflicts;

you should not get entagled in any Law- suit also. Your health needs much more care and you should be very

cautious while driving as you will be prone to sustain injuries and suffer blood-loss. In professional sphere,

you may face many problems which you should try to sort out peacefully. The period is not favourable and

you must let the adverse period pass over by lying low. The period is not good for finances; so think twice

before making any new commitments. Pour water onto the roots of Banyan tree daily to ward off challenges

and problems .

You are under the influence of Rahu From 02-09-2020 To 27-10-2020 In the Varsha Kundli Rahu is in house

No 5 This position offers mixed influences. You can suffer from indigestion , headache and blood circulation

related issues . Drink plenty of water and practice mild form of exercise daily . Taking Dashmoola Arishtam syrup with the consultation of Ayurvedic physician will prove to be useful .

In the Varshphal year 27-10-2020 to 24-12-2021, You may suffer from disease or may receive accidental

injury. There may be separation from a close relative. You may have fruitless travels and mental worries, loss

of confidence and loss of wealth. You might relocate/ travel to a distant place. There may be false allegations

and backbiting. Possibililty of scandal and disrepute caused by close confidants. There will be increase in

expenditures and your financial position will remain too tight throughout the year.

Despite all the problems and challenges , you will come out in flying colours . Take care of your health . Be extra careful while driving and travelling .

You are under the influence of Saturn From 27-10-2020 To 24-12-2020 In the Varsha Kundli Saturn is in

house No 8 This is not a favourable position although it assures longevity; but the health-condition may be

Page 21: Ascendant – Virgo - AstroVidhi · The planetary positions in your horoscope is as follows : Ascendant – Virgo Sun , Mercury and Ketu – Second house – Libra Mars – fourth

affected from some chronic ailments or you may have to endure blunt pains. Windy complaints or obstruction

of secretive and excretory passages may make you sick; you will also be prone to bone-injuries resulting from

accidental fall. You must try to avoid Law-suits -- be it with your spouse, business-partner or financial

institutions. Your financial affairs might be unsatisfactory for blockage of funds. You must remain careful for

fulfilling commitments. Donate mustard oil every Saturday and read Sani stotram daily after sunset . Take

blessings of the poor by helping them .

You are under the influence of Mercury From 24-12-2020 To 14-02-2021 In the Varsha Kundli Mercury is in

house No 5 This is a very fortunate position. Your some of cherished desires will be fulfilled. You will have

good prosperity in professional sphere and will lead a peaceful and happy family- life. You will form new

friendships and will become increasingly popular. You may remain obsessed with speculations which will be

greatly disliked by your near and dear ones. Investing in blue chip companies under the guidance of an

authorized professional is better than speculating yourself .

You are under the influence of Ketu From 14-02-2021 To 07-03-2021 In the Varsha Kundli Ketu is in house

No 6 This is not a favourable position. You may have to face problems as your secret enemies will be actively

working against you for tarnishing your image. You should remain on the alert and leave no scope for this

otherwise you may have a setback at the close of the period. During the period however you will enjoy good

material prosperity and you may have some journeys in connection with your profession. The relationship with

your family-members may come under strain .

You are under the influence of Venus From 07-03-2021 To 07-05-2021 In the Varsha Kundli Venus is in

house No 4 This is a fortunate position. You will have a pleasant time to enjoy the luxury and comforts of life.

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You may have some costly acquisitions which will increase your satisfaction and raise your social status. All

your efforts during the period will bear fruit and contribute to your progress. You will receive favours from

influential persons and secure betterment in career. Your family-life will be joyous and comfortable with all

it's members becoming very loving and caring. There could be a happy celebration in the family. You may

spend money for renovating the interiors of your house by decorations and procuring attractive furnitures while

the exteriors may have a face-lift too.

You are under the influence of Sun From 07-05-2021 To 25-05-2021 In the Varsha Kundli Sun is in house No

5 This position is not good. The health of your children may cause you concern and you may tend to

overspend. You should avoid speculations of all sorts. You may have some travelling in connection with your

profession. You will receive some favours and benefits from your superiors and authoritative person. You may

gain some recognition of your talents and may be favoured with a promotion which will increase your


You are under the influence of Moon From 25-05-2021 To 24-06-2021 In the Varsha Kundli Moon is in house

No 9 This is a very fortunate position. You will be religious-minded and will perform some pious deeds for

which your social popularity will increase. Your family-life will be blissful and you will be mentally at peace.

You will be helpful to others and people will treat you with much respect for this. Yourself-confidence will

increase and you will receive full co-operation and support from all quarters. All your ventures will become

productive and you may be successful to start a new venture. Financially better results are expected .

You are under the influence of Mars From 24-06-2021 To 15-07-2021 In the Varsha Kundli Mars is in house

No 10 This is a favourable position. You will be very fortunate and will receive special favours from the

Page 23: Ascendant – Virgo - AstroVidhi · The planetary positions in your horoscope is as follows : Ascendant – Virgo Sun , Mercury and Ketu – Second house – Libra Mars – fourth

authorities. You will be successful in all your endeavours and rise to a powerful and lucrative position. Some

of your cherished desires will be fulfilled and you may have new acquisitions. Your family-life will be happy

with comfortable surroundings and socially you will gain more popularity. Your relationships with relatives

and friends will become more cordial. You will be a centre of attraction in social gatherings.

You are under the influence of Rahu From 15-07-2021 To 08-09-2021 In the Varsha Kundli Rahu is in house

No 12 This is not a favourable position. You may have to face problems as your secret enemies will be actively

working against you for tarnishing your image. You should remain on the alert and leave no scope for this

otherwise you may have a setback at the close of the period. You may have strained relations with close ones

in this period .

You are under the influence of Jupiter From 08-09-2021 To 27-10-2021 In the Varsha Kundli Jupiter is in

house No 7 This is a fortunate position. You will develop an optimistic outlook and become very energetic.

Your relationships with people in general will become very cordial and harmonious. You will be highly

successful in all your dealings and form lasting relationships with worthy people. In profession you will have

better opportunities to prove your worth and this will push you up the ladder. Your superiors will be very well-

disposed to you. Your professional , financial and family-life will be peaceful.

You are under the influence of Mercury From 28-10-2021 To 19-12-2021 In the Varsha Kundli Mercury is in

house No 1 This is a beneficial position. It will give you an attractive youthful appearance and you will be

endowed with an inquisitive intellect. You will be studious, intelligent, quick and restless. You will be fond of

writing much and will have many journeys. Socially you will be very popular and enjoy your time merrily.

You should try to concentrate more and engage yourself in some creative endeavours which will bring in

success and honour for you.

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You are under the influence of Ketu From 19-12-2021 To 09-01-2022 In the Varsha Kundli Ketu is in house

No 3 This is not a favourable position. You may incur losses in your ventures in distant/ foreign places. While

on the good side you will enjoy a blissful family-life and will come out victorious in respect of conflicts. In

your professional sphere, you may have career betterment and increase of earnings. You may also develop an

interest in the study of mystical and occult subjects.

You are under the influence of Venus From 09-01-2022 To 11-03-2022 In the Varsha Kundli Venus is in

house No 3 This is a favourable position. Your popularity will rise and you will form new relationships &

develop friendships with desired persons . The relationships with your co-borns and neighbours will become

very cordial. You may have pleasant short-trips and excursions. Your interest in art and music will increase

and you may acquire an object of art or a music system. Your family-life will be joyful and happy. In

professional sphere the goings-on will be smooth and progressing. You may receive favours from a person of

aristocratic background. Your earnings will increase as you may have gains from newer avenues as well.

You are under the influence of Sun From 11-03-2022 To 29-03-2022 In the Varsha Kundli Sun is in house No

2 This is not a favourable position. There could be disputes with the family-members leading to loss of wealth.

So you need to take every possible care. Some of your relatives may turn inimical and try to create problems.

You may suffer from some health-problems affecting the body-parts eye and neck / throat. The health of some

of your family-memebers may cause concern to you.

You are under the influence of Moon From 29-03-2022 To 28-04-2022 In the Varsha Kundli Moon is in house

No 11 This is a positive indication by the stars . In professional sphere, you will make excellent progress. You

Page 25: Ascendant – Virgo - AstroVidhi · The planetary positions in your horoscope is as follows : Ascendant – Virgo Sun , Mercury and Ketu – Second house – Libra Mars – fourth

may receive benefits from your friends and a person of rank may grant you favours. Your earnings will greatly

increase and you will have gains from various sources. New acquisitions are also possible. You will go places

and make new friends. Your spouse and children will be a source of happiness . Your social status will be

increased and so will be your popularity.

You are under the influence of Mars From 28-04-2022 To 19-05-2022 In the Varsha Kundli Mars is in house

No 2 This is not at all a good position. You will tend to become impulsive which you should try to overcome.

You should closely watch your words as this can spoil relationships and cause bickerings in the family and also

in the sphere of profession. In financial and health matters you may face some problems. You may run into

disputes with close person and your enemies may also give you some troubles. Time is not good for starting a

new venture or going for speculations as losses are likely.

You are under the influence of Rahu From 19-05-2022 To 13-07-2022 In the Varsha Kundli Rahu is in house

No 9 This is not a favourable position regarding the health of the elders , your reputation and financial progress

. Your relations with your elders may take a dip. You may also develop an interest in the study of mystical and

occult subjects. Be careful someone may cheat you . Don’t fall in the temptation of becoming rich overnight .

Losses / inconvenience during long journeys is possible.

You are under the influence of Jupiter From 13-07-2022 To 31-08-2022 In the Varsha Kundli Jupiter is in

house No 5 This is a very favourable position. Your reputation and health will improve, so will the profits in

the business .Your confidence-level will also considerably increase. You will become energetic and perform

some commendable deeds which will enhance your popularity and social status. In the professional sphere,

you will attract the attention of important persons .Family life will be normal

Page 26: Ascendant – Virgo - AstroVidhi · The planetary positions in your horoscope is as follows : Ascendant – Virgo Sun , Mercury and Ketu – Second house – Libra Mars – fourth

You are under the influence of Saturn From 31-08-2022 To 28-10-2022 In the Varsha Kundli Saturn is in

house No 5 This is a challenging position. You should stay away from any sort of speculation and investments.

Regarding your food-habits also you should be more careful otherwise you may have stomach-aches and

upsets. You progress in academic persuits / higher learning might be hindered and you may face some

challenges in your profession . Family life will also not be very satisfactory

From 25th November 2022 to 1st October 2025 , you will be under the sway of Saturn’s minor period . You

will get mixed results in this period as Saturn signifies cusps numbers 5,6 and 7 through placement and

ownership . You will be able to tackle , face and solve all your problems and challenges in this period .

You are under the influence of Ketu From 28-10-2022 To 18-11-2022 In the Varsha Kundli Ketu is in house

No 12 This is a favourable position but excluding health-matters. If you are already suffering from some

sickness / diseases, intermittent aggravations and sharp pains will make you suffer. You will do well to beat

your opponents and rivals .Your enemies will be subdued and you will receive favours from influential persons

. You will have betterment in career, improvement in earnings, increase of name-and-fame and gain of social

popularity. Worship Ganapathy daily to boost the positive results .

You are under the influence of Venus From 18-11-2022 To 18-01-2023 In the Varsha Kundli Venus is in

house No 12 This is not a very encouraging position. You must excercise care and caution as your enemies

could otherwise ferment troubles for you and make you a victim of slander or disrepute. Time is not propitious

for extravagant tendencies if not curbed could give rise to financial problem. Your health also needs more care

as you may suffer from minor ailments. You may feel irritated but you should try to diffuse your tensions

which will smoothen things for you. By adopting a compromising attitude and dealing in a tactful manner you

Page 27: Ascendant – Virgo - AstroVidhi · The planetary positions in your horoscope is as follows : Ascendant – Virgo Sun , Mercury and Ketu – Second house – Libra Mars – fourth

could be able to tide over domestic conflicts.

You are under the influence of Sun From 18-01-2023 To 05-02-2023 In the Varsha Kundli Sun is in house No

12 This is not a favourable position. Medical and wasteful expenditures could tilt your balance. The health of

your family-members may cause great anxiety. You should try to overcome your own excitable disposition and

deal with the emotional outbursts of your family- members in a tactful manner. Some of your enemies may

give you trouble in your professional sphere. You may have to go to a distant place in connection with your

profession which may not bear much of fruit. Your religiously inclination could increase during the period

which is a good thing after all.

You are under the influence of Moon From 05-02-2023 To 07-03-2023 In the Varsha Kundli Moon is in house

No 1 This position gives mixed influences. On the good side, it will make you fortunate in dealings with

others. You will gain popularity, your earnings from business will increase and you will receive favours from

authorities; you may enjoy some special benefits from an influential lady. While in respect of health you must

take more care; you may suffer from cold, cough, asthma and eye-complaints. You should also stay away from

speculations for the purpose of preventing the chances of incurring losses.

You are under the influence of Mars From 07-03-2023 To 28-03-2023 In the Varsha Kundli Mars is in house

No 8 This is an unfavourable position. You should take every possible care for avoiding disputes and conflicts;

you should not get entagled in any Law- suit also. Your health needs much more care and you should be very

cautious while driving as you will be prone to sustain injuries and suffer blood-loss. In professional sphere,

you may face many problems which you should try to sort out peacefully. The period is not favourable and

you must let the adverse period pass over by lying low. The period is not good for finances; so think twice

Page 28: Ascendant – Virgo - AstroVidhi · The planetary positions in your horoscope is as follows : Ascendant – Virgo Sun , Mercury and Ketu – Second house – Libra Mars – fourth

before making any new commitments.Worship Anjaneya swami daily to ward off many of your problems .

You are under the influence of Rahu From 28-03-2023 To 22-05-2023 In the Varsha Kundli Rahu is in house

No 6 This is a favourable position but excluding health-matters. If you are already suffering from some

congenial diseases, intermittent aggravations and sharp pains will make you suffer. Your opponents will not

have courage to face you . There will be advancement in professional success and earnings .You will get fairly

good results in this period. You may have to put little more efforts to swing the results in your favour. As an

independent entrepreneur, you might get challenging situations, which could be handled by adopting a proper


You are under the influence of Jupiter From 22-05-2023 To 10-07-2023 In the Varsha Kundli Jupiter is in

house No 5 This is a very favourable position. Your friends and well-wishers will extend their sincere support

towards you. You may be benefited financially. On the domestic front, you may have to pay little more

attention. There could be a few long journeys, which will prove quite pleasant. Take care of your health as it

may cause you some anxiety. This period will also enable to make lot of new contacts including people from

far off places.

You are under the influence of Saturn From 10-07-2023 To 06-09-2023 In the Varsha Kundli Saturn is in

house No 3 confidence will increase and you will acquire name-and-fame. Your opponents will be subdued

and you will receive favours from the authorities. You will have success in all your endeavours and some of

your ambitions will be fulfilled. You may have some short-distance journeys during the period. You must be

careful regarding health matters . Feed any three street dogs daily to ward off problems .

You are under the influence of Mercury From 06-09-2023 To 28-10-2023 In the Varsha Kundli Mercury is in

Page 29: Ascendant – Virgo - AstroVidhi · The planetary positions in your horoscope is as follows : Ascendant – Virgo Sun , Mercury and Ketu – Second house – Libra Mars – fourth

house No 12 This is not a favourable position. You may have to face some minor problems created by your

secret enemies. While dealing with authorities you should be careful and should not antagonize them. In

profession you may have changes and may have to go to a distant place where you will have much better

scope and opportunities. Your health might be somewhat affected and expenses may considerably increase

which could keep you tense. The study of occult subjects will attract you more and you may have good

progress in this field.

In the varsha kundli of 2023-2024 , Muntha is in the 4th house from the Ascendant. This is an unfavourable

position for Muntha. The year could be troublesome and challenging. There will be distress due to lack of

peace of mind, misunderstandings with close associates and relatives. Your varsha ascendant is in the sixth

house from the janm ascendant. This is an unfavourable position. adversaries and opponents will become the

cause of your mental tension. You will have a lot of obstacles in your way and your adversaries will have an

upper hand. There will be financial difficulties and possible loss of position. Quarrels and disputes in the

family will cause much unhappiness. Thanks to Varsheshwar Moon. You will be able to tolerate the

challenges of life .

You are under the influence of Venus From 28-10-2023 To 28-12-2023 In the Varsha Kundli Venus is in

house No 6 This is not a fortunate position. You should take proper care of your health as you will be prone to

suffer from minor ailments. Your enemies could ferment some trouble and try to tarnish your image. You

should remain alert, avoid all temptations and overcome irritations. You must avoid all conflicts and disputes;

being diplomatic and tactful you should handle the situations. The period is not propitious for gaining favours

at workplace. In family-life too you should try to avoid disputes and quarrels by retaining your cool. This is not

a favourable time for socializing or for forming new relationships.

Page 30: Ascendant – Virgo - AstroVidhi · The planetary positions in your horoscope is as follows : Ascendant – Virgo Sun , Mercury and Ketu – Second house – Libra Mars – fourth

You are under the influence of Sun From 28-12-2023 To 15-01-2024 In the Varsha Kundli Sun is in house No

8 This is not a good position. You may suffer from bodily pains and mental anguish. Your spouse and children

may not remain in good health and you may even have to face some challenging conditions arising from

unforeseen causes. In professional sphere too you will face problems and remain tense. This is not at all a

good time to get into any partnership or start a new venture. You should let the adverse time-period pass over

by lying low.

You are under the influence of Moon From 15-01-2024 To 14-02-2024 In the Varsha Kundli Moon is in house

No 2 This is a favourable position. You will pass through a better phase. In business and profession, you will

receive favours from authorities and have boosted earnings. You will become popular and your family-

members will make you very happy. You will be brimming in confidence and have a great leap forward in

business by finalising a new deal or getting into a new business venture. You should however remain careful in

respect of the health of your spouse / associates.

You are under the influence of Mars From 14-02-2024 To 06-03-2024 In the Varsha Kundli Mars is in house

No 8 This is an unfavourable position. You should take every possible care for avoiding quarrels and conflicts;

you should not get entagled in any kind of disputes with anybody. Your health needs much more care and you

should be very cautious while driving as you will be prone to sustain injuries and suffer blood-loss. In

professional sphere, you may face many problems which you should try to sort out peacefully. The period is

not favourable and you must let the adverse period pass over by lying low. The period is not good for

finances; so think twice before making any new commitments. Donate sweet prasadam every Tuesday to

control the negative effect of the malefic planets

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You are under the influence of Rahu From 06-03-2024 To 30-04-2024 In the Varsha Kundli Rahu is in house

No 2 This position offers mixed influences. For financial progress and for receiving honours, the position is

favourable. You will become righteous and will become victorious in case of conflicts. In respect of your

expressions and opinions however you are to remain careful as these can make or break relationships. You

should minimize lending or borrowing and also avoid speculative investments; these will help you to fulfil

your financial commitments.

You are under the influence of Jupiter From 30-04-2024 To 18-06-2024 In the Varsha Kundli Jupiter is in

house No 2 This is a favourable position. You will have an excellent time for having much improvement in

your professional sphere. Persons of authority and rank will grant you special favours and you may have much

advancement. In respect of finances the period will be prosperous. Your family-life will be peaceful and happy.

The relationship with relatives will considerably improve and family/ social gatherings will be more frequent.

Your social popularity will increase and people will seek your advice on important matters.

You are under the influence of Saturn From 18-06-2024 To 15-08-2024 In the Varsha Kundli Saturn is in

house No 12 This is not a favourable position. Increase of medical and wasteful expenditures may cause you

anxieties. The health of your spouse/ associates may become a source of worry to you. Your enemies may

work secretly against you and give you trouble. You may sustain injuries as a result of an accidental fall and

there could be fruitless journeys in connection with profession. On the good side, you will become religious-

minded and go for a pilgrimmage to a distant place. You will enjoy the company of pious souls and be initiated

into religious practices and meditation. You inner self will become elevated.

You are under the influence of Mercury From 15-08-2024 To 06-10-2024 In the Varsha Kundli Mercury is in

Page 32: Ascendant – Virgo - AstroVidhi · The planetary positions in your horoscope is as follows : Ascendant – Virgo Sun , Mercury and Ketu – Second house – Libra Mars – fourth

house No 8 This is an unfavourable position. You may suffer from skin diseases and feel nervous. Your

sources of earning may get squeezed whereas you may not be able to control excessive expenditures. You may

associate yourself with lower-class people for which your near and dear ones might feel concerned. By

excercising will-force you must try to change your outlook. If you cannot change your behaviour-patterns, your

popularity will be on the wane . Wrong analysis of the situations is possible, consult an experienced well

wisher before taking any major decision .

You are under the influence of Ketu From 06-10-2024 To 27-10-2024 In the Varsha Kundli Ketu is in house

No 8 This position offers mixed influences. For financial progress and for receiving honours, the position is

Not very favourable. You will become righteous and will become victorious in case of conflicts. In respect of

your expressions and opinions however you are to remain careful as these can make or break relationships.

You should minimize lending or borrowing and also avoid speculative investments; these will help you to fulfil

your financial commitments. Feed any street dog with milk daily to ward off problems .

From 1st October 2025 to 19th April 2028 , you will under the influence of Mercury minor period . Mercury

signifies cusps numbers 4, 7 and 12 through starlord . This is a challenging period . Obstacles in attracting luck

will be felt . Expenses will be on the higher side . Financial challenges can make you worrisome .

In the varshphal year 2025-2026 , in the varsha kundli, Muntha is in the 12 House from the Ascendant. This is

not a favourable position. Your expenses will become very high and even may go beyond control. You may

lose wealth by wrong judgment of the situations You may not obtain the fruits of your labour and face

dejection. There could be forcible displacement or transfer, extreme financial difficulties and troubles in

foreign lands or distant places.

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Your varsha ascendant is in the twelfth house from the janm ascendant. This is not a favourable position. There

will be false allegations and backbiting. Possibililty of scandal and disrepute caused by close confidants. There

will be increase in expenditures and your financial position will remain too tight throughout the year.

Thanks to your Varsheshwar . The varsheshwar is Jupiter. You will have generous instincts and will be

engaged in virtuous deeds. You will become more religiously inclined, visit holy shrines. You will have

increase of confidence and will have victory in disputes. You will receive honours and distinctions for

meritorious and philanthropic deeds. Your religious attitude will make you face and combat the challenges

thrown by the life .You will receive active assistance and benefits from your well wishers .

You are under the influence of Moon From 28-10-2025 To 27-11-2025 In the Varsha Kundli Moon is in house

No 4 This is a favourable position. You will spend a highly enjoyable time with all family-members; there

could be some celebrations in the family. You will be fortunate in dealings in relation to property-matters and

have new acquisitions which will add to your comfort and satisfaction. In your professional sphere, you will

have a bright time to receive favours from authorities or fainalise a deal. You should however avoid all sorts of

speculative investments as you may incur losses.

You are under the influence of Mars From 27-11-2025 To 18-12-2025 In the Varsha Kundli Mars is in house

No 3 This is a very fortunate position. Your courage and confidence level will reach an all-time high and you

will successful to make full use of them in constructive purposes. In professional sphere you will firmly deal

with certain situations and introduce some progressive changes which will work wonders for you. Your

position and level of earnings will be much improved. Some of your ambitions will be realised and you may

Page 34: Ascendant – Virgo - AstroVidhi · The planetary positions in your horoscope is as follows : Ascendant – Virgo Sun , Mercury and Ketu – Second house – Libra Mars – fourth

have some new acquisitions. You will conquer your enemies and your social status will be raised. You will

form new relationships and your popularity will greatly increase.

You are under the influence of Rahu From 18-12-2025 To 11-02-2026 In the Varsha Kundli Rahu is in house No 6 This is a favourable position but excluding health-matters. If you are already suffering from some congenial diseases, intermittent aggravations and sharp pains will make you suffer badly. You will do well in competitions and competitive examinations. Your enemies will be subdued and you will receive favours from your superiors. You will have betterment in career, improvement in earnings, increase of name-and-fame and gain of social popularity.

You are under the influence of Jupiter From 11-02-2026 To 01-04-2026 In the Varsha Kundli Jupiter is in

house No 11 This is very auspicious. You will have good progress in your sphere of profession alongwith

excellent financial prosperity. Your name and fame will increase and you will be widely respected in social

circles . You will form new friendships with worthy people and your opponents will be totally vanquished.

You will be in good health and in high spirits; your family-members will also remain in good health. Your

family-life will be very enjoyable and peaceful; your children will add to your pride and happiness. Fulfilment

of cherished desires and realisation of ambitions will increase your satisfaction. There may be new acquisition

which will improve your life-style.

You are under the influence of Saturn From 01-04-2026 To 29-05-2026 In the Varsha Kundli Saturn is in

house No 7 This position offers mixed influences. For profession, the period is highly propitious; you will

develop good contacts and make beneficial deals. For getting into business-partnership or collaboration and

for having distant journeys in connection with business (more so in the direction of west and also south) the

period will be highly favourable. The position however is not-so-good for the health and well-being of the

elders / seniors . The health of your spouse/ associates may also be affected. You should also remain careful

during travels as you will be prone to sustain injuries resulting from fall. Feed the poor every Saturday to neutralize the malefic effects .

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You are under the influence of Mercury From 29-05-2026 To 20-07-2026 In the Varsha Kundli Mercury is in

house No 3 This position will make you a busy person. You will have correspondences with many people. A

number of short journeys you may also have. You may have to put a lot of efforts to get the desired results. As

an independent entrepreneur, you might face quite a few problems in your present set up. Your most of energy

& time may be wasted in settling the disputes or making the arrangement to run your business or trade nicely

You are under the influence of Ketu From 20-07-2026 To 10-08-2026 In the Varsha Kundli Ketu is in house

No 12 This is a favourable position for financial gains and rise of social status . Health needs to be taken care

of else you fall victim of bad health . Business will flourish and you may consider expansion too. This could

prove out to be a good more considering efforts you put in, backed by good business sense and help from the

contacts you have built up over the years. You could look forward to making a lot of money in your ventures.

You'll make many friends during this period and renew old acquaintances too. Your family life will be happy.

There will be peace and harmony all around. There may be an auspicious ceremony in the family.

You are under the influence of Venus From 10-08-2026 To 10-10-2026 In the Varsha Kundli Venus is in

house No 1 This is an auspicious position. You will be contented in this period. You will have many

opportunities and will receive favours from superiors. Your business prospects and your financial position will

also be considerably improved. You will have a pleasant and enjoyable time in company of friendly people .

You will socialize more and form new friendships with joyous people. Your family-life will be happy and

enjoyable. You will be in good health and so will be the other members of your family. Your relationship with

the people in general will improve and your popularity will increase. The period is now ripe for investing

endeavours that will lead to betterment in career.

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You are under the influence of Sun From 10-10-2026 To 28-10-2026 In the Varsha Kundli Sun is in house No

2 This is a challenging position. There could be misunderstandings with the family-members .You need to

take every possible care. Some of your relatives may turn inimical and try to create problems. You may suffer

from some health-problems affecting the body-parts eye and neck / throat.

In the varshphal year 2026-2027 , Muntha is in the 10th House from the Ascendant in the varsha kundli. This

is a favourable position. There will be career-betterment, acquisition of assetts and articles of comfort. You

will receive favours from the higher authorities, your fame and reputation will increase. Your cherished

desires will be fulfilled and you will lead a very contented life.

The varsheshwar is Venus. You will enjoy peaceful domestic life. You will remain in good health, will have

success in disputes and victory over enemies. You will gather interest in acquiring knowledge in newer fields.

You are likely to have financial gains from unexpected sources. There will be auspicious celebrations in the

family .

Your varsheshwar is located in the 11th House. You will become very popular in the circle of your friends and

acquaintances. You will receive active assistance and benefits from them.

Your varsh ascendant is in third house from the janm ascendant. This is a favourable position and you valour

will increase. You will have brimming confidence and will take some risky decision which will bring in

success. Your reputation will be enhanced considerably.

You are under the influence of Mars From 28-10-2026 To 18-11-2026 In the Varsha Kundli Mars is in house

No 8 This is an unfavourable position. You should take every possible care for avoiding misunderstandings

and conflicts; you should not get entagled in any kind of disputes. Your health needs much more care and you

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should be very cautious while driving as you will be prone to sustain injuries and suffer blood-loss. In

professional sphere, you may face many problems which you should try to sort out peacefully. The period is

not favourable and you must let the adverse period pass over by lying low. The period is not good for

finances; so think twice before making any new commitments. Keep checking your blood pressure regularly.

Reduce the intake of salt to have better health .

You are under the influence of Rahu From 18-11-2026 To 12-01-2027 In the Varsha Kundli Rahu is in house

No 3 This is a fortunate position. You will gain an upliftment of status. You will enjoy all sorts of material

pleasures. Socially your popularity will increase and your children's progress will make you happier. Victory

over your opponents will increase your satisfaction. Irregular flow of funds can however make you tense for

which you should minimize lending and borrowing.

You are under the influence of Jupiter From 12-01-2027 To 02-03-2027 In the Varsha Kundli Jupiter is in

house No 8 This is not a favourable position. Your health-condition may worsen for which you should take

proper care. In professional sphere, you may have to overcome many obstacles and impediments; some of your

seniors openly behave inimical and try to block your prospects. Instead of becoming argumentive you should

become more diplomatic and tactful by developing a compromising nature. For profession and finances the

period does not bear promises. Your family-life will be good enough and un-eventful provided you can

contain your irritations and do not have the habit of bringing the problems home with you. The period is

propitious for getting initiated in the occult subjects in which you can have good progress. You may develop a

philosophical outlook. Every Thursday pour water onto the roots of Peepal tree to reduce the problems .

You are under the influence of Saturn From 02-03-2027 To 29-04-2027 In the Varsha Kundli Saturn is in

house No 4 This is not a favourable position. You may have to face many problems in your home-front and in

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respect of property-matters. Your mental peace and well-being could cause you serious concern and your

children may not be in good health. There might be change of residence. You may become tense, worried and

pessimistic during this time. On the other side, the period will make you more cautious, prudent and astute;

although it can make you somewhat selfish and secretive as well. Dealing in land, buildings, building

construction materials and agricultural implements could fetch you good returns. Time is not suitable for

speculations. Donate mustard oil every Saturday and do not wear green clothes to keep troubles at a distance .

You are under the influence of Mercury From 29-04-2027 To 20-06-2027 In the Varsha Kundli Mercury is in

No 11 This is an auspicious position. You will have a large circle of acquaintances but will have intimacy with

a limited few. You will attach more importance to intellectual level for which you will have a few friends

among learned people. You might be attracted to speculations and other non desirable habits which you should

try to avoid by excercising will-force. Your earnings will increase but there could be wide fluctuations. You

will have journeys to distant places and may opt for staying in distant places too

You are under the influence of Ketu From 20-06-2027 To 11-07-2027 In the Varsha Kundli Ketu is in house

No 9 This is a fortunate position. You will have increase of wealth and gain an upliftment of status. You will

enjoy all sorts of material pleasures and may have new acquisitions. Socially your popularity will increase and

your children's progress will make you happier. Victory over your opponents will increase your satisfaction.

Irregular flow of funds can however make you tense for which you should minimize lending and borrowing.

Do no sell or pawn gold .

You are under the influence of Venus From 11-07-2027 To 10-09-2027 In the Varsha Kundli Venus is in house No 11 This is a fortunate position. You will wield much influence as you will be moving in high circles. Your enemies will meet with destruction as you'd rise to a commanding position in professional sphere; in social circles too you will turn heads and become

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a centre of attraction. You will form many new friendships and win admirers. Your family-life will be very peaceful and happy.There might be some auspicious celebrations in the family.

You are under the influence of Sun From 10-09-2027 To 28-09-2027 In the Varsha Kundli Sun is in house No

11 This is a positive position. You will receive favours from the authorities and your earnings will

considerably increase from business and other ventures. You will do some noble deeds for which your social

popularity will increase. Some new acquisitions will increase your comfort and mental satisfaction. You will

have victory over your enemies and will lead a trouble-free life.

You are under the influence of Moon From 28-09-2027 To 28-10-2027 In the Varsha Kundli Moon is in house

No 6 This is an inauspicious position. Your enemies may increase and give you some troubles in your

professional sphere. Your relationship with relatives (maternal) may be somewhat affected. You may feel

tense and irritable; some health affections are likely for which you should take care. You should try to retain

your cool and be very tactful while dealing with people. You should also resist the temptations of speculations

as the period does not bear any promises in this respect. You should try to gain control over your emotions and

try to view the happenings in their proper perspective. Every Thursday donate 600gm yellow chana dal in any


in the varshphal year 2027-2028 , Muntha is situated in the 8th house in the varsha kundli. This is a very

unfavourable position. You may suffer from disease or may receive accidental injury. There may be separation

from a close relative. You may have fruitless travels and mental worries, loss of confidence and loss of wealth.

You might travel to a distant place. In your chart Varsheshwar is placed in 9th House. You may have religious

inclinations. Your varsha ascendant is in the sixth house from the janm ascendant. Opponents will become the

Page 40: Ascendant – Virgo - AstroVidhi · The planetary positions in your horoscope is as follows : Ascendant – Virgo Sun , Mercury and Ketu – Second house – Libra Mars – fourth

cause of your mental tension. You will have a lot of obstacles in your way and your adversaries will have an

upper hand. There will be financial difficulties and possible loss of position. Misunderstandings and disputes

in the family will cause much unhappiness.

You are under the influence of Rahu From 28-10-2027 To 22-12-2027 In the Varsha Kundli Rahu is in house No 11 This is a very fortunate position. Although the health-condition of your mother will keep you worried and your children also may not be in good health, for material prosperity this position will be very beneficial and you will have gains from various sources. Some of your enemies may remain in your circle in disguise as friends; but you will be able to control them. In your professional sphere you will receive acclaim and socially you will become more popular. You may have new acquisitions which will make you happier.

You are under the influence of Jupiter From 22-12-2027 To 09-02-2028 In the Varsha Kundli Jupiter is in house No 6 This is not a favourable position. You will have to be very careful and cautious. Your state of health may deteriorate and you may find yourself in adverse circumstances. You may run into disputes with your close associates and chance of having a Law-suit will keep you anxious. Your relationship with your relatives may come under stress and your family-members may turn quite argumentive. You should let the period pass over by making many compromises. By excercising your will-force you should try to retain your cool and try to use diplomacy for tackling the situations. With your optimistic nature and high confidence-level you must be in a position for finding proper measures. For profession and earnings, the period does not bear promises; so remain on guard by being alert.

You are under the influence of Saturn From 09-02-2028 To 07-04-2028 In the Varsha Kundli Saturn is in

house No 1 This is not a favourable position. You should take more care of your health as you may suffer from

cold or some other obstructive ailments which might lead to complications if neglected. Your family-life may

lack harmony . You might become quite depressed and feel helpless as the things around you are not in proper

order. Some of your important customers may be difficult-to-please hard taskmasters who can only be

appeased by dedicated hard work and submissiveness. You should ensure that you do not antagonize any of

them. Otherwise your professional prospects could become blocked and you may be forced to look for


From 19th April 2028 to 8th May 2029 – you will be under the sway of Ketu minor period . You will have to

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undergo lots of stress and hardships to get success . You are under the influence of Mercury From 07-04-2028

To 29-05-2028 In the Varsha Kundli Mercury is in house No 7 You may have certain differences with your

opponents for which you may have to offer explanations. With your spouse / associates also you may have

some minor differences for which you might feel irritated. In professional sphere, you will do well and make

good progress. You may have gains from trading activities. You will have to struggle to secure a big contract

and may find obstacle in undertaking journey to a distant place.

You are under the influence of Ketu From 29-05-2028 To 19-06-2028 In the Varsha Kundli Ketu is in house

No 5 This is a good placement. Although the health-condition of some elder member of family will keep you

worried and your children also may not be in good health, for material prosperity this position will be very

beneficial and you will have gains from various sources. Some of your enemies may remain in your circle in

disguise as friends; but you will be able to control them. In your professional sphere you will receive acclaim

and socially you will become more popular.

You are under the influence of Venus From 19-06-2028 To 19-08-2028 In the Varsha Kundli Venus is in

house No 9 This is a highly fortunate position. You will have all round success and prosperity in all areas of

life. You will have betterment in career; your earnings will increase and you will have gains from various

other sources. A distant journey may prove to be fruitful. Your family-life will be peaceful and comfortable

with all it's members very cordially disposed to one another and remaining in the pink of their health. Time is

favourable for forming new relationships, improve the existing ones and also for socializing. Your name and

fame will be widespread and popularity will also increase considerably.

You are under the influence of Sun From 19-08-2028 To 06-09-2028 In the Varsha Kundli Sun is in house No

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8 This is a very challenging placement . You may suffer from bodily pains and mental anguish. Family

members may not remain in good health and you may even have to face some calamitic conditions arising

from unforeseen causes. In professional sphere too you will face problems and remain tense. This is not at all

a good time to get into any partnership or start a new venture. You should let the adverse time-period pass over

by lying low. Bow your head in front of rising sun daily after taking bath . Take blessings and good wishes

from any friendly government officer .

You are under the influence of Moon From 06-09-2028 To 06-10-2028 In the Varsha Kundli Moon is in house

No 7 This is a favourable position. This period will shower you with all sorts of material benefits and

emotionally you will have a pleasant period .You will receive favours from authorities and

will have much gains through business activities. Your relationship with people in general will be much

improved. From all areas and from colleagues as well you will receive full co-operation and support. An

excellent progress in profession you may have with a little effort.

You are under the influence of Mars From 06-10-2028 To 27-10-2028 In the Varsha Kundli Mars is in house

No 9 This position offers mixed influences. You may become less energetic and lose confidence. Your

wandering tendency and wasteful expenditures may increase. The health-condition of some of your male

relations may deteriorate and arouse your anxieties. Your earnings will be somewhat increased. The position

however is favourable for having long journeys and pilgrimmages; it is also a propitious period for developing

foreign connections from which you can derive benefits in future. Feed the monkeys whenever possible to

attract good luck . Observe fasts on Tuesdays

In the varshphal chart of 2028-2029 , Muntah is placed in the 9th house in the varsha kundli. This is a

favourable position and there will be all-round prosperity and success during the year. Your cherished desires

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and aspirations will be fulfilled, there will be celebrations at home and your name and fame will be

widespread. Family harmony will be felt . You might become richer through gains from distant places. The

placement of Muntha in Scorpio Sign may give you an oppurtunity to travel to a foreign country or a distant

inland place. The varsheshwar is Jupiter. You will have generous instincts and will be engaged in virtuous

deeds. You will become more religiously inclined, visit holy shrines. You will have increase of confidence and

will have victory in disputes. You will receive honours and distinctions for meritorious and philanthropic

deeds. Your wealth will increase, domestic life will be peaceful and happy. Placement of your varsha

ascendant is in the sixth house from the birth ascendant. This is an unfavourable position. This can reduce / negate the benefic results mentioned above .

You are under the influence of Jupiter From 28-10-2028 To 16-12-2028 In the Varsha Kundli Jupiter is in

house No 7 This is a highly fortunate position. You will develop an optimistic outlook and become very

energetic. Your relationships with people in general will become very cordial and harmonious. You will be

highly successful in all your dealings and form lasting relationships with worthy people. In profession you will

have better opportunities to prove your worth and this will push you up the ladder. In financial matters you will

have good improvement and steady progress. You may have a long journey to a distant place which will be

very fruitful. Family peace will be observed .

You are under the influence of Saturn From 16-12-2028 To 12-02-2029 In the Varsha Kundli Saturn is in

house No 2 This is not a favourable position as far as domestic happiness and bank balance is concerned. Your

family-life may not be peaceful as the members might have misunderstandings among themselves which may

be a source of worries and keep you in a state of tension. This may affect your outlook as you may lose

patience which in turn may lead you to have conflicts with others. Try to become diplomatic for tackling the

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home-front and by adopting a philosophic outlook try to see the real world in it's true perspective. You should

be more cautious and careful in respect of your financial dealings; since the time-period is not favourable, your

earnings may decrease and funds may get blocked. You should think twice before making commitments.

You are under the influence of Mercury From 12-02-2029 To 05-04-2029 In the Varsha Kundli Mercury is in

house No 7 You may have certain differences with your opponents . professionally otherwise you will do well

. Domestic happiness may not be seen , which will cause you worries . Read Durga Stotram for overall


You are under the influence of Ketu From 05-04-2029 To 26-04-2029 In the Varsha Kundli Ketu is in house

No 4 This is not a fortunate position. You may have a unhappiness from your profession as you are likely to

suffer by getting into difficulties with your important customers .In family-life also you may have instability

.By dedicated hard work if you can satisfy the hardcore taskmasters, then you can reap benefits professionally .

Take the blessings of your family priest regularly to ward off troubles. Back ache, Joint pains , diabetes and

urine related infections can trouble you .

You are under the influence of Venus From 26-04-2029 To 26-06-2029 In the Varsha Kundli Venus is in

house No 7 This is a very favourable period. You will have success in all your endeavours and receive favours

from important people. You will form new relationships and make new deals. You may have fruitful journeys

and pleasure-trips. Some of your cherished desires will be fulfilled and ambitions realised. You will be

fortunate in respect of relationships. For socializing too the period will be favourable as your relations will be

improved and your popularity will also increase.

You are under the influence of Sun From 26-06-2029 To 14-07-2029 In the Varsha Kundli Sun is in house No

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8 This is not a good position. You may suffer from ill health .In professional sphere too you will face problems

and remain tense. This is not at all a good time to get into any partnership or start a new venture. You should

let the adverse time-period pass over by lying low. Donate 8 Kg wheat in any temple on Sundays to reduce the

sufferings .

You are under the influence of Moon From 14-07-2029 To 13-08-2029 In the Varsha Kundli Moon is in house

No 12 This is not a fortunate position. You may have wasteful expenditures leading to financial difficulties.

You may have eye infections .You will feel irritable and your confidence level may drop. Your secret enemies

may work against you and cause anxieties. This is not at all a good time to start a new venture or finalising

any deal. You should also avoid speculations. Journeys during this period is far less to be fruitful excepting in

the direction of north. Be cautious and go slow.

You are under the influence of Mars From 13-08-2029 To 03-09-2029 In the Varsha Kundli Mars is in house

No 6 This is a very fortunate position. You will become very courageous and will conquer your enemies. You

will be victorious in conflicts and disputes. By putting forward your endeavours in a proper manner and by

facing situations with confidence, you will make excellent progress in your professional sphere and will have

boosted earnings. You will receive favours from authorities and form new relationships.

You are under the influence of Rahu From 03-09-2029 To 28-10-2029 In the Varsha Kundli Rahu is in house

No 10 This is a challenging period . You need to be very careful in this period as family and finances both will

be matters of concern . Back ache can trouble you . You may fall from height or status . You might have to

face quite a few problems in this period. Financial tightness can be felt .A lack of harmony among the family

members will be quite in evidence .

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From 8th May 2029 to 7th May 2032 – You will remain under the sway of Venus minor period . This will be a

better period than the previous one . Family and finances both will be source of joy . Good news from distant

places will keep you cheerful .

You are under the influence of Saturn From 28-10-2029 To 25-12-2029 In the Varsha Kundli Saturn is in

house No 11 Except for health-matters, the position is highly fortunate. You must take proper care of your

health. Consumption of meat , eggs and alcohol is strictly no no . You must remain alert and retain your cool.

Your responsibility will increase and so will be your earnings. You will also have gains from some other

sources. You are to avoid speculations. This period indicates a lot of hard work for you. There will also be

delay and obstacles in realisation and at times, you will feel very frustrated at the way things are. Donate

alcohol to ward off troubles

You are under the influence of Mercury From 25-12-2029 To 15-02-2030 In the Varsha Kundli Mercury is in

house No 5 This is a very auspicious position. You will have good prosperity in professional sphere and will

lead a peaceful and happy family life. You will form new friendships and will become increasingly popular.

You may remain obsessed with speculations . Read Vishnu Sahasrnaam daily to attract good luck .

You are under the influence of Ketu From 15-02-2030 To 08-03-2030 In the Varsha Kundli Ketu is in house

No 1 This position offers mixed influences. You will be fortunate in respect of relationships but impulsive

reactions may lead to have difficulties with your spouse/ associates. You will form new business relationships

and make new deals. Journeys to distant places and contacts/ collaborations with foreigners / strangers will be

fruitful. You will be moving in high circles and become more influential.

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You are under the influence of Venus From 08-03-2030 To 08-05-2030 In the Varsha Kundli Venus is in

house No 6 This is not a fortunate position. You should take proper care of your health as you will be prone to

suffer from minor ailments. Your enemies could ferment some trouble and try to tarnish your image. You

should remain alert, avoid all temptations and overcome irritations. You must avoid all conflicts and disputes;

being diplomatic and tactful you should handle the situations. The period is not propitious for gaining favours

at workplace. In family-life too you should try to avoid disputes and quarrels by retaining your cool. This is not

a favourable time for socializing or for forming new relationships.

You are under the influence of Sun From 08-05-2030 To 26-05-2030 In the Varsha Kundli Sun is in house No

5 This position is inauspicious . You must not do anything that can affect the health of your heart . Practicing

yoga and meditation daily is highly recommended . You may have to undertake long distance journeys . You

shouldn’t do anything that is illegal .

You are under the influence of Moon From 26-05-2030 To 25-06-2030 In the Varsha Kundli Moon is in house

No 1 This position gives mixed influences. On the good side, it will make you fortunate in dealings with

others. You will gain popularity, your earnings from business will increase and you will receive favours from

authorities; you may gain some special benefits from ladies. While in respect of health you must take more

care; you may suffer from cold, cough, asthma and eye-complaints.

You are under the influence of Mars From 25-06-2030 To 16-07-2030 In the Varsha Kundli Mars is in house

No 7 This is not a favourable position. You may have problems with your business associates and the health of

your spouse may make you anxious. You may be emotionally disturbed and may not be in good health.

Journeys in connection with profession may not bear fruit excepting in the direction of east. For securing new

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deals the period is not favourable. You should try to avoid misunderstandings and confrontations by being

diplomatic. Reading Angarkay stotram will be very useful to take care of many of your problems .

You are under the influence of Rahu From 16-07-2030 To 09-09-2030 In the Varsha Kundli Rahu is in house

No 7 . Avoid wearing blue clothes in this period . Do not lend money to others . Your business / trade is not

likely to do well. You may incur losses. The work, you put in will not give the satisfactory results and this will

create a lot of tension for you. You may not deal appropriately and prudently with your associates. This could

create some trouble. Financially too, you will be quite tight during this period. Bad health is indicated to some

family member. Taking bath in any holy river will help you tackling the challenges of life .

You are under the influence of Jupiter From 09-09-2030 To 28-10-2030 In the Varsha Kundli Jupiter is in

house No 5 This is a very favourable position. You will enjoy good health and your confidence level will also

considerably increase. You will become very energetic and perform some meritorious deeds which will

enhance your popularity and social status. In the professional sphere, you will attract the attention of your

customers and colleagues alike. Persons of authority and rank will grant you favours .You are suggested to

read Vishnu Sahasrnaam daily to get positive results .

In the Varshphal year 2030-2031 , Muntha is situated in the 5th house from the Ascendant in the varsha kundli.

This is favourable position for Muntha. You will develop new contacts and will receive favours from people in

high places. Your name and fame will increase and there will be career-betterment. Harmony and progress n

the family will be noticed . The placement of Muntha in Capricorn Sign may give you an opportunity to travel

to a distant places. You will enjoy peaceful domestic life. You will remain in good health, will have success in

disputes and victory over enemies. You will gather interest in acquiring knowledge in newer fields. You are

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likely to have financial gains from unexpected sources. There will be auspicious celebrations in the family and

you will have and costly acquisitions.

Your varsha ascendant is in the twelfth house from the janm ascendant. This is not a favourable position. There

will be false allegations and backbiting. Possibililty of scandal and disrepute caused by close confidants. There

will be increase in expenditures and your financial position will remain too tight throughout the year. You

may have to visit hospital .

You are under the influence of Mercury From 29-10-2030 To 20-12-2030 In the Varsha Kundli Mercury is in

house No 2 This is a good position. It will make you virtuous and talented, wealthy and famous. It may

however affect the health of your spouse. You will improve your position by being industrious and through the

assistance of influential persons. You may suffer losses due to theft / cheating , be careful !

You are under the influence of Ketu From 20-12-2030 To 10-01-2031 In the Varsha Kundli Ketu is in house

No 9 This is a fortunate position. You will have increase of wealth and gain an upliftment of status. You will

enjoy all sorts of material pleasures and may have new acquisitions. Socially your popularity will increase and

your children's progress will make you happier. Victory over your opponents will increase your satisfaction.

Irregular flow of funds can however make you tense for which you should minimize lending and borrowing.

You are under the influence of Venus From 10-01-2031 To 12-03-2031 In the Varsha Kundli Venus is in

house No 2 This position is highly fortunate. You will find improvements in all areas of life and you will have

smooth progress. You will have betterment in career and your financial position will considerably improve.

You will receive favours from authoritative persons and you will lead a joyous carefree life. You will be in

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good health and enjoy a good time with all your family-members. You may have new acquisitions which will

make your life more comfortable. You may have some celebrations in the family.

You are under the influence of Sun From 12-03-2031 To 30-03-2031 In the Varsha Kundli Sun is in house No

2 This is not a favourable position. There could be disputes with the family-members , So you need to take

every possible care. Some of your relatives may turn inimical and try to create problems. You may suffer from

some health-problems affecting the body-parts eye and neck / throat. The health of some of your family-

members may cause serious concern to you.

You are under the influence of Moon From 30-03-2031 To 29-04-2031 In the Varsha Kundli Moon is in house

No 3 This is a good position. You will happiness from your co-borns and enjoy a very loving relationship with

your spouse / associates . You may receive special favours from the females and socially you will become

increasingly popular. You may have some short-journeys which will be enjoyable. But you should try to

overcome your tendency of becoming irritable and short-tempered.

You are under the influence of Mars From 29-04-2031 To 20-05-2031 In the Varsha Kundli Mars is in house No 12 This is not a favourable position. You will be somewhat indisposed and your enemies can create troubles for you. Your children may not remain in good health. Medical and other wasteful expenditures could tilt your balance while your income may shrink and your investments could be in a stage of stagnation. Journeys in connection with profession will not bear fruit during this period of time. Time is not propitious for you; so you must refrain from speculative investments. Your friends may not be very helpful during this time. So you should think twice before making commitments.

You are under the influence of Rahu From 20-05-2031 To 14-07-2031. In the Varsha Kundli Rahu is in house

No 3 This is a fortunate position. You will have increase of wealth and gain an upliftment of status. You will

enjoy all sorts of material pleasures and may have new acquisitions. Socially your popularity will increase and

your children's progress will make you happier. Victory over your opponents will increase your satisfaction.

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Irregular flow of funds can however make you tense for which you should minimize lending and borrowing.

Your self confidence will increase

You are under the influence of Jupiter From 14-07-2031 To 01-09-2031 In the Varsha Kundli Jupiter is in

house No 3 This is a good position. You will have good progress in knowledge in the subjects of interest will

increase. You will shine forth as a capable trouble-shooter and you will gain recognition for your special talent

of solving problems in uncanny ways. In professional sphere, you will gain distinction .Your popularity will

greatly increase and you will have many fruitful journeys to short-distance places. Your earnings will increase

whereas your expenses will decrease; the savings will boost your confidence-level. Your family-life will be

comfortable and pleasant.

You are under the influence of Saturn From 01-09-2031 To 29-10-2031 In the Varsha Kundli Saturn is in

house No 9 This is not a fortunate position. Family harmony may take a back seat . Someday can try to befool

you , be careful ! You may also incur losses in dealings with people of distant or foreign places. Do not initiate

legal cases yourself , try to solve the disputes out of the court only . On the good side, you can have a spiritual

bent of mind; you may become drawn to religion and be engaged in ritual practices. You may develop a

philosophic outlook and be interested in study of mystic and occult subjects.

In your varshphal chart of the year 2031-2032 , Muntha occupies the 3rd house from Ascendant in the varsha

kundli. You will have success in your endeavours due to your will power and self confidence . You will defeat

your opponents and adversaries and win in legal battles (if any). You will enjoy sound health, acquire name

and fame, make new friends and your acquaintance-circle will increase.

Result for Varsheshwar The varsheshwar is Jupiter. You will have generous instincts and will be engaged in

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virtuous deeds. You will become more religiously inclined, visit holy shrines. You will have increase of

confidence and will have victory in disputes. You will receive honours and distinctions for meritorious and

philanthropic deeds. Your wealth will increase, domestic life will be peaceful and happy. Be pure vegetarian to

enjoy the good results . You will have brimming confidence and will take some risky decisions.

You are under the influence of Ketu From 29-10-2031 To 19-11-2031 In the Varsha Kundli Ketu is in house

No 5 This is a very fortunate position. Health conditions of family members may disturb you .For material

prosperity this position will be very beneficial and you will have gains from various sources. Some of your

enemies may remain in your circle in disguise as friends; but you will be able to control them. In your

professional sphere you will receive acclaim and socially you will become more popular. You may have new

acquisitions which will make you happier.

You are under the influence of Venus From 19-11-2031 To 19-01-2032 In the Varsha Kundli Venus is in

house No 9 This is a highly fortunate position. You will have all round success and prosperity in all areas of

life. A distant journey may prove to be fruitful. Your family life will be peaceful and comfortable with all it's

members very cordially disposed to one another and remaining in the pink of their health. Time is favourable

for forming new relationships, improve the existing ones and also for socializing. Your name and fame will be

widespread and popularity will also increase considerably. Feed any cow with spinach every Wednesday to

experience positive results .

You are under the influence of Sun From 19-01-2032 To 06-02-2032 In the Varsha Kundli Sun is in house No

11 This is a highly favourable position. You will receive favours from the authorities and your earnings will

considerably increase from business and other ventures. You will do some noble deeds for which your social

popularity will increase. Some new acquisitions will increase your comfort and mental satisfaction. You will

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have victory over your enemies and will lead a trouble-free life. Read Aditya Hridya Stotram daily after taking

bath to maintain the benefic experiences .

You are under the influence of Moon From 06-02-2032 To 07-03-2032 In the Varsha Kundli Moon is in house

No 4 This is a very fortunate position. You will spend a highly enjoyable time with all family-members; there

could be some celebrations in the family. You will be fortunate in dealings in relation to property-matters . In

your professional sphere, you will have a bright time to receive favours from authorities, gain a promotion or

fainalise a deal. Helping and respecting mother and mother like ladies will help you a lot in progress.

You are under the influence of Mars From 07-03-2032 To 28-03-2032 In the Varsha Kundli Mars is in house

No 1 This is not a good position. You may suffer from persisting headache , fever and some other ailments; the

health of your spouse/ associates may also worsen. Since you will be prone to injuries & accidents /

operations , you should be careful while driving and when you will be near moving parts of machineries or

working with some sharp tools. On the good side, you will become very energetic and complete pending tasks

with tireless efforts. Your financial position will be stable and in professional sphere you will make good

progress. Do not take anything free from Anybody .

You are under the influence of Rahu From 28-03-2032 To 22-05-2032 In the Varsha Kundli Rahu is in house

No 11 This is a very fortunate position. Although the health-condition of some elderly family member will

keep you worried ,for material prosperity this position will be very beneficial and you will have gains from

various sources. Use silver tumbler for drinking water and milk . Do not produce too much smoke in the house .

You are under the influence of Jupiter From 22-05-2032 To 10-07-2032 In the Varsha Kundli Jupiter is in

house No 1 This is a fortunate position. You will have favourable circumstances and you will receive benefits

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from all quarters. In your professional sphere, you will have cordial relationships with your important

customers and associates . You will receive due recognition for your talents and invested endeavours. Your

family-life will be bright. You will be in good health and so will be the other members of your family. Your

confidence will increase and you will successfully complete the pending jobs by working single-handedly.

Wear gold chain around the neck .

You are under the influence of Saturn From 10-07-2032 To 06-09-2032 In the Varsha Kundli Saturn is in

house No 6 This is a highly fortunate position. If you are careful in respect of your food-habits and can

minimise overexposure to unfavourable environmental conditions, you will enjoy good health and sound

physique. You will conquer your opponents and gain favours from influential persons. You will have gains

from many sources and your earnings will increase considerably. Avoid buying new leather and iron items in

this period .

You are under the influence of Mercury From 06-09-2032 To 28-10-2032 In the Varsha Kundli Mercury is in

house No 12 This is not a favourable position. You may have to face some minor problems created by your

secret enemies. While dealing with authorities you should be careful and should not antagonize them. In

profession you may have changes and may have to go to a distant place where you will have much better

scope and opportunities. Your health might be somewhat affected and expenses may considerably increase

which could keep you tense. The study of occult subjects will attract you more and you may have good

progress in this field. Feed overnight moist whole green moong dal to the pigeons daily to ward off many


You are under the influence of Venus From 27-10-2032 To 27-12-2032 In the Varsha Kundli Venus is in

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house No 6 This is not a fortunate position. You should take proper care of your health as you will be prone to

suffer from minor ailments. Your enemies could ferment some trouble and try to tarnish your image. You

should remain alert, avoid all temptations and overcome irritations. You must avoid all conflicts and disputes;

being diplomatic and tactful you should handle the situations. The period is not propitious for gaining favours

at workplace. In family-life too you should try to avoid disputes and quarrels by retaining your cool. This is not

a favourable time for socializing or for forming new relationships.

You are under the influence of Sun From 27-12-2032 To 14-01-2033 In the Varsha Kundli Sun is in house No

5 This period will be rather bad for you. Don’t rely on anyone during this phase at all, especially in money-

matters. You may have a heated discussion with your colleague or friend on some minor issue. Children’s

health need to be monitored . Try to maintain your cool to have harmony in the family . Do homam at home on

every Sunday .

You are under the influence of Moon From 14-01-2033 To 13-02-2033 In the Varsha Kundli Moon is in house

No 2 This is a favourable position. You will pass through a bright phase. In business and profession, you will

receive favours and have boosted earnings. You will become exceedingly popular and your family members

will make you very happy. You will be brimming in confidence and have a great leap forward in business by

finalising a new deal or getting into a new business venture. You should however remain careful in respect of

the health of your spouse / associates .

You are under the influence of Mars From 13-02-2033 To 06-03-2033 In the Varsha Kundli Mars is in house

No 4 This is not a favourable position. You are likely to be emotionally disturbed and that may give rise to

misunderstandings in the family and disputes with associates. You should try to avoid direct confrontations and

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adopt a more compromising attitude. You should become more submissive and appease your family members

and associates . As you will be prone to sustain injuries during the period, you should be more cautious while

driving. The period is not propitious for any new venture or for speculative investments; so you should stay

away from these. Wear a silver chain around the neck .

You are under the influence of Rahu From 06-03-2033 To 30-04-2033 In the Varsha Kundli Rahu is in house

No 5 This position offers mixed influences. You can suffer from excessive acidity and stomach disorders; you

would do well if you can give up tea and coffee. Drinking minimum four litres of water will help you a lot .

Speculations and entertainment could cause drainage of funds. Whenever possible , feed the elephants .

Pilgrimage to Rameswaram is advisable .

You are under the influence of Jupiter From 30-04-2033 To 18-06-2033 In the Varsha Kundli Jupiter is in

house No 8 This is not a favourable position. Your health-condition may worsen for which you should take

proper care. In professional sphere, you may have to overcome many obstacles and impediments . People may

talk behind you . Instead of becoming argumentive you should become more diplomatic and tactful by

developing a compromising nature. For profession and finances the period does not bear promises. Your

family-life will be good enough. You will get divine help in times of distress . The period is propitious for

getting initiated in the occult subjects in which you can have good progress. You may develop a philosophical


You are under the influence of Saturn From 18-06-2033 To 15-08-2033 In the Varsha Kundli Saturn is in

house No 1 This is not a favourable position as far as health and property related matters are concerned . You

should take more care of your health as you may suffer from cold , back pain or some other obstructive

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ailments which might lead to complications if neglected. Your family-life may become unsatisfactory .You

might become quite depressed and feel helpless as the things around you are not in proper order. Make sure to

keep your income tax returns and other legal obligations in order . Worship Anjaneya swami and feed the

monkeys regularly .

You are under the influence of Mercury From 15-08-2033 To 06-10-2033 In the Varsha Kundli Mercury is in

house No 6 This is a very good position for gains through business and by utilising acquired knowledge in a

special field. Your enemies can give you some troubles but you will be able to overcome them. Your servants/

employees could cause your annoyance and you may suffer from some digestion problems. Your interest in

culture and religion will increase. Your communication skills will improve a lot and you will influence others

by your communication skills .

You are under the influence of Ketu From 06-10-2033 To 27-10-2033 In the Varsha Kundli Ketu is in house

No 11 This position offers mixed influences. Sudden change of events can give you jittery feelings .

As an independent entrepreneur, you will come across flourishing opportunities. Your present business / trade

will bring encouraging results to you. You might also enter into new profitable deals or form an association /

partnership. Your friends and well-wishers will extend their whole hearted support towards you. An increase in

income is also indicated. The health of someone in the family is likely to create anxiety for you.

You are under the influence of Sun From 28-10-2033 To 15-11-2033 In the Varsha Kundli Sun is in house No

2 This is not a favourable position. There could be disputes with the family-members leading to loss of wealth.

So you need to take every possible care. Some of your relatives , friends and associates may turn inimical and

try to create problems. You may suffer from some health-problems affecting the body-parts eye and neck /

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throat. The health of some of your family members may cause serious concern to you. You are strongly

advised not to help anybody by going out of your way . Donate 20kg wheat in any temple

You are under the influence of Moon From 15-11-2033 To 15-12-2033 In the Varsha Kundli Moon is in house

No 4 This is a very fortunate position. You will spend a highly enjoyable time with all family-members; there

could be some celebrations in the family. You will be fortunate in dealings in relation to property-matters and

have new acquisitions which will add to your comfort and satisfaction. You should however avoid all sorts of

speculative investments as you may incur losses. Do not sell milk or milk products for monitory gains . Donate

milk in the temple every Monday . Chant Siva’s mantra daily after taking bath.

You are under the influence of Mars From 15-12-2033 To 05-01-2034 In the Varsha Kundli Mars is in house

No 5 This is not a favourable position. You should take proper care of your health and you should also remain

careful while driving as you will be prone to sustain injuries which can even make you bed-ridden. You should

also keep a close check as fire can cause some havoc during this period. The health of your children may cause

you some concern. You should try to overcome your argumentive tendency as this would otherwise lead you

to have conflicts. You should do better by staying away from any speculative investments for keeping your

financial position in a stable condition. Beware , someone close to you can cheat you .

You are under the influence of Rahu From 05-01-2034 To 01-03-2034 In the Varsha Kundli Rahu is in house

No 1 This is not a favourable position. It will make your thinking somewhat confused and you may become

erratic, wayward and stubborn. You may suffer from windy diseases and eruptions. You may become

emotionally upset and may remain in a state of tension. If you have any discomfort with your eye-sight, you

must seek medical/ ophthalmic advice. The relationship with your family-members may come under strain .

Donate 10 Kg charcoal to any needy / poor once a month to ward off stress and strain .

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You are under the influence of Jupiter From 01-03-2034 To 19-04-2034 In the Varsha Kundli Jupiter is in

house No 6 This is not a favourable position. You will have to be very careful and cautious. Your state of

health may deteriorate and you may find yourself in adverse circumstances. You may run into disputes with

your close associates and chance of having a Law-suit can keep you anxious. Your relationship with your

relatives may come under stress and your family-members may turn quite argumentive. You should let the

period pass over by making many compromises. By excercising your will-force you should try to retain your

cool and try to use diplomacy for tackling the situations. With your optimistic nature and high confidence-level

you must be in a position for finding proper measures. For profession and earnings, the period does not bear

promises; so remain on guard by being alert.

You are under the influence of Saturn From 19-04-2034 To 16-06-2034 In the Varsha Kundli Saturn is in

house No 10 This is an extremely tricky position. You must not become overly optimistic and try to become

extremely cautious. In spite of having rapid progress you need to proceed slowly and work systematically and

methodically. You must have a high morale and remain disciplined. If you act contrariwise, you will be

destined to face disaster and may be in for a rude shock suddenly. In financial matters you should also

excercise restraint and must think twice before making any new commitments. You may face difficulties as a

result of blockage of funds. Speculations are to be avoided altogether.

You are under the influence of Mercury From 16-06-2034 To 07-08-2034 In the Varsha Kundli Mercury is in

house No 2 This is a good position. It will make you virtuous and talented. It may however affect the health of

your family members. You will improve your position by being industrious and through the assistance of

influential persons. You may suffer losses because of theft and as a result of actions of inimical people for

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which you are to remain careful and cautious.

You are under the influence of Ketu From 07-08-2034 To 28-08-2034 In the Varsha Kundli Ketu is in house

No 7 This is not a favourable position. It will make your thinking somewhat confused . You should promise

what you can deliver. Do not make false or impossible promises . Arrogance can spoil your reputation .

If you can control your impulsiveness and instincts, this period can turn out to be good one for you. Bad results

will be brought about by your own faults.

You are under the influence of Venus From 28-08-2034 To 28-10-2034 In the Varsha Kundli Venus is in

house No 1 This is a fortunate position. You will be happy and cheerful. You will have many opportunities and

will receive favours from influential persons. Your career- prospect and your financial position will also be

considerably improved. You will have a pleasant and enjoyable time in company of the joyous people .

You will socialize more and form new friendships with interesting people. Your family-life will be happy and

enjoyable. You will be in good health. Your relationship with the people in general will improve and your

popularity will increase.

You are under the influence of Moon From 28-10-2034 To 27-11-2034 In the Varsha Kundli Moon is in house

No 5 This position gives mixed influences. You will have joyful home-life . You yourself can receive some

acclaim and become distinguished . Your earnings will increase considerably but you should avoid

speculations for preventing possibility of losses; although you can opt for starting a new venture. You will

become very popular in society in general and more so among the circle of your friends. By helping and

serving others , you will progress a lot .

You are under the influence of Mars From 27-11-2034 To 18-12-2034 In the Varsha Kundli Mars is in house

Page 61: Ascendant – Virgo - AstroVidhi · The planetary positions in your horoscope is as follows : Ascendant – Virgo Sun , Mercury and Ketu – Second house – Libra Mars – fourth

No 10 This is a highly favourable position. You will be very fortunate and will receive special favours from the

seniors .You will be successful in your endeavours . Some of your cherished desires will be fulfilled and you

may have new acquisitions. Your family-life will be happy with comfortable surroundings and socially you

will gain more popularity. Your relationships with relatives and friends will become more cordial. You will be

a centre of attraction in social gatherings.

You are under the influence of Rahu From 18-12-2034 To 11-02-2035 In the Varsha Kundli Rahu is in house

No 9 This is not a favourable position. Someone can cheat you in good faith . Stay away from fake preachers .

You will enjoy a blissful family-life and will come out victorious in respect of conflicts. In your professional

sphere, you may have career betterment and increase of earnings. You may also develop an interest in the

study of mystical and occult subjects. Avoid wearing blue clothes

You are under the influence of Jupiter From 11-02-2035 To 01-04-2035 In the Varsha Kundli Jupiter is in

house No 4 This is a very fortunate position. If you are a pure vegetarian then you will enjoy good health and

reputation . Your earnings will receive a boost and you will have new acquisitions which will improve your

living condition and increase your satisfaction. Your relationships with relatives and friends will improve. In

professional sphere, things will be in your favour during this period. You will secure favours from persons of

rank and authority, besides enjoying many other benefits. Opportunities will come your way and you will

make timely use of them in a prudent way. Socially you will gain more popularity and prestige.

You are under the influence of Saturn From 01-04-2035 To 29-05-2035 In the Varsha Kundli Saturn is in

house No 8 This is not a favourable position , the health-condition may be affected from some chronic ailments

or you may have to endure blunt pains. Windy complaints or obstruction of secretive and excretory passages

Page 62: Ascendant – Virgo - AstroVidhi · The planetary positions in your horoscope is as follows : Ascendant – Virgo Sun , Mercury and Ketu – Second house – Libra Mars – fourth

may make you sick; you will also be prone to bone-injuries resulting from accidental fall. You must try to

avoid Law-suits . Your financial affairs might be unsatisfactory for blockage of funds. You must remain

careful for fulfilling commitments. Every Saturday donate mustard oil to ward off problems

You are under the influence of Mercury From 29-05-2035 To 20-07-2035 In the Varsha Kundli Mercury is in

house No 10 This is a favourable position and you may derive much of benefits if you can overcome your

restless disposition and changeful nature. If you only look for quicker methods and easier ways then you may

only invite changes which will be pretty worse. You may have good gains from professional activities. In

financial matters you should remain careful and become more farsighted; you may otherwise run into debt.

Relations with your business associates may become bitter if your plannings are faulty. You may have jouneys

to many places for meeting with influential persons.

You are under the influence of Ketu From 20-07-2035 To 10-08-2035 In the Varsha Kundli Ketu is in house

No 3 This is a mixed result position. You may have to go to distant places , away from your co-born . you will

enjoy a blissful family-life and will come out victorious in respect of conflicts. In your professional sphere, you

may have career betterment and increase of earnings. You may also develop an interest in the study of mystical

and occult subjects.

You are under the influence of Venus From 10-08-2035 To 10-10-2035 In the Varsha Kundli Venus is in

house No 11 This is a highly fortunate position. Your popularity will be at it's peak and you will wield much

influence as you will be moving in high circles. Your enemies will meet with destruction as you'd rise to a

commanding position in professional sphere .There might be some auspicious celebrations in the family. Feed

a cow daily for better results .

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You are under the influence of Sun From 10-10-2035 To 28-10-2035 In the Varsha Kundli Sun is in house No

11 This is a highly favourable position. You will receive favours from the authorities and your earnings will

considerably increase . You will have the energy as well as the courage to do many things but the pace needed

for success, will be missing. If this can be brought about, then results will be much better. You will have

victory over your enemies and will lead a trouble-free life.

You are under the influence of Mars From 28-10-2035 To 18-11-2035 In the Varsha Kundli Mars is in house

No 11 This is a fortunate position. You will have gains from various sources. You will form new friendships

and will become very popular in your friends' circle. Some of your ambitions may be realised . You will lead a

prosperous and happy family life; there could be a celebration in the family. You may have to spend for having

some renovations done to your property .

You are under the influence of Rahu From 18-11-2035 To 12-01-2036 In the Varsha Kundli Rahu is in house

No 5 This position offers mixed influences. You are strictly warned to prohibit from gambling of any kind .

Somebody can cheat in broad day light . Be careful while dealing in finances with strangers . Recite Saraswati

mantra daily after taking bath . Consult some elderly well wisher before taking any important decision . Feed

the elephants whenever possible .

You are under the influence of Jupiter From 12-01-2036 To 01-03-2036 In the Varsha Kundli Jupiter is in

house No 1 This is a fortunate position. You will have favourable circumstances and you will receive benefits

from all quarters. In your professional sphere, you will have cordial relationships . You will receive due

recognition for your talents and invested endeavours. Your confidence will increase and you will successfully

complete the pending jobs .

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You are under the influence of Saturn From 01-03-2036 To 28-04-2036 In the Varsha Kundli Saturn is in

house No 4 This is not a favourable position. You may have to face many problems in your home-front and in

respect of property-matters. You may become tense, worried and pessimistic during this time. On the other

side, the period will make you more cautious, prudent and astute; although it can make you somewhat selfish

and secretive as well. Avoid wearing green clothes .

You are under the influence of Mercury From 28-04-2036 To 19-06-2036 In the Varsha Kundli Mercury is in

house No 7 You may have certain differences with your rivals . Avoid doing any work in partnership. Do not

sign any important document without going through it properly . You are advised against any rash decision, act

in a cool and calculate way. Don’t believe anything unless you verify the facts yourself .

You are under the influence of Ketu From 19-06-2036 To 10-07-2036 In the Varsha Kundli Ketu is in house

No 11 This position offers mixed influences. During this period, you will have tremendous courage and

energy to carry out your pursuits but we wonder whether, you use your strength in positive direction. It will

depend upon you how you respond in this period. In your business / trade a few opportunities will come your

way and try to avail them. If you lack in doing so only negative results and frustration will come in your hands.

Feeding a dog daily will help you attracting good luck .

You are under the influence of Venus From 10-07-2036 To 09-09-2036 In the Varsha Kundli Venus is in

house No 8 This is not a favourable period. You should remain alert and careful as problems may appear in any

or many areas of your life. Your state of health may deteriorate and you could also become emotionally

disturbed. You should try to retain your cool otherwise you have difficulties in professional sphere . You may

face financial problems owing to blockage of funds. This time-period is not good for gaining favours or

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forming new relationships. You should let the time-period pass over by lying low and by handling people and

things more tactfully.

You are under the influence of Sun From 09-09-2036 To 27-09-2036 In the Varsha Kundli Sun is in house No

7 This position is not very good. Although you may derive benefits from Govt. authorities and gain popularity,

the position is not good for your own health; you may suffer from headache and eye-complaints. The health of

your spouse also may deteriorate. By practicing your will power and putting forward your endeavours you

may be able to overcome your problems. You may have new acquisitions which will make your life more

comfortable. Reduce intake of salt for better health .

You are under the influence of Moon From 27-09-2036 To 27-10-2036 In the Varsha Kundli Moon is in house

No 6 This is not a good position. Your enemies may increase and give you some troubles in your professional

sphere. Your relationship with relatives (maternal) may be somewhat affected. You may feel tense and

irritable; some health affections are likely for which you should take care. You should try to retain your cool

and be very tactful while dealing with people. You should also resist the temptations of speculations as the

period does not bear any promises in this respect. You should try to gain control over your emotions and try to

view the happenings in their proper perspective.

You are under the influence of Rahu From 27-10-2036 To 21-12-2036 In the Varsha Kundli Rahu is in house

No 1 This is not a favourable position. It will make your thinking somewhat confused and you may become

erratic, wayward and stubborn. You may suffer from windy diseases and eruptions. You may become

emotionally upset and may remain in a state of tension. If you have any discomfort with your eye-sight, you

must seek medical/ ophthalmic advice. The relationship with your family-members may come under strain

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You are under the influence of Jupiter From 21-12-2036 To 08-02-2037 In the Varsha Kundli Jupiter is in

house No 12 This is not a good position. The health of your children will cause you serious concern. Medical

and wasteful expenditures will tilt your balance; owing to financial blockage also you may face financial

challenges. You should remain very careful and cautious as there could be some unfavourable changes in your

professional sphere also. Your enemies can give you troubles for which you should remain alert. You must let

the adverse time pass over by lying low and making compromises. You should try to retain your cool and deal

with people tactfully.

You are under the influence of Saturn From 08-02-2037 To 07-04-2037 In the Varsha Kundli Saturn is in

house No 2 This is not a favourable position. Your family-life may not be peaceful .This may affect your

outlook as you may lose patience which in turn may lead you to have conflicts with others. Try to become

diplomatic for tackling the home-front and by adopting a philosophic outlook try to see the real world in it's

true perspective. You should be more cautious and careful in respect of your financial dealings; since the time-

period is not favourable, your earnings may decrease and funds may get blocked. You should think twice

before making commitments.

You are under the influence of Mercury From 07-04-2037 To 29-05-2037 In the Varsha Kundli Mercury is in

house No 4 This is a beneficial position. You will do well in social circle . You should try to improve your

changeful nature and restless disposition. It will help you to win the trust and confidence of your friends and

associates. Worshipping Durga daily will take care of many of your problems .

You are under the influence of Ketu From 29-05-2037 To 19-06-2037 In the Varsha Kundli Ketu is in house

No 7 . This is not a very good period. You might have to face quite a few problems in this period. As an

independent entrepreneur, you may suffer financial setbacks. On the domestic front, the picture is not rosy

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either. A lack of harmony among the family members will be quite in evidence .The health hazard to someone

in the family is also indicated. You shouldn’t behave arrogantly with anybody .

You are under the influence of Venus From 19-06-2037 To 19-08-2037 In the Varsha Kundli Venus is in

house No 3 This is a favourable position. Your popularity will reach to higher level and you will form new

relationships. The relationships with your friends and neighbours will become very cordial. You may have

pleasant short-trips and excursions. Your interest in art and music will increase and you may acquire an object

of art or a music system. Your family-life will be joyful and happy. In professional sphere the goings-on will

be smooth and progressing. You may receive favours from a person of aristocratic background. Your earnings

will increase as you may have gains from newer avenues as well.

You are under the influence of Sun From 19-08-2037 To 06-09-2037 In the Varsha Kundli Sun is in house No

4 This position is not favourable. General Lack of relaxation will be missing . There will be misunderstandings

with the friends and family .You will become very sensitive to others’ comments . There could be travels

without any cause and purpose . You will develop philosophical bend of mind . You will have mental worries

as you may have to take loan . There are chances that you will become miser due to future insecurities .

You are under the influence of Moon From 06-09-2037 To 06-10-2037 In the Varsha Kundli Moon is in house

No 7 This is a favourable position. This period will shower you with all sorts of material benefits and

emotionally you will have a pleasant period. You will receive favours from authorities and will have much

gains through trading activities. Your relationship with people in general will be much improved. From all

areas and from colleagues as well you will receive full co-operation and support.

You are under the influence of Mars From 06-10-2037 To 27-10-2037 In the Varsha Kundli Mars is in house

Page 68: Ascendant – Virgo - AstroVidhi · The planetary positions in your horoscope is as follows : Ascendant – Virgo Sun , Mercury and Ketu – Second house – Libra Mars – fourth

No 3 This is a very fortunate position. Your courage and confidence-level will reach an all-time high and you

will successful to make full use of them in constructive purposes. In professional sphere you will firmly deal

with certain situations and introduce some progressive changes which will work wonders for you. Your

position and level of earnings will be much improved. Some of your ambitions will be realised and you may

have some new acquisitions. You will conquer your enemies and your social status will be raised. You will

form new relationships . Best Wishes Acharya Raman
