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Asia Regional Report 2012

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  • 8/12/2019 Asia Regional Report 2012


    Regional Report2012Asia

  • 8/12/2019 Asia Regional Report 2012


    MissionSwisscontact promotes economic, social and ecological development by

    supporng people to successfully integrate into local commercial life.

    Swisscontact creates opportunies for people to improve their living

    condions as a result of their own efforts. The focus of its systemic

    intervenons in the private sector is the strengthening of local and global value

    chains. Through its projects, Swisscontact enables access to professional

    training, promotes local entrepreneurship, creates access to local financial

    service providers and supports the efficient use of resources with the goal of

    successfully promong employment and income generaon.

    02Asia Regional Report-2012


    Mission 02Foreword 03

    Approach 06South Asia 07South East Asia 15Success Stories 23Overview of Projects 25Donors 27Management 28

    Asia Regional Report-2012

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    ForewordDear Reader,

    Asiais certainly one of the most dynamic regions in the world with impressive economic growth rates overthe last few years. However, at the same time, disparities between poor and rich become more and moreevident and the fast economic growth endangers natural resources. Swisscontact supports private andpublic partners in addressing these challenges in Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Nepal.

    For Swisscontact 2012 was a very positive year in terms of progress in ongoing programs as well asexpansion into new projects. We managed to grow and expand our activities into Nepal and Myanmar. Theextensive learning that we generated over the past years is being successfully transferred into new projects.

    The results achieved so far are the proof that we are on the right path and that we are capable, together withour partners, to deliver high quality project work in favor o f disadvantaged communities.

    InSouth-East Asiawe have a strong focus on market development projects. In Indonesia, we currently

    manage a portfolio of eight projects focusing mostly on market development in different industries. In

    particular Cocoa has become a key value chain where Swisscontact Projects in Indonesia have become

    international references.

    Peter BisseggerRegional DirectorRegional Office South East Asia (ROSEA)

    Manish PandeyRegional DirectorSouth Asia Regional Office (SARO)

    The current projects target around 80,000households involved in the cocoa production,improving their livelihoods and production capacitysignificantly. In particular the SCPP project isconsidered a best practice example in establishingsuccessful private-public partnerships with the majorcocoa traders and processors in Indonesia. Tourism

    promotion is another priority in Indonesia with a largeproject on Destination Management and capacitydevelopment of local TourismManagementOrganizations (TMOs), aiming to improve thecompetitiveness of Indonesias tourism industry.Swisscontact is applying a comprehensive approachtowards Destination Management by strengtheninglocal stakeholders and communities in internaltourism management as well as promoting regionalcollaboration for external destination marketing.

    In Laos, we continued our work in tourismdevelopment with a destination managementapproach. In Myanmar, we fielded a mission to explore

    potential future activities for Swisscontact andmanaged to identify several promising projects. Inboth countries we see an important potential forSwisscontact to engage in meaningful development.

    Our objective remains to add real value to thedevelopment process in the whole region. We arethankful for the important contributions of our

    partners in the private and public sectors as well asthe many local NGOs working with us and helping usin fulfilling our mission. We are grateful to our donorsfor the confidence they put in us in delivering highquality and sustainable impact at the needed scale.

    We also would like to express our gratitude to all ourstaff and to thank them for their tireless efforts andcommitment.

    We are looking forward to a successful collaborationin 2013.

    In Bangladesh we recently completed one of ourskills development projects, which started in 2009,and has exemplified replicable models for otherprojects in the region. In the market developmentarena, we extended our work into new areas ofBangladesh, mainly the chars. Following the makingmarkets work for the poor approach, more than 2.1million farmers and enterprises around Bangladesh

    InSouth Asia , our development projects include pro-poor market development, skills development and

    newly resource efficiency projects - with a focus on Solid Waste Management. We also run a recently

    awarded Supplier Qualification Project in the textile sector. S kills development has been one of the priorities

    for 2012, where we were able to diversify our activities into different economic sectors. The current projects

    in skills development reach over 92,000 young men and women in Bangladesh and Nepal.

    profit from our interventions.

    In Nepal, we have set up a new country office.Swisscontact was present in Nepal previously andwe are glad to be back. We designed a new skillsdevelopment project to start in 2013 andconsolidated a promising market developmentprogram.

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    As an expert organisation, Swisscontact carries out high-quality project work on site.The cost-effectiveness and efficiency of its services is proven by well-documented,transparent monitoring and quantification procedures. Recurring internal andexternal checks provide proof of continued, sustainable development of expertise,skills and practical know-how.

    Swisscontact was established in 1959 as an independent organisation by notablefigures from the worlds of commerce and science in Switzerland. It is exclusivelyinvolved in international co-operation and since 1961 has carried out its own andmandated projects. Since it was founded, Swisscontact has had close ties with theprivate sector. In 2012 Swisscontact is active in 27 countries and had some 750employees. The organisation is based in Zrich.

    Vocational Education and Training: Enablingaccess to the labour market and creating theconditions for gaining an occupation and earningan income. In South Asia, one of the major areas offocus for Swisscontact is skills development. Thecurrent skills development projects are targetingmore than 92,000 youth in Bangladesh and Nepal.The office also works with the objective toshowcase the importance of market-led skillsdevelopment for better employment and povertyreduction for the economies.

    SME Promotion: Promoting local entrepreneurshipwith the goal of strengthening its competitiveness.Pro-poor market development projects are anothermajor area of focus for the Swisscontact offices inBangladesh, Nepal and Indonesia. The largest andmost successful market development project in theregion is Katalyst, based in Bangladesh, which isstarting its third phase in 2013. Facilitation ofvalue-chains through private sector led innovationsis core to this approach that Swisscontact follows.

    Swisscontact Approach

    Swisscontact concentrates on four core areas of private sector promotion:

    Financial Services: Creating access to localfinancial service providers who offer credit,savings, leasing and insurance products.Swisscontact projects in Asia consider financialservices as having an important role to play in thesustainability of its programs. Thus, it ensuresfacilitating linkages between their partners andbeneficiaries with financial institutions in their marketdevelopment and skills development projects.

    Resource Efficiency: Promoting the efficient use ofresources through production methods that areefficient in their use of energy and materials, andthrough taking measures to promote clear air andsustainable waste disposal. From 2013, the pilotphase for Solid Waste Management project will bestarting in Bangladesh with the objective toimprove the household waste management inselected areas of Dhaka. In Indonesia, underWISATA a solid waste management workinggroup has developed a Roadmap 2012-2015for waste management.

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    Katalyst is one of the leading projects in the worldapplying the pro-poor market development approach(known as Making Markets work for the Poor orM4P). Impacts are achieved by facilitating successfulchanges in existing market systems and in thebehaviour of those market players involved in suchsystems to present new opportunities to the target

    beneficiaries. Such new opportunities includeincreasing access to relevant information, valuableservices and quality inputs. This has resulted inbetter practices, increased income, leading toimproved living conditions and better lives for thepoor, and gradually reducing poverty. Katalyst hasbeen working in around 30 sectors since 2003.

    The project has completed two phases; the firstphase started in March 2002 and ended in October2007 and the second phase started in March 2008and ending in March 2013. The third phase is due tostart in March 2013. In this time, the total number offarmers and enterprises benefited is 421,000; totalamount of income increase is USD 45 million as aresult of the projects interventions.

    Highlights in 2012:

    Katalyst partnered with the Rural DevelopmentAcademy (RDA) to develop the technology fortrichoderma. Trichoderma is an environment-friendly,soil-borne fungus that speeds up the decompositionof organic materials. RDA produces trichodermaactivator in its culture laboratory at Sherpur, Bogra.To date, around 200 local service providers havebeen trained to disseminate knowledge on thistechnology to farmers. RDA also engaged ten salesagents to market trichoderma in the surroundingdistricts and to ensure that it is used effectively at thehousehold level.

    Katalyst supported Ispahani Biotech, a leadingintegrated pest management (IPM) company, toorganise a cluster demonstration in Chuadanga,on the use of pheromone traps for effective pestcontrol. 197 farmers along with other IPMtechniques received training in the usage andbenefits of pheromone traps to control cropinfestation. After reading the results of an IPMstudy on improved crop production, Katalystrecommended policy change to government,resulting in an Amendment of the Pesticide Rules,1985, allowing the private companies tocommercially sell IPM tools.

    M4C aims to improve the market systems for the poorpeople living on the chars, by developing capacity ofpoor char households, service providers and othermarket actors leading to their increase in income andreduced vulnerability. The project will work in 10districts of Northern Bangaldesh- Bogra, Sirajgonj,

    Gaibandha, Jamalpur, Rangpur, Nilphamari,Lalmonirhat, Kurigram, Pabna and Tangail.

    M4C applies the M4P approach supplemented byParticipatory Market System Development (PMSD)tools.The project partners with a range of private andpublic sector organisations to facilitate local marketsystems ensuring sustainable and pro-poor impact onthe chars. M4Cs current portfolio includes productsectors such as maize, chilli, jute, handicraft andcross-cutting sector such as char transport. Duringthe project period, new sectors will be added basedon further assessments and learning from the field.

    The project is implemented by Swisscontact inconsortium with Practical Action. Starting December01, 2012, M4C has completed its inception period onMay 31, 2012 and has rolled over into the first year ofits implementation phase.

    Highlights in 2012:

    Partnership with two agro-input companies and aregional feed mill established.

    Facilitated training of 200 input retailers onagriculture and business practices.

    Supported partner companies to establish around100 demonstration plots in 4 districts on maizeand chilli.

    Supported 11 local traders to provide inputs andtraining to maize producers on the chars.

    Collaboration with a national technical institute tocarry out research on suitable boat designs for thechars.

    Making Markets work for theChars (M4C)


    A recent study showed that traditional forms ofpackaging cause around 30-40% post-harvestloss in the vegetable, fish and fruit sectors. Tominimise this loss, Katalyst partnered with BengalPlastic to introduce plastic crates for the farmers tocarry their produce. Around 400 value chainofficials were informed about the benefits of using

    plastic crates at farm level and for long distancetransportation. More than 2,500 crates were soldduring the pilot phase (up to May 2011).Encouraged by this success, in March 2012,Bengal Plastic launched two new types of plasticcrate for fish and vegetable.

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    SkillFUL aims to improve the skills-basedopportunities for sustainable income generation forthe labour force in the informal economy, particularlywomen, youth and People with Disabilities (PWDs) inDhaka, Kurigram, Sunamganj, Nilphamari, Jessore andBogra. The project components include TrainingNeeds Assessment (TNA); development of curriculumguides and training of trainers; capacity developmentof training facilities and facilitating trainings;

    introducing certification of private training serviceproviders; employment support to trainees andgraduates; facilitating financial linkages with TrainingService Providers (TSPs), trainees and graduates.

    A total of 4,745 trainees from 6 target areas wereenrolled into the TSPs, out of which the number offemales were 3,560; males were 1,185 andDifferently-abled People were 53. Among whom2,389 have already graduated.

    Highlights in 2012:

    Modular contents of all the training curricula haveallowed TSPs to implement customised shortcourses relevant for the trainees as per theirspecific needs. In many places training sessionsare also being conducted in flexible hours,ensuring participation of more trainees.

    Workplace based training has been introduced inKurigram and Sunamganj, in trades such as carpentry,

    SkillFUL SkillMarkSkillMark contributed to the skills developmentportfolio of Swisscontact SARO as the pioneer in2009. The project operates mainly in Dhaka byimproving the competitiveness of selected economicsectors. The project assesses their needs of skilledlabour and facilitates marketbased mechanisms thatensure the sustained availability of skilled workers.Over the years, it has partnered with 5 TrainingService Providers (TSPs) to facilitate their capacitydevelopment and promotional activities till 2012.

    Beneficiaries of SkillMark primarily comprise of poorunemployed/underemployed young men and womenwho have enrolled themselves as trainees under theupgraded training delivery mechanism in the partnerTSPs of SkillMark. By the end of the project a total of5 private TSPs were partnered with and theircapacity was developed for better delivery of boththeoretical and practical training sessions. As ofDecember 2012, a total of 4,108 trainees have beenenrolled in the partner training institutions out ofwhich 2,317 have graduated successfully.

    Highlights in 2012:

    SkillMark has facilitated the launching of the firstever training institute in the Alternative andRenewable Energy Sector in Bangladesh. It isknown as the Institute of Clean Energy Trainingand Research (ICETR) as a sister concern of PSL(Prokaushali Sangsad Ltd.) who are one of thepartners of SkillMark.

    Competency Based Training (CBT) curriculum onSolar Energy Technician has been developed anddistributed among the partner TSPs.

    CBT Manual on Cook occupation has also been

    developed and distributed among the partnerTSPs along with non-partners such as NationalHospitality and Tourism Training Institute (NHTTI).

    hand embroidery/stitching, block and batik print,etc. The project has engaged workshops andfactories as alternative to training centres to carryout workplace based training models. So far, it hasbeen an effective approach for trainingunderemployed workers in the informal economy.Some of these workshops, serving as TSPs, arealso selling the finished products prepared bytrainees during training. Such practices are also

    helping them generate additional revenues. All the TSPs contracted under the project have

    seen incentives to share cost during trainingimplementation, thus guaranteeing theirownership. Furthermore, TSPs have beenencouraged to charge training fees from traineesand in many cases it has been recorded thattrainees have contributed a nominal amount astheir contribution to trainings.

    The project has facilitated discussions andestablished linkages between many TSPs andfinancial institutions and 3 TSPs have availed loansto expand their training operations as they havebegun to comprehend the potential of training as abusiness. Some TSPs in Nilphamari and Dhakahave shown interest and are already pursuingloans with similar plans.

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    Supplier Qualification Project (SQP)The SQP project on Social Compliance andWorkflow Improvement started in 2011 and willcontinue till May 2014. The project supports supplierfactories in the garment industry to implement socialcompliance according to the BSCI (Business andSocial Compliance Initiative) standards. Teamsmade up of factory staff from all levels are formed tobe the Change Management Team (CMT) andreceive training on how to improve workingconditions and health of workers; comply with locallaw and international social standards; increaseproductivity; provide safe energy and water; reduceenvironmental impact.

    Till now, 87 factories have improved their socialcompliance which benefits over 90,000 garmentsworkers who work in healthier and safer conditions.Factories that have better compliance secure theirbusiness long-term, maintaining thousands of jobsfor the poor.

    The objective of the SDP project is to reduce povertyand promote economic growth in Bangladesh byincreasing wage and self-employment of graduatesof skills training programmes. The project works inthe areas of Light Engineering, Ready MadeGarment (RMG), Construction and Informal sector.

    The duration of the project is July 2008 to June 2013.However, the implementation of the project was

    delayed and the Technical Assistance support bySwisscontact started in January 2010. As ofDecember 2012, 3,030 TVET teachers have beentrained among which 374 are female TVET teachers.Meanwhile, 40 master trainers have been selected.Market Responsive Training Courses (MRTC) startedfrom September 2012 in 11 Polytechnic Institutes toconduct skills training in 4 areas:- (i) Welding andFabrication; (ii) Plumbing and Pipe Fitting; (iii)General Electrician; and (iv) Masonry andRod-binding. 1,100 unemployed and underemployedyouth including women trainees enrolled for thecourses and 1,085 have completed and beencertified by the competent authority on 31 December,2012.

    Highlights in 2012:

    Forum for Skills Development Partners (FSDP)formed.

    MOU signed with BGMEA and NGO Federation.

    2 Awareness raising campaigns were organized indifferent parts of Bangladesh.

    60 competency standards developed andsubmitted to BTEB.

    15 curricula on 6 occupations developed andsubmitted to BTEB.

    Competency Based Learning Materials (CBLM)on 6 occupations (skills level-1) developed.

    Syllabuses of 6 BTEB Trade Courses (360 hours)have been revised, reflecting the need of themarket. The revised syllabuses have already beenapproved by BTEB.

    Glossary of TVET terminologies developed.

    Skills Development Project (SDP)

    Highlights in 2012:

    Inclusion of a broader target group (differentmanagement levels and workers) to fosterdialogue in the factory and spread the learning atdifferent levels. This will help make the projectintervention more sustainable.

    In-factory trainings were added with greatlyexpanded target groups (especially to includeworkers) to support this knowledge transfer.

    New indicators were added for health and safetyand worker satisfaction that go beyond what socialstandards capture.

    A very advanced factory created a workerparticipation fund with our support. Workersreceive part of the factory profits paid out in cash.

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    TARSAN project aims to contribute to a morequalified, sustainable and accessible qualityhealthcare service for the poor living in ruralBangladesh by engaging local Civil SocietyOrganisations (CSOs). The project assists in thedevelopment of Community Paramedics (CP) fromthree disaster prone areas of Patuakhali, Nilphamariand Sunamgonj. These CPs will be skilled in basicgeneral health, maternal health, neonatal & childhealth and other reproductive health issues.Community Paramedic course is a two years coursedesigned by the Ministry of Health and FamilyWelfare (MoH&FW) for creating an additional healthworkforce in the healthcare system. Through ascholarship scheme TARSAN will support 600 CPstudents from the above mentioned districts.

    Currently, there are 58 students studying to beCommunity Paramedics after receiving thescholarships. After January 2013, they will getcertification from Bangladesh Nursing Council(BNC).

    Besides this, 13,607 community people, mostlyfemale are aware about Community Paramedics asbeing a skilled workforce in the health sector. Theyare also more aware about maternal and child health

    related issues through Uthan Baithakmeetings.Highlights in 2012:

    Community Paramedic course has been affiliatedby the Ministry of Health and Family Welfarethrough Bangladesh Nursing Council (BNC) inSeptember 2012.

    15 Community Paramedic students are gettingscholarship from other sources.

    10 students are getting study loan fromCSOs/NGOs.

    Financial institutes (Rupali Bank Ltd., etc.) havecommitted to provide startup loan for theCommunity Paramedic graduates.

    Towards sustAinable qualityhealthcaRe delivery atgrasSroots level throughActive participation of civil societyorganisatioNs (TARSAN)

    Nepal remains one of the poorest and most unequalcountries in Asia. 55% of the population lives on lessthan $1.25 per day and 78% on less than $2. Nepalneeds growth (currently at 4% rate), and in particularit needs pro-poor growth. Thus, development work inNepal needs to (a) focus on sectors of most relevanceto the poor and (b) learning from the mistakes of thepast, address the underlying systemic constraints thatprevent key sectors from working effectively.

    In response to the above need, NMDP follows theMaking Markets work for the Poor (M4P) approachfocusing on rural market development, particularly inagricultural sectors which have potential for deliveringpro-poor growth. The program aims to achieve twoobjectives: (i) The underlying pro-poor performance ofrural sectors, particularly agriculture, is improved; (ii)The capacity for effective pro-poor marketdevelopment among key stakeholders, includinggovernment, throughout Nepal is enhanced, leadingto positive and sustained practice change.

    Nepal Market Development Programme (NMDP)NMDP aims to reach out to thousands of smallfarmers and entrepreneurs over its duration. It will dothis by working with a wide range of public and privatestakeholders like agents, traders, input suppliers,importers, manufacturers, distributors, processors,government agencies and departments and alsoqualified local and international NGOs or publicagencies that will complement the implementationcapacity of the programme.

    Highlights in 2012:

    After completing the design phase, NMDP hasstarted working in the following agriculturesectors: dairy, vegetables, ginger, aquaculture,pigs.

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    SCPP project aims to improve competitiveness ofthe cocoa value chains in selected disadvantagedareas in Indonesia. The Program targets 60,000cocoa farmers for capacity development, to improvethe productivity and quality of cocoa production.Improving the management of cocoa farm isachieved through comprehensive training in on-farmand post-harvest Good Agricultural Practices(GAP), Integrated Pest Management (IPM),responsible use of inputs, improved plantingmaterial, and strengthening of Cocoa ProducerGroups.

    Around 2,000 Cocoa Producer Groups and at least200 Smallholder Cocoa Enterprises (SCE), atsub-district level, have been targeted forstrengthening through improvements to managerial,financial and organisational capacities. Through this,the program has targeted average productivity levelsof at least 1,000 kg of cocoa per hectare per year,through improved cocoa farm Management.

    The Program also targets certification of smallholdercocoa farmers, based on international sustainabilitystandards, in order to improve the long-termprospects of the Indonesian cocoa sector.

    Highlights in 2012:

    First batch of 6,000 cocoa farmers trained in WestSulawesi, South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi andfollow-up support provided to 12,540 previouslytrained PEKA cocoa farmers.

    403 previously trained PEKA Cocoa ProducerGroups (CPG) followed-up and supported. An

    additional 200 new CPG supported andstrengthened through improved group management,financial and organisational capacities.

    173 extension staff attended Master Training inhow to conduct trainings for farmers in GoodAgricultural, Social, Environmental and BusinessPractices. The participating extension staff werefrom public and private sector partners.

    Preparations are being made for cocoa farmcertification processes based on internationalsustainability criteria under UTZ Certified andRainforest Alliance.

    6 business partners committed to integratingtraceability and sustainability into their supplychains.

    The Sustainable CocoaProduction Program (SCPP)

    LED NTTLED NTT in its second phase aims to improve theperformance of 3 economic sectors (cashew, cocoa,seaweed) and a service sector (Regulatory ImpactAssessment RIA and One Stop Services OSS) inselected districts of NTT (East Flores, Sikka, Ende andAlor) whereby contributing to reduce poverty in thetarget areas. The project targets 4,100 poorhouseholds benefiting through direct training inagricultural practices.

    Highlights in 2012:

    The project has facilitated the process of producing362,580 tons of organic cashews per-year of 6farmers groups. There are 346 people registered in 2organic cashew processing units and at thehousehold level.

    Through cashew processing unit (brown skin), theproject has increased the incomes for 106households on an average of USD 98 and for 300households from sold in-shell cashew on an averageof USD 53.

    20 full time jobs have been created in one localprocessing unit at the village level with an averageincome of USD 100 - 150 per month for 3 months(October December).

    In 2009, the first and only agriculture vocationalschool with organic GAP included in the curriculum,was established in one of the cashew target villages,with a total of 68 students until today.

    Cocoa has an increased productivity of 150% or 625kg per hectare compared to baseline data from 2007of 250 kg per hectare. This reflects an increase inincome from IDR 2,250,000 per hectare in 2007 toIDR 5,625,000 per hectare in 2012.

    Service providers in cashew sector (Cooperativesand Facilitators) and cocoa sector (Village Cocoa

    Clinic VCC) were promoted and delivering theirservices on productivity, introducing Internal ControlSystem (ICS) for organic, joint marketing of cocoaseedling to farmers, local NGOs, local government,etc. One cooperative has created profit reachingUSD 5,600 from buying and selling organic cashewand providing microfinance services. 3 cooperativesin cocoa sector created profit reaching USD 8,374from buying and selling cocoa beans and USD 5,805from service provision for giving information onproductivity and nurseries.

    Based on the impact study in both sectors, theproject has contributed to increasing livelihood of thebeneficiaries: improvement of housings, access toelectricity and water, education institutions, healthfacilities, local market and information sharing.

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    Technical Assistance to GIZRegional Economic Development (RED)The overall objective of the RED Programme is toimprove framework conditions, sector programs aswell as planning and implementation processes forregional economic development. The project works atthe national level as well as in pilot projects in threegeographic regions. In a consortium with Mesopartnerand GFA, Swisscontact is implementing the approach

    in West Kalimantan and Central Java, covering 9districts, 6 in Central Java and 3 in West Kalimantan.

    SCs technical assistance to GIZ focuses on capacitybuilding of the partners in planning andimplementation of sustainable LRED Approaches inthe target areas. The project provides capacitybuilding to the local partners in implementing variousinstruments, such as the development of regionaldevelopment strategies, One Stop Services forbusiness licensing, regulatory impact assessment,value chain and cluster development, as well asentrepreneurship training.

    Main private partners include media such as SuaraMerdeka/Pontianak Post and Q-Spicing (a majorspice supplier) and from the public sector ProvincialBappeda, Bank Indonesia and BPMD. The project isnow in its third phase and will come to an end inDecember 2014. From the last phase, the project hasan additional focus on introducing issues related togreen economy among partners.

    Highlights of 2012:

    After conducting a potential assessment of newtourist destinations in both regions, Tourism ProfileBrochures and a Tourism Map have been published.

    Joint efforts in tourism destination management andmarketing result in the development and sales of

    new tourism packages; National Tourism Magazinesand local newspapers publish tourism activities.

    Bus iness link established between pepper farmersin West Kalimantan (with a potential supply of 100ton) and a major spice supplier to Europeanmarkets.

    An Investor Survey (needs assessment of investors)was conducted to improve investment conditions inCentral Java.

    RED strategies have been developed together withthe partners in both regions; the model for regionalplanning will be used by Bappenas as an examplefor other regions.

    The Project seeks to increase the market for localproducts purchased by tourists. This has thepotential to increase incomes for local farmers,processors, traders and other market actors. PLUSpromotes labeling and standards for a wide range oflocal food products and focused in its pilot phaseuntil end of 2012 on product development for mangosheets. PLUS follows a three pronged approachconsisting of: promoting local products targeting the

    tourism sector through the market developmentapproach; laying the foundations for public andprivate sector stakeholders to initiate a destinationmanagement approach for Champasak; andpromoting capacity building of local agencies onmarket development and value chains.

    Lao PLUSThe project is in its first phase 2011-2012 and willenter a second phase of 3 years in January 2013.

    Highlights in 2012:

    Livelihood indicators related to education, nutritionand household assets have shown improvementfor 1,820 people (455 HH with 4 members each)in 3 selected districts of Champasak province.

    Productivity of 438 mango farming householdsincreased from 270 tons in 2011 to 541 tons in2012.

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    CPHP (2011-2013) project aims to improvecompetitiveness of cocoa farmers in Ende - Floresthrough productivity enhancing and value addingmeasures, as well as by creating a favorable businessenvironment for the development of the cocoasector. Increased productivity and value addition willresult in higher incomes from cocoa production andare expected to contribute to reduced poverty levels.The project partners with Cocoa Cooperative,

    Cocoa Forum, local government, local and nationaltraders, media and finance institutions.

    Around 1,500 household families are benefitedthrough direct access to cocoa buying station andaccess to finance.

    Highlights in 2012:

    Field Facilitators (FFs) have trained 1,709 farmerson solar dryer technology and access to market(including 1,094 farmers who are facilitated bylocal government).

    360 units solar dryer have been developed in 23villages, with average drying within 2-7 days independing season.

    905 farmers have delivered 36,897 kg wet cocoabeans; 16,795 kg wet cocoa bean (moisturecontent 20%), and 11,437 kg dry cocoa beans(moisture content 7% / standard SNI) and 3,601kg cocoa bean fermented to three cooperatives

    acting as processing and marketing units.Therefore, 30,093 kg cocoa dried (unfermentedand Comextra Majora Fermented - CMF standard)were sold to PT. Comextra Majora with pricesaverage USD 2,065/kg for unfermented and USD2,117/kg for fermented. Created profit reachingUSD 8,374 from buying and selling cocoa beans.

    23 Cooperative officers have attended FinancialHousehold Management workshop.

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    Peningkatan Ekonomi Kakao Aceh (PEKA)PEKA aims to improve competitiveness of the cocoavalue chain to provide more business opportunitiesfor the private sector. Swisscontact initiates aconducive policy environment and strategic planningtools for the cocoa sub-sector by using a leadingsector planning tool Triple A (Atlas, Aturan Main,Agenda), that provides a platform for the public andprivate sector to develop a district based Cocoa

    Master Plan (DCMP) for Aceh. The project improveshuman resources in cocoa research and the cocoasupply chain, at the district, sub-district and farmlevel in cooperation with the Agriculture Departmentsin the selected districts. Through the project, 12,500farmers will receive a total of 250,000 person days oftraining on good crop husbandry practices, farmrehabilitation and cocoa farmer communitystrengthening. The project supports key services tothe cocoa sector with the objective to improve itscompetitiveness. Main interventions are thepromotion of business services in the field of inputsupply, promotion of business services related toquality improvements and market access, andpromotion of financial services in the cocoa valuechain.

    Highlights in 2012:

    PEKA reached 12,540 cocoa farmers (21%women), increasing their productivity by 124%from an average of 330 to 740 kg of cocoa perhectare per year. This directly led to a 101%average increase in cocoa farmers income (fromUSD 697 to USD 1,400 per hectare per year).

    A total of 1.2 million unproductive cocoa treeswere rehabilitated (1,500 hectares) through

    side-grafting techniques.

    Project supported cocoa traders (SMEs) saw a19.7% increase in total sales volume over theproject period and increased their number ofemployees by 37.5%, from 365 to 502 over thesame period.

    In an independent assessment of SME owners,82% reported improved financial management and76% reported an increase in business profits.

    Cocoa Post Harvest Handling Practice (CPHP)

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    WISATAThe WISATA project aims to increase thecompetitiveness of the tourism destination Flores.The direct beneficiaries of the project are anestimated 5,000 people working in the tourismbusinesses, the local government agencies in 8districts in Flores, as well as the provincial and theNational Government represented through theMinistry of Tourism and Creative Economy. Theproject is expected to increase tourist arrivals in

    Flores from the current 25,000 tourists to 45,000 in2013, an increase of 30% for businesses working inthe tourism sector as well as 7% annual increase inaverage daily visitor spending.

    The project strengthens the capacity of local TourismManagement Organisations (TMOs) and supportsthe establishment of an effective destinationmanagement organisation (DMO) on a regional level.The DMOs act as catalyst and facilitator in internaldestination improvements and in external DestinationMarketing functions. The Project also supports thedevelopment of local and regional tourismgovernment plans, the preparation of TourismObjects and Information and the involvement of localcommunities in tourism sector and the local tourismindustry to offer appropriate services & facilities.

    Highlights in 2012:

    In all 8 districts of F lores local to urismmanagement organisations (TMOs) areestablished to coordinate and support localsustainable tourism development.

    The regional Flores Destination ManagementOrganisation is operational, the secretariat inEnde and its office in Bali are linked to the tourismmarket established.

    The TMOs and DMO opened 3 Tourism

    Information Centers in different cities of Flores,which are operational.

    A supported farmer group is constantly supplyingtourism businesses (hotel, restaurants and lifeabroad) in Labuan Bajo with organic vegetables.The Farmer group is also providing consultationsto other interested farmer groups to expand andadopt the same approach. Organic farm traininghas been conducted for one farmer group in Egonvillage, Sikka. 10 farmers were educated withorganic farm principles and benefits.

    Through institutional capacity building the projectsupports local community organisation of traditionalvillages responsible for managing the villageattractions. The focus was set especially on the way

    TAPP was running from 2007 to September 2012.The project partnered with well reputed IndonesianPolytechnics like POLMAN, ATMI and POLINEMA.The project goal is to create a qualified technicallabour force which will support short termreconstruction and sustainable private sector ledgrowth. The purpose of the project is to create afinancially viable Polytechnic Institute with a goodreputation among industries and communities for

    high quality technical education that provides abroad variety of technical education schemes to adiverse range of students.

    Highlights in 2012:

    Second batch of 120 students have graduatedfrom D3 programs in September 2012.

    More than 70% of 2011 graduates have foundemployment 6 months after graduation.

    Polytechnic Aceh graduates are clearly moresuccessful on the labor market than graduatesfrom any other Acehnese institution of highereducation.

    Polytechnic Aceh is offering job placementservices to Acehs University graduates.

    TAPP of handling tourists visiting the village as well as

    providing suitable services for these visitors.

    Supporting different subsectors such as tourguides, hotels and restaurants, as well as boatoperators through capacity building. Developingtoolkits for trainings of different positions withinthe tourism sector (i.e. general management,cook, tour guide etc.).

    A working group for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)in tourism sector in one city has been formed anddisaster awareness and tsunami evacuationworkshop for tourism SMEs has been conducted.

    Through the facilitation of the local solid wastemanagement working group the development ofa Roadmap 2012-2015 for waste managementdefining responsibilities, facilities needed,necessary funding and the details ofimplementing waste management actions wasdeveloped.

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    Success Story: Dipok The Entrepreneur

    DIPOK CHANDRA PAL is now an entreprenuer inKurigram, based in the northern part of Bangladesh.He had dropped out of school after grade eight andused to help his father with different part-time work.

    Faruk Electrical and Electronic Workshop is apartner of SkillFUL Project that offers flexible andaffordable competency based training services to thepoor. Dipok, from his father, heard about the trainingand went to the Faruk Electrical and ElectronicWorkshop and chose to be trained as an ElectroMechanical Technician.

    He paid a minimum amount for his four month longtraining. The competency based training providedtheoretical and practical courses. After graduating,Dipok was placed to receive on-the-job training witha small electrical store. This helped develop his skills,knowledge and confidence for wanting to becomean entrepreneur. His parents gave him the start-upmoney for his business and now he has a steadyincome of USD 210 per month. He believes that hecan do even better in the future.

    The training I received hasbroadened m y out look a nd

    increased my knowledge. I ammore confident and motivated

    after my training. I wish morepeople will be benefitted by the

    SkillFUL project.

    a graduate of SkillFUL project in Bangladesh

    23 24Asia Regional Report-2012 Asia Regional Report-2012

    Success Story: Astuty And Her Cocoa Farm

    a key farmer of the SCPP Program in IndonesiaASTUTY TUTY SUDARSO (50) is Indonesian, livingin the province of South East Aceh. She is atenacious farmer with six children, whose husbandworks as a government officer. She started hercocoa business twelve years ago in a mountainousarea of the Aceh province. She heard about thesoaring cocoa prices at the time, and wanted to starther own cocoa cultivation. She soon figured thatcocoa farm management and techniques were notthat simple, and her income was not that high.

    When she heard about Swisscontacts cocoadevelopment program, Astuty enthusiastically signedup for the key farmer selection process. She enrolled

    into the Cocoa Farmer Field Schools (FFS) andgraduated successfully from her 12 days key farmertraining. Astuty started applying these GoodAgricultural Practices (GAP) to her own farm, andalso advised and encouraged other Cocoa FFSparticipants to use them. The visible changes andimprovements in her farm were crucial in convincingother farmers to change their farming techniques.

    Astuty was also chosen to represent the Acehfarmers at the Cocoa Sustainability Partnership(CSP) General Assembly Meeting in Makassar,Sulawesi, on December 12, 2012 given her stronginvolvement with the program.

    I am very pleased withSwisscontacts Sustainable

    Cocoa Production Program.Earlier, I could only produce

    around 1.5 tons of cocoa beansper hectare per year, but now, I

    can produce up to 5.4 tons per

    hectare per year. Currently, mycocoa business has expanded

    into bean sales, nurseries andmicrofinance. I am able to meet

    my familys needs and also amable to send all my six children

    to school and university.

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    Overview of Projects Overview of Projects


    Contact Address Supported byProject Manager/


    SwisscontactHead Office

    South AsiaRegional Office


    Walter HornDirector,Asia and Eastern Europe

    Managing DirectorSwisscontact Services AG

    Manish PandeyRegional Director, South Aisa

    Goetz EbbeckeGeneral Manager

    House 19, Road 11, Baridhara, Dhaka 1212, BangladeshPhone +88 02 988 26 63Fax +88 02 988 33 [email protected]

    House 20, Road 6, Baridhara, Dhaka 1212, BangladeshPhone +88 02 882 3822, +88 02 886 1416Fax +88 02 882 [email protected]

    Deltschiweg 39, CH-8055 Zrich, SwitzerlandPhone +41 44 454 1717Fax +41 44 [email protected]


    UKAid, Swiss Agency forDevelopment and Cooperation(SDC), Embassy of theKingdom of Netherlands,Canadian InternationalDevelopment Agency (CIDA)

    Making MarketsWork forJamuna,Padma andTeesta Chars(M4C)

    Fouzia NasreenGeneral Manager

    Bogra Office:CIWM Building (5th Floor), RDA, Bogra5842, Bangladesh

    Dhaka Office:House 19, Road 11, Baridhara, Dhaka-1212, BangladeshPhone +88 02 988 26 63Fax +88 02 988 33 [email protected]


    Jeoung-Keun LeeTeam Leader

    Supplier QualificationProject (SQP)

    Martin DietschiProject Manager

    House 19, Road 11, Baridhara, Dhaka 1212 BangladeshPhone +88 02 988 26 63Fax +88 02 988 [email protected]

    GIZ IS

    SkillMark Manish PandeyProject Manager & Regional Director,South Asia

    Belayet HossainNational Officer

    House 19, Road 11, Baridhara, Dhaka 1212, BangladeshPhone +88 02 988 2663Fax +88 02 988 [email protected]

    Swisscontact and SDC

    TARSAN-CSO Jafar Ahmad HakimProject Manager

    House 19, Road 11, Baridhara, Dhaka-1212, BangladeshPhone +88 02 988 2663Fax +88 02 988 3319

    [email protected]

    European Union (EU)

    SkillFUL Devi Prasad DahalProject Manager House 19, Road 11, Baridhara, Dhaka-1212, BangladeshPhone +88 02 988 2663Fax +88 02 988 [email protected]

    EU and SDC

    NMDP Tim TuckettGeneral Manager

    Oasis Complex, 49 Dhara, Patan Dhoka, Lalitpur, NepalPhone + 977 1 [email protected]


    Skills DevelopmentProject (SDP)

    16, Shikkha Bhaban (Ground Floor), Abdul Gani RoadDhaka 1000, BangladeshPhone +88 02 956 9348

    [email protected]

    Asian Development Bank(ADB) and SDC


    Regional OfficeSouth East Asia



    Peter BisseggerRegional Director, South East Asia Prashant RanaDeputyRegionalDirector,SouthEastAsiaMartin StotteleHead of Operations

    Martin StotteleProject Manager

    Ruedi NuetziProject Manager

    Jl. Tanggul, Desa Pngo Raya, Kec. Ulee Kareng 23119,Banda Aceh, NAD, IndonesiaPhone +62 651 31855, Fax +62 651 [email protected]

    Bali Office:Jl. Batur Sari 20 SB, Sanur 80228, Bali, IndonesiaPhone +62 361 283 221Fax +62 361 271145

    Labuan Bajo Office :JL PW Papua Lingkungan I. Kampung Ujung, Labuan Bajo,Manggarai Barat 86554, NTT, IndonesiaPhone +62 385 41844

    Maumere Office :Jl. Cemara 14, Nangametin Alok Timur, Maumere 86111, IndonesiaPhone +62 382 [email protected]

    Jl.TerusanHangLekirII No.15KebayoranLama,Jakarta12220,IndonesiaPhone +62 21 7394041Fax +62 21 [email protected]@[email protected]


    Swiss State Secretariat ofEconomic Affairs (SECO)


    GIZ-RED Peter BisseggerProject Manager

    Roland PokpahanProject Manager

    Jl. Terusan Hang Lekir II No. 15Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta 12220, IndonesiaPhone + 62 21 7394041Fax + 62 21 [email protected]

    German Agency forInternational Cooperation(GIZ)

    Lao PLUS Buakhai PhimmavongProject Manager

    Ban Naxay, Seysettha District, H 429, Unit 41P.O. Box 9997, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDRPhone +856 21 454 650-1Fax +856 21 454 [email protected]

    Swisscontact DevelopmentProgramme

    LEDNTT Meihaar JosianoProject Manager

    Jl. Dewi Sartika No. 6, Ende, Flores NTT, IndonesiaPhone +62 381 24101/2Fax +62 381 241103, +62 381 241103

    Kantor BPPPMD Kabupaten SikkaJl. Mawar No 24, Maumere, Flores, NTT, IndonesiaPhone +62 382 23107Fax +62 382 23107

    [email protected]

    Cordaid (The Netherlands)and Swisscontact

    PEKA Manfred BorerProject Manager

    Ferry SamosirProject Manager

    Jl. Teuku Umar, Lingkungan Glee Geurah No. 1,Sentui Banda Aceh, NAD, IndonesiaPhone +62 651 41850Fax +62 651 [email protected]

    Jalan Ahmad Yani No. 14A, Gampong Jawa MukaLangsa NAD, 24416, IndonesiaPhone +62 641 23601Fax +62 641 [email protected]

    Economic DevelopmentFinancing Facility (EDFF)

    Cordaid (The Netherlands)READ

    Manfred BorerProject Manager

    Medan Office:Komplek Taman Setia Budi Indah,Jl.Chrysant,BlokE No.76 Medan20132,SumateraUtara,IndonesiaPhone +62 061 8229700Fax +62 061 8229600

    Makassar Office:Gedung Graha Pena , 11th Floor, Kav. 1108-1109Jl.UripSumoharjoNo.20,Makassar90231,SulawesiSelatan,IndonesiaPhone/Fax +62 411 [email protected]

    SECO,IDH, and Embassy of theNetherlands (Jakarta)


    CPHP JI. Pahlawan No. 14, Ende, Nusa, Tenggara Timur, IndonesiaPhone +62 381 24102Fax +62 381 [email protected]

    Ford Foundation

    Contact Address Supported byProject Manager/


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    27 28Asia Regional Report-2012 Asia Regional Report-2012



    Asia Management

    Project Management

    Peter Bissegger

    Abdul AwalMukti Zaenal Asikin Manfred Borer Victoria Carter Devi Prasad Dahal Grgoire Delbruyre

    M ar ti n Di et sc hi G oet z E bb ec ke M anf re d Eg ger C at ha ri na M. Gun tz J af ar Ahm ad Ha ki m M uj ib ul Ha sa n

    Md. Emdadul Haque B el aye t H os sa in F ar id a H us ai n M oha mm adShahroz Jalil

    Meihaar Jos iano Shahnewaz Kar im

    Markus K upper Jeoung-Keun Lee Fouzi a Nasreen Ruedi Nuetzi Roland P akpahan Ferr y SabamSamosir

    Elvy Setheono Dollar is R. Suhadi Eti h Suryati n Vu Phuong Thao Ni col as To mecko

    Walter Horn Manish Pandey Prashant Rana Martin Stottele

  • 8/12/2019 Asia Regional Report 2012


    We Create Opportunities

    Swisscontact SARO: House No. 19, Road No.11, Baridhara, Dhaka-1212, BangladeshPhone +88 02 9882663, 9887264-5, +88 02 9883496, 9882067, Fax +88 02 9883319www.swisscontact.org.bd

    Swisscontact ROSEA: JI. Terusan Hang Lekir II, No. 15, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan 12220, IndonesiaPhone + 62(0)21739 4041, Fax : + 62(0)21739 4039www. swisscontact.or.id
